#bi han mortal kombat
restinslices · 3 days
Hello! I just read your recent post on the lin Kuei trio trying to bring back the reader's memories after it has been tainted and was wondering if you could do part 2 where the trio finally succeeded in restoring the reader's memories?
I haven’t seen those movies in awhile but I googled it and apparently only therapy can help? I went off what Google said. No gifs cause I got lazy. I ain’t even finna lie to you
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Bi-Han doesn't show it, but he's in so much pain 
It's not because everytime you see him, you try to kill him 
If hating him for the rest of your life meant that you'd be happy, he'd take it 
But you're not happy. It's not a bad breakup and you hate him but at least you're living life. No. You have insane PTSD from the torture you endured 
When he's told that the only way to help you is therapy, he's a tad bit irritated 
Therapy takes too long. He wishes he could fight some enemies, use some magic, then boom. Everything's okay 
Speaking of those enemies though, he's definitely tracking them down and killing them 
He finds it difficult to watch your therapy sessions so he distracts himself with duties 
After a few failed tests, you're finally able to be in the same room as him without trying to kill him 
When he sees you look at him with love instead of hatred, all his tension is released 
Your memories are still a little wonky but you're healed enough to know that they're manipulated 
He's more than happy to tell you what really happened and make new memories with you 
He's more soft afterwards because he's afraid of triggering you 
It takes a lot of work but he's willing to do all of it if it means you'll be okay with him holding you again 
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Seeing you be so terrified of him is like a living nightmare 
It's such a difficult situation because there's no easy way to help you 
It's not like a broken bone. You've been made to fear him and your memories are tainted
Therapy is the only thing that can help you 
It takes a while, and he hates it 
He's told to avoid face to face contact with you during your recovery 
So he watches you sneakily 
He watches you rediscover your memories day by day
When you ask to see him, he's a bit nervous, but he knows that that means progress has been made 
He lets you set the pace of the conversation 
Whenever there's silence, he doesn't try to fill it. He knows you need the time to gather your thoughts 
Your hand is shaky when you reach for him. He wants to try and close the space but he doesn't. He lets you take your time reaching for his hand 
When you finally touch it feels like weights have been lifted off his shoulders 
You're not 100% healed but you're making great progress. You being able to stand being around him is such a huge thing to him 
He helps you whenever you get confused and is extremely patient with you 
Definitely believes you'll make a full recovery 
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After the first encounter and you trying to kill him, nobody could blame him for becoming depressed 
You were extremely volatile towards him 
Anytime you saw him you immediately tried to attack him 
When he's told therapy is the only thing that can help you, he wants to be hopeful but it's hard to 
Therapy takes time and there's no guarantee it'll even work 
He sends you gifts during your recovery. Sometimes he won't sign it so you're more willing to accept it 
Exposure therapy exhausts him, but he keeps doing it for you 
One day though your demeanor is different 
You don't rush at him or tell him to get out 
You're quiet and still. He lets the silence stay 
“I don't know what's real and what's not anymore”
“You're trying” he'd say. “That's all that matters. And I'll help you”
It gets quiet again 
You walk over to him, and instead of attacking him, you pull him into a tight embrace 
It takes him a moment to understand what's happening. Once he does, he hugs you back 
“You loved me. Real or fake?”
“I love you, and it's all real”
You two just stay like that for a while. He has no idea what's going on in your head, but in his he's ecstatic 
There was hope. As long as there was a hope, even a sliver of it, he wouldn't give up on you 
He stays by your side the entire time. Watching you slowly but surely go out of your way to be around him excites him 
He has tons of pictures and he shows you them and explains what happened whenever you get confused 
He's delighted to have you back 
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theemissuniverse · 8 months
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SUMMARY : After you get hurt with a mission gone wrong, Bi-Han is more gentle with you and it weirds you out. (Also this is like before Bi-Han becomes a back stabbing bitch to everyone LMAO)
A/N : I have NOOOO idea what happened to me (if y’all know me y’all know I do not like sub-zero) but I finally realized I think I do like him. I just don’t like the way some of y’all write him 💀 (ngl this is one of the best things I’ve ever written plot wise I think)
WARNINGS: (MDNI)! f receiving oral. I’m pretty sure that’s it. Nothing major happens lmao
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You were the best female Lin Kuei warrior. The very best but you had gotten hurt badly trying to stop Shang Tsung. He was about to kill your fiancé Bi-Han but you had stopped him.
This resulted in you getting severely slashed on your stomach and needing stitches.
It was hard for you to even walk but you knew you had your duties to fill with not only the clan but around the house. So, you did so.
It was early in the morning. About seven in the morning. When you woke up, you realized Bi-Han was not in bed with you. You cursed at yourself. You knew he would be mad that he had woken up and not been served breakfast.
You got out of bed and put on your robe to cover yourself. You immediately went out the room and headed towards the kitchen.
When you did, you realized you smelled something. Food. It smelt of sausage and bacon. Eggs and French toast. The French toast had caught you off guard because Bi-Han hated French toast and always made you make pancakes.
When you walked into the kitchen, you saw that Bi-Han was getting a plate ready. You couldn’t believe it. He actually cooked?
Bi-Han didn’t have to turn around to know you were behind him. “Good. You’re awake.” Bi-Han placed the plate on the counter and motioned for you to take it. “Eat.”
Was this a dream? Did he take a trip down to the Netherrealm and freeze hell over?
You blinked your eyes, severely confused at your fiancé’s actions. He had never done this. Ever.
“You know…I could’ve made breakfast.” You said, believing that he had made it because he was mad at you. “All you had to do was wake me up.”
“I wanted you to rest.”
Rest? He wanted you to rest?
Bi-Han motioned for you to take the plate, a little annoyed you hadn’t taken it. “Stop standing there looking stupid and eat.”
Never mind. He was there.
You hesitantly took the plate and sat at the table. “I didn’t even know you could cook.”
