#another day another breakup in Soho
yourangle-yuordevil · 9 months
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Local goth cryptid goes through a tough breakup 😔
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aziraphales-library · 1 month
Hello! Thank you so much for all your amazing work! I’m looking for fics where Crowley has a lot of baggage from a previous relationship. But he’s trying to work through it to make a new relationship with Aziraphale work.
I loved Car Trouble by SummerOfSpock and I’d love to find something that hits the same emotional beats as that one.
Hi! I'd suggest checking our #crowley/lucifer tag, as that relationship doesn't usually go well. And here are fics where's Crowley is moving on from bad relationships. Mind the tags on a few these!...
Indelible Marks by Augenblickgotter (T)
Anthony Crowley is a successful antique dealer moving from a messy breakup. Feeling the urge to prove to himself it's over and he can do something he's held off for years, he goes for his first tattoo. The fear of trying to move on is topped by a crippling fear of pain. Yet he discovers that everyone and everything leaves indelible marks, and it's up to each of us the ones we chose to take, cover, or bare and where to find our wings.
In Which the Flower Grows by Snowfilly1 (M)
"The car's too fast suddenly; Crowley doesn't want to be swept along into another new place and he thinks about stopping, pulling over somewhere for a coffee he doesn't need and won't like but that won't help. Nothing ever does." Crowley's always been a good teacher but the rest of his life is a wreck and he doesn't think moving to Tadfield and a new job in the secondary school there will be any different.
A Devil set aside for Me. by DarkAngel2891 (T)
Human AU, Aziraphale is sitting down for some reading time when a troubled young man appears in his shop.
Safe Haven by McRaider (T)
When Anthony Crowley stepped back into Aziraphale's life for the first time after eight long years missing, it became exceedingly clear with him came a world of trouble and heartache. But Aziraphale never could say no to his beloved Crowley. Can he help Crowley heal after a failed marriage, a gas-lighting ex-wife with an evil plan?
Rearrangements by sheendav (E)
Aziraphale, a lonely anxious bookseller from Soho, walks in St. James park every Wednesday and Sunday. For nearly nine months he has had various, wordless, encounters with a very handsome red-haired man with sunglasses. They have never spoken, but a strange and lovely intimacy has slowly grown between them as they share the same space, and feed the ravenous ducks by the pond. It's all been rather lovely... and then one day... the red-haired man says 'hello.' UPDATE: Rated 'E' for chapters 13 and 16, see beginning notes for warnings on all other chapters. Reads as an ACE-friendly story through Chapter 12, though acknowledges the existence of sexuality in earlier chapters.
Lavender, Chamomile, and a Rather Permanent Arrangement by southdownsraph (M)
Crowley owns the flower shop across the street from A. Z. Fell's tattoo shop, and can't help but be intrigued by the slightly eccentric, yet incredibly friendly tattoo artist. When Crowley does finally pluck up the courage to talk to him beyond the occasional pleasantries, he kicks off the beginning of a friendship that could so easily drift into something else entirely.
And the one you mentioned...
Car Trouble by summerofspock (E)
Aziraphale's car breaks down so he takes it to the first mechanic he can find. From there, his mundane life changes drastically as he finds himself befriending the man fixing his car.
- Mod D
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johns-prince · 1 year
I told him: “You know you love your own company. Even Cyn says you go days without speaking to her. She feels a million miles away from you.” John replied: “Ah, but she’s not, is she. She’s in the kitchen putting the kettle on.”
—Tony Barrow, Beatles Book Monthly Magazine, No. 149 (Sept. 1988) [×]
There’s one line in the lyric I don’t really mean: “Well knowing you / You’d probably laugh and say / That we were worlds apart”. I’m playing to the more cynical side of John, but I don’t think it’s true that we were so distant. 
—Paul reads from his new book, The Lyrics (2021). [×]
“I’m kind of expected to say, ‘[John] was a saint, he was always a saint, I remember him as a saint’, but it would be a lie. He was one great guy and part of his greatness was that he wasn’t a saint. He was a great guy but he was pretty sacrilegious. He was pretty up front about it. But it was half the fun.”
—Paul McCartney (c. 1984) in The Dream Is Over: Off The Record 2 by Keith Badman [×]
“John is neither a saint, nor is he a sinner. He was just human, like the rest of us.”
—Cynthia Lennon, answering the question “John Lennon: saint or sinner?” The Independent, July 1999 [×]
“Seeing Lennon focus on Ono rather than him[Paul] was as devastating as it would have been for Cynthia Lennon to witness the couple making love.”
—Peter Dogget, You Never Give Me Your Money. [×]
“Then also we were like married, so you got the bitterness. It’s not a woman scorned this time, it’s two men scorned — probably even worse. And I had to make way for Yoko. My relationship with John could not have remained as it was and Yoko feel secure.”
— Paul McCartney, Interview by Duncan Fallowell in the Chicago Tribune, October 14th, 1984 [×]
“Apart from giving me the courage to break out of my stockbroker belt... Yoko also gave me the inner strength to look more closely at my other marriage. My real marriage. To The Beatles, which was more stifling than my domestic life. Although I had thought of it often enough, I lacked the guts to make the break earlier.”
—Skywriting By Word Of Mouth by John Lennon (pg. 17) [x]
“I still think at the back of John’s mind was this fascination of wanting to get back with the first girlfriend, if you like, and that was to get back with Paul, who he had so much history with.”
—Tony Barrow, The Beatles’ press officer, on the Lennon/McCartney reunion that was never to be [×]
“I mean, I think really what it was, really all that happened was that John fell in love. With Yoko. And so, with such a powerful alliance like that, it was difficult for him to still be seeing me. It was as if I was another girlfriend, almost. Our relationship was a strong relationship. And if he was to start a new relationship, he had to put this other one away. And I understood that. I mean, I couldn’t stand in the way of someone who’d fallen in love. You can’t say, “Who’s this?” You can’t really do that. If I was a girl, maybe I could go out and…”
—April 3rd?, 1985 (Soho Square, London): Paul talks on German television show exclusive about the breakup of the Beatles and his personal breakup with John. [x]
“But Paul was his own man and not afraid of John. In fact, musically and personally, the two were beginning to go in separate directions so perhaps Paul’s visit to me was also a statement to John.”
—Cynthia Lennon, John [×]
“Paul, who believed strongly in the family and in family values, told me that he felt as if it was the Beatles themselves who were heading for divorce, not just John and Cynthia.”
—Tony Bramwell, Magical Mystery Tours [×]
I wanted to end this post with a quote from Cynthia, whether it was from a book or was an answer to a question, about how she simply misses lying in bed with John, and just the two of them talking. This quote from her book John [x] is relevant, but unfortunately I couldn't find the exact quote I wanted.
To accompany the sentiment from John's first wife though, is this quote:
“If John Lennon could come back for a day, how would you spend it with him?” “In bed.”
—Paul McCartney answers questions for Q magazine, 1998 [x]
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daneecastle · 9 months
So I had an idea...
Sorry I've been away, life hasn't been kind.
(SPOILER ALERT for final episode in season 2)
Anyways, so I saw a post from @hattersarts with our Good Omens couple posing for their couple's picture in the bookshop. (Check out Hatter's blog to see what I mean)
Can you imagine living in Soho, having to see Mr. Fell and his Bentley-riding, grouchy partner and their cute little relationship shift around? The little drama scenes happening as well as its oddities? That POV ... it needs to happen. (And I don't mean just the shop owner's povs.)
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Like, the famous break up at the end of season 2 (spoiler). But what about everything else?
@kotias said:
A little slice of life where you get the POV of the passers-by, the shopkeepers, the regulars, maybe a fair going on, and where the conversations flow
the regulars going to another shopkeeper's and asking all about that grouchy guy in black with the ginger hair and "strange, I didn't see him around lately, do you think they're still... you know...?"
Maybe the people living in the apartments upstairs from the shops and seeing the conclusion of a fight (aka Crowley storming out)
only to see him pop back again 2 days later
@daneecastle said:
Maybe a coffee regular who only comes to get their coffee just to see what these two are up to now and comes up with their own theories about the relationship.
An old lady who can't do anything but spy out her bedroom window in the upper apartments!
Lol I mean think about that old lady! She's seen them her whole life! Never changing! I'd never want to move. What if she's a closet romantic!
"Mr. Fell has worn the same outfit since I was a little girl!"
"A lightning bolt just zapped him while he threw a tantrum in the middle of the street!"
@mintounette finishes it with:
The POV of the guy that witnessed their "breakup" in s1!
(Then @kotias has the balls to post this image!)
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Is anyone up for a collab? PM me and make this happen! Join the GOCC discord group! We already have a few projects in the making, and we are always open for more!
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lilimonstera · 6 months
Thinking about "somebody to love" being used as the opening song of S3
Song starts playing on a black screen. The first lyrics open onto Crowley: wet, pathetic, in full-on breakup mode
Second verse: Azi, having the worst time of his life up in heaven ("I work hard every day of my life...")
Switches back and forth POVs until "I've gotta get out of this prison cell" when Azi delivers another spine-chilling smile into the camera
Chanted "find me somebody to love" while Azi finally goes completely feral, breaking all bonds to heaven and doing whatever he can to get back down to earth, to Crowley. We see him on the elevator going back down.
Crowley: He's in the bookshop, swaying down the stairs, looking absolutely pathetic
Azi: The elevator doors in Soho open, and he stands there for a minute, looking out
Crowley: reaches the bottom of the stairs. We hear the ding of the bookshop door opening. Crowley looks up.
"Find me somebody to......love"
-cut to intro-
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tmabutlesbian · 2 years
oliver study time? oliver study time. lets get to know ollie boy!!
i had tons of fun with mike crew so i'll be doing this to oliver banks now since i always get confused with his personality n also death so.
avatar of the end, duh. he sees tendrils tied to ppl who are abt to die. so like only ppl who r close to dying have those tendrils then? i'm assuming so.
originally he dreamed of ppl's deaths 10 days before their death. around 2014, maybe 2013, he started seeing the tendrils awake as well.
he has 3 aliases: antonio blake, the coroner (cool ass title), and Dr. Thomas Pritchard (random ass name but we move on)
he died by satellite impact but came back ofc, at a research vessel near Point Nemo
descriptions: tall, dark n handsome. lmao, he's tall, he's black, he's careworn???? don't know what that means. n also has worry lines on his face. boy is anxious. oh careworn means "tired and unhappy because of prolonged worry". boy is depressed and anxious, mood.
2000-2006: boyfriend Graham!! in 2000-2001. dated 6 years, lived together, broke up before 2007. Ollie moved to london around 2005 "to do his undergraduate degree at the London School of Economics and started working at Barclays directly after graduating" boy went to school! undergraduate means this is his first degree btw! also wtf is barclays? oh i googled it its a back. heh oliver banks. works in a bank. hehe. oh shit, boy got too stressed, had a breakdown after barely a year n had a dramatic exit from his job around 2007. his dreams started soon after.
ok i just saw graham's page. he died in 2006. no wonder they broke up, oliver probably realized smth was wrong or the notthem ruined their relationship. poor boy :( but also i cant remember if graham broke up with ollie before or after his death. hmm. they might have broken up since graham was obsessed with that table n eating notebooks n shit.
around 2013: 2015, oliver was working on a magick shop. king. they sold crystals n tarot cards. jane prentiss mentioned him looking at her with deep sadness n even fear. this is where jane worked not oliver
oliver worked on a shop that in soho that had a sign saying "Crystals. Books. Tarot" pretty straight to the point. he asked jennifer what she was listening to even tho she had no headphones on n when altered to this he just walked away muttering a warning abt protecting her ears. so. he's awkward as well. how cute
march 2015: he gives a statement, under antonio blake, abt gertrude's death. so gertrude died around this time then.
mid 2015-2018: "Oliver assumed the identity of a chemist and boarded an unnamed research vessel in the hopes of getting some restful sleep" boy what. how do you go from A to B here. i'll read the statement in a bit to get more context but this sounds WILD w/o context. n then when he notices theyre all abt to die cuz of the vines he. kills the captain? n leads everyone to a location that gets hit by a satellite killing them instantly.
