#haikyuu drabbles
satorisoup · 3 days
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ft. kuroo tetsuro
cw : mechanic!kuroo. fluff. petnames ( sweetheart, girl ).
wc : 1096
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of course. of course your car decides fizzle out into broken sounds of rusty engines when you’re on your way to an extremely important interview. oh, but that’s just your luck.
it was inevitable, really. you should’ve known that your car would give out on you as soon as you heard its slight struggle to turn on this morning, a faint clicking noise when you had put the key in the ignition.
dressed to impress in your recently ironed button up and steamed slacks, you fret to bang your head on the steering wheel at the smell of old car oil. the summer heat was not doing you favors when you stepped out to take a look, beaming down on you in a heated mockery. you can practically see your new job opportunity flash away before your eyes as you notice the steam that rises from the hood of your car, cursing to yourself under your breath as you dial up the number of what could’ve been your new boss.
“ need a hand ? ”
there’s a pause in your actions as you turn to the source of the rhetorical question, and you’re pleasantly surprised to see a rather handsome man who stands in front of his car door.
“ if you could manage to salvage my interview instead, i’d take all the help i could get ”
the man chuckles at your disheartened words, walking toward your car with a tool box in hand.
“ unfortunately im just a mechanic, so i can’t help you with that. but hey, duty calls right ? ”
you honestly couldn’t tell whether to call this situation lucky or unlucky. your car broke down, but a mechanic who just so happens to have a daringly attractive face stops to help you. could you complain ?
you admire the man who pops your hood open, tight fitted t-shirt and lazily strewn overalls that fall over his workboots in a denim curtain. his hair is a shiny black, hanging over his eyes as his forehead sheens with a dull sweat from the hot sun.
he inspects your car with his calloused hands that over time dirty up from the oilish debris, pulling and twisting at the foreign car parts with vein popped arms. you’re staring, and maybe it’s the heat outside that’s making you crazy, but this man had to be an angel sent from heaven with how incredibly beautiful he looked, even while wearing dirtied up overalls.
“ hey, girl. might just be my head talking, but it looks like you haven’t gotten your oil changed since the stone age. ”
he pulls the dipstick out to show you, and it indeed was incredibly low and colored with a tarish black. that’s when you realize that you in fact dont even remember the last time you had been to the shop to keep your car in check. how embarrassing.
“ i hate to say your assumption is probably right… that’s so humiliating ! i’ve been so busy trying to find a job and getting my life back on track i didn’t even think to have it checked. im so sorry ! ” you ramble in embarrassment, face feeling hot in your hands at the discovery that you might just be a complete idiot.
“ no need to get so worked up, sweetheart. luckily, you ran into a mechanic. sit tight. ”
you watch as he steps aside to his car, retrieving a jug of what seems to be car oil and a bucket.
the man slips under your car, working what you believe in your heart is mechanical magic, pacing around as you realize the clock as already struck 11:45, you missed your interview. you feel as though you’re in a disney movie, playing as cinderella with your carriage falling apart before you make it to the ball.
the man scooches his way out from under your car to pop open the lid of a brand new oil jug, pouring it down into the oil pan, and you realize that throughout your series of unfortunate events, you’ve barely said a word to this kind stranger.
“ i forgot to ask, what’s your name ? ”
his head cocks to the side as he continues to pour the jug, strokes of motor oil smudged onto his cheekbone and staining his clothes.
“ tetsuro, kuroo. or, you could just call me your life saving mechanic, because your car’s all fixed. ”
your face lightens up when he tells you the good news, which is something you never thought you’d hear on such a disaster of a day like this one. he turns on your car for a final check, no annoying clicking noises along with the smoothest sounding start up you think you’d ever heard.
“ thank you ! oh god, thank you so much ! you don’t understand the day i’ve had, you seriously just saved me. ”
“ happy to help a damsel in distress. but, maybe change your oil more often, yeah ? your car might explode next time. ”
your face drops in fear at the thought of your car catching on fire due to your scatter brain, and kuroo laughs at the worry written on your features.
“ i’m joking, don’t worry your pretty little head. sorry i couldn’t get you to your interview, though.”
relief washes over you as he confirms your car wouldn’t explode, and you move yourself to give an appreciative bow to kuroo.
“ thank you so much again. please, how can i repay you ? i dont know if i have cash on me… ”
kuroo’s hand raises as he waves in dismissal, a sly, handsome grin covering his muddied face.
“ no need to repay me. it’s my pleasure to help a sweet girl like you, it’s my job after all. ”
“ thank you… but i insist ! it’s so hot out, and you got all dirty just because i decided to be forgetful. ”
kuroo thinks for a moment, but in his mind he didn’t even have to reflect on it. he knew what he wanted to ask since the moment he stepped out of his vehicle to find you on the verge of tears by the side of the road.
“ well, if you insist… i wouldn’t mind a date with you. is that negotiable, sweetheart ? ”
you may feel like cinderella, but at the end of the day, you managed to score a hot date with the mechanic prince.
oh, but that’s just your luck.
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taintedtort · 1 day
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"i think i’m in love with you," kyotani blurts, not being able to hold the words in any longer. he’s blunt, he always has been, he always says what he’s thinking. well… unless you’re involved, you get him all tongue tied and soft. he hates it. for the longest time he didn’t know why you made him feel like this, but finally he came to the conclusion that he likes you, loves you, even.
your constant babbles and attempts to befriend him got on his nerves at first, but you stuck around. you kept trying even after he pushed you away and said mean things. you’re always the one that sticks by him and stands up for him, even when he’s done something wrong.
he hates feeling vulnerable or anything similar to it, so he took a while to finally accept that he has feelings for you. he wasn’t gonna say anything at first… but the words just came out, he said them without really thinking. he shakes himself out of his thoughts, waiting for your reaction with narrowed eyes.
you‘re silent for a couple seconds, just staring at him in… shock? surprise? disgust? he isn’t sure. he really hopes it isn’t the last one though.
"what?" finally comes your reply, your eyebrows scrunched in confusion. his heart immediately drops. he really messed things up. he mentally curses himself, feeling stupid for letting the confession slip out.
"i— nothing, i just thought… you felt the same. never mind, forget it," he shakes his head, his words a bit bitter. had he read you wrong? everyone on the team always tells him you obviously have a crush on him. he brushed it off for a while, but he’d held onto the hope… till now. he feels so stupid—
"no! i mean— yes! i do!" you suddenly blurt, your hand shooting out to grab his shoulder, forcing his attention back on you and pulling him out of his thoughts. "i just didn’t expect you to say that, i’m sorry," you apologize, feeling rude for your delayed reaction.
he stands stunned for a moment, not really sure what else to say. you like him back, that’s good… now what? a kiss feels like too much, too soon. he did just confess that he’s in love with you though… that was probably too soon.
"kyotani?" you say, pulling him out of his thoughts once again. he’d been staring dumbly for several seconds, and suddenly you’re much closer than before, your hand still on his shoulder.
"go on a date with me," he states, not even asking. when he wants something, he just takes it.
he watches once again as your eyebrows go up in surprise, but a smile quickly forms on your face. god, he loves your smile, he always has.
