#baking ideas
paradubolical · 2 months
Matcha Cookies
makes more cookies than u will ever want to eat
1 Tbsp Matcha Powder
3/4 Cup White Flour
1/2 Cup Sugar (mostly brown, some white too tho)
1 egg yolk
1 tsp vanilla extract
.5 stick of butter
maybe a pinch of baking soda
put in bowl, mix until thick. if thin, add flour and sugar in equal amounts - if too dry, add butter, not milk
bake 350 until bottom starts to brown. no need to butter the pan ur cookies have a ton of butter already
genuine recipe, you will like it
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theyluvmiffy · 4 months
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frenchvani11a · 9 months
I want to start baking and cooking again but I have no ideas
Does anyone have any recommendations or recipes I could try?
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teekaa-two · 9 months
Oh man, I'm planning some dessert for my friends birthday on Monday. She wanted either strawberry cupcakes or cheesecake. I'm doing a few cheesecakes. I've got a roasted strawberry one, smores, and trying to think of another non chocolate flavor. I saw tirimisu, key lime, cookie butter, salted caramel. That's as far as I've researched. I'm excited to try some different flavors out and want them to be fancy.
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tenstoreyluvsong · 2 years
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made with love
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Shout out to @kingmakerpod for the inspiration!
Minty is a half matcha and half black velvet cupcake with a cream center. On top is a spiderweb glaze, gummy eyeball, chocolate bat wings, and a little chocolate crescent moon. Like Minty, this cupcake is fun and loves to accessorize.
Laura is orange creamsicle cupcake. It has an orange glaze on top with a little chocolate bat. Laura likes to keep it simple and elegant.
Ingrid is a lemon blueberry cupcake with some ghostly icing on top with a chocolate mouth and two chocolate hazelnut Pirouline rolled wafers. It's cute, but spooky!
Bex is a strawberry cupcake with chocolate ganache, whipped cream topping, and a strawberry on top. It's a great representation of her love of cooking and her pink hair.
We may even see if we can bring some of these ideas to life in the future. 🤔
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interiorchef · 1 year
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annastylepie · 10 months
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I made my first avocado bread today =D
It's very tasty I had the recepie from dylan hollis avocado bread from 1973
The result is very tasty it is a little sweeter than I am used to (from germany) but I still quite enjoy it! It tastes as the name suggests like avocados and is texture wise bread throu and throu!
The recipe is
2 very ripe avocados
150g/ 3/4cups sugar
3 eggs
260g/2cups flour
1,5 teaspoons/7.5g of baking powder
Baking 176°C/350°F for 45-50minutes
It is overall very tasty and ideal for breakfast with tomatos or eggs, cheese, omletts, well pretty much whatever you could possibly eat with avocado or bread to be honest.
And all in all it didn't take too much time to make so if you are bored and have access to avocados this is a tasty option! :D
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Sometimes you have to spoil yourself a little 🎀
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mossy-rot · 2 years
the urge to make stupid little enmu cupcakes,,, almond cupcakes with red/pink frosting and silly little fondant enmu eyes on them to look like the blob at the end of the movie,,,,,
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decorationinside · 2 months
Wingardium Leviosa Your Decorations! Magical Harry Potter Birthday Party Ideas
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theonlyladyt · 8 months
Flora Removes Dairy From ‘Buttery’ Spread, Making Entire Range Vegan
Well done Flora, I was put off when I went to buy said spread to find it had buttermilk in it. Prior to the insertion of said dairy ingredients it had been plantbased before. So much so I had to think had I bought this when it had not been plantbased. But I’m very careful to read the ingredients list as I can’t have anything that contains gluten. I vaguely remember reading they’d been an amount…
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janinasdessertfactory · 10 months
- San Sebastián Cheesecake -
English Version
Difficulty: ★ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
300g sugar
1 Teaspoon Vanilla extract / or 3-4 packets of vanilla sugar
900g cream cheese
500ml cream
5 Eggs
50g flour
a pinch of salt
a teaspoon lemon juice
Preheat your oven to 250 degrees (Upper/lower Heat)
Step 1: Mix the cream cheese with the sugar ( and vanilla sugar if u don’t have vanilla extract) and the pinch of salt until creamy. NOT FOAMY.
