#baby duck
justcatposts · 25 days
Good cat babysitter
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emirkocturk · 8 months
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Sessiz ve derin uykular diliyorum bazen. hiç karışmadan rengarenk rüyalara..
Cute baby duck..
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 months
I met David Tennant at a convention and followed him around like a baby duck. I also got to hug him several times.
Someone cosplaying Spy from TF2 was also there, for some reason.
Pretty cool experience 8/10.
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thesassyducks · 29 days
She is really enjoying it and appears to be super relaxed 🐤😁
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madeleineengland · 11 months
Are you crying too for the little cute duck? 🤧🤧🤧💙💙
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seasonalwonderment · 3 months
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~ Simply Adorable ~
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ateriblewriter · 5 months
Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever
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Jamie knocked on the door to Trevor's home.
He didn't have much time from the time he got the call to packing up the essentials to getting on the plane to Philly.
On top of that he had Kinsley to think of. What was he going to do about her?
Never mind that now. They had one purpose now. Saying goodbye.
Trevor knew who was on the other side of the door, he knew what was coming. He didn't like it either.
"Hey man. I heard. Philly" Trevor greeted his friend.
"I don't have much time. Do you mind if I?" Jamie couldn't quite finish his sentence, because he knew if he did he probably would have shed a tear or two.
He didn't want to leave. But that wasn't his choice, not it was never his choice to begin with. Now that reality was starting to sink in that he was dealt to another team, he needed to leave. Say a quick goodbye to his friends that turned into family and be on his way.
"How much time do you have?"
"Fifteen minutes at most. We need to head for the airport after this." Jamie handed Kinsley over to Trevor.
"Mama" The small child reached for on of her favorite people. Trevor held her tightly and she snuggled into his shoulder.
He was going to miss this.
"You have taught me so much over the past year Kinsley Jo. I'm so glad your daddy asked me for help." He wipe at the invisible tears that felt like they were falling down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry we didn't get to go on all the adventures I promised. But I'll visit or your daddy can bring you back here when he plays."
Ducky really wasn't listening to what Trevor was saying. She had quickly found the little bucket of toys that was kept at his home. She grabbed a couple of the building blocks to play with.
Trevor knew they didn't have time to do this, but what harm could one little tower do? Especially since they would probably never really do this again. So he helped her build the little tower and Ducky shoved her favorite stuffy into it, toppling it over.
"Ta-da!" She giggled throwing her arms in the air. Trevor laughed again, tears starting to fall. Ducky started to build it again, looking up she noticed him crying.
"No. Mama." Baby Duck held up Sheldon the shrimp up for him. She tried giving it him. Maybe it would make him feel better. Trevor shook his head no and handed it back. Nothing was going to make him feel better now.
The fifteen minutes were up and they needed to go. Trevor handed Kinsley Jo back and gave Jamie one last hug. This was it.
"Hey it was nice while it lasted" Jamie sniffled walking out the door with his daughter who started screaming.
"We'll see each other again. Goodbye doesn't mean forever."
Jamie and Trevor didn't see each other for the rest of the season. They would facetime when they could, but with busy schedules they were short. Trevor sent her a present on her birthday. They tried to meeting up over the summer, but it never worked out.
The next they would see each other again would be the following season when the Flyers were playing the Ducks in Anaheim. Jamie set something up at the end of the ducks practice. They were going to surprise Trevor.
"Daddy, where go?" She was confused as where her father was taking her.
"You'll see kid. Your favorite person." Jamie nodded to familiar faces as they walked through the practice facility to the sheet of ice.
"Unca Z!" Duck screamed getting Trevor and everyone else's attention.
"Ducky?!" There was a big smile on Trevor's face as he skated over to see the little family. The two kids reunited at last.
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paper-swirls · 2 years
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You all know that video of the baby duckling that gets a little flower hat, right?
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nocternalrandomness · 2 months
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"Baby Duck" taking off from Davenport Municipal
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rosarrie · 2 years
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cute duckling sketch i may or may not ever finish
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adorethedistance · 1 year
TKE House - Frat!Trevor Zegras x Reader
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: swearing, PDA, drinking
Words: 2095
Summary: Trevor refuses to leave you alone until you attend a party at his frat, and the night takes an unexpected turn.
