#Suna Rintaro x pregnant reader
Being Their Pregnant Partner Featuring
Kita, Suna and Akaashi
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Kita Shinsuke x Pregnant Reader; Suna Rintaro x Pregnant Reader; Akaashi Keiji x Pregnant Reader
Warnings: fluff
AN: and again : D
The beautiful sight of his fields at sunset were nothing compared to your gorgeous, full figure walking towards him with a basket full of food. He stopped his work, gathering up his equipment before making his way to you at the edge of the field.
“I thought you were suppose to be resting dear,” he asked you, smirk across his face as you scowled back at him.
“Well, you’ve barred me from field work so I guess the only thing I can do now is make you food and laze about the house, which I might add, is boring!”
Kita knew you’d have a hard time with the end of your pregnancy and with getting the required rest the doctor had ordered for you. At first, he tried everything to get you to just take one nap a day to rest and relax. Eventually he gave up on his quest and let nature take its course. Now that you were 8 months, your body essentially forced you to take a break which you absolutely hated.
“Why don’t you work on your knitting? You always complain you never had time for that when you worked the rice fields with me,” Kita suggested as you sighed.
“Well now that I have time I don’t want to do that, I want to work!”
You’re pout drove Kita insane but he knew there was little he could do to help you at this point. You absolutely were not allowed to help him in the fields but maybe there was something else you could do.
“Hey what about helping with packaging? You know that’s something you can sit and do,” he declared, waiting your response.
“I guess,” you groaned, admitting defeat, “I guess it’s better than nothing.”
Kita smiled, kissing your forehead and you both sat down to enjoy your food.
Suna couldn’t help but laugh at the sight before him. There you were, on the floor covered in paint as you tried to maneuver the piece of baby furniture you were painting.
“Hey Rin!” You spoke, face and hands completely covered in green paint as you continued to happily paint ground edges with great detail.
Suna wasn’t sure how you managed to be so careful with painting the dress or yet so messy with yourself
“Babe, I told you I’d help you tonight when I got home from practice,” Suna laughed, coming over to you to help you get off the floor in your extremely pregnant state.
He held out his hands as you gripped them, pulling yourself up and into his arms. You giggled as your painted body touched his and his EJP hoodie, making the colors now yellow, black, white and green.
“Good thing I got like 50 more of these in my closet,” he joked as you smiled
“You mean in my closet, I borrowed at least 10.”
Suna just chuckled, thinking how lucky he was to have such an amazing and wonderful partner.
“You’ve been working on that article all night babe, don’t you think it’s time you take a break?” You interrupted, bringing in a cup of tea and some late night snacks for your husband who had been working all day.
“It’s not an article love, it’s a letter your baby,” Akaashi answered as you stopped, eyes shifting to him as you set the tea down.
“A letter to the baby? May I ask what it’s about?”
Akaashi shrugged, “well it’s kind of about how you and I met and how our lives were before baby.”
Tears welled up in your eyes at your husbands thoughtful gesture. Akaashi noticed the tears, getting up and hugging you tightly as you sobbed in his arms.
“T-that’s got-got to be the cu-cutest thing I’ve e-ever heard Keiji,” you bellowed as Keiji just chuckled, consoling you, one hand on your back and one on your belly.
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Many bitter sweet moments!
Dad!Suna x Mom!Reader
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I think I normally write Suna with a son but I’ll go daughter this time!
Tw~pregnant reader, in labor reader, labor, birth, contractions, anxiety, happy tears, skin to skin with babies!(I’ve included this in a bunch of my writings this week😭)
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You knew that Suna could be very nervous at times. That was fine, what was not fine was the way he paced around the delivery room only making you more agitated as he chewed on his lip occasionally looking back at you.
“Rintaro please sit down” you say, but his eyes widen and he can tell he’s only been making you nervous.
“Sorry” he mumbles as he takes your hand and squeezes it, you give him a little smile before wincing at another contraction.
Some few hours later, a tiny crying baby girl is placed on your chest and she’s the most beautiful baby you’ve ever seen in your life to both you and Rintaro.
When everyone’s settled down and you’ve gotten your time to hold the precious girl, you have Rintaro sit beside you in the hospital bed the sheets wrinkling underneath him as he shifts.
“Undo the shirt babe.” Yoh tell him as you tug his shirt up which is quickly discsrded onto the chair beside the two of you.
You gently shift the little baby onto his chest as she tries to scrunch up. You smile at the sight, Rin had told you he guessed the baby would be a girl, he’d always be telling you how excited he was to be a dad and now that he finally was, you could feel the love he had for his baby practically radiating off of him as bittersweet tears well in both of your eyes. The beginning of many bitter sweet moments!
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carleycore · 1 year
I love you
suna x pregnant!reader
synopsis: you’re 37 weeks pregnant, everything stresses you out but, suna’s always there to help and reassure you.
contains: self doubt, pregnancy, hating her body(idk what to call it),& lots of hurt/comfort
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“Angel, I brought your favorite takeout!” Suna called from the kitchen, unloading the bags so It’d be easier for you.
The first two trimesters were fairly easy for you. There was hardly and morning sickness and the only craving was ice cold water.
Third trimester was different. 
Old insecurities were appearing again everything was getting harder and harder.
You needed help going up the stairs, couldn’t tie you shoes, couldn’t wear shoes. Everything was difficult and it was really starting to take a toll on you.
“I’m coming.” You groaned, waddling slowly from your shared bedroom to the kitchen.
“She’s hurting you more today?” He asked cautiously, putting his bands on you belly and much to your dismay, she started kicking.
It was too much and you were scared.
You already saw the stretch marks forming in new places everyday and you couldn’t handle a little bit of pain and kicking.
There was so many things hurting and you didn’t know how to stop it.
Rintaro would help with back pain by giving you massages but now the slightest touch in the wrong spot would put you in immense pain.
The takeout smelt so good and all you wanted to do was sit down and dig in.
“Do you want me to feed you?” He asked, leading you to the couch and grabbing the food and utensils.
“No, it’s alright. I want you to eat too.” You said, leaning back onto the brunette’s chest, finding warmth in your embrace.
“You’re the one who’s gonna give birth any day now.” He wasn’t wrong so you didn’t protest.
There was a peaceful silence while he fed you. He was so gentle you started crying, well that and feeling like you’d be a shitty mom.
“Hmm?” He hummed, giving you another bite of rice before you continued.
“Do you think I’ll be a bad mom? Like I wont be able to take care of her?”
“Why would you think that?”
“I don’t know,” you sighed, “I just feel like I wont be as good as good as I should be.” It was stupid, you knew that. But, the thought wouldn’t leave your mind and it really felt good to talk about your insecurities with the man you loved.
“Trust me baby, you’ll be the best mom ever.” He simply said trying his hardest for you to understand him.
“I love you.” He said, wrapping his arms around you so he could feel your baby.
“I love you too, now get back to feeding me. We’re hungry!”
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rinslutz · 2 years
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FRIENDS WITHOUT BENEFITS — suna rintaro smau
signing with your record label, they had one rule: don't date the other artists or anyone at all. so instead, you and suna enter a friends with benefits arrangement. you’re not sure how much longer you can keep this “relationship” hidden when you find out that you’re pregnant.
pairing(s): suna rintaro x fem!reader
genre: angst !
tropes: friends with benefits, pregnancy, unrequited love, mutual pining, miscommunication (+ more later)
warnings: 18+ scenes, mentions of abortion, (+ more later)
taglist: (open)
schedule: every other day
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artists + others
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(more chapters coming soon)
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taglist: (open)
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years
Their Child Does And/Or Says Something Mean *Part 2*
Daichi Sawamura X Reader, Koshi Sugawara X Reader, Asahi Azumane X Reader, Kyoomi Sakusa X Reader
Requested: @mpregandmore​
Summary: Your the step parent and the kids are being mean.