Bi-Han rolled his eyes a little but didn’t say anything. You cut a chunk of the French toast and bit into it. When you did, all the flavors of the syrup, the cinnamon and the powder danced on your tongue.
You could not believe it. He was a better cook than you.
“This is amazing. You cook better than me.”
“I know.” He simply said.
“No need to be cocky.” You told him. Then you had realized something. Why didn’t he cook then? “Why do you let me cook for you if you know you can cook better than me?”
Bi-Han started to put dishes in the sink. Without looking at you, he replies. “Because you like to cook for me.”
That warmed your heart a little. Bi-Han was willing to put up with your very medium like cooking over his far better cooking just because he knew you enjoyed cooking for him.
You always liked cooking for your man. It made you feel useful to him. It made you feel like he needed you.
But the truth was he didn’t need you as much as he made it seem.
You watched as Bi-Han started to do the dishes. If there was one thing Bi-Han did not do was dishes. Ever. Not even to wash simple silverware for himself. He hated doing dishes.
“It’s okay, Bi-Han. I can do it.” You said, standing up from your chair.
“Sit down and eat.” He said while still not looking at you.
Okay, this was entirely too weird for you. You knew there would be hell if you did not listen to Bi-Han so you sat down and ate the rest of your breakfast.
As he did the dishes, he spoke. “What do you want for dinner?”
Another thing you found weird. Bi-Han always picked what you guys ate for dinner. You getting to decide was definitely almost impossible. “Whatever you want, Bi-Han.”
“I’m asking you for a reason. What do you want?”
“Um…I don’t know. Maybe spaghetti?”
“I’ll be here later tonight to cook it.”
Okay this was getting too weird.
You finished eating your breakfast. You then took your plate to the sink and were about to wash the plate but the sound of Bi-Han’s voice stopped you. “Put it down.”
You did as you were told. You put the dish down in the sink and he started to wash it. You started to feel his forehead for any sign of him being sick. “Are you feeling alright? It’s really ice of you to do this today.” You knew that bad pun was going to annoy him and you wanted to test him.
“Funny.” He said with a complete straight face and zero emotion. The thing was, that was his way of laughing. So, he technically just laughed at what you said.
You were absolutely shocked. You removed your hand from his forehead. “Don’t tell me your Shang Tsung and are pretending to be my cold hearted fiancé.”
When you had mentioned him being cold hearted, he stopped what he was doing for a moment. It was like what you had said really stung him.
He regained his composure and finished with the dishes. He then turned off the sink and dried his hands with the cloth next to him. “I’ve got to handle a few things. Are you okay with staying by yourself?”
Bi-Han had never cared for you to stay in the house all by yourself. At all. Again, also very weird. “Yeah. It’s just a few stitches. I’ll be fine.”
His eyes darted to your stomach. The robe was covering it. Bi-Han undid your robe and pushed it back slightly. You were in your black bra and underwear.
You thought Bi-Han was in the mood and wanted you. But he didn’t. He stared at the big slash on your stomach. Then he placed his hand gently on the scar.
He stared at it for a few moments like he was thinking of something. Then with his other hand he rested his hand on your lower back. He brought you close to him and gave you a kiss.
The kiss was very slow and passionate. You were surprised at how gentle he was being. Like if he had made one wrong move, he’d hurt you.
His lips kissed your cheeks and then down to your neck. He didn’t kiss you in a sexual way though. He did it in a very loving and comforting way. You sighed at the feeling of his lips on your body. It was nice.
He kissed your shoulder then finally looked back in your eyes. “I’ll be back.”
You were standing there still a little shocked. “Okay.”
He gave you one last peck on the lips before grabbing his mask on the counter and leaving the house.
Well today was getting to a weird start.
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Later that day, you were in the house, sweeping the floor in the living room. Even though you were in a lot of pain, you still liked to clean up a bit so the house didn’t look like a mess.
Probably was a bad mistake.
The door opens and closes and you continue sweeping. Bi-Han made it to the kitchen, setting his mask down on the counter before walking in the living room.
When he sees you, he’s enraged. “What are you doing?”
You looked at him a bit confused. You always took care of the house when he was gone. “Sweeping? What’s wrong?”
Bi-Han snatched the broom from you and threw it to the ground. “Go lay down in our bed before you pop your stitches open.”
You gave him a look. You weren’t some damsel in distress. You weren’t weak. You could handle some stitches. “I’m fine. I can do a little sweeping. It’s not going to hurt me.”
Bi-Han took in a very deep breath. In and out. As if he was trying to control his temper. He then pointed to the room and motioned for you to go in. “(Y/N). Do not make me ask you again.”
“Well technically you didn’t ask me in the first place. You told me.” You grumbled under your breath a little and left the living room to go into the bedroom.
You laid down on the bed. You couldn’t understand it. What the hell happened to your very grouchy fiancé? I mean he was still grouchy but it was different.
After a few minutes, Bi-Han came into the room. He sat on the bed and took off his shoes.
Bi-Han then took off his pants, leaving him in his boxers. You watched as he changed into his pajama bottoms and took his shirt off. Then he placed his pajama shirt over himself.
“I’ll cook in an hour.” He told you before climbing into bed.
You didn’t even want to question him about it anymore. “Okay…”
You then started to think. Maybe Bi-Han was being nice to you because he wanted something. The behavior was just a complete 180 and you couldn’t buy into it.
Bi-Han had grabbed his book from the stand and was starting to read.
You sat up a little and went to his side. You kissed his cheek softly. You kept doing this until he had turned his head to kiss you on the lips.
Again, this was not his usual roughness. It was sweet and gentle. Like you were made of glass.
You kissed him more passionately. Bi-Han let the book fall in his lap and cupped your face as he kissed you.
The kiss started to turn more heated. Bi-Han gently laid you on the bed so you were fully on your back. He kissed your neck and sucked on it only a little.
You moaned at the softness of his touch. Your hands immediately started to go to his pajama pants. That’s when Bi-Han stopped you.