"okay, sure." ♡
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☆ i love him, but no one really writes for him!! figured i would, hopefully some other kyotani lovers see this ^^ (i wasn’t sure how to end this, can you tell? lol)
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hotvinimon · 2 days
"You know what, I really like the hot setter from schweiden adlers, like.... I could die for him"
"Babe that's literally me"
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nkogneatho · 2 days
how did dig bick matssun came to be like ive been seeing it alot I NEED TO KNO 🙏🏼🙏🏼
i think i talked about this here but i'll say more abt his size
i am gonna say smtg unhinged. his cock appears to be small when he's soft. almost disappoints you. but he isn't offended because the second he gets hard...8 FUCKING INCHES bitch. on top of it, the girth??? almost as big as your forearm. your jaw drops, fear settling in. will it even fit?? what if my pussy tears apart? he won't bottom out, will he? what the fuck??
he is now smiling, enjoying your terrified expressions. oh he is gonna make it fit. issei takes his time with you though. stretches with you out nice and slow with his fingers as he pumps his dick. when he tries to push it in, the tip alone has you whimpering. it stings. he cannot believe it. even after he stretched you out so good, he is still struggling. can he blame you though? he is just soooo big :(( but with time, he finally manages to get it in. only bottoms out halfway through the sex when he is sure you can take it without too much pain. it hurts nonetheless.
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dira333 · 23 hours
To come home - Kageyama x Reader
for @writingsofanomnivore - Haikyuu Taglist: @lees-chaotic-brain
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Coming home is both the best and the worst part of your day.
There's no free seat left and your feet ache from the shoes you thought were cute in the morning. You're tired in a way no coffee can appease but you still have to get through half an hour train ride before you're remotely close to your bed.
Your phone vibrates in your pocket and you pull it out, stress lifting just from the sight of the message.
Because coming home also means coming home to him.
It's not that hard to find him in the crowds, the last drops of evening sun caught in the shadows of his dark hair. His eyes are closed and you'd assume he's falling asleep standing up if you didn't know better.
"Hey," you link your arm with his and lean into him, "I'm here."
Ever since Hinata introduced him to it, Tobio has been trying to meditate. So far with limited success.
"Hey," he presses a kiss to your lips. "Welcome back."
"How was your day?" You ask, hand in his as you cross the street. There's a Konbini not far from your shared apartment and you listen to his recollection of today's training as you fill your basket with fresh produce.
"Blueberries?" You ask, holding up a box. He nods, loading his arms with milk, cheese, and some yogurt. "Buy two," he says, "You'll probably eat one on your own. Anyway, while I was practicing my jump serve, Hoshiumi-"
Arms heavy with groceries you make the short trek down the street and up the stairs to your apartment. It's your turn now to tell him about your day and you're in the middle of explaining something when one box of Blueberries slips from your grasp.
You can see it fall, dread the moment it will hit the ground and catapult its content everywhere but Tobio is a little faster and picks it out of the air like he's receiving in a match.
"That was close," you gasp but he snorts, clearly insulted by your lack of faith. "I'm sorry," you lean in to kiss him again, your hands still occupied, "You're my hero."
Coming home with him is still your favorite thing in the world. You love coming home earlier and getting everything ready, surprising him with his favorite meal ready to eat and seeing his eyes light up on the doorstep. You love coming home to him, hair damp from a shower, his figure drowning in the comfiest clothes he owns, the one and only meal he's perfected making bubbling on the stove.
But coming home with him just hits differently.
How you giggle in the doorway, somehow always in the way of the other person, stumbling over and around each other, pressing kisses to every speck of skin you can reach just to annoy, distract, confuse.
Tobio loves playing Tetris with the Fridge and you don't mind getting started with Dinner, inspiration overflowing after you've spent picking out ingredients at the store. There's the chitchat that flows into each recipe, the jokes he remembers from last week or how you suddenly remember that Yachi invited you over for the weekend and you still need a present to bring along.
Tired feet stretched out under the table when Dinner is finally ready and the satisfied hum at the back of your throat when it's exactly the thing you'd been craving all day.
"What are you doing?" Tobio asks, towel in his hands. He finished doing the dishes while you freshened up a little and grabbed your Tablet on the way back.
"I wanted to do some online shopping."
"What are we in for today?" He slips onto the couch, curls around you like the world's cuddliest snake, chin hooked over your shoulder. "You didn't buy the shoes you picked out last week."
"Yes, because I told myself if I didn't think of them again on my own I'd take them out of the cart. Now you made me think of them."
"Oh," he grins, "So I get to buy them for you?"
"No, I get to buy them for myself."
"But I wanna spoil you," he tries to grab the Tablet from your grasp but you've learned to defend yourself against Tobio's bouts of generosity. It's not that you don't like it when he does it, but he's yet to learn a healthy balance. And sometimes, you don't really wanna buy the stuff you put in your cart, you just want to look at cool things and put them away for later consideration.
"Not those shoes," you beg, "Let me find some other ones."
"Fine," he eventually relents, huffing as if this is a great sacrifice for him. Not that he falls silent, though. He's got an opinion on everything.
"They're too brown. Ugh, not brown enough. What even is that strap? Trying to strangle your ankles or what? No... This dress reminds me of Hinata in our orange jerseys, that's not the connection I wanna make. Oooooh, this one!" He interrupts your scrolling and taps the screen violently, opening another tab.
"The dress, the purse or the jewelry?" You ask, a little confused. It's a nice fit, you suppose, but you're not sure what he's getting at.
"Neither. She's wearing a hat and you need one for the summer. You always get sunburn on your ears."
There's a certain type of coziness that can only be reached when you're ready for bed, curled up in the comfort of clean sheets, waiting for your partner to step out of the bathroom.
You can hear Tobio brush his teeth and just the sound of it, so well-known you could probably pick him out of hundreds of others, lets you relax just a little bit more.
By the time he slips into bed with you, your eyes are already closed and you manage little more than a "Love you T-" before you slip away.
Tobio drops a kiss on your forehead, checks if you're really asleep by snipping his fingers next to your ear, and when he's satisfied with the results, picks your Tablet from your bedside table. The password is the day you two got together so he doesn't need long to find what you had been looking for not long ago.
He might not be the smartest guy in the world, but at least he knows what he's getting you next...
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piichuu · 4 hours
WARNINGS: fluff, gn!reader
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“baby, are you still awake?” your boyfriend whispers while slowly making his way into the bedroom. it’s late in the evening and he’s coming home from a long day of volleyball practice.
you sit up in bed, letting out a yawn. akaashi then switches on the dim lamp next to the bed. he flashes you a sweet smile and presses a kiss to your forehead before sitting down beside you. “you’re home late,” you mumble with your eyes half closed.
he watches you lean your head on his shoulder and chuckles lightly. “yeah, it was a long practice, but i also got some help with something,” akaashi says, and it’s only now that you notice that his right hand is in a fist, as if he’s holding something in it.
“so, i really wanted to get you something but i didn’t know what to buy, so i had the others help me making you something instead,” your boyfriend explains, causing you to wake up just a little bit more. “mhm?”
he opens his hand up and shows you a bracelet with different colored pearls. your eyes widen just as the smile on your face and akaashi can feel himself melt at the sight. “they helped me a little bit, but i did most myself. it’s not the best thing i’ve made, but i tried my-“ “it’s beautiful, keiji. i love it.”
you let him pull the bracelet over your wrist before you wrap your arms around his neck. “thank you, you’re the best,” his arms pull you in for a hug and he kisses your cheek. “of course, i love you.”