Warning: Ungrateful Kids, Injury (Sakusa & Daichi), Fight (Asahi)
Part 1 (Toru Oikawa, Issei Matsukawa, Hajime Iwaizumi, Takahiro Hanamaki, Kentaro Kyotani)
*Part 3* (Kotaro Bokuto X Reader, Keiji Akaashi X Reader, Atsumu Miya X Reader, Rintaro Suna X Reader, Osamu Miya X Reader)
*Part 4* (Tetsuro Kuroo X Reader, Kozume Kenma X Reader)
Daichi Sawamura
👮 Daichi wasn’t a reckless person but once he actually became a police officer, the hours just didn’t fit with his previous partner and they ended up parting ways, however she was pregnant at the time. 👮 Daichi loved his little boy, but that didn’t mean that he went easy on him, there were rules he needed to follow and he knew this. 👮 When you joined the family permanently, Daisuke showed that he loved you as much as he loved his parents and for the most part listened to what you asked of him. 👮 There were still times that he pushed his luck and most of the time that was when Daichi wasn't around.
You opened the door for Daisuke as he run into the living room kicking off his shoes on the way, you glanced at him and walked into the kitchen, taking the homework out of his bag and laying it on the table walking into the living room “Daisuke you know the rules, come and finish some of the homework while I cook dinner.” You ordered and he looked at you and fell forward on the sofa. “But I’m tired.” Came his muffled reply. “I know but it’s Friday so you don’t have to do all of it today, I just need you to do some of it okay?” You asked. “Fine.” He agreed before getting up and walking into the kitchen, he sat down at the table and started working at you started cooking, you were about halfway through making the meal when Daisuke balancing on the back legs of the chair that he was sitting on, the kitchen was pretty small so if he fell he was going to hit his head pretty hard. “Daisuke, please don’t do that.” You requested as you continued to cook, “Nothing is going to happen.” He argued. “You could really hurt yourself.” You warned him. “I don’t have to listen to you, you're not my mum.” You turned away for a second and when you turned around you saw that he was doing it again, you were walking over to tell him to stop again when the chair tipped too far, you dove forward and caught the chair and Daisuke before he could hurt himself. “Are you okay?” You asked. “Yeah.” He answered as he looked at you, “I’m sorry.” “It’s alright just please don’t do that again.” You pleaded. “I won’t.” He answered, nodding “Your hand is bleeding.” You looked at your hand and saw that you were bleeding. “Oh don’t worry about that.” You smiled as you walked over to the sink and started washing your hands. “I didn’t mean what I said.” You looked back at him as you waited for you to continue. “I think you and Daddy should get married and then you can be my mum too.” “You think you can get me a plaster?” You asked and he nodded going into the bathroom to get you what you asked for, when he came back you put your hand out to him “you think you can put that on for me?” He nodded sticking the plaster over the small cut, you attempted to pull your hand away but he stopped you pressing a kiss to the plaster before nodding and going back to his homework.
After eating dinner you both watched a movie and ended up falling asleep on the sofa, Daichi came in at 11:00pm he smiled as he walked into the living room, he pressed a kiss to your forehead before lifting Daisuke off of you and carrying him into his room. “Dad?” He was woken up by Daichi putting him in bed. “Hey.” Daichi greeted him, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Where’s mum?” He mumbled and Daichi frowned. “She’s not here.” He answered honestly. “But we were just watching a movie.” He answered, Daichi’s eyes moved back in the direction of the stairs and living room. “(Y/N)?” Daichi asked “she’s downstairs I’m going to go and get her in a minute, you both fell asleep.” “Okay. Night Dad, I love you.” “I love you too Bud.” He said softly walked towards the door turning on the nightlight and then turning off the lamp before closing the door. Daichi then headed downstairs and found that you were still asleep, he turned off the T.V before easily lifting you off the sofa. “How was work?” You mumbled slightly woken up. “Work was fine.” He answered as he walked into the bedroom and gently placed you on the bed leaving you to get comfortable while he got changed, he climbed into bed pulling you over to lay with him, the plaster on your hand catching his eye. “What happened to your hand?” “We had a little incident today but it’s all cleared up now.” You explained. “Whatever you did worked because he called you mum tonight.” He answered and you smiled. “He did?” You asked. “Mmhm.” He hummed “get some sleep, I’ve got tomorrow off so we can talk then.” “Night Daichi, love you.” You mumbled falling asleep again. “Night sweetheart, I love you too.” Daichi said before settling himself.
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Koshi Sugawara
🙌 Suga was very much a paternal figure from a very young age. It started with his volleyball team and continued into his professional life so it did not surprise you when he said that he had a daughter. 🙌 You were surprised that he was a single father, Suga was a catch you couldn’t understand why anyone would have let him go, later on in the relationship you found out that his previous partner just didn’t know how to keep her hands to herself. 🙌 Kimiko bumped into you at the supermarket when she lost her Dad, you helped her find him and were surprised to find a hot single father frantically asking if anyone had seen his little girl. 🙌 Suga stayed in contact after that, insisting that he thank you for your help and then asking you on a date afterwards. Kimiko had always liked you but puberty brought it’s own problems.
Kimiko had come home from school, you knew because the door slammed behind her “Kimiko I told you about slamming the door!” You called from the kitchen as you dried your hands. “I don’t have to listen to you, this isn’t even your house.” You heard her say as you met her in the hallway. “Excuse me?” You asked. “You heard what I said.” She said flinging her shoes across the hallway in the direction of the shoe rack. “Can you put those away properly please?” You asked, she just looked at you before shoving past you to get to the stairs, you fell against the wall, ankle twisting as you tripped over the shoes you had asked her to put away. You struggled to the freezer grabbing something to put on your ankle before struggling to sit down.
Suga came through the door 15 minutes later, you heard him shuffling around in the hall and then he walked into the living room “what happened!?” He asked. “Nothing just hurt my foot, it’s nothing I was going to cook dinner in a minute though.” You waved him off but he walked over and crouched where your foot was raised on the table and moved the ice to see the large bruise forming over your ankle. “You won’t be doing anything.” He frowned as he lifted your leg and felt you flinch. “Sorry love, we need to wrap this okay, I think it’s just a sprain but we’ll see what it looks like in the morning.” He said softly “Kimiko!” “Yeah!?” She called back. “Can you bring down the first aid kit please!?” He asked, voice raised as he tried to keep your foot steady. “Are you going to tell me what happened or not?” “I just tripped over her shoes again, it’s nothing.” You waved him off and he looked at you and while you were sure that he wasn’t convinced he didn’t say anything. “What happened?” You heard Kimiko before you saw her but the moment that she saw your ankle her breath hitched. “That’s my fault.” She said as tears gathered in her eyes. “No, I mean you left your shoes out but it was an accident.” Suga tried consoling her as he reached out for the first aid kit, you hissed as your ankle rolled “sorry Love.” “Yes it is, this happened earlier, don’t lie to me, I did this didn’t I?” She looked at you and you sighed tears coming to your eyes. “You didn’t mean to hurt me.” You said softly. “What happened?” Suga asked, gently wrapping your foot. “Earlier-” “No, Kimiko, tell me what happened.” Suga stopped you from talking as he looked at his daughter waiting for the story, Kimiko explained what happened before looking at you. “I never meant to hurt you.” “I know you didn’t.” You said opening your arms for her, she walked over carefully climbing onto the sofa next to you and accepting the hug. “You know how you can make it up to us?” Suga asked as he walked over to sit on your other side. “Hmm?” She hummed. “You can make dinner.” He said as you looked at him and rolled your eyes. “I can still-” “Do nothing.” They both said at the same time. “I’ll cook but you have to make sure that she doesn’t do anything.” Kimiko ordered as she rushed off into the kitchen. “Please don’t be mad at her, she made a mistake and she apologized.” You leaned your head against his shoulder. “I’m not mad at her but she’s still grounded for pushing you.” He said softly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Now you rest until dinner is done, I’ll wake you up when it is.”