He pulled away from kissing your neck and removed your hand from his pants. “You have to rest.”
You didn’t want to rest though. You wanted him. “It’s okay. I’m fine. I want you.”
Bi-Han didn’t seem sure of this but started to open your robe. Then he took your underwear off.
He then got down between your legs and started to eat you out.
You gasped at the feeling of his tongue licking your heated pussy. It wasn’t exactly rare for Bi-Han to want to eat you out but it’s not something he jumped to do.
His tongue circled your clit. Then his lips started to suck on it at a good speed.
Bi-Han made sure to hold your thighs tightly in place so you didn’t move. He continued to suck on your clit, causing you to let out a whine.
He gave it a break and started to lick in circles before slurping up all your juices as they ran down his chin. He would’ve put his head farther in you if he could.
“Bi-Han.” You moaned out. You played with his hair as he ate you out. You pulled on his hair so rough that his hair tie used for his ponytail had come out.
Bi-Han continued to devour you like you were his favorite thing to have. He did it in soft, subtle motions so he could savor you on his tongue.
He lifted his head up from your pussy. Then he hovered over you slightly. He licked his fingers and immediately went to your clit where he began to rub it in circles.
You moaned loudly at the new speed he was going. He made sure to rub in fast and harsh circles.
Bi-Han felt himself grow in his pajamas at the sight of you. You were a mess. Falling apart on his tongue and now on his fingers.
When you tried to reach your hand to touch him, he removed your hand with his free one and continued to play with your clit.
You wondered why he wouldn’t let you touch him and you were going to ask but as soon as you tried to ask a familiar feeling in your stomach started to come onto you.
Bi-Han licked his lips as you scratched at his bicep for some type of release. He knew you were close. “You look so good like this.”
Bi-Han was never really a talker during intimacy so the fact he said something turned you on even more and made you feel closer.
Your fingers dug even more into his arm but Bi-Han did not give up on his pace. “I’m so close. Please.” You begged knowing that any time you came, it was on his command.
“Give me a kiss and I’ll let you.”
That was shocking. Bi-Han never kissed you during intimacy. He leaned down to your lips and you leaned a little up. You lips touched in a slow and passionate kiss.
You whimpered in his mouth. Bi-Han took that to his advantage. He sucked on your bottom lip slowly until it made the ‘pop’ noise when he released. You moaned.
Bi-Han started to kiss and suck on your neck not even thinking about breaking his fast pace he had on your clit. Your fingernails dug deeper but this time you drew blood at the scratching you did.
He didn’t have a reaction to it. None at all. He continued to suck on to your neck sweetly. You knew hickeys were going to be there in the morning.
“Oh, my god. I’m almost there.”
Bi-Han stopped the pressure on your clit. You were about to swear at him but he immediately went between your legs again and started to eat you out once more.
You moaned at him sucking on your clit. You let out a high pitch squeal. He made sure to hold your thighs in place tightly again.
“Oh yes. Bi-Han.”
His tongue licks your pussy up and down before focusing his attention back on your clit. He continued to suck and lick all over it in a face pace motion.
“Oh, Bi-Han. I’m cumming. Yes. Please. Yes.”
Bi-Han ate you out for the entirety of your orgasm. Too much so that after you were done, you were pushing him away because your clit was too sensitive. “No more. No more.”
He didn’t seem like he wanted to get up. He brought his head up from your pussy and looked at you. “Aw, you can’t give me one more?” His fingers went inside of your pussy and started to pump in and out of you. “Are you giving up on me?”
After you came for the first time, Bi-Han never cared to go another round at it. Again, something that was very unlike him.
When Bi-Han saw you running away from his fingers, he chuckled. He took his fingers out of you and licked all over them.
He got off the bed and went inside the bathroom that was connected to the room.
When he came back, he had a hot damp facecloth. He placed it over your head and grabbed the blanket.
Extremely weird. Bi-Han never cared to give you any type of aftercare after sex. It wasn’t like he didn’t care. He just did not understand what it meant to women.
He was going to place the blanket over you but then he saw it again. Your stitches on your stomach.
He bent down to your level and lightly touched them. Careful not to hurt you. You watched him as he stared at them with an unreadable expression.
Bi-Han took your right hand. He kissed your knuckles before standing back up. He placed the blanket over you. “I’m going to go cook dinner.” Then he walked out the room.
You stared when he did so. Everything about today was weird but you didn’t hate it.
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You believed that after you were healed, Bi-Han would be right back to normal. That wasn’t the case. At all.
It had been three weeks. Yes, Bi-Han still was the same man with an attitude like no other but he showed his affection towards you almost everyday. That was something he never did.
The last straw was him doing laundry. He never did the laundry. Never. Ever.
As he folded the clothes and placed them on the bed, you marched in the room, right behind him. “Okay. Tell me what’s up. What happened to you?”
“What are you going on about?” Bi-Han questioned you as he continued to fold the clothes.
“Ever since I got hurt you’ve been cooking, cleaning, being all sweet and now you’re doing laundry. Laundry.”
“You’re mad that I’m being nice?”
“No. I’m not mad. I’m just confused.” You placed your hands on your hips as you looked at him. “Do you find me weak now? Because of how badly Shang Tsung injured me?”
Bi-Han shook his head as if he couldn’t believe you would insinuate that. He still didn’t look at you. He continued to fold the clothes. “You think I would be with a weak woman? You insult me.”
You walked over to Bi-Han. You placed your hand on his arm and forced him to look at you. “What is going on with you? I want answers.”
Bi-Han sighed. He stopped folding the clothes. He didn’t want to look at you. “Why did you save me from Shang Tsung?”
You gave him a look. That’s what this was all about? You took the clothes from his hands and placed them on the bed. “How could you ask me something like that? Because I needed to. Because if I lost you then I’d lose myself. Because I had to. Because I love you.”
The two of you did not throw around the L word lightly. It was only said during precious moments. Bi-Han bit his lip and for the first time, did not have a snarky remark for you.