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ushiwaakas · 2 days
very weird and specific but could Osamu or Atsumu (who ever you think would suit this scenario better) with hand hugs ( its a high fove but your thumbs and pinkys going down in like a hug way) SORRY ITS SO COMPLICATED (plssss dont feel obligated to do it) but i hope you have a good day
osamu with a s/o who hand hugs them!!!
notes- … i couldn’t think of a better title….BUT THIS REQUEST IS SO CUTE I DO HAND HUGS WITH MY FRIENDSSSSS!!!!!!!! have a good day to you!!!! i’m sooooo sorry this took forever 🥲🥲 finals was a pain in my ass and i totally didn’t fail my math exam ☺️ 😆
warnings- none! (i’ll usually never have any warnings…but just to be safe!)
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osamu (my fav twin srry gang 🙂‍↕️)
-he thought it was so cute
-when you first came up to him, asked him to put his hand out, and did…whatever it was you did, he just smiled
-a ‘hand hug’ you called it
-yeah he’s never heard of it before
-but that just made him love it even more
-something so simple, yet so intimate
-it just made him so happy
-when you’re at school, you’d hand hug him, saying goodbye? hand hug. going on dates? hand hug. seeing him at practice? hand hug.
-it was your guy’s special little thing- almost like a secret handshake!
-atsumu definitely made fun of him
-which resolved into a huge fight, but anyway
-you’re usually the one to do it to him, but one day he wanted to do it back
-it was before his game, and instead of just a quick kiss on the cheek, he wanted to initiate it
-after seeing the hundreds of times you did it to him, he took your hand, and wrapped his thumb and pinky around your palm
-he was smiling, looking from your hands to your face, trying to catch your reaction
-you just stared back at him, before engulfing him in a hug. his arms wrapped around you
inarizaki was about to play in just a few minutes, everyone walking up to the court and setting up before their game. osamu lingered a bit near the stands, his gaze looking around until his eyes finally caught on to you. he smiled, and walked up to you. he looked…suspicious. not in a creepy way, of course, but more of a scheming, sly look.
“hey, we’re about to play.”
he spoke, his eyes looking away for a moment. you replied, telling him to have a great game, and tried to take his hand, for, well, a hand hug. but, nope. he swiftly took your wrist, and put your hands together. he wrapped his pinky and thumb around your palm, and looked at your face, trying to see a reaction.
“don’tcha like these? ya always do it, i thought it’d be nice.”
osamu spoke, moving a little closer to your face. you were basically stunned in the moment. at the back of your mind, you secretly thought he despised hand hugs, since you never really got a reaction from him. i guess you were wrong.
“i love them.”
you replied, before giving him an actual hug. he wrapped his arms around you, and put his chin on your shoulder. he slightly moved towards your ear, and whispered.
“so do i.”
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yuu-kumeii · 6 months
Your husband says he's not the clingy type.
But sometimes he'll just suddenly walk into the room and plop himself on your lap, curling into himself to make sure every part of him is in your warmth. Smushing his face into your neck, inhaling your comforting scent. Taking your hand and putting it on his head, a signal for you to start playing with his hair. Letting out sighs of content in between his little 'I love you's, it feels like both of you are ready to doze off...
And then he'll get up and walk out like it was nothing, leaving you there baffled, confused, and betrayed. He does this multiple times a day too. It happens so much that you automatically open your arms the second you see him, ready to be swallowed up in his figure —for what you assume to be 5 minutes—.
Your husband says he's not the clingy type, but do you really believe that?
SAKUSA, AKAASHI <333, Kita, Osamu, Kenma, Iwaizumi, Kageyama, Kuroo (He would walk past you just to see your reaction)
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sweetfushi · 12 days
→ SYNOPSIS. how they realised they were attracted to you (part 2 here). → TAGS. tetsuro kuroo, kei tsukishima, wakatoshi ushijima x reader, fluff, you almost get hit with the ball (thanks yaku), reader is suggested to be short(er).
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He started becoming quieter, almost conscious of what he said around others.
Nekoma watches as their captain almost moves in a daze, his eyes fixated on a certain girl on the bleachers, writing something and tucking her hair behind her ear every so often. Yaku had been the first to notice a few days ago during one of their practice matches, brow furrowed and lips pursed as Kuroo observed his younger sister. Although you were only younger by a year, making you a second year while Yaku and Kuroo third years, your brother was highly protective of you.
“She’s so pretty,” Kuroo murmurs, tossing the ball up and catching it repeatedly as he continues to gaze at you. He had said few words this match, albeit his smart remarks still made their presence. However, Kenma had to snap him out of a few daydreams while Lev had waved his big hands in his face, yelling “Yoohoo!”
Kuroo had deadpanned at that.
As the game continues, he watches as Yaku saves the ball but also causes it to fly over and almost hit you, making you yelp and cover your head. Kuroo almost chokes on his own breath.
“Oh my God, I am so sorry,” Yaku rushes out, face pinched in concern as he jogs over to where you sit with an unimpressed expression. Kuroo watches momentarily as the libero withstands your discipline and light slap to his head, before - as no one else seemed to do so - rushing up the bleacher stairs and snatching the ball up.
“You sure you don’t wanna sit higher up?” Kuroo suggests, watching it take you a moment to register that he’s talking to you. Your eyes lock and his breath hitches, lips parting as he watches you smile sheepishly and gather your notes in your arms. “That probably would be a good idea,” you giggle and thank him for his concern, moving to sit closer to the doors but not before shooting Yaku one last glare.
The libero pouts and apologises again.
Kuroo composes himself and fiddles with the ball before starting to make his way back down to the court.
“Hey, wait.” He freezes in place at the sound of your voice, turning to face you with inexplicable anticipation (for what, he wasn’t sure himself). He finds himself smiling as you do, watching as you nod towards the ball in his hand. “I will throw that ball out the window if it reaches me again,” you raise a brow, your warning teasing and (largely) unserious.
Kuroo snorts, nodding. “Noted.”
You became the person he talks to the most.
He hadn’t abandoned Yamaguchi at all, but even the green-haired man notices Tsukishima’s developing interest in you. You seemed more academic than the blond, opting to spend your time between classes in the library or the local cafe, but lately you had allowed him to distract you with his smart remarks and invitations to random days out. This time, he wanted you to help him practise.
“I’m not going easy on you,” you mumble, still shoving your books in your bag as you walk alongside him. He rolls his eyes and smacks the top of your head with the packaged strawberry shortcake slice he insists on having daily.
Once you get to the green field beside the school’s gym, he becomes insufferable.
“What happened to not going easy on me?” He grins, watching you chase after the ball for a second time.
You groan and almost much too aggressively throw a rock at him, one he easily avoids. You hate admitting it, but you are just as competitive as he is, so you don’t let his teasing demotivate you.
“I’m going to serve this ball in your damn face,” you huff, hitting the ball again. This time, Tsukishima is focused on his plays, following the ball carefully and analysing your every move. 
