#attacking u lovingly for this anon
fatuismooches · 1 month
Okay but… Learning that Arle’s curse regressed when she was with Clervie and wasn’t as bad just makes me wonder if that would happen with her s/o.
It’s not obvious at first, but the more time she spends with you, her curse lessens a bit in your presence. It might not completely regress, but maybe it becomes a lighter shade of grey, or maybe it recedes down her arms a bit. I just think it would be incredibly wholesome to be able to make her feel so calm and loved and happy again that her curse could improve in your company, if only even a little bit.
When she’s around the others nobody can tell, but when she comes home to you after a long day, wraps you up in her arms and lets out a sigh of release, her curse wanes as she becomes overwhelmed with peace.
AWW... so cute!! Arlecchino's curse had long covered far up her arm, a stark difference from when she was a child. She already accepted she wouldn't be able to see her lower arms and fingers return to their original color, but she had grown accustomed to it. Not to mention, you were never put off or scared by it, which was the most important part for her.
Arlecchino was a woman who always had her guard up, playing the role of a strict and unfeeling Father, carrying out her Harbinger duties, being the perfect diplomat. With her poised manner, it seemed like this was nothing to her. She even acted this way around you. But only you could see the very tiny holes in her act, when it was just the two of you. In the beginning, she wasn't very receptive to it, not because she was annoyed or anything, but because she simply never felt the things that you made her feel when you held her before. it was a foreign feeling. It was a feeling that was always said to be a hindrance. But when you kept putting your arms around her and nuzzling into her soft hair, she couldn't help but be swayed.
Obviously, she doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve, but, you can tell she appreciates your soothing company. You were probably cuddling with her one day when you noticed her arms seemed different, but you didn't comment on it because you just thought maybe it happens sometimes. But later on Arlie, ever the observant person, notices the ever so slightly receding of the curse. Naturally, she finds it odd, her curse hasn't regressed in so long, and she wants to find the cause. It doesn't take long for her to realize it fluctuates when she comes home to your arms after taking care of "business."
Of course, you feel very happy that you manage to have an effect on such a poker-faced woman. You have solid proof of how much she loves you! And it may not seem like much, but it's more than enough.
Another unrelated thought: When she says not to look into her eyes, because you may not like what you see. But reader isn't scared in the slightest and continues to stare right into them anyway. Arlecchino finds your boldness amusing but tells you not to be so reckless...
I think it's very cute, being able to be her solace after everything she's been through.
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explorevenus · 1 year
I first started finding Leon attractive after seeing him without the jacket in 4, but you are the one that gave me true Leon brainrot. Thank you for writing fics that scare me with how much I enjoy them.
Um... this is the emoji I would pick if I were an anon, so 💫
that is such an incredible compliment cosmic THANK U I'M EMOTIONAL
here is ur blurb <3
send me an emoji and i'll write a yandere!leon blurb based on it!
tags/warnings - reader is in captivity, daddy kink, leon calls reader pup/puppy, super sappy sweetness (if you ignore the kidnapping thing)
blurb below the cut !!! <3
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The sky was unusually clear tonight. You were on your knees on the bed, elbows rested on the window sill just above it as you gazed through the glass at the twinkling lights. You wished you could just get up, go outside and see them as they were, but the locked door, the only exit in the room, stood in your way.
You sighed, tracing lines between them on the cool glass, imagining constellations of your own. You were so zoned out reminiscing in the memory of glittering stars to the naked eye that you hadn't noticed Leon was home from work.
"What are you up to, pup?" Leon asked from behind you, startling you out of your daze.
"Sky looks so pretty tonight," You answered. "I miss it."
Leon went quiet for a moment and you felt the mattress dip gently behind you as he sat close, leaning in beside you to see the stars for himself. He hummed in agreement. "It is very pretty."
His focus zeroed in on the way your eyes rounded in wonder, the image of the starry window reflecting on your glassy gaze. It was always a welcome pleasure to see you happy. He knew what he had to do.
"Do you wanna go outside and look, sweetheart?"
You almost didn't believe him at first, pausing to turn and look at him. Judging by his face, you didn't think he was playing a trick on you.
Still, you were wary. "R-Really?"
With a warm smile he nodded, reaching forward to brush a small knot out of your hair with his fingers. "Yeah, really. No running off, though, alright? I want you holding my hand the entire time."
"Deal," You were quick to respond, rushing in your excitement to prepare for the grand privilege of going into the backyard for five minutes. You gathered some fuzzy socks to cover up your bare feet and reached for the first hoodie you saw, a plain black one you were pretty sure belonged to him.
Leon watched you with amusement, remaining cool on the outside but on the inside, his heart was quickly melting into a puddle. You were so happy. He'd made you so happy. Once you had finished pulling the slightly huge hoodie over your head, you scurried over to wait at the door for him, just like the good little puppy he knew you were.
He reached for your hand, and for the first time, you took it without hesitation.
Unlocking the door, Leon guided you through the hallway and down the stairs, through the dining room and to the sliding glass door that led to the backyard. You were practically vibrating with excitement as he unlocked the door, and you could hardly contain yourself anymore. You practically dragged him through the door in your rush to get outside, still clutching his strong hand obediently.
He followed along diligently, tugging at your hand a bit to slow you down. You went straight to the center of the yard, tilting your head back until the sight of the stars consumed your vision, spinning in little half circles to take it all in while continuing to hold his hand. You were expressing a level of joy he'd never seen on you before.
Suddenly, you flopped to the ground and he nearly had a heart attack until he realized you were just laying flat on your back, staring up at the sky, and again, still holding his hand. He couldn't possibly be mad at you for scaring him-- your beautiful face was glowing in the soft white light of the moon.
He laid down beside you, squeezing your hand lovingly. "What do you think, puppy?"
You couldn't tear your eyes away from the stars as you answered him in a dazed whisper, "It's so beautiful, daddy… So pretty and bright… I could just lay here forever."
While you couldn't look away from the sky, Leon couldn't look away from you, hair spread out messily in the grass, eyes twinkling, smiling wide, wearing his clothes and clutching his hand.
"I think I could too, sweetheart."
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deedadobee · 2 years
Hi Me again! The one who requested parent SuperVillain. I wanted to say it was great! Seeing SuperVillain being a good parent to Hero is very interesting and I wish there were more like this. If you wouldn't mind could you do a Parent SuperVillain and child Hero bonding time? Like Villain and SuperVillain rescue Hero and SuperVillain just getting overly protective while Hero is just happy to have their parent comforting them instead of Other Villain. Meanwhile Villain just awkwardly watches, unsure of how to react to seeing the most feared villain babying his Hero.
Lead To Rescue (part II)
added some ideas into this prompt, anon!! hope u like it!! here's the link to part I !!
After a long night of searching, SuperVillain and Villain found Other Villain’s hiding spot with Hero being restrained by cuffs that weakened their power. The sight of that alone ticked both their brains and attacked Other Villain with all their might.
Villain twisted Other Villain’s arm to their back and pushed them to the wall, cornering any attempt of escape they would think of. 
“I wouldn’t do anything dumb if I were you.” Villain spat out.
SuperVillain kneeled to unshackle Hero from the cuffs and pulled them into an embrace. Hero had their eyes shut and wrapped their arms around their parent.
“I thought I lost you, Hero.” SuperVillain muffled out, hugging their child harder.
“How did you find me?” 
“Villain, they lead us to you.”
Hero pulled away and looked behind them to see Villain pinning Other Villain, removing one hand to awkwardly wave.
“Starling, you have to start sending me updates of everything you do from now on, I can’t have you go missing like this again.” SuperVillain uttered out while placing a hand on Hero’s shoulder.
“Everything? Don’t you think it's too much?” Hero questioned oddly, cautiously avoiding the truth of their relationship of the other two villains.
“Nothing is too much when it comes to my kid’s wellbeing.”
“The fuck? Hero’s your chi-” Other Villain winced mid sentence as they were pushed further more into the wall by Villain.
“You better shut that mouth of yours before I stitch it shut.” Villain sneered, their pent up anger making it harder for Other Villain to even hope for peaceful escape.
“You weren’t supposed to say anything-”
“It’s about time I made it clear to the alliance that you are off limits, there is a reason I assigned you to Villain, they're not that harmful.”
A muttered ‘rude’ was heard from Villain, SuperVillain waved it off.
“...I haven’t seen you this stressed since I got my first bruise from a fight.” Hero laughed quietly, still processing their freedom.
“I’ll always be stressed about you, dearest, I promised (deceased parent) I would always protect you.”
Hero teared up as they pursed their lips, their heart ached at the mention of their dead parent. SuperVillain noticed their child’s welled up eyes and took their hands into their own, thumbs caressing their knuckles lovingly.
“Wouldn’t want to lose you too, my star, not now or ever.” 
Villain peeked at the warm reunion. They’ve never seen SuperVillain, a renowned and most feared villain, be this vulnerable and protective. It shone a light over a side Villain thought SuperVillain never had. 
Sniffling and wiping their tears, Hero stood tall and faced Villain and Other Villain, feeling grateful that Villain came through when they almost lost hope.
“I’ll take care of them, go with SuperVillain.” Villain affirmed as they took Other Villain off the wall, taking the weakling’s other hand behind their back. 
“Are you sure? I may have been kidnapped but I can handle taking him in.” Hero stated.
“I think you need to stay away from the scene, besides, I don’t think your parent wants to get you out of their sight.” Villain smiled and their eyes drifted to SuperVillain nodding.
“You just want to beat the shit out of Other Villain, don't you?” Hero said, cocking an eyebrow.
“You know me so well, Hero.” Villain started pushing Other Villain to walk out.
“Wait.” Hero blurted, making Villain stop in their tracks. Hero walked over to them and looked them in the eyes.
“Thank you.” 
“D-don’t mention it.” Villain’s eyes looked away from Hero, feeling their cheeks getting tinted.
“I’m serious, I… Thought you wouldn't find me.” 
“I’m your enemy, I’ll always find you, whether you want me to or not.” Villain continued to push Other Villain out.
Hero sighed as SuperVillain walked over to them. They made sure Villain was out of earshot before opening their mouth.
“I know I picked well, and I know you will too.”
“Huh? What do you mean by that?” Hero snapped out of their trance, confused about what their parent meant.
“Nothing, let’s get you back home,” SuperVillain avoided the question, “and maybe install a better security sensor.”
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kuraiangeliusm · 2 years
hi hi hi can i ask for 4nemo hcs? Like when you fall asleep when theyre not home?
can i be 👀 anon?
hey there 👀 anon!! im sorry this took like days to do, i've been busy with school and yeah i have a bunch of exams so-
but anyway i hope you still enjoy
Aether ✨
when he comes back to you sleeping he's half happy and half sad
happy because he knows you're having a good rest
sad because he has no one to rant to about his day 😕
also no one to comb through his hair as he falls asleep
so when he does come back to you asleep,
he cleans himself up and then snuggles with you
tries to snuggle with you as quietly and softly as possible so that you don't wake up
he does succeed
but you do wake up sometimes and you just hug him really tight and you sleep with him that way
either way, he loves when he falls asleep with you
after aether had finished all of his commissions and requests, he couldn't wait to get back to you. he was practically running back to where you were and even pushed a few people on the way (he didn't mean it tho).
when aether did get home to you, he cleans himself and then slowly walks to where you are. he stands there for a while, looking at you admiringly. he then walks to you, careful to not wake you. once he did get closer to you, he kissed your forehead and laid down next to you.
you woke up and heard the boy settling in. you turned to him. he looked surprised that you woke up, he thought he was being careful! "aether, dear. how was your day?" you asked him softly, running your fingers through his hair. "it was okay i guess though, a lot of people still kept asking me to do simple things like delivering letters or flowers. to be honest, it's getting quite annoying, [name]" he replies with a sigh.
"aether, i know it's hard but just remember, i'm always here for you." he continues telling you about his day, with you combing his hair with your fingers gently. soon, you fell asleep and aether noticed this. so he stopped talking, held you closer to him, and laid his head above yours.
Kazuha 🍁
happy and scared when you fall asleep
he looks at your sleeping figure lovingly
also is scared cuz you might be dead so he goes to you and checks your pulse
relieved asf when there's still a pulse
cuddles you like you'll turn into his friend if he lets go or loosens his grip
very protective because he thinks someone's gonna attack you two while sleeping
big spoon or small spoon, doesn't matter
as long as he's with you anything is ok because u always put a smile on his face
Your lover comes home, tired but with a smile on his face. He came back from a journey in Inazuma with the traveler. He was mentally drained, he never wanted to go back there after what happened.
he just wanted to get back to you and hold you tight. now that he was finally here, he went to where you were. he found you sound asleep in on of the Crux's beds. he walks slowly to you, careful not to wake you up.
he lays down with you and with his (fine ass) hands he holds you slowly and pulls you close to him, feeling your soft heartbeat. his hand holds your stomach as he falls asleep with you in his arms.
