#at the beginning there's a few quiet scenes with tranquil music... IT SURE WOULD BE LOVELY TO HEAR WITHOUT THE CHEWING SOUNDS
yohankang · 8 months
there's nothing!!! NOTHING that makes me more violent than people eating in a cinema
#in other words i just came back from the cinema. i watched the new ghibli movie and it was great but i almost killed someone#at the beginning there's a few quiet scenes with tranquil music... IT SURE WOULD BE LOVELY TO HEAR WITHOUT THE CHEWING SOUNDS#i usually go to independent cinemas bc they often forbid eating and don't sell food but apparently this one is different???#you guys don't understand#i am fine with eating sounds. you can eat next to me and i can enjoy food in a crowded places. but NOT cinema#when it's quiet and you're immersed in the movie and THEN you hear someone eating popcorn or chips#honestly i think eating should be forbidden at every cinema. and punished with prison.#i seriously get violent urges when i hear someone eating during the movie agjdfjs i'm not joking#like i get what jesus felt at that temple. i really do.#i get so angry and irritated my head gets hot and it makes my skin crawl#idc it's not normal. IF YOU'RE EATING DURING A MOVIE IN A CINEMA I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!#just stay at home ffs 😭 i do enjoy a bag of chips with my movie but come on. that's a couch activity#okay i let it all out i'm normal now#sorry guys#k.txt#NVM JUDT ONE MORE THING. people next to me were coughing all the time and half of the people there were laughing at everything#like???? there were scary scenes you're not supposed to laugh just because it's animated#okay now i'm finished. i definitely need to rewatch it at home#but that was honestly one of my worst cinema experiences ever 😭 next time i will choose the place wisely....
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thesunshinebunny · 3 years
Hello first ask, reaction of the vice leaders to an fem!reader dancing erotically/sexy? i really liked the ask you did with the leaders!
Of course honey! If you want to read the first one with the leaders, I'll leave it here. All characters are +18 and for obvious reasons Ortho is out of this order.
Cater/Jack/Floyd/Epel/Sebek/silver reaction
Positions – Ariana Grande 
Late at night, everyone enjoying the comfort of their bed, sound asleep ... and here you were, in the middle between the lounge and the kitchen of Heartslabyul, with the music at medium volume and moving your hips as if there would not be a tomorrow.
You took advantage that everyone was peacefully asleep and snoring to practice a quiet choreography.
Well...not everyone.
Trey had gotten up for a glass of water when he found you in the middle of the kitchen, wearing only your panties and a T-shirt long enough to cover your upper thighs.
The way you moved your hips, revealing the fine dark red fabric of your panties shining comfortably against your skin, made Trey's mind take off.
“Cookin 'in the kitchen and I'm in the bedroom” That's it, Trey stopped holding back.
Before you could finish, you felt a pair of hands wrap around your waist and lift you off the floor, ending up on the counter.
You let out a gasp as lips fell on yours and your hands drew you toward your attacker's body.
“Trey ... next time give me a warning”
You gave him a light blow on the shoulder, but the man in front of you didn’t react conventionally, he grabbed your hand which was still resting on his shoulder and brought it towards his crotch, making you notice how hard he was.
“Maybe you should give me a warning before dancing that way in a public place and the way you are dressed”
Let's say… you two kept dancing for a few more minutes until Riddle showed up for a glass of milk.
You ended up scaring the little one for life.
Animals – Maroon 5 
Ruggie was tired after a long day of work, not just from his duties but also Leona's. He entered his room with a heavy step and fell on his bed, in which you were already waiting for him cross-legged.
"Long day?"
Ruggie just nod and settle on the bed, hoping to reach your legs, lie on them, and sleep until the next day.
"I have something that might make you feel better"
You crawled out of bed and for some reason the hyena didn't know, you went to his closet and grabbed one of his dorm shirts.
You went to the bathroom, Ruggie assumed to change, and you came out with your cell phone in hand and dressed to be eaten. The shirt barely covered your upper part, revealing the curvature of your breasts, apart from posing on your thighs.
If you weren’t about to playing some music, Ruggie was willing to jump up to you and eat you right there.
It was worth the wait. When you started moving, Ruggie's first thought was how lucky he was to have you. He was enjoying your fun, seeing you happy dancing for him even if it was at the comfort of his room.
When your steps became more lewd, he couldn't help how tight his pants were. He was completely hard and with each step, his limit was about to run out.
When you were done, hips on Ruggie's, he pulled you close to his crotch, your cunt well positioned over it and pulsing for some more friction.
Fuck the sleep, Ruggie spent the whole night pounding you in every possible position until your bodies were nothing more than a bundle of heat and wet fluids. You ended up destroyed.
The Savannaclaw students wondered all night the source of the high-pitched, savage howls.
Call Out My Name – The Weeknd 
It was closing time at Monstro Lounge. Tables already set, Azul closing the VIP room, Floyd closing the box and Jade cleaning a few glasses and plates from the bar.
For your, you were waiting for this moment. From time to time Azul would let you practice your choreographies on stage in exchange for a much lower monetary payment than those of Pomefiore had given you.
When the trio were distracted, each with their tasks, you ran out of the room where you were changing, put your cell phone on the speakers, and positioned yourself without hesitation on stage.
Hearing the beginning of the music, the three of them turned around to enjoy the show for a while, but they weren't prepared to see you in men's sleep shorts and one of the dorm’s shirts.
"Ara Ara ~ what a view more...appetizing"
Jade placed a chair in front of where you were dancing and gazed at you as if you were the most beautiful pearl in the entire sea.
Floyd had a wicked grin on his face and Azul was red as tomato.
The other eel was about to open his big mouth and approach where his brother was, but Azul grabbed his collar and dragged him out of the Monstro Lounge.
"I want the place clean when you finish"
The comment didn’t go unnoticed by either of you, but you didn’t care.
When you finished dancing, Jade already had his hands on your waist and his lips and teeth on yours.
Floyd was very clever and left posters outside the door and in the hallway warning of the heated scene that was about to take place.
River – Bishop 
There was a small dance competition between a few students from Scarabia and Pomefiore, including Heartslabyul, and Jamil took a break from his responsibilities to participate.
In his excitement, he told you about the competition a few hours before it happened and left you to go practice. Bad move
The last few participants had already done their best, but Jamil had taken the best steps; he was about to win. But before the winner was dictated, you showed up, dressed in gym shorts, a sports bra and one of Jamil’s sleeveless hoodie.
Everyone's jaws dropped.
Your eyes never left Jamil's unless the choreography needed a spin. Your figure was powerless in the middle of the pseudo dance floor and while your steps were exceptional, no one could move a muscle. They were mesmerized, their eyes glued to your figure...and Jamil didn't like that.
He didn't like to see how the skin on your legs was exposed. He didn't like to see your butt become the main attraction, much less when you moved it so erotically. He didn't like to see your hair move with your body and outline your face.
You ended up winning the competition unanimously. Everyone applauded your performance, some asked if you could teach them to dance so freely.
Jamil was jealous, smoke was coming out of his ears and at any moment he was going to explode.
You turned your head to where he was and gave him a wink and one of your most malicious smiles. That was the limit.
Jamil grabbed your hand and led you to the closest cleaning closet.
"If you want to put on a show, then we are going to put on one so that everyone can hear it"
No one dared walk past the closet from the first floor next to the alchemy classroom for two hours.
Horns – Bryce Foz 
You were watching a dance rehearsal in the Pomefiore dance hall. Sitting in a corner without disturbing anyone, cross-legged, you watched Rook from afar and gave him little appraisals and signs of success every time he turned to see you.
When the rehearsal ended, and the students were dating one by one, you were alone with Rook. You gave him a bottle of water and a towel to dry off.
"You worked really hard, you deserve a break" and the blonde took it to heart.
He left the rehearsal room for a moment to change his clothes and then walk you to your dorm. In that little silence and tranquility, you began to walk around the room, looking at your body in the mirror and how it moved when you took a turn.
With that, an idea came to mind.
You grabbed your cell phone and put on a random song. You stood in the middle of the room, always looking into the mirror, and began to move from one side to the other, waiting for the music to hit at the right moment.
And it was at that moment that Rook entered.
Your steps left him stunned. The way you hit the ground, the way your hips moved in the air and your legs rose.
It was one of the most beautiful things he had seen in a long time.
Your figure, now standing, met Rook's. You both looked at each other through the mirror and you couldn't help but smile in embarrassment. You kept dancing even with a few sloppy steps until you stopped to look at him.
"Oh no no, don't stop for me, you dance very well"
You felt Rook's piercing gaze on your body for the remainder of the choreography and it wasn't until you were done that he moved behind you to turn you around and onto his chest.
"Ma amour, you are one of the most beautiful creatures this hunter could find"
His bare hands roamed your waist and hips, lifting your shirt slightly and savoring your burning skin with his fingers.
"Now let me hunt you down properly"
Lights Down Low – Bei Maejor 
Classes were over and you were waiting for the light music club to get together to watch them practice. Mostly to see Lilia have fun playing the guitar, then to really listen to the music… uh, yeah, we can put that aside.
The boys hadn’t arrived so you had the club room to yourself and you took the opportunity to leave your backpack and free yourself from your school uniform, leaving with a shirt and shorts.
Seeing the minutes kept passing and no one had deigned to appear, you put music on your cell phone to fill the void. Your playlist reached a song of your favorites and you couldn't help but move to the beat of it.
You made sure the room door was closed, avoiding unwanted glances, and started dancing without any worries.
You should have remembered that some students are magical creatures and can appear in the room without even knocking on the door… just Lilia’s case.
Our fairy remained face down with his happy and mocking face so characteristic and observed your way of relaxing and how you let yourself be carried away.
Lilia wasn't going to deny that he was fascinated by your steps and… by your rear guard *wink wonk*
"The club became much more interesting"
You turned around scared to hear his voice so close to your ear. The bastard had approached without making any noise.
He put his hands on your shoulders and pulled you closer to him. His lips rested on your nose, your eyes, the corner of your lips and your ears.
"Tell me ... would you mind giving me a private show in my room?"
His fang pinked the skin of your ear, sending a chill down your spine.
Before you could answer, you were already in his room, back on his bed and his toothy smile as the only sight.
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skiyoosmi · 3 years
if fate permits
chapter twenty two: i love you
previous  <  masterpost  >  next
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note. i am sorry for the veeeery long wait; i finally finished it tonight (after fucking up with it for two whole months) but yeah, my emotions are quite unstable right now so this was affected by it (in short, this is a roller coaster ride so pls be ready)
playlist. stay (acoustic ver.); never let me go (both sung by ghostly kisses)
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You absolutely had no idea what you were doing right now. As far as you could remember, you were the playwright, the writer of the script. You never had any interest in acting in plays, musicals, nor acting in general… none at all – so why is it that right now, you were standing right on the side of the stage, waiting for the cue for you to come out, dressed up as someone you weren’t supposed to be, someone you were only supposed to have written for?
You swear, this was the most chaotic crowd you have ever seen your whole life. You only watched, alongside Hajime, as people lined up right by the entrance of the university’s theater, murmuring and gossiping about the play that was less than an hour away from starting, “I gotta say, they look way too excited for a story that they should know like the back of their hands by now. It’s kind of funny,” Hajime chuckled, letting out a quiet ‘yeah’ as he shoved his hands in his pockets, watching you cringe on the girls that were obviously here for your best friend. You swore you heard one of them say they’re going to ask him out after the play and you almost wanted to drag her out of the venue by her hair.
“I would say it would be a waste of a ticket for people who are here just to gush about handsome faces instead of the story itself but then again, it’s us who are benefiting from it anyway.” You huffed and muttered a few more things under your breath, beginning to walk to the direction of the entrance for the crew members which was on the farther side of the theater, Hajime silently following and shaking his head out of amusement for your obvious jealousy. I can’t wait for the time when it’s me you’re being jealous for, he thinks.
You thought the crowd outside was chaotic? Nothing could have prepared you for the view you were welcomed to as soon as you entered the backstage. Literally, almost all of the crew members were running around frantically, pushing the small and large props here and there. Hajime, as if he had his ‘danger’ instincts set on, grabbed you by the waist and pulled you to his side just right when a random lad passed by where you were at a while ago, struggling to carry what looked like a heavy log on his shoulder (you figured it would be for one of the scenes that were supposed to be in the forest). You were sure as hell that if you weren’t moved out of the way by your friend, the lad would’ve collided with you and that thing he was holding would’ve fell on you because he was too busy looking back and chatting with his companion who was carrying other props.
Irritated by their carelessness, Hajime clicked his tongue and spoke up, “Oi, you two have to be careful and watch where you’re going. You might just cause an accident with what you’re doing.” The boys replied with an insincere apology, immediately going back to their business. You were soon brought to your senses as well and realized that you were still in his arms. Blushing profusely, you muttered a quiet ‘thanks,’ too flustered to think of a more decent reply. Hajime raised an eyebrow, smirking before leaning his head close to yours again, foreheads touching each other, much like the other day.
“You’re red. Are you feeling sick?” If it was someone he wasn’t close with, it would look like he’s just being concerned but you know better because you can practically hear the teasing behind his voice, so, you punched him right by his shoulders, muttering with a hint of shyness in your tone, “Asshole. Stop trying to tease me, it’s way too much for me. When the fuck did you even get so brave to act like this with me? Jerk.”
He cackled, slinging his arm around your shoulder, and beginning to pull you deeper inside the backstage. You both stood idly by the corner of the backstage, watching the actors get ready. From your position, you could see your blonde best friend, eyes looking lost as they wandered around the area until it stopped right to where you were. You think you held a staring contest for about twenty seconds until your companion spoke up, “You know, I personally think it would be better if you go to him and say your good luck, yeah? Nothing’s going to happen if you just stare at each other all day. I’m willing to share you with him… just for today though. After this, no more.” 
A confused expression formed on your face, wondering what he meant, though he just snickered and ruffled your head, “I said… go to him before I change my mind and pull you away from here.”
“I can’t. These days, I’ve been feeling way too many feelings and I don’t know how to control them. I feel like… I might just burst and tell him everything but I don’t want to. I’m not ready yet,” you admitted, fiddling with your fingers as you looked down, only for your head to be raised up again as Hajime held it up using your chin, a tender smile plastered on his face.
“Tell you what… if you lose control and everything goes astray, just look at me and I’ll save you, like a knight-in-shining-armor,” he whispers, patting you on the head before pushing you towards your best friend who was still looking, by the way. You took a deep breath, stopping right in front of him, biting your lip before opening your mouth to say something but Atsumu beat you to it, arms immediately going around your form and pulling you into a bone-crushing hug, “I’m sorry,” He mumbles into your hair, while you nod, reciprocating the gesture, “I… I’ve been such a shitty best friend, huh?”
“Yeah, right,” You huffed, trying to look mad and intimidating but it only came off as cute in Atsumu’s vocabulary, “After this, I’ll treat you to this really good restaurant. We can talk about anything and everything you want to tell me, even if they’re bad, I’ll listen, yeah?” He suggested, his hold on you still not loosening as he looked down on you, “I’d prefer it if only good things come out of your pretty mouth though.” 
You rolled your eyes, getting ready to retort as usual but a loud crash and a cry of pain interrupted you. Looking to the source of the sound, your eyes, as well as Atsumu’s widened. You can only watch as Yui, who was on the floor, clutching her ankles, angrily screech at the boy who was bowing his head and apologizing, the large piece of wood you luckily avoided a while ago found its victim and it’s the main actress of the play, “What the fuck! Why weren’t you watching where you’re going?! Look at what you did!”
Your best friend jogged towards her and once again, you were left behind. Love seriously sucks, you thought as you watch him try to shush Yui’s cries. The director, who heard about the situation, ran to where you are, asking what happened. “I think her ankles are injured, Miyu-chan,” you quickly replied, anxiety beginning to arise within you because what was supposed to happen now? You can’t cancel this play; you all have been working for months for this! Besides, the theater must be full of the audience now. As if she was reading your mind, she spoke up, “We can’t cancel this now, but we can’t force her to act as well. She can barely stand up, look. Mina, tell Mari to ask the audience to wait for a little while more, we have to think of a solution.”
