#armand is so petty i love it lol
stevenrogered · 15 days
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#but who’s counting
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nalyra-dreaming · 15 days
Comments on episode 2x02 - aka episode 9!
Intro change!! Love it!!
The coven immediately tracking them but Claudia and Louis not noticing for FIVE MONTHS?! Sweeties!!! Come ON! This is Paris! You know? “Paris? No!“????
But the ribbing about it is EVERYTHING
Sitting on the statue made me laugh out loud
I‘m living for the vaguely bitchy bantering between Armand and Louis!!! Yesssss 🙌
And Daniel not buying it lol
Loved the little moment re the racism (callout) there
Armand and the jab re Lestat - LOL (oh god he is being so PETTY)
Armand needling Louis lmao
The coffins beneath the beds - clever
Poor pidgeons
The interjections with Daniel‘s memories - shivers down my spine!!!
Madeleine and Claudia (and the dress 😭)
Daniel lecturing them about the gloves!!! I remember a post about this when s1 aired, because yes!!!! GOD THE DETAILS
Oh Louis. His photos. Going to that park to… watch?! Or snack and taste the lust in the blood?!!
Okay the groan and the elictricity … manifestations are definitely related to Armand.
They‘re very cute there on the couch in Dubai! If only Daniel would buy it lol. Also Louis‘ face when Armand says he never harmed him - oof. Pain and harm (for others) incoming 😭
God Armand seemed smitten indeed
The theater. HOLY SHIT. God they ate horrifically and left no crumbs.
Armand is maître. No hiding behind Santiago after all
Claudia choosing Bruce. Oy. Also Louis‘ face seeing the portrait
Daniel after had me laughing tears. Honestly. Drag them 🤣🤣🤣
Armand saying he fucked Lestat. Nawwww sweetie 😆
Louis going to Roget‘s to check if Lestat is actually dead. I… god. Honey.
Also: A part of the real Lestat!!!!!!!! I had not expected this (something similar yes, but THIS)??? GOD!! And Sam‘s presentation of it. Holy Hell. And making Louis his beneficiary. Right in the feels. “My Louis“. 😭😭😭😭 Mentioning the veil between them!!! Asking Louis not to give in to revenge!! But live his life 😭😭😭 FUCKING DEVASTATING 😭😭😭
The blood tears
Also Roget proposing Lestat is sleeping?!!!!!!!!! Does this Roget know?!!!
Whoa Daniel calling rebound
And Louis lashing out making Daniel remember Armand!!! HOLY MOLY
Louis called Daniel “Danny“
That smile Louis smiled there was vicious. Another little chip of surface humanity gone
Murder Mansion. Sex on motorbikes. It feels feverish.
Ohhhhhhhhh the flirtation. And Armand cutting it short by warning him and pushing Louis towards his shortcomings vampire-wise. OUCH. And also Armand commenting on her body and mind. Beheadings going on behind them. Oof.
The episode ending with a scream and the smile draining from Louis‘ face. Ruthless foreshadowing.
Next episode preview!!!
1556… the way they redirect for these snippets is interesting
God that gaze between Lestat and Armand is … *fans self*
Catacombs. Does Armand really show / (try to) teach LOUIS the fire gift? 😬
Justin fucking Kirk talking about the Great Conversion in broad daylight. Ohhhhhh I‘m still calling red herring lol.
Louis throwing Lestat against the wall 😈
Armand challenging Louis 🙌
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monstersinthecosmos · 4 months
Daddy Kink in Gallows Bird
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[read on AO3]
CW: Incest, noncon, TVA stuff !
Okay so. I’m in the middle of writing another meta about Daddy Kink in VC/TVA/B&G so please forgive me if this post or the other winds up being redundant, but in the middle of all the deep thinking I’ve been doing about that topic in canon, I also had some interesting convo in the comments of this fic, so I wanted to park this somewhere as well. I’ll try not to be too repetitive and I’m going to try to keep the convo focused a little more on the fic than on canon (to the best of my ability since they overlap so much!) because I wanted to talk specifically about the train of thought that informed the fic, and just take it with a grain of salt because it does veer into headcanon territory at times when I’m filling in gaps from canon.
Anyway so I brought Daddy Kink/father themes up a few times in this fic, here’s some examples (this might be all of them actually, I forget lol):
During Amadeo’s dream about being raped, that the smell of wine subliminally reminds him of his father, even though he can’t quite put it together.
Matteo commenting that Marius is Amadeo’s father (during sex, and implying that Marius fucks him).
The man at the party towards the end who is thinking about his own son while he eats Amadeo out.
Marius telling the men in the final scene that he and Amadeo are named Ivan and Andrei.
BONUS POINT, less obvious: Marius musing about Rome, the fatherland, and Roman storytelling trying to paint forefathers in a better light.
I admit that on some level this is not that deep lol it was just being horny and indulging in daddy kink, but like I do want my fics to make sense when it comes to meta and I did want it to be plausible with canon.
So off the bat we have to say like, VC vampires exist above social constructs anyway. Marius isn’t someone who’s going to get grossed out by crossing a boundary like this, in the same vein as Louis and Claudia or Lestat and Gabrielle. As vampires they do not exist inside familial structures anymore. So I think this is extremely present in the Venice portions of the books, that there’s this blurry line around father/mentor/maker/lover.
I also think about this part of B&G every day of my life:
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And I, with all my power, and all my blandishments, could not replace Amadeo’s father in Amadeo’s mind. Why was I so jealous? Why did this knowledge sting me so much?
BONUS LINE IN NEXT PARAGRAPH: I loved Amadeo as I had loved Pandora.
There’s just so much going on here!
Anyway so in TVA I think like, not knowing Marius’s POV at that point, Marius is having lots of mood swings, he can be hot and cold, at times sends Amadeo mixed signals. But in B&G when we get the insight, we learn how often he struggled with whether or not to turn Amadeo as he began to love him. (I think also a lot about when he tells Armand at the end of TVA that he sees Armand loves B+S more respectfully than Marius ever loved Armand!!)
And I want to like, balance this against Marius’s inherent selfishness with how he treated Amadeo, how he treated him like a pet or like a project. I don't think (in canon) he saw Amadeo as a full person, and it's why he interrupts Amadeo so much in the fic. Amadeo at this point in canon exists for Marius's own needs.
