praline1968 · 1 month
Source : Pinterest
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manriah · 1 year
I keep finding IGs for and following those bichons groomed into weird shapes bc everytime I see one of those lil fuckers I lose my shit
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aquatic-batt · 2 years
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happy fluffy Friday to bichons! :3
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karmacommon · 2 years
I have not been updating my blog! My first journey out this year was in February and March. I was fortunate to visit my cousins Eric and Dianne Common in Guntersville, Alabama. My dOg and their Roscoe, Winston, and Teddy (cat) got along well. It's so welcoming at their home. I stayed in Nashville on my way south to Alabama. It actually *snowed* in Nashville when we were there. I had my Sorel boots and dOg had his snowsuit, so we were cozy. It all melted in two days!
I went back to Michigan for the Celebration of Life on April 2, 2022 for my brother Chris L Common and his wife, Cindy Jones Common. They were tragically killed by a distracted 17 year old girl driver in Sarasota, Florida just after Christmas, 2021. They were out running as they did on a regular basis, and the girl hit them. My two brothers were at the celebration. My niece and nephew, Kelly and Chris, did an absolutely wonderful job in this remembrance gathering for their parents.
I stayed at my son's house in Ferndale. I flew out to see our mom on her 93rd birthday on May 27, 2022. I surprised her! I hadn't seen her since she moved from Michigan to California in December, 2021. She showed me all around her beautiful new place, Emerald Court, Anaheim. Mom introduced me to her new friends. I feel her move was a very good one. I got her full keyboard set up for her to play. She also can play the baby grand at Emerald Court. It's amazing how the mind puts out the music! She's an incredible pianist. She enjoys going to activities, but I know she misses regular church attendance.
I left Michigan again on June 17, 2022. I picked up my trailer in Piqua, Ohio and proceeded to Indiana. Next I went through Kentucky, and then stayed in the Nashville area for about a week. My journey route was dictated at first by available RV sites.
Then it was across the great Mississippi River to Arkansas! This was my first time to this state. I thought about two friends' experiences in Arkansas.
Then I made it to Texas! We stayed at a Love's Truck Stop south of Texarkana. That will hopefully never happen again in hot weather. Hardly slept; my Jackery battery ran out of steam to power the fan. The only good thing about it is that we were on the road by 6am! Traveling when it's 80° rather than the afternoon temp of 107° was a bit easier. You know travel at that time of the day will not happen often for me!
I finally got to San Antonio, where my cousins live. Charlie and Debbie Common, originally from the Flint, Michigan area, are raising their 18 month old granddaughter. The four of us plus dOg hung out, and went out to dinner for their 45th anniversary.
Next we drove a bit out of our way, but I wanted to see the Tesla Giga Factory, SE of Austin. It was a sight to behold. Huge! Previously, I'd seen its grand opening on TV - the Cyber Rodeo!
Then we stayed at a state park near Burnet, Texas. This was my first time not having cell service! Couldn't pick up any TV stations on my antenna, either. What to do, what to do? I'd just bought my new Purple mattress, plus I had a book given to me by Kim. I read a bit and went to sleep.
Currently we are at Abilene State Park. The state parks are generally prettier, have bigger sites, and are less expensive than private RV parks. I have water and a much-needed power supply, so all is well. The rate is $20/night. Even dOg is ready to come back inside because of the oppressive heat. There's a warning out again today from the National Weather Service about the high temperatures. So far the Texas power grid has provided us with unending AC. I think it's safe to say that I can mark Texas off of my list of states to potentially move to!
I've caught you up on our adventures so far this year. I will be writing more frequently and posting pictures of the incredible things in our big country.
Bai bai for now!
(Japanese for Bye bye)
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momopatchi · 1 month
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me if i were one of those Bichon Frisé on instagram lol
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pcktknife · 9 months
dog off the hook......off the chain
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terranesque · 2 years
i watched cheetah girls for the first time and everything that happens after toto falls in the hole is batshit but this review got me crying
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ruushes · 2 months
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very excited to be reaching new ground in act 3 and with it new opportunities to behave in the most deranged manner imaginable
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oddarette · 4 months
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A drawing I made of my friend's dog, Sweat Pea.
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leezettelopatic · 2 years
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yugsly · 1 year
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praline1968 · 6 months
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Mon beau Charly,
Mon petit bouchon,
Ma beauté suprême,
Ma petite merveille,
Il y a 1 an aujourd’hui, tu prenais ton envol à 3h40 alors que tu étais dans mes bras.
Tu étais agité, j’ai essayé de t’apaiser mais je n’y suis pas arrivée à mon plus grand désespoir.