Venti 🍷
mf will either let you sleep or wake u up
depends on his mood and your tiredness
if ur super tired even if he rlly wants to wake you up he doesnt
because he can either be the sweetest bf or the most annoying mf in your life
50/50 chance and idk if you'll win
when he comes home to u asleep and ur not that tired he will act like a kid when its Christmas morning
be jumping on the bed and be annoying
but he rlly is sweet tho
cuddles you and makes sure u dont wake up
snuggles his head on ur shoulder
you have to hug him back
venti the drunk ass bard comes home and cant even walk properly and at this point you just dont care anymore cuz you've seen him like this lots of times before. but today you were really tired. people around monstadt were asking you to help them here and there and of course you loved to help but it was too much.
you were sleeping in your bed (which you shared with venti). you were planning to cook his favorite dish but alas, you were too tired. once venti came home, he immediately went to where you were. he was stumbling and couldn’t even stand up straight but as soon as he saw you sleeping, he tried his best not to wake you up. he saw you running around the city helping others earlier and he understood that you were tired.
venti slowly (and drunkenly) walked to you. he tried his best to get in bed with you as softly as possible so that you wouldn’t wake up. he successfully did it (but was 🤏 this close to failing) and put his head on your shoulder. he grabbed your hand and placed it over his own. lets just say tomorrow morning he wont be able to get out of bed after all that drinking 😔
Xiao 📝 (lol its a contract)
at first, he never slept with you
he loved you, he really did but doesnt know how to show it
hes also afraid of you getting hurt because of him
“xiao, why are you always staying away from me? i feel like you’re never here and it’s starting to bother me”
after that he tries his best to initiate cuddles and eventually starts “sleeping" with you GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF THE GUTTER BY “sleeping” I MEANT HE DOESNT SLEEP STOP BEING HORNY 🤬
when he comes home and you’re asleep hes extra gentle
holds you tightly and even tho he doesnt sleep he watches over you
occasionally he does fall asleep cuz u have magical powers like that
when xiao arrives back at wangshu inn, he’s tired and just wants to be alone. when he comes back and sees you sleeping tho his bad thoughts just become diluc’s dad ✌️. (haha im evil)
he walks to you and slowly holds your hand, placing it on his cheek. he kisses it (cuz hes f-ing traditional) and goes into bed with you. he holds your waist and brings you closer to him as he stares at you. he gets lost while looking at you. he's grateful to have you as his lover, he's grateful to have someone as kind and caring as you.
hey omg im sorry it took so long and im sorry i suddenly got lazy but yeah-
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franklyshipping · 2 years
Accessory of Theft ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @yandere-ipli-ler @ericleederekson @ericlee-derekson and @darkipli-ler
There were two menacing figures on the warpath today. Dark and Yandere were on a joint mission, because they were both the victims of the most heinous thefts. A little while ago they had gone together to collect their laundry, only to discover that both of them were missing a key item: Dark’s necktie, and Yandere’s neckerchief. They both immediately suspected foul play, and so went on the most terrifying hunt. No ego was left untouched. Each one was found, pinned, and tickled out of their minds as they were interrogated for information; however, as of yet, the vengeful pair had discovered nothing.
They headed up the main staircase together, leaving a giggling, panting Wilford in their wake as they headed to one of the smaller living rooms. Their intention had been to have another talk, to try and theorise who on earth could have decided to do this to them both. However, when they reached the threshhold to the room and looked inside . . . they froze. The room was lit by some candles, and the fireplace, and nesting on the couch was none other than Eric Derekson. He was sleeping soundly, wrapped up by blankets . . . and grasped within his fingers were the necktie, and the neckerchief.
‘Oh my God . . .’
Yandere whispered, closing the door behind them before they and Dark went over the sleeping man quietly and carefully. Their crimson gazes were in full analysis mode, and the main thing they realised was that Eric was nuzzling their accessories, and holding them in a way that seemed . . . desperate. As they came to the couch and craned their heads down at him, they saw tear tracks on his face. Dark’s heart felt close to crumbling as he whispered.
‘He’s been crying . . .’
Yandere carefully sat on the edge of the couch, whilst Dark sat on the couch arm nearest Eric’s head. Yandere ran their fingers gently through Eric’s hair as they spoke softly, and sadly, hating the thought of Eric having been upset and all alone.
‘Poor little angel . . .’
As Yandere stroked Eric’s hair, the sensation began to wake him up. Eric let out a soft whine, rubbing his eyes behind his lopsided glasses as he looked up, and he gasped in surprise at seeing Dark and Yandere looking down at him. He blinked frantically and stuttered as he looked between them.
‘U-Uh, h-hi . . . s-sorry, am I in the way?’
‘No sweetheart nono, not at all. Eric . . . dearest, have you been crying?’
Yandere asked gently, adjusting his glasses so they were settled on his nose properly. At the question Eric froze and went quiet, realising there was no way he could hide the tear tracks on his face . . . nor could he hide the fresh tears welling up in his eyes now. He sniffled and nodded, and Yandere immediately pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back lovingly as they murmured.
‘It’s okay, we’re here sweetheart it’s okay.’
Now Eric was sat up, Dark sat on the other side of him and gently hugged him from behind, and his smooth baritone voice was soothing in Eric’s ear.
‘We’re not going anywhere. Take your time Eric, take your time.’
Eric sniffled into Yan’s shoulder for a few moments, which was good, since it was always the best way for him to offload his emotions when he was overwhelmed. Soon, when he managed to focus on Yan and Dark’s gentle rubs to his back and arms, he was able to look at them and speak.
‘I-It’s s-so stupid . . .’
‘Hey. Nothing that upsets you is ever stupid, Eric.’
Dark said, smiling at him kindly, which reassured Eric hugely. He took a few breaths, and Dark and Yan looked at him attentively as he spoke.
‘I-I was just getting my laundry out a-and I just . . . I-I just had a panic attack. I don’t know why, i-it just happened and I left my hanky in my r-room at the top o-of the manor a-and I didn’t know what to do so I just . . . I-I grabbed these b-because they smell of you two a-and you two always m-make me feel safe, I-I’m sorry for taking them without asking.’
Eric bowed his head, holding the tie and neckerchief with both hands, fiddling with them with his fingers and holding them to his chest as Dark and Yan registered his words. They looked at each other, and both of them felt the same thing. Honoured. Honoured that Eric felt they could keep him safe, and that he drew such comfort from mere accessories of them. They also vowed, in that one shared glance, to make sure that as long as they were around, Eric would never have to feel this upset ever again. Yandere cupped Eric’s face as they spoke lovingly.
‘Never apologise for finding something that gives you comfort. We’re honoured that something of ours can do that for you sweetheart.’
Eric beamed at Yan, so surprised and happy that they were so okay with it and accepting, and just so dang lovely. Then, Eric was reminded of the gentleman behind him as Dark interjected, his voice warm and affectionate.
‘Indeed. And in that spirit . . .’
Eric was confused for a moment when Dark slipped the accessories from Eric’s fingers, but then he beamed so brightly when Dark carefully tied the neckerchief around his neck for him. Yandere immediately grinned at Dark’s sweet idea, and put the necktie on him on top of the neckerchief, and let me tell you, never was there a cuter sight in the all the damn world! Eric ran his fingers over the accessories, and whispered with happy awe.
‘Th-Thank you . . .’
‘Oh you are more than welcome sweetheart. Besides, I think you look WAY better in them than we do. Doesn’t he look cute as a button Dark?’
Yandere cooed affectionately, making Eric blush furiously. Dark chuckled and immediately concurred in a teasy purr.
‘Oh certainly, the cutest button of them all by far.’
Eric squeaked and hid his face in his hands, beaming as all his anxiety was replaced by flustered giddiness. He shook his head and whined at them both sweetly.
‘Nooo d-don’t say that!’
Dark and Yandere both chuckled, and Yandere cooed at the flustered man as Dark brought his face even closer to Eric’s neck.
‘Aww but why not? It’s true!’
‘N-No it isn’t!’
Eric squeaked, and Dark smirked as he gave Eric’s neck a soft nuzzle, retorting to him with a playful growl.
‘Oh it most certainly is.’
The moment that Eric felt Dark’s stubble brush against his neck, he squealed and scrunched up, frantically wriggling between his two teasy companions as he spluttered with wide, adorable eyes.
‘N-Noho no t-tihihickles!’
Dark and Yandere’s eyebrows shot up, and their mouth spread into excited, giddy grins as they locked eyes; crimson on crimson, a fiery meeting of mischief. Dark started to chuckle. That deep, delicious sound that gave Eric so many chills. Yandere grinned. The grin that showed off all of their teeth, and made Eric feel like a dessert on a silver platter. Then Eric felt Dark’s breath fresh on his neck, before Yandere spoke . . . and their words made him smile all the more.
‘Oh I think tickles are precisely what you need!’
Eric shrieked as he was suddenly sandwiched, made to lie back on Dark as Yandere flopped down on top of him. A bristly beard rubbed his neck as manicured nails scratched his sides, and Eric couldn’t deny that he was in instant heaven. His bubbly giggles filled the already warm room, somehow making the space even more comforting. Needless to say, Dark and Yandere were utterly enamoured with the sweet man.
‘Oh Eric you ticklish little thing, you are just too precious not to play with.’
Dark teased in his rumbly tone, his smirk curling against Eric’s skin and making him let out an adorable whine. Then Eric’s watery eyes found Yan’s as the latter let out a little giggle, curling their fingers under his shirt as they cooed.
‘Look at that handsome smile, is someone having fun?’
Eric’s face bloomed so pink as he wriggled beneath them. Of course, anyone’s instinct is to flee such tickling. However, Eric was one who enjoyed it to no end, and with the added factor of being in a snuggle sandwich, well, how could he deny that he was having the giddy time of his life? Especially since he had been so panicked before.
Yandere dramatically gasped, because honestly why wouldn’t they?
‘Only maybe? Goodness, it seems our tickling isn’t quite yet up to scratch.’
Yandere skittered deeper into the dips of Eric’s sides, and that along with the pun made the flustered man snort and hide his face in his hands.
‘So it seems. It’s clear that we must go much deeper to give our Eric the tickling he truly desires.’
Eric shivered at Dark’s tease, and yelped when the man nestled deeper into the crook of his neck, his teeth playfully scraping his sensitive skin in a way that made Eric babble with ticklish delight. His smile may have confirmed he was ticklish, but the fact that his hands never once strayed to push them away, truly told them he was happy.
‘Dohohohon’t tehehease! Ihihit’s mehehean!’
Eric whined, but Dark and Yan knew well enough that when someone whined that something was “mean”, it meant that they loved it so much they didn’t know how to express it. Dark and Yan shared a look, and warmed up their vocal chords for their “meanest” onslaught yet.
‘Poor little Eric. All trapped with no hope of escape.’
‘No-one to hear him to hear him squeal, no-one to see him beam.’
‘I think we may just have him forever . . . our kitchy kitchy cutie for all eternity.’
‘I must say I agree. Our sweet Eric, forever flustered, forever tickly.’
Dark then Yan then Dark then Yan, Eric’s eyes were wide with amazement. Were they telepathic? He had no idea. All he knew was that he felt like he was made of fizzy drinks on the inside, all restless and bubbly . . . and delightfully happy. Teeth were constant at his neck, darting about and nipping so deftly. Meanwhile, fingernails of the most devilish kind scratched and pinched and squeezed his sides, making him tremble and writhe in the most ticklish plight. There wasn’t much to it when you think about it . . . and that’s what made it so perfectly, evilly wonderful.
‘Nahaha Ihihi cahahan’t tahahake ihihihiiiit! Pleheheeease!’
Dark and Yan both aww’d at him simultaneously, before Yan’s eyes flashed with a smidge more malevolence as they gave the dear man’s thighs a scratch, raising a playful brow.
‘You can’t? Oh dear, well what if I go here inste-?’
Eric shrieked, and Dark laughed warmly, hugging the young man tight as he kicked and twitched; the suited man smirked in admiration at his friend, watching their nails dance with glee as he said.
‘Ohhh you sound like you love it there, wouldn’t you like it a little longer?’
Eric shrieked more as he hiccupped through his laughter, loving every moment, every ticklish jolt and every hitch of his breath. Every second of being held by loving arms and teased by endearing voices, but he of course could only take so much. Tears beaded in his joy-scrunched eyes as he cried.
Another shared look came between Yan and Dark, and just as they agreed on mischief, mercy was agreed on too. Yan’s nails stopped as Dark leant his head back, but they kept their Eric nestled, warm as he panted. His spectacles were askew once again, so Yandere straightened them, eyes fond as their voice came out soft.
‘Now then, how are we doing my dear?’
Eric was still beaming, and would be for quite some time. Anxiety forgotten, and happiness the only emotion in his mind. Dark laughed when Eric pulled Yan in close to his chest, wrapping his limbs around them as he giggled, joy lacing his voice.