(Sidenote, when I was working on this fic and kept struggling with like, the POV of a Marius who doesn’t actually see Amadeo as a complete person, I kept using how I feel about my cats as a reference lol. Like I love them to death, I would die for them, but they don’t have a single fucking thought in their brains, they are little babies that I take care of bc they’re cute and I like having them around.)
I talk a lot about how I love Marius because he’s a flawed person; I find his flaws and missteps to be so human and relatable, like I too do my best to be reasonable and kind and patient and yet I do have a petty side. I can hold grudges. I think all of us are capable of acting selfishly.
Because like, his love of Amadeo is conditional, it’s like having a pet. In the book he keeps changing his mind if he should turn Amadeo or let him free to have a real life and we don’t know what his ultimate decision would have been because Harlech forces his hand. The question is: Would he have ever let Amadeo go?
He specifically chooses Amadeo because it’s someone he sees as a blank slate, A FUNERAL SPIRIT, someone on borrowed time. Marius considers Amadeo’s life over already, so this is all bonus for him. There’s never a question of rescuing him out of goodness and returning him to his home. Marius specifically chooses him to groom as a fledgling because he’s lonely, and he doesn't see Amadeo as a human with a potential life anyway.
So in the fic I tried to make this clear, all the times Marius wonders if he can keep Amadeo, even begging Akasha for a clue, and by the end he realizes he has to keep Amadeo because this experience has ruined him. He’s never going to be able to live a normal life now, and Marius knows it*. AS FAR AS THE FIC UNIVERSE GOES, we could ask the same, like, will Marius still turn him in this fic timeline if Harlech doesn’t show up, but I think he would.
*also as an aside, I wrote this fic to be like backwards engineered Devil's Minion, so I bring this theme up a lot in my Armand/Daniel fics, and the entire thesis of The Lotus Eater is that Armand was careless with Daniel and broke him, which is what Marius does to Amadeo.
Anywhoo, back to the daddy stuff.
Like sure yeah it’s just there to be horny because I think Daddy Kink is absolutely present in canon, but Marius is enjoying this game they’re playing, too, even if he’s a little too proper to admit it. He likes taking Amadeo out and getting to protect him. He likes indulging in the kill when Amadeo is fucking wrecked, like it’s a sex act they can share. He likes that their victims think he’s Amadeo’s father. It makes him feel powerful.
And towards the end, when they’re talking about stoicism and whether or not you can simply turn your emotions off, it also leads into whether or not Amadeo can make the choice to remember where he comes from.
Canon doesn’t explicitly say this so this is where fic headcanon comes in, but I wanted to make it that Marius can see into Amadeo’s dreams, and I implied that he knows perfectly well exactly where Amadeo is from. He knows about the monastery, he knows about Andrei’s home life and his parents, he knows their names! So every day that passes in Venice where Marius doesn’t offer this information, or bring him home, is another day he’s chosen to keep Amadeo, and is ultimately selfish.
On the other hand, especially once the fic starts and Amadeo’s memories start coming back to him, Amadeo knows that Marius knows, and he never asks.
This is of course like, dubcon territory of like, SHOULD AMADEO HAVE TO ASK? Is Amadeo’s fragile mental state a clue that he cannot consent or make informed decisions? Is Marius behaving badly by allowing this wounded child to make his own decisions, or as the adult/immortal, even as the mentor/father/lover, should he guide Amadeo to do what’s right? And what exactly is the right decision?
But from the moment Amadeo realizes that Marius knows more about him than he reveals, Amadeo never asks, which means he’s making a decision to stay in Venice. And like, the morally correct thing is not really relevant here when Marius’s moral compass is so far removed from human sensibility, but it also affirms his desire to be wanted. He’s happy that Amadeo wants to stay and wants to be his pupil and his baby boy, so he’s not going to challenge it.
And that’s why he drops the names Ivan and Andrei in the final sex scene, as a climax to all of this. It’s serves both as one final way to challenge Amadeo, to ask if he TRULY doesn’t remember, but also serves to take on the ROLE of Ivan. He wants to be Amadeo’s Daddy. And even though the men in the room are teasing him about how he’s not actually going to sell Amadeo, how Amadeo must be his favorite, how he must be a freak, etc, he still owns Amadeo in this sense, and it allows him another level of release along with Amadeo’s sexual release.
WELL. I hope that makes sense!!! It made sense to me at the time when I was writing it. I love these two dweebs, please talk to me about them any time!
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desertfangs · 5 months
Ohhh I love your “obscure” headcanons so much! Armand is definitely the pettiest, bitchiest drama queen who ever lived (and I love him for it) and while I don’t think he’s outright lying in the sense that… while there’s obviously some discrepancies re: what he says and what actually happened, he also believes his own version of reality and he uses it as a coping mechanism (unlike some other vamps in the series who are just good old fashioned liars lol). To him, those aren’t really lies, but what he’s told himself to believe in order to move forward and survive. Also! Daniel 100% tells him he loves him while he’s a mortal, IIRC it’s mentioned how they fight and make up a lot and always reconcile with kisses and blood exchanges, and Daniel says “I love you, give me more”, or something along those lines. TVA!Armand really tried it but we remember 😌
Oh thank you, LOL. Yes, he is petty AF. But I totally agree, I think you're spot on about Armand and how in that moment, that is his version of reality. He isn't lying in an intentional sense about the Daniel stuff. He's in such a terrible headspace, he feels abandoned and lost, he just tried to commit suicide, and his mental state is not good (understatement of the year). So when he says things like "no one alive ever said they loved me" or "we never got our springtime" or whatever, these are things that absolutely feel true to him. He's so absorbed in his own pain and sadness, he can't really recall the good.
I do think there's part of him that is lashing out and wants to hurt Daniel on some level, but yes, largely it's just... he's so hurt himself that he cannot think of their relationship as anything but a total failure. He's seeing it through the lens of 'He left me, he doesn't love me, it's all bad.' 😭 He may remember Daniel saying he loves him but in that moment, those words no longer feel true so he might as well not have said it at all, you know? (Okay, now I'm depressed.)
Of course, we know he did. Like you said, he does actually say it in QotD: "It would end with the embrace, the kiss, the blood stinging him, the shroud of dreams closing over him like a great net, hunger! I love you! Give me more!"
But also even if it wasn't directly stated, Devil's Minion is like 40 pages that covers 12 years of their life together! Twelve years! That's a hell of a long time. We get bits and pieces of their conversations, mere snippets and little anecdotes. There's a lot that isn't included.
