#akaashi keiji x you
eggyrocks · 2 days
35MM CHAPTER TWELVE: drive home
track number twelve: hot knife by fiona apple
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Akaashi rests his head on someone's shoulder. He's not sure who's. Maybe Kuroo's. He's trying to clamp down on the nausea that bubbles up in his stomach. His eyes are screwed shut; the noises around him are his only guidance to the world around him. He's had too much to drink.
A low song thumps lowly through the speakers. Akaashi hears a lot of drums.
"God fucking dammit, Miya, which building is yours?
Someone crinkles a plastic water bottle and gasps for air once it's emptied.
"You can always just bring me back to your place, if you're lost."
There's a bump in the road. The person below him shifts, and Akaashi winces.
"Don't talk anymore, okay?"
"Yes, ma'am."
The blinker ticks. The headache that condenses in his temple makes Akaashi feel like his head is shrinking.
"I'm gonna fucking throw up."
There's a bit of frantic shuffle. Murmuring. Cursing. Crinkling. Maybe a paper bag. It brushes Akaashi's head as it makes it way towards the front seat.
"It's your fucking car. If you puke in it, I'm not cleaning it up."
Whispering from behind him. The call of her name. "Do you wanna be in a throuple with me and Tsumu?"
Akaashi gags, just a little.
"I think you guys should just talk about dating when you're sober, Sho. Without me involved."
"Will you drop me off at his place?"
"No, not a chance."
The song changes. This one is faster. It gets quiet for a bit. "Your head weighs like, a million fucking pounds," Kuroo complains, and Akaashi can feel his words move through his shoulders.
There are stars that dance behind his eyelids. The colors shift. The door on his left opens. There's a stream of cool air. Someone accidentally kicks his arm on the way out. The door shuts.
"Drop me off next."
The blinker starts up again.
"No, Koutarou's closest."
Something squeaks. Did the car stop again? Have they been moving this whole time?
The song changes three times in rapid succession. There's low conversation in familiar voices. The air's cold again. The weight under him shifts and disappears. Akaashi drops his head against the cool glass of the window.
It's silent for a minute. The glass makes him realize he's been sweating. The driving makes him sick. He needs water.
There's a light push on his shoulder. Gentle and unsure.
"Hey, Keiji."
His eyes peel open. His vision feels distorted. Akaashi blinks her face into view.
"We're at your place. Do you want me to help you get in?"
He stares, and pushes himself to sit upright. She's lingering in the open backseat door, leaning towards him. They're alone.
"Where's everyone else?"
"Dropped 'em off first. Your apartment's closest to mine. Koutarou's gonna come over tomorrow to pick his car back up from my place."
Akaashi blinks. Her face looks closer than he's used to. "You're really pretty."
He wonders if that was the wrong thing to say, because she leans back and steps away from the car.
"C'mon. Let's get you upstairs."
His movements feel slow, but he obliges, leaning on her as she leads him to his front door. He wants to close his eyes again. Akaashi feels so desperately like he's done something wrong. She watches as he fishes out his eyes and leans against his door.
"Goodnight, Keiji."
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-> fun facts!
yn will absolutely find a way to hold it over bokuto’s head (even though she has absolutely asked him of the exact same thing before) (especially because she’s asked him of the exact same thing before, and he absolutely held it over her head after)
akaashi is a sleepy drunk
he kept falling asleep on the ride back home
the roommate were on like their third movie of the night when bokuto asked yn to pick them up; iwa finally got them to watch gnomeo and juliet
but they didn’t get to finish :/
in the morning when they were texting they were all just lying down in their beds in their individual rooms because they were too lazy to hang out in the living room
taglist: @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @publicbathroompanic @bedeater @rottingt1tz @rintarawr @deluluforcarlos55 @ahseyy @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @baskin-robinhoods @polish-cereal @iheartamora @ferntv @eclecticeggknightpsychic @httpakkeiji @does-directions @needtoloveoutloud @rinheartshyunlix @causenessus @bookworm-center @kettlepop @makkiroll @atsumou @eyes-ofhell @kawaii-angelanne @ryeyeyer @k8nicole @mydearchoso @phoenix-eclipses @lixie-phoria @suitstars @reneny @scxrcherr @iluvaquaphor @sleezzsister @barricadesenthusiast @staygoldsquatchling02 @nemesii @sereniteav @crimsoncamra @gsyche @evening-latte @rrosiitas @kunimix @kitnootkat @aquariarose @iluv-ace @sparkei (taglist is full)
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meloinurmind · 1 day
for your heart ​🧋 ハイキュー!!
akaashi keiji x female reader
boba shop university au
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in which yn pines for her brother's best friend, akaashi keiji. when will she realize that he harbors the same feelings towards her?
uploading exclusively on tumblr
started: june 11, 2024
finished: ​not determined
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kodzuken fanclub | alpha males + tooru
ch. 1 | shift change
ch. 2
ch. 3
ch. 4
ch. 5
more coming soon !
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timestamps will generally not be relevant !!
please do not repost onto other sites or claim as your own ! reblogs and comments are always appreciated (๑>◡<๑)
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teamatsumu · 4 months
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do you? i do. (akaashi keiji x reader)
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summary: you lose a bet, so now you have to confess to your crush. for my valentine’s day event - theme: confessions.
word count: 1461
tags: @nishayuro @kitas-tapioca @kakashineedstotouchgrass @amisuh @avis-writeshq @samanthaa-leanne @akaashi-todorki @sp1ng @kur0obaby @bleach-your-panties @pinkiipeachiikeen @keiva1000 @msbyomimi @sleepyxxhead @kindnessspreads
event masterlist
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Turns out, promising to do ‘anything you want’ wasn’t something Konoha Akinori took lightly. Especially not when you add Bokuto Koutaro to the mix. Konoha was a sly opportunist, while Bokuto wasn’t embarrassed by anything, so it was a deadly combination.
You didn’t know why you let yourself be talked into making a stupid, silly bet with the two boys. Konoha had a talent to goad, and he managed to successfully goad you. So when you lost the bet (really, why did you think having a physical competition with two volleyball players was a good idea), it was like Konoha had his winning prize ready. The request fell from his lips like he had been practicing it for days.
Which he probably had. The menace.
So here you were, hands shaking violently as you put away water bottles and towels, cleaning up the club room and taking all the time in the world to change back into your uniform. The other managers had offered to wait for you so you could walk home together, but you encouraged them to go on, saying you had some stuff to organize before you left so it would take time. You didn’t need them to stick around to see you horrifically embarrass yourself when you confessed your silly crush and got rejected. Already Konoha was making all the boys stay behind to witness the moment. You couldn’t bear to have your closest friends see it too.
You locked the club room behind yourself before slowly and painfully making your way to the gym. You could hear the thuds of volleyballs and squeaks of shoes as the boys noisily cleaned up. They were talking and laughing amongst themselves, and you felt your nerves tighten even more. This was the worst possible place and time to confess. The chances of public humiliation were sky high. But Konoha had made his demands clear. And you weren’t one to go back on your word, no matter how dire the consequences.
You smoothed your skirt when you reached the gym doors, standing in the doorway and watching the scene before you. Despite the net slowly being lowered, Bokuto was still bounding towards it.
“Akaashi, go again!”
The boy in question was already in position, setting the ball high towards Bokuto, who spiked it hard over the half-up net. Washio was yelling at them to stop and it was enough for the day.
You watched Akaashi wipe the sweat off his forehead and kneel to tie his shoe, breathing slightly labored from the exertion. Your feet remained frozen, eyeing him silently and dreading how your relationship with him was about to change forever. While Akaashi wasn’t someone who harbored ill feelings, you weren’t sure how he was going to react to a love confession and subsequent rejection. What guarantee did you have that this wouldn’t affect your friendship going forward?
“Oi, look who’s here!” Konoha’s voice was filled with glee, and all eyes turned to look at you when he pointed at the door. You fought the urge to roll your eyes and deck him across the face. Violence was not the answer.
“Do you have something to say?”
Okay, maybe violence was the answer.
You gave him a large, fake grin, before nodding jerkily. You could feel the edge of your face and your ears turn burning hot, hands already going clammy as you tried to clench and unclench them.
“Akaashi-san, may I talk to you in private?”
Akaashi seemed surprised, blinking twice before nodding and standing up to walk towards you. No one else was caught off guard, of course, grinning faces looking between you two, knowing what was about to happen. You wished the ground would open up and swallow you whole so you wouldn’t have to do this in front of the entire volleyball team. But a bet was a bet. You had brought this upon yourself.
Whenever you had lain in bed and fantasized about confessing to Akaashi, you had pictured just you and him. Either outside the gym, or in the school grounds, nice cool air blowing through your clothes and hair. You had imagined how he would smile and return your feelings, which was a long shot but anything was possible in your imagination.
Akaashi was…. dignified. Organized. He was crazy smart, perceptive to a fault. It was almost impossible to not like him. Two years since you had started managing the Fukurodani team, and your crush on him had only grown. The more you learned about him, the more you liked him. And he was leagues above you in every sense.
That was the reason you had always believed Akaashi couldn’t return your feelings.
He stepped out behind you, following you only a few steps away from the gym doors. Konoha had explicitly said that you had to stay within earshot. A childish, immature request but part of the bet reward, so you couldn’t exactly refuse. You turned back to the boy, unable to meet his eyes and instead staring at your own hands as you fiddled with your fingers. You had rehearsed in your head over and over how you would take Akaashi’s rejection, what you would say, how would you tell him it wasn’t a big deal and you didn’t expect him to return your feelings. That you hoped you could still be friends. But now, standing before him, you realized you hadn’t really thought about the actual confession. You were completely blank.
“Is everything okay?” Akaashi’s voice was laced with concern, and he tilted his head a bit to catch your eye. You stared at him for a good minute before blinking and vigorously nodding.
“Yes! Completely fine. I’m fine.”
Embarrassment was already beginning to crawl up on you. There was a bout of silence. Behind Akaashi, you caught sight of multiple heads peeking through the window. You felt annoyance build up in you.
“Screw this,” you mumbled. “Akaashi-san, I like you. A lot. Not as a friend. And I was never going to tell you, but I lost a bet to Konoha and he thought this would be the perfect way to humiliate me. By making me confess. So….. here I am. I’m sorry for dragging you into this.”
Akaashi watched you unblinkingly for a few moments. You glanced at Konoha who was scowling, probably because you name dropped him. But that wasn’t one of his conditions, so you didn’t care. You felt a twinge of satisfaction at having bested him even in your current circumstance. Good. He deserved to feel even a fraction of the anxiety and embarrassment you were feeling right now.
“Why would that humiliate you?” Akaashi finally spoke.
Your eyes met his dark ones, and you felt yourself freeze. Of all the questions you thought he would ask, this was not one you were prepared for.
“Uh-” You tried to come up with an answer that didn’t sound equally as embarrassing as the confession. Because you will reject me and they will all witness it?
Akaashi sighed and toed at the ground a bit, mouth pursed in thought. You stared at him wide eyed, waiting for him to speak. To say something. Follow up on his unusual question.