‘A-Amazing, y-you’re both amazing a-and I love you so much!’
Dark smiled and kissed the back of his head as Yandere giggled, and snuggled into the new accessories Eric now had about his neck. Two pairs of crimson eyes looked at him with all their love, and with all their limbs around him, they murmured together as one.
‘And we love you too. We all do, and always will.’
Thus three fresh smiles bloomed as they all nestled anew, and in the light of the room a new slumber came through. Fire light and blankets and love and protection. Yes it was still daytime, but honestly who cares? Love can be constrained by no timetable, no sunrise . . . and certainly no sunset.
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markberries · 3 years
what we do in the dark┊draco malfoy
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• anon requested: Hey! If you do story requests can I get draco and yn in a secret relationship (yn is also slytherin but muggleborn) and then draco gets tired of hiding, kisses her in public and smut ensues? Thank you in advance love your writing!
• info: having a secret relationship with hogwarts’ troublemaker was difficult, especially when all he wanted was for everyone to know that you were his.
• warnings: cursing, fingering
• genre: fluff, angst if you squint, smut, fem reader
• word count: 2346
• a/n: HOLY CRAP i actually finished a wip!! anyways sorry that i haven’t posted much hp in awhile </333 i hope u guys enjoy!
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being a model student was difficult; having the endless stress of keeping your grades above everyone else, the constant studying and time you spent in the library, and most importantly, keeping your relationship with draco malfoy hidden.
it had been 6 months since the day he asked you out, the classic “bad boy” and “nerdy girl” couple, you were surprised by his confession, and he was surprised by your agreement. the secrecy part was a mutual decision, being brought up by you, when someone had told you that hanging around draco was a bad idea.
draco, of course, didn’t mind, for he had a reputation to keep up with his friends, and that is what settled it. you liked it, the sneaking around, the excitement of nearly being caught hiding in the prefect’s bathroom together, it was fun.
in public, you two were rarely seen together. you acted like you didn’t know each other. people never got suspicious; the only thing that could get you two caught was draco’s inability to keep his hands to himself. when guys would hit on you, unbeknownst of the steady relationship you and draco had, it made malfoy’s blood boil. 
he would watch them walk up to you confidently, where you would sit in the dining hall, intently writing notes and eating the nicely placed food that lay in front of you. he would watch your eyes look up to the boy, who would politely ask you on a date. you would decline, saying that you were too busy to date. 
he would lock eyes with you, you would shrug your shoulders and smile at him, but being cautious of the people surrounding you. the only thing that irritated him was the fact that these boys thought they had a chance with you. they thought that the only reason you wouldn’t date them was because you were merely busy, when the truth was that you were taken. by him.
the reason you liked draco was because he made you feel different, like you were taking risks. people used to call you boring, but draco changed that. he thought of you as unique, he liked you for you, and he had never tried to change you. he was just a sweetheart hidden behind his bad boy facade.
“you looked so pretty today,” he whispered to you, arms engulfed around you as you two curled up in his dorm. usually, you would be worried about someone catching a glimpse of you two, but today, you had decided to skip potions class. it was the second time you had ever skipped a class (the first time was also with draco), and people may perceive that it was his influence on you, but you thought differently.
“we didn’t see each other today,” you laugh, pinching his cheek. he winces slightly, before giving you a soft smile.
“yeah, but i know you looked pretty.”
you raise a brow, “oh? what a flirt you are.”
he buried his head in your shoulder, breathing in deeply to get a whiff of your sweet fruity scent, “only for you,” he says, voice muffled by your grey pajama tee.
“mm,” he pauses, entertwining your hands. “the yule ball is coming up.”
you hum, ruffling his hair and offering him a kind smile. “i know.”
“we could attend it.. together.”
“i know,” you kiss his cheek, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink, “but everyone is gonna be there..”
there’s an evident frown that forms on draco’s face, his thought process remained unknown to you, and there’s a slight pang of guilt that washes over you, after all, you didn’t expect draco to want to sneak around with you forever.
“right,” he clears his throat, turning away to lay on his back, eyes glued to the ceiling. you bite your lip, sitting up and running a hand through his blonde hair. his eyes then stare back at yours, and you offer a pity smile.
“i’m sorry, let me just get through my finals and then we can tell the others, okay?”
there’s a pause of silence, before draco speaks up again.
“are you ashamed of me?”
your expression softens, lying back down and caressing his face, making him turn to you. there was nothing that could make you ashamed of draco, you just didn’t know if you were ready to face lectures from your parents, knowing well enough about them, for dating someone who constantly torments people of the muggleborn status. you wanted to tell them that he was different, that he was capable of accepting people for who they are.
“no, i could never be ashamed of you, you know that,” you reassure, placing a kiss to the tip of his nose. he smiles, brushing a piece of hair out of your face lovingly.
“i know love,” he admires your face for a brief moment, studying your features, “sometimes i just can’t help myself when i’m around you.”
a giggle escapes your lips, followed by a raise of your brow. a grin creeps it’s way upon your face, as malfoy rolls his eyes at your own silliness.
“you’re so weird,” he comments, enveloping you into his arms.
“draco, people are gonna be wondering where we are in the great hall,” you remind him, as the time for dinner approaches. skipping classes together was already risky, not showing up to dinner would be the frosting on the cake.
“alright alright,” he sighs, getting up and picking up his robe that hung from your desk chair. your heart clenches — in a good way, thinking about how it would be like to tell everyone about your relationship.
there were always pros and cons, as you knew there were a few female students who found draco undeniably attractive, and if they were to find out, you knew that you would always be a topic of conversation, but on the contrary, they wouldn’t try to spark up conversations with him. you knew your parents wouldn’t be happy, but you would be able to openly spend time with him, you’d get to kiss him whenever you wanted, and your parents would eventually get used to your situation.
you were torn between two sides, even if you were to tell everyone, what would be the right occasion to share your story? and when was the right time?
you shake your head, snapping out of your own trance.
“you ready, love?” draco asks.
you smile, looking at him and nodding, “yeah.”
“hey y/n,” a voice says to you, causing you to stop drinking your water mid sip as you stare up at the culprit.
“cedric,” you say, placing your glass down with a smile. he looks uneasy, nervous even, as he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. cedric had been the first hufflepuff to make contact with you, as no one really engaged with slytherins unless it was to start a harmless argument.
it was a year ago, and he had approached you in hogsmeade, your green scarf in hand, that you had lost an hour before. you had accepted it with a simple smile and a “thank you”, wrapping it around your neck again. he made sure to point out how different you were compared to the other slytherins, even saying that you belonged in ravenclaw or hufflepuff. you laughed it off, being proud of your house and who you were.
“is something wrong?” you ask with a tilted head, his cheeks turn a soft pink while they heat up. he clears his throat, finally looking at you in the eyes.
“do you want to maybe.. be my date to the yule ball? of course, you don’t have to say yes, it’s completely up to you.”
you nearly choke on your own saliva, your eyes widening in surprise. you’re at a loss for words, what should you say to let him down softly? that you’re busy?
“she can’t,” a familiar voice calls out to him, and draco takes a seat next to you confidently. you snap your head towards him, and his jaw is clenched, not a single hint of playfulness in his voice.
“oh? do you already have a date y/n?”
you say in a hushed voice, “draco what do you think you’re doing?”
he doesn’t reply, he merely wraps an arm around your shoulders confidently, eyes locked with cedric’s.
“yeah, me,” he says nonchalantly, and this time, it’s your turn to blush, staring down at the ground intensely. everyone at the slytherin table is paying attention to the conversation, quietly talking amongst each other as they stare at the two boys who are glaring at each other.
cedric scoffs at him, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue and looking away from you two for a moment.
“alright then, see you around, y/n.”
without a word, draco harshly tugs you throughout the hallways, towards the prefect’s bathroom. his expression is unreadable as he lets go of your hand when you two finally arrive at the destination.
“what was that about?” you finally exclaim, more shocked/surprised than angry, but draco takes a step towards you with a huff of frustration.
“i did what i had to do,” he replies, staring down at you with hooded eyes. “unless, you wanted to attend the ball with diggory.”
“you know that i would never do that, i love you,” you say softly, and draco takes another step, your bodies almost touching.
“we’ll just have to show diggory that, then,” malfoy then begins attacking your neck with his lips, pressing you up against the wall with a small thud. he sucks harshly, leaving obvious marks on your hot skin. he trails kisses along your jawline, and your hands find his way to his blonde locks, tangling in them as you let out small whines.
he uses one of his hands to snake its way under your shirt, massaging your left breast. his free hand presses against your clothed core, harshly rubbing to get a reaction out of you, and of course, it worked. you were moaning, all whilst draco hummed against your neck.
you grip at the fabric of his robe, panting heavily as you wrapped your legs around his waist. he places both hands on your ass, carrying you to the nearest surface and setting you on it, the marble feeling cold against your body.
“your moans are like music to my ears,” he says, lust dripping off of his tongue. at this point, you didn’t care if anyone walked in. you wanted draco now, and it didn’t seem like draco wanted to stop either as he eagerly lifted your grey sweater vest above your head, pressing his soft lips against your own.
he removes his robe, carelessly tossing it to the ground and loosening his tie. he slips his tongue into your mouth, harshly sucking on your own, and you knew better than to fight for dominance with him. the heat between your thighs continued to grow, a wet patch forming, and you knew your underwear was done for.
you wrap your arms around draco’s neck, deepening the kiss as he unbuttoned your shirt, leaving you in your black bra, skirt, and pantyhose. he broke the kiss, ogling at your breasts.
“take a picture, it’ll last longer,” you tease him, which was definitely the wrong thing to do.
“what a brat,” he grunts, unhooking your bra and exposing your boobs. he then began pinching your right nipple, making you yelp out in surprise and grab his shoulders for balance.
“got anything else to say?” he asks confidently, and you shake your head.
“fuck you’re hot,” malfoy groans, tugging your skirt and tights down. you kick the articles of clothing off, while draco dips a hand into your panties, collecting the gathered wetness and pulling his hand out to admire it.
“all for me?” he smirks, rubbing his fingers together. you quickly nod your head.
“use your words,” he says.
“y-yes, it’s all for you,” you reply in a small, innocent voice, causing malfoy to shove the fingers that were coated in your wetness into your mouth. you suck on them, making him satisfied. he then takes his other hand pushes your underwear to the side, shoving his slender finger into your entrance without warning.
“oh, ah!” you cry out. he takes the hand that was in your mouth out, using it to grip your face.
“look at me while i finger fuck you.”
unlike usual, he doesn’t start slow. he’s already curling his finger inside you, pumping it in and out at a fast pace. he stares at you with the same dark eyes he had earlier, and you bite your lip to prevent yourself from being too loud.
draco adds another finger, the room being filled with the joyous sound of your pleasure. your breath hitches, and you begin to uncontrollably moan.
“god, i could do this all day,” draco groans, the imprint of his boner beginning to look painful. “who makes you feel like this?”
he adds a third finger, making you arch your back in euphoria from the sensation. “it’s you! fuck draco, only you.”
“you’re such a good slut,” he praises, picking up the pace as you clench around his digits. the lewd sounds were so loud that you were surprised that no one had busted you two, but even if someone were to walk in, you don’t think you would’ve stopped.
“cum for me,” he whispers into your ear, pressing his thumb against your clit. you screw your eyes shut, moaning draco’s name as he kisses your neck. you swear you can see stars behind your eyes, exploding in a sense of ecstasy from malfoy’s fingers.
your eyes flutter open, a seemingly never ending chorus of pants leaving your mouth. you smile through it, resting your head on draco’s shoulder.
“that was so hot,” you say.
draco chuckles, bringing his mouth close to your ear, “you thought we were finished?”
you shiver.
maybe some things aren’t meant to be kept as secrets.