By now, Atsumu was supporting her, making their way towards you with Yui limping, “Miyu-san…” “No, Yui. I know what you’re going to say but I won’t let you do that. Go to the infirmary and have your ankles checked. Your well-being is more important than this play,” the director firmly said, much to the brown-haired girl’s dismay.
“But you can’t cancel it! The people who bought the tickets will get mad! I can do this, it barely hurts, Miyu-san!” Yui pleaded, even going as far lifting her injured foot in a pathetic attempt to show that she was fine but it only put her to a worse situation as soon as she winced. Miyu only gave her a look of ‘I told you so.’ 
“Don’t worry about the play, Yui-chan. YN can replace you in your role.”
“What?!” “WHAT?” You simultaneously yelled out, obviously not expecting the sudden decision to be made, much less one that has something to do with you, “Wait, wait, wait… Miyu-chan, aren’t you being a little rash right now? I’m not a good actress!”
“She’s right!” Yui scoffed, “I’ve been practicing this for so long and you’re going to replace me with someone who never did?!” 
“That’s right,” Miyu nodded, crossing her arms, “She knows the script and the lines better than anyone here. And don’t try to fool me, YN, you know you can act.” Her unrelenting eyes told you that she knew everything there was to know; she’s been your friend for more than a year now, after all. 
“Oh, well. You won’t change my mind no matter what you say, so just go, Yui. Iwaizumi-kun, sorry for this sudden request but can you take Yui to the infirmary after what we’re going to do?” Hajime blinked but nodded, nonetheless. He feels somewhat sorry for the brunette who was on the verge of tears as she was helped by the crew members into one of the changing rooms to undress her costume.
It’s definitely not the first time in your life but you felt like vomiting the breakfast you had this morning.
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You already lost count of how many times you took a deep breath in hopes that your heart will calm down. You listened as Mari neared the end of her welcoming rites and speech for the play, placing your hands on your chest as a final attempt to get tranquility within. The fairytale-like background music began to play and soon, a younger version of your character appeared on the stage; it’s the beginning of your Cinderella play. To be honest, you don’t even know where they got that child actress and how they managed to convince her to join the play but right now, you couldn’t care less because all you’re thinking of right now is how to not mess up your lines and deliver them with the proper emotions. 
Your brother, Osamu, Tooru, Makki and Mattsun, who you were sure as hell were in the audience, will never let you hear the end of it if you mess this up. You don’t want to live the rest of your days in Japan being a laughingstock. No way, you refu–
“You’re thinking too much about it. Calm down,” A voice from behind you interrupted, hands beginning to massage your shoulders to get your stiff muscles to relax. Turning around, you were met with the one and only Miya Atsumu in a prince costume. Right there and then, you felt like your heart’s going to burst for a different reason this time. 
Goodness heavens, Lord Jesus, thank you for blessing me with this beautiful man and letting me meet him, you thought as you savored the view in front of you, also thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Miya  for successfully creating Atsumu and delivering him to the Earth, it must have difficult to produce such fine masterpiece.
“Ya look… beautiful,” the blonde mutters, a hand rubbing his nape and sheepishly grinning, a slight blush adorning his cheeks, “Ya should dress up yourself from time to time, yanno? It really suits you.”
“Gee, thanks for calling me ugly on my normal days,” you scoffed, giggling when he let out a sound of disagreement, “No! That’s not what I meant, idiot!”
“I know.” 
Before you can continue your conversation, the signal for you to come out is finally closing in as the “stepsisters” appeared onstage. Rather shakily, you took a step forward, almost tripping on your dress due to your nerves. You were fortunate that Atsumu was attentive enough to grab your wrist, “YN, I told you to calm down.”
You gulped, nodding and taking a deep breath. He smiled upon seeing the determined look on your face and for some reason, his body moved on its own - placing a hand on your cheek with his thumb rubbing it, he approached you and placed his lips on your forehead. Maybe it’s because you were so nervous or maybe it’s because you longed for this moment for almost your whole life. Whatever the reason is, you just find yourself tearing up a little bit as he whispers, “That’s my girl.”
Never in your life had you wished that time can stop this much before. As you stood still in Atsumu’s embrace, you felt your heart being squeezed with so much love yet pain at the same time. How is it that he’s so close yet he’s someone you can’t have? 
“I love you, Atsumu,” you tell him, eyes still watery; heart hoping that it reaches him, that he picks up the meaning behind your words. But he doesn’t, as he stops to look at you, he squints his eyes in a joking manner as he speaks, “Hey, why do you look so emotional today?”
Disappointment grows in the depths of your whole being, though you don’t show him that. Because perhaps this was enough, you can try again another day. You’ll try and try until he finally understands. You can do that… you’ve been holding on pretty well the past fifteen years, so you huff instead, ignoring the painful thump of your heart, “Nothing, you jerk! Is it really that weird to hear me say I love you to you, hah?!”
You hear the dialogue of one of the stepsisters, calling out as your cue. You start to trudge forward but before you could fully go, he replies, “I love you too, YN, always remember that although I’m so shitty sometimes.”
Yeah, this is enough for now.
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Perhaps, you shouldn’t have been so confident in saying that; you should’ve just been straight to the point because nothing has ever compared to the agony engulfing your insides as Miya Atsumu sat in front of you in a random booth of a restaurant, speaking the words you’ve always dreaded to hear as a Moira and as his very own soulmate, “YN, I think I’m done waiting for my soulmate. Can’t you just cut my thread off please?”
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cajunquandary · 4 years
The One with Red Sky at Morning
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam, Castiel
Summary: After a difficult hunt, you and the Winchester brothers want nothing more than to rest. As fate would have it, things don’t go so smoothly.
Warnings: Natural disaster, a little flangsty.
WC: 2300
A/N: This was written for @smol-and-grumpy​ “NAT’S SUPERFRIENDS TITLE CHALLENEGE.” My title was “The One with Red Sky at Morning.” I actually wrote several versions of this but settled on this one. A very similar situation happened to me when I was very young, out hunting with my father deep in the woods of South Georgia. All we had was a four-wheeler and a lot of quick prayers. To this day I don’t know how we made it out alive. Enjoy my first writing back from a three-year hiatus! This might get rough. Suggestions welcome!
Also, sorry not sorry, I was feeling giffy~
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“Faster!” You yell, a shriek threatening to escape your core.
“C’mon, Baby,” Dean prays through gritted teeth, both feet forcing the accelerator to the floor. The speedometer stops measuring past a hundred and twenty. You gulp as the RPMs reach past the point of no return.
“We’re not gonna make it, Dean,” Sam goes pale, breaths quick and shallow, voice breaking as he spoke his brother’s name.
In the rearview mirror, you can just make out beads of sweat tracing the concern lines on Dean’s forehead, a black abyss behind him. You grab onto Sam from the back seat, burying your face into his flannel. Dean’s string of curses is soon overpowered by the ghostly sounds emanating from the beasts on your tail.
The air is hot and electric, raising every hair on end. When you hear the crack, your blood runs cold.
This must be it, the end.
You stumble sleepily out of the slight motel bathroom and over to the coffee maker. Without so much as peeking, you masterfully load the grounds and water and press the magic button. Oh, how you love that button. Scratchy bedsheets stir behind you, but you pay no attention. A shadow of a smirk creeps across your face. The holy bean water is ready. You take the much-too-small Styrofoam cup with you to sit at the table by the window. Lifting the chalice of your soul to your lips, you inhale as if you’d been starved of oxygen all night. Your eyes gradually open, adjusting easily to the low light of the room. The sweet scent helps to knock the cobwebs from your mind, the warmth radiating from your palms to the depths of your bones.
What a week it’d been. But right now, you don’t want to think of the vamp nest or their victims. Right now, you revel in the tranquility. In the bed near the door, Sam is rubbing the sleep from his eyes, no doubt about to share some coffee with you at the table. On the couch, Dean’s limbs are sprawled in awkward positions, but he still snores gently.
Finally, a smile graces your lips as you watch Dean. He’s so peaceful. There’re no lines on his forehead or forlorn frown below his freckle dusted cheeks. You almost wish he could stay like that forever—at peace. You also wonder what it might be like to touch him, hold him. After the hunt and almost losing him, being more than a few inches away from the man actually hurts. You couldn’t imagine never again seeing those deep, loving eyes, or the way he sings in the car, or dances when he thinks no one is around.
Catching you just before you jump off the deep end into thoughts and memories of Dean, Sam finds his seat next to you. Trying to brush the obvious daydreaming off as nothing, you take a gulp of coffee, only to grimace in pain as it burns all the way down, leaving your upper lip and tongue tingling.
Sam chuckles. “You know it’s hot, right?”
“Yeah, thanks.” And so is something else in the room, you can’t help but to think to yourself.
You set the rude drink upon the table and stand to open the curtains. With a thrust, the stubborn things release and reveal the world outside.
“Oh, shit,” you gasp. You stare for a moment just to make sure your eyes aren’t deceiving you. You rub them. You stare a moment more, then rub them again. Red skies morning, sailors take warning.
You look over to Sam, your body rigid.
“What is it, Y/N?”
“Sam, check the weather. Now.”
As if on cue, Dean’s phone is the first to sound the alarm, shortly followed by yours and Sam’s.
“It’s a weather alert—severe storms coming,” Sam stood from the table to look outside as well.
Dean groans from the space behind you, “Well then let’s get a move on.”
You don’t even bother getting dressed, instead throwing one of Dean’s old flannels over your thin t-shirt and leggings. Just like your days in EMS, your boots and pack stand ready next to your bed.
Within a minute, everyone slides into the impala, coffee forgotten. As Dean pulls onto the highway, you and Sam map out the fastest way to get home to the bunker with the least amount of bad weather to drive through, looking for a place to stop for food if possible.
Around two hours in, the drive is going decently well, with only a few patches of hail and heavy rain. You begin to doze off to the comforting lull of the Impala and the Allman Brothers.
Your body betrayed you as it twitched violently. Still on edge after the hunt, you jump from the action, accidentally hitting Dean in the shoulder.
“You good?” He glances quickly in your direction, adjusting his hand on the wheel.
Heart beat loud in your ears, you lean back and return a quiet “yeah, I’m okay. Sorry.”
No rest for the wicked or the hunters, you suppose.
Dean hums along to the music. You are powerless watching the vibration of his neck, wondering what it might be like if your lips were to touch the spot where his pulse rippled the skin. You look down at your phone in an attempt to distract yourself.
Pulling up the weather app, you report the developing spot just up ahead. The brothers take note, then you lean against the window and watch the blur of pine forests and rolling fields. Even overcast, the landscape is breathtaking. You reminisce on your days in the back of the “bus,” what it was like when the tone would drop and in seconds you’d be flying down the road, lights and sirens, mentally preparing for the unknowns waiting for you on the scene. After ten years, there wasn’t much you hadn’t seen. This knowledge and wisdom helped but still couldn’t prepare you when a changeling become your patient.
You catch yourself, not wanting to remember the details of the attack, the ambulance rollover, or the death of your partner. You don’t want to imagine what would’ve happened if the Winchester boys hadn’t shone up when they did, or if you’d stayed in that town after the bodies were found.
Wiping an unwelcome tear from the corner of your eye, you refocus on the trees, enjoying their dances under the influence of wind lines.
Until one fell, bending until it snapped, twisting off halfway. Then another, and another.
“Uh, guys?” When had it gotten so dark? You check your phone for the time again. Almost three in the afternoon.
You don’t need to look behind you to know what it is. You don’t get the chance to tell Dean to floor it—he already is. You grip the seat tightly as the car lurches forward, shaking under the speed and the wind force.
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It’s as if an invisible giant is stepping down on the forest on both sides of the highway. Oncoming traffic has ceased, some people have already bailed from their cars, seeking scant shelter in the ditches. Leaves and branches now swirl through the sky, littering the road ahead. Dean takes the next exit, not slowing down a bit.
You are so close to the bunker now, but the echoes of the angry titan behind you threaten to devour the Impala before you even have a chance for safety. You hazard a glance behind you.
No more than a mile behind the racing car, the tornado swallows the whole world, preceded by the biggest cloud of debris you’ve ever seen.
“Faster!” You yell, a shriek threatening to escape your core.
“C’mon, Baby,” Dean prays through gritted teeth, both feet forcing the accelerator to the floor. The speedometer stops measuring after a hundred and twenty. You gulp as the RPMs reach past the point of no return.
“We’re not gonna make it, Dean,” Sam goes pale, breaths quick and shallow, voice breaking as he spoke his brother’s name.
In the rearview mirror, you can just make out beads of sweat tracing the concern lines on Dean’s forehead and the rotating black abyss behind him. You grab onto Sam from the back seat, burying your face into his flannel. Dean’s string of curses is soon overpowered by the ghostly sounds emanating from the beasts on your tail.
The air is hot and electric, raising every hair on end. When you hear the crack, your blood runs cold.
You are covered in glass from the back window, the wind sucking the breath from your lungs. Sam reaches over and pulls you into his lap, holding as tightly as your eyes are shut. Dean masterfully swerves in an out, dodging unknown obstacles and navigating winding roads.
You recognize these turns. The bunker!
Castiel is already perched at the edge of the garage when you open your eyes. Still at full speed, Dean swerves the car inside, causing it to slide sideways and leave thick rubber tracks. Castiel struggles against the wind and grabs Dean as he bails from Baby.
“I can’t close it! We have to take cover, now,” Cas yells over the train whistle screams of the tempest.
Not missing a beat, Sam grabs you and doesn’t even pause to set you down. The alarms in the bunker sound off, competing with the storm.
You all finally tumble through the door and slam it locked behind you. You grunt as your ears pop from the pressure change and rub your jaw.
Heavily breathing from the ordeal, the four of you trade nodding glances, indicating that everyone is okay.
You are the first to break the silence, shaking bits of glass from your shirts. “I need a drink.”
Castiel and Sam follow you down the steps, but stop to sit in the war room. Dean trails on your heels, also eager for a drink. You grab the bottle but keep walking, ready to be in your own bed already.
Dean protests. “Hey, you gonna share?”
“Sure, but you’ll have to follow me.”
Once in your room, you take a long draught from the already open bottle of whiskey, then turn and hand it to Dean.
“Close your eyes, Winchester.”
Dean does as told, bottle already suspended at his lips.
You pause for a moment to admire those lips and the way they purse when he swallows. It catches your breath but you turn away, stripping the glass-ridden clothes into a pile on the floor. You curse under your breath as you realize the clothes that other than the ones still in the car, the rest were in the laundry room, several wings down.
You grab a pillow to shield yourself just in time as Dean opens his eyes to see what the matter is. He apologizes quickly and turns away. “What’s wrong?”
“No clothes.”
Without hesitation, he shrugs the shirt from his shoulders and extends it in your direction.
“Thanks.” You are so glad that his eyes are still averted so he can’t see your red face, the blush stretching through your whole body. You quickly slip inside the shirt and bottom it, thankful that it reaches nearly to your knees. You pause at the collar, lifting it to your nose and nearly fall as the heady scent of him fills your senses. Dean, standing now, catches you just in time, closer to you than ever before. His hands rest gently at your sides, and he chuckles sweetly as he leans in to kiss your hair. The whiskey still warming your bones, you wrap your arms around him, interlocking your fingers and burying your face into his bare chest. He pulls you in tighter, squeezing.
The stress of almost losing him on the hunt to that fang and of nearly becoming flying sky trash slowly falls away within the shelter of his embrace. He leans onto the bed and back farther, taking you with him until you’re both under the blankets completely intertwined.
The dim light provided by a small lamp in the corner casts just enough shadow that you can count the freckles dusted on Dean’s cheeks and get lost in the hazel green folds of his eyes. Could this really be happening? Is the hunter you’d be pining for silently for over a year really holding you this closely—in your own bed?
