#and wanting to hug her just one more time
luveline · 15 hours
could you write bombshell!reader getting a tattoo of spencer’s name or something that reminds her of him and his reaction please?
“Why are you kissing me?” you mumble, your voice hoarse with sleep. 
They’re light kisses. “I’m going now,” Spencer says, matching your quiet tone. 
You wrap your arm behind his neck and feel his hair against your wrist. His nose and lips warm your jaw. 
“Yes.” He kisses your jaw. “I have to go, but I didn’t wanna leave without a kiss.” 
That’s really sweet, he’s so sweet, you’re so tired. “Please don’t go, Spencer.” 
“I have to go.” He readjusts your hugging to hum against your temple, distinctly content despite your pleading. “I’ll be back by six for dinner, promise.” 
“Promise,” you say.
You get to keep him for a few minutes, regardless. His neck must sing bent as he is over you but he doesn’t relent, doesn’t move until you encourage his face back to kiss just under his bottom lip. “Sorry, I’m making you late,” you whisper. 
“No, no, I accounted for this. You’re on my agenda.” 
“How much time did you allot?” you ask through a smile. 
“Seventeen minutes. That’s how long we usually hug in the morning.” 
“Gotta get that time down,” you say. 
“Or up.” He holds your face. You turn your head into his touch and keep him for just another half a minute. 
“Okay,” you mumble, letting your eyes flutter closed again, “you can leave, I’m gonna go back to sleep.” 
“Good idea.” He kisses you, and he says goodbye. You’re sleeping again before he’s even left your room
When you wake properly, you still feel loved, like a sunburn but with less stinging. There’s something very special about your boy; something permanent about the way he loves. You can’t imagine he’ll ever stop loving you like this, he’s embedded you so deeply into his life and his routines (and you’d beg him to keep you if he ever changed his mind). That in itself is crazy. You can’t have imagined begging a guy to let you stay, but for Spencer, you would.  
When he comes home that night, half an hour before six, you have no regrets. 
You hadn’t noticed how he was dressed when he left, but he looks lovely in just a simple t-shirt and jeans. Remarkably casual for him, you used to think he only wore t-shirts to bed, but the older he gets the better propensity he has for comfort. What makes it for you is the cardigan. 
“You look nice,” you praise, more than satisfied when the first thing he does after he takes off his shoes is lean down to hug you where you’re sitting on his couch. 
“Thank you.” He pats your back and pulls away. “You’re beautiful,” he says with ease, like he’s commenting on the weather. “Good day?” 
Your lips pucker into a twist. 
“What?” he asks. 
Unfortunately, he sounds deeply worried. 
“No, it’s nothing, I just hurt my arm. Can you have a look?” 
Spencer takes your arm. “What did you do?” he asks, pulling the sleeve of your shirt carefully up to your elbow. The Saran wrap confuses him, until it doesn’t, and he grins at your skin, before frowning again. His flickering emotions worry you, until he says, “Is that mine?” 
You hold your arm in the light. “Of course it’s yours?” 
It’s just a few words from a note he wrote you, perhaps too soon into your relationship for sweetness, and yet one you kept anyways. He told you the story of the I Love You lighthouse, or rather, the Minot Ledge lighthouse, and how the man who lived there had to live on a different island to his family while tending the lighthouse, so he would flash the light once, then four times, and then three times, one flash for every letter of each corresponding word: I love you. The note was left on your dresser. You’d slept together the night before, but he had to leave early. Nowadays he wakes you up, but  back then he’d been too shy. 
I want to be able to do that for you but I can’t find a lighthouse in D.C. that will let me in to try. I’ll keep looking. 
“I’ll keep looking,” Spencer reads. His thumb heistates just under your small font.
“It’s from that note you left me.”
“I know, I remember.” He does his awful frowny face where his eyelids lower and you're sure he’ll never smile again, he looks that upset. “You know this is permanent?”
“They do tend to be,” you say with a lovelorn sigh. 
“I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I should kiss you, or hug you, or… I don’t know why you’d do this.”
“But it’s okay?” you ask. It could make for a very awkward conversation if he doesn't like it.
“It’s perfect.” He holds your gaze. “You’re perfect.”
He acts like your tattoo is a gaping wound as he moves in to hug you, careful of your new ink, but relentless in the tightness of his arms behind your back. You laugh, then squeal at his insistence, a giggly girly thing that nobody else should ever hear but him. He doesn’t make fun of you, just squeezes you to him, his face pressed so hard to yours you can feel his cheekbones. 
“Now I just have to say something romantic for you to get tattooed and we’ll be equal again.’
“So we aren’t equal?”
“Um, no way.” Your laugh is self-satisfied and breathless. You turn your lips to his cheek. “I love you. I’m gonna build you a lighthouse.”
“Can’t believe you kept that note.”
“I have a whole shoebox of them. I love that you write them.”
He stops holding himself up, half on the couch and half in your lap as he hugs you with every bit of strength in his arms.
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b14augrana · 2 days
Hi, would you write a reader x Alessia Russo where reader is pregnant?
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‘Little Ladybug’
Before the biggest match of her career, the only thing Alessia needs is to see you.
Alessia Russo x reader
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Warnings: fluff 💝💝, pretty short but still cute!!
A/N: yeah guys not my best fic that’s for sure x hope u enjoy anyways 😇
“Less,” you whisper-shouted, creeping into the England locker room. You peered around carefully, still a bit scared of getting caught despite knowing you had permission to be there.
You turned the corner into the wide room and saw the blonde sitting in front of her cubby, wrapping tape just below her shin guards. She looked up at the sound of your voice.
“Ella said you wanted to see me?” you added. Alessia nodded, smiling a little bit and patting the seat beside her. You sat down, and the blonde wrapped an arm around you, squeezing your shoulder gently.
The stadium was loud, and reasonably so. Alessia had been looking forward to the final for ages, but you knew how anxious she was about it at the same time. Spain was a tough team, she knew that. You didn’t know much about football, but you tried for Lessi.
“How is she?” Alessia whispered, rubbing your stomach gently.
“She’s good. I think she knows what’s happening, because she’s been kicking a bit,” you replied, laughing quietly. Alessia smiled and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek before standing up.
“I’ll see you after the match. I’m sorry I can’t stay longer, I promise I’ll make it up to you later on,” she continued, and you shook your head.
“Hey, don’t worry about it Less. I’m fine.”
You stood up as well, giving her one last smile and squeezing her hand hopefully before walking out of the locker room. You could hear her following behind you, and as you went to take your seat in the stands, your eyes scanned for your girlfriend’s presence on the pitch.
Your daughter kicked against the walls of your stomach again and you put a hand over the bump, smiling gently. Even she was excited for her mama, and you couldn’t wait to tell Lessi just that.
When the final whistle blew, you couldn’t explain how gutted you were for Alessia and the other Lionesses. They were so close, but not close enough.
You knew how much this tournament meant to Alessia. To all the Lionesses, in fact. Everyone could see just how badly they wanted it through the tears in their eyes.
You found Alessia about ten minutes later getting interviewed by reporters. Her cheeks were flushed red and tear-stained, but her sweet smile remained.
“There has to be a loser in every game. We fell short today, but it’s a learning curve. All we can do now is regroup, focus on future tournaments and come back stronger than ever when the time comes,” Alessia commented, sniffling a couple times between words, “I’m proud of myself and this team for getting this far. You know, we gave it our all but at the end of the day, they just had more to give. We did the most we could.”
You stood to the side, away from all the cameras and microphones. When Alessia walked away, she beelined to you quickly and threw her arms around you. With her head buried in the crook of your neck, you hugged her back as tight as you could.
She pulled away, her eyes still bloodshot. “I’m proud of you, Lessi,” you said, holding her face in your hands. She sniffled once more, smiling sadly but whispering a ‘thank you’ under her breath.
“Come on, let’s go grab my stuff and head back to the hotel so I can run you a bath. You and our little ladybug must be freezing,” Alessia said, rubbing your bump and wrapping an arm around your waist, walking you to the locker room.
She drove you all the way back to the hotel and almost immediately after you crossed the threshold of your hotel room, she ran to the bathroom and filled up the bathtub with warm water for you. She took a shower but made it quick so she could make the bed and lay some clothes out for you.
After the bath, you got changed and slumped into bed. Lessi was already there, fighting off exhaustion. “Go to sleep Less. You need it,” you spoke, pulling her hair out of her face.
“Okay,” she muttered. Her hand drifted down the sheets, looking for yours; her grip was gentle, she was barely holding on but still touching you.
Within minutes she was asleep, her soft breathing filling the room. You watched her with a content smile, and her hand moved up to your stomach, ghosting over the skin.
At that moment, your daughter kicked once again. The remnants of a smile played across Alessia’s face, and you could tell she felt the love from her little ladybug.
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13uswntimagines · 1 day
3 More Days (Alessia X Leah X Child!R)
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part of the Big Emotions Universe. Set before Big Emotions and Cookies for Luck
Summary: It's your first World Cup. Your first time in Australia, and the first time you ever had to be away from your Mama thanks to the stupid FIFA rules. The truth is that neither of you are dealing with the separation well. You just need to make it 3 more days.
warnings: none. soft angst if you squint, otherwise it's just a cute kidfic.
You decided you did not like Australia. 
You didn’t care if they had cute koalas, and a super cool aquarium, and people with cooler accents. 
You didn’t care that Uncle Luca had taken you to meet a turtle named Irwin, or that he let you and Squirt pick out a new stuffed octopus friend (you and Squirt hadn’t decided on a name yet). 
Australia was mean. Your mama was mean. 
The stupid soccer rules that said you couldn’t stay in the shiny hotel with her were mean. 
All of her teammates were mean. 
You did not like Australia. 
You frowned at the field, wiggling in your seat as the keepers jogged out of the tunnel for warmups. 
You decided you did not like the World Cup either. 
“Why the long face Tiny?” Uncle Luca asked you, adjusting your turtle jacket. 
Your shoulders lifted and fell, and a little crinkle appeared between your eyebrows as Mary took her place in the goal in front of you. “No wike it,”
He hugged you, lifting you from your seat into his lap. “What don’t you like?” 
You leaned back into his chest. Your little shoulders shrugged again. “No wike it,” 
“Ok,” He sighed. “Do you want a cookie? So Mama has good luck against Australia?”
He pulled a small chocolate-covered cookie out of your turtle backpack, offering it to you. 
Your nose scrunched as you pushed it away. “No wan it,”
You didn’t care that it was your favorite, the one with oranges in the middle. You didn’t want your mama to have good luck. 
You just wanted to not be in Australia. 
You wanted to be back in your apartment that Leah sometimes visited. 
You wanted to not have to say bye to your Mama after the game. 
“Alright tiny,” He said, slipping the cookie back into your backpack, and pulling you closer to him. “Hey look, Mama is coming,”
He hoped that seeing Alessia would pull you out of your funk. 
You had been… moody, even for a 2-year-old, ever since you landed in Australia. You hadn’t been able to fly with the team, but Alessia and Luca ensured you got to see your Mama daily. And the days you couldn’t, Uncle Luca and Nona did their best to distract you with trips to places like the Aquarium, the Zoo, and the beach. 
It seemed to work at first, but with each passing day, your smile dimmed, and your interest in their planned activities dwindled. 
Even your favorite pastime, watching your mama play soccer, didn’t pique your interest. 
Your eyes followed his hand, watching with halfhearted care as your mama finally emerged from the tunnel, chatting with your Aunt Ella and Lucy. 
You waited for her to look up. 
To wave to you like she always did. 
But she didn’t. 
You sunk back into Luca, your gaze drifting away from your mama, and towards Mary just as she dove for a save. 
She caught the ball easily, rolling her shoulders as she stood, and glancing back towards the crowd who cheered behind her. She smiled when she saw your tiny form bundled in Luca’s lap, sending a wave your way. 
You brightened considerably, lifting your hand in response, and nudging Luca. 
“Mazza,” You mumbled, pointing towards the keeper. 
“She’s pretty good, isn’t she?”
You blinked toward the new voice, taking in the sight of your second favorite person. 
You launched yourself towards the defender, uncaring of the fact that she was still on crutches. The force would have knocked her over had she not been standing against the guardrail. 
“Hey Bug,” She said as you buried yourself in her neck, clutching her England jersey like you thought she would disappear. 
Things had been difficult since she had torn her ACL and hadn’t been able to visit you and your Mama as much as she liked.
Her rehab was difficult and consumed her. It was why Alesia’s brother and mother had been tasked with caring for you during the tournament. 
“Hey,” You mumbled back, keeping yourself tucked into her neck. “No go? Stay now?”
“Yeah Bug, I’m going to stay and watch the game with you,” She promised, rubbing your back. “We’re going to watch your Mama win,” 
She shifted, settling into the chair next to your Uncle, and pulling you into her lap. You didn’t look up, ignoring when she waved towards your Mama and received a wave back in return. 
You missed how Alessia stared at the two of you, and the unspoken conversation that passed between them. 
The continuation of the conversations they had been having since before you left for Australia, and Fifa had announced the rules that banned children from the team hotels. Since Serina had reached out to make sure that You would be taken care of during the tournament. 
A conversation that both women knew wasn’t over yet. 
But warmups were not the time to continue it. 
Leah was worried. 
More than worried. 
You were normally like a ray of sunshine. You followed a game with rapt attention, cheering, and booing like it was in your blood. You waved at the players you knew and got excited when they waved back, especially if it was mid-match. 