A/n: I wrote this months ago and never typed it up until now but I’m excited to see what y’all think of this. I’m debating doing a prt two or just doing a bunch of random parts in the same universe. I’m leaning towards option two so we’ll see how it goes ig.
“You know, you’re allowed to have fun once in a while?”
“You know you’re allowed to leave me alone?” I retort voice laced with venom and eyes full of irritation. Trevor just smiles brighter than before and keeps towering over me in arrogance.
I will never be outgoing again. On the first day of class, I decided there would be no more anti-social Y/n. As a result. I decided I would give my number to someone to ensure I had a study buddy and a friend in each of my classes. And it worked, for the most part, I’m three for four. The problem is one of them was not who I thought he would be. I was under the impression that Trevor was studious. Why else would he have sat next to me in the second row of the lecture hall? I was not under the impression that he would be a spoiled little trust fund fuckboy from TKE whose only objective, apparently, is to bother me every opportunity he got. His current campaign is to get me to go to the TKE party tonight at his frat. Why exactly I don’t know.
“The theme is whiteout so come dressed in all white.”
“Isn’t every frat party a ‘white’ out party?” I ask, facetiously.
“Ha. Ha. Just come, please?”
“Why do you want me there so bad?”
“I’ll make it worth your while.”
“That wasn’t an answer.”
“Please? Y/n?” I let out a deep sigh and then glance up to meet his inquisitive eyes.
“I guess I could stop by for a drink.”
“YES,” Trevor howls, clenching his hands in celebration.
“I don’t even own anything white.”
“You don’t have to! I do.” He’s… gloating. He then breaks the eye contact we’d been holding for too long. Before I can process what’s happening, he slips off the white TKE hoodie he was wearing and hands it to me.
“Take it.”
“Take the jacket.”
“You said you didn’t own anything white.”
“I’m not wearing that,” I defensively cross my arms over my chest, wanting to cover up and hide from Trevor’s field of vision entirely.
“Well, you have three options. You can find time in your ‘busy’ day drive to Target, change into something else I have when you get to the party, OR you can take the hoodie from me now,” Trevor quirks a brow and bites back a smile. He’s got me cornered and he knows it. Annoyed, I take the hoodie and turn it right side out, and oh my god of course his name is on the back. I let out a snort of displeasure at the fact that I’ll basically be branded at this party.
“I’m wearing it inside out,” I deadpan. He laughs and shakes his head, his loose, golden curls fluttering in the sunlight. I can feel my expression soften at the sight in front of me.
“Huh? What?”
“I asked if you wanted any specific drinks tonight?”
I hesitate a moment. I usually drink mixed drinks but that’s a bad idea and also way too pretentious for a frat party. Besides, I don’t need Trevor handling my drink. What do frat houses usually have anyway? Beer and white claws? No thank you.
“Uhh. I don’t know- something flavored? And without bubbles.”
“Flavored and without bubbles…” he repeats, thinking hard. “Flavored and without- Okay, got it.” His enthusiasm makes me jump as if he’s just popped a balloon in my face. “Teek house at eight. I’ll see you there!”
“Mhm,” I barely affirm.
Approaching the TKE house has my gut screaming at me to go home and don’t look back, but the logical part of me points out that Trevor would undoubtedly badger me for it for the rest of my life. Whatever. I only have to stay an hour and then I can go back home and lose his number.
In the entryway, there are two guys hassling a third guy because he isn’t wearing a red wristband. The taller of the two asks a pair of girls who they know in TKE and she replies cooly, “Trevor.” and they let her in. I cautiously go to enter but the boys stop me first.
“Who do you know in Teek?”
“Trevor…” I don’t know if it was my tone of voice or the fact that I was within earshot of the other girl, but the two of them look at each other and then skeptically back at me.
“What’s his last name?”
“What? I don’t know.”
“Yeah, sorry but you don’t have a wristband.” I’m at a loss for what to do. Right as I’m about to give up hope, Trevor appears in the doorway. He looks out onto the lawn that’s littered with drunk girls and their frustrated boyfriends, scanning the scene and looking directly over my head. I never thought I’d be relieved to see him.