I have no doubt Daniel told him he loved him, verbally and otherwise, literally hundreds of times. Probably thousands. I would bet cash money Daniel has several of those times recorded on home video, even. I can only imagine Daniel reading that line and going "You've got to be kidding me." (The most mild reaction he will have to anything in TVA, tbh.)
Anyhow, thank you for the message, anon!
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hekateinhell · 8 months
sending this well after you've probably gone to bed HOWEVER i am always ready to report for louis/armand/lestat duty so HERE GOES:
Every time they get in a petty fight, someone rearranges the vinyl collection at Trinity Gate. Louis organizes alphabetically by artist, Armand organizes by genre, and Lestat organizes chronologically. The music room is a goddamn war zone.
When Lestat is an Extra Extra Good Boy (or just in need of some tlc in general) Louis and Armand make the best mani-pedi team. Louis takes a foot and Armand takes a hand, then they switch for the opposite side. 
Somehow Armand gets ahold of the tattered old TVL band shirt that Louis used to sleep in. He lounges around the house in it and has both Lestat and Louis drooling in SECONDS (bonus smut points if Louis and Lestat both take turns fucking him in it)
Also this is just Louis/Armand but listen i've been thinking a lot lately of how strong Armand is!!! Like I know the fun thing about his character is that he's got the craziest mental tenacity for someone trapped in a small/young body, but I do think people sleep on how physically strong he is as well. Anyway, all I'm saying is: I want to see him hoist Louis up against a wall and fuck him <3 I want Louis to get overpowered and dicked down by someone half a foot shorter than him LOL it would be good for him!!!!!!
i love thinking about what their domestic life would look like LMAO canon or human AU because all three of them complement and contrast each other so fucking well, i'm all over that all day every day!!!! asksfkdsgj rip the music room 💀 i hope to god nobody gets petty enough to fuck with the library and louis's meticulously thought out system of displaying his books that only he knows (lestat gets petty enough, armand knows better -- tbh idk if he actually ever gets mad at louis? as easily as lestat sets him off, louis has the opposite effect. but for argument's sake, i think if louis did piss armand off, armand would react by pretending he's fine but he would immediately start being infantilizing and weird. really, really emphasizing the "sweet, dusty louis" every other sentence like he's marius talking to a wain victorian orphan).
NO BUT THIS IS SO SWEET!!! not to get too serious but for canon fic i think about court era!lestat a lot and like how he comes right out and says to marius "you don't want a prince in me, you want a figurehead, you would be the ruler here" and really just all the times he sounds so Tired & Done™️ in general with everything. lestat getting some TLC from his consort and madame de pompadour on the regular is harm reduction at its finest lbr. i wanna see armand and louis giving him a perfumed bath a la QotD but without the trauma (and like in Air Catcher too now that i've triggered the memory, i love your brain so much DO YOU KNOW HOW OFTEN I REREAD THAT FIC 🥹)
OH MY GOD STOP PLEASE!!! i wanna know like was armand intentional about wearing louis's lestat shirt? in his mind, is this The Next Logical Step in their threesome relationship? was he expecting a reaction or was he just looking to self-soothe and instead of going for one of louis's baggy sweaters that would hit the thigh on armand, he just grabbed the shirt? regardless, i hope they dped him 🫶🏼 (i totally need this to happen both in canon verse and in teen au future verse)
NO ASHLEY YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND LMAO NOBODY KNOWS BECAUSE I HAVE TOO MUCH GOING ON TO ACTUALLY WRITE BUT THE SMUT MACHINE NEVER STOPS AND LATELY I JUST WANT ARMAND TO TOP EVERYONE!!!! i wanna see the short king bend back those long legs and go to town on these catholic boys! 🤧 armand is the ultimate switch and he is, in his own words, NOT A WAIF. he can lift that bag of bones easily!!! ❤️ and i remember we talked about like top/bottom dynamics with lestat and louis--either physically or just energy wise--and how it would probably take a considerable amount of time and effort for louis to heal enough to relinquish that control to lestat again following the RR years and all that went down... i'm thinking like if i wanted squish armand in there and I DO, it would be a good step in that direction for louis to practice being open (get it? i'll see myself out) with armand first (literally expanding on PL canon here just adding the sex LMAO). tl;dr: it would be good for both of them if armand fucked that sad, wet man (as a treat) ALSO ALSO SEE MY FAVE "ARMAND FUCKS LOUIS" FICLET THAT IS WAY TOO FUCKING SHORT
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nothing-but-paisley · 9 months
Do a character headcanon for Rhoshamandes! Do one for Benedict! I recently heard a thing about Allesandra that has me wondering what you think of her too.
These two are interesting and I want to know more about them! Thank you for the ask 🖤☺️
Sexuality: I hc Rhosh as gay, or more accurately Benedict-sexual. For which he resents Benedict intensely lol
Gender: Rhosh hasn't been human for 5000 years so I don't think he thinks about it much, but he would say he's a cis man if asked.
Ship: I like him with Benedict, but Rhosh/Lestat could be spicy
BROTP: I don't see him befriending anyone really since he's such a miserable asshole. (Except Allessandra)
NOTP: Rhosh/Louis
Random headcanon: Rhosh grew up on ancient Crete, and consequently loves islands. If he's not close to the ocean he starts to get antsy and murderous.
General opinion: It's funny that such an ancient vampire is such a petty bitch. I would love to know more about Rhosh's coven leader era.
Sexuality: I think in canon Benedict was a bit of a wayward monk who frolicked with men and women? But he only has eyes for Rhosh
Gender: Benedict has nonbinary energy to me
Ship: Rhosh, but just imagine all the depraved shit he and Armand could get up to. The shared monastic/religious trauma, the overbearing mentor/lover/makers, Armand's hilariously vocal disdain for him
BROTP: I think he'd get along with Louis
NOTP: None, have at it! (I mean he did let himself be erotically torn to shreds by dozens of vampires)
Random headcanon: Benedict drew a lot of those weird ass doodles you see in the margins of illuminated manuscripts when he was human.
