#beheading tw
sonjalikestodraw · 3 months
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[Chapter III: The Grey]
And if you don't love me now / You will never love me again I can still hear you sayin' / You would never break the chain
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Peter Lorre catches a glimpse of his head being held by Vincent Price on the set of Tales of Terror (1962)
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paganminiskirt · 4 months
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“There's blood on the carpet, blood on the lamp, blood on the bed sheets, blood on my hands”
Coyle marries a second time and extorts wife's family. Wife's family dies in an electric fire. Wife flees to Chicago, dies officially of "natural causes," body recovered between the 900-2000 blocks of Kostner Ave. Coyle promoted to Sergeant. Marries third time, wife commits suicide within six months via multiple gunshots to the head. Wife's family dies within year, all apparent suicides via increasingly violent and convoluted methodologies. Sergeant Leland Coyle observed standing in field watching lightning storm on five separate occasions during surveillance.
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ask-the-becile-boys · 6 months
Story. Get Down
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[ID: Splash image reading "Content Warning: Major Character Death Aftermath Details at end of tags to avoid spoilers" End ID]
[ID: Fourteen digitally sketched panels in greyscale and green.]
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[Panel 1: Locksmith's foot, taking a step against the grey gradient background cast by the burning Manor. SFX: step (ellipses) step (ellipses)]
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[Panel 2: Locksmith's headless body staggers (SFX: stagger).]
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[Panel 3: Locksmith's body falls forward with SFX: thump, revealing The Jack standing behind it, holding Locksmith's head and looking devastated.]
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[Panel 4: The Jack turns Locksmith's head around in his hands. The viewer can see Locksmith's eyes are dark and his mouth is slack; it is lifeless. The Jack wheezes, "(ellipses) hhHah (ellipses)"]
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[Panel 5: The Jack, with a stained, disturbed smile and a desperate look in his eyes, begins to laugh uncontrollably.]
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[Panel 6: The Jack's laughter continues as he turns and chucks Locksmith's head away, past where The Skull is kneeling and the bullet hole in the ground. In the background, fire is still pouring out of the windows of Becile Manor.]
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[Panel 7: The Jack, oily tears streaming down his face, throws his head back, laughing.]
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[Panel 8: The Jack lurches forward, dropping his face into his hands, as the laughter changes to sobbing with a hiccup. Hare's hands reach toward The Jack as he falls forward.]
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[Panel 9: The Jack, head bent forward and on his knees, clings to Hare, who kneels beside him and hugs/steadies him. The Jacks says, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry (em-dash)" Hare comforts him, saying, "I know, Jacky. I know."]
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[Panel 10: The Jack, still curled up on himself, says, "H-he was g-gonna (italics) kill (plain text) Skull (em-dash)" Hare rests a hand on The Jack's back, starting to cry himself, and says, "Skully's fine. You saved him." In the background, The Skull blinks, coming back to reality, and says "What (ellipses) Where did (ellipses)" There is a green glow coming from the left distance behind The Skull.]
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[Panel 11: The Skull turns his head, brows lowering in concern as he notices the green glow. It grows in intensity, casting green highlights onto The Skull. No text.]
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[Panel 12: Locksmith's body, on its knees, jerks. It gives off green lightning and a violently green glow from its chest and neck. In the background, The Skull starts to get to his feet, watching this. No text.]
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[Panel 13: Backlit by the green glow, the inverter on his chest glowing, and looking terrified, The Skull whips back around and yells, "(all caps) Get down!"]
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[Panel 14: A green explosion goes off, cored with white. The Skull lunges forward, trying to shield Hare and The Jack from it as they huddle together, everyone gritting their teeth and squeezing their eyes closed. The linework is faded and motion blurred under the green light. End ID]
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jadedharleys · 5 months
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accepting that ill never finish this art lol.
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laskardoodles · 5 months
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every so often i am reminded that this blog exists
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ofwindydays · 4 months
Closed for @dmpled
Sir Lysander felt the rush as he continued to look for her. Billie...Billie....Billie....her name rang in his head like a chant. Was this his fault for letting her dance. Was Briggs mad at him for not doing his one job. The knight didn't think too much.
