hekkoto · 17 days
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Lol, you know its true ;p We dont like being robbed
AI can be cool, can be useful BUT it shouldnt be used to make 'arts' [as it steals from works from real artists, it cant create anything new, it can only copy] and WORSE – to sell such 'arts'. Making and selling works done by AI is not ethic – you didnt do it, AI didnt do it – it was stolen from many artists existing works, who put a lot of work and effort to learn and create something amazing. Art without putting work towards it, without putting emotions and experinece is nothing, cause art is more than just a pretty picture
Im against selling works made with AI, its theft, its scam. You didnt do any work with AI; more – it was taken from other, real artists! Really often WITHOUT CONSENT! Its as bad as stealing others people work and claiming as your own or tracing over something and calling it yours :/
Im really sad that Internet was flooded with AI generated images, making real artist struggle to get their REAL WORK getting views or likes.
AI can be useful for example if you wanna generate some reference or to just get some fresh ideas. BUT NEVER, NEVER post them as your works! If you want generate somethig, use it as reference or inspiration. The best – dont post in online cause it might give wrong message that you did it. IF you do – state its AI generated work. Thats all this handsome kitty isnt my property, its meme image from the depths of Internet [google had tons of this pic and Im not able to find first source :/]. This beautiful hand is my property, when I last checked it was still attached to my body
wanna support my evil dark empire? Im accepting souls on Patreon and Ko-fi! -> Hekkoto Huge thanks to all of my Patrons and people who donate <3
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