2018: oliver gives the statement to coma jon, saying the web sent him, which is interesting how the web has so much power but its all so behind the scenes. when georgie encounters him he uses his alias antonio blake again, but she knows shes an avatar of the end right away n that he reminds her of someone evil which. yikes!
post-change: he has his own domain, corpse roots, n gives jon another statement, also theorizes abt the ruined world. he's a nerd <3
still unsure of his age but! if he started his undergratuate in his 20's in 2005, then by 2016, the start of the podcast, he's around his 30's, probs 31.
let's get into the statements
mag 11: Dreamer: ok so his work stress also had a hand on the breakup actually, n he left their home to stay with some friends. he slept on his friend's Anahita's sofa, n thats when he started having the dreams.
the dreams were irregular throughout the years, so at least it wasnt everyday. he read tons of books abt esoteric dreaming but found nothing of value.
he also saw his father's death, n couldnt stop it. even after his death, he saw his father in his dreams for a month and a half
he lied to get into the institute to give his statement to gertrude, knowing she would die soon. poor boy just wanted to help somebody, even if he couldnt help his father :(
mag 42: Grifter's Bone: interesting that jennifer did not die but oliver still warned to protect her ears. she didnt even suffer damage since she took precautions. how did he know? did he see a ton other ppl with tendrils in their ears? did he actually change the trajectory of her death by being a puzzling man warning her to protect her ears?
she did kill herself by hitting her head with a hammer. does this mean that, even tho she didnt die by the grifter's bone, she still did die? like oliver sees when ppl r going to die n the only thing he can maybe change is the way that it happens? thats fucked up
mag 121: Far Away: he can feel the tendrils when they appear irl! he feels a chill when he touches or brushes against one. he isolates himself since he doesnt want to see ppl's deaths, but he cant escape that entirely. probs saw neighbors n shit, or when he went grocery shopping. or just looked out the window, oof
point nemo is a point in the ocean that is the furthest place away from any civilization. the lonely must like him a little as well, damn. he cant dream abt the place since the vines dont let him. he finds out theres a scientific voyage going to point nemo, he replaces one of the members who is fated to die n takes his identity, deposing of the corpse. him n martin are so alike sometimes how fun. no wonder martin felt threatened lmao.
he has dreamless sleep for a while, keeping to himself. finally got the context lmao. but the vines return when they get to the destination, n he understands their fate n his purpose (as an avatar of the end? as a bringer of death? damn). he makes it so they reach the place where the vines originate from n they all die. this time, he's the one to cause the deaths, not just be a bystander. i bet he also wanted to die a little bit, loosing hope of having a normal life and just wanting it to stop :((
oliver embraces death, becoming an avatar. he also states he's going along with what "she" wants, which could be annabelle cane or just the mother from the web.
mag 168: Roots: (iconic "martin, are you jealous?" episode, just fyi) his alias here is The Coroner, which is rad as shit. he sees the veins of the end, n he has no power to stop the fate of death, but even if he could he wouldnt. "for to rob a soul of death is as torturous as its inevitable coming" grim poet over here lmao
interesting that he measures how close somebody is to death by "stretches" which are "waves" of terror or whatever. some ocean terms here, probs since oliver died in the middle of the ocean, so nice lil detail.
he likes to watch ppl be afraid of their inevitable deaths, even the inevitable deaths of others. we love a lil evil in out handsome men ofc.
he also has his concerns. the ppl will die, but without ppl to die there's no End. he may need other victims from other domains, but that will result in conflict. theres probs not new humans being created, so the humans will eventually run out if the apocalypse keeps going. and when that happens, all the fears will end and this reality will be rid of them. even then, there's no action to be taken to prevent this. the other fears will feed into The End, n he will see this happen, n while this might have terrified him before, he's too much of an avatar to be what he was before, he's more of the end than oliver banks now.
so! oliver is a handsome, tall, black man. he is anxious n also very sad, and awkward. a pretty chill guy regardless. he cares abt ppl, even those he doesnt know. he slowly comes to terms with death tho, n he just starts to like. not care less but just understand that it doesnt matter if they will all die n shit. he will also lie to get his way, n he has mostly good intentions, he's just desensitized to death now. also he might be into magick's. n he used to be a banker but that didnt go well. n also he's gay. king <3<3<3
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Are there any rumours or details about the time that Meghan was with Trevor?
What we currently know - They dated for nearly 7 years. Meghan was in her early 20s when she met him. She had already decided to be an actress and was constantly auditioning in all those years. She also did Deal or No deal and that one episode of Fringe. Trevor was apparently producer/agent. They also lived together for most the time, till they got married. From all accounts they were happy together, Trevor also knew her family enough to be on frquent phone call terms with Tom Sr. and talking terms with Tom Jr (they used to hang out sometimes). They had a good enough friend circle in LA and her childhood friends (Ninaki) were also close to him, so much so that nearly all her old time LA friends sided with him post divorce and cut off contact (also likely because she had already moved on to Toronto and didn't care about in LA anymore). Nearly every says that it seems he was the love of her life because she adored him.
Now, Bower says she likely grew to resent him over time, got bored and the Suits gig went to her head. All the bad things we know about her marriage and him come from her suits/Toronto friends. (My guess is she played the victim in front of them to gain their sympathy)
Yet, we know absolutely nothing about their time together. We have seen some photos of their LA home, which looked gorgeous and very comfortable (all white). So they were well off and not struggling. But why do we not know anything at all about the breakup and his versions? Even if there's NDA/payoff to him, we know it ended quite acrimoniously and lots of people know the details. so why the silence?
I don't think there was a NDA or a payoff to Trevor that's keeping him, or their circle of friends at the time, silent. People don't talk about Trevor because they respect him and because he is a legitimate Hollywood producer with real credits to his name and real, legitimate connections. Talking about him or spreading rumors about him is the surest way to have doors slam shut in your face. (Case in point: Meghan - she gossips about people, airs private matters publicly, and so the doors have slammed shut in her face. There's a reason she wasn't at Oprah's birthday party.)
And, Meghan just wasn't worth remembering back in those days. She was the Briefcase Girl wife of an indie Hollywood producer. No one would've paid attention to her. No one did pay any attention to her. Meghan only became memorable once she was connected in Toronto. And if you look at the kind of people who've spoken about Meghan, it's either people who knew her as a child - like Ninaki and teachers - or people who knew her in Toronto. Her LA/Trevor years are a black hole of nothing: she was not worth remembering for who she was in that phase of her life.
Also, I have always felt that Meghan didn't become this toxic narcissistic personality we know her as today until she moved to Canada and had her ego blown up by Jess's crowd, Soho House, and Suits. So chances are, she wasn't as toxic in LA with Trevor or if she was, then it was written off as "another Hollywood actress wannabe" because they're 6 for $1 in LA. But Toronto, she wasn't "just" another Hollywood girl or "just" a producer's wife. She was part of the In crowd and that made her worth remembering.
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larrytimelines · 3 years
July 2021 complete timeline
July 1 (Thur): Robert Harvey posts a pic of Louis in the studio working on LT2 (link).
Holivia is seen by fans having drinks, walking and having dinner in Island of Giglio (pictures and videos here). Within 30 minutes of pictures dropping, there is an article about Holivia on a romantic Italian getaway (link). Deuxmoi posts a ‘spotted’ pic of Holivia at dinner (link).
Deuxmoi mention Holivia’s Italian vacation in their weekly email newsletter, as well as recap Jason and Keeley going on romantic dates in NY on June 26th - further confirming them as a couple (link).
Jason & Keeley are papped on several dates in NY. Ted Lasso is deemed a strong Emmys contender.
July 2 (Fri): Louis is seen watching a EUROs game with Oli in London (videos and pictures here).
Not seen, but Holivia were taking the yacht pics in Monte Argentario (link).
Ted Lasso is expected to “sweep Emmy nominations”. And everyone loves Ted Lasso.
July 3 (Sat): Louis watching the England EUROs game with Calvin, Charlie Lightening, Ella (E’s bff), Ella’s boyfriend, Eleanor and friends (pics here, here; videos here, here).
Holivia in Rome, attending the England v Ukraine match, they are papped and fans take pictures with Harry (pics here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here; pap pics; videos here, here, here, here and here).
Lottie posted a picture of Freddie on her stories with the text “mini Louis” on it (link).
July 4 (Sun): No updates.
July 5 (Mon): Louis is papped and pictured with fans outside the studio (pics here, here, here, here, and here). 
Yachtgate pics from Backgrid of Holivia dancing, lounging and kissing on a yacht drop and Page 6 exclusive. Pics from Monte Argentario on July 2.
Page 6 exclusive about Jason being in NY with the kids and how he’ll go on a promo-tour for Ted Lasso soon. They talk about how Jolivia take turns taking care of the kids and that he’s dating Keeley.
Jul 6 (Tue): Article and pap pics of Louis debuting his long hair to the press and greeting fans while signing autographs outside the studio. Article is positive, light, and mentions his record-breaking livestream last December (link).
Articles about Holivia’s “romantic” Italian getaway & how well Jolivia are co-parenting
July 7 (Wed): Louis is seen watching the EURO games with friends, including Oli, Eleanor, hot Luke, Alana, Ella (E’s bff), Ella’s bf and more (videos here, here, here, and here, pics here, here, here and here).
Articles about Holivia’s “steamy” kiss and “romantic yacht dance” on their Italian vacation
July 8 (Thur): New pictures and Page 6 exclusive of Holivia on the yacht. They try to distort the timeline and say it’s a different day, when it’s all from the same day. Emphasis of articles is on how hot shirtless Harry Styles is kissing Olivia (link).
And another Page 6 exclusive about Holivia being “holed up at a romantic luxury resort in Porto Ercole”.
July 9 (Fri): Super Hi post a video of Louis recording LT2 at the studio (link). And a fan posts pictures with Louis outside the studio (pics here and here).
Louis posts a video for BSL “sign of the day” challenge (link). Isabella Signs says that all she did to get Louis to film the video of him signing “singer” in BSL was ask him (link).
More articles about hot shirtless Harry Styles kissing Olivia in Italy.
Articles about Jason throwing the 1st pitch at a baseball game with his kids come out.
July 10 (Sat): Louis is seen with Oli and hot Luke at a EURO soccer village in London drinking beer and having fun. A fan reports that he smelled gooooood (pics here, here, here, here, here, here and here; videos here, here and here).
Some articles about Holivia kissing in Italy and Jason with the kids at the baseball game.
July 11 (Sun): Louis is seen attending the EURO final at Wembley with Eleanor (pics), and spotted walking among fans in the streets of London (video and pics here).
Article about Jason and Keeley being a couple.
July 12 (Mon): Exclusive 369 merch is sent out to fans (link).
Articles about Ted Lasso’s “overwhelming” reception.
July 13 (Tue): Jason is the cover of GQ and he confirms he and Onlivia broke up in November 2020, that he hit rock bottom, but has “chosen to land like an Avanger” and is moving on and “not heartbroken”. He says he “still doesn’t have clarity” in regards to their breakup. He also got 20 Emmy nominations for Ted Lasso, which were announced today in a move of HIGHLY calculated timing and PR (link).
July 14 (Wed): Love On Tour is rescheduled to start September 2nd 2021 only in the US. Canada dates are cancelled (link here, and here).
Louis’ DC and NY tour dates are rescheduled (they had been rescheduled a long time ago but many fans didn’t notice) (link).
Articles about Jason’s GQ interview - focus is on his split from Olivia.
July 15 (Thur): Harry likes Gemma’s post on IG (link).
Article about Olivia being focused on co-parenting and how she’ll always do what’s best for her kids (link).
Jason attends the Ted Lasso premiere in LA.
July 16 (Fri): Olivia is papped going to the gym in NY (link).
Deuxmoi expands on trashy tabloid rumors that Holivia getting engaged/married in Italy is a real possibility (link).
Articles about the rumor that Harry and Olivia got married in Italy.
Articles about Jason attending Ted Lasso’s premiere on the 15th, wearing a shirt supporting black English soccer players who faced racist abuse after England’s EUROs loss (article link).