By the time you’re done, three hours have passed and the sun is barely hanging in the sky. You’re sweating and panting, Tsukishima slouched against a wall as he too catches his breath. Neither one of you breaks eye contact so you’re not oblivious to the way he lets his eyes roam over you. You don’t hesitate to do the same.
“I shouldn’t have eaten that cake,” he huffs, “I’m gonna puke.”
You burst out laughing at his whimpers. He takes a few moments to hydrate himself before inhaling deeply and glaring at you.
“I hope your stomach hurts so bad that you can’t sleep tonight,” he almost pouts - so uncharacteristic of him (also hoping that you stay up to text him).
“If you’re done being petty,” you push your hair back and wipe yourself down with a small towel, “I was thinking we can go get some food, maybe help that little upset stomach of yours.”
You almost scream when he throws his sweaty towel at you.
He starts to ask about you.
He’s walking out of school with the rest of the team, waiting outside a local store as Tendo and Goshiki spend half their life savings on snacks they’ll likely forget about. Ushijima is checking the news and simultaneously listening to Ohira talk about how he’s trying out a new regime at the gym, until he hears Semi on the phone with someone. He glances up at him, hoping to hear your voice, but turns back to his phone when he doesn’t.
After about ten minutes of yelling at Tendo and Goshiki to hurry up before their banks question their hefty transactions, they all start heading home again.
“How’s your sister?” Ushijima asks bluntly, catching Semi’s surprised expression in his peripheral vision. The setter hesitates before nodding. “She’s fine.”
An awkward silence dawns on the duo.
“I thought there would be more to that conversation,” Semi laughs, staring up at his seemingly unfazed captain. Ushijima hums.
Again, the silence becomes deafening.
“Is she still working in that new firm downtown?” Ushijima asks. “I remember you said that she was excited about getting her own office.”
Semi nods, brow furrowed in confusion. “I told you that about two months ago, do I wanna know how or why you still remember that?” The two then look at each other with seemingly apathetic expressions, although Semi has a feeling that Ushijima isn’t asking out of the kindness of his own heart. He doesn’t mention it though, instead says his goodbyes to the others as they all part ways - except for him and Ushijima.
Although Semi isn't too keen on letting you invest time into boys seeking nothing but someone they can manipulate for their own benefit, he knows that Ushijima is nothing like that. Though, he's not sure how the captain would even go about approaching you considering his and your busy schedules.
"Do you... want her number?" Semi initiates what Ushijima seemed hesitant to mention.
sweetfushi © do not modify, repost, translate, copy or use my post in any way. all that is included in this post, aside from the fictional characters and universes, belong to sweetfushi (zee).
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tetsumie · 9 months
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read part 1 here!
pairing: kuroo x reader & kenma x reader
genre: hurt/comfort
a/n: hello !! sorry for being gone for soooo long D: i wasn’t doing well and was in a really bad place mentally.. (plus burnout 😓😓) but regardless tysm for all the love in the first part of this fic! i appreciate u all sm and i’ll work on getting asks in! thank u for being so patient w me !! luv u :D
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kuroo tetsuro
you woke up late today and weren't surprised that kuroo had already left for work by the time you woke up. but he did leave you a post-it note saying he made breakfast leftovers for you in the fridge.
you smile at the thought that kuroo took the time out of his day to make some food especially in the morning. however, as you're getting ready for the day, your eye catches the lunch bag that's sitting on the kitchen bar countertop.
"this idiot," you mumble, shaking your head with a smile on your face. you pull out your phone and shoot him a text.
y/n: thanks for the breakfast it was really good
tetsu: im glad :)
y/n: also you left your lunch at home stupid
tetsu: oh shit
tetsu: can you drop it off for me? i cant come home to pick up, im in a meeting rn
y/n: yeah that's fine
tetsu: thanks baby ill kiss u when i see u
tetsu: love u 2 the moon and back !!
y/n: ur so weird
y/n: love u 2 the moon and back <3
a few hours pass by and now you're taking the bus to head to kuroo's office with his lunch bag in hand. before leaving the house, you decided to swap his current lunch which was some leftovers with his favorite food, grilled salted mackerel.
you enter his office floor and are greeted by the office receptionist from the floor. "i'm just here to drop off some food for kuroo-san."
"oh yes, right this way," she stands up and opens the office door for you and points out where his room is.
as you're about to knock on his door, you hear his voice from the other side. "i'm not sure if i can come out tonight to eat kenma. y/n probably wants me home, you know how clingy they get sometimes."
your heart sinks to the floor.
has he always thought of me this way? clingy? i didn't mean to act that way? i just like being in his company. i didn't mean to be clingy. i didn't know he felt that way...
"anyways, i'll call you back kenma. i gotta get back to work. see ya later" he ends the call.
you take a deep breath, standing in front of the door, thinking about kuroo's words to his best friend. before you could even knock, the door opens and you're greeted by kuroo.
"oh y/n! you should've texted me you were here!"
you let out a laugh that sort of dies in your throat. "oh um i just wanted to surprise you that's all."
"come in, let's eat together. you can see the beautiful downtown view from here," he tries to usher you inside his personal office room.
you're a little uncomfortable so you hold yourself back from going on, "maybe another time, yeah? i gotta head back. i've got a lot of work to do with college and work and stuff."
"no yeah of course, i get it. work hard! but first..." kuroo smiles and before you can pull away, he kisses you on the head. "i'll see you when i get home. love you!"
too ashamed to even look at him as you walked out of his office, you just wave to him with your back facing him as you walked away.
you're now sitting on the bus on the way home, thinking about the way he called you clingy. "you know how clingy they get.." has he always thought i'm clingy? has he just been putting up with my annoying habits? i thought he liked the way i treated him. i didn't know he thought it was clingy.
you're trying to look back at your actions and now it's all coming back to you.
you're always trying to kiss him, hug him, cuddle him. you're always talking to him about random things from an occurrence at the grocery store to some new show you're watching. literally last night, you both were cuddling while watching a new episode of kuroo's favorite sit-com and you were running your fingers through his hair.
it all made sense.
you were clingy.
and he wanted space.
you were going to respect that.
kuroo comes home later that evening and announces himself with an "i'm home!"
you're on the dining table with the computer open, working on some new assignment and you smile at him. "welcome home," you say with a smile.
he's expecting you to get up and come over and hug him like you usually do but to his surprise, you continue to look back at your computer.
he assumes you're just busy and doesn't think much of it.
kuroo heads into the shared bedroom to unwind from his hectic day at work. he takes a shower and changes into some pajama pants and is now heading back to the living room to see what you're up to.
you're still sitting on the dining table with all your notebooks splayed out and computer open, working on what seems to be some really big project. he plops down next to you and starts squinting at the screen. he starts poking you to grab your attention from the screen.
"the mackerel was really good today."
"that's good."
silence envelops the atmosphere between the both of you until kuroo decides to speak again.
"what are you working on?"
"college stuff."
"maybe take a break now?" he suggests.
"i can't. it's due soon," your voice flat. "if you want dinner, there's some leftovers i made in the fridge."