“Sonny, can you-”
“Trevor!” I yell and he looks around confused, trying to locate the source before his eyes meet mine. His face lights up when he sees me.
“Hey!” I sigh and smile. A small smile, but a smile. “She’s with me, dude.” Sonny nods and gestures me inside before blocking the doorway again to keep out uninvited couples.
“You, m’lady, are fashionably late. It is nine already!”
“Did you just say ‘m’lady’?”
“So what if I did?” Trevor’s question goes unanswered as I take in the scenery. Sorority girls and frat brothers of little variety are packed into the space as 24K Magic by Bruno Mars blasts through the two five-foot speakers posted in the corners of the room.
“Ayo, Z!” Someone shouts over the music at which Trevor turns to the voice before his face lights up again. Trevor dabs up his friend before loudly discussing how they ‘haven’t partied together in a while’ and how ‘“Z” needs to visit “K Sig” sometime’. I stand awkwardly behind Trevor as he chats, oblivious to what’s happening until he says my name.
“This is Y/n. Y/n, this is Jack.” I smile politely, debating if I should shake his hand but quickly discard the idea.
“She the one you were telling me about the other day?” Jack asks as if I’m not standing right here. Trevor nods and Jack smiles mischievously.
“I’ll come find you later but right now I gotta get this little lady a drink.”
“Alright. Nice meeting you, Y/n!”
“You too!” I shout though I don’t actually mean it.
“Who was that?”
“Jack and I are friends from high school. He pledged K Sig though so now we just see each other a few times a week,” Trevor explains over the music as he leads me to a boarded-off area. The board looks like it’s a thin slat of wood chips spray painted with the TKE lettering. The surface is littered with sharpie graffiti of mostly poorly drawn penises or hearts with initials inside of them. On the center edge, there’s a combination lock hanging on a poorly-assembled latch hinge. The crack between the board and the threshold reveals a kitchen that would most definitely not pass a health inspection.
“Z!” A raven-haired boy cheers as we enter the space. He’s fixed between the legs of a lanky brunette who is seated on the countertop. She smiles excitedly when she sees me and pushes the dark-haired boy out of her way to come over and greet me. Trevor slips around me making his way over to the fridge.
“Thank god, someone who does not use a 3-in-1 shampoo! I’m Val but everyone just calls me Venus.” She offers me her hand to shake and I accept.
“You didn’t shake my hand when we met!” Trevor playfully complains as he approaches me again.
“Cry about it,” she bites back with no hesitation, “Ignore them.”
“I’m Y/n.”
“Y/n, cute. Is this your first time partying at Teek?” I nod heavily, exhaling a sigh,
“That obvious?”
“A little, but no big deal.” Trevor holds up a bottle that reads ‘Smirnoff ice pink lemonade and I can’t help but smile.
“Flavored and without bubbles,” he recites before handing it over. I nod gratefully and proceed to embarrass myself in front of everyone as I can’t uncap the bottle. “You need some help there?” I give it one last go before dropping my arm defeatedly and handing him back the bottle. He uncaps it with impressive ease and I reply with a quiet,
“Thank you.” As I begin to sip the drink, Val, who had just watched the entire interaction, speaks.
“So, how long have you been dating?” I nearly choke on the sip I’d just taken. Val’s eyes widen and she looks at me with concern. “Oh my god, are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry, I just- we’re just friends- classmates.”
“Oh.” Val’s brow furrows. She looks as if my presence suddenly doesn’t make sense. And maybe she’s right. Maybe it doesn’t make sense why I’m here. “My bad, I had just assumed that you- because he…”
“Y/n’s an art major,” Trevor interjects to get me out from under the spotlight a little.
“Oh cool! I’m in film studies and Jamie- that’s Jamie by the way,” she gestures to the dark-haired boy who was standing between her knees earlier. “Jamie is environmental studies. And I assume you’re aware Trevor is in business administration.”
“Painfully aware,” I mutter.
“Hey!” Everyone, including Trevor, laughs.
