#anime news
kinbari14 · 3 months
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I say this with a heaviness in my heart and tears in my eyes. But our beloved Akria Toriyama (known for Dragon Ball series, Dr.Slump, and so much more) has sadly passed away at the age of 68 on March 1st due to acute subdural hematoma. May he Rest In Peace knowing he changed many generations of kids, including mine, love for anime even to this day.
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rudy-icons · 3 months
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toruedits · 2 years
Do you like Anime food ?
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doodleferp · 6 months
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animedegens · 8 months
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One of the funniest moments of Naruto 🤣🤣 poor madara.
Check out our Anime Degens podcast & join our anime discord!!!
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hotwaterandmilk · 6 months
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Well chapter #93 of Magilumiere gave us a colourful, eye-catching double page spread and confirmation of an anime in 2024. Interestingly the official Twitter account updated 2 minutes early with a new banner featuring an anime-style preview image which gave it away.
Further news will likely come at Jump Festa next month, with Magilumiere receiving a prime slot (which in part helped to fuel these last couple of months of anime speculation).
Edit (2 mins later): Official website is here. J.C. Staff is the studio (w/Moe). Kana will be voiced by Fairouz Ai and Hitomi by Hanamori Yumiri.
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You can view the teaser PV via YouTube:
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mochiswifey · 1 year
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soaraintergalactic · 1 year
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MSCHF Astro Boy inspired boots
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animemakeblog · 15 days
“Sayonara Lara'”, “Ninja Skooler” The Original Anime For Kinema Citrus Announces
Sayonara Lara (Goodbye, Lara) and Ninja Skooler are the names of the two original anime that Kinema Citrus revealed at the animation studio's Anime Central panel. The promotional films for both anime were also unveiled at the panel. The 16th anniversary of Kinema Citrus includes anime projects.
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mymoonlighthouse · 2 months
Sebastian Michaelis
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my husband is back !! >w<
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EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND GO WATCH SKIP AND LOAFER!!! This show is so wholesome I'm gonna die!!!!
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rudy-icons · 7 months
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luckystarchild · 7 months
This is 99.99% likely to be fake. As someone who works in the anime industry, let me tell you why.
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This has been sent to me dozens of times over the past few days, and it's pretty obvious to me that it's fake.
I work in the anime industry. Here's why I don't put any stock in this "official" announcement at all.
The source is a random Twitter/X account. It isn't a studio or licensor. It's not even one of the "reputable" leakers. It's just some random person making a claim with zero backing and slapping the words "official" and "confirmed" on it.
Accurate leaks have happened, but they're usually accompanied by some kind of source claim (a leaked press release, a leak within the company, etc.) and a claim that an announcement is coming soon. This has nothing. This is just a random person saying shit for clicks.
Every one of their posts has "FOLLOW FORE MORE" in a subtweet. They're just farming for followers. The rest of the account is just random anime edits and posts + promotions for a discord they run.
I could literally write anything in a tweet and slap "OFFICIAL, CONFIRMED" on it, but if you see those words, you need to be asking, "Who confirmed it? What makes this official?" And in this case, it's NOTHING and NOBODY in the world of anime.
Media literacy, folks. It applies to Twitter/X. It ESPECIALLY applies to Twitter/X.
"Studio has not been announced" is a WILD thing to suggest here, because YYH's rights are LITERALLY OWNED BY AN ANIME STUDIO. Studio Pierrot is still a license-holder for this IP, and it would be weird as hell for them to not handle a remake.
(Also, "studio not announced"... NOTHING has been announced. The wording here is very sneaky, as it implies an announcement was made but the studio was just left out of it. If an announcement had been made, it would be Pierrot/the studio/Shueisha doing it.)
Not only has Pierrot made animated content for the series as recently as the 2018 OVAs, their copyright info is on literally every piece of YYH merch being produced this year (alongside Shueisha and Togashi). They still have some rights. They (in part) hold the IP. They still make art for it. They will be the studio for any remake unless they willingly let go of that license. Considering they're still making money off of it through merch sales and the liveaction adaptation (tho that's another can of licensing worms we could discuss), that's highly, HIGHLY unlikely.
The likelihood of Pierrot letting some other studio handle the remake is very, VERY slim. It's one of their hallmark, legendary series. Why would they ever let that go to a competitor?
The "studio hasn't been confirmed" bit tells me this person doesn't know who actually owns the rights to YYH, and when they don't even know that basic piece of information, it puts everything else they say into question.
Anime series are in production long before they air. How long in advance depends on the project. You can't keep a lid on a high profile project for an extended period. For big projects, studios want to start the hype train sooner rather than later. (Obviously there are exceptions to this (see the Fruits Basket remake) but we'll get to that later.)
