#avengers cast x teen!reader
juiles · 3 months
Horror Movie Queen
Requested: yes
Summary: a teen reader whos done a bunch of horror movies is filming a scene where she has to scream, freaks everyone out in the cast. Italics is the filmed scene.
Tags: really just fluff except one mention of torture and hitting
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A/N: Its short but its something new. i think im getting back to writing again so thats exciting!!
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Y/n sat staring at the star studded cast in front of her at the reading table. Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Holland, Elizabeth Olsen. It was wild all the people she had spent her whole life looking up to, and here she was, about to film a whole Marvel movie with them.
This was new territory for her too. A whole new genre of movie, different from the horror movies she was known for. The rest of the cast didn’t watch her movies so they didn’t know how she worked.
“Y/n? You okay?” Chris Evans asked waving his hand around in front of her face. “You zoned out there.” He added softly to the teen who flushed slightly and nodded looking down at her hands. “Have you done enough reading now? Are you ready to get into costume and makeup?”
Y/n paused for a moment picking at her fingers before she looked up and nodded. “Yeah. Ill go get ready. I’ll see you guys tomorrow?” She took a quick glance around at everyone who shot her small nods before she disappeared. When she finally came to set, fully ready for her scene, her manager waved her over.
“Okay… lets get this over with guys.” She said, her manager chuckling at the bored look on the teenagers face that was currently covered in bruises and blood, her clothes hanging off of the girls frail body, a gash across her face where a scar usually sat on her characters face.
She was filming her background scene, how her character, Maddison, got where she was, fighting with the Avengers. The torture and pain the character had gone through obvious with the way she was dressed. “Alright you, are you ready to scream?” Thomas asked the girl with a grimace, knowing what he had to pretend to do to the girl. She nodded and stepped on to the set, a cold damp cell that had red splatter all over one wall, showing what she was supposed to have gone through. Thomas stepped forward, the director getting ready for filming, unknown to the teen, the rest of her cast mates stepped in to the studio, hiding in the shadows.
Scarlett elbowed a nervous looking Lizzie who motioned to the makeup on the girls face, the blonde shook her head slightly motioning to be quiet with a finger to her lips. Evans eyes widened as he studied the gash on the girls face. They all knew it was makeup, but as they had grown protective of the young girl, it scared them all. The all focused in on the girl when the director called action.
--Filming scene--
Maddison, a 13 year old girl who had been kidnapped by Baron Strucker at the age of 5, sat huddled against the bloody wall, her whole body shaking as she slowly lifted her head, a giant gash across her face, towards the man standing in front of her. The man merely raised his hand that held a ragged, rusty dagger and slashed down at the girl, her face getting slashed.
The girl let out a blood curdling scream, a scream so loud it even made Strucker take a step back out of shock. The man then turned on his heel and slammed the cell door closed whispering to the girl. “No one will ever want someone as disgusting as you.”
--Scene over--
The director called cut and y/n stood up and with a lack of emotion on her face and grabbed her water bottle. She had barely gotten a sip of it when she was collided with, a pair of arms wrapping around her, gripping her tightly. The teen squeaked as she tried to move the blonde hair to see the horrified look of all her adult castmates standing around her. She patted the back of what she assumed to be Scarlett with a look of confusion running across her face.
“What was that?” Mark asked as he nervously twisted his hands. “How did you bring that up? That was so real…”
“What do you mean?” Y/n asked as Scarlett finally pulled back. “I’m confused?”
“It was very convincing sounding darling.” The actress said, one hand not leaving the teens arm. “Are you okay?”
“Oh. I’m fine?” She responded. “I did- have you guys never seen any of my movies?”
RDJ looked at the girl sheepishly. “Your movies are intense kid… theyre a little scary for most of us.” The teen barked out a laugh shaking her head.
“My whole career I’ve only done horror movies, that scream just is what it is at this point. Nothing behind it, just 5 years of perfecting it.” She said with a small shrug and a small smirk on her face.
“Jesus kid, you gave us a heart attack as a whole.” Hemsworth chuckled as he ruffled the girls hair making the teen roll her eyes with a small smile as she was called back to the set.
Taglist: @mythixmagic @boredandneedfanfics @natashamaximoff-69 @asiangmrchk13
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janesociety · 1 year
the interviews
marvel cast x teen!reader
summary: you and the cast have a day full of interviews for Infinity War and you spend the day worried about one in particular
notes: like the other one, kinda cringy and a few years old. also this is based off how i expirience dyslexia and may be different than your experience!
marvel masterlist
✩ ✩ ✩
The whole cast knew you were dyslexic. It was hard to not notice sometimes. It had first been brought up in one of your first Marvel movies a few years ago. It was when you were quite a bit younger and not as good at reading allowed and connecting words to objects.
It was your first read through and you kept mispronouncing “Fury” as “Furry” and were confused as to why the Avengers were fighting a furry. Eventually, Scarlett had leaned over and corrected you. You were embarrassed, but the cast found it endearing, if anything.
It was now time for the Infinity War press tour and you were nervous. You and the cast had just finished up the small LA portion of the tour and were now off to New York for the first full week. The New York portion was always the hardest for you- mostly because of the chaos of it all.
The New York portion was where all the late night show or morning news appearances happened and the “major” interviews such as Buzzfeed and Wired. And there lied your problem.
Your day started bright and early at 6:00 in the morning so that you and the cast could be ready to go on Good Morning America.
“Hey, kid,” Robert said, walking up behind where you were sitting and placing both of his hands on your shoulders. “You ready?”
“For this? Yeah,” you laughed. “Everything else? Not so sure." He shook your shoulders.
"You'll do great, kiddo, I promise," he said, giving each shoulder a squeeze before walking off again into the chaos.
It was only a few more minutes before you and the rest of the cast were sitting down in two rows in facing an interviewer. The crowd of people watching the show clapped as you all walked out and took your seats.
"And we're back in..." a producer held up three fingers, then two, then one, signalling the end of the commercial break.
"Alright, we're back now with our special guests: the cast of Avengers Infinity War!" the interviewer said. "Hello, guys, it's great to see all of you!" There was a chorus of greetings from you all. "Okay, so let's get started...."
The interview went without a hiccup and you and the cast were off to your next set of interviews- which happened to include the ones you were worried about.
Your agent handed you your time table for the interviews you were going to be doing and your heart started to pound. The Buzzfeed interview you had been warned about was on there, first, however, you had to sit through nearly three hours of other interviews. Interviews normally put you on edge, but knowing what was coming after just made it worse.
You found the room that your morning block of interviews was in and sat to wait for the other two people you'd be with. When Sebastian and Anthony walked in, your face lit up, knowing the interview would be 10x less stressful with them there to entertain/distract the interviewers.
And so your long morning started, the three of you bounced off each others energy and jokes. Most of the interviews went well, although there were ones here and there very obviously spoiler fishing.
"I take about what 60% of what he says is true," Sebastian told the interviewer, making you laugh.
"60% of the time, I am right 5% of the time," Anthony said, confusing the interviewer and making you laugh harder.
"What he's saying is that he is only right 5% of the time, over half the time, which is generous, in my opinion," you said upon seeing the confusion on the interviewers face that did not clear up after your comment.
"So, Y/N, we know this movie is a big game changer for Marvel, and people have been wondering what your, as the youngest cast member, future looks like in the MCU?" they asked, trying to move on from the previous conversation.
"I don't even know what my present in the MCU looks like," you answered. "Am I even in this movie? I don't even know- I just show up where they tell me to."
"Same, I don't get scripts until the week after we film the scenes," Sebastian said.
"A week? Damn, I still haven't gotten mine," Anthony laughed.
"I think that's all I have for you guys today," the interviewer said, obviously somewhat disappointed that they couldn't drag any spoilers out of you. "Thank you!" he said, his voice sincere but his expression sarcastic.
Anthony clapped as they left the room, jumping up out of his chair excitedly. "Alright, lunch time," he said, turning to smile at both of you. While you were grateful for the break, it only meant you were closer to the interviews where you had to read on camera.
"Gotta eat something, kid, gotta long day still," Anthony said, watching you stare at your sandwich. You looked up, nodding and then taking a bite. Just focus, you'll be fine.
"You okay?" Sebastian asked from next to Anthony. You forced a weak smile as you finished chewing.
"Just nervous," you answered, wiping your hands on a napkin near you.
"Why? You're great at interviews," Anthony said.
"I have to read in the next few and I'm worried I'll mess it up," you said, playing with the sleeve of your shirt. "I know it's dumb- I just get nervous about it."
"You got nothing to worry about, kid," Sebastian said. "If you mess up, just play it off as a joke- people will love it it'll end up in one of those 'Y/N being the best MCU cast member' compilations."
"Thanks," you said with your mouth full.
"Chew your food," Anthony said, throwing a napkin at you.
"I'm Tom Holland," Tom said from beside you.
"And I'm Y/N L/N, and we're going to be taking a quiz to see how easily we can identify Marvel movies-" you cut off, waiting for Tom to finish.