He still did not raise his head to look you in the eyes. He crossed his arms and stared at his feet. “Why did you say yes?”
You looked at him a bit confused. “Yes to what?”
“When I asked you to marry me. Why did you say yes?”
“I just told you I loved you. What more of a reason do you need?”
There was silence. He tapped his foot on the ground. If a pin dropped then it would be heard. “Did you say yes because you felt like you needed to or because you wanted to?”
Bi-Han wasn’t one to show emotions. You saw the sad look on his face and you couldn’t help but cup both sides of his face with your hands. “Why are you asking me this, Bi-Han?”
He removed your hands from his face and sat on the bed. He still didn’t dare to look at you. Just kept his eyes at the ground. “I know I don’t treat you like how you’re suppose to be treated and I’m sorry. I don’t know why but…something in me hates any type of idea of love. I want it but for some reason I can’t show it.”
You listened to his words carefully. You didn’t interrupt him. You sat down next to him on the bed and he continued to speak. “But then you saved me. You risked your life for me. I almost lost you. I don’t want to go on with my life knowing that…I could treat you better.”
Bi-Han admitting to all of this was honestly a shock to you. Even though Bi-Han could be a little mean sometimes, you knew he meant well. That’s what you grew to love about him.
You placed your hand on his back and rubbed it gently. “Bi-Han, why did you propose to me?” Bi-Han looked at you as if you were stupid and when you saw the look, you gave him a look of your own. “You asked me stupid questions so I’ll ask you stupid questions.”
Bi-Han rolled his eyes slightly at you before looking away. “Because you make me happy even when I try to be unhappy. Because you calm me. Because you’re my peace. Because I love you.”
Every time he told you he loved you, you felt butterflies. You grabbed a hold on Bi-Han’s hand and interlocked your fingers together. “Yes, I will admit Bi-Han…I do appreciate the recent attitude change but I don’t want you to lose yourself in taking care of me.” With your other hand, you grabbed a hold of his face so he could look at you. “I need you to take care of yourself too. I need you to care about yourself.”
Bi-Han looked deeply in your eyes like he was falling in love all over again. He cupped the left side of your face with his left hand. “I will.”
You gave him a kiss on the lips. He kissed you back, deepening the kiss. The two of you kissed each other like your life depended on it.
Bi-Han pushed all the clothes off the bed and gently laid you back on the bed before getting on top of you. You giggled. “What about laundry?”
“What laundry?” He questioned you while kissing your neck.
“Take a chill pill frosty the snowman.” You joked. You knew that would irritate him. He immediately stopped kissing you and got up from you. He then started to walk out the room. “Where are you going?” You asked, sitting up a little.
“Away from you.”
You laughed and threw yourself back on the bed.
Yup. He was back.
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vara-rva · 2 months
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Is there anything more beautiful?
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yanderestarangel · 2 months
I was watching the story mode again, in English now because I had only seen the dub in Portuguese.... And watching this man, with me being in the fertile period...
I want this man to get me pregnant.
I want this man to fuck me every day without stopping. At home, in the room, on the ceiling, on the floor, on the street, on top of a bus.
I just want to feel his dick inside me so hard that I can't even think, all my problems thrown out the window while I could only moan his name and feel him breed in my pussy again.
I need to serve this man.
I need to give him the best head he's ever received in his life, and leave him seeing stars.
I need this man whining and making me whine at the same time.
If Bi Han has fifteen fans I'm one of them,
if Bi Han has three fans I'm among the three,
if Bi Han has only one fan that's me,
and if Bi Han has no fans I'll be dead.
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chiqelatasblog · 5 months
“Wife, wanna bite it?”
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Bi-Han x You
Just imagine her however you want, this is just a sample.🫶🏻
Happy new year everyone! May the coming year bring you success, good health, and moments of pure happiness.❤️
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tiredfox64 · 1 month
Hello!! I love your fics and have a small request!
Is there any way you could do a pt.2 to "Thick thighs can save lives" and make it nsfw? I loved that fanfic sm when I originally read it! I love chubby reader stuff. I'm chubby myself soo!! Eee!!
I loved your fics sm. Keep up the good work!!
Thick Thighs Call for Good Times
Prior notes: Y E S! We big girls need our lovin. I went too crazy I think because Bi-Han got me all hot and bothered. I blame ███████ for my addiction to him.
Pairing: Bi-Han x Chubby! Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: NSFW, Overstimulation, creampies, oral sex (fem receive), we ride…Bi-Han…rhymes with dawn if you say it a certain way
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You never left the Lin Kuei. You never left Bi-Han. Bi-Han was never letting you go. That’s just how the cookie crumbles.
It was clear to Liu Kang that he wasn’t getting his apprentice fully back. So a compromise was made. You stayed with Bi-Han and Liu Kang would come to you to actually train you since Bi-Han wasn’t letting you train with anyone else. As long as you stay near him he’s fine with this arrangement.
The Lin Kuei treated you much better than when you first arrived. That might be because it’s clear that a relationship was established, at least in Bi-Han’s perspective. You followed his lead and figured he wanted a relationship. It would be awkward if he didn’t want a relationship while he’s constantly trying to cuddle you and give you a little smoochy smooch.
The clinginess didn’t get better. That man had his hands all over you, squishing and squeezing anywhere he could. On a calm day he would only be squishing your stomach as you guys would lie down or if he had you in his lap. The frisky days, as you called them, were much more risqué. Chest, thighs, ass, if he could grab it he would.
The first time he ever grabbed your breasts it was a mind blowing experience. He was tempted by you. You were wearing a tank top after training for a bit. Of course no tank top could ever handle the size of your chest but you couldn’t care, you were hot. Bi-Han saw how your breasts would jiggle with every step. He came up behind you and gave you a hug which you gladly accepted, appreciating his cold skin against your burning skin. Then his hands grabbed at your chest. It wasn’t harsh but it definitely wasn’t a gentle grab. He wanted you to know what he wanted.
