#and years ago online I remember anti-transmasc sentiment being everywhere but I thought people grew from that?
gamblegun · 7 months
The thing is, when I entered some queer spaces irl, when I wasn't even approaching passing yet, people made fun of trans men's genitals to my face under the guise of "punching up". I was expected to "bare the responsibility of choosing the patriarchy," when keep in mind, I hadn't even cut my hair or bought new clothes yet. I was constantly lectured about the basics of my own transition and treated like a child by people much younger than me. I'd been told I was going to become a completely different person on testosterone, an angry monster, because they knew someone, "it happened to before." People were uncomfortable using he/him pronouns for me and used they/them instead. I was told I would be better as a lesbian, and some wlw tried to persistently sleep with me, telling me they saw me as a woman the whole time.
None of this is good faith feminism, it's not "women venting", it just can't be. It simply can't be.
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