#because her sisters body was too weak for the cadou
shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
Having Headcanon thoughts abt Donna seems off rn considering shes on my req list but anYWAYS
as stated on the archive, I personally write Donna as the youngest, and most recently transformed of the lords. The lore we can discover in game, and some of the lore discoverable outside of the game, hints that Claudia is her little sister. The bones left behind are not the bones of a child, but you know what is the right size and shape to be a childs bones? Angie, who close ups you can see, Donna’s father most likely created Angie from Claudia’s decomposed corpse.
And Donna is non the wiser. I don’t think she’s childlike because of ‘mental illness’ (personally, btw, i headcanon donna as autistic w mutism, much like myself when i was younger). I don’t think the scar mentioned in game is physical, since it’s only referenced in the American adaption and the japanese adaption basically says she just has anxiety around people and being picked on. I do not headcanon Donna as older than 21 years old, personally. 25 max (at death and subsequent rebirth from the mutation)
also, here’s a thing. Many autistics have one eye thats slightly more closed than the other. i know personally my thinner eye gets injured, swollen, and the skin splits on its own without warning. I wouldnt be surprised if it were the same for Donna as a child, which led to the town bullying her, and her reclusive nature. She craves that connection, she just doesn’t know how she could achieve it.
When Donna was transformed via the cadou in her eye, she lost all vision in that eye. it became a bulging, concerning mess that made what Miranda thought would be a perfect Eva, into far less than perfect for her physical looks alone. Donna becoming a lord and being left to her own devices definitely didn’t help matters.
after slaughtering her help in order to prove her loyalty to miranda, she’d ultimately be left often alone. her hallucinagenic powers left to grow, and she used it to envision the sort of friendships she always wanted— thus how the idea to spread her cadou throughout her dolls came to be. it gave her the ability to live through them, the life she always wanted.
i think she’d have adored her ‘siblings’ actually being like siblings to her, but she wouldnt know what that is without violence just based around how she was raised. Barely a child when Claudia died, and barely a teen when her father gave her angie and sacrificed her to miranda before him and her mother both dying.
personally, i think the fraction of the cadou that held her spirit was put into Angie, and the only part she truly kept in her physical body was her mind. that’s why she completely disintergrated, and angie was left behind in her place. because everything left about her was in angie. the fraction of a soul she had left is angie. Angie gave her the ability to speak, to not be concerned or scared or nervous. the physical projection of what Donna always wanted to be.
also one day i’ll make a transformed version of donna tbh bc capcom didnt, but i think they did have reason for that: she spread her cadou across every fucking doll she made. She could control all of them and make the entire town hallucinate from the flowers she had planted around. she weakened herself when she spread her mind across all the dolls, meaning donna’s physical body wouldn’t be what would transform. The most of Donna left behind wasnt her physical body, it was placed within Angie. Angie would ultimately be the one to transform if anything, because every aspect of Donna’s life, the life Donna dreamed of at the least, is in Angie.
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movedtodykedvonte · 3 years
So you know how Ethan basically went feral in the game to save Rose? Well how would the lords (and the daughters)react to seeing Ethan go feral to protect the them?
Papa bear Ethan action:
Alcina Dimitrescu
Initially confused on why Ethan is fighting so hard and taking hits for her. She is more than capable and sturdier than his weak man thing body
Only when she gets overwhelmed by Lycans does she realize this is a little too much for even her greatness. Ethan assists her and practically jumps on the Lycans back to save her (bonus it's a Vârcolac)
Is grateful and a little taken back by someone being so protective over her (it reminds her of how she is with her daughters)
Defends him harder but never lets him know it is because of his protectiveness (also lowers her ego in combat so he doesn't die trying to be a hero)
The Daughters
Bela is always cunning in battle, so needing to be protected is new. Ethan watched her get pushed outdoors by a lycan and immediately heard hill bill sirens. She would insist she can make it back in but Ethan would carry her in and take any blow in the process. Bela doesn't see them fight outside but she can hear it and it sounds like Ethan is wrecking shit. She is shocked but would give him an extra scythe as gratitude and a sign of respect.
Cassandra can get a little too into the fighting to notice her surroundings (too busy taking in other's pain). A window bursts and she is left at the mercy of whatever she was attacking. Ethan would use his jacket or shirt to cover the hole and move her to safety. He's def finishing off whatever attacker her and (because the girls rub off on him sometimes) bring a piece of it back to Cas. She'd be giddy grandpa did something so heroic. Sneaks back and takes his shirt/coat to prove to Bela and Daniella wow cool it was.
Daniella is the only sister to think to stop fighting and take cover from the fucking cold (this is her mechanic in-game). But now she's cornered and risks getting frozen. She doesn't see it but she hears sounds of fighting, grandpa Ethan getting hurt, a few gunshots plus some stabs, and then silence. The cold is blocked off and she comes out and sees Ethan looking around for her concerned. She swarms him and tells him how grateful she is before going to tell mom how awesome Ethan was.