Today, you just… didn't. 
You seemed wilted. Tired. 
You barely peeked out of her chest, even after the game had started. 
“Hey look, they’re getting ready for a corner,”  Leah said, bouncing you a bit as the teams set up in front of you. 
You glanced up at her, both eyebrows raised. “Flying header?” 
“Maybe,” Leah hummed, running a hand through your wild curls. “You’d have to watch to see,” 
Your nose scrunched immediately. 
“No wike it,” You grumbled, pressing yourself impossibly closer to Leah’s chest. 
“What don’t you like bug?” She asked you, trying to coax you out of your hiding place. 
“Elle is going to take the kick,” Luca added, nudging your arm, trying to get you to look. 
You didn’t.
You whined loudly, clutching Leah’s jersey impossibly tighter in your little fingers. 
They shared a look. 
You were not a winy child. 
You didn’t generally get fussy unless you were tired or sick. 
“Ok bug,” Leah sighed as Elle lined up for the kick, raising her hand as the rest of the team jockeyed for position in front of goal. “It’s all ok,” 
Elle’s foot hit the ball with a low thump, sending it flying in a perfect arch towards your Mama’s waiting head. 
All it took was a perfect flick, and it was in the back of the net. 
Alessia’s eyes immediately found the two of you as the stadium erupted. 
She expected you and Leah to be cheering too. For you to be clapping and happy like you normally were any time she scored. 
Instead, your face was buried in Leah’s neck, Lucas's hand rubbing your back. 
She frowned, raising her eyebrow towards the pair. 
Leah shrugged, rocking you gently. 
Neither of them knew exactly what had upset you. Only that you apparently didn’t want or like whatever it was. 
“Mama scored!” Luca cheered, rubbing your back more insistently. 
You turned your head to blink at him. 
“No want it,” You mumbled miserably, a contrast to the excitement still buzzing around you. 
Leah sighed, gently scratching the back of your head. “I know bug. It’s ok,”
“Nooo!” You screeched, shaking your head, because she didn’t know. No one knew, and no one was doing anything about it. 
They just kept telling you that it was ok. 
It wasn’t ok. 
“Ok, let’s take a walk tiny,” Luca scooped you out of Leah’s arms easily, already sensing the impending meltdown. “I think I saw a cool turtle shirt and a snack,” 
It was becoming a twisted routine of sorts. You becoming frustrated and overstimulated, and Luca would take you for a walk to try and distract you from the big feelings you didn’t have words to explain. 
Your hands twisted in his shirt and you tucked yourself into him, quieting more quickly than Leah thought you would. 
“Nack,” You repeated. 
“Yeah, let’s go get a snack,” Luca said, bouncing you gently. “We’ll bring one back for Leah too,”
He winked at the defender, as he headed up the stairs towards the concessions, and you peeked over his shoulder at her as he carried you away. 
She sent you a little wave, smiling slightly when you waved back. 
She hoped that things would look up for you now that she was here. She was by no means Alessia, but she had integrated nicely into your life since they had started dating (and she hoped the upcoming move to London would only strengthen the relationship you shared). 
Hopefully, the familiarity and the plan her and Alessia had made would help to pull you out of your funk.
“Hey love,”  Leah sent Alessia a wide smile as she approached the Friends and Family section.
The game had ended in a neat 3-1 victory and Alessia had completed her mandatory lap around the field with the team. 
Normally you liked to join her, holding her hand and playing with your aunts, but you hadn’t been waiting at the rail behind the bench with Luca like usual. She noticed that you hadn’t even been in the friends and family section. 
Leah wrapped her in her arms as soon as Alessia helped her down onto the field. “Your goal was fantastic,”
“Thanks,” Alessia’s smile was half-hearted, exhaustion clear in her blue eyes as she supported the blonde who was still mom weight-bearing on her leg. “Where’s Bug?”
“Your brother disappeared with her to find a snack before halftime, and they haven’t come back yet,” Leah said, glancing in the direction the two of you had gone. “She’s having a hard time,” 
Alessia followed her eyes with a sigh. “Beyond,” 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so sullen,”
“It’s only getting worse, I think,” Alessia ran a frustrated hand through her hair, tugging lightly on her ponytail. “I don’t know how to fix it,”
Alessia had always been an incredibly involved parent. She had raised you herself, with a little help from Luca and her parents. She wasn’t used to being away from you for the night, much less days on end. 
It broke her heart each time you cried when she had to say goodbye. And it killed her how you had retreated back into yourself with each passing day. 
You had even started refusing phone calls with her so she could read you your bedtime stories. 
It was clear that the Fifa restrictions were taking their toll on both of you, but she felt powerless to stop it. 
Even Serina hadn’t been able to get her an exception. 
Leah caught her hand, pulling it to her chest and drawing all of Alessia's attention back to her. The striker met the defender’s eyes, and warmth leached into her chest. It was something bright and safe. 
It was the thing that had made Alessia fall in love with her to begin with. The thing that had allowed your mama to feel comfortable enough with Leah to introduce her to you. 
“We’ll figure it out together,” Leah said,  her voice sure and soothing. It made Alessia believe her. “I’m here to help,”
Alessia let out a shaky breath. “I don’t like being away from her,”
Leah pulled her closer, and she buried her face in Leah’s neck much like you did. “I know. We’ve only got one more game, and then we will be bringing the World Cup home,”
“Three more days, and then the FIFA rules don’t apply,” Alessia agreed, letting Leah’s words calm her. “We can make it 3 more days,” 
“We can make it 3 more days,” Leah said, kissing Alessia’s forehead, just as Luca appeared with you at the top of the stairs. “Between Me, you, and Luca, she’ll make it 3 more days too,” 
Alessia pulled away, glancing up the stairs. Her breath caught again when she saw you, clutching Squirt, a dark blue stuffed octopus and her brother for dear life at the top of the stairs. 
You didn’t look out from your hiding place in his chest as she carefully made his way towards them. 
She pulled away from Leah when he got to the rail, making sure she was stable on her crutches before reaching for you. 
“Hey cuddle bug,” She sent you a blinding smile, reaching out for you. “Do you want to come down to the field?”
You peeked out at her as if you were contemplating the decision. You had never not willingly gone to her before. 
It took you a long second before you shook your head and tucked yourself back into Luca’s chest. “No like it,”
Her shoulders drooped, and she had to fight to keep the corners of her lips from turning down. “Alright,” 
It was like a dagger in her chest, deflating her and sending a sinking feeling through her stomach. It was a feeling of total failure. 
She had failed you, and you didn’t want to go to her. 
It was like an invisible wall of glass had erupted between you. Like there was a barrier she didn’t know how to pass keeping you from her. It was like she was the polar bear in the zoo that you had been too terrified to look at. 
Leah rubbed her back, and Luca bounced you lightly, sending her a sympathetic look. 
They just had to make it 3 more days. 
She just hoped you could both hold on that long. 
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vikkirosko · 2 days
Hello! I love your blog and I wanted to give you a cute idea!
What about the Charlie, Vaggie, Angel dust, Alastor and Lucifer with a reader that is a Red panda demon? Like they are super cute and fluffy and trow their hands in the hair when they are surprised/scared like red pandas do, but to people they look like they are asking for a hug.
Headcanons Red panda demon
🌈 Charlie Morningstar x Reader 🎶
There were a lot of different demons in Hell, but you were probably the sweetest one Charlie had ever met. You were a red panda demon. You had soft, fluffy fur and Charlie really liked hugging you. You didn't mind treating her with the same warmth as she treated you. She often hugged you and said it felt like they were hugging a cloud. Her words often made you laugh, and Charlie herself smiled softly at your smile
The Princess noticed that you had a slightly unusual reaction to situations that caused you surprise or fear. You raised your hands. From the outside, it looked like you wanted to be hugged and at first that's how she perceived it, until you told her that it was something close to a conditioned reflex. You raised your hands to make yourself look bigger and scare the enemy, even though you realized that from the outside it did not look threatening at all
Charlie didn't want to embarrass you, so she tried not to hug you every time. You saw it and understood that she was feeling awkward, so you hugged her yourself, smiling gently and saying that you didn't mind hugging her at all
She was glad that you were able to get rid of the awkwardness between you. Charlie loved being around you, she loved hugging you and getting to know you better. She hoped that you would continue to understand each other better and better
❌ Vaggie x Reader 🎀
Vaggie tried not to judge others by their appearance. She knew that there were those in Hell who looked scary, but weren't really that scary, and those who looked beautiful could turn out to be a brutal killer. That's why she expected a trick from you. You were a red panda demon and you didn't look dangerous on the outside. On the contrary, you looked cute. It took her a while to start trusting you, but she was able to trust you and didn't regret it
You had a very soft coat and you were basically fluffy. Vaggie liked it when she touched your hands. Several times she hugged you and felt your soft fur with her hands. It was really nice. But sometimes you've been acting a little weird. The reason for this was that every time you were surprised or scared, you raised your hands
From the outside, it might seem that you were asking for hugs, which often baffled others, but you explained to Vaggie that you were trying to seem bigger and more dangerous in this way. You knew how it looked from the outside, but you couldn't control it
Vaggie knew you wouldn't hurt others. You were kind, attentive and caring, and when she hugged you, she felt like all the problems were gone and she could finally relax and relax. You gave her the peace she needed so badly
🕷 Angel Dust x Reader 💖
From the first day you met, Angel thought you were very cute. You were a red panda demon and you looked like a big plush toy. He was watching you with a smile and curiosity. You didn't understand the reason for this and you were worried about his attention. At some point, he saw you raise your arms as if asking for a hug. Angel smiled and hugged you, which made you freeze, as if not expecting it
A little later, you explained to him that you didn't ask for a hug. Every time you felt fear or surprise, you raised your hands to appear bigger and scarier. Your explanation made him laugh, but he smiled when you told him that you wouldn't mind just hugging again
Angel started hugging you a lot. He snuggled up to you, relaxing from the feel of your fluffy fur. You helped him rest even after a very bad day. You didn't ask any questions, realizing that Angel might just not want to talk right now. You were just there for him, even when he was falling asleep, relaxing next to you
Sometimes Angel was interested to find out how it happened that you ended up in Hell. Maybe he relied too much on your appearance, but you didn't look like someone who did bad things. Perhaps he will ask you about it later, but for now he was just glad to have someone in his life who could give him peace even when the whole world seemed to be collapsing
📻 Alastor x Reader 🎙
Alastor was watching everyone who lived in the hotel, including you. You were a friendly red panda demon who helped out at the hotel. You had a soft and fluffy coat that the others liked so much, while Alastor treated it as something funny, but not something worth checking out. He didn't like it when his personal space was violated, and because you respected his personal boundaries, you had a great relationship
Several times he saw you raise your hands as if asking for a hug. Charlie, Angel and Sir Pentious hugged you every time, while Alastor, looking at your surprised expression, laughed. They were sure that you wanted to be hugged
In fact, this was not the case. Every time you did that, you were either scared or very surprised. By raising your arms, it was as if you were trying to protect yourself, you wanted to appear taller and bigger. Alastor knew this, but it still seemed funny to him to watch what was happening
Alastor liked watching you feel awkward. You didn't push the others away, and he knew that if he hugged you, you wouldn't push him away. He thought you were funny and he was curious to know how long it would take for others to understand the real reason why you were raising your hands
🍎 Lucifer Morningstar x Reader 🐍
Lucifer met all kinds of sinners. You were one of the nicest people he met, and his daughter supported him in that. You were a red panda demon and you lived in a hotel with the others. For you, life at the hotel was quiet and peaceful, but when you first met, you behaved unusually. You raised your arms as if asking for a hug, which made Lucifer feel awkward. Only later did he find out that what you were doing had a completely different meaning
Every time you were surprised or scared, you raised your hands. You explained this to Lucifer later, when he started staying at the hotel and you were able to have a normal conversation. You tried to defend yourself in this way, trying to scare possible enemies. You didn't treat Lucifer badly, on the contrary, you were glad to meet him and hoped that you could get along
You were always happy to support your loved ones, including Lucifer. When he was in a bad mood, you were there and just hugged him. You had soft and fluffy fur, the feeling of which gave you a sense of peace. You understood that there were a lot of things that bothered him, so you tried to help him as much as you could
Lucifer was glad that you were his daughter's friend. He knew he could trust you. He was glad that there was someone with whom he could share what was bothering him
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amourane · 3 days
love notes in music
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pairing: drummer!theodore nott x rich girl!reader
genre: fluff, modern au
w/c: 1.2k
summary: you always got what you wanted and the extremely hot drummer was no exception.
warnings: none
a/n: i am here to push forward the drummer theo agenda because yes yes and yes
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Trouble was coming. You could feel it in your bones. Maybe it was the extra shot of espresso you had today or the wild predictions in your horoscope, but you definitely sensed something brewing. It didn’t help that Enzo had interrupted your lunch and dragged you back to campus for god knows what reason.
"Enzo if this is another one of your tricks to get me to dance with you it's not going to work. Remember what happened last time?" 
You dug your heels into the grass as your best friend continued to drag you across the field. The campus auditorium came into view and you frowned. There was no reason for you to even be there today so why was Enzo tugging you along like bait?
“Yes Y/n I remember what happened last time.”
"I fractured my ankle and I do not want to wear a cast ever again. I couldn't match the darn thing with any of my clothes." You huffed out a breath at the memory of the ugly accessory that the doctors had insisted on your wearing despite your protests. 
