#bitch ass? why would i trust you to follow it? and not try to sneak some shit in bc you think you know better about food?
mamamittens · 3 months
Had a hilarious thought of like, Nikia in Wano and naturally word spreads about this... Actually, what would they call a 'skypean'? They use different words in this country for all sorts of things so I wonder...
Well, they likely call King that too, so anyway! Word gets out and I can't imagine the various Beast Pirates aren't nosy shits who investigate a bit for some excitement.
It's obvious to at least King that she's not what he is, or at least not totally, but the wingspan is definitely not skypeian so he has different questions. More to follow if he learns she can actually fucking fly without a devil fruit. And those complicated 'last surviving member' feelings are not helped when Nikia thoughtfully adjusts her height to talk to him eye to eye.
They're rude tho so I imagine at least light kidnapping for this interrogation, which means wardrobe change time so I'll have something fun to draw later ig
Perhaps they think she's a seraphim given her strong resting bitch face.
"Do you know Doctor Egghead?"
"Wow... What a rude way to address a doctor..."
"that's his name."
"...ah. like yours is King? I imagined it was since no one uses the 'liege' or 'your Majesty' but it's hard to be sure sometimes. Not totally confident in the politics of Wano to say for certain."
"oh. Neat. Nope. Don't know Doctor Egghead. Why?"
If she does have Lunarian in her family tree, the good doctor would probably be able to find out through testing.
This also means a nice rescue scene with more WBP, so I'm down for that too. It'd be fun all around, honestly. With Nikia just awkwardly sitting around like "wtf do you do when you're kidnapped??? There's nothing to do here but stare down this giant ass bdsm weirdo on fire and his weirdly intimate questions about my family history." While the Bois are running around trying to figure out where the hell she is and how to get her back from the Beast Pirates.
Maybe she's given a kimono setup with King's colors since she's sorta 'his guest' (and every anime kidnapping have the kidnapped do a wardrobe change so its basically a fun trope at this point) but she sneaks Thatch's foulard into the ensemble cause she doesn't trust any of them with it and it's a nice reassurance. She's definitely not telling what it means to her though, cause she absolutely knows by now the importance of color/style for pirates and her new threads are pretty obvious. Let them think it's her personal wear. Still not sure what she'd have from Izou so I'll shelve that.
Finally finds Izou and is like "I managed to put it all on myself!!! Not my style but your lessons weren't wasted!!!" And he's just like 😮‍💨 "that's nice, sweetie, but we should find you something else before Thatch sees and gets pissy. U know how he feels about wearing someone's colors" lmao
Izou is more chill about it but Thatch likely gets pouty on sight once he connects the dots. It's sorta their thing, the colors, ever since he gave her it.
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dememetor · 3 years
I love your writing, can I please get jealous hcs for anyone? Please include suna thi he's my latest brainrot hAHA
hi, thanks for the request! and suna brainrot?? bitch me too the fuck. anyways, hope you enjoy~
(also sorry this is kinda late, i've rewritten iwaizumi and bokuto ones a million times)
Haikyuu boys when they're jealous
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characters suna rintarou, kuroo tetsurou, iwaizumi hajime, bokuto koutarou, kenma kozume
warnings none but i'm probably gonna say fuck at some point
Suna Rintarou
he tries to be chill about it, he does
it hurts his ego to be this clingy but god
he can't help but to feel that sour sting of jealousy when he sees another guy approaching you
at first will only take a quick glance from afar, just to check if the guy is bothering you, and then promises himself to stay out of your business
well he doesn't
once he decides the guy has lost talking-to-y/n-alone privilege, he will nonchalantly make his way towards you, one hand in his pocket, other sneaking its way to your shoulder, resting his elbow and giving the poor boy a menacing look
he can be pretty intimidating too with that eyeliner and all
(but that look only works on people that don't know him well, he tried it on atsumu once and the latter just laughed in his face)
not the type to be openly jealous but when he sees someone blatantly flirting with you he will start to give you the Glance
blinks slowly (you know, like that one blonde haired guy gif) and looks at you through raised eyebrows as if to say hey babe, i love you and i trust you. what the fuck tho
and when the guy starts being borderline creepy he'll appear between you - and i mean literally will inject himself between you two and strike a conversation with you as if nothing weird happened
they usually get the hint, but this one guy tried to go around him, still rambling about whatever and suna literally turned on his heel and said "come again?" with such unrivaled coldness, his eyes exuding just sheer fucking spite
but like i said, unless the other guy is asking for it, he's not the type to start a direct confrontation
will take you by the hand and leave without much thought because he simply doesn't have the time for that shit
he might seem grumpy afterwards but a couple of soft kisses usually do the trick
soft kisses which are followed by a breathless make out session with you on his kitchen counter because he still wants you to know you're only his
Kuroo Tetsurou
this little bitch
never gets jealous
and i mean never
once pretended he was jealous just to make you feel better (??? his logic? unparalleled) but once you found out you beat his ass
loves it when you get jealous though (he thinks it's cute)
sometimes he does get insecure, but he shows it in an unusual way
like if you've been talking to someone, smiling at your phone for a while he'll just get up and randomly do a couple puhs-ups, start flexing his muscles and shit
all while you're looking at him like,,
"babe, what are you doing"
"oh i didn't think you'd notice me there. since you're on your damn phone all day"
"...are you my mom?"
nah he'll be fine (will steal your phone though)
also it's the funniest thing when he sees someone trying to flirt with you
he will literally walk over there, introduce himself (not mentioning he's your boyfriend) and act really interested in the conversation
he plays this game where he tries to see how long will it take the guy to realise you two are together (longest time: 24 minutes, record holder: yahaba shigeru)
whenever the guy asks you something he will interrupt you and answer for himself as if the guy were flirting with him
"so, like what do you do in your free time?"
"not mu-"
"oh i love taking long walks on the beach, especially during sunsets. i really think it is healthy for the mind and the soul, not to mention quite romantic too. don't you too love sunsets, kevin?"
at one point kevin will have had enough of it
"i was talking to y/n alone here"
"aw don't worry, you're not bothering me"
he is such a pain in the ass
why can't he just be normal
Iwaizumi Hajime
rational, mature, i love him
seriously, he is the bestest boy and he will treat you so well because he trusts you and respects your friendship with other guys as well
but on those rare occasions when he does get jealous,, oh boy
first of all, the PDA skyrockets, he has to have his arm around you at all times - around your shoulder? on your waist? in your backpocket? his hand's been there done that
not in any way possesive but will be really annoying unless you give him your full undivided attention that day
he lets himself be selfish a bit, after all he is your boyfriend he can have you all to himself for a day, right?
jealous sex with him? better prepare a wheelchair cause you want be able to walk straight tomorrow
sees a boy trying to flirt with you? tries not to make a scene but absolutely will throw the first punch if he needs to
one day he was having a particularly rough time at practice and all he wanted to do was lose himself in your arms and fall asleep to the feeling your fingertips tangled in his hair
and then he saw this?? guy? (the audacity!) laughing with you after telling some dumb joke and let me tell you - iwaizumi wasn't having any of it
he came up to you from behind, wrapped his arms around your waist and planted a small kiss on the crook of your neck
"when are we going home, love?"
and he gives him the calmest yet most fear inducing stare from behind you
and suddenly the pattern on poor boy's pants starts to look awful lot like piss stain
it is actually kinda hot how one single look from him can cause such a reaction
"he was just asking about english homework babe"
"yeah that's what they all say"
Bokuto Koutarou
gets jealous so so easily
it is actually fascinating
will get mad at otome games
"what does jumin han have that i don't???"
god forbid you pay attention to your pet more than him (btw you have a golden retriever and his name is bean)
you're sitting on the couch cuddling with your dog, scratching his ears, ruffling his fur and all that, and there he is, your clingy boyfriend, snuggling right next to you, demanding you play with his hair too
so dramatic
"you smiled at him... the way you used to smile at me..."
"bokuto, he's a dog"
the only guy he trusts 100% to be around you is akaashi, even kuroo is on thin ice
but him and akaashi are something else, one time you three had a sleepover and you felt like you were the third wheel
will act like a tough serious boyfriend in front of others, especially your other guy friends but in reality will look for affection immediately after
oh while we're at it - jealous bokuto kisses? are the best kisses
will also force you to wear one of his shirts for the rest of the day
my poor man is so touch starved so when he feels insecure or jealous he will look for comfort in things like holding your hand, nuzzling your neck or giving forehead kisses
but later that day, when you two are sitting on the couch cuddling he will quietly ask you something along the lines of "you still think i'm pretty, right?"
you can feel him all over you - his hands are creeping down your waist, he's pulling you in, deepening the kiss until all you can see, think and feel is him
he wants to show you exactly how much he wants you and what you were missing out on while you weren't paying attention to him
and it shocks you for a moment because you didn't realise just how much that one short moment of jealousy actually stayed with him
you have to reassure him he's the most beautiful boy you have ever met, and not only that, but also the funniest and the most caring person as well, and that you would never leave his side no matter what happened
and as much as he loves getting praised he always gets embarrassed, so he just smiles in return, but he is also happy to know you're there for him and you don't think he is too much
Kenma Kozume
it depends on his mood honestly
sometimes he doesn't mind it even if the other guy is flirting with you and sometimes will get pissy if you smile at the cashier
but when this boy gets really jealous oh my GOD
he is just like bokuto if not worse; he just hides it so well
one time you went grocery shopping with him and spent the entire time texting your friend who had just told you she was visiting your city
and he got so offended
you didn't even notice it until later that day when you came home and he suddenly refused to cuddle with you
silent treatment
lifts his nose and ignores you, only giving you dirty side glances from under the eye
such a massive sense of pride in those 170 cm even oikawa would be impressed
in my country there's a saying "it's in the smallest bottle that the poison lies" and honestly? yeah
at some point you realise why he's acting like that and you start teasing him
"i am not jealous i am just mildly irritated" is the only thing he deems necessary to say before going back to being unnecessarily pissed
he reminds you of an angry cat
it's kind of amusing seeing him like this but you were also getting real tired of his shit
don't even try bribing him (you tried buying him over with a ps5 but he just looked at you unimpressed, disgusted that you think so low of him)
the only thing he will accept is a sincere apology
if it's sincere or not is up to him to decide, obviously
which can lead to quite some bickering
will try to get you to beg but please have dignity, if you do it once he will make you do it every time
yeah generally a lttle shit but his kisses after making up are just as eager as yours so
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babblydrabbly · 3 years
Trust Me Pt. 1 - (Rick Flag x Reader); (Harley Quinn x Reader (Friendship))
Pairing(s): (Rick Flag x Reader); (Harley Quinn x Reader (Friendship)
Characters: Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Digger Harkness, mentions of Amanda Waller
Rating: General
Word Count: 1.5k+
Warning(s): Language, blood/violence, car accident. 
Summary: Imagine you’re occasionally sent on Task Force X missions to back up Flag, but he knows Waller really just sends you to report back any dirt you can find on Rick. You’re a rat (No offense to Sebastian). He keeps you at arms length most of the time, and resents any attempts to be a part of the ‘team’, despite his big speech about treating each other like brothers and sisters. Still, you bond over all the literally suicidal missions, and really do watch each others’ back during the chaos. Rick Flag is torn between you being one of Waller’s spies and how much he cares about you. Part 1/?
You were uncomfortable with the assignment to begin with. You’d heard about what happened at Midway before you even transferred to Belle Reve, so when Waller said you’d be assigned to the next few Task Force X missions, you immediately knew why. Amanda Waller did not trust Rick Flag.
Without needing to say it, you were going to report back any and all chatter you considered insubordination between the members of the ‘suicide squad’. You were a rat. And Flag knew it right away. You were adequate in the field, but nothing spectacular; Your real job was working in the comms room during their missions. When the plane touched down on your first tag-a-long, Flag did little to hide the resentment he felt for you. 
That was fine. You didn't need to be friends. He kept you at arms length, only speaking to you directly with orders or updates. You rarely spoke at all while out with the team. 
That was, until Harley Quinn was reinstated a few missions into your assignment. During the take down of a moving convoy and extraction of an important meta-human asset, Flag looked happy to tell you you’d be driving a hundred miles out into the desert beside the bubbly criminal. He didn’t even give you the dignity of being in charge of driving. 
You sat in the passenger seat of the hummer, as Harley blasted the radio and sang without any shame at all. You had a feeling Flag could see your silhouettes  from his own vehicle one car back where he was driving with Harkness. You had literal hours to go before your four vehicle team (plus helicopter) even reached the convoy, and Harley’s energy was relentless. 
“So, where ya from, hun?” “You got a cute outfit- I’m more prone to a pop of color myself.” “Hey, you ever try peanut butter on a cheeseburger? Hear me out-”
“—Teams report.” Flag’s voice came in through your earpiece after an hour or so. Were you imagining it, or did he seem amused? The members ahead of you check in before you grit your teeth and give a curt, “Fine. Over.”
You gasped as Harley let go of the wheel to stick her body out of the open window, her blonde pigtails whipping around. She waved enthusiastically back at Flag, and you could see in the rearview as he casually waved back from his sunroof behind you. You cursed and snatched the wheel as the hummer swerved, shouting for Harley to get her ass back in the damn car! 
You heard a few chuckles and quips over the comms that made your cheeks burn, and you made a note to definitely mark this moment down in your stupid report. Fucking Flag. It wasn’t like you volunteered to be Waller’s little snitch. But you couldn’t help the smile spreading across your face. He was getting bolder. It had been less than a year, and what was once just cold shoulders and dismissals between the two of you was slowly turning into harmless jabs like this one. You even found yourself leaving things out of your reports on occasion. What use was mentioning it if it wasn’t relevant to the task force? Lying by omission for a bunch of murderers and losers— Who were you turning into.
You were pulled from your thoughts by the sudden absence of noise— Harley had stopped singing along, instead choosing to bob in her seat to the beat. She glanced at you with a wide grin. Then again. And again.
“Eyes on the road, Quinn.” You practically begged at this point. You pressed your body into your seat anxiously. The dust cloud from the incoming convoy was beginning to blow past your window. Flag’s voice crackled through the comms again to get ready.
“You’re one uptight broad, y’know that?” She said cheerfully. You didn’t know if you were meant to take offense or not. Then, “I like it! Got a real Restin’ Bitch Face.”
“Don’t get me wrong— When a gal’s got on a good RBF, it’s in the name. You’re a bitch. But when a broody guy like Flag’s got one he’s a ‘serious leader’ and a ‘professional’ and a ‘dreamy hunk’.” Harley went on, taking her hands off the wheel to demonstrate her air quotes literally. You gripped your seatbelt in fear as the hummer began swerving again. 
“Everyone’s always calling me a psycho bitch when I get in the zone, y’know. But then I’m just a crazy bitch when I’m tryin’a keep it fun—!”
Your heart leapt in your throat. As Harley let the vehicle veer back and forth, your attention was suddenly taken by the flash of fire and an explosion just yards ahead of you. The hummer with two other squad members leading the line had been hit with a rocket launcher, sending their vehicle into the air in a burst of flame— and because Harley was driving like a maniac, the explosion had missed your own hummer. Harley and Flag broke the line in a single moment, dodging the car that was now overturned and engulfed in fire. 
Hell broke loose then, as it always did.
You remember Harley shouting at you to take the wheel before climbing up to the mounted gun on the roof. Chatter erupted on the comms as Waller’s team directed the helicopter above and the rest of you still converged on the target. The plan was to never stop, to keep driving and extract the asset while all teams kept up with the convoy. You remember seeing a car pull up beside Flag in your side mirror, a rifle pointing right at him through all the dust and cross fire. 
But the beauty of Task Force X was how laughably terrible these guys were at not following the plan. You catch a flash of red and blue as Harley leapt onto the enemy’s truck, abandoning her post on the hummer to go get the asset herself. Waller’s orders were meaningless in moments like this, and she knew it. They would either accomplish the mission their way, or they were dead. 
That’s what the suicide squad did— was that really you? You looked in your rearview again in time to catch Harkness collapse onto the hood of Flag’s vehicle, a splotch of red visible on his chest even from where you were. You heard Waller’s voice in your head already dismissing Boomer’s loss by the end of all this. 
But you also heard Rick, his voice concerned but steady in your ear as he ordered Harkness to hang on while he attempted to lose the car still beside them. 
You sucked in a breath, and with a sudden jerk of the wheel, you lined yourself up with the enemy car behind you— And slammed on the breaks.
You had to come back to Belle Reve on a separate jet with Harkness, who also needed medical care before being sent back. Harley, despite her protests to see that you were both okay, was returned to her cell without so much as a ‘good job’ from Waller. Flag locked the caged door behind her with a murmur that he’d send word about Boomer soon. 
You landed in Louisiana with a fractured arm and ten stitches along your right temple. They had to reset your shoulder too. The bruising on the right side of your face made you look worse than you felt, but you still had to keep your face still from pulling the stitches. As you shuffled down the exit stairs, dragging your duffle behind you, you were startled when you looked up to see Rick Flag on the tarmac approaching you quickly. 
His brow furrowed, he immediately greeted you with a gruff, “Hey.”
“Hey—” You said back, feeling your bag being taken from you. He peels it from your fingers, your wrists brushing. No ‘[L/N]’, no curt nod. You watched as Flag slung the duffle over his broad shoulder and gestured back to the SUV he’d driven over to receive you from the Belle Reve air field without a word. When you approach your door, you stare as Flag uncharacteristically holds it open for you, then promptly shuts it, your bag placed down in the back seat.
The drive back to the main compound was usually brief, but today it felt like an eternity. You glanced over as Flag glared at the road ahead, and you remembered what Harley said about his... What did she call it? RBF? Dreamy bitch face?
“Am I fired?” You finally said, your voice piercing the dead quiet of the car.
Flag blinked, looking between you and the road as if pulled from his own thoughts. “No, what?”
“Am I fired?” You repeated. Then grumbled, “Feels like you’re rushing me to an exit interview.”
“You're not fired.” He replied in his drawl, still distracted. “And I’m tryin’a hustle you to your debrief with Waller so you can get home and rest.” 
He put the car in park, the silence falling over you again deafening now that the engine was off. You sneak another glance over at him to see him staring ahead, his large hands still gripping the wheel tightly. 
“Are... You okay, Flag?”
“Are you okay?” He suddenly snapped. He released the wheel, turning his chest to face you in his seat. You reeled a little, confused at the sudden anger that seemed to release like a burst dam. 
“Stitches, a broken arm. You got lucky, [L/N]. What the hell were you thinking?” He continued, voice raising. And it was like muscle memory, the way your uncertainty vanished, your body turning in your own seat to square up to Rick Flag, Colonel pain in the ass. He was chastising you now? After you just saved his fucking life?
You said as much, your face shutting down, on the defense. Typical Rick Flag. The thought was written on your face, your contempt like a flashing billboard.
Flag’s lips parted, a sharp intake of breath telling you he was about to fire back— because that’s what the two of you did— but instead  he surprised you by promptly clamping the sharp line of his jaw shut. That silence fell like a wall between the two of you once more, and Rick turned to face forward, his gaze leaving you and taking all the fire with it. You watch his Adam’s apple bob minutely, something unreadable washing over his features before he mutters,
“Waller’s waiting for you in comms. Better hustle.”
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kimthwariru · 3 years
Namjoon reaction—calling him a ‘friend’ when he clearly has a thing for you
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❀genre: smut, a bit of fluff
❀collage au
(This was originally supposed to be a quick reaction but something happened to me and I couldn’t stop writing)
“Look, Jisoo, I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong” you flash a cheeky smile at your best friend. She’s being going on and on about how this Kim Namjoon guy had a thing for you.
You can’t lie, you’ve seen him around in campus and sometimes you’d wish he would suffocate you with these thighs of his. Ugh. The perfect combo, lean yet masculine physique with a brain that actually functions for a change. You’ve seen the way these collage girls were circling him around and you can’t blame them, the guy was a catch.
But he was not your crowd of people. He was outgoing, social and had loads of what you like to call “the lad friends”. You guessed his main activities were partying and getting shitfaced every night.
You’ve talked to him a couple of times. He uses the same bench as you to read now and then. You would eventually take sneak peeks at the books he was reading, check if he had any taste or not, and the result was always better than what you expected. This guy knew books. He was not just reading what was on the best seller’s that week to look sophisticated in front of others.
When he caught you peaking he’d started having small talk with you. You swear you’ve never experienced a better conversation flow with another human being. This guy screamed comfort. He seemed genuinely curious about the things you were saying. None of that painful act of pretending to be interested just because he wanted to get laid. You had been talking with him for a month straight and aside from a few moments of some what flirty looks his actions never suggested something more.
His aura was welcoming and he always paid attention to the little things. Unlike some other shallow guys out there, he felt…different.
But how different could he really be? You’ve seen the people he hangs out with. Kim Taehyung? He had a relationship with three girls at the same time. Didn’t even apologize for being the biggest jerk in history. You’ve heard Jung Hoseok’s body count was reaching a 3 digit number AND Jeon Jungkook once fucked 4 different girls at the same night.
Just thinking about it makes you sick. It pains you to admit but there’s only one truth to this. Even if Kim Namjoon was interesting, he was definitely a person you needed to stay away from. All the data point to a big fuckboy alert!
“Come on y/n…. If he wasn’t even in the slightest interested in you then why did he tell me explicitly that he wanted you to attend the party??”
“An invitation to a party doesn’t mean anything. Besides, I’m sure I’m not his style. Have you seen the type of girls he hangs out with? Yikes.”
Jisoo smirked at you “Oh, I see you’re stalking him now?”
You shake your head “Don’t be ridiculous! We take Econ together, that’s all. What? Am I supposed to cover my eyes every time I see him?”
“Maybe you should” Jisoo came closer to you “Y/n, we’re going to that party”
“This is a big mistake, I’ll get bored within the hour” You scream at Jisoo over the loud music.
“Don’t be a whiney ass and enjoy yourself for once” she handed you a drink.
Enjoy yourself for once. You and Jisoo’s definition of enjoying one self were clearly very different. You scan the room to look for any familiar faces you could talk to. Unfortunately, not a lot of your acquaintances attended frat parties.
Your head motion immediately pauses when you meet eyes with Namjoon across the garden. Was he looking at you this whole time? You feel your cheeks burn.
Initially, you don’t know how to react but eventually you flash him a small smile and focus back on Jisoo
“Kim Namjoon just gave me the biggest stare of all time” you say as you down your drink
“What!?” Jisoo’s eyes widened “This is the time where I say I told you so.”
You think for a second that maybe Jisoo was right all along. But that just makes the whole thing more dangerous for you. You can’t lie, Namjoon is attractive, but you knew he was trouble. Maybe he liked you today and then liked another girl tomorrow.
Suddenly, you feel a hand touch your shoulder “Hey y/n, Jisoo. Glad you guys made it” Namjoon’s low voice pierced your ears.
Jisoo gave you a look before replying to him “Hey!! We couldn’t miss such a night!” She smiled “right y/n??”
“Yeah!! Totally” you cheer kind of awkwardly.
Namjoon’s eyes fixed on you. You felt his stare eat you up. His whole presence felt angelic yet overwhelming. “Do you guys maybe want to join us? We’re sitting right by the pool”
“Oh! Sure, why not!” Jisoo answered almost immediately
You were walking towards the pool, Namjoon was pacing right next to you, he was so close to the point where you could sort of smell his cologne. You swear you could get drunk off his scent.
“I have to be honest, I didn’t think you’d actually come” He chuckled
“Are you disappointed?” You teased and raised an eyebrow.
You see a dimple smile making its appearance, how can this dude be so incredibly hot and cute at the same time? “I think pleasantly surprised would be the right way to put it”
Why do you feel like you can not breath? He hasn’t said much, yet you feel yourself burn up all of a sudden. “Good to know” you smile back.
“Joon! You have to see this” was the first thing Taehyung yelled when you arrived to the place where the guys were sitting “12 o’clock, Hobi making out with Mina from 3rd year. Can you believe it? After two years of trying to get it, he finally succeeds”
Of course the main talk is girls. No surprise there.
“Jungkook bitch, you owe me 20 bucks” Taehyung eyed Jungkook
Your expression screamed disgust. Apparently, Namjoon noticed “They are not as bad as they seem” he elbowed you.
You give him and awkward laugh “I’ll take your word for it” You lie.
“Guys, this is Jisoo and y/n. Can you stop trying to head lock each other and say hello? You’re embarrassing me” Namjoon introduced the pair of you to the boys who were still arguing about the bet. 
“Oh, hey girls.” Taehyung paused to inspect Jisoo’s face. “Hey, business and shipping? Ain’t it?”
“Oh, yeah, right!” Jisoo smiled
“Hyung aren’t you taking that class for like the third time? How many times can you fail you recon?” Jungkook teased him and Taehyung answered by giving him a slap on the shoulder.
“Hey y/n, do you want to go grab a drink? I think you’ll need it if you are to tolerate these guys” Namjoon offered.
“I trust you know best” you smile and quickly follow behind him. His shoulders wide and his muscles very visible even through his airy shirt. This guy was a whole statue.
“By the way, I’ve never seen you at parties before. I think I saw you once at the December ball but that’s about it. Not really a big fan of these kind of things, are you?” He suddenly said. You can’t really decode his words. How did Kim Namjoon know you even went to the December ball? You’re pretty sure you didn’t even talk to him that night.
“Interested in me much?” You give him a cheeky smile but he was just looking at you, a couple of seconds passed without him responding “I’m only joking! It’s true I don’t really attend these sort sort of things.”
“And what do you do for fun miss y/n?” He laughs and you swear if you could bottle the sound and get drunk on it you would.
“Oh you’ll think I’m lame”
“Try me” he said in a serious tone while starring right through your eyes. Suddenly, your body felt too heavy for your legs to bear. How can he get to you like that?
“Okay…” You start, him looking at you like that didn’t help control your train of thought, but you manage to get a hold of yourself “So you know that little corner cafe on willow street? Every Friday they have these comedy music nights. A guy-“
“Park Jihoon and the little funny guitar, yeah! I used to go there every Friday during my freshman years! Do they still do that old thing? I swear the pun with the atom never failed to make my day.” He started laughing again.
“Whoah what? You’re telling me you’ve been to the shrieking shack?” That place was a little treasure you’d found earlier this year. It was an amazingly cozy place, perfect during the cold winter time. The staff were all so kind and wore these big oversized colorful ties. But the people going there were all much older than you. You’ve never heard someone your age talk about that place. Let alone a person like Namjoon.