Articles about Jason wearing a bracelet his daughter made him that spells out “daddy” to the Ted Lasso premiere (article link).
July 17 (Sat): Harry is papped arriving in LA (video and pics here).
Jojo pics says a friend saw Harry getting his covid-19 vaccine in London (link).
Fans post a video of them meeting Louis at the beach (video and pics here and here). Another fan claims Louis was close to her work (link).
Eleanor posts picture where Louis’ leg can be seen at a rocky beach (link).
Olivia and her daughter get their nails done in NY  according to Deuxmoi (link). Deuxmoi posts a ‘spotted’ post about Olivia being seen at the Fort Greene farmers market in NY (link).
Articles about Jason wearing a shirt supporting black English soccer players. 
July 18 (Sun): Articles about Ted Lasso.
July 19 (Mon): Olivia is papped arriving in LA, pics and video are released. In the video they ask her about ‘online rumors’ that her and Harry already got married, and what her ring size is. She replies that she isn’t “ever gonna talk to you guys” (link). Article is also released (link).
Deuxmoi posts a ‘spotted’ post about Olivia with her daughter Daisy getting their nails done in NY allegedly on the 17th. They claim they could see both of them smile (even tho they were wearing masks) and dance to WS and her daughter mentions Harry (link).
Jason is papped arriving in NYC with an avocado plush toy after being away on a Ted Lasso press tour (article link). And more articles about Ted Lasso.
July 20 (Tue): Deuxmoi posts story claiming that Holivia “are very serious” and that “word is they’ve talked about” getting engaged/married. She also posted a story about Jeff Azoff (link).
Jason is papped wearing a tie-dye sweater in NY and goes on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (link). More articles about Ted Lasso and Jason’s anti-racism support.
July 21 (Wed): Article drops clarifying Jason is not dating Keeley and is, in fact, single, and seen out at a bar with friends and model Irina Shayk (link). More articles about Ted Lasso and Jason’s anti-racism support, as well as articles about Jason playing with puppies on GQ.
Articles about Olivia “responding to Harry Styles marriage rumors”.
July 22 (Thur): Louis says on Twitter that he lost his phone during the EUROs, and tweets from an Iphone (link here and here).
Eleanor posts video of Bruce swimming at the pool in Louis’ public house and a picture of herself at the house (link).
Olivia is papped getting coffee in LA (link).
Articles about Olivia “responding to Harry Styles marriage rumors”.
Jason goes on the Today show. More articles about Ted Lasso and Jason’s anti-racism support.
July 23 (Fri): One Direction’s 11th anniversary! Louis thanks fans on twitter (link).
Unseen video of One Direction, shot by Cal Aurand in 2012 is released (video link).
Article about Olivia getting coffee in LA on the 22nd drops (link).
Olivia posts a picture on her IG story at the Dumbo Soho House and says that DWD is nearing the end of picture-lock (link). Picture is likely old.
More articles about Ted Lasso.
July 24 (Sat): More articles about Ted Lasso.
July 25 (Sun): LTHQ announces a giveaway for Walls vinyls (link).
Fan posts screenshots of Harry’s knees in Italy likely between June 18-30th 2021 (link).
Deuxmoi posts a ‘spotted’ post about Olivia getting coffee in LA on the 22nd (link).
Olivia is papped alone in LA (link).
More articles about Ted Lasso.
July 26 (Mon): Deuxmoi posts about Olivia facetiming Harry from a coffee shop in NYC using her back camera, calling her a “boomer” (link).
Article about Olivia being seen alone in LA, and how she’s working on coparenting with Jason, and that she’ll do whatever it takes for her kids. Pics likely from the 25th (link).
More articles about Ted Lasso.
July 27 (Tue): “Article” exclusive with US Weekly about Holivia being so free and having an “ease” to their relationship - justifying them spending little time together (link).
Article calling Olivia a boomer for facetiming with her back camera.
More articles about Ted Lasso.
July 28 (Wed): Louis drops his “summer drop” merch (link).
The Xfactor gets permanently cancelled (link).
More articles about Ted Lasso.
July 29 (Thur): Louis announces The Away from Home Festival in London (link). Articles about The Away From Home Festival (link, link).
July 30 (Fri): Louis liked tweets by bands ‘Johnny Took’ and ‘The Lathums’ (link).
Articles about The Away From Home Festival (link, link, link).
Walls reentered the Official Charts (link).
“Article” about Harry being “obsessed” with his relationship with Olivia and turning into her puppy dog who follows her everywhere (link).
Olivia is pictured in NY via her and her PA’s IG stories (pics).
July 31 (Sat): Harry is spotted in a coffee shop in LA in the morning. He is with his friends Reesh (srilankansunshine) and Al Shearer (pics and video links).
Deuxmoi reposts screenshot and video of Harry at the coffee shop. As well as a message from someone claiming that Harry was working on new music at a studio (link).
Deuxmoi posts (on Aug 1) a ‘spotted’ reel in which Olivia is seen with her kids at Empire Diner in Chelsea NY, as well as walking with her kids there (link). Jason was seen at a baseball game in NY. Dates are uncertain, alleged to be the 31st, but could be 26-31st.
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swiftgronmasterpost · 3 years
Late Stage Swiftgron Part 2 (things get loud with babe):
April 18, 2018 - Dianna posts to Instagram about “commitment issues”:
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April 20, 2018 - Babe (a song that Taylor wrote in the Red era) about a lover with shall we say “commitment issues”.
Later when the Babe music video is released people (even non Gaylors) notice that it is nearly a shot for shot remake of the I’m Not The Only One music video that Dianna starred in back in 2014. 
What’s more psychotic is that the song Babe itself is only three minutes and 35 seconds long:
But the music video has had a full minute and 4 seconds to it to make it the exact same length as the I’m Not The Only One music video. I do think that this is pretty hard evidence that Dianna did step out on Taylor at some point back in 2012.  I do not think, however, that it was the chronic issue that the fandom seems to think it was.  This is the only song that appears to be about Dianna that accuses her of cheating.  The breakup songs on 1989 do not insinuate that the relationship ended due to cheating.  In fact, in Style Taylor says “I’ve been there too a few times” when it comes to being with other people.
I actually theorize that the track was not released on Red because Taylor wrote it while upset and hurt, and then they reconciled and worked it out.  I think Taylor didn’t release it at the time because she forgave Dianna for the indiscretion and they moved on from it as a couple.  I think in her heart of hearts at the time Taylor did not want to put Dianna “on blast” that way.
I think down the road in 2018 they’re obviously long broken up, and have long moved on from the slights of old and Taylor let Dianna know she was going to release the song.  Dianna’s “commitment issues” post makes it seem as if it’s a bit of an inside joke between them and Dianna is poking fun at herself and the old and forgiven incident.  At least that’s how the situation reads to me.
Taylor posts a cute video talking about the song with a cheeky smile and a heart to ig:
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Another theory I’ve been mulling over is the possibility that Dianna and Taylor hooked up some time in 2018 prompting Taylor to paint herself as the other woman (as Dianna would be cheating on Winston making Taylor the other woman) in the mv.  There’s no hard evidence for it but it’s possible...
June 6, 2018 - Dianna posts a now deleted selfie and rant about how amazing KIlling Eve is (this post was deleted late summer/early fall 2020 for no apparent reason):
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It’s probably a coincidence but her shirt reads, “SANS SOLEIL” which means, “without sun” in French.  Karlie is known as “sunshine” in the Gaylor Swift Cinematic Universe.
June 9, 2018 - The aforementioned Babe music video is released 
Let me show you just how similar this music video is to I’m Not the Only One:
first, you should know that YES taylor came up with the concept for the music video:
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the second thing you should know is that the babe track is 3 minutes and 35 seconds long but the babe music video is 4 minutes and 39 seconds long:
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you know what else is EXACTLY 4 minutes and 39 seconds long?
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that’s right…the music video that she’s basically copying in the babe mv that starred dianna way back in 2014
opening shot:
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kiss goodbye (at almost the same timestamp):
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similar shots at the same timestamp:
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and again:
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and again (these are also basically the stills used for the mv before you click play):
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both women driving at the same fucking timestamp (y’all taylor swift is insane holy shit):
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in the store shopping at the same fucking timestamp no she is literally unwell someone get her into a facility now:
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cheating happens at the same timestamp (seriously tay get help✌️):
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here’s another similar shot of my babies at the same timestamp;
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cheating husband coming home, same timestamp:
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very similar shot of the husbands walking up to the door at the same fucking timestamp (i get it taylor you’re laughing at us from the prison cell now):
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similarities that happen at different timestamps
wifey drinking out by the pool:
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wifey fiddling with ring:
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cheaters drinking it up together:
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wifies drinking it up as well (several times both in the mv):
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wives do away with the husband’s clothes (Dianna burns them while jennifer dumps them outside in the front lawn):
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Pretty much the only thing that’s different about the music videos is the ending.  the babe cheater gets dumped while dianna takes her cheater back but ofc we know how taylor likes to change the endings (like she did with love story) or at least to try to change the ending (peter losing wendy).
July 13, 2018 - Taylor visits home and posts to IG with the lyric from style “Take me home” as the caption:
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Taylors on the Rep tour and we get this series of surprise songs I consider to be Dianna songs:
“Ours” - Foxborough, MA July 28th
“Out of The Woods” - Toronto, Canada August 3rd (Karlie’s birthday)
“Come Back… Be Here”- Toronto, Canada August 4th (august 4th 2014 Taylor wears one of the Style mv outfits)
“This Love” - Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 10
These shows are all in succession I think it could be a coincidence or perhaps Taylor’s reaction to Karlie’s engagement announced on July 24, 2018...
August 25, 2018 - Karlie shows up to rep tour in Nashville and Taylor plays Better Man 💀
August 31, 2018 - secret song is Swiftgron “Begin Again”
February 24, 2019 - Swiftgron reunion? at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party both Dianna and Taylor are there and they both post to Instagram about it(Dianna posts two days later):
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She also comments to a friend that they stayed out until 3AM.
Taylor’s post:
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March 7, 2019 - Dianna sees Fleabag at SoHo House:
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April 9, 2019 - Dianna posts with a caption about being 13 years old, unrequited love, and 143 in reference to the show Pen15:
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June 14, 2019 - Taylor adds “Woman” by Mumford and Sons to her ME! playlist - the song is rumored to be about Dianna written by her (now ex) husband Winston Marshall:
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September 7, 2019 - Taylor is noted to be at a Fleabag performance in London at the at Wyndham Theater.
September 23, 2019 - Dianna posts about Phoebe Waller Bridge (who wrote Fleabag, and EPs Killing Eve among other things):
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October 5, 2019 - SNL!!!!! - Taylor is the musical guest on SNL while Phoebe Waller Bridge hosts and DIANNA IS IN ATTENDANCE with a VIP guest pass (can only be granted by a cast member, host, or musical guest) and also noted to be “in Swift’s inner circle” at the afterparty:
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Taylor performs Lover:
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And with huge lesbian energy she also performs False God:
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(if it weren’t for DIanna showing up at SNL I probably wouldn’t have even gotten interested in Swiftgron so you have this holy night to thank for my blog @swiftgron-get-married​ as well as this timeline!)
A blog contributor reached out to someone (non-biased, I know some Kaylors reported that DIanna was there for PWB but that isn’t what this person said) who was at the performance on Twitter and this is what they had to say about the night:
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“Dianna was definitely paying attention”
Other fan reports state that Dianna made a face when Taylor sang “magnetic force of a man”:
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December 13, 2019 (Taylor’s 30th Birthday) - Dianna adds the song Got It Bad (which is an incredibly sensual song) to a Playlist entitled T 2017 on her private spotify account Some time in late 2019/early 2020 - Ashley (re)follows Dianna on Instagram February 2020 - Dianna and Taylor are both in London at the same time
Click here to keep reading!
