#armadillo conductor
snippit-crickit · 2 months
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some armadillo conductior doodles/sketches/studies
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and a simple spacecat
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wisdomrays · 3 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 182
Cadherin and Catenin: The Nut and Bolt System of Cells
The human body is a great system made up of complex materials and tools. The molecular systems keep cells, tissues, organs, thus the entire system glued together. Just as we would not have been able to develop complex machines and build our civilization today without screws and screwdrivers, bolts and nuts, in the absence of molecular systems and their components, cells would not be able to stay together and tissues and organs would not develop. Cells sometimes form a loose linkage to some tissues, other times form a tight or very tight connections in other places. For instance, connections in the blood-brain barrier and bladder line should be very secure, preventing leaks, whereas the connections need to be loosely structured in secretive tissues to permit transport of ions and molecules in between cells.
Cellular joints are called “intercellular junctions.” There are thousands of molecules (proteins) in charge of these regions. As members of such molecules, the Cadherin and Catenin linkage system holds two cells together just like a secured nut and bolt. Thus unity of tissues and organs is ensured.
Masayuki Ozawa, a Japanese scientist, was the first to call these proteins “catenin” in 1989, derived form the word “catena” in Latin which means “chain.” Catenin links cells to each other like a chain. As you construct your buildings, you place cement or similar adhesive materials in between bricks and stones. In a similar fashion, when your body is developing, cellular cement is put in between cells, linking them via bolts of cadherin and nuts of catenin.
The catenin family has three members: alpha catenin, beta catenin and gamma catenin, classified according to our weight and length. Cadherin is a Calcium (Ca) dependent adhesion molecule (to bond and stick) that was discovered in 1961. Cadherin refers to a calcium dependent adhesion molecule. As Cadherin enables linkage between the two cells, catenin in the meantime sticks to the ends just like a nut on a bolt. This way a connection is properly secured. Structural cadherin deformities have been found in some stomach cancers. Cells without a properly secured anchor leave the flock like lost sheep. It relocates to other places and new proteins are synthesized there. Researchers have stumbled upon catenin while investigating the Cadherin molecule.
Catenin carries a special motif called “Armadillo” named as such because of its resemblance to this insectivorous mammalian which means “armor” in Spanish. Together with Cadherin, Catenin fulfills very important tasks in many places from the embryologic development in the mothers’ womb to the salivary glands through the skin. A body without Catenin would look like a building without nails, cement, hinges, and screws. Catenin operates like the anchor of a ship, thus it is also named as “anchoring junction molecule.”
While Cadherin molecule links two cells to each other, Catenin secures the Cadherin ends, and then connects Cadherin to the Actin as the main molecule of cellular framework. Catenin does other jobs in addition to the role of fastening. This multitasking is observed in many structures and molecules in the body. With the principle of maximum saving, these molecules are created to take care of many jobs in a limited space. For instance, Catenin works in a communication system called “WNT.” The WNT system relays signals that arrive at the cell to Catenin so that it can transfer the signal to the cell nucleus. In recent years errors in this system have been reported in breast and intestinal cancers. Furthermore, Catenin helps Cadherin as it functions like an orchestral conductor in the organization of intestinal cells. Catenin undertakes active tasks for the maintenance of intestinal cellular homeostasis, and it becomes hyperactive in Hirschsprung disease. This disease is a state of neural network absence that is in charge of intestinal (bowel) movements and supposed to be present through the intestines. In such parts of the intestines, bowel movements cannot be monitored and excretion cannot take place properly.
The diseases associated with cadherin have been reported in many cancer cases. Both cadherin and catenin are made to function flawlessly as best as possible. But just in every other blessing, we tend to appreciate their presence in times of sickness and disease – we seem to realize in such times the fact that nothing is insignificant in nature. When cadherin and catenin fail to work properly, embryonic lethality happens, and the baby may die even before he or she is born.
Cells cannot completely come together to arrange tissues and systems without these molecules. If these molecules in the salivary glands suffer from a problem, abnormal cellular structures may form, and cellular specialization is put at risk, and again death may happen in the womb. Unwanted situations arise from brain and face cartilage if these molecules do not function well during prenatal development. Miscarriages might happen because of flaws regarding establishment of fertilized egg in the womb. Zygote may have trouble transforming into an eight-celled blastocyst.