Your breath mixes with his when he leans in even closer and brushes your lips with his. You close your eyes and relish in the warmth and comfort and safety of his arms, the softness and taste of his lips, stubble grazing your chin.
You can still perceive faint sounds of the raging storm outside, but you have no more fear. You pull away slightly to enjoy the sweet smile on Dean’s face until a passing shadow crosses it.
An elated “finally” can be heard near the doorway. Sam winks and closes the door, retreating footsteps resonating down the hall.
A new storm blooms in your core as you surrender yourself to the ease of being so close to Dean. Together, you trade secrets and promises in the intimate moments before slowly falling asleep to the comfort of his voice.
Red skies morning, sailors take warning. Red skies night, sailors delight.
With the red flashes of the bunker floodlights filling the air, you did certainly delight, safe at last. Any wreckage could wait until morning.
@supernatural-jackles @jensen-jarpad @wheresthekillswitch @aseasyasdeanspie @bummblebeeblue @nothin-after-79 @docharleythegeekqueen @fangirl-writing-fiction @inmysparetime0 @impala-dreamers-mainfrigginblog @impala-dreamer @arryn-nyxx @idk-life01 @attorneyl @akshi8278 @deathtonormalcy56 @xwing-baby​
*To be added or removed, shoot me a message
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vipclifford · 4 years
Red is the Warmest Colour
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event masterlist
soulmate au where you can’t see colours until you kiss your soulmate
Luke coated his nails in a dark grey colour, though the label claimed it to be ‘candy apple red’. Whatever that meant. He knew that red was the colour of blood and anger and love, that red was fiery and intense. He knew that red was the colour of lipsticks that stained his cheeks after his aunts kissed them when he was younger. He knew that red was the colour that made his face warm when embarrassed. He just didn’t know what it looked like.
Colours only appeared after kissing your soulmate. Not after a first look, not after a first touch, but after a first kiss. Some people went on their entire lives without ever finding them, instead settling for a dull existence with a mediocre partner, and the idea terrified Luke. He wanted nothing more than to see the blue of the sky and the sea; the greens and yellows of the leaves; the oranges and reds of a sunset. He wanted nothing more than to love and be loved like he truly deserved, to have someone made for him by his side as they explored the colours of the world. Luke felt like he was running out of time.
“We’ve got to pick up Amber in twenty minutes, so we better get going,” urged Michael as he rushed into the living room. Luke nodded, blowing on his freshly painted hand as he grabbed his phone with his dry one.
Luke remembers the day Michael found out he had met his soulmate. He remembers the excitement in his eyes as he kept looking at everything and anything, occasionally yelling ‘this is green, Luke, this is really green!’ or ‘why does everyone hate the colour orange? It's so nice!’ Luke was so happy for his friend, but he couldn’t help but wallow in envy that night as he tried hard to envision Michael’s detailed description of the colour red.
But you can’t imagine a colour you’ve never seen.
The party’s atmosphere was chill and cozy, not rowdy like the ones Michael usually brought him to. Ashton, the host, greeted him with a hug as he stepped through the door, and Luke loved how amiable he seemed. The only faces he recognised were those of Michael and Amber, and yet he felt like he belonged amongst these strangers.
“Nice nails,” commented a dark haired stranger who leaned on the railing a couple metres beside him, cigarette between his fingers. “What colour are they?”
“Red,” he told him proudly, a small smile stretching his lips. “At least that’s what the label says,” he shrugged, turning his attention back to the city lights.
The stranger hummed in response, seemingly pensive as he blew a cloud of smoke.
“Fiery and bold. I like it.”
Luke nodded as he gave him a quick glance, noticing that his nails weren’t plain either. “What colour are yours?”
“Calm and serene. I like it,” Luke echoed his previous words, smiling when he heard his quiet chuckle. “I’m Luke.”
“I’m Calum. You want?” Calum offered, holding out the cigarette towards him. Luke declined with a shake to the head. “You don’t smoke?”
“I’ve, uh, I never found the appeal,” he shrugged somewhat nervously, something deep within his mind telling him that he should’ve just complied, that he should’ve tried to fit in.
“Good. Smoking is shit. By the way,” he said in a low voice, taking a few steps closer to him. Close enough that Luke could smell his cologne masked by the smell of tobacco. “Don’t look now, but the girl in the stripy top has been eyeing you for the past five minutes. Might be worth seeing whether you can finally admire your red nails by the end of the night,” Calum told him with a soft smile, giving a supportive squeeze to his shoulder.
He still couldn’t see red by the end of the night.
Luke laid in his bed, phone in hand as he scrolled mindlessly through instagram. But then he found his fingers tapping on Michael’s account, found his eyes searching for Ashton amidst his followers, found himself looking through Ashton’s followers as well until he landed on the account he pursued.
Calum Hood.
He felt his lips tug upwards as he scrolled through his feed. There were pictures of coffee cups and what he presumed was his dog; blurry pictures from nights out and shirtless pictures at the beach. He couldn’t help zooming into those. Although Luke hadn’t ever found the appeal of tattoos either, too indecisive to commit to a design for the rest of his days, he was intrigued by the patterns covering the skin of his arms and chest. Something about the way the ink clung to Calum’s bicep made him open his eyes.
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath after unconsciously double tapping the screen, accustomed to liking every picture when scrolling through his feed. Hasty fingers were quick to unlike it before throwing his phone across the bed.
Luke’s heart was racing in his chest and he could feel himself begin to sweat and his fingers were tingling and he knew that if he could see colours he would be seeing red. A panicked and anxious red. He hated himself for always getting like this over minuscule situations, though he hated himself for a lot of things. But then his phone buzzed, snapping Luke out of his thoughts. A smile returned to his face upon reading the notification and he felt the world go back to a tranquil blue.
‘@calumhood followed you’
The second time he saw Calum was at some other friend of Michael’s pool party, eyes gazing over the buffet of finger food. The place was once again packed with strange faces and Luke was glad to have found his new acquaintance amidst the crowd. He looked different in the daylight. Maybe it was the way the sunlight bounced off of his grey skin, or the way droplets of water trickled down his chest, but Calum looked as though he was glowing. Almost ethereal.
“Stick to pizza, it’s always the safest option,” Luke commented as he approached the man, Calum’s eyebrows briefly shooting up in surprise when he realised it was him.
“If it isn’t my instagram stalker,” Calum teased with a cheeky grin, nodding at his suggestion. Luke turned his head away as soon as he felt the red heat rise to his cheeks, beyond embarrassed by the fact Calum remembered. “Any luck with stripy top?”
“The fates didn’t seem to be on my side that night,” he replied with a shake to the head, reaching for a fresh can of beer. “Maybe I should go for a girl with a plain top next time.”
“Cheer up, mate,” Calum said with a soft chuckle, placing a comforting pat to his back. Luke chose to ignore the way it lingered for a few seconds. “Soulmates aren’t everything.”
But they were everything to Luke.
He had been dreaming about finding his soulmate since he was six. He was playing weddings with his friends during lunchtime and after the ‘groom’ kissed his ‘bride’, the pair yelled out in horror. They kept telling the group that everything around them had changed, that everything looked brighter and beautiful yet so strange, but none of the kids could understand what they meant. He remembers telling his mum about it on the walk home from school, who enlightened him about the concept of soulmates with a smile. Luke spent the rest of the day asking about the colour of the sky and the trees and his shirt, just to receive answers he couldn’t comprehend. He still couldn’t.
Luke simply hummed in response as he opened the can, trying his best to be nonchalant despite strongly disagreeing with his comment.
“Lots of people lead wonderful lives without ever finding their soulmates, you know? They just say ‘fuck you’ to the universe and live a happy life without depending on a soulmate, I think it’s amazing.”
“I guess,” Luke agreed with a shrug. “But don’t you ever picture yourself being truly happy, discovering the colours of the world with a girl that’s perfect for you in every way?”
“Sure I do,” Calum replied casually, taking a bite of his pizza slice. “Not necessarily with a girl, though.”
The speed at which Luke snapped his head to look at him in surprise was almost embarrassing. Calum’s eyebrows rose in a coquettish manner, a knowing smile on his lips as he watched Luke process his confession.
“Then, uh,” Luke muttered, returning his focus to the beer in his hand, “then you should at least try to find him. No need to rebel against the universe just yet.”
It was Calum’s turn to hum in response as he ran his fingers through his wet curls, watching his friends call for him from the pool. “Catch you later,” he said, giving his shoulder a quick squeeze before walking away.
The third time he saw Calum was in his own apartment
Michael just loved having the chance to get drunk and party with his friends, and what better place to do it than from the comfort of his own home. Soon enough, Michael’s friends began to fill the space between the walls, bringing their loud voices along with beer and vodka.
Luke tried to join in. Luke tried to let loose and have fun but all he could focus on was Calum. The way the strobe lighting made him move in slow motion; the way his biceps pressed tightly against the material of his shirt; the way his hand rested on some guy’s arm. Their eyes met for a brief second before the guy placed a hand on Calum’s cheek, returning his attention back to the stranger.
Luke didn’t know why but that simple action made his heart ache. It made his throat constrict and his hands shake and Luke had to get away, he just had to pull himself away from the scene he was stuck in. He couldn’t handle the loud music or the flashing grey lights or Calum. He pushed people out of his way until he finally reached the terrace, breathing out a relieved sigh when the warm breeze brushed past his face.
No guy had ever made Luke feel as jealous as he felt now. Especially not a guy he had only spoken to twice. He felt so irrational and silly and dumb for feeling the way he did and he had to force himself to look at his bold red nails to ground himself. To remind himself of the confident man he should be.
His mother always told him such amazing things about the colour red. She told Luke red was strong like him; that red was loving like him; that red was courageous like him. He could never agree with her words, always having been too shy and insecure for that, but incorporating the concept of red into his life never failed to empower him.
So maybe he was jealous, but he was okay with that. Maybe he liked Calum, and he was okay with that too.
“There you are,” spoke a deep voice he had been longing to hear for days. “I was looking for you,” Calum told him as he rested his arms beside his, elbows touching.
“Guess you found me,” he murmured, all newly acquired confidence replaced by his usual timidity the second Calum appeared by his side.
“Why are you out here on your own? Isn’t this your party?” Luke shook his head.
“It’s Michael’s,” he clarified, “I just happen to live here too. And I’m out here because I needed a breather.”
“Too crowded?”
“Something like that.”
The atmosphere between them was somewhat awkward and uncertain, as though neither of them wanted to say the wrong thing. Luke just didn’t want to make a fool of himself. Calum pulled out a cigarette from the pack, placing it between his lips as he lit it.
“I thought about what you said the other day, you know? About trying to find my soulmate,” Luke turned with curious eyes to face him, humming to urge him to continue. Calum thought about him. “And, you’re right, I guess. Deep down, soulmates are everything to me,” Calum confessed before taking his first drag. Luke placed a comforting hand on his toned arm, softly caressing his skin. “But I fucking hate that they could be anywhere. They could be right in front of me and I would never find out because I don’t go round kissing strangers. The chances of finding them are so fucking low, you know?”
“Yeah, I know,” Luke murmured as he turned back to look at the city lights, letting go of his arm. “Do you believe in fate?”
“To an extent,” Calum shrugged, “I think that there are certain things that are set in stone, but how you get there is completely up to you.”
“Okay, then I think that you finding your soulmate is set in stone. You’ve just got to take the leap,” he told him. “What colour do you want to see?”
“I want nothing more than to see the peaceful blue of the sky or the powerful navy of the ocean. I love the idea of blue so fucking much that I’ll paint my nails that colour like a fool even though it just looks grey,” Calum chuckled humourlously, holding his hand out to Luke to let him see. “I don’t want to die in a world that’s still black and white.”
“You’re like me but with red,” Luke chuckled slightly in disbelief just to wince at his lack of sensitivity regarding Calum’s last sentence. “Uh, why are you telling me this?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, “guess I’m just the right amount of drunk to ramble about my feelings. Don’t get used to it.”
Luke smiled softly at his words. Getting used to him, that sounded like a nice idea. “Well, drunk or not, I think that you will find your soulmate. In no time you’ll be looking up and seeing a blue sky, trust me.”
“You think?”
“I know.”
They were both silent as they looked each other in the eyes for a few seconds. All that could be heard were the cars driving past and the music blasting through the apartment. Luke noticed just how good he looked in the dark, and just how plump and appealing his lips were. He watched Calum lean in slowly, felt his body do the same, felt the tip of their noses brush against each other until–
The pair are quick to pull away from each other upon hearing Michael’s voice, leaving a foot’s distance between their chests.
“What do you want?”
“Have you seen Amber?” Luke couldn’t help but frustratedly roll his eyes at his best friend who stumbled over towards him, annoyed that he had ruined the only highlight of his night.
“No. She’s probably with her friends or something, I don’t know.”
“Can you help me? I’ve been looking for her for ages and our apartment isn’t big enough for me to have taken this long. Please,” Michael begged, occasionally slurring his words.
Luke glanced over at Calum who gave him a nod, silently excusing himself from the scene. “Yeah, okay, whatever.”
Michael found her a few minutes later passed out in the bathroom. They really were soulmates.
Luke couldn’t stop thinking about their almost kiss. The way his dark eyes fluttered closed, the way his face emitted warmth, the way the soft skin of his nose brushed against his. The moment was so tender and vulnerable and perfect until his ill-timed friend decided to make a guest appearance. He should’ve expected that from Michael.
The sun shone brightly on the hot June’s day as Luke and Michael made their way into a pub, desperate for some refreshing beer. It wasn’t their usual bar, it was one in the city that Michael’s friends recommended and as usual Luke felt out of place. They sat down at a table of faces he somewhat recognised, filled himself a glass from the jug of beer and listened to their conversations, only joining in when his self esteem allowed him. He eventually got up to order the next pint, patiently waiting at the bar for the bartender to take his order.
“Fancy seeing you here,” grinned Calum as he pulled up beside him, Luke’s eyebrows lifting up in surprise when he saw him. “Come here often?”
“First time. Michael dragged me, as usual,” he replied with a soft smile.
Calum nodded, fingers rhythmically tapping on the counter. “Keep it that way, this place is shit. Wanna get out of here?”
“What?” Luke asked with a confused look in his eyes, anxiety bubbling in his chest at the spontaneity of his offer. He never just did things.
“Do you want to get out of here?” Calum enunciated louder, fingers running through his dark curls as he awaited a response from him.
“Okay,” he found himself saying and soon enough Luke was running down the streets with Calum, chest full of laughter. He didn’t know where he was and for once he didn’t even care, too engrossed in the conversation and fun he was having with his new friend.
They found a small patch of grass and Luke felt like laying in it, so that’s what he did. Calum didn’t join him, however, too busy studying whatever was behind that metal railing.
“There’s a pool there. I think it’s a primary school.”
“Okay?” Luke chuckled slightly, not knowing where Calum was going with this.
“Let’s jump in.”
“What?” he asked but was too late, for Calum was already climbing the fence. “Calum what the fuck.”
“Come on, live a little,” he grinned as he sat at the top, looking down at Luke. Luke stood up and slowly made his way over to the fence, thinking that at some point Calum would tell him that he was joking and come back down. But he didn’t. “Climb up, it’s easy.”
Luke placed his clammy hands onto the metal railing and strategically placed his foot somewhere where he could later hoist himself up. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I have no idea what I’m doing. I almost never do,” he murmured as he climbed the fence, meeting the man at the top.
“That’s what life’s all about,” Calum smiled before jumping off the other side, sprinting towards the pool.
Luke shook his head in disbelief as he watched him, a small smile on his lips, before slowly climbing down the fence. He ran behind him until he reached the swimming pool. The lights lining the edges of the pool made the water glow and seem that much more appealing. Much like Calum, who glowed with the light from the sunset as he took off his grey shirt.