General opinion: Benedict is such a gentle hapless soul and he deserved so much better. It's hard to imagine him feeding on anyone, let alone surviving for 1000 years. Rhosh must have been apoplectic after Magnus stole his blood lol
I haven't read the PL books in a while, so I'd have to revisit them before getting into specifics on Allessandra but I always liked her. Glad she came back from her mad blood drinker era
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covenofthearticulate · 11 months
Tagged by @desertfangs and @hekateinhell to talk about fic/art concepts that are on my mind but haven't officially made it to the wip stage yet! 
I’ve always wanted to write something where Lestat and Louis just get to wrestle LMAO I think about that Bayou Mud Wresting scene in iwtv a lot like asdfghjsjbng not only is that lowkey super hot, but idk I just think Lestat’s love language is so heavily rooted in physical affection, I’d love to do a study where I get to write about him getting so overwhelmed with affection he just has to tackle Louis to the ground. I want the boys to be boys!!!!!!
I’ve been thinking a lot lately of what a follow up would look like to this drabble I wrote a while back, discussing Louis and Lestat’s sexuality. I do think Louis is genuinely kinda fascinated with Lestat’s bisexuality, so I always wonder how he would react if Lestat ever did get around to staging a “demonstration.” It’s not his particular cup of tea, but I want Louis to get turned on watching Lestat get turned on from eating out Bianca (or someone else, but tbh I think Bianca would be the most fun, and the most game for it). 
I wasn’t joking when I said I wanted a low-stakes fluff piece about Armand at the aquarium okay. He needs the enrichment. I want him to look at weird ugly fish and infodump to his boyfriend.
Okay, so. Even though I KNOW trinity gate and auvergne are where most of the vamps spend their time post-canon, when I imagine loustat in my head, even contemporary, 2023 loustat, I can’t see them anywhere else but New Orleans. I want to write about them settling back in NOLA for good one day. I’ve had this one scene tableau stuck in my head for a long time, about Louis living with Lestat in court and just getting so incredibly anxious and depressed and Lestat catches him crying one night and Louis confesses that he just wants to go home. Their Rue Royale apartment has been through so many eras, idk I’m always so interested in people’s relationships to the concept of home, and especially how Louis and Lestat feel about the way they share this space with so much baggage
To end on a lighter note, I also want to write a full-length smut fic around Louis and Lestat having an intellectual debate while also having sex LOL i don’t have the brainpower for it these days (Louis is so much smarter than me lmfao rip) but I mean. Louis and Lestat’s petty quarrels are some of my favorite things to write. they are so ridiculous
I think I’m late to the game on this one so most folks are already tagged but please if you want to participate, go ahead and consider yourself tagged!!! <3
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sofipitch · 2 years
I know Rashid’s probably not Armand but I wish he was lol He’s so cute and creepy 🫶 Those big brown eyes, luscious hair, and “electric mailbox” I can see this guy begging Lestat to love him and having petty violent little fights. Plus his tits we’re out in the latest episode so. Regardless, the actor’s done a fantastic job he’s great lol
I love him and his weird vibes so much. All a character needs is to me slightly odd to for me to be interested and I agree, I think Rashid is great, and obviously very attractive. I hope whoever he is he gets to stick around, and maybe have a few more lines than saying "yes sir" when Louis shoos him out of the room
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thevampirelestat · 2 years
Theatre des Vampires for the ask meme
does armand count as a side character? as you know, i haven't read past the 5th book in the series, so i don't have a lot to choose from with regards to "side characters." i mean my feeling towards most of them is really just apathy beyond what their existence tells me about my favs. like how learning about nicolas told us a lot about lestat and his attachment issues and how that resulted in his situation with louis
that being said, i don't even hate armand as he's written, i actually love what he adds to the dynamic of the books, i.e., his obvious jealousy-fueled hate/infatuation with lestat, and his eventual seduction of louis. but like nicolas, that's his only real use in my eyes - how he acts as a catalyst for their drama
so i guess the main reason i don't like armand is because of fandom. i don't really care about him, so having to listen to people talk about how great he is all the time just put me off even more... i find him uninteresting on his own, but im self-aware enough to admit that my "hatred" of him is really a hatred for how he's been shoved down my throat by fandom, and is therefore entirely petty and built out of spite. also probably a red flag about me, since i relate to lestat so much in that way lol
but for the record, i also don't like that he looks like a teenager. i know his fans like to depict him as being at least 17 physically, but in truth while the books vary in their descriptions, the emphasis on his youthful beauty stays the same throughout. and that doesn't appeal to me in the slightest
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licncourt · 2 years
Not sure if you’ve already talked about it but what do you think of the film IWTV? Seeing clips of the new amc version of Lestat has me longing for the floofy haired, velvet&lace wearing, bitchy dumpster fire that was Tom Cruise’s iteration lol The movie definitely had its flaws (even the bad casting of Antonio bandera was funny) but overall I just loved the theatricality of it all.
I'm a big fan of the 1994 movie, including the controversial Brad Pitt Louis™️. Tom Cruise and Kirsten Dunst were great too and I think the filmmakers really captured the essence of the book in a way very few movie adaptations of literature do. Visually, it's a stunning film and I adore the costumes and set design. It'll always have a special place in my heart.
Obviously it wasn't perfect and there are minor changes I'd make (keeping some cut scenes from the original script, altering some details to match the book a little better) but I genuinely enjoy it and think it's a good movie. The colored contacts are corny and idk WHAT accent Mr. Cruise was doing, but those are petty complaints.
And honestly I don't mind Antonio Banderas as Armand. I'd prefer that to the sexualization of a physically underage character like in the book, especially since it was the 90s and the stereotype of the predatory gay man was very prevalent still. Louis having that kind of tension with a teenage Armand would've been hammering the prejudice home.
(As far as the AMC show, it's simply one interpretation of the story, like an AU fanfiction. I am a slut for period dramas, so I'm sad that we won't get those Georgian and Regency costumes, but if they didn't think they could handle the topic of slavery well, I'd prefer this to an offensive depiction of enslaved people.)
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kuningannasansa · 4 years
A musketeers rewatch (that nobody asked for) 1x08
In which Richelieu almost gets his husband killed 
We start with Labarge (spl?) being escorted through the streets of Paris by musketeers. He is played by that guy who always plays violent brutes with few if any lines of dialogue. 
Red guards show up and demand that the prisoner is handed over to them. Then Labarge beats the crap out of them until the musketeers intervene. Not before a red guard is killed thou. By another red guard attempting to strike at Labarge.