Admittedly you were a bit of a spoiled brat but at least you knew that you were. Going to a normal university was one of your father’s choices. You would have never gone somewhere so shabby on a daily basis. Truth be told on the first day, you were actually planning to ditch and go grab a chai latte. Then you bumped into Enzo accidentally and the two of you seemed to click. 
It was a good friendship. He’d always be able to tell you when you were being a tad bit annoying because of your rich girl behaviour and you’d be able to join him in his multiple activities. One which led to the infamous ankle incident. 
“Don’t worry Y/n, you’ll still be able to wear that Gucci jacket-”
“It was an Armani jacket.”
“Yeah yeah.” Enzo pushed open the door to the auditorium, and you were immediately greeted by the sound of drums pounding heavily. The amplified sound hurt your ears. “Welcome to the band.” 
“Um...Enzo, do I need to remind you of the time when I broke a guitar?” You nervously watched the live band on stage. Technically it wasn’t your fault that the guitar broke. Enzo never did tell you how to properly use it. “And when did you join a band?”
“Please don’t remind me Y/n also I didn’t actually join the band I’m more of a-”
“Hey Enzo!” 
The music stopped. Your head whipped around and your eyes nearly fell out of their sockets at the absolute hunk that had just shouted. His dark hair seemed to glow under the spotlight making him look like some sort of angel. Your mouth ran dry when he waved a drumstick at you. His fingers looked as if they’d been carved out of stone. And his biceps. God his biceps. The guy was ripped. He was a drummer as well. What was more sexy than a drummer?! 
“Hey Theo!” Enzo, your backstabbing friend who knew your weakness for hot boys with dark hair that played the drums, embraced him in a tight hug. “The practice is going well.”
“I know!” 
Good god, his eyes were like beautiful whirlpools of love. The two boys started talking animatedly about something to do with music. There were a few words thrown here and there that you recognised but other than that you stood watching wide-eyed at the conversation in front of you. 
“Who’s the pretty lady?”
Theo turned to face you and seeing his face up close only made you want to kiss him more. He really was gorgeous. You cleared your throat, straightening your skirt. “I’m Y/n, Enzo’s best friend, and you are?”
“Theo.” He offered you his hand, which you shook. Wow, his hands were soft. You were almost jealous. Time to buy new hand cream. “Hey, I’ve heard of you. You’re that girl who nearly broke her foot when dancing.”
Your cheeks flushed. Was this your legacy now? The girl that nearly broke her foot while dancing? How horrible. You would much rather be known for your stunning looks or incredible fashion sense. 
“Actually I twisted my ankle but who’s keeping track?” 
“Y/n isn’t the best dancer or guitarist.” Enzo chimed in. “She’s really good at maths though, she’s my second brain.” He said it as if you were simply another organ in his body, but you let it slide, trying to make a good impression on the drummer boy.
Theo chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, it's good to know Enzo has a brain to rely on."
You giggled at his remark, feeling the tension ease a bit. "Yeah, he needs all the help he can get."
"Hey!" Enzo protested, a small pout forming. "I'll have you know I'm quite capable on my own."
"Sure you are." You teased, nudging him playfully. Then, turning back to Theo, you asked, "So, what kind of music do you guys play?"
Theo's face lit up with enthusiasm. "We're a rock band, mostly. Some original stuff, a few covers. We're actually looking for a new guitarist. Interested?" He winked, clearly joking.
You shook your head, laughing. "After what happened last time? I think I'll pass. I'm more of an appreciator of talent than a participant. But I might be persuaded to attend a private concert."
Theo laughed, a rich, warm sound that made your heart flutter. "A private concert, huh? I think we can arrange that."
Enzo rolled his eyes. "Oh boy, here we go."
Ignoring Enzo, you leaned a bit closer to Theo, your voice dropping to a playful whisper. "So, Theo, do you always look this good while playing the drums, or is today a special occasion?"
Theo raised an eyebrow, his smile turning into a smirk. "I guess you'll have to come to more practices to find out."
You gave him a once-over, pretending to think it over. "Maybe. I do have a very busy schedule, you know.”
“Sounds like a yes to me. We’ve got a gig this weekend, free up some space in that glamorous life of yours and come.
You tried your best to conceal your excitement at the fact you had just scored yourself a date with a very hot drummer. Forget about trouble today was definitely the best day of your life. 
"Alright, I'll be there." You agreed, feeling a flutter of excitement in your stomach. "But only if you promise me a private drum lesson afterward."
"It's a deal. I'll make sure you get the VIP treatment." Theo’s grin only widened and you felt your heart stutter at the sight. He really was handsome and if you didn’t know how he was single but that was good news for you.
“I’ve got some studying to catch up on but I’ll hold you to that.” You offered him a wave goodbye as you made your way out of the auditorium with Enzo. Theo simply smiled, reciprocating your action. 
A giddy feeling overtook your body as the sun shone down on you. There were millions and millions of butterflies soaring in your stomach and you could only squeal at the idea of seeing Theo in the next few days. Before your best friend could say anything you spun on your heels, this time dragging him along with you.
“We need to go shopping right now, I need a new outfit for the weekend.” 
Enzo could only groan as his feet automatically moved. It was going to be a long day.
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hcs for Malleus(u can throw other characters in if you want) dealing with a fem prefect asking him to get her some feminine products because she’s too embarrassed to ask Crowley for some?
I do this for Malleus and Ace. Propably I do this also others later.
Ace Trappola
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You and Ace had been dating for a while now.
Ace got a call from you this morning.
You said you wanted to meet him quickly in your dorm.
You also said that you would like to meet him alone.
Ace would complain a little but he would show up anyway.
You weren't Ace's first dating partner.
Because of this, he wouldn't be so surprised when he heard your request.
Ace would make a little joke about it.
But he would stop quickly when he saw your expression.
If looks could kill he would be sooooooo dead …
Ace finally agrees to help you.
Even if it's a little awkward.
Ace would be slightly blushing the entire time.
he just hopes no one sees him carrying women's health products around.
Ace wouldn't really know what brands you want.
He would call you from the store and speak as quietly as possible.
You'd better give him hugs after this.
Malleus Draconia
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Malleus would be really confused when you call him in the morning.
It would take him a while to remember how to answer the call.
In the end, however, Malleus would succeed.
Malleus would have a moment to understand what you asked.
He wouldn't have that much knowledge about those things.
Malleus would eventually teleport to your dorm.
This would be an easier way to handle things.
You should give Malleus a rundown of what's happening to you…
As well as make sure you're not dying.
Malleus would be genuinely worried about you.
He would like to help you to the best of his ability.
Just tell him what to do.
However, Malleus can't just walk into a store to buy women's health products.
That would definitely break a lot of protocols.
The Crown Prince of Briar Valley could do no such thing.
Malleus would have to ask Lilia for help.
He would also know more about these things.
Malleus would take good care of you.
You wouldn't need to ask Crowley for help.
Since Malleus isn't sure which brand you're using, he buys one of each.
You never have a shortage of women's accessories.
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moonstruckme · 1 day
Hey! Unsure what happened but I copy+pasted a request into my doc and now it's gone :( Anyway to whoever sent this, thank you!
Request: can i request hurt/comofort with high!reader x buzzed!sirius (or poly!mar whatever you’d like) where reader smokes a little more then she can handle and he takes care of her but he’s like still a little high himself, if that makes sense TT just nice and lovey and dovey!!!!
cw: weed, greening out, mention of vomit/nausea
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 727 words
Sirius is trying to be comforting, but he keeps getting distracted by the feel of your back underneath his hand. The muscles of your shoulders are tight, your breathing stilted and your skin shiny with a thin layer of sweat. Sirius can’t stop thinking about how he’d like to rest his face in between your shoulder blades and kiss an adoring line down your spine. He worries it wouldn’t be very helpful. 
“I’m sorry.” Your voice is quieter than breath, a soft sigh drooping your shoulders as you let your head loll forward. 
Your body starts to list forward with it. Sirius weaves his arm under yours, settling down more comfortably on the bathroom floor and pulling you back against his chest. 
“I’m sorry, baby.” He kisses the crown of your head. “I should have warned you about this. I need to remember to be careful with you.” 
Caution isn’t really in Sirius’ nature, but however unwisely, you put a lot of trust in him. The weed you’d smoked tonight was a different strain than the one he’s shared with you before, but he’d forgotten to clue you in. You’d matched him hit for hit, and with your lower tolerance it hadn’t ended well. You’ve been sick more than once. 
“You’re so nice,” you whisper. Your voice sounds tight. Sirius’ chest contracts, worrying you’re starting to get teary. “You don’t have to take care of me, but you are. You’re so, so nice.” Definitely teary now. “I’m really sorry for ruining your night.” 
“Aw, sweetheart.” He kisses the side of your face with something akin to desperation. He already feels like his heart is going to spill right out of his ribcage, and your upset makes it about ten times worse. “You’re not ruining anything. Of course I have to take care of you, you’re my girl, you know? I want to.” 
He peers around you, trying to see your face. You’ve got that same, slightly spaced-out look you’ve had for the past hour, a sad little line between your brows. Sirius reaches up to smooth it out with his finger, and you turn toward him like you’d forgotten he was there. He wonders if this much affection can actually crush his bones to dust. It feels plausible.
“I love you,” he says. 
You sigh, fitting your head into the crook of his neck and shoulder. It’s not a happy sound, but he knows it’s not meant for him. “You, too.” 
You take his hand, turning it palm up and tracing the lines in his skin. Your touch is so light it tickles. He has a small scar from a failed attempt at cooking with James when he first moved out, and when you get to it you raise his palm to your lips, resting them there purposefully. 
“Can I have a hug?” you mumble against his skin. 
“Fuck yeah, always.” 
Sirius does the work of turning you around, your own coordination not spectacular at the moment, and your arms curl under his arms, wrists crossing between his shoulder blades. He thinks your hands might be making fists. For his part, he rubs up and down your spine slowly, squeezing intermittently, unsure how much you want. Sirius has always been shit at comfort. He’ll keep trying as long as you let him.
“I don’t like this,” you admit. Your face feels warm where it’s pressing into his shoulder, and Sirius realizes you might be crying again. He hugs you harder. “I can’t think.” 
He feels, very acutely, his heart fracturing. “Oh, baby,” he murmurs, “I’m so sorry. I know it’s awful.” 
“I’m scared,” you whimper. 
“I know, sweet girl.” He may well be crushing you now. If your ribs are breaking, you don’t seem inclined to say anything about it. “You’ll be okay, though, I promise. I’ve got you. Just try to relax, and I’ll take care of you, yeah?” You don’t respond, sniffling. Sirius rubs your back again. “Do you feel like you’re going to be sick any more, darling?” 
“I don’t know. I don’t think so.” 
“Alright, my lovely. Let’s go to bed, okay? You might feel better when you wake up.” 
You hug him tighter. “Thank you for being so nice to me.” 
“Wrong again,” he says, tucking a kiss into your hair. “I’m not nice to you, I just love you too much.” 
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suotea · 2 days
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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃-𝟏 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 — togame jo x f!reader.
your boyfriend can’t help but feel jealous despite being the one to help you win your favorite XL plushie at round one.
1.1K WC. sfw / fluff, arcade, photo booth, harmless jealousy, you wear his jacket, kisses n hugs <3 , reader characterized as wearing lip gloss, being shorter than him, & addressed w she/her, pet names: ‘doll,’ ‘pretty girl,’ ‘his girl,’ etc
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“everything okay, jo?”
you miss the small huff from your boyfriend when you plop beside him, arms stretched as far as possible in a futile attempt to hold your XXL plushie above the arcade grounds.
togame’s eyes shift your direction, silently taking in the adorable sight of you— figure swallowed up whole by his old shishitoren jacket, your hands barely able to peek through the sleeves as you cling onto your newest obsession. this image of you would look so cute in these photo strips, he thinks, if not for the large mass of a cat blocking the view of his pretty girl.
“‘m fine, doll,” togame slows, “but…you’re not gonna leave that thing out there?” he gestures towards the curtain.
it’s silly. only five minutes ago, you were clinging onto his biceps, pouty lips jutting out as you whined about the claw machines being rigged. so of course, he did what every good boyfriend would have done and won the damned thing for you— on his first try, he notes, but that’s beside the point.
“you’re the best,” you had cooed into his ear, balancing your hands on his chest as you went on your toes to place a gentle peck on his cheek as thanks. he can practically feel it all over again— the way the heat rushed straight to the tips of his ears and the way his lips couldn’t resist curling into the faintest little grin from the affection.
of course, it was no problem for him, he thought. never a problem— anything for his girl. he likes to see that happy smile of yours 24/7.
but ever since that thing has been introduced into your life, your attention has been elsewhere.
not on him anymore.
how to get rid of it, he ponders.
“no way i’d put him outside” you retort with a dramatic gasp, “you won this for me after all. i’ve been wanting this one for so long.. and it would suck to have him get all dirty.”
you missed the disappointed click of his tongue as you whip out your pocket mirror, puckering your lips to check if you needed more gloss. usually for photos, more is better— and you want to make doubly sure you’re cute in these because you’re confident he’s going to be carrying them around.
you think the cherry one you have in your bag would be best suited with the lighting, and togame had said you look pretty in that one too. the wide variety of glosses piled up in your little purse was a habit you’ve developed since meeting togame— because boys (or at least this one) just seem to eat it off coincidentally every time you reapply it.