“Are you gonna jump in like that?” Calum teased as he watched Luke make no move to remove his clothes. Luke rolled his eyes playfully as he kicked off his shoes, eventually stripping down to his underwear.
Calum pushed him into the water when Luke least expected it, too busy testing the temperature of the pool with his foot. He was splashed in the face as soon as he resurfaced by Calum jumping in too, emerging with a laugh.
“That wasn’t funny,” Luke complained in mock aggravation, splashing Calum with water. “I could’ve drowned.”
“Why, don’t know how to hold your breath underwater?” he taunted, mimicking his action.
“I’ll have you know I’m the best at holding my breath underwater.”
“Really?” Calum questioned with a raised brow, a look that Luke couldn’t quite decipher in his eyes. “That sounds like a challenge.”
“A challenge you won’t disprove,” Luke said somewhat boldly.
“Alright, on the count of three we go down,” Calum explained prior to counting down, the pair taking a deep breath just before submerging themselves underwater.
They watched each other as the water made their hair flail about, determination written on their faces. But then time seemed to stop as Calum pushed himself closer, his rough hand finding its place on Luke’s cheek. He instinctively closed his eyes and suddenly Calum’s lips were pressed against the corner of his mouth and Luke felt like a fool. He still felt like a fool as he pushed himself up to the surface, vexed as he watched Calum emerge a few seconds later.
“I won,” Calum grinned mischievously.
“You fucking cheated, I demand a rematch,” Luke insisted despite Calum denying his claim, so they counted back down from three and immersed themselves in the water.
Luke felt flustered under Calum’s gaze, which kept dropping down to his touch-starved lips. Anxiety bubbled in his chest as he kept watching Calum‘s eyes linger, too scared to mirror the action. His previous tactic had left Luke dumbfounded and confused. He thought that he was going to kiss him, that he wanted to kiss him. But now he didn’t know whether Calum craved his lips as much as Luke did or whether he was trying to distract him again. Luke didn’t want to look like a fool.
But then he looked down at his plump grey lips.
Luke felt his hands jitter as Calum’s demeanour became determined. Calum’s eyes never left his as he slowly inched closer, each second that passed making Luke’s heart beat faster and faster against his chest. He could feel his pulse in his ears as Calum’s nose softly grazed his own and Luke had finally had enough as he pressed his lips to Calum’s.
Luke didn’t know where this sudden surge of confidence had come from but he didn’t care as Calum kissed him eagerly, arms wrapping around Luke’s neck to pull him close. It felt as though he had been wanting this to happen for a long time. He placed his hands on Calum’s soft cheeks as they pushed themselves back up above the surface. They kissed and kissed and kissed until Luke felt his lips go numb, but he couldn’t bear to pull away from his intoxicating touch. Neither of them could. Neither of them wanted to.
“Don’t open your eyes yet,” Calum murmured against his lips once he reluctantly pulled away, smiling softly when Luke chased them to leave a quick kiss. “I’m not ready to be disappointed.”
Luke frowned at this, though he understood the meaning behind his words. “Okay,” he whispered, softly stroking his wet cheek. “How long have you wanted to do that?”
“Too long,” Calum chuckled quietly, leaning into his touch. “Probably since the first time I saw you.”
“That night at Ashton’s?”
“No, before that. I can’t remember whose party it was but you were there, happily dancing with Michael and Amber instead of looking awkward and gloomy in the corner like usual,” he teased, accepting the light slap to his shoulder. “You just looked so beautiful and carefree and I was like ‘fuck, he’s the one, I need to talk to him’. And then I didn’t,” Calum laughed.
“Shut up, that’s too cheesy to be true,” Luke complained although he couldn’t stop himself from pressing happy kisses to his lips.
“Believe what you want.”
“Do you want to look now?” Luke asked after a few seconds of silence. He could sense his reluctance, which was eventually overpowered by the acceptance of the fact that he had to open them eventually.
Luke took a deep breath, anxiety bubbling in his chest in case the world was still grey. But that kiss felt right, his touch felt right, Calum felt too right for someone who wasn’t his soulmate. He had to be. He wanted him to be. He needed him to be.
His eyes opened to a bright sky filled with so many different colours he couldn’t even name. They were bright and warm and real and fuck, colours were beyond anything Luke had ever tried to imagine. His cheeks hurt from grinning as he kept looking around, looking at the green of the leaves and the blue of the pool. He looked down at his nails and he felt like crying. “That’s red,” he said excitedly, almost in disbelief. Red was so beautiful. Luke looked back at Calum just to find him already looking at him with a smile on his red lips.
“Your eyes are so blue,” Calum muttered in amazement as he pulled him in by the cheeks to kiss him tenderly. “I fucking love blue.”
“I fucking love red,” Luke chuckled with a shy smile, glancing up at the changing sky before joining their lips together again. He kissed him and kissed him and kissed him once more because although the colours were wonderful, Calum’s lips were more.
i’ve had so many technical issues but she’s finally posted! thank you @maluminspace and @h0tsos for doing this event, it was really fun and i enjoyed writing something that was somewhat out of my comfort zone because i’ve never written a slash fic. also a special thanks to @sexgodashton and @5-secondsofcolor for being the most helpful when i was stuck!!
taglist: @cashtonasfuck @maluminspace @castaway-cashton @loveroflrh @5sosnsfw @gigglyirwin @mysticalhood @punkrockpreferences @koalacal @calumsmermaid
message me or tap on the link in my masterlist to be added!!
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marvelouss-marvel · 4 years
Feelings | T.H.
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Summary: Tom and Melina have feelings for one another but are lost in expressing this through words. Do actions actually speak louder than words?
Pairing: Tom Holland x OC (who’s black, so you’re welcome ladies)
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: I meant to finish this yesterday but got tied up yesterday with schoolwork. So, I apologize. This is a contribution to the Quarantine Writing Challenge created by @chaneajoyyy​ and @shaekingshitup. Thank you for adding me to my very first writing challenge. Also, I recommend you listen to “Feelings” by Lauv; it’s a masterpiece and the inspiration for this fic.
Is my love too much? Or is it just enough for you, for you? 'Cause it's getting late, would you like to stay? Ah 'Cause I'm bad at reading signs
All evening, Tom had been sneaking glances Melina. The tempered glass on her prevented him from viewing her observations but he knew it had to be either Tumblr or Twitter; both platforms had a tendency of stretching her lips to form that soft smile of hers he’d grown to adore over the last few months. On top of that, she would hold her phone up to his face once in a while to grant Tom the chance of witnessing what made her snort.
Although secretly watching her was simple, Tom found it difficult to prevent his thoughts from skedaddling all over the place like ants running from human feet. He was attempting to gather the courage in revealing his true feelings to her but a second of his mouth opening effected the various “what if” scenarios he created.
His ringtone for Harrison went off, pulling the two best friends out of their silent world. Tom reached for his phone on the small coffee table but paused his actions once he noticed the time. “Uh, Mel?”
“Hmm…?” she hummed. She was quick to retreat back into her personal bubble.
“You do realize it’s 2 in the morning, right?” Tom continued.
“W—” Melina paused her video on Twitter to pull the control center down on her phone. “Crap! I gotta go!” She stood from the couch to begin gathering her scattered belongings.
She was right that she needed to leave… but Tom didn’t want that. Sure, they hardly spoke to one another for the rest of the night after watching the 2-hour long Netflix film but he wanted her company a bit longer. In addition to that, it was too early in the morning for him to be questioning her whereabouts.
A lightbulb went off in his head but it was the idea itself that rapidly pumped the blood to his heart. “You know… you can stay the night?”
Melina scoffed. “Tom, no. We’re not having this discussion.”
“Um, yeah we are. It’s late Mel. And I don’t want you out.”
“I know how you feel, dad, but I’ll be fine. I’m a big girl.” She slightly rotated her head to wink his way. The irony of her statement was that she was petite for her age. Most of their friends were five-foot-five and above while Melina was often mistaken for an elementary student trying to fit in with the “big kids.”
Tom shook his head, even though she couldn’t see him. “Melina, no. Stay the night.”
“And miss the comfort of my bed? I don’t think so but thank you for the offer Tommy.”
Before Tom knew it, he was taking long strides to the front door and snatching her leather coat off the coat rack before her arm could reach out. Melina only raised one of her perfectly shaped brows she managed to do on her own in response.
“Okay?” she voiced. “What’re you doing?”
In that moment, Tom realized how much of a freak he perceived himself to be. He resembled a robot by shoving the item in her direction for her to take. “Um, I think it’s too late. And, I was wondering if you wanted to stay the night? It’s just I worry about you as your friend this time of the day.”
It took her a moment to respond but once she finally gave him his answer, he subtly released a breath he didn’t remember inhaling.
“You know, if you asked like that in the beginning, I would’ve said yes.” Melina smirked as she slid off her shoes. “You’re weird sometimes.” She left him by himself, claiming she needed to use the restroom.
But I, I wanna do whatever you wanna do If you wanted to, girl, we could cross that line
Even after two years of living in London, Melina continued to struggle in socializing. If she wasn’t lounging around in Tom’s apartment, the best friends were at the hottest club with their group of friends. No bad blood existed between her and the others; it was just the environment they chose to reside in for the evening.
Tom always noticed this quiet side of her. How she seemed to shrink in posture with slumped shoulders, even though she was gorgeous in her club attire. How she practiced her nervous habit of fiddling with her hands when it wasn’t her to turn to talk yet. How she sidled up against Tom every chance she got if people (mainly men) needed to squeeze by in reaching their destination. To tell you the truth, Tom found these adorable and made it a mission to protect her every time they went out.
The group had split a few minutes prior with Melina and Tom making their way to the bar. After constant begging, Melina hit the dance floor. Tom and the others cheered her on for three songs until she grew tired and yearned for some water. Like the unspoken bodyguard he was, Tom followed her.
“That was fun.” She began. “I haven’t danced like that since my family reunion.” She flagged the bartender down with a raised palm. “Excuse me, can I get some water?”
The woman behind the counter nodded with a smile and proceeded to fix the drink. Melina didn’t hesitate to grasp the foggy, clear glass and chug a large amount of the cold liquid down her throat.
Tom chuckled. “And when was that?”
He watched her chocolate eyes shift to stare at the ceiling in deep thought. “Like July? Of 2018?”
“Aren’t those every year?” he wondered. Last time he remembers having this discussion with Melina, she stated her family met up in the middle of July at one of the local parks every year.
“Yeah but, my parents didn’t go last year and don’t plan on going again this year. I gotta ask my mom again w—”
The sudden pause in the short story encouraged Tom to look up from the bar and into Melina’s eyes. Only, she was looking beyond him with an expression representing discomfort.
“That guy’s been eying me all night. I don’t like it.” she disclosed.
Tom swiveled around in his seat to find the man she was talking to. His eyes were able to pinpoint the stranger instantly searching for another area in sight to claim for straing. “Oh yeah?”
“Mmhm.” Melina affirmed with a nod of her head. She gazed at the back of her best friends head, praying he wasn’t thinking about making a scene. That’s the last thing she wanted for him. “Hey Tom?”
“Yeah Love?” His eyes were back on her, softer than before when he reversed the role of eying the creeper.
Melina only pursed her lips in embarrassment. After the first club incident where an intoxicated man approached Melina and Tom stepped in to play the role of a protective boyfriend, it had become an unannounced habit to cozy up with one another to ward off the eyes of complete strangers. Still, Melina was anxious in requesting his form of rescuing.
“Come here, Darling.” Tom urged. One of his arms wrapped itself around her waist to twist her body so her back faced him. That same arm also maneuvered her to sit on his lap like a child posing with Santa Claus for a picture.
At this point in their friendship, Melina considered Tom to be her second home. Her immediate family lived thousands of miles away, calling her when they could on Whatsapp and bringing a smile to her face. Tom provided her the same form of comfort just about every day now that her life was here in London.
Realizing this, Melina rested her back against his chest as if he were a pillow. This was temporary but, she couldn’t help but want a little more.
But I feel 'em in my chest A tiny war within But when I pull you closer Girl, I can't explain
Two months had passed but that didn’t stop the two from growing closer in physical contact. Behind closed doors, Tom did more of pulling her into his side when sitting on the couch and for some odd but cute reason, Melina felt the need to straddle his lap when presenting exciting news.
Today was Melina’s hair day and she needed help taking out the box braids she had installed over a month ago. If she took the braids out herself, it would’ve taken longer due to how exhausted she was again from another rough week at work. So, Tom was her next option.
“Sorry if I ripped you away from any plans you had.” She apologized for the fourth time that day.
Tom scoffed. “Darling, how many times do I have to tell you to stop apologizing? I’m currently on break from work and trust me, I’d rather be here than at my place by myself. Haz went out with the crew and I wasn’t up for that today.” He explained. “Besides, I’d rather be here with you.”
A tiny smile sufficed, which didn’t match the beating of her heart that suddenly felt as if it was trying to crawl out of her chest.
“Putting these in looks hard but taking them out? Different story.” Tom commented.
“You’re telling me. Which is why I have other people do it for me. I knew a girl who installed similar braids herself but… it didn’t really come out right in the back. I think it was her first time.”
“Reminds me of the first time Harry tried giving himself a trim.”
“Yeah. We ended up giving him a decent buzz cut.”
Her giggle had now become music to Tom’s ears. Whether it be her speaking, crying, or laughing, Tom wanted to record her voice and carry it with him for his travels away from home.
Home. She was now home to him. But how could he reveal that truth to her when his feelings ran deep and he didn’t want to ruin what they had?
He continued to remove her braids in tranquil silence while Melina pulled out her iPad to play a few levels of Homescapes. The further he moved up her head, the more Melina relaxed against his torso by slouching.
The close form of contact affected the temperature of his armpits. Tom was currently stuck on the level of Friendzoning where physical contact with Melina affected how his body responded to her touches. From sweaty armpits to a beating heart, Tom felt powerless in controlling his reactions. And it didn’t help that her head rested above his heart.
It was six-thirty when Tom was pulling the last braid from Melina’s natural hair. She was just shutting her eyes at this point with her iPad turned off and cradled under arms like a student on her way to class. Slumberland grasped her conscious mind once Tom’s fingers began massaging her scalp. Sure, it was dirty but it was necessary her head receive a good kneading from someone aside from herself.
“Feel good, Love?” he whispered.
She hummed in satisfaction. “I need this.”
And I know, and I know that it's on your mind That it's on your mind when I kiss you But I wanna do whatever you wanna do
“I like you. A lot.” Tom panted.
It was the first thing he blurted to Melina as soon as she opened the door to her apartment. He looked as if he’d ran the whole way with his disheveled hair, slightly wet face, and drenched-in-sweat T-shirt he the threw on.
“What?” Melina whispered. Her heart and mind were hoping he meant what he meant.
“I like you a lot. And I mean that as in I have a major crush on you. I have for a while.” He elaborated in between breaths.
Melina ushered him in with a wave of her hand. “Come in, Tommy.”
He stepped over the threshold into the warmth of her apartment. His nose immediately picked up the scent of seasoning for her famous enchilada’s. The ceiling lights were dimmed to create a relaxing vibe. Behind her living space, the tiny dining table was blanketed with a cream table cloth and a vase of flowers stood in the middle of it.
“I just had a good day today, that’s all. I wanted to give myself a bit of a celebration.” She weakly explained. This moment in particular was something she anticipated for the longest but not in the manner of her appearing to set up for a date that wasn’t with Tom. “Um, so you like me?”
“Yeah, I do.” He moved his eyes away from the setting to fully look at her. Her digits were fiddling with one another again and her eyes landed on the space between their feet. Tom rested his hand over hers to lace their fingers. “I just think you’re… beautiful inside and out. You make me happy every time I’m around and… and I just wanted you to know.” He braced himself for the next part. “But, if you don’t feel the same that’s totally fine.”
She chuckled. “Why wouldn’t I feel the same?”
He knew what she was doing. Things could get awkward when Tom had these truthful moments with people. She wanted to ease his feelings through jokes. “Darling, c—”
“I’m being serious. Why wouldn’t I feel the same about you, Tom? You’re everything I like in a guy. Fine as hell, sweet, funny, and all in all: a gentleman.”