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nkhrchuwuya · 2 years
Hi! Congrats on 500 followers 🥳 super deserved! I'd like to participate in the event too 😄 I'll start pointing out how clumsy I am. U name it I'll get it: papercuts, bruises, twisting an ankle... very introverted but once you get past my walls I'm very loyal + could outtalk a parrot. Pretty independent, very indecisive and hardworking ,sometimes too much as my coping mechanism when things go wrong is overworking myself to exhaustion (as that's sth I can control and I'm a bit of a control freak
thank you so much anon! i hope you continue to enjoy the content i put out for you guys 😊
here's some chuu stuff for you:
at first chuuya reprimands you for your clumsiness. like he's genuinely concerned about you but there's also a dash of irritation like "why can't they get their shit together??". but the more he spends time with you and is the one taking care of you after a lil clumsy attack, the more he comes into terms with the fact that that's just how you are! and he becomes fine with it.
he does "clumsyproof" a lot of things in the penthouse for you of course. no sharp corners, a tipping-proof mug for you, not-glass wine glasses, the sticky things you put under a rug so they don't slip... it's up to you if you appreciate it at once or feel it's a little infantilizing, but he really just wants to look out for you.
your introversion means it takes a while for you to warm up to chuuya, so it's a pleasant surprise when he finally unlocks your talkative mode! he's great at being a chameleon around people- just part of his training- so while you were more reserved, he was too. the moment you unlock your doors for him, he also lets out the louder side of him, and you guys just vibe together!
if you ever mention that to him ("i could outtalk a parrot") he will lovingly call you his little parrot, no irony at all. especially when you're out rambling again. he says it with so much love it's so endearing even if the nickname's a little weird LOL
loves your independence. definitely lets you do your thing on your own without him hanging around, because he doesn't want to hamper that strong part of you. of course he'll still be around- one call or text away- but appreciates the extra saved braincells in not having to baby you that way. (of course, in the case that you want to be babied, he's right there too.)
gifts you a really special, rather antique coin one day, and you're like, "ok? what's this for?" and he says it's a lucky coin that'll help guide you to make choices. he knows your indecision can sometimes bother you, and an item that'll be able to at least knock out a little bit of your problems is something he'd provide. he teaches you the trick too, where you toss the coin and if you catch yourself thinking "i wish it was heads/tails" you pick the one your brain ends up revealing to you! he says he did it a lot as a youth in the mafia trying to figure out what chaos to do next lol.
will definitely make sure that you have all the resources to make your work life easier. whether that's an item (a gadget, a book) or support (someone to bring tea, or to remind that it's dinnertime) he tries to be there for you when he can.
somehow i can imagine him introducing you to the black lizard, and they're just so thrilled to meet you because he's hyped you up to such a ridiculous degree. not sitting down and ranting about you, just little things he drops like "oh yeah they'd like this." "this isn't safe for them lol clumsy ass" "i would die for a loyalty like that" and it's just a fun time with them, if you manage to put down your walls enough to let them in ^^
overall, chuuya enjoys your company because he somehow finds a mirror of himself in you, a little rash, a little always in danger, but entirely loyal and passionate about what they do.
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tickly-trashcan · 4 years
Hi! I love your writings! Tbh I'm happy with anything you post but thought I'd play 😊 Ler!Bakugou Lee!Kirishima sparring with 25 and 19, but then 7 because Bakugous an ass. If you get to this thank you! Like I said just happy to read your stuff ❤
oooh i don’t think i’ve written for kiribaku before! thank you for the ask anon, this one was really fun to do, I hope you like it!
Summary: Bakugou and Kirishima are sparring as extra practice, and Bakugou is unable to overpower Kirishima. How far is he willing to go to win?
Word Count: 1.2k (under the cut)
It was later at night at U.A. high, and there were sparring noises coming from Gym Gamma as two students from the hero course practiced to refine their moves.
Well, it was less sparring and more Bakugou relentlessly punching the hell out of Kirishima as he used his quirk to defend himself. Bakugou was honestly torn with Kirishima’s quirk: on one hand, he didn’t want to hurt his boyfriend, but on the other… he wanted to win.
Bakugou continued to throw some punches at Kirishima, aiming for anywhere he could reach, but it was practically impossible to cause any sort of yielding on Kirishima’s end due to his quirk. They were perfectly matched, as Aizawa would say, and therefore make a great partnership.
“Just… give… up already!” Bakugou yelled, still punching at Kirishima, who held his forearms up, easily blocking Bakugou’s explosive punches.
“Looks like someone’s getting angry again~” Kirishima teased, grinning widely at his hot-headed boyfriend.
Bakugou fumed, blasting his quirk under him as he flew over Kirishima, landing behind him, blasting him forward. Kirishima gasped at the sudden attack, flying forward slightly before recovering. He smirked.
“There we go, now you’re going somewhere, Suki!”
Bakugou growled at Kirishima, letting out a yell as he continued running at Kirishima, using more force than before, making him slide back until he was up against one of the walls of the gym, Bakugou closing in on him, little sparks flying from his palms.
“So? Give up, Kiri? If you do, I’ll give you five seconds to escape before I unleash my wrath,” Bakugou warned, a sadistic grin creeping up his face.
Kirishima smiled nervously, trying to quickly figure a way out as Bakugou began to count down. As Bakugou walked towards him, Kirishima leaned forward, kissing Bakugou’s nose once he was close enough, flustering him for just enough time to run out of the corner, laughing as he did so.
“Why are you laughing at me? Oh, I’ll give you something to laugh about, asshole!”
Kirishima laughed even louder as Bakugou chased after him, using little palm explosions to boost himself until he finally fell into Kirishima, the both of them rolling across the gym floor in a tangle of limbs before Bakugou was able to straddle Kirishima, who was still giggling a bit underneath him. 
Bakugou cracked his knuckles, looking down viciously at Kirishima. “Well, well, Kiri, looks like I won the sparring match.”
Kirishima huffed out another laugh, smiling widely at Bakugou. “You didn’t win shit, I didn’t call uncle yet,” he stated matter of factly, crossing his arms triumphantly.
“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be? I’ll have you screaming it in less than five minutes if that’s what you want,” Bakugou dragged a single finger up Kirishima’s tummy, making him giggle and uncross his arms, one reaching down to grab his wrist while the other went to cover his mouth as he shook his head.
“You’re a cheater if you have to use that to win,” Kirishima teased in a muffled voice, which only agitated Bakugou more.
“You already know I’ll do anything to win, even if I’m the dirtiest cheater on earth,” With those words, Bakugou’s hands descended on Kirishima’s sides, making him start laughing almost immediately, both hands grabbing at Bakugou’s wrists.
“Nohohohoho, Suki! Plehehehehease!” Kirishima laughed, squirming around under Bakugou’s legs as his fingers kneaded along Kirishima’s sides in an agonizing way.
“Ahahahahaha, not thehehehehere!” Bakugou grinned wickedly. “Oh, would you prefer here, then?”
He danced his fingers along Kirishima’s ribcage, Kirishima arching his back and squealing as he did so. 
“Call uncle!” Bakugou yelled over Kirishima’s laughter as he poked each rib individually, Kirishima shrieking at each poke.
His face began to get a closer color to his hair as he flushed from the laughter, covering his face with both hands when he felt it get hotter, not wanting Bakugou to see it.
Bakugou took the opportunity and immediately shot his hands up under Kirishima’s armpits, making him yell out as he did so.
“Stop saying my name, just say uncle!” Bakugou teased, vibrating his fingers in Kirishima’s underarms, noticing that Kirishima was hardly holding his arms down, though he was trying to cover.
“Why aren’t you trying to stop me, Kiri?” Bakugou smirked, still wiggling his fingers in one of Kirishima’s worst spots. Kirishima shook his head, glad he was still covering his face so Bakugou wouldn’t see him blush at those words.
“I dohohohon’t wanna t-trap thehehehehem!” He managed to formulate through his laughter as his excuse. Bakugou clicked his tongue.
“Don’t like to me, I know you like this…”
Kirishima snapped his arms down to prove Bakugou wrong, also trapping his devious hands as Bakugou barked out a laugh.
“Desperate to show you don’t like it, hmm? Then what about… here?”
Bakugou managed somehow to wriggle his fingers free from Kirishima’s strong arms, latching his hands onto Kirishima’s hips, squeezing as Kirishima shrieked.
“NAHAHAhahaha Suki!!” He squealed, arching his back as ticklish shocks jolted through his entire body from that one spot.
“You know exactly how to make it stop Kiri, unless you really do like it. Then we can go as looooong as you want~” Bakugou teased, digging his thumb under Kirishima’s hipbone, Kirishima bucking beneath him as he tried to wiggle away.
Bakugou reached another hand back up under Kirishima’s arms while the other continued to work on his hip, making Kirishima scream.
“SUHUHUHUKIIII!!” He cackled, his hands finally unlatching from his face and reaching up to push Bakugou away, who was still grinning wickedly down at his red-headed lover.
“Say it!”
“Say it!”
Bakugou continued his ruthless attack on two of Kirishima’s worst spots until Kirishima finally let out a wheeze, forming his hands into a T-shape.
“U-Uncle!” he cried, continuing to laugh as Bakugou didn’t stop until a few moments after Kirishima called uncle. Kirishima wheezed on the floor, Bakugou unmoving from his position on top of Kirishima as his hands rested on the spots they were just tickling, slowly retracting to rub Kirishima’s tummy lovingly.
“You’re so mehehean,” Kirishima said, some residual giggles still bubbling from his throat as he did so. 
“I’m not mean, I’m just a winner,” Bakugou said proudly, puffing out his chest as Kirishima laughed loudly beneath him.
“You’re a dork,” Kirishima breathed, reaching up to ruffle Bakugou’s hair, who leaned down a bit so he could reach.
“So are you,” Bakugou retorted weakly, leaning into Kirishima’s hand.
“Can you get off me now? The floor’s really cold,” Kirishima chuckled slightly as Bakugou quickly moved off of Kirishima, standing up and helping Kirishima up along the way.
“So shall I brag about my win to everyone else?” Bakugou teased, running his shoulder into Kirishima playfully.
Kirishima bumped back, chuckling. “Only if you tell them how you cheated to win,”
“You enjoyed it though,” Bakugou pointed out, laughing when Kirishima punched his shoulder lightly.
“Did not…”
“Did too!”
Kirishima blushed a bit before grinning, wrapping his arms around Bakugou’s waist, who flinched slightly at the sudden touch, but quickly leaned into it.
“I think I know someone else who enjoys it…”
Bakugou felt a sudden squeeze at his waist as he gasped, looking at Kirishima fearfully.
“I think it’s time for some cheater’s revenge, Katsuki.”
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allforhader · 4 years
The Unexpected
Bill Hader x (F) Reader
Requested by: Anon
Warnings: Langauge
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Bill having three kids already, he should be experienced in those stressful situations where you’re going to have to drop everything when your wife goes into labor. But he also didn’t plan for Y/N to not make it to the hospital when she delivered. LA traffic is a bitch.
When Y/N and Bill got married, they didn’t really plan ahead for anything. Bill went back to filming for Barry after their honeymoon and Y/N was a writer for the show so she had to get her job done. The two found few energy filled moments when they had a day off from Barry and when the girls were with Maggie.
The day Y/N found out she was pregnant she didn’t tell Bill right away. She needed to confirm it without relying on store bought tests. And she didn’t know exactly how he’d feel about having another kid. So it wasn’t until she was around three months when she finally wanted to tell Bill.
Y/N wanted to tell him before the work day started but he jumped right into filming and she didn’t know where to find room. Until Sarah Goldberg and D’Arcy Carden gave Y/N the wildest idea of having a surprised script change. The two only knew she was pregnant because Y/N told her mom over the phone as the two over heard.
“Yo! Hader, there’s been a script change” Sarah states handing Bill the new pages as he instantly looks at Y/N confused.
Y/N shrugs for the most part before standing beside Alec to watch the take be done.
“Was this your plan Y/N?” Alec asks her as Y/N rolls her eyes before whispering to him what’s going on. “Well, if he gets a heart attack from excitement. I’ll blame you”
“You’d blame me when I would probably have one if he does” Y/N gave Alec a look before laughing a bit. Alec moved his stuff from Bill’s director’s chair letting her sit. “Not my idea”
“Actors have crazy ideas. I’m not surprised that this came from the two” Alec states before nudging Y/N to look at Bill look at the script after rounding up who he needs.
“How much you want to bet he’s going to scream?”
“You want to make a bet on my husband’s reaction?” Y/N laughs a bit before relaxing. “Let’s not”
“Ok ok”
Bill stares at the two he got not really understanding how the scene they shot before lead to this one. Or where this scene will be but he froze when Sarah grabbed his shirt.
“You have no idea?”
“What?” Not scripted.
“This is going to be life changing! Get excited!” D’Arcy states as Bill stood there even more confused before looking down at the change.
Sarah suddenly took it from him when he was supposed to have it in the first place. Y/N face palms hearing Alec laugh.
“Get excited about what?!” Bill stares at the two as they have each other a look while the other actors for Barry grew confused on what the fuck was going on.
“Can I be first to say congratulations?”
The “script change” was really just Sarah and D’Arcy getting up in Bill’s personal space trying to see if he can connect the dots before stating the obvious.
“I did not write this, Im just gonna make that clear” Y/N tells Alec as he knew it was them. No brainer.
“Come on Berkman! How the fuck do you not know?”
“This is really exciting we heard it from your lover”
Bill really is oblivious and kept looking over at Y/N and Alec expecting something. But all he got was a shrug from Alec and a smile with a thumbs up from Y/N. Thanks. Very helpful.
“Can I Uh get the script back”
“Goddamn Berkman!”
“How did you not know she’s pregnant!” Fucking. Finally.
Bill stares at the two confused before being handed back the script and reading the last bit. He froze in place feeling like an idiot for not catching on, even though Sarah and D’Arcy at first weren’t helpful. He immediately looks over to Y/N watching her nod to confirm it as he started getting emotional. Bill handed the script back before quickly heading to Y/N and holding her in his arms crying happily.