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yourangle-yuordevil · 8 months
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Crowley bby you did your best and you deserves a gold "you tried" star but a group of two is NOT a clear definition AT ALL
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brstudios · 3 years
I wrote a ficlet this morning! It focuses on the scene of Crowley drinking his pain away at the bar, from the POV of the bartender. (Don't worry, it's very soft.)
“Another one!”
This phrase is as familiar to you as the rattle of the door when a patron walks in. What isn’t familiar is this bespectacled fellow, who appears to be on quite the bender.
Still, you’re a professional, so you fetch another bottle of whiskey for the dapper red-haired gentleman and bring it to his table. 
You can’t help but notice how expensive the man’s clothing is.
Or the fact that he’s been sitting there, alone, for several hours. 
It was rather early on a Saturday to be drinking so heavily, but you suppose the man must need it. After all, the eyes behind those tinted glasses look a bit puffy. Perhaps he was going through a breakup, or a divorce? 
It was impossible to tell, and it's not your place to ask. You are, after all, just the bartender. 
All the same, you feel the need to watch over this man. The more he drinks, the more he talks to empty air. He’s too far away for you to hear everything he says, but what you do hear is, frankly, somewhat bizarre. 
Falling from Heaven? Lucifer? Something about a pool of boiling sulfur?
It's all nonsensical babbling, of course, undoubtedly brought on by the extraordinary amounts of alcohol the man was consuming. You almost have to admire him for still being conscious. He is, after all, only rambling like that because he doesn’t want to cry in public; you can hear it in his voice.
Not long into the second bottle, though, you can’t help but notice a shift in the man’s behavior. He begins to talk more loudly, even to squint and gesture, at no one in particular. He even waves around an old green book with singed edges.
Oh the poor thing, you think. He’s really lost it.
Abruptly, he goes quiet.
Then he grabs the book, stands up so quickly that he knocks his chair over, and nearly sprints for the door.
Startled, you open your mouth to call out to him (a Mr. Crowley, you believe?) - ah, but then you see the small, folded stack of cash resting on the table. Even from behind the counter, you can tell that there’s more than enough to cover his tab.
Even so, something in your gut tells you that something isn’t right. What was it?
Ah, yes: the car keys. 
An exceptionally drunk man was about to get behind the wheel of a car. 
As a decent bartender (and person, overall), you just can’t allow that. Wiping your hands on your apron, you hurry to follow Mr. Crowley. He did seem to be in quite a rush; perhaps you can at least convince him to take a taxi?
A cloud of exhaust fumes greets you when you swing the door open, and you cough slightly. 
Just barely, you catch a glimpse of an antique black car as it speeds down the road, around a corner, and out of sight.
You stand there for a moment, dumbfounded by this highly unusual string of events.
Eventually, you shake your head and go back inside to clear up the man’s table. The money he’d left behind was double the amount owed; you might’ve just earned the biggest tip of your entire barkeeping career. 
It would cover your bills for the rest of the month, almost exactly. You can’t help but wonder about that. But surely it was just a coincidence.
You never see Mr. Crowley at the bar again, but in the weeks that follow, you often find yourself thinking of him.
You wonder what happened to him that day. You wonder why he was so sad.
You wonder if he’s still sad.
Still, you have your own life and your own problems, and you dutifully tend to them. But that strange man, in his strange clothes, with his strange eyes, is never too far from your thoughts.
Then, one day, as you run errands about Soho, you happen to pass by an antique book shop. It looks old-fashioned, but appears to be in good repair and is curiously charming. You don’t dwell on it long - you have things to do today.
However, as you pass by the front doors, a shock of familiar red catches your eye, and you stop.
Did you just imagine it?
Unable to help it, you step closer and peer through the window. 
At first, there’s nothing. Then, from behind a shelf further in, steps none other than Mr. Crowley.
Not far behind him is a slightly shorter, portly older man in a worn-out velvet vest and camelhair coat.
His face is round and bright like the sun, the blue eyes twinkling. Just looking at him makes you feel warm and safe, like all is right in this corner of the world. 
When he smiles, so does Mr. Crowley.
And so do you.
Merry Christmas :)
@neil-gaiman if you read this, I hope you like it.
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ayla-221bee · 4 years
Mystade Shades of Purple Chapter 2
  Link to chapter one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24986056/chapters/60493702#workskin  and https://hogwartsjaguar97.tumblr.com/post/622435736610914304/mystrade-pride-fic-shades-of-purple-aka-the
   Soho 1989  
 It had been about a year since he had that wonderful kiss in a sidestreet in Soho with a stranger and Greg had not been able to get it out of his head.
   Greg had kissed other people in the past six or so months since that evening, both men and women,  but they felt rather empty compared to the kiss he had with Mycroft.  He liked the kisses that they had with those strangers in clubs but they weren’t the same, there wasn’t the same spark between him and the person who he kissed.
 The kisses that he had exchanged with old girlfriends and strangers before Mycroft didn’t feel that exciting. Greg spent hours thinking about that kiss in Soho and he often wondered why it could never leave his mind. He knew that it was somewhat juvenile to think of a kiss as special...but it was.
 Greg wasn’t sure if it was because it was his first kiss with a man or it was the alcohol that made it so thrilling. It might have been the fact that he had been so nervous even stepping into that bar in Soho and he had the feeling that he was doing something rather rebellious, going against the norm. It was half the reason why Greg considered his bisexuality to be somewhat ‘cool,’ other than the fact that he was in the same club as Bowie and Freddy Mercury.
 Greg found it somewhat impossible to move on from that kiss, no matter how many times he tried. He knew that he did tend to fall quickly and hard, and he had not been able to shake off the fragility of his teenage years when it came to matters of the heart.
 He had moped for days after his date with Mycroft had gotten cancelled last minute. He had been so excited and incredibly nervous to go out with Mycroft. He had spent ages picking something to wear, the best way to style his hair, and he spent far too long debating about the best way to greet Mycroft and if he was meant to bring flowers or not.
 It was through a phone call from Mycroft the evening before their date that had put an end to Greg’s plans. He usually loved his phone calls with Mycroft, they had at least two of them a week since they had met. They were often the highlight of Greg’s week when the two of them talked about everything and nothing.  
 Greg hadn’t been that keen on phone calls after the last one that he had exchanged with Mycroft. He tended to associate them with disappointment after the date had been cancelled.
 Mycroft sounded positively upset, almost disappointed as he spoke on the phone, he tried to hide it and put on a bit of a ‘telephone voice,’ that sounded posher than how he normally talked.  He could tell that Mycroft was heavily burdened with something, he tried to ask what was wrong and Mycroft changed the subject, furiously denying that something was wrong before apologising once more about changing the plans.
         He hung up the phone shortly with the vague promise that they would arrange another day. Putting down the phone felt a bit too final for Greg’s liking and the goodbye that they shared felt a bit too permanent for Greg’s liking.
 He had only known Mycroft for a few weeks through one kiss and countless hours on the phone and  somehow Mycroft had managed to leave a permanent imprint on Greg that seemed impossible to move on from.
 Greg smoked two cigarettes to build up the courage to walk into the club in Soho.
         He could hardly understand why he felt so nervous, it wasn’t as if it was his first time in the club these days. It had been the first time he had been in months, his girlfriend didn’t like it when he went out to clubs and he had stopped going to keep her happy.
           Kate didn’t like the idea of him looking at other women and Greg didn’t think that she would be exactly thrilled to catch him looking at a bloke.  He hadn’t told her that he liked men and he kept it hidden deep like an old jacket in the back of the wardrobe.
 It wasn’t as if he was ashamed of being bisexual, he found the fact so unimportant. He never went around telling people who he fancied what hand he wrote with and he didn’t tell people that he was bisexual. It was a pointless bit of information that only mattered to him and no one else.
 At one point in the five months of his relationship with Kate, Greg wondered if his bisexuality was a phase. He felt as if he had forgotten that he liked men at one point in his efforts of fitting in with other couples and pretending to be straight.  He felt as if he didn’t really fit in with them, almost as if he was an outsider as he had been with men right before his relationship with Kate.
 He put the thought out of his head as quickly as it arrived once a good looking bartender caught his eye.
 Greg scuffed his cigarette out with his boot and sauntered into the club with great ease despite not being there for months.  
 He couldn’t even understand why he felt so nervous, it wasn’t as if the security by the door would ask him about his dating history before they let him, or the bar staff would refuse to serve him once they found out that he had not long ended a relationship with his girlfriend.
 Greg ordered himself a drink, stood by the edge of the bar and allowed himself to enjoy the music.  He knew that after a drink or two, he would be on the dance floor amongst the large group of men dancing to Dead or Alive and Culture Club, it would be the perfect way to recover after a disastrous breakup.
 Greg made his way to the dance floor and allowed himself to get lost in the music. The Smiths had never been his favourite thing to dance but Greg did not care, he needed to dance and escape the real world for a bit.  This song and being in this club were the only things that mattered.
 After dancing to two songs, someone across the bar caught his eye.  It had been about a year since he had last seen Mycroft and months since their date was cancelled the day before, but  Greg was thrilled to see him regardless. Greg wasn’t too sure if it was the alcohol that was talking but honestly couldn’t care.
 Mycroft nodded in acknowledgement and shot him a shy grin across the bar once he had caught his eye.
 He tried to give Mycroft his best inviting grin as he made himself to the bar, swaying to the music as he walked.
 “Fancy seeing you here,” Greg said with a grin as Mycroft approached him. “I thought that gay bars weren’t your thing? What brings you here tonight?”
 “I do like the music,” Mycroft said with a sheepish expression on his face. “I was wondering if I could buy you a drink? It is the least that I can do after the last time we talked.”
 Greg nodded enthusiastically, he had never been someone who turned down a drink.  “I’ll have the same as you.”
 Mycroft nodded and braved the packed bar and eventually came back with two glasses in his hands. “I ended up with rum instead of whisky, I hope that you don’t mind.”
 Greg happily accepted the glass that was pushed into his hand and he huddled up close to Mycroft, partly to hear him better. “How is university?” Greg asked, rather unsure about what he was meant to say. “I suppose that it was crazy enough that you had to cancel all those months ago.”
 Mycroft grimaced and sighed before he spoke. “I can assure you that I did not want to cancel on you. I am surprised that you were happy to see me, then again, going by that dancing of yours, I assume that you might be somewhat intoxicated.”
 Greg raised an eyebrow and removed his glass from his lips. “I am not that drunk,” he said. “Am I not allowed to be happy to see you?”
 “No one is usually happy to see me,” Mycroft replied.
 “Well, I’m glad to be the first one,” Greg said with a smile.
 He was pushed close into Mycroft’s side as someone shoved past him to get to the bar. Greg didn’t move away and stayed in close, Mycroft didn’t seem to mind too much.  He scanned Mycroft up and down   taking him all in, making Mycroft blush slightly as he noticed. “You look really good,” he said into Mycroft’s ear. “I like your shirt.”
 “I like your hair,” Mycroft said somewhat awkwardly as if he had never really complimented someone before.  “You make me think of James Dean when you have that jacket on. The earring is new.”
 Greg ran his hand through his hair and shuffled in closer. “Have you come here to find someone? Anyone caught your eye?”
 Mycroft took in a deep breath and took a long sip of his drink for courage before he nodded.  “I do not think that he might be interested...We were meant to be going out for dinner before I regretfully had to cancel.”
 Greg finished off his drink and grabbed Mycroft’s hand before the other had much a chance to respond. “You can have a dance with me and we’ll see what happens.”
 “I do not dance,”  Mycroft said. “I have never danced in my life and I will never dance.”
 He did not let go out his hand despite his protests and allowed Greg to drag him to the dance floor. He stood there somewhat awkwardly, swaying to the music as Greg started to dance.
 “God, I love this song,” Greg said loudly that Mycroft could hear him. “Come one, have some fun and let your hair down. I reckon that you are too serious.”
 “I am capable of having fun,” Mycroft protested.
         “It’s impossible not to have fun when you are on a dance floor with good looking blokes,” Greg teased, pulling Mycroft in close. “You are the best-looking one.”
 Mycroft snorted loudly and shook his head. “You must be very drunk.”