"alright," he replies, getting up from the chair to the kitchen to warm up some food.
his shoulders droop a little. he was hoping to spend some time with you. but he is aware that something is off with you. he's not sure what it is but he knows something isn't right. you haven't given him a single kiss or even a hug since he's been back and your usual sarcastic remarks are gone.
you've barely even acknowledged his presence.
"maybe it's just an off day?" is what he convinces himself.
but those "off days" are starting to become more consistent.
you're out of bed before he wakes up in the morning and you barely talk to him when he comes home. you always end up sleeping after he falls asleep and he can't even stay up because of how exhausted he gets after work. the amount of physical affection has declined from you and every time he texts or talks to you, your replies are barely existent.
it feels like he's living by himself. when did it get so cold?
on the other hand, you think it's going well! you haven't been all up in his business lately. you're giving him the space he wants. you're hoping that kuroo is feeling much happier since you're smothering him less. sure, you miss getting to hold and cuddle him but this is what he wanted, right?
now that the week is over, kuroo is hoping to spend the weekend with you.
that morning, kuroo sets an alarm to wake up earlier than you in hopes of spending some extra affectionate time with you. however, the moment he wakes up, the other side of the bed is empty and cold.
he has no choice but to get out of bed to see where you are. there's no way you're up right now. at 7 am on a weekend? no way.
he walks out of the room and he feels his heart chip. you're sleeping on the couch, slightly shivering because the blanket you're using barely covers you. have you been sleeping on the couch this past week? why didn't i notice? kuroo begins to internally berate himself right now for letting you sleeping on the couch for this past week right under his nose.
with no hesitation, he bridal-style carries you back into the shared bedroom and tucks you under the duvet cover and comes back into bed.
however, you've already woken up and you sit up on the bed, startled. "w-what? where am i?"
he scoffs, "i brought you in our bedroom idiot."
"oh," you're now grabbing your stuff and climbing out to go back to the couch but kuroo stops you by grabbing your arm.
"where are you going?"
"to the couch?"
"but this is our bedroom?"
"no, this is your bedroom," you emphasize.
"y/n." his tone feels cold to you. "talk to me."
"we are talking, are we not?"
he starts scratching the back of his neck. "yes but you know it's not the same. what's going on baby?"
his hand to tries to reach your cheek to stroke it with his thumb but you turn away and immediately stand up from his bed. "it's okay kuroo, please go back to sleep. it's the weekend, you should rest."
his heart chips at the gesture. why are you avoiding him like this? what did he do? what happened to 'tetsu?'
"it's tetsu to you," he mumbles.
you open your mouth but shut it and cast you eyes away from his stare down at the floor.
"it's always been tetsu to you," he states.
you're still silent and he takes it as his queue to continue speaking.
"baby, everyday i come home from work and you barely acknowledge me. you're always busy doing 'college stuff' or something else. you barely hug me or even kiss me anymore. what happened? what did i do? did i do something wrong? did i overstep my boundaries? are you mad at me about something? please i wanna know what i did wrong so i can fix myself."
your heart softens at his words and you begin to immediately reassure him.
"there's nothing wrong with you... nothing has ever been wrong with you... i just want to work on giving you your space. i know that you think i'm clingy and so i wanted to work on just giving you room to breathe. i know i can be a little too much sometimes. i'm sorry for not realizing how clingy my actions were sooner. i'm sorry i-"
he immediately walks over to you and brings you to his chest, hugging you tightly. your eyes slightly widen. "don't you dare fucking apologize. it's not your fault. shit, it's never been your fault, baby. what made you even think that?"
in embarrassment, you mumble, "i heard you say i'm clingy to kenma. sorry i didn't mean to overhear."
"oh, my love," he pulls away and looks at you with a sad look in his eyes. "it's not what you think."
he sighs and he sits on the side of the bed and taps the bed space in front of him for you to sit down as well. "kenma's been trying to get me to go meet some new volleyball members to affiliate them with the jva and to be honest, i already have so much on my plate with the current affiliates, that i'm really trying to avoid going out for dinner with him. i'm trying to get one of my coworkers to go on my behalf to seal the deal but i can't find anyone willing to."
"i just used your name as an excuse. i swear on my life, i never really meant that. i never ever meant to hurt you."
still finding it hard to believe him, you mumble, "you don't need to lie.. i understand if-"
"y/n, i swear on my mother, i'm not lying," he interrupts. "every single fucking day, the only think i ever look forward to is seeing your beautiful face in my apartment. i look forward to your rambles about the new show you started watching or how the current professor you're shadowing is a douche. i love your bear hugs and i love the way you kiss me all over my face in the mornings. fuck, i love knowing that i get to go to sleep with you every night and i get to wake up to you every morning. i love you, just the way you are. please don't ever change yourself over some fucking lie i said."
"i'm so sorry y/n, so sorry for ever making you doubt my love for you," he intertwines his hand in yours and looks into your eyes. "i'll do anything to regain your trust.
he senses the hesitation in your eyes and honestly, he can't blame you. you've been harboring this guilt for a week and it makes sense that you're still feeling a little uncomfortable around him.
but to his surprise, you inch your way closer to him and hug his chest and the tears begin to fall. his body tenses and he feels so guilty about everything. he rubs reassuring circles on your back and kisses your head every few moments.
after you wipe your tears on his shirt, you look up at him and honestly kuroo hates to admit this but you still look gorgeous even with a tear stained face. he's grinning at you and begins to pepper your face with his kisses.
"love you to the moon and back," he whispers into your ear.
you chuckle and kiss him on the lips. "love you to the moon and back, tetsu."
in that moment, he swears to himself that he'll make sure that you never have to doubt his love for you ever again.
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kozume kenma
as the ceo of his own startup company, a youtube streamer, and a college student, kenma can almost never find any time to himself. the only time he really feels at peace is either when he's asleep or when he's with you.
but sometimes things get so hectic and suffocating, he just wants to be alone, away from the world.
after a long day of classes, you walk into your shared apartment and you can hear kenma talking from his bedroom/home office. you try to keep quiet not disturbing him.
in hopes of cheering him up, you decide what better way to do so by making his favorite food: apple pie. you put down your stuff on the living room couch, grab the apron, and get to work.
kenma stays locked up in his bedroom for the majority of time that you're baking and a part of you just hopes that maybe he'll come out to just say "hi" or just accompany you to see what you're up to but unfortunately he doesn't.
after the pie is done baking in the oven and you've brought him a slice so he can get some food in his system because you're sure he hasn't been taking care of himself. you're hoping that maybe, just maybe, the both of you will finally get to spend some time together.
you knock on the door twice.
no response.
you knock once more and call out his name, "kenma, you busy still?"
still no response.
you sigh, realizing there was no hope in knocking, and decide to twist the knob and enter his room. you're greeted with the sight of him sitting on his gaming chair, knees to his chest, headphones over his ears, and slightly biting the eraser top of his pencil.
he must have felt the presence of someone else in the room with him because he looked away from his computer screen and his eyes widened. he slid his headphones off his ear and hung them around his neck.
"how long have you been home?" he bluntly asks.
"for an hour or two now, i think," you reply.
“oh sorry, i didn’t see you,” he mumbles.
you chuckle in response. “i didn’t think you would considering you’ve been cooped up in your room the entire time.”