They were holding direct eye contact now, a smirk resting on Melina’s lips. She was the one who eventually leaned in connect their lips. Eyes closed, Tom’s arm snaked itself around her waist to pull her closer while both of Melina’s arms wrapped around his neck.
He moved away first, resting his forehead against hers. “Is there room for one more person for your celebratory dinner.”
“There’s always room for one when I’m having a good day.” She giggled as he leaned down to peck her lips again.
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peggysousfan · 4 years
Moving On
This is an Avengers Endgame Fix-it fic for the dance scene. Fro anyone who has not watched Endgame, do NOT read this, because it does contain spoilers. I think what Steve did at the end of the movie was dumb and makes no sense. And the fact that the writers said he did it 2 years after Agent Carter series means Daniel is either dumped by Peggy, killed, or made into so villain. None of which make sense. So here is a fic that fixes that. Enjoy!! :)
There in a small, quaint house, a woman stood. She swayed to the light music that filled the room as she and enjoyed this day of peace and quiet. But to her dismay, it wasn't too peaceful for long. A knock breaks the tranquility of the house, and she grumbles. 'Bloody hell, who could that be!' She thinks to herself. As she walks to the door and opens it, all of her senses take hold. Before she or the visitor are aware; a gun is ready in her hand.
"Who the HELL are you!?" She demands.
"You're telling me you don't recognize me, Peggy?" He says. And yet she can't believe her eyes...the man before her must be an impostor or a ghost. And given her job, neither is impossible.
"Who. Are. You." She orders between teeth. Her blood begins to boil in anger as they flow through her veins in rage.
"Its me, Peg. Its Steve." He smiles a small smile as he looks at her with pleading eyes as his hands are held in the air, a sign of surrender.
"No. No you're not. Who are you really? And don't lie." She says, interrupting him before he speaks again. "Steve Rogers died in a plane crash 4 years ago." Her eyes never leave his face as she keeps her gun pointed to his heart.
"Peggy. Its me, I swear. I can prove it!" She keeps her gun up and undoes the safety, glaring at him. He sighs and drops his hands. "Is it too late for that dance?" And at that her entire being freezes in place.
"Cotton Club. At 9 O'clock." She says, her hand easing so slightly. He looks down at the ground and chuckles.
"The Stork Club. At  8 O'clock on the dot. But I guess I kind of showed up a little late..." Peggy lowers her gaze to the ground and then her gun, putting the safety back on. "So...about that dance." He smiles. She looks back at him and takes the butt of her gun and whacks him on the side of the head.
"You bloody WANKER! Where the HELL have you been!?!?" She hits him again and he backs away.
"Okay okay okay! I deserved that." Her face turns an angry red and he looks at her, enchanted. "Peggy. I can explain everything I swear. Can I just-" He looks down and sighs. "Can I just come inside. Please?"
"I with someone, Rogers." She exclaims. His eyes bulge in shock, but he shakes his head
"Damn, already? I knew it was too late a year..." He mumble the last part to himself.
"What?"He starts to panic, shakes his head, and looks away.
"Can I just come inside, Peggy?" She's still extremely unhappy about the turn of events, but none the less, invites him in.
"Just...be quiet." she says. He gives her an odd look, but nods his head anyway. "Now, are you going to explain where you've been for the past 4 years or am I going to have to beat it out of you." Peggy states as she stands in the living room, her arms crossed. Steve looks around and then back at her and laughs.
"Do you think we can dance first?" She looks around as if fighting an internal battle. But decides eventually decides.
"Fine. But one dance. One!" She stresses. He's confused at first but smiles nonetheless. Peggy walks over to the radio and turns the volume up, slightly, as to make sure its not too loud. He stands before her, his arms open wide. She hesitates at first. but takes his hand and they sway. For a while everything is quiet and calm.
"So are you going to tell me where you've been the past 4 years or not?" He looks at the ground, a saddened smile in his face.
"4 years..." He looks up at her and shakes his head. "Try 12 years." Her face slacks and her eyes enlarge from shock.
"What!?!" She starts to yell but catches herself. "You went down in 1945. Now its 1949...Not 1957!" She yells in a loud, teeth clenched, whisper.
"Its...complicated." "No, its not. What the hell are you talking about 12 years?!"
"You may not believe me if I tell you...and even if I do I don't know how much I can say so it won't break the space time continuum. Or whatever Bruce and Tony called it. Or was that Scott?" He asks himself. "Look, I don't know okay. I just know I can't tell you everything."
"Your speaking as if I know any of those people." She tilts her head and lifts her brow. He looks away sheepishly. "I can guarantee I've heard much stranger things than Time Travel, Rogers. Now what the hell is going on?"
"How did you-"
"Space time continuum? I'm not an idiot. Besides, I'm friends with Howard Stark and work at the Strategic 'SCIENTIFIC' Reserve. I have to know a little bit of that, don't I." She smirks. He may not understand who she was quoting, but she does; and her cheeks redden at the thought of that man. She misses him...
"Long story short....I'm alive-"
"Obviously." She says, un-amused.
"I'm technically still in the ice, right now, in the plane. Well the me from 1945 is." Peggy squints her eyes as he tries to explain. "My body is discovered 70 years later by technology in the future. As of right now, that technology doesn't exist, so you can't save me." She rolls her eyes as he says this. The more he talks the more frustrated she becomes. "I made a new life for myself, got some friends and some....family." He smiles at the thought of the Avengers. "We all fought like hell together saving the world and universe again and again. But our last fight..." He stops speaking and swaying. "Our last fight came at a big price. Too big. And I just...I couldn't stay anymore. I had to retire."
"And leave your family and friends behind?" she asks
"They'll understand." She shake her head at his words
"Understand. Understand what exactly? That you abandoned them?"
"I needed to leave, Peggy. I-I can't stand being there without them. It hurts too badly. If you could go back in time to a place where you were happy and didn't have to be reminded of the people you love and lost, would you do it?"
"No." She looks at the ground. "I wouldn't. Instead I would face it head on and live my life to honor them." "That's what I'm hoping to do." She looks up at him and before she knew it, his lips were on hers.  And she immediate backs away; not without a quick slap on his cheek."
"What the HELL is wrong with you!?" She yells in a whisper. "I told you I was with someone. "
"But that doesn't mean we don't deserve a chance, Peggy." He reaches out to her and she backs away, her face red with anger.
"I moved on years ago. How dare you-" She turns away, a hand on her her head. "How dare you suggest I leave him simply because you decided to come here."
"I came back for you, Peg. I traveled 79 years into the past to be with you. We deserve to be happy!" he proclaims "Keep you voice down!" She yells in another whisper. "I-I can't believe this. You actually expect me to stop my life for you." "That not what I said. I said-"
"You said you want me to leave Daniel so we can have a chance to be together." She turns to him, her arms crossed. "But that's never going to happen." She starts to pace and walk to the kitchen.
"You don't even know if your relationship with..who, Daniel? will even work. We were meant to be together Peggy." She looks away and grips the edges of the kitchen table hard. "Maybe I should have just gone back to 45'" He mumbles.
"WHAT!" She yells, forgetting about being quiet. She storms back into the room and shoves him so hard he leans back and grabs the couch for stability. "How dare you insinuate that you should have went back and erased everything I have built and worked for in the 4 years you have been gone!" Another shove. "What I have with Daniel is more than a simple 'fling' to keep myself occupied while you were 'dead'!" She tries to lower her voice and he looks confused. "And for all you know if you hadn't gone in the ice, how do you know I wouldn't have fallen in love with him anyway and we would still be here. You wanting...this...fantasy of there being an us, while I moved on and fell in love with someone else." she says as quiet as she can.
"Why are you trying to be so quiet? Its not like anyone else is-" "Mumma...?" Steve stops talking and turns around. A little girl walks in, a teddy bear dragging in her hand, as she rubs her eyes. Peggy rushes over to the child and picks her up.
"Darling what are you doing out of bed? I thought I said you need to rest?"
"Daddy..." She looks around the room as she gives a small cough. Peggy kisses the her cheek and holds her close.
"Daddy's not home, yet. You'll see him later, alright love?" She looks at her mum and then at Steve, and points. "That... is no one important." She give the girl another kiss and feels her forehead. "In fact, Mummy's....'friend' was just leaving. Weren't you?" She turns to him and glares. It wasn't a question; it was an order.
"Mumma..." She say as she closes her eyes and snuggles as close as possible to Peggy, squeezing her little arms around her neck, and Peggy holds the little one close.
"Shhh, its alright darling." She bounces her a little and starts to walk away, then turns to Steve. "Stay here. DON'T move." Peggy leaves the room and tucks the little girl back into bed.
"Daddy..." She says again. Peggy gives a small smile and kisses the little girls warm head.
"It shouldn't be too long now, poppet. Here," She gives her the bear and the girl holds it tight. "Every time you think of Daddy, you hold that tight. And it will be as if you're holding him, alright?" at first she is confused, but eventually she understands. Even at 2 years old, she understands more than most children her age. "Sweet dreams, darling. I'll be back later to check on you." She embraces her daughter and walks out of the room, softly shutting the door behind her. Peggy leans against it for a few moments as she wipes away a loose tear. She hates lying to her little girl. When she is fully composed she walks back into living room and finds Steve leaning against the couch.
"If you tell anyone about her I swear to God I will kill you and make sure your body is never found."
"I didn't know you had a kid yet..." he says shuffling his feet.
"Yet? What are talking about?" She crosses her arms and glares t him. She has an idea and the thought of it makes her boil."And don't say its nothing. You've been to the future so you know." He sighs and rubs his face.
"In the future you...get married. And have two kids." Peggy is taken back by this and sits down.
"You-" She gives a dry chuckle and turns her head away from him. "You know I'm suppose to get married and have children and yet..." She turns to him and stands up. "And yet you still thought you would travel to the past and try to change my life. What sort of person does that?!"
"I-I thought it wouldn't matter. You know, maybe, it was me all along. You never told anyone who your husband was and you never displayed any pictures of him in you room. At the nursing home that is." He corrects himself. "So I thought-
"So you thought YOU were my husband and the father of my children??" She fixates her eyes at him and he shrinks his figure. "Do you have ANY idea how selfish and egotistical you sound?!?"
"You never told anyone like you meant it to be secret. Like it would effect everything if anyone knew his identity! And besides, you told me you got married around 1949-1950 and didn't have your first kid till 1952. That's what YOU told me."
"Did it ever occur in your sick sadistic mind that I never tell anyone about my husband and his identity because we work in a field of dangerous people who will use our relationship and family against us?"
"Well yeah, but I thought you did that because those kids could have been ours and they could have gotten the serum from me. I thought you were doing it to protect us and our-"
"You're an inconsiderate bastard! Do you know that?" She says in a quiet and deadly tone as walks towards him slowly, her fist clenched.
"What? No I'm not, I-"Her fist meets his face and he stands back, shocked. Steve rubs his jaw and looks up at Peggy. He's still in shock and doesn't expect the next few that fly at his face and chest. He backs away from her and notices the blood from his nose. "Peggy..."
"Go home, Steve. Back in the future where you belong."
"I can't!" She glares at him and he lowers his voice. "I can't get back. I used all the particles to come here for you."
"Particles?" She lifts a brow.
"Pym particles. That's how it works. I use them to get into the Quantum Realm and travel through time. If it wasn't for Scott, well no according to him it was the rat, but-"
"What?" Now she's confused and angry.
"Look, Scott came out of the realm after being trapped in it for 5 years. But to him it was only 5 hours! He came back and came up with the idea of using the quantum realm and the particles to travel through time.  Bruce, Scott, Nat, and I all went through hell to try to get it to work." He looks down as he mentions Natasha. Then chuckles. "Both of course Tony came in and figured it all out. Like father like son I guess."
"And why exactly did you need to travel through time?"
"To bring back the dead."
"Look I said our last fight came a at price, and it did. We fought long and hard to avenge and bring back everyone who died because we failed the first time." "The first time..."
"Yeah, we uh...had to fight this...all powerful purple alien guy who used magical stones to destroy half of all life." Peggy backs away from him and runs a hand over her face. "That's why we had to bring everyone back but Tony and Nat...I just I can't be there Peggy."
"So rather than manning up and grieving properly for your friends you decide to distract yourself by trying to go back in the past and start a new life? Forgetting about EVERYONE you ever loved or cared about in the future."
"They'll be fine without me! Sam can lead them and he has Bucky too! For once in my life I-"
"Did you just say James is alive? James Barnes, your best friend is in the future?!"She yells in a her whisper. Steve looks away sheepishly.
"You weren't suppose to know that, actually." He rubs the back of his head as Peggy closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.
"Where is he now, right now, in 1949? And don't you dare say I can't know because I'm sure half of what you have said I shouldn't know." He sighs and looks away at the ground.
"He...hes with Hydra..."
"Hyd-" She turns around, hand on her head and walks back and forth. "What. The. HELL. Are you doing here!?!?!?" She says through clenched teeth. "How can you stand there, begging for me to stop my life as it is, be with you and start a new, all the while knowing your best friend from bloody childhood is being tortured by the likes of Hydra!?!?!? How-" Peggy takes a deep breath and groans.
"Peggy, I've accepted it! This is how it has to be so we can meet again in 2015. I was going to honor him by naming our son after him." She turns a bright red as she glares. "I have to let let Buck, go. I have to let them-" She walks over to him and kicks him in the balls. He groans and hunches over.
"I can assure you that will never happen." She takes her fist and punches him on the side of the heads.
"Uhm...Pegs?" She turns around to the sound of her name, and when she does, she gasps.
"Daniel?!" She runs to him and throws her arms over his neck, holding him for dear life. "Oh thank God." She cries and snogs him breathless. Her hands cup his face as his hold her back. He tries to pull away, but she doesn't let him. "I was so worried. Its been over a month and you hadn't answered any of my calls of letters or-" He stops her with another kiss and wipes away her tears.
"I'm okay, Peg. I promise. I'm in two pieces, which is normal." She laughs. "Things just got...complicated in Europe. Howard wasn't any help either."
"When is he ever?" She cheeks. His eyes venture over to Steve as he stands up from the floor.
"So...can someone tell me what I missed?" Daniel asks. Before anyone speaks up, the little girl appears at the door and drops her bear.
"Daddy!" She runs to him and Daniel's smile brightened the room.
"Lizzy!" He picks her up and kisses her cheek. "Meu pequeno anjo" She giggles and lays her head on his chest. "Elizabeth? What the-" He looks at her and feels her head. "Peg she's burning up."
"I know. She's been like this all day." As the little family of three talk and stand together, Steve watches from a distance, his gaze floating to the floor. "I've been letting her sleep all day and keeping the house as quiet as possible...although that hasn't exactly been easy." She turns to Steve and glares. Daniel looks up and swallows, hard.
"And we have a house guest I see." He says.
"More like an intruder who's been getting on my last nerve." Daniel looks over her, puzzled and amused.  "Who, no doubt will find his own way home."
"I told you I can't."
"Well then cry me a river. Figure it out yourself."
"How am I suppose to do that? I have no where to go. I can't exactly-"
"I don't care how or what you do. All I know is that you are not welcome here, so you can go and find a way to make a living, or not. That's your choice."
"Peggy...please." Steve begs. Daniel looks at her and touches her arm, comfortingly. She smiles at him and starts to calm down, slightly.
"I have no doubt you thought you could  come here and expect me to welcome you with open arms and suggest you stay until you're back on your feet." He looks away ashamed. "But that is never going to happen."
"That's not what I was thinking."
"No? Oh well what then? Were you thinking we would get married almost immediately?!"
"Wait, what?" Daniel asks. Elizabeth looks up and pokes her dad. He looks down at her and she smiles.
"Mumma." Peggy turns around and looks at Lizzy. She points and Peggy go grabs the little bear and gives to to her daughter. Elizabeth squeals in delight and snuggles with Daniel, waving her little toy around, with a little cough.