“Careful how you talk to a veteran y/n. I’ve basically helped to build the place” he chuckled.
“Y/n is that you?” A familiar voice greeted you.
“Jimin! Oh my god, hey! It’s been ages since I’ve seen you!” You hug him.
Jimin was a great soul, he majored in contemporary dance and ballet. He had been traveling for the past couple of years enrolling in some extra ballet classes in the magical city of Paris. You envied him for his talent and admired him for his passion.
“Girl, you have to come visit me. You’ll love Europe!”
“I would also LOVE to have some money in my wallet” you laugh “Oh Jimin, this is my friend, Namjoon. We go to collage together”
Namjoon gave you a look and soon after shook Jimin’s hand “What’s up. Nice to meet you”
“Nice to meet you too! But y/n, I’m so so sorry, I have to go. I was actually on my way out just now. I sort of uhm, have a thing-you know” he coughed “I’m leaving in two weeks, can we please meet before that?”
You knew Jimin was probably off to his ex boyfriends house. They broke up before Jimin left for Paris but every time he got back he’d have a couple of hookups with him. “Oh yeah! I bet you’ve got something very important right now, you better go quickly” you teased him “I’ll text you tomorrow, ok?”
Jimin laughed so much his eyes were barely visible “definitely! text me! I’ll be off then! Bye mister Kim Namjoon” he playfully said and was out of your sight a second later.
“You two seem…close” Namjoon suddenly commented
“Yeah! We were! But he has been studying abroad for like two years now.”
Namjoon’s facial expression was quite enigmatic “Did you guys ever… you know”
“Oh no no no.” You pause to make a small chuckle “Jimin isn’t exactly interested in, well, girls like me, or to be exact, girls in general”
Namjoon’s eyes widened and he immediately bursted into laughter “oh… I see” he made a pause “So tell me then, how come the old soul that never goes to parties finally attends one?”
You feel your cheeks burn red. Partly because the reason you went was him. You don’t know why, but the past month you and Namjoon hit it off very well and you wanted to test Jisoo’s crazy theory, you wanted to make sure for yourself if Namjoon was interested in you or not. Now the problem was, even if it turned out he did like you, you didn’t know what you’d do exactly. Namjoon was a really nice guy, but he didn’t come without his red flags.
“Just wanted to try something different, I guess”
“And how’s that 'different' treating you so far?”
What could you possibly tell him? That you have enjoyed every minute you guys have been talking? That you think that just by staring at you he could make you feel things no other guy could? You barely can admit all of that to yourself. “I think pleasantly surprised is the right way to put it” you repeat his words from before.
You see him smile at that. “You know what y/n? I’m really happy you came”
How can he make your heart beat so fast with just one sentence? “Oh really? And why is that?”
“I don’t know, I guess… I just like talking to you, you know? Whenever I’m around you I feel at ease, like I can tell you anything. I feel different when I’m with you, but in a good way”
“Wow” that sound escaped your lips without your consent
Namjoon laughed “Why? Is it too weird?”
“No! Definitely not weird, more like, I don’t know, surprising?”
“In what way?”
“Well you’re… Kim Namjoon, you’re the 2021 class president and you’re like the most popular guy in the whole campus right now.” You made a pause “And I’m just..-“
“The most interesting girl I’ve ever met” he cuts you off
The way he was looking down at you made butterflies grow in your stomach “You really think so?”
He gently grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him “I know so” he leaned down, you swear his eyes had the whole galaxy painted inside of them. You couldn’t even breath properly at this point. Kim Namjoon was too close and the only thing you were thinking about was how well his kiss would feel “God, you’re so beautiful” he said and pulled you in for a soft, gentle kiss.
You couldn’t believe your senses. Kim Namjoon was kissing you and you really thought the earth had stopped spinning right then and there. You could feel his big palms traveling up and down your back.
His kiss was breathless, jubilant, filled with the joy of life, and you should stop him, he is no good to you, you know that, but his scent is delightful and his lips are so warm.
Unconsciously, your hands reach the inside of his shirt. His skin hot and soft at the touch.
"y/n" he practically moans your name, and just the sound makes your knees go week "Don't do that, I don't think I'll be able to stop"
"Who said anything about stopping?" You say and go back to kiss him even more passionately this time.
“There’s a lot of people here, my room is upstairs, would you perhaps want to-“
“Yes.” You immediately say. You don’t care about anything anymore, you’d let your future self deal with the consequences of today’s actions. The only thing that has been lingering in your mind is how good he’d feel inside of you.
The moment you’re finally alone in his room, he lifts you up, swinging you around and kissing you. It was like a dream. Namjoon was everything you wanted. Your reluctance about getting with him didn’t matter any more, the tingly feeling in your stomach overtook every single bit of hesitation you had. You needed him.
“God, you’re lovely” he exhaled
He looks at you as he sinks you down on the bed. Planting a soft kiss before his hands quickly begun to peel away clothes, yanking his belt loose, fumbling hurriedly at his trousers.
You look at his lips tracing your skin and the faint moisture left behind, you look at his muscly arms as he lifts you up and sinks you down again, you look at him looking at you, with eyes brighter than the sun itself. Was this all a dream?
When your dress was finally off he undoes your bra clasp on the way down. Slowly planting kisses on your collarbone, the tops of your breasts, your sternum, and you arched you back as you were needy for more.
His lips finally reach your nipples .Your boobs smooth under his hands, your nipple firm under his tongue, and there, that makes you squirm again, a little more insistently this time.
“Fuck, I’m so fucking wet right now, I feel it” You moan
You see him raise an eyebrow. A vivid smirk painted on his face “Let’s check, shall we?”
He splays his hand low across your belly, and the first brush of his thumb over your clit makes you breathe in sharply and him forget to breathe at all.
“I’m your friend?” He breaths in, his voice dangerously low
“Oh come on” You manage to say in between moans “what was I supposed to tell Jimin?”
His strokes and flicks are light and teasing, his thumb carefully circling around your clit. He gives you a slow, constant, unyielding pressure that makes your breath come up short, makes your toes curl in the effort not to move.
“I’m gonna fuck the word ‘friend’ right out of your pretty little mouth” he covers your mouth with an intense kiss before slipping two fingers of his free hand inside of you, and you makes a noise like triumph and want all wrapped up together. If his fingers felt like this, you can’t imagine how his dick felt like.
“Hmm?” He doesn’t look up, he keeps his eyes on his hands, on you, spread out beneath him “You like that baby?”
God, just the way the word 'baby' sounded coming from his mouth could make you come right this second. You look at him, his eyes look as hungry as his voice sounded. This dude was out of this world.
“Please Namjoon, I want it, I want you inside of me right now”
Namjoon lowered his underwear, and simply pressed his hard member on your slit. You could feel his balls softly caressing your clit as he made subtle movements while kissing you. “Such a needy little thing” he teases “Tell me how bad you want my cock inside of you”
“Oh..” you moan “I’d do anything, please…give it to me… fuck me like you own me” you whined as you used your pussy to caress his length up and down. He seemed to enjoy they way you touched him.
“Fuck y/n… that feels so good” he rests his forehead on yours.
“Imagine what my inside will feel then” you whisper in his ear “I’m such a tight good girl” you move your mouth in front of his, bitting his bottom lip as he growled when he felt your movement grow faster
“Fucking hell” he immobilized your body with his hands and pressed you down to the bed. He immediately shoves his dick inside you, filing you up to the brim before staying there for a couple of seconds and then pulling out completely. That movement made your vagina crave to be filled all the way up again.
“More” you whine, a dopey expression all over your face. You were so needy of him, but you didn’t care.
He lowered his left hand towards your thigh and gave it a big squeeze, kissing you aggressively while doing so. He quickly braced himself back into you, you felt your walls completely wrap around his member. It felt magical.
His strokes long and steady in the beginning. Every time he went in and out completely you felt the pit of your stomach burn in pleasure. Namjoon was doing everything right, you can’t lie to yourself, this is the best sex you’ve ever had. Normally with other guys you don’t even come close to coming, but now, you feel yourself trying not to do so.
“You like my dick being inside of you baby?” He plants a small kiss on your neck and goosebumps run down your spine.
‘Like’ was nowhere near good enough of a word to explain how much the sensation of him thrusting his hard member in and out of you made you feel. “I love it Namjoon… I just love it…”
Your words must’ve turned Namjoon even more on, because his pace immediately started becoming faster and sloppier. Every time your skin touched a loud sound could be heard. Namjoon was thrusting deeper and deeper into you, and every time he’d fill you up completely you’d cry out his name.
“Ah, I like my name so much better when you fucking moan it like that” he says and started shoving his dick inside of you like crazy. You could tell he was close to coming, and so were you.
It wasn’t long until you felt your walls clenching and your toes curling. The sensation overtook all of your body, it was mad… your heart beat uncontrollable. Namjoon made you feel a completely new range of emotions.
“Ah y/n, I can feel you cumming all over my dick” his voice cracky, You could see how turned on he was by all of this, by you. “Fuck” he shoved harder “You’re so” harder “fucking hot”
Namjoon stopped and pulled out immediately spreading his cum all over your tummy. The sight was breathtaking, you’ve never found a man so attractive while coming before, but then, Namjoon is no ordinary man.
He quickly grabs a couple of tissues and wipes you clean before laying on top of you again, placing another soft kiss this time. His hand playing with your hair. You were both naked and sweaty and a mess but it felt so magical. You wrapped your hands around his broad shoulders, pulling him even closer to you. You didn’t want even a centimeter of distance between you and him.
He suddenly stopped kissing you and simply stared at your eyes. After a minute or two, or maybe three, you're not really sure, time didn't exist right now, he tacked a string of hair behind your left ear.
“Y/n, let me take you on a date. Please. I know you don’t normally go out with guys like me, but I swear I’ll make it worth your while-“
“Park Jihoon and the little funny guitar. How does that sound? Or are you too good for the shrieking shack now?” You chuckled
“I’d love that” he smiled, making your heart melt a little.
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captain-yeet · 3 years
Rhythm of the Night (Felix Volturi x Fem!Reader)
Summary: You weren't much of a nightclub girl. After some prodding by your friends, you gave in and decided to give it a shot. At the same time, a vampire had chosen the club you're at as his hunting grounds for the night...
Word count: 2.4k words.
Warnings: Swearing, suggestive themes, harrassment, Felix is a h0rny bastard, y'all beware
Author note: I guess I’m back? And with shameless sorta smutty Felix content to boot? Can’t say I’m surprised at myself - the thirst for this man is endless. Anyway, enjoy! I’m back to supply with more hot Volturi guard content.
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Loud, blaring music? Check.
Standing awkwardly with a drink in your hand? Check.
Two out of three of your friends ditching you in this too-big-for-it's-own-good club? Double check.
You'd had a long week. Your job was driving you nuts, and things were getting on top of you in a bad way. After visiting you and seeing you curled up on the couch with a distant look in your eyes, your friends had dragged you into your bedroom, gotten you looking like a full snack and dragged your ass to a nightclub.
A nightclub, you mentally sighed, the lights flashing distracting you. It HAD to be a nightclub. I better not regret this.
"Come on, Y/N, loosen up!" Your friend next to you whined, a playful grin on their face.
"I've never been to one of these places before," you admitted loudly, your voice barely audible even with shouting.
Shaking their head, your remaining friend laughed. "Come, trust me."
Taking the drink from your clammy hand and setting it aside on a random surface, they pulled you into the fray of people dancing. A new song had begun and the excited cheers of the crowd were almost as loud as the song itself.
Leaning in, you heard your friend say, "Just follow my lead and have fun your way!"
Taking a deep breath, you nodded, and began swaying to the music along with your friend.
Entering the human infested club, Felix groaned internally. Demetri, because of course he would, suggested that he try and find a meal at the nearest nightclub in their vicinity.
"Lots of humans, especially ones who expect to have a fun night out!" Demetri had said casually, "just use your charm and lure one out."
Some days, I really do hate that man, Felix grumbled internally as the humid air and the scent of drunk people hit his face as he neared the sea of dancers. Scanning the faces and the scents of the crowd, he searched for his meal.
Demetri wasn't wrong; one of the best places to hunt were in fact nightclubs, along with dingy alleys in busy cities, hiking trails... and if you were desperate enough even regular old bars in cozy towns.
He wasn't desperate enough to risk his neck picking off a local from a bar. Too many people who know each other personally in bars. Nightclubs will do for the night.
Felix zeroed in on a potential victim; a random young man dancing with a girl and another man suggestively in the fray. He had no issue turning on his charm for the same sex - at the end of the day, they're all the same. All food.
A focused look on his face, he began to approach the man.
Midway through navigating the dancing humans, his hunt was interrupted by a body being shoved into him and a loud yell of "I said don't fucking touch me!"
Blinking, Felix's dark eyes darted from the person who was shoved into him and the one who shoved said person. A woman stood in front of him, glaring at their assailant with a mix of fury and fear rolled into one unfocused stare.
"... Just a friendly touch bitch, geez." the assailant grumbled, inaudible to human ears, but Felix just managed to catch it.
The woman's eyes shifted up to him. The wind felt like it'd been knocked out of him both by her scent as he paid more attention to her, and her mere presence itself. It was captivating, alluring even. Like a lasso had been thrown over him and was tugging him forward towards her.
She was captivating.
You found yourself staring at the absurdly tall man in front of you like an idiot. Out of all the times you had to find yourself stunned speechless by how handsome someone was, your subconscious picked a brilliant time to do so.
Handsome was an understatement, you thought hazily.
Almost forgetting the man who had put his hands on you without your consent, you shook your head and backed away quickly. Don't be creepy, don't be creepy, don't be creepy by staring at the hot guy, you chanted internally.
Pushing through the crowd again, you searched for any of your friend's faces. Tonight was taking a weird turn and you just wanted to forget the weird shit.
After what felt like a millennia, your anxiety fueled by the bone rattling bass of the music that vibrated through your body and the club itself, you found the friend that stood with you when the others had ditched.
They took one look at your expression and a look of concern lit their eyes. "You okay?" they mouthed, gently reaching out and rubbing your shoulder reassuringly.
Nodding shakily, you gave a weak smile. "Got lost," you mouthed back.
Half an hour later and with a bit of booze in your system, you finally let loose. You were still upset about the guy touching you but you pushed it to the back of your mind for now; this would be the first and last time you go clubbing, you thought.
Dancing with your friend, you closed your eyes and lost yourself in the rhythm of the song that was playing, giggling all the way.
"Hey, Y/N!" You heard your friend call. Opening your eyes, they motioned off to the side with a devilish grin. "You've got an admirer!"
Following her gaze, you searched until you spotted who they were talking about, and promptly felt the blood in your cheeks boil from more than just being tipsy.
It was the insanely tall hot guy from earlier.
And he was looking directly at you.
"Aw man, what do I doooooo?" You whined loudly, desperately looking at your friend for help.
"What do you mean?" they replied, laughing.
You leaned in closer so they could hear you better. "He's too pretty for me," you hissed. You quickly sneaked another glance at him and... he was laughing?
Oh god is my mere appearance that funny? You thought to yourself.
"Why don't you go find out?" Your friend whispered back, giggling. “Or better yet, let’s tease him!”
Go find out? Are they mad? What if he rejects me and I have to live with being rejected by a ethereal-looking hot person? What if they don't?
Wait, tease how-?
Your friend suddenly grabbed your hips and the dance turned very sexual in nature. Catching along to their plan, you grinned, albeit a little manically due to pure anxiety, and matched your friend’s suggestiveness.
 “Oh yeah, it’s working,” they whispered in your ear. “Look.”
Turning your body away from your friend to allow them to grind behind you as your hips swayed in sync to the rhythm of the song playing, you felt very satisfied when you saw the handsome man staring straight at you like a rabbit in headlights.
Damn, it worked!
At your smug grin, the man straightened up out of his daze with a dark look in his eyes.
 “I think he wants youuuuu,” your friend cooed in your ear.
To hit the final nail in your coffin, he lifted one of his hands palm up, curling four fingers with a smirk on his face. He was calling you over.
Your heart leaped out of your chest. This is fine.
Taking a deep breath and deciding "Fuck it", you made your way over to the ridiculously tall hot man, not before finishing a shot your friend had placed in your hand from who-knows-where. You silently thanked them for the extra liquid courage. Weaving through the crowd, you tried to steady your ever-growing nerves as you got closer to the mysterious stranger.
“What do I dooooo?” the pretty young lady whined to her friend, prompting her friend to ask her why. “He’s too pretty for me,” she hissed, barely audible over the bass of the music.
Felix laughed obnoxiously at her distress. The sight of her pretty eyes going wide when he beckoned her to him was one thing, but “He’s too pretty for me” sent him off the edge into a fit of amused almost-hysterical laughter.
Get a handle on yourself, he chided himself. Quickly as he lost his composure he regained it, waiting for the human’s decision, a little smidge of anxiety rising in his chest. What if she decides not to come over? Then my chances with the little human are blown.
The thought made his mind short-circuit. I referred to her as if she was mine...
There wasn’t time to ponder it further thought; as his train of thought refocused on his surroundings as she did something very unexpected.
Her friend whispered something into her ear and before he knew it he was watching her dance very suggestively in front of him. They teamed up to taunt him.
And it was working. Felix almost completely forgot about his thirst for blood as pure lust took over his senses. Oh she’s going to be the death of me, he groaned internally, his eyes trained on every motion her body made. Felix’s thoughts quickly and shameless went into the gutter as he began picturing how’d she feel dancing like that against him... and on his lap... and also what he’d do in retaliation to the teasing.
Her friend whispered something else into her ear, the snake to his sweet Eve in the garden, and they both turned to look at him. Backing away from her friend, the woman took a deep breath and he could hear her growl the words “Fuck it,” downing a shot handed to her by her friend before beginning to stride over toward him.
Standing up a little straighter, he tried to turn off the very dirty thoughts running laps in his mind as she came closer. He wanted this to succeed, after all. A small polite smile crept onto his face as the pretty lady appeared before him.
 “Hi,” she greeted him wearing a nervous smile, a different persona standing before him from the seductress that taunted him on the dancefloor.
Felix grinned, turning on the full power of his charm on the helpless girl. “I uh, couldn’t help but recognize you from earlier, how are you feeling after that earlier incident?”
She froze at the pet name, then her pretty eyes narrowed as she was trying to recall the events in her drunken state. When it clicked they widened. “Right! Yeah... that wasn’t very fun.” Pausing a moment, she stared at Felix’s chest, shyly refusing to meet his gaze. “Thank you for stepping in. Really, I appreciate it.”
This poor sweet thing, Felix thought to himself, completely enamored. She goes from being loud and unaware of how loud she’s being with her friend to shy and bashful trying to talk to me.
 “Make a move, idiota,” Demetri’s voice chimed in, putting extra emphasis on the last mocking word; where exactly he was Felix had no idea, but, with his old friend taunting him from the shadows, he decided it was now or never.
 Felix ducked down and leaned in closer to Y/N’s face, speaking clearly in her ear. “What’s your name, gorgeous?” 
Y/N’s heart hammered away frantically even before he finished asking; most likely due to how close he now was to her, Felix concluded, but he’d like to think it was also due to some level of mutual attraction. 
He hoped, anyway.
 “It’s Y/N,” she answered, subconsciously turning her head a little toward Felix’s face.
 “Well Y/N, it was my pleasure to keep creepy assholes off you.”
Oh dear lord why did I say it like that? He chided himself internally, cringing after the sentence left his mouth. I might as well have said “thanks for being harassed, sexy.”
Over the heavy bass of the club’s music, Demetri’s cackling laughter further teased Felix.
To his surprise - and safe to say Demetri’s, from wherever he was lurking and watching this unfold - Y/N giggled, the melodic sound growing in volume till it became an obnoxious booming laugh of her own. Pulling back to stand at his full height again, Felix looked at Y/N like she’d grown two heads.
 “Well, please feel free to keep more creeps away from me in the future,” she said casually, like Felix hadn’t said something awkward. “Mind telling me your name?”
Blinking a couple times just to compose himself - and keep up the “human” appearance - he grinned back at her. “Felix.”
Y/N matched Felix’s grin with one of her own, and from that moment Felix knew he was hooked on her. He was so absorbed by her smile that he didn’t notice her pulling out her phone. 
 “Gimme your phone,” she commanded, a playful glint in her eyes. “and make sure it’s unlocked.”
Curious at what this strange woman would do next, Felix reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone, unlocking it as she commanded. He held out his phone and she took it from his hand, a small shocked gasp leaving her lips as her warm skin made contact with his icy skin.
 “May I ask what you’re doing?” he asked, cocking his head a little to the side as he watched her fingers tap away on the phone screen.
 “Going through your nudes,” she commented in a monotone voice, her full drunken concentration solely on his phone. 
 “Is that so?” he chuckled dryly, raising his eyebrows at the crassness. 
She looked up once, with a small smirk, and then with a final tap to the phone screen, handed his phone back to him. “Normally I don’t do this but I like you, and I just put my number in your phone.”
She said it so casually, but her heart steadily hammering away in the same, frantic pace it was when he leaned in earlier was a giveaway to Felix that Y/N was nervous.
She’s... giving me her number. Wow.
Amazed and elated, Felix’s grin could have cracked his face with how wide he was smiling. “I’ll be in touch for sure, Y/N,” he replied, enjoying his her name felt leaving his mouth.
With a playful smile and a blush growing steadily on her cheeks, Y/N backed away from Felix in the direction of her friend. “I’ll see you around then!” she called out over the music, biting her lip in an attempt to keep from smiling so hard. 
In that moment, Felix could care less about how much of a dumb ass he felt like earlier for his blunder of a pick up line, his still budding thirst or his friend’s smug comment of “Well played,” faintly reaching his ears. He’d endure the torment from Demetri’s teasing later. 
Right now, he was staring at a drunken angel that would be his entire future, and she was none the wiser tot he fact that with by some liquid courage she had stolen this centuries-old man’s heart in it’s entirety.
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literate-simp · 3 years
BEING BESTIES W/ SOME JJK CHARACTERS; Yuuji, Megumi, Nobara, Gojou and Sukuna.
Notes: Look. I know we all simp terribly for our husbandos/waifus but I just wanted to write a simple hc about what it's like to be their besties
Warning(s): slight cursing. I indulged too much on Sukuna.
Includes: gn! reader, fluff, chaotic energy, mentions of romance (just light)
Itadori Yuji
He's friends with everyone, says hi to strangers and probably would be besties with every old lady he meets so it wasn't hard to be friends with him.
But the second he becomes besties with you, shit's gonna get borderline chaotic.
3AM and y'all can't sleep? McDonald's parking lot with an abandoned shopping car would sound damned fine. You both remember the moment as 'Chicken Nuggies and the Wind' since he t-posed on the moving cart whilst eating nuggies (you both almost scratched a Ferari).
If you weren't a jujutsu sorcerer in training, he'd still try to sneak you in his room to watch some movies. You with the snacks, leaving Yuji in charge of the movie picking (you can't decide to save your life)
Cuddles! Nothing wrong with besties cuddling. He's extremely respectful to your s/o (if you have one) and are probably good friends with them too!
Though the second you come to him crying, they were already being patched up in the hospital. Won't hit a woman, against his morals, but he will make sure she never speaks to you again.
Understanding, chaotic besties! An arm around your shoulder when someone's obviously making you uncomfortable, he's the one barking when he sees someone slip something into your drink.
The friend to help you find your way out of a frat house. Makes sure you're getting touched with your consent and sober. All you need to do is give him a sign that you're alright and he'll give you a thumbs up before leaving.
Definitely the friend you'd open up to (about anything) and not be treated differently after so.
You told him about your problems a few minutes prior. It was quiet, a bit too quiet. And you were worried he might leave you for it.
"Ey, Y/N. Wanna go to McDonald's again? I think they have that burger you like," He blurts, catching you off guard. You raise your eyebrows before smiling gratefully.
"Sounds great, Itadori."
You guys talk about women with butts all the time. Not out of thirst or anything, it would just be a random thought that comes up and one of you would contribute to the other. You once mentioned something about Jennifer Lawrence and he would not stop talkinf about her. It was hilarious how much he was drooling.
You wear his hoodies and he's fine with it. Thinks you look good in them. Sukuna teases you both about your relationship and Yuji slaps his mouth shut before he says anything more.
"You look great in them, Y/N," Itadori grins, rummaging through his closet to find more hoodies.
"Thank you. They're pretty comfy," You mention the fabric and the fluffiness. He listens to you intently before Sukuna pops out from his cheek.
"Ehhh? This is the one you think about everyday--," Itadori has never slapped his cheek so hard before in his life.
Megumi Fushiguro
Honestly, pretty chill dude.
He has a small group of people he trusts, and a smaller one to which he considers to be his good friends.
So to be his best friend, you must've gained a huge amount of respect from him; saved him, maybe even overheard something you shouldn't have and kept quiet about it on your own accord.
You would have a 'you aren't comfortable with it, so I'm not forcing anything' vibe to which he would be relieved to know. Though even so, you are the more hyper one in the platonic relationship.
Outings would consist of trips to libraries or quiet nights on the couch with your legs entangled together with lo-fi music playing in the background.
Not much talking, Megumi likes to keep to himself and you have no problem with the comfortable silence you both bring together.
Though sometimes it gets too quiet so you annoy the hell out of him to get his attention; cheek poking, soft arm punches, slight pushing.
Megumi ignores this, finding your actions a bit cute. If it gets too annoying, he will get up and leave, having you trail behind him, whining like a child wanting candy.
Yuji would join in. Definitely. Nobara too if she was bored enough.
"Megumi~ I want your attention~," You whine, running after the raven-haired man.
"Yeah! Yeah! Pay attention to Y/N!" Yuji supports you. You clap your hands together, only to be hit with a shoe by Megumi.
He would never do anything outside of your comfort zone. If you had an s/o, they both would be neutral with each other.
If you were to get hurt from said s/o, they would leave your house with a bloody knuckle. He wouldn't hit a girl, but he definitely will destroy whatever life she has outside of your relationship with her.
Parties are a no-go for him, unless his friends force him to. He's the designated driver with three other drunk children (Hint; Yuuji, Nobara and you). He wouldn't carry anyone else but you back to your room.
"Jeez, Y/N. You should know how to handle your alcohol," Megumi sighs, laying you on top of your bed gently and pulling the covers up.
"Nngh. Didn't know it was alcohol," You groaned. He smiles, patting your cheek before getting up to leave.
"I'll get you some painkillers in the morning, alright?"