But in his trance he saw something. Was that the lady of the lake...his lady of the lake.....getting hurt. He saw red as he charged forward. She may hate him today or the rest of the eternity but no one was allowed to harm the guardian of his heart.
Wordlessly he slashed the head off the oea's members head, letting the blood pool down the ground. There was an anger, a panting of sorts. The knight took a deep breath as took the head and put the head in a box with a cloak. He bowed his head before looking at her.
"You do not have to return my affection, I am eternally damned." The words breaking his own heart. "But can I ask for your assistance?"
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octobeast · 1 year
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I was gonna make a bunch of these kinda drawings and post them all at once but I only had the energy for two lmao
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mahoushojoe · 8 months
so those rave people who were dead with their corpses paraded around turned out to be alive in the same gaza their government is actively destroying as we speak. the mass gang rapes are apparently hearsay based on the words of "anonymous IDF soldiers". and now hamas is apparently beheading babies according to...? who's to say. anyway. great job on the "massive hordes of evil brown men coming to rape everyone" trope! you all fucking suck and you're all very transparent in your intentions. meanwhile 900 palestinians are dead and the number is rising as we speak
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jfkisonthemoon · 7 months
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i should be banned from thinking about junpei dismemberment ztd
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briarreed · 5 months
Briar & Rohan @rohanxpersaudx
sometime after the chaos erupted who knows
The thing about losing her empathy wasn't that it made her violent. No she didn't choose violence, violence was a thing thrust upon her. An occasion she would rise to should she need to. It was never her first choice, her innate reaction. So while the hurt and pain and hunger that the others had repressed pushed them into uncharacteristic attacks Briar was simply unburdened by the ability to care what others would think of her. How her actions would effect them mattered so little. The only thing she cared about now was how they could benefit her. It was a thought she never really had. It was odd and light in some ways. And in others it was painful. Without her empathy she could not rationalize away her feelings for the sake of others. Without her empathy all that was left was feelings for herself. Rage, sadness, grief, love, lust...all these things she'd watered down for the benefit of others. Well fuck that. She had years and months of shit to sort through and sort through it she would. Answers and emotions avoiding the reckless few who couldn't keep their shit together and it would all be over before she knew it. That wasn't her problem tho. Not now at least. That was for the version of her bogged down with empathy for those she loved.
For now she was making her way to the tallest point in Lunar Cove- she was going to teleport through shadows until her bones ached she would perfect it before dawn. That had been the plan at least until the reconstruction of the playhouse caught her attention and stopped her dead in the tracks. She blinked at the structure black eyed and contemplative. She felt it was happening too fast. People were moving on far too quickly. She'd watched her sister and her mother both die only months ago. She'd killed a man. She'd killed someone no matter how evil she had done it. Before tonight she had no room to process it. She only had room for Poppy. Room for those who had also lost something important or relived something terrible. There had been no room for this. Her anger at her mother for being willing to let Poppy stay dead. For nearly every single person who did not move as her mother suffocated. She'd screamed, a blood-curling scream she could still hear the echo of it now in the dead of night long after it had happened. No one moved. No one cared that Alyssa Reed was dying. No one cared that Meena had ripped her husband's head from his body or that she had sent electricity through Kyle ending his life.
If they cared they didn't show it. How fucked was the town if they didn't realize the weight of a life? Even a terrible one was still energy being taken from this world. Where did balance come in there? Her thoughts went on and on and she felt detached from that day in the sense of others suffering and painfully connected in terms of her own. "What about me?!" She cried aloud and picked up a rock throwing it at the building. She threw another and another visceral scream for herself and what she lost passed her lips. Soon she was throwing pebbles of darkness not caring where they hit. It was too soon. Her mother's grave had not yet grown over, her heart had not healed. She was still here. She was still right here as rats and fire consumed the home she had created in the theater after she had lost her first life. How many more was she expected to lose while no one noticed?