“mm…okay,” you hum to yourself, glittery applicator gliding slowly over your bottom lip. “you ready jo? you picked the one that lets us take two pictures, right?”
with a mildly sulky noise of agreement, a long arm comes to wrap around your shoulder, pulling you into his side in one movement. “ready when you are.”
the camera lights up, and he perks up a bit when you lean into his touch, breathing in the comforting smell of his shampoo. to his relief, you seem to have momentarily forgotten about your plush, the monstrosity of a cat just barely hidden under the photo’s frame as you check your hair in the camera in front.
“ooh, we only have three seconds!” you grin, “smile, jo!”
and he does. as much as a jealous rottweiler could muster anyways— because the moment the flash goes off, you’re already moving off of him to grab your cat, rambling about how to include the thing in the next snap. “wouldn’t it be cute if i rest my chin on it? or would it be cuter if i hug it super tightly?”
he frowns. in a perfect world, you would be clinging onto him instead, repeating the words you told him earlier— you know, when you said he was the best.
he really wants that kind of attention again.
“doll…..” his eyes narrow at the cat as you set it on your lap now, arms squeezed tightly around the thing. you didn’t hear him.
so he repeats the pet name, leaning forward as his fingers come to tuck a stray bit of hair behind your ears. it catches your attention, finally, and his breath gets caught in this throat when you look at him once again.
“hm? you okay, jo?”
“tired…..” he mutters, not sure exactly how just one glance from you has his heart beating this much faster.
“tired? there’s just one more photo! it’s gonna take it soon, actually. are you ready?”
he really doesn’t want that cat in it, he thinks. togame has been wanting keep a photo of you in his pocket, a physical reminder of just how gorgeous his girl is, or you know, something that would make him feel as if you were beside him at all times.
it was his idea to visit the photo booth in the first place, and he refuses to miss this opportunity.
“hold on,” he grunts as he reaches out to suddenly grab you underneath your shoulders, cat accidentally bouncing off your lap and onto the floor as you gasp. “ah-what are you doing?” you mull, hands instinctively grabbing onto his strong shoulders as he seats you onto his lap, “the cat’s gonna be all dirty.”
“‘m tired of hearing ‘bout the damned cat.”
and before you can protest, there’s the beep of the photo countdown, and you’re being pulled into a suffocating hug, barely able to gasp out a “oof— t-too tight jo!” before the flash goes off.
the booth plays a short melody as the sound of the printer starts up. “ah, it’s done,” he muses, relaxed eyes now gazing ahead at the screen— perfect.
your eyes narrow at the sudden change in behavior, your mopey boyfriend suddenly perking up just seconds after he had practically tossed your plushie onto the dusty floor himself.
a gear in your mind shifts, and it suddenly clicks.
“jo…were you jealous of my cat?”
his eyes widen a bit before his glance shifts away from you, eyebrows furrowing a bit.
“wasn’t jealous or anything like that, doll” he mumbles.
there’s a short pause.
“just thought it woulda been unnecessary to bring that thing here—” his frown deepens, “when you have me here.”
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jarofstyles · 2 days
Leather & Lace 2
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Hello my loves! Leather and Lace 2 is now yours. The next and last official part is available on our Patreon early, but I’m willing to write some more for them if you guys want 👀 they’ll be classified as ‘extras’ but oh well hehe
Check out our Patreon for early access and 170+ exclusive writings
Leather & Lace masterlist
Warnings- possessive H, kind of a dickhead
WC- 3.7k
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Things had shifted between Harry and Y/N.
He hadn’t been sure what to expect after she’d blown him, but she didn’t make it awkward at all. If anything? They were more comfortable around each other. Harry was less nervous to touch her, pulling her into his side as they sat on her new couch the next day or adjusting the hair from her face when the wind got it stuck in her lip gloss when they’d met for lunch. The way she reacted to his touch was much more noticeable to him now which made him feel particularly chuffed. Y/N was important to him before, but it seemed like the intimacy had elevated them to a different level.
It had only been a week since the night at her place where she’d given him the best blowie he’d ever received, but they hadn’t done much else. They had cuddled in bed that night, kissed a little bit, but he hadn’t had a chance to get her truly alone and it was driving him nuts. 
Y/N was popular and she had a lot of activities she liked to do. Paint n’ sip classes she helped run, volunteering at the library, at the animal shelter, helping her new neighbor with her cat, on top of her own workload. The closest he’d gotten to alone time with her was when she arrived at his place on wednesday to climb into his bed and pass out, which she’d done with a smeared kiss to his lips. She’d been asleep once her head hit the pillow. 
He’d gotten to see her out quite a bit as he was often wrangled into helping her. He used to pretend to be grumpy about it and huff and puff when she’d pat his head but he hadn’t even tried to do that this week. Instead he let his touches linger and watched her smiles grow, happy to get a few seconds to hug her before she had to move on to something else. It had been driving him out of his mind, and if they didn’t have the promise to go back to her place tonight he may have lost it. 
House parties weren’t something he particularly liked, but when Y/N called him on video chat and gave him her puppy eyes while asking him to help her set it up for Sarah, he couldn’t say no. He did like the other girl well enough and he knew how crazy Y/N was about birthdays, so he’d given up his friday night to the whole surprise party. 
Though he wasn’t feeling very generous with Y/N’s time anymore. For the first hour of the party he’d followed her around and lingered in the corners to make sure she was okay as she chatted to people, but this observing really did him in. She was so fucking perfect. 
It hit him again how much he actually liked her. The whole experience was odd considering he hadn’t considered being in a relationship in this point of his life, content with hooking up and never seeing the other person again, but that was pre Y/N. Now that he had her in his world, it was hard to imagine himself with anyone but her. Sure, she was his opposite in a way, but they attracted. That’s what all the books and movies said, anyways. He want content just observing her, ignoring mostly anyone else who would come up to him or give them one worded answers with his eyes on his girl, the pretty little butterfly fluttering around the room. 
The feeling had been so unfamiliar that the first time he’d felt it, he’d thought it was heartburn or something. 
Harry had already admired her before but it was a whole other level seeing how much she tried to make other people feel seen. She gave them attention, smiling and listening intently before gracefully getting her exit out only to be stopped by someone else. How a woman like that had been into him enough that she’d wanted to blow him and keep him around, he had no clue. But there was no taking it back, and he was feeling greedy. 
Cornering her in the kitchen, he narrowed his eyes at her as she looked at him with a giddy smile. “M’tired of sharing your attention.” he said it simply, placing his hands on her hips and backing her into the quieter corner. She squeaked as her back hit the wall, a nervous giggle leaving her throat as he loomed over her. “Barely got a lick of your attention all week, and m’not happy about it, pet.” His lip pouted slightly, the ring on it glinting at the motion. 
She frowned, wrapping an arm around his neck. “I know it’s been really busy, H, and I’m sorry. I just wanted to help people out.” She sighed, watching him look over her face. The girl looked a little tired, which he didn’t like. 
“I know you do, sweets, but you’ve got t’learn how to tell people no. You’re spreading yourself too thin and you barely have a moment to breathe. Yeah, m’greedy for your attention but I don’t like the idea of you being tired and running ragged because people ask you t’do shit. They know you’ll say yes.” It actually did piss him off. He didn’t think everyone had malicious intent, no, and he knew Y/N was a big girl who could handle herself. But sometimes he had to wonder why they were so comfortable asking such big things of her. 
“I do like to help, though.” She tried to protest but really couldn’t, because he was right. She was bone tired and despite her bubbly nature, she had been deflating slightly as the night went on. Their weekend together was the reprise they got to have where she knew she’d have time to breathe. Selfishly she liked that Harry was able to be blunt and a little mean. He wasn’t to her, but his protectiveness of her really showed. 
“Yeah, but it means I get less time with you. And m’a selfish man, Y/N.” Tipping her chin up, he lowered his face towards her. “Not to mention you’ve been too busy to let me properly fuckin’ kiss you. Like your little pecks darlin, they’re cute, but where’s the kiss you gave me with my load on your tongue? Hm?” 
Y/N sputtered, whining at his dirty mouth but he could tell she liked it. Her eyes had widened but she had no real heat to her scolding, instead leaning into him a bit more. “I didn’t know you wanted me to kiss you like that.” The admission followed a beat of silence. 
“Always want you to kiss me, are you fuckin’ kidding?” He grumbled. “Can’t jus’ give me the best blowie of my life and fuck off. Didn’t let me return the favor which m’dying to do, but even more you’ve been keeping this mouth from me. Don’t like it one bit.” His thumb brushed over the plump bottom lip, exhaling through his nose as he shook his head. “S’a fucking shame. Can’t get how good we tasted together out of my head. Not trying to pressure you if you don’t want to do that stuff, you can tell me to fuck off but.. I don’t think y’want me to.”
“No, I…” She stumbled over her words. “I do want those things. I just didn’t expect you to talk so dirty.” The tilt of her lips gave the clue that she liked it. “I didn’t want to assume it meant more than just that even though I wanted it to and - oh” 
His mouth cut her off. Catching her off guard her lips opened a little bit, letting him be selfish and slip his tongue into her sweet mouth. Humming at the taste, his arm leaned against the wall as he held himself over her while the other kept her jaw angled the way he wanted it. The kiss was just like him. Intense and hot and a little sweet at the end when he pulled back and pressed three more pecks to her lips, rubbing his nose against the side of hers. “None of that shit. Meant a hell of a lot to me, silly little thing. Want to do it all the damn time. So you’re gonna have t’take it easy with giving all your time away, hm? Think I need some more of your help soon… and maybe…” He released her jaw to slide his hand to the back of her neck, massaging it just a little. “Maybe you’ll let me help you, hm? Someone’s got t’take care of such a sweet little thing. It isn’t fair.” 
“H-Harry.” She felt her cheeks getting hot. Harry’s attention had always been intense and maybe that’s part of the reason she’s been so busy this week. Anxiety over being truly alone with him again in case he regretted it, if he didn’t like what they did and didn’t know how to let her down easy- but this was the ideal, she thinks. Regardless of how much he flustered her, or how he was the biggest energy in the room, she found herself preening at the attention he gave her. “It meant a lot to me too.” 
Her hushed voice made him smile, leaning in to press a chaste kiss between her brows. “Good. Can we get going, then? Or would y’let me lick your cute little cunt in one of these bedrooms?” Did he say it just to watch her squirm? A little, but only because it was really fucking cute. 
“We can go. I’ve just got to say goodbye to some people.” She sent him a shaky smile as he nodded, pushing off the wall to wrap his arm around her shoulders. It was a new feeling for her to feel so… claimed. They had been around each other pretty consistently for a while but she could feel people looking, considering Harry was usually the victim of her clinging to his arm instead. Open affection wasn’t something anyone had seen from him, let alone with a girl that was so clearly different than him, but something about that made her giddy. 
Harry was impatient in general, but he tampered it down as Y/N said goodbye to the people she knew here. It was just in her nature to be a polite little flower, floating around the room to wish everyone a good evening. Her manners, oddly enough, aroused him. He liked seeing her be so sugary sweet and knowing that it was 100% genuine. It was even more nice to see considering he’d had a glimpse of what a bold and filthy girl she could be. The blowie the night she’d moved in had completely taken him off guard and let him know then and there that her innocence wasn’t all encompassing. She had some shadows to her, and he planned to see how full they could extend. 
His arm was around her as she said goodbye, merely nodding when people acknowledged him and not bothered when they didn’t. All that mattered to him was they were polite to her- though one of the guys had been a bit too bold, especially considering he was right fucking there.
“Her eyes are on her face, not her tits.” He said lowly. “And if you’d like t’keep yours, I suggest you remember that.” There was no full aggression, only a promise that he intended to keep. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d go at someone for her. 
Thankfully the prick flushed, muttering apologies before dashing away so he could use this as an excuse to get them the fuck out of there. 
Harry didn’t love parties. He didn’t like lots of people. He went for 3 reasons only, and they depended on the night. To get a drink, to get a fuck, or for Y/N. Though now he supposed he’d have an excuse for not going to many others. The plan was to keep Y/N to himself and not have to deal with the people he’d fucked around with not getting the hint even after he stated what he wanted. For once in his life he wanted one person and one person alone, and she was under his arm. 
To his surprise, she didn’t say anything about his snarky reply to the guy they’d last said goodbyes to, instead leaning into his side as they approached his car. It was a bit nippy outside and he knew she ran cold, so he’d remedy that quickly. “C’mere.” He sighed, picking her up and placing her on the hood of his car. Stripping his flannel off, he motioned for her to splay her arms out, helping her put it on. “Wasn’t too bad when you left but it’s a little too cold out for you now, hm?” His voice was softened as he stood between her knees, face level with her as he slipped his hands under the new layer. 
“I never remember to grab a sweater.” She admitted, smiling shyly as she felt palms running over her back. This was different. The whole thing was, seeing as Harry’s treatment of her had considerably softened up. He’d always been nice to her, don’t get her wrong! He let her sit on him and mess up his hair and hold his arm but… feeling him be the touchy one for once really made her feel… validated? Appreciated? She wasn’t sure of what the right term would be, but she felt like he liked her more than she had originally thought. “Who’s place do you want to go to?” 
“Hm… maybe mine. I just did a grocery shop. I know you’ve been busy this week, so I don’t want to go and mess up your place.” Y/N would be a bit unsettled if it got messy and he was planning on seeing what exactly he could get her to do with him. 