"That had been terribly described," he said.
"Alright, first one," you said, pushing your nerves out of your mind. "A boy destroys his planet because he doesn't want to share it with his sister who broke his favorite toy." You read slowly as to not mess up, and it worked.
"Is that the one Guardians of the Galaxy movie?" Tom asked, thinking out loud. You hummed in thought, trying to figure out what it was.
"None of them have sisters though- except for Gamora but it says him," you said.
"It's Thor!" Tom shouted. "Thor: Ragnarok." You smiled, looking back at your computer, realizing you had to type your answer. Great.
"How do you spell Ragnarok?" you asked, raising your eyebrows.
"It's exactly how it sounds," Tom said, already moving on to the next question. You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Tom, I'm dyslexic, I don't know how to sound things out," you said, him going red remembering it.
"R-a-g-n-a-r-o-k," he spelled out for you and you laughed as you typed it.
"'A boy solved daddy issues with the power of friendship'," Tom read. You both looked stumped.
"Tony had daddy issues," you thought out loud. "So does Loki- maybe it's one of the other Thor ones."
"Would they put two Thor ones in a row?" Tom asked.
"Maybe it's to trick us?" you offered. You both shrugged and started typing.
"Ah! This one is Guardians of the Galaxy," Tom groaned.
"'A dude made a wormhole to seek attention'," he read, moving on to the next one.
"I have no clue," you laughed, leaning back in your seat.
"I don't either," he laughed. "Give up?" he asked, cursor hovering over the button. You nodded doing the same.
"Avengers?" you read out, confused. "Did Loki make a wormhole in that or something?"
"Maybe? God, we're such bad Marvel fans," Tom laughed.
"'Small guy who likes committing international war crimes becomes a him- a himbo who still likes committing international war crimes'," you read aloud.
"Ant-Man," you and Tom say at the same time, laughing as you type the answer in.
"What?" you yelled as it the screen reads Wrong!
"Captain America?" Tom asked, confused.
"We were so confident!" you said, smacking the table.
"'Someone just got out of prison commits more crimes, but now with inces- insects'," you read.
"Did you almost say incest?" Tom laughed/yelled. You burst out laughing too, covering your face.
"Oh my god," you wheezed with laughter. "Can we both agree it's Ant-Man?" you asked, both of you still recovering from laughing, the question only sending you into more fits of laughter.
"'A surgeon gets operated on by his ex-girlfriend'," Tom read. "See, I think this one is Dr. Strange, but that's not actually the plot, so I don't know."
"Want to guess it?" you asked. He nodded, both of you typing it in and getting it right.
"'Man had to face his consequences after ignoring a- a weird guy 2- years before, while adopting a kid who owned the garage he broke in?'" you read, not so sure of the ending. "Was that it?"
"Yeah, that's it," Tom nodded, his brows furrowed. "'Garage he broke in,'" he repeated.
"Oh, Iron Man... 2? Maybe 3?" you said.
"I think 2?" Tom said. "Let's go with that.
"Goddammit, 3!" you groaned.
"Okay, last one," Tom said. "'An orphan fought his teammate (who tired to run away because he hated the American government) with his best friend who murdered the orphan's parents when he was younger.'"
"Okay, I'm almost positive this is Civil War, but we've gotten a lot wrong that I've been sure of, so I don't know," you laughed.
"I think it's Civil War- orphan Tony, teammate Steve, killer Bucky," Tom said, explaining his thought process.
"Alright..." you said typing it in.
"Yep!" Tom yelled but you looked up at him confused.
"I got it wrong?" you said, showing him your laptop. He read what you typed and tried to hide his laughter.
"Y/N.... it's c-i-v-i-l, not c-i-v-a-l," he said chuckling. You turned a bit red and glared at him.
"I hate you," you mumbled, closing your laptop and rolling your eyes.
"We're terrible Marvel Fans," Tom said, looking at his 38% and your 25%.
"Wanna go binge watch every single movie now and redeem ourselves?" you joked. He smiled.
"Sure why not," he chuckled.
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darkstar225 · 7 months
Avengers Masterlist
Okay, idk what I’m doing but yeah. Thank you for reading :D
Avengers x Reader
*Sick Spider-Girl ft Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff* *Spider-Girl gets heatstroke ft Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff* *Dragonoid-Girl is saved by the Avengers ft Wanda Maximoff* *Spider-Girl has a panic attack ft Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff* *Kid Y/N feels under the weather, what is gonna happen? ft Wanda and Natasha* *Spider-Girl bitten more than she could chew in the field ft Natasha Romanoff* »»———⋇⋆✦⋆⋇———«« »»———⋇⋆✦⋆⋇———«« »»———⋇⋆✦⋆⋇———«« 
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We’re Terrible Influences
Paring: Avengers Cast (Sebastian Stan, Chris Evans, Anthony Mackie, Scarlett Johanson) x Reader
Summary: Part of the Civil War cast throw a 21st birthday party for you
Warning: drinking, swearing, hints of anxiety, drunk reader, WE GET SAD
A/N: Flufftober Day 4, this was fun
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“You have got to be kidding me”
You looked at the three men boys in front of you; Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, and Chris Evans. They had the goofiest smile on their faces, one holding a birthday hat, the other a sash, and a shot glass with clear liquid in it. “I told you guys multiple times I didn’t want a party.”
"We know," Chris said, "and we don't want to force you to do this." he continued. "But it's your 21st birthday, and if you don't get drunk then you are doing it wrong." Sebastian continued. "Actually I'm doing it right because I'm not pushing my body's limits-"
"NOPE! You don't get to be smart tonight. that can continue tomorrow. Tonight you get to have fun and get drunk with your favorite people in the world." Anthony said as he tried to hand you the clear glass.
"I told you no. The only reason I came over was for the birthday movie night we had planned." You said you try to push past the guys. But they weren’t having it and blocked you out.
“What’s going on? Are you nervous or something? Cause we are all very responsible adults.” Chris said as the three men have you the cheesiest thumbs up, making you laugh.
“It’s not that, I promise. I just don’t want to.” You said as you started subconsciously rubbing your thumb over your hand, a telltale sign that you were holding something back.
“No you are doing the thumb thing; what’s on your mind,” Seb said as he took one of your hands and held it. “I don’t know how I’m going to act when I’m drunk.” You said as you felt yourself exhale.
“So?” Chris asked. “So, I don’t want you to see me when I get to that point. I don’t know if I’m going to be happy, giggly, sad, or throwing up over the toilet.” The boys looked at each other before laughing a bit. You slapped each of their chests. “This isn’t funny, plus we have work in the morning. So there is also a valid reason as to why we can’t do this.” Anthony grabbed his phone before showing you a text message from Joe Russo
“Tell Y/n we took her off the call sheet for tomorrow. I don’t want to be emotionally responsible for her not having a 21st birthday party.”
You looked back at the boys as they all looked at you with raised eyebrows. You contemplated for a bit before holding out your pinky. “You promise that no matter how I turn out tonight if I get to that point, you will take care of me and have no judgment?” You said very seriously. They each took a free pinky and wrapped it around yours. “We promise,” Seb said as you all let go. You took a Breathe before reaching for the hat and sash. “Here goes nothing,” you said as you took the glass from Anthony's hand and took the shot. “yeah/Woo/let's go!” The boy said as you handed the glass back and started coughing. “That taste disgusting.” You said.
“You never had a shot before?” Anthony asked as you all walked into the house. It was at Chris’s AirBnB in Atlanta. “I have but I’m still not used to it.” You said as you walked into the living room. You saw that Scarlett was also there.
“Okay birthday girl, what do you want for your first drink?” Seb said ask we walked towards a counter that had tons of liquor, seltzers, juices, and beers on it. “Surprise me.” You said as you looked at Scarlett. She came over and gave you a hug. “Happy Birthday my love, are you ready?” Scarlet said as she fixed the hat on your head. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” You look towards Seb as he walked over with two drinks in hand and gave you one.
“What’s in this?” You said and you sniffed the top. “Vodka and Cranberry, a simple drink,” Sebastian said. You took a sip from it. It wasn’t too bad. “So we doing beer pong, kings cup, what the plan?” You asked.
“We are going to start off with Never have I ever. If you have done it you take a sip, and every 5 sips you take a shot.” Chris said as he brought over the Tito and shot glasses. “That sounds like I’m going to get drunk fast.” You said he placed them down at the table. “Well yeah, that’s the point,” Anthony said.
“Not fair. As the birthday girl, I think after this we need to play a game where everyone has a chance to get a little tipsy.” You said as you sat down on the velvet couch. “Okay, after this we will do truth or dare,” Scarlett said. “Good! Then let’s begin” you said as you took a sip of your drink.
4 hours later (all I will say about what happened is they found out you are not a virgin, you did drunk Karaoke with Seb, and you told them about your crush on a crew member)
“We are terrible influences, aren't we?” Sebastian said to the two friends standing next to him as they looked at you on the couch, drunk out of your mind. You were currently leaning against Scarlett as she was running her hands through your hair. “We are, but that’s our job,” Chris said.