"Oh, yes I need to speak with you about that. Later, of course," She eyeballs Elizabeth and Daniel understands immediately. "But no. You had no right to think that I would ever give up or stop my life for you. I feel sorry for your family and friends, they're too good for you." Steve looks away and crosses his arms. "And as for what is going to happen next? You will leave and I will live happily with my family. And no, you are not invited to our wedding."
"Wedding?!?" Daniel says. Peggy smirks and winks at him. He smiles like a fool and Lizzy laughs at her father, poking his cheeks; making him smile wider. "Daniel and I have made a life together, one that may have been done backwards, but it is done. I love him with every fiber of my being. And you? Will never change that. So goodbye Steve Rogers. And don't ever come back here.
"Peggy-" "Now." Steve walks away and closes the front door behind him.
"So...why is the gun out in the table?" Daniel asks. Peggy laughs and reaches out to kiss him. Lizzy coughs a little and laughs at her parents.
"I wasn't sure who that was at first, so..."
"You grabbed the gun. Smart move." He smiles and kisses her cheek as he holds his daughter to him. "And Lizzy? How long has she been sick?"
"A few days. I think its just a cold, though. She's been getting better. And much more active since you've been home." Daniel smiles and sits on the couch with the two loves of his life, and that's how they stay. Seated as a family, happy and in peace; although Steve watches from the window, they pay him no mind. Because this family of 3 will do great things in the future, and Steve Rogers has no hand or say in any of it.
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noiseartists · 5 years
Loomer: Bliss from Brazil
Loomer, from Brazil, are another great Shoegaze band (or Nu-gaze band if you are timely conscious) that have emerged on the worldwide scene in the last decade.
The band is currently composed of 4 members:
Stefano (Male vocals/guitar),
Michelle (Female vocals/bass),
Richard (guitar)
Guilherme (Drums).
They are currently on the Midsummer Madness label. Looker have released two EP’s and two albums as of the time of writing this, May 2019.
Loomer certainly wear their influences on their shoes (See what I did there!) but Stefano (Lead male vocals/guitarist) insist that they do not force the music that they make and that they are different people and each member brings their own influences and ideas to the studio.  
They really live up to the title of indie as they are independent in their creating and recording of their own songs. Since their 2nd EP ‘Coward Soul’ the band have mixed all of their work and mastered all of it, bar the debut album ‘You Would Not Anyway’ which was also recorded in various places ranging from the comfort of home to an unorthodox location such as a beach!
Loomer prefer to start playing tinny, trebly sounding arpeggios that are more concentrated on authentic guitar tone blended with a bit of bliss that is reminiscent of Swervedriver, in particularly, the outro of their 1993 hit from Sophomore album Mezcal Head; Duel. In fact, their inclination of rock style lead guitar playing and the tone that they select would fit well into any Swervedriver song.  However, Loomer are far from being a rip off band. Their ability to stay clear from obvious guitar effects like Reverse Reverb (which has been subject to over kill in the Shoegaze genre for the last 30 years) and floaty guitar tone sucking ambience is refreshing.
Their first EP’s were ‘Mind Drops’ (2009), followed by ‘Coward Soul’ (2010) and the two albums are ‘You Would Not Anyway’ (2013) and ‘Deserter’ (2017). The first EP’s are both raw in sound quality, like they were made in 1988 and immediately, I can hear comparisons to The Jesus and Mary Chain  (Check out the tracks ‘Search On Your Own’ and ‘Damned’ with Jim Reid style deep vocals and more ear-piercing feedback than your English teacher gave you at school), damn, these guys are loud!
The other EP ‘Coward Soul’ (2010) reminds me initially of Sonic Youth because of the raw octave, harmonic, rapidly strummed spring reverbed guitar playing, and the sudden outbursts of punky shouting during the refrains. This is also the first EP that features female vocals blended with Stefano’s vocals in the form of Michelle, like Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon. The debut album ‘You Wouldn’t Anyway’ aesthetically catches my eye with very 60’s psychedelic cover art that is lit up in a striking purple colour and the music is better produced than their EP’s.
The track ‘Enough (From the debut Mind Drops EP) starts with an interesting tinny slightly delayed single note riff before launching into a raucous, unstoppable and solid wall of sound that features a joyous, bouncy vocal melody encapsulated. Ethereal, fragile but endearing female vocals enter the fray in the first refrain section gliding along with the deeper, reassuring male vocal creating a balance or maybe an imbalance to the music that the band themselves admit to liking the sense of mystery in their songwriting and sound. Classic My Bloody Valentine right there, hence the name of this band. The ending mellows out but instead of the abrasive guitars transforming into ethereal, angelically ambient tools of sorcery,
On their Album ‘Deserter’, a track that grabbed me is the penultimate song, ‘Another Round’ which begins with one very fuzzed up guitar and a few abrupt un-musical jack input noises to create suspense. The guitar tones on this track are pure gorgeous and they also vary. Each section of this song has something different going on with the guitars, whether in terms of tone or chord changes or playing technicalities, it’s all evolving all of the time, sometimes subtle, sometimes blatant.  The fuzz that growls and a purrs like a V8 engine in an American muscle or British lightweight sports car appears in the pre-chorus section acting as a soothing haze coinciding with the floaty vocal lines. This track is by far one of the catchiest and interesting tunes from the album without being too simple or boring.  
The album finale, appropriately named ‘Opinions’  features a mind bending dentist drill guitar effect that emerges at the Thirty One, Fifty mark of the album and emerges again near the end ad sees out the remainder of the song. Again, this is a track full of surprises that gives the listener one final treat before the album ends and all of a sudden, the world seems like such a quiet and dull place.
Therefore, this album, this artist do their job as a huge aspect of the essence of Shoegaze music is to transport the listener and when the music stops, the holy experience is over and the world is bland again, and that’s when you really appreciate the benefit of this incredible genre that we call Shoegaze. Loomer certainly capture this essence.
Link to ‘Enough’ from debut EP, Mind Drops (2009) below:
Stunning track from debut EP, Mind Drops (2009)
Where are you from in the Brazil? Where are you living now?
I, jaquelina and guilherme were born in Rio Grande Do Sul, south of Brazil. Fernanda was born in Santa Catarina, also in southern Brazil. Richard was born in Germany. And Michelle was born in the United States. At the moment, Fernanda who played bass with us is living in Florida United States, and Michelle is living in Porto Alegre, she is our current bass player now.
What did you study?
I studied Electronic Engineering. Richard and Guilherme studied design. Fernanda studied psychology. Jaquelina is a self-taught artist. Michelle is studying civil engineering.
What is your day job at present if any?
I like my job, but I dont really want to talk about it. Sorry...
Do you dream to live from your music or is it a passion you do not want to spend your full time on?
I don’t really know. I’m following what life offers me. I really love music and cannot stop doing that.
Do you have families?
I live with my wife Jaquelina. We don’t have any children yet. Michelle lives with Andressa, her girlfriend. Fernanda lives with Kim, her wife. Richard lives with Maria, his wife. Guilherme is divorced and is the only one of us who has a son, Gabriel.
Could you tell me how the band meet and decided to do music together?
I was playing another band called Transmission. In the year 2005 Richard came to live in Porto Alegre, and formed another band called Lautmusik, as he liked my band we decided to do a tour together in 2007. But things ended up not working, Transmission stopped playing in 2007 because the singer has moved to another country. Because of that, we probably ended up making a band.
Guilherme, was already my acquaintance, we played in another band called Materia Plastica, and he came to join us as our drummer. Liege was the last one to join the band, but that gave the finishing touch in the formation, took the bass and made the backing vocals in some songs and sang others. Later in 2013 the Liege left and entered the Fernanda that already played with me in the band Parkplatz. This is the formation that resists to this day.
Can you tell me the inspiration behind your band? You can detect the influences of shoegaze and indie rock. There is also a very interesting duality with some violence in the music that is always balanced by some tranquility with the feminine voice or other means. It is a great example of ying and yang or masculine / feminine influences. Is it on purpose?
We did not try to force the music we made. I mean, at least we think so. We are different people, and each one brings their influences to the music. Sometimes the core of the song is composed at home grossly and finalized in the studio over many essays, other times it is completely developed in the studio. We like male / female duality, we think it brings a balance, or maybe an imbalance. I'm not sure, I just know we like it that way.
Was there a vision of sorts or did you know what you wanted to do when you started up? I.e. when you started the band was it always a project to create a shoegaze band? Or was it different from now?
At first, Richard, our guitarist, had the idea of making a band in the style of My Bloody Valentine. We watched TV shows, we listened to music, watched horror movies. So he had this preconception. But when we got people together and started playing, we had more influences than just MBV, and we wanted to use all of them. It was a lot more fun, and we kept it that way. After all, we do not like to sound too alike to anyone, we prefer to sound like ourselves.
Do you have any other musical side projects apart from this band?
Actually, at the moment we are not playing in any side project, but we already had many.
Could you tell me more on the band composition? Do you have plans to add new members, or is there possible departure scheduled from existing band members?
The band is me (Stefano) on male voice and guitar, Michelle on female voice and bass, Richard guitar and Guilherme drums. Fernanda moved to USA in 2015/2016. Jaquelina played with us from 2016 to 2017. Now we are playing with Michelle Franzen.
We've already had 4 bass players playing with us since initial training. Liege in 2008, Fernanda in 2013, Jackelina in 2017 and Michelle in 2018. We have no plans to add or remove band members. We are just doing music and shows, things that we love, but sometimes the circumstances of life change people's destiny.
Can you tell us more how you came to have the band’s name?
Well, in the beginning we were playing for 6 months and have a scheduled show, but we hadn`t a name yet. So we made a list of 50 names to choose one. Loomer was a suggestion made by Richard, and it was the winner. Of course Loomer is because of MBV song, but what we use to say is that we wasn't looking for anything related to MBV on purpose, it was just a coincidence that this was the best name to think of when we had to choose one.
The Creative process
Who writes the song and the music and how do you get to the final song? Is it a community process, do you have leaders in composing or arranging music?
We have a lot of ways to compose songs. Some of the songs I write at home and bring to the band. Some songs are born entirely in the studio. Some songs starts with a guitar riff, some with the drums or bass giving the idea to the band to complete the rest.
Do you listen to the advice of your band mates? What would you do if they said a song was shit but you liked it?
Well, this has not happened yet. But what usually happens is that sometimes the members do not have ideas to play certain music, and it is put on the shelf to be finished later. Sometimes when a song takes too long to complete, it may happen that we lose the spirit it initially had.
There’s a degree of unconventional songwriting with you guys. Was it kind of intimidating going to record knowing people might not be engaging with the songs in terms of hooks and such and trying to deliver an engaging sound on record?
We just try to make songs that we think are good. We do not know how many people will like it but if we like it it was already worth the effort. Everyone in the band is free to contribute to the composition, and this already provides a greater degree of creativity.
Personally I like songs that confuse the head but that are simple after you understand it. But I will not impose anything if it is not working. I can not say for sure. I think what we do has to be worth it to us, somehow.
You have a great way about your guitars, with tones and melodies answering each other, almost like discussing. Could you tell us more on how you work together on this?
Well, we've played so loud that many times we can not hear what others are doing. It is often a pleasant surprise when we will listen to the recording. Maybe our guitar dialogue is just two guitars talking to the walls. Another important detail is that we try not to interfere with what each one creates. Anyway we think it works.
Talking about the lyrics: who write them? Is there a common thread in them, a theme?
Usually I write the lyrics. But usually I write only what I sing, and when Liege sang, she wrote the part of it. Fernanda has not yet felt comfortable writing her songs, although we encourage her to do so. But she helped me in the lyrics on the last album. I do not think of a main theme when I write, at least on purpose. I think this ends up appearing naturally according to what I am experiencing at the moment.
Do you labor over your lyrics? Is that something that comes easy?
I do not consider myself good at writing. I think I'm better maybe in the melodies. I admit that several songs I leave to decide on the lyrics only during the recording, although I already have an idea of what I would like to talk about. Anyway we like the voice as being just another instrument of music, not being something in the foreground.
Do you have a message that you want to get across in your music? If so, what are some of the messages you want to spread?
I do not have a message. When I start to write I do not know what I'm talking about. And if I have enough time to this initial process the whole letter appears and I am quite happy with the result. But if by chance I leave the lyrics to finish later, then I will need to understand the subject to be able to conclude. These are the hardest to finish.
Did your listening habits changed over the years and does it affect what you write?
Yes, my habits change a little over time. And I think it's natural that what I write also changes. But I do not try to do anything on purpose. What I want to say is that I do not try to listen to something new in order to incorporate this into my music because it's a new trend. What I do is dig old and new bands for something I really enjoy. And when I write, it's always the old thing I've always done.
How is your recognition going in Indonesia and Abroad? Is it growing? Are you happy with it?
Did you mean in Brazil? Yes, in Brazil we have some recognition that has been growing slowly. We are happy with this, because it is a musical style that has no space in the mainstream media. Time helps reward that.
The path to music
Is it easy to find producers and studios in Brazil for indie-rock?
It is not very easy to find, so we produce ourselves. We like to do this because we can keep the result close to what we would like it to be. But we lost in the aspect of an external opinion that could enrich the music.
Your recorded sound is very good, which is not easy. Did you engineer the sound yourself, or did you have a sound engineer with you? If yes could you tell us more about him/her?
The first EP "Mind Drops" was recorded by Lucas Pocamacha, guitarist of Superguidis, a very cool indie-rock band here in Brazil that is not playing anymore. He did this in exchange for a sound card we bought for him. The second EP "Coward Soul" was recorded in the DUB studio that we usually do our rehearsals and we did the mixing and the mastering.
The first LP "You Would not Anyway" we recorded ourselves at home, on the beach, in the studio, in different places. We mixed and the mastering was done by Paulo Casaes (Fujimo).
The last album "Deserter" we recorded in the studio Dissenso and in the studio DUB. I mixed it myself and mastered it. We've been looking for a sound engineer but we still can not find it. We thought it would be very good for us. In the meantime, we're doing things ourselves.
Was it a community work to try to have the best sounding music possible or mainly driven by the sound engineer or by the band?
It is a work mainly directed by the band. We spent a lot of time mixing the result. Recording usually does not take long. But it is not so because we want it this way. It's because the recording (mainly the drums) is usually in the studio and paid per hour. I still believe it's best to spend more time recording and less time mixing. The result would be even better.
Can you tell us how the recording process was?
We are still learning. But what we usually do is record the drums first. Our drummer likes to record with us playing together, without a metronome or guide track. In this sense I think it can be said that each band has an ideal way to do the recording.
Anyway the drums is the one that takes more time to be recorded in our case. And it's worth it because if it gets well done it makes it easier for the rest of the process. It needs to do in the studio. After that we recorded the bass, and it can be recorded at home if we want to save money. It's something quick to record, so it would also be okay to record in the studio.
After the bass comes the guitars. What takes in the recording of the guitars is not so much the execution, but the choice of the tones, the pedals, the regulation of the effects. Many hours of tuning and testing for 4 minutes of noise. But it's worth.
Since it takes a lot of time to adjust the tone of the guitar, it is best to record several songs at a time when you find the right tone. It is possible to record the guitar at home, but it gets better in the studio since we play loud. At last we record the voices, and these we can do at home as well. It's good to have a condenser microphone for this.
The rest we solve in the mix, where we do all the magic. But that is not a rule. We like badly recorded things too. Whistles, voices and guitars out of tune. What does not work can fit in very well. You need to hear what's coming out. I think it's the ear that's in charge after all
How did the recording work differ over time?
We recorded all of our albums. With this we learn over time new things, new tricks. I think you should not give too much importance to mistakes, or avoid doing something because you do not know enough.
More important than that is to let work flow, to enjoy the flow of inspiration because it matters more than the quality of work. But the recording is also part of the work, the two things complete themselves, the recording and the composition.