You can wear his sweatshirts if you annoy him about it (he secretly likes how comfortable you are around him). He thinks you look charming in them, Yuji never shuts up about your friendship. It's the few times he's seen Megumi genuinely smile.
Nobara Kugisaki
Radiates bad bitch energy.
It isn't easy in the first stages since she has standards with friends but the second you both find something similar about each other, it's an immediate ride-or-die friendship.
You would need a major backbone, 'I'm too hot for this bs' kinda vibe (it's canon that the reader is a bad bitch, periodt). You would have arguments with her but it's pretty basic stuff like the perfect colour for nailpolish or whether Maki deserves the Earth or the universe (you both agree it's the universe).
Outings consists of shopping malls and popular cafes. You take selfies everytime you see something relatively new.
Talk about anything under the sun -- newest trends, new food to try out, Maki -- but her favourites are hearing you talk about your day. If you weren't a jujutsu sorcerer, she'd visit your apartment, give you a hug and sit on the couch to listen to you blabber away about something that isn't related to curses or death. She needs time to rewind and you never mention how vulnerable she looks when she's tired.
"Uh-huh and what happens next?" Nobara asked, carressing your hair as you lay on her lap.
"He wouldn't stop following us! It was so creepy! No means no right? Like why would you waste your energy following a group of friends who aren't interested?" You ranted on. Nobara simply nods in agreement, smiling at your annoyed face.
She doesn't mind your s/o, probably would just say hi before leaving you two alone. She doesn't have a problem about her friends having a relationship, she does, however, gets pissed that she isn't in one.
If you come to her crying about them, she would slither in some 'fuckin told you they were gonna do it' or 'I told you so'. Though it makes you upset, you know she's gonna trash their house the second you leave the room.
Your (now) ex would suddenly be cancelled beyond belief, you wouldn't know what happened to them.
Despite the bad bitch personality, you are the more patient one.
Parties is a yes. She comes in as a self-confident woman and will leave self-confident and drunk. She's the life of the party and pulls you into conversations to keep you company. Even if you don't contribute much to the conversation, she makes sure you aren't out of her sight. She's not the type to bring a friend to a party and leave them the second after. She cares about you even if her way of showing was a bit too pushy.
You share clothes with her and she'll give you comments about it.
"The shirt doesn't fit. No, no. The other one. Yeah, that one."
"Who cares if people say you aren't supposed to wear skirts? Your ass rocks better in those than mine. Just take them."
Personally likes dressing you up, doesn't like dressing you up for dates though. Still doesn't know why.
Gojou Satoru
God, the willpower you have to even tolerate this man is immense.
It's not hard to be his friend, all you have to do is do something that amuses him and he'll keep teasing you about it.
In this platonic relationship, you're the more calm one. People call you to take care of Gojou constantly, and you're the only one he allows to scold him.
He goes for missions half the time so it's rare to see you both go for outings. The most you've been together outside of Jujustu Tech and work hours was in a bar with Nanami (you both bond over the fact that Gojou is terrible to work with). He got too drunk and started slurring his words.
"Y/N~ stohp flirting with Nanamin and talk to meee," He whines, pinching your cheeks as you sigh.
"We are simply talking about your bad work habits, Satoru," Nanami answers whilst shaking his head, downing another drink before he gets up to leave. "I'll take him home, rest well Y/N."
"Noooo, I want Y/N!"
A needy best friend. Constantly asks for attention. If you ignored him, he would only make the situation slightly more annoying -- similar to Megumi's Y/N, the basic cheek poking and whining.
Your s/o would probably hate him, he's a bit too flirty and likes to hug you in public. People mistake you both for a couple rather than the s/o at hand. Don't be surprised if it's the main reason your relationships don't end well.
If you come to him upset because of them, he wouldn't waste a second to zoom to your shared apartment and 'deal' with the person. Would come back with a smile and some takoyaki. No blood on him since he used his infinity.
Parties are alright with him. He's the cool flirty dude everyone seems to fawn over. Would accompany you for half an hour, only to leave with another chick to a nearby bedroom. You never end up partying with him after opening the God forsaken door and he's never stopped trying to make it up to you.
Other than the traumatic event, he'd a bit of a douche but still tries to look for you in the crowd. He waves once he sees you and flashes a reassuring smile before continuing his talk with the others.
You don't share clothes with him simply because it's Gojou. Who knows when the last time he washed his clothes.
Though he's willing to share. You're just more reluctant, really. Finds it cute when his shirts are slightly bigger than you. If you're built bigger than he is, he would like how tight it looks on your body.
"Starting to think you look better in my clothes than I am. And that's a pretty good compliment." He grins.
Hates the fact you never take his compliments seriously. Says it from the bottom of his heart, he really thinks you're charming.
Ryomen Sukuna
God, was it hard trying to befriend this curse of a man. An asshole, he stuck his feet out to trip you over multiple times before cackling like a damned demon (which he is).
Though you're always genuine with him. You liked having conversations with him and listen to him boast about himself for hours. Guess that's when he saw you as a close acquaintance.
Would never tell you you're his best friend. Never. Not once. Him simply acknowledging you was enough for everyone to know he favored one person.
Being friends with Sukuna meant being friends Yuji. Itadori always apologizes on his behalf and you would always laugh, telling him it's alright. Sukuna gets annoyed by this though.
"Stupid human. Who do you think you are being all mush with this useless vessel of mine?" He sneered the second he could pop out. You shrugged, taking some popcorn to feed him.
"He's a pretty good guy. You should cut him some slack," You answered, stuffing some popcorn to your face as well
Will constantly threaten to kill you but you never paid heed. You know you're his only friend. You don't agree with his actions but you find the curse interesting.
Literally the only person who's allowed to tease him. You get away with things most curses would get killed from. You once hand him super hot sauce for his pancakes and he glared at you for the remainder of his time being conscious in Yuji's body. You found the plate broken with a fork stabbed through it.
You aren't allowed to go on outings with Sukuna (obviously) so you both spend your time within Yuji's room. Not allowed to go out since everyone'll freak out seeing Yuji with tattoos resembling the King of Curses.
"Humans are so boring," Sukuna groaned, his head on the bedstand. "All they do is just sit around doing nothing but scroll through their stupid boxes." You smiled at him.
"Not my fault you commit mass genocide for fun. I'd say we're pretty passive."
He would literally never care about your love life. Still has the old man mentality that romance meant sex and that was about it. If they were to meet, the curse would just roll his eyes and turn the other way.
Getting hurt by your s/o results to hurtful teasing and bloodshed. No in-between, no nothing. He wouldn't know how to comfort you properly so he'd send Yuji in his place. Would sit at the back of Yuji's mind getting pissed that he was hugging and rubbing your back gently as if he couldn't have done it himself (literally sent Yuji only to judge him).
Not allowed to go out so parties is also a no-go BUT since this is just a headcanon, let's imagine it's college AU.
College AU Sukuna would love parties -- he throws them, orders his friends to invite hot girls and frat guys. And invites you himself. No one would know you were friends since he never mentions it but will literally choke anyone who looks at you like you're a piece of candy.
Gets way too drunk and probably have railed 3 people to cloud 9 in a matter of 2 hours but still go out just to check up on you. He doesn't necessarily care but he hates having the sick feeling that you were in possible danger somewhere he wouldn't be able to see you.
Stare at you for a good 3 seconds before leaving you alone. You'd never know he was there.
Clothes! His clothes are Yuji's and he barely even keeps his shirts in tact. Does he care whether you wear it or not? No.
Is he pissed? Slightly.
This took me two days, I'm not sure if it sounds canon anymore. Anyways, thank you for reading!
♡︎ literate-simp
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kohakuarisaka · 3 years
Trial By Fire (chapter 1 of 2)
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Takami Keigo x (fem!)Reader
[ SUMMARY ] Hawks stopped by your apartment, asking for a patch up, and then asked for so much more.
[ WARNINGS ] R18+ for graphic sexual content and language. Role reversal: Keigo is a villain and Touya is a hero. Liberties were taken with Hawks’ quirk and is non-canon compliant. This fic is not nice to Touya. Reader and Hawks smoke. Reader has a quirk. Reader is a female with descriptive female genitalia. This fic contains graphic sexual content, including penis in vagina sex, oral sex, spanking, dirty talk, biting, degradation, and knotting. Consensual ♥
Keigo’s appearance in this fic was inspired by this lovely art piece!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
[ My BNHA Fanfic Masterlist ] ~ [ Also on my AO3 ]
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You hadn't heard him approach, not his footsteps, nor the flutter of his wings. It was a little windy tonight; but, that wasn't why you hadn't heard him. He was just that good at sneaking around, or maybe you were just that lost in thought.
Suddenly, the cigarette in your hand was plucked out of your grasp. You followed the burning bud and watched a calloused hand bring it to a pair of soft lips that weren't yours.
He took a drag, looking at you innocently, before huffing the smoke out through his nostrils.
Sometimes, you really hated how weak you were for him. Even when he deserved it, you couldn't bring yourself to get mad at him. Maybe, it was his stupid beautiful face, or his mismatched eyes, or those wondrous crimson feathers.
"What are you doing, pretty bird?" you scolded him softly, reaching out to take your cigarette back.
Hawks let you, and some deluded part of your mind told you it tasted better after his mouth had touched it. Still, you turned away from him, finding it difficult to think properly when he was staring at you like that, his gaze soft and his lips quirked into a faint smirk.
In the distance, a car was honking obnoxiously. You peered down at the streets below and watched the traffic lights change colors.
"Was hoping you'd patch me up?" he asked, perhaps a little too sweetly. "Or is Touya gonna find out and arrest my ass?"
You sighed and gave him a dirty look in the corner of your eye. "No. It's over between us. He isn't gonna be comin' around," you retorted, a little venomously.
"Ohh," he whistled. "What happened? Must'a been bad. You were always so far up his ass."
"Get stuffed," you spat back at him.
He laughed in response to that. It was a little louder than expected, and you could see his shoulders trembling in the corner of your eye. Hawks leaned against the railing next you, matching your posture.
Before he could take it again, you remove your cigarette from your lips and brought it to his. He snatched it from your grasp with his mouth and took a careful drag before lifting his hand to pull it away. You watched the smoke drain from his mouth before looking away again.
"You wanna talk about it?" Hawks offered. Strangely, he sounded sincere.
"As much as I wanna get fisted by sandpaper," you replied hoarsely.
"Shit," he grumbled.
You let out a loud sigh. "There's nothing to talk about. I just couldn't take it anymore," you explained.
In the corner of your eye, you could see Hawks staring at you as if he was trying to decrypt your words or decipher your expression. You avoided his stare for just a little bit longer before finally giving in and turning to face him.
When you looked at him, he returned your cigarette to your lips, or tried to anyway, but you took it with your hand. It was almost burnt out, but had enough left for one more drag, which you took slowly.
"You're hurt?" you asked him softly before turning around to burry your burnt up cigarette in the nearby ash tray.
"Not too bad. I'll fuck right off if you want me to," Hawks replied.
Sometimes, you didn't really think his superpower was his feathers, but just how he managed to always show up at the perfect time. Maybe, someone to talk to was what you needed, even if you told yourself you didn't.
Ending things with Touya was exactly what had to be done to try to get back on track with your pitiful life; but, that didn't mean that everything would be magically okay again, that wounds would just heal and every trace of him would be gone forever.
But, you weren't childish enough to think that anyone could save you from that. No, you had to save yourself.
"Come on, pretty bird," you tossed over your shoulder.
Hawks hated when anyone called him that, except you. Maybe because anyone who called him that did so to put him down, to emasculate him. But, you called him that because you actually meant it. He was so, so pretty. Or, maybe, he just had a soft spot for the girl he used to bum cigarettes off of.
The winged villain followed you down the stairwell to your room. He made a grumbly cooing sound, like a hum in chest, when he stepped inside.
"Place looks great."
It had been quite a shithole the last time he was here. You scrubbed the walls and floors, replaced most of the furniture, gutted out the shitty kitchen cabinets and replaced them. It did look great.
"Thanks," you hummed, pushing at his shoulders until he obeyed and plopped down on the couch.
You sat down next to him and didn't bother asking what was wrong, but just began sliding your hands down the arm of his leather jacket, pushing it up to his elbow to expose his forearm.
You worked your hands over his skin, using your quirk to navigate his nervous system. Your eyes went glossy and distant as you did so, staring at him without actually looking at him. Hawks was patient, watching you work.
"You broke some ribs," you observed quietly. "The gash on your back isn't infected, but your blood cell count is low. You have a cavity forming, too, you manchild."
Hawks burst out laughing. "Do I need to call a dentist?"
"No," you laughed softly. "I'll take care of it." You let go of his arm and looked up at him, head tilting slightly. "Mind if I go by your neck? It's easier closer to the spine."
"Sure. I like choking," he teased.
"Tch," you grimaced at him. "Shut up."
He laughed softly in response to that. Despite his teasing, you still shimmied in closer and reached up, sliding your hands one either side of his neck. His skin was soft. Even the healed burn marks were soft.
Your eyes went glossy again as you focused on the task at hand. Hawks made a low, grumbling hiss as you pulled the injuries from his body, focusing first on his broken ribs.
It hurt like a fucking bitch, feeling each one crack back into proper place. Where your hands touched him was cold as ice; but, it was just an illusion, a side effect of your quirk, a sensation without the actual stimulation.
The wound on his back followed, muscles and skin tissue forming back over into proper place. That didn't hurt as bad, and felt more like a dull ache in comparison. You took care of his cavity, too, which he noticed like a stab in the mouth.
You were done, and Hawks knew you were done. The icy cold touch of your hands had subsided, and the warmth of your skin returned. Still, you didn't let go right away. Your vision returned and you peered up at him, and he looked down at you just the same.
The left side of Hawks face was covered in a scar, a healed burn. It started at the center of his forehead, traveled across the bridge of his nose, took most of his cheek, but just barely missed his lips.
The burn continued down his jaw, onto his shoulder. You had seen him shirtless before, and knew it extended down his chest, ending somewhere at his waist.
Along with that burn, his left eye had been blanched, now pale white instead of the golden, sunlight hue of the one on right. He could still see out of it, just not as well as the undamaged one.
Still, despite all that, he was so, so-
"All done," you sighed, letting go of him and standing up, turning away from him maybe a little quickly.
"Thanks," he grunted, watching you rise to your feet.
He reached for you; but, you had already stepped too far away and eluded his touch. It wasn't intentional. Your back was turned and you didn't even see it. Yet, your sudden retreat made him feel an unpleasant ache in his chest, and another, very different sort of ache somewhere else.
"It's gettin' kind'a late, so-" you started, heading for the hallway that connected to your bedroom.
Hawks was fast, dangerously so, and was suddenly right beside you. His wing jutted out and smacked into the wall, blocking your path. Your eyes shifted to his, not entirely surprised by his actions. Maybe you should have been. But, he was the kind who liked attention, especially from you.
"Are you alright?" he asked, crossing his arms loosely over his chest.
"No," you deadpanned. "There's a birdman loitering in my house."
That seemed to calm him a little, for he pulled his wing back, lips twitching into a faint smile. However, he replaced his wing with his body, blocking you from continuing down the hall.
"I'm sorry I haven't been around lately," he began, surprising you a little with the sincerity in his tone.
"I get it," you answered immediately, with just a bit of bite.
Life led people down different paths. Touya was following in the footsteps of his dear father to become a great hero. Hawks ended up joining a league of supervillains and was wanted for murder, amongst other things.
-and you worked a 9 to 5.
Maybe, facing down one of Japan's most wanted villains should have been frightening. Being trapped with him in your apartment probably also should have been frightening.
He was a dangerous criminal and on a power level than most could never even dream of. But, you trusted Hawks more than you trusted most people... most heroes.
By the look on his face, there was something he wanted to say; but, it didn't come out.
"What's with the constipated look?" you blurted.
The compressed look on his face softened and Hawks threw his head back, letting out rolling laughter. His hands clutched his tummy and his shoulders trembled. Maybe, that was your real power: making him laugh like that, to the point tears gathered in the corners of his eyes.
"I missed you," he stated plainly when he finally stopped laughing.
"Y-yeah, me too, pretty bird," you replied softly, tearing your gaze away from him.
"I hate when you call me that," he murmured.
Hawks stepped towards you and you reeled back. His wings came up on either side of you, forcing you to duck back and hit the wall to avoid him. The bright red plumes towered on either side, caging you in, trapping you with him.
Yet, you weren't scared or perturbed. Hawks liked to play, after all. Even when you were kids, he would fly after you and tackle you to the ground, laughing about what terrible prey you were, always so easily caught.
"No, you don't," you retorted gently.
There was still some distance between you, just enough that you'd have to extend your arm to reach him. His wingspan was massive and the soft, red quills were like curtains caging you in, absolutely gorgeous.
"I'm not good at this sort'a thing," Hawks began, murmuring softly into the darkness of the hallway. His face was cast in shadows, but his eyes were bright, pale white and sun kissed gold.
"Formalities and playin' nice," he added on, a little hoarsely.
You knew where this was going.
"You want Touya's sloppy seconds?" you asked him lowly.
Immediately, it was clear that he didn't like what you said. His eyes narrowed and he stepped in closer.
Hawks might have only been a couple inches taller than you and while he certainly was muscular, he wasn't a hulking beast. Still, he managed to make you feel so small.
His hand landed on the wall behind you with a smack, and it startled you a little.
"Don't fucking say things like that," he snarled.
You gawked up at him, surprised that something like that would upset him.
"You're more than that - a lot fucking more," he added on lowly.
It was only then that you realized he wasn't just mad, he was hurt. He had been your closest friend since you were 13, back when you were stealing cigarettes from upper classmen and sneaking into R-rated movies.
-and he had to watch Touya have you.
"What do you want from me?" you asked him, voice low, a harsh whisper, and it shuddered out of you.
"Everything," Hawks replied in a harsh whisper.
You couldn't help but lick your lips at that proposition.
He stepped in closer, sliding his forearms against the wall on either side of your head. The closeness forced you to crane your head back to look up at him.
"You want me, too," he commented lowly, peering down at you like a hawk circling above an unsuspecting prey.
"I let you in here because I care about you. Don't be so arrogant," you scolded him softly, lacking any real authority to your tone.
"Then, tell me to fuck off," Hawks challenged you.
You stared up at him, lips unmoving. His feathers picked up the faint change in your breathing pattern, just the slightest bit of acceleration. Even if you didn't say it, your body gave it away: this was exciting you.
He was one of the most powerful villains in Japan; but, you were his greatest weakness. He'd do anything you asked, deliver the world to you if it was what you wanted.
"You want this," Hawks murmured darkly, as if he had just made some grand discovery.
His eyes flickered down from your face to below, signaling what he was talking about.
He was hovering with just enough space between you that you could tilt your head down to investigate his claim and take a glance at the tent he was pitching, pressing against the zipper on his black cargo pants.
When your eyes moved up and caught his gaze, you felt hypnotized by the dark stare he had focused on you.
Hawks didn't look expectant or desperate. He looked hungry, yes, but there was some hope to that stare, maybe even the faintest bit of sorrow in those mismatched eyes.
He didn't want to be rejected by you. But, he didn't want you if you didn't want him back.
There probably should have been a little voice in the back of your head telling you not to do this. There had to be some sort of negative repercussion, right?
But, all you could hear was the rattle of the heater in the other room and the shuffling of your neighbors in the room above.
Normally, your thoughts ran rampant with worries, negativities and fears. All had been silent since Hawks arrived. He just had that sort of effect on you, clearing your thoughts with nothing but his presence.
Expectantly, you tilted your head back and parted your lips slightly. Hawks leaned in, following the temptation you presented him with.
Maybe, it would have been wisest to remain as just friends. Even if you tried to tell yourself otherwise, this would change that forever: a door would open that could never be closed.
But, you weren't kids anymore.
"If I kiss you, I won't be able to stop," he promised, or threatened, warm breath fanning over your cheeks.
He smelt like the cigarette he stole from you earlier. It made you all the more eager to taste him.
"Last chance," he added, voice low and hoarse.
"What happens if I say yes?" you dared to ask, eyes peering up at him almost innocently.
You watched Hawks' throat bob. "What happens if you say yes..." he parroted lowly.
The predatory gaze he gave you reminded you that he was a bird of prey and you might as well have been a mouse.
"I'm gonna fuck you like no one ever has before," he began, the words falling from his mouth in a sultry whisper. "Stuff you stupid with my cock, cum so deep inside you that you feel me for days. My name will be the only god-damned thing you remember when I'm done with you."
"Promise?" you whispered hoarsely, leaning up a little to try and reach his lips.
You must have been making quite the lewd expression, for Hawks' eyes pinched with amusement.
Hawks tilted his head down. "Promise," he agreed in a whisper, breathed against your lips.
This must have been what it felt like for a spark to meet gunpowder.
Something as simple as a kiss had sent a powerful shockwave down your spine. Your skin prickled all over, flushed with a sudden need to be touched. Your heart began thundering away in your chest and you unconsciously released a very pathetic little sound.
His feathers picked up the rage of your heartbeat and he couldn't resist a shudder, aroused at the excitement he had give you with just the press of his lips.
In a split second, he had his body pressing against yours, flush from shoulder to thigh, pinning you to the wall. Your hands weaved through his hair, pulling him down to crush your mouths together.
It was probably the sloppiest kiss you ever had: a little violent, crushing, and wet. But, nothing could even compare to what this felt like, the taste of him mingled with tobacco, to the way it made you feel like you could melt.
His hands grabbed at your thighs and hoisted you up off the ground. He slammed your back roughly against the wall, cores pinned tightly together, and perched your legs on either side of his waist.
"You feel that?" Hawks breathed, lips touching the shell of your ear.
It was clear what he was referring to: his clothed erection rutting shamelessly against your clothed cunt.
"Every time I see you take a drag, I get fucking hard," he confessed, pulling back to chuckle a little. "Maybe that's why I always stole 'em: fucking jealous."
Before you could get a word out, his head dipped down and took your mouth again. Your hands dragged down his back, clawing at his jacket, threatening to venture further.
Hawks pulled back violently, bumping his forehead against yours to force your gaze to meet his.
"You touch my wings and you're gonna get something you can't fucking handle," he threatened, the words rumbling out of his chest like gravel in a cement mixer.
You looked back with a drunk expression, partially frightened by his threat and partially curious to what that entailed. It resulted in a ridiculously lewd expression on your face.
"All I've done is kiss you, and you already look like that," he observed with intrigue, chuckling softly.
"All I've done is smoke, and you're hard," you retorted sharply, leaning in to bite at his bottom lip.
He hummed, amused at your teasing; that sound, however, died out when you dipped your hands down into his shoulder blades and slid up, brushing the baby feathers that jutted out of his skin.
Hawks let out an almost inhuman sound, head tilting back and moaning, eyes fluttering shut, as his entire body vibrated against you. You stopped, hands shifting away from his feathers, surprised by his reaction.
Immediately, his head fell forward and he settled a frightening glare on you. The growl that emanated from within his chest sent a violent tremor down your spine.
"Oooohhh," he cooed hoarsely, the sound rumbling through his throat. "You don't want me to be nice, do ya'?"
The question went unanswered, for Hawks rolled his hips, pressing your clothed sexes together. Your hands flew up, grabbing at his wings again, fingers tangling in the feathers for purchase.
The friction was nice; but, it wasn't good enough, and Hawks seemed to have that same thought process, for he removed you from the wall and carried you to the bedroom.
He tossed you down on the bed like you were a toy and watched your body bounce a little with an amused look on his face.
You shrieked when red plumes departed his wingspan and swarmed your body. They surrounded you in a wispy tornado before descending, tracing your skin softly and pushing under the hem of your clothes with purpose.
The brief moment of fear washed away when they carefully, albeit swiftly, worked your clothes off. Your arms were forced above your head so your shirt could be discarded while other feathers peeled your pants and underwear down your legs.
Hawks watched, standing at the bedside with a starving expression as his crimson feathers exposed you for him. You didn't take yourself for the shy type, but something about the whole thing had your skin prickled with embarrassment.
Once they were done, his feathers retreated, returning to his wingspan like good little soldiers. Hawks approached, sliding his knees onto the edge of the bed.
Before he could arch over you, your foot flung up and you flattened it against his chest, pushing in protest.
"You, too," you tried to demand. Unfortunately, it came out breathless and desperate.
Hawks eyes shifted from your heated gaze, trailing down to shamelessly take in the sight of your sex, now exposed due to the position of your leg. Instinctively, you wanted to close your legs at that predatory stare. But, somehow, you found the strength to resist.
He hummed and stood back, returning to his feet. You leaned up to watch him work his jacket and shirt off, wings shuddering to peel the fabric away before dropping the materials carelessly to the floor.
He seemed caught off guard by your sudden advance as you got up on your knees at the bedside to reach for him. Your hands landed on his pectorals, shamelessly squeezing at his muscles before drifting down, fingers gently digging into his abs as you traced the outlines.
"Are you having fun?" he laughed.
You were about to answer, but he suddenly grabbed your wrists and brought your hands down to his belt. He didn't have to demand anything, you started working at the buckle, eagerly working the clasp open and undoing his pants.
His mouth opened, likely to spew teasing words. Whatever was going to come out failed him when you suddenly palmed his erection over the fabric of his boxers.
"F-fuck," he groaned, leaning into you suddenly as if he was going to fall over. "Damn brat," he added on in a snarl.
"Are you touch starved, pretty bird?" you murmured, tilting your head to nibble at his jawline.
The red that tinted his the tops of his ears failed to hide the truth from you. It had been a little while, just long enough to make him hungry for it.
Suddenly, he pushed you down on the bed. You flung over with a startled yelp and felt his hands pry your legs apart, fingers digging into the meat of your thighs.
He flung your legs up over his shoulders, careless that your feet knocked against his wings, and buried his face between your thighs.
"AH!" you cried out, startled by the sudden sensation of his textured tongue lapping along your slit.
Normally, when someone ate you out, there was some finesse to it, tongue tracing delicately, some soft kisses, just barely lapping at your slit as if you were a dainty little flower.
Not with Hawks. He was smearing his tongue all over the place, lapping at your slippery folds as if he was starving and this was the only meal he'd had in weeks.
You didn't mean to, but in the process of grounding your heels against his back, your toes curled and touched his feathers. You felt his wings flap once and his back muscles tremble.
He leaned back and peered down your body, taking in the look of your aroused expression with a pleased sigh. You felt delirious, wearing a lost look on your face, and he looked damn proud with your wetness smeared across his cheeks.