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its-paperd · 1 year
[ WARNING, EYESTRAIN and descriptions of beheading ]
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and the monarch spat him out, " lo shall the knight be cursed with an everlonging thirst! and shall he suffer with eternal lust! and shall he be left to rot and die. "
the law wronged him so, and to be called a knight felt like an accusation. he served under no one, not anymore. leaving the scene would cast himself as cowardly, and the vampire shall take his revenge.
by ripping the monarch's head off and gleefully drinking the horrid blood from him.
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monstrousmaws · 1 year
Average Hatchetblr rp server shenanigans
(Nana is trying to reattach the now severed head of Matt(Matt belongs to @indigos-shits-and-giggles))
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ask-the-becile-boys · 6 months
Story. Execution
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[ID: Content Warning splash text, reading: "Content Warning: Major Character Death Scene, Method placed at end of tags to avoid spoilers" end ID]
[ID: 7 digitally sketched panels in greyscale and green.]
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[Panel 1: The Jack tackles Locksmith, who flinches with an "(all caps) Oof!" The green smoke is fading, but the stark shadows thrown by the burning building continue.]
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[Panel 2: The Skull, still kneeling, flinches as the revolver goes off with a SFX: all caps Bang! A bullet strikes the ground next to The Skull, kicking up dirt.]
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[Panel 3: The Jack, starting to tear up and now grappling Locksmith from behind, grabs his head with both hands. Locksmith glares, trying to shrug him off, and says, "Jack, what (em-dash)"]
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[Panel 4: SFX: all caps Crack! The Jack twists Locksmith's head to the side. Locksmith gapes in shock, hands flailing.]
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[Panel 5: The Jack squeezes his eyes shut, an oily tear running down his cheek, as he starts to unscrew Locksmith's head from his body with another SFX: all caps Crrack! Locksmith cries out in terror, wide-eyed, "(all caps) Jack! No! Stop this!"]
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[Panel 6: The Jack squints through his tears as he continues to unscrew Locksmith's head with SFX: all caps Crrrack! Locksmith's jaw falls open and he stares forward in horror.]
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[Panel 7: Black silhouettes. Locksmith yells, (all caps) "Please! Jack! Jaaaa (em-dash)" before The Jack pulls his head from his shoulders, sending his hat flying. End ID]
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spirit-whump · 8 months
Whumptober2023 No. 3: “Like crying out in empty rooms; with no-one there except the moon.”
Journal | Solitary Confinement | “Make it stop.”
Fandom: The Wicked + The Divine
Whumptober on my ao3
tw: isolation/solitary confinement, mentions of canonical beheading (no death or mention of blood or gore), mild hints of body dysmorphia (not exactly, but Jon is disconnected from his body and is trying not to think about it and is feeling weird about it), canonical child abuse
1. You spend the first month thinking of ways to escape. Someone else would give up after the first week. But not you. You’re different - you’re not one who bends, you’re not one who breaks, you’re one who builds. You hold onto those words, even though they had been ones casually tossed out in an act of defiance against who you thought was the weirdest and least effective therapist you had ever met. You won’t break. You’re going to find a way out. If you can’t find one, you’ll build one.
2. When you sardonically ask your dad about the risk of you starving before his two years are up, he undoes the latches around your neck and for a second you stupidly think he’s going to free you. But he doesn’t. He shows you what he’s done to you and you’re glad you haven’t had anything to eat in a month or you would throw up. But your head isn’t connected to your stomach or anything, so you couldn’t do that anyway. You try not to think about it. You can’t.
3. Ananke doesn’t visit at all after that first day. Dad comes down whenever he has the chance, which isn’t often, between all the sex and drugs and whatever other bullshit he gets up to while living your life. You spend a lot of time alone with only your thoughts. In theory it’s no different to life before, but before was a choice. Now you’re trapped down with no one to talk to, and you never had many friends, but when you get out of here, you’re going to make some.