It had been circling around his mind the whole week, how he wanted to make it up to her. How he wanted to take her properly and feel her cum around his cock and his tongue and his fingers- anywhere he could get it. He was a man starved, pathetically so, but he didn’t have any shame in it. 
“Okay. I like your place.” It was the truth. He had a nice place in her opinion. It was bigger than her own, but not cold. Darker in aesthetic, brick and dark colors and richer patterns. She’d helped him make it nicer after she had seen the state of it the first time, a real bachelor pad that made her worry for his comfort. Thanks to the sweet girl, he had a much more comfortable sectional couch, a coffee table- with coffee table books, no less- and some art. She’d helped pick out his bar stools for his island in the kitchen, too. Little bits of her were all over his place, but that’s how he wanted it to be. 
“I’d hope so. You helped make it.” He snorted, tugging her closer to him so their centers were flush. The silence happened again, this time a little heavier. “I missed you this week.” The sentiment was repeated as he dragged a hand from under the warmth of his flannel and brushed the hair out of her face. The breeze hadn’t been much of a help. “I sleep better when you’re around. Know I like to give you shit and call you a needy pup, but I love it when you’re like that.” Tipping her chin up, he sighed as he observed her soft features. The slope of her nose, the mascara on her lashes that had flaked just a little bit, the slightly faded lip stain. He couldn’t imagine not being obsessed with her.
“I’m glad. I used to think I was a little annoying to you.” She admitted, fingers fiddling with the hem of his shirt. “I’m sorry I was so busy. I didn’t think you’d mind.” Historically he’d get grumbly about it but he understood- and she’d usually pop over or invite him to her old flat. 
“Course I mind. Not that you have stuff to do but you overwork yourself and…” licking his lip, he debated on whether or not to say it. “Was just hoping that you weren’t avoiding me, is all. That I didn’t make you uncomfortable last weekend.” 
Her heart clenched in her chest as she saw his eyes dip to the side, for once in his life showing a bit of vulnerability. Harry never seemed anxious about much, his general setting being a blank stare or a smug smirk, so it wasn’t something she saw often. Sometimes when he was drunk he’d get a little mushy about things but he hadn’t had much, if anything tonight. “No. Of course not. I initiated it, remember?” Her hand lifted to his face, the skin slightly cool from the night air. “I wanted to do it. I promise. If I was uncomfortable I’d tell you. Listen…” adjusting slightly, she caught his eye. “I feel the most safe when I’m with you. Sure, sometimes it feels like I’ve got a guard dog, but I feel really secure. I know you’d never hurt me, you always are so careful with me even if everyone else thinks you’re all rough and tumble… I know you and I know you’d only even touch me in ways I like. I really was busy, but I was just nervous you’d regret it too.” 
Harry’s brows furrowed at her admission. While he was over the moon that she always felt the safest with him, he had no idea why she would think he’s regret it. “Never. I just kept thinking about it. I wanted to do it more. I don’t regret anything, and I feel like I’ve got t’make sure you know that I don’t think of you as one of those quick fucks.” Even if she hadn’t said it, he was sure that was a thought that had lingered around in her head. That was his reputation and he’d be stupid if he didn’t know better. 
“I.. I never thought of it as that, no, but I wasn’t expecting commitment.” She admitted back, eyes wide as he looked into his own. It squeezed his chest, the idea of just being with her sexually. That wasn’t what he wanted. 
“No. I want commitment.” He said lowly. “You aren’t just a fuck to me, Butterfly. Not in the slightest. I fuckin’ adore you, y’know that?” He sighed, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip and tugging it slightly before letting it snap back into place. “You’re my girl. You’ve been my girl for a while. I’ve jus’ been a bit of a pussy in trying to initiate anything because the last thing I wanted was for you t’think that you were just someone else I went to bed with. M’tired of that.” All he wanted to do was crawl into bed with her at night and feel her kissing him in the morning or watch her sleepy little face as she dreamt. All the fluffy, mushy shit he used to feel sick from were the exact things he craved. “Couldn’t get it up for anyone else after a while. I was only able to thinking about you and… after a bit, I had no desire to be around anyone else. They didn’t smell like you, didn’t sound like you. My cock was set on you and I think my heart wants to follow.” 
Y/N had to laugh at his last words but also in shock. She’d heard herself at the beginning of their friendship how he’d scoff at the idea of a relationship, made fun of the romance movies she liked, heard about him disappearing at a party for a bit before coming back with messy hair and swollen lips, sometimes a fly undone. But slowly that had stopped, if she recalled. The hookups, the snarky comments about love. It dwindled. Snark still existed for other things but he seemed to be more lighthearted around her. “You… you want like, a relationship with me?” Her eyes rounded at the thought. 
“I’d say don’t act so surprised, but I get it.” He had to admit that, a smile on his face. It surely was a lot for her to process, considering it still had him in a tizzy and he’d had months to work over these feelings. “Yeah. Want you to be mine. M’not good at sharing, though, so you’re gonna have to tell some of these people that you have a boyfriend that wants to love on you a bit when they demand your attention.” There was another pause as his ears turned a bit red. “If, if that’s what you’d want, though. I don’t want to rush you into a label or anything, m’fine with jus’ figuring shit out but I’ve thought of you as mine for a while and-“ 
Her hand pulled him to her, shutting him up with her lips. 
The man, for all his dark demeanor and rough glances, melted under her touch. Hummed into the kiss in surprise, cupping her jaw and reciprocated immediately as her hands went to the back of his neck to hold on to him. That giddy feeling in his stomach was buzzing as she giggled against his mouth as he chased it when she pulled back to get a proper breath.
“C’mere.” He mumbled, nudging their noses. “Lips are cold. Don’t be cruel, little Butterfly.” 
Y/N couldn’t have that, could she? “Sorry, boyfriend.” She smiled against his lips, pressing them right back where they belonged. 
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 8 hours
//opens the door and slams my req on the table//
I have come to you today with a marvelous idea, my lord/lady!
Beach day! With Furin + Shishitoren boys!
Their reaction to you asking them out to the beach. Their reaction to seeing fem!reader wearing a cute yet sexy bikini. Some pervs tryna flirt with our dear reader.
beach daze.
or, they underestimated the power of bikinis, featuring: sakura haruka, hajime umemiya, suo hayato, jo togame, hiragi toma, choji tomiyama, ren kaji, kiryu mitsuki, nirei akihiko
a/n: y’all this was supposed to be another headcanon format thing and uh… I got a little crazy. let me know if you like this format (and if I should keep it in the future)
c/w: fem!reader, beach shenanigans, alcohol consumption, established relationships, group beach day!!!, aged up characters, language, possessive!boys!!, mostly sfw, suggestive/spicy content, headcanon format
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↳ bikini blindside (or, how they fuck with your bikini)
↳ oh, god. okay, eyes up. just focus on her eyes. don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t look down — oh, shit.
sakura haruka ↦ flustered to the max. has never seen so much skin in his damn life. tries desperately to keep his eyes above your collarbones, but they keep slipping, running along your creamy skin and curves, noting the way your skin tone makes the color of the bikini pop. he’s trying desperately to fight off a hard-on — you may be his girl, but right now, you’re half naked, and that’s only something he’s imagined late at night in his room and his brain is absolutely short-circuiting right now. someone help him, please.
nirei akihiko ↦ a bumbling, fumbling, mumbling, scattered mess. his eyes are going everywhere, landing on everything and nothing at once, but somehow are always drawn right back to the skin nearly flooding out of your biking top. nirei knew you had some nice boobs; he’s felt them against his chest many times when you hugged him, but seeing them like this — oh, lord, oh no, what were you just saying? he’s trying to pay attention. he swears. but god, he desperately wants to hold them right now.
↳ everyone else here is wearing the same thing. it’s not that big of a deal, it’s just skin — holy shit.
ren kaji ↦ convinced himself he wouldn’t be affected at all, but is combusting at the sight. your skin just looks so smooth and soft, your curves so tantalizing, your boobs nearly falling out of the top and your ass jiggling so deliciously when you walk. your bikini looks more like lingerie to him, and he’s stuck between wanting to openly stare forever and cover your body so that no one else can see (which would unfortunately include him).
hiragi toma ↦ hiragi tries his hardest to be a gentleman — he doesn’t want to openly gawk at you and make you feel sexualized, but he can’t help it. his eyes are just naturally drawn to the strings at your hips, at the way they hug your soft curves so alluringly. can’t help but mentally point out just how much the color makes your eyes pop. can’t help but stir in his shorts at the thought of dragging you off somewhere to look at you in a less innocent way.
↳ goddamn, baby. how am I supposed to keep my hands off of you now?
hajime umemiya ↦ hands on you. lips on you. arms around you. body pressed against yours. umemiya is shameless in the way he ogles and gropes your body, spewing praises and pet names like liquid sin. he absolutely loves seeing you this way — it drives him up the wall with want, makes him want to hold your body to his forever and never let it go. don’t be surprised if he occasionally drags you away from the group to grope you a little more sensually.
jo togame ↦ he can’t keep his hands off of you; albeit in a more subtle way. from skimming his fingers down your ribs to fiddling with the strings at your hips, togame just wants to touch you. the way the bikini hugs your smooth body has him worked up inside, trying desperately to keep it from showing on the outside, and the only way to placate his urges is to touch you. though, if you two are in the water, he may rub his palm between your legs or guide yours between his, just so you can see how much it really affects him.
suo hayato ↦ grabs your ass. a lot. if he isn’t grabbing it, he’s coming up behind you and pressing himself against it using the guise of a hug. suo simply loves your ass; especially so in a bikini. he’s always had a thing for panties — so obviously something like this would be no different. he’s very conscious about how he touches you, though. he doesn’t want to bring others attention to what’s his.
↳ oh, that’s what you’re wearing? it looks so good on you. that color/style suits you, baby.
kiryu mitsuki ↦ one hundred percent matches with you. if your bikini is flowery, he will wear flower-patterned shorts. funny looks be damned. he just likes to dress up with you, and he doesn’t care what looks he gets because of it. definitely finds you sexy as hell in a bikini — and will make sure you know it later tonight.
choji tomiyama ↦ hype man, hype man, hype man. really, it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing. choji will hype you up. though, with your bikini on, he’s using words like ‘sexy’ and ‘hot’ far more than he’s using ‘cute’ or ‘adorable.’ isn’t ashamed to catcall/whistle at you. nor is he ashamed to be caught staring; by you, or anyone else. that’s his, after all.
↳ wet your whistle (or, what they drink at the beach)
↳ if the average human body is 60% water, then they’re 99% water.
sakura haruka ↦ he only drinks water. if someone tries to put something alcoholic in his hand, he’s throwing it back immediately.
nirei akihiko ↦ has been shitfaced a total of once in his life. never again. also, water is far healthier and you should drink more of it, especially in this heat.
ren kaji ↦ kaji just doesn’t like the fuzziness in his head and body when he drinks. he prefers to always be perceptive, and alcohol dulls his ability to do that.
↳ keg kings
hajime umemiya ↦ good lord, this man’s alcohol tolerance is way too high. he can drink a twenty-four pack and barely stumble. one hundred percent will do a keg stand and look absolutely marvelous doing it.
choji tomiyama ↦ drinks straight from the keg. he doesn’t care. alcohol tolerance is incredibly low, but at least he’s an amusing drunk. will do a keg stand and face plant in the middle of it.
↳ mojito sippers
kiryu mitsuki ↦ to be honest, you’ll probably drink more of his drink than he will. it’s not that he hates alcohol; in fact, kiryu quite enjoys it. he’s just more impartial towards light and fruity drinks. and he loves sharing indirect kisses with you.
suo hayato ↦ likes to be buzzed, but not drunk. does have a particular liking to sweeter alcoholic drinks, and he has to watch himself to make sure he doesn’t drink too much. he’s absolutely intolerable when he’s drunk (according to you, who has been the only one to ever witness it).
↳ nurses the same can of beer the entire time they’re on the beach.
hiragi toma ↦ he likes a drink, but doesn’t like the feeling of being buzzed or drunk. he will do that occasionally and in certain situations, but for a day at the beach, he’d rather just sip on something and have fun with you.
jo togame ↦ you’re more likely to catch togame with a ramune than a can of beer — but he does indulge himself every once in a while. he’s very conscientious to drink water as well, so that the effects of the alcohol aren’t as severe on his body. (secret; he’s an extreme lightweight)
↳ take a dip (or, who gravitates to the water and who prefers sand surfing)
↳ takes to the water like a goddamn fish.
hajime umemiya ↦ with or without you, umemiya is in the water. it’s his favorite part of the beach — though he finds the most enjoyment when you’re in the water with him. will have you climb on his back so he can show you that he can swim with you sitting on his back. mother fucker knows how to do every stroke in the known universe.
choji tomiyama ↦ doggy paddle. that’s all choji knows how to do. but it doesn’t stop him from swimming out into the deep ends, sending you into a straight panic every time. he can keep himself afloat, but can’t keep both of you afloat; so for the most part, you can only really hold his hand or shoulder unless his feet can reach the bottom. either way, being in the water is fun with him — because he will initiate a splash battle with everyone except you.
hiragi toma ↦ you know those people who just float on their backs in the water with their eyes closed, just completely relaxed? yeah, that’s hiragi. in some cases, you think he may have actually fallen asleep while bobbing there in the waves — but he’s perfectly awake. will let you use him as a makeshift floatie when your legs get tired.