Mechanisms and systems that are built in our body are mind-blowing and put to service for many purposes only some of which we have been able to uncover. These molecules fulfill quite a number of those purposes assigned to them by the Creator, the One who acts with absolute subtlety, wisdom, and generosity.
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morstin · 5 years
Excerpts from Frances Sampson’s diary.
Beware of mention of severe violence and dubious sexual encounters.
February 24th, 1898
Those monsters hurt Spencer real bad. Shot him in the leg, those heartless beasts.
After undignified bribing I managed to convince them to take us to the doctor in Armadillo and Spencer managed to disarm the two men escorting us, despite his severely injured leg.
We ran into the train departing from the station. The conductor almost forced us off, but the train began to move and I once again decided to sacrifice myself to keep us on the train. We were escorted to the working class cart after my payment, and now I’m only left praying that Spencer won’t fall ill because of his wound.
February 25th, 1898
We don’t know where this train is taking us, but I could care less as long as we’re miles away from those O’Driscolls.
The train must’ve almost gotten robbed. A real ruckus broke out during the night and I feared our capturers wanted us back, but it could’ve just been some other gang.
Spencer tried to calm my worries, but his attempts only made my heart shatter impossibly further. Their motive had been proven fruitless; we were to be held hostage and lure another gang to them. John was - is - a member or that gang, so they hoped he would try to save us.
He never did.
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codigonayar · 2 years
Por el Libramiento Carretero altura entrada al Armadillo JAL/CN-1 Se reportó un hecho de tránsito por el Libramiento Carretero esto a la altura del retorno a la zona conocida como el Armadillo en sentidos de Guadalajara –Mazatlán. Donde dos vehículos fueron los participantes, una motocicleta tipo Cargo 150cc y una camioneta CRV en color gris, sobre los hechos según versión el conductor de la…
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argonapricot · 7 years
All of them
pearl: if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Right now? Japan. Just. You know. Because
sails: describe your perfect partner.
Someone with nice and positive energy, who is not super dependent on me but also values me a lot. Someone who has passions and hobbies! I’m usually attracted to how people animate themselves, rather than individual features? A violist musician, maybe. Someone who will listen to classical music with me, and share awesome non-classical jams with me! Someone who likes cats. Someone whose name starts with U.
lighthouse: how much makeup do you wear?
On average, none. For special events, or events that I am very anxious about, I might put on concealer/foundation. I kind of use the two interchangeably. And then maybe a Bit of eyeshadow and maybe a Bit of brown eyeliner, if I’m really feeling fancy. 
shells: would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf?
A vampire? Seems easier to control. And also potentially less painful. And hotter. Also I wouldn’t get my period anymore because I’d be undead sign me up.
mermaid: most embarrassing moment?
Once upon a time my school orchestra was corralled into the most mortifying gig on a radio show recording session to ever happen. I don’t think we were even invited, our conductor just made us show up. Only only half the orchestra did and it was the worst. thing. to ever happen.
turquoise: weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
Oh god, I’ve had a lot of weird dreams. I feel like I’m currently blanking on the weirdest. Surely I’ve already told you some good ones?
waves: favourite season and why?
FALL because the weather is nice and the breeze is nice and the smell is nostalgic and the trees are beautiful and aaaa there’s nothing like an autumn breeze
breakers: would you ever consider getting married?
I mean. Yeah.
seafoam: describe your ideal summer vacation.
You, me, the squad, a beach. Ideally featuring me beating Hannah at something.
rain: if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet?
I mean possible as in “safe” or “legal” or “practical”? Like. Snow leopards are gorgeous and big cats can be pretty catlike but I don’t think they’d be very happy in closed quarters.
sunlight: least favourite song?
Clarissa’s stupid bear song on the piano
marine: would you ever consider plastic surgery?
I don’t think I’d ever go through with it? Sometimes I’m just like “wow my skin sucks imagine getting fake skin that wouldn’t betray me like this”, but idk if that’s even possible. Other than that I’m… actually pretty happy with my facial features.
sea glass: what do you consider to be your best physical feature?
I’ve been told that I have an Adorable Nose. I’ve also been complimented on my eyebrows, and also sometimes my eyes, but uh. I think the most Compelling part of my physical appearance is just like. The way I emote. Idk. Anyone care to cast a vote?
storm: do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not?