Step 2: gradually add the eggs. Then add the lemon juice and vanilla flavoring.
Step 3: Stir in the cream. Don’t stir too much as you don’t want to fold in any air, you just want to mix in the cream.
Step 5: then add the flour to create a liquid, lump-free mass.
Step 6: line your baking pan with Baking paper. Pour the batter into the baking pan and bake the cake in the preheated oven for 25 - 45 minutes depending on how hot your oven gets.
The cake should be (very) dark brown on the surface, but still nice and creamy on the inside and “wobbly”.
Let the cake cool down in the baking pan at room temperature and then put it in the fridge for 4 hours (or overnight).
Serve the cake with a chocolate or caramel sauce and enjoy!
- San Sebastián cheesecake -
German version
Schwierigkeit: ★ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
300g Zucker
1TL Vanillieextrakt / oder 3-4 Päckchen Vanillinzucker
900g Frischkäse
500ml Sahne
5 Eier
50g Mehl
eine priese Salz
1TL Zitronensaft
Du brauchst: Schüssel Schneebesen Backform
Heize deinem Backofen auf 250grad Ober-/und unter Hitze vor ( Je heißer desto besser )
Schritt 1: Rühe den frischkäse mit dem Zucker (eventuell vanillinzucker) und der priese Salz cremig. NICHT SCHAUMIG.
Schritt 2: rühre die Eier nach und nach Hinzu. Gib dann den Zitronensaft und das Vanillieextrakt hinzu.
Schritt 3: Rühe die Sahne hinzu. Nicht zu viel rühren da du keine Luft unterheben möchtest, sondern die Sahne nur vermengen willst.
Schritt 5: gib dann das Mehl hinzu, sodass eine flüssige klumpenfreie Masse entsteht.
Schritt 6: lege deine Backform mit Backpacker aus. Fülle den Teig in die Backform ein und back den Kuchen im vorgeheizten Backofen für 25 - 45 min Je nachdem wie Heiß dein Ofen wird.
Der Kuchen soll an der Oberfläche sehr dunkel werden, aber von innen noch noch schön cremig und „wabbelig“ sein.
Lass den Kuchen erst bei Zimmertemperatur in der Backform auskühlen und stelle ihn dann für 4h (oder über Nacht) im Kühlschrank Kalt.
Servier den Kuchen mit einer schoko oder caramelsoße und lass es dir schmecken!! Viel Spaß beim ausprobieren.
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frenchvani11a · 9 months
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New Orleans style beignets
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dreamyfreak · 11 months
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I'm probably the worst cook alive but I'm actually very fond of baking and experimenting in this area😉 Okay, the bake case is from the super market but the raspberries I plucked myself in the wild since this actually makes so much fun and actually tastes so much better than bought ones🤗 I actually use Skyr as cream but this time I used natural yoghurt as plan B🙈 Gotta admit, the taste is not as intense as I wished to be but it's still delicious and a great refreshing dessert for the summer^^
Maybe no one will ever read this but I still wanted to share it with you☺️
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nerdpoe · 6 months
When Tim was little, his parents mentioned a barely known God that spanned multiple civilizations; but no one really knew what he was the God OF.
And little Timmy, well, he felt bad for that God. Years, centuries of work only to be forgotten?
It would be like completing homework four weeks early and having everyone forget he'd done it!
So from age seven and up, Tim would start praying to this God. He had the same name across multiple languages, and Tim opted to just use what all of those names would be in English.
What started at first as a side thing became his predominant religion by the accident of developing a habit and continuing it over years.
When he prayed to Phantom, he felt like he was being acknowledged in a way that praying to other gods just did not provide.
Even when he kind of went agnostic, he'd always toss up a little prayer to the Almost-Forgotten God.
He didn't expect, during a kidnapping courtesy of Joker after a rather shitty patrol, for said God to manifest in front of him and fight Joker with his fists.
Or; the reason Danny survived the portal accident (sort of) was because he was already in the process of being deified by someone who was alive at the same time he was, making Tim his only worshipper. Danny doesn't find this out until way later, and finds the guy who technically kept him alive to thank him-only to find him about to be tortured by a clown. Danny loses his shit.
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