↳ doesn’t mind the water, but needs frequent breaks from it. doesn’t like it when his fingers prune up.
sakura haruka ↦ he’s in and out quick. depending on how hot he is, he may soak in the water for a few minutes, but he doesn’t like pruny skin. he doesn’t mind standing near the shore with the waves lapping at his feet, though. will stay in the water for a bit longer if you beg him to. hates being splashed, and will yell at anyone who does it — you included.
↳ only if you’re in the water with them; be warned, they may try to dunk you or splash you.
jo togame ↦ will not splash or dunk you — will do it to others. togame actually becomes rather aggressive during splash wars; you learned that the hard way when choji splashed the both of you and togame sent a wave so powerful at him it dragged the smaller boy under the surface. if togame notices someone trying to splash you, he will block it with his own body. keeps his sunglasses on in the water. likes to wade through the water with you on his shoulders. togame can actually spend hours within the water, and even enjoys going off to the deep ends where his feet no longer touch the sea floor.
kiryu mitsuki ↦ one hundred percent holds you in the water. likes to pull you into his chest and wrap his arms around you while the water laps at your chests. kiryu isn’t the type to splash or dunk you; he might cup some water in his hand and pour it over your head randomly just to hear you squeal in surprise though. he also doesn’t like to stay in too long; thirty minutes max.
suo hayato ↦ never ducks his head below water — most of the time, he stays in areas where the water only reaches the middle of his ribs. has no issue dunking you under, though. but he doesn’t do it unprovoked. for the most part, he prefers to just chill in the water; but you shouldn’t expect any mercy if you start a splash war with him.
akihiko nirei ↦ floaties large enough for two. when in the water together, nirei often likes to sit inside a couples floatie. he likes to just ride softly on the waves with you. he will jump in the water or try to splash you every so often — with the claim that he’s just trying to keep you cool.
↳ ew, sea water? I’ll keep my ass here, thank you very much.
ren kaji ↦ hates the taste of sea water. hates feeling weird, slimy things rub against his foot. hates sudden drop offs. kaji is perfectly fine with swimming in a pool, but the sea is a no go. you’re better off just sitting in the sand with him, because you aren’t getting him in that water.
↳ you draw more eyes than just theirs (or, how they react to other men hitting on you)
↳ wants to throw hands, but doesn’t want to make a scene; will posture and attempt to glare the guy away.
sakura haruka ↦ sakura’s eyes are ice-cold and trained only on the guy. his arm is thrown around your bare shoulders and you’re practically crushed to his side. sakura won’t lash out, but he will make sure the man knows that there’s no chance for him. you’re sakura’s, and he will establish that as non-physically-aggressive as possible. (he’s still thinking about laying the douche out though.)
hiragi toma ↦ sometimes, hiragi is downright scary. and that’s never more apparent than when he’s glaring at a man who’s a little too close to you. his posture is set entirely to defense, and the full bulk of his power is displayed through his muscles. in the majority of cases, the sight of hiragi alone is enough to deter any advances; those that aren’t deterred immediately are in only a few seconds of hiragi glaring at them.
ren kaji ↦ man’s has the intent to kill in his eyes when someone checks you out or flirts with you. who knew that a man with a bowl cut and a sucker in his mouth could look so deadly? no one at the beach, obviously. kaji is a true guard dog, stuck to your side and snapping and snarling at any stranger. he just doesn’t want anyone to touch what’s his.
↳ is quite irked, but also too nervous to really say or do anything other than stay very close to you to ensure he doesn’t try anything funny.
akihiko nirei ↦ nirei hates it when other guys check you out or hit on you — but the poor baby hates confrontation just a little bit more. when you’re being hit on, you’re the one who’s defensive, deflecting the guys advances easily and motioning to nirei to solidify that you’re taken by him. if nirei starts to feel threatened by him or if he feels he’s being a little too aggressive towards you, he may employ the help of suo and sakura to scare the guy off.
↳ surprisingly, he isn’t all that bothered by it. you’re hot. of course people are going to hit on you. but you bet your ass he’s right there beside you, listening to everything the man is spewing and ready to (and will) throw hands if he needs to.
choji tomiyama ↦ he knows you’re hot. he knows some may look at your hand in his and wonder how the hell he managed to bag you. but despite that, choji feels secure in your relationship, so when someone is hitting on you, it doesn’t faze him. even when the man’s eyes fall lower than your chin he doesn’t particularly mind; he knows that’s his body, and this jerk would never have a chance. but choji does keep a close eye on the man’s hands, just in case he gets a little too gutsy in the face of choji’s apparent indifference. choji will drop him in .2 seconds.
kiryu mitsuki ↦ kiryu is one of the most mellow guys you’ve ever met. he’s soft spoken and gentle, and despite his inclusion in bofurin, he doesn’t particularly enjoy violence. as such, he’s not aggressive when another guy is hitting on you. he keeps a hand on you, however — wether it’s by holding yours or placing an arm around your waist, he subtly shows the guy that you are indeed taken. and just because he doesn’t particularly enjoy violence doesn’t mean he won’t lay a man flat should he get too ballsy.
suo hayato ↦ suo looks as unaffected as ever; that charming smile still fixed on his face, head tilted only slightly and visible eye closed — but rest assured, he is assessing everything about the man. he’s assessing his stance, his body, his intentions. suo isn’t irked by men hitting on you or checking you out. it’s just something that will happen, and in some ways, it makes suo feel good — because then he has that internal pleasure of being the arm you’re hanging off of. but he doesn’t do well with others trying to touch; that’s a hard no-no. suo will make him eat sand if he tries.
↳ don’t think about it, dude. just don’t. he puts off a presence so large and dangerous that no one would dare approach you — and the ones who do are pissing their trunks only seconds later.
hajime umemiya ↦ umemiya is very intimidating — even more so when he’s around you. of course, when he’s interacting with you it’s similar to watching a lovestruck puppy yap and bounce around their owner; but when he catches the gaze of a man who’s looking a little too intently at you, his entire demeanor changes. he looks less like a puppy and more like a snarling wolf ready to pounce. it certainly deters any potential suitors from you — and the ones who do get gutsy enough to approach when they believe he’s out of earshot are quickly scared away by a sudden and rather aggressive return. again, don’t even think about it, dude.
jo togame ↦ he’s been glued to your side since you arrived at the beach, scoping out the crowd of people from behind dark shades when he wasn’t paying attention to you. togame keeps his eyes primarily on the swarm of men that seem to be inching just slightly closer to your spot on the beach — he’s already caught a few staring openly at you, prompting him to squeeze you close to his body or pull you in for a kiss every time he did. he’s possessive, he can’t help that. and from the way you giggle and stare up at him all dazed, he gets the feeling you don’t mind it one bit.
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omfg I had way too much fun imagining a beach day with all of these boys. like the way they would interact with each other urggghhh <3 amusement part headcanons next anyone?
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romanoffsbish · 20 hours
One of Us 🌈
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
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“Fuck out my way when you see me,” you sang proudly and loudly, “I’m rolling with the LGBT,” you then spun around and pointed at the group of rainbow flag toting Avengers behind you, “Fuck out my way when you see me. I'm rollin' with the LGBT.” Natasha smiled goofily.
“Who’s gonna tell them?” Yelena asked with mischief in her tone, a cheeky smirk followed as she caught her sister staring longingly at you, who remained clueless.
Kate chuckled, “What? Tell Y/N that they are not just rolling with, but instead are officially apart of the crew? Or tell Natasha that she is smitten with the poor fool?”
“Nevermind, Kate Bishop,” Yelena sighed, “It’s done.”
The archer looked up just in time to see you being spun away from the crowd where a beautiful young woman with rainbow pasties, booty shorts and youthful ambitions had her dreams crushed. Your eyes widened when Natasha pulled you into the most naturally heated kiss of your entire existence. Professionalism be damned, you could not refrain from pressing into her.
“Baby, what was that?” you laughed emotionally, a bit stunned as you forced yourself to pull away from the tease, Natasha simply shrugged as her plump lips smirked. “I don’t handle others wanting you well.”
You both turned at a loud array of gasps. “Baby?” The float you were on was forgotten as the eyes of nearly everyone you loved stared at you in different ways.
“We’re three years in,” you teased the shocked blonde, “you guys are like all the worst at reading the room.”
“Take it back now,” Yelena cried, “I am the best at it!”
“Sestra please,” Natasha snorted and you giggled. “You were the worst of all.” Wanda piped up, “I knew all along, it was Carol and I that pushed them together.”
“Nuh uh, it was my thanksgiving dinner,” Tony cut her off, “I saw the footage of them leaving together!”
Everyone began to bicker, and while they did you and Natasha returned to the front of the float, this time her arm was wrapped possessively around your waist as you waved to the booming crowd showing their pride.
“You know,” she thought out loud, then leaned in close to whisper in your ear, “Now I can finally propose…”
“Natasha don’t you dare,” you threatened and she chuckled, “I would never do something so corny.”
“Thank Melina for that,” you cheered teasingly and she shook her head with joy, “you deserve more than that.”
You shifted to face her and smiled dreamily, your back to the aww’-ing crowd as you whispered, “I love you.”
Natasha leaned in and kissed your cheek, then pulled you into a tight hug, “ya tebya lyublyu, my angel.”
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worldofkuro · 1 day
This is going to be some what werid. Do you think you can do a one shot were it's the sceene where reader has that cold and alastor thought you would die but alastor point of view. Him scared of us dieing seems fun.
It is not weird at all dear. It was nice to write! I hope you will enjoy it. It is not very long unfortunately.
Sick of You
“ She is sick, bébé. She can’t come see you.”
Alastor looked at his mother, blinking at her. 
You’ve been sick for a whole week and his mother didn't want him to meet you because she didn’t want him to catch your cold. He tilted his head as his mother left the living room, letting him all alone with his thoughts. 
You were sick…
What a strange combination of words. 
You could be annoying, you could be funny… But sick ? He went to his bedroom and looked at Eamon who was sitting on his bed. He took the plushie and held it in front of him. Was it because he took it from you? Maybe Eamon was really protecting you from something?
You were sick…
Was it his fault? 
He was squeezing the plushie against him. He didn’t want you to hate him. He should give you back the plushie so you could get better and meet him once more. 
He waited until it was dark outside, until his mother was deep asleep and left the house. He held Eamon against his body, walking into the dark street of New Orleans. He was looking around, never feeling scared, not even once. 
He saw your house and went to the backyard, climbing to the tree and tilted his head when a crow sat on the branch, next to him.  The crow tilted his head before sitting on the window sill, tapping his beak against the glass.
He tilted his head when he saw your mother open the window and tried to shush the crow. She wanted you to rest but it seemed like the crow was disturbing you. He waited, counting to one thousand before going near the widows and tapped against the glass. He could see your sleeping form moving. He knocked once more and saw you form clumsily opening the window.
“ Go away, crow… I want to sleep…”
He entered your bedroom easily, you seemed so weak, it was horrifying. You were staggering toward your bed and fell on it, breathing heavily. He walked toward you, kneeling in front of your bed. He could see you sweating a lot, you seemed to have problems breathing…  
You were sick…
And it was making him feel bad and he didn’t like that.  You were supposed to be stronger than this, you were stronger than this. You shouldn’t be this weak, it wasn’t you. You were supposed to shine bright, smiling at him, being upset at him for teasing you, running away from him but always coming back when he couldn’t catch you. Seeing you this weak was reminding him that he was like you.
He shook his head, you weren’t weak… But seeing you like this, having troubles just to breath was terrifying. Were you going to die…? Were you going to leave him alone? You couldn’t, you did not have the right. 
He put Eamon next to your head, making you wake up. He was staring at you, whispering in the dark, could you even see him?
“ You need to get better.”
You blinked before falling asleep again. You were squeezing Eamon against you, maybe Eamon was given you strength like it did when his father was beating him? He watched as you smiled in your sleep, hugging your plushie against you. 
He stayed with you, staring at your chest, making sure it was moving.  He would wipe your forehead with his sleeves, sneakily going into the kitchen to bring you water when you unconsciously said your throat was dry. You seemed to be delirious because of the fever, you weren’t fully conscious, you didn't seem to be aware of his presence. 
He blinked when he saw the first light of the sun. He blinked, he was used to getting sleepless nights but it was the first time he had to take care of someone. Your fever went down a little, and your breathing was less labored. He was feeling less anxious about leaving you alone.
He walked toward the window and left you, climbing down the tree before running back home. He didn’t want his mother to find his room empty, he didn’t want her to be worried.
You were sick.
It was a stressful experience, it was like you were running away from him in a place he couldn’t follow. 
But he knew you would come back to him.
Just like when he couldn't catch you, you would run back to him like you couldn’t stay away from him. You would come back to him.
You were sick, but not sick of him.