“This isn’t exactly how I imagined this moment to go.” He muttered, and you wouldn’t have caught it if you weren’t already looking at him. Your breath hitched, eyes so wide you were sure they would pop out of your skull. You tried to process the sentence, tried to think of any reason he would say that without getting your hopes up.
Akaashi peered around, as if searching for something, looking left and right before he finally caught the floating heads behind him. There was a yelp as they disappeared from the window suddenly, followed by thudding and a curse. You bit back your laughter. Akaashi rolled his eyes.
“I would like to talk about this more. Where others can’t see us.” His voice was as calm and quiet as ever. You felt your heart race. Your limbs felt jittery. Did this mean….?
“Akaashi-san, do you-”
A smile that made your heart leap. “I do.”
You felt a smile stretch over your face, feeling giddy at the thought of something you had considered so impossible materializing in front of your very eyes. You could still hear faint bickering from the gym, and you were sure Konoha had not seen this coming. Somehow, he was the least of your concerns now, in the face of Akaashi’s quiet smile and the way he was leaning towards you. You leaned forward too, realizing you had never been this close to him before. You basked in the moment.
In ten million years you could not have wished for a better outcome.
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piichuu · 6 days
WARNINGS: fluff, gn!reader
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“baby, are you still awake?” your boyfriend whispers while slowly making his way into the bedroom. it’s late in the evening and he’s coming home from a long day of volleyball practice.
you sit up in bed, letting out a yawn. akaashi then switches on the dim lamp next to the bed. he flashes you a sweet smile and presses a kiss to your forehead before sitting down beside you. “you’re home late,” you mumble with your eyes half closed.
he watches you lean your head on his shoulder and chuckles lightly. “yeah, it was a long practice, but i also got some help with something,” akaashi says, and it’s only now that you notice that his right hand is in a fist, as if he’s holding something in it.
“so, i really wanted to get you something but i didn’t know what to buy, so i had the others help me making you something instead,” your boyfriend explains, causing you to wake up just a little bit more. “mhm?”
he opens his hand up and shows you a bracelet with different colored pearls. your eyes widen just as the smile on your face and akaashi can feel himself melt at the sight. “they helped me a little bit, but i did most myself. it’s not the best thing i’ve made, but i tried my-“ “it’s beautiful, keiji. i love it.”
you let him pull the bracelet over your wrist before you wrap your arms around his neck. “thank you, you’re the best,” his arms pull you in for a hug and he kisses your cheek. “of course, i love you.”
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Being Their Pregnant Partner Featuring
Kita, Suna and Akaashi
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Kita Shinsuke x Pregnant Reader; Suna Rintaro x Pregnant Reader; Akaashi Keiji x Pregnant Reader
Warnings: fluff
AN: and again : D
The beautiful sight of his fields at sunset were nothing compared to your gorgeous, full figure walking towards him with a basket full of food. He stopped his work, gathering up his equipment before making his way to you at the edge of the field.
“I thought you were suppose to be resting dear,” he asked you, smirk across his face as you scowled back at him.
“Well, you’ve barred me from field work so I guess the only thing I can do now is make you food and laze about the house, which I might add, is boring!”
Kita knew you’d have a hard time with the end of your pregnancy and with getting the required rest the doctor had ordered for you. At first, he tried everything to get you to just take one nap a day to rest and relax. Eventually he gave up on his quest and let nature take its course. Now that you were 8 months, your body essentially forced you to take a break which you absolutely hated.
“Why don’t you work on your knitting? You always complain you never had time for that when you worked the rice fields with me,” Kita suggested as you sighed.
“Well now that I have time I don’t want to do that, I want to work!”
You’re pout drove Kita insane but he knew there was little he could do to help you at this point. You absolutely were not allowed to help him in the fields but maybe there was something else you could do.
“Hey what about helping with packaging? You know that’s something you can sit and do,” he declared, waiting your response.
“I guess,” you groaned, admitting defeat, “I guess it’s better than nothing.”
Kita smiled, kissing your forehead and you both sat down to enjoy your food.
Suna couldn’t help but laugh at the sight before him. There you were, on the floor covered in paint as you tried to maneuver the piece of baby furniture you were painting.
“Hey Rin!” You spoke, face and hands completely covered in green paint as you continued to happily paint ground edges with great detail.
Suna wasn’t sure how you managed to be so careful with painting the dress or yet so messy with yourself
“Babe, I told you I’d help you tonight when I got home from practice,” Suna laughed, coming over to you to help you get off the floor in your extremely pregnant state.
He held out his hands as you gripped them, pulling yourself up and into his arms. You giggled as your painted body touched his and his EJP hoodie, making the colors now yellow, black, white and green.
“Good thing I got like 50 more of these in my closet,” he joked as you smiled
“You mean in my closet, I borrowed at least 10.”
Suna just chuckled, thinking how lucky he was to have such an amazing and wonderful partner.
“You’ve been working on that article all night babe, don’t you think it’s time you take a break?” You interrupted, bringing in a cup of tea and some late night snacks for your husband who had been working all day.
“It’s not an article love, it’s a letter your baby,” Akaashi answered as you stopped, eyes shifting to him as you set the tea down.
“A letter to the baby? May I ask what it’s about?”
Akaashi shrugged, “well it’s kind of about how you and I met and how our lives were before baby.”
Tears welled up in your eyes at your husbands thoughtful gesture. Akaashi noticed the tears, getting up and hugging you tightly as you sobbed in his arms.
“T-that’s got-got to be the cu-cutest thing I’ve e-ever heard Keiji,” you bellowed as Keiji just chuckled, consoling you, one hand on your back and one on your belly.
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tvhsleb3ww · 3 months
summary, akaashi helps you on a rainy day.
— mutual pining, minor swearing, fluff, akaashi being a geek in love
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they say that rainy days are the best way to see someone's love for them. at that moment, their love would be displayed to the public and everyone can see how much they love one another.
even if they shared an umbrella, there would be a certain angle where someone would be more exposed to the droplets instead of the other one.
and it was obvious that akaashi keiji displayed love for you.
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you looked at the grey clouds that are coming your way, your hands on your hips as you examine them. multiple coulds are nearing and indicates that they bring a huge storm.
a sigh escapes your lips as you crossed your arms, thinking wether to wait for the rain to stop or just run to the nearest store that are a couple blocks away. you should've watched the weather forecast this morning before going to work.
and then it hits you. you left your clothes to dry out on the balcony of your apartment. crap— and it seems like you can't be going home right now.
"something on your mind, (y/n)?" a familliar voice asked you to which you turned around.
a small smile forms on your lips to show that you're alright, although it's quite evident that it's faux.
"i forgot my umbrella and it looks like heavy rain is coming" you muttered to which he just nodded and walked towards you.
"you can borrow my umbrella, if you'd like" he says, voice coated with worry. you shook your head and flailed your hand.
"no, it's fine! how are you gonna go home if i take your umbrella, akaashi?" he pushes the bridge of his glasses and crosses his arms.
"we could go together, if that's fine with you?"
he really wanted to blurt that sentence out but the words got stuck in his throat. he wants to have a chance at helping and getting closer to you!
ever since you both started working here together, he's had a teensy little crush on you which eventually grew and drove him crazy. he's never felt like this before and he's so nervous right now.
he opened his mouth to talk but he gets nervous. what if she thinks i'm weird? what if she already has someone else? what if—
"but if you don't mind, maybe we could go together? you can just drop me off at the nearest store! i wouldn't want to bother you" you said sheepishly and he thanks the heavens that you were the one who said that instead.
"of course it isn't bothering me, i'd love to" he says with a small smile.
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how the hell did his umbrella got stolen? he could've sworn he put it in the basket with the other umbrellas but right now— he's looking at an empty basket.
he examined further, maybe it was buried deep inside the basket? nope it wasn't. he sighed and watched you looking at the rainy clouds. suddenly, an idea popped up.
"(y/n), i have another idea but it might be a little crazy"
which led to this.
"just a little more (y/n)! i can see 7E from here!" he whisper yelled as he ran with you to the 7E with him holding his jacket on your figure.
"ugh, you try to run in heels!" you pouted but ran anyways. he almost lets out a laugh when you whined in complaint.
maybe to some people the action of running together in the rain is stupid. maybe it was sweet.
but to akaashi keiji, he thinks it was the best rainy day that ever happened to him. he doesn't mind being drenched in the pouring rain if it means he gets to be your knight in shining armour.
he doesn't mind letting you use his jacket (which he offered in the first place) as an umbrella. he doesn't mind running together with you in the rain.
both of you walked into the convenience store, drenched. you laughed and before he realised it, he's smiling too at your laughter.
"thank you, akaashi" you mumbled and he just gives you a small smile in return. "keiji" he mumbles to which you raised a brow.
"call me keiji" he says, again with a small smile and red cheeks.
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the whole running in the rain act was worth it, even if it meant he had to take a sick leave the next day and rot in bed.
especially when you came for a visit and gave him your handcooked chicken soup that's perfect for headaches.
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saigethearies · 8 months
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saige’s terrortober presents…
a heartbreaking betrayal leads you to seek comfort from the very person that plunged you into this nightmare.
serial killer!keiji akaashi x fem!reader
contents/warnings: murder and extremely dubious consent, reader goes through a trauma and starts making questionable decisions, angst, oral (m!receiving), pussyjob, unprotected vaginal sex, slight bondage, praise, reader’s ankle gets a lil hurt but she’s okay, blood, slight yandere(?)
wc: 2.9k
it was supposed to be the best weekend of the year.
you, your boyfriend, and all of your shared friends had been planning this getaway since last year. everyone ensured to get the time off, saved up to get the nicer rental, even splurged on a pontoon boat to be able to piddle around on the water. this lake trip was supposed to be one for the books.
you supposed it still technically would be.
you just didn’t think it would be something straight out of a horror novel.
slowly, you made your way through the hall, grateful for the homeowner’s decision to carpet the upstairs so that your footsteps could be muffled- even though much of said carpet was now stained red. you kept your eyes trained straight ahead, refusing to look into the bathroom on the left even though you could still see the limp body of one of your friends in your peripheral.
you had to save all your tears for later. if you broke down too soon, there’s a big chance you wouldn’t be getting back up. he’d make sure of that.
the wine cellar is how he must have snuck in. your group had read about in the list of amenities, but no one bothered to notice that it had a door that led outside. it was the only entrance to the house that wouldn’t have been locked. one small act of negligence and now your vacation home had been turned into a hunting ground.
you weren't sure how many of your friends were still alive. out of your original group of eight, you’d passed three bodies so far. it was out of pure luck that you managed to escape his onslaught of the second floor. you hid the second you heard your friend’s bloodcurdling scream after she’d left to go shower. dashing into one of the vacant bedrooms and yanking the window open, you’d perched yourself on the roof outside while listening to his heavy footsteps explore the room. you’d never felt so terrified in your entire life. the term ‘frozen in fear’ didn’t do it justice. it felt as if liquid nitrogen was circulating through your veins.