 Greg pulled him in close and shook his head. There was a slight buzz from the alcohol but it was pleasant. The atmosphere of the club, the music and being with Mycroft was responsible for his good mood than the alcohol. He had needed this so badly after being in a disastrous relationship.
 “We don’t have to dance,” he said to Mycroft once the song had ended. Mycroft seemed to enjoy watching him dance than actually wanting to dance himself and swayed awkwardly to the music.
 “I told you that I couldn’t dance,” Mycroft said into his ear. “You are a fantastic dancer, everyone is watching you.”
 Greg cast an eye around the room and turned his attention back to Mycroft. “I haven’t been dancing in a while, my  girlfriend didn’t like it.”
 Mycroft looked him up and down and bit his bottom lip, he looked rather deep in thought. “Would this girlfriend mind if I bought you another drink? Or if I took you somewhere else?”
 Greg wrapped his arm around Mycroft’s waist and attempted to sway with him to the music in the attempt to get him to ‘dance,’ with him. “I’m unattached,” Greg murmured. “I would very much like another drink with you. Where are you thinking about going?”
 “Another dance and we can see where the night takes us?” Mycroft suggested with a grin.
 “I don’t normally do anything like this,” Mycroft murmured, grinning, as he ran his fingers through Greg’s hair. “I did not expect to see you at the club tonight.”
 Greg leaned back against the headboard and traced his fingers along with constellation like freckles on Mycroft’s arm. It was impossible not to smile back. He had the odd feeling that the earth had turned a certain way for them to meet up again. He did briefly wonder if it was fate. He had always been a bit of a romantic.
 “What would you have done if you didn’t see me then?” Greg asked with a grin. “Just listened to the music?”
 Mycroft let out a chuckle and Greg couldn’t help but join in. “I suppose that I would have done that and gone to bed for ten. I did not plan to go out tonight.”
 Greg stretched out on the bed and ran his hand along Mycroft’s thigh that was covered by the duvet, and pressed a kiss on the outside of his wrist. “You must have done something right for fate to bring us together and to spend the early hours of the morning getting shagged.”
 Mycroft wrinkled his nose in disgust and rolled his eyes good naturally. “‘Shag,’ is such a common word, Gregory,” he lightly scolded.
         “You did say worse things earlier on,” Greg smirked. “I did not expect those words to come out of a mouth like yours. I didn’t think that posh boys even knew words like that.”
 “I’m full of surprises,” Mycroft grinned. “I suppose that this does make up for last year?”
 Greg shrugged and played with Mycroft’s long fingers, he felt the need for a cigarette but he had finished off his box before he entered the club.  “What even made you cancel? University deadlines?”
 Mycroft worried his bottom lip between his teeth and shook his head, dismissing him. “Nothing for you to worry about. I doubt that you would understand.”
 “What wouldn’t I-”
 He silenced off Greg’s question by crowding him against the headboard and kissed him, teasing.  “I am just really glad that you were willing to forgive  me and that you happened to be in the club tonight.”
 He ran a long-fingered hand up  Greg’s thigh and hummed into the kiss. Greg’s hands gravitated towards his arse. It was the lushest arse that he had ever seen on someone. Greg wondered if fate was doing him a favour tonight.
         “I’m very glad that decided to have a bit of fun and have a dance with me” Greg smirked. “You are very forgiven.”
 Mycroft almost had a rather tender expression on his face and placed a hand on his cheek. Greg felt a jolt inside him almost as if the atoms in his body had been rearranged. It would have frightened him in any other situation.
 “Me too,” Mycroft murmured, “I rarely let myself have any fun.”
 He let out an undignified squeak when Greg suddenly flipped him over onto his back. It broke into a breathy chuckle as Greg started to press kisses from the scattering of freckles on his nose and started to work his way down.
 It was a loud ringing of the phone that loudly taken Greg out of the moment that he was in. He had hoped that Mycroft was going to ignore it,  but Mycroft had worked his way from under him and slipped a dressing gown on before Greg could hardly think about what planet he was on.
 He could hear Mycroft talk on the phone in a low and serious voice. He sighed several times and sounded so exhausted from what Greg could make out on the phone.
         Greg tried to position himself on the bed in a more dignified position when he walked back in. Mycroft looked as if he had aged several years in the two minutes that he had been on the phone and he started to flatten down his very ruffled hair.  
         “Is everything alright?” Greg asked with a frown, he pushed back his fringe from where it had flopped down over one eye.
 Mycroft started to collect their clothes from the floor and organised their items into two piles in the bed. “You need to go, “ he murmured. “I am so sorry.”
 Greg stood up from the bed and put on a clean pair of boxers that Mycroft had shoved in his direction. “Is your boyfriend coming home or something?”
 Mycroft looked up at him as if he had told a joke and let out a humourless chuckle. His posture was unnaturally stiff as if he was propped up to a metal pole.  “That would be an easier situation to deal with.”
 He started to pull on his clothes that managed to stay relatively crease-free despite being tossed on the floor earlier on. His eyes were calculating and he seemed to be lost in his own world as he worried his bottom lip between his teeth.
 “What’s happening then?” Greg asked, “You were fine a moment ago.”
 “And I’m fine now,” Mycroft said briskly. “Thank you.”
 “Are you seriously going to do this again?” Greg asked as he shoved the last pieces of clothing on. “I don’t mind you blowing me off once but twice.”
 Mycroft sighed and sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands. “This is not my own choice,” he murmured.  “I have enjoyed the night we had but -”
 “You don’t think it’s a good idea?” Greg answered for him, somewhat bitter. “Are you even going to call me ?”
 Mycroft fastened up his trousers and sighed. “My situation would not allow me to have a relationship even if I wanted to. I do like you, Greg.”
 The words fluttered in Greg’s stomach teasingly. He tried to not let himself get caught up in the moment as he knew that he would be severely disappointed. “What is the situation?”
 “You wouldn’t understand.”
 “I’m a very good listener,” Greg countered. “I doubt that it is that bad.”
         Mycroft seemed to consider it for a moment,  the words ‘my brother,’ fell out of his mouth but he had quickly closed his mouth again and shook his head.  “I had a really good night with you,” Mycroft tried to smile but it did not reach his eyes. “I think that in another world  we could be very happy together but the timing isn’t there.”
 “I could wait for you,” Greg replied. “I think you are just scared. You know that this a good thing that we’ve got going on and you are running away.”
 “I thought that you were a police constable and not a psychologist,” Mycroft snapped before he apologised with a sigh.
 Greg shook his head and scolded himself for getting wrapped up with someone who had already ditched him before. He knew that things wouldn’t happen between him and Mycroft, they seemed to come into difficulty from the moment they met. He didn’t even know Mycroft’s name in the first night they met.
 “Your loss,” Greg shrugged as he shoved his jacket on.
         “This isn’t my choice,” Mycroft sighed. “My life  is...complicated.”
 “Isn’t life meant to be ?” Greg countered. “I think that you need to have a friend at least, someone who you could talk to.”
 Mycroft seemed to consider it for a long moment and sighed. He reached out his wallet and pulled out some money and placed it in Greg’s pocket when he refused to take it. It made him feel rather cheap.
 “It is for a taxi home,” Mycroft said. “I am truly sorry. I do like you and I cannot drag you into this mess.”
 Greg pushed back his hair and sighed. “You can phone me if you want,” he said. “I think that you do need a friend...I’m willing to be that for you.”
 Mycroft perched on the bed and looked rather small, the confidence that he had in the club seemed non-existent. He bent down and kissed him goodbye, he had the odd feeling that it would be the last time that he would see Mycroft.
 Greg straightened himself out and sighed. “I will see you around, yeah?” he murmured.  
 It took all of Greg’s strength to leave Mycroft’s flat that evening.
     Mycroft didn’t know what inspired him to go to the club that night, he had never enjoyed clubs. He didn’t even really enjoy the music that was being played.
 A part of him hoped that he would have seen Greg.  He had always kept an eye out for him on the rare occasion that he felt brave enough to venture down to Soho and when his burdens had lifted from his shoulders slightly.
 He hadn’t seen in Greg in a long time, he had assumed that he had managed to get himself a girlfriend or a boyfriend and it had put his days in the club to an end.  He knew that there would be a snowflake’s chance in hell that something would happen between them.   His happiness did not even have a priority in his own life.
         Mycroft tried to let himself enjoy the night, allow himself to get caught up in the music and forget about his own life for several hours. Each time he had walked into Soho, he always realised how much that he needed a night like this.
 One night where his biggest concern was about the music that they were playing in the club and what he was going to drink. A night where he did not have to be the adult that he pretended to be.
 A night where he could be himself for several hours and pretend to be somewhat ordinary, unburdened by the work on his desk and attempting to help his little brother who did not want to be helped or care for himself. A night away from parents who disapproved of him and were happily ignorant about what their youngest son got up to.
 He needed a night away from that burden but he would snap back into reality the moment that his pager buzzed or if the phone rang.
 He tried to enjoy the music, he normally would not care for The Smiths in the real world, but right now, they were his favourite band. He never really understood the lyrics of ‘      Panic’     before in the real world, but tonight, they spoke to him.
 He looked over at the dance floor and he felt his heart twinge and his stomach flutter at the sight of Greg dancing away without a care in the world. Mycroft had never cared much about dancing before but he found himself more willing to dance if Greg asked him to.
 Greg stopped dancing for a moment and grinned when he saw him, pushing his hair away from his eyes. He beckoned him over the to the bar as he danced.
 Mycroft thought for a long moment, finished off his drink and ran his hand through his hair before he made his way to the bar.                  How could he have refused?
 He knew that there was only so many chances in life he could take and he did know when it would end or have the opportunity to have a good time.  Tonight almost felt limitless.
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Choices (they’re usually the Serpent’s thing, but the Angel tries his hand with them, too)
CW: mentions of suicide/ideation
After getting discorporated, Aziraphale asks Crowley whether he went to Alpha Centauri despite knowing that Crowley can’t be anywhere but on Earth right now (Aziraphale navigated his way from Heaven using an actual planet Earth globe).
Then he indicates that he needs Agnes Nutter’s book even though he likely doesn’t actually need Agnes Nutter’s book for his own purposes (he tells Crowley to get the book, but he’s also able to find his way to the airbase without the book, he’s able to tell Crowley to go to the airbase without the book, and then Crowley brings the book and immediately gives it back to Anathema; Aziraphale does not protest, and it’s really only a matter of good luck that he managed to grab Agnes Nutter’s final prophecy as it floated by).
Aziraphale could have skipped the song and dance about Alpha Centauri, and about needing his book, and skipped straight to “Hallo, please meet me at Tadfield Airbase.” But he DIDN’T. These smaller asks are gentle hints, ways of trying to probe whether Crowley is still willing to help him out after those two enormous fights they just had.
AND. He probably already knows the answers. He probably knows Crowley will always help out. Aziraphale still wants to give Crowley a choice before getting him involved in confronting the Antichrist directly. I am not quite sure whether he’s doing it for more selfless reasons (purely wanting to let Crowley be safe) or self-centered ones (wanting to reassure himself that he’s been chosen). I suspect, though, that it’s both.
At the Tadfield bus stop, too, Aziraphale suggesting that the bus driver should drop him off at the bookshop is another request for Crowley to make a choice. He may or may not remember that the bookshop is gone, but even if he thinks it’s still there, I don’t think he wants to go there alone; if that was the case, then the timing of the statement would be rather awkward, maybe even unnecessary. This is to say nothing of Aziraphale’s facial expressions, which practically shout “this is not just about the bus ride!”.
I think by saying he should have the driver leave him at the bookshop, Aziraphale is stating that he intends to stay here on Earth, but also isn’t sure if perhaps Crowley will deal with his own angry Side by leaving Earth (as Crowley had suggested earlier that day), and he wants to prompt an invitation to stay together but only if Crowley wants to give that invitation (meaning he plans to stay here).
I’ve analyzed the phrase to Hell and back, but it can’t be said enough times: “I don’t think my Side would like that” is another prompt for Crowley. Aziraphale wants to make sure Crowley understands what staying here might mean for both of them (permanent death). Remember, this also comes after the delivery man asks if Aziraphale believes in life after death. “Well, I suppose I must do,” he answers, and gives Crowley a strange, loaded look.