As in… on myself? On other people? In the context of sexual attraction? I have my ears pierced, and other piercings can look really good on other people. So can tattoos! But I don’t really think I’m likely to get either.
boardwalk: who is your favourite fictional couple?
coral: if you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why?
Um. I would be… a cream puff. Because I deflate easily.
nymph: old-fashioned or modern decor?
I like both! For a living space of my own, maybe modern.
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched?
The opening sequence to the Uzuki Files
siren: in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mage?
Why can’t I be a rogue warrior mage tho. 
tropic: what is your least favourite thing about your appearance?
My skin! If it could just  be clear, all the time, I would feel honestly so much better about myself.
aquamarine: describe your dream date.
Oh gee, I don’t know. Nice weather, and maybe some nice pastries, and maybe outdoors somewhere with some nice conversation? And maybe some handholding or cuddling or little cheek kisses.
brine: gold or silver?
Depends on the application! But my Inner Aesthetic dictates silver.
tidal: what is a colour that best describes your personality?
Uh. I mean I think that depends on the mood my personality is filtered through. 
azure: what is something that you do that makes you happy?
You! Also, elves. Also, nice weather.
fog: describe where you think you’ll be in five years.
Uhh. Living in an apartment in Massachussetts with you and Emma while you two get graduate degrees in engineering and biology or somethings. I will be freelancing art and graphic design even though I will have been able to major in neither. Idk.
coastline: what is your favourite flower?
shallows: what is your typical Starbucks order?
Tall iced mocha with whipped cream. 
voyage: what are your favourite names?
We made a giant ass spreadsheet of our favorite names, I don’t know which to select for the purpose of this ask meme! Um. Nikolai, obviously. And……. I’ve always loved the name Lyla. 
shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them.
mkay so we have:
Riava - a wreck, a mess, stammers a bunch, very timid and wishy washy in the face of death and torture, has no legs,  a badass girlfriend who you hate. Possibly also in a relationship with the badass girlfriend’s twin brother Randy.
Ayra - a Badass Amazing CalmTM paladin knight lady with an overprotective streak and a lot of Really Cool Skillz. She works very hard and takes things very seriously, and doesn’t have time for boys. That aren’t her brother/adopted puppy Destian.
Caslyn - A lot more capable and level-headed than Riava, but also kind of a mess? Does magic and ships. Basically married to a lovey competent ship’s captain. Probably going to end up kicking Hannah’s crying rear-end.
Steph - a de-armadillo’d armadillo person who is good at quests and swords and Inner Conflict. Passed up an amazing and gr8 and not-evil sword Silverlight for the alternatively Super Evil And Powerful/Super Clueless And Convinced Tat My Mom Is Pregnant Darklight. What a wild ride
cerulean: do you believe in true love?
As in like, a predestined perfect love that happens automatically and sustains itself without effort? Nnnnah. All relationships take work and attention and trust. I believe in very complete, genuine love, but that doesn’t mean infallible or inevitable.
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why?
Either french, because it sounds Good and Nice and kind of already know my way around the language a little, or Korean because I spend a lot of time listening to people speak Korean and the rhythm is really different from English and the idea of being able to understand it is really attractive.
Or yknow. Elf languages.
tsunami: describe a dream outfit of yours.
A spandex kilt over purple overalls, idk????? I don’t know how Fashion.
riptide: are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this?
Introverted all the way. Which like. I wouldn’t say always makes me happy, because I suffer a lot, but I’m… kinda proud of it. Tis the way of my family.
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours.
Sometimes I eat raisins and pretend that the raisin box is a pack of cigarettes, and I’m, uh… smoking? Them? Eating some drugs? Don’t ask me how that works, I’m too lame.
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viralyt · 5 years
Chofer se detuvo en la vía a darle agua a un pequeño armadillo. El calor del desierto lo abrumaba
Chofer se detuvo en la vía a darle agua a un pequeño armadillo. El calor del desierto lo abrumaba
En Brasil el clima tropical es implacable con su fauna, el calor intenso suele ser algo difícil de sobrellevar. Por suerte es un lugar con muchas almas bondadosas dispuestas a dar un poco de su tiempo y sus pertenencias para que los animalitos estén bien.