as soon as the coast felt clear, you quietly slid through the window and padded into the hall, bringing you to your current whereabouts.
a pained yell pierced the stillness that had blanketed the house, sounding off from somewhere near the kitchen downstairs. you paused near the top of the stairs, huddling up against the wall to stay out of view in case he happened to pass by. you couldn’t help but wonder which of your friends was the one getting butchered this time, morbid curiosity bringing a cloudiness to your frantic eyes.
you squeezed them shut. crying comes later, remember?
you couldn’t hear the shouting from below anymore, and you took a deep breath to gather your wits. you needed to find your boyfriend. you cared deeply for everyone here, but the love of your life needed to come first. this is the man you were discussing spending forever with, starting a family with, growing old together with.
even if you did make it out alive, you wouldn’t truly survive unless he did too.
there was only one clear escape route. he had already slashed everyone’s tires, so the cars weren’t an option. however, the pontoon boat was out of view, hidden within the boathouse out back. there’s a possibility he didn’t know it was there, meaning that a water getaway was your best chance at the moment.
which also meant that to get to the backyard, you needed to go downstairs. where the killer was.
every muscle in your body was trying to lock up, refusing to carry your legs down into imminent danger. your brain knew better, however. you needed to move.
wobbly legs took you down the first few steps, stopping for a second to try and tame the shakes wracking you. it was during that pause that you saw movement in one of the living room windows that gave you a view into the backyard.
it was your boyfriend.
he was creeping through the patio with his roommate, one of them monitoring the inside of the house while the other kept his eyes on the boathouse. they must share the idea that you have about an escape. you couldn’t help the smile that came onto your face. your lover was always on the same page as you. even when facing disaster, you proved you were perfect for each other.
you were prompted to move forward again now that you saw fellow survivors, this time moving swiftly. not seeing him in the surrounding area at the bottom of the staircase, you dashed to the backdoor, opening it as fast as you could without making too much noise.
“babe!” you called softly, stepping onto the patio.
your boyfriend turned to look at you, an expression in your eyes that you couldn’t quite grasp. he frantically beckoned you forward, his roommate having an impatient look on his face. you didn’t take it personally. everyone was petrified right now.
you ran towards them, joining them in the middle of the yard. the boathouse was just down the gentle slope of the yard. you could easily reach it in under a minute, especially with how fast everyone seemed to be moving. safety wasn’t too far away.
that glimmer of hope crashed along with the bloodied body that was sent careening into your group. the three of you scattered, your eyes tearing up at the wounded, torn version of your former classmate laying crumpled on the ground before you.
another thump sounded off to the right of you, and you turned to see him now standing directly behind your boyfriend. he had jumped down from the second-story balcony, when he’d gotten there, you had no clue. what you did have a clue about was that your lover was in serious trouble, because your attacker was raising his ax.
“oh, fuck!” your boyfriend’s roommate screamed. “behind you!”
he turned around just in time to see his assailant swinging his ax down, blade aimed straight for your boyfriend’s neck.
your brain hadn’t even registered your movements, deep ingrained need to protect your loved one leading you to grip one of the folding lawn chairs in your hand. you ran towards him, not even caring for the fact he could overpower you easily, and flung the chair against him with all of your might. you watched his steely blue eyes widen in surprise, clearly not used to having someone fight back, his balance breaking as he stumbling backwards, ax now lodging into the ground near your boyfriend’s feet.
a victorious grin broke out on your face. you did it! you saved your man!
the three of you took off towards the boathouse, wind whipping your hair as you ran faster than you ever had in your life. your group had a headstart of a few seconds, the killer having to unstick his ax from the grass. he was able to gain on you shortly after, though, and you figured this man had to have some sort of athletic background. no average man could pull off the feats you’d seen him do with ease.
you could see the pontoon boat, the two men a few steps ahead of you already within reach of it.
almost th-
your foot must’ve landed on a dry-rotted piece of wood, a panel of the boathouse dock breaking and sending your foot below the floor, stuck.
hearing the sound of something breaking, your boyfriend turned to see your predicament. you saw him pause, turning towards you slightly.
“help me!” you cried, eyes locked on his.
he began to take a step towards you, about to come rescue you like you had him not too long ago, until his roommate’s voice yelled out to him.
“dude, we have to fucking go now! there’s no time, leave her.”
when the words reached you, your heart dropped.
and then, when you saw the guilt come onto your boyfriend’s face as he turned and clambered onto the boat with his friend, your heart broke.
the sound of an engine whirring sent your ears ringing, watching the two of them speed away from the hell they’d willingly left you in.
your chest tightened, breathing becoming jagged as the reality of your situation tightened around you like a python squeezing its prey to death.
he left you.
the man you were supposed to marry, to have children with, to sit on front porch rocking chairs with years from now, left you to get picked off so that he could escape. after you’d risked your own life to rush at a murderer to save his.
the burning started at the corners of your eyes, spreading through your lashline before it became so unbearable that you shut your eyes, face scrunching as the drops began their descent down your cheeks.
you saw so much death, so much bloodshed, yet held it all in for the sake of being reunited with your love amidst the chaos.
for the first time that dreadful night, you allowed yourself to cry.
the sobs that wracked your body left your whole frame weak, body slumping towards the dock as you fell onto your knees, not even bothering with your foot still trapped under the wood. it wouldn’t make a difference, anyway. your biggest motivation to survive just cut you deeper than he ever could. there was no fight left in you.
god, you just hoped he’d make it quick. yet, after you threw a fucking chair at him earlier, you figured that wouldn’t be the case. damn, why did the events have to unfold like this?
you wondered what you did to deserve this?
apparently, someone else seemed to be having a similar thought.
“what a selfish bastard,” the voice, cold and cutting said from behind you. if you weren’t so numb, you probably would have flinched when you felt his hand come onto the top of your head. “you poor thing, you didn’t deserve that.”
his tone took on a sort of sympathetic note, confusion forming in your jumbled mind. was he trying to mock you? add insult to injury before he hacks into you over and over again?
the feeling of this thumb gently stroking the top of your forehead brought you to, blinking your tears away as he kneeled down beside you. his other hand then dropped his ax, fingers coming to grip your chin so gently that you almost were sent into denial that these were the same appendages shredding your friends earlier.
you hated how the word “beautiful” came to mind when you saw his stormy eyes, blood streaked all over an admittedly handsome face. the softness that had come across his features had you even more puzzled. he was trying to mock you, right?
“you’re such a sweet thing,” he said, crimson coated hands continuing to delicately hold your head, as if he knew you were fragile right now. you could feel the warm stickiness from his fingers getting onto your face.
“not many people have the courage to face me,” he said with a small chuckle as if he was taking a quick stroll down memory lane, reminiscing on all the people he’d hunted before. “but you did, because you were trying to help someone. i’ve seen so many people show their true colors while facing death, and none of them have been as good-natured as yours. you should be proud of yourself.”
your stomach started to sink.
his rambling sounded genuine. he wasn’t mocking you, he actually felt bad for you. the fucking murderer felt sorry for you, that’s how screwed over you just got.
and worst of all, his words were actually comforting you.
his palms moved to cup your tear-stained cheeks, you leaning one of them into his touch absentmindedly. so warm.
“he-” you hiccupped on another sob. “he left me. for dead.”
a frown came onto his face as he began to shush your cries, thumbs wiping your tears away, painting your cheeks scarlet. “not for dead, sweetheart. you’re good. i don’t kill good girls.”
you blinked, swallowing slowly as you replayed his words over and over again. “you…you don’t?”
“mhm,” he hummed. “like i said, true colors, angel. a lot of the people i’ve taken out were just as shitty as me. i just can’t be bothered to hide it anymore.”
maybe it was the care he was treating you with, or the nice words, or the fact that he was honestly gorgeous, but whatever it was made his words start to make sense in your scattered mind.
his attention turned to your stuck foot, moving to lift it out from under the wood. he examined your ankle closely. “it might be sprained, but i don’t think it’s broken. try not to put any pressure on it, yeah?”
he scooped you up with ease, holding you in his arms as if you were something precious to him. the two of you looked at the purple and pink hues of the sunset, spotting the departed pontoon boat that was now a mere speck on the horizon of the water.
“some people are so cruel,” he said with distaste, as if the onslaught he’d unleashed upon your friends earlier had been anything other than cruel itself. you should have made a note of the irony, but instead you leaned your head against his chest.
you found yourself gently laid down on one of the deck chairs near the boathouse, the man remaining standing as he came to your side, your face level with his waist.
“you were so good earlier,” he said, tipping your head back with his fingers to look up at him. “be good for me one more time and i’ll reward you, yeah?”
he began to undo his belt, and you should have screamed. cried. felt disgusted at his implications. but instead, you nodded your head, staring up at him like he had designed the constellations himself. he had been so kind to you, so comforting, during your lowest point. how could you deny him?
he took the leather belt he just removed and wrapped it around your wrists, keeping them tied in front of you. he chuckled. “just a precaution, sweetheart. you did hit me with a chair earlier.”
you watched on in awe as he pushed his pants and briefs down enough to free his cock, which was as pretty as the rest of him with a flushed pink tip.
“open up, sweetheart.”
you did as you were told, accepting his hard length into your mouth and sucking. he kept a grip on your chin, moving your head up and down his dick the way he wanted. you kept running your tongue along the underside as you were bobbed, drinking in the pleased sighs you heard above you.
“so good,” he breathed out. “so good, such a good girl.”
he started to move you faster, cock slipping in and out of your mouth rapidly as his high neared. he suddenly stilled, removing himself from between your lips.
“did great, sweetheart,” the praise sent tingles down your spine. “but i only like to cum in a pussy, so it’s time for your reward.”
removing his pants the rest of the way, he pulled your own little shorts off.
“keiji,” he corrected. “you can call me keiji.”
“o-okay,” you said. “keiji, are you gonna…you know…”
“what is it, sweetheart? don’t be shy, you can ask.”
“are you gonna prep me?”
he gave you a small smile. “of course i can get your pussy a little wet first, angel.”
he peeled your panties off, bringing his hard cock between your folds and starting to rub between them. the sensation was new to you, little moans leaving your lips. he held your hips in place, bloody fingerprints marring your skin as he continued to slide between your labia.
his cockhead started to hit your clit, increasing the volume of your sounds as the pleasure started to build in your gut.
feeling all the slick gathering on his dick, akaashi figured you were ready for him. ceasing his movements, he positioned himself at your entrance. “alright, pretty girl. deep breath.”
he felt so good filling you up, giving your walls a delectable stretch as he bottomed out in your soaked cunt. you watched him take a deep breath.
“never felt a pussy this good. you truly are special, aren’t you?”
he set a pace that was deep and steady, cradling your head against his chest as he speared you repeatedly. pants and mewls left you, his cock feeling so amazing, the nirvava it provided being the perfect distraction from your heartbreak. the calm after the horrific storm you experienced earlier, brain too weary to care that the very person providing the satisfaction was the hailstorm himself.
it didn’t matter.
nothing you thought you knew mattered anymore.
all that mattered was how good keiji made you feel, a particularly hard thrust leaving you shaking and cumming around him.
you didn’t even realize you were crying until he was cooing at you, rubbing his hand against your back almost lovingly. you weren’t sure if it was your tears or your orgasm that pushed him over his own edge.