Donna + Angie
Donna was never much for the physical altercation and Angie is not sturdy enough to take a teddy bear in a fight, let alone an armored lycan
She tries to run or cause an illusion but the lycan is faster and immune due to its own cadou mutations. She is downed and thinks she's gonna be turned to tatters
Ethan literally punches this fucking thing off her and shoots it dead. He wastes no time as Donna is not as sturdy as the other lords. She is sorta still stuck on the ground in shock
Angie is the first to spring up and run into Ethan's arms, yelling about how scary it was. Donna is grateful as he helps her up and clings to his side so he doesn't have to look for her and she doesn't get cornered again. (He is her scary dog privilege)
Salvatore Moreau
Sal is used to people being hostile or aggressive towards him, but not directly hunting him. Due to the confined nature of the reservoir, he is cornered and is hiding away, like fish in a barrel (not stressed enough to transform but terrified)
He's calling out for help, that he knows isn't coming, but it's worth the try anyway. He hears beeping and suddenly a loud boom happens followed by splashing noises.
The door is busted open and he thinks that's it until he recognizes it's Ethan who heard him calling from nearby. He is stunned that someone was there to hear him call and that they then cared enough to come to his aid
Is giddy over the attention and carries his gun on him at Ethan's request so he's not completely unarmed in the case it happens again.
Karl Heisenberg
The Lycans usually listen to Karl but sometimes they get really rowdy and aggressive. This is one of those days and they intend to find a new chew toy; Karl.
He'd just use his metal bending to defend himself but they are really piling on and as I've said; he hates having to kill too many of the Lycans (they are a pack y'know). One jumps on him and he has to use a beam to keep it from biting his neck
A shot goes off over the head of the Lycan before a second shot sends it splattered over the beam. The rest of the pack run off, thinking Karl is at his limit with them. Ethan blows off the shotgun and asks if Karl is alright.
Karl acts more upset he got brain guts all over perfectly good metal and cost him a Lycan but is thankful. Kinda has a warm feeling he hates knowing that Ethan was ready to jump in on his behalf
The lords like protective Ethan but wish he would stop just being a human meat shield.
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call-me-dumbass · 3 years
So I haven't actually read up on how old the Lords are, in which order they were "adopted" by Miranda or how old they were when it happened because I am ignorant like that. So bear with me for the following headcanon, that's just something soft I needed to get out of my system, regardless of how well it fits into canon.
(Also I think I should note that, for some reason, I was convinced for a very long time that Miranda took Heisenberg in and started the experiments when he was still a child, I don't know where that came from or how accurate it is but that's kinda the idea behind this whole thing)
You can’t tell me that Karl Heisenberg didn’t love his baby sister. He got “adopted” at a very young age, he probably was orphaned (either at Miranda’s hand or even before that) and he knows what it feels like to be alone. And I believe that the Cadou-procedure did leave one mark or another on his body. His face and body are covered in scars and some of them he’s probably had since childhood or early teens due to either the experiments made on him or the first ones he performed on others (which were bound to go terribly wrong). And, in the beginning, he probably felt bad about them. So, yeah, of course he likes Donna. How could he not? She is young, her face is scarred, and she lost her parents. The only friendly company she knows are her gardener and her dolls. Karl gets her.
He hates Miranda with a burning passion and when he sees what she does to poor little Donna, how the girl suffers from the Cadou at first, the hatred only grows.
After Donna is told to settle down in her childhood home, Karl offers help rearranging furniture, building some more if needed. (He notices that there is so much wood in the house, barely metal; he supposes his reputation had gotten out here many, many years ago. People were scared of him and what he could do. It makes sense.)
Donna is delighted. She is too weak to do all the lifting and she is very happy about being able to make the house truly her own. To shake off the haunting memories of her deceased parents. (She does love them, misses them every day, but continuing to live in the unchanged house would be too painful. She couldn’t take it.)
The rearranging takes a whole day and Karl does almost everything alone, and, of course, he is complaining the whole time. Donna makes coffee and packs and unpacks boxes, and around noon she makes lunch. Angie takes a nap after she’s been on edge the whole day, flying around, instructing Karl and annoying the living hell out of him. So, the two of them now sit there without someone else to initiate a conversation. Donna isn’t sure how to start one and is afraid that this will take an awkward turn, but Karl wouldn’t be Karl if he didn’t have something to bitch about. He rants over the last meeting with Miranda, because “If I have to listen to one more fucking sermon about how to do my job, I swear to god, I’m throwing myself off one of the factory towers!”
Of course he’s over-dramatic, but he manages to break the ice and Donna chuckles, nodding in agreement. He goes on about Miranda and his current project and what dumb bullshit Alcina told him on the phone last week and Donna doesn’t talk – she rarely does these days – but she doesn’t have to, because he can read her in a way that makes words unnecessary. He even manages to make her laugh at some point with a silly story about one of his lycans and they are both equally surprised at the sound. But he gives her a smile that’s less cocky than usual and she knows he’s proud of himself for cheering her up like this.