“This was the best night EVER! Why didn’t anyone tell me it was this fun to drink?” You said as you looked at the boys, swaying a little. “I want more; this is Great.” You said as you tried to get up but you barely got off before Scarlett pushed you back down. "nope. you are officially cut off. You are out of it sweetie." Scarlett said as she rubbed your back now.
"Wait you want another shot?" Seb said as looked at the two girls. your eyes lit up like fireworks while Scarlett just gave him a look that could kill. "Please Sebby I want it." You gave him your best puppy eyes. "Of course sweetie. Anything for the birthday girl," he said as he walked back over to the counter. Chris followed after.
"You aren't actually going to give her another shot, right? Cause she is pretty out of it dude." He said as Sebastian grabbed a plastic shot glass. He took it to the sink and filled the shot glass with water as he looked at Chris. "Of course not. But if there is one thing I have learned from...Tom Holland..god I can't believe I said that." he said as Chris laughed. "is that when his friends are drunk, he gives them shots of water if they really want more but can't take more alcohol." he said as they walked back over to you.
"You guys are the bestest friends EVER! like 10 times better than anyone. I love you all so much." you told your friends. "we love you too kiddo. now come on, last shot of the night for the birthday girl!" Anthony said as he and Scarlett help you sit up. Sebastian handed you the shot glass which you took in your grabby hands. "GIMME GIMME GIMME," you said like a kid with cake. you down the water fast as your friends look at you with goofy grins on their faces. You looked at Seb with one of your famous 'death glares'
"You gave me water you bitch." you said in a serious tone. The others around you couldn't keep their snickers in as they all let out a laugh. "I said I wanted another shot." Your head fell back onto Scarlett's shoulder. "I know sweetie," he said as he sat cross-legged in front of you on the couch. "technically I did get you a shot because you didn't specify you wanted alcohol in it." You moved your legs so you were crisscrossed as well. You put your elbows on your knees as your hands went under your chin.
"I want vodka," you said as you looked into Sebastian's Blue eyes. He copied your movement and put his hands under his chin. "Not going to happen." He replied with a smirk. Chris just laughed and made his way over to you. "Okay, time to bed Squish," he said and he tried to get you to stand up. you pushed one of your hands in front of his mouth, never losing eye content with Seb.
"I'm in the middle of a very important negotiation right now Chris," you said as confidently as you could, although it only came out as a slurred mess. He took your hand off his mouth and wiped it on your sweatpants. "No, because you made us pinky promise that we take care of you if you got to this point, didn't you?" You turned to look at Chris and felt your eyes well up. you nodded your head as you wrapped your arm around Chris's neck. "You guys are so nice to me," you said as you let tears out onto his shoulder.
This came as a shock to them as you barely ever cry. You only ever let your guard down around people you really trust. Chris was the only one who has seen you like this. Chris sighed as he looked at his castmates. "Okay, now it's officially time for bed." He took one of your arms and helped you up. your whole body felt heavy and all you wanted to do was nap. You leaned into Chris's side as you felt him put his arm around your shoulders.
"why are you guys leaving?" you said as you saw them head toward the door. "We have work in the morning cupcake, but we had a fun time tonight. Happy Birthday." Anthony said as he rubbed your arm. Scarlett gave you a hug and said happy birthday as well. "Goodnight my favorite 21-year-old," Seb said as he kissed the top of your head that was resting on Chris's shoulder. You look back up at Chris with a tear running down your cheek. "Are you leaving me too?" you asked.
"Nope, don't worry about that now. Come on, I'm putting you in the guest room," he said as the two of you started to walk down the hall. "Did you have fun tonight?" Chris asked. Your eyes lit up again. "It was SOO much fun. Did you know Sebbie could SING? Cause he is really good." Right now you were in between your happy and sad drunk stage, which made conversations very hard for Chris. "I didn't but it was very fun indeed." He pushed open the door to the guest room as he help you get under the covers "it was sad when they all has to leave though." you could see your eyes getting cloudy with tears again. "I know Squish but we have to work tomorrow. But you don't need to, so you get to sleep in," he said as he pushed your hair back. You didn't come to the point of throwing up, but he put a bucket next to you and turned you on your side just in case.
"Can you promise to never leave me?" you asked Chris. He just looked at you with a sad face. He became a very important part of your life over the last couple of years of knowing him. "I can do my best sweetie," he said as he continued to stroke your hair back. You snuggled deeper into the sheets until you felt his hand move off your face. He started to head out the door before he heard a voice behind him.
"Stay, Chris?" you said as you reached out a hand, which took a lot of effort to do. He gave you a sympathetic smile that you couldn't see but you felt his hand intertwine with yours. You let out a sigh as you smiled happily. You two stayed quiet, you still weren't asleep quite yet but were on the verge of falling. "Thank you Chris for the best birthday ever," you said as you finally slipped into dreamland. "Happy birthday Y/n" Chris smiled proudly at you. He gave you a kiss on the forehead before retreating back to his own room.
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bonfireheart · 2 years
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shitiread · 2 years
can people write fanfics where there’s little to no physical/eye contact
like please
it ruins it for me cause i hate them both so much like it makes me so fucking uncomfortable i can’t put it into words
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itsallyscorner · 1 year
The Sour Tour | Marvel Cast
pairing: marvel cast x teen!reader
warnings: none
summary: the youngest marvel cast member goes on tour💜
a/n: this fic does not correlate with any other fics I’ve made that include the Sour album
face claim: Olivia Rodrigo
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Liked by brielarson, robertdowneyjr, and 4,618,387 others
(y/n)(l/n) The Sour Tour has finally begun! Thank you (home state) for kicking it off to an incredible start! Can’t wait to see you all so soon🥹💜
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brielarson my sweet angel baby
brielarson love you so much can’t wait to see you!!!!!!!!💖💖
(y/n)(l/n) bc I do🧍‍♀️
(y/n)fan5 WHAT THE FUCK
tomholland2013 FINNA BE IN PIT
(y/n)fan6 HE FINNA BE IN PITTTTT🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
zendaya @/tomholland2013 bro shut up
robertdowneyjr Wishing you the best of luck, see you soon bee🐝❤️
paulbettany You’re going to do great!!😃
lifeisaloha Love you fam🫶🏼
(y/n)(l/n) All the love Jacobbbb🫶
(y/n)updates I’m ready.
(y/n)fan7 you’re the harryflorals of (y/n) stans
(y/n)fan8 where’s (y/n)scloset????
(y/n)scloset I’m hereeeee🙋‍♀️
markruffalo Wishing you a FANTASTIC and safe tour❤️
(y/n)(l/n) thank you Mark!!❤️
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Liked by chrisevans, imsebastianstan, and 5,293,735 others
(y/n)(l/n) North America tour dump✨🦋💜🎸🔮💿🎀
view all 3,945,824 comments
chrisevans can you just pls sign my poster?
chrisevans please (y/n) I’ve been waiting outside for 30 minutes and teenagers scare the shit out of me
anthonymackie get in line
imsebastianstan I was here first
mcufan1 ya’ll are actual children
evansfan1 @/chrisevans don’t act like we didn’t just see you and Scott going off during Good 4 u👀
elizabetholsen So so so proud!!🤩❤️
mcufan2 Lizzie these are very millennial emojis
(y/n)fan9 MOTHER
scarlettjohansson You are the most incredible person I know, what an honor it was to see you live❤️
letitiawright TO EUROPE SHE GOES!!! Can’t wait to see you💜
chrishemsworth can you please do a shoey when you come to Australia?
(y/n)(l/n) no❤️
(y/n)fan11 outta them Doc Martins?💀
(y/n)(l/n) @(y/n)fan11 I swear my feet don’t smell bad
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Liked by markruffalo, anthonymackie, and 7,204,834 others
imsebastianstan ALL THE FLOWERS FOR YOU💐
tagged (y/n)(l/n)
view all 1,284,243 comments
elizabetholsen MY BABY❤️
(y/n)fan12 mother sighting
(y/n)fan13 the marvel cast is so cute
mcufan4 They really are her second family🥹
anthonymackie Wtf you went without me?
paulrudd I had a great time Sebastian🫶
paulrudd @(y/n)(l/n) you were phenomenal
anthonymackie YOU WENT WITH PAUL???
mcufan5 LMAOOOOO
(y/n)(l/n) love you Paul <3
(y/n)(l/n) THANK YOU FOR COMING💜💜💜
vancityreynolds YOU BETRAYED ME.