“you’ll be okay, sweetheart. i’ll make sure of it.”
saige’s terrortober masterlist
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idlerin · 1 year
celebrity!akaashi keiji x f!reader
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
the ikarus incident (band au)
+ word count: 3.8k
content — light angst, fluff? fluff!, insecurity, and akaashi keiji being hopelessly in love w u
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AKAASHI KEIJI didn’t mean to make you feel neglected. You knew that. You knew that. Maybe you could even talk to him about how you’re feeling when you could actually find the means to contact him. Which isn’t anytime soon. You’re hitting your fifth anniversary this weekend and you weren’t even sure if he could make it. You understand of course, it’s not like he could stop a whole event just because his girlfriend wants his company. You weren’t the selfish type, you’ve never been. You would feel guilty if that were to happen. It’s just that, it’s been six months since you’ve last had a proper conversation. Six months filled with missed calls, late texts, ‘i’m sorry’s and ‘it’s okay’ except that it wasn’t. Just because you understood didn’t mean you could shake off the irrationality of wanting his attention.
“You should focus on yourself more, [name],” Kaiya tells you through the phone, you’ve turned to her for your– as you say– immature problems, “Okay, listen to me, you’re always putting others before yourself, try to catch a breather. Your problems are not irrelevant just because they seem quote en quote immature. You’re allowed to whine once in a while, you know? Stop keeping all of your feelings bottled up.”
“I know,” you slump on your bed, placing your phone on your bedside table so you could comfortably place your arms around yourself like the sad lonely potato you are.
“You say you know but I know my advice is going through one ear and out in the other,” Kaiya deadpans, you hear rustling and you could only assume she was baking again.
“To be fair I don’t exactly know how to focus on myself more. You know I’ve always been a bit of a people pleaser and liked to well, focus on others,” you rub your arms as you stare at your ceiling, recalling your high school days. You’d like to think you were tough, but only on the inside.
“A bit? You used to do every favor anyone’s asked of you before I stepped in and made them all shut the fuck up–” you cut her off.
“But what if they really needed my help!” you even used your hands to make a gesture to fully emphasize your point even if she couldn’t see you.
“They were taking advantage of you. There’s a difference between helping someone once and acting like their bell boy.”
“They were our seniors.”
“They were assholes.”
“Assholes are a bit harsh of a term.”
“See! You haven’t changed, maybe just a bit, thanks to yours truly. But you’re still so pure I want to put you in my pocket sometimes and take you away from my brother.”
You laugh, not really believing her when she calls you ‘pure’, “Thanks for distracting me, Kaiya,” you say softly instead, you weren’t even sure if you were heard on the other line.
“You’re welcome, always. I’m sure my brother’s going to show his face to you anytime soon.”
“I hope so,” you murmur.
He doesn’t.
It’s your anniversary.
The time 11:52 PM flashes on your home screen.
You bite your lower lip to stop the tears from flowing as you grip your phone. You’ve been waiting for a text or call from him all day. He was in a different district this week for a fan meeting, lucky fans, you can’t help but think of it in spite. Lines and lines of them, you could only imagine how exhausting it was to entertain them all. You guess he was just too tired to remember your anniversary. Because let’s face the truth that’s been bugging your mind all day, he forgot. He forgot.
He forgot but you were still hopeful enough that he would remember before the day ended.
He forgot and it’s–because his world is constantly moving and it feels like yours is only revolving around him.
He forgot but you understand.
You could think of a hundred different ways the day could’ve been a bit better. And all of them involved him communicating with you in some type of way. But perhaps he really was just too caught up with work. You understand.
But it hurts.
And it’s not okay.
You’re not okay as you tuck your knees to your chest and let yourself cry for the first time in months.
Akaashi only realizes his mistake the next day when he sees the date. You knew of this with the way he frantically called your phone. You merely stared at the screen flashing his contact name, and honestly, you weren’t ready to talk to him yet. As much as you should answer immediately and shout at him for forgetting such an important day, you couldn’t find it in you to show a bit of anger. All you could feel was defeat.
So you stared at the screen, not making a move to pick up your phone. You were willing to suffer the incessant sound of ringing until.. until…
Until he realizes you weren’t going to answer.
It was as difficult as you thought. Ignoring Akaashi Keiji wasn’t something you were good at, but something you were good at, was restraint. It wasn’t difficult since he was miles away from you and it’s not like you weren’t already suffering from the bare minimum of conversation from his side for months. So you’ve managed to hold up the wall, a wall that’s in the brink of shriveling up and collapsing on you because how could you practice restraint when he’s on the other side of the door and not on the other side of a phone.
“[name] can we please talk?” you missed that voice, you clench your fist, there was nothing you wanted more than to open the door and immediately gather him in your arms and say you forgive him.
“I’m sorry,” ah, that word again, how many times have you heard that from him now? But what else could he say or do? There was surely nothing that could soothe you. Akaashi knows you well enough for that, “I’m sorry, please open the door so we can talk.”
You stay silent, giving yourself the privilege of thinking it over.
“Alright.. It’s okay, as long as you’re listening it’s alright, you’re listening, right, my love?” it wasn’t something to gauge out a response from you, because you were heavily intent on giving him the silent treatment.
“I didn’t mean to forget about our anniversary, the event was held up until 10 and right after the band and I had a meeting and I lost track of time. I know that it sounds like an excuse. I'm sorry, there isn’t anything that would justify what I did. I haven’t been a good boyfriend at all these past few months, and you deserve better. But can you please not give up on me?” his voice cracks and you swallow down the words you want to say to reassure him with instead because Akaashi was overthinking these past few days just as much as you, your boyfriend and you were similar in that regard, but you aren’t exactly sure if you could provide reassurance you would mean.
You open the door so abruptly Akaashi almost stumbles inside, the result of leaning on the door. You gather up your courage to look him in the eye enough so your knees wouldn’t grow weak. You were always soft and weak whenever you were around him. Most of the time it would feel like bliss but right now it was only a painful reminder of how you would take whatever he could give you, no matter how much it would break you.
But Kaiya was right, you needed to focus on yourself more.
Akaashi’s eyes lit up the moment he finally catches a glimpse of you but when he saw the look in your eyes he understood immediately what you wanted to convey without saying anything. You gulped trying to control your emotions as you reached for one of his hands so you could grasp it in both of yours, this was your way of saying sorry. A tear slips and you become a silent crying mess in front of him as he tries to process everything.
“[name], are you thinking about.. do you want to break up with me?” Akaashi says it in a fragile tone, it shattered your heart, you didn’t.. mean to.. you didn’t want to feel like this. You just couldn’t help the sobs that rattle your chest, him saying it outright makes it feel more real. That you were actually going through with it. Breaking up with him. Something you’ve thought of thoroughly between these days of silence.
“I.. I,” Akaashi gulps, “It’s.. okay, if you want to,” you watch as his jaw tightens and his forehead ticks for the slightest second, he was trying to act normal for you, so it would be easier, “I don’t want to see you hurt and I know I’ve only been hurting you these past months. If breaking up would be good.. for you, then.. then it’s okay,” he takes a move to take your face in his hands and wipe your tears.
“Ah,” he inhales sharply, you look up to see that he was tearing up too, “Sorry, sorry. It’s just, I couldn’t hold it in,” Akaashi tries to laugh. You attempted to laugh too but it ended up with you shedding more tears.
“Can I hug you?” he asks, “Please?” his voice cracks, your answer was wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
He rests his head in the crook of your neck and that’s when he finally breaks, “[name].. [name] I love you so much.. I.. I don’t want to break up,” he couldn’t control his tears anymore, “Please don’t break up with me. I love you. I don’t want to.. I don’t want to. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I promise I’ll find a way to make it better, I’ll be better for us [name].. please don’t leave..” he hugs you tighter, “..don’t leave me.”
You pat his back, a ridiculous aim to calm him down, this is only one of the few times he’s broken down, you recall a conversation you’ve had with him where he said he could only ever be vulnerable around you, “Keiji,” you say his name as a plead, “I love you.. I love you so much, but I think I need a break from… just everything. But I’m not leaving you, I swear. It isn’t going to be permanent, please give me time?” 
A moment where your cries and his intertwine as you clutch his shoulder as if basking in the last moments you could hold him. It just makes him hold onto you tighter.
“Okay,” Akaashi says after a few minutes of basking in each other’s warmth, “..Okay,” he squeezes you once more before letting go.
“Thank you,” I’m sorry, you mean it, as you stare up at him with watery eyes, you take a step back and close your door with shaky hands. Your last sight of him was of his distraught expression and tear stained cheeks parallel to yours..
I’m sorry.
You miss him.
More than ever before.
It’s been 3 months since you’ve broken it off. You’ve cut your contact with him for now but of course you couldn’t truly escape him. His life was just too thoroughly intertwined with yours. You still feel longing for him, but that was inevitable. Things have been better with you, it felt like a step to something better, for the both of you. You’ve tried new hobbies lately, such as your yoga sessions to calm your mind and running every morning. You’ve tried balancing it along with your new job in a traditional publishing house.
Late at night, when you’re all alone and wallowing in self pity you miss him, but you always manage to stop yourself from searching his name on twitter to see what he was up to. It’s been 3 months of no communication and it’s killing you, even if it’s a self-inflicted rule you manage over. But as you said, your lives were too intertwined.
That was why you’re standing in a corner in the Akaashi family reunion beside Kaiya who was arguing with her cousin, who, when left, turned to you.
How could you resist an invitation from Mrs. Akaashi, his mother? She was way too nice to you and you’ve always attended Akaashi family gatherings, what would be your excuse to not attend, surely not anything good enough, but you didn’t even attempt to say no. Because you did want to go.
“The two of you are so obvious,” your best friend rolls her eyes.
“Huh?” you ask, confused while eating a hotdog an auntie gave you.
“My brother and you are. so. obvious,” she points her stick where a hotdog was once to Akaashi who was talking with an Uncle, “He keeps glancing here and looking at you longingly like a lovesick puppy, it’s kinda gross,” she grimaces, “It’s a surprise my other relatives haven’t figured out that you guys have been dating for years. Whenever we have a get together he’s always hanging around somewhere near you like a moth to a flame. What did you feed him dude?”
Your heart ached, you were trying to ignore his presence because you didn’t know how to initiate an interaction that wasn’t going to be awkward. You greeted him stiffly earlier when you were approaching his parents and he was unluckily beside them. You tried to act like you usually would, as if this wasn’t the first time you were seeing him in person after your break up. You didn’t want it to be this way, in fact, you want it to be the opposite. After all these months, you’ve realized you can live without him, but you didn’t want to.
“We dated for years. Not anymore,” you mumble, bad habits die hard, and one of those is your pessimism, but you quickly say something else before she could hound you, “And it’s your fault for always inviting me to your family gatherings, they got used to it, do I look like an Akaashi?” you roll your eyes at her.