The dead man is called Captain Trudeau. And the red guard who killed him blames the musketeers. 
Now they’re fighting each other! Male egos... 
Treville says Trudeau was given fair warning and it’s his own fault he’s dead. Kind of harsh. Richelieu retorts that Treville had no business arresting a regional intendant without coming to him first. I’m really struggling to see Labarge in the role of regional intendant, but I guess that’s the point. Treville shoots back that he’s a violent criminal who subjected Gascony to a reign of terror. And Richelieu says that the man exceeded his authority and he was in the process of calling him back before the musketeers intervened. I know I’m supposed to take the musketeers side here, but I really see no reason to doubt Richelieu.
Treville is mad and says any of his musketeers could defeat any of the red guards and Louis immediately makes a bet! So there we are, that’s the plot sorted out. I love their bickering thou xD
Richelieu looks so panicked, poor dear! He knows he doesn’t stand a chance but he can’t afford to back down. 
Constance and D’artagnan are being cute and domestic!
D’artagnan apologizes for the rent being overdue. Nice reference to the books! But in the books he doesn’t apologize, he is quite insulted that some commoner would even dare to bother him with such trivialities. Much more realistic to a noble of the era, but I guess not something a modern audience would sympathise with. 
Here Bonacieux actually tells him off thou and that’s too far in the other direction, kind of takes me out of the story. 
Treville is so excited about this contest! Bless!
The entry fee is 30 livres and our boys haven’t got it. It’s time to go womanizing! In the church. 
Aramis knows all the women there, of course. 
“It’s a requiem mass not a party at Madame Angel’s” - and then they cross themselves lol. 
Labarge has destroyed D’artagnan’s farm “as a warning to other local landowners” because Dart’s father was “greatly respected”. But Dart had done nothing to him and his father is long dead? I don’t get this. 
Porthos can’t lie for shit and Alice helps him out cause she fancies him! That’s cute!
Alice has put on a colourful dress and her maid is judging her. 
Porthos says it must be great for her to have all of her husband’s things to remember him by and I thought he was talking of his own lack of things to remember his mother by but Alice responded by giving him her husband’s solid gold candle snuffer! So was he fishing for that the whole time? It really comes across more like he wasn’t but then took the opportunity. 
D’artagnan proclaims he is ready and Athos just smiles. And proceeds to provoke him with tales of Labarge being comfortable in the Bastille with his “every whim attended to”. But we had a scene before of Labarge being fed disgusting prison food and talked down to by a guard, so not true lol.
Doesn’t stop D’art from barging into Richelieu’s office screaming thou.
Richelieu offers him patronage and D’art turns it down. This episode almost feels like the book.
“As a citizen of France I demand my rights” - you are a subject of the King. Shut up.
Milady overheard the whole thing!
“Your fascination with these musketeers seems inexhaustible.” - lol Armand, look who’s talking!  
Milady: “I do everything for you.” Richelieu: “Permit me to doubt that.” - but in the last episode you trusted her to manage the Ninon thing even in the event of your death?
“There was a time I found your independence of spirit arousing. I must warn you, Milady, that time is now past.” - this line is gross and unnecessary. But also, what did she do between last episode and this one to change his opinion like that? I guess the writers just needed him to discard her for plot reasons, but it could have been better written.
Red guards arrest a protesting Bonacieux! This really is the book episode!
Bonacieux: “You want me to spy on him [D’art]?” Richelieu: “I can see you are a man of quick intelligence.”
Why is his office so huge and empty thou, with one little desk in it?
D’artagnan... steals a red guard uniform. And breaks into the Bastille. Wow, okay, totally forgot about that bit. 
And he does the whole “my name is D’artagnan of Lupiac in Gascony” thing again. And tries to force a confession out of Labarge.
And Labarge would have killed him if Athos had not shown up.
Athos: “What did I tell you about thinking before you act!” D’artagnan: “I can’t help it, I’m not like you!” Athos: “You are, more than you know.” - oh, you mean you also didn’t think before you strung up your wife from a tree? Yeah, i see that.
A milathos scene! Athos says he won’t attack a defenceless woman and Milady laughs as though at the idea that she is defenceless, but it breaks my heart cause dude, you very much did do just that.
“I have to make a living somehow, what better patron could I have?” Milady says of Richelieu and she is right!
“I’m a soldier, just like you.” - YES! SHE IS!
She tries to come on to him for casual sex and he rejects her. With difficulty, but still :(( 
She gives him “fair warning” to stay away from her.
Papa Treville looks so proud looking at Athos and D’art training!
Richelieu tells Labarge that he “overstepped his limits” and “ruled Gascony like a petty tyrant”. Lebarge says he just gave people the needed encouragement to pay their taxes and Richelieu replies: “Perhaps if more of the taxes you collected had reached the treasury, I’d be inclined to overlook your excesses.” LOL!
Constance sells her stuff to get D’art the money. And then Milady gives it to him before she can. And D’art doesn’t decline even thou all he knows of her is that she left him to take the the blame for her murder and lied about Ninon. He literally doesn’t give a fuck as long as he can enter this fight! 
Milady looks so pretty in this scene thou!
Porthos and Alice are getting on very well!
So Milady gave D’art some pendant with a flower on it together with the money as a “token of friendship” and now Bonacieux has nicked it.
D’art: “I found a patron of my own.” Aramis: “Wealthy widow?” D’art: “Not as far as I know.” - so like, with Milady telling her that her lover tried to kill her and Athos’s dead wife coming back from the dead to kill him and Athos clearly recognising the woman at Ninon’s trial, D’art still hasn’t had the penny drop? Or he has and just doesn’t want to tell Athos that he’s taking his wife’s money?
Aramis is the best shot, Porthos is the best at hand to hand combat and D’art does pretty well with the sword, but we don’t see Athos try that.
And Richelieu has commissioned Labarge! xD
Who beats the crap out of his other men. That can’t be good for morale! Like for real, what must the red guards be thinking? Richelieu has made a criminal who killed their captain the new captain! And mocks them publicly for not being as good as him in a fight! 
The pendant is also now in Richelieu’s hands.
Treville was spying on Richelieu! 
Bonacieux bought Constance a bracelet to celebrate his good luck of getting a contract. See, I love when the antagonists are not complete monsters and get human moments like this!
“Becoming a musketeer was the best thing that ever happened to me... until I met you.” - Oh Porthos! That was smooth! 