(y/n)fan14 is his singing a lyric or is he also yelling at Seb?
mcufan7 Ryan what—
mcufan8 Seb what’s your favorite song off the sour album??
imsebastianstan Traitor and Favorite Crime
(y/n)fan15 Bucky coded.
mcufan9 i bet these are on his Bucky playlist
Chris Evans via Instagram Story:
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Liked by tomholland2013, therussobrothers, and 6,349,934 others
robertdowneyjr You little legend you💜 What an incredible show @(y/n)(l/n) put on tonight at LA! Your talent, charisma, and presence made this such a memorable experience. This show was anything but Sour, the room was full of love and it’s all what (Y/n) deserves. Proud of you always, your Pops❤️
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mcufan10 “Proud of you always, your pops”🥹
(y/n)(l/n) It meant so much for you and your family to come out tonight, thank you so much I love you all❤️
(y/n)fan16 I’m crying this is so sweet😭
therussobrothers Can’t wait to document such a legend
mcufan11 excUSE ME?
mcufan12 WHAT—
(y/n)fan17 A TOUR DOCUMENTARY???
(y/n)(l/n) coming soon on Disney+😉
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Liked by zendaya, florencepugh, and 7,034,384 others
(y/n)(l/n) Quick pit stop⛽️
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zendaya face card never declines
(y/n)scloset bestie where is the sweater in the fourth slide from?
(y/n)scloset unfortunately could not find it :(
(y/n)(l/n) my nana made it <3
(y/n)fan18 we love nana😌
tomholland2013 2 MORE WEEKS TILL IM IN PIT😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
anthonymackie shut up
zendaya you’re embarrassing me🫣
(y/n)fan19 TOM FINNA BE IN PIT YALL🔥🔥🔥
florencepugh you look better in my sunglasses than I do
(y/n)fan20 besties
(y/n)(l/n) I’ll give them back to you when I’m in London😌
haileesteinfeld my baby girlll😍
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Liked by florencepugh, tomholland2013, and 8,834,238 others
(y/n)(l/n) UK BABY OI OI🇬🇧👑☕️
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(y/n)fan21 OI OIIIIII
(y/n)fan22 she’s such a One Direction fan I love it
florencepugh you mystical, voice of an angel, fairy baby I love youuuu🧚‍♀️❤️
(y/n)fan23 FLO WAS AT NIGHT 1
flofan1 The fact that Flo was backstage and not at the guest section🥹😭
mcufan11 WHERE IS TOM????
brielarson my cutie pie🥰
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Liked by robertdowneyjr, zendaya, and 8,474,924 others
tomholland2013 told you guys I was finna be in pit😎🔥
view all 8,345,833 comments
imsebastianstan unbelievable
mcufan13 how was Tom even allowed in pit with all the fans???😭😭
chrisevans wtf bro
paulrudd OH so this is pit
mcufan14 not paul not knowing what pit is😭😭
anthonymackie she only let you into pit to make you shut up😒
mcufan15 Tom riling everyone up is hilarious😭😭
(y/n)fan25 I’m just as salty ac Mackie tbh..
tomholland2013 don’t be so jealous, there’s always next tour🤪
(y/n)fan26 was right next to Tom the entire concert and I swear I love the man, but he kept screaming in my ear💀
zendaya @/tomholland2013 can never take you anywhere man
(y/n)fan27 Tom’s just a fellow girly pop✨
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book-place · 5 months
First Premier
Warnings: none (I think), let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Avengers cast x reader platonic
Request: Avengers cast x teen reader, where it's like her first premier ever and everyone keeps telling her how proud they are please! Thank you!
Request by: Anon
*not my gif*
Summary: Your beyond nervous, but your castmates are there for you. Always
A/N: this is ridiculously short
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“I don’t know if I can do this.” You mumbled, wringing your hands together as you looked out the tinted window to the sprawled out red carpet.
The lights of camera flashes were going off as there were some of your castmates walking across it already.
Everyone in the car shared a look when you weren’t looking, and you felt a hand gently grasp your shoulder, squeezing it lightly.
You turned to see Scarlett smiling lightly at you, “We’re all so proud of you,” She reassured softly, “You’ve got this.”
It was your first ever premiere- for no doubt what will go down as the biggest movie of your life- for the Avengers, and you and your fellow main castmates had all shared a limousine to get here.
“We’ll be right by your side the whole time.” Evans promised, beaming at you from over Scarlett’s shoulder.
Robert nodded along from across from you, flashing you a reassuring smile, “You’ve got this, kid.”
“We all get nervous,” Hemsworth continued on with the assuring words, “Even now, it’s completely normal. Especially if it’s your first time.”
“Yeah,” Jeremy laughed, “I’m pretty sure Downey pissed himself his first time.”
That at least got a laugh out of you as you watched Robert scowl and cross his arms, pouting about how that wasn’t true.
“We won’t leave your side.” Mark promised, smiling softly when he noticed the slight hesitation within you still.
Finally, you smiled back at your castmates- your family- with more determination than before, “Let’s do this.”
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yours-mythically · 5 months
A Day on Set
➤ pairing : mcu cast x teen!actor!reader
➤ summary : (request) hii :) I was wondering if you could make a teen!actor!reader x mcu cast? Maybe where their personality is chill but also such a fun person to be around. just little moments with them that ppl love.
➤ warnings : none
➤ a/n : hope this one did justice
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You strolled onto the bustling MCU set, greeted by familiar faces and warm smiles. It was another day filled with scenes and laughter.
As you walked past the craft services table, Robert Downey Jr. waved you over, "Hey there, superstar! Fancy a snack?" he asked, offering a plate of cookies.
"Thanks, Mr. Robert!" you grinned, munching on a cookie. His wit brought a smile to your face.
Heading to your trailer, you bumped into Chris E., who was practicing his lines.
"Hey, need a hand with those?" you offered, lending a hand with his script. Chris always appreciated your easy-going nature.
Later, while hanging out between takes, you challenged Mark Ruffalo to a game of charades. The cast gathered around, laughing as you acted out hilarious clues.
During lunch, Anthony Mackie shared funny stories, and you couldn't help but join in, sharing your own anecdotes. Everyone loved your sense of humor.
As the day wound down, Tom Hiddleston approached, asking if you'd join in for a quick game of basketball. You shrugged, "Why not?" and had a blast shooting hoops with the mischievous Loki himself.
By day's end, the cast reflected on the fun moments they'd shared with you. Your effortless charm and relaxed vibe had made the day not just productive but incredibly enjoyable for everyone.
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juiles · 11 months
All to well
Plot: idk. have fun!
Type: angst and fluff
Warnings: i am in no way saying that this is how all autistic people are!! This fic is based off my PERSONAL experience with autism and sensory overload. Please remember this as you read!!
Masterlist here!
Request here!
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Being autistic has drawbacks for a normal person, but for an actress in Marvel movies, it was tough. I’m proud of who I am but I didn’t want the pitying looks, the comments or being stuck as only getting the “autistic” role so for my own sake, I’m not super open about it.
My parents are ashamed of it so they never told anyone and I was forced to mask anytime I was around anyone. Not even Scar knew, and she was my best friend, almost a mother figure to me. I didn’t want her to think any different of me. She’s known me since i was 7 and played her on screen adopted daughter in Iron Man 2.
We’re filming Endgame right now. I’m on my way to set with Scarlett. Today has been a rough day for me so far as my parents woke me up by screaming at me which then caused me to struggle in keeping my mask up. Scar picked me up and I’m already exhausted, I’ve caught myself stimming a few times and quickly stopped it.
When we pulled into the parking lot, i grabbed my bag and walked with her through set to our trailers where we left our stuff and we’re immediately shuffled to makeup and costumes.
“Oh shit…” I mutter staring at the costume in Erica���s hand. “I didn’t realize it was a fight scene today…”
“Babe.” Erica, my assistant and on set guardian says. She’s known about me since the first day which was when i was 7. “You’ve known about this for a week. Are you okay?”
“I’m super over stimulated right now…” I murmur tapping my leg in sets of 7, a common stim for me.
“Let’s do hair and makeup first okay? Keep you out of the costume until the last second okay?” I nod and the two of us move to hair and makeup where Scarlett is getting her hair done.
“Hey, where’s your costume kid?” She asks looking over at me.
“I uh-“ I glance at Erica who steps in for me quickly.
“It had a small tear in it so it’s getting fixed quickly.” Scarlet merely hums in response and I sit. Getting my wig on and makeup done is awful, having everyone touching me and all their voices so close to me ears. I feel a soft hand on my cheek and peek my eyes open to see Scar staring at me in concern.
“Stop grinding your jaw babe…” I release my jaw, not even realizing i had been doing it. “You okay love? You disappeared for a bit there.” I respond with a hum, my voice disappearing from within. “Let’s get your costume on and to set okay?”
I look around quickly and don’t see Erica, Scarlet must see the panic as she quickly says. “She got called away in an emergency. I’m going to be your guardian today.” I nod, feeling the panic bubble up in my chest, but give her a soft smile.
The two of us make our way to my trailer and she helps me quickly slip into the suit. I immediately want to rip it off as it’s skin tight and an uncomfortable material. It feels like it’s digging into my skin and pulling it away as if it’s velcro and my skin is the other side. I take a deep breath and come out to see Scar in costume waiting. “Ready?” I nod and we head to set where I realize it’s a busy day, all original 6 avengers, Lizzie, both Paul’s, Gwen and Cobie are all there. I internally groan as immediately, the girls are coming over to me and Scar talking a mile a minute. I stand next to Scarlett silently until Lizzie turns to me. “Hey kiddo. Ready to fight? We have to fly today.” My eyes widen for a moment before i force a smile and nod at the fake red head in front of me.