“Soon to be,” she winks at you. You blush at the implication, “You’re going to get back together anyways,” Kaiya was so sure of it, when you told her about how you broke up with her brother her immediate reply was ‘He deserves it, he was being stupid. The both of you are too stupidly in love to completely call it off, so let’s talk about my recent dior purchase because look–’.
“Okay but really, you’re family, just not blood-related, my parents love you to the point that I think they considered adopting you once, my aunts and uncles think you’re absolutely adorable, and my nieces and nephews are always looking for “[n/n]-chan”. You’re practically already Akaashi [name],” she gestures dramatically, just then one of her cousins that was arranging the tables to make a big long one for the whole family to sit in says ‘Bring out the food!’
You soon find yourself seated in one of the chairs beside Kaiya, all would be well if Akaashi Keiji hadn’t decided to sit in front of you. Now you were avoiding meeting his eye, oh you only wish for this dinner to go fast and smoothly because you don’t know how long you’re going to last in this avoiding eye contact game.
“[name] when are you going to date our Hiroki?” an auntie asked, catching your attention, they were pertaining to Keiji's cousin. Oh there they go again, they have always teased Hiroki with you since around 4 years ago when he said that his ideal girlfriend was you, the family never let go of it, you always laughed it off since it was harmless, and there was no way you have eyes for any other Akaashi that isn’t Akaashi Keiji.
A few adults laughed, most teasing Hiroki, you distantly heard a choking sound coming from your best friend, and Hiroki himself was very red. You laughed awkwardly before an uncle said something that caught you off-guard.
“I thought Keiji and [name] were in a relationship?” which made your heart beat unbelievably faster. You almost dropped your fork, Kaiya was trying to contain her laughter but she slapped your thigh as if she was saying ‘See? You guys were obvious’ and you did the one thing you didn’t want to do. You locked eyes with Keiji.
Auntie laughed, “Come on honey, our Keiji is too busy being a celebrity to be in a relationship.”
It felt like everything that happened flashed before you and the gaze you were holding with Keiji right now was delicate. It definitely looks like he wants to say something but you stop him with one simple shake of your head. He complies as he always did in your relationship. And just like that, you move your attention elsewhere.
“Hiroki has liked you since forever [name], does he not make moves? Silly boy,” Auntie continues.
“Ma!” Hiroki shouts in embarrassment, “[name] will feel awkward, I’m sorry [name],” he bows his head to you, you shake your head and wave your hands, you wish for the conversation to change to something not revolving around you.
“It’s okay, Auntie just teases a lot,” you chuckle, taking a bite of your carbonara.
“Hiroki nii-san said earlier [name]-chan looked very pretty today!” one of the kids added.
The adults were about to comment rather joyously when Akaashi clanged his glass to get everyone’s attention, “That’s enough guys, [name] is getting uncomfortable,” he says calmly, you were the only one who noticed how there was a slight off in his movement, like he was annoyed but pretending not to be, the vein in his hand that was holding the cup a little too tightly gave it away.
“Keiji has always looked after [name] like his own sister, it’s cute,” Keiji’s older cousin Aiki says.
Your best friend couldn’t contain her laughter then, everyone looked at her as she cackled like a maniac, “Yeah, sure, he totally thinks of her like a sister,” she says, full of mirth. Aiki was sitting on her other side so she was looking at Kaiya like she was out of her mind.
Everyone thought she was just spouting nonsense again and veered into a different topic. You couldn’t help but glance at Keiji who you knew whose gaze on you never faltered.
For some reason, the universe liked to play with you. You didn’t know if it loved you or hated you. Surely trapping you in the kitchen with Akaashi Keiji when he was supposed to be out buying more alcohol with a cousin was a coincidence or maybe methodical plans made by the person you call best friend you’ve spent more than half of your life with. Whatever it was, it led you to this moment with him. You and him, alone. Most of the family were still out in the backyard, the ones that were still awake of course, most of the kids were asleep, the older kids were watching a movie in the living room, the young-adults were with the aunts and uncles drinking outside.
You were planning on staying over and having a sleepover with Kaiya, who was one of the young-adults getting shit faced outside, but you wouldn’t have put it past her to not have meddled in a little with your relationship with her brother before getting shit faced.
You get a glass of water, using it to sober yourself, you haven’t consumed any alcohol, but you didn’t trust yourself to be composed around Akaashi Keiji. So you drink your water, inhaling before you find the right words.
“I miss you,” Keiji spoke first. He was closer than you initially thought, with your back on the entrance you hadn’t realized he was caging you in. His arm is on the counter beside where you’re still holding down the cup. Now you were truly trapped, and this is how you knew that everything was going to be fine.
“Until when is our break going to last?” he says in a trivial way, like he was asking you if you liked the weather. As if he wasn’t saying it directly in your ear, making you shiver. You remember telling him once that you liked how you could feel his voice when he spoke close to your ear. It was something very Keiji to remember and use at a time like this, you expect nothing less than perfect composure while your insides are malfunctioning.
“Keiji,” you finally turn to face him, but you don't have much room to work with, quite literally. Your hands are behind you on the counter as you look up at Akaashi and soak in his features. You missed everything, his voice, his eyes, his perfume. Everything that makes him, him. He reaches a hand out to gently cup your face, he looks into your eyes, testing the waters. If you would allow him to touch you so he could ground himself. As if feeling you was getting back his sense of reality.
“You look better,” he murmurs, using his thumb to caress your cheek, “I’m glad,” he smiles.
“Thank you for giving me time,” you place your hand over his, leaning into his touch more, “I’m sorry too,” you say.
“I should be the one saying sorry,” Akaashi’s brows furrow, “I still haven’t made it up to you.”
“So.. should we start again?” you say in a soft voice, shyly looking up at him through your lashes.
Akaashi leans down to place a kiss on your forehead, as if it was something he had wanted to do all evening, “We’re picking up where we left off.”
“That sounds nice,” you murmur, tilting your head up to place a sweet kiss on Keiji’s cheek. “We still have a lot to talk about,” you add, reaching over to brush his hair out of his face while his hands have moved down to your waist.
“And as I said, I have a lot of making up to do. I’m sorry for everything I put you through,” Akaashi has a troubled expression on his face, “I won’t make the same mistakes again. I can’t promise you that it would be easy dating me, you know that it isn’t, because of my job. That’s why I’m so thankful you've still stuck with me all these years despite all my misgivings. I love you, so much. And I.. want to show you off to the world, my love.”
You bite your lower lip, it was here, another step in your relationship, “Let’s start with your family?”
Akaashi couldn’t help but pull you in for a kiss, one that leaves you gasping and breathless, “I love you,” you say.
“Stay with me forever,” Akaashi states, not even giving you a choice, it makes you laugh with giddiness, you were the only one who got to see this side of him.
“Sounds like a good plan.”
Being selfish once in a while felt nice.
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a/n — guys i have to wake up for school in like less than 2 hrs but my brain said no syl finish your akaashi fic and i listened to my monster
general taglist + @rintarousprincess @giyuus0nlywife @luvrsthrist @cherries4denki @cloud-lyy @misscaller06 @noideawhothatis @wolffmaiden
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rishiguro · 1 year
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the room was silent, the periodical paper rustling as you turned your pages and AKAASHI‘s soft breathing being the only sounds reaching your ears. it was peaceful. you loved these moments and reading together has always been one of his favorite things to do. the way you could sink into a good book, forgetting about everything around you, only his hand on some part of your body - preferably your thigh - reminding you of his presence. and more often than not (and certainly more often than he‘d ever admit) his eyes let go of the words on paper, instead finding the only thing he’d loved more than quiet time with a good book; and that was you.
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a/n: someone give me a reading date with akaashi i want to start a book club with him
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hotvinimon · 8 months
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Akaashi Keiji x reader
A/N : Akaashi is oblivious. Reader wants more. Images are not mine. Credits to the owner. Likes, Comments and re-blogs are appreciated. Please don't steal my work. Enjoy ;) Warnings - English is my second language.
Master List
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Akaashi was really smart, ended up being your last resort as a tutor, thanks to your dismal relationship with physics.
You found yourself in the library, with your oh-so-beloved boyfriend as your tutor. Instead of cracking down on physics, you were busy examining every angle of him while a pencil hung precariously between your nose and upper lip.
Suddenly, a booming call of your name rudely jolted you from your daydreams, and there was Akaashi, giving you a worried look.
"Sweetheart, are you okay? Did you even hear what I said?"
You mumbled, "Y-Yeah, yeah," in a feeble attempt to pretend like you were paying attention.
"Teaching you physics is like trying to stop Bokuto from playing volleyball." Akaashi sighed.
You snapped back, "But that's impossible!"
"Exactly," Akaashi snickered.
It took you a hot minute to catch his drift. "YAAHH!!! That's just mean," you pouted.
Akaashi sighed, "Alright, alright, sweet pea. If you can solve this problem, I'll reward you."
"Really?" You perked up. Now that he finally had your attention on the work, he won't let it go waste.
"Bingo," Akaashi confirmed.
After 17 minutes and 36 seconds (not that you were counting), you proudly showed your completed work to Akaashi.
"Kei, it's done. Where's my reward?" You leaned in closer.
Akaashi smirked. "At least let me check if you did it correctly."
To Akaashi's shock, the solution was spot on. You couldn't resist your triumphant "My reward, Keiji..."
Akaashi chuckled and leaned in a bit. Your cheeks turned as red as a tomato, and you leaned in closer too.
He handed you a candy and said, "Here, a candy for you."
You stared at his hand and then back at his face. "This isn't what I wanted," you declared.
Akaashi looked puzzled. "What do you want, then?"
You stuttered, "Well...um, something more."
It took Akaashi a moment, but then it hit him.
"Yeah," you blushed.
Akaashi fumbled for another candy and handed it to you.
Maybe he wasn't that smart after all.
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V- Chan's Dilly Dally
Hey guys <3 I really hope you would like this. I was gatekeeping this for almost a week. But here it is. Requests are really appreciated. For joining taglist, please let me know in the comments below
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noonajoe · 1 year
When His Child Wants Him (Dad!Akaashi Keiji x Mom!Reader)
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Genre: Lots of fluff! Video-call, Soft Dad Akaashi Keiji
Word Count: 563
©noonajoe (Published on 15 March 2023 - 20:10 Bangkok Time) this story is not going to be sold, modified, or translated in any manner.
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*calling Akaashi Keiji*
“Yes, hon, what’s wrong?” Keiji asked.
“Keiji, I'm sorry, did I interrupt your work?” Y/N asked
“It's okay, I’m almost at the break, so what’s emergency, hon?” Keiji asked
Y/N suddenly turn the call into a video call.
Y/N’s face showed up while she’s carrying their son, Kaito. Kaito has a bad fever for 2 days, mostly crying when his dad’s not around.
“Dadda…” he sniffles in his sleepy face and raspy voice.
“Oh baby, are you okay, bud?” Keiji asked worriedly.