“Really?! You’re not gonna say anything to me? Just grab my tits like that?” You questioned Bi-Han but he didn’t care.
You’re not pushing him away so it’s fine. You did expect him to do it one of these days. That day was the day.
“They are nice. They fit so perfectly in my hands.” He looked very intently at his fingers as they squeezed down on your breasts.
He liked the way they bounced back. He liked how they felt in his hands and how they had weight to them.
He wanted a better feel and tried to slip his hands under your tank top before you slapped them away. He was ready to ravish you on a Tuesday afternoon, the sun was still out! He needed to learn some patience. Cause you sure as hell ain’t doing anything in his office when someone could easily walk in.
Day after day he was trying to grab you in other places. It was difficult to have time to yourself. He even tried following you into the bathing area which you had to physically throw him out. We love a strong woman.
Oh and forget getting out of bed. No, he kept you close to his chest with one arm around your waist and a hand at your breasts.
None of these instances ever led to anything more. You would put a stop to it for multiple reasons. You were too tired, you need to wash up, you’re on your period, you weren’t even in bed. Bi-Han respected your rejection but that didn’t mean he wasn’t getting sexually frustrated. He can’t keep using his hands when he has you right in his grasp.
Truth be told you were still a little insecure about your looks. Clearly Bi-Han loves your body but that nagging voice inside your head says he won’t like you anymore once he sees you naked. You still wanted to hide your lovely rolls and stretch marks from him.
You do realize Bi-Han can handle it, right? Don’t doubt him.
You didn’t like this nagging voice. It’s preventing you from being yourself and expressing some wonderful things. You do want to have sex with Bi-Han. It’s a desire you must fulfill but one that will only happen once you start giving some love to yourself. So what better way to feel better about your body than looking pretty.
On a day when you weren’t training you decided to dress all pretty. A cute skirt with some knee high socks and a long sleeve v-cut shirt. Ooh girl, don’t you look all cute. You better work it! But only work it for Bi-Han, no one else.
You went around looking for Bi-Han, catching the attention of a few clansmen. When you found him he was watching over his clan as they trained. You wrapped your arms around his arm to get his attention. Bi-Han was gonna give you just a glance before he snapped his neck back to look at you. Your chest was squishing against his arm with the shirt showing your cleavage. When he looked down further he could see that you were showing some skin since you were wearing a skirt. Damn you look so adorable to him…and fuckable.
He didn’t say a word to anyone. He just grabbed you and threw you over his shoulders while making his way to the bedroom. You got used to him doing that but you weren’t used to the speed he was going at. He was practically pushing people out of the way before going into the bedroom. He locked the door and threw you on the bed gently. You weren’t all that surprised he did that but what surprised you was how he towered over you and what he had to say.
“Is this what you were planning? You were planning to get my attention by wearing that outfit. Bet you were hoping I would take you right then and there in front of everyone.”
Oh that’s not—no, that’s not what you were planning…
“What?! No! That’s not at all what I was planning-“ you were cut off when you hear the sound of cloth ripping.
Bi-Han tore your underwear off. The air hit your already wet pussy. His arms hooked onto your thighs before he yanked you closer to the edge of the bed where he was now kneeling. His lips practically grazed your clit. Next thing you know his tongue took a long drag up before swirling around your clit. You immediately gasped and your instinct was to close your legs.
Your thighs started to squeeze Bi-Han’s head. That was incredibly to him. Feeling those soft yet strong legs of yours squeezing him, possibly even suffocating him. Suffocation won’t make him stop eating you out. In fact, it makes it even better.
He would push his tongue inside you as his nose would bump into your clit. The taste of you would hit his tongue, causing him to want more and more. Occasionally his tongue would slip out and circle your clit as if it were candy to him. And you’re just supposed to stay there and look all pretty for him as you moan. Don’t think about pushing his head away he will not budge. He’s not done getting a taste of you and preparing you for more to come.
You didn’t realize how long it’s been since you satisfied yourself in any way. Ever since you came to the Lin Kuei you haven’t had the chance to masturbate. Meaning you were already so sensitive when he started going down on you. He could tell since you are already struggling to hold your moans in. He could feel your pussy clench around his tongue, letting him know you were about to cum. His tongue went back to your clit where he licked it continuously. It was his goal to make you cum and get more of your taste. He achieved his goal quickly.
You couldn’t hold back your moans. They weren’t loud but could easily be heard if someone were to pass by the bedroom door. Your thighs tightened around his head as if you were worried he would pull away if you didn’t keep him in place. That orgasm high was glorious. Wow, you feel amazing.
Bi-Han let go of your legs before standing up again. You watched as he licked his lips to collect the rest of your juices.
“Take your clothes off…now.” He demanded.
Oh you didn’t think that was the end right?
He wanted you to be all sensitive and ready for him. Bi-Han has been waiting for this moment for way too long.
Your clothes were now on the ground and so was his. He didn’t even give you time to take off your knee high socks before he grabbed you and forced you on your stomach.
Bi-Han had a nice grip on your love handles. That’s what he loves about a body like yours. You are built to be loved and to make love. He held your lower half up while your face was down in the sheets. Your hands were gripping the sheets tightly as he slammed into you.
You didn’t see how big his cock was but you could definitely feel it. So thick and surprisingly the only warm part of his body. Or maybe that was your pussy warming it up, you can’t tell with the only thing in your mind being the pleasure that was pulsating through you. You didn’t even realize you were crying from the overstimulation.
Bi-Han could say the same about you. Your pussy was so warm and it squeeze him so nicely. He felt like you were made to be fucked by him. It just feels right.
The view he was getting was fantastic too. Watching his cock go in and out with your wetness coating it. Every time he thrusted into you he would watch your ass jiggle. And when you turned your head to the side he could see how your tears stained your cheeks. You looked so pretty like that. He leaned his body forward till his chest was pressed against your back.
“What’s the matter? Can’t handle being loved by your grandmaster. I thought you were a strong woman.“ Bi-Han teased you.