And Alice offers to support him if he leaves the musketeers.
D’art is looking for his pendant and doesn’t tell Constance about it when she asks if he’s lost something. He knows he’s doing wrong but the glory is beckoning so he can’t help it.
Constance runs after him to give him a goodbye kiss and Bonacieux sees them. That’s what you get for flaunting your affair in the open street. I mean, even if he hadn’t been there, these other people are all her neighbours, who would gossip.
Treville nominates himself and the musketeers are like “this is bullshit”. I don’t blame them. But Papa is just trying to protect them and he knows he’ll get their resentment as a reward! So sad! 
“Was your life so bad, Constance? Was I ever cruel to you, did I beat you?” - this is good writing. It would have been so boring if they had made him into a physically abusive brute. 
Threatening her with killing D’art isn’t cool thou!
Athos accuses Treville of having a midlife crisis and wanting “one last moment of glory”. And when he leaves, Treville just rubs his face and he looks so tired! 
And Constance breaks up with D’art! Meaning he loses the fight and her on the same day, I do feel bad for him.
Constance is right to point out that she has a lot more to lose here thou! 
Treville’s plain brown tunic looks really bad without the cape over it. But the tunic he’s looking at in preparation for the fight looks better at least.
There are only two little stands of courtiers, but it could be worse. 
“You only needed 30 livre, not a wife” - Aramis, you gentleman. 
Treville’s fighting outfit looks good, I was right. But he is getting his ass kicked. What must Richelieu be thinking! I don’t think he knew Treville would be the one to face Labarge. 
I went back to check and we don’t get his reaction to Treville’s name. But when Labarge is announced he doesn’t look particularly happy.
He also looks very distracted when the King addresses him during the fight.
Treville stops to grin at the King while Labarge is getting his breath back and Labarge attacks when his guard is down. He’s done for!
D’art steps in and in 30 seconds flat it becomes an all out brawl between the musketeers and red guards. 
Louis says that Labarge broke the rules and Treville may nominate a champion. So D’art gets his turn to shine. But what rules? Attacking when Treville was not looking? Stepping on Treville’s shoulder with his foot? I guess Louis can make up the rules as he goes along lol xD
I feel sorry for poor Treville, being utterly humiliated! 
And Labarge shouts that he did burn D’art’s farm down right in the middle of the fight. A confession in front of the King. He’d be dead even if he won!
D’art kills him and Louis declares the musketeers the winners. And takes the prize money for himself because “rules were broken and we do need to collect our taxes somehow.” 
“I admire loyalty, more than any other virtue” - that’s true I think? I think it holds up during the show, but I’m not a Louis expert lol.
At least he makes D’art a musketeer finally! And D’arts teary face and all the hugging is quite moving.
Milady in her pretty red dress gets told off by the cardinal. I love how he says “comtesse de la fere”, but he does ask an important question. Why did she give D’art money to compete? Because Richelieu threatened her at the beginning of the episode and she was looking for a new prospect? She tells him she wants to bring him over to “their side” but that doesn’t square with giving him money to win his musketeer commission lol. Well, Armand, that’s what you get for threatening your employees I guess.  
And Alice and Porthos break up because she can’t handle that much excitement and he can’t give up soldiering. 
Porthos and Aramis share a cute moment.
D’art moves out with some poisonous words for Constance. I can’t really blame him in the heath of the moment, but if memory serves he never really apologised while she did. 
And Constance sees him with Milady! And closes the curtain before she can see him tuning her down! Poor Constance!
And poor Milady! Her position with the Cardinal depends on this and he doesn’t give a fuck now he’s a musketeer. 
Overall this was a very good episode. Such a relief after last time. Next up, the stupid assassination attempt on the Queen. Oh joy!
Red guards killed: Captain Trudeau
Women killed: none! yay!
Best dressed: Milady and Richelieu! Look, they match!
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Hello. Sorry if you've already answered this before, but I see a lot of Louarmand posts about them bring happy and in love living together etc etc and a lot of people agreeing. Could it be they were better suited than Loustat? It sounds insane but maybe they were? I've not read the books either only the TV series.
Louis and Armand share a very loving relationship in the books.
Several times.
It's one they both need, and want.
We will see the infatuation phase of that next season I bet, right before... ahem. Well. Before shit goes down.
In the books Lestat never begrudges Louis and Armand their relationship, or love, and he also loves Armand. And Armand loves (and wants) Lestat, too.
I really, really, really hope they will not go petty jealousy route on the show, but let those very complicated relationships stand.
So... Loumand "shippers" (I'm setting this in quote marks, because... in these books? That's no ship - that's canon^^. As is Loustat^^) should enjoy what they get soon.
However, I think the part of the fandom that does not know the books (not addressing you directly here, just as a general note!)... will have a very rude awakening. Because Paris... will end in catastrophe.
And it will be very hard to follow why Louis and Armand might still be together, after that, lol.
That is one of those things in the books, and I think one of the things where it becomes so very clear that they... are not human.
Life, existence, endurance... works differently for them.
And so does love.
Do not worry. Loustat are endgame. Canonically, and already set by the show and showrunners.
But that doesn't mean that Loumand does not exist. Or Lesmand, likely, in this universe :)))
Just... enjoy.
We got the hottest, most able actors on the f***ing planet in my humble opinon:)
Imagine what they'll be like to watch^^.
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Meeting and being courted by Louis de Pointe du Lac
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(Not my gifs)(Requested by anonymous) (I might make poly headcanons for him and Lestat: though I might have already done so I honestly don’t remember)
- You met Louis when Lestat was trying to please him and get him to stay with him. You were Claudia’s sister so when you came home to find a blonde vampire who was also a complete stranger sweeping your sister into his arms you were more than a little terrified and confused. 
- He decided he could kill two birds with one stone; get Louis to stay because he was responsible for Claudia being turned and get him to fall for you. Long story short you were taken to his castle and turned before Claudia was.
- Once Claudia had wrapped her arms around Louis Lestat informed him that he had another surprise and he brought you out.
 “She is all yours my friend.” 
- You could hear a pin drop as you entered; Louis could only think about how beautiful you were and that because of him you would be forced to live the same hell he was living in at that very moment. 
- You had expected him to be beautiful; after seeing Lestat you assumed all vampires were attractive but he was nothing like you imagined. He was angelic, godlike even and you could feel yourself already being drawn to him.