"Hawks-" you squeaked.
"A meal fit for a king," he praised you in a hoarse voice, tilting his head back down to continue where he left off.
Trying to get on some equal grounds, you twisted your foot and poked at his feathers with your toes. His shoulders twitched, so you continued, digging in as best you could considering the awkward positioning.
Hawks moaned at the touch, the sound vibrating against the folds of your sex. He probably would have scolded you if his mouth wasn't preoccupied. Instead, he pushed back on your thighs, forcing your legs a little higher, until you couldn't reach his wings anymore.
He fucked you with his tongue, mouth suctioned around your opening and slurping lewdly. It was a strange sensation you weren't quite used to, but it felt amazing.
It was clear that he wasn't doing it out of obligation. He did it because he fucking wanted to, and he was thoroughly enjoying himself. When he needed a break from your core, he lapped his tongue up your folds, smearing wetness all over the place.
He purposely avoided your pearl until he was confident it was throbbing, the tiny bud forced on display with lewd the way he held your legs apart.
You practically screamed when his tongue finally touched it, hands pulling at the bedsheets beneath you and making a mess, pillows and blankets going askew.
Hawks groaned, mainly because the sound made his cock throb painfully in his pants. He ignored that ache and focused on lapping at your little button, not relenting, even when you were trembling and sobbing.
At the risk of your feet getting touchy again, Hawks dropped one of your legs, needing a free hand to bring you to peak ecstasy. He hardly had to force the calloused digits inside. Your squishy walls took him in eagerly.
"Fuck, Hawks," you sobbed, struggling to remain still.
He leaned back, just enough to get some words out. "Come for me," he uttered hoarsely.
You whimpered at the command, head falling back into the sheets. He had been getting you there before he even said anything, even when it was just his tongue. But, now, with his thick fingers drilling into you and voice making such demands, you felt it approaching like a speeding truck.
"I said fucking come," he added on with a demanding, low growl. "Come on my fucking face. I wanna taste it."
He growled into your sex, loud and rumbling like thunder while his wings flapped once, knocking some things off your walls. The loud noise was a little startling, but didn't break the spell.
He kept up the pace with his fingers, even when the slippery mess of your slick dribbled down his knuckles, and his tongue returned to your pearl, lapping at it roughly.
Your orgasm started in a small wave, rolling over you once, twice, before crashing down and forcing a bizarre concoction of moans, sobs, and whimpers to pour from your lips.
Hawks was unwavering, tongue and fingers working you over expertly through the whole thing, until you sagged on the sheets and stopped whining.
He pulled back and stood up, setting your legs down on the bed. You looked up at him dizzily, and watched him lick his fingers and knuckles clean as if he had spilt some treat on them.
It was such a shamelessly erotic display and left you trembling.
When he was done, he dragged his palm down his chin, wiping your essence away. He caught you staring, of course, and quirked his lips into a prideful smirk.
"Nothing smart to say?" he uttered teasingly. "'Thank you, Hawks'?" he suggested with a warm chuckle.
He had pulled his wings back in; but, there was no way to miss that he was holding them up just a little bit higher than normal. If you weren't so blissed out and eager for more, you probably would have laughed at such a blatant display of dominance.
He was still in the state you had left him in, pants hanging limply around his waist, erection pressing eagerly against his boxers, belt undone and dangling at his thigh.
Hawks lifted his dominant hand and wagged his index and middle finger, beckoning for you to approach. After that mind numbing orgasm, you didn't dare refuse and shimmied over to the edge of the bed.
"I deserve a reward for that, don't you think?" he suggested, that predatory expression taking over his face again as he looked down at you.
"Say 'please'," you challenged him softly, looking up through your eyelashes.
"Hmmm," rumbled out of his throat. He sounded amused, maybe even a little impressed.
You expected something snarky when he opened his mouth. Surprisingly, he uttered a sultry, "please."
You didn't plan on denying him even if he disobeyed; but, after hearing that, there was no way in hell you would dare refuse.
Your hands pushed his pants down his thighs, simultaneously leaning in to mouth at his clothed erection.
Hawks drew in air sharply, like a low hiss, before drawling out, "fuckin' tease."
In all fairness, he hadn't held out on his services for very long; so, you pushed at him, until he relented and let you turn him around. His butt hit the edge of the bed as you settled on your knees on the floor, between his thighs.
You were supposed to be ridding him of his clothes. However, in the desperation to see what he was hiding, you simply pulled his boxers down, until his cock sprang free.
Staring at it like an idiot would have probably pleased his ego; but, you opted to wrap your lips around the tip and take him in your mouth promptly. You went down just a little too eagerly, and nearly choked; but, it was worth it to hear the strangled sound he made.
"F-" he hissed through clenched fangs, "-uuuck."
You stroked what your mouth couldn't fit, starting off sloppily to get him slicked up well enough to make the glide easier. Your eyes fluttered shut, concentrating on the task at hand, and to make every little noise he made just a little clearer.
He was breathing harshly through his nose, groaning out the occasional curse, before he opted to just blurt what was on his mind.
"Daydreamed about this all the fucking time," Hawks grunted.
Maybe, that sort of thing should have been concerning; but, if you were being honest with yourself, your thoughts of him weren't always so pure, either. Sometimes, laying in bed alone at night, masturbating, it was easy to start thinking about his long, calloused fingers, and wonder what kind of things he would say.
Hawks had one hand gripped at the edge of the bed, while his other weaved carefully through your hair. You expected a painful, demanding grip; but, he was surprisingly gentle, touching you with a sort of adoration.
"Yeeahhh," he groaned, the word undulating as it exited his chest.
"Fuck, you look so cute like that," he praised, pushing your hair out of your face so he could admire the lewd expression you were wearing, lips spread wide over his girth.
"I bet you were curious, huh?" he uttered arrogantly. "Bet you wondered how big it w-" He cut off, moaning lowly when your tongue flattened along the underside and lapped at the thick vein there.
"Does it - aghn - taste better than a heroes?" he taunted in an amused, gravely voice. He even laughed a little at his own crudeness, albeit briefly.
As you drew back, you suctioned tightly, maybe to punish him, or because you were spurred on by such vulgar words. You weren't sure which. His hips lifted off the bed, chasing the sensation, and he moaned shamelessly loud into your dimly lit bedroom.
It startled you a little when you suddenly felt something staring to swell at the base of his cock, fingers smoothing it over curiously.
Just as quickly as you felt it, Hawks hand rotated from the top of your head to the underside of your jaw, pulling you back and forcing you off his cock. The fleshy sound your mouth made echoed around the room.
When you peered up at him, it seemed he was as caught off guard as you were. His mouth was hanging open, cheeks tinted pink, fangs bared while labored breaths wisped through them.
Did he want an answer? You were ready to tell him that he did taste good, when he suddenly leaned down. His arms wove beneath yours, and he hoisted you off the floor, spinning you around and tossing you onto the bed, almost carelessly.
He quickly rid himself of his clothes as you bounced atop the sheets, and climbed on top of you, forcing your legs up and onto his hips.
Just a little dizzy, you were surprised when he suddenly slotted over you, his mouth colliding with yours. He barely gave you a single kiss before shoving his tongue inside.
Your tongue joined his, sliding together in a pointless dance. You felt him lean down, the warmth of his body caressing yours. Hawks weaved one arm around your head possessively, while his other slid up your side, fingers dancing along your ribs.
You expected him to just ram into you. That was usually how this went. But, he was proving to be unlike any other man you had been with before. You could feel his cock jabbing into your thigh, throbbing with need; but, he seemed more concentrated with another task at the moment.
The kiss went on, and on, and on, as if he hadn't already kissed you senseless earlier. He seemed enraptured by the taste.
One of your hands fell onto his shoulder, while the other slid up to cup his face. You weren't really thinking about the where, until your fingertips touched leathery skin. Hawks flinched as if you had hurt him, and you realized you were touching the burnt half of his face.
He pulled back harshly from the kiss with a wet smack and stared down at you. He looked like he was trying to be mad, like a retort was hot on the tip of his tongue. But, instead, he just looked lost.
You stared up at him, unable to hold back just the slightest tinge of fear, afraid that the moment was ruined, that the spell had been broken, that you had crossed a line that Hawks didn't want you to cross.
But, then, he leaned into your palm, surrendering something that went unspoken. Your thumb smoothed over his cheekbone and you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding.
"Hawks?" you hummed, wondering how long it had been since someone touched him there, touched skin tinged red and scarred over, forever a reminder of the past.
His eyes fluttered shut as your hand explored, down his jaw, down the side of his neck, over his shoulder, touching places he had once been burned. He dipped his head down, brushing his cheek against yours. You trembled at the sensation of his soft, short beard hairs tickling your skin.
It seemed he had grown impatient, for he tilted his hips up and slid forward, until the tip of his member brushed your folds. Your head fell back with a sigh and you tightened your legs around his waist expectedly, eagerly awaiting him to finally take you.
But, Hawks was unmoving, hovering. His lips nibbled at the shell of your ear before you felt his warm breath as he uttered lowly, drawling out the words, "beg for it."
He was so close, you could feel his chest vibrate with each syllable. You gazed over his shoulder, down his back, where his wings fanned out beautifully behind him. The appendages were tense, fingers bristled tensely.
When you didn't answer fast enough, Hawks reeled his hand away from your side. His palm collided with your ass and a smacking sound echoed around the room, immediately followed by your pained yelp.
"I said," he snarled, "beg for this cock."
It was far more arousing than it was menacing, and it was clear, despite the anger he was displaying, that he was pleased by your refusal to immediately obey. It meant he got to punish you, to drag this out a little longer, to play with you some more.
You bit your lip and delayed giving him the answer he wanted, skin prickled with excitement at the thought of what would follow.
"Are you tryin' to piss me off?" he asked lowly, tilting his head back to look at your face.
He didn't look mad. He looked painfully aroused, cheeks tinted pink, eyes taking in your lewd expression hungrily, fangs bared through slightly parted lips, where he drew in sharp breaths.
"I-" you began.
He either guessed you were going to sass him, or just decided he didn't care what the response was going to be. His hand collided with your backside again, just a tiny bit rougher than last time.
Your eyes pinched shut and you cried out again, body jerking slightly from the touch. Even with your eyes closed, you could picture the smirk he wore at witnessing your response.
Hawks leaned down, nose nudging at the soft spot behind your ear.
"Last chance," he whispered, almost tauntingly. "Beg. For. This. Cock," he added on lowly, almost snarling into the skin of your neck.
You probably couldn't have suppressed that shudder if you were dead, and Hawks felt it. His wings twitched behind him and he groaned softly, pleased by your reaction.
To taunt you further, his hips nudged forward, just until his tip breached your entrance. At the sound of a sweet moan leaving your mouth, he pulled back, then pushed back in, again and again, not breaching you past the tip.
It was sweet, delicious torture.
"Okay," you hissed out, unable to take it anymore.
You tilted your head, lips trailing along his jaw, kissing at the soft, short hairs there, until you found his ear.
"Keigo," you growled.
Immediately, you felt the way he stiffened above you, muscles going tight beneath your hands. A barely audible gasp escaped him.
It had been a while since someone said his name. He was the villain Hawks, now. Keigo was dead, according to him... but not to you. The blonde haired boy with crimson wings and big smile would never die as long as you were alive to remember him.
"Please give me your cock," you uttered softly, lips moving against the shell of his ear as you spoke.
Surprisingly, you didn't hate how desperate you sounded. If it sounded sweet in your ears, then you could only imagine how it sounded to him.
You had barely finished your sentence before he was shoving his hips forward, filling you to the brim in a split second. Your voice was caught in your throat, but Hawks let out a startlingly loud sound, bellowing out a roar into the darkness of your bedroom.
You trembled beneath him, shaken by his roar and by his girth filling your insides. His wings twitched fiercely, lifting up into the air for a brief second before fluttering back down to a relaxed position.
"Oohh, fuck," Hawks wheezed.
He gave you, or maybe it was for himself, a second to breathe before he started moving, pistoning in and out of your heat fiercely: halfway out, back to the brim, the skin of your hips smacking together noisily.
One of his hands had purchase on your thigh, holding on for dear life, while his other hand was fisted in the bedsheets by your head, the grip looking tight enough to rip the fabric.
Your legs were hoisted high on his waist, heels digging into the backs of his thighs. Your nails dragged down the backs of his shoulders, leaving behind pale impressions, and nearing his wings.
No one said it, but you both felt it: finally.
Destiny, soulmates, and all that nonsense was bullshit to you. Hawks made it clear he never believed in fate; whatever happened was because of choices, your own or someone else's, that shaped each and every outcome.
But, in that moment, your unity felt like destiny. His weight above you, his warmth, the smell of his skin, felt familiar, felt like home. His breath fanning out in hot wisps across the skin of your neck, his manhood nuzzled deep in your core, felt like harmony, like it was meant to be.
Maybe, you were just stupidly aroused, to the point that sense and reason was lost. Maybe, Hawks was just so good at this, that he already had you drunk on the sensation, drunk on him.
But, you decided that you didn't care what the answer was, just as long as he didn't stop.
"Fuck. You feel so good," Hawks praised, leaning up to look down at you.
"You like that? 'm I making you feel good, baby?" he slurred, huffing out breaths between each thrust.
"Keigo," you whined affirmingly, or maybe scoldingly, maybe somewhere in-between. His words were embarrassing; but, you didn't want him to ever stop talking.
He leaned down, nuzzling his forehead affectionately against your temple. It seemed to contrast the vulgar words he spewed.
"Fuck, yeah. Say my fucking name," he grunted.
The hand gripping your thigh tugged you down a little, putting you a bit further beneath him. It changed the angle slightly. The fact that he even considered that was enough to knock the wind out of you. But, now, with him reaching all the best places, his hips were doing that quite well.
He laughed darkly at the way you cried out sharply, legs trembling on either side of his hips.
"Right there?" he hummed. "Right fucking there?" he added on immediately with a particularly harsh thrust, clearly demanding an answer.
"Yes!" you almost screamed, barely recognizing the sound of your own voice.
Every time he plunged back inside, bringing your hips impossibly tight together, a smacking sound echoed around the room. He buried his face in the divot between your neck and shoulder, alternating between slurs and nibbling on the soft, sweaty skin.
"Feels so fucking good," Hawks groaned. "So fucking warm 'n soft. Ya' feel that - feel your juices dripping all over the fucking place? Yeahhh - all over my fucking cock."
He lapped a wet tongue up the side of your neck, teeth biting gently at your jaw and cheek before rising to hover against your lips.
"Look at me," he demanded softly. The skin of his lips touched yours as he spoke.
You almost didn't realize that you had closed your eyes. The pleasure was overwhelming, making it near impossible to force your eyes open.
You could picture him perfectly in your head. Still, you weren't prepared for the sight of him when your eyes fluttered open: Hawk's handsome face, looming over you, cheeks flushed red, fangs peaking out between parted lips, messy blonde locks flopped over his sweaty forehead.
"Don't look away," he demanded in a low growl.
It likely wasn't intentional, but he sounded more pleading and less demanding. Still, you were eager to comply. Even if he hadn't requested it, it would have been difficult to look away when he was wearing an expression like that.
Your hands clawed down his back, venturing lower and lower until they reached his shoulder blades, where beautiful, heavenly plumes grew. Hawks cried out, eyes squeezing shut, when you dipped your hands down and slid one along each wing, tangling digits in the feathers.
"Ohhh, fuck," he snarled.
You whimpered when he dipped his head down and bit at your lips before forcing his tongue inside. His command for you to look at him was briefly forgotten as he kissed you, if the harsh motions of his tongue could even be called a kiss.
The swift pace he had set became brutal suddenly, and he was smacking his hips against yours almost violently. Something slithered between your bodies, and you realized faintly that it was a feather.
The soft little quill curled between your bodies and found purchase against your clit, rubbing at the bud almost like a fingertip. That touch got your grip on his wings to loosen as the pleasure became almost blinding.
Hawks pulled back from the kiss with a wet smack, looking down at you almost angrily. You had gotten used to that look, and recognized it as pure lust. Maybe, he was a little mad at you, in his own way.
"Grabbing my wings? You fucking brat," he snarled. There was no venom, however, just animalistic lust.
You wanted to bite back at him; but, the sensations between your legs made it near impossible to think properly, let alone speak. His feather was flicking at your pearl, sparking white hot pleasure, while his cock pummeled your insides, burning aching pleasure at your core.
Somehow, you found the strength to return your hands to his wings, curling fingers and palms beneath the lower end where the appendages jutted out from his back. You grabbed on, felt the feathers fold and twitch between your fingers, making room for you to settle in, almost as if they were working against him.
Hawks cried out, head falling back; but, his pace didn't falter once.
"Fuck, oh fuck," he whined, head nearly smacking into yours when he came back down.
"Holding on like that, gonna make me-" Hawks cut off, moaning shamelessly, breath fluttering out across your cheeks.
Gods, he looked beautiful like that: eyes clouded with lust, cheeks and the tops of his ears tinted red, mouth hanging open. You didn't look much better, laying there and just taking everything he gave you, and loving every fucking second of it.
Normally, his hair was blown out and brushed free from his face. It was cute seeing long strands clinging to his forehead and brow. You could see short, fluffy strands clinging to his neck, skin shiny with a thin layer of sweat.
He could easily jostle his wings or use a strong hand to push you away, to free himself from your grasp; but, he didn't. It felt good, too fucking good, to possibly do that. But, that didn't stop him from bitching about it.
"-touching my fucking wings," he snarled, sounding almost unlike himself, breathless and senselessly aroused, as he growled into the shell of your ear.
"-knot you as punishment," he threatened, words slurred and growling. "Yeah - make you take all of it."
It became clear to you, then, what you had felt earlier, while sucking him off. Perhaps, it shouldn't been so surprising that he could do that. Still, the promise was enough to make you cry out.
Hawks laughed darkly. "That's not a punishment, is it? No, nooo - you would like that."
You weren't sure if it was his words, or the thought of what he intended to do. Maybe it was the way he growled at the end of his sentences, or the feeling of his feathers shuddering in your grasp. But, before you knew it, your orgasm was creeping up on you.
"You want my knot? Hm? Fucking say it - hgnnn," he demanded, words drawling out into a low growl that rumbled through his chest.
"Keigo, please," you sobbed.
"'Please' what?" he snarled.
You barely heard his response. Your orgasm was suddenly overtaking you, so strongly that you could only hear your heart thundering in your ears. Your eyes fluttered shut and you trembled helplessly beneath him, fingers releasing his wings to claw down the skin of his back, trying to find purchase in his skin.
His feather never ceased pinching at your clit; Hawks hips, however, began to falter, feeling you come undone beneath him, tightening and gushing. You failed to feel him swelling at the base, his own orgasm approaching rapidly.
"Oh fuck - oh fuck," Hawks chanted, panting above you like a wild dog.
Without separating, he hiked your leg up and turned you over onto your side, nuzzling into the space behind you. There was barely a second where his pace faltered, and suddenly he was pressed up tight against your back, snarling into your neck while he continued jackhammering into you.
"I need to hear it," he uttered harshly.
Weakly, you reached down between your sopping wet thighs and pushed at the feather that never stopped fluttering against you. It felt good, so, so good. But, it was bordering on painful. The little plume refused to obey your weak protest, and continued flicking expertly at your bud, sending shockwaves across your body.
"-need to hear it," he added on again, insistently.
As your orgasm started to wane, you remembered his request.
Hawks' legs were tangled with yours, resting on his side behind you, sweaty chest slotted against your back while his hips fucked into you feverishly. He had one hand curled over your hip for leverage while his other arm was tucked under your head.
He was panting wildly, nearing completion, fucking into you so fast and hard that it almost hurt. You could hear his wings flap once, stirring the air around you.
"Baby - fuck - please," he sobbed, so fucking close that it was starting to claw away at his insides. He buried his face in the back of your neck, wheezing harshly between sharp moans.
You felt deliriously high, insides still churning in mind-numbing pleasure, skin silky with sweat. You could feel his harsh breaths fluttering out against your neck, felt his hair tickle your skin, felt what he was begging for, prodding at your entrance.
"Y-yes," you stammered, arching your back to try and meet him. "Knot me, Keigo, pleas-"
He pushed it in just in time for his orgasm to take him. The gland at the base of his cock swelled, locking you two together, and Hawks let out a harsh cry that rattled your bones.
The sob you made at the sudden fullness was drowned out by the sounds Hawks was making behind you.
Hawks' sharp cry faded into low moans that stuttered past his lips, one right after the other, as if he was helpless to stop them. The hand that had been holding your hip lowered until his arm locked around your waist, holding you close. His cock throbbed against your walls, gushing his seed in hot spurts.
Even when his orgasm seemed to wane, Hawks couldn't stop shuddering behind you, low wisps of pleasured sounds leaking from his mouth and fluttering across your skin.
It was only when his cock stopped throbbing that he finally went quiet and the feather fluttering at your pearl ceased. The blinding pleasure slowly faded into blissful tranquility, leaving you in the soft ambiance of the ceiling fan, Hawks' breathing, and the bustling streets outside.
In awe, you stared ahead as some of his feathers fluttered free from his wingspan and floated around the room, caught in the breeze from the ceiling fan.
Hawks held you close, panting into your neck, barely an inch of your sweat soaked skin not touching.
Most of the time, guys pulled away as quickly as they could when they were done. Feeling him linger felt nice, warm, comforting, especially when he finally started to calm down, and you felt his lips trail up your neck before nuzzling behind your ear.
"You okay?" he uttered lowly.
"Yeah," you replied softly. "Are you?"
"Still feels good," he answered hoarsely.
"Mmm," you agreed.
You wanted to close your eyes and sink into the sheets; but, you didn't want to look away from the sight of his feathers floating around the room. He must not have realized yet, for he surely would have pulled them back by now.
His arm left your waist so he could free his hand to wander, smoothing over your belly before rising up your sternum. He palmed your neck softly before smoothing over your shoulder, down your arm, then over the curve of your side, briefly squeezing the meat of your behind.
That hand then lifted to brush the hair out of your face and away from your neck, freeing up more skin within reach of his lips, which he promptly peppered with kisses.
Sensitive from such powerful orgasms, your sensitive skin prickled at the feeling of his short beard hairs, and you couldn't hold back some giggling and twitching, which did nothing to deter him.
When he was satisfied, his arm returned to your waist, bringing you in closer as if such a thing was possible.
"Is this... your first time?" you asked him softly, hesitantly.
"What? Having sex?" he blurted, laughing a little.
"No," you sharply retorted, snorting at him.
"Knotting?" he answered with a chuckle. "Yeah. Never wanted to be like this with someone before."
You slid one of your hands over his forearm, the one curled over your waist, until your fingers touched his knuckles. He opened his fingers, letting you intertwine the digits to caress his hand.
"Good," you hummed. "I'm special."
Hawks laughed breathlessly, his chest trembling softly against your back. "Yeah... Yeah, you fucking are," he agreed in a quiet whisper.
Everything was quiet for a little while. Hawks eventually realized he lost some plumes and drew them back into his wingspan. You could hear the feathery appendages shudder softly as he stretched them out, wiggling the masses, before drawing them back in.
He relaxed behind you, pliant and lazy atop the sheets, occasionally blessing your skin with a kiss: a rough one on your shoulder, a soft one on your cheek, a wet one against the shell of your ear. His other arm was still beneath you, making for a decent, albeit hard, pillow.
It was possible that his knot had already gone down by now; but, if it had, you hadn't noticed, and didn't care to move or to tell him to move. You didn't want the moment to be over quite yet.
"Soooo," Hawks uttered suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence.
He carefully drew his arm out from beneath your head and propped an elbow up so he could lean elevate his hand against his palm and look down at you.
"How was that?" he asked, and you, of course, noticed his cheeky tone.
You groaned in response, highly suspicious of where this was going.
"Better than-"
"Don't you fucking say it," you interrupted him sharply, turning your head a little to look back at him, just in time to watch the wicked smirk on his face turn into a pout, an annoyingly adorable pout at that.
You sighed and turned your head back, away from him, uttering quietly, "yeah, it was better."
Hawks hummed happily. "Better than-?" he cooed, cutting himself off intentionally to tease you.
Testing the waters, you gently pulled away from him, confirming that he had softened and slipped out with ease. You lifted up into a seated position and shimmied to the edge of the bed. Hawks hadn't moved an inch, you realized, when you paused to look back at him.
"The best I've ever had," you sighed at him. "Happy?"
He closed his eyes, beaming a smile at you. "Yep!" he chirped, wings twitching subtly behind him.
"Are you staying, pretty bird?" you dared to ask, just a little fearful that he would take that opportunity to see himself out.
"I sure hope so," he replied. "Or are you the kind to throw men out to the cold when you're done with them?"
You leaned over the bed to give him a playful, harmless smack on the top of the head. He let you, smile not faltering and not flinching in the slightest.
"I might start tonight," you teased.
Still, you gently pushed his hair out of his face, preening him until you were satisfied, and stood up. You couldn't help but stare at him for a moment, spread out on his side, beautifully naked and looking happier than you'd seen him in ages.
"Gonna clean up. Keep the bed warm," you gently commanded him.
Just as you turned away from him, you felt his hand wrap around your arm, stopping you from retreating. You jerked back just a little, not expecting that sudden touch.
"Be mine," he requested.
It was possible that Hawks intended for it to come out demanding. It was, just a little bit; but, there was no missing the plea there, the fear that you were going to tell him that you belonged to no one, or that you didn't want what he was asking for.
You looked at him over your shoulder. The stern face he was making startled you a little. He was always joking about something, making dumb faces so people would underestimate him. It was rare to see him look like this, and you realized-
He was serious.
You gently peeled his hand off your arm. "I was yours when you stole my cigarettes, asshole," you beamed at him, a little bit more venomously than you intended.
That didn't stop Hawks from grinning like a madman.
"Fuck, babe. I love that dirty talk. Let's go again."
For some reason, that got you laughing. "Fuck off."
"Fuck me?" he teased.
You laughed again. "No."
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
I underestimated you
this is for @helliontherapscallion  ‘s 2k followers event ! (which congrates on that btw, well deserved. your fics are amazing!) and i found it kinda fun to do!
an x reader where tommy and the reader need to get something from the blade, so they ask wilbur to help out
The other fic I did for this event what did you three do
(y/n) walked down the prime path, examining the area around them. They turned to Tommy, who was walking with them, constantly writing in his book. “Tommy, hun, what are you doing? I thought you were illiterate.” he nodded his head. “uh uh.” (y/n) stopped walking, staring at the much taller male. “Your gay.” Tommy turned to them. “Thank you.'' Tommy says, turning right back to his book.