“Sorry honey. He’s not stopped crying since you left the house. I already brought him to the doctor and he was fine, but the crying was never-ending until I realize he was calling your name”
“Uh-huhu daddaa!” his face is getting lighter when he saw Keiji’s face move.
“His fever still hasn’t gone?” Keiji asked.
“Yeah, he’s been crying for hours now, and now he didn’t want to eat anything. I’m sorry hon, but could you help me by keeping the video call with him until your break ends?” Y/N asked with a tired face.
“I can help, but are you okay? I can ask my boss to take a half-day,”
“No need, Keiji, this is the second time he’s whining about you. He needs to learn that his dad is working” Y/N put the tab in Kaito’s baby desk so he can see Keiji by himself.
“I guess that is something you must patiently teach a 1-year-old about ‘work’ honey.” he chuckled.
Y/N went to the kitchen with a tired face and didn’t mind what’s Keiji’s last words on the phone. She needs to prepare Kaito’s food.
“Uh! Uh! Dadda Abu-bubu” Kaito babbled around
“Are you happy now, Kaito?” Keiji asked from the screen.
“Dadda dadda mumma!” he's happy when he heard Keiji’s voice.
“Kaito, you shouldn’t be bad to your mom,” Keiji said.
“Ba-ba? Kaito Ba-ba?” he tried to copy Keiji’s words.
“Yes, Dadda will be home early today., but Kaito should be good with Mama until Dadda goes home” 
“Uh-huh Gu-gu” he clapped his hand.
“Okay, Kaito. Now dadda wants you to go mommy there and hug her. Huggie huggie. Remember?” Keiji shows his son hugging himself, indicating Kaito needs to hug his mom.
“Huggie?” Kaito tries to copy his dad’s pose from the screen.
“Yes, mama there” he showed Y/N’s photo. Kaito turns his head and sees his mom.
Kaito crawls to his mom and tried to reach his mom’s skirt. When you look at him, he’s sitting, opens his arms, and indicates he wants to hug her.
When she saw him with a puppy face, expressing “I’m sorry to make your day hard mama”. She just smiles, hugged him, and rubbed his back.
Keiji smiled when he saw that lovely scene on the screen
He took a screenshot of Y/N and Kaito hugging on his phone.
Suddenly, he felt an intense quiet around him.
When Keiji turns his head, all of his co-workers are looking at him
“Mr. Akaashi, you’re soooo sweet to your wife,” one of them tells him.
“Yeah, you even didn’t mad during this tight deadlines, your son has to take that from you when he grows up”
“Sorry guys I think I made a good disturb before our break” Keiji apologized, he didn’t realize that he was too focused on taking care of his family even over long distances.
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eggyrocks · 2 days
track number eleven: blue light by mazzy star
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-> fun facts!
iwa just wants to watch a fun movie for movie night but all of his roommates are dedicated to watching boring artsy movies or cliche action or three hour fantasies
he just wants a goofy 90 minute romp is that too much to ask
the omegaverse gc argued for like the entire car ride over there on who would be dd they just knew it couldn't be akaashi
but the second they got in the bar they sorta werelike "ehhhhh worst comes to worst we'll uber" and then forgot about it for the rest of the night
yn and noya spent actual hours on the brownies only to realize that they couldn't add in the ground bud as like, seasoning to the batter and there was an entire process of steeping it in butter and everything
but by the time they realized the brownies were in the oven and they wasted like $20 worth of weed
yn and iwa did not drink during movie night; kenma and noya definitely did
taglist: @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @publicbathroompanic @bedeater @rottingt1tz @rintarawr @deluluforcarlos55 @ahseyy @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @baskin-robinhoods @polish-cereal @iheartamora @ferntv @eclecticeggknightpsychic @httpakkeiji @does-directions @needtoloveoutloud @rinheartshyunlix @causenessus @bookworm-center @kettlepop @makkiroll @atsumou @eyes-ofhell @kawaii-angelanne @ryeyeyer @k8nicole @mydearchoso @phoenix-eclipses @lixie-phoria @suitstars @reneny @scxrcherr @iluvaquaphor @sleezzsister @barricadesenthusiast @staygoldsquatchling02 @nemesii @sereniteav @crimsoncamra @gsyche @evening-latte @rrosiitas @kunimix @kitnootkat @aquariarose @iluv-ace @sparkei
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ms-fandomgirl · 8 months
Studying Headcanons
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Summary: Morning, afternoon, evening. The grind never seems to stop, but it can be a little less painful when you’re studying with your favorite Haikyuu boys!
Pairings: Oikawa Tooru x Reader; Akaashi Keiji x Reader; Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
Genre: Fluff! No warnings.
Words: 1,464
Cross-posted on Ao3!
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O i k a w a   T o o r u
Diffused early morning rays bathed Oikawa’s sleepy face in a soft glow, making you want to give anything to witness the scene firsthand. The world shone brighter when Oikawa’s name appeared on your phone screen, even if it was 9 o’clock at night for you. He gave you a quiet greeting, and you smiled and returned the favor, idly flipping your textbook open.  
It’s just a fact: being on opposite sides of the world from Oikawa Tooru sucked. These FaceTimes and phone calls were the closest you could get to being with him in person. Time zone differences made it so that you only had a couple hours of sacred shared time in a day. Therefore, you were determined to not waste a second of them. The second Oikawa began, so do you.
Ambitious, driven, and clever; it’s no surprise that Oikawa exceled in studying, and this was one skill he was determined to pass on to you. After complaining one day that you could never study well, Oikawa took it upon himself to become your studying mentor, showing you every tip and trick he knew. The biggest of these was finding yourself a study partner: someone who could keep you on track and encourage you, yet not distract you from getting work done. For him, it was Iwazumi. For you, it was Oikawa.
A mostly quiet but firm presence on your phone screen, Oikawa made sure you were working on what you were supposed to. The second you tried to scroll through Instagram or any social media, he would know, and he would tell you. It was honestly terrifying how he could tell, even if you were on your laptop. You two quickly fell into a steady routine, with him doing his morning routine while you suffered (a little less) in silence over your studies.
Of course, you didn’t spend the whole call in silence. Oikawa knew the importance of study breaks after all. Therefore, you were given the rare chance to see a side of Oikawa that many didn’t know existed. The quiet, reflective side that only appeared when he was most comfortable. The thoughtful chats over a shared cup of coffee (even if it was much too late for you to be drinking any), and the small, routine actions made you feel as though you knew intimate secrets about him.
Yes, studying with Oikawa had its challenges, but you wouldn’t change it for the world. And when you got an “A” in the class you were sure you’d fail, you also realized you found a bond deeper than you had ever known.  
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A k a a s h i   K e i j i
Soft shadows were beginning to lengthen in the afternoon light as you stepped into the cozy café. As always, Akaashi was there before you, sipping some tea in the booth that was unofficially yours. After ordering your favorite drink and pastry, you settled in next to him, a mixture of happiness and anxiousness settling in your stomach. Happiness because, well, you got to spend the whole afternoon in a coffee shop that looked like it belonged in a Hallmark movie with THE Akaashi Keiji. Anxiousness because Akaashi was a harsh proofreader, and you were sure your poor paper would comeback with more red ink than black.
When you were first partnered to proofread Akaashi’s paper in your English class, you had no clue what you were getting yourself into. Akaashi proofread like there was no tomorrow, and the first time you got your paper back, you were tempted to scrap your whole idea and start over. Of course, Akaashi wouldn’t let you do this, instead patiently explaining all of his markings and reasonings to you.
Now, two years later, Akaashi was your number one confidant when it came to writing papers. From brainstorming to final drafts, he was your go-to and sounding board, and you acted in much the same way for him. Even though you were both in different classes and writing different topics, papers were still papers, so the fundamental process never changed.
You weren’t naïve enough to believe that continuing to meet your proofreader partner two years after the class was normal. Despite this, it was easy to consider Akaashi as part of your norm. From his calm attitude to sharp mind, he had crept into your life slowly yet steadily, like a trail of ivy resolutely climbing up a wall, exploring for any niches and crannies to cling onto and never let go.
After several minutes of searching, you triumphantly presented your paper to him with a grin on your face. It was crinkled around the edges, and one page was dangling from the edge of the staple holding everything together. Nonetheless, Akaashi accepted it in his way of respectful grace that you could never quite seem to master. In return, he unhooked his binder, pulling his paper free of its folder. Organized, crisp, and put-together: Akaashi’s natural modus operandi. The more you thought about it, the more it seemed to be a miracle you two got along at all.  
Glancing down at the title of his final project, the paper he had been slaving away on for the past month, you felt a warmth that only continued to grow with each word. Your relationship didn’t make sense at first glance, but that hardly mattered. Happenstance may have helped you meet, but you were determined to stand by Akaashi’s side for as long as you could, exploring any possibility to come. Apparently, Akaashi felt the same way.
“Comfort in Chaos: The Beauty of Contradictions
A Memoir by Akaashi Keiji”
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K u r o o   T e t s u r o u  
Silver streams of moonlight illuminated the library table you and Kuroo had decided to call home for the night. Wrappers of fast food long since eaten were pushed into the corner as diagram trees and flash cards created a messy mosaic, the white board next to them looking like the scribblings of a mad scientist.  To the side, two bodies laid sprawled across the worn carpet, furiously solving the problems before them. During broad daylight, this behavior would have most certainly resulted in a reprimand from a librarian. However, due to the late hour, you two basically had the whole floor to yourself.
In a triumphant cry, Kuroo had reached an answer. Slamming his pencil down next to him, he waited with a satisfied grin on his face as you finished not a second after. After giving him an exaggerated eye-roll, you leaned over to compare answers, pleased that you had both reached the same result. With a quick high-five, you moved onto the next question in the practice test.
 It was always like this between you two. Everything was a competition, from who could finish their problems first to who could get the most answers correct. When you had first met Kuroo, you found this behavior to be annoying at best. Always beating you to raise your hand in class, you had labeled him as a classic teacher’s pet and wanted to leave things at that.
However, fate had other plans for you. Forced into a disastrous lab where your third group member ruined the experiment and ditched halfway through, you and Kuroo had to put your differences aside to not fail your assignment. After several late nights of lab writeups and gossiping about your flakey third member, you found that Kuroo was actually someone you wanted to work with long after the assignment was completed. Thankfully, Kuroo shared your sentiment, and you two quickly became attached to the hip both in and out of the classroom.
 Obviously smart to a fault, Kuroo was also incredibly charismatic and funny. It simply wasn’t fair. If you told him you needed to ace the next test, you could count on him to drag you through study session after study session, making sure you knew what you were supposed to no matter how much you wanted to give up. You admired that about him, that determination that seemed so much a part of him that it ran through his veins like blood. While you had great plans for the future, you could quickly become overwhelmed by the path you had set for yourself. However, with Kuroo by your side, you knew that you could weather whatever storm came your way, trusting him to always have your back.
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A/N: Thanks for reading! I wrote these ages ago but forgot to post them until now. They were a fun little writing exercise for me where I tried to write a scene with no dialogue. I hope they motivate you during finals/test season!