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Asahi Azumane
🪡 Asahi was a bit scatterbrained in life so being a single parent was a challenge for him but he tried his best however when he met you he could not have been happier. 🪡 Akito was young when you and Asahi started dating and so to him it was normal for you to be there and he even thought that you were his Mum. 🪡 When he started in High School people started asking questions about his family and that was when he realized that you weren’t entirely the same as everyone else. 🪡 You guys never meant to keep it a secret but you never got to explain that before he assumed that you had been lying all his life.
You heard the door open and close “When were you going to tell me?” Akito asked as he walked into the kitchen, throwing his bag on the floor. “Tell you what?” You asked. “That you’re not even my real Mum!” He answered and you looked at him in time to catch his glare. “Where did you hear that?” You asked. “You think that I’d never find out!? What happened? Did you just take her place? What happened to her?” He asked as he stepped closer, his hands flinging out and knocking the glass containers on the floor. “You’ll have to ask your Dad what happened.” You answered because the truth of the matter is that you never cared enough to ask, he said that it didn’t end well and you never pushed for an explanation. “No, you tell me!” He ordered as he knocked more glass to the floor, you pulled yourself up onto the counter top to protect your feet as you pulled your knees up to your chest. “I can’t tell you, I don’t know what happened between your mother and your father.” You answered honestly, you could see that he didn’t believe you but before you could say anything else Asahi appeared in the doorway behind him. “What the hell is going on!?” He asked as he looked between the two of you. “When were you going to tell me that she’s not even my real mum? Was she just some woman that you wanted more?” He asked. “Careful what you say.” Asahi warned him as he looked over at you. “You have to tell him, whatever happened he needs to know.” You said. “I can go stay somewhere else for a couple of days or something but you guys need to talk.” “You aren’t going anywhere.” Asahi pointed at you before turning to his son. “You have no right to talk to or about (Y/N) she has raised you since you were younger and she’s never treated you anymore less then her own son, your mother was not a bad person but she didn’t know how to make the right choice and one day she almost got you killed and I had to leave, she’s never tried to find us since.” “She hurt me?” Akito asked. “You remember you always used to ask me about the scar on your shoulder?” Asahi asked and he nodded. “She did that.” “I didn't… I’m sorry… I just didn’t understand why you never told me.” Akito stuttered out as he looked over at you. “It’s okay, are you hurt?” You asked. “No.” He answered “I’m fine.” “Good, go into the living room, be careful as you do, when you get to the door take off your shoes so you don’t walk the glass into the living room carpet.” You ordered. “Can I go to my room?” He asked. “Of course, we’ll call you when we decide what we are going to do for dinner.” You smiled as he walked towards the living room door, he turned one last time. “I’m really sorry.” He said before you heard him going upstairs. “Alright Babe I’m going to come over and grab you okay?” Asahi asked. “Okay.” You answered softly as he walked over. Once he was close enough he guided your legs around his waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck, once he had lifted you off the counter and was holding you tight to his body he could feel you shaking. “It’s alright love, I’ve got you now.” He promised as he walked out the kitchen and kicked off his own shoes before walking into the living room. Asahi walked over to the sofa sitting down with you straddling his waist. “Are you okay?” “I’m okay.” You answered while pressing your face into his neck. “I never meant for this to happen, this is all my fault.” Asahi held you tighter “you could have gotten really badly hurt.” “This was no one's fault, you're both just really emotional people, you were both hurt and you dealt with it differently, we’re all okay and that’s all that matters.” You said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. “Where are you going?” He asked as you attempted to get up. “I have to clean the kitchen.” You answered. “No he’ll clean up the kitchen, we’ll order something and we can eat in here.” He answered. “We’ll order it in a minute but first just sit with me for a little while yeah?”
A couple of minutes later Akito came back down the stairs and you glanced at him and smiled by now, Asahi had changed position so that he was laying against your chest between you legs, you had taken his hair out of it usual bun and started massaging his scalp which seemed to have sent him to sleep. “He’s asleep?” Akito asked. “Yeah.” You answered. “Are you hungry? Here, pick something.” You handed him your phone, he took it and started to scroll through the app looking at restaurants. “You know you're the best mum I could have asked for.” He suddenly said and you looked at him “anyone else would have hated me after everything that I did today.” “The right people understand why you did what you did today.” You answered “the truth is it was never the right way to go about it. We both know that so how about we leave it where it is and we move on with the promise that we never confront a problem like that ever again.” “Okay.” He nodded. “Promise?” You asked putting out your pinky. “Promise.” He answered with a roll of his eyes.
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Kyoomi Sakusa
😷 You honestly have no idea how Kyoomi managed to become a single father and he never spoke about it, you never really asked, there were parts of his life that he was still private about. 😷 Omi was struggling with being a single parent so when he met you and Kyou actually liked you he felt like his life was finally figuring itself out, he honestly couldn’t be happier. 😷 Due to his work Omi was away a lot and that meant that you were left with his daughter and as much her father was a careful and clean person you had learned that she was nowhere near the same. 😷 Now just because Kyou liked you didn’t mean that she didn’t still push the boundaries to see what she could get and most of the time that resulted in you having to put her in her place but there was the small percentage that resulted in someone getting hurt too.
It was a nice day out so you decided to let Kyou play in the garden while you got her dinner ready, you were keeping an eye on her while washing up everything that you used, there was a small part of the garden that you and Kyoomi had been trying to get treated because of the stinging nettles that kept growing there, you asked Kyou not to play near there because of the weeds but today it seemed that was the instruction that she was going to ignore, you noticed her straying towards them and called out to her “Kyou please come away from there.” When she continued to ignore you, you dried your hands and walked over to where she was playing “Kyou, what have we told you about playing over here?” “Not to.” She mumbled. “Come on then back to the other side of the garden.” You ordered but when she refused to move you gently took her hand which she then snatched away from you, you then placed both hands on her waist and lifted her, this was when she started to throw a tantrum, this threw you of balance so you turned yourself so that you fell into the nettles holding her up and away from the plants, you moved as best you could while keeping her away from the plants “alright time to go inside.” Once you were inside, you locked the door and put her at the table “can you eat your dinner while I go clean up?” “Okay.” She answered with a nod as you walked up the stairs into the bedroom.