When they’re done with the house, it’s already getting dark outside, and Karl grumbles about how he lost a whole day of work to this bullshit. Angie tries to slap him and they almost start a fistfight, but Donna manages to keep her doll in check. She pretends not to her the “Crazy bitch” Karl murmurs under his breath. She walks him to the door and when he says goodbye, he rests his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it softly. “You tell me if you need help with something else”, he says, “but don’t expect me to spend another whole fucking day here.” She just nods and he taps her shoulder before making his way down the path, lighting a cigar on the way.
He is in a good mood when he comes home and settles down in his workshop (he didn’t lie about losing precious worktime, he does have an army to build). While he scribbles down ideas for another soldat, he thinks that it was actually nice to get out and how homely it was spending time with Donna. The kid doesn’t talk much, but that’s alright with him, he’s not sure if he would in her situation. It’s clear she has a shitload of stuff to work through and it makes Karl angry, because he knows she won’t. He knows she won’t because he didn’t, because there’s no one in this damned village who gives a single flying fuck about their wellbeing, because their so-called mother only cares if they’re worthy of staying in the family, indifferent to their health – physical or mental.
Karl knows that Donna won’t work through her issues, and he knows that he can’t help her with that, he’s too damaged himself. But he knows that he’ll do everything he can to make her life at least a bit more bearable. Maybe even comfortable, as far as that’s possible in this hellhole of a town. Because he might have never known his real family – at least he can’t remember them – and that shitshow Miranda calls family sure as hell ain’t one, but he’s pretty sure the way he feels protective over Donna is what it feels like to be a big brother.
The next day, a small package gets dropped off at the factory. No sender, just his own name in neat handwriting. When he opens it, there’s a doll in it. It’s tiny, dressed in tattered cloth, with wolf-like features and soft fur on its arms and legs. There’s also a note, a little piece of paper folded once in the middle. When he unfolds it, it simply reads Thank you.
Karl usually doesn’t like dolls. He finds them freaky. This one, however, finds its place on his desk in the workshop, with the note propped up against it.
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
its 330 am, i have work at 11 am and have to be awame by 8, this is fine, heres more donna/angie/claudia thoughts
if claudia’s bones formed Angie, and claudia’s soul was attached to those bones, donna sharing her cadou with angie adda to the idea that angie’s personality being so vastly different from donna’s is because it isnt donna’s personality, it’s the personality donna looked up to and wished she had: its claudia.
donna is based on the folklore surrounding the weeping spirit haunting a desolate ground, the possession of dolls and the calls of the banshees.
donna was transformed after claudia’s death, and claudias canon death is 1996, at the age of 9 years old at most. donna was given angie after the fact, and given to miranda as a gift of her parents loyalty shortly after that.
miranda clearly let donna be raised in the house still, since the servants mention her steadily changing personality. which, as donna’s appearance change is never mentioned while theyre alive, leads me to believe miranda was performing more minor tests first. definitely looking at the young (likely 8-15 years old, at most) donna. The diary (in japanese text) says she suffered from extreme interpersonal fear as a small child, and i doubt it ever truly got better. The ‘gift’ seemed to be growing, and Donna started talking through Claudia. But Donna hadn’t received the Cadou yet, at least not fully, because if she had he would have seen her scar. he never mentions it.
also, something kind of concerning if you look at it too long. the part of angie’s face not made from the family crest? it looks like a younger donna. it looks like her dad might literally have deboned claudia’s corpse, and kept her face to preserve it in some way and use in angie. Meaning Claudia would be even more attached to angie.
which leads to this point: if claudia was the one actually speaking. the gardener says Donna was speaking through angie. Ventriloquists, most of the time you dont see their lips move when they speak. for all he knew, it was donna that was speaking, but the only time donna canonically speaks is when she forces a hallucination on ethan symbolizing speech. She does not talk, she’s nonverbal, and clearly miranda decided that was enough reason to claim her too ‘mentally ill’ to properly function as Eva.
Even in Miranda’s notes, she says Donna’s affliction with the cadou is extremely affinitive. If she were already disfigured from the cadou at that point, i doubt miranda would give such high prospects. she dissed all over cina for far less. i think the cadou disfigurement was after those notes were made, maybe miranda saying she’d offer donna more ability to spread the cadou to her dolls, not realizing what the cost would be.
and, maybe she didnt care, because claudia’s disdainful spirit, the only person donna actively listened to, was pulling her strings.
donna is the looming spirit, the haunting figure who’d been controlled and ignored all her life, and the only ones that cared either died or killed themselves. claudia’s death likely wasnt natural, and could have been a result of miranda’s experiments, thus making the likelihood that if angie’s made from claudia’s corpse, angie and claudia are one and the same all the more likely.
and donna giving angie most of her spirit with her initial transfiguring of power, would mean she gave most of her spirit, her power, and her mind to her sister, not a simple empty doll like her other dolls are.
thats why angie has the most power, and angie controls the rest of them.
and donna’s physical body is now too weak to do anything.
claudia could be steadily trapping donna into angie’s body with her, ensuring that they’d never be alone. And when Duke buys Angie off of Ethan, he’s getting the essence of not only Donna, but Claudia as well.
and one thing often stated in folklore
nothing is often stronger than the spirit of a deceased child.
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