#ashton x laudna
undead-knick-knack · 2 days
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Ashton loves their goth girlfriend so much ☺️🖤💜
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twinklestarss · 4 months
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Campaign 3 Episode 86: Doorways to Darker Depths
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wolf-king-art · 11 months
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blorbologist · 1 year
Im frothing at the bit for this Ashton and Laudna conversation. They are ludicrously sharp with eachother, cutting, while also bluntly slamming in to eachother. A glass hammer, or a bone one, fitting.
“This is not the person I thought I was going to be.“
“Who the fuck are you and where the fuck did you come from?“
Laudna getting pissed, genuinely pissed that Ashton implies they know loneliness and the badness of humanity better than her.
“You’re scaring me Ashton, and that’s coming from me.“ “Good.“
Ashton hates all of them a little bit. Jealous, Laudna notes.
“I love you all just a little bit.“
“Well let's keep figuring it out, shall we? and then you won't have to be so jealous of us.“
God. It’s not close to done. I can’t wait to see where it goes. I can’t wait to see what they break and what they fix and what they refuse to and what they share and what they don’t and what they take from all this.
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We are halfway through another week, my friends, and so we have yet another recc list for you! This week, we have twelve angsty fics! As always, you can find them below the cut and if you check any of them out, I encourage you to leave kudoes and comments to spread the rarepair love 💕
I Have Been A Fool For Lesser Things by A_Orbit (3,149 words, Teen) Pairing: Veth Brenatto/Caleb Widogast (Widobrave) Warnings: None
Trying to get a hotel room for the night leads to Caleb and Nott pretending to be married to each other. Fluff and angst.
Reccer Says: Amazing character voices!
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Looking for a feeling that I can't remember by CatcherWrites (2,684 words, Teen) Pairing: Ashton Greymoore/Laudna Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Swearing, General Laudna and Ashton Trauma
Team Issylra are making camp by a river when Ashton and Laudna discuss how slow their hair grows. Angsty conversations ensue and they make a pact to cut each others hair.
Reccer Says: It's not too heavy of a fic but that doesn't take away from the tragic implications.
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The Last Safe House in Rexxentrum by Operafloozy (13,266 words, Explicit) Pairing: Astrid Beck/Original Female Character Warnings: Unhappy Ending, Modify Memory, Discussion of Feeblemind
Five years before a group of misfits came together in Trostenwald, Astrid Beck asks a stranger to look into some potentially modified memories.
Reccer Says: It's a juicy and complicated look at how Astrid might have reacted to Bren's escape, from an outsider's point of view.
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polishing the apple eris threw to shake the dead leaves down by grayintogreen (3,558 words, Teen) Pairing: Cree Deeproots/Lucien Tavelle Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Minor Character Death
A Locked Tomb fusion fic featuring Necromancer!Cree and Cavalier!Lucien and the horrifying implications of the Lyctor process.
Reccer Says: I enjoyed it!
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though the scars remain by amateurwordbender (1,472 words, Teen) Pairing: Astrid Beck/Eadwulf Grieve (Blumenduo) Warnings: Implied/Referenced Torture
Astrid is punished for letting the Mighty Nein escape, and she and Eadwulf talk about it.
Reccer Says: So much juicy Blumentrio angst packed in one short fic! Several of the lines in this have stayed in my head since I first read it.
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Victim of Convenience by se1ze (54,243 words, Explicit) Pairing: Kingsley Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidoking) Warnings: Sex While Sick
Essek has been bailing Kingsley out of legal trouble in Rosohna and letting him crash at his towers for some time and the pair have grown close. When Essek falls severely ill, Kingsley with him to look after him. Things escalate between them, which both are pleased about. There's just one complication, in the form of one Caleb Widogast, who Essek has recently begun a relationship with and who Kingsley has been hopelessly pining after for months. Things get messy.
Reccer Says: A wonderful combination of fun dynamics, messy relationship angst, sickfic goodness, and hot sex. Kingsley and Essek are such a good pair, I love their banter. The absolutely disastrous state of King and Caleb's relationship at the start is the fic is so heartaching, with the shadow of past Widomauk hanging over them. And the recently established Shadowgast compliments both of those duos so well!!! I adore the different complications that crop up along the way and the way they're all resolved in the end. Highly recommend! Also, the two previous entries in the series are excellent, though they're just Shadowgast on their own.
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His Last Night by Twistmalchik (2,617 words, Explicit) Pairing: Thorn/Vax'ildan Warnings: None
Set during the events of Kith & Kin, Vax's first kiss with Thorn leads to his first time with him. All the while, the shadow of the Shademaster hangs over them.
Reccer Says: I adore Kith & Kin to no end and I loved Vax and Thorn's relationship. This is a fun expansion of what they were able to have together during the events of the book!
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Time Will Tell by DEV0URMOUS (25,639 words, Mature) Pairing: Yussa Errenis/Original Male Character Warnings: None
Yussa invites Iskamyr, a long-time friend of his from the Dynasty, on a trip into the Happy Fun Ball with him. Both are oblivious to the other's long-standing feelings for them. Pining ensues.
Reccer Says: There is no fic that demonstrates the absurdity of wizards better than this. Two hundred years!!! These idiots pined over each other for two hundred years!!! Oh my god! It's great, it's so great. They're both 1200 years old (Yussa is a dragon and Iskamyr is consecuted) and they're still terrible at feelings. But also! A lot of it comes down to cultural misunderstandings, like Iska doesn't know until the fic ends that Yussa is a dragon and if he did, maybe he would've caught on to Yussa's affection sooner. But he didn't and it took the two of the forever and honestly I love that for them.