Kyoomi was just finishing practice when his phone rang “(Y/N)’s calling ya.” Atsumu said after peeking over at the phone laying on the bench. “Hello?” Kyoomi asked, narrowing his eyes at ‘Sumu as he did. “Dad, I think mummy is hurt.” Kyou’s little voice sounded through the speaker. “What happened baby?” He asked as he started grabbing things and dragging Atsumu out of the changing room with him. “I wasn’t being very good, mummy fell in the stingy bush, she said that she was going to clean up but she hasn’t come back yet.” Kyou explained. “Alright baby, I’ll be home soon okay, you wait for me okay?” He asked. “What’s up man, why ya draggin’ me everywhere?” Atsumu asked. “Kyou said that (Y/N)’s hurt.” Kyoomi answered as he unlocked the car. “What happened?” He asked as they climbed into the car. “We have some nettles in the garden, Kyou must have been near them and (Y/N) tried to move her away from them but she fell in, Kyou’s worried because she hasn’t come out of the bathroom yet.” Kyoomi explained. “Well what do you want me to do, you want me to take Kyou somewhere?” He asked. “You guys have to go get cream and antihistamines.” Kyoomi answered. “Don’t you already have those?” Atsumu asked. “Yes.” Kyoomi rolled his eyes “but I need to get Kyou out of the house but she won’t leave unless she thinks she’s helping.” “Right got it!” Atsumu nodded. “Do you?” Kyoomi asked. “Yes I do actually!” He answered.
There was a knock at the door “I’ll be down in a minute Kyou!” You called through the door as you leaned against the sink, trying to calm the nauseous feeling in your stomach. You heard the door open but when you looked up you were greeted with the face of your boyfriend. “Hey Omi.” “Hi Sweetheart, how are you feeling?” He asked, eyes moving over the red and raised skin at the top of your back, shoulders and arms. “It would be fine if the stinging wasn’t making me feel sick.” You answered resting your head against the sink. Kyoomi hummed as he walked over to the shower turning on the water he made it lukewarm before turning back to you, he helped you out of the clothes you were in before ushering you into the shower. “I’m going to get you a towel and some clothes, I’ll be back in a minute.” He promised before walking away. “Where’s Kyou?” You asked when you heard him come back in. “Atsumu has taken her to go and get some things that we need.” He answered as he gently helped you out of the showers drying you off and helping you get changed, he walked you into the bedroom where you were sitting when there was a knock at the door. “Come in!” You called. “Here mummy, I bought the things you needed.” Kyou held up the tube of cream and the tablets while Atsumu carried in the glass of water putting it on the bedside table. “So you thought about my offer,  little nurse?” Atsumu asked as Kyoomi passed you one of the tablets and the water. “Are you feeling better mummy?” She asked. “Yeah much better, Daddy helped me clean up and you brought my medicine, I should be better in no time.” You smiled. “So you are going to be okay if I go with Uncle ‘Sumu?” She asked. “Of course Baby.” You smiled “you go have the best sleepover ever, remember Uncle Sho said you could do his hair this time.” “Yeah!” She cheered before running off, Atsumu followed after her. “You should make sure that she gets packed up properly.” You said once Omi finished rubbing the cream into the affected skin. “You’ll be okay?” He asked. “I’ll be okay.” You nodded before he disappeared out of the room, there was a little commotion in her room before she run back in leaning up to press a kiss to your lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow mummy, make sure you rest.” She ordered and you nodded waving as she ran out, a couple of minutes after Omi came back into the room shuffling onto the bed. “You came home earlier than usual, you can go shower and stuff if you wanted.” You mumbled softly the antihistamines were making you drowsy now and he looked at you. “Don’t worry I’ll be here when you get back.” “I won’t be long.” He promised, leaning down to press a kiss on your forehead. “Take your time.” You smiled as he walked into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
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absolutvirgin · 3 years
❛𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬❜
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𝒇𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔— oikawa toru, ushijima wakatoshi, miya atsumu, suna rintaro, and matsukawa issei x f!reader
𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒎𝒆— haikyuu!!
𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎— one-shot
𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆— nsfw
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔— gangbang, toxic relationship, mentions of divorce, neglect, mean!toru, impact play, breeding, vaginal penetration, anal, double penetration, fellatio, rough sex, hints of infertility, dub-con, sorta somno?, degrading, use of housewife slut and whore, cervix kissing, humiliation, filming, nipple play, spit as lube, masturbation, use of cunny, creampie, unprotected sex, squirting.
𝒗𝒊𝒓𝒈𝒊𝒏 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 — part of the “toxic” collab with @iwasbunny ALSO I HAVENT FORGOT BOUT DAY 2 OF MY KINKTOBER IM JUST HAVING A HARD TIME 😭
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 1.7k
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it was true, you and toru had been attempting to get pregnant for almost a year now. you had stopped taking birth control, had sex extra during your high fertility days, even went to see doctors for assistance. nothing was working. toru was angered, and your relationship slowly became more toxic over time.
toru decided to take it into his own hands. he called everyone he knew. he only got two responses. matsukawa issei and ushijima wakatoshi. when toru explained the situation to his ex-rival, ushijima mentioned two other names. he had gotten their contacts at nationals in his second year of highschool. toru agreed, he was desperate, what else could he do?
he circled the day on his calendar. he encouraged the other men to book the day off of work. it was the day your most fertile day in your cycle. if you didn’t get pregnant after this, it was a lost cause.
at first, when you came home from running an errand to find five huge volleyball players in your living room- you almost lost your mind. toru quickly explained the situation. “since you’re a worthless little housewife who can’t seem to get pregnant, i thought they might help me fatten you up. you’re going to be a good little housewife and do what i say, isn’t that right?”
you were shocked, and to be honest a little humiliated. he had told these men about your private life, and then he had the nerve to talk to you like shit in front of them! but then, you began to think. you pictured being stuffed full in every hole while your husband fucked his dick into his hand. your thighs had pressed together at the though, eyes glazing over.
“what a cute little slut.” matsukawa commented, his eyes focused on your thighs.
you meekly nodded your head towards torus previous question. you followed them into the bedroom. everyone removed their clothes in silence, your nipples hardening from the cool air. toru made his way over to the chair in the corner of the room. your eyes widened realizing he was leaving you alone.
ushijima approached you first, his hand cupping your tits as his mouth engulfed yours. one hand held your jaw that was sure to leave bruises. his other hand made its way to your nipple, pinching and twisting it. suddenly the other men were also surrounding you. their hands slightly pumping their dicks as the shiratorizawa ex-captain manhandled you. suna rintaro, one of ushijimas contacts slipped behind you, his hand reaching under and finding your wet folds. “such a whore, all wet for five men.” you whined into ushijimas mouth.
“i want her first.” atsumu piped up, another one of ushijimas contacts and sunas ex-teammate. “gonna pump her full.” he snarled, sitting down on the bed. ushijima released you from his kiss, you were panting to gain your breath back. suna nudged you over to the bed. “ride my dick, slut.” you nodded quickly, rushing over to hop on his lap.
his dick wasn’t long, maybe 5 inches. but the girth on this man was unreal. you whimpered and whined as you slowly lowered yourself onto him. he wasn’t having it though. before you could react his hands were on your hips, and he pistoned into you. “holy shit, holy shiiiit.” your nails dug into his shoulder, eyes rolling into the back of your head. he felt amazing. while he was fucking your pussy so hard, fingers began to prod at your other hole. you tried to protest, but they wouldn’t listen.
groans echoed throughout the room as the others fucked their fists. matsukawa spat lazy on your ass, watching the spit travel down your crack. without warning he plunged three large fingers into your ass. you tightened around atsumu so nicely that it had him spilling his seed into your womb. he continued fucking it deep into you, and it wasn’t long until the warmth in your stomach spread and you began to tremble, calling for atsumu.
