#beo signalis
evrriot · 16 days
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goes best with this song
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some-creep · 5 months
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Adler no one has any idea what you're even saying anymore
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bigmsaxon · 6 months
Hi, I just wanted to say that your chibi Mynah drawings have changed my brain chemistry forever. I hope you have a great day today and forever for drawing such blessed stuff ✨
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Thank you! There is so much amazing SIGNALIS fan content out there, I'm glad she has her place in peoples hearts. Blessings of chibi MYNAH be upon ye.
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yuzukuo · 5 months
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beo with a teddy
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renegade-red · 6 months
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Heyyyy im alive :o)
Artblock and depression still beating my ass but i have been sketching on csp for funsies since i got a 30 day free trial and im definitely feelin some creative tingles rn
I did a sketch page of Signalis gals (and adler lmao) bc boy i got that sad space lesbian brainrot (play signalis and listen to the ost btw)
I used 3d models for elster, falke and ariane here and modified them, love how they came out tbh
Anyway i despise drawing guns they my worst enemy 🫡
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teflr · 4 months
AEON Company is real :D! Created by @tianshiko & @EloginTrue
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ericlvargas · 6 months
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Finished inking this Signalis fanart last night! Now to start laying down color!
#SIGNALIS #fanart #wip
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cyborgnecromancer · 2 years
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Beo with a Beo.
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nerendus · 7 months
Ouch...that scene with the dying Star comforting the crying Eule h u r t s, especially after Beo talking about Replikas being replaceable and not needing to fear death....
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fishareglorious · 1 year
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What if the Mynah's gestalt was just. severely allergic to cats. That's why anything resembling them will resurface their gestalt memory.
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mrporg · 5 days
Warning: spoilers for Signalis' story
I keep wondering what happens to the first person you meet in the game, the Star unit. She's collapsed on the floor, visibly injured, and she tells you that she's waiting for her first aid patch to take effect.
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Out of all the characters you talk to, she's the only one who expresses the will to leave this accursed place.
Isa is like you, she's looking to go deeper to find someone she cares about
The Storch unit you meet in the security office is waiting for new orders and says she has no desire to abandon the place
Beo, the injured Mynah, is just waiting to die
Adler wants to stay and to stop you
Falke is too far gone, she's not herself anymore
The Star and Eule are so deep in the mines that they wouldn't be able to escape even if they wanted to. The Star is dying and I don't think the Eule will even retain the will to live once the Star is gone
The Kolibri is lost without its cadre and is just hiding in a room
So, did the first Star unit make it? Was she able to safely escape this nightmare of a time and place?
I like to think that she did. Indeed, when you go through that corridor later, she is gone, and maybe she made it out. But if I'm honest with myself, I don't think she really did. Everything is so distorted and corrupted by bioresonance, I doubt anything can truly escape.
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meowsequence · 3 months
My Signalis experience [part 2]
No Spoilers this time.
I consider myself to be a lucky one because I live with my beloved @tinyflything (check it out btw, you may find few cute kolibris there) with whom we can talk for hours and on any topic. We are different. I always been more interested in global aspects like history of humankind, society and role of an individual in it (you know, the things that are actually very important and defying our lives more then anything else, but are too complicated and contradictory for a single character's arc and therefore nearly extinct from modern media). Ro, on the other hand loves horrors and arthouse and keep giving me valuable insights about deepest corners of a single persons feelings, mind and soul.
You can guess where I'm going with it… Signalis became the first thing we are equally obsessed about in our 10+ years.
After I shared my first experience of Signalis I just had to show it. You know, my beloved is kinda REALLY BAD in video games >_> The usual gameplay routine would be: bolting in random direction, screaming in panic, die, laughing hysterically, respawn, repeat… So we placed another chair by my screen and finally I was ready to return to Signalis.
It was one dusk till dawn 9-hours long session and this time I had a luxury of seeing the Game from additional perspective. First of all, I was listed with EVERY SINGLE reference to Silent Hill, David Lynch and many others, lol. But besides that - many new and interesting for me interpretations. And above all: stop analysing and focus on feelings. Think later as much as you want, but don't miss the only truth of Signalis: everything you felt playing it first time was right.