4. Seeing Dad is weird. You’re the only person who gets to see his face underneath the mask. You’re the only person who really knows him anymore. Maybe he likes that. Maybe he needs that, and that’s why he keeps coming back, taking off his mask just to chat with you. He never takes yours off, and you wonder if it makes it all easier for him. Whenever he puts the helmet on, you miss him, but you can pretend he’s someone else doing this to you. But he’s still Dad.
5. A beeping machine is the best you can do. It’s a good idea. It’s simple. It doesn’t look more or less important than anything else you’ve had to make for them, so it won’t draw their attention. That may be the downfall of your whole plan, but it’s something. It’s all you can think of. You’re scared. You’re trying. You have to keep trying. You can’t stop trying. It’s all over if you stop trying. If you give up, you’ve lost, and you can’t lose. You have to keep building.
6. You’re so tired. You don’t know how a head that doesn’t need a body to live can still get tired. You don’t know how any of this works, and you won’t stop to think about it. You don’t need to sleep, not really, but you do out of habit. That’s the benefit of not having a body, you guess, not having to get comfortable before being able to sleep. A head just needs a place to rest. You have that. You wish you could lay down. You’re so, so tired.
7. The cell is six feet long, six feet wide, and ten feet high. That’s your entire world. You used to be content just staying in your room half the day. You were never an outdoorsy kid. But you can’t even properly breathe the air in here, and you can’t move, and you can’t do anything about it. You keep trying. Every time they ask you to make something, you slip in something else that could lead someone to you. When you get out, you’re going to go to the park.
8. They could at least give you something to read. An ebook would be easy, they could just hook you up to a Kindle and you wouldn’t even need fingers to turn the pages. Or a DVD player, one of the portable ones from when you were a kid and needed entertainment in the car on the occasional day trips up north. You sometimes feel like your mind is melting from boredom, and it scares you more than staying here forever. If you don’t have your mind you don’t have anything.
9. You have to think about it. You finally stop to think about it. You consider your options. You’ve made robot armor, robot suits, you’ve built canons and mind-control machines, you’ve built things that should have been impossible outside of comic books and cartoons. You can build yourself a body when you get out of here. You start to draw up the plans in your head. They’ll be ready to go whenever you get out. It’ll be nice to build something with your hands again. When you have hands again, anyway.
10. You wonder how your mom is doing. You haven’t heard from her in years and you’d like to keep it that way. If she wanted you to miss her, she shouldn’t have left. But you still wonder. Does she know you’re missing? Does anyone? Dad pretended you had run away, he told you that, but he also told you he’d gone great lengths to "find you again". You wonder if he called your mom. You wonder if she’s worried about you. You don’t know if you want that or not.
11. You were never a violent kid. When the schoolyard bullies got you down, you fought back, but you didn’t like to. You weren’t any good at it, anyway. Now they have you building weapons. You don’t want to do it, but if someone has to do it, you’d rather it’s you, not them. You finally have a choice.  You could make it right, and you do. You make cannons, lasers, a giant robot warrior, mind control machines, and you hate it as much as you’re proud of yourself for it. 
12. The door cracks open. You hear voices. You recognize one of them from Ragnarok, what feels like a lifetime ago. You recognize the other from the recordings Dad has shown you. They’re the first voices besides your own and Dad’s you’ve heard in over a year, so you don’t care much when they fail to free you and they’re yelling at each other. When the Ragnarok girl undoes the latch on your neck, you feel her fingers graze your skin, and you could cry. Someone else is here with you. 
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bookwormscififan · 10 months
You Have My Heart, Even in Death
Taglist: @brokentimewatch
A/N: Major angst warning! I just really wanted to rip someone's heart out.
Jameson stood amongst the crowd, wool cloak wrapped tightly around him in disguise, watching the podium being built.
It had been years since Marvin had helped Shawn to make peace with the town. The magician was long dead by now, the fresh vampires away on their own travels, happy with the changing of the times. Jameson had been left with Shawn to watch the world grow, witnessing the changes of fashion and lifestyle.
At first, it had just seemed like innocent curiosity. That is what Jameson wanted to convince himself. Curious mortals who wanted to see if the tales of vampires were true. Newcomers to the town, wishing to see a vampire in person.