“such a dirty fucking slut, screaming another’s man name. and with no fucking shame.” toru hissed, as he too came from the sight of you creaming on miya-sans cock. matsukawa continued his assault on your asshole, now fucking with all four of his fingers.
“my turn.” ushijima spoke, sitting next to atsumu. matsukawa retracted his fingers and atsumu lifted you off his soft cock, placing you on ushijimas lap. the olive haired man slapped his erection on your ass and lower back, motioning for you to sit on it. but when you moved to allow him entrance, he surprised you with entering the backside instead. his dick was so long and girthy but the burn felt so good, you couldn’t help the loud cry that escaped your lips.
“i’m gonna fuck your cunny, and you’re gonna except all my seed, is that understood, whore?” matsukawa had leaned in, whispering in your ear. you nodded quickly.
“yes, sir.” you had seemed to forget how big matsukawa was. his dick was longer and wider than any you’d ever taken before. it stretched you out so full, and when he bottomed out his tip was uncomfortably pushed against your cervix. ushijima began to fuck into your ass, his cock rubbing against your pussy walls and matsukawas length. matsukawa began to thrust in sync, each thrust as painful as the next. tears streamed down your face, eyes clamped from the unbearable pain. “too big, can’t take it all.” you whined, receiving a slap across the face from atsumu. matsukawa smirked as he picked up his pace, hitting harder against your cervix earning louder cries of pain.
“shut her up!” toru barked from the back corner. in seconds your head had been tilted to the side and a long dick violated your last empty hole. suna fucked your mouth with force, gagging and gurgling noises emitting from you. you tried to breathe through your nose as your ass, cunt and mouth took three big dicks. it was all too much.
your eyes open and you realize suna has his phone pointed towards you. he’s been filming this all along, and you cum almost instantly at the humiliation, your moan sending pleasant vibrations through the boys cock. suna grabs the back of your head, forcing your nose to bury in his bush of pubic hair. he cums down your throat, cock twitching with each rope of hot cum he releases. “swallow.” he orders, removing his limp dick from your cavern. you glance up at him, looking at the camera lense and swallowing. you then stuck your tongue out, proving you had swallowed it all.
suna grins down at you. now that your mouth was unoccupied, your moans raised in volume and both ushijima and matsukawa continued to relentlessly pound into your two other holes. you began whining from the stimulation, it was almost too much.
it felt like forever until they both came. ushijima unloading in your ass first. it took a few more minutes until matsukawa came, pushing so deep into you you had passed out.
when you awoke, you felt numb. cum covered your chest, face and lower regions. outside the window it was dark and you were now on the floor. and the four men still surrounded you, suna now inside you. “toru, please.” you whined, reaching for your husband. “want you to fill me up.”
“am i not enough, whore?” suna growled, grabbing your chin and spitting in your face. in response, your walls clenched around him.
“even with four other cocks, you still want mine? guess i’ve trained my little housewife better than i thought.” toru stood from the chair, making his way towards you. “want my cock in your cum filled hole? such a greedy whore.” the brunette tsked. with a low, deep groan suna came inside you. your pussy was overflowing with a mixture of cum, and he was afraid if he pulled out, the seed would leak out. “don’t worry slut, i’ll fill you up just how you like it, let you be my own personal cumdump. how do ya like that?” you whined, nodding your head.
toru motioned for suna to move, the cum leaking out, travelling down your ass and forming a puddle on the floor. “i’ll show them how it’s done, hm?” you blabbered in response, squirming in anticipation. toru wasn’t huge. he was an average length and girth. but he knew how to fuck you so good. with his two fingers he attempted to stuff as much of the other men’s cum back inside your fluttering hole. then, he slammed into you. he lifted your leg over his shoulder so he could find the best angle. even with how numb you had been, toru was hitting such a good spot that the pleasure was incomparable to anything else you had felt that night. tears began streaming down your face once again, hiccups and mewls leaving your lips. your hands attempted to grasp onto your husband but he just kept hitting your hands away. “you’re so much prettier when you shut the hell up.” he snarled. “look how disgusting you are.” his eyes darkened, his face forming an expression of disgust. “but you love it, don’t you?” he chuckled darkly, slowing his fact paced thrusts in order to fuck you harder.
“if you’re not pregnant after this, i’m fucking leaving you.” toru spat, hand reaching down to pinch your clit. pleasure wracked through your body in a warm wave, entire body tensing and shivering with your release.
“cum- ‘m cumming. cumminggggg!” you don’t have time, or the mind to tell him something is wrong. something is different. clear liquid gushes out, all over your husband. around the room, the other men cum with a groan from the sight. toru adds his seed to your collection.
“pass me a plug.” matsukawa is quick to hand him one. “you’re gonna keep this in until i return, alright?” you close your eyes, tiredly nodding.
“yes, sir.” you can hear toru stand up, the sounds of clothes rustling and belts buckling. then you hear the sound of the bedroom door opening and closing. they had left you all alone, dumb off of dick on the cold, bedroom floor, pussy full of their sperm.
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dark-and-kawaii · 3 years
𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽 : who do u think is most likely to cheat on u in haikyu? U can pick top 3 because I know the list might be long.i just want to feel sad
𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 : Atsumu x Reader - Oikawa x Reader - Suna x Reader
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 : Cheating - Angst - A splash of Nsfw
𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮 : I did these late at night so there might be some errors. I genuinely see all three of these boys cheating which is why i picked them and i tried to capture them as best i could. I just dont see Atsumu being a man whore just because he knows he's attractive. Anyway I hope that these make you feel all kinds of sad babe xoxo
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Miya Atsumu is very likely to cheat, its not that he wants to, it just kinda happens when he's away from home. He misses you and sometimes he has one too many drinks and everything spirals out of control… its not an excuse and he knows this. He wants to feel you, to have your perfect pussy milk his cock… his vision is blurry, his words tripping on his tongue, is that you over there in the corner of the room, sure looks like you...
 It breaks his heart when he wakes up next to some nobody whore that threw themselves at him the second he walked up to her… he had to work to get you- you weren't like these pathetic girls… so why does it keep happening? Is he really that needy? Abusive and a tyrant… was Samu right about him?
No thats not it, he fucking misses you… he doesn't want anyone else. Holding his head sitting on the edge of the bed in the hotel room, Atsumu clenches his teeth… why can't you just be here? You're his rock that keeps him grounded… fuck. 
Its not just his teeth clenched the last time it happens, he can't help but to shed a tear, why is he doing this to you?? 
His head hangs low, his hair covering his face so you can't see the waterworks getting ready. He isn't upset you caught him, he's upset at himself for hurting you, for knowing he's the reason you're about to walk away from him… 
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Oikawa Toru is the most likely. He craves attention and he honestly was made for attention. 
He's tall, athletic, handsome, pretty, sculpted, and just too perfect to look at. That's all the girls see when glancing his way, and when they cling to him at parties his heart can't help but to skip a beat or two. 
Oikawa helps guide the two new blondes into a secluded room away from his team and everyone else. He's ready to give these two a test run. That's all he wants, nothing serious, after this one time use he'll be done and nothing will ever happen again… right? Maybe.
