#andy davidson
jackfromthefairytale · 10 months
not enough people are torchwood fans in 2023. like, if this shit was airing now instead of like sixteen years ago then tumblr gays would be eating this shit up. if the big finish stuff was more easily available, people would probably also be eating it up. janto and jyler would be a ship war (a heavily to one side ship war, but a ship war nonetheless). the colchester-price fans would be happily eating popcorn at the side. everyone would be an orr and tosh fan. gwen and yvonne would be tumblr sexywomen. there'd be people picking out everything burn gorman has ever been in. there would be essays about why ng should/shouldn't be hated. andy davidson would still be lurking in the background. myfanwy would have more canon appearances.
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thetrinitytest · 3 months
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it’s official. i’m all in on torchwood. have some sillies to celebrate
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cowgirljol · 1 month
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PC Andy (so fucked off)
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ichangemyusertoomuch · 3 months
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doctorwhoisadhd · 3 months
i love andy davidson. SO much. i ADORE that guy. he's the most normal dude on the planet, he has truly godawful taste in women, he gets kidnapped by a camp ghost more than once, he's just a silly little guy, he is constantly getting subjected to other peoples kinks, he even does the wilderness-era-companion-to-spinoff-series pipeline in REVERSE. he is the king of getting put in situations. and he just goes with it. every time. even when people are asking him to strip 3x in a single audio. HOW could you not enjoy him.
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timey-acey222 · 1 month
realised that i havent edited in a hot minute so ill give you this while i work on my ianto edit that ive procrastinated since the con :3
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qventus · 2 months
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itsatorchwoodthing · 8 months
andy taking off the uniform in CoE to fight the military is so iconic
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umbrellalavender · 6 days
I’ve just listened to Torchwood Coffee. Oh my days! I have to talk about it on here because I have no one to talk about it with in person.
I was literally jumping out of shock when Andy appeared. I think that was such a sweet ending and I couldn’t have asked for anything better! Did I cry? No, but god I felt the emotions of it all! It reminds me a lot of Broken as we follow the events around Torchwood. I love seeing Torchwood from an outsider’s perspective and I think it needs to be explored more!
Also, I was making scones whilst listening to this, so when the woman ended up in one of the explosions, I thought my oven was having a go at me 😅
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Despite the fact that he is a cop, i just love Andy from torchwood. He was just a neat regular side character in the TV series but thanks to Big finish he manages to be
- a main character in stories set in the 50s
-an eighth doctor companion
- Yvonne hartman's boyfriend
- having more torchwood stories than most of the main characters
Not Bad for a character who's point was that he was jealous of his friend's involvement with aliens
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ihavenosoul12 · 2 months
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i wish i was funny (and not lazy)
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torchwoodsoho · 2 months
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Lots of Torchwood reveals today!
First, we have Torchwood Soho: Ascension's cover.
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Then, we have descriptions for the upcoming monthlies.
In July, Art Decadence
London in the 1920s and Sir Reggie works for Torchwood, saving the world from alien invasions. Really, he relies on the services of his loyal butler while he paints the town red. But there’s a new sensation in high society – What is the secret of The Serpentine Club and can Forster save his master from it?
We have a new era of Torchwood, the 1920s! If it's half as good as Soho, I'm in!
In August, End Game featuring Tosh
You have been brought to Secure Control Room B to respond to a simulated emergency. You will be able to issue orders and make real time decisions in a disaster scenario. Welcome to the end of the world. Shall we begin?
In September, The Hollow Choir
There’s always been something in the caves. Over the years people have gone in and not come out. But that was a long time ago. They’ve been sealed for the best part of a century. Eight hours ago, something changed. Three students somehow found their way in. Now time’s running out to rescue them. Their one hope is a man called Rhys Williams. Because somehow, he has a map.
In October, Widdershins
One night long ago, Iain tried to raise the Devil. He walked the wrong way round an ancient stone in the village graveyard. He didn’t think anything would happen, not really. But something did. Something far worse than the Devil came to Llandyth. And now, many years later, Iain’s trying to work out what really happened that night. Did Torchwood ruin his life?
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lord-save-me · 1 month
"How's Rhys? Other than hungry" is a DIABOLICAL line
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horselover107 · 5 months
I love that big finish makes it very consistent that Andy’s taste in people is absolutely terrible.
Even if you interpret Owen and Norton as platonic (you’d be wrong) he still picks them as his besties. And then also…Yvonne Hartman.
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doctorwhoisadhd · 5 months
JACK: sergeant andrew davidson! what’s a gorgeous guy like you doin’ in a place like this? ANDY: this is a police mortuary
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