“Oh good, you were listening, anyway whatcha doing?'' Tommy furiously wrote, once finished, he put the pen in the middle of the book and slammed it shut. He looks over at (y/n), smiling widely. “You know how we’ve been trying to get that axe back from techno??” (y/n) nodded, remembering the axe they had left at technos and could never get back. “Well,” tommy shoved the book in their face, “i have a plan!” (y/n) looked up at the tall man, slowly. “Oh, god help us all...okay, what's the plan.” They look down, reading tommys horrible handwritten plan. “You can't write to save your life. Anyways, tommy this plans shit.” 
Tommy takes back his plan book, angrily. “What do you mean! It's a great plan!” they shook their head. “Tommy, it literally only says ‘go into his house, distract the blade, steal his shit’ yeah yeah, great plan toms.” they say, continuing their way threw the prime path. Tommy chased after them, “hey hey wait! It worked really well when i lived under his house-” “tommy i couldve came up with it myself. Besides, he keeps the axe on his person cause he knows i want it back, and i cant get it when he hibernates cause philza watches over it. This is why i need a plan, a good plan.”
The next day, Tommy came over to (y/n)’s house early in the morning to show them his plan.
“Tommy, what the fuck are you doing here this early in the morning!?” Tommy was basically buzzing in excitement. “Ugh, come in come in.” they say, gesturing for Tommy to get into their house. Tommy basically runs into their house, (y/n) closing the door behind them. They walk into the kitchen as Tommy sits down in the living room, still buzzing. 
“What are you doing in there!? Come on, come on!!” (y/n) just sighs, grabbing a cup and pouring themself a cup of water. “You woke me up at an ungodly hour of the day, you're gonna have to wait a second bitch.” they say, taking their cup and sipping it as they walk into the living room. They sat across from Tommy in an armchair as Tommy sat on the couch.
“What is it you needed tommy tom?” they say, putting their cup down. “Ew don't call me that. Anyways, I wanted to show you the new plan I've made!” he says, walking over to (y/n)’s arm chair and showing them the book. They take it, reading threw the plan. 
“Huh. this could work… do you know if he’s hibernating now?” (y/n) asked, turning to the blonde. He nodded. “Haven't seen him in chat for weeks. Even jumped from a tall height to test it, didn't say a word.” they nodded, smiling. “Well then, call wilbur up. Lets get started!”
Later that day, they called up Wilbur to see if he would help them out, fortunately, he agreed.
“So, what am i doing again?'' Wilbur asks, sitting down in (y/n)’s living room. “If philza shows up, you're gonna be there to distract him. Just say you're there to see him and techno to catch up since you've been dead for a while.” (y/n) said, standing next to tommy. Wilbur nodded, thinking. “Should be easy enough on my part. Anything else you need of me?” 
Tommy spoke up. “You’re gonna need to fight them if things get rough. (y/n) and I need to get the axe out of the house as fast as possible.” Wilbur stood up. “I did not agree to fight the blade, okay? You're gonna have to pay me if you want me to fight the blood god.” (y/n) sighed at this.
“Fine, you can have a stake of diamonds and 9 netherite, deal?” Tommy gasped. “How do you have that much!?” (y/n) just chuckles. “I go mining constantly ‘cause you're so expensive. Anyways Wilbur, got a deal?” 
Wilbur sat back down, thinking about it. “Yeah, we’ve got a deal! Now what  are you two gonna do?” (y/n) sat down in their arm chair. “Oh, easy. So what we’re planning is-”
They talked about the plan for a bit, wilbur interjecting to improve upon it. Once done, they set out, gathering what they needed and heading to the tundra to get their axe back.
It took awhile to get there, seeing as though the three of them kept arguing. 
“Omg we’re finally here!” tommy says, immediately getting shushed by wilbur and (y/n). (y/n) snakes Tommy's arm lightly. “We’re right outside their houses! Be quite!” they whisper yell, heading towards the front door. “Right right..” tommy whispers, following behind, along with wilbur.
They sneaked inside, heading in from the main and basement doors. Tommy and (y/n) snuck up the ladders, going as quietly as possible. “You see the axe?” (y/n) asks, whispering as low as possible. Tommy shook his head, heading further into technos room to try and find it.
The pigman was sleeping soundly in his big ass bed. The two teens assumed that he wouldn't wake up for a long time.
(y/n) followed after Tommy, slowly walking around the room to try and find the axe. They searched all around the room, searching in his chests and even closet.
Tommy looked at the far end of the room, near the ceiling. He notices the wall being two different colors, as if there's a giant hole in the wall. He climbs up to the ceiling, seeing what was in the whole. He gasps, realizing it's a barrel filled with a ton of valuable stuff, including the axe that they were looking for. He takes it (along with a bunch of the other things inside) and slowly gets down from where he was at. He turned back to (y/n), who was already looking at him.
“Find anything?” Tommy nodded at the younger teen.
“I know i found two rats in my room.'' They quickly turned to see the piglin awake, and fully geared to fight the two of them. Even when he's sleeping he's ready to fight. 
“Shit shit shit shit, tommy RUN!!” they booked it to the ladder, making sure to hold onto the axe they had finally gotten back. Techno quickly followed after them, not wanting to let them leave with the axe. 
Wilbur notices the commotion, grabbing his sword, putting on his armor, and getting ready to fight the blade. 
The teens basically slide down the ladder, heading to the basement to get away as fast as possible. Techno came down after, but Wilbur was there to stop techno from going down further. He had to think fast however, so Wilbur did the first thing he thought of.
Stabbing techno in the ass.
Techno jumped off the ladder, standing in front of wilbur. “How much are they paying you?”
“A stack of diamonds and more.” techno nodded, going over to his ender chest. “I'll give you a stack of netherite blocks and stacks of sand if you turn against them.” Wilbur immediately nodded. “Yes yes,fuck those guys! Gimme gimme!” Wilbur takes the sand form techno and starts monching on it.
“Now, where are they heading?” techno asks, giving Wilbur the rest of the stuff that he promised.
“Oh, they're heading to snow chester. Closer than either of their homes.” techno nodded, running out the door with wilbur to go and get technos stuff back.
Back with Tommy and (y/n), they had reached where they agreed to go, breathing heavily. (y/n) immediately collapsed to the ground once they reached their hideout. “Oh god i'm tasting but...still got the axe?” Tommy nodded, collapsing next to them. 
“I am so glad we agreed to change our hiding spot. I would be so dead if techno decided to chase us.” (y/n) says, grabbing the axe and examining it, happily. “Yeah, I knew not to trust wilbur. The guys insane!” (y/n) gets up, putting the axe with the rest of their treasures. “Well Tommy, I underestimated you. Your plan actually worked out for us.” they said, laying back down next to tommy. 
Tommy smiled, basically clinging onto the young teen. “Never underestimate big man tommy danger kraken innit.” (y/n) giggled, clinging onto Tommy as well.
“Wanna just sleep?” they ask. Tommy nodded. Too tired to say anything else. “Alright, goodnight tommy.”
“Goodnight pussy.”
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jj-babebank · 3 years
Camp Willowdale / JJ Maybank AU / PART 6
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Synopsis: Camp Willowdale is buzzing with new campers. It’s Caroline Windsor’s first year as a camp counsellor after attending the camp as a camper for ten years. Little does she know that this year Willowdale Lake is going to be a little different from what she is used to it being…
Warnings: future chapters may include curse words, mentions of drugs, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sexual activities, mentions of death.
Pairings: JJ Maybank x fem OC Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 ; Part 4; Part 5 ;
Part 6 -
49 days of camp left
“The thing I don’t understand is,” said JJ, taking a sip of his coffee several days later at breakfast, “How is everyone so chill about all of this?”
“Yeah, everyone except for us,” said Caroline.
“And Topper,” mumbled Sarah.
Her three friends all looked up at her, eyes wide.
“What?” she looked back at them, eyes equally as wide in confusion, “Why’d you think he’s been moping around camp, face looking like a slapped ass?”
“Sarah, why didn’t you say anything at the campfire?” Caroline asked angrily.
“Um, I did,” defended Sarah.
“Um, no you didn’t,” clapped back JJ, getting visibly annoyed.
John B nodded and mumbled quietly, “They’re right, you didn’t…”
“Not now, John B,” snapped Sarah at him, turning towards her other friends, “What do you mean I didn’t?”
“When we asked you about what Topper said, you literally said ‘oh nothing of importance, he doesn’t care about the bitch either’ and then you went back to glaring at those girls goggling at John B,” said JJ.
Sarah scoffed, “I was only glaring because they refuse to listen to me and only do whatever he says,”
“That’s beside the point, Sarah,” sighed JJ, “If you weren’t too busy doing that, perhaps you’d have mentioned that Topper doesn’t buy the whole boyfriend story either, which could mean that we’ve got an ally amongst all of these lunatics!”
“Sorry,” Sarah shrugged, “I guess I just got distracted,”
Caroline shook her head sighing, “Anyway, it’s almost 9,” she looked at JJ, “What’s on our schedule for today?”
“Funny you ask,” JJ responded, “We’ve actually got swimming until 11, which means the kids have swimming until 11 and we can just chill by the lake,” he wiggled his eyebrows, “If you know what I mean,”
In the days since camp began, the whole Madison thing had died down and since there was no new occurrences and, well, no new leads, Caroline and JJ decided to put their primary focus on their teens. They’d made a small rule that every time their schedule indicated that they’ve got an activity where their physical participation is not directly required, Caroline would sneak some whiskey in their thermoses and they would quietly drink it in secret, just to spice up their day.
So far Caroline was doing a pretty good job at hiding her crush on JJ, which was somehow becoming bigger by the day. For some reason everything that JJ did was attractive. Whether it was him running, or teaching the boys how to tie a noose, or eating (pretty messily) his food, or not to mention swimming practice when he was required to get naked – Caroline could just stare at him all day. She was somewhat happy about their newfound tradition of taking over some of their daily tasks while tipsy because the alcohol was somewhat helping her seem more confident and less shy.
Caroline tied her long brunette hair in a Dutch braid and smeared the tiniest bit of mascara on her lashes, just to seem effortlessly pretty, of course. She adjusted the straps of her swimsuit and grabbed her and JJ’s prefilled thermoses before heading out to meet the boy and their group in front of the camper’s cabin.
“There she is,” said JJ, unable to hide his excitement, “We ready to go?”
The campers all agreed and they made their way down towards the lake, where Caroline and JJ sat at one of the benches while their campers hurried into the water.
“Now, now, Teens 2,” said JJ after them, not too bothered about sounding strict, “Usually our timetable says swimming, but since we’re all grown ups here, we can all do whatever we want, as long as we don’t go too far away from me and Carrie’s eyesight, alright?”
Everyone agreed and JJ sat back down next to Caroline, who handed him his thermos.
“I’ve gotta give it to you, Maybank,” she said, taking a sip of the spicy liquor in her flask, “You’ve got a way with kids,”
JJ smiled down at her, taking a sip too, “I mean they’re hardly kids, C,” he said, “Besides, I try my best, I wouldn’t want to embarrass myself in front of you,”
That blush that Caroline was all too familiar with crept back onto her cheeks, “In front of me?” she repeated, surprised.
“Yeah,” nodded JJ as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “I don’t see any other pretty girls around here,”
Caroline looked in the opposite direction, too shy to look at JJ, as she took another rather large sip of her drink, “JJ…”
“What? Can’t a guy give you a compliment?” he smirked, “Hey, come on now, we’re in this together, besides… your mom did say -”
Just as Caroline was about to turn towards JJ with a panicked look in her eyes, fearing what exactly her mom had said to him, two of their campers began screaming their names, diverting both of their attentions.
“Carrie! JJ! You’ve gotta come see this!”
JJ shot up, helping Caroline up as well, as they ran towards the dock. Bobby and Eli, the two campers who had called out for them, were hastily swimming back to shore.
“What is it?” Caroline asked, worry filling up her nerves.
“We found something dope!” said Eli, reaching the dock, “But we can’t reach it without you guys’ help,”
“What did you find?” asked JJ.
“That,” Bobby pointed in the direction they’d just swam from. There, a good distance away, in the middle of the body of water, stood an abandoned-looking stilt house.
“The old lake house,” JJ and Caroline said in unison.
“That’s just an old building, it’s been there forever and there’s literally nothing in it,” explained JJ, his nerves calming down after the initial jump scare, “Trust me, we’ve looked,”
Bobby rolled his eyes, “Oh, come on, you can’t be serious,” he moaned, “That place looks wicked!”
“Yeah, if you watch a lot of horror movies,” said Caroline, “JJ’s right, there’s nothing in there. I’ve been numerous times, it looks way cooler in your imagination, believe me. Reality is underwhelming,”
Eli crossed his arms, “If it’s so underwhelming why don’t you wanna take us there?”
JJ sighed, “Eli, taking you there would require taking the boats, which we’re not allowed to do unless it’s on our schedule, which it’s not, and if we take you there, we’d have to take everyone there, and -”
“Take everyone where?” came Jennie, another one of their campers’, voice suddenly.
“Yeah, JJ,” more campers gathered around the dock, “Where are you taking us?”
JJ and Caroline sighed in defeat as they shared a defeated look, making Bobby and Eli high five in victory.
“Change of plans, kids,” said JJ finally, giving in, “Swimming’s cancelled, looks like we’re going to be learning how to row today,”
“You sure about this?” JJ grabbed Caroline’s hand as she was stepping off the boat and onto the back deck of the abandoned stilt house.
Caroline turned towards him and gave him a reassuring smile, “It’ll be just like the old days,” she said, her tone sounding promising.
JJ followed her onto the deck and they helped their campers tie their little boats on the deck’s cleats.
“Looks like y’all were really paying attention during our noose tying workshop,” JJ said proudly as he double-checked that all the boats were securely tied, “I’m gonna make sure to bring that up to Miss P and we might have a shot of winning at the Will-all-hail banquet,”
Caroline snorted at the name, “So tacky…”
“Come on guys, follow me and Carrie and watch your steps,” JJ signaled, catching everyone’s attention, “This place is crazy old so be careful! One wrong step and you may end up in the water,”
Carefully, the group entered the old creaky building. It was all too familiar to Caroline and JJ, the smell of mold and condensation hitting their nostrils as the single dusty dark room they had secretly lurked into numerous times as kids presented itself in front of them. Part of Caroline had always secretly wished for the old lake house to serve as a passageway to a parallel universe, or to hold some great big secret, or even to be inhabited by the not-so-friendly ghost of whoever built it back in the day, however unsurprisingly, nothing seemed out of the ordinary yet again. The room was empty, other than the numerous spider webs which decorated almost every corner and crease.
“There you go,” Caroline said, turning to leave, “Nothing to see here,”
JJ agreed, “As always, underwhelming and empty,”
“If it’s so empty,” spoke one of the campers, “then what’s that?” the teenager pointed in the direction of where there was once a door leading towards the front deck.
Everyone’s heads turned in that direction and sure enough, on one of the old nails sticking out of the door frame, was hung a piece of red fabric, barely noticeable from the inside, let alone from where the shore to camp was.
“Stand back,” said Caroline, slowly stepping forward towards the fabric. She peeped her head through the door hole cautiously, checking if there was anyone on the front deck, holding her breath as she did so. She breathed out in relief once she saw that the coast was clear and analyzed the fabric, “Hey, J, can you come over?”
JJ, half-impressed, half-paralyzed, snapped back to reality as he walked over to the girl who now looked so brave in his eyes, mentally slapping himself for not being a man and volunteering to go instead of her.
“Why does this look familiar?” Caroline said once JJ came over to piece of clothing. It turned out to be a dress.
JJ shrugged, pulling at the material and taking a sniff, “Whoever’s it is was here recently,” he said, “Smell of perfume is fresh,” he sniffed again, “And super strong,” he scrunched his nose, a look of disgust on his face.
Caroline took a sniff too, “Yeah, that smell is so familiar, but where from…” she sniffed again, closing her eyes in an attempt to figure out where she recognized the scent from.
“Probably one of the girls from your cabin,” concluded JJ, “I’d put my money on Jenna Kinley, she seems like the type to sneak around,”
Caroline smirked, “Sounds about right, she was probably up here sneaking around with Barry, I hear her talking about him all the time,” she unhooked the dress from the nail, “I’ll bring it back to her, she must think she’s lost it,”
JJ nodded and they led the campers out of the stilt house and onto shore again. Caroline tucked the dress in her bag along with her thermos and waited until after everyone’s daily activities were over to meet Sarah by the showers and tell her about her and JJ’s scandalous little discovery. Ever since they’d arrived at Camp Willowdale and had their phones taken away for the rest of the summer, the only source of news and gossip was whatever was happening around camp, and since it wasn’t all that much, every little bit of spice counted.
“So how was archery?” she asked Sarah as she folded her underwear and turned the water in her shower on.
Sarah followed in after her, not bothering on going into a neighboring shower stall. They had developed his habit of showering together about three days into camp, with Sarah seemingly having separation anxiety and insisting that “they’ve both got the same bits and pieces” and that how “any guy would be lucky to be in the position Caroline is in,”.
The blonde groaned as she squeezed some of her purple shampoo in her palm, foaming it up and working it into her hair, “Horrible,” she said, “How do you see me with a bow and arrows?”
“Do you really want me to answer that question?” teased Caroline, mirroring Sarah’s actions and washing her hair.
“Whatever, C,” Sarah rolled her eyes, “How was your swim date with your boyfriend?”
“Okay, first of all, he’s not my boyfriend,” said Caroline earning a smug look from Sarah, “And second, you’ll never guess what we found,”
“Oooh, is it the incessant lust you have for each other?” teased Sarah.
“No, it’s better,” said Caroline, ignoring her friend’s words, “We went to the old lake house and we may or may not have found what we believe to be Jenna’s dress just hanging there,” Sarah’s eyes widened at her words, “Yeah, we assume she’s sneaking around with Barry, how fucking scandalous is that?”
“Shut up!” gasped Sarah.
Caroline nodded excitedly, “Right? She’s been yapping about him nonstop and we just put two and two together,”
“Who’d have thought… little miss perfect and Barry,” scoffed Sarah, “D’you have the dress? It’ll be so embarrassing once you give it back to her, I can picture her face already,”
“You bet I do, it’s in my bag,” said Caroline, “Must’ve done the deed recently, it still reeks of her,” she scrunched her nose at the thought of the horrible smell.
Sarah raised an eyebrow, “What’re you pulling that face for? Does she smell that bad?”
Caroline shook her head, “It’s her perfume,” she explained, “Smells like what I imagine Miss P’s underwear drawer smelling like,”
Sarah scoffed, “Now you’ve got me intrigued,” she quickly rinsed her hair and body off, hurrying for her towel, “Where’d you say this dress was?”
Caroline nodded her head in the direction of her bag, “Somewhere in my bag,” she said, “But I’m being serious – you’ve been warned,”
As she continued rinsing her hair, Sarah dove her hand into Caroline’s bag, searching for the dress in question. When she finally felt it in her hand, she pulled the piece of clothing out pressing it against her nose to take a sniff. Her eyes widened in horror as realization consumed her.
“Carrie…” she mumbled not loud enough for her friend to look up, “Carrie, this isn’t Jenna’s dress,” she spoke louder.
This time, Caroline looked up at Sarah with a look of confusion in her eyes.
“The perfume you’re talking about,” said Sarah, “It’s Guerlain Shalimar, I’d recognize it anywhere,”
“Your point being…?”
“This perfume doesn’t belong to Jenna,” Sarah turned to look at Caroline, her eyes still wide in horror, “It’s Madison’s,”
A/N: chapter 6 is upppp!! I hope you like it!! let me know what you think and if you want to be added in the tag list for future chapters, tell me!! xxx
tags: @k-k0129 ; @hayleyy-l ; @marvellover04
Part 7 here
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galactic-magick · 4 years
I Choose You: Kyoya Ootori x Reader
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Summary: Your parents and the Ootoris set up an arranged marriage between you and Kyoya for business reasons.
Words: 3100+                                          
Warnings: swearing, angst
Author’s Notes: uhhhh so my hand slipped and I wrote a whole ass Kyoya fic cuz I love that bitch I’m not sorry. (btw normal text is present and italics are flashbacks. Gender neutral pronouns and language for reader!)
Your reflection in the mirror haunts you. It hurts. You can’t pretend it’s all a nightmare anymore, this is your reality. The reality you didn’t choose.
But maybe you would if the circumstances were different.
Servants, tailors, and seamstresses are fluttering all around you, making adjustments to your wedding ensemble. It looks perfect, more than perfect. It’s everything you ever wanted, and it looks amazing on you. You continue to stare at yourself in the mirror, knowing how proud your parents would be when you walked to the front of the wedding ceremony. They would be happy, even if you weren’t.
Your parents business has been failing for months now, and they needed to fix it fast. The Ootori family agreed to help if you married their youngest son as a symbol of the partnership. Of course your parents wouldn’t threaten you if you didn’t do it, but you knew how much they needed it. You’ve always known there was a chance you’d end up in an arranged marriage anyway, even if you’ve also always dreamed of love. You were willing to give up a love marriage in order to help them, and after all, you could certainly do worse than Kyoya. You knew he’d treat you well and provide for you, and quite frankly you couldn’t imagine him caring enough to hurt you or bother you.
 “Thank you so much again for making this deal with us,” your father nodded.
“Of course. Your company has quite a few valuable prospects,” Mr. Ootori smiles.
You gazed at Kyoya across the room, who’s barely made any eye contact with you the entire time. You could tell he wasn’t thrilled about this either, but there was something else, something more than disinterest. Was it anger? Determination?
“Shall we leave them alone for a bit? They should get to know each other better if they’re going through with this, don’t you think?” your mother suggested, gesturing to you.
“Certainly,” Mr. Ootori sat up and left the room, your parents following soon after and shutting the door.
“So…” you started, trailing off. What was there even to say?
Kyoya shot up from his chair and began pacing around the room, settling for a few moments by the window but soon going right back to pacing. He chewed his pen a bit, occasionally scribbling things down on his notepad.
“Are you okay?” you asked.
He continued to ignore you, deep in thought.
“Look, I get that you don’t like me, but can we at least talk? I’m going to have to live with your ass for the rest of my life you know,”
“It’s not that I don’t like you,” his eyes finally met yours, almost so much it was frightening. “You’re quite attractive actually and I don’t see any reason we wouldn’t get along. But that doesn’t negate the fact that this was forced on us. We have every right to be angry,”
You were stunned that the first thing he said to you was so direct.
“I mean, I guess so,”
“My father doesn’t know how much power I truly have over his company. We could take it from him and make our lives whatever we want. We could continue to work together or we could separate if that’s what you desire. They’ll be sorry for forcing their will on their children,”
“What about my parents?”
“What about them?”
“They’ll go bankrupt without this deal. They’ll lose everything,”
“Their deal is with the company, not my father. Once I become the head I’ll make sure they get what they need,”
Damn, he really had all this planned out.
“How long will we be married before you do all this?”
“It will take at least a year, possibly two. Too quick and we’ll raise suspicion, too slow and we’ll miss our chance,”
You nod. It made sense, but you couldn’t help but feel cheated. He didn’t care about you in the slightest, he was simply using this unfortunate marriage situation for his own gain and revenge. What were you supposed to do for the short time you were married? Sit around his mansion and wait?
You huff, “Look, I’m glad you’re getting some good out of this, but don’t you think we should at least try to be friends? I’m not just going to sit here and be a tool for your masterplan. Whether you like it or not, we’re going to be partners for a while and I’d rather not spend it being bored,”
Kyoya blinked. Clearly he didn’t calculate any sort of relationship into his plan, and the fact you weren’t blindly going along with it confused him.
You roll your eyes, “Can’t we at least go out to dinner a few times? You know, talk a little bit?”
“That sounds dangerously close to a date,”
“So what if it is? You said yourself you think I’m attractive and you think we’d get along,”
“I suppose I did,” he smiled.
 You decide to turn around, hoping not seeing yourself for a few minutes will distract you.
You sincerely hope everything will work out, hope that everything will turn out fine. You trust Kyoya, he’ll do anything he can to keep his word. Your parents will be taken care of. You will be taken care of. His excuse of a father will be out of the picture.
What will you even do when it’s all said and done? Go off on your own? Get more education? Travel? Find love with someone else?
The future’s never been more terrifying.
At least you won’t be miserable. You can tell Kyoya’s made an effort to care about you throughout your engagement, he won’t be an awful husband for the year or so you’ll be married.
But does he really care about you? Or he just acting like it because you asked him to?
 Kyoya picked you up in his limousine for your first “date,” taking you to a fancy restaurant downtown. Surprisingly he was the one to initiate conversations during the whole thing, asking you about your life, your hobbies, your interests. You found you actually have a lot in common, and you end up talking for hours, literally until the restaurant closes and kicks you out.
“I would take you somewhere else, but I’m afraid it’s getting too late,” he said, opening the door of the limo for you to get in.
You frowned. You were actually having a really good time.
“Hmm?” he raised a brow.
“We could hang out again tomorrow?”
 You opened your eyes, awoken from some noise outside. You looked around, assuming it was just some branches brushing against the side of the house. You rolled over, trying to get back to sleep.
The banging starts up again, and this time when you sat up you could almost swear you saw a hand through your window.
You stood up, trudging over and opening it.
“Kyoya? What the fuck are you doing?!”
“It’s tomorrow,” he smirked. You gaze at the clock. He’s right, it’s nearly 1 AM.
“I never pegged you for the sneaking out type,”
“Well, I do most of my best thinking at night, so I like to sit on the roof or go for a walk once everyone’s asleep,” he took a look at you in your pajamas. “Would you like to accompany me?”
“Give me a sec,” you shut the curtains and slipped on some clothes and freshened up a bit. You returned and started climbing out the window, Kyoya helping you get down to the ground.
“Where would you like to go?” he asked.
“This was your idea,”
“I suppose so,”
He ended up leading you to a small park his family owned, with a little pond and some benches and trees. You sat down and looked around, listening to the distant sounds of the night.
“I misjudged you, Kyoya,”
“You thought I was an asshole, didn’t you?”