“well yeah,” he says. “i’m busy.”
as he’s about to put his headphones back on and get back to work, you speak up. “i know you’re busy but do you wanna eat with me? i made-”
“can we talk later? i don’t have time for your clinginess right now.”
he puts his headphones on and indulges himself back in his work, not even registering the weight of his words.
you slowly walk out of his room, silently close the door, grab yourself a slice of apple pie originally made for the both of you, and plop yourself on the couch to watch some new show on the television.
after working for nearly hours on end, kenma finally finishes the load of work he had piled. now all he wants to do is just spend some time with you before going to bed. he walks out of the bedroom and is greeted by you asleep with the television humming in the background.
he can't help but let a small smile envelop his features. it's such a domestic sight and he wants to photograph this moment in time.
he knows he said some harsh words to you out of frustration but he hopes that you understand that he didn’t truly mean them.
he goes over and kisses your forehead and he smells the distinctive scent of apple pie and his heart softens at the thought that you made him his favorite food.
he goes over to his bedroom, grabs a blanket and lays it over you and goes under the blanket, snuggling himself closer to you. he hasn't felt this relaxed in a while and your presence is just so comforting to him.
he doesn't know what he'd do without you.
the next morning, you wake up and find yourself in an awkward position and your feel arms wrapped around your torso. you look to your left and are greeted by kenma's sleeping figure and you can't help but smile.
but you remind yourself of what he told you yesterday and you silently get up from the couch and begin to get ready for the rest of your day.
his words, "i don't have time for your clinginess right now", really had sent you into a spiral last night and you were too exhausted to think clearly. did you always come off as clingy to him? you were definitely a bit more energetic and enthusiastic than him but you never thought it was clingy?
you can't seem to think straight so you decide to maybe go out for a walk, just to take your mind off things. you just need some time alone, away from your apartment with him.
kenma wakes up only a few minutes later and he feels cold. his neck is sore, considering how he slept in an uncomfortable position because he wanted to sleep with you. however, to his surprise, he doesn't find you asleep next to him.
as he walks around the house, calling your name, a sense of urgency begins to form in the pit of his stomach.
he dials your number and it goes to voicemail.
he does it again. still voicemail.
he's about to call you one more time until he hears the jangle of keys and the door opening. a sigh of relief leaves his mouth and as you're about to turn your keys to open the door, he's a step ahead of you, opening the door for you.
"oh my god, i thought you went missing," kenma hugs you, catching you by surprise. "where'd you go?"
hesitant to reply, you say, "oh just went on a walk, that's all."
"you should've told me, we could've gone together," he states. "i feel like we haven't seen each other in forever."
"it's fine. don't worry about it."
there's something wrong and he can sense it in your demeanor. as you're heading to the master bedroom, he can see the way your shoulders slump as you put your keys back. he doesn't address your distant behavior, thinking that you're just having a rough morning and it'll get better as the day goes on.
unfortunately, it doesn't get better.
you seem to be fine but you just feel incredibly distant.
kenma's been playing games in his room all day and unlike usual, you're not in his bedroom watching him play or sitting on the bed scrolling through your phone. his gaming experience isn't the same when you're not there.
he pauses his game and goes out to the living room to see you lying down on the couch, scrolling through videos on your phone. he wants to ask why you're not staying with him but he doesn't want to make overstep your boundaries, especially since it seems like you're not in a good mood.
but that's anything from what you want.
you want him to ask you to stay in his room and keep you company. but because he hasn't done so, his word "clingy" began to scream louder in your head and to be frank, that's the only thing roaming in your head.
"do you want to do anything today?" he asks. "you know.. because it's the weekend and we can go out if you want? like going out to eat?"
a part of you began to feel guilty considering he was thinking about what you wanted to do and you hated feeling like a burden towards him. he already expressed his disapproval with you when he said he found you clingy so you didn't want to impose any further.
"no it's okay," you reply, eyes glued to your phone. "i don't want to annoy you or anything.. so i'll just go on my own or something..."
he hums in response but his eyebrows furrow as he doesn't seem to move from his spot. he can tell there's something wrong and you're obviously being very dodgy with him about the subject which is why he decides to take a seat on the couch and snatch your phone from your hands before you can even register what's happened.
"hey give me back my phone!" you sit up, stretching yourself over to grab your phone back from him in a failed attempt.
"not until you tell me what's wrong," he says flat.
you sigh, knowing that this conversation isn't inevitable. you can't avoid him forever "you called me clingy yesterday, kenma. sorry that i don't really want to hang out with you right now."
the words that leave your mouth have kenma in a state of shock. you took that seriously? you really thought he meant that? in order to ease his busy day of meetings back to back, you came home baked him some apple pie to ease him from his stresses.
and what did he do in return? called you clingy when you just wanted to spend some well-deserved time with him. god, he was being so ungrateful. his body fills with guilt when he he realizes you took his comment to heart.
“honey, i-” he starts and then is cut off with your words.
"i understand where you were coming from, i like to show my affection with you through physical touch and i know you’ve never been one to really reciprocate that," you begin to ramble. "so i’m really sorry for pushing your boundaries and i’ll give you the space that you need."
guilt is eating him away and he needs to clear the air now, otherwise you might be closed off forever and he’s not sure if he’s ever going to be able to reconnect with you.
“y/n, honey, don't apologize for this. it’s not your fault at all,” he starts. he puts down the phone onto the couch and grabs both of your hands and squeezes them assuringly. “i'm sorry for pushing you away and calling you clingy. you didn't.. you never deserve to be told that."
his hand finds its way to your cheek and he begins to rub comforting slow circles. seeing the sullen look on your face made him realize that he never wants to see you like this ever again. it was like you had lost the light in your eyes. kenma hated how he had diminished that so quickly by making you think that he didn't like your company.
he loves you so much; he could never imagine what life would be like without your presence.
a small smile begins to creep back on to your face and kenma finds himself in a slight sense of relief.
"it's okay," you finally utter out. "do you wanna watch that new episode? apparently there is so much drama now and i'm avoiding socials so i don't get spoiled..."
he chuckles, "i'll do anything with you."
he knows that he can't take back his words from before but as he's sitting on the couch with you in his embrace, he knows he can show you his love through his actions. he'll do anything to bring back that trust to you.
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© tetsumie 2023 all rights reserved 
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yenqa · 2 months
20191009 I LIKE HER | timeskip!tsukkishima as your boyfriend
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♫ – currently playing… mac demarco
warnings – tsukishima is kind of mean, periods, food, mentions of drinking, throwing up/vomiting, jokes of being stabbed in the stomach, profanities
pairing – tsukishima x fem!reader ☆
a/n – hi guys… hope u enjoy !!
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yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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satorisoup · 3 months
ft. hq boys and their acts of intimacy <3
cw : fluff + sfw. timeskip! setting. mentions of bathing together.