“Should we call it a day?” Alec asks knowing for damn sure the two were having their moment. “Alright! We’ll pick up with the actual script tomorrow!” He states letting the two have the rest of the day.
So now Bill knows. It’s a good thing but something he didn’t take into consideration is, this is Y/N’s first and possibly only pregnancy. So even if Bill does know what he’s doing and is willing to take care of a lot of things in preparation. But when Y/N was finishing her second trimester heading into her third, she got extremely anxious over everything and would stay up unexpectedly startling Bill when he’d come home late.
“Shit-“ Bill whisper yells as when he closes the front door around 1 in the morning. Staying at the office to make adjustments to a few scenes, was a mistake.
Bill hangs up his jacket setting his keys down and before he could sneak up to bed. He stops seeing the shine of a screen distract him in the living room.
“Y/N...?” He asks walking around the couch seeing her sitting on the floor with her laptop on the coffee table open to a number of things. “Why are you awake?” He frowns moving himself beside her seeing the scariest shit he’s ever seen looked up about pregnancy. “Okay—Hey?”
“Hm...?” Y/N turns to him looking extremely tired as she was protectively holding her belly. “When did you get home?”
“Not even a minute ago. It’s one in the morning why aren’t you in bed?”
“Well, I was working on...a scene. Then got distracted by a number of things. Also you try growing a human. I can’t get up easily so I stayed here” Y/N sighs watching Bill get up moving the coffee table. He moves in front of her holding his hands out which she took to get help off the floor. “Did you know that 1.61% of births aren’t in a hospital?”
“That’s a very low percentage”
“It equals to 62,228 births, Bill”
“Okay and why are you looking that up?”
“What if I’m part of that one percentage”
“Y/N...I can promise you. When you go into the labor, you’ll make it to the hospital. I doubt you’ll have the baby in the backseat of my car”
“Are you implying that it’s a possibility?”
“Y/N. No”
“Bill it can happen. It probably would knowing my luck”
“What do you mean by that?”
“If you don’t agree with me I’m going to be even more anxious than I was before”
“We’ve gone over this...You get anxious when I do agree with you sometimes” Bill laughs a bit before bringing his wife into his arms. “I highly doubt you’ll have the baby in my car”
“Mmm...better prepare for that possibility Bill” Y/N sighs resting her head against his chest feeling him kiss the top of her head. “The baby is healthy and is on track. But one small thing can fuck everything up”
“Giving birth anywhere other than a hospital won’t fuck up everything. It happens. But still. I promise. It won’t. You’ll have our little one in the comforts of a hospital”
“Just know if fate says otherwise. I’m yelling at you”
“You were going to yell at me regardless baby” Bill smiles resting his chin on top of her head feeling her grip onto his shirt. “It’s going to be okay. Okay?”
When the time actually came, Y/N didn’t realize that her water had broke until Bill asked pointed out. Guess she didn’t think about it when it happened. Bill helped her into the backseat thinking she wouldn’t be cramped if she was in the front. He put the hospital bag in the passengers before starting to head to the hospital.
“Just take deep breaths, we’ll be there soon—shit” Bill frowns seeing the traffic start to become bumper to bumper. “Shit. Fuck. Okay, how close are they?”
“U-Uh. Uhm. Shit—“ Y/N couldn’t really think at this point when she thought the contractions would be more elongated. But they were coming in more expectedly.
This baby isn’t waiting and Bill is trying to find a way out of this traffic and to the nearest hospital.
“I. Fucking—-Told you Bill”
“Y/N—I can’t predict the future!”
“But people—jinx it” Y/N moans in pain unbuckling herself which startled Bill but she knew they weren’t moving any time soon.
As traffic started to lift a bit, just enough for Bill to rely on surface streets. Y/N had already positioned herself comfortably in the backseat trying to “keep it in” until they get to the hospital. It wasn’t until Bill parked in the ER load off that Y/N couldn’t wait. Bill ran inside hurrying over to the nurse’s station.
“I uh. My wife is in the back of my car—She has the baby—“
“Someone get a wheelchair!” One of the nurse called as Bill stopped the nurse.
“She needs more than a wheelchair”
“Sir did your wife get hurt-“
“She had our baby in the backseat” Bill blurts out as the nurse he was talking to went to get an ER doctor for the time being along with a gurney before paging OB.
After two hours of making sure mom and baby were perfectly okay, Bill was let into Y/N’s hospital room finding a very tired wife holding a little bundle of joy wrapped in a blue blanket. The two wanted to be surprised and indeed it was.
“Sorry I killed your all girls streak”
“That’s the first thing you say...?” Bill laughs as the tears of joy started streaming down his cheeks kissing Y/N’s temple before admiring the little boy she’s holding.
“Told you Id be part of the one percent”
“Oh shut up” He smiles kissing his wife lovingly before climbing into the bed beside her.
Y/N instantly handed their little boy to Bill watching him still be shaky when he’s had three before this one. It was honestly and will always be an amazing experience. This one definitely having quite the story to it. Y/N rests her head on his shoulder looking down at their little boy watching him instantly ease into Bill’s arms.
���Wow. A natural” Y/N jokes as she smiles nuzzling close to her husband. “So, the third?”
“William Thomas Hader the third? Wouldn’t that be a mouthful?”
“Bill, really?”
“You know I’m just teasing”
Bill couldn’t stop smiling at their son as after some time of holding him, Y/N had fallen asleep against him. He loves this, and can’t wait to start this new chapter.
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bumblebee-moreno · 4 years
Request: “Hey, what about reader being close to one droid, and Din being paranoic because he has a trauma with them, and he’s baby and love y/n so much and he’s protective.” From anon
Pairing: Din x Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 1004
Warnings: swearing, angst, brief mentions of canon-typical violence
A/N: Join my taglists! Here’s what’s coming next! Send in a request! 
You giggle at the droid’s shrill squeaks and beeps. You’re quite glad you’re the only one on the ship who can understand the angry strings of curses every time she runs into something in the tiny ship.
She backs into another crate, cursing rather loudly at the inanimate object.
The droid, know to you as “Lou”, is much older than you. In fact, she practically raised you. She’s so old and used that it’s impossible to tell what kind of droid she began as. Parts over the years have been replaced so many times that she has almost none of her original pieces, her coding tampered with so many times, it’s impossible to tell what she was originally programmed to do.
By now her ID number has been so rubbed off, there is only the ghost of an ‘L”, a ‘0’, and a ‘U’ left on her chest plate; hence, her name.
A sharp clatter follows Lou when she finally makes her way over to you, grasping a canteen of water. Lou has always had a way of knowing exactly what you need before you even know you need it. And now that you think about it, some water probably would be a good idea; Din might have a heart attack if he finds out you haven’t been drinking as much water as you should.
The ground between you and Lou vibrates from a blaster expertly aimed about two inches away from Lou’s treads, scaring her off into a far corner of the Razor Crest.
“Stay away from that, Y/N,” Din warns.
“She’s not hurting anything, leave her alone,” you protest.
“I’ll leave her alone if she leaves you alone.” Din places his blaster back in its holster.
“Don’t be a dick, Din, she was just getting me some water.”
“This time,” Din mutters his breath, turning back towards the cockpit.
“The hell is that supposed to mean?” Din doesn’t respond. “Din!” you chase after him. “Are you trying to imply that Lou is planning against us?” you accuse, struggling not to scream at Din.
“It’s a droid, Y/N!” Din whirls around to face you. “How are we supposed to know what it’s thinking?”
“She practically raised me, Din! I think I know her pretty well by now.”
“You said it yourself, Y/N, you don’t know where she came from!” Din is yelling louder than you’ve ever heard him raise his voice outside of necessity. “What if someone programmed her to hurt people before she got to you?”
“She’s been with my family for over 50 years, Din! I think if she was going to hurt me, she’d have done it by now!”
“Fine.” Din sighs. “I’m not going to fight with you about this. Just—Just stay away from her.”
“No.” you scowl at him. “I’m not “staying away from her”, she’s my friend.”
“She’s a droid,” Din argues.
“And? I can’t be friends with a droid?”
“No,” Din replies simply.
“Why the fuck not? And don’t you dare say ‘it’s because she’s a droid’. That excuse is bullshit and you know it.”
Din doesn’t answer. You turn to leave the cockpit to find Lou and make sure she hasn’t hurt herself on any of the ship’s clutter, but Din catches your wrist in a grip just firm enough to stop you in your tracks.
“Don’t,” he insists, his voice barely a whisper.
“Give me one real reason not to.” You’re met with silence. For a moment, it seems as though he’s trying to gather his words. But when it becomes clear Din has no answer for you, you tear your wrist free from his grip.
“Please,” Din calls after you, his voice breaking. You stop, your heart aching at the sound of his desperation; you’ve only heard his voice waiver once before: you’d been shot in the abdomen, and it looked like you wouldn’t make it.
“I’m…” Din takes a shaky breath before continuing, his voice barely audible above the sound of the ship’s engine. “I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“What if…” Din pauses, glad you can’t see his lip quivering under his helmet. “What if she hurts you and I can’t stop it?”
Slowly, you turn around to face the not-so-fierce bounty hunter. He’s shrunk in on himself, trying to take up as little space as possible, shifting his weight back and forth from foot-to-foot. You’ve never seen him looking so small.
“She’s not going to hurt me.” You reassure Din softly, stepping closer to him.
“How do you know?”
“She’s practically ancient. Her newest part is at least 50 years old. She doesn’t even reach my knees. The worst she could do is run over my toes. And even that would tip her over.” You rest your hands on Din’s helmet where his cheeks would be. His hands lift to gently cover yours. “Do you trust me?” you ask.
“Then trust my judgement.”
Din pulls you closer, resting his forehead against yours, the cool beskar of his helmet making you shiver. “I can’t lose you,” he murmurs.
“Din, eating your cooking is more of a hazard than spending time with Lou. I’ll be fine,” you giggle. “You won’t lose me,” you assure him.
“Promise,” you confirm, knowing full and well that, to Din, your promise didn’t just apply to spending time with Lou.
You press a kiss to his helmet where you think his lips would be before being pulled into a bone-crushing embrace.
“Din, if you’re not careful, you’ll suffocate me before Lou even has a chance to viciously run over my toes,” you laugh into his chest.
“Maybe you deserve it,” Din teases back, loosening his grip enough for you to look up at him.
“Oh, you can suffocate me, but Lou’s not allowed to bring me water?” you joke.
“Exactly,” Din chuckles.
“You’re a dork,” you press your forehead against his again.
“I love you,” Din murmurs just loud enough for you to hear.
“Love you too, tin can.” You lovingly tease, earning a playful shove.
Tags: @trashbin2 @fioccodineveautunnale @pascalisthepunkest @ah-callie
Mando Only Tags: @spookyold-saintjm
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langdxn · 4 years
Hi!! I was wondering if u could do a blurb thingy about face sitting/face riding? Like whichever of Cody’s characters u think it fits best with but like. Him just laying on the bed and being like “sit on my face” 🥵idk that’s the hottest way to get head imo and I’m so thirsty for it I need some good writing on it 🖤
I feel personally attacked 🥵 I’m going for Duncan just because it suits him so well, let me know if you’d like this for another character! Thank you so much anon, this was way too much fun 🖤
(gif by zach-villas)
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High risk Chinese whispers was Duncan Shepherd’s favourite game.
The formal galas you and your husband were compelled to attend never bothered you, especially as they became a perfect opportunity to challenge each other to talk dirty in public.
As the two dignitaries with whom you were making idle small talk excused themselves from your company, Duncan’s hand decidedly glued to your waist gripped you tightly, cinching you into him.
“As soon as I get you home tonight, you’re going to sit on my face. Understood?”
A nervous giggle slipped off your tongue.
“Excuse me, Mr Shepherd?”
“Did I fucking stutter?” He chuckled under his breath. “If you like, I can say it a little louder, Ms Underwood over there didn’t quite catch it the first time—“
“Oh I heard you just fine, darling,” you placed a palm on his chest, feeling his heart racing beneath his crisp black shirt. “I just didn’t expect it.”
“You didn’t expect that your husband, after an agonising night entertaining these insufferable democrats, wants to eat out his wife?”
You blushed a deep shade of pink, plastering a fake wholesome smile across your lips just in case anybody was watching.
“Did you do what I asked you before we left?” His hand wandered down to your hips, fingertips pressed into your dress for any sign of panties beneath the silk clinging to your curves.
“Of course, baby, I don’t renege on our deals about no underwear,” you rolled your eyes at him.
“You did not just hold that against me again,” he sassed, squeezing your hip harder. “I told you I couldn’t go to meet the goddamn President without boxers on underneath grey pants. We’ve been through this!”
You leaned in to plant a devious kiss on his lips, whispering lowly against his mouth.