Is the recording material yours when you are out of a studio or do you borrow/rent it?
We have our own recording material. That is to say, we acquire over time equipment that we understand that would add to the sound of the band. But we also try to stay free to enjoy what we find at the recording location. It may be the noise of the wind, the trees, the water, in a studio we take advantage of some old equipment, a tape recorder, a tube or tape microphone, things that may sound a bit strange, or that inspire us.
Any interesting anecdotes on some recording session you would like to share?
I'm not very good at trying to be funny. But in our first EP Mind Drops we did the recording on a farm improvised. We took the sound table, the microphones, the amplifiers, the drums and everything else. We made the loudest noise, played really loudly and recorded separately, on separate tracks. Could not understand the result at the time.
Back in town, when we went to mix the result, we could hear horse whinnies, the noise of chickens and other strange things on certain channels. When I put everything together I could not see it. It was like this. I think this is funny in a way...
Did getting the live experience across on record create any pressure for yourselves in the recording process?
I think it creates a pressure yes. But we are not very organized to create the songs, or sometimes we take a lot of time to finish them. So some pressure helps us. They push us forward.
Instruments: you seem to be mainly a Fender band. Could you tell me what inspire you to use fenders rather than other brands?
We really like the Fender sound. I think what motivated us to use so many Fender outfits are our influences like Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr, My Bloody Valentine among others. We thank them, because we like the result.
A question for a future paper I have in mind: if you use often a Fender Jaguar, could you tell me more about what makes it good to play (sound, neck, …). I find there are lot of noise artists that are using this guitar and I am interested to know why.
In my case, what I like most about this guitar is the sound of it. I think the combination of her sound with distortion and fuzz pedals gives a very engaging effect. Besides I consider a very beautiful guitar. I personally like old, vintage things, working fine.
Do you have one favorite instrument or do you change often?
We do not usually switch instruments. We have a fixed formation, with bass, two guitars and drums. In the recording sometimes we risk playing other things, like acoustic guitar, synthesizer, tambourine. But anyone can say or suggest ideas.
The funny thing to note is that we are a band in which we are all guitar players. Guilherme our drummer is actually a guitarist, and our bass player Fernanda is also a guitarist. I always use the same guitar, the Fender Jaguar. Although you have already modified some things in it like the keys, the pickups and the bridge, it's always the same.
But what I change with some frequency are the pedals. As I have more pedals than fit on the pedalboard, I do some kind of rotation to test everyone. In the end of course there are some favorite pedals.
Tell us what you are looking when trying to achieve your sounds? Do you experiment a lot or have a clear idea of what you want?
We experiment a lot, and we've tried to take advantage of everyone's idea. Maybe this will end up making the song a bit unconventional. But I like strange and uncomfortable songs. I can not say what we are looking for, because each one actually puts it in its own way. We eventually discovered what we ended up creating. I do not know if it's the best way to compose, probably not, but that's how we do it.
Who is the more knowledgeable with pedals? You use them a lot, to great effect.
Thank you. We ended up getting a lot of pedals. We do some research and we end up getting some. In the end we want to use everyone, which is not possible of course. But I think they help increase the possibilities of the songs. Me and Richard are the most interested in pedals, we've been researching what some bands we like have used on albums we like and we're going after them. It's a form of judgment because there is a very wide variety of pedals.
How many concert a year would you do on average and what would be the size of the venue?
We do not do many shows. We do 5 to 10 shows per year. But that depends a little on the season, since we've been focused on finishing the album in recent times. The size of the venues depends a bit on the event, we have already played in venues for 10,000 people, and we have already played in venues for 50 people. The smaller ones are more suitable for us, because our public is not so big, besides, small places are cooler.
Would you mind sharing some good anecdotes from your concerts/touring?
In respect to the reader, it may not be a good idea. =)
What are some places around the world that you hope to take your band? Do you have any plans at present to tour in other countries than the Brazil.
We think of going to countries here near Brazil, like Uruguay and Argentina. We also have plans to go to the United States, after all our bass player Fernanda lives there. We also thought about going to the UK, we even staged a show last year but we couldn’t go. Japan too. It's good to have plans, don’t you think?
Is there any reason in particular that you want to go to these places? Is there something about dream pop/shoegaze in those places that makes you want to go there?
We really like to write songs. Besides composing, recording them, it's very cool. In addition to recording, being able to play them around, and checking people's connection to our songs, this is very motivating. Sometimes we go places far away from where we came here in our huge country and have some people who know our names, follow our trajectory.
They thank us for doing that. I think there is a natural process of an artist wanting to expose their creation. These countries we mentioned before, we are very curious. We have a strong connection with them as well, as these are places that really enjoy shoegaze music, or that have created the style. You know, we're just living.
The Scene
Brazil have a thriving indie scene that is not very well known internationally. Could you tell us more about it?
Brazil is a huge and beautiful country. It's hard to know everything. There are many bands that come and go, and some are really good, but that for some reason are not very well known. In fact the indie scene is something that is self help based on the friendship, and in the musical taste of course, since there is no support of the larger media. We have some blogs and independent radio programs on the internet that have helped. It's really a fun aside.
Is it easy for a Brazilian indie bands to be known internationally? Do you have any example?
I think it's not easy, not because the bands do not deserve it, but because the outside public would probably think 'look, a Brazilian band singing indie rock. it must be bad.'. I do not know. Maybe not. It's all a matter of taste. I do not think much about being known or succeeding outside (or inside) Brazil. I think only of making songs that I consider important, maybe cool, or worthwhile for us to record or play at shows.
With respect to bands, there was an indie band that was relatively well known abroad 'Cansei de Ser Sexy'. With respect to Brazilian shoegaze, I know of two bands that lived in London for a while, Wry that is in Brazil now again, and The Tambourines who still lives there. Our seal, the Midsummer Madness, is now in London as well.
Has the scene changed since you began, and if so how?
The scene changed a lot, many times. In the 80's and 90's, many people went to the shows without even knowing who was playing, local bands had space on some local radios, record companies invested in new bands. In the 2000s there was a lot of variation, difficulty in publicizing the concerts, closing bars and independent rock show venues.
But you can go play in other cities, or on the other side of this immense country. With the internet and social networks, you can promote the shows in distant places. Even though there are few, there are always one or two pubs to play.
Nowadays still appear spaces for bands, because the bands help themselves based on the friendship. It's a way of life.
Is there any Brazilian band(s) you want to recommend in the indie/shoegaze/post-rock genres?
There's a lot of cool bands here. I can cite a few such as Herod, Twinpine (s), Wry, Labyrinth, Sileste, Justine Never Knew The Rules, Firefriend, Lava Divers, Juna, Carne de Monstro, Churrus, Space Rave, The Sorry Shop, Lupe Lupe, Low Dream, Fellini, Second Come, Pin Ups, Patife Band, This Lonely Crowd, Bruxas, Duelectrum, The Soundscapes, Blear, The Cigarettes, ruido\ mm, Proud Beggars, Walverdes
Do you have a label? Could you tell us a bit more if so.
We have two labels currently, Midsummer Madness and Sinewave. Both help us in spreading the record. Midsummer Madness also helps us in the pressing of physical disks. They both also help us to schedule shows here in Brazil.
How did the funding worked for the LP? Did you invest a lot yourself? Was your label supportive in that respect?
Yes, the label helps with a portion of the money to make the LP, and it returns in LPs to be sold. The other part is paid by us and we have the equivalent in LPs to be sold as well.
Where does the majority of the money go when you’re paying your own way?
Most of the money goes in the beers.
Do you make a decent revenue from your music or is it still very much a hobby?
We do not have enough revenue for considering it a professional work. In the best of situations we can pay the expenses. But that does not mean that we will change or give up, because we do what we love.
How do you sell your recordings (shops, online, …)?
Our label, Midsummer Madness, sells a part of the discs online. We sell online also through bandcamp and at shows.
The Future
What is the next album due?
We're thinking of making a single or an EP now. But we do not have a definitive date yet. It would be good to be this year, but...
Any other project (ie movies soundtrack, …) or plans
Richard plans to make a horror B movie. He really likes 80s-b-horror-movies. Maybe I'll do the soundtrack. Something with synthesizer or noisy bending guitars. It can be funny.
Do you plan to continue music for a long time or are you tired of it?
We do not intend to stop playing music ever. While it is possible to step on the pedals, they will be busy. I do not think it's possible to get tired of something that you love. Circumstances change, sometimes they get difficult, but that's what makes things worth it. I could get tired of not loving anything.
Some good music videos
  Where to find them on internet
Is there any people that you want to thank here?
I thank Sam and David (the Editor), you’re great!
1 note · View note
thepurpleblossom · 7 years
I went to watch the HF movie earlier! So I’ll be posting my thoughts. I’ve already read many reviews prior so I sort of already found out how some things are different, so the changes didn’t quite surprise / disappoint me, and overall, I really really enjoyed it. If possible, I’ll probably go and watch it at least two more times!
I actually wrote a brief summary of the movie on the way back, but I just remembered there’s a post that pretty much talked about what I wanted to, but!! I’ll do it again in any case!
I really enjoy the first few scenes because they were anime original. Since I read the post linked above, I did know that they were animating those pre!story scenes. But what I didn’t expect was how long it was. There was perhaps a good 10 minutes devoted to these scenes. 
Starting off with a beautiful scene in the archery club depicting Shirou’s mastery of archery, Ayako and Shinji looking from behind, and a stranger praising his skills to Taiga. And then immediately juxtaposed with a short scene of Shinji reprimanding Shirou’s carelessness in getting injured during work. And then Sakura’s visits. We get his original insistence that he can’t make his friend’s sister help him like this...! and snapshots of Sakura’s stubbornness, visiting everyday until Taiga warms up to her, and Shirou gives up, giving her a key. And then he wakes up in the shed, with Sakura’s prompting.
I love these scenes so much, but I also love the bits where they slowly depict the changes happening in Sakura. When she first arrives, her eyes are completely dead, and she hardly talks. And then she talks, her eyes remaining dull. And by the end of the flashback (where Sakura gets accepted to Homurahara Academy), her eyes are brightened and as seen in this pv, she smiles so brightly. 
These are so important in establishing the effect Sakura has on Shirou, as well as Shirou’s on Sakura that now, I’m almost surprised that they aren’t in the original material.
Incidentally, there was two separate instances where Sakura touches her ribbon, (oh my god, i can’t believe my hc of her touching her ribbon is actually canon now). The most important one being when they were discussing Kiritsugu being Shirou’s hero, and when faced with the same question, Sakura simply repeats the words while touching the ribbon. 
Originally I was worried how they are going to deal with the repeats from UBW. But they really did just compress them into a few images, serving as a reminder to jolt our memory rather than a full scene. Which is actually a direction that I really liked that they took, because it would be taking time away from content that we have already seen -- there is no point in animating the same scenes again as well.
There are other scenes in which they were longer but the movie cut them short. Such as Sakura noticing the mark on Shirou’s hand, but it skips the following breakfast scene, and changes scene to Sakura leaving and asking Shirou to come home quick. I also really like these cuts, whilst the scenes are lost, its usually done without much consequences and the viewers can fill in the gaps. To borrow @fishofthelake’s words, it really fits the movie’s format.
Also, Saber in Shirou’s yukata.  👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀
About the dream that Shirou had. I think the movie is my favourite rendition. Whilst the original is just Rin H scene. And Realta Nua a scene between Rin and Ayako, this was Rin putting the moves on Shirou at first and then turning to Sakura. The first was awkward given how Rin is not the heroine of the series. And RN’s verison makes me imagine that Shirou... ships Rin and Ayako. And HF’s felt the most natural? Shirou’s crush on Rin can’t be separated from the narrative, and they also showed it during a scene where Shirou chances upon Rin helping Sakura pick up the papers fallen on the floor ( “Oh... The person who helped me is--” “Tohsaka Rin, right?” “... You know her?” “Oh aaah, *flustered* she’s beautiful and everyone knows her.” ). But the change to Sakura felt more natural given that it is her route, and also highlights that Shirou is gradually gaining an romantic interest in Sakura. ( Important as they cut out the bit where Shirou walks Sakura to the Matou’s mansion, as well as the morning scenes including the monologue where Shirou is like “ah this is problematic. Sakura is becoming more beautiful by the day” )
Actually, there are actually a number of scenes that effectively portrayed Shirou’s attraction to Sakura, and vice versa. Whilst the added scenes at the beginning of the movie showed how important they are to each other, the scenes scattered throughout the rest of the movie showed how their feelings for each other are decidedly romantic. With Sakura’s silent jealousy when Sakura finds out that Shirou knows Rin, Taiga’s joking comments that Shirou asked Sakura to stay over so that she won’t be jealous of Saber... And of course, the scene where Sakura first collapses, and Shirou is there, looking after her, and their hands are held together almost tenderly. I teared up.
Speaking of a tender scene, Sakura visited the shed with Shirou. And one of the topics was that Shirou is an adopted child, and Sakura mentions briefly that he had good people around him, and that made my heart break a little. Because Sakura is also adopted and she didn’t have good people around her. While the scene broke my heart a little, the overall atmosphere was really soft and tender, and Sakura seems so glad that his experience is different from hers ( of course, it might be just me assuming that she’s drawing a parallel between his experience and hers since she didn’t talk about herself being adopted, but it’s highly likely that she is. )
The fight scenes were super cool. I was holding my breath the entire time during the Cu and Hassan fight, on the expressway before they moved to the lake. I’m so glad Cu got some scenes before he was gone. Though, I felt like the scene where Medu showed up in the temple could be done better? The scene in the VN felt more creepy in comparison, and I could sense the danger and how she’s so much more powerful compared to her earlier appearance (the scene where Saber absolutely destroyed Medusa was beautiful by the way). I can’t quite recall if the dangerous aspect in the VN was due to Shirou’s monologue, but I feel that they could have done better, perhaps through a new, creepier OST? I don’t think they changed the OST from Shirou’s fight with Zouken. But that’s probably just me nitpicking. My friend thought she seems powerful anyway.
AND, let’s talk about the music. I’m too much of Kajiura’s fan to not devote a section to talk about her to be honest. In summary, I... really like it??? I’m not sure how else I could say it. Other than that scene mentioned above, I really like the music direction. Sometimes the scenes are without music, but it doesn’t take it away. In UBW, the lack of music in some scenes made it rather boring for me to watch, and hard to grip my attention, but in the movie, I felt like it was used brilliantly. The first scene of Shirou’s archery had no music, but served to show Shirou’s hyperfocus and tranquility of archery. Some of the flashback scenes generally had soft, calming music, but other scenes are quiet, without music. It felt like it added to the peacefulness and the fondness in the memories.
The first heavy, dark music is used when Shirou notices the Lancer and Archer fight and he starts running for a safe space before the scene fades to a scene with Sakura somehow noticing this happening and then we get the compressed, repeated scenes from UBW. I really like how the first piece of dark music is used as a lead-in to the rest of the movie because the flashbacks are done now, and this is where the plot starts. It felt like a summary / warning as to what the rest of the movie has to offer, which is dark, dark, and dark. They also used one or two F/Z tracks btw. If I’m right, Back to Zero, during the scene in which Kirei reveals to Shirou Kiritsugu’s involvement in the 4th Holy Grail War. Most of the tracks in the rest of the movie were dark, and very, very different from UBW’s, which is understandable, given that they are done by different composers after all. But it really is a huge indication of how dark HF is compared to UBW’s and I love it.
Things that I’m not too happy about are nitpicks. The loss of the classroom scene, but the inclusion of the scene may have led the movie to feel draggy (since it takes place before the Lancer & Archer fight -- ie where the movie truly begins), so I will accept that choice begrudgingly. The other bit is the dream sequence involving Saber Alter talking to Saber. I liked the horror that Saber is truly gone, and then the resulting shock when Saber Alter showed up later in the story, and such a scene felt like it took away both of such elements. Still, at this point in time, Saber Alter is hardly a secret anymore, so perhaps these factors are gone ever since the popularity of FGO and the Fate franchise in general. So why not capitalise on their knowledge, instead of pretending that everyone watching are Fate noobs right.
