chrliekclly · 11 months
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i am aware of the effect she has on women
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macden-byebitch · 6 years
thank you so much for the link!!!!!
no problem!!
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bluebuckstallion · 6 years
normal brain: chardee is endgame
big brain: artemisdee is endgame
giant brain: deetress is endgame
galaxy brain: cindee is endgame
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woollenpharaohs · 6 years
hey im getting a make-a-wish and im trying to ask if i can make an always sunny episode with the cast. do you have any ideas so i can write a script?
Oh wow! It really depends on what kind of episode you would like to see!Maybe try and think of something weird or funny that happened in your life or to someone you know, and imagine how that could be ramped up to the most unbelievable scenario.Maybe a crime (or a few) gets committed, maybe someone (or all of them) gets hurt in some way. There’s really so much you can do with these characters.
When I’m trying to think about what to write, I always try and think about facing a problem in terms of how I would resolve it, and then writing the gang doing the exact opposite. I guess my advice would be to begin around the idea that whatever the gang chooses to do, it will get worse and worse to the point where they’re no longer doing what they started out doing.
In terms of actual scriptwriting, I barely scraped a pass in my scriptwriting class at uni, so I’m probably not the best person to ask there, maybe you can shoot @artemisdee a q! She has a pretty neat fic on ao3 written in a script format!
hope this helps! 
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trashangel-dee · 6 years
tagged by @suite-dee-reynolds
RULES: tag nine people with excellent taste
COLOR(S) I’M CURRENTLY WEARING: blue, yellow, pink (plaid pajama pants), iasip Horse Shirt
LAST BAND T-SHIRT I BOUGHT: It’s been years. Panic at The Disco, I think?
LAST BAND I SAW LIVE: She & Him. It would’ve been The Mountain Goats if I had someone who liked them, too. (I’m still bitter lol)
LAST MOVIE I WATCHED: Jurassic Park, probably. I’m so bad about watching movies. I really don’t remember.
LAST THREE TV SHOWS I WATCHED: Bob’s Burgers, Sunny, 30 Rock
LAST THREE CHARACTERS I IDENTIFIED WITH: Liz Lemon, Mindy Lahiri, Bob Belcher, maybe? 
tagging: @charliethyst, @jchnmulany, @artemisdee, @kisameanslight, @winters-blue-children, @80alleycats, @good-ol-jinxmgee, @lesbiansweetdee, @milksteaksandghouls
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