“I’ll hold it against you every single day until you let me drag you out of these godforsaken high society shitshows early so I can ride your face.”
Leaning back in surprise, he glared at you from beneath furrowed brows and lust-blinded hooded eyes.
“That’s it, we’re getting out of here. Right now.”
Stumbling through the apartment door like two sex-crazed teenagers, Duncan carried you to the bedroom, legs wrapped around his waist, throwing you both on the bed and yanking your dress clean from you.
“Get up here,” he snarled, “right now.”
Shuffling up from his waist, whimpering as you left the comforting warmth of his rock hard length bursting through his tuxedo pants, you rested your knees beside his messed-up brunette curls and parted your thighs. As you gripped the headboard, the burn of Duncan’s stubble against your inner thighs ushered a flush of arousal through your folds. He moaned greedily, scratching lightly down your back as the tip of his tongue began trailing slow, beckoning circles around your clit. His lips latched on gently as he suckled, drawing your clit into his mouth.
“Fuck, just like that, Duncan,” you growled, clutching the headboard with all your strength as your eyes rolled to the ceiling. An uncontrollable tremble took hold of your thighs, quivering beneath you as Duncan slicked around your folds and his nose tickled your clit.
You trailed a reassuring hand through his hair as he moaned into your folds, revelling in every pulse of your muscles, every delicious twitch that told him you were enjoying him as much as he was enjoying you.
You glanced down to catch his piercing blue eyes gazing longingly at you, watching you unwind on top of him in the same blissful manner as the very first time he made you cum.
No sooner had Duncan introduced his tongue to your cunt, licking a soft stripe between your folds, he suddenly thrust his tongue inside and your hips bucked frantically, thighs constricting around his head. A burning ache deep in your belly reached boiling point inside you, heat rising to your cheeks and your thighs as you gripped onto the headboard so hard it might snap.
“Baby, don’t stop, please don’t stop,” you begged him, fisting his soft brunette locks as he hummed contentedly into your drenched folds, keening his own hips to the sound of your glistening folds smacking beneath his cum-soaked lips.
“I’m gon... I’m gonna—-” you were cut off by your own overwhelming orgasm snapping deep inside you, flowing streams of arousal onto Duncan’s waiting lips, parted gently as he whimpered beneath you.
“I fucking love you,” Duncan smiled against your thighs, peppering light kisses as you slowly regained control over your body enough to tip onto the bed beside him. You were frozen to the spot for much longer than you anticipated, taking your time over the journey back to down earth from cloud nine.
“You did so well for me, baby,” Duncan held your face in both hands, kissing your forehead and beaming across his glistening lips as you gazed lovingly back at him.
In your blissful haze, your hands subconsciously travelled to his pants, swiftly parting his belt and zipper.
“What exactly are you doing down there, Mrs Shepherd?”
“Checking if you’re wearing boxers.”
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thewritingginger · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet - Lucifer
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Thank you anon for you request :3 Since I don't know much about Belphegor yet here's the fluff alphabet for our boy Lucifer. 
Much love to you too babe 💛💛💛
A ctivities - what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
- Lucifer will alway enjoy a nice cup of tea with his s/o while talking about their day and upcoming plans Or just sitting in silence while each one does their own thing. Just being alone in each others presence is soothing enough. 
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them? 
- Lucifer thinks his partners mind is the most beautiful thing about them.
- He admires his s/o’s ability to make tactful decisions with common sense
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
- Lucifer would try and gently walk his partner through their panic attack.
- During these times he is more patient then anyone has ever seen him with someone 
- Will ask if they want space or not, as a way to make sure he’s helping them in ways that are best suited for them.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
- He imagine him and his s/o raising a family, maybe 2 or 3 kids
- In a beautiful home, with out his brothers (not that they wouldn't be in and out of it all the time.)
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
- Lucifer is usually a dominant force in his life and relations, but with the person he loves he has found a way to have a bit of a balance and finds that he doesn’t Always  have to be in control of everything with them in his life.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
- Lucifer will try to shut down any fight he deems unbeatable for his partner
- Wont be one to yell unless pushed far enough 
- Usually will walk away if the argument is going no where
- You will have to come to him to resolve it (unless he really feels he was in the wrong and/or hurt you with what he might have said)
- Wont be one to hold a grudge 
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
- He may be too prideful to say this some times but, he feels very lucky to have you in his life.
- The way you can connect with him the way that you have truly shocked him when he really realized what he had with you. 
- “I didn't think a human could do this to me, but I would want anything else.”
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide form their s/o? Or do they share everything?
-  It is rather hard for Lucifer to bare everything to his partner not because what's he may be hiding is bad but just to try and avoid embarrassment or potential judgment, his pride can really get in the way even with you.
- But the only things he may ever keep secret is things portioning to work 
- He values honesty and expects it from both parties 
I nspired - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
- His s/o really helped loosen him up a bit and bring out a bit of a softer side (not that he won’t whip out a can of whoop ass when necessary)
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
-  Does get jealous but in more of an irritated way
- When he sees someone flirting or being a little too friendly to his liking with his partner he will be calm and collected but you know inside he is seathing
- Very intimidating (more than usual) 
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
- A very passionate kisser 
- Your first kiss together stunned you, not because it was bad but bc it really took your breathe away. 
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
- Lucifer confessed his love in the garden in the moon light (too cheesy?)
- Holding your hand telling you how you made quite the feat to get a demon like him to fall for you,
- “I never in my life thought a human could conquer me in such a way that you have.” 
- And planted a soft kiss upon your rose petal lips, the feeling of electricity crossing through you both, those currants finally meeting, intermingling in a passionate tango that he wishes will never end.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
- Lucifer always knew he would probably get married but to who was the big question bc he isn't just gonna be with anyone 
- The marriage b/w you two is pleasant  
- At first (including in your pre-marriage relationship) the amount of time he spends working and away from home was pretty hard. You understood he had an important job and a lot to do but there were a few arguments about how you hardly get good quality time together.
- But after that's figured out and a balance is made its pretty good
- He proposed to you after a romantic candlelit dinner he set up for you two
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
- Nicknames you have for him: Luci, | Honey, | 
- Nicknames he has for you: Love, | Dear, | 
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
- The only other person that can really see it is none other than Diavolo
- He expresses it by being a bit more accommodating to you, to make are you are happy and comfortable.
- But he is more so private about it (mainly before others knew about your relationship/ it was official) 
- He is just over all a bit gentler with you 
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o on front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
- Isn't making out with you but is proud to have you with him
- At parties he’ll have you on his arm and dancing with you close whilst looking lovingly in your eyes, a gentle curve playing his lips. Leaning down to press a kiss to your hand to cheek. 
- Very gentlemanly
Q uirk - Some random ability they have thats beneficial in a relationship?
- His ability to organize and plan things is amazing
- Planning for important meetings and finances for big things (like a house) is usually left to him to crunch the numbers and get everything situated.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
- On a scale of 1-10, He’s measuring in at about a strong 8
- Wooing you is something he is very good at 
- Candlelit dinners, with soft music playing in the background, Champaign and strawberries 
- Dresses nicely for you, (he usually dresses nicely but still lol) has gotten you a little something to wear for when you go out as well. Complementing you on how beautiful you look in the dress he had chosen for you.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
-  Will push his s/o to go after what they want 
- Wont pressure them but tell them, if they want to do it they can! They just have to put action into it.
T hrill - Do they need to try new things to spice out their relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
- Both
- There are certain things he wants to keep routine, like his mornings and nights with you (getting up and going to bed) 
- But where you go on date and how you spend time alone (wink wonk😉) chances up when things get too repetitive
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
- In the beginning of your relationship it was a bit hard for him to truly understand you 
- Not meaning to be apathetic at times, bc he does care about you and your well being but he hasn't had a relationship with love like this before 
- Showing his emotions doesn't come naturally to him either so helping you with it can be a bit daunting (even to the great Lucifer lol)
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it thats worth in comparison to other things in their life?
- You are pretty important to him 
- I wouldn't say more or less than his work (cuz thats hella important to him too)
- He really believes he is good at separating the two 
- Honestly he is, for the most part.
- There may or may have been a few times where he was a bit lenient with you when it came b/w you and his work. Like maybe there was a time when you were really missing him and have been having a bad week and you asked to come see him at work or he came home. He allowed you to come to his office and ended up sitting on his lap with your arms wrapped around his neck, and your head resting on his shoulder. (He would be lying if said he didn't like it and wants you come over and do that from time to time)
W ild Card - A random. Fluff Headcanon.
- You and Lucifer have these little habits you do in the mornings.
- Every morning (or almost every morning) when you get up, usually Lucifer gets up before you, you go down stairs to meet him in the kitchen where you both sit down at the table and drink coffee he had made for you both. You spend these early morning moments alone to talk about your day and maybe even any dreams you might have had the night before. The alone time you have in the mornings together is very precious to him and you get to see the softer side of Lucifer, with sleep still in the corners of his eyes, still in his night clothes. Seeing you first thing in the morning before anyone else is something he never wants to stop doing.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
- Much more affectionate than his brothers and others think (besides Diavolo probably)
- Night time snuggles are a thing
- At night when you two are falling asleep he will hold you against his chest, stroking your hair lovingly. Maybe a gentle kiss here or there
- Holding your hand
- Kissing your hand
- His affection comes out in very simple &. soft gestures 
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
- He is the best at coping out of the brothers
- Understands and can respect that you need time, either alone or for work/school
- Might send you a message here or there checking up on you or updating you on how his work is going.
- Don't get it twisted tho, he does have his moments (maybe not often) but moments when he just needs you with him/ really wants to be with you while he's at work/working or you’re out.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, whaat kind of?
- If you’ve made into his heart and really earned his trust and respect 
- He will go great lengths for your relationship
- Makes sure that you’re happy and comfortable 
- He even will try to change (idk if thats the right word to use but maybe better himself but idk 😅) for you (not who he is and personality wise) but his approach and how he speaks to you (like in an argument or when he disagrees, doesn't just shut you down he will try to hear you out)
- But if he sees that someone doesn't put effort in or wrongs him or just isn't compatible with him and what he wants than he will let them go.
If you’re reading this I hope you liked it and have a marvelous day.
If you have any ideas of what I should write next, I am gonna try and do some Valentines themed works for the month of February so I’m open to suggestions.
💛 ~
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dalamjisung · 3 years
ooooh i like the song idea:)) can u do safe by daya with seungmin please? <3
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“Minnie, let’s go!”
Your voice is small, just like you, hiding behind his back with your tiny fists balled by your sides, a demanding tone underneath the lack of confidence.
“No!” He shouts back, facing the three boys that started all of this. “This is not right! They need to apologize to you!”
“Oh, yeah?” One of the upperclassmen scoff. “And whaat are you going to do about it?”
Turns out Minnie doesn’t do anything about it– you do. Growing up with two brothers, it was safe to say you knew how to fend for yourself at the ripe age of ten; all it takes is a bit, one kick, and a loud, loud shriek to have the professors pulling you all apart.
“She attacked us!” One of them tries, pointing at you in anger and surprise. “She is crazy!”
“I’m sure she did,” The professor rolls his eyes, pushing the boy away from your crying figure. Seungmin, completely overtaken by shock, doesn’t move, and simply stares at you with his mouth wide open.
Many times before Seungmin had teased you and pulled your pigtails, following the conduct of his best friend and, coincidentally, your older brother, Hyunjin. But you never fought back. He didn’t even think you cared… All you did was stare at them and go back to whatever activity you were busying yourself with. The fact that you were ready to defend him and not yourself is something he never truly forgets, and from that day on, Seungmin promised him and all of his friends that he’ll forever protect you.
You’re seventeen now, and the college application process is tiring and stressful, but, as you run to Seungmin’s house with a packet in hands, it’s almost like it was all worth it. Almost. It would only be worth it if he opened the door with the same packet in hands.
“Come on,” You mutter, ringing the doorbell furiously. “Come on, come on, come on!”
The door swings open and there he is, hands clutching a similarly full packet and you both scream, hugging each other tight. You were going to college together.
“I knew we’d get in!” He shouts, and his parents laugh from the kitchen, where they observe you two.
“Remember when Hyunjin was his best friend?” His mother asks, chuckling.
“Not really,” His dad answers. “As far as I remember, it’s always been Y/N, no?”
“Sure it did, honey,” Seungmin’s mother winks at her husband. “It’s always been Y/N.”
“Are you ready?”
His hand is comforting on yours. It’s familiar and you are pretty sure it’s always been there– be it when you were children and he helped you get up when you tripped, or when you went to parties back in college and he held on tight to not lose you in the crowd, or even when you went out on weekly dates, his hands always find yours over the table.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” You sigh, eyes dark as you see the welcoming sign to your city.
“We’ll be fine, baby,” He kisses the back of your hand as he keeps driving into the familiar street, passing by the stores you knew and restaurants you grew up going to; at one point he passes by the high school and you flinch a bit, not fond of the flooding memories that hit you all at once.