Malgré des signes d’affaiblissement que j’avais mis sur le compte d’un début de vieillesse,
Je n’ai pas vu, senti, compris, qu’une tumeur grandissait dans ton ventre depuis des mois.
Le poids des regrets et de la culpabilité me ronge un peu plus chaque jour.
Ton départ est le plus grand malheur de ma vie terrestre, nous étions si fusionnels.
Tu étais ma boussole, tu étais ma lumière, aujourd’hui, sans toi, je suis perdue dans le noir.
J’ai perdu le goût de vivre, plus rien n’a d’intérêt ni de sens dorénavant.
J’attends juste la fin au plus vite en espérant que je pourrai enfin te retrouver.
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🎤 Michel Pépé ~ Le coeur des anges 🎧
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(Petit poème que j’ai écrit pour toi le 24 décembre 2022)
🩵 Mon Charly 🩵
Il y a 9 ans, tu apparaissais et venais combler ma vie,
Tél un don venu du ciel, tu rallumais mes jours et mes nuits,
Pour moi, revenait alors le goût de vivre, l’énergie,
Un vrai bonheur, un éclair de temps et de vie qui déjà s’enfuit,
Et me laisse dans un silence, une solitude et une détresse infinie.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
Petit chien de caractère, petit être d’exception,
Tes grands yeux noirs respiraient l’intelligence,
Coquin, joueur, espiègle, bavard et râleur,
Tu t’exprimais toujours avec ferveur,
Florilège d’intonations sonores,
Tu t’affirmais avec assurance, énergie et passion,
T’avoir dans mon existence fut une extraordinaire chance.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
Tes mimiques, ta joie de vivre, tes discours, ta drôlerie,
Emplissait la maison de joie, de rires et de fantaisie,
Ta démarche aérienne si gracieuse, telle une élégante danseuse,
Ton majestueux panachon exprimait ton humeur toujours joyeuse,
Ta présence nous inondait d’amour et rayonnait d’une manière inouïe.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
Ce si triste et douloureux dernier soir,
Malgré ton hospitalisation, je t’ai ramené dans ta maison, près des tiens,
Je ne voulais pas que tu restes à la clinique sans personne ni rien,
Seul dans cette cage, dans la peur, l’angoisse, le froid et le noir,
Je ne sais pas si ma décision fût la bonne,
J’espère juste que ce choix aurait aussi été le tien.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
La nuit de ce 22 décembre qui a vu s’éteindre ta lumière,
Quand ton souffle s’est subitement arrêté,
Et que ton petit corps dans mes bras a soudain cessé de s’agiter,
J’ai senti ton esprit s’envoler, tu étais enfin libéré.
J’ai alors ressenti cet indescriptible vide abyssal où s’arrête l’univers,
Incommensurable et insupportable déchirure qu’à jamais j’aurai du mal à porter.
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
A présent, il me reste les médicaments pour ne pas sombrer,
Pour parvenir à trouver le sommeil et ne plus penser,
Malheureusement, chaque jour, il faut bien se réveiller,
Retrouver et affronter cette terrible réalité,
Cette douleur immense, il faudra beaucoup de temps pour l’effacer 💔
Mon petit bichon,
Mon adorable Charly,
Aides moi à vivre sans toi 🙏🏻
A jamais, pour toujours, je t’aime mon Charly 💕 💞
J’espère te retrouver bientôt pour l’éternité dans l’amour infini 🙏🏻
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jellycatstuffies · 2 days
Hi! This is a bit of an odd question 😅 but have Jellycat ever come out with a Bichon Frisé dog stuffed toy? Oddly specific, I know, but I'm honestly really curious :)
Not an odd question! Not yet, but that would be freaking adorable especially if they use the classic hairstyle. I'm a bit surprised they haven't designed any of the "little fluffy, white dog breeds" as I like to call them. No Maltese, no Bichon Frisé despite their popularity.
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Their Daphne Pomeranian actually comes close to what you're looking for though. Interestingly, they chose to make the Pomeranian white which is one of the rare, non-dominant colors... Go figure. (yes, dogs are another special interest of mine, talk to me about dogs anytime😅)
Daphne Pomeranian
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cloudcreates · 6 months
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lots of ocs over the past couple months 💃💃
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 months
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@forceofconviction took two slots for a cute lil pup portrait of their dog Nova as part of my commission sale. It's twenty minutes for $20, and this is fun cause I get to show off the difference between and extra 20 minutes! Here's 40 minutes of a very cute pupper!
You too can get some sale art if you wanna check out my$20 for 20 minute sale! (There's also non-timed slots here if you want something polished). Just shoot me a DM!
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opanchu · 4 months
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final fantasy 14 dogwalker. is that anything
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