You laughed, “Yeah, just a bit,”
“I certainly can be, I won’t claim otherwise,” he sat down next to you. “But I’m not opposed to expanding my horizons. You offered a valid point. A friendship and partnership may very well be in our best interests,”
“Ugh,” you groaned. “There you go again with your best interests shit,”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re telling me that you’re only trying to be friends with me because it’s in your best interest?”
“Is that…not how friendships work?” he squinted. “I am interested in being friends with you. I am interested in being your partner. Why does that upset you?”
“Because you’re talking about me like my love and respect is something for you to take or gain,”
“I apologize,” he hummed. “I’m afraid I don’t have much experience in the type of relationship you want,”
“You’ve never had a real friend? You’ve never cared about anyone for who they were more than what they could give you?”
“No, I have. Just not many,”
You almost felt…bad for him. He was trying, at least.
“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t be so harsh,” you looked at him. “I know we can make this work. We just need to be patient with each other, that’s all,”
“Alright,” he agreed.
You continued your conversation from earlier, and things felt good again. You really do get along well, it’s a shame you weren’t actually in love.
 You check your phone, seeing a text from Kyoya sent just a few minutes ago. You open it, and he’s asking where you are because he wants to talk to you. You tell him no, not today, but he insists.
You stop responding, figuring no matter what you say he’ll come anyway. You didn’t tell him where you were, but a quick questioning of a few servants and someone would tell him.
You don’t particularly want to see him right now, not like this. This is your time to feel bad about yourself and lose your mind worrying about the future, and he’s not going to help that.
You don’t hate him, quite the opposite, but he’s only a reminder of what you have but could never be.
 You and Kyoya have gone on several more outings over the past few months, and it’s getting closer and closer to the wedding. He’s taken you to all his family’s properties, resorts, parks, and more. You’ve gone to almost every restaurant in town (yes, even commoner ones, you both found it entertaining), and you’ve spent many nights walking around the city. You’ve spent days indoors playing board and card games and watching movies. You genuinely enjoyed spending most of your free time with him.
But tonight’s a bit different.
Tonight you won’t be alone, on your own terms. Tonight was the rehearsal dinner, and of course both your families were going overboard. Barely any of it was going to be spent actually rehearsing for the wedding. There’s going to be dancing, food and drinks, and basically a party all night long.
Everyone’s going to be watching you, everyone’s eyes are going to be on you.
You met up with Kyoya after getting ready so you could walk in together. You put on your most formal outfits, besides the ones for the wedding a few days from now.
When he saw you, he averted his gaze immediately as if he’d just caught you naked.
“You look good,” he coughed.
“So do you,” you laughed.
He offered you his arm and you took it, walking down the hallway into the ballroom.
You had to do an awful lot of greeting before doing anything else. Everyone wants to talk to you and congratulate you, even people you swear you’ve never met in your life. There’s a mix of family, friends, and other business partners. Some people were probably there simply because they could be due to their status, and had no interest in the celebration whatsoever.
When you’re finally free of conversation, you raced to the table to grab some refreshments. They prepared the best food possible, including some of your favorites.
Kyoya found you again just as you were finishing, offering his arm to you once again.
“May I have this dance?”
You almost choked, “You dance?”
“Of course I do. So is my fiancé going to refuse me or not?”
You smiled and shook your head, giggling a bit as he drags you to the floor.
No one was doing anything particularly complicated, just waltzes, and thank goodness that was the case. You could barely think straight from everything going on.
Surprisingly Kyoya wasn’t a stiff dancer, his movements were consistent but flowed perfectly with the music. He held you closer than you thought he would, but gently.
You felt your body heat up and chills in your stomach and down your spine. How are those two things even possible to happen at the same time?
Well, shit. You weren’t actually falling for him were you?
You thought these past few months would be tedious, but they’ve actually been some of the best of your life. Kyoya’s become your best friend, and gosh you want to spend the rest of your life with him. You understand each other. You both want to break away from your controlling families and finally find your own happiness. You can spend hours talking about everything and nothing. You can make each other laugh like no one else ever has.
Maybe this arranged marriage could become a love marriage. Just maybe.
But no. Kyoya made his intentions very clear. You doubt he’s developed the same feelings for you. He may see you as a valued friend, but he’ll fell nothing when you inevitably break off your relationship in a couple years.
Kyoya must’ve noticed you zoning out in thought, because he stops dancing and brings his hands to your shoulders.
“Are you alright? Do you need some air?”
You nodded, and he leads you out onto the balcony outside the ballroom, keeping a hand on your back.
You take a deep breath, desperately trying to compose yourself after your realization. Should you tell him? No, absolutely not. Bad idea.
Why did this have to happen? Now you were even more miserable. Were you really so weak that you had to catch feelings?
“It’s going to be fine, you know,” he assured you. “I know it seems overwhelming, but by the end of the week we’ll be on our own and they can’t constantly be on our backs anymore,”
“Yeah,” you sighed, your breath stopping in your throat. “Do you think anyone will notice if I leave? I’m exhausted,”
“They probably will, unfortunately,” he looked out at the view. “But we can stay out here until they notice,”
“Thanks,” you grumbled. Your head was throbbing.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You managed to survive the rest of the night, barely.
You tried to get some rest, you have a fitting tomorrow, and then all you have to do is wait for the big day.
 You’ve been standing here for at least an hour, and you’re starting to get irritated. How long does it take to fit something? It looks fine.
You turn around again and stop breathing for a moment when you see Kyoya in the doorway. His hair is ruffled and he looks like he didn’t sleep at all, but there’s a smile on his face.
“I’d like to speak to my fiancé please,” he says.
You look away.
“Absolutely not! Don’t you know you’re not supposed to see each other’s outfits before the big day?” one of the tailors pipes up.
“Well, seeing as I already saw it, I don’t think it matters,” he motions for them to leave. “You’re dismissed,”
He waits until they’re gone before he approaches you, but by that time you’ve fallen down and started crying. You’re shaking on the edge of the platform you were standing on, your hands covering your face.
“You’ve been avoiding me all morning. What’s wrong?” he asks.
“This isn’t how it’s supposed to be,” you sniffle. “For everyone else this is the best time of their life. But it’s not for me,”
Kyoya crouches down in front of you.
He doesn’t cut in, so you keep going, “Look at me. I look great, I look just like how I wanted to as a kid, but it’s all wrong. Everything’s wrong. I thought I was okay with this, but I’m not. I hate this. I don’t hate you, but I hate this,”
You keep sobbing, trying to pretend he’s not there watching you. It’s not too hard actually, since you can barely see through the tears.
“Well, I suppose this might be the worst time to tell you what I was planning to tell you,” he tries not to laugh as not to be insensitive, but it comes out anyway.
“W-What?” you rub your eyes, seeing him a little clearer.
“I know this won’t fix anything, but I want you to know I do genuinely care about you. It was never part of the original agreement or plan, but I’ve come to feel more for you than I’ve felt for anyone. I just…I want you to know that. You’re not a tool to me anymore,” he takes a deep breath, “I love you,”
You stop crying for a moment, too shocked for the tears to keep flowing. Did he really just say that?
“I understand that you probably don’t feel the same, which is alright. I will still honor our original plan, get you everything you wanted, and allow you to leave whenever you please. But if you’ll have me as your husband, a real husband, you’re welcome to stay,”
The sobs break out again, barely able to get out the words, “I love you too,”
“You do? Really?” his eyes light up.
You nod vigorously, beaming through the tears, “Yes,”
“But you just said you hated this? That you were miserable?”
“Only because I thought you didn’t feel the same,”
“Oh,” he chuckles. “Well then,” he takes your hand and places his other on your cheek, looking into your eyes. “Will you marry me? Please?”
You laugh, “I guess,”
He smiles and pulls your face to his, kissing you softly. You take the initiative to deepen it, slithering your fingers into his tousled hair. He’s the last to pull away, and immediately pulls you back for more, even when you can barely breathe.
You can feel him smiling against your lips, his thumbs wiping all your tears away.
You thought you’d never know what it was like to be truly loved.
But now you do.
More Author’s Notes: This is my first time writing for OHSHC lol. Might dabble in it more in the future cuz I had a blast writing this XD Hope you enjoyed and feel free to tell me what you think!
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btsqualityy · 3 years
Assuage: Chapter 14
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: An instance of violence (someone gets punched), brief mentions of war, and symptoms of pre-heat (which is somewhat similar to PMS but still, I felt the need to mention it lol)
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A week later, you were absolutely fucking miserable. 
It seemed like you hadn’t had a second to breathe unless you were asleep because you had been so busy at the infirmary, treating a multitude of colds since it was due to snow any day now and even delivering the babies of two Omegas and making sure that they were recovering well after giving birth. Because of your busy schedule, you hadn’t been able to see Yoongi much because he had to work and was now also helping with patrol duty and you missed him a lot. On top of all of that, your pre-heat started so everything you had been feeling only seemed to be magnified by ten.
So in short, you were extremely fucking miserable. 
“You know, I’m gonna need you to hurry the fuck up and get some heat knots because you’re a bitch during pre-heat,” Taehyung laughed as he sat in your chair in your office, making you roll your eyes as you cleaned off some equipment. 
“Bold of you to assume that I’m gonna get some knots during my heat,” you huffed.
“Oh please, judging from the way that you just stopped smelling overwhelmingly like Yoongi and it’s been over a week since you said the two of you spent any significant amount of time together, he’s definitely not gonna be able to resist your scent during your heat,” Taehyung said. “And that’ll be a good thing because you’re hella cranky.”
“You know, everyone doesn’t get their attitude magically fixed when they get a knot like you do,” you pointed out with a smirk. 
“If they were getting a knot like Jungkook’s, they definitely would,” Taehyung laughed, which made you gag from the mental image that you got. 
“Did you come see me to keep me company or just to fucking annoy me?” You wondered as you finished with your equipment, turning around to face him afterwards. “And get the hell out of my chair!”
“Yeah, someone needs to call Yoongi hyung right now to come get you,” Taehyung giggled as he stood up from the chair and stepped around your desk.
“No need to call him, I’m meeting up with him right now actually,” you smiled as you glanced at the clock on the wall, seeing that it was finally the end of your shift for the day. 
“Is this your last shift before your heat?” Taehyung wondered and you nodded as you grabbed your jacket, pulling it on and zipping it up. 
“Yep. I’m not exactly sure when my heat is gonna hit but it’s soon and I’d rather it not happen here at work,” you grimaced as you motioned for Taehyung to follow you, taking a second to turn off the lights before shutting and locking the door to your office. “And being around Yoongi isn’t gonna help it either.”
“Are you gonna ask Yoongi hyung to spend your heat with you?” Taehyung questioned as the two of you walked down the hallway to the entrance of the infirmary.
“Damn, you’re so nosy,” you huffed out a laugh, waiting for Taehyung to push the doors open for you and let you walk out first before following behind you. “But yes, I am.”
“Hey, I got that from Mom so it’s not my fault,” he shrugged, making you smile because you could remember when your mom used to have Taehyung sneak around and gather gossip for her. 
“I’m gonna tell him about me too,” you revealed, and Taehyung’s eyes widened.
“Seriously?” He gaped.
“Yeah. I wanna tell him before my heat because he’ll probably be able to notice something off by my scent when it starts,” you told him.
“True,” Taehyung nodded. “It’ll be good for him to finally know, though.” Just as the two of you walked down the steps of the infirmary, you were surprised to see Sehun walking up to the two of you. 
“Hello Taehyung,” he greeted him before turning to you. “Hi Y/N-ah.”
“Hey,” Taehyung smiled lightly.
“Hi,” you mumbled.
“I was hoping to catch you,” Sehun began. “I heard some rumors and I was hoping that you could shed some light on them for me.”
“Rumors?” You repeated and Sehun nodded.
“It’s been going around that you’re dating the Prime Alpha, and I just couldn’t believe that given that you accepted my gift a few weeks ago,” Sehun explained.
“Accepted it?” You laughed in disbelief.
“What gift Y/N-ah?” Taehyung asked quietly.
“Sehun here tried to give me a bracelet but instead of actually waiting for me to verbally accept it, he just put it on me and scented me without permission in the process,” you told him.
“You what?” Taehyung grumbled, whipping his head back to look at Sehun. 
“Are you seeing the Prime Alpha?” Sehun demanded to know, completely ignoring Taehyung. 
“Not that it’s any of your business or concern, but yes I am,” you spat, reaching up and pulling the collar of your coat down a little so that Sehun could see the necklace hanging around your neck. 
“You really accepted that gift over mines?” Sehun rasped. “Mines was obviously more well-made.”
“You could’ve given me a fucking diamond for all I care, it wouldn’t change the fact that you basically forced it on me,” you fumed. “And I’d never accept a gift from a misogynistic alpha like you anyways!”
“Now you listen to me, you ungrateful little,-” Sehun sneered as he wrapped his hand around your wrist, starting to move towards you but he didn’t get far because there suddenly was a firm body standing in front of you.
“Get the fuck away from her!” Yoongi growled as he pushed Sehun away, causing him to stumble backwards a few steps. Your eyes widened in surprise, not expecting Yoongi to swoop in like that. 
“You think you’re hot shit just because you’re Prime, asshole?” Sehun chuckled darkly as he straightened up. As he did, you realized that he was getting into position to fight and you knew that Yoongi would rip him to shreds if that happened. 
“I’m not the one who’s going around trying to push up on an Omega that’s clearly taken,” Yoongi shot back. “You see who’s necklace she’s wearing and who’s scent is on her, idiot.”
“You just got here, you don’t get your pick of our women and Omegas,” Sehun complained.
“And that logic is probably why she accepted my gift and not yours, huh?” Yoongi smirked and you couldn’t help the small smile that came onto your face because that was the exact reason why you accepted Yoongi’s gift and not Sehun’s.
“I’m gonna kick your ass Min!” Sehun exploded but before you or Yoongi could say anything, Taehyung stepped forwards and stood in between the two of them.
“Sehun, don’t be a knot head,” Taehyung chastised him. “Yoongi’s Prime, he’ll kill you with very little effort.”
“You better listen to the kid,” Yoongi grumbled. 
“I don’t give a fuck! He thinks he can just come in here and steal the attention of all the Omegas and end up with one of the most desired ones?! It’s bullshit!” Sehun exclaimed.
“Y/N made her choice and that has nothing to do with Yoongi. You know that but you’re just misdirecting your anger,” Taehyung told him. “You’ve been trying to get with Y/N for years now so trust me when I say that if she really wanted to be with you, then she would’ve accepted you a long time ago.” Sehun then looked at you for confirmation and you just shrugged before nodding your head.
“Fine,” Sehun relented, sending a harsh glare in Yoongi’s direction before turning to walk away. Before he could though, Yoongi placed his hand on his shoulder and forced him to turn around before landing a solid punch right against his jaw.
“Yoongi!” You gasped, immediately reaching forward and pulling him away from Sehun, who had fallen onto the ground from the force of the blow.
“If you ever touch her again,” Yoongi began in a dark voice. “I will literally break every single one of your fingers so that you can never touch anyone again. You understand that?” Sehun just glared up at Yoongi without answering him, which only served to further irritate Yoongi. “I really suggest that you fucking answer me because I’m two seconds away from strangling you, dumb ass.”
“Understood,” Sehun finally uttered, and you could see the tension leave Yoongi’s shoulders as he relaxed. Sehun managed to stumble to his feet and stagger away, while both you and Taehyung turned to look at Yoongi with matching looks of amazement. 
“What?” Yoongi shrugged.
“Is it bad that I kind of wanted to see you kill him?” Taehyung chuckled.
“Trust me, I wanted to but not in front of Y/N-ah,” Yoongi admitted. He turned to face you completely, reaching out and taking ahold of both of your hands. “You’re ok right? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” you assured him. “He was just being a fucking knot head. How’d you swoop in like that?”
“I was on my way here to meet you like we agreed, and I saw that dumbass,” Yoongi huffed. “I recognized his scent from that fucking bracelet so I figured that he was probably bothering you and he only confirmed it when he fucking grabbed you.”
“My hero,” you cooed with a smile as you moved closer to him, rubbing your nose along the scent gland on his neck. 
“Well, I’m gonna go before the pheromones' that Y/N-ah is emitting make me choke,” Taehyung gagged. “See you two in a few days.”
“Bye,” Yoongi said and you just threw your hand up at Taehyung, too focused on trying to cover Yoongi in your scent. “Baby? You alright?”
“I’m in pre-heat,” you admitted. 
“Ah, that’s why you’re so touchy,” Yoongi laughed. “You wanna go to my place or yours?”
“Uh, yours,” you said. “Wanna smell like you.”
“Ok, let’s go,” Yoongi said, chuckling when you wouldn’t let go of him even when he began to walk.
“I have a surprise for you,” Yoongi said as he led you down the hallway to his bedroom. After getting to his cabin and allowing him to feed you some dinner, he managed to get you to pull your nose out of his neck in order to show you something.
“What is it?” You wondered. Instead of answering you, he just opened his bedroom door and your mouth dropped open a little because sitting on his bed were two large piles of multiple blankets.
“You bought these for me?” You asked as you walked over to the bed, reaching out and letting your hands run over the material and your Omega preened when you felt how soft they were.
“Well, you said that you wanted them and I wanted you to be able to build a nest here,” he told you as he walked over to stand next to you. You then turned to him, setting your hands on his cheeks before pressing a firm kiss against this lips.
“Thank you,” you smiled. “I love them.”
“Wanna make your nest?” Yoongi suggested and you nodded immediately before setting to work. Embarrassingly enough, it took you way longer than it usually did to make the nest because you couldn’t stop yourself from pausing every so often and just enjoying how soft the material of the blankets was against your hands. Once you were finally done though, you didn’t hesitate to climb onto the bed, making yourself comfortable as you laid back against the headboard.
“Come get in,” you whined as you extended your arms, making Yoongi laugh as he climbed onto the bed as well, settling his body down next to yours.
“You know, I think I like you more during pre-heat,” Yoongi murmured, watching as you snuggled into his side. “You’re so cute.”
“I’ll still kick your ass Yoongi, don’t tempt me,” you warned him, rolling your eyes when he just laughed out loud. “But speaking of my heat, I wanted to ask if you would be willing to spend it with me?”
“I’d be honored baby,” he smiled which made you smile as well. “I was hoping that you’d ask.”
“Before that though, I have some things that I need to be honest with you about,” you said as you sat up a little, and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion because he could sense how serious you had gotten.
“Ok, go ahead,” he said.
“Well, you know that I’m an Omega,” you began and Yoongi nodded. “But I’m, uh, I’m Prime.”
“Wait, what?” Yoongi chuckled in disbelief. “No you’re not.”
“I definitely am,” you insisted. 
“But Prime Omegas are rare.”
“Rare doesn’t mean obsolete,” you giggled and Yoongi took a second to think about it. Remembering back to how you took that deer down, how strong you are and how you’ve been stubborn as hell since the day that he met you, it all actually made sense.
“That’s what the book meant by your presentation being special,” Yoongi whispered to himself as the pieces all came together.
“My presentation?” You echoed. “What do you know about my presentation?”
“That day that you and Hyorin came into the hardware shop to put in the order for her crib and you told me that I should brush up on the pack history, I had Taehyung show me later that night,” Yoongi revealed. “I read about your parents getting together and having you and Namjoon and adopting Taehyung, and Namjoon’s presentation but when I got to yours, Taehyung stopped me from reading any further.”
“He stopped you because me being Prime isn’t common knowledge to anyone that was born outside of the pack,” you told him.
“For a few different reasons,” you shrugged. “Mostly though, I didn't want anyone coming into the pack and trying to stage a coup just to get me to mate with them because I’m Prime and they think that I’ll be able to have good pups because of it.”
“But biologically, any pups that you have will be stronger and healthier than a pup born to non Prime parents,” Yoongi chuckled.
“I’m a doctor so I do know that,” you replied while rolling your eyes. “But that’s not all I am and it’s not all I want to be.”
“That’s understandable,” he agreed, his eyes widening immediately after when he realized something else. “Wait, you’re supposed to be Pack Omega!” 
In most families, if one of their children presented as Prime, the Prime child often automatically became the next leader of the pack whenever their parents died or retired. This was because it was well known that the Prime child would most likely end up seriously injuring and/or killing their siblings. 
“I was wondering how long it was gonna take you to put that together,” you giggled.
“Why aren’t you?” He questioned. “Did you lose in ritual combat?”
“Yoongi, look at me,” you deadpanned. “Do you really think I lost? And to Namjoon and Tae, of all people?”
“Well, it was the only thing I could guess,” Yoongi shrugged. 
“I didn’t lose, I gave the position to Namjoon willingly,” you revealed. “We didn’t even have the fight.”
“Why did you do that?” Yoongi gasped. “That was your birthright.”
“Ok, so I’m gonna have to go back a little to explain this. In the book that Taehyung showed you, did you read about how my dad beat his sister in ritual combat way back in the early 90s?” You asked and Yoongi nodded in affirmation. “My dad was a Prime Alpha but he still fought his sister, who is Jin’s mom by the way, because he wanted to show the pack that he could earn the position of being the leader. He didn’t want to have the position of being Pack Alpha just because he was born Prime, and he taught that to us as well.”
“So, does that mean that you didn’t want it?” 
“The opposite, actually,” you smiled. “I had always looked up to my dad so I wanted to become the leader of the pack just like he was and then when I presented as Prime Omega, I was so excited. My dad and mom used to always say that they didn’t play favorites but they would take me on treaty trips to other packs with them and they were basically grooming me to take over.”
“What about Taehyung and Namjoon?” Yoongi wondered. “How did they feel about you presenting as Prime?”
“Their reaction was mixed,” you shrugged. “Tae never really wanted to lead the pack anyways, so he didn’t care. Namjoon did though, but I think for him, it was more about him being an Alpha and not wanting to lose the position to his little sister but he still knew that he was going to lose regardless. Despite that, we had all agreed that even though I was Prime, we were still going to fight for the position,” you explained. 
“So, what changed?”
“Our parents getting killed is what changed,” you told him. “The Great Pack War started literally right after that and there just was no time for a ritual combat ceremony to be held the way that it should be, not when the pack was just trying to survive. Namjoon fought for the full two years that the war happened, I fought for a little less than a year, and Taehyung stayed here to try and help guide the pack. I didn’t want to go but when it started to look like the pack was going to lose, everyone strongly suggested that I could be of major help because I’m Prime.”
“That explains why you hate the war so much,” Yoongi murmured. “You didn’t feel like you had a choice.”
“Exactly,” you confirmed. “Once the war was over, I was still so angry and hurt about my parents and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to be the great leader that my dad was while I was like that so I told Namjoon that he could have the position.”
“And he just accepted it?” Yoongi chuckled. “He doesn’t seem like the type to easily give in.”
“He’s not and he did try to fight me about it,” you giggled. “But I told him that either he could take it or I was going to give it to Tae and we all know that Tae does whatever the hell he wants so Joon wasn’t going to let that happen.”
“I’m surprised that Taehyung didn’t have anything to say about that, even though he didn’t want it,” Yoongi muttered as he reached over and grabbing your hands, intertwining your fingers with his. 
“He bitched about it for a while but only because I went to Joon first and not him. We all knew it was the best choice though,” you shrugged. “Joon’s extremely smart, caring and kind hearted almost to a fault, he loves the pack as much as I do, and he was the oldest anyways so it made sense.”
“Wow,” Yoongi huffed in amazement as the weight of everything you had told him really began to settle in. 
“Yoongi, I know it’s a lot to take in but I really need to know that you’re ok with this,” you told him. 
“What, with you being Prime?” He scoffed. “I don’t care about that.”
“Not just that, but also with the fact that I’m never going to be Pack Omega,” you said. “I’ve dated guys before, mostly from outside of the pack, who would get upset when they realized that I don’t have any intention of ever trying to take the position back from Namjoon.”
“Hey, that’s just fine with me,” Yoongi promised. “My old pack was full of power hungry knot heads and I’ve seen how that can change people and tear apart relationships and that’s not me, ok? That’s not what I want.”
“Are you sure?
“More than,” he swore, leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. “After all the shit I’ve been through over the years, I just want peace and I’ve found that here, with you so I’m more than happy.”
“Me too,” you smiled, moving forward and kissing him again. After a few seconds, the both of you pulled away and Yoongi looked at you quizzically. “What?”
“I just can’t believe that I couldn’t tell from your scent that you were Prime,” he sighed. “I feel a little stupid.”
“Don’t beat yourself up about it,” you laughed. “It can be hard to tell if you’ve never met a Prime Omega before, because you don’t have anything to compare the scent to.”
“It makes sense though, especially as to why you smell so fucking good,” he smirked as he leaned forward, pressing a few open mouthed kisses along your scent gland. Your eyes fluttered shut and you almost let out a moan because of how good it felt, but you knew that was only because you were in pre-heat and sensitive as all hell.
“That could just be the pre-heat,” you breathlessly pointed out.
“Nah, you always smell this good,” he muttered and you just rolled your eyes in response. 
“I’m in pre-heat, so you don’t have to butter me up,” you grumbled. He pulled away from your neck then, looking down at you with a soft smile.
“You gonna let me take care of you?” He hummed, letting his nose rub against yours. “Gonna let me help you through your heat?”
“Please,” you whispered.
“I got you baby,” he promised before smashing his lips onto yours. 
Tag List:  @jikook-enthusiasts @veryuniquenamegoeshere @seolarsyj @littlrmills14-blog @preciouschimine @kt-rny @copenhagenspirit
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
So There’s This Thing Called Imprinting.” - Embry Call
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Request: “embry trying to tell his imprint about imprinting for the first time? thanks for all your writing!”
As I shuffled through the records in the bin, the smell of dust entered my nostrils. I was looking for this one last vinyl to add to my collection, hoping I would finally find it at this small record store in Port Angeles. 
I shuffle through the “W” bin, hoping I would finally luck out and find the blue Weezer album. I had been looking for months, unsuccessful at every other record store. 
Across the record store, I hear a small group of guys. They seemed to be having fun, especially with how loud they were growing. “We do this every weekend, how are there still more to find? How are you still enjoying this?” One teased. 
I look up from my search to look at the group. A group of three absurdly tall and muscular boys. All blessed with russet skin and dark hair, looking far more than the definition of beautiful. 
“It’s what I like, music is what I like. Did you eat an extra bowl of bitch-flakes this morning? Or are you just normal Paul?” The taller one replies snarkily. 
I tried to stifle my small giggle, appreciating the tone he used. 
The three of them laugh, the one I assumed to be Paul shoving the tall stranger in retaliation. 
“Damn Paul, you just gonna take that?” The third boy teases. 