Then it had become chaos. Jameson had never seen so many humans gathered outside the castle gates; Shawn had protected him so well. He had stood at the window of his room watching the humans try to get through the gate, trembling in unexplained fear.
Jameson had been helpless to the humans getting into the castle, standing silent as they battered down Adam, watching fearfully as they stormed into the courtyard and returned with Shawn in tow.
Shawn had shared a look with Jameson, mouthing a silent all will be well as he was carried out of the castle, leaving Jameson to process the events that had just occurred.
The podium had finally been built. A pit of discomfort settled in Jameson’s stomach as a wooden block was brought up to the podium, and he bit his lip as a man stepped behind it, carrying a large silver axe.
His breath hitched when Shawn was brought to the podium, head hung and wrists charred from the silver shackles restraining him. The vampire was helped onto the podium and turned to face the crowd, where a man stepped forward to address the witnesses.
“Lord Shawn Flynn,” he began, “Of the castle Athlone, has been found to be a vampire. Under unanimous orders, the town command Shawn Flynn be beheaded by silver, and his remains be tossed to the bottom of the ocean.” The man cleared his throat, looking behind him to Shawn before nodding.
Jameson watched helplessly as Shawn was pushed to kneel before the wooden block, nudged into position with his head resting on the block. He raised his eyes, scanning the faces in the crowd, and Jameson’s still heart jumped when Shawn caught his eye, flashing him a comforting smile before casting his eyes to the ground.
A shudder went through Jameson as the axe made contact, and he turned away at the sound of Shawn’s head rolling. Swiftly he returned to the castle, locking the door and running to his room.
The heartache was substantial. It felt like Jameson was dying again, soul being torn apart and stitched back together over and over again. Jameson clutched at his chest, nails biting into his flesh through the shirt, struggling to breathe as he collapsed onto his bed.
Tears flowed freely from his eyes as he writhed on the bed, hands switching from clutching the sheets to clutching his chest. Shawn’s name poured from his lips in breathless gasps, sobs wracking his chest as he let his grief consume him.
It was Jackie’s soothing voice that woke Jameson up, soft hands grasping his own and quiet words reaching his ears. Jameson gasped as he came to, eyes opening through crusty lids and looking at Jackie.
“Jackie…” his voice was hoarse, throat torn apart from his earlier breakdown, and he slowly moved to sit up and accept the glass Jackie offered him.
“Jameson, what happened?” Jackie asked, looking into Jameson’s eyes curiously. The elder vampire swallowed, a broken sob cutting through his steady breathing as he held his head in a hand.
“Jackie, I couldn’t stop them,” he started, voice shaky, “They came, they broke into the castle. They killed Adam. I couldn’t do anything to stop them. They took Shawn…” his voice broke, Jameson dropping forward to sob freely, tensing when Jackie placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Where did they take Shawn?” Jameson shook his head, tears making wet spots on his trousers, sobs too strong to speak.
“Shawn’s… he’s… Shawn’s gone,” Jameson hiccupped, rocking slowly as he wrapped his arms around himself. He sniffed, a few more sobs shaking his body as he stared at the pattern on the carpet.
“Shawn chose that carpet,” he whispered, sitting still, eyes red, “He chose the curtains, the art. This was his room when he moved in here with Anti. That door opens to his room,” he tilted his chin to the right, toward a door in the wall, then sniffled again.
“The castle is more Shawn than it ever was Anti,” he mumbled, voice hollow, “I don’t know how to exist without him.”
Jackie tilted his head, simply listening to Jameson’s mutterings, providing a supporting presence to the vampire.
“I loved him, Jackie,” Jameson started, staring blankly at the carpet, “I loved him, and he loved me. He rescued me, saved my life all those years ago. Even after my fight with Anti, he still preferred me. All Shawn wanted was to protect me.” A single tear ran down Jameson’s cheek, falling to the carpet with a silent splash.
Jackie stayed, listening as Jameson told him stories of Shawn, hand still on his shoulder. Occasionally Jameson would fall back into melancholy, and Jackie was there to comfort him.
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