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(x) [Image Text: The way that basically every western institution is linked to weapons manufacturing is reminiscent of how every western institution participated directly or indirectly in the slave trade.]
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soon-palestine · 3 months
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drsonnet · 1 month
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Hind Rajab was a 5 year old girl in Gaza who was killed while she hid alone in a car, along with the paramedics who tried to rescue her. Yesterday students at Columbia seized the administration building and renamed it in her honor.
Gadzooks Bazooka Instagram: gadzooks_bazooka
Remembering #HindRajab & children in #Gaza: This is what the mother of the child, Hind Rajab . https://tmblr.co/ZTeZMyfB_GHeeu00
@sunnydice: (and please don't forget Layan Hamadeh , her 15 yr old cousin who was trapped with her or Yusuf Zino and Ahmed Al-Madhoun who bravely volunteered to try to save hind and were murdered by the IOF )
DrSonnet — هذا ما قالته والدة الطفلة هند رجب عندما سمعت بخبر... (tumblr.com)
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lasttarrasque · 4 months
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heritageposts · 4 months
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🇵🇸 From BDS - What to Boycott:
Fruits, vegetables and wines from Israel are often wrongly labelled as “Produce in Israel” when they come from stolen Palestinian land. Boycott all produce from Israel in your supermarket and demand they are removed from shelves.
thank you @leandra-winchester for making the graphic above! if any of you are active on other social platforms, you have her permission to use the image however you want (no credit required)
keep in mind, though, that this isn't a complete list: you should still check the origin labels on other types of fruit and veggies, and see if any local orgs have produced a more complete breakdown of israeli produce that's specific to your country
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palestinegenocide · 3 months
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BDS has called for an official boycott of Eurovision2024
Everyone...you know what to do
[ID 1: text on a black background reading: "Boycott Eurovision: Artwashing Israel's #GazaGenocide". The Eurovision logo is edited such that red barbed wire appears over the heart in the center.
ID 2: a tweet from "PACBI - BDS movement" @/PACBI reading:
We call for the boycott of #Eurovision2024". We urge all participating broadcasters, national competitors, finalists, production crews, and viewers to boycott the contest following the refusal of the organizers @/EBU_HQ to ban genocidal Israel. #BoycottEurovision2024
End ID.]
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muslimintp-1999-girl · 8 months
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Plz you can always watch the shows on pirated sites and find better alternatives for burgers & coffee, nothing is more important than stopping a genocide. It's a global boycott.
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fairuzfan · 2 months
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odinsblog · 6 months
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The Israeli army is just shooting anyone they think is Palestinian, much the same way that Israel is indiscriminately bombing all of Gaza, including the “safe zones” where they have directed noncombatant civilians to go right before they bomb them anyway. It’s war crimes, plain and simple.
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vilecrocodile · 7 months
On this Shabbos and as Hanukkah draws near (Dec 7th), I'd like to share this article, one of the only guides I've been able to find on where to buy candles for Shabbos/Hanukkah/etc that don't support the Jewish National Fund. For those unfamiliar with the JNF, it is a Zionist organization formed in 1901 to buy land for Jewish settlement, and among other things has been responsible for much of the ecological "development" (read: colonialism) of Palestine. One of its main efforts is in soliciting money from diaspora Jews to fund the Zionist project, and many of the larger brands of Judicia donate a portion of their proceeds to it. As Hanukkah candles begin appearing in stores, you might check the box and note a JNF logo on the side.
This is a list of candle companies that specifically do not donate a part of their proceeds to the JNF, one of the only articles of its kind I've never been able to find. The companies listed aren't all necessarily anti-Zionist or don't donate to Israel in other ways - I'd recommend researching bigger names like Manischewitz, for example - but Narrow Bridges Candles IS anti-zionist and explicitly supports and promotes BDS. I've bought from them before, they make beautiful beeswax candles of all kinds, and would highly recommend you get your holiday candles here if it's financially doable.
Good Shabbos and have a safe and beautiful Hanukkah, when you remember the miracle of the eight nights remember also the people of Gaza and the scarcity there.
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soon-palestine · 4 months
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DIVESTMENT NEWS: Hayward, California votes to remove Intel, Hyundai, Caterpillar, and Chevron from its investment portfolio. All four companies are complicit in Israel's human rights violations. It's time for other US cities and institutions to divest from genocide and apartheid!
The Hayward City Council voted to divest the city’s stock ownership stakes in four companies that have ties with Israel — apparently the first city in the Bay Area to take such a measure.
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drsonnet · 2 months
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GENOCIDE Art by Igor Dobrowolski
تخيل الفنان البولندي إيجور دوبرولسكي شكل إعلانات الشركات العالمية التي تدعم الاحتلال في حربها على غزة. فقد جمع هذا الفنان الصور المأساوية للحرب ووضعها إعلانات في شوارع وارسو رسالة منه لمقاطعة هذه العلامات التجارية.
Igor Dobrowolski
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May 2024 - With Eurovision coming up, and the fascist state of Israel being allowed to pinkwash their genocide of the Palestinian people once again, let's remember Icelandic anti-capitalist band Hatari who showed their support for Palestine in 2019 when Eurovision was being held in Tel Aviv, and were fined for it (€5000,- lmao). Later that same month they brought out the pro-Palestinian song Klefi / Samed (صامد) together with Palestinian artist Bashar Murad.
anyway, the BDS movement is calling for a boycott of Eurovision 2024!
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heritageposts · 4 months
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🇵🇸 From Friends of Al-Aqsa (FOA):
This Ramadan make sure you’re not breaking your fast with the taste of apartheid. All you need to do is check the label to avoid buying dates from apartheid Israel. This includes dates labelled from Israel, the West Bank and the Jordan Valley or if the country of origin is not shown. Ramadan is a time of reflection and self-improvement. During this month we are more conscious of our actions and how they affect others. Israel is the world’s largest producer of Medjoul dates. Let's be conscious of not buying dates that support Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine and apartheid regime. * Major UK supermarkets like ASDA, Tesco, Iceland and Waitrose all sell dates from apartheid Israel as well as local grocery stores * The UK is the second-biggest importer of Israeli dates in Europe 50% of Israeli dates are exported to Europe, where the UK, Netherlands, France, Spain and Italy import huge quantities of the dried fruit. In 2020 the UK imported over 3000 tonnes of dates from Israel, worth roughly 7.5 million pounds. There are two peaks of date consumption in Europe. One is during the month of Ramadan and the other is during New Year’s Eve and Christmas. Boycotting Israeli dates in Ramadan is a concerted community effort that can show we are not powerless. It would be brilliant to see all Israeli dates still left on shelves across the UK and Europe at the end of the blessed month. This would reflect our strength as a community to stand together with a very important message: We will not support the oppression of Palestinians and we will not be complicit in Israeli apartheid. So, this Ramadan #CheckTheLabel and boycott Israeli dates.
With Ramadan approaching, please consider sharing!
If you're in the UK, they also have leaflets available for order on their webpage. These tie into their upcoming campaign #CheckTheLabel, with a national day of action on the 16th of February.
Again, check their webpage for more info.
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