“What? Cat got your tongue?” This makes everyone around us laugh but it makes me feel awful. I have no voice, it comes and goes, when it’s gone, my parents ridicule me, I get hit. I look down as i feel my tears well up in my eyes and blink rapidly trying to will them away. I thank god silently when Joe calls us to places which means i get away from the now very suddenly concerned looking Scarlett, Lizzie and Cobie. I’m stuck with Renner as I get rigged up, the feeling of being sick suddenly appearing as more people touch me.
I feel the lump in my throat tighten and the feeling of the harness wrapped around me suddenly makes me feel like it’s constricting my breathing and everyone around me disappeared as my hands flung to the harness, in my panic my hands struggled with the buckle which just made me more infuriated and grunts started coming out as my tears blurred my vision.
I feel a set of hands on mine holding them down, i scream and rip mine away and start scratching at my throat trying to rip it open to get a breath. My eyes started blacking out and the last thing i see is Scarlett’s panicked face as she tries to grab at my hands before it all goes black.
Scarlett’s POV
I know something is off with y/n. Not off but just that she was different. I have had a feeling it was autism for a while now, today proved that to me.
She was silent the whole car ride to set, normally she’d be singing along the radio but she wouldn’t even let me turn it on today. As soon as we got to set she locked herself in her trailer without a word, the next time i saw her, she looked panicked and while she was getting her hair and makeup done she disappeared fully before i brought her back. She has days where she goes mute, she just calls them her bad days, they usually happen on days she has arguments with her parents but normally she can still communicate to me in different ways but today she was completely gone. It got worse as soon as she realized Erica was gone. Walking on to set, she tended up and i saw her tapping her thigh every once in a while. The comment that Lizzie made would normally make her laugh, her reaction today was off.
I watched her from the corner of my eye but had to look away for a second before i heard Renner.
“Y/N!! What are you doing?! You’re going to hurt yourself!” I whip my head around and my heart sinks as i see y/n struggling with her harness, her hands are shaking violently, tears streaming down her face, her eyes are glazed over. I bolt over and grab her hands gently.
“Y/n baby, stop. You’ve got to stop my love.” She rips her hands out of mine and starts clawing at her throat which is when i notice she’s not breathing properly. She’s barely able to get a small breath. Instincts kick in for me and i turn to the cast and crew crowding her. “Give her space. Now. I need someone to set up a dark room with minimal sound and her clothes she was wearing this morning as well as the blanket from my trailer. A cold cloth and her wig taken off.” I turn around as she starts to collapse, i grab her arm and quickly wrap an arm around her waist. “Now!”
It’s a bit of a blur after that honestly, the next thing i know, im alone with her in the green room after everything is unplugged and blankets are draped over the windows. Her wig is already off and someone hands me my blanket and her clothes before silently leaving. I help her unconscious body out of the suit and into her clothes before draping my weighted blanket over her body. I sit back and stare at her, not touching her at all but close enough if she needs me.
It felt like hours but looking at my watch, it shows it’s only been 20 minutes when she finally wakes up.
My heart is beating what feels like a million mile a minute with panic as i watch her blue eyes flutter open before she looks around the room for a moment. Her hand comes out of the blanket and she starts tapping her thigh again, her head nodding along to each tap. She squeezes her eyes shut and i can hear her voice mumbling. “I’m safe. I’m here. I’m y/n.” Over and over again, i quietly cough to get her attention and she quickly sits up and her head whips up to look at me with wide eyes, both hands start scratching at the other wrist. “Oh my god…”
“Baby, you are safe. It’s just me.”
“No… no… no no no no no no no no.” She started tugging her hair and rocking slightly. “They’re going to kill me… you aren’t supposed to know…”
I quickly scoot over and grab her hands before pulling her into my chest, she tenses for a moment before melting into my arms. “I can’t hide it anymore Scar…”
“I know baby… I know.” I mutter into her hair swaying us back and forth slightly.
“I’m autistic…”
“Oh baby i know…” She freezes and looks at me with wide eyes. I can ready the fear in her blue eyes. “You hide it really really well but I’m basically your mom my love. I had suspicions but didn’t want to push you into telling me. Today was too much.” She nods burying herself back into me. “I need you to know that I will always listen to you. That if you ever feel like that again, you can tell me and i’ll get you out of it. Baby seeing you pass out was terrifying. I need you to know that if you’re that overwhelmed, that you do not have to do all that.”
“But… my parents don’t want everyone knowing… they’re all gonna know now…” She mumbles into me, my heart cracks.
“Baby being autistic is not a bad thing. It makes you even more amazing. It’s not something to be ashamed of at all. You are allowed to be who you are. To stim when your emotions are too high. To have bad days. I am here to show you that.” I say looking her directly into her eyes. “I’m here to support you.”
Tears welled up in her eyes as she nodded quickly. She sat up and started tapping her thigh as she stared at me. “This is my favourite stim, it’s really subtle but it calms me down… i count the most important people in my life.” She then looks down at her hand as she taps each finger. “Scarlett.” Tap. “Lizzie.” Tap. “Renner.” Tap. “Gwen.” Tap. “Cobie.” Tap. “Rob.” Tap. “Rosie.” Tap. “It reminds me that you guys would love me, no matter how broken or weird i am because i know how much you care.” She looked up at me through her eyelashes. “Another one is tapping here.” She taps her chest right above her heart twice. “Right here.” She does the tap to each word. “This is where you sit in my body. I usually only do this one when I’m not wearing my necklace. Playing with that is the stim i can do out in public.” I pulled her into my arms again as I cried.
“Oh baby…”
“You’ve always been my safe space Scar…”
“And i will be your safe space for the rest of eternity.”
We sit in silence for a few minutes before she pulls away with a smile. “Thank you. For learning how to help me.”
“You are more than welcome my love. Let’s go home and have a calm day okay?” She nods before standing up, pulling my weighted blanket over herself. I stand and wrapping my arms around her waist, the two of us make our way out of the room to find Lizzie standing not too far away, crying into Gwyneths arms. Y/n instantly runs over to her and wraps her arms around the crying woman. Lizzie jumps before she turns and sees who it is and wraps the girl into her arms.
“I’m so sorry bug. I shouldn’t have made that comment. I know how bad your parents are.” Y/n shakes her head pulling back and squeezes Lizzie’s hands. “Liz that wasn’t what caused that.” She takes a glance back at me before taking a deep breath and looks back at Lizzie. “I’m autistic and I was overstimulated and everything was just too much. I won’t lie, the comment did hurt a little but i know you didn’t say it in a mean way. You didn’t hurt me, memories of my parents saying stuff hurt me. But not you.” Lizzie’s eyes widen and she glances at me before she nods breathing to calm herself down. “If you ever need to talk or are struggling you can talk to me bug.”
Y/n nods with a small smile. “I know Liz.”
“Hey. Me too.” We all turn our head to see Gwyneth with a pout on her face. “You scared the shit out of me kiddo. Never do that again. Understand?” She pulls y/n’s laughing form into her arms.
“I understand mother Paltrow.” She says making us all chuckle.
Y/n pulls away and biting her cheek looks at me. “I- i uh- I’m not ready to face everyone else yet…”
“They already left bug. It’s just us four left.” Lizzie said smoothing the crazy hair down on y/n’s head. “I couldn’t leave worried i hurt you and Gwyn couldn’t leave me alone but everyone else left to give you privacy. Scarlett went full mama bear mode and screamed at some people for trying to push her into anything. It was great.” Y/n chuckled, which brings a grin to my face.
“Of course you did. But i wouldn’t trade you for the world.”
“I love you too baby.” I say kissing her head softly.
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janesociety · 1 year
dinner party
marvel cast x teen!reader
summary: you decide to make the cast one of your family's traditional meals and worry about how they'll react.
warnings: none
notes: this is another old one, so, again, go easy
marvel masterlist
✩ ✩ ✩
You were excited. It was finally your turn to make the cast dinner. Every week, someone volunteered to have dinner at their place with the rest of the cast. Sometimes they cooked, other times they ordered in, but it never really mattered to the cast.
You had been waiting for the right time to volunteer. You grew up in the States, but your parents didn't, which meant your home-cooked meals were rarely of the American variety. You really wanted to make something for the cast, but felt like you had to make sure you could do it right first. So you practiced- you practiced a lot.
Your parents were overjoyed that you were so enthusiastic about learning to make your culture's cuisine. They always wanted you to stay connected to it and you had never shown any interest before. You got the recipes and found the local markets that sold the right ingredients and attempted as many meals as you could. It wasn't just for the cast, you also loved the food and missed it while you were away filming, so the food made you less homesick.
The cast was originally surprised that you had volunteered and especially that you said you would be cooking.
"Just don't burn your apartment down, kid," Anthony had joked, elbowing your side.