He does travel a lot. He has needs… So you wouldn't mind, right? You aren't here to take care of his needs, right? Whats the harm, right? 
He tells himself that every time, until finally one test run flies to Japan to tell him the news… Only she finds you answering his door. 
Who is this? You ask yourself.
She knows who you are though, she saw you on Oikawa's lock screen, his arm draped around your neck in the photo…
With a devilish grin she doesn't give a shit, and she tells you how she's pregnant with his child. 
Slamming the door in her face you turn to find a scowling Kawa, he's upset she's here, upset that you're about to pack and leave him… him, Oikawa Toru, the man everyone wants, right? You'd never leave him over this, right? He's upset that he's about to lose you but he's more upset that he got caught… 
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Suna Rintaro does it simply to destroy the relationship… He feels you're too good for him, and that if he fucks it up then at least there is a good reason for you wanting to leave him.
What he doesn't realize is how much you actually really do love him. In your eyes he's the perfect guy, calm, collected, a smart ass when need be, playful, and quiet unlike the loud mouth on his team, Atsumu.
You never planed on leaving him, you wanted to always be his number one fan and pillar...
Suna loves how you look at him with so much love everyday, peck his cheek before he goes to practice… it warms his soul and spreads a small smile on his face.
So why is he letting his science partner straddle him on his bed… the bed you were just laying in last night… the bed where he lost his virginity to you on…
Oh right, he knows you'll leave him eventually for someone better. Someone who isn't on their phone as much as he is. Someone who can give you the world and all the attention.
You'll probably leave him soon actually, because he see's the way Atsumu looks at you… see's how you look at him… Hes a much better fit for you, strong, outgoing, loud, attractive… he'll be successful and give you a good life.
Suna Rintaro has to force his own climax as his science partner rides him, he doesn't even really know her name… and she's nothing like you… she's erratic and…. Damn this sucks…
It happens the next two times she comes over to "work on their project"... He's genuinely surprised you haven't ended things yet, didn't you notice the scratch on his chest? Or are you playing games with him… Maybe you and Atsumu are working on your own school project…
That vivid image dissipates in seconds as soon as he hears his bedroom door open and hears your frail voice say his name, "R-Rin?"
Suna's chest stings, he wants to grab it but the girl atop of him is keeping him from doing so… Then again, you were just coming over here to end things with him anyway, to laugh at him and express how much better Atsumu was, weren't you?
Thrusting his hips upward into the girl, he gives you a full display as to why you deserve someone better than him.
With his own insecurities consuming him, you hastily scramble out of his house in tears… dropping his favorite kind of gummies on the way…
Its not until after the girl leaves Suna see's the gummy bag on the floor… you weren't here to end things with him after all...
~ 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓚𝓲𝔀𝓲 𝔁𝓸𝔁𝓸
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morallygreyyn · 3 years
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hey! I’m heather and welcome to my anime fantasies! a lot of posts on this blog will have elements of questionable behaviour as I do like to write morally grey people so bear that in mind when requesting a villain or a morally grey character! not much is off limits! all nsfw posts will feature a domme reader and even some sfw posts will have domme reader elements!
will not be accepting requests sent straight through to my dms! only accepting requests that go to my inbox! dms are for chats only! any request that is sent via dm will be ignored!
Rules are below the character list!
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・༓☾ 𝒻𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑜𝓂𝓈 ☽༓・
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- Oikawa Tooru
- Kageyama Tobio
- Kozume Kenma
- Kuroo Tetsuro
- Goshiki Tsutomu
- Tendo Satori
- Akaashi Keji
- Miya Atsumu
- Miya Osamu
- Suna Rintaro
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
Boku no Hero Academia
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- Bakugo Katsuki
- Kaminari Denki
- Todoroki Shoto
- Tamaki Amajiki
- Shinsou Hitoshi
- Dabi
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
Hunter x Hunter
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- Illumi Zoldyck
- Hisoka Marrow
- Kurapika Kurta
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
One Piece 
only on the fishman island arc so this list will probably grow
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- Sanji
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・
Twisted Wonderland
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- Riddle Rosehearts
- Azul Ashengrotto
- Jade Leech
- Jamil Viper
- Vil Schoenheit
- Rook Hunt
- Divus Crewel
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
Obey Me!
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- Leviathan
- Belphagor
- Satan
- Barbatos
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 ℐ 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓌𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
domme readers (come get y’all crumbs)
fluff, angst, smut - pretty much all genres tbh
omegaverse (alpha readers and omega characters only)
nekoverse  (human readers and neko characters only)
what I will write and are requestable: one-shots, headcanons, another part of an existing post of mine
what I will write but are unrequestable: SMAUs, multiple chapter series
kinks that I’m comfortable with writing
blood, gore, yandere (reader only)
female and gender neutral readers
any morally grey shit 
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 ℐ 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝓌𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
submissive readers - absolutely will not do this, no exceptions. there is far too much on tumblr and everywhere else already. nsfw posts on this blog are purely for my domme readers who just want to top our favourite anime boys (can you tell I’m petty lol)
fem/reader pregnancy / trying to get pregnant - I don’t like kids so I won’t do it
daddy kinks and foot fetishes
male readers
ships - I’m not a shipper myself so I won’t write for it
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑒𝓍𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓈 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
please specify when requesting whether you’d like gender neutral or fem reader! default gender will be female unless specified otherwise!
please do not request a character who is not on this list - i will not write for them and will most likely ignore your request!
please be polite when requesting! I am under no obligation to complete a request I don’t like but I will try my best to complete all requests
there will be times when I have to go on hiatus due to burnout so please understand when that happens that I won’t be able to write
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mrskurono · 3 years
[strong]  suna rintaro x fem!reader
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a/n: i don’t know what this is, i was gonna do the fwb one but this came into my head when i was grocery shopping...never thought i would comfort write with fucking Suna but here we are word count: 1.2k tags: mention of traumatic birth, child birth mention, NICU mention, stressful situations, mention of blood, fluff in the form of just being together, established relationship, idk comfort character(s): Suna Rintaro (hq)
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He was strong. Just like his dad is. 
Perhaps you didn’t feel anywhere near as strong as those two normally. But those fleeting seconds after your son was finally delivered. And Rin brushed your hair off your sweaty forehead to replace it with his lips. Praising you for your hard work and the baby boy you’d just delivered. 
Those seconds you felt stronger than anything. That was until in the disarray you could remember something about your baby needing to be taken elsewhere. It was in those short lived seconds after that moment, no matter how many times in the following days Rin told you that you were strong, the words felt like a lie. 
You weren’t as strong as you hoped. And when you looked at the peaceful water logged face in his NICU crib all but bundled up like it was nothing. You were reminded of that.
“Go change your pad.” 
Eyes torn from the infant’s face below you. Rin’s hand against your back caught more of your attention at first than his words had. You hate to look away even for a second but he was right. 
Placing a kiss against your temple the man hugs you into his side, “It’s been a few hours. Just go freshen up I’ll watch him.”
Your words trail as do your eyes back onto your sleeping son, “I hate leaving him...” 
“You’re not leaving him. I’m right here you know.” Rin’s gaze followed yours to his little squished version of himself. 
With every fiber of his being he loved this thing before they even made their grand appearance. Now with his son tucked happily in his swaddle before him. Rin had no idea how much it could hurt to have your heart living outside your body.
“Go, now.”
You groan but cave to his firm suggestion. 