- Lestat was very pleased when he saw the looks you were giving each other but soon became distressed when Louis avoided you. He had gotten that ungrateful whiner a larger coffin that was now going to go to waste because he was too obsessed with being miserable. 
- You had fallen for him the moment you saw him but after time you began to think Louis hated you. Lestat reassured you it wasn’t true but you found yourself not wanting to be in the house with them knowing the man you who you cared so deeply for didn’t even want to look at you. 
- You packed your bags and kissed Claudia goodbye, disappearing as Louis and Lestat were gone. You were sure they would take good care of her and she seemed far more attached to them then she was with you. 
- To say Lestat was furious when they arrived home would be the understatement of the century. Claudia really hadn’t put up much of a fight when he demanded she tell him where you went.
- You hadn’t gotten far when Lestat came and angrily dragged you back, muttering about the predicament he had on his hands. He sat you down once you were “home” and asked if you wanted him to turn someone for you so that you would stay; he had grown quite attached to you himself. 
- The two of you were shocked when Louis shouted out a harsh “No!” from his spot in the corner of the room. You quickly turned to look at him, watching as he stalked over to you and pulled you along with him as he made his way to his room. Once he closed the door he pushed you against it and kissed you.
- You still to this day aren’t sure exactly what came over him but you think he had gotten jealous even thinking about you wanting another person. It’s the only explanation that really makes sense to you. 
 “I thought you hated me.”
 “I tried.”
- You spent the night making up for lost time and spent the day in his coffin  with Claudia sneaking in alongside you in the early evening. 
- You were much like Claudia, sleeping for a few hours in your own coffin before  carefully creeping into his where he would wrap you up tightly in his arms. You cherished the quiet moments you spent huddled up with him waiting for the sun to disappear below the horizon.  
- He’s very protective of you. After what happened to his wife and child along with him knowing just how evil Lestat could be at times he most definitely does not like leaving you alone.
- He’s not extremely jealous or possessive but would rather you stay by his side and keep away from humans or other vampires you may come across. 
- You’re going to be spoiled; anything you could ever dream of would be yours the instant you implied that you were even slightly interested in it. 
- There’s constant affection coming from him. He hasn’t been in a proper relationship in centuries and definitely misses the feel of it. On that note ~ he has been alone with Lestat for that very long amount of time and that calls for a great buildup of sexual tension and repressed urges.
- He loves watching you with Claudia or whenever you’re doing anything domestic. It has an odd soothing effect on him that he just can’t explain.
- You rarely fight but whenever it would happen it would be a very rough and emotion filled scene. You would give him the silent treatment and avoid him which would rightfully make him fairly upset and extremely tense especially when he knows you’re spending more time with Lestat.
- Sometimes you would creep into Lestats room when the sun is up; finding it hard to spend so long in solitude. Ever since you were turned you hadn’t really spent a night alone and before you and Louis got together you would stay with Lestat.
- Claudia would be the reason you spoke to him again. She would angrily march up to you and drag you behind her tiny body until you were in the same room as him. He would stand up immediately and wrap his arms around you as he apologized, you couldn’t help yourself as you practically melted in his arms. 
- None of your arguments are about anything truly serious so it isn’t hard to forgive him. And if you’re ever the one needing to apologize after a fight just stand between his legs and cup his face in your hands while you give him your sincere apology, he’ll forgive you instantly it’s like magic. He can never really stay mad at you.
- If you ever fight with Lestat Louis finds it kind of amusing to watch; the two of you bickering is quite the sight to see. But Lestat is a sadist and enjoys watching you and Louis argue for an entirely different reason. 
- Him playing with your hair as you lay your head on his shoulder.
- His hand is always on your waist or holding your hand whenever you are out of the house. He wants to show everyone that he’s courting you and that you belong to him.
- He’s almost always the perfect gentleman. He always opens doors for you and lends you his hand when helping you into your carriage (I guess).
- There’s a very specific scene in my mind with him holding your hand as you walk down the steps of your carriage all the while he stares down a group of men who are ogling you. He’s just watching them closely before you call for his attention once more and he leads you to wherever you were going. (I hope this makes sense lol)
- There’s a lot of buildup before he kisses you ( just think of that scene with Armand in the movie when you probably thought they were about to kiss; love that scene).
- Really passionate kisses and spontaneous groping. He loves pinning you to things as well
- He’s a very honest person; he also can’t keep things from you for very long before he explodes from guilt. He’s an extremely guilty person in general; it’s just a fact.
- He’s incredibly strong and is always picking you up and spinning you around. He loves doing it when you’re dancing together usually as Claudia plays the piano.
- Him calling you darling, dear, my love, and sugar after a few centuries pass.
- Traveling with him and Claudia when the deed is done. 
- He tries to keep you away from Lestat for the most part; Lestat is extremely jealous of this and kisses you in front of him just to be petty and spiteful. A threesome will ensue at some point we all know it.Your boyfriend is his boyfriend and you are to be his as well. There is just no way Lestat would have you be just Louis’s and not his too.
- His eyes seem to constantly be on you which is honestly flattering considering how perfect he is.  
- Rubbing his shoulders as you sit behind him on a sofa. You usually do it to keep him calm/calm him down while Lestat annoys him or tries to argue. 
- He would feel an urge to kill anyone who hurts you even if they just accidentally bump into you,same goes for anyone who disrespects you; it’s usually because Lestats like a little devil on his shoulder.
- Comforting him when he gets upset about his wife and child. You’re always able to brighten him up and make him less melancholy.
- He’ll be telling you how much of a monster he is and how you should really not stay with him as he pulls you closer and snuggles into you.
- He loves laying on any squishy part of you. 
- There’s so many apologies for having you turned.
 “Louis if I wasn’t turned I wouldn’t have met you and that would have been the true tragedy.”
- He’s such a stressed fucking individual like just hold him in your arms and calm him down before he snaps in half. Although he can honestly be such a drama queen.
 “I love you.”
 “Say it again?”
 “I love you.”
 “…One more time please.”
- Kissing your neck but not to be an asshole like Lestat would.
- Him making sure Lestat doesn’t overstep any boundaries or manipulate you.
- He reassures you that he will only and always love you after he feeds because we can all see how sensual they look when they suck someones blood. 
 “You are mine right my love.”
 “Of course my dear.”