You'd been a Marvel cast member since you were fairly young, so once you got a bit older and your parents got more comfortable with you being by yourself, you started renting out an apartment in Atlanta during filming. It was slightly bigger than you probably needed, but you were glad you had it at times like this so you could have the cast over.
On the day of the dinner, you went straight back to your apartment after shooting to make sure you could get everything pulled together in time. You made sure to make somewhat of a variety of foods so that if someone didn't like something, they could most likely find something else. After having cooked the meals so many times before in the past few weeks, it had become muscle memory as you frantically ran around your kitchen trying to make everything right.
When you could smell the first food in the oven, the normally delicious scent started to make you nervous. You worried about the cast not liking it. Most of them were American or at least Western European. Your mind raced with images of grade school when kids made fun of the way your lunch smelled.
At least they'll pretend to like it, you thought to yourself, knowing it was far too late to turn back now.
You were setting the table- which was actually your kitchen table and a folding table that you had borrowed from your building's lobby covered with a table cloth- when the doorbell rang. You quickly set down the plates you were setting out and rushed to the door.
Scarlett, Lizzie, and Chris Evans had arrived together, each of them greeting you as you entered your apartment.
"Take off your shoes!" you reminded them before rushing back into the dining area. You continued to set the table until you walked in and Lizzie started to help you, passing out utensils where you set plates.
"What smells so good?" Chris said, sniffing the air dramatically. You smiled, telling him the name of the dish.
"My parents used to make it home all the time- it's from our country," you explained. "All the food I made is, actually."
"Really?" Lizzie said, sounding genuinely interested. You smiled wider, happy they didn't seem weirded or grossed out. "You made all of it yourself too?"
"Yeah, it took some practice, but I got it," you answered. "I missed it so much too- you Americans know nothing about food." There was another knock at the door and Chris ran to go get it.
Before you knew it, the entire cast that could make it was sitting around your tables with their plates full. No one had said anything disrespectful or rude about the smells, so you hoped they thought it was okay. You sat on the edge of your seat, waiting for everyone else to take a bite as the normal conversations started to set in.
You visibly relaxed whenever they started to bite and either continued talking or made sounds of approval as they ate.
"This is so good, Y/N," Sebastian said with his mouth full. You smiled as others nodded in agreement.
You thanked them, feeling the weight lift off of your shoulders.
"Good, I'm glad," you smiled, finally taking a bite of the food on your plate.
"How did you learn to make all this?" Scarlett asked.
"I picked some of it up helping my mom with dinner back home, but I've been practicing making these for a bit now," you responded. All your nerves were gone at this point, replaced by a feeling of pride.
By the end of the night, everyone was completely full, many of them taking home leftovers in containers they promised to give back the next day on set. A few begged for recipes, which you gladly gave out. You smiled to yourself that night as you laid down to sleep, reminiscing in the feeling of being appreciated for something you had so long been ashamed of.
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rachaelswrites · 2 years
Blooper Reel
Avengers Cast x ADHD!teen!reader
Word Count: 459
Requested By: Anonymous
hello, i have a request here! avengers cast x adhd!reader.  where there’s bloopers compilations of them and some scenes of y/n softly punching them to pass time and to stim while the avengers are literally just talking to one another 😭😭 just the avengers being really sweet and caring :) 
A/N: I’m glad to be back to writing! Hope you enjoy
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Tonight was the screening of the most recent Marvel film. You and the whole cast got together to watch it at the theater with an audience of about 100 people. You were excited that this many people were finally able to see all the hard work you and the cast did in the last 9 months. The audience didn’t know yet but not only were they getting to watch the movie before anyone else, they were also getting to see an exclusive blooper reel. Even the cast didn’t know what made it in but you had some ideas. You just hoped it wasn’t too embarrassing. You had a habit of doing some goofy things when you didn’t know a camera was on you.
The movie was over so as the credits rolled on the screen, the announcer grabbed the mic and spoke, “We will be having a small reception in the lobby following this but before that, we would like for you all to stay and join us in watching an exclusive blooper reel.”
The audience started cheering and clapping as the credits finished and the bloopers started showing up.
There were quite a few of Chris Evans making faces at the camera, Scarlet messing up her lines and more. The ones that really caught your attention were the ones of you (of course). Most of the ones you were in you either forgot your lines or, you were just standing there, lightly punching someone in the arm. You knew you occasionally would do that but watching the reel made you realize how much you actually did it. 
While watching, you realized that it never phased anyone, not even Robert, who you didn’t know super well. You were confused so you leaned in your chair over to Evans and asked him.
“Did you guys just ignore me when I did that?” you whispered.
Chris shrugged, “Well, we figured you were just stimming so we didn’t do much about it. It wasn’t hurting anyone so it was fine,” he explained. He could tell you were feeling embarrassed about it, “Don’t worry about it kid. It’s not a big deal.”
You put your face in your hands, not believing that it wasn’t a big deal, “Oh gosh it’s embarrassing.”
Robert was a few people from Chris but he was still eavesdropping on your conversation so he butt in and gave his opinion, “I actually found it quite entertaining Y/n. Don’t worry too much about it.”
You looked up at both men, “Really? You didn’t mind?”
Both of them nodded their heads.
“I’m sure if you ask anyone, they’ll agree with us,” Chris said, “We could ask them?”
You shook your head, “No I believe you. Thank you for reassuring me.”
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hi! can you do something with any mcu member (maybe chris or seb or anthony) where the reader is feeling peer pressure to have sex and she talks to one of the cast and they listen to her and hear her out and tell her it’s okay to take her time etc? i could use hearing this lol🤍 thank u
Am I Ready?
Warning: Talks of Sex, making out, talks of losing virginity, and manipulation.
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x teen!reader, Anthony Mackie x teen!reader
Taglist: @chrisevansdaughter @slutfortaylorswiftandzendaya @dumb-fawkin-bitch
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“Happy six months babe,” your partner Jack said seductively into your ear. The two of you were in a hotel room celebrating your anniversary. Jack flew in to celebrate as you were in Atlanta shooting Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The past six months with him have been incredible, and he has always been a kind and safe person to talk to. Except recently, when things have become a little award around a certain topic. 
You and Jack were in the middle of a heated make-out session when you felt him grab the hem of your shirt. Like always, you grabbed his hand and put them back on your hips. “Seriously babe, can we not do this tonight,” you said as you let go of the kiss and leaned against his forehead. He threw his head back against the couch and let out a groan. “Y/n, we have been together for six months. SIX MONTHS. Why don't you trust me?” Jack said. You got off and moved to sit next to him as you took his hand. “Jack, I keep telling you that sex is a big deal, and I'm not ready for it yet. I don't know when, but I'm asking you for patience.” Jack leaned over and kissed you on the lips. 
“You know I love you right?” Jack said looking at you. You gave a subtle nod to him, “and I really want to have sex with you. Don't you want to have sex with me?” he asked. “Jack, I don't know yet, okay?” you said as water lined your eyes. Jack got up from the sofa and headed for the bathroom, “where are you going?” you asked, not even looking at him afraid the tears would start falling. “To jerk myself off 'cause you won't fucking do it,” he spoke with a raised voice as he slammed the door.
Those events all transpired last night. 
Now you were back on set, and your tension has been weird since then. You sat in your chair, drinking water on the hot Atlanta stage when you heard two voices come through the stage doors. 
“The red ones are the best, no doubt.” you heard one voice say. “It's obviously the green ones Mack; you just have no taste,” sassed the second voice as they got closer to you. “Hey Y/N! What's the best skittle flavor?” Anthony Mackie asked as your other costar Sebastian Stan stood next to him. You quickly put on a small smile, responding “Yellow obviously.” The boys shook their heads and continued arguing for each of their flavors until they noticed you weren’t inputting yourself into their shenanigans like usual. “You okay Buttercup?” Mackie asked with a thoughtful look in his eyes. 
You trusted these two like brothers, always being there for you in times of need. Taking a breath, you continued saying “Can I talk to you guys later, maybe?” you asked looking at these men hopefully. Seb smiled and wrapped the metal arm around your shoulders, bringing you into a side hug. “Oh, course Y/n. How about during lunch, we chill in my trailer and chat,” he proposed looking down on you. You smiled back at him; “Sounds perfect.”
By the time lunch rolled around, you, Seb, and Mackie were on the floor of Sebastian's trailer. Craft’s Services had a taco truck for lunch, and each of you had your water by your side. “So,” Seb said as he had a piece of lettuce hanging out of his mouth, “what's up in that brain of yours?” he spoke with a smile on his face. You finished sipping your water before wiping your mouth and speaking. 
“When did you guys lose your virginity?”
It just so happened when you said that, both men had water in their mouths and some trickled out. “Um,” Sebastian chuckled,” well I was a senior in high school. A girl I meet at Stagedoor Manor. And I lied about being a virgin and we both had absolutely no clue what we were doing.” You turned to look at Mackie. “It was in my first serious relationship. I knew sex was important to me, and I wanted to wait till I was ready.” You looked up from your taco when Mackie spoke. “Did you feel that you were ready to lose it?”