“No, I’m definitely going to kick Embry’s ass as soon as we get back to Sam’s.” Paul laughs. 
I tried to avoid being caught observing, but I was not sneaky enough. 
The tall boy with longer hair than the rest and I made eye contact. 
I got nervous, but why? I felt my breath hitch in my throat. I felt like the world around me stopped for a second. What was this? A pit built up in my stomach, I thought I was going to be sick. But this felt… good? 
I finally take a better look at who I assume was Embry. His handsome features stuck in the same face. His eyes wide, mouth slightly agape. Eyes refusing to leave mine. His brown eyes were what I was lost in.
 I wonder if he felt what I was feeling, hell I was hoping-- that way I wouldn’t be as weird as I suddenly feared. 
After about a minute, even though it felt like six hours, I broke our eye contact after watching his friends begin to giggle and clap him on the back. I turn my attention back towards the record bin, despite the fact that my face was suffering intense blushing. 
I begin to flip through the records, trying my best to ignore the giggling coming from across the store.  I finally found the album, I began to grab it until something spooked me. My heart almost jumped straight from my chest when I began to hear footsteps approaching. 
“Hey, I’m Embry. Sorry about my friends.” The tall boy reached his hand out, awaiting for my hand to return the favor. He was even more handsome up close, causing me to fumble my words even more pathetically. To my surprise, he was taller up close. I looked up to meet his eyes before sticking my hand out. 
“I’m (Y/N). That’s okay, they seem nice enough. Maybe not to you, though.” I gave out a small laugh, trying to not embarrass myself. 
“Heh, you heard that? Yeah, they kinda suck, but they’re the best. Whatcha searching for?” He excitedly looks over my shoulder, trying to see what record I hold in my hands. 
I pulled it from the bin and showed it to him. 
“Weezer. I have been looking for this one to complete the collection. For some reason I haven’t been able to find this one for so long. I’ve been searching for months. It’s only this album that gave me such a hard time finding.” I admit, slightly smirking nervously. 
“Damn. That’s a long time. I love Weezer, too. You must be pretty cool, like me.” He leans in and playfully elbows my arm, laughing a bit awkwardly. 
“I think so. You’re probably alright yourself if you like Weezer.” I tease. 
We chatted for about fifteen minutes before his friends began to usher him away, saying they needed to go back to Sam’s house. Damn, was I going to miss talking to Embry. My heart almost sank at the thought of him leaving my side for some reason. 
“Hey listen (Y/N), could I maybe get your number? Maybe we could hang out sometime, we’re having a bonfire on the beach this weekend if you’re interested?” Embry offers with hopeful eyes. 
“Yeah that would be fun.” I smile before putting my number into his phone. 
I often think back to that day, meeting Embry. I think back to hanging out at the bonfire with him and all his friends. They were all so friendly, so funny. They were like a family. I remember being cold, having Embry’s warm arm wrap around my shoulders, closing some distance between us. He was so warm. He’s always so warm. I was thankful for this in the upcoming colder months of the year. 
As I sat in between his legs, playing Mario Kart with Embry, Jacob, and Seth-- I really began to question my luck. While I was so grateful for meeting Embry. The bond between us was one I could never describe. He was someone who could always bring me joy-- he was the light in my life. He was the sun on a cloudy day. Our love was something so strong that I didn’t ever believe it even existed before Embry. Though, he was hiding something from me. 
Whenever I would ask, I would be told “soon” or “when I’m ready.” 
I was ready to know what my boyfriend was keeping from me. Why things didn’t always add up. 
How was he always so warm? How was he so strong? How were our feelings possible? What happened the day we met? What was he doing all hours of the night when he wasn’t asleep? Where was he sneaking off to? Hell, even his mother didn’t know-- she even asked me herself. I trusted Embry with my life, though my patience was running thin. I respected his privacy but worrisome thoughts crept up more often than not. I knew he wasn’t a cheater, but the endless thoughts always kept me up at night. 
I snap back into reality, destroying the guys. I took first place by a long shot. 
“Damn, (Y/N). Look at you.” Jacob teased, shoving my shoulder playfully. 
“Jacob, I think it’s time we go for our hike now.” Seth says, looking at Jacob with knowing eyes. Jacob nods his head, getting up from his seat instantly before walking out the door.  
I peak over at Embry, who is trying to look at anything but me, causing me to chuckle a bit. 
He looks over at me, knowing my curiosity has peaked, as per usual. I found it suspicious, all of these “hikes” the boys go on every day; and how I’m never allowed to go. 
“I think it’s time I’m honest with you.” Embry looks over at me, grabbing my hand. 
I almost choked on my breath, due to both excitement and fear. 
“Oh, really?” I asked him. 
“Yeah, I’ve wanted to since I met you, but I needed to know you really wanted me.” He said, looking down into my eyes. 
I turned my body around to face him, taking his other hand into mine. 
I nodded at him, rubbing circles into the back of his hand, over his knuckles. 
“You trust me right?” He asks me, slight look of worry on his face. 
“With my life.” I give a slight smile, hoping to take some fear from him.
“Of course. Well, then I want you to know that I would never hurt you. And that you have to trust that what I’m saying is 100% true.” He returns the smile, followed by a more serious look. 
My heart skipped a beat, worried of what he was about to reveal to me. 
I nodded, awaiting the continuation of his confession.
“Okay, well I know you remember some of the stories from the bonfire. You know, about the Quileutes descending from… wolves.” He held onto my hands a bit tighter. 
“Yes. I remember, Em.” I tried to hide my confusion. 
“Well (Y/N), it’s all real. Shape-shifting is real. I am a shifter. The guys and I all are.” He finally chokes out. 
“What? Embry, are you okay?” I ask, slightly concerned. 
“Okay, I knew you wouldn’t just believe me that quickly. So let me show you, outside.” He says standing up, pulling me up with him. 
“Embry..” My voice trails off. 
“Please trust me, (Y/N).” He begs.
I nod and follow him outside. 
“I won’t hurt you, I promise. I protect you. I protect everyone, but most importantly you.” He says as he begins to take his shirt off. 
I try to take in what is all happening, trying to hide my confusion. 
That’s when I saw him begin to shake, steam coming from his warm body. 
It was so quick. Before me stood a giant silver wolf. He walked over to me slowly, bowing his head to show that he meant no harm. The head on this wolf was huge. The entire wolf stood about six feet tall on all fours, I couldn’t believe my eyes. 
“Embry?” I questioned, looking into the magnificent eyes in front of me. I would recognize those eyes anywhere. 
The massive wolf nodded, burying his head into my hands. I began to stroke the fur. This lasted for about three minutes, before he picked up the shorts on the forest floor, walking into the tree line. 
After a minute, Embry walked out from the tree line in his shorts. 
“I would never hurt you. I just needed to know that you loved me, that you wanted this.” He says, almost choking on his words. 
“I love you Embry. I just, I am so confused.” I admit, clutching onto his hand for dear life. 
“I understand. There’s more though.” He tells me. 
“More?” I ask, shocked. 
“Yes. So there’s this thing called imprinting. It happened when I first saw you at the record store.” He admits.
“Imprinting?” I question. 
“Well, it’s like love at first sight, but more intense. Kinda like soulmates. It’s like you became the gravity holding me down to the Earth. You’re what matters. I would be anything you need me to be, I will protect you at all costs. You’re my world, (Y/N).” He says, eyes never leaving mine. 
“Is that why I felt that way?” I ask. 
“Yes. Our bond is very intense, very strong. I’ll be anything you need me to be. A friend, brother, protector, or in our case-- a lover.” He adds, eyes still never leaving mine. 
“Wow, it explains a lot. And I still need to know more.” I respond honestly. 
I was glad to know that I wasn’t feeling that way at the record store for no reason. I had met my soulmate. I felt both overwhelmed and relieved. The confusion was overpowered by the unbelievable weight lifted off my shoulders. 
“Well, I’ve got the time, babe. I can explain it all. I’ll ask Sam to call a meeting tonight, to explain it all.” He says, pressing a kiss to my forehead, sending shivers down my spine as usual. 
“So, why did you wait so long?” I ask him. 
“Well, I wanted you to have a choice. It’s your decision, all of this. I wanted you to be comfortable before you were introduced to this new world. There’s a lot to talk about.” He said, pressing a kiss into the side of my temple. 
I smiled to myself, both for the sake of my sanity and also Embry’s. 
I look into his eyes before pressing a tender kiss on his ilps. 
*************Word Count: 2001***************
Sorry for the hiatus, hopefully when my new computer comes in and finals are over, I can finally post more again. 
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
Out of His Mind
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Henry Bowers x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1669 words
Warnings: language?
Summary: Henry has a crush. 
It should have come as no surprise to anyone that you were the way you were.
After all, living with Patrick your whole life meant that you figured it out or he would have probably smothered you with a pillow by now. It was no secret that Patrick was standoffish and violent, everyone in all of Derry knew that.
What they didn’t know was that he, in no way, rivalled your hatred of the entirety of the human race.
The two of you were clearly related through that alone, though that was about as far as the similarity went.
Where Patrick was a textbook psychopath, deriving joy from any form of suffering, you didn’t seem to find it in anything. You were just angry all the time.
As best he could tell, you always had a disgusted grimace on your beautiful face, keeping to yourself whenever possible, unless you had some venom to spit in Henry’s direction.
...And for whatever reason, you had him all twisted up inside.
It didn’t make any sense, seeing as Henry had never felt that way about anyone but whenever he was around you, he felt ill, in the best way.
It was like a spell had been cast on him, and it made him even more dumb than before. The worst part of all though, was that you somehow remained absolutely blind to it.
That, or you didn’t care.
For the longest time, he was sure that you hated him and maybe you still did. In any case, nothing could keep his stomach from doing cartwheels whenever you were together.
Together being a term used lightly.
Really, you only ever spent time with the ‘Bowers gang’ when you absolutely had to but that was more than enough for Henry to be sure.
There was just something about you.
...And he was determined to figure out what it was.
Today, Patrick offered to have the guys come over after school, suggesting they fuck around at the quarry for a while before hitting the town. Your parents weren’t going to be home, after all, so they agreed.
Which meant that as soon as Henry and the others entered your house, you knew about it. No one else had a key to the side door of the garage.
“What are you losers doing here?” you groaned, rolling your eyes from where you were sitting on the couch, watching bored as Belch chucked something at Vic, narrowly missing his head.
It brought a small smile to your face, which you were quick to force back down. Perhaps if it had actually met its target, you would have laughed.
Luckily, Belch’s aim was about as good as his grade in chemistry. “We thought we’d come spend time with you. s’that okay?” Henry started, noticing the way your eyes lingered on his for only a moment before you looked away.
You didn’t even bother to answer him, though you didn’t have much of a chance anyway before Patrick swung around the corner and lobed a coke can at your head.
“We’re going to the quarry, you wanna come or is that stick lodged too far up your ass?” he cackled, not even seeming to care one bit that the can could have burst all over the place.
Though, to be fair, you cared about as much when you tossed it right back at him, hitting the wall just behind him.
“You’re a fucker, Pat!” you growled, that mischievous glint in your eyes making it hard to tell if you were really upset with him or not.
It wasn’t until you stood from where you’d been sitting that it registered to Henry that you could potentially be coming with them. It wasn’t that big of a deal, but for some reason, it made his palms sweat.
You hadn’t come with them to the quarry for quite some time, and the five of you weren’t kids anymore.
“Let’s go. I’ll leave all your asses here” you barked, having apparently decided you’d be going before heading out the door, not bothering to wait for any of them.
Without missing a beat, all four boys followed, leaving Henry to bring up the back, his hands feverishly wiping at his jeans.
He tried to convince himself that this wasn’t going to be that big of a deal, and that there was no reason he should be nervous, but that wasn’t doing him much good.
Really, the more he tried to stop thinking about you, the more his mind snapped right back to you, sitting in the backseat.
Henry was trying his best to be casual in his admiration, watching in the right side mirror as you fiddled mindlessly with the fraying knees of Vic’s jean but if he wasn’t careful, he was going to get caught.
Honestly, Belch had already taken note of the way Henry studied you but chose to keep it to himself.
Pointing out something like that would not only subject him to Henry’s anger, but also yours and Patricks and that wasn’t something he was willing to deal with right now.
So, he turned up the music on the radio and kept driving down the road until he pulled up to the private confines of the woods around the quarry.
“Did you bring a bathing suit Squirt, or what?” Patrick asked, much too late to have actually been of help to anyone, going so far as to use that terrible nickname.
If looks could kill, he would have been dead already.
“No, I’m not stripping down in front of your pervy friends dipshit” you huffed, shooting Belch a wink from where he was looking at you from the rearview.
It was all in good fun of course, but mostly, it was just payback for Patrick being Patrick.
“Yeah right, like any of these guys would wanna touch you with a ten foot pole” your brother jabbed, your full on sibling bickering filling the backseat in a matter of minutes.
Really, it was just a number of thinly veiled threats and insulting one another's mother even though she was the same woman. Neither of you cared for technicalities.
Patrick was a bitch and you only wanted to make sure he knew that about himself.
That was all that happened from the time Belch parked the trans am to the time when Patrick and the others were all diving off that cliff into the water below.
You chose to remain perched on a rock, letting what little sun you could tolerate to bathe your skin. It wasn’t until you heard a twig snap behind you that you perked up, taking notice to the fact that someone was clearly out here. As best you knew, the guys were still in the lake.
Still, you wouldn’t have put it past your shithead brother to try and toss you over the side while you were too relaxed to notice.
Though, when you actually turned around, it wasn’t Patrick standing where the sound had come from. It was Henry.
“What are you doing? Sneaking around like a creeper” you asked, rolling your eyes before leaning back down against the rocks. You would never admit it, but you were most comfortable around Henry.
He was a no shit kind of guy, which you could respect, but he wasn’t downright vile like your hellspawn sibling was. He was a good middle ground and you could respect that.
Not that you wanted him watching you from the woods in any case.
“I wanted to ask you something,” Henry started, watching you crack one eye open slightly to look at him, silently prompting him to continue.
You had never had patience for idle small talk. If he had something to say, he could do so without wasting precious seconds of your life.
“Without the other guys” he clarified, briefly waiting for you to point out that it was a given before punching him so hard in the bicep with those rings you wore that he’d have to leave.
...But that never came.
You just sat there, bathing in the sun like a cold blooded predator, waiting for him to get on with it.
Henry had to swallow thickly before speaking, taking in how peaceful and gentle you looked when you were relaxed. He assumed it was a Hockstetter thing, because Pat damn near slept like a baby.
The whole lot of you were sneaky bastards though, so he didn’t trust it for a second.
“You wanna see a movie sometime? Or get a burger? Just us” he asked, earning a snort from you immediately though you stopped laughing as soon as you saw him.
The sight you opened your eyes to was almost alarming.
Henry, shit-talking, knife slinging Henry Bowers, looked like a scared little puppy. You had never seen him anxious or worried before but even you didn’t have it in your heart to tease him.
He was being serious.
“Like a date?” you clarified, genuinely confused for a second. Why would Henry want to go out with you? By all accounts, you were personality deficient, and that was a badge of honor you wore proudly.
...But no one in their right mind would sign up for that willingly.
Maybe that was the whole point though, maybe that was what it was about Henry that you found so strangely endearing. He was out of his damn mind.
When he nodded, you made up your mind.
He was absolutely deranged, fully crazy, but you were just about the same. “Sure, I’ll let you buy me a milkshake some time” you shrugged, closing your eyes again as your way of shooing him away.
You both knew that if he didn’t get back to his friends, they’d come looking for him and whatever he had going on, that wasn’t a good look.
Not that he cared right now.
Henry got the date, and you didn’t even spit on him when he asked. By all accounts, that was a success in his mind.
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Two locked lessons :( hopefully telling where the fuck Mammon & Luke have been
Lucifer’s immediately suspicious of them, asking who they are and whose in charge of them. MC points at their obviously non-angelic clothes and says they’re angels while Satan says Simeon’s their guardian (weren’t Simeon & Lucifer really close back then? Wouldn’t he have told Lucifer if he got new angels?). He says it’s good luck then that he ran into a seraph’s assistants as he dumbs a load of books on them and says ‘I’m a seraph assist me’ or rather ‘carry these books to the library for me’ – Satan gets ready to protest but Lucifer cut him off saying that assuming they really are angels they’d know who he was (really didn’t like that ‘assuming you really are angels bit’) meaning his orders are not optional so get to work. Satan silently glares at him. Lucifer complains about how this is not even his job but Raphael’s who’s been picking on Lucifer to get back for how much shit his brother’s cause (I’ve so many HCs about Raphael and Michael. Raphael I always see as stoic and stiff who gets into those aggressively polite, passive-aggressive, thin lipped smile, voices hissed out and cutting, arguments with Lucifer about his brothers and punishing them adequately. Considering Michael is supposed to be somewhat childish personality wise and Raphael is serious I also see them having a relationship very similar to Diavolo and Lucifers’, With Raphael being Michael’s weary but fond handler). Satan says if his brothers are acting out then maybe Lucifer’s just bad at supervising them, MC sighs and sympathises with the tone of someone who has lived through the exact same experience which Lucifer immediately picks up and comments on. Beel’s been sneaking food, Belphie keeps escaping to the human world and even though they’re relatively minor things their frequency makes them add up and Raphael won’t stop being snide and sarcastic about it. Satan cuts off Lucifer’s ranting about how terrible Raphael is (given that outside of his brothers Simeon’s the only one Lucifer seems close with in the Celestial Realm and knowing Lucifer he’d never unload his troubles on to his brothers in fear of being seen as not being in control, and Beel mentioned Lucifer usually stuck to staying inside the Celestial Palace it makes sense that he desperately needs someone to rant to) saying that Lucifer complains too much and if he’s so happy here maybe he should just leave the celestial realm and head to – but he’s cut off by Lucifer saying “for an angel you really seem ready to start shit huh” and I’m pretty sure he knows :) Satan just silently glares back. Lucifer tries to tell them what the organising system in the library is but Satan cuts him off saying he can see what it is by just looking and then he diverts his attention to psychoanalysing Lucifer, asking if Lucifer’s pushing them around cause Raphael pushes him around. Lucifer ignores the last part saying no matter how much sully seems like he wants to tear Lucifer’s head off he’s skilful and knows his way around books, when Satan only glares back he asks if Satan likes books to which he replies that every book in this library is precious. Lucifer laments about how none of his brothers like books despite how much he tries to get them into reading and that there’s no one he knows who he can talk to about them since Michael “overcomplicates things and twists them into something they’re not” (do you think Michael has started his Lucifer shrine at this point or does that happen after the fall?) and Raphael “who’s snide and generally unpleasant” (God if they do introduce the angels I desperately want them to be dicks. Like give me one person who’s an asshole that’s not hiding a secret soft side, I want someone who looks at MC sneers and then continues to never fall in love with them) though there is Simeon who’s the most normal of them. He says his life would be easier if he had someone like Sully for a brother (poor Satan’s probably going through a crisis rn). Lucifer says that Satan can look around and pick any book he wants and even points him towards a section meant only for seraph. Satan hesitantly picks up one and asks for permission and Lucifer notes he’s a fan of art. After they’re done Lucifer calls Satan close to look at a particularly interesting book with a blank cover. There’s a flash of bright white light and chains burst from inside the book and wrap around Satan who gets immediately pissed off, demanding what’s happening (earning their trust just to flip on them like that!? Specially satan!? The years of progress that just undid!?) Does he already know Satan is a demon? I mean they’re both pretty suspicious either way but I’m pretty sure he won’t take them to the other higher ups considering how he spoke about them and I’m 100% sure if this was pre-Diavolo angel!Lucifer he would have killed Satan on the spot without bothering to trap him.
Satan yells at Lucifer to do something (I don’t know if it’s sweet or sad that no matter how much Satan pretends to hate Lucifer in the end he absolutely believes Lucifer would never do anything to hurt him and would help him if he was in trouble even when Satan’s usual logic should tell him that Lucifer intentionally gave him the book). Lucifer says it makes sense that Satan got caught and when MC tries to help him Satan tells them to stay back cause he doesn’t want them to get caught either. Lucifer says the book is alive and catches evil beings and the harder you struggle the tighter the chains get (don’t you think Evil has two meanings in the OM! World? The brothers and the demons in general are referred to as evil a lot but when it comes down to it they’re all good people – heavily flawed with pretty loose morals – but more or less good people certainly not bad enough to be called evil. Evil tm seems to be what all demons naturally are but that it seems to have nothing to do with the puppy kicking, baby eating, mass murder you’d usually associate with the term. So yeah two different meanings. I think technically inanimate objects like the book would react to the natural Evil tm in the brothers and actual people like the angels will associate that natural Evil tm with the normal evil we all know and thus believe all demons are puppy kicking, baby eating, mass murderers). Lucifer said he would have known if Simeon got two angels (BOOM!) and that he knew from the beginning they weren’t angels (just look at their freaky ass non-white coloured clothes!). Satan says Lucifer playing dirty is something that has never changed. Lucifer says he has no fucking clue what Satan’s talking about and then looks at MC and says “wtf are you anyway” when MC answers he says that Michael’s being interested in a human sorcerer recently but guesses that’s not MC, he says they’re obviously not a demon or angel but doesn’t seem to believe the human thing fully too because he again asks and emphasises, “Interesting…What are you, exactly…” (This is the second time OM!’s implied MC’s not fully human, demon or angel with the first being in a devilgram. In my first ever HC list I said I see MC as a hybrid of the three while still being mostly human – because when Lilith died she was no longer an angel but she wasn’t fully a demon either and that particular magic unique to only her travelled with her when she reincarnated and then travelled unnoticed through her descendants and was magnified after MC made pacts with the 7 brothers and started sharing their powers). Satan latches on to that, stating MC’s not a demon so Lucifer should only be interested in him but that piques Lucifer’s interest more and he moves closer to MC because why would a demon protect someone else. MC tells Lucifer to let Satan go (and it’s said in a way where it’s implied it’s an order not an option and MC’s a little insane right?) Satan says there’s no point trying to get Lucifer to listen before he transforms into his demon form saying Lucifer never listens, to which Lucifer is silent (Y’all really need to talk after all this is over), before he says there’s no need for Satan to lose his temper and that Lucifer would let them go which obviously shocks Satan. Lucifer releases Satan who asks what Lucifer’s new plot is. Lucifer’s like “wow you have zero trust in me” and Satan’s like “bitch, I have negative trust in you”. Lucifer says there’s no plots and Satan says he’s lying. Lucifer says that the old him would have drop kicked a demon on site and wouldn’t have released them just so they could talk. And what does Lucifer want to talk about? His new demon boo <3 ugh sorry “acquaintance”. He says he never would have imagined he’d have a demon as an acquaintance but here we are. Lucifer says he’s strange, that he doesn’t act like a demon and that the more they talk the less he understands him but that he likes talking to him and there’s a certain feeling he gets from talking to Diavolo similar to the one he gets when talking to Satan (familiarity? Belonging? Kinship? Affection?) and I can’t believe we went from Lucifer complaining about his co-workers to him asking advice about what sounds like his first crush. Lucifer says he also wants to know more about Satan and that he only used the book to make sure he actually was a demon and he asks Satan to forgive him, Satan is silent and contemplative. Lucifer says he’s answered Satan’s questions and isn’t there something that Satan should say to him, more specifically, “thank you for releasing me”. Satan mumbles under his breath “holy shit I can’t believe you made me believe you were nice! You’re as nasty as ever” but still flushes red and says thanks. Lucifer’s pleased by it and says that for his good manners he won’t report anything to Michael but in return they have to follow him again.
Lucifer leads them back to a rooftop? where the brothers are. Mammon says Lucifer’s late and that Beel ate the food they’d left aside for him, while Belphie complains about how after Lucifer told all of them not to be late he was. Lucifer smiles and tells Belphie to not get mad about it in exchange for Lucifer ignoring that Belphie slept on the job. Belphie says that’s playing dirty. Asmo & Levi say that considering all the work Lucifer has these days they shouldn’t be mad at him, they then ask why Satan left and that they were worried about him & MC. Belphie asks since when were they friends with Lucifer, A red faced Satan says they’re not. Beel happily points out that Satan’s face is progressively turning more red and Satan says that all the eggs Beel ate contained reddite and it was fucking up his eyesight and this exactly the sort of BS I’d say to my brother to get him off my back the om! Team writes sibling relationships so well???? Beel questions about reddite and Satan just goes balls deep with the lie, creating a new disorder, explaining how it works and what the permanent effects are to which Beel immediately starts panicking until Belphie says Satan’s just being a lil’ shit. Simeon congratulates MC on their therapy skills but MC says it’s Lucifer who did everything. Simeon says Lucifer shouldn’t get all the credit (because yeah honestly sometimes just having someone to sit with you and hold your hand even if you don’t talk goes a long way when you’re having a bad time). Mammon asks Lucifer why he called them all here. Lucifer uses magic and suddenly the sky daylit sky outside is replaced by the stars and moon and night sky. Lucifer says Michael made Raphael remodel the room (so they’re in the observatory?) to show the human sky as well and Lucifer wanted to check it out before Michael had the chance. All the brothers are in awe. MC asks if Michael will be pissed that Lucifer checked out what is clearly his room first and Lucifer says he doesn’t give a flying fuck about it. Belphie’s thrilled and asks if anyone knows any stories about the constellations, Satan says he knows about every single one. Asmo asks him to tell them and he starts pointing out stars first the three stars forming the triangle of Betelgeuse, then Cator and Pollux – gemini - who are incredibly close and are like peas in a pod which the twins instantly claim as their own, and then orion. Simeon is happy that Satan looks so happy.