You wanted to say something back but you couldn’t make out anything. You needed to catch your breath but it felt like there was no break in his stride. Just that constant rough rhythm. It only became worse, or more like pleasurable, when Bi-Han placed his leg up on the bed. When he thrusted back in, you moaned loudly. This new angle allowed him to go deeper into you. Not just that but he was stretching you out more.
You were a crying, drooling, moaning mess below him. His cock slammed deep into you. You were done for. The overstimulated combined with the deeper penetration made you cum all over his cock. You shook and your hands gripped the sheets so tightly that your knuckles became pale. The moans you let out were definitely heard by everyone.
Luckily for you, Bi-Han was just as close as you were. He fucked you through your orgasm before his hit. Your love handles were definitely getting bruised because he was squeezing them harshly while he was cumming inside you. You felt a warmness that filled you. It will be a feeling you will never forget.
You two stayed in that position for a few moments as you caught your breath. You were all hot and you felt disheveled. Bi-Han pulled out, making you whimper from feeling somewhat empty now. He got onto the bed and laid down in his usual spot on the bed. And then he grabbed you!
You thought this was over? Hah! Not for that man!
He grabbed you and made you sit on top of him. You were confused on what he was doing. At this point you should be cuddled to sleep. But he looked up at you and commanded you to do something else.
“Ride me. Make me cum one more time then we will be done.”
You got nervous. Not that you were afraid to do this all over again but that he would be seeing the front of your body. You tried to cover your body with your arms.
“Are you sure you want me to ride you? Maybe you could fuck me from-“
“I want to watch you ride me. I want to see my beautiful woman please me.”
Bi-Han was dead serious. He wanted to watch you not just to see how you reacted to being overstimulated but to see your body as a whole. This was the first time he was truly seen you naked. He wanted to see those gorgeous, round breasts. He wanted to see that cute tummy of yours. He wants to hold those powerful, thick thighs. He wanted it all. He wants you.
Hearing him call you beautiful and hearing how serious he was made your stomach do a flip. You lowered your arms, exposing yourself to him. You did as he wanted. You lifted yourself up a little, angled his hard cock near your hole, then slowly slid down on it.
You both let out a satisfied sigh. You might like this position a lot. It feels like he is really deep inside you. You don’t know if you could keep yourself going but you try.
You start bouncing up and down on his cock, hearing the mixture of your wetness and his cum making sounds every time you move. Bi-Han’s eyes looked at how your body jiggled whenever you slid back down. Your breasts bounced a lot. They called to him and his hands traced up your body till they got to your breasts. He squeezed and played with them. He pinched your nipples lightly and heard your reaction to that. Everything he did you had a clear reaction to.
Tears formed in your eye once again as the pleasure became too much. You were looking down at Bi-Han with half-lidded, glossy looking eyes. They were so beautiful to him. He could get lost in them. But for now his mind was lost to the feeling of your pussy squeezing him constantly. He saw that you were getting sluggish with your movements. He can’t blame you, this was a lot for you to handle. He pulled you close to him. Your chest was pressed against his. He looked into yours eyes and said,
“I’ll take care of this. Just relax and kiss me.”
You listened and started to kiss him. His arms wrapped around your waist and he held you tightly. His hips started thirsting into you. You moaned against his lips while he groaned. Your tears slipped down your cheeks as the pleasure came to a peak once again.
You moaned out loud as you came again. You didn’t try kissing him to keep yourself quiet. You felt like you had no control over your actions in this moment. A few more thrusts and Bi-Han came inside you once again. You must have been filled to the brim with his cum at this point.
Once the high started to dissipate you were left lying on top of him. He held you in his arms and his cock grew soft inside you. His hands were rubbing your back and running through your hair. You could have passed out in that moment if he didn’t start talking again.
“You seemed to like that a lot. I can’t understand why you were so hesitant before.”
“I was worried you wouldn’t like my body.” You responded in a sleepy voice.
“That is idiotic of you to think.” And that was rude of you to say, Bi-Han.
“You are beautiful in many ways. I was a fool to think you were weak before. You are strong and that is what I like in a woman. You are not only strong but gorgeous with a perfect body to love. I would not want to share my affection with anyone else.” He whispered to you.
You were surprised, truth be told. Bi-Han’s words sounded genuine. Your heart warmed up to the fact that he really did love you and your body. Now you felt silly for being worried before.
“You are the only woman I need now. You are my type. Now rest, you must be exhausted.”
Bi-Han placed a kiss on your forehead as his thumb wiped away any stray tears that were still on your cheek. You started to fall asleep with a light smile on your face. This was a wonderful experience for you and Bi-Han. Now you get to rest in his loving and strong arms.
Sweet dreams, gorgeous. Remember your worth.
After notes: My bestie sent me this, this is so me fr fr. Felt like it fits in.
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tamspeaches · 5 months
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i keep forgetting to post on here LOL
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zg0nuwa · 6 months
I could only imagine how Bi han would freak out when he finds out reader wasn't wearing her necklace or just took it off for moment. Like dang calm down
Reader: I only took it for a second. I need to shower
he’s pissed, absolutely fuming.
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it was a tiring day to say the least. you’ve been on your feet without a break for at least 8 hours now. running not only around the temple since bi han was out on the field and had been so for the past two days and as his partner you had taken some formal duties for the time being, but also getting errands done for your household.
you finally came home around 11 pm and went straight for your bedroom. getting rid of your clothing and jewelry to put on your silk blue robe and go to take a hot shower.
in the meantime bi han came back much earlier than expected. he told you he would take at least four days before returning and yet here he was. confused as to why you haven’t come to greet him. but after realizing what time it was he figured you were simply asleep.
he started undoing his hair on the way to the bedroom, the slight tugging of his hairstyle becoming a nuisance after an entire day.
when he entered the room he only found your clothes laid out on the bed and your jewelry on the bedside table. usually it wouldn’t alert him that much but he saw the necklace tangled up with your earrings and hairpins. the tiredness, soreness and bits of leftover adrenaline made him reel at the sight.
you barely even exited the bathroom when he jumped to you with a deep scowl on his face.