The boys looked at each other and then looked at you. They knew about you and Jack, and only met him a couple times but from how you described him to them, he seemed like a good guy. Or so they thought. “Is Jack pressuring you to be ready?” Mackie spoke to you quietly. You set your taco down as you leaned back against the couch cushion you set up on the floor. 
“Kinda. I keep on telling him that I need time to think about if I want to have sex, cause its a big deal to me. And every time we make out, he always tries to initiate it and I keep on saying no. and he did it again last night when we were celebrating our anniversary, and he Keeps on talking about how I don't trust him. and how if I love him I would have sex with him.” You said in rant-style toned. 
“First of all, he shouldn't be pressuring you at all. It's not HIS place to say when YOU are ready.  got that?” Mackie responded quickly. You nodded your head as he waited for him to continue. “Have you guys talked at all since last night?” Seb asked politely. “I tried reaching out to him, but we haven't spoken. And it hurts cause I do love him, but annoyed he doesn't respect my boundaries.” 
“Break up with him,” Seb said bluntly as he took a huge bit of his taco. “That’s not your place to say,” you spoke angrily. “Look, you are asking us for advice, and I'm giving you some. Is he making you uncomfortable in this situation?” Seb said looking at you. “I mean kin-” you said before Mackie spoke up. “Do you think he will ever respect your boundaries?” Mackie questioned. “Maybe ov-” 
“EHH! Nope wrong answers. You should be able to answer those with a confident yes. Otherwise, he isn't worth your time.” Mackie continued over you. You know they were right, and you have been thinking about it for a while. But this talk really helped you solidify your decision. 
“I'll think you guys are right,” you spoke as you took a final bite out of your taco. Mackie scoffed, “Damn right we are.” he added as he got up to throw away his trash. “We just care about you, Y/n, and don't want to see you in an unhealthy relationship,” Seb commented. You gave them both a soft, warm, smile. “Thank you.” 
“Now,” Seb said as he took the giant jar of skittles from behind his back and placed it in the circle, “let's really figure out which flavor is the best.”
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thund3rst0rmm · 2 years
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Avengers Incorrect Quotes #3
Natasha:: Anyone d-Pietro:: Done?Steve:: Drained?Tony:: Depressed?Loki:: Disliked? Natasha::  -done with their work... what in the world is wrong with you people
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labrunereve · 2 years
are requests open? :) & are there any restrictions on what we cannot request ? much love to you xx
Oh no, I’m sorry for replying so late!!! I’ve been inactive for forever 😩 I’m so sorry to tell you this, but I’m not opening any requests… My blog is purely for recommending great fics written by other amazing blogs.
So, if you’re looking for Marvel or Bridgerton fics, you’ve come to the right place! But if you’re trying to request, feel free to click away all the blogs I’ve mentioned 😉💗
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wolfmoonmusic · 1 year
Can I get MCU!peter Parker x female reader fluff where they had been dating in secret for a few months before they get caught sneaking into each other’s room at night by your choice and they finally decide to tell the avengers and just pure fluff at the end thank you 😘😘
Love, nonny 💕💕
Juice Pops
A/N: I tweaked it just a bit. Hope you like it!
Summary: You and Peter decided to keep things quiet. That is, until a certain 5 year old decided even juice pops couldn’t stop her from telling her dad about the weird things she’d heard and seen.
Pairing: MCU! Peter Parker x reader, Avengers x teen!reader, Bucky x teen!kinda-sister!reader
Warnings: PURE FLUFF, reader is an orphan, thought it’s only mentioned once. All avengers are alive. No one dies. Period.
Peter Parker was the sweetest human being ever. He was an amazing friend too, but he was the best boyfriend.
You’d joined the avengers a little after he had, after your best friend Lila Barton had seen your sparring skills when she’d come to watch one day. One thing led to another and you’d become the youngest agent on the team. When you and Peter met, you’d hit it off immediately. 
Currently you were seated in your room in the tower, struggling with calculus when said boy scrambled through your window.
“Baby you have no idea what happened today,” he started, dropping his bag on the bed, pulling off his mask, full of excitement. You stopped, getting up and turning to him as he wrapped his hands around your waist, your own resting on his shoulders. “Yeah? What’d I miss?” you asked, a goofy smile on your face.
“I got an old lady a taco for free, courtesy of the suit,” he grinned.
You laughed, dropping your head to rest on his shoulder. He smelled like a tree. His hands tightened around your waist, pulling you even closer to his chest, as if that was even possible. 
“I missed you,” he whispered, one hand resting on your head, as the other wrapped itself around your torso. 
“Me too, spidey,” you responded, lips sending a wave of goosebumps over his skin, as you placed a soft kiss on his neck.
You both went to different schools, which meant you only saw each other at the tower. However, no one else knew about the relationship, because you were afraid of their reactions.
Except Ned. And Lila.
Which meant that you had to keep things subtle.
Which also meant you weren’t supposed to cast loving glances or wink at each other. 
You weren’t supposed to. But what else were Ned and Lila around for?
Peter pulled away slightly, just so that he could see your face, your bodies still flush against each other’s.  He cupped your jaw, kissing your forehead first, before his lips met yours. Your hands found their way into his hair, tugging slightly. He moaned, grabbing your lower lip with his teeth, tugging slightly, his hands sliding down the curve of your body, down till your hip, before squeezing it lightly. 
You both pulled away after a few minutes, gasping for air, lips swollen and cheeks red. Just as you were about to reconnect, you heard a knock on your door. Both of your eyes widened in panic, before Peter quickly dived under your bed, relying on the shadows to hide him.
You straightened yourself out before quickly opening the door, to find a very amused looking Bucky staring back at you. “Y’alright kid?” he asked, a smirk playing on his lips. You tried to move slightly, trying to cover your bed as much as possible.
“Yup! Perfectly, perfectly fine,” you said, hoping he hadn’t heard anything. He nodded, that damn smirk never leaving his face. “Alright then, dinner’s ready,” he told you, peeking past you into your room, before turning around and leaving. 
You quickly spun around shutting the door and leaning against it. Peter crawled out from under the bed, dusting himself off before giving you a panicked look. You shook your head, “Even if he heard, he won’t spill the beans.” you assured him. 
Bucky had quickly become like an older brother to you, taking you under his wing when they all found out you didn’t have any parents. He’d done everything for you, from showing you the ropes of handling yourself on the field, to trying (and failing) to help you with homework. He’d even threatened a few boys that had been after you. You wouldn’t be surprised if he knew, but were confident he wouldn’t tell. However, he and Peter never seemed to get along, so it did seem off that he hadn’t lectured you about it yet.
Maybe he didn’t know as much as you thought. Or maybe he suspected it was someone else.
It was definitely the second one. You knew how much Bucky disliked Peter, and he probably trusted that you wouldn't date him.
You felt the teensiest bit guilty.
“I should get down to dinner,” you said, walking up to your boyfriend. He nodded, the disappointment on his face evident. “I’m sorry. You should go home for dinner too. Come back after, yeah?” you asked, holding his face in your hands. He nodded again, “Yeah, I’ll do that.”
He pressed his lips to yours once more, before grabbing his bag and jumping out the window. You ran over, watching as he swung away into the night, before closing, and pulling the blinds, then making your way downstairs.
“Princessa, please explain to my sister that she is absolutely wrong,” Pietro pleaded, pointing to Wanda with his fork.
“I am not! N/n tell him that he’s the one who’s wrong,” Wanda replied, staring angrily at her brother.
They were talking about Wanda’s cooking.
Pietro hated it.
The team was divided, exactly half supporting one of the siblings each, so naturally Pietro looked to you for help. 
You held your hands up in defense, “Don’t ask me. I need food. As long as I get it, I’m not judging,” you laughed, shaking your head.
“But if you had to choose?” Pietro asked, waving his fork around.
You pretended to ponder your choices for a minute, before shrugging, “If I had to,” you dragged, looking between the both of them before your eyes settled on Wanda. Her face lit up - “it’d be Pietro,” you said, raising your hand as he gave you a high-five. Wanda frowned, “I should’ve known. Of course you’d support him! I’m not helping you with homework anymore!”
You stared at her, mouth agape. “Don’t bring my homework into this,” you warned, waving your fork in her face. She just shrugged before continuing to eat.
The entire table erupted in laughter, Wanda and yourself included. 
After eating, you quickly ran up to your room, finding Peter already waiting on your bed.
“You’re lucky no one else can open this door without my permission,” you told him, climbing in next to him. He pulled you into his chest, a hand on your shoulder and the other on your waist. You sighed, letting yourself relax.
He ran a hand through your hair, “How was your day?” he asked quietly.
You hummed, “It was good. Calculus sucks though.”
You felt the vibrations of his laughter in his chest, “Yeah, it’s a tough one.”
You felt yourself slipping into a slumber, soft lips against your forehead.
“Ms.L/N, Ms.Stark wants entry into your room,” FRIDAY announced, your eyes snapping open. 