Un ejemplo de esto es Giovani Caio, un conductor de camión que se encontraba en un tramo árido de la carretera de Mato Grosso.Mientras rodaba…
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devils-gatemedia · 6 years
Evanescence are back in Glasgow supporting their fourth studio album, “Synthesis”. Essentially, the new release is an electro-orchestral reworking, and re-imagining, of their previous material, but with a couple of new songs thrown in. While there have been many rock/metal bands in the past that have utilised orchestras live (Metallica and Deep Purple spring to mind), it does feel like a very natural progression for Evanescence, who already use symphonic elements within their songs. The previous studio album was released way back in 2011, and the last time they played here, I believe, was around seven years ago, but they still manage to inspire a loyal and dedicated following that’s resulted in a sell out show this evening.
The U.S. dates, in the summer, will feature American violinist Lindsey Stirling in the support slot, but tonight the warm up act is the 28 piece orchestra that will later provide the musical backing for Amy Lee. I have to admit this is a first for me; I’ve been to more rock/metal gigs than I can count, over more years than I care to admit, but this is the first that features a harp on stage. For many rock fans, the idea of watching an orchestra before the main band might be a bit odd, this doesn’t feel like your usual rock concert. Still, there is a very high turnout to witness this classical ensemble.
Under the direction of conductor Susie Benchasil Seiter, the orchestra runs through an enjoyable 30 minute set consisting of some well known popular classical pieces, such as Mozart’s La Chasse and Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. While it’s very well received by the Glasgow audience, the loudest cheer unsurprisingly goes up when Amy Lee takes to the stage wearing a Victorian styled Gothic black and red floor length dress.
With only one front woman and an orchestra, many bands might be tempted to put up some screens, perhaps showing video footage, or have an elaborate light show to make up for the lack of movement on stage. Evanescence however only have a backdrop with abstract shapes projected onto it, some lights that shine beams across the heads of the audience, and some strobe effects during “My Heart Is Broken”. While the stage show is fairly simple, it is effective and compliments the mood of the music well without being distracting. For much of the gig my focus of attention actually moves away from Amy (who is either sitting at the piano, or fairly static in front of the microphone), and on to Will Hunt, who entertains with his drum stick twirling antics and muscular drumming. While many fast death metal drummers will barely move their arms because of the speed they are playing, Mr Hunt will instead flail his arms around, hitting drums from quite a distance. It might not be the most efficient way to play, but it is eye catching.
For the main part of the set there are no surprises, as far as song choice goes. They run through the entirety of “Synthesis”, although not in the album order. The biggest cheers of the night of course are reserved for “Bring Me To Life”, “My Immortal”, and “Imaginary” (all of which are taken from the “Fallen” album). Amy Lee’s voice is faultless, and she expresses all the angst and passion that she’s known for in her studio recordings. The orchestra does a wonderful job of recreating the sound from “Synthesis”. On one of the few occasions that Amy chats to the crowd, she tells us that they have a different orchestra in each place they play. They only did three songs together during the sound check, and that was the only time they played together before the gig.
One criticism I have is that I found the electronic sounds tended to be overwhelming, and a bit too loud compared to the orchestra. This seemed to be more of a problem at the beginning of the set and settled down as the gig progressed. Also, the guitarists sitting centre stage might as well not have been there, as they couldn’t be heard at all. It looked that, for the most part, they were just playing simple power chords, but they were just completely lost in the mix.
Evanescence finish up with an encore of three songs that don’t feature on the latest album; “Speak to Me” (a song Amy tells us she wrote for a film score), “Good Enough” (from “The Open Door” album), and “Swimming Home” (from the third album). While some fans might feel the format of just Amy Lee and an orchestra might not be as exciting as say a full band with electric guitars and amps cranked to eleven, it was an engaging performance that held our attention to the end. For the Evanescence fans that came out to the show, I’m sure this evening will live on in their memories for a long time. There are still a lot of dates on this tour, so if you’re an Evanescence fan, and you haven’t seen one of the shows already, you won’t find yourself disappointed if you go along.
Set List:
Overture Never Go Back Lacrymosa End of the Dream My Heart Is Broken Lithium Bring Me to Life Unraveling Imaginary Secret Door Hi-Lo Lost in Paradise Your Star My Immortal The In-Between Imperfection
Encore: Speak to Me (Amy Lee song) Good Enough Swimming Home
Review: Martin Patterson
Images: Lara Vischi
Live Review: Evanescence – SEC Armadillo, Glasgow Evanescence are back in Glasgow supporting their fourth studio album, "Synthesis". Essentially, the new release is an electro-orchestral reworking, and re-imagining, of their previous material, but with a couple of new songs thrown in.