“ bi han! you’re home - ”
“ why did you take it off? ”
you look up at him a little confused.
“ don’t be stupid. the necklace. why are you not wearing it? ”
“ i just took it off to shower? why are you so agitated about it? ”
you weren’t blind, you saw how bi han looked at the necklace when you were wearing it. you just couldn’t understand why he did it. sentimental value? most probably. but it still didn’t explain his literal obsession with it. maybe you’ll finally find out.
“ i have my reasons. ”
“ which are? it’s like you’re obsessed with it! ”
his eyebrows shot up in disbelief, where you questioning him? he admired your fighting spirit but not so much when it was directed at him.
“ it proves that you’re mine. ”
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i like my men mentally unstable and with questionable morals
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alekkis-blog · 1 month
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who r u looking at
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comradewitcher · 8 months
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Maskless 😍
it will be better for you, honey
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blurredpurplemint · 6 months
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(found this on tumblr and i can’t stop laughing 😭😭😭😭 thanks @katshinigami cuz it made me come up with this:)
kung lao: i think i’m finally getting what you see in him now.
you: ?
kung lao: bi-han. his breasts… they’re huge.
kung lao: i mean, what type of training is he engaged in… what kind of milk does he drink…
you: they’re standing there like they’re just asking to be fondled!
kung lao: i need to learn his secret.
you: oh and to abuse them, makin sweet tasty yogurt 🙌😮‍💨
kung lao: honestly… he can breastfeed me.
you: heyyy ☹️ they’re mine, i saw them first!!
kung lao: hey, they come in a pair…
you: i take the one on the right~ 🌝
kung lao: and me the one on the left~ 🌚
bi-han passing by, *traumatized*: talk about a monastery… i’m never setting a foot here ever again.
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koisuko · 7 months
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ask, and you shall receive ♥ @engie-main
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Tw: none, fluffy, slight spoilers, fem reader
What it would be like as the Lin Kuei's youngest sister
Being the youngest daughter, you were often treated like a baby, even if you were a full grown adult.
Your father, when he was alive, had very little faith in your abilities, nothing you did was enough to earn is approval. Even when you had developed magic, much like your brothers, his face showed no sign of pride.
You often clung onto Kuai Liang in particular, like your life depended on it, as he provided a safe environment to vent on your frustrations. He never disagreed or belittled you for your feelings, placing a reassuring hand on your back as you sobbed beside him in emotional turmoil from your father’s lack of care.
Surprisingly, despite how cold he is, Bi-han kept you close and under his wing. He secretly wished you would come to him instead of Kuai Liang, wanting so desperately to be close with his younger sister, even though emotions were jumbled for him as well. He often envied his brother’s ability to comfort you, wishing he had the emotional intelligence to calm your nerves.
When Tomas entered the picture, you were glued to his hip. Everyday you woke up to mess with your brothers together, training together, and even opting to share a bed most nights due to nightmares. You had someone to relate to the younger sibling status, and it felt refreshing.
On missions, Bi-han often made it a point to have you by his side at all times, checking on you if you were to separate as if you were delicate without his protection. In truth, it sometimes annoyed you in how overly protective he was, how he watched over you like a hawk especially after your parents died. You knew that he cared, in his own way, but it made you feel as if he didn’t believe in your ability to fend for yourself without him.
“Who harmed you?” He would ask, his voice dark and laced with internal rage when you would return with any injuries from your prior mission. He would be too busy searching for your attacker to tend to your wounds, instead Kuai Liang would take that place while Tomas provided support while you grimaced in pain.
Not to say they weren’t just as concerned, but they were much more collected than their older brother, and knew that nothing could stand in his way when his protective rage took over.
Don’t even get started on crushes or potential love interest, your older brothers were intimidating to everyone, scaring away any potential suitors from even glancing in your direction. When Johnny Cage decided to hit on you, Bi-han sent him a swift punch to the face, “stay away from him, he is beneath you.”
When Bi-han betrayed his family, his clan, you were distraught to say the least. You knew he had a lot of inner struggles, especially with the treatment of him from your father, but you never thought he would act this drastically. Hearing he was the actual aid in your father’s death was even more disturbing, you felt your stomach churn at the thought.
It was overwhelming, on one hand you could understand why Bi-han is the way he is, wanting to give in to his pleas to join him in the rebuilding of the Lin Kuei despite the obvious corruption. On the other, you knew he was wrong in everything he had planned, you knew he was throwing morality out the window in his search for power, and betrayed not only you but the entire idea of the clan. You were being tugged between your torn family, both sides gripping on to you as if to tip the balance.
It eventually proved too much, causing you to disappear and stay in hiding with Lord Liu Kang. He was the only one you knew and trusted outside of your brothers, he promised confidentiality and kept you away from the war between your brothers.
When you eventually did reveal yourself, you refused to join either clan. Instead remaining solo under the guidance of Liu Kang, still occasionally visiting Tomas and Kuai Liang over tea.
Your brothers remained completely understanding of your decision, thinking it best to keep you out of this. Even Bi-han left you be, he would never admit it, but you were the last person he ever wanted to harm, and not a night goes by where he does not wonder if you are safe from the never ending battle of brothers.
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theemissuniverse · 8 months
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WARNINGS : (MDNI) obvi smut
A/N : There! I made it! Damn 😭
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In the relationship, Bi-Han is dominant. No question. He will never be submissive to you. Not even if you beg him. It’s gotta be your birthday for him to even consider doing that
Bi-Han prefers going at it at a medium between rough and sensual sex. He doesn’t necessarily wanna “make love” to you but he also doesn’t want any have rough fast over the top sex with you either
Bi-Han does prefer receiving a lot more but he will still go down on you. Some days he’s just lazy. And he also falls apart when you suck him off
Bi-Han is not much of a talker during intimacy but he WILL taunt you if the sex is too good that you start running. There’s nothing he finds more attractive than you running from him and him having to hold you in place. “Aw, you can’t take it?” “I thought you wanted this.” “Are you giving up on me?” “I didn’t know I was with a quitter.”
