#anti shifters dni
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tannaziew · 1 day
Repeat after me 🗣
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I will go to my desired reality tonight.
I'm a master shifter.
I shift easily.
I will be in my dr tonight.
I can shift as easy as I breathe.
I will shift tonight.
I'm already a master shifter.
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priimroses · 1 day
has anyone tried shifting while in the clouds before cuz… 🙂‍↕️ IF U HAVE LMK IF IT WORKED
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amalthearespawned · 2 days
watch me respawn first day of pride month 🏳️‍🌈🫶
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angelkiss230 · 2 days
₊˚ପ⊹ Waiting room script! ₊˚ପ⊹
I will fulfill my childhood fantasies with this WR 🤭
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♡ There’s a food court
♡ There’s an arcade
♡ There’s a bowling alley
♡ There’s a playground
♡ There’s Go-Cart
♡ There’s an amusement park
♡ There’s an inflatable park
I’ll have my friends Mable, Starfire, and star butterfly to play with in the WR so i’m not lonely
I can eat whatever food I can imagine
whatever product I can think of, I can manifest and use
I can change my script just in case i forget anything in my CR
Once i’m ready to move on/shift, I can leave the building and enter the garden torwards my room where I can further relax :)
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☆.。.:* The garden will help ground me and further relax me ☆.。.:*
I’ll walk as long as I need to
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This is where I can rest and get a break and be alone. This is where i’ll shift to if my DR tires me but I don’t wanna shift to my CR yet
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Just a map to help me visualize :)
There’s mall music playing in the background and that’s what I first hear when I shift. I’ll put the playlist here (still a WIP)
Scripting this was really fun but Im more excited to experience it!
(I know this is over the top but This is also a place for me to get away and let out my inner child <3)
I have full control over my WR and have magic
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The key to shifting
thats it.
its all you need.
i shifted last night (woop woop). no method, no subliminals, no nothing.
i simply went to sleep after thinking i wonder what shifting feels like. i woke up in a different version of my cr.
it was short, i was there for maybe 10 minutes. But it’s still a shift. I did it y’all.
and so will you.
go shift my loves <3
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wrathcomes · 3 days
shiftblr: what is the best advice you can offer to someone who hasnt shifted yet?
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livingsecret · 1 month
"you always shift, its just not visible to you. u didnt fail that shift attempt you probably shifted to a reality where your mums fav fruit is different or maybe someones eyes color changed. there are no failed attempts, its impossible to fail at shifting becuz u do it constantly."
read that somewhere yesterday had to share cuz its so true.
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realize-jg · 1 month
I keep seeing people trying to do all these intricate methods to get into the void state.
Now, I can get into the void state so easily. Like literally it’s so simple for me. So seeing these people trying all these methods to get into the void state honestly makes me kinda sad.
PLEASE listen to me when I say you are WAY over complicating it.
The void state is a deep meditative state.
Where you feel (in the simplest way I can put it) pure soul.
You don’t have to do a whole bunch of steps to get into it.
The first time I got into it I had no idea what it was. I was very confused and I’m so glad that I did not know what it was until after I did it.
How did I get into it?
The first time I got into the void state I put on brown noise (it was the first time I meditated to brown noise) and I just focused on the pure nothingness of the sound and just listened to my thoughts and letting them drift away. I wasn’t saying any affirmations, I wasn’t trying to shift, I was simply being. After a while, my body fell asleep but my mind was awake.
I kept focusing on the noise and after a while, I realized I was nowhere. I felt like I was completely nowhere. Not attached to any single reality. I was pure soul.
I’m not totally sure how I got out of it or how long I was there. I was certainly there for a long time for this reality, but it felt like an eternity in the most amazing way.
Now it is months later and I can get into it (just about) any time I like to.
Please don’t put it on the pedestal and act like it’s the most amazing thing ever. I mean yeah it’s really sick. But if you put on a pedestal, then it’ll be even harder for you to get there. It’s only as hard as you make it to be.
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DR Masterlist
Alexander DR (DR for an OC)
Better CR DR
Cat DR
Childhood DR
Drarry Reincarnation DR
Empyrean (Fourth Wing, Iron Flame) DR
Fame DR
Forbidden Gay Lovers DR
Fox DR (for a hearttype)
Ghost Investigator DR
Golden Trio DR
Greek Gods DR
Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom DR
Lynx DR (a DR for an OC)
Magical Forest DR
Magic Treehouse DR
Maleficent DR (for a hearttype)
Marauders DR
Merman DR
Narnia DR
Orphinki DR (for a hearttype)
Sable DR (for a hearttype)
Six Of Crows DR
Twilight DR
Vampire DR
Waiting Room DR
Wings Of Fire DR
Wolf DR (for a hearttype)
Writer DR
(This is just the post to log all the DRs. The link to the ones that have scripts are in my intro post as well.)
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starnightlover · 2 months
It's okay to not want to be in this reality. It's okay to permashift. It's okay to respawn. It's okay to have a dr that's not morally okay to others. It's okay to be madly in love with a “fictional character” and shift for them. It's okay to script anything, or not script at all. It's okay to script people out of your dr. It's okay to go off canon. It's okay to use shifting as a coping mechanism. It's okay to not feel motivated to shift. Iits okay to hate your cr. It's okay to doubt. It's okay to feel homesick even when you haven't shifted yet. It's okay to have a s/o. It's okay to not have a s/o. It's okay to only want to shift and then come back. It's okay to have a popular dr. It's okay to not have a popular dr. It's okay to not use methods to shift. It's okay to use methods to shift. It's okay to shift due to your current circumstances. It's okay to shift if you just want to and have no other motive. It's okay.
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eniidiary · 8 days
remember to say and do the cringiest shit in your dr, script in relationships, permashift without even thinking about it, use a face claim or don't use a face claim, do whatever time ratio you want, stay as long as you like, script everyone's in love with you, script y/n moments, be the main character, stay overpowered, and SHIFT FOR YOU.
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thejournallo · 5 days
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amalthearespawned · 2 days
kinda wanna do an actual method tonight but i don’t know which one. i feel like i’ve done all of them & don’t know what to do now lol
ofc i don’t have to do a method to shift/respawn, but i’m kinda feeling like it tonight. give me recommendations, preferably ones that have guided meditations already 🫶
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allmylifeanew · 2 months
there are so many people successfully shifting on my dashboard these days i'm so happy for them but also it's so motivatingggg
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missestokyo · 7 days
Hey you! 🫵
You shifter!😡🫵
Yk what you gonna do tonight? You gonna shift, alright?😡
You gonna lay on your bed, and say to the multivers
“I’m gonna shift cuz that’s MY choice not yours!”
And to the heck shift🤬
Love ya, bye~
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