Things were sore. Sore in places you didn’t even know could be sore. The relief of not being pregnant anymore was replaced with dull aches and pains that were slowly wearing off. Something to be missed about the baby belly. Seeing your son’s face in person beat every ultrasound in the world though.
As Rin had pointed out. You did need to change your pad. Soaked in blood and like changing your own diaper. You take a moment in the quiet hospital bathroom to breath deep and remind yourself this wasn’t going to last forever. He would be home. All three of you would be home. Everyone would be home and stronger from this.
Ready once more you quicken your pace back to your son’s hospital room. Knowing the doctor was going to be making the rounds soon for chart notes. You’d hoped to catch them. As up beat as you were about it there was no way you couldn’t pester the staff about your son’s well being each time you came in. He was all but an exceptionally healthy baby save for a little infection. 
It killed you. Knowing he had threaded that line so finely. Rin had pointed out it was the best case scenario of a worst case one. You appreciated his look on this as both of you hadn’t slept much since the birth but your husband retained a firm and steady hold on everything. A blessing in disguise really as you looked around and saw babies so sick. Some only a fraction of what your son weighed. Other’s not even making much noise as you both already found out what your son’s screams sounded like. This was hard but looking around as you walked through the NICU, you found there was always harder.
Noticing the chart on your son’s door already had a check on it. Cursing to yourself it meant you took too long and missed the doctor. Hurrying to get what they said from Rin. You quickly soften your entrance upon seeing your son laid out on his dad’s chest.
Rin, with his little mini me, stripped of his shirt with the diaper cladded baby on his broad chest. Looked up when he heard the sliding door open. His tired expression didn’t change much. Save for a little up turn of the corners of his lips.
“I miss them didn’t I?” You huff as you come to stand beside your husband holding your son, “What did they say? Do we have to stay longer? What was the tests?” 
Still with the slightly up turned smirk, Rin didn’t say anything. You glowered down at him.
“Rintaro what did they say? You had better listened to it when-”
“He comes home in five days.”
Rin’s slight smile turned into a full blown one. You could see he’d been fighting back tears this entire time. Waiting for you in fact. He pressed his lips to his son’s head and closed his eyes, “Everything came back negative. All of the cultures. He can go home right after his last dose of anti biotics.”
Strength was fighting urge to keep the crawling sensation in your throat down. Instead your bottom lip quivered. Best of your ability you leaned over and pressed your forehead against your husband’s. Your own tears overshadowing his own as you broke into a watery smile.
“You ass.” You laughed best you could with the frog in your throat, “You coulda just told me that from the start jerk.”
He looked up at you smiling. God he looked just like his son. Even if his face was a little pinched and eyes still shut. There was no mistaking who’s baby that was as Rin held him close to his chest. You stared at both of them a second before Rin used his free arm to pull you back down to him. Replacing the forehead touch from before with an actual kiss.
Long and drawn out. Even with the faintest taste of salt on them. You kiss him back as earnestly as he leans up into you. Unsure if you’d actually kissed since the birth of your son. Rin doesn’t let you pull away even as his thumb rubs against your cheek and he makes you look at him in the moment after the kiss dissipates, “You are so strong. Stronger than I could ever be. I love you.”
Your bottom lip quivers and you shut your eyes tight to squeeze the tears away. You didn’t feel strong. In fact you felt weak. Tired. And drained. Dropping down to your knees you wrap your arms around his neck with care to lay only a gentle touch over your baby’s back. 
Feeling the squirms from your son under your palm and not in your tummy anymore. This was so much more than you could imagine. Everything felt so intensely you lean your head against Rin’s and take in a deep shaky breath.
You weren’t strong. You’d never felt strong. But Rin never lied to you. Even as teenagers. If he said it then it must be true.
Turning your head you press your lips against his temple and savor the moment you feel your son move on your husband’s chest instead of inside you. Knowing full well this will soon be over but still incredibly thankful for this very moment.
“You’re so strong...I see where your son must have gotten it from.”
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haikyuuwaifu · 4 years
Genre: Angst, Drama
Warning: Swearing, Sexual Innuendo
Suna x Reader
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-Makki and Yachi think Y/N works too hard so they gave her a forced day off. Funnily enough the first person she thought of was Rintaro, so of course she wanted to do something with him. She had a free day and mans wasn’t gonna tell her NO. She wasn’t too keen on him buying her shit though. Cause BABYGORL is I.N.D.E.P.E.N.D.E.N.T but like...Suna is lowkey smooth as fuck and can turn her into mush with like a single panty dropping smirk soooo…
-Tooru over here trying to start shit LMAO. She hasn’t given up Kenma as her ULTIMATE sugar daddy; but like CUFF SUNA cause mans is sexy AND respectful. Atsumu still has no idea how he fucked up and there’s a bet going around on when he’s going to actually figure it out. After shopping he took Y/N out for some cake; and COULD NOT miss the opportunity to mention *hers* on tweet. Cue; hot faced Y/N.
-Ushijima is a bitch baby pass it on. Telling her she can’t have male friends. BOY BYE! Y/N’s friends are the greatest friends ever. They’re really ready to pull up and kill a mother fucker. Good think Iwazumi has plans to crush Ushijima on the court and Kenma has plans to deal with his image off the court. Mans ain’t ready for what’s gonna happen to him. 
-Kuroo and Issei really did end up going straight to Y/N’s after work. She was already snuggled up to Rintaro so the other two just threw on some sweats and proceeded a hefty cuddle pile until Kenma showed up for snuggles and with food. Rintaro learned just how sadistic Kuroo, and Issei could be and made a mental note NOT to piss them off EVER. 
-Semi found out about what Ushijima said when he went to the Crows Nest to pick up his paycheck for his last performance. Hoshi was ready to bust Ushijima’s kneecaps; Shirabu is a dumb bitch and Goshiki really left practice and went to Y/N’s to see if she was okay. He was NOT expecting Suna Rintaro to answer her door. Not gonna lie, but the man is MUNDO intimidated by the Middle Blocker. Goshiki ended up spending the evening getting to know her friends and is silently shipping Rin/YN. 
-Not Ushijima in Suna’s DM’s trying to threaten him. Y/N was in the shower during this time which left the boys there to deal with dumbass Wakatoshi. Unlike Ushijma, Rintaro doesn’t care about his image. He’s got his money invested in a number of things and he has no plans to play for the rest of his life. What he cannot stand is that a man like Ushijima thinks he can control a free spirit like Y/N. He wasn’t lying when he told Ushijima that if he wanted something he’d get it. The boys were a little wide eyed when they saw the pregnant thing BUT Suna wasn’t lying. 
May the better man win😈
@dabilove27 @laughingismorefun @versatilewindow @mygreat-perhapes @amberisnotcrazy @bbymilkbread @sunflwrsandprettyskies @sempiternal-amour @exosehun-94 @bakuhoetoedoroki @elianetsantana @hidden-otaku-stuff @timeskipiwaizumi@iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney @bumblebeesofspace @aquariarose @starry-magicshop @channiechanchan @shoutosimp @miracleboy420 @yafriendlyfangirl @agaashesmilktea @cataxtrophic​ @kit-kat428​ @crybabbicus​ @rogueofbullshit​ @nerdynstoned​ @ouijaeater15​ @yafriendlyfangirl​ @bi-furious-disaster​
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haikyuuwaifu · 4 years
Miss Independent
Genre: Crack, Humor, Drama, NSFW, Mild Angst
Warning: Mild Angst
Kenma x Osamu x Suna x Reader Poly
D & Y/N| K & S| O& Y| Suna & Yui
Suna & Yui
He met her, the summer before his first year at Inarizaki. Her name was Yui and she had just moved into the neighborhood. Rintaro’s mother offered for her son to show the new girl around, and that summer was the best summer of his life. He had never spent so much time laughing, or just existing. As the summer ended he knew,  that she was someone he wanted to get to know more. So get to know more he did.