Because that’s what they’re both staring down right now.
We comment about Aziraphale being manipulative, and he certainly can be; he is definitely trying to play a complicated three-sided Chess game with Heaven, Hell, and Earth (I think that’s what the Chess board in his bookshop symbolizes), and he almost never says exactly what he means. But he wants Crowley to genuinely make his own decisions. Every time he hints at wanting Crowley to do him some little favor, Crowley does it...but the hint is based entirely in the assumption that he’ll WANT to do it. Crowley usually has an out.
There are about 3 scenes when Aziraphale specifically does not give Crowley a choice, and these stand out for important reasons as well:
1. 1862, the Holy Water breakup. It’s pretty obvious that this breakup was triggered by Crowley’s willingness to put himself in danger. Aziraphale complains that he’d get in trouble if Heaven found out about the Holy Water, but the Arrangement has been breaking Heaven’s supposed rules for centuries now. Aziraphale just leaves, not giving Crowley a chance to argue.
2. The Bandstand breakup. It was a long and tortured argument, but there were two moments when Aziraphale tried to not give Crowley a choice. First, when they were both refusing to kill the Antichrist, and Crowley was about to walk away, Aziraphale said “You can’t leave, Crowley. There’s nowhere to go.” Second, when Crowley answered that by saying they could both just leave Earth together because they’ve been friends for so long, Aziraphale told Crowley it was unequivocally over.
One could easily say the lack of choice was because Aziraphale was angry at Crowley for not wanting to kill the Antichrist and for not trying hard enough to save the world. But remember, Aziraphale already thinks he has a plot in place for saving the planet. He’s begging Heaven to help, and even if Heaven won’t help, we already saw him making a phone call to move the humans (the “Witchfinder Army”) into position to potentially neutralize the Antichrist. Before coming to meet Crowley he had just had a conversation with Shadwell, the one after which Shadwell called him a Southern pansy.
“You can’t leave,” Aziraphale says, not because he was going to try to force Crowley to kill the Antichrist, but because nowhere on Earth is going to be safe except on Heaven’s side. Especially if nobody is going to kill the Antichrist, which neither of them wants to do.
“There is no Our Side. Not anymore. It’s over,” Aziraphale says when Crowley reveals that there is in fact another possibility, because he is not going to leave Earth and he wants Crowley to make his own decision about where he goes, without Aziraphale. In this case it’s not so much that he’s taking away all choices from Crowley as he is trying to remove himself from the equation so Crowley will make the decision for himself and leave, if necessary. It’s taking away the relationship decision.
So wait, how is that keeping Crowley safe?! Well, it’s because their relationship and Hell’s possible discovery of it is what made Crowley seek a stash of Holy Water. In 1967, when Crowley tried the church heist, Aziraphale knew Crowley was determined to deepen the Arrangement, their relationship, or to die trying.
This whole time, because of that Holy Water request, Aziraphale has been thinking he was the Dangerous Thing, that the hope of being with him is what was causing Crowley to be so careless with his own life. I think at the Bandstand, once he realized Crowley would never be “safe in Heaven’s arms” and also realized he was going to be dying here on Earth if the Antichrist was not neutralized, Aziraphale was hoping if he just removed himself from the picture, disavowed their whole connection for all time, Crowley would finally decide Aziraphale wasn’t worth the trouble.
During the scene in Soho when Crowley asks Aziraphale to run away with him one more time, Hell has finally discovered that Crowley botched the Antichrist situation. Crowley says he’s leaving, and Aziraphale does not make a move to stop him. That sad, resigned expression he wears is probably the face of an angel who doesn’t want to lose his best friend but already thinks that Crowley will be better off without him and should, ideally, be heading for the stars, if he knows what’s good for him.
And then events bring us to Tadfield Airbase.
3. Tadfield Airbase. “Do something, or...or I’m never going to talk to you again!”
The bandstand breakup passes. The bar scene - “I lost my best friend” - is the moment Aziraphale finally, finally realizes Crowley has no self-preservation instinct AT ALL without him. And then he once again gives Crowley the choice to help out. That’s one of the most notable choices he gave Crowley...but he didn’t dawdle over it, because they both already knew the answer. It was important to make it a choice, though.
They find themselves together, with a motley group of humans and the Antichrist, facing down Satan. And Crowley is once again resigned to death.
Aziraphale now knows - and, now that he doesn’t think Heaven is going to help them, is capable of accepting! - that nothing else would compel Crowley like their bond. Aziraphale has been cruel to be kind before, but never like at this moment, when he finally acknowledges the reality of their relationship and forces Crowley to keep fighting, to find some spark of hope or a creative solution somewhere.
Aziraphale thought the Holy Water, if anything, was representative of the threat he posed to Crowley’s life. There are so many ways he was worried about this, from the symbolic reality that Crowley had accepted the importance of their relationship as something that could kill them, that he would defy Hell for, to the literal reality that Crowley could use it to actively kill himself. But in the end, it’s losing Aziraphale that caused Crowley to give up and resign himself to his fate.
It’s getting Aziraphale back that gave him the spark of hope needed to carry on, and after that, Crowley finds faith in both Aziraphale and in Adam and humanity.
By encouraging Eve to eat the apple, Crowley gave humans the ultimate choice, the one that made humans what they are. And in his own way, he’s been giving Aziraphale choices, too - helping Aziraphale understand that no, Heaven’s way isn’t necessarily the only way. For the most part, Aziraphale assumes his role is to preserve the status quo.
However, Aziraphale DOES purposely frame his and Crowley’s relationship as a choice. The only times he doesn’t are times when he thinks there’s a direct threat to Crowley’s safety that can’t be mitigated. This is why the series starts with a shot of Aziraphale’s wing shielding Crowley and ends with a shot in the Ritz that calls back to the very same scene; Aziraphale has been trying to shield Crowley the whole time.
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Love Me Like You Used To (part 2)
AN: Thanks for all the love on this little mini story, y’all! I do ask that if you like my work, please reblog! It’s great to get so many likes, the but the greatest compliment as a writer (imo) is sharing my work! :) 
2.7k of uncertainty
Y/N shifted on her bed uncomfortably as she read the text from Nick.
It was good to see you today.
She didn’t know what to say--mostly because it was good to see him today. It felt good to be with someone who knew her before things felt so out of balance. Y/N read the words another three times before she let her thumbs hover over the screen.
How did she say that to Nick in a way that didn’t seem like she was coming onto him or holding onto something that wasn’t there? Sure, Y/N and Nick had agreed to be friends when they broke up, but it went just as well as it does for most couples. A few texts here and there--liking each other’s instagram posts--until finally, nothing. Their years together faded into a memory, only thought about in rare moments alone.
She typed back: It was good to see you too. Thanks for listening.
She let the phone flop to her bed and wondered about where things had all went wrong. When did her life become one that she didn’t recognize? When did she start to feel so unlike herself?
Her phone buzzed quickly--her immediate thought was that there was clearly nothing left between she and Nick if he was texting back so quickly. If there was, he would have waited a few minutes, you know, make her work for it. But it wasn’t Nick.
It was Harry.
Hope Nick is doing well.
Y/N’s breath hitched in her throat, her heartbeat was suddenly in her ears as she looked up at the clock. Had he seen something online? Had he seen them in person? Was he still living in the West Village?
Again, her thumbs hovered over the screen--but this time, for a different reason. What did she say to the boy who still held her heart in his hands? The boy who likely didn’t love her like she still loved him--despite the six months and the one drunk text between them?
He was angry, the words in his text made that clear.
She typed a few words and backspaced. Typed again, backspaced. Once more, until she stared at the blank message and wondered what it would be like to type her real feelings.
“Hey,” a voice sounded from the doorway--Y/N’s roomate, Nina, poked her head through the door frame. “How was your date with a Jonas Brother?”
Y/N rolled her eyes, flopping back on her bed a little too dramatically. “It wasn’t a date, okay? It was just coffee and talking and catching up. You know, normal things you do with your ex-boyfriend.”
“Girl, I’ve had a shit ton of ex-boyfriends and I have never done that with any of them.”
Y/N shot her roommate a look, one that read you’re not helping, as Nina came to sit on the bed.
“It’s not that easy, Nina.”
“What’s not easy? Dating cute guys with lots of money?”
Y/N gave her another unimpressed glance--she hated when people took it there. Sure, she knew that she was linked to people with a different form of popularity than most were used to--she knew her job gave her that type of access to those types of people--but Y/N didn’t see them that way.
“Harry texted me,” she said quietly, her eyes on the ceiling as she waited for Nina to have a dramatic reaction.
“I’m sorry--what? Two ex-boyfriends in one day?”
“In the span of three hours,” Y/N corrected.
“That’s got to be a record, even for you.”
Y/N laughed at this, watching as Nina stood from her bed and headed back to the door. “I’m meeting Katie for dinner, want to join?”
“I can’t,” Y/N spoke, turning on her side to face Nina in the doorway once more. “I’ve got a skype call with my manager and a few contracts to read over.”
With that, Nina disappeared from sight, her words still ringing in Y/N’s ears. That’s got to be a record, even for you.
Y/N knew that there was something cosmic about it--something strange about the fact that the one time she was vulnerable enough to reach out to Nick and put herself out there, Harry showed up.
Y/N had been to Chelsea four times since she broke up with Harry. She’d avoided it for so long. She avoided the 6th avenue street fair when the weather warmed up and she avoided the Chelsea Pier like the plague.
She wondered, as she stared back at her phone once more, what kind of sick joke the universe was playing on her.
Harry had decided to put his phone underneath the couch cushion when he watched TV that night. He decided it’d be better off there, in a place where he wouldn’t be tempted to check it every 13 seconds to see if Y/N had texted back.
He’d made it through two commercial breaks before he felt like the phone was burning a hole at the end of his couch.
He scrambled for it, his heartbeat climbing when he saw her name on the screen. Somehow, he hadn’t expected to actually get a reply.
He’s doing well. Working on a few new projects lately.
He let out a burst of air through his nose, his anger climbing up this throat and leaving a heat in his chest that he didn’t like the feeling of. He hated being mad at Y/N. He hated feeling like there was space between them that only grew with the passing seconds they spent apart.
But he couldn’t deny that things had changed. He couldn’t deny that distance was hard and work never made it easy. He didn’t like all of her friends and she certainly didn’t love all of his. There were fights and phone calls that ended in an impulsive press of the ‘end call’ button and ignored voicemails.
There were also days when Y/N would be the only person in the world to make him smile.
Harry had to fight the urge to call her--his thumb seemed to float above the small icon under her contact. One quick press and he had the chance of hearing her voice. But he didn’t know if that’s what he wanted.
Not if she was back with Nick.
But how was he supposed to ask that? How was he supposed to get more information about their meeting if he couldn’t actually ask? And what did her text mean? Y/N wasn’t stupid enough to think Harry was seriously inquiring about Nick--she’d absolutely picked up in the sarcasm that laced his message.
Which mean that Y/N was being just as testy in her reply, which made Harry more annoyed.
Nick had no clue what the feeling was in his chest when he laid in bed to try to sleep. He didn’t know what he thought or felt or wanted and that was something entirely new to him. He’d always been a take charge kind of person--he’d always been one to set his sights on a goal and meet (if not exceed) it.
It’s not that he hadn’t thought about Y/N at all since they broke up. The first year he thought about her a lot. It was hard to go from talking to her everyday to barely speaking--and it was especially hard when he found out that she’d started dating Harry so quickly.
It’d been barely 6 months and she was suddenly paired up, going out, and doing fun and exciting things with all of her new friends. Nick avoided instagram altogether after he saw her first post about him--even though the breakup was amicable.
Nick cared about Y/N--and that would never change. He wanted her to be happy, but something about Y/N’s new boyfriend had rubbed him the wrong way when he got a text from a mutual friend asking if he’d heard the news. She’d bounced to a new boy in a new band and it felt--in a way--like she was fame chasing.