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woven of (moon)light by viciousmollymaukery (2,315 words, Teen) Pairing: Mollymauk Tealeaf/Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast (Shadowidomauk) Warnings: References to severe injury
After his wizards Teleport into the middle of the Blooming Grove, nearly dead at the hands of an Aeorian creature, Molly has a lot of feelings about his partners and their mysterious city in the north. Luckily, he has a simple solution in mind.
Reccer Says: It's the perfect balance between sweet and angsty. I love Shadowidomauk so much and it's fun to see someone look at how the wizards Aeor expeditions might look in a world where they're dating Molly too! Also, Moonweaver cleric Molly is too damn perfect, I love it so much.
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it's 3 am (I must be lonely) by Meridas (1,024 words, Teen) Pairing: Queerplatonic Mollymauk Tealeaf/Yasha Nydoorin Warnings: None
Yasha has a nightmare while out camping alone. She calls Molly in her panic and he comforts her.
Reccer Says: I love this series so much and this entry in particular has stuck with me since I first read it!! QPP circus kids are kind of everything to me and this is just such a perfect little snippet of them; they’re hurting but they love and take care of each other above anything.
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I blame it on my own sick pride by MarsBar2019 (11,918 words, Explicit) Pairing: Fjord/Mollymauk Tealeaf/Caleb Widogast (Widofjolly) Warnings: Non-Consensual Voyeurism
Fjord overheard Molly and Caleb having sex one night and gets off on it. But paper thin inn walls work both ways, Molly and Caleb know Fjord heard them, and they take the opportunity to invite him into their bed.
Reccer Says: It’s very very hot and Fjord’s self-loathing (which is only amplified by him getting off on listening to the two of them) is such a fun complimentary pairing to the overall horniness of the fic.
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I'll crawl home to him by BananasofThorns (20,262 words, Teen) Pairing: Queerplatonic Fjord/Caleb Widogast (Widofjord) Warnings: None
AU where Caleb and Fjord met a few years pre-nein. Now Fjord has been taken by the Iron Shepherds, and Caleb has to team up with the "Mighty Five" to have a chance to get him back.
Reccer Says: Looove that Iron Shepherds arc angst. Plus queerplatonic widofjord, and the *devotion,* like Caleb was willing to go in there after him *alone,* aaaaa
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Thank you for joining us this week’s recc list! All the love to everyone who submitted a fic 💕 All enclosed recommendations were submitted by the community via our submissions form, which you can find here. All fic information is as it was provided by the reccer, so it may not be accurate to the author’s intent or the precise contents of the fic itself. Please assume good intent from all parties 💕
Submissions for next week’s list are already open! We’ll be featuring Spring. If you have any you’d like to highlight, you can send them in here. The week after that, the theme is Jester Rarepairs and the weeks after that we’re taking recommendations for Alternate Universes and Hurt/Comfort! Submissions for all of these themes are currently open.
If you want more rarepair fic, check out @cr-summer-wildflowers and their event collections on ao3! If you want some friendship after all this romance, take a look at @critter-genfic-events and their recc lists! And if you’re interested in everyone’s favorite wizards, you can’t go wrong with the lists at @aeor-is-for-reccing !
Thanks all and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 💕
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the-laudmoore-estate · 11 months
realized laudna and ashton are both very earth based in different directions, one being trees and plants, the other being rock and crystal and dirt
also burial, death, rot, decay, grounding, wealth... there's an essay here I don't have the spoons to write 🤔
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ms-morri · 7 months
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Just wanted to share some new/updated prints in my shop, and I also have a sale going on in my shop during the holiday season https://msmorriillustrations.etsy.com.
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lt-sarai · 11 months
I'm afraid to go into the tags as I'm only 33 episodes into Bell's Hells and don't want spoilers. But. I'm shipping Ashton and Laudna so hard. Don't tell me if it's canon or not, just like this post if you also ship them.
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landkeks · 2 years
The moment they called for someone with diamonds and Ashton knew, Ashton knew they had one and kept staring into nothing while kneeling next to Laudna, debating, keeping quiet.
Ashton almost took the choice upon themselves.
Ashton wanted her to live so desperately, even when it meant that Orym had to die.
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undead-knick-knack · 7 months
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And of course he fucking loved it 😭🖤💜
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twinklestarss · 2 months
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“I think the answer to that is, yes and no. There are particular moments, I have discovered, in a person's life where they have to decide what they're going to do next. They often start this way, although at a smaller scale. I think I need to sleep. I think I need this headache to go away. I think I need to break something, and then, you know, I think in the morning start having some thoughts about who we're going to be next.”-Ashton Greymoore
Campaign 3 Episode 92: Broken Roads
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wolf-king-art · 1 year
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just a bunch of sketches
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he was a punk, she did ballet
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svartalfhild · 1 year
Today seems like a good day to finally share my Ashton/Laudna playlist. I will probably add more songs as time goes on, but here's a solid 12 to start.
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fear-ne · 1 year
no no no. whatever you do don’t think about ashton losing it when they first realized they were separated vs how objectively calm he was during the bor’dor reveal (and then think about how well laudna was keeping it together in those situations)
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