As much as your childhood had been a good one, you can’t ignore the bad that followed after. High school had bee a precarious time for you, and in your head, it’s almost like all of high school were just a collection of memories of Seungmin. These are the only ones you kept, anyways.
“Yeah…” You take a deep breath. “We’ll be fine.”
“I did promise, after all,” He chuckles, lovingly looking at you. “I’ll keep you safe.”
“Like you did when we were kids?” You tease, remembering the time you almost got in trouble for him.
“Just like when we were kids.”
here you go anon! I really hope you like it... seungminnie deserves the world UwU
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pinkykitten · 5 years
i am shy
Avatar The Last Airbender 
Sokka x shy! female reader
Warning: shynessssssssssss
Specifics: fluff, comedy, romance, one-shot, race neutral reader
People: sokka, katara, aang, toph 
Words: 1,271
Requested: By anon Hello! At first: You have the most talented writing Style i've ever read! Really the way you describe the feelings of the Persons are so unique - I'm in Love ♡~♡ When I look at your Story's, looks mine like a Kindergarten Child has write it's first Story lol😂 You've said you want Request, so here am I: How about a ATLA Sokka x Shy Reader ? ( I miss your ATLA One Shots) Thank's for reading Dear♡
Authors Note: first off thank you again dear for your lovely comment it means the world to me when you guys say such sweet things about me or my writing. but remember fam to practice, i still practice cuz ur girl still needs to improve. if you practice read a lot u will become successful and have faith in urself, dont belittle ur work and dont give up. also if u guys would like to send me some of ur work through the submit button or wherever else i would love to read them and see where i could help out what i love that type of stuff advice. also with this story i didnt rlly know how to end it so im sorry. 
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As you walked around town you enjoyed all the different things. The food, items, the people, but most importantly you liked the clothes. Unfortunately, you were too shy to converse with anyone, just watching from afar the way humans interacted. Whenever you felt you had to speak to a stranger your heart started to pound furiously. 
You were willing to leave the busy atmosphere when the rest of your friends arrived. 
“Hey y/n,” Aang said, putting his hands behind his head, clearly relaxed and having a break day. 
You only waved as the rest said their hellos. Growing up you wondered if you were always liked this. Life just changes a person and to your knowledge it changed you for the worse. 
Sokka could point out when you were about to curl up and shy away but when you were with Sokka things were different. You felt free to be yourself, to express yourself wholeheartedly. Sometimes you would catch yourself leaning further and further away from shyness and just having a fun time. 
“H-h-hi Sokka,” you said almost as a whisper. Sokka smiled knowing you were trying your hardest. He motioned over to you and placed an arm around your back. You almost had a heart attack! Sokka knew about your shyness yet he chose to do that, in public! Your eyes shot wide open as you walked awkwardly in that position. 
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You all scanned the area, hitting all the stores. Eating whatever, doing whatever until your group ended at the store you really wanted to go in. 
“I hate dressing up,” Toph complained and Sokka glared at her as he turned his head. 
“Really? I love all the outfits and dresses, like look at that one,” Katara pointed to a pink dress with beautiful beading. Aang looked at the attire and then at Katara and nearly almost fainted at the image he processed in his head. 
“Man down!” Sokka shouted as he caught Aang. 
“Y/n do you want to go here?” Katara asked as she hooked her arm with yours. You looked again to the ground and shrugged. You hated when you did that. Katara was your friend, she actually cared for you and she was one of the few people who were there for you during tough times. 
“You know you can always tell me.”
You bit your lip, “you’re ri-right, I can tell you. If you want to go here I am fine with that. Its up to you.”
Katara didn’t know if to take your answer as a yes or no. Sokka saw though your face, the way you smiled and the way your eyes lit up when you saw the store in view. He knew that you wanted to go. 
“C’mon y/n, why don’t me and you go together.”
Katara snorted a laugh, covering her face.
“What? You don’t think I can last in a clothing shop?” Whined Sokka as he flailed his arms around. 
“I’m sorry Sokka its just, I would never think you were the one to want to go into a store badly.”
Sokka looked at you and could see you were giggling but covering your smile with your hand. “Well if y/n wants to go, which I know she does, then I will sacrifice my man hood and go.”
Toph scoffed and muttered, “you mean your boy hood?”
“C’mon,” Sokka grabbed onto your hand and guided you in. 
“Have fun you two,” Aang shouted. 
Sokka stood in the middle of the store, pathetically. He didn’t think this far through. Sweat was practically dripping down his face and back. 
“Why am I so sweaty?” He thought as he wiped his forehead. Was it because he was with you? AND YOU BOTH WERE STILL HOLDING HANDS!
Sokka let his hand unlace with yours so quick you thought there was a bug or something. “Sorry, I forgot to-”
Without a word you took his hand and laced it with yours again. Sokka knew this was tough for you and yet you did it. He almost died as you did that. “Oh...okay.”
“Le-lets look over here,” you took him to the dresses and picked out a few that you absolutely adored. Sokka stared at you lovingly the whole time and even offered to hold your outfits. “I am going to try them on now.”
“Sure!” Sokka followed you and sat on the chair in front of the changing room. The other women gave him a look of disgust as he was sitting where girls change, but oh well anything for you. 
The first dress you tried on was orange. You looked at your reflection as you twirled. 
“What do you think? Can I see?”
“...I hate it,” you gave a gloom face in the mirror. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah but I want to see it...still,” Sokka persisted. 
You froze up and tried to find a way out. You were too shy, but shy for what? To show him the outfit? You had no clue. 
“Y/n I’ll still think you look beautiful even if you wore a dumpling sack.”
He left the decision open for you, if you wanted to show him you knew how. Time passed by and Sokka thought you changed your mind but you quickly opened the door. In his eyes you looked like a goddess.
“Y-y/n you look-”
“Terrible...I hate this color on me. Onto the next.” You closed the door softly as Sokka waited again. 
Next you tried on a dark green dress, you liked the color but not the style of the dress. “This one makes me look like a-”
You swallowed and prepared for the shyness, “a...booger.”
You could hear Sokka laughing outside and you giggled yourself. You loved to make not just anyone laugh but Sokka. You opened the door and awkwardly posed for him. 
“A booger, hah! You are the most prettiest booger if you ask me! Now if Katara wore that, she would definitely look like a disgusting, moldy booger.”
You shook your head and chuckled, “your poor sister. I’m going to try on this last one.”
You poured a silky dark blue dress onto your body. It fit perfectly, snug but not too much. The color was captivating, there were some beading on the top only but the rest fell down like a waterfall. It reminded you of where Sokka was from. Feeling less shy you opened the door swiftly. “What do you think about this one Sokka?”
Sokka almost chocked in seeing you like that. “Y/n, you look-” He was captivated by your beauty. You looked almost unreal to him. What made the dress more special it reminded him of a dress his mother used to wear. “Y/n,” he stood up and leaned against the door frame, only a few inches away from you. “Y/n, you look so beautiful.”
You almost exploded! He was so close and his ice blue eyes were closing and he was leaning closer. You wanted to so badly kiss him back, kiss him until your lips fell off but you were too shy. You backed away but Sokka held onto you and crashed his lips onto yours. You shrieked but then you placed your hands on his hair, deepening the kiss. Sokka kissed you like his life depended on it, that he needed your kisses for air. 
You two separated and he breathed harshly with you. He realized that you were again shy and profusely started apologizing. 
You placed a finger against his lips and for once said a sentence without a whisper, “its okay Sokka. That was the best moment in my life. I’ve always wanted to kiss you.” 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @fangirl-4-life415, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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generallynerdy · 5 years
Babysitting (Carol Danvers & Sister!Reader)
first 10 minutes of endgame spoilers im warning u
Summary: When Carol goes to find Tony Stark and company on Titan, she regretfully has to leave behind her little sister, (Y/N). She isn’t pleased with the arrangement, at least until she discovers a raccoon and a particularly friendly cat in the compound.
Requested by & Anon: I'd love a Carol Danvers x little sister! Reader who loves animals! Like, she takes care of Goose and she loves Rocket, even though he insists he's not a raccoon
Key: (Y/N) - your name Warnings: nova calls the Decimation by the Snap bc that’s clearly what it should’ve been called, Cursing Probably, f l u f f, insinuations of death by plum-man Word Count: 2,202
Note: this focuses a lot on the avengers w/her sister sorry not sorry it’s cute and i needed to write rhodey tbh
    “Woah!” The little girl gasped. “This place is so big!”
    She was led along, hand in hand with a blonde woman in a sort of suit of red, blue, and gold. She skipped as she went, little stuffed dog wrapped tightly in her free arm. Her companion took her to a massive compound that looked relatively empty.
    The blonde laughed. “Yeah, it’s pretty big, huh?”
    “Carol,” the little girl whined as they got halfway across the building’s huge lobby. “Up.”
    Carol leaned down, plucking her tiny partner from the ground and scooping her into her arms. “You are needy, you know that?” She teased, booping the child’s nose.
    She giggled and shoved her hands away, using the stuffed puppy to cover her face from further attack. “Do you have to go?” She whined suddenly.
    “(Y/N), I wouldn’t leave you if I didn’t have to,” Carol sighed.
    Carol went to brush her little sister’s hair behind her ear, but her hand was shoved away spitefully. She didn’t want to leave her baby sister, but sometimes duty called. In this particular case, she was headed out to find a certain Tony Stark and company, who were hopefully on Titan.
    “Ah, there you are--” Someone said before stopping.
    Carol stopped as they approached the elevators and ran into a redhead, who stopped them there. “(Y/N),” Carol said to the girl in her arms, “This is Natasha.”
    “Hi,” (Y/N) whispered, waving shyly at her and burying her face in her stuffed friend.
    Her older sister smiled fondly. “She’s gonna help take care of you while I’m gone.”
    “I don’t wanna go,” she whined again. “I wanna stay with you and go save people, Carol, please!”
    Carol sighed and kissed her forehead. “I know, kiddo. But this one will be faster if I do it myself. They’re gonna take really good care of you and I’ll be back before you know it. Okay?”
    “Okay,” she whispered, though reluctantly.
    “Can you take her?” Carol asked Natasha. “They’re waiting for me in the hangar.”
    Natasha nodded and was soon given the terrified child. Carol kissed her on the cheek once more and was gone, (Y/N) waving miserably after her.
    “I know being left with strangers is horrible and scary,” Natasha said to the girl once her sister was gone. “But we’re gonna make the best of it.”
    (Y/N) nodded slowly, but her expression didn’t change. She was scared out of her mind.
    Natasha didn’t try to force her to talk, as she knew that would only make her more uncomfortable. So, she took her upstairs instead, hoping that the others would be able to make her more comfortable with things. After all, she could be stuck with them for days before Carol came back.
    The pair walked into the meeting room, where part of what was left of the Avengers gathered. Thor had yet to show, rather preoccupied with setting his people up in a new place to live, but Steve was downstairs sending Carol off.
    Bruce and Rhodey were the only ones in there, as well as Rocket, who was closest to the door. (Y/N) spotted him first.
    “A raccoon!” She gasped.
    The others looked up instantly at that, Bruce shooting Nat a confused expression. She just smiled a little and shook her head at (Y/N)’s reaction.
    “Why do people keep saying that?” Rocket huffed, not quite realising that a child had said it. “I’m not a raccoon!”
    “Guys, this is (Y/N),” Natasha said, kneeling to the ground to put the girl down. “Carol’s little sister.”
    Rhodey raised an eyebrow. “Hi, (Y/N). I’m Rhodey. This is Bruce.”
    “That’s Rocket,” Nat added, gesturing to the raccoon.
    The girl nodded a little before wandering over to Rocket, who looked terrified at this action. She just kind of pet his ear, giggling a little.
    “You’re so fluffy,” she said.
    He couldn’t help smiling slightly. “Yeah, one of my best qualities.”
    Meanwhile, Nat sat beside the other two men in the room, sighing as she did. She didn’t want to make them help her watch (Y/N), nor did she want them to do so at all. They were grieving, all of them. They didn’t need this. But, of course, they were heroes and they would offer to anyway.
    “How long are we babysitting?” Rhodey asked.
    “Who knows?” Nat sighed. “Until Carol gets back.”
    Bruce moved from the table to kneel in front of (Y/N), who had moved away from Rocket to the computers on one side of the room. They displayed the faces of the missing and, frankly, he didn’t want her to ask about them, so he decided to distract her instead.
    “Hey, (Y/N), what do you do for fun?”
    (Y/N) put a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “Carol likes taking me to new planets! And sometimes we sing to old songs on the way there or play hide n’ seek in the ship!”
    “Hide and seek, huh?” Bruce asked with a small smile. “Do you wanna play that?”
    “Yeah!” She exclaimed, hopping up and down. “You seek and I’ll hide! But you hafta count to 200, ‘cause that’s how much we count in big places.”