“You’re basically the business major stereotype to a T. The only thing you’re missing is the trust fun.” I eye Trevor as I continue to deviously sip my drink. He freezes for a moment. Busted. Val laughs and I groan.
“At least my parents aren’t faculty!” He jeers at Val.
“Oh, you wanna go after me, huh?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“You really wanna play this game?”
“Yeah!” At the height of their bickering, Val turns to me and points at Trevor.
“Can I expose this motherfucker?”
“Expose time!” Jamie drunkenly shouts, mimicking the airhorn sound at Trevor.
“This dude is the BIGGEST simp on the planet.”
“Oh really? That’s it? I had faith in you, Venus.”
“Oh, I’m not done,” she turns to me, “did he tell you he went to three different stores to find those?” She gestures to the drink in my hand.
“The other stores didn’t have them. So what?” He plays it cool. Val gives him a look that shows she’s not backing down.
“When he got back from class today he was so giggly and excited that you took his sweatshirt.”
“No, I was not!”
“Yes, you were!”
“I wasn’t!”
“Jamie?” Jamie pauses for a second, debating which stance to take.
“...He was blushing.” The room erupts in chaos.
“HAH!” Val yells.
“Fuck you, Jimmy. You’re a little snake.”
“I’m sorry, dude but you were.” Val and Trevor continue to playfully bicker but I begin to zone out. Trevor had been excited to do those things for me? Don’t fall for it. I refuse to be another notch on his belt. For all I know, he does this with every girl he brings back here. God, I feel weird just thinking about it.
“Has he taken you onto the balcony yet?” I shake my head no, confused as to what the balcony refers to.
“What is she talking about?” I ask Trevor, quietly.
“Trevor, why don’t you take your lovely guest up to the balcony so she can see the view?”
“The view of campus?”
“Not exactly. You’ll see.” Trevor offers me his hand and I hesitantly accepted. He leads me out of an exterior-facing kitchen door that has the decorative window covered by a “no entrance” paper sign. Without dropping my hand, he leads me around the corner to a wood lattice that looks ready to collapse.
“No fucking way,” I exclaim looking at the fixture in anxiety.
“Come on, you’ll be fine.”
“Trevor I- what am I supposed to do with my drink?” I ask, thinking I had found a good point that would delay the possibility of climbing.
“I’ll help you.” Before I can protest, he grabs the drink from my hand and monkeys his way up the structure. At the top, he swings over a railing and lands with a smile. Showing off, he then squats down to look at me through the broken bars of the railing, taking a cocky swig of my drink as the finishing touch.
“You’re crazy.”
“Come on, I’ve got you.”
“...Okay,” I begin cautiously climbing the lattice. “If I fall, I’m using your trust fund for my copay.” He laughs delightfully and I’m relaxed enough to laugh at my own joke. When I reach the top, Trevor extends his hand to help guide me over the railing. I grab his forearm as he moves to hoist me over the banister. I falter a bit once standing and Trevor reaches a hand around my back to steady me. The feeling of his hands on my back lights my nerves on fire and my breathing slows. “Thanks.” I squirm out of his touch, feeling uncomfortable from my own enjoyment. I miss the warmth of his hand on my back the instant I do.
“Is this where you take all your hoes when you invite them to parties?”
“You think I have hoes?”
“Well, don’t you?” I ask, thinking back to the two girls using his name for entrance to the party.
“Next question.” I snort an arrogant laugh before looking away from Trevor. The view of the neighborhood is actually really pretty up here. I walk to the perimeter to rest my hips against the balcony railing.
“Thanks for going to three different stores for me,” I speak up to try and ease the nervous tension I feel.
“How’d I do?” Trevor asks, moving closer to join me against the railing. He’s leaned against it, strong arms crossed comfortably over his chest, facing away from the view but turning his head to look at me.
“Very flavored and very bubble-less.”
‘Yeah, Ices are always a safe choice.”
“Maybe before you contaminated it.”
“You put your mouth on it and now every time I want a drink I have to remember that.”