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even though he may be a little too burly to fit comfortably with you in the tub, and it takes a couple minutes to get situated without getting squashed, bokuto loves to bathe with you. he enjoys running the warm water, not too hot, not too cold, but just right. he’ll mix in a nice scented soap that makes bubbles rise high in the bathtub, lavender and citrus you can smell in the mist of your bathroom. he’ll hold your hands under the water, and maybe splash you a couple times, but he shows he cares with the delicate touches he leaves on your skin as he washes away the worries of the world with a sponge of suds. he’ll lather your hair in your favorite shampoo, careful to not snag any knots, and rinse the strands with such gentleness you can barely even feel it. and when you’re all done, he’ll wrap you in a warm towel, snug and clean while he kisses your damp cheeks with a huge smile.
kita vowed that when he started dating you, he would never allow a week to go by without your vase being filled with a new bouquet. he’ll come home to you, new flowers wrapped in the palm of his hands as he kisses you hello. he loves the the way you get excited, eyes twinkling at the delicate petals and floral scent as you thank him over and over. he’ll watch you with a fond smile as you carefully take them in your grasp, setting them into a pretty vase that makes your home light up with color. he won’t let you see the flowers die, always keeping one for himself so he knows when it’s time to replace them. he’ll always tell you the meaning of the bouquet he got, or leave a pretty note tied around the stems. he buys a different type of flower every time, because he knows you’ll enjoy the variety. he adores you just as much as you adore the beautiful flowers.
atsumu has talented hands from years of playing volleyball, and he puts them to good use when you complain that you’re sore. he’ll knead at the expanse of your skin, smiling to himself as you sigh in content. he’ll rub away the tiredness of your muscles, gentle but calculated touches everywhere you could need. he likes to hold your hands in his, massaging from your fingers all the way up to your arms, and back down to your hands again. he’ll lay your sock-clad feet in his lap, squeezing and rubbing the ache away with his fingers. he’ll sit you on his lap, massaging the discomfort of your cramping shoulders until your melting into his touch. he won’t be rough, making sure his touch is tender and soft while he works the knots out. he kindly kisses your skin when he’s done, and feels that it’s a mission accomplished when you tell him you feel much better.
as long as osamu is around, you will always have a full plate. he’s always in the kitchen, a small and sacred book of his ma’s recipes standing proud on an easel. you don’t remember the last time you’ve heard your stomach grumble, because he’s already sliding a bowl your way. he loves how domestic it feels, to use the recipes he once enjoyed as a kid and serve them to you on a silver platter. he likes that you’re his personal taste tester, giving him a thumbs up with full cheeks as you chew. when your sick, he’ll insist on feeding you, hot spoon of soup between his fingers, his hand cusped at the bottom to catch any that falls. he’ll wake you up in the early mornings to tell you the food is ready, and sometimes surprise you with breakfast in bed. he’ll kiss your chubbed cheeks as you munch on one of his special onigiris, and ask you if you want another until your belly is full.
akaashi enjoys reading to you every chance he gets. a book held in the palms of his hands, licking his thumb every time he turns the page. he’ll have you curled up to his side, or sat between his legs, as he reads aloud the words imprinted on the page. he’ll add emotion to his voice at the important parts, and he’ll glance at your face to see your reaction. his voice is soft and soothing as he reads, occasionally moving his hand towards your hair to gently caress the top of your head. when it’s nighttime, he reads to you almost as if it’s a bedtime story, bedside lamp warming the room with it’s light as he flips through the pages. chapter after chapter he brings you closer to sleep, pages like a lullaby of prompts and fiction. he’ll pause when he notices your reactions have gone silent, breathing evened out as you lulled into a quiet slumber. he’ll smile as he puts a bookmark between the spine, already anticipating tomorrow when he can continue to read you the next chapter.
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cottonlemonade · 3 months
warnings: mdni, nsfw
I strongly believe that Kita has his sexual awakening when he starts dating you.
It takes quite a while before he kisses you deeper than a simple peck but once he does he is like “wait a minute.” and absolutely can’t stop anymore. Doesn’t want to stop anymore.
He starts to stare intensely at you during lectures not even paying attention to the professor because he could be kissing you right now. Why was he wasting his time with higher education?!
Once you guys take it a bit further and he knows what it’s like to eat you out, his mind goes blank and it’s becoming quite a problem. Usually you guys study together and he loves to tutor you but now you pretty much have to do all your reading horizontally because he politely asks if he may eat your pussy while quizzing you.
To be the most efficient lover he starts reading books and articles (and even sinks as low as to ask Atsumu because for some reason the men and women on campus just seem to fall for him left, right and center).
When it’s finally time for Kita to make love to you for the first time he turns primal. He grabs your love handles that he usually squeezes so tenderly when laying between your heavenly plush thighs and snaps his hips forward, burying his hard leaking cock as deep into you as he would the seeds on his fields.
He will from then on come up behind you when you are looking for a book in the library or when you are making dinner for you two, wrap his arms lovingly around your squishy form, maybe set a soft kiss against your temple, and with his usual calm manner, almost innocently, ask if he can fuck make love to you again like this morning.
You have no idea where this sweet, collected man hid all his urges when you met because Kita, once unleashed, is insatiable and you love it.
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sluttsumu · 10 months
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☆ — ft. atsumu miya + getting leaked
warnings: 18+, tsumu being nasty
a/n: a little thought of mine, i can totally imagine msby being up in arms because there’s an “alleged” video out.
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atsumu is a nightmare for msby’s pr team.
at this point no one is even surprised when there’s a new viral vid on twitter of him fucking you from behind or stuffing his face in your ass. the lewd photography the two of you take may never have your faces in them but, it’s definitely you two, everyones knows that.
he has no shame, and neither do his teammates. the most recent scandal was a video of him fucking you in the new pair of handcuffs that seemed to get everyone’s attention.
it was another ordinary day for him as he walked in the locker room to see everyone on their phones after practice. the air was tense and everyone was thinking the same thing, he knew that they’d seen it and they were wondering why he didn’t care.
kiyoomi was the first to break the silence, as expected.
atsumu flips his towel over his shoulder not even sparing his friend a glance. “how many times did you cum from watching it?” he cockily chuckled leaving the rest of the locker room in awe.
“SO IT IS YOU” bokuto exclaimed before starting to laugh along side hinata.
“i have no idea what you’re talkin’ about bo-kun”
the devil was a liar, and so was atsumu miya.
despite lying to his team claiming that the video wasn’t his, he enjoyed toying with the curiosity of others.
sakusa muttered a small “tch” under his breath as he reached into his pocket for his phone.
the video started playing.
atsumu’s lips curl into a smile as he finally turns to face the rest of the locker room as sakusa holds his phone to the blondes face. “that’s literally your girlfriend, miya.”
experiencing it was one thing but watching it was something else. the 20 second video played over and over again of your face stuffed into the sheets as atsumu fucked you full of his cum, your muffled whining echoed throughout the room until sakusa finally turned his phone off.
“she sounds pretty doesn’t she?” he smirked.
everyone was guilty to getting off to you, and atsumu knew that, it simply boosted his pride.
grabbing his bag his walks to the door, but doesn’t leave until spewing condescending words just to keep his friends on their toes.
“knock yourselves out.”
the door closes behind him meanwhile everyone looks at each other confused before receiving a collective notification, to a google drive with all of your porn on it.