Rintaro and Yui started their first year of high school as boyfriend and girlfriend. Things weren’t so hard in the beginning, because they managed to spend almost all their free time together, but then Rintaro’s friend Atsumu convinced him to join the VBC with his twin, and suddenly their unlimited amount of free time was squished down to hardly any free-time at all. 
But Yui didn’t mind. She loved watching Rintaro get excited about something, so a few weeks after he joined the club, she applied for the position of team manager. Rintaro didn’t show it, but he was pleased that his girlfriend was willing to do something like that for him. It meant a lot to know that she was interested in his interests as well.
The couple spent the rest of high school that way. Fighting was rare between the two because they knew each other so well. Yui knew when Rintaro needed space, almost always after a heavy loss. The same way Rintaro knew she needed comfort when she didn’t do well on one of her exams. They were considered the “ideal” couple through the whole of Inarizaki. They had been together for all of high school and the future looked promising. 
Suna had already given Yui a promise ring the year before. The loss to Kurasuno the year before was difficult for Inarizaki, but she had been there for him; and in that moment as she held him when he cried he knew...He knew that Yui was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, so that summer he worked to save up and presented her with a promise ring; on the first day of their last year of high school. “I promise baby, when we finish school, and I make it pro I’m going to fucking marry you.” he had told her peppering her face full of kisses as she had giggle against them sliding the ring on her finger. 
Everything for Rintaro was perfect.
“Rinta! We did it!” Yui smiled squealing as she launched herself into the arms of her future. Suna pulled her close dipping his head down to pull her in for a soft kiss. “I am so proud of you baby.” he whispered, rubbing his nose against hers. “Honestly, I didn’t know if I could do it, but I’m glad I had you there to support me.” she whispered, fingers playing with the stray threads. “Oi, love birds! Kita is here and he wants a group picture of his “children” for his little group of mother hens or whatever!” Atsumu shouted arm coming around Suna and Yui’s shoulders. Standing next to his two best friends Suna smiled as he posed for the camera. Yui was behing Kita, smiling widely at him not a care in the world. 
This summer was supposed to be their last summer as kids, before the stresses of college life would begin. Suna, Atsumu, and Osamu had all applied to schools in Tokyo, and luckily enough they had gotten into the school Kita had gotten into. Yui was going to be going to college in Sendai. As much as she wanted to go to Tokyo, Sendai had a better program of study. A few weeks before graduation, Yui found out she got into Sendai, but that she needed to go on a trip for the summer related to her program study. That impromptu trip ruined all the plans the couple had for the summer, but Rintaro didn’t mind. Yui had been sacrificing things for him their entire relationship, so with his okay he had sent her off. 
Yui would be spending most of the summer traveling and working with relief programs, to help get a better understanding of the world outside of Japan. She wouldn’t have her phone and writing letters would be impossible considering she had no permanent address. So, Suna and Yui spent the summer doing their own things and preparing for their own futures. His was filled with packing up his life in Hyogo and making the move to Tokyo. Instead of staying in the dorms, he and the twins found an apartment with a fair rate; thanks to Kita’s photographer friend. He and Atsumu spent most the summer in training prepping for the college season and fulfilling the requirements needed to go pro. He thought about Yui often and he missed her like crazy, but he was sure she was doing fine without him, and he only needed to wait a few months for her to come home.
What was meant to take 2-3 months ended up taking an extra 5 months bringing it to a grand total of Yui being gone for 8 months. Around the 3 month mark, she had managed to get a letter to him, explaining that she would be staying on longer and that she loved everything she was learning; she couldn’t wait to show him everything she had seen. At the bottom of the letter, she wrote down the time and the place that she would meet him at the train station; and Rintaro counted down the days.
The day of their planned meeting Rintaro was nervous. He had opted to dress nice, and he had a ring box burning a hole in his pocket. The 8 months apart was hard for him, but it made him realize that he was sure that she was his future. He didn’t care where he was in life, so long as she was there with him. Sitting on a bench he waited knee bouncing nervously as he watched passengers coming and going through the train station. 
30 minutes after he sat down Rintaro heard the sounds of a laugh he knew all too well. Standing up he turned in the direction he heard it form, and made his way towards it only to stop in his tracks as he watched Yui, being carried off the train. He took in every new thing he noticed about her, she had changed; and yet she hadn’t changed hardly at all. Yui giggled at the man who carried her off the train and settle herself on her feet. Picking her head up, her eyes widened comically as they came face to face with Rintaro standing in front of her. “W-What are y-you doing here Rin?” she stuttered out, hands coming to mold around her small protruding belly. Suna’s eyes followed her movements and widened themselves as he noticed the swell in her midsection. “Peaches, who is this?” the man behind her asked softly, as he pulled their luggage with them. Yui waved her hand dismissively, “This is just an old friend darling, you go get the rest of our things while we catch up.” she murmured kissing his cheek softly. 
Turning towards him, Yui spoke, “What are you doing here Rin?” she murmered arms crossed over her chest, her stance steady. “I thought I was coming to meet my girlfriend after 8 months a part. I thought I was coming to see the love of my life as we agreed in the letter you sent...instead I come to the station to find you pregnant and with another man Yui...what the actual fuck is happening here?!”he seethed hand crushing the flowers he had bought for her. “It was hard being away from you, not being able to talk to you, and I did a lot of soul searching Rinta.” she mumbled eyes looking out into the sea of people ahead of them. “Going on that trip has changed my life.” she smiled softly. “Changed your life? What about our life Yui? What about the life we had planned and our promises?!” he snarled. She snorted softly rubbing her belly. “You didn’t really think you could make it pro did you? You’re good Rinta, but you’re not that good.” she murmured. “ Tachi-chan is a good man, and he gets me in a way that you never could Rinta...and we’re meant to be. We’re soulmates.” she sighed wistfully. “We eloped, and we’re expecting.” she giggled showing off the shoddy little band they had purchased from a street market. “ We’re on our way to his parents house to stay with them, until we can get a place of our own...we...Rinta...we were never meant to be forever, and I see that now.” she hummed rocking on the balls of her feet. Hearing her name being called, she smiled and waved. “I hope everything works out for you Rinta, but this is where our story ends.” and Suna Rintaro watched, as the love of his life walked away; into the arms of a man she had only met months ago. Heart shattered and trust completely broken.
-Rintaro ended up returning the ring, and locking himself away for a few days. His entire life had been shattered in a matter of moments and no one could pull him out of it. 
-When he finally made his way out of his room, his friends were there to help him work through it. Osamu was more help, as he’d been through a very difficult heartbreak as well so the two of them slept their way through college without a care in the world.
-Rintaro focused on his studies and on volleyball. He ended up proving Yui wrong when he was recruited by the EJP Raijin and later traded to play with his best friend for the MSBY Black Jackals; but at that point Yui, was just another blip on his radar.
@dabilove27 @amberisnotcrazy @elianetsantana @cloudyxlay @exosehun-94 @deaththekidwantsyou @sempiternal-amour
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