“That’s okay. I’d rather put my mouth somewhere else.” He mumbles the last part. Surprised at his candor I tear my gaze away from the pretty view and meet his stare. His blue eyes are sparkling in the moonlight and I feel myself subconsciously gravitate towards him just to get a better look. Trevor searches my face for any uncertainty and when he doesn’t find it, he dips his head toward me and kisses me gently, but only for a moment. When he pulls away, his eyes flick open to search my face once more, and rather than saying whatever was on my mind, I kiss him hard and fast, tangling my hands in his wind-swept hair. He grabs my hips to pull me closer, our bodies molding into one right where we stand. Trevor deepens the kiss and I drop my hands from his hair to drape my arms over his shoulders.
“WOOOO YEAH!” Trevor and I instantly break the kiss to see Jamie and Val peering around the corner of the house. Jamie’s too drunk to listen to Val’s shushing him. I don’t drop my arms from Trevor’s shoulders and instead, pull him closer so I can hide my face in his chest.
“Come on, dude!” Trevor yells back frustratedly.
“Sorry, we were just curious if y’all were actually gonna do it!” Val calls up to us.
“You got your answer, didn’t you?” Trevor replies before turning his attention back to me, “Where were we?”
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yeesiine · 21 days
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Ak47 baby duck.
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babyjakes · 1 year
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baby duck. [blurb.]
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | june '23 ari-themed blurb night
summary | ari's little ducky needs help drying off.
pairing | daddy!ari levinson x little!reader
warnings | sfw regression (daddy!ari and little!reader), just so fluffy :'))
word count | 398
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requested by @buckyshbic | Daddy! Ari x Little!Reader with the pet name “Ducky”?? I’m thinking soft everything all the time. Sundresses and a million blankets and the best bubble baths with gentle Daddy 💕
an | aww hehe i love this request thanks for sending it in bby!!! i just love the idea of ari's little sweetheart in a cute little sundress, him calling her ducky, wrapping her up in a little towel when she gets all wet from splashing around in the rain :''') i hope you enjoy this sweet little blurb, friend!!!!
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"Oh my goodness," Ari chuckles, crouching down before you as you stand on the rug in the entryway. "My silly little ducky, what happened to you? You're all wet, sweetheart." He can't help but smile at you lovingly as you grin so sweetly back at him, your hair dripping a bit from your mini adventure into the rain.
"Raining outside, Daddy," you giggle as your bare toes wiggle against the soft, fuzzy rug beneath you. "Was cold out there, can't have a picnic today," you inform him with a slight frown.
"I guess not, huh?" your daddy coos softly as he continues to smile at you. With the big, fluffy towel he grabbed from the hall closet, he gently reaches out and starts patting you dry. "Your new sundress got all wet, baby duck. We'll have to hang it up and let it dry," he laughs gently. You twist and wiggle happily as he wraps the towel around you, trying to help you dry off. "You're so silly, sweetie. Does that feel nice?"
You nod as your smile grows wider. "Fluffy, Daddy!" you beam as he brings the towel up to rub against your head gently. "Can I wear my sundress when it's sunny out again? Please, Daddy?" you ask with big, hopeful eyes.
Ari plants a kiss on your nose as he nods, "Of course you can, sweet girl. You look so darling in your new dress; Daddy can't wait to take you out when it's nice and sunny for that picnic I promised you." Noticing your shivering, he helps you begin to strip down right there in the front entryway, hoping that getting the damp garment off of you will help you warm up. "Shhh baby, you're okay," your daddy murmurs as he wraps the soft towel around your trembling form, collecting the soaked dress and bringing it over to the railing of the staircase to dry. "What do you think, little ducky?" he asks as he returns to you, lifting you up in his arms as he sneaks in another kiss on your cheek. "Would a nice, soothing bath help you warm up?"
Your face lights up at the offer of a bath. You nod eagerly as Ari grins at your enthusiastic response. "Alright, little one," he cheers as he carries you down the hall toward the bathroom. "Bath time for baby duck it is!"
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animalbabypolls · 23 days
Winners Bracket Round 3 Match 4
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look at these cute fellas
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forestduck · 2 years
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lildevilsadvocate · 7 months
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Baby Swedish Duck’s first hatty!!
via Ducks Twitter
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