- Occasionally you wake up to roses scattered around your coffin. You’ll find him sitting on one of the many couches waiting for you to walk in with one of the softest smiles you’ve ever seen on his face. 
- Anything you ask; anything at all, he will do for you.
- Holding hands as you watch the sunrise in movies.
- He always comforts you. It doesn’t matter if you’re only slightly upset or extremely depressed; he’s always going to be there for you.
- Tight Hugs.
- Braiding or just playing with his hair, he pretends he doesn’t like it but he loves the feel of your hands in his hair.
- Hearing stories from when he was young; especially if you get together now a days rather than way back then. (We all have our own different fantasies)
- Him laying out on the balcony rail as you stand beside him; occasionally leaning over him and planting a kiss on his lips. It never fails to make him smile.
- Small smirks whenever you kiss his cheek.
- So many ‘I love you’s’ you’re drowning in love. As well as compliments all the time.
- It’s quite clear that you’re not going to be able to leave anytime soon. His little undead heart couldn’t take the loss.
“I need you my love.”
- You would stay together; just you, him and Claudia living out the rest of your eternal lives like husband and wife.
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
you mentioned how many of Armand's traits have been given to Louis, but I think when I really started to give up on getting even a loose book interpretation of Armand was when I saw the first Claudia trailer. Cause if you already have one character stuck in perpetual teenagerhood, are you that motivated to introduce a 2nd one? I mean, I personally would, because I think it'd be that much funnier to see two teenagers plotting against each other in S2, but my fear is these writers will just figure they've got teen angst and identity covered, and all they need Armand for is to pop up and be a non-threatening love interest while Lestat is otherwise engaged.
I'm still not sold on the Rashid theories, mostly because no matter how ooc one gets, I'm not sure I can believe they'd position Armand as totally subservient to Louis. And I LIKE Rashid. But as Armand? No, please no.
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So like. I’ve been really cautious about talking about Claudia because I’m like, mega skeptical about this character change and I don’t like it 😊
As much as I’m willing to give AMC!Claudia a chance as an individual OC, I’ve gotten some red flags about the way the team has talked about women & girls and I’m just. Like. How are you going to remove the main feminist drive of the story to replace it with potentially sexist tropes about teenage girls?
I wrote about this a while back so I won’t go deep on this right now, but I think it’s really suspicious that RJ & them don’t think aging L&L up to their 30s matters when like, they’re saying being 14 somehow is an existential crisis. Does age matter or does it not? Why do they keep commenting on girls’ hormones? Do these vampires even HAVE hormones?! Bro she’s dead lol. I mean I guess they have sex now so whatever it’s a whole new world.
But like the thing about VC characters is that their age has more to do with their relationship to humanity imo; we’ve talked in circles about whether or not the Blood fixes your brain where it is and I think that’s a really cool conversation to have but there’s not a definitive answer bc Anne wasn’t writing with it in mind. Their life experiences are more significant than their brains.
Like, Armand has never been a teen angst figure. Even when I first read them as a teen I wasn’t like OMG HE’S LIKE ME.  VC isn’t a coming of age story and isn’t YA. Armand is 500 years old lmfao and his mortal age is a stigma to always remind us what happened to him. His visual age creates a set of external factors related to the way people treat him, and same with Book!Claudia. Claudia was not a child, either, and the tragedy of her story (aside from the internal body horror) is that people will treat her like a child forever.
So having AMC!Claudia as a teenage girl can still feature this same topic; the horror of her story has potential to tap into those same themes, even if they’re very different. There’s a difference in that she CAN be independent even if her journey getting there is different. This tragedy is less internal than the book, less dramatically anyway; I think the horror here will be more external. People are still probably going to talk down to her and treat her poorly and not allow her agency in certain situations. In a universe where she can have & wants to have sex, she’s always going to have to navigate potential child predators. But she isn’t locked to an adult the way Book!Claudia is. And I think this has a lot of potential and like, even accepting the change as a logistical workaround for shooting, I think care has to be taken to tell that rich story, and I’d like to see it. I would hate for us to swap out Claudia’s story for vampire soap opera teen girl tropes, especially knowing how personal the character was to Anne and how it started the entire series.
So having said that, like. There’s two ways to look at this:
If Armand is still a teen, after watching Episode 4 I really worry about the petty changes they’d make to him if there’s like TEENAGER LORE in this universe. Armand isn’t Like That because he’s a dumb teenager, he’s Like That because he’s been repeatedly traumatized for centuries. Even as a mortal he wasn’t a typical teenager. WHAT DID MARIUS CALL HIM, A WIZENED FUNERAL SPIRIT OR SOMETHING LMAO. And like if the show posits that Teenage Girl = Whiny Boy Crazy Annoying Drama Queen, like, what is the trope they’ll lean into for Teenage Boy? How does this lore about being hormonal fit into the way they’ll portray him?
And like, WHILE YOU’RE RIGHT THAT NOW WE ALREADY HAVE A TEEN CHARACTER it makes me wonder if Armand’s role would change and how this could change the way he antagonizes Claudia. COULD THEY EVEN BE A COUPLE????? Imagine she leaves with Armand instead of Madeleine?
Cause I’m thinking like, if they stuck to the main Paris story, this Claudia doesn’t really have a NEED for Madeleine at all, does she? They’re setting her up that she’s interested in romance so I think it might be that she wants a romantic partner. (Of course Madeleine might have been romantic too once she turned but meaning that it was framed as a parental figure because Claudia was always going to need a visible adult.)
But if the show isn’t afraid of talking about teenage sexuality, he could still show up as a love interest. Like the shallowest read of TVA would tell us that he’s like Ricean Sex Addict Teen and I wonder in the hands of this team if that translates to him being hypersexual in trying to seduce Louis. We sure rushed through to Claudia’s 18th birthday, so! Lol Maybe they’re not afraid to go there. (Also how old were Louis and Jonah??????????????????????????????????????????? Louis might not mind lol.)
But you’re also right that if there’s only room for one teen, and Armand ISN’T a teen, like. It’s just not the same, yall!!!!!!!!!! It’s just not the same character. And even seeing the way age is handled/discussed in this universe (plus the way they’ve handled Daniel & Night Island) just screams to me that they don’t care about Armand the way I do LMAO. To each his own, man, but it’s like. As a VC fan, like, when you strip so much of what I enjoy about VC from an adaptation, what’s left?   
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