    Nat barely held in a laugh and Rhodey failed entirely. The kid was adorable. Maybe she was what they needed around here.
    “Okay, 200. Got it,” Bruce said. “Ready?”
    By the time he was at 5, (Y/N) had sprinted out of the room, tiny stuffed dog in hand.
    Rhodey didn’t have much to do at the compound except worry about Tony. So, he took to pacing the halls, finding unexplored rooms that had been abandoned since the Snap. What he didn’t expect to find when he turned a corner was little (Y/N) tugging at a stuck door with all her might.
    He laughed at the sight, glancing down the hall, but seeing no one. So, he approached the kid.
    “Uh, hey,” he said suddenly. “What are you doing?”
    “Tryna get in,” she answered bluntly.
    Rhodey had a silly grin on his face. “Aren’t you supposed to be playing hide and seek with Bruce?”
    She shrugged. “He’s bad at seeking. And Nicky’s office won’t open.”
    “Nicky…?” Rhodey asked. He glanced at the name on the door and stopped cold. Nicholas J Fury. “You know Fury?”
    “Uh huh!” (Y/N) said proudly, still pulling at the door handle. “Carol tells me stories about him for bedtime. Like when they saved the world from Kree! That’s my favourite.”
    Rhodes shook his head a little. “Here, lemme help you with that.”
    He managed to get the door unstuck and followed the girl inside, viewing the office with a sense of reminiscence. He was too busy looking around to realise that (Y/N) was looking for something-- or someone-- in particular.
    “Goose!” She whisper-called. “Goosey, Goose, Goose. Where are you?”
    When Rhodey did hear he, he tilted his head. “Goose? What are you--?”
    He was interrupted by a meow and watched in awe as a ginger cat appeared from behind Fury’s desk. It greeted (Y/N) instantly with purrs, making her giggle and pet it lovingly.
    “There you are!” She cooed.
    “I didn’t know Fury had a cat…” He muttered.
    (Y/N) picked up the cat and held it up, looking into its blank eyes. “You’re even cuter in real life! Carol’s gonna be so happy I found you!”
    “Did your sister tell you stories about Goose, too?”
    “Yeah!” (Y/N) exclaimed. “She’s like the coolest pet ever.”
    Rhodey hummed. “Didn’t take Fury for a cat person. Or a pet person.”
    “Goose isn’t a cat,” she huffed. “Goose is a Flerken. She’s way better than any cat. Isn’t that right, Goosey?”
    He simply paused, looking between the girl and the cat, the latter of whom stared back somewhat eerily. “Flerken. Right.” He furrowed his eyebrows, muttering to himself. “What the hell’s a Flerken?”
    (Y/N) was at the compound a little longer than they had anticipated, but they quickly got into a routine with her. Natasha, Rhodey, and Steve were in charge of making sure she got food and everything else she needed, while Bruce and Rocket were in charge of fun. Thor wasn’t in the mood. Nobody else really was either, but they were willing to put aside some things so that (Y/N) was taken care of.
    One night, as Steve was tucking her in, she asked him something.
    “Steve?” She called before he could close the door. “Can you tell me a story?”
    The captain stopped dead in his tracks and turned to her with a little smile. “A story?”
    “Carol tells me stories,” (Y/N) whispered quietly.
    So, he pulled up a chair beside her bed and settled in. The girl was just missing her big sister. He wanted to give her as much comfort as he could until she came back. Goose was pretty helpful when it came to that. In fact, she was curled up beside the little girl, looking like she was waiting for a bedtime story, too.
    “What kind of story do you wanna hear?” Steve asked.
    Her answer was instant. “Carol tells me stories about when she was in the air force. Or when she and Nicky saved the world.”
    “Okay…” he paused, exhaling sharply. “I’ve got one.”
    So, he told her about the time he and his best friend, Bucky, went to the Stark Expo. He also mentioned how he tried to illegally sign up to fight in the war, which she thought was funny. He didn’t go much further than that, but he did linger on Bucky a little.
    “Carol has a Bucky,” (Y/N) yawned when he finished his story.
    Steve raised an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah?”
    “Uh huh. Her name’s Marie,” the girl said. “We go visit her an’ Monica-- that’s her daughter-- a lot. But we don’t tell Nicky when we come visit, ‘cause we visit a lot.”
    “Is this the Marie that was a pilot, too?”
    (Y/N) nodded drowsily, smiling before frowning. “I asked Carol if we could visit ‘em this time, but she said we can’t. D’you know why?”
    Steve’s heart broke. He couldn’t be sure, but he had a pretty damn good hunch on why (Y/N) and Carol wouldn’t get to visit Marie and Monica. It took everything in him to lie to this kid, to tell her something that was so far from the truth.
    “No, I don’t,” he lied through his teeth. “But maybe you’ll get to see them before you leave.”
    “I hope so,” she muttered as he went to leave her room. “G’night.”
    “Goodnight. Sleep well, kiddo.”
    (Y/N) stumbled into the kitchen one morning, Goose following her as she carried her stuffed friend there. The cat followed her pretty much everywhere.
    A gasp left the little girl’s lips at the sight of a familiar blonde head of hair.
    She ran into her big sister’s arms, laughing excitedly.
    “Oh, there’s my girl,” Carol groaned at the impact of the attack hug, kneeling down to her sister’s level. “I told you I’d be back before you knew it.”
    “Lookie who I found!” (Y/N) said, rushing over to Goose.
    She picked the cat up and showed her to Carol, who smiled instantly at the sight. It was a bittersweet smile as she remembered why Goose was all alone in the compound, but a smile nonetheless.
    “Hi, Goose,” she greeted softly, grinning when the cat rubbed up against her fondly. “Remember me?”
    (Y/N) giggled. “Of course she does!”
    “You know what, kiddo?” Carol asked, not noticing the smiles on the faces of her fellow Avengers, who were scattered about the room. “I have a surprise for you, too.”
    “You do?” (Y/N) gasped.
    Carol nodded. “I made breakfast-- French Toast!”
    “YAY!” The girl squealed, racing to find a chair at the table as her sister went to grab her food. “Can Goose have some, too?”
    Goose climbed up on the chair beside her, almost on cue.
    Carol laughed. “Yes, Goose can have some, too.”
    She placed one plate in front of her sister and a smaller one in front of the Flerken, who was practically drooling in anticipation. (Y/N) dug in, but Goose had to hop up on the table to reach her food.
    The other Avengers watched with small smiles as the Flerken nudged her food experimentally with her nose. Carol waited. It was gonna be perfect.
    Goose’s mouth snapped open and tentacles cascaded from deep in her throat. She gobbled up the French Toast in seconds, doing it so quickly that (Y/N) barely saw it. The kid knew the stories about the Flerken, though. The Avengers did not.
    “Jesus--” Bruce gasped out when the tentacles disappeared.
    All of them were wide-eyed and fearful, some even backing up a little ways away.
    (Y/N) giggled at Rhodey’s face particularly. “I told you she wasn’t a cat! Goose is a Flerken! Isn’t that right, Goosey?”
    Goose rubbed her chin against the girl’s outstretched hand, purring up a storm. “Mrow!”
    “Okay, that I get Fury having as a pet,” he whispered. “That’s freaky. That’s-- that’s terrifying is what that is.”
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hobiwonder · 5 years
My little bub~
Genre: flufffffffffff
pairing: namjoon x reader
summary: namjoon can’t do laundry without hearing you shout in annoyane. 
a/n: all my smol soft anons made me soft :// have this drabble. just wrote it  so its probs not too good lmao okkkk
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“Ugh! Why won’t you work!!” Namjoon can hear your frustrated yell from the laundry - for the 10th time - room where he’s trying to separate the whites from the colours. Sighing, he knows he has to probably help you set up the game before your frustration turned your mood sour for the whole day.
You were fighting with the PlayStation again.
“Bub? Is everything okay?” His voice deep voice reverberates through the house, knowing full well that everything was not okay by your standards.
“No!” He can hear the pout in your voice and a few seconds later, soft stomping of your feet as they make their way to him, making him shake his head and smile to himself. You were so impatient.
“The stupid,” you stutter, trying to find words that don’t include explicit swear words before settling with repeating the same insult again, “stupid! settings keep asking me to sign in!”
You’re standing in the doorway, long pyjama shirt with your fluffy bunny slippers on your feet. Eyebrows furrowed in what Namjoon assumed was supposed to be a menacing look but you just ended up looking way too cute with that out on your face and hands crossed beneath your breasts.
“And did you?” You scoff and Namjoon is shooting you a playful look for your increasingly bratty attitude. But of course. He secretly loved it.
“Of course I did joonie! I’m not THAT dumb.” You’re avoiding his gaze, a finger twirling your messy, bedhead strands – you refused to wash up before playing your game, not matter how many lollies Namjoon bribed you with – leaning against the door of the laundry.
“Y/N,” his serious, stern tone has you jumping slightly when you look at his face finally. He’s reprimanding you with a shake of his head.
“You are not dumb. Not even a little. I do not,” he drops the shirt in the washing machine before taking the few steps forward to you, hands pulling you close by the waist while your breath hitches, “want you saying that ever again. Understood?”
You’re not looking in his eyes still. Face pressed against his chest, pout still ever present on your face while Namjoon’s hand’s slide over your back to rub soothing circles. Slowly, your own are going around his back again, barely being able to hold all of him in your arms because of how much bigger he was than you. And so comfy and muscly and manly and-
“Baby? Are you listening to me?” You’re broken out of our thoughts about your beautiful, caring boyfriend as you finally hug him with all your might, tilting your head up to look at his sharp features and voluptuous lips.
“Uh-huh. Understood.” And the smile he gives in return, hand now sliding their way up your back – sending slight shivers down it – before rustling your hair charmingly.
“Joonieeee,” your whine is all the more adorable to him as he laughs at your failed attempts at fighting his hands off of your face as he coos and pinches your cheeks like you’re a toddler or something. Suddenly, his hands are going beneath your bum as he lifts you up – a squeal of surprise coming from you – and sets you down on the counter beside the washing machine, taking a snug position between your legs – pressing light butterfly kisses all over your face while you continue to pout and shake your head to get away – not really tough, you loved it secretly.
“I’m not a baby,” and yet you’re contradicting your statement as you pout with a frown on your face, hands crossed beneath your chest again as you glare adorably toward Namjoon. Who is quite unsuccessfully trying to hold back a smile or a laugh. You don’t know but it makes you more cross! Though the frown is slowly sliding off your face as he closes in on you, smirking face getting closer and closer until his nose nuzzles with your own. The butterflies in your stomach making you feel all funny and tickly with his breath on your lips.
“But you are though. Mybaby,” and then his soft, plush lips and encasing your own, kissing you so softly that your eyes are closing on their own accord while his hands are bringing your own to wrap around his neck before wrapping around your torso to push you even closer to him. Your legs are going around his waist as well and you have no control over your body when Namjoon kisses you like this. Making you want to wrap yourself around him like a snake.
His kiss is soft but deep. Breaking apart only to tilt his head and take your breathless mouth again from a different angle – tongue just barely touching yours while you let out the softest moans.
“You’re Joonie’s baby aren’t you?” His kisses have travelled down your chin, sweetly nipping your lips – making you feel all sticky and achy down south. But he doesn’t give you a chance to respond while takes your mouth in a slow, deep kiss once again. You’re lowly moaning in your throat, legs holding him tighter to you while his hands massage lovingly at your exposed thighs.
And when he finally breaks apart, your head is reeling and you’re dazed as you sway in place. Namjoon can’t help but cuddle you closer, watching you grip his shirt with your tiny, adorable hands as you clear your head.
“You okay bub?” His chuckle is teasing and you don’t have it in you to glare at him…. Or do you? Because that’s exactly what you do.
“Not fair.” Your pout is resurfacing again and god fucking damnit. Namjoon might fuck you right here and not even get laundry done when you’re being this soft and bratty at the same time.
“Stop your pouting baby.” He kisses your forehead in a soft, lingering press of his plush lips before walking to the washing machine again. The swinging of your legs is automatically starting as soon as Namjoon has vacated the space, back to separating the coloured from whites.
“Want to wait for me to finish up and then Joonie and y/n can see what’s that mean game doing?” He says the last part in an animated tone, only to amuse you and you’re buying it already as you nod vigorously, remembering your fight with the gaming console.
“Yeah okay!” And Namjoon can all but shake his head again, finding it too damn adorable for words. Just glad that you’re not asking for something else and for once being statisfied with his suggestion.
“Joonie… can we order fried chicken today too…?” Your hopeful, doe eyes are staring at him, breaking his guard down so fast that not even 2 minutes later, Namjoon is sighing and telling you that you can while you clap away calling him the best ever and attacking him with your small body in cuddles.
Yeah. He spoke too soon.
But it’s okay because you were his little bub that loved so very much.
a/n: love u my lil beans.
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