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© — SLUTTSUMU 2023
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sugarlywhispers · 1 year
s.kiyoomi + gf moments
☆— fem reader, crack, fluff
☆— a/n; i don't know what this is, i just had a thought and felt like writing it.. it could become a serie of events until the Sakusa Kiyoomi finally admits he loves y/n (?) idk, let me know if you like the idea😊
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You have been best friends with Bokuto since you were young. Your friendship was so fun and purely like brother and sister that you even decided to move together once high school was over and your University period of life began. Even if you were very different in personalities, somehow you both worked together and couldn't imagine a life without him as your bestie-almost brother.
After some time living together, you got very used to seeing some people around the house almost everyday, his volleyball teammates.
First, it was Miya Atsumu and Sakusa Kiyoomi. Atsumu was the biggest flirt you have ever encountered in your life, almost to the point in which sometimes it annoyed you. In a good way though. He was a cutie.
While Kiyoomi was very chill and shy, he mostly kept to himself if no one bothered him; but he had the most snarky and filled with sarcasm answers for whatever antics Boo and 'Tsumu could come up with. You loved it.
Then Hinata Shouyo joined the team, and it was like a whirlwind uprooted everything in his path. He was the most outgoing and sociable and kind human being you have ever met.
And it all became like a routine. Everyday after practice, all of them would come to have dinner at yours and Boo's apartment. By this time, you already know all of them and how they all liked things and their meals. Especially Omi. He was a particular, rare especimen.
Bokuto had warned you before introducing him, how he did not like physical contact or how he wouldn't take off his mask if he wasn’t playing in a match or eating. He warned you not to feel offended or take it personal if he bluntly commented on how things were not clean enough or whatever.
But surprisingly, he had never looked down on anything in your apartment or even commented anything in front of you.
There was even one time he did comment in the middle of dinner, "I'm surprised how you maintain everything this clean and organized considering you live with Bokuto…"
"Hey!" Boo complained, mouth full of food, while everyone laughed.
That same night, Boo had pestered you about how the Sakusa Kiyoomi liked you. Of course, you couldn't believe it. The man barely spoke to you outside of those moments the team was present at your apartment. 
It was until one night, when everyone came of course after practice to have dinner you were already cooking, when he did something you never thought he would do.
Of course, the amount of noise they made even before getting inside the apartment was a clear sign they were almost there. Shouyo and Boo always came straight to hug, picking you up and squishing you hard as a greeting. Atsumu would fist pump and wink at you before throwing himself on the sofa, of course putting some other volleyball's team match on the TV. While Omi would simply bow slightly with his head, not even getting too close to you, standing on the entrance of the kitchen.
By this time, you already knew and respected each one of them and their ways to show how much they appreciated you.
"It smells so good, Y/N," whined Shouyo as he entered the kitchen and made his way to the fridge to pick something to drink.
Omi was so quiet you have not realized he had followed the red-mostly orange-head and was standing at the door of the kitchen.
"I'm glad you think that," you smiled happily.
"He says that about almost everything. He would eat a bug and say exactly the same thing if he's hungry enough."
To say that you were surprised to hear his deep voice speak that amount of words was small. Yet, you couldn't avoid finding it funny how he always got the cleverest answers and dark humor. So you laughed, while Shouyo pouted, drinking from the beer he took from the fridge–it was Friday night after all.
You kept cooking, smiling and listening to how Shouyo complained to his teammate how evil he was with him when he was all nice to him.
"Alright you two…" you meddled, smiling happily at the incessant noise from everyone around, "If you're gonna keep arguing, you could at least help on setting the table, right?"
They both nodded while moving around to find what they needed, still arguing, but now about something else which sounded like Shouyo's height. Omi loved getting on Shouyo's nerves when it came to his height.
"What's that, Y/N?" Shouyo suddenly asked, signaling to a set of a plate, forks, a glass and a mug that were separated in a corner of the cupboard.
"Oh. That's Omi's," you said, your attention anywhere but said man.
"I don't remember leaving my stuff here," he commented, with no mean intention in his voice towards you.
"No, I mean… I know you don't like your stuff mixed with everyone's, so I picked a set I always clean twice and kept it separated from everything else. No one touches or uses that but you," you answered him, still looking at the food you were cooking over the oven.
Oh, God, kill me now, was all you thought as silence reigned in the kitchen.
But then, you felt a tall, warm presence behind you. You knew it was Omi, Shouyou was not that tall–he was only a head over yours, while you knew Omi was much taller.
It was the first time the Sakusa Kiyoomi got that close to you and it shocked you to the core. But what surprised you the most was when you felt his chin rest on your head comfortably.
"Thank you, Y/N," you could feel the vibrations of his deep voice and the rumble of his chest on your back saying your name, his entire dark but comfy aura so close to you, all you could think was how good it felt.
If you would have turned a bit to Shouyo's direction, you would have seen him with his eyes open wide, like those funny cartoons where their eyes popped off their face to express shock. Thankfully, he didn't say anything, he simply turned on his feet and flew from the kitchen to the living room where Tsumu and Boo were.
"You're welcome," was all you could say, almost a whisper, as he comfortably stayed there, barely a centimeter of distance between his body and yours.
If you weren't shocked enough by that, you definitely almost collapsed when you felt one of his fingers timidly caress your hand that was not holding the spoon you were cooking with, resting next to your hip. It had been barely a touch, yet the warmth and little tingling it provoked made you take a deep breath to gather your mind straight.
If you hadn't before, now you definitely were falling for this rare specimen. 
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prettyboytsum · 5 months
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚ complaining about his size cw: afab! reader, daddy kink, slightly possessive, initial discomfort disclaimer: all characters are aged up! mdni! wc: 302
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“‘s too big, can’t fit!” you whine, bucking your hips as he starts pushing the tip of his large cock into you. tears pricking as you let out a soft moan of discomfort—hands on his chest as you instinctively try to push him away. "too big, daddy!" “i know, baby. i know,” he murmurs reassuringly into your ear. one hand playing with your clit as he tries to dull the pain of accommodating his girth. “but don’t you wanna be a good girl for me, hm? wanna be daddy’s good girl?”
you let out a gasp, now gripping his shoulders as you nod frantically. you bite your lip, a muffled squeal leaving you as he pushes another inch in.
“oh fuck, gotta relax for me, yeah? sucking me in, can’t even move, princess,” he groans, hiding in the crook of your neck as he pushes deeper. you let out another whine, the pain mixing in with pleasure as you start bucking your hips to chase a familiar high. “atta girl, we’ll make it fit.”
“so big—so big,” you blabber mindlessly as he bottoms out, both of you moaning in unison.
“daddy too big for you?” he whispers, planting wet kisses on his neck. his tone is hardly apologetic—if anything, it’s almost mocking. “daddy too big for his pretty pussy?”
you nod dumbly, loud whines escaping your lips as he pulls out before pushing himself back in. his thrusts become more aggressive as his fingers tweak and pull on every inch of skin he can hold onto.
“too bad, princess,” he growls, pinning your wrists above your head as he leans against your legs so that you’re practically folded in half. “because it's the only cock that’s ever gonna fuck you this good.”
toji, suna, geto, eren, sukuna, daichi, reiner, ushijima, iwaizumi, tsukishima
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ⓒ prettyboytsum 2024. all works are posted under this account on tumblr.com and are protected by copyright laws. do not plagiarise these works on any other platform or account.
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