He doesn’t have preference with either your “ass” or “boobs.” He does not understand the significance of the choice and he likes all of you equally.
9 times out of 10, you have to initiate intimacy. Bi-Han does not have a high sex drive as he is too focused on being grandmaster. Also, physical touch is not something he particularly wants twenty four seven. He is so busy that he does not have time to think about intimacy as much as you. That doesn’t mean he won’t do it with you. A lot of the time when he has intimacy, it’s mainly for you. He gets you to cum and he doesn’t worry about himself cumming. He’ll go back to doing whatever he was doing before.
Again, Bi-Han does not understand the significance of choosing which position he likes more but if you told him to pick one then it be missionary. It’s classic, traditional, and efficient.
Contrary to belief, Bi-Han is obsessed with getting you to cum. Not that he doesn’t care about his own pleasure because he does but he does prioritize getting you to finish before him. He has an ego and if he doesn’t get you to cum, he think he has failed. (And Bi-Han does not fail.)
Bi-Han is absolutely NOT willing to try almost anything in the bedroom. He likes to keep it traditional and does not understand what could be better than him either eating you out, fingering you, or fucking you normally.
A thing that turns Bi-Han on is eye contact. He is not the most affectionate person and that won’t change during sex but having eye contact with you as he fucks you is his way of showing his affection and another way of him to be intimate with you.
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tazahan · 6 months
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Admire at first sight.
(shameless delulu self-indulgent OC in MK1 au as a Lin Kuei pupil and meet Bi Han for the first time, yep I know it's cringe but idc)
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yanderestarangel · 2 months
tw: brain rot, self indulgent, ftm reader, porn plot, soft!dom bi han, fingering, squirting, praise, slight degradation.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ ꒰ঌ ♡ ໒꒱ ⊹ ࣪ ˖⊹ ࣪ ˖ ꒰ঌ ♡ ໒꒱ ⊹ ࣪ ˖⊹ ࣪ ˖⊹ ࣪ ˖ ꒰ঌ ♡ ໒꒱ ⊹ ࣪ ˖⊹˖ ꒰ঌ ♡ ໒꒱ ⊹ ࣪
Bi Han as your grandmaster and secretly making you his lover in his office ─ he would tease you the entire lin kuei training pretending to be correcting your moves but only leaning close enough to your ear and telling you that he missed you that his cock was it hurt so hard just to see you that day, that he needed you and how he could fuck you in the middle of everyone to show that you were just a submissive puppy for him ─ he was going to fuck you aggressively, make you beg him to stop fucking you, call you a weak and dumb boy while he fucked your sensitive cum-filled pussy looking straight into your face, but you knew that deep down he would kill or die for you even if you never vocally left his mouth.
You felt your legs were already shaking with little stimulation, but everything got worse when the older man pressed his cold erection against your ass and rubbed it lightly and then he walks away like he didn't make you needy enough for him.
He would dismiss all the ninjas, quickly placing you in his office and holding you on his lap, placing kisses on your skin and leaving hickeys that would fade like beautiful flowers ─ He would take your pants down to your knees, holding your thighs wide open as he made you relax against his chest. He slipped a finger under the edge of your panties, feeling your pussy lips part for him.
"Good boy," he praised, pulling his finger back and releasing your pants. "Keep them down for me. I want to see how wet you get, you can do this ─ I know you can."
Bi Han's eyes widened at the sight of your wet pussy, his cock twitching in response. He couldn't help but smirk, pleased with your submission. He reached out, gently touching your folds through your panties, feeling how slick and ready you were for him.
"Such a beautiful and sensitive boy, you’re such a needy slut aren’t you?" He murmured, his voice filled with satisfaction. He knew how you loved being praised, being touched and cared for by him; he called you his slut, which was such a good compliment for you ─ You were his slut. Just his.
He couldn't help but smirk at your reaction, loving the way your pussy clenched around his fingers. He could hear the sweet and slutty moans you made, and it only fueled his desire for you. He continued to finger you, his movements slow and deliberate. The icy killer wanted to draw out your pleasure, to make you beg for release ─ He loved the way your body reacted to him, how you squirmed and whimpered under his touch.
"You're such a good boy, letting me play with you like this,"
You clutched his arm, moaning his name as your thighs ached and your muscles threatened to make your thighs close involuntarily, even though you wanted to remain a good boy for your grandmaster ─ Bi Han, on the other hand, noticed your effort and brushed your clit with his thumb, eliciting another loud moan from you, seeing you arch your back.
"You want it little prince... Just let go, come for me. Let that beautiful pussy make a mess on my fingers."
Then... It finally came, you felt the uncontrollable sensation that turned off your brain, making you roll your eyes back and moan his name like a mantra ─ Your pussy milked his fingers as you squirted all over his fingers, hand and forearm, he saw you tremble and whimper again apologizing for the mess in his office but your secret lover just gave you a kiss on the cheek while keeping his fingers inside your tight hole.
"Don't worry about anything baby boy, I'm here for you... Just keep rubbing that pussy against my fingers. I want to make you squirt beautifully like that again."
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ꒰ঌ ♡ ໒꒱ ⊹ ࣪ ˖⊹ ࣪ ˖ ꒰ঌ ♡ ໒꒱ ⊹ ࣪ ˖⊹ ࣪ ˖⊹ ࣪ ˖ ꒰ঌ ♡ ໒꒱ ⊹ ࣪ ˖⊹˖ ꒰ঌ ♡ ໒꒱ ⊹ ࣪
I need this man to fuck me so bad...
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chiqelatasblog · 6 months
Just some spicy doodles featuring Bi-Han biting, kissing and claiming you 🫶🏻
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You're welcome besties❤️
Just imagine her however you want, this is just a sample.🫶🏻
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