Perhaps that’s why the Prize A for the Ichiban Kuji lottery for Heaven’s Feel is not Sakura, but actually a figure of Saber Alter. They’re just like, Saber Alter??? Keep her a secret??? I think /not/.
In summary though, I’m really happy with this movie. The director really seems to love the route and Sakura a lot. The movie was beautiful, and the scenes with Sakura felt so beautiful and wonderfully portrayed and her expressions. And the last scene where Shirou comes back to a worried Sakura waiting for him with her nose and cheeks red from standing too long in the snow... It’s beautiful.
Now, if you excuse me, I’ll just be looping Hana no Uta.
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seniorbrief · 6 years
The Most Spectacular Sunset from Every State
The Most Spectacular Sunset from Every State | Reader’s Digest
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Courtesy Cathy Bruha
“I was lucky to have the opportunity to observe this little fox family from across a canal in our area (rural central Nebraska) for a couple of months a few summers ago. I enjoyed watching them grow and hunt and play. This evening shot was one of the last times I saw them before they disbanded towards the end of summer. We have seen a couple of them briefly since, but none of them returned to the same den.” — Cathy Bruha
Johnny Adolphson/Shutterstock
Cactus flowers help this springtime sunset shine in the Nevada desert. Don’t miss the most stunning desert escapes around the country. 
New Hampshire
Courtesy Lydia Williams
“The gorgeous sunset on the hay wagon on Wagon Hill in Durham, NH was a beautiful eye catcher. In the winter, children sled down the hill. But this summer sight was so spectacular.” — Lydia Williams
New Jersey
Courtesy Janet Klecz
“This is the vast salt marsh estuary that makes up a large part of the south Jersey topography. It teems with life; mammals, shellfish, and birds. Butterflies, lightning bugs, and frogs. Fish, turtles, and snakes. I captured this photo just between sunset and the rise of the transparent new sugar moon. It is a full briny smelling flood tide, with no breeze at all. This was a very tranquil moment. The entire marsh begins to sing, as unseen creatures awaken to compose new music in the moonlight.” — Janet Klecz
New Mexico
Dean Fikar/Shutterstock
The Red Rocks area of northern New Mexico is home to some of the most marvelous sunsets in the state.
New York
Courtesy Marisa Wiedl
“This photo was shot after a major rain storm this summer. The landscape can change very quickly in upstate New York as summer storms move in, but the good news is they end with lots of rainbows.” — Marisa Wiedl
North Carolina
Courtesy Heidi Saunders
“Last Friday night was really chilly and the sky was cloudy! So we decided to take a drive up the Blue Ridge Parkway to Water Rock Knob! Twenty minutes later and several degrees colder, the sun was slowly going down and providing a gorgeous show for all to see! Since my new telephoto lens had not come yet, I used my cell phone to capture a few shots! It was a truly perfect evening!” — Heidi Saunders
North Dakota
Courtes yCarmel Meier Hardison
“I chose this image because this is taken out in rural North Dakota, known for its wheat fields; it also is known for its beauty in sunflowers as well as its sunsets, and I had the opportunity to capture them both in this beautiful image.” — Carmel Meier Hardison
Michael Shake/Shutterstock
“Beautiful sunset over the Maumee River in northwest Ohio.”
Courtesy Marshalene Wimer
“Rupturing skies above a little country church in Fairview, Oklahoma made me think of the day we have to look forward to when Jesus will come back in the clouds above to come and take His children to Heaven. What a sight and what a day that will be! This was taken on 10-04-16 above our little country town as a dry line was moving through.” — Marshalene Wimer. 
Courtesy Liz Watkins
“On an evening bike ride, I noticed how beautiful the sky was as my daughter rode in front of me. We had to stop and breathe in the still air and capture the feeling in the last few minutes as the sun went down. These are the moments where I’m reminded to be thankful for the serenity of the great Oregon outdoors. It’s beautifully quiet yet intense, especially when you take the time to listen to the sunset.” — Liz Watkins
Courtesy Susan Grove
“Living in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania you have a front-row seat to history. Surrounded by the mountains, it is a beautiful place to visit at any time of the year. The last few years, fields of sorghum have been planted on parts of the battlefield, and they put on quite a show as they begin to acquire their rust-red fall color. On my way home from work one evening, I took a small detour so that I could capture one of the fields with the backdrop of the beautiful orange sunset behind the mountains.” — Susan Grove. Don’t miss some of America’s most stunning hiking trails to see more beautiful sunsets. 
Rhode Island
P Meybruck/Shutterstock
The Castle Hill Lighthouse stands in Newport, Rhode Island, to greet ships headed for Providence by way of Narragansett Bay. 
South Carolina
Courtesy Mary Fosnow
“I have always enjoyed stepping outside with my camera around sunset. It’s my favorite time of day. The last moments are sunlight are magical to me. I have witnessed many breathtaking sunsets, with vivid shades of red and orange. But this particular evening, I was stopped in my tracks by the masterpiece in the sky. I was mesmerized by the brilliant hues, all uniting and blending in a perfect display. I live in South Carolina, a beautiful state. I savor the scenery around me as I go about my day. But that evening, I felt especially grateful and lucky to have witnessed such a splendid scene.” — Mary Fosnow
South Dakota
Courtesy Sherrie Kersting
The older I get and the more difficult life becomes the more I am reminded the simple things in life are what matter most. Well, those simple things all began on this farm 50 years ago. It is through this farm that I realized the importance of faith, family and farming. All of which are tried in today’s world. My quote for this picture is ‘Some old-fashioned things such as fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat,’ by Laura Ingalls Wilder. God placed this quote in my lap the day I took this picture, as the picture was taken south of De Smet, SD, home of Laura.” — Sherrie Kersting
Courtesy Raymond Gobernatz
“Beautiful sunsets on Reelfoot Lake in West Tennessee are unbelievable. Wildlife is abundant. The color these sunsets provide are fantastic.” — Raymond Gobernatz
Courtesy Susan Moore
“Fall may not be as pretty here in Rockwall, Texas but the sunsets are gorgeous on Lake Ray Hubbard. I cross the long bridge coming home every evening and kept my camera in my car to catch the perfect sunset by the lighthouse at the harbor. Every night I would wait to have this red color and finally captured it. I have yet to see it again. It’s amazing how quickly it moves when trying to get the pictures!” — Susan Moore
Courtesy Katherine Plessner
“On a visit to Bryce National Park on a spring day, it was almost a blizzard when we got there. The sun came out late in the day for some beautiful evening colors.” — Katherine Plessner. Don’t miss these stunning photos of national parks covered in snow. 
Boats bask in the golden sunset on Lake Champlain near Burlington, Vermont. 
Courtesy Austin King
“This is a 1933 Dairy Barn in Bedford, Virginia. I’ve taken many pictures of this old dairy barn and this one captures the beauty the most. The work done by farmers in the heat of summer and the cold snowy days of winter is the reason this barn is still so special today! This photo was taken by photographer Austin King around August 2016.”
Courtesy Tara Fritz
“This picture reminds me how the sky can be an ever-changing canvas. An evening stroll can turn into a masterpiece in the sky. The picture is taken in Washougal, Washington at the Columbia River looking towards Oregon. The beauty of the Pacific Northwest seems to never stop amazing me. The colors, sky, water, marsh grass all make this photo so beautiful.” — Tara Fritz
West Virginia
Steve Heap/Shutterstock
The sun sets over the mountains of West Virginia, illuminating the New River Bridge.
Courtesy Gini Waltz
“I could hardly get my camera fast enough when I saw the brilliant sunset over Deer Lake in northern Wisconsin where we have a cabin. I knew that the changing colors in the sky would soon be fading, so I hurried to capture its beauty from several different angles. At the same time as the sun was setting, my husband Jim was casting his fishing line out to try to bring in a bass or walleye. I like the way the silhouettes look against the setting sun.” — Gini Waltz
Nagel Photography/Shutterstock
Clouds over Grand Teton National Park highlight the colors given off by the setting sun. Next, be sure to check out these gorgeous photos of national parks in full bloom.
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Original Source -> The Most Spectacular Sunset from Every State source https://www.seniorbrief.com/the-most-spectacular-sunset-from-every-state/
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amazingoa-blog · 7 years
The Paradise of sun Sand & Sea.
Swaying palms, shimmering sand, cultural melee and rocking parties — Welcome to Goa. The West within the Oriental, Goa is the ultimate destination for the beach bonhomie So just tank up your spirit and lets head on to this Pearl of the Orient.
Known as Tourists' Paradise, Goa sets amicably on the South-western fringes of India. Ruled by Portuguese for more than 400 years, the state still bears reminiscent to its bygone era. Whether its beaches, food and cuisine, art and culture or its language, you will find Portuguese stamped indelibly all through this state. Yoking past and future, this coastal region presents an inimitable picture of history standing side by side with modernity.
Sights and sound
Every lane and nook and cranny of Goa is a tourist haunt in itself. Fraught with the memories of past the towns of Goa have a lot to offer to the cisceming visitors. Whether you are a laid back person preferring lounging holiday or the type who just want to hit the floor, Goa welcomes you with open arms.
Beach Unplugged
There are beaches to rave you up to get you into the party mood and there are beaches for the quiet souls - the unspoilt beaches for the solitude seekers, whichever is your type , you will love the beaches of Goa for sure. Mainly divided into two circuits- North Goa Circuit and South Goa circuit, these sand filled sea sides will definitely make your holiday a sojourn to remember forever. Enjoy the sun bath, practice the fine art of lazing around, shake your leg with a glass of Feni, savor the exotic dishes, give wings to your adventurous spirit with some of the daring water sports, rock at midnight parties - you will be spoilt for choices at Goa beaches.
Colva Beach
While the sand and surf remains unbeatable on any of the beaches in Goa, the Colva Beach stands out with its promising tranquility. Colva took a little longer to come into the scope of the tourist gaze as compared to Calangute or Baga. Since fewer tourists venture out to explore Colva, it is much quieter and peaceful out here. Umbrellas and deck chairs are available on rent, whenever you feel like having a cool drink or just laze around gazing at the serenity of this sensational beach. For innovative cocktails and mouthwatering Goan cuisine, you can hit towards one of the few beach side shacks. Though they are not air-conditioned, the quality of food served is good and the thatched shacks create quite an exotic feeling.
Betalbatim Beach:
Walk northwards from Colva Beach and one will come to yet another serene beach stretching for around 12 Km. This is the Betalbatim beach which, is more popular as the sunset beach among the locals. What makes Betalbatim beach special? A number of reasons to begin with! A blend of sosegado" or laidbadc lifestyle, sea shacks, the colorful local people, bracing climate and the Goan cuisine tops the list here. There are number of resorts near the beach like Coconut Grove, Martin Comfort Hotel, Nanu resort and Alagoa Guest Villa. The evil effects of commercialization have failed to make an impact here and it is regarded as one of those calm beaches - an ideal place if you want to guard your privacy.
Calangute Beach:
Ah! the Calangute Beach- it is one of the most famous, the most visited and the most exciting beaches of Goa. It is also one of the longest beaches in Goa stretching to about 4 miles. Busiest and the most commercialized beach of goa, Calangute has beautiful swinging trees and pristine surroundings. The hippies had discovered and popularized this beach during the 60's and 70's. Even today, visitors from all over the world head for the Calangute Beach in search of a peaceful retreat, rejuvenating dips in the ocean and fascinating dolphins and crocodiles. Hotels, resorts, cafes, fishing villages, well toned & tanned bodies- you can get almost everything you expect of a beach tour in Calangute.
Dona Paula Beach:
The place of romance and myth, nature has been very kind to this picturesque beach. The meeting point of Mandovi and Zuari rivers, Dona Paula is known as Lovers' Paradise. Take a plunge at this promontory and try your hands at water scooter or simply enjoy the motorboat ride
Anjuna Beach:
The Freak Capital of the World, Anjuna is synonymous with the hippy culture in India. The scene of the never ending psychedelic parties, this is one of the most fabulous beaches of Goa. Enjoy the Wednesday Flea market and magnificent Albuquerque mansion along the azure green waters of Arabian Sea here.
Exotic Wild:
Even the nature lovers cannot complain about the lack of interest in Goa. Lush green swathe of landscape, swirling sea and meandering rivers are enough to transcend any naturalist to the seventh heaven. A leisurely amble along the banks of the Mandovi and Zuari rivers is enough to spot the avifauna of Goa. Bondla Wildlife Sanctuary and the Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary are the perfect places to be face to face with biodiversity of the state.
Seel Also: Tambdi Surla Waterfall Trek
Flavours of Goa:
Goa is truly a food lovers paradise. Being a coastal state, it is abound with sea food. Rice, fish and curry are the basic and most popular dishes of Goa. A gourmand's delight, Goa has a lot to offer to the food lovers. Pack a healthy appetite and binge on to crabs, prawns, lobsters, mussels-some of the most loved sea foods. Feni, the indigenous beverage of Goa, is another thing the natives swear by.
Moving on to the royal menu, Pork Vindaloo, Chicken Cafreal and Sorpotel are the most savored dishes. No meal is complete without a sumptuous treat to your sweet tooth and in Goa you have Bebinca and Dodol for it.
Also See: Budget Friendly Seafood Restaurant - Goa
Goan Art & Crafts
Culture - a thread that binds present with the past - is a mirror of the society, and this is true even for Goan culture. Changing reigns have left multiple hues on the life of Goa. You can have a glimpse of the Goan culture in its folk dances - Talgadi, Goff, Mando, Kunbi dance, Lamp Dance, Musa! Dance, Bhandap, Dhangar, Dekhni to name a few. Tiatr is the most famous dramatic artforrn of Goa which has been practiced since the ancient times and is at large responsible for saving Konkani language from extinction. Exquisite furnishing and decoration, dassic gold jewellery, splendid brass items tell the tale of the age, which still find takers in this fast moving world of technology.
Festival Frenzy
It would be a bonus if you plan your trip around festive season in Goa. Along with tourist destination of Goa you will also get to see the festive spirit of these warm people. Consisting mainly of Hindu and Christian population, Goa gives due space to all the religious festivals. Ganesh Chaturthi, locally known as Chovoth, is celebrated at a grand scale in the August / September. Soak yourself in the chaotic harmony of this religious event and get a first hand experience of the Goan way of life. Carnival, another major festival of Goa, is a time for bonhomie. You just cant capture in words the soaring spirit of people during this three day cultural bonanza, held just before the Lent. The fun, frenzy, chaos, religious harmony, melodious music, colourful spree - its all packed into one. Feast of St. Xavier
Lists of Popular Festival of Goa: Holi, Christmas, Ganesh Chaturthi, Carnival, Shigmotsav, Bonderam Festival at Divar Island,
Matter of Accommodation
Being a hot favourite of backpackers, Goa offers all type of accommodation options to its visitors. A budget hotel, a luxury suite, a beach resort or the sea side shack - you can choose from any. The price varies as per facilities and season. Its always advisable to book your place few days in advance, especially during peak season -September to March.
Watersports Activities in Goa
Goa is also known for Watersports Activities i.e. Jet Ski, Banana Ride, Bumper Ride, Speed Boat Ride, Snorkeling, Scuba Diving etc. You can start your day in Goa by enjoying one of the watersports. Or, you can just lie back on the beach and enjoy the serenity of the place. Some of the Most Popular watersports which you can enjoy in Goa includes parasailing, scuba diving & snorkeling.
Dudhsagar falls is consider tallest waterfall of India. Apart from the lofty hills, the golden beaches, dry deserts and the massive waterbodies, India is blessed with a lot of other things too that makes this country one of the best travel destinations for people from India as well as from around the world. All the hills of India are adorned with picturesque dudhsagar falls and visiting these not only brings happiness but are also rejuvenating. The waterfalls are just like a surprise waiting for us amidst the jungles.
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