This tweet claims the project is coming out in 2024. We are at the VERY TAIL END of 2023. It is basically 2024 already. That tweet isn't an official announcement (despite the word "official" on it), which means the studio/license holder would have to announce it even LATER than this tweet did. The latest anime seasonals begin airing in Q4/October/the Fall Simulcast season. That gives Pierrot less than a year of lead-up time to market the anime before its latest possible air date in 2024, and for this particular property, that does not seem realistic OR wise.
Let's examine Pierrot's recent treatment of the latest Bleach installment as evidence. They announced the project in March 2020 via a livestream event. They began airing the project in October 2022, MORE THAN TWO YEARS LATER. That gave them two years to market the series.
YYH, like Bleach, is one of Pierrot's hallmarks. The idea that they'd give it less than a year of marketing is just not realistic. They'd likely give it the same kind of treatment as the new Bleach arc, given it's one of their past tentpole titles getting revived.
(Also note that Pierrot animated the new Bleach installments after years of no new Bleach. They didn't let go of those rights. They held on and made more content later. Now apply that logic to YYH, and arrive again at: To suggest another studio would handle a new series is farfetched.)
If the tweet had said the series was dropping in 2025 or later, it would be much more believable. But the details they gave, again, discredit their claims from the jump.
If a new YYH was coming out in 2024, btw, the series would already be well underway and likely have been in production behind the scenes for quite some time. They probably would've announced it last year if they intended a 2024 release.
A liveaction adaptation for YYH is about to drop (December 14 on Netflix).
I can already hear the argument of, "Oh, well maybe they'll announce a new anime for 2024 when the liveaction comes out," and while that might be a possibility, I think there's another, far more likely alternative.
If the liveaction does well and the license holders make a fuckton of money on it, or if they at least see a large resurgence in interest in the IP, THEN I think the license holders/anime production committee would start thinking about a new anime adaptation to cash in on that interest. But I do not see them making that decision before the streaming numbers for the liveaction come in, and I do NOT see them working on the anime before the liveaction has even aired.
The anime world moves slowly. The execs and committees behind the scenes like numbers and sales figures. If they see good numbers, balls might start rolling. But it's unlikely they're already in production NOW, let alone far enough into production to support a 2024 release for a remake.
If the Netflix show gets the ball rolling on a new YYH anime, that anime won't come out in 2024. There just isn't time.
And I can now hear some muttering the argument of, "Oh, well they probably just held the news to time it with the liveaction," but see again their habit of announcing projects with lots of lead-up marketing time.
Given the details above and the COMPLETE LACK OF EVIDENCE supplied by the tweet, I do not expect we'll get an ACTUAL "official, confirmed" announcement for a remake anytime soon.
In the event that I'm wrong, what I'd predict is the announcement of a remake (one made by ACTUAL official sources, AKA Pierrot and Shuiesha) sometime in Q1 or Q2 2024. Pierrot would be the studio, and the project would be slated for late 2025, or even more likely, sometime in 2026. (And yes, projects slated for 2026 and later are in the works right now.)
I think the above is a longshot, but it's possible. The timing suggested in the tweet everyone is sharing isn't realistic at all, however.
Long story short:
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kpopfapfantasy · 5 days
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One of the classic hentai doujinshi, Twin Milf by Tastunami Youtoku🤤. If you guys are interested in MIlFs ,this is definitely one of the hentai manga series that you should read. Bikinis, lesbian, threesome, breast milk and many more🤤 Imagine having two MILFs that you can fuck everyday and breed them as many times as you want? Must be nice🤤
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animedegens · 2 months
When Frieren ended I cried a lil.. It’s a perfect adaptation. A perfect anime.
And a lot of people will hold it close to their hearts after these last 6 months. I know I will.
Today, we have another great adaptation ending & I’m going to be extremely sad to let this one go too.
Because like Frieren, I hold Apothecary Diaries close to my heart as well. Maomao is an elite MC.
I just can’t believe that we got to witness both of these great shows in the same 6 months. We’re so lucky. 😭😭😭 #anime #frieren #apothecarydiaries
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hotwaterandmilk · 1 year
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The 44-episode Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne anime series is getting a blu-ray box release on March 31st of 2023! The episodes will be provided in HD and the box will come with an original soundtrack CD for the series, something which has notably never been made available before.
The manufacturer bonus will be an acrylic keychain of Jeanne's costume, but depending on where you order the set from there will be other bonus items including:
Canvas art (Amazon jp), Can mirror (Rakuten books), Acrylic art stand (Sofmap Animega ), and a Bromide set (Yodobashi). All of these are limited in availability and subject to change.
The blu-ray box set will retail for 29,700 yen (tax included) and include the whole TV series across 4 discs.
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