One thing I'm glad Ro pointed out and I want to point out here is how right Rose-Engine depicted authoritarian society. It's not just oppression, propaganda and nazi-like uniforms… There are enough hints to let us know that even oppressors themselves are not benefiting from such social formation. Wardens are under constant control by other wardens, Stars, sisters in arms, oppressing and physically harassing each other on daily basis and all of them scared of being decommissioned and eliminated the very moment they can't fulfil their functions to full capacity. Some of them however made inner peace with that, like Beo… but somehow that's even worse. We know nearly nothing about the Leaders of the Revolution but rest assured, even they have no freedom and live in constant fear of being brutally smashed and replaced by same machine they currently driving. Society is also a Gestalt - something bigger and very different then just a summary of it's individuals. So thanks again Rose-Engine, for doing this part right. I wish more games and movies focus on this aspect, instead of Star-Wars-like "good people just have to kill all bad people and then everything will be good again", which, I have a strong feeling, is exactly how Eusan Nation started.
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ventxekart · 2 months
Voice Actors for SIGNALIS?
Three years ago I posted a list of voice actors whom I thought could play the various characters from the game VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartending Action.
I semi-recently composed a similar list albeit one that focuses on the characters from SIGNALIS instead. Here are the contents of said list:
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn as LSTR-512 "Elster."
Kara Eberle as Ariane Yeong.
Amanda "AmaLee" Lee (AKA Monarch) as Isolde "Isa" Itou.
Antonio Greco as ADLR-S2301 "Adler."
Jennifer Dawne Graveness as FLKR-S2301 "Falke"
Mary Kae Irvin Lindsey as the surviving STAR units.
Cristina Vee as the surviving EULR units.
Paula Jean Hixson as the lone surviving ARAR unit.
Talya Pulver-Lindqvist as STCR-S2307 "Sieben."
Dawn M. Bennett as KLBR-S2302 "Kolibri."
Samantha Dakin as MHNR-S2301 "Beo."
Also, as a bonus I could imagine Terri Brosius voicing over the various quotes from the various pieces of Eldritch Horror literature used in the game (IE: “Great holes secretly are digged where earth’s pores ought to suffice, and things have learnt to walk that ought to crawl.”)
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bigmsaxon · 1 year
Who’s your favorite Signalis character?
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They're all pretty great but I do have a fondness for Beo/MYNAH's particular combo of bigness and sweetness.
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maudlinandmad · 7 months
While I'm glad I decided to replay Signalis I wish it wasn't so sad T~T poor Beo, poor Alina, at least I have my trusty revolver lol
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layla-lynx · 10 months
I think about Beo a lot, she's one of my favorite characters in Signalis (to be fair you could point at literally any character or Replika in signalis and I could tell you why they are my favorite) She's actually how I first learned about Signalis. I remember seeing a little fanart comic of Elster talking to Beo and it made me curious and even now she's stuck in my brain. I had kind of forgotten about her by the time I played the game myself but when I did get there... oh it just hit me. It's heartbreaking how sweet and selfless she is as she's dying alone in the tunnels. Somehow this is made even worse by how big she is and the fact that we've fought and killed a Mynah already to get this far. What we fought before felt massive in a terrifying way and here she's.... just dying slowly despite her size and power. I've always liked the idea that Beo was her old name, her Gestalt name, and she was at peace with who she was even as she knew she was dying. That the nature of her work meant she confronted her old identity but it never disrupted her, that she kept being the machine they wanted from her, to the point that she thinks that she doesn't deserve help and isn't worth fixing even as she bleeds out alone. Its deeply tragic. I remember having such a deep wish when I found her to help her somehow or comfort her. I actually went back to get healing items to see if I could try and fix her somehow, and wondered if there maybe wasn't some stuffed animal item you could find to give to her because of the entry that says they liked stuffed animals.
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