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dokries · 2 days
HII if your taking requests I would love a scoups image where him and reader are already dating but kuma likes her more that him and scoups gets a bit jelly thank you I love your work
number one
pairing: choi seungcheol (s.coups) x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
word count: 596
warnings: an attack with love, being chased around, cheol being pouty, kkuma. my princess.
author note: AAA thank you so much anon <33 i appreciate the support so much 🫶 i hope you like this !!
related to how to get to know a dog (and their owner)
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seungcheol doesn’t know how this happened if he’s being honest.
yes, he did get to know you solely because of your interest in his family dog, kkuma, but he didn’t expect kkuma to love you as much as you loved her. in fact, kkuma warming up to you was a major accomplishment, all the way back when you first started dating. of course seungcheol’s glad; two important parts of his life being together is great! he can spend time with both of you at once and everyone’s happy.
however…he doesn’t understand why his dog goes to you first when the two of you enter the door of his family apartment. it can’t be because seungcheol goes to greet his mother first, giving her a side hug before entering the living room. his mother notices the sulky look on his face and cackles, calling your name. “look, cheol’s jealous of you because kkuma loves you more than him!”
you scratch behind the mentioned dog’s ears before joining in on the laughter—you stop when cheol’s pout grows infinitely worse, and he groans. “i never said that, ma! and you,” he looks at you sharply before pouting harder—somehow, that’s possible. “i love you but come on! we all know i’m number one in kkuma’s heart, so why are you trying to take my place?!”
you roll your eyes at his accusation, getting up to grab his hands, kkuma trailing behind you as if she owns the place—well, in a way she does, considering that the building is named after her. you grab your boyfriend’s hands before smiling sweetly. “my love.” cheol’s face warms at the nickname, and his mother groans about young love in the corner of the room. you continue, “kkuma just likes me better, and you have to deal with it! it’s not my fault i’m more interesting than you.”
you stick your tongue out at seungcheol, his mouth wide open before he closes his eyes, trying to calm himself. sensing danger, you back away from him slowly, almost tripping over kkuma. seungcheol calls your name eerily soft as his eyebrow twitches before he yells out your name and starts to chase you around the living room. cheol’s mother sighs at your childish antics as you run around her, using the light blue loveseat in the middle of the room to block your boyfriend.
“cheol, what—” you start before he lunges for you, grabbing you in a tight hug. seungcheol lets you go once you freeze in place, breathing heavily as he glares at you. “kkuma likes me better, okay? i promise you, i’ll always be her favourite, no matter how much she loves you!” he says as you giggle at him.
taking cheol’s hand in yours, you speak gently, not wanting to rile him up more. “sweetie, it’s not a competition, you know that, right?”
your boyfriend sighs before nodding, and pulling you into a hug once more—except this one is meant as an apology, and not to hold you down. kkuma barks up at the two of you, whining for more ear scratches and pets.
you grin mischievously at cheol before placing a kiss on his cheek. “you know…we can work together to give kkuma all the love she deserves, right?”
he looks back at you with the same expression on his face before giggling and poking your cheek. “we’re her parents after all, aren’t we?”
you nod at cheol seriously, choosing to ignore the offended scoff you hear from his mother, and bend down together to attack kkuma with as much love as possible.
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jo-com · 10 hours
i need either like a separate thing or a part two to clingy where they get reunited again and everyone’s all just very cuddly !!! i LOVE clingy so so so much
₊˚ʚ 🌱 ₊˚✧ ゚. ➛ Home
Charles Leclerc x Fem!reader x Alexandra Saint Mieux
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Summary: Part 2 of Clingy
Genre: Poly and fluff
Note: again just grammatical error and i just want to thank you for sending these requests cause i get more inspired to write because of these!!
───── ─ ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅─ ───────
Time sure does slow down where you’re waiting for something to come back or in Alex and Charles’ case it’s definitely someone.
After learning of your return, they were nothing but bubbling with excitement. It’s been a month since they last saw you and it was gruesome—the days and nights spent with only the two of them only worsened the feeling of emptiness; even after doing everything they can to avoid thinking about you was no avail, nothing can truly replace your warm presence.
So when you told them the date of your flight back, Alex hurriedly added it to her calendar that was marked ‘Reunited at last’ with a big circle surrounding it.
It was quite silly but, if it means so much to her— it does to you too.
It was finally the day where you get to be by their sides. You were sadden to leave your home town but was delighted to meet your two lovers again— and nothing can beat the feeling of coming back to them.
They sat at the private section of the airport, waiting anxiously for your arrival. Alex was a nervous wreck—pacing back in forth to ease a little bit of her worries.
While on the other hand, Charles seated collectively; his eyes carefully following, Alex’s anxious pattering.
Their reaction to the situation was the complete opposite, but one thing that remains the same was the ache they both felt— longing for your presence to be back once again.
Charles sighed, ”Calm down mon amour, she’ll be here any minute now.”
She shook her head, not wanting to listen to Charles’ comforting yet not helping words.
With a heavy sigh, she threw her hands on the air and like a kid on a tantrum she sat by Charles’ side with a grunt. “I just worry that she haven’t eaten yet, you know how she hates airplane food.”
“I do know that, i am her love too. chérie, calme-toi, d'accord? (Sweetheart, calm down okay?)”
“Je sais, je sais, je vais me calmer (i know, i know, I’ll calm down)”
Charles tutted, “Come here, mon cœur”, his tone laced with concern for his lover— gesturing for her to come lean on his body for support. He knows what Alex is going through and it pains him to see her like that; he always was the stronger one between the two of them.
Alex closed her eyes and succumbed to his embrace— coming in closer to feel at ease and finding comfort.
The noises that was once deafening were now fading in the background, as the two of them find solace with one another. Not even hearing the announcement that boomed over the speakers.
“Wow, i am hurt that i am not included” a familiar voice spoke making their head look up faster than the seconds itself.
Y/n stood above them, towering their frames. Her smile radiated just like the sun does; it was infectious.
“I’ve missed you, my babies” she spoke, breaking the silence that lingered between the three of them. Their eyes still wide from her return— mouths agape from shock; they tried to say something but nothing came out.
So they did what any lovers do, they stood up and tackled y/n with a big tight hug. The grip they have on her showed how they truly missed her.
Y/n sighed contentedly; boy did she miss this,“calmez-vous mes amours, je ne vais plus repartir (come down my loves, i am not going to leave again)” she assured, patting their back and kissing their faces for assurance.
“Promise?” Alex asked, her tone dripped with worry as she hung her head down.
A soft smile tugged on y/n’s lips at alex’s gesture but nonetheless reciprocated her words.
The three of them then went home and enjoyed their moment together— the night ended with laughter and smiles as they reunited with one another. I am happy to say that y/n never left that long again.
Sorry if this is super short and took me a long time to make, thanks for requesting!! Really means a lot to me💋💞
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timewillpasssoon · 15 hours
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pairing . Joost Klein x singer-gn! reader
content . you are addressed as 'reader', reader can be seen as male or female, mentions of unrequited love, jealousy, insecurities, suggestive mentions, making out, best friends to lovers, angst to fluff
summary . you find out that your crush of three years, Joost Klein, might have a girlfriend, you can't hold onto your feelings anymore.
word count . 2.7k words, 15,6k characters
author's note . i love Selena, i grew up with her music and this song is the bomb. i HAD to make a fic. wanted to make this pure angst but the angel on my shoulder said no. sorry for not uploading, gas leak in my house iususisjhs, also sorry to all the Jazlyns...
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These past three years have been an agonizing struggle, concealing your true feelings in the depths of your heart. Having to pretend that you don't see him in a romantic light. During meet-ups with the friend group, you have act as if his light touches don't affect you, that they don't make you think of unspoken actions.
Despite knowing Joost for a decade, it's only recently, three years ago, that you've confronted your true feelings. The realization that your heart yearns for more than just a friendship with him shattered your view of Joost. You recalled of all the time where you dreamt of him. The way he loved you in those dreams made you squeal with excitement, though, you always remind yourself that those are just silly dreams. The weight of this secret is unbearable. No one can know of this, especially Joost.
A year ago, a new addition was made upon the friend circle you are apart of. Appie introduced her into the group, Jazlyn. She quickly found her place among the group, being welcomed with open arms by everyone, which included you. With each gathering from then on, the dynamic shifted, letting her in on the activities the group does. As precious time went by, everyone could see the slight bond between Jazlyn and Joost.
You got word that the two were hanging out privately within nine months of knowing her. There was an unwelcomed feeling in you, jealousy, which was brewing up inside you. The horrid feeling took root within your heart. The thought of Joost being with some else haunted you. When they were seen to have a moment together, shadows filled with doubt and insecurity casted over you.
They were seen as a cute match, flaunted as a picture perfect match. That ignited a volcano of emotion within you, a blend of rage and sorrow. You longed to be the one by his side, to be his perfect match. Yet the shards of your broken heart prevented you from vocalizing your feelings. Your silence was too haunting that Joost couldn't help but notice. He was accustomed to your endless support and enthusiasm, so when you kept to yourself for a few months, he sensed the complete switch.
The announcement of Joost's acceptance into Eurovision was exciting- thrilling. You were overjoyed with happiness, your heart filled with support. You were planning on congratulating him with a typical hug with words of support and love. But before you were able to, Jazlyn took the chance to lunged at him like a leech. She showered him with affection.
She held him in her grasp, not letting Joost go for what felt like two whole minutes, he didn't let go. You hoped he did, but he embraced her as well, pulling his right hand over her. Looking at everyone, then to you. Full eye contacted was made, Joost really could sense something was wrong.
That night, you made a conscious choice to retreat into silence, to shield your heart, sacrificing the warmth of his presence to protect yourself from further pain and heartbreak.
Your interactions with Joost reduced to mere small talk. Despite his much persistent attempts to figure out why you have been so detached, you would dismiss his worries by say, "I'm fine." Yet Joost remained suspicious, you're 'reassurance' was not much help.
You didn't have much courage to confess your feelings knowing something might be happening between Jazlyn and Joost.
You had nothing left other than to just cheer for the two.
All you can do is relegate yourself in the shadows, concealing the overbearing thoughts of Joost. Over the span of two lonely months, you had hope, deep in your soul, that one day he'll return to you- to stay with you. That hope slowly faded, the past two months passed breezily and there was still no confidence in you to speak your mind. Your heart having to play as if you only see him as a friend.
Within the complex code of your feelings, the realization settles in. That you played yourself a fool. You thought the love you had for Joost was to be reciprocated, but amongst more thoughts to yourself, it was truly just banter for Joost. All the jokes about being each others future every things were empty, sweet, nothings.
. year twenty thirteen
"What if I never find a boyfriend?" You say, chewing apart the gummy bear in your mouth into shreds. The scenery ahead of you two was quite beautiful. Joost and you were having a picnic in a near by park. He smiled, his eyes illuminated by the soft hues of the late afternoon. He was on your left, a light chuckles left his lips. "I'm sure you'll find someone charming and handsome, reader!"
"Someone like you?"
you joked, but now that you think back, it wasn't a joke.
He laugh at your quote-on-quote joke, his hands grabbing a gummy bear. "let's make a promise," He shifted to his right so he can fully face you, "If were are still single by the age of... thirty, we'll marry each other!" Your eyes widened, you heart beating a little more faster for some reason. Your hands shaking just a tiny bit.
"How did you come up with his promise?" You tilt your head to the right, your eyes locked with his. "I just want an excuse to be able to marry you." he pauses for your response, but your not quite sure if he's joking or not. He quickly laughed at his own joke so you can tell he wasn't serious.
Something in you wanted him to be serious.
"So?" Joost says, waiting for an answer. "Don't you think thirty is a bit young?" Joost nodded, his right hand placed on your left shoulder just now. "Fine~"
"If we are still single at thirty-five, we will marry each together!" He stuck his hand out, all his fingers down except for his pinky.
You reach for his pinky, interlocking yours with his.
"Alright!! Deal."
. year twenty twenty-four
Eurovision ended, it was an crazy event that was not at all fair. the whole time when Joost was in Sweden, he tried to text you everyday, yet you wouldn't respond. when you do reply, it would be excuses on why you haven't responded. saying that you're busy with producing your latest song, that you are at an event and so on.
Upon Joost's return to the Netherlands a week post-Eurovision, Appie and Stunje orchestrated a small gathering for everyone in the friend group to relax and celebrate the amazing achievement the three men achieved, despite the horrible treatment they got they stood tall. Reminding each other that making it to Eurovision was still a life long goal they had.
As you entered the restaurant selected by Appie and Stunje, the smell of delectable cuisines floated around the establishment lure your senses from the moment you stepped in. Approaching the hostess, you asked if there wads a reservation under the name of Joost. With a gracious smile, she directed your eyes to the spacious booth in the left side of you. You thanked her and walked to the circle booth. In the middle of the circle booth was Joost and Jazlyn, him being on Jazlyn's left side.
As you drew in a breath, a smile graced your lips. Sending a wave to your friends, commencing a exhale with a hint of nervousness. "Hey guys, sorry for being late!" You spoke up so they can hear you through out the other building's noises. Appie's grin enlarged upon your arrival. "No need for apologies, you're five minutes late tops!" He said cheerfully, as the others echoed their reassurances, Appie casually passed you a menu. "Order what you want." He encouraged you to get whatever delight you desired.
The gathering that was ensuing was a nice, relax one. Where everyone was sharing experiences and exchanges. Stunje, Appie, and Joost telling the group about the adventures they had in Sweden, beyond Eurovision. After that you eagerly said details about the latest and upcoming album in the making. The remaining in the group also recounted their own memorable adventures and enjoyed time from the preceding two months.
"To Joost!" exclaimed a friend, lifting their glass of liquor in a toast, prompting others to follow them. In unison, everyone raised their glasses, their voices saying, "To Joost!" With that announcement, they all partook in a sip, sealing the sentiment of celebration.