Not that Y/N needed to do that--she was successful on her own. But now she had a new group of friends to go on tour with--new names were beside hers in the headlines and to Nick, it felt like he’d suddenly woken up in an alternate universe.
Y/N L/N on to the next one (direction).
A new direction for Y/N L/N, literally!
Nick eventually decided that getting a girlfriend of his own was the best way to deal with the strange feelings he had about it. And when he met Olivia, everything settled down. The world moved on from his public relationship and public split, and Y/N and Harry seemed to be quieting down as well.
So life moved on. His band broke up, his new relationship ended, he became an uncle (twice), and he realized that he actually enjoyed fishing and writing songs for other people and spending time with his friends away from the stage.
Now, as he sat at the counter in his brother’s SoHo apartment the next morning, Nick couldn’t help but be annoyed by the look on his brother’s face. Joe--who had a penchant for pissing Nick off--was just excited that Nick had reunited with Y/N.
“You can’t be mad at me for being happy about it--she was one of my best friends for four years.”
Nick rolled his eyes and then sipped at his black coffee. “I’m not mad at you--it’s just weird, okay? I have no idea who she is now.”
“She’s Y/N,” Joe said simply. “She can’t be that different.”
“You’re missing the point,” Nick shook his head, almost ready to drop it entirely until Joe rounded the corner and took a seat next to him.
“Then enlighten me, asshole.”
Nick laughed a bit, rubbing at his eyes to try to gain clarity. “She used to be my best friend, too. She used to be the person I called every night before bed--and then suddenly she fell off the face of the earth, pretty much.”
Joe shrugged his shoulders, an admission that Nick had a point.
“And now she--she shows up in my life four years later and needs emotional support? Because her relationship ended and she asks how I’ve been like it’s nothing?”
“This is one of those things that would only happen to you,” Joe laughed, clapping his hand on Nick’s back as he stood.
Nick let out a sigh. “Yeah--no one’s written a book on how to be friends with your ex-girlfriend who you haven’t spoken to in four years.”
Joe tilted his head thoughtfully. “You’ve always wanted to write a book.”
While Nick appreciated the joke, it didn’t help him decide anything. It didn’t give him any more insight into what this meant for he and the girl he didn’t know anymore. And it certainly didn’t give him any insight into the feeling in his stomach when his phone lit up on the counter.
Why didn’t you tell me you had coffee with Y/N? I had to find out on twitter?
Harry wasn’t trying to obsessive. He wasn’t trying to check Y/N’s instagram for updates and he wasn’t trying to be weird when he texted Niall to ask if he’d spoken to her lately. He knew they’d talk periodically--he knew because Niall had let the metaphorical cat out of the bag when he publicly wished her a happy birthday on twitter.
Niall, however, insisted that he had no idea what was going on with her and Nick, and he did his best to ensure Harry that her ex-boyfriend had nothing on him.
“He’s ridiculous, Harry. He wore a chain to a red carpet not that long ago--lookin’ like Liam but stupider, t’be honest with ya.”
Harry let out a sigh, appreciative that his friend was following all the usual protocol: shit talk the competition and boost Harry’s ego accordingly.
“I don’t know if I should text her back.”
“She texted you? You wait until now to tell me that Y/N texted you?”
“Well I texted her first, and then she responded.”
“What did you say?” Niall’s words were rushed as if he needed the information like his life depended on it.
Harry paused for a second, a small laugh escaping his lips in contemplation--he was snarky and he knew it. He also knew that if he told Niall what he’d said, he’d likely get a lecture.
“I asked how Nick was.”
Silence on the other end of the line. After a second, a sigh. “You’re incredibly petty sometimes, Harold.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he brushed his friend off. “What am I supposed to do when she’s the one who broke up with me, huh? She’s the one who left and she’s the one who’s now in this neighborhood for some reason and hanging out with him.”
“M’not saying it’s right,” Niall said. “I just think you’d be better off telling her how you feel.”
“How I feel?” The words escaped Harry’s mouth without much thought. The problem was that he didn’t really know how he felt. He didn’t really know how to handle this when his strongest feeling was a desire to punch Nick Jonas in the face. But those headlines wouldn’t be good.
“Yeah--y’know. Say that you miss her, say that you wish you never broke up.”
“I can’t just say that to her Niall,” Harry’s deep tone insinuated that what he was saying was obvious, but Niall didn’t see it that way.
“I’m sorry if it was weird,” Y/N laughed, holding her drink to her lips as she smiled across the table at him. She couldn’t really read him--which had always been an issue in their relationship--but she sipped at her drink and set it on the table before raising her eyebrows at him.
“It wasn’t weird in a bad way,” Nick said slowly, a smile pulling at his lips as he let his eyes take her in again. She hadn’t changed much. Her hair was darker than it was when they’d broken up. She’d died it a lighter shade that spring--he was finding blonde hairs all over his apartment long after she’d packed up her things.
“I’m okay with it being weird,” she said. “I mean, we you date someone for four years and then not speak for another four years--I don’t think things just go back to normal after that.”
Nick nodded and moved his head side to side, letting Y/N know that she was right. “You’ll be happy to know that Joe and Kevin are thrilled, though.”
“Joe already texted me,” she laughed, finishing the last of her beer as she tossed her head back in laughter.
Of course he had. The two of them had been inseparable. Another strain on their relationship. 
Y/N knew that had always bothered Nick--that she’d been so close with his brothers that she had her own relationship with them. It wasn’t that he was jealous, but Y/N had a knack for taking sides with Joe or Kevin and pissing Nick off. Something that now, Nick could laugh about.
“Of course he did,” he smiled.
At first, when Y/N offered to grab a drink with Nick that night in a bar near Joe’s apartment, he wanted to decline. Their coffee date had only been a day earlier and his head was still reeling from the small talk they’d performed.
Y/N wasn’t nervous this time--she wasn’t wrapped up in her own downfall and her feet felt a little more firmly planted on the ground, even when Nick admitted that he missed her.
And when they hugged goodbye that night, Y/N didn’t mind that Nick’s arms were wrapped around her shoulders, his chin resting on her head before he kissed the top of her hair. “I’m glad we did this,” he said.
“Me too,” she replied, though she didn’t really know what they meant by it.
She was comfortable with the not knowing, though, which was an unexpected (but welcome) change from the last few days. She walked home by herself, counting the blocks in her head as her feet hit the pavement one after another after another.
She rode the elevator up to her apartment and turned down the hall, reaching for her keys in her purse--when she noticed him sitting there. He was slumped on the floor beside her doormat, his head in his hands as if he’d been half-asleep. He shifted and raised his head when she said his name.
His eyes were on her--he was completely still and seemed to be frozen in thought until he stood from the floor and swallowed. “Hi--sorry--I just, I figured I’d say it all in person instead of over text.”
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thederekmiller-blog · 5 years
(Hollywood) HILLS AND (Yorkshire) DALES
Today marks a year since I arrived in England.  I arrived a day after my son Jarvis started his first day at school (I was waiting for my visa - obtained by having an English wife).  As I sent him off today for his first day of Year One (*kindergarten), I was of course teary eyed at how much my little guy has grown up - but mostly I was acutely aware of what a HUGE change we made by leaving Hollywood and moving to England.
We had planned to live in London and be close to “the action” but we have settled in a country house near Leeds in Yorkshire (where my wife grew up.) They call it “God’s own Country” and sure…I get it.
I am happy about the move for a bunch of reasons…
Schools! As I saw what Jarvis’ life was going to be like in L.A. with Debbie and I going to parties to be vetted by elite preschools that were going to cost us more than my state university tuition or staying up all night to get in line for enrollment or being concerned when a guy was picked up in front of one of the schools with a car packed with assault rifles - I decided it wasn’t how I wanted his education to start. I won’t go into my experiences being a nanny in L.A. but it was much different than then my mid-west upbringing. Mostly, I got real tired of driving twenty minutes to a safe park. His school here is awesome - it’s free - as are breakfast and lunch. We get photo updates on an app, he goes to school with an eclectic group of kids from Pakistan, Syria, India and economically diverse kids from the council estate. As a bonus, he looks great in an English school uniform.
Kid friendlier in general! I loved Griffith Park and explored a lot of it but it was always rounding up past the creeps and the dog shit. Here we are surrounded by fields and parks (and even pubs) that are great for children. Like for real - some pubs have indoor play-lands and a lot have playgrounds. We are a couple hours from London - but even in Yorkshire there are local family festivals ALL the time and tons of kids museums and railways etc… Yes, we had Travel Town in L.A.  - but I had to keep rounding up on that graveyard of sadly eroding engines - here they are oiled, pristine and have freakishly large faces on the front of their boilers.
So on a very base level, I am assured that Jarvis has had a major upgrade in his quality of life - not just in the atmosphere but also by having parents who aren’t stressed every day immersed in a “hustle” mentality. I just heard Danny Mcbride on a podcast talking about how moving his family to Charleston freed him of the pressures of things as small as seeing peers on billboards and having his kids ride bikes on the street. It articulated life outside L.A. really well. So we are more relaxed - and partially because when we go to dinner we aren’t surrounded by people discussing their screenplays.
Happy wife, happy life.  Debbie is the happiest I have seen her in our ten years of marriage. She came to L.A. to be with me and follow my endeavors - which was a sacrifice I probably could have checked in more about… but we were close to the beach and weather!. Of course she is happy to be back home and closer to her parents and now she can eat weirdly flavoured (*flavored) crisps that we had no access to in the USA. She has also expressed how happy she is that she isn’t competing with women at parties for attention or status. She doesn’t have to endure “bits” that masked social insecurity. People here have banter and it’s like bits but with less voices and more self deprecation. She also just got a killer job.
So my family is happier and that’s what it’s about really.
That should be the win fullstop (*period) right?
But.... then there’s my personal stuff -
I left a hefty twenty year career in L.A. - some people responded with a disbelieving HOLY SHIT when I said I was going - which I won’t lie was nice to hear.  But, I had taken stock of some stuff...
Happiness. I got to be around A LOT of famous people in my time in Hollywood. My access was phenomenal, from working at the Chateau Marmont to being included in ridiculous friend groups and working on shows with plenty of “successful” people. Ever since I moved to town -  I was very aware of the success to happiness ratio.  I once interviewed a celeb for a DVD special edition who had been in a few films I loved. He was sat in a one bedroom a recliner in the valley recounting his awesome anecdotes underneath movie posters from films he’d starred in. He had no one, his whole life was in this one room and next to him was a jar of his own urine. Extreme example - but it was a cautionary tale I needed of never wanting to be waiting for the phone to ring.
Depreciation. The work changed - as actors we may have lost about 70% of our union work and I definitely lost 70% of my income - and to pretend the bulk of my work wasn’t commercial would be an insult - I logged over 80 spots. I am extremely grateful for the handful of series I got to do and the pilots that never went - but when it gets down to it - Nestle Water bought my condo. When the work dried up a lot of the joy that brought us to this job went with it. Every audition (that there were 70% less of) was met with waiting rooms full of long faces or irritated rants of how terrible things had gotten. I wasn’t even blindsided - I saw the change coming,  I got into directing and more into writing and making content - but that was ultimately just more hustle to try and make the same money.  So many of us turned to Lyft or Uber. My last ride in LA was with my buddy who once shared top bliing with me on a call sheet for a TV series - it was poetic. It was also really depressing.

What keeps us in LA? When I posted about leaving, J.D. Walsh said “Wait, we can leave?” And every actor I’ve told that to laughs - HARD. Because we feel like we have a duty to it - I think it’s probably predicated on guilt - like we can’t leave or we have “given up” on ourselves - OR if we are true artists “we could never do anything else” or everyone said it was a “dumb choice” and leaving it would be admitting they were right. I thought about who I was supposed to be appeasing. We have to stay because the only outlet for creatively is in L.A.? I left L.A. ten years ago after yet another breakup for not being “successful enough” (true stories) I left for a year and did cruise ships with Second City and it was one of the most notable years of my career - it was out of L.A. and no one even knew I had been gone. So, I have always been a fan of taking some space and of trusting my instincts of when to move my cheese. Just happens, this time the cheese was a Wensleydale (*local cheese)
I also knew staying in L.A. meant fighting even harder -  the battle to keep jobs union is the biggest fight of our careers and I knew that where I was in my life I didn’t have the emotional resources to be on the front lines every day. If I didn’t have that, I didn’t deserve to be reaping the benefits of a union that took great care of my family.  I pushed all of my students to stay union strong and had no time for those who went fi-core. I flipped internet jobs I produced and directed but I knew it needed to be bigger. I love the fight that is being fought and have so much respect for the people waving the flag and showing up.