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ya9amicide · 2 months
♡ anime masterlist ♡
pov: your camera roll if you were dating keiji akaashi.
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piichuu · 10 months
NOTES: fluff, gn!reader
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akaashi keiji never thought he would dare to ask you out on a date, but after lots and lots of pep talk from bokuto, he decided to finally stop waiting for you to take the first step. the crush he has on you has been ongoing for the last two years and he hasn’t dared doing anything except for starting small talk, but that isn’t enough.
a few days ago, he finally asked you to go watch a movie with him and he was fully prepared to run for it without getting a reply, but he stood still, avoiding your gaze as he waited for what you had to say. to his surprise, you actually seemed rather positive about it and said yes. that was probably one of the happiest days of his life, maybe that would sound weird to say as it may not seem like a big deal, but he finally felt like he might actually have a chance with the person he’s been crushing on for years.
akaashi had no idea what to wear and he was just a minute close to having a breakdown, but after staring at himself in the mirror for over an hour with lots of different outfits, he finally found something that he at least thought looked okay. a pair of dark blue baggy jeans and a black sweater. he is well aware that it’s basic, but he had no idea what else to wear.
so now, he’s standing outside the cinema building with his phone in hand. he doesn’t want to look around too much as that might seem weird to others, so he just looks down at his phone, glancing up every once in a while to see if you’re on your way.
he takes a few deep breaths as he’s slowly but surely becoming more nervous. his hands are trembling and it almost feels like his legs are shaking as well. but eventually, he can finally see you approach him from further away and then his gaze is stuck on you. he can’t stop himself from being completely mesmerized.
you give him a slight wave before you’re finally close enough for him to say something. “hi,” he speaks rather quietly and you give him a slight nod while also flashing him a sweet smile that almost makes his knees buckle. he returns the smile with one of his own. “let’s go inside.”
the two of you walk inside the building to get your tickets scanned and you’re then welcome to buy all the snacks you want. akaashi immediately begins to look at the different sizes of popcorn. “do you want a small, medium or large?” he asks, turning his head to look at you who’s trying to choose a drink. “you can choose.”
he nods and ends up getting a medium that the two of you can share, only hoping it’ll be enough for you two. it doesn’t take too long for either of you to choose a drink and you then go to the cashier to pay for what you’ve bought, akaashi being quick with pulling out his card so you won’t have the opportunity to pay.
you then grab your snacks and head down towards the movie theater. akaashi is leading the way to your seats and there doesn’t seem to be too many people who decided to come to the cinema today as most seats are empty, but there are a few families and couples sitting elsewhere.
it takes a couple of minutes for the movie to finally begin and akaashi keiji cannot stop fiddling with his fingers, not knowing what to do with himself as he has you sitting beside him, taking a sip of your drink every now and again.
he only seems to think more about what he’s doing now with you there. he thinks about how loud he’s breathing, how he sits, if his posture is okay, how his hair looks. this isn’t something he would usually think about when being at the cinema, but he wants to look his best around you.
you’re looking at the giant screen in front of you, but he can’t help how he glances over at you, barely begin able to keep his focus on the movie. his leg is meanwhile bouncing up and down as he doesn’t know what to do with it, everything he does just feels awkward to him.
his hands are sweaty as he’s playing with them. is it only him, but has the movie theater gotten much warmer? he is beginning to regret that he chose to wear this sweater.
he is trying his absolute best to watch the movie, but that tiny focus he had is soon ruined when he can feel a hand on his. akaashi’s entire body stiffens before he turns his head to look at you who’s already looking down at your now intertwined hands.
there’s a blush spreading across his cheeks, but he doesn’t let go of your hand, instead he squeezes it tight, trying to take a deep breath as if to compose himself. not a single word has to be said between the two of you, but that leg that was previously bouncing is finally still and he might still feel warm, but this time, it’s his heart that’s warmer than ever.
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moriburnd · 7 months
Please, Fall in Love with Me
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summary: you have the ability to make anyone fall in love with you and you’ve just fallen in love for the first time. do you use your power? 
characters: akaashi keiji x gn!reader
words count: 4,1k
tags: fluff, gn!reader, lowercase intended, harassment towards reader, the reader has an older brother (mentioned), akaashi calls the reader beautiful, reader has soft hands, kissing, cross-posting.
a/n: this is my first time trying to write for gn!reader, so please correct me if there are any mistakes or tags that i haven't included. also, i'm not good at writing kissing scenes. english is not my mother tongue.
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   "please, be my lover!" 
   you choked on your drink which made yachi reflexively pat your back lightly. this is the 10th person this week who has confessed their feelings to you. hinata, who was sitting at the same table as you, could only gape at what he was witnessing. 
   you don't like crowds, especially when you're being the centre of attention, usually those who express their love for you will always express it in a quiet public space. unlike now, in the middle of the cafeteria with the man's voice so loud, you immediately freeze because all the attention of the people there turns to you. 
   with a broken voice, you tried to refuse the man, "sorry ... but i ... can't," you answered weakly because anxiety was slowly eating away at your body. 
   but the man was still adamant, he shouted and forced you to be his lover, and he even tried to hold your hand, luckily another hand pushed and grabbed the man's hand away from you, while yachi and hinata pushed your body to stand behind the two of them. 
   "no means no, you can't force them to accept you," said the man with metallic blue eyes and short black hair, his sharp gaze stared down at the man, making the man tremble uncontrollably. with that, the man who has harassed you forcibly removed his hand from the grasp of the man with metallic blue eyes and flew away from the cafeteria. 
   after the man was gone, you breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the person who helped you. "it's not a problem, but are you okay? you looked very uncomfortable earlier," asked the man. 
   "yes, i feel better," you answered as you lifted your head to get a better look at the man who was helping you. when your eyes met, your heart pounded and suddenly you felt nervousness creeping into your whole body. 
   "thank goodness. then i'll go, i still have classes to attend," he answered as he walked out of the cafeteria, but before he had time to set his feet more than a meter you realized you hadn't gotten his name. "wait, may i know your name?" you asked with your hands behind your back, embarrassed. while your two friends gape at the question you just asked the man. 
   "akaashi. akaashi keiji," he said and continued his steps. 
   not long after the man named akaashi left, you and your friends also decided to leave the cafeteria and look for another place in the campus area to chat and eat your snacks.
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   you stared blankly at whatever was in front of you, it had been a week since the incident occurred, but you kept thinking about the man with short black hair and sharp metallic blue eyes. your heart always pounded when you thought about him, this was the first time in your life you felt helpless like this. your mind always goes to the man surnamed akaashi, you can't seem to erase him from your mind. you even wonder if this is what falling in love feels like. 
   yachi cleared her throat, making you look up at her. "so, what's your plan? want to make him fall in love with you like the others?" she asked curiously, which was immediately nodded by hinata who was also curious about what you would do next. 
   "i don't think i would do that to him. i want him to fall in love with me without me using my power," you answered firmly. "do you think i can do that?" you asked again for the umpteenth time which your two friends only answered with 'maybe'. 
   "it's almost time for mine and hinata's class, are you okay being alone?" yachi asked worriedly. 
   "i'm fine, you two better go now before you're late for class!" you answered with your right hand waving in front of your face as a signal to chase them away. 
   hinata, who's clueless about that gesture, just nodded and said, "let us know if something happens!" 
   after the two of them left, you decided to go to the library to look for the books you needed for your assignment for next week. 
   you walked through the shady trees around campus while humming a little tune to the song you were listening to through your earphones, until suddenly someone grabbed your hand roughly, making you flinch in surprise and automatically whip your head towards the person which causes one of your earphones to fall. 
   your heart beating so fast when you see the same person who harassed you last week, your body freezes, but luckily you can regain consciousness quickly. you tried to pry your hand away from the grip, but to no avail, the grip didn't move an inch, and you were sure it would leave red marks or even bruises if he held it any longer. 
   "ow! let me go!" you shouted at the stranger, hoping someone would hear you. 
   "please give me a chance to be your boyfriend!" the man said in a forceful tone and desperation was visible on his face. 
   "please let go of my hand, it hurts so much," you whimpered. 
   still holding your wrist so firmly, he begged, "i promise i'll be a good boyfriend for you!" 
   "you're making me uncomfortable, please stop!" you said scared to death. you still try to release his grip even though you know it will only end in vain, until a hand taps the man's shoulder, making him reflexively release his grip on your wrist and making you take a step back. 
   "i thought what i said last week was very clear?" his metallic blue eyes scanned the stranger from head to toe, then glanced at you to check your condition for a moment before finally looking back down at the man in front of him. you rubbed your wrist which had been gripped by the stranger, a small curse escaped your lips when you saw your wrist turning blue. 
   you were born with the power to make everyone fall in love with you. you've always used your powers for things that benefit you the most, but you've never thought your powers would backfire on yourself like they are now. you never thought that your power could make someone obsessed with you to this extent, nor did you know that your power could influence people who were close to your target, you never noticed any of that until this incident happened. 
   along years you have this power, you have never experienced harassment like this, those who like you always know and respect your boundaries. and of course, this kind of incident makes you so afraid, especially in the previous meeting you had tried to neutralize your power from that man, but it didn't work. 
   "you better get lost and never bother this person again, or i'll do something worst." the metallic blue eyes couldn't leave the stranger in front of him, the grip on his shoulder tightened even more, making the stranger hiss in pain. without hesitation, the stranger removed akaashi's hand from his shoulder and walked away leaving you alone with akaashi. 
   silence greeted the two of you, only the sound of a sigh of relief and the wind blowing could be heard for a few seconds, until finally your eyes met each other. "are you okay?" asked the man with short black hair worriedly. 
   "i'm okay, just a little shaky and bruised on my wrist. thank you for helping me again!" 
   "we have to treat your wrist, let me take you to the infirmary." 
   the walk to the infirmary was filled with silence, no one made a sound between you, you were even sure you could feel the sound of your rapid heartbeat because of akaashi's presence beside you. you tried to open your voice, but no sound came out of your mouth, and it didn't go unnoticed by akaashi. "if i may ask, why is he chasing you like that? have things like this often happened to you?" he asked, "sorry, you don't need to answer if you're uncomfortable," he continued in a gentle tone. 
   before you could open your mouth to answer, akaashi's voice interrupted you again, "we're here, sit down and i'll get the medical kit." 
   you sat on one of the mattresses there while waiting for akaashi to find the medical kit, your legs were hanging over the edge of the bed, and you moved your legs back and forth like a child who was waiting for their mother to buy them a lollipop. 
   after finding what he was looking for, he walked towards you to immediately treat you. "for now i will wrap a bandage around your wrist. when you are home, you have to compress it with cold water." the big hand wrapped your wrist in a bandage carefully, as if he didn't want to leave a single scratch on your hand, it made your heart beat fast again and the tips of your ears turned red. 
   finishing putting the bandage on your wrist, you thanked the man with metallic blue eyes, who responded with a small nod and went to return the medical kit he borrowed earlier. you were still sitting on the edge of the bed, debating with your thoughts until akaashi's voice interrupted again for the umpteenth time, "are you sure you're okay? you seem off." 
   it's now or never, you thought. "I'm fine, it's just... i...," you said uncertainly. 
   akaashi raised an eyebrow, waiting for what you wanted to say to him. "can i have your number, i'd love to treat you to a cup of coffee if you have time!" you said quickly, which was almost not caught clearly by the man's hearing. 