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lapizparpadeante · 6 years
El recorrido del sol
Basado en el videoclip «We were beautiful» de Belle & Sebastian
  Los últimos rayos de sol aún caen sobre la ciudad manchando todo con su resplandor amarillo, bañando el horizonte con su espíritu radiante que nos visita desde las mañanas. Ya lo he hecho todo: desperté, aseé mi cuerpo, me puse ese vestido fucsia que tanto envidian mis colegas, desayuné, salí a la oficina, trabajé como una condenada, almorcé frente a un puesto pequeño de deliciosa comida oriental, regresé al trabajo por unas horas más, volví a casa. Ahora el sol se despedía de la ciudad, mientras yo veía su luz, envidiosa de no ser quien se va de viaje.
Alrededor del astro dorado, los habitantes de esta urbe se desplazan de un lugar a otro, los vehículos corren hasta perderse detrás de la cortina de mi ventana, los nuevos monumentos son erigidos pacientemente por manos endurecidas. Desde mi ventana puedo espiar a un hombre dentro de un carro, que al igual que yo, admira la ciudad antes que oscurezca. Intercambiamos miradas por un momento, desconociendo la historia de cada quien. Asumo que es turista: viaja en taxi y viste a la usanza de alguien que viene de otra región. Sólo los turistas y las mujeres locas podemos ver la ciudad con ojos curiosos, mientras que el resto sólo camina y ve publicidad, ni siquiera se percatan que estamos vigilándolos.
Estoy segura que en algún lugar de esta ciudad hay una mujer más feliz que yo, quien ve televisión en el sofá mientras acaricia el cabello sedoso de su hijo. Lo hace lentamente, pensando algo indefinido, como qué hará de cena o qué debería usar en la salida con sus amigas el fin de semana. Sus pensamientos transcurren como el hojear pausado de un libro lleno de ilustraciones, sin razón alguna para apresurar el paso, sin arrepentimientos por un pasado que quedó sepultado bajo flores de arrepentimiento y joyas resplandecientes. Me doy cuenta que ahora el niñito está embelesado con un juguete de plástico mientras la televisión transcurre sin pausas.  
A lo lejos percibo el ruido de niños gritando de emoción, quizás sus padres están lejos y ellos aprovechan la ausencia del castigo para saltar sobre la cama como pequeños rufianes. ¡Qué salvajes, jajaja! Las almohadas son esparcidas por todo el cuarto mientras los pies descalzos bailan sobre el colchón; las risas y los gritos aumentan pero no logro distinguir qué intentan decirse. Sólo puedo imaginar sus sonrisas ingenuas, sus cabellos desordenados después de la ducha de las seis, las manitas sacudiéndose en el aire, los juguetes y animales de peluche que convierten sus habitaciones en espacios atiborrados. Qué triste que no pueda verlos realmente. Mi única ventana sólo permite ver el edificio de enfrente y otros más altos, los cuales tienen ventanas tan pequeñas como la mía, semejando una obra de arte abstracto compuesto por retículas suspendidas sobre gris, interrumpida por los árboles tupidos que crecieron desordenados con los años.        
Sé que siempre te has preguntando cómo es Glasgow, qué misterios omiten los blogs de turismo. Debo decirte que he ido más allá de George Square y el famoso armadillo. Desde mi último viaje a París, estoy cansado de agencias de viajes que me digan qué hacer. «Has sido sabio» una anciana en el avión alabó mi elección cuando lo comenté en medio de una charla con viajeros desconocidos. He llegado aquí sin siquiera reservar una habitación de hotel, sin revisar Google Maps en mi celular. Si las cosas empeoran, pasaré la noche en alguna discoteca hasta que amanezca y estaré forzado a tomar el primer tren de la madrugada.
Casi cae el sol y es mucho lo que aún me queda por conocer. Decidí entonces subir a un taxi y pedí al conductor que me llevase hasta el otro extremo de la ciudad, él sólo sonrió y aceleró enseguida sin decir una palabra. Te sorprendería lo mucho que se puede conocer a una ciudad cuando se observa más allá de los espectáculos y las recomendaciones de viaje. Apenas iniciamos el recorrido, pude darme cuenta que las tiendas comenzaban a cerrar y algunas calles se veían desoladas, excepto por una familia que regresaba a casa mientras los niños aún vestían uniforme escolar. En el parque, los muchachos apresuraban el partido de fútbol para así correr a casa mientras oscurece.