Some time has now past from the first shot of liquor, what seemed to be around an hour and a half of more and more talking and drinks. Throughout the event, you could feel a pair of eyes on your body. You looked at Joost a couple of times, often catching him staring at you, sometimes he wouldn't look away when you caught him. You often had to be the one looking away.
What was up with him? You think in your mind, the weight of his staring making you start to slouch in your seat. You weren't uncomfortable, you were more curious of why he would staring at you and not Jazlyn.
As the alcohol began to take its effect, the atmosphere grew increasingly relaxed, ushering in a wave of lighthearted banter.
Amidst the hangout, one friend, ventured into more intimate territory. "So, spill, Joost and Jazlyn," they teased, their curiosity peaking. "What really goes down when you guys are alone?"
When the question popped, Joost shifted in his seat, his eyes hovering over you and the friend. Jazlyn seemed to love the question, clearly into him as well. "That's a secret between us!" She exclaimed, hinting to something suggestive. Joost shook his head in defense at her as some quietly yelped an 'oooh'. "Nothing really happened, we accidentally stumbled on each other at a cafe." His defense silenced the people at the table, he soon turned his gaze at you.
An individual detected the palpable tension polluting the atmosphere and drifted the conversation towards more joyful topics. As the subject shifted, so did the collective mood, transitioning into a brighter one. However, despite the huge effort to uplift everyone, your countenance remained stone cold, a hint of heartbreak brewing beneath the surface. Despite your façade of a fake light smile, the searing ache of what really could've between them gnawed at your soul.
You found yourself stuck in your head and loathing- yearning for him still. The desire for his touch in places deemed inappropriate stirred in your head. You wanted him all over you, and you hated yourself for it. Similar thoughts were in Joost's mind, craving to feel your hands upon his body. He wished you were the one clinging on to him, not Jazlyn.
Unbeknownst to you, tears welled in your eyes until the ringtone of your phone jolted you back to the present moment. Hastily, you lowered your head to covert your face, also stealing a glance at who was calling, which was Bambie. With a shaky voice, you excused yourself from the table, "I need to take this…" The sadness in your voice betraying you. As you raised your head slightly, Joost's view revealed the glisten of tears in your eyes and the wetness of your left cheek. Rising from your chair, you swiftly answered the call and hurried out of the restaurant.
Your voice quivered slightly as you responded to the call, "Hello?" Stepping outside the establishment, you were met with Bambie's eager greeting, "Hey reader-!!!" However, their sentence trailed off as concern laced their voice. "What happened?" Bambie's voice dripped with worry, ears catching the shiver in your voice that hinted at tears.
"Nothing happened-"
"Do not say that! Tell me the truth."
You let out a resigned sigh, knowing that not answering Bambie's questions would be futile.
"It's just Joost. I need to get over him. Jazlyn is clearly into him, and he's probably reciprocates those feelings," The weight of unspoken emotions bearing down on you. Finding solace on a nearby bench along a secluded pathway, you continued,
"I've held these feelings for what feels like a lifetime, yet I've never found the courage to confess. Maybe if I had spoken up years ago… maybe then, I would have stood a chance."
The discourse extended for an additional eight minutes, during which Bambie provided comfort and support. Throughout, a mutual exchange of humor ignited shared laughter. As the conversation drew to a conclusion, Bambie's attention was diverted by another incoming call, ending the conversation with you short.
Once you ended the call, you sat by yourself. The scenery before you was beautiful. Despite the unwavering support offered by Bambie, your heart remained steadfast in its love for Joost.
The thoughts in your head circled back. there was still tears in your eyes. You sighed at looked at your lap, not noticing the person walking up to you.
"You okay?"
You looked up to see who was there.
With a swift gesture, you brushed away the traces of your tears, composing yourself and assuming an upright posture. "Yeah, I'm fine," you uttered, averting your gaze from his eyes. In response, he emitted a soft sigh, removing his jacket as he sat next to you. Draping it around your shoulders, "What's really going on?" he persisted, his tone had a twinged with concern, prompting a deeper exploration of your underlying emotions.
"You've been weird since Jazlyn was invited in the friend group."
You rolled your eyes at his try to get you out of your shell. You didn't respond to him, "C'mon reader! Please, tell me..." Joost's voice was very whiny, that made you bite your lip. "Why do you want to know? Go back inside, it's your party after all... you should be there."
"It's not fun without you. I miss you." You look at his eyes, around three inches apart from each others lips.
"I just been busy. It's taken effect on me." You weren't really lying, you have been busy with your new album. Although, that's not the real reason why you were crying today.
"Be honest with me!" He begged you with deep whininess in his voice. "Please."
As you remained motionless, a palpable tension hung in the air, from the intensity of his gaze. His piercing blue eyes wants to see every contour of your body, as if seeking to unravel the deepest secrets of you, imbuing the moment with an undeniable sense of desire.
"We should go back inside." Your asserted dominate. Your stern voice made him widen his eyes for a bit, catching him off guard, before going back to his begging eyes. His fingers lingered to yours momentarily, it was his silent plea of more connection to one another. "I'm begging you reader," He stopped to catch his breath.
"Please, please, please. I won't judge you."
You still didn't have the confidence to confess, yet you were prepared to get rejected. "Joost, I have to confess something."
You breathe in and exhale lightly. "I like you- a lot. I liked you since the day I met you."
His demeanor softened perceptibly, a subtle shift that suggested a newfound sense of ease. "If you don't like me back, I understand-." He stopped you by grabbing your hand. "Can I kiss you?"
You stared at him like he was crazy, yet he was still waiting for an answer. "I like you too reader. Since the day we had that picnic... it felt like you've casted a spell on me."
"You remember the promise?" Your heart swelling from his confession. You intertwined your fingers with his, placing both of your guy's hands on your lap.
"Yeah. I was afraid you forgot about." You laugh at that joke. You? Forget that precious moment?
"Kiss me." You whispered, not having much confidence behind those two words. He smiled, pride and love in his face. In the hushed intimacy of the moment, you and Joost's eyes locked in a silent exchange of longing and anticipation.
He inched his face closer to yours, his free hand was placed on your chin. You couldn't wait any longer, not even a second more. You filled the gap between you, lunging your lips onto his. Your free hand on the back of his head.
Your two's lips met in a tender collision, a symphony of sensation that sent shivers down each person's spine. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the gentle exploration of each other's warmth.
Joost pulled away before coming back for seconds. The small kisses grew more urgent, more steamy. The two lost themselves in the passionate, heated make out session. Them wanting more, to take off the cloth that's covering the parts they want to see.
As they broke off the kiss, their chests rose and fell between seconds. They stared at each other, lust in there eyes, yet loved was the more massive feelings as of right now.
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HAD TO CUT IT SHORT OF I WANTED TO FINISH IT. lowkey would've wrote 1k more if i didn't have a deadline for myself. take care guys
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hhughes · 1 day
✰ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⤫ fem!reader x jack hughes
✰ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ⤫ in which jack’s gf is worried about her boyfriend and his injuries
✰ 𝐜𝐰 ⤫ curse words, tiny angst, fluff
✰ 𝐚/𝐧 ⤫ oh to take care of bf!jack after a tough game
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you release a shaky breath, the tip of your thumb between your teeth as you bite your nail nervously. the lump in your throat only grows twice the size as your eyes stay locked on the devils' bench where a trainer was talking into Jack's ear, an uneasy expression on his face as he holds his hand out so they could tape it.
there was no doubt that he was gonna go out there again. they could tell him his fingers were broken, or on the verge of falling off and he'd still want to finsish the last 5 minutes of this game. and a part of you understood that. it was the Rangers, it was the first home game after a horrible road trip and Jack wanted to finish the game off strong.
your heart remained in your throat the remaining minutes, unable to appreciate the rest of the game until the buzzer sounded, the Devils' winning 6-2. this was only Jack's 3rd game back from a previous injury that you knew he wasn't completely healed from. you had urged him to take a few more games but when the Devils' losing streak extended to 7 games, Jack had insisted that he was ready to return.
this wouldn't be the first time you're anxious over Jack playing through an injury, or getting one during the game and just acting like it never happened. nor would it be the first time the two of you would inevitably have an argument about it later. however thoughts of arguing were pushed far back when Jack and Luke made their way out of the locker room, the usual post-win spark missing from your boyfriend's eyes as he wraps his arms around your waist and buries his face in your neck.
you give Luke a quick smile over Jack's shoulder before pulling out of the hug and grabbing both of Jack's hands, unsure which one was the victim of tonight's escapades.
"I'm okay baby. It's just a little slash. they're not even broken, look," he says and wiggles his fingers in a little wave that gets him an amused little smile from Luke, one he was hoping to get from you but instead your lips pull down a little further and you pull away from his touch completely.
"This isn't funny Jack. I don't care if they're not broken, you were obviously in pain. And there was no reason for you to go out and play those last six minutes. You guys were leading by four." you try to keep your voice steady while berating him but by the way his eyes soften he probably heard the worry in your tone.
Jack sighs as his gaze moves from you to his little brother akwardly shifting around, trying to make it seem like he's not listening but obviously hearing every word.
"Let's not do this here, we can talk about it at home," Jack pleadingly states, dropping a kiss on your cheek as he interlocks your fingers and make your way towards his car, Luke trailing silently behind you two.
The silence from the drive follows the three of you into the apartment, Luke mumbling something about going to bed and you and Jack retreat to your bedroom as well.
"Are you gonna say what you wanna say or are you gonna continue throwing death glares my way the whole night?" Jack asks, exhaustion prevelent in his gaze as he takes a seat on his side of the bed.
"I'm not gonna say anything, we both know you never listen when it comes to this anyway. It's pointless, can we just go to bed please?" you say and Jack's eyes widen at the resignation in your tone.
After getting into night clothes and brushing your teeth, you and Jack lay side by side, your breathing the only sound in the room. Usually Jack would pull you closer to him by now, falling asleep the moment the smell of your shampoo fills his nose, but he's not sure you want him to touch him right now.
"This is my job. You knew how much I loved hockey when you started dating me." Jack says quietly, staring at the ceiling.
"Do you love it more than you love yourself? More than you love me?" you whisper, the words getting caught in your throat because you're afraid the answer might be yes.
"Are you asking me to choose between the sport I love and the woman I love? Because the answer would be you in every lifetime. And I'd give it up for you, but I can't promise you a little part of me won't resent you for it." Jack whispers back, the words barely audible as if that's a confession he's never even thought about, never mind verbalized.
"I'm not asking you to give it up," you answer and you hear his relieved sigh.
"I'm just asking you to love yourself a little more. Take the extra game off if you need it. Spend the last six minutes on the bench when your team is winning by 4 goals and you're injured. You only have one body Jack, and you're not going to be 22 forever, take care of it. You don't have to do everything by yourself you know? You can't win on your own, let your teammates carry some of that burden. Let me take care of you. Is that too much to ask?" you ask desperately, turning your head to look at him.
"No baby, it's not." he says, pushing himself up on one elbow so he's laying on his side and looking down at you, resting his other hand on your stomach.
"I don't want you to feel like I'm not supporting your dreams," you whisper, tearing up a little and Jack's heart squeezes tight.
"You're my number one supporter, babe. Always. I know that. It's why you're so worried about me. And I understand and I can't promise you I won't do what I did tonight ever again, because I'm me, and I'm bound to mess up, but I promise I'll try my hardest to be careful and take care of myself okay?" he says softly, kissing your tears away, and pulling you on top of him as he lays on his back.
"I love you so much," you say kissing his chest.
"I love you the most," he whispers back, squeezing you tight, as both of you drift off the sleep.
The next morning Jack leaves you sleeping in bed, and sneaks out to the kitchen where Luke's already making pancakes.
"What are you doing?" Jack asks, not bothering to say good morning.
"Giving you a head start on your apology breakfast," Luke answers and Jack can't help but feel a pang of affection for his little brother.
As much as Luke likes to pretend he was doing this to help Jack, he was really doing it to help you. Luke could see how upset you were last night and he wanted to do something nice for you.
"Aww Lukey," Jack coos ruffling Luke's hair on his way to the fridge.
"If you didn't make my sister upset every weekend, we wouldn't have to get up at this ungodly hour each time," Luke mumbles and Jack freezes at the word 'sister'.
"Sister?" Jack asks
"I uh- may or may not have accidentally saw that you ordered her ring." Luke stutters and Jack's eyes narrow.
"Saw it where?" Jack questions walking closer.
"Um-" Luke swallows nervously
"Saw it where?" Jack asks again, picking up the spoon and holding it towards Luke's throat like one would a knife.
"Jesus Jack. Fine Quinn told me." Luke admits, breathing a little easier when Jack lowers the spoon, even though it was never really that threatning.
"How the fuck does Quinn know?" Jack whisper-yells.
"Trevor told him."
"Fucking Trevor. Can never tell him shit. I'm gonna kill him," Jack replies, while Luke silently questions why Quinn and Trevor were even talking to each other.
"For what it's worth, I can't wait until she's officially part of the family. I think she's perfect for you and I'm so beyond happy for you." Luke says and Jack immediately pulls him into a bone crushing hug.
"Thank you," Jack says softly as they hear soft footsteps approaching.
"Aw," you say taking in the sight of the two brothers hugging.
"What are you doing up? You're supposed to sleep in on your off days," Jack says walking over and pulling you into his arms.
"So are you. I woke up cause your phone was ringing," you answer handing it to him.
"Who was it?" he asks, putting it on the counter without even looking at it and leaving kisses on your neck.
"Trevor," you reply
"Fucking Trevor,"
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