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   after several days of you and akaashi communicating with each other to align the schedule for the two of you to meet, finally, the day came. the day you'll treat him to a cup of coffee and maybe answer his questions that weren't answered at the previous meeting. 
   earlier, akaashi took the initiative to pick you up and go together to the place where you were going to meet because he was afraid something would happen to you again, but you refused, saying that it was okay. akaashi, being the gentleman he is, finally gave in because he didn't want to make you feel forced and uncomfortable around him. 
   the jingling sound of the bell above the door rang when you entered the cafe your eyes scanned the surroundings, looking for the figure of akaashi who had sent a message saying that he had arrived. until finally your eyes caught a familiar figure who had helped you twice, it wasn't difficult to find him because the cafe was quiet that day. on the end table near the window, akaashi sat, in casual clothes combined with glasses that framed his metallic blue beads making him look more handsome. shit, your heart was beating fast again. 
   you waved from where you stood and walked towards the table nervously. "sorry if i made you wait!" you said in a tone that sounded a little panicked. 
   "no problem, i just arrived too," replied akaashi with his signature smile. 
   after you were settled and ordered what you wanted, the two of you exchanged stories with each other to get to know each other more deeply and chatted about random things that happened to either your friends or yourself, until you remembered the questions that akaashi had asked you a few days ago. 
   "about your question a few days ago...," you said suddenly, making the atmosphere a little awkward. 
   "you don't have to answer it if you don't want to."
   you took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. your eyes stared at your hands clenched into fists in your lap. "no, i want to answer that question. but can you keep this a secret?" on the one hand, you are worried that he will reveal your secret, but on the other hand, you are sure that akaashi is not someone who likes to reveal other people's secrets. 
   akaashi, who was initially sipping his drink, stopped. his eyes looked straight into your eyes with a very serious look. "you can take my word," he said confidently. 
   "okay, listen. would you believe me if i said i had powers?" you asked hesitantly. akaashi raised an eyebrow and motioned for you to continue what you wanted to say. 
"i ... i have the power to make anyone fall in love with me. but the two previous events were beyond my expectations," you explained in a low voice but could still be heard by the man in front of you. "i had just discovered the fact that my powers could backfire on me if i used them too often, and that incident in the cafeteria was an example. i've tried to neutralize my power from that stranger, but apparently ... it didn't work," you stopped, couldn't continue your sentence any longer, disappointment was written on your face.
   "do you use your power on me?" 
   one second, two seconds, three or even four seconds passed in silence between you and akaashi before you finally realized what you had said earlier, making you reflexively cover your mouth with both hands. your face flushed red from the embarrassment that was slowly consuming you. oh no, i didn't just say that. 
   without you realizing it, akaashi's two metallic blue beads were looking at you gently and a smile was plastered on the man's face. "is that so? you should try harder then, i'll be watching." 
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   "there's volleyball practice today, right?" you asked your two friends, yachi and hinata, 
   "how do you know?" hinata asked. 
   "huh ... today kiyoko-san excused herself from attending practice, so i'm taking care of the karasuno team alone," yachi said weakly, making you and hinata pat yachi's shoulder lightly. 
   "uhm ... keiji told me that there is volleyball practice today. do you think i should bring him something?" you asked a little nervous about their response. 
   "KEIJI?! SINCE WHEN DID YOU BECOME THAT CLOSED? AND YOU NEVER TOLD US!" yachi replied vehemently. you just smiled awkwardly at yachi's response, which you ignore. 
   "maybe you can bring him mineral water or something, because usually after i exercise it will be very tiring," hinata responded. 
   you pondered for a moment, before thinking about what hinata said. you suddenly rose from your chair to go buy something without saying anything to yachi and hinata, leaving both of them confused. 
   "where are they going?" asked hinata, who was answered by yachi shrugging her shoulders, as a gesture that she didn't know. "we better get to the gymnasium before it's too late," yachi responded while pulling Hinata's hand so he wouldn't leave her by running. 
   you went to the nearest mini market to buy mineral water and some snacks for keiji's team, and returned to the gymnasium to watch today's training. when you got there, the gymnasium was already crowded with fangirls from various players, making you have to jostle to find a comfortable seat, you were a little regretful that you didn't come with yachi earlier. 
   on the way to the bench, you saw one of the managers of the fukurodani team, whose name you believed was yukie, making you reflexively call her in a rather loud voice. 
   yukie looked at you and asked, "uhm, do you need something?" 
   "sorry to bother you, but could you give this to keiji? and this snack is for you," you said with your hand showing a bottle of mineral water and a plastic bag containing snacks. 
   "oh my god, thank you, i'll give this to akaashi!" she answered with a virtual glow after seeing the many snacks in the plastic bag. 
   after giving it all to yukie, you went to find a comfortable place to sit. your eyes scanned all the players present until your eyes met keiji's metallic blue eyes, making you reflexively wave your hand at him, which he responded with a wave too. 
   you watched as yukie gave your entrustment to keiji, making the other members curiously gather around him. soon their eyes were scanning the audience, as if they were looking for someone in the crowd. 
   you sat quietly during the game, until someone tapped your shoulder, you turned around and found yachi behind you. she casually grabbed your hand to come with her to sit with the manager and the coach. during the match, your eyes occasionally looked towards keiji, making yachi have to jabbing your waist with her elbow several times. 
   after practice ended, yachi left you to hand out bottles to the karasuno players, leaving you alone. not long after, Keiji approached you, a smile framed on his handsome face. "you are the one gave me water and snacks? you shouldn't have to bother giving me that." his big hand stroked your head gently, makes your face blush. 
   class would end in a few minutes, you looked towards the window watching the trees blowing in the wind out of boredom. 
   after the lecturer ended class, students began to leave the classroom one by one. you chose to be the last one to leave the classroom because you didn't want to be crowded with the others. 
   this morning you made two portions of bento for you and keiji, you two had promised to eat together today, he even offered you to wait in front of the locker so you guys could walk together to the cafeteria. 
   you picked up your sling bag and went to your locker to get your bento box. you were silent for a moment, checking your phone to see a message of disappointment from yachi because you couldn't eat together. after you replied to yachi's message with a mocking emoji, a smile spread across your face, making the person standing in front of you ask, "what makes you smile like that?" 
   you were a little shocked by the sudden presence of the black-haired man in front of you, but you were able to get over it quickly. "ah, just replying to yachi's message. she's disappointed she can't have lunch with me." 
   "oh, i see. want to go to the cafeteria now?" keiji asked you to which you answered with an enthusiastic nod. 
   during the trip to the cafeteria, you exchanged stories about your classes and the lecturer who was teaching, like how you were reprimanded for being caught daydreaming in class or about bokuto asking the lecturer the same thing over and over again. keiji also offered to carry your paper bag containing two bento boxes because it looked heavy, but you refused, saying that it wasn't that hard. 
   after you two sat down at one of the empty tables there, you told Keiji that you brought him lunch, and handed him one of the bento boxes. keiji thanked you for taking the trouble to make him lunch. 
   "try it. i made it myself!" you said enthusiastically. 
   keiji opened the bento box slowly, as if it were a valuable object. he took chopsticks to pick up a side dish and fed it to his mouth. keiji suddenly fell silent, making you nervous about the results of your own cooking. 
   "is it that bad?" you asked with a mixed heart. 
   keiji just smiled, his eyes looked softly at you, "no, it's very delicious. just like my mother's cooking," he answered with a smile still on his face. 
   you clapped your hands as a small celebration for your successful cooking, making the man's eyes fall on your hands which were covered in bandages and band-aid, making him reflexively take your hand and stroke it gently, "you've worked hard enough." he said, making you freeze in place. 
   keiji let go of your hand and cleared his throat. "sorry," he apologized for holding your hand without your permission. 
   "it's ... it's fine!" 
   after lunch, silence fell between the two of you for a while, until finally keiji spoke up, "i heard there will be a fireworks festival at the beginning of september, do you want to watch it with me?" he asked with one hand scratching the back of his neck which didn't itch. 
   without thinking, you answered excitedly, "sure!" 
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V. Unknown Second Date 
   hour after hour, day after day, and month after month you count just for this special day. you already look charming in a pastel blue yukata with neatly styled hair. 
   now you just need to wait for keiji to pick you up at home, your heart is beating fast, imagining the difference in how handsome keiji will be today, whether he will wear glasses or not. You were too excited that you couldn't stay in your room, all you did was turn around in the hallway. if it weren't for the empty condition of the house, surely your older brother would have cursed you. 
   not long after, the sound of a knock on the door stopped you, you immediately stepped towards the door to open it. behind the door, keiji in a navy yukata with white details looked very handsome, he even wore glasses, making him look twice as handsome. "you look beautiful," he complimented with a slightly blushing face. 
   "ready to go now?" he asked again, you nod. keiji held out his hand to you, and you took it. 
   when you arrive at your destination, there are lots of food and game stands lined up, the visitors are full, making keiji's calloused hands grip yours tightly so that you don't separate. 
   you pulled keiji to all the stands that caught your attention, making keiji put a smile on his face. in return, keiji tugs your hand a little to get your attention, and he takes you to a cotton candy stand with various shapes. "you want one?" he asked to which you answered with an enthusiastic nod. 
   "now we better find a place to watch the fireworks, i'm sure you don't want to miss that," keiji's statement made you look away from the cotton candy in your hand. "you're right! come on!" you said, again grabbing keiji's hand. 
   the two of you sat under the cherry tree with a clear view of the vast sky. one by one people took their places to watch tonight's fireworks, the wide field  which was initially only filled with a few people was now full. they were enthusiastic about keeping this beautiful night in their memories, especially the children who had asked many times 'when the fireworks would be lit'. 
   you chuckle at the children who can't wait to watch the fireworks, and so do you. suddenly the sound of a countdown was heard, making him reflexively look towards the sky. 
   akaashi placed his calloused hand on your soft one, making your cheeks flush with the small action. "the countdown has begun."
   the final countdown has been shouted, now the sky is decorated with colorful fireworks that look beautiful. but akaashi's eyes were fixed on you beside him, you who felt noticed it turned around and said, "this is so beautiful!" 
   you two stared at each other for a long time, your faces getting closer and closer. your body feels like it can't be moved, as if it knows that this is what you want. until finally keiji asked, "may i?" to which you answered with a small nod and flushed cheeks. 
   keiji's calloused hand held your head, one hand caressing your flushed cheek gently, and slowly your lips met. at first awkwardness gnawed at you, but whatever was on your mind, makes you reciprocate the kiss. 
   keiji pressed his forehead against yours after you guys parted from your kiss. your eyes still staring deeply into each other. with heavy breaths, keiji confessed his feelings to you, "i love you." 
   "i love you too." that night, many beautiful new memories were etched there.
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