You groaned, “Let her in.”
The little girl walked into your room as the door opened, bare feet against the cold morning tile.
She paused a few feet away from your bed as you sat up stretching, “What’s up Mickey?” you asked. The nickname coming from her obsession with Mickey Mouse. 
“Why is Petey in your bed?”
Your eyes widened in shock, head spinning around to find Peter asleep in your bed.
Oh shit.
“Uhhh,” you had to think fast, “He was helping me with uh-with- with homework and he - um- he got tired - and he- he just fell a-asleep here. Yeah.” you said nodding, satisfied with your answer. How suspicious could a 5-year old be?
But that’s when Peter woke up.
He sat up stretching, wrapping his arms around you, before pressing a kiss to the side of your chest. “Good Morning, baby.”
The panic in your chest grew.
Morgan stared at you for a minute, “Why did he just call you baby then?”
Yep. You were fucked.
Peter seemed to have realized what was going on then, because he immediately backed away, back hitting the wall. You turned to glare at him, as he shot you an apologetic look.
“Okay, okay, Morgan look. You can’t tell anyone.” you said, getting off the bed to kneel in front of her.
She blinked, “It’s a secwet?”
“Yeah, yeah it’s a secret,” you said, nodding.
She put her tiny finger on her chin, tapping slowly, looking away, thinking about it.
You hated how a 5 year old was making you feel so terrified, right now.
She looked at you, the most sinister smile a kid could muster, forming on her lips. “Then, you get me all the free juice pops I want. Whenever, I want” she said.
Dammit, she was good.
You nodded. You had no choice. 
She gave you a tight nod, before prancing out of the room, the actual reason she’d walked in long forgotten.
“We’re fucked,” your boyfriend said, letting out a breath of air.
“You think?!” you asked, spinning around.
He held his hands up in surrender, “I didn’t know! I literally just woke up!”
You shook your head. “Whatever. We just have to,” you waved your hands around, “give her what she wants,” you sighed.
“She’ll get sick.”
“Do YOU want to explain to Mr.Stark why you’re dating the newest recruit?” you asked, pointing to him.
He shook his head frantically. 
“Yeah,” you whispered, running a hand through your hair. 
“So, what now?” he asked, climbing off of your bed.
You looked at the wall clock, sighing. “Now, we have school,” you muttered, rubbing your eyes tiredly.
Peter nods. “See you after school?”
You nod, pulling him in for a quick kiss, before you both bid each other goodbye and he was out your window.
Today’s gonna be a long day.
You’d managed to force Lila into coming to the tower with you, surprising Clint a little.
“You girls alright?” he asks, watching his daughter walk in with you.
“We’re fine dad, we’re gonna go study,” Lila assures him, pushing you towards the stairs. 
“She just doesn’t wanna go see her boyfriend right now, Mr.Barton!” you yell, Lila hitting you immediately, eyes narrowed, “Shut up!”
You’d basically called her in as a reinforcement. 
Within 5 minutes of you entering your room, Morgan made her way in.
The fear you felt for this child was unlike anything you’d ever experienced.
“Juice pop,” she declared. You sighed, getting off the bed, as Lila started snickering. You shot her a look over your shoulder as you guided Morgan towards the kitchen. Luckily, there was no one there. 
You got her the flavor she wanted, and she skipped off again. You thought the worst of it was over.
Boy, were you wrong.
She came back twice before dinner.
The second time, Sam saw you give her one.
The third time, it was Steve.
“I swear if she comes back again, I’m gonna blow,” you whispered to Lila on your way down.
Peter was helping Natasha and Pepper set up the table, and you quietly joined them, trying to signal to Peter that things were going well so far. It was one of the days when he ate over at the tower, but you hoped it wouldn’t mess things up.
Morgan decided she wanted to sit around with all of the “big people” today.
Her eyes wouldn’t leave you and Peter.
The second you finished eating, is when hell struck.
“Y/N, I want a juice pop,” she said grinning.
Oh boy.
“Morgan, you already had one,” Steve said.
“She did?” Tony asked.
“Two,” Sam said, holding up two fingers.
“What?!” Pepper asked, shocked.
Shit shit shit shit shit.
“Wrong!” Morgan giggled. Your eyes snapped to her, trying to warn her.
She held up 3 fingers. “I had thwee.”
That little-
You looked at Lila with pleading eyes, but you could tell that even she didn’t know what to do.
The panic in your chest grew, the adults talking over each other as your eyes found Peter, the same thoughts circling his mind.
We’re done for.
“Morgan, honey, who gave you those?” Tony asked.
Don't say Y/N. Don't say Y/N. Don't -
Annnd she said Y/N.
All heads turned to you.
You looked at Morgan. You were still safe. As long as she didn’t-
“And if she doesn’t give me one more, I’m telling everyone her wittle secret.”
Your eyes widened, landing on a very terrified looking Peter.
“What secret? You might as well spill ‘cause you’re not getting anymore juice pops,” Tony declared, eyes narrowing as he looked at you.
Morgan shrugged, “Petey called Y/N baby,” she giggled, “and they were sleeping together.” 
You wished you could make like Scott and just disappear.
“What?!” Bucky yelled.
“We weren’t having sex, I swear!” Peter blurted out.
“What’s sex?” Morgan asked.
“Not in front of the kid!” Pepper exclaimed, dragging Morgan away.
“You were sleeping on her bed?” Clint asked.
“They were just sleeping, dad!”
“Lila, you knew?!”
“FRIDAY, how come I didn’t get any reports of Peter coming in through the window or something?”
“It’s not necessarily a safety hazard, sir.”
“Yeah, well from now on it is.”
“Noted, sir”
You looked around as everyone started talking over each other. You couldn’t think, not in this noise.
“OKAY!” you yelled, silencing everyone.
You looked at Peter, “The cat’s out of the bag,” you muttered.
“Hell yeah. So, care to explain?” Buck asked. You could tell he was mad.
You let out a shaky breath, “We,” you said pointing between you and Peter, “are dating.”
The table was eerily quiet. No one said a word.
“We didn’t know how you would react. We knew some of you,” Peter paused, looking at Bucky, “wouldn’t like it very much.” 
“Alright.” Steve nodded, “The three of you get out of here, the adults need to talk,” he pointed to you, Peter and Lila. 
“And stay downstairs where we can see you,” Bucky ordered.
You all nodded, before slipping away quietly.
Lila tried to comfort you both, but you were still scared. You didn’t like the way Bucky had been looking at you. Almost, like he’d felt… betrayed. You knew they wouldn’t tell you to break up, but you were worried that it would weaken your relationship with Bucky.
When they called the three of you out, you could still see the fire in his eyes. And as expected, the verdict was not that bad.
“Just - keep your door open,” Tony said, tiredly rubbing his face, “and you,” he pointed to Peter, “use the goddamn front door.” 
“You got that?” Steve asked.
You both nodded.
“That’s enough drama for one night, you guys should go to sleep,” Bruce said. 
You looked to Peter, and he hesitantly came over, giving you a hug, his chin against your head. “We’re okay,” he whispered. 
“I’ll text you,” he said, pulling away. You nodded, his eyes flickered to your lips, but you shook your head.
Not in front of everyone. Definitely not now.
He seemed to understand, and so he just quietly walked away, bidding everyone a good night.
It was past 11pm and you still couldn’t sleep.
You were worried about Bucky being mad at you.
You got out of bed, “FRIDAY, is Bucky asleep?” you asked. 
“No he isn’t, Ms. L/N. He is in his room, however”
You nodded, making your way out of your room and over to his. You knocked in his door, and it swung open after a few moments.
“Y/N?” Bucky asked, looking tired.
“Are you mad at me?” you questioned, your voice breaking slightly.
“What? No,” he said, pulling you into his room.
You both walked over to his bed, sitting down side by side.
“Why would you think that?” he asked, looking at you.
“ ‘Cause you don’t like Peter,” you said matter - of - factly.
He laughed. “You’re right, but I mean, if he’s making you happy,” he shrugged, “who am I to judge?” 
“Yes, but," he said pointing to you, suddenly looking serious, “if he hurts you - ”
“You’ll break his neck?” you asked, grinning. 
He tilted his head to the side, “I was gonna say, I’ll mess up his pretty little face but sure, you’ve got a better idea.”
“Bucky!” you gasped.
He burst out laughing again, and this time you joined in.
“Can I sleep here tonight?” you asked after a minute, making your best puppy face.
“Y/N” he groaned.
“Please! I swear I won’t pull all of the blanket off of you this time!” you said, joining your hands in a prayer-like manner.
He looked at you, clearly not trusting you.
“And I’ll never hide something from you again. I promise.”
“Deal” he said, climbing over to his side of the bed.
“That’s all it took?” you asked, laughing, and laying down next to him.
“Hey! I’m a simple man!” he said feigning shock.
You scoffed, “A simple man who hates a teenager.”
“A simple man who hates Peter Parker. There’s a difference,” he said, holding up his finger.
“Oh shut up Barnes!”
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