The other reason we stay is because of the “ground we’ve gained.” Which is never enough. I was quick to rifle off my resume to anyone who would listen but I never saw myself as a success. My therapist worked with me for months after I left just to be able to say (without shakiness of the voice or avoiding eye contact) that I was successful. We aren’t allowed to say it out loud - everyone will hate you - or decide that you’ve had enough and don’t need anymore. Most importantly, we have to be able to say it ourselves. So, what’s our barometer for success? - cause I bet some of the people we’d consider tipping the needle are MISERABLE.  At the end of the day I was able to do it for years on stage, small and big screens and afford a modest home in the hills. When I stopped being happy  - it was time. That was my barometer.
Life is too short. This planet is huge and full of amazing experiences. When we got to England I had no designs on singularly pursuing an acting career. I have been applying for all kinds of work, ALL KINDS and yes my resume is met with a lot of furrowed brows. But, a funny thing happened -  since I’ve been here I’ve booked commercials, voice-over and even gotten to audition for a West End musical (if you know me at all - you know that is a dream come true.) I have also been teaching comedy and acting for the camera in London and Dublin. I directed a show that ran for three months. I even taught in Covent Garden - and when I walked out after teaching a seven hour intensive in the heart of the West End - I kinda lost my breath for a second. I thought about the last three years in L.A. and how they were all the same in terms of the Sisyphean rock roll of anxiety and reward - and here I was in the center of London doing something I loved and had no idea I’d get to do more of. Then I took the tube home.
And that’s just work stuff - we have gotten to see so much of the UK. From Brighton to the Edinburgh Fringe Fest and dozens of cities in-between.  I’ve gotten to stay after-hours in the Tower of London drinking with Beefeaters, we did the Beatles tour of Liverpool with my Parents and we’ve seen where Dracula, Wuthering Heights and Peter Rabbit were all written. I’ve seen friends at the London Podcast Festival, in West End shows, in comedy shows and film festivals. Been to private soho late-night clubs I used to read about in NME. I’ve flown to Ireland and France for $60 round trip each. Jarvis talks with a cute accent and sees knights fighting each other - way more often than I thought was possible.
Sure, I miss stuff. I was a magnanimous people person in h’wood and the solitude of our country cottage is nice, but can get awfully lonely - especially when anyone you want to talk to won’t be awake until mid-afternoon. That said, I do have some great friends in London and my Scottish neighbour (*neighbor) Gavin is a good laugh and always down for a pint at my corner pub. I miss a lot of foods but can craft a decent facsimile of most things. I flew with four pounds of frozen chorizo and chihuahua cheese when we came back this summer because they have nothing remotely close.  And the “Kentucky bourbon” made in France and Germany is… passable.
I have no idea what the hell any of this means - I spent decades trying to relate any headway in this business to peers and students and the one thing I stressed most was - “It’s your own journey no one gets successful like anyone else.” I used to roll my eyes when people went to celebrities for advice and I’d overhear something along the lines of  “First, get discovered when your 16…then, sign with CAA”  So, the only insight I want to share is in regards to the fact I know a lot of people struggle with when to “cut and run.”  Was this the right move? can’t say yet,  but I do know we were happier this year than the last three in L.A. and we have A LOT of new experiences (*and phrases) to show for it.
I left out the political stuff - because it’s just the same here now :(
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pepperonijem · 6 years
IDK Single || Steve Rogers
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: you and Steve have broken up and although you try to hide it, you just don’t know how to be single. {Neighbors!AU; written for @bucky-at-bedtime’s 1.5k writing challenge}
Wordcount: 1.7k
Warnings: drink dranking, also it’s a lil angsty?
A/N: this is based off of the song “IDK Single” by LOOTE. Give it a listen! They have a bunch of good post-breakup songs that are upbeat and make you feel a lil bit better even when you’re single. I stan them. (also shoutout to my girl Upo for beta reading this!!) And a big frick u to writer’s block, this is the first thing I’ve written in a month that I feel proud of
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Thump. Thump. Thump. Was it the bassline of the song or was that the blood pounding in your head?  Was that a pair of hands snaking around your waist or was it just the alcohol taking a toll on your liver? Honestly, at this point, was there even a difference? Every sensation was dulled down and reduced to nothing.
The only music you heard was when he was speaking, and the only time you felt electricity was when he was touching you, but he took all of that away with him when he walked out of your life. Unfortunately however, he was still your neighbor, so most of your nights were spent trying to get away from him and getting him out of your thoughts. So here you were, at some random party at a club in SoHo trying to start over with whoever was grinding against you right now -- it definitely wasn’t him. But you wished it was. Deep down, you really did. You tried to swing your hips with the beat and focus on the drunken whispers being spoken into your ear, but it was no use, because it wasn’t his voice. And well, you can’t help it. You don’t know how to be single.
“I guess this is it.” His voice was tired. Tired of shouting, tired of calling out to you, tired of trying. It wasn’t sadness that laced his voice anymore, it wasn’t even anger. Emotion had left him weeks ago. “I guess so.” The voice that escaped your lips was not your own. It was the voice of a broken person, and you were done trying to hide it. “Goodbye, Steve.”
That was the end of almost a year of sleepless nights and spontaneous dates and whispered I love you’s, but unfortunately not the end of your feelings for him. It had been over a month since you last saw Steve. He was a man of routine, and you were thankful for it because it made it so much easier for you to avoid him. You spent your days holed up in your bedroom watching Netflix with your headphones in so that Steve wouldn’t be able to hear you watching The Princess Diaries for the 26th time, and you only left your apartment when you knew he was in his. You often went out to clubs and parties every night in other parts of New York to avoid him and his friends, and only came home after 3 am when you knew Steve was deep asleep. Sometimes, you swear you can hear his faint snoring through the thin wall that separated your bedrooms, and the sound made your heart skip. You would mentally curse yourself, but then stay up for another hour reminiscing and missing the feeling of Steve’s skin on yours.
You thought about that night constantly. His voice still ringing in your head, drowning out the upbeat music that washed over the club. You stepped away from the dance floor, having to pry the guy’s hands off your waist, and headed towards the bar. The lingering thoughts of Steve were a sign that you were not intoxicated enough. You sat down on a stool and flagged down the bartender. “Give me a double of whatever your strongest thing is here,” you asked. The   bartender gave you a concerned look but then slid over a shot glass. You downed it quickly and savored the burn of the alcohol down your throat. You spun around in your stool to look around at the sea of people and all of a sudden you felt trapped. Part of you wanted to fool around, find someone new, but the other part of you just wanted to be alone.
In another club in another part of the city, Steve leaned against the bar counter, sipping on a beer. The alcohol had virtually no effect on him, but he liked the comfort it brought. He looked around, and sighed. “God, it’s crowded,” he said aloud. He turned around, expecting to see your face, but instead saw an empty bar stool. It was the fourth time tonight he’s done that, tried speaking to you but forgetting you were gone. He made eye contact with Bucky who was standing across the room with his arm wrapped around a pretty girl.He looked at Steve with concern in his eyes, but Steve smiled and raised his beer up and Bucky smiled in satisfaction before redirecting his attention. Steve’s smile faltered once out of Bucky’s gaze, but he hoped it was enough for Bucky to think Steve was doing okay. This is the third party Bucky brought him to in the last two weeks, but each one seemed even more draining than the last. He really thought that after two weeks he’d feel better, over you even, but if he was being honest, you had him fuc-- Steve was distracted from his thoughts by a tap on his shoulder.
He turned around quickly to see an almost familiar face. It was almost yours. He pasted a smile on his face once again and smiled at the stranger who was now speaking to him. He had absolutely no idea what they were saying, as all Steve could think about was if their nose was just a little bit smaller, or their eyes just a little bit brighter, he would be looking at you. Steve nodded in response, just to be polite, and was honestly surprised when all of a sudden there was a napkin with a phone number stuffed into his hand. The stranger was gone again and Steve looked down at the number. He shoved it into his pocket, but he knew he wasn’t going to be calling any time soon. He almost felt guilty about it, but he knew it wouldn’t lead anywhere and he didn’t want to waste anyone’s time. He really thought that by now he’d feel different, but he still missed you. Bucky walked over to him with the same girl he was with earlier and pat him on the back. “I saw you talking to someone earlier, pal.” Bucky teased. “Did’ya get a number?”
Steve looked down and let out a sad chuckle. “Yeah, I did,” he admitted. He of course left out the fact that he won’t even call it. Bucky playfully punched his shoulder. “And who’s this lovely lady?” he asked Bucky.
“This is Dot,” Bucky introduced. She reached out and shook Steve’s hand politely. “We’re about to head out, maybe take a walk.” Bucky wrapped an arm around Dot and she looked up lovingly at him. “Do you have cab fare for tonight?”
Steve nodded in response. “Yeah, no worries, you two have a good night.” He waved goodbye to the couple as they made their way out of the building. He looked down at his watch and saw that it was already 2 in the morning and set his beer back on the counter. He followed them out to the street and quickly hailed down a cab, giving the driver his address and asking him to step on it. Steve didn’t mind being home late, really, but he knew how you were. He knew that you haven’t been coming home until he did, because he knew you were trying to avoid him. He could very well be out until dawn, but he also knew you hated being out past 3, because you thought it was the haunted hour. Steve had always teased you for your superstition, but he had taken your fears to heart. He also knew that you tried to stay out after him because it helped you to feel like you were winning. Even now, after losing you, he still wanted you to win.
Within a few minutes he was back at his apartment. He unlocked his door and walked in, enjoying the quiet and the stillness of his home. He changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt and plopped down on his bed. He folded his arms under his head and stared up at the ceiling, waiting for the sweet release of sleep to take him over.
You stumbled your way back to the bar, demanding for another shot of tequila. “Sorry pal, but I gotta cut you off, you’ve clearly had too much,” the bartender reprimanded. You huffed in response but didn’t argue. “I’ll call you a cab, it’s almost 3,” she said. You nodded and waited on a bar stool until she let you know that the cab was waiting outside. You hopped in and managed to give the driver your address, despite slurring your words. You dozed off in the car but woke back up when the driver came to an abrupt stop at your building.
The stairs were your next obstacle and you were doing fine until they started moving like the magic stairs in Hogwarts. You took your time with each step and by the time you made it to your door, it was well past 3 am. You felt jitters go up your spine as your mind wandered off to the scary stories your cousins used to tell you when you were younger. You managed to pull out your keys and tried hard to jam them into the lock. Unfortunately, you were way too intoxicated to have any control over your fine motor skills and you relented to just banging against the door in hopes it would just magically open.
Well, in this case magic was real, because after several minutes of desperate banging, the door opened.
“Steve?” Your voice came out as barely more than a whisper. Even though the alcohol blurred your vision, you could recognize the scent of his cologne and the width of his shoulders anywhere. His presence being so close to you overwhelmed your senses and you began to sober up enough to realize that you had been banging on the wrong door this whole time. You cleared your throat and looked at Steve apologetically. “I-I’m sorry I thought this was my door, but I guess I was knocking on yours. I’ll just—“ you turned to walk over to the door beside Steve’s, and pulled your keys out once again.
Before you could unlock your door however, Steve grabbed hold of your forearm, sending shivers through you and making you pause to look back at him. For the first time in weeks you saw something in his eyes: pain. Dark circles rimmed his eyes and what used to be washed of electric blue in his irises were dulled down to a stormy gray and you felt a sting in your heart at the sight. His eyebrows furrowed together as he began to speak. “Please,” he begged. “Come home.”
 Steve Rogers: 
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