Los vehículos dejaron de existir ante mis ojos. Solamente observaba transeúntes y edificios altos que interrumpían el horizonte con sus cientos de ventanas y muros grises. Siento un alivio tremendo, veía todo sin el estorbo de algún guía de viaje, indicándome datos aburridos que podía conseguir en los primeros cinco resultados de búsqueda en Internet. Dos mujeres hermosas corrían tomadas de la mano, no pude dejar de observarlas, me recordó a tu vida cuando Blanca aún estaba a tu lado. Ustedes dos siempre sonreían, dándose besos inesperados en cualquier lugar. Te juro que esos días podía entrar a una discoteca y distinguir sus siluetas bailando en medio de la multitud. Mantenían un lazo envidiable hasta que vino el error. Entonces estuviste desilusionada por semanas, quizás meses; no había meditación espiritual ni píldoras, sólo silencio absoluto en la habitación de tu apartamento. Me hacías preguntas sobre Blanca, yo las esquivaba todas y te animaba a salir. No necesitas leer esto, sé que lo recuerdas.
A pesar de todo el dolor, aún pienso en ustedes como la pareja ideal, y sé que no cambiarías ningún acontecimiento por nada del mundo. A propósito de Blanca: he descubierto una mujer escocesa muy parecida a ella. Por alguna razón, ambos nos espiábamos mientras el taxi hacía su recorrido. Pero la similitud no está en su rostro porque logré verla al lado de una cortina, parada frente a la ventana de su apartamento, sino que parecía Blanca en la mirada. Los mismos ojos avellana, azules cuando la tristeza los invade. Nos seguimos largamente hasta que el taxi escapó de su vista.
Luego que aquello ocurrió, no pude parar de reírme y el conductor del taxi se puso nervioso. Sentía unas ganas tremendas de volver a aquel edificio y confrontarla, preguntarle si podía volver junto a ti. «¡Debo estar loco!» pensé mientras bajaba del carro, imaginaba que Blanca y tú regresaban, que habían superado toda adversidad y que ahora volvían a caminar de la mano en medio de la noche. Al diablo con Jeanette, sé que es su nueva novia, pero se trata de mi imaginación y justo ahora vuelvo a imaginarlas en la intimidad de tu habitación, protegidas por el atrapasueños que les regalé cuando apenas comenzaban a conocerse.
No sé qué ha visto ese hombre en mí. Dios mío, he quedado perpleja. Por un momento pensé que el taxi se detendría y que mis pies me llevarían a planta baja a preguntarle sobre su ciudad de origen, qué le ha llamado la atención de mí. ¡Los turistas son los especímenes más cautivadores! Comenzó a sonar una música hermosa, recordé entonces que una banda de rock ensayaba en el piso de abajo algunas tardes, «Write about love, it could be in any tense, but it must make sense» canté tan fuerte como pude mientras bailaba hacia la cocina, se abrió mi apetito y fui por un refrigerio.
Con una taza de té y un par de galletitas regresé a la ventana. Si pasa otro turista con mirada curiosa quizás me anime a preguntarle cosas insólitas desde lejos, como por qué fuimos hermosos antes de ser sabios y por qué ahora no hay simplemente un cielo bajo nuestras cabezas. Finalmente llega la noche, cierro los ojos para concentrarme en los sonidos de la ciudad.
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snippit-crickit · 17 days
simple loop with armadillo conductor, before they became one at least :D
+ i finally translated this doodle page, its them saying farewell to his mum and 123 armadillo siblings, and arriving in warsaw
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PL under the cut
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snippit-crickit · 4 days
when i dont know what to draw i draw the armadillo conductior he brings me joy
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the text says 'About an armadillo who rode by train' , which is a reference to a school set book under a similar name except it was about a dog who rode trains the dog actually died by a train by the end of that one, armadillo would never he knows the basic safety rules
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snippit-crickit · 6 months
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expetimentin a bit, this time with train armadillo something something, railroad safety, BHP 100%
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snippit-crickit · 6 months
Armadillo conductor lives in a world surrounded by humans and accomodated for humans so the gap between the platform and the train is 10 times bigger and scarier do you ever think about that yeah
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he will cry that the train got hurt
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