Mc is later woken up by Satan, with the others already asleep around the room, he says the stupid faces they make when they sleep hasn’t changed over the years. MC notes that Simeon and Lucifer are missing and asks about it. He says he has no idea and that they must have gone off together, he then asks them to keep quiet about what they saw here when they got back home. MC’s not on board with that and says there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Satan blushes says he’s not but that the brothers will tease him but in the end he’s happy they came here. He thanks MC and they say they’re just happy seeing him being so happy and he calls them mean for teasing him, the twins start moving around in bed and end up in weird positions – Satan fondly complains about that never changing and how they wouldn’t survive without him and goes to straighten them out. MC goes to find Lucifer and Simeon. They then eavesdrop on them talking in the forest. Lucifer says that Simeon looks really good as a human and Simeon says coming from Lucifer that’s a grand compliment. He then says he knows that none of this is real but that he’s truly happy he got to see Lucifer like this one more time. Lucifer asks what he’s talking about considering Simeon sees him so much every day that Lucifer figures Simeon would be sick of him and that nothing is going to change. “This is who we are. And who we’ll be forever” (and this whole thing is so fucking bittersweet and I forget that Simeon lost all his closest friends in the Celestial Realm in one fell sweep and then went through whatever unknown events got him demoted). Simeon looks sad for just a moment before he smiles and says, “Forever, huh…That’s such a wonderful word, but so very fragile.” (actual tears rn). Simeon says he knows Lucifer’s met Diavolo by now and that he’s felt lingering doubt crawl into his heart so when Lucifer says forever even he himself is not sure if he means it (this also explains one of the reasons why Simeon isn’t Diavolo’s biggest fan because while leaving was definitely the brothers’ decision he probably unconsciously or lowkey resents Diavolo for putting the thought into Lucifer’s head and showing him that leaving was an available option) Lucifer stutters and doesn’t know what to say to that. (Okay so ik that some of y’all see the “brothers no more” chat name and see Lucifer and Simeon brothers but I’ve always considered that to mean “brothers in arms”? Not actual siblings? One, because Lucifer would never have left one of his siblings behind, no matter how much they kicked and screamed and refused to leave he would have dragged them down to the Devildom with him. Two, Lucifer treats Simeon as an equal something he doesn’t do to his brothers. With his brothers he’s overprotective and condescending, controlling and overbearing. He’s basically helicopter-parenting and you can clearly see that he doesn’t treat them as equals unlike the way he treats Simeon. Third there’s a clear distance between Simeon and the brothers. I mean they’re all really close but the brothers don’t treat Simeon the same way they treat each other or even the way they treat Lucifer – there always seems to be an underlying layer of respect. I mean sure they respect Lucifer and each other (hard as it may be to see) but they can also call Lucifer and each other ‘dickheads’ to the face something I don’t see them doing with Simeon. The brothers’ relationship with Simeon, I see in the same way I’d treat the composed sweet close friend of a sibling who is much much much older than me. So yeah I see Simeon as being Lucifer’s childhood friend, where they grew up in each other’s pockets, went to war together and fought alongside each other and ended up working in the same place in similar positions).
MC wakes up to someone shaking them and calling their name (you can choose it to be either Luke or Mammon. Because I’m a sim: ) Mammon gives a short relieved laugh when they wake up, asking them what they’re doing sleeping in the middle of the forest and how no matter how much he shook them they didn’t wake up and how he was worried. Satan says they’re back in the real world and Mammon asks them wtf they’re talking about saying he doesn’t remember anything, MC asks where they were and says they were worried. Neither Luke nor Mammon remember anything and didn’t even remember disappearing, saying they walked in the HoL and the next minute they were back to standing in the forest. Mammon and Luke have a brief argument about how they might have actually been in danger and the word chihuahua is thrown and protested to until Mammon remembers and asks what the other two are doing here and MC explains how and why they came here. Luke says okay “but when you say you tripped balls and had a shared hallucination what exactly do you mean…” Satan shuts that down quickly. Luke asks what even happened. Simeon hands him a pamphlet where the whole section about the HoL is gone, in its place is a passage about rumours of fairies who lure people and tease and torment them. Satan says it’s a miracle they made it out alive. Simeon says it’s because of the hawthorn berry powder Satan is covered in because fairies are very fond of hawthorn berries and as a thank you to Satan for bringing it to them they showed him something he’d always wanted to experience. This line makes Mammon & Luke even more curious and Satan threatens Simeon not to say a word but he forgot MC’s a shithead so they begin, “So we found ourselves in the Celestial Realm –“ before Satan cuts them off, telling them to shut up and threatening them with him going to Lucifer and telling him a whole list of bad things Mammon did whether they’re true or not and azkcjbscjwzx I can’t believe Satan just called MC a simp like that right to their face in front of everyone what the fuuuuuuck!????? Mammon oblivious loveable idiot that he is doesn’t understand why he’s being threatened. Simeon reminds them of why they even came out here and MC remembers the fairies/fairy rings, Mammon laments not been able to get their treasure and Luke calls him evil for wanting to steal it. Mammon says treasure or fairy rings it’s still the same but Luke vehemently protests against that. Mammon does note that despite running into fairies there doesn’t seem to be any fairy rings around and Simeon says they may have to give up for now, Satan agrees saying after all the emotional upheaval he’s exhausted. Both Luke and Mammon are really disappointed. (So about the vision/hallucination/reality they saw it reminded me of that thing Dumbledore said in the last Harry Potter book when they were in Kings Cross station. Something about how just because it’s a dream doesn’t mean it’s not real.)
Back in the train station Mammon and Luke are still sulking and MC says at least they had fun together, mammon agrees minus the part at the end that turned into a scene from a horror movie. Satan asks Simeon why he’s smirking, Simeon says he’s remembering how adorable Satan had looked while he was teaching his brothers the constellations for the first time and how he wished real Lucifer was there to see it. Satan demands that none of this goes back to Lucifer. Simeon laughs evilly and MC says Lucifer would be so happy if he knew and Satan – red-faced – says that’s exactly why he doesn’t want Lucifer to know and sighs about how satan still can’t admit to how much he loves Lucifer. Simeon says that it’s a special opportunity considering this particular group don’t get to travel together that often but Mammon still sulks until he’s back on the train and fawning over how good the food is. Luke calls mammon a simpleton for how easily his moods flip-flop (hey???? I take offense to that) and mammon snaps back at him, Luke says since Mammon’s always talking about him like he’s a dog he doesn’t get to complain and Simeon laughs about how close they seem, Satan’s confused by Simeon’s definition of close and MC says you tend to fight more with people you’re closer to (which yeah it’s true for me at least. I’d always argue with someone I’m close to vs someone I just know and they’re never serious arguments either just stupid shit that you can trade friendly-rude barbs over). Luke says he’d never be close with a demon like Mammon and Mammon says for such a small kid Luke’s got a big mouth, Luke bites back and they continue. Simeon tells MC if they thought they could get rest on the train back they’re greatly mistaken cause Simeon was only able to book 4 rooms so two of them will have to share and that immediately stops Luke & Mammon’s argument. MC feels all of their eyes boring into them before they all start volunteering to share a room with MC. Luke suggests they draw straws or play rock-paper-scissors to decide, Mammon suggests cards but Satan says that he can see in Mammon’s eyes that he plans on cheating and an argument breaks out making the others on the train turn to stare at them and this time MC genuinely seems to consider jumping off a moving train instead they command the demons to stay. Simeon says that never stops being funny and Luke says it actually looks painful and ik MC only uses it when things are getting out of hand and they aren’t listening to reason and are causing a scene that can lead to a (usually) public brawl but the command to stay still feels icky to me.
In the corridor MC finds a silent sad looking Simeon and asks him what’s wrong. Simeon tries to deflect it, gets oddly scatter brained about where he put down his tea, says that even though rock-paper-scissors was a fair was to decide he’s disappointed but the look on Mammon & Luke’s faces when they found out they would be sharing was worth it. MC picking up on how all over the place he seems asks if something is bothering him. He says not really but sort of? He says Satan wasn’t the only one impacted by the whole Celestial Realm fever dream and that seeing the brothers as angels again brought back happy memories until he remembered that they aren’t there anymore and that the Celestial Realm is different now which made him depressed. MC hugs them and Simeon says they’re warm and smell comforting before he thanks them he then blushes and says he would like to kiss them and MC gets the chance to either tell him to go ahead or to gently say “No, Simeon…” he understands that there’s someone else and that whoever that is he’s very lucky. He then gives them the star of patience and tells them they’re gonna be an amazing sorcerer. Simeon says he wished he could’ve had MC as a guardian angel and MC goes “wait…do angels even have guardian angels!?” and Simeon says …no. He then wishes them goodnight.
On the way to bed MC hears voices from the roof and goes to check it out only to find the other 3. The three of them are arguing about constellations. Mammon points out Scorpius correctly and calls Orphiuchus next to it the scorpion bearer, Luke says it’s the goat bearer, Mammon says “what even is the difference between scorpions and goats, Satan says they’re both wrong and MC says it’s the serpent bearer. They pull MC down beside them and Luke says Satan was telling them about the seven sisters and asks if they know what it’s called. MC gets to answer. Mammon asks if there’s a seven brother’s constellation and Luke says there is one in the Celestial Realm, with everyone knowing about the legend behind the constellation being about the brothers’ fall. Mammon asks what they’re like and Luke says they’re seven bright stars with three others watching over them. Luke says he doesn’t know what the three stars are supposed to represent and Mammon suggests it might be Michael, Luke says that’d be weird cause Michael only has two eyes so what’s the third one, Mammon suggests it could be like Michael’s nostril or something and I’m in genuine tears over this, my chest hurts from how much I laughed, Luke says that’s stupid and MC who is actually just as stupid as Mammon but who is also much better at hiding it suggest two eyes and a mouth, Luke goes “…heeeeh?” finally realising one of his role models is a dumbass before he starts protesting asking why the two of them are so fixated on it being two eyes, Satan suggests that they might represent demons, angels and humans and luke says that feels right (personally I think they’re Michael, Raphael and Simeon) Mammon suggests the human star would be MC and Satan agrees. (okay so I think the seven brothers stars are completely BS. Why? Because Michael and the angels had no idea Satan existed. Hell even Lucifer didn’t know until Satan was born after they fell. Michael would have had no relationship with Satan, hell they’ve never even met, for him to be sentimental and it makes no sense that a place Satan has never really been to would have a star for him. They would have a star for Lilith though. That makes sense. But the story of Lilith’s death and probably even her existence seems to be very securely hidden away considering even Luke who’s so close with Michael doesn’t seem to know why the brothers fell. The angels wouldn’t have named stars after the brothers immediately after their fall and it would have taken time for them all to heal, reach a place of forgiveness and start to grieve and miss what they’d lost. So I bet by this time, the news that there was a seventh brother had come up and the angels in the know jumped at the chance to use him as a cover story for the seventh star rather than admit a girl was killed over falling in love and then using her powers to heal a human. So yeah. The seven brothers stars feel like utter BS. Seven siblings on the other hand…). Mammon tells Luke to hurry up and get on with it and Luke gives MC the star of generosity. Luke thanks them for everything, saying that though they didn’t find a fairy ring he had fun and made good memories, he then thanks them for always being there for them all.
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achliegh · 3 years
Yeehaw Leo… it's all because this song came on one day (I don’t even really listen to country anymore so it really is fate). Leo is based off that song, each chapter is going to be based off a yeehaw song too.
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Beta: @punkkkboi
TW/CW: Smut, terrible yeehaw sayings and jokes, injuries, mentions of past death/suicide, minor character death, underage drinking, mentions of past arrests, cringe
Chapter Songs (listening in order is recommended):
Chapter 8:
Boat Playlist: Youtube, Spotify
“Noelle… Why did I run!? That was a terrible decision!” Thomas has been pacing around the room at the foot of their bed for the past hour, butt ass naked. He came to find Noelle at Judy's, obviously something was wrong, when Thomas starts to worry he starts sweating which means he takes off his clothes.
“I don’t know babe, but we need to talk to him…. Also,” She smacks his ass with a pillow as hard as she can and lets out a frustrated sigh. “WE HAD A PLAN!” She sits back on her heels and puts her face in her hands. Taking a deep breath she looks up at him. “Tomorrow is a new day, we can hopefully get Clay alone to talk to him. Did you even stay to see how he reacted?” Thomas shakes his head and flops down on his side of the bed, limbs resembling a starfish. She looks down at him and smiles a little. This beautiful, yet stupid, man makes her heart beat so fast she doesn’t know how to react.
Clay another beautiful, yet stupid, man was someone who makes her feel the same. Hopefully they can show him how they feel in a less chaotic way.
The next morning the sun woke Logan up by blinding him through the small opening in the curtains around the bed. They left it slightly open so Leo would know they were there and waiting for him… but he didn’t come to bed last night. Logan rolls over just to make sure Leo didn’t sneak in on the other side of the bed.
Logan gets this odd sinking feeling in his chest and wakes Finn by shaking him. Finn rolls over and wraps his arms around Logan just shushing him.
“It’s too early.” Logan rolls his eyes and pinches Finn’s side making him scoot away from Logan. Whining a little he opens one eye and looks at Logan, pushing himself up on his elbow to look over him to see if Leo is in bed, he frowns. “Did he come back?”
“I don’t think so, and I don’t know where he went so we can’t go find him.” Logan sits up and sighs, he yawns and stretches, rolling his shoulders out. Flopping his arms down he turns to look at Finn and notices he has already fallen back asleep, he was up a while after Logan had fallen asleep waiting for Leo so Logan just kissed his forehead. Rolling to the edge of the bed he sits up and puts his feet on the ground. Cracking his toes and ankles he sighs in relief, standing up and walking to the closet to get some clothes for the day. As he is digging through his bag looking for a pair of socks he hears the door slide open and close. Then there were warm arms around his shoulders and a chin resting on top of his head.
“Logan.” That familiar drawl sunk its way into his heart and gut, he turns around in Leo’s arms and cups his face. He looked exhausted, there were a couple of leaves in his hair, the bags under his eyes were purple against his golden tan skin. He notices a few freckles on his nose that are just barely there. Running a thumb over his chapped lips Logan looks him in the eyes. That dark blue has gotten duller and he frowns. “Logan.” Leo closes his eyes and brushes his nose against Logan's.
Suddenly Leo stands back up straight, towering above Logan and starts to sink down to his knees, running his hands down from Logan’s shoulders to his sides and landing on his hips. Looking up at Logan with these half open eyes that causes a spike of arousal throughout his entire body. Leo grabs his hand and puts it into his hair as he starts to press soft kisses into Logan’s hip bones.
Logan knows what Leo wants him to do, and he wants to do it. He feels himself getting hard and takes a shaky breath, he was only in his boxers from sleeping last night so there wasn’t much for Leo to pull away. Tipping his head back and gasping as Leo swallows him down he grips his hair tightly. What takes Logan by surprise is Leo doesn’t move, it's like he was waiting for something, and he was. Logan moves his hips on reflex and Leo moans to let him know what he wants. Logan looks down at him surprised, Leo pulls off for a moment to tell him the words that would ring in his ears for a long time after.
“Use me, please.” and he did as Leo wished. He started slowly to push in and out of Leo’s mouth, groaning at the feeling because Leo knew what he was doing. Gripping Leo’s hair tighter and moving faster he sees Leo completely relaxed and almost peaceful. He curses under his breath and moans when Leo moves his tongue just right.
Hearing the closet door open again he looks up to see Finn walk in, stumbling and still half asleep. His socks match his underwear like the ‘loser’ he is, according to himself. Logan goes to say something but Leo gives him a nice long suck that draws out an incredibly pornographic moan from him.
Finn startles a little and looks up to see Logan fucking into Leo’s mouth, it was beautiful… and got him extremely hard, blood rushing down. Leo gestures him over with his hand and Finn moves on autopilot. Leo grabs him by the back of his thigh when he gets close enough and pulls off of Logan, yanking Finn’s underwear down and taking over the situations he swirls his tongue over the head of Finn’s cock while running his thumb over Logan’s. Smiling a little as he hears them groan in pleasure and grab his shoulder and hair.
As time passed Logan and Finn were kissing and just breathing each other in as Leo would switch between who he was jerking and who he was swallowing. Panting his name Leo kept a steady pace until he felt they were getting close. He pulls off Logan one last time and takes them one in each hand, he starts pumping them in a quick pace, twisting at the head. Logan throws his head back with his eyes closed as he holds on to both Finn and Leo. Finn closes his eyes and presses his chin to his chest as his hips stutter.
“Leo!” They both say as they finally break and cum off over Leo’s face. Finn opens his eyes after a few moments and looks down at Leo, his dick twitching from the sight he sees. Leo being flushed red, his pupils blow wide, and the cum slowly drips down his face. He wishes he could take a picture and keep it forever.
Logan kneels down next to Leo and smiles. Picking up a white shirt off the ground and starts to wipe Leo’s face. “Do you want us to get you off?” Leo shakes his head and smiles lovingly at Logan and gives him a peck when he is finished wiping Leo off. He stands up and kisses Finn as well before walking out and whistling to a random tune. Looking at each other confused, Finn helps Logan up.
They just get ready for the day with an ominous cloud over their heads.
A half an hour later, Leo was pulling on his jeans and about to button them when the bathroom door burst open. Reg comes stomping in with a fury behind his eyes, grabbing Leo by his arm he marches him back into the room and to the door of his bedroom. Past Finn and Logan who were pulling on a shirt and fixing their hat. They ended up following behind the two younger guys and stumbling down the stairs.
“Clayton London Bruss!” his mom could be heard yelling from the kitchen as he exited the entrance hall. Pausing Clay takes a step back but hears his mother call again and he sighs, walking into the kitchen he sees the whole team getting breakfast. Mom looks like she is fuming, Leo is half naked and being pulled behind Reg who looks like a twin demon to his mother. He makes eye contact with Leo and sees the same fire light in him.
Fuck, he really messed up.
“Good morning! How was everyone's night.” Clay put on his most charming smile and waltzed over to his mothers side and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He goes to grab a piece of toast when a hand grabs his wrist and yanks him to look at them. Leo was furious.
“What so you are going to walk in to MY house and act like you didn’t almost destroy my fucking trust in you!?” Leo let go of his wrist and cupped his neck, getting close enough that only Clay could hear him. “Are you okay? What did she do to you? I can tell something is bothering you.” Before Clay could answer he felt a sharp slap on his ass with the bottom of what he knows is his mom's house slipper. Jumping away from Leo he whips around and looks at her offended while rubbing where she just smacked him.
“Why would you go somewhere with that- that bitch!” Judy is not one to curse so wildly, so Clay knows she is upset. He smiles shyly at her and shrugs his shoulders. She starts hitting him with her shoe, not trying to cause any harm or anything, but she suddenly lands a hit in a place he was going to try and hide. His side, where lovely Ashley gave him a giant fucking bruise last night after finishing… the deed. She kicked him out of the bed physically and decided to land a couple more to make sure he stayed off the bed.
He gasps and clutches his side when she hits him and everyone freezes, his mom, Leo, Reg, and the entire team who was just trying to mind their own business. Reg doesn’t waste a second, he lifts ups Clays shirt and whispers a ‘holy fuck’ when he sees the bruise that covers the side of his friend. Judy tells him to take his shirt off and like the good son he is, he does. She starts examining him in the way the retired nurse was trained to do.
“Leo, does your mom have any Tylenol?”
“Let me go check.” Leo turns and walks down a hall to a linen closet where they keep all their medicine and injury stuff. They can hear him rummaging around. Judy continues to poke and prod at his side and he flinches sometimes and just sucks in a breath at the others. He tries to keep his eyes down to the ground but he knows there are two particular sets of eyes on him.
“We only have Ibuprofen, it looks like she took the other first aid case when she left for France a few weeks ago.” Leo walks back over and stands next to Reg who is just boiling over with anger. “Reg and I can go to the pharmacy in the mall and pick some up while you keep him here.”
“Actually I think it would be best if he goes with you. She hands Clay his shirt and gives all three of them a look that says ‘work this out.’ They all nod and head to Leo’s car because the truck was still packed full of junk from the summer.
They drive in silence.
Pulling into the mall Reg points out that maybe they need to stop at the pet store they always stop at when they come to this mall. They all agree and walk in, the familiar bell ringing above them. Clay had worked here for a short time a couple of years ago and is still friends with the owner. The teenage music playing over the speakers as one of the employees feeds the little parakeets in the corner, they give the guys a wave and go back to their job.
A song Leo has never heard before was playing, but the words stuck with him… it's an insecurity he has actually had for a while in his relationship.
“So if you wanna piss off your parents. Date me to scare them. Show them you're all grown up. If long hair and tattoos are what attract you. Baby, then you're in luck, and I know it's just a phase. You're not in love with me. You wanna piss off your parents, baby. Piss off your parents. That's alright with me.”
“What if we casually sneak a fish?” Clay is looking at the beta fish in small square tubs just waiting to be snatched. Knocking Leo out of his slowly spiraling thoughts from the music and bringing his attention to something else.
“Out of us three you would never be able to do it.” Leo has a challenge to his voice as he joins Clay in looking at the fish. He has his eyes on an orange one, it reminds him of Finn. It also has the attitude of Logan by trying to attack the fish in the next tub.
“Oh god…” Reg sighs and watches them share a look and smirk, they were going to try and steal the fucking fish. He watched them go up to the counter with their fish just out of sight of the cashier while buying some fish food and small square travel bowls… but not the fish. Reg rolls his eyes and gets his own fish, bowl and food. Walking up to the counter after those two idiots scurried out of the shop as quickly as they could.
Reg got rang up with all of his items. He thought for a moment and decided that he wasn’t going to tell Leo and Clay that he paid for their fish.
“Add two more fish to my price, the yahoo’s that just left happened to steal one for each of them.” The cashier laughs a little and has a polite conversation with him about his friends. Once he is done paying he finds them both in the car with the air conditioner blasting onto the fish to keep them cool as they go into the pharmacy.
Judy was not impressed when they came back with fish, but they got what she asked for. She hands Clay a bag of ice and tells him to go relax. He rolls his eyes and earns himself another smack on the butt from her house slipper. He runs away into the main floor bathroom before she can get him again.
He doesn’t realize he didn’t lock the door until two familiar faces walk in. One standing in front of the door and the other coming over to examine his side. Noelle and Thomas.
“Noelle, I’m sorry. I promise I wasn’t thinking and I know Thomas loves you with everything and I’m not trying to get in the way of tha- OW!” She had taken the ice from him and pressed it on his side just a little too hard, the Tylenol hasn’t quite kicked in yet.
“Sorry, sorry! Also, you know how you are going to get in the middle of Thomas and I.” She looks at him straight in the eye, he swallows. He hasn’t been able to get close enough to her to see the warmth of the brown around her pupil and the green surrounding it yet. He couldn’t stop staring. Sometime when he was looking at her eyes she moved to be between his legs and is now resting the hand that isn’t holding the ice pack to his side, on his thigh. His eyes flick down to her hand and then over to Thomas who is just giving off these vibes that Finn gets when Leo and Logan are flirting. “Like this.” She takes the hand from his thigh and turns his chin to face her.
She kisses him, and it doesn’t have the same fire in his veins like his kiss with Thomas did. But it made him feel like he was floating in one of those sensory deprivation tanks. Nothing else was being focused on but Noelle and Thomas. Clay felt a hand rest on his lower back, pulling away to look he was pulled into another kiss by those lips that set him alight the night before. His hands move to grip a shoulder from both of them.
After a few moments Thomas pulls away, Clay keeps his eyes closed for a moment to calm his spinning thoughts. When he opens his eyes he sees the most beautiful sight. Thomas and Noelle were kissing right in front of him, smiling into the kiss Noelle nips at Thomas’ lip as they pull away. Both turning to look at Clay. With the same look they give each other.
This could work.
Leo is watching his new fish swim around in its new travel tank when he gets a sloppy kiss on each cheek.
“One of you needs to shave, you’re prickly.” He looks at Finn who is rubbing his cheek and shrugs. Smiling he turns back to his fish and watches it just… exist.
“So, is this what you’re replacing us with?” Logan puts his face near and glass and swatches the flurry of orange and red swim around the tank.
“I got it because it reminds me of y’all. It’s red just like Finn.” He sweetly pinches Finn’s cheek, getting his hand swatted away by a snorting Finn. “And aggressive like Logan.” He pinches Logan's ass and gets slapped on the arm.
“How can a fish be aggressive?” Leo blinks at them a couple of times, he gently moves the fish’s tank a little closer to Reg’s fish’s tank and they watch as the fish tries to attack the other. Leo raises both his eyebrows and purses his lips in a sassy way. “Huh… that fish really is Lo.”
“Okay, instead of comparing me to a fish, can we talk about where you slept last night Leo.” Leo pauses and moves the tank back away from the other, deciding on whether to tell the truth or not… he decides to show them. Standing up from his stool he nods toward the back patio door and walks towards it. As they follow him he takes them down a path towards a pond where the mama and papa duck are feeding.
He walks over to the large willow tree and leans against it facing out to the pond. Logan and Finn are still taking in their surroundings, the leaves dangling off the drooping branches, it was serene and calm. The light breeze moved those same leaves like wind chimes. The sun rising through the gaps in the tree lights up the ground like a spotlight on the few wildflowers that have been able to thrive in the small spot of sun. Marigolds were planted around the trunk besides a spot that was the perfect size for someone to sit against.
“It’s very calming out here, I see why you’d fall asleep out here.” Logan was braiding a few of the smaller branches together. Smiling when they unraveled themselves.
“It’s my dad's tree. When he passed, he didn’t want to be buried in a casket that would keep him from giving back to the earth… So we cremated him and buried him with this willow sapling.” Leo was leaning against the tree in the trunk of the tree right in the spot where the marigolds weren’t blooming. He looked like he belonged there.
“I’m sorry about your dad.” Finn looks at him sadly and then back at the ground where a squirrel ran past like they weren’t even there.
“It wasn’t your fault, don’t apologize. It wasn’t my dad’s fault either… the police report and his death certificate say he committed suicide but, its not what happened. When I was 16 Ma and I were at one of my baseball games, we came home to find our entire property was covered by police. Obviously something wasn’t right. Know that about a month before I came out as gay and my dad came out as bi, we came out together and Ma was so proud of us.” Smiling a little at the memory. “I remember she made a cake that said “I love my gays” dad found it hilarious, I was just still processing that everyone knew about me so I cried.” Leo laughs a little and sniffles, getting a little teary from the last happy memory of his dad. “ My dad had told me he was bi by telling me about a guy he would mess around with in highschool… I found out who that guy was after his death. Basically what happened was dad was found in the middle of one of the pens with a bullet to his temple. It was in the right side of his head and the gun, which was the only gun on the whole property by the way, was in his right hand… Daddy was left handed.” Leo shoved his hands in his pockets to keep from cracking his knuckles, a habit he picked up because his mother hates it when he does it.
Finn and Logan were keeping themselves busy by watching the ducks and the ripple of the water but listening intently to the story.
“Yeah, the guy my dad was messing around with in highschool… he was the first person on the scene. It was the sheriff. He has always made Ma’s and my life a living hell so I guess it makes sense. You know the funny thing, random flowers will show up at this tree sometimes. I know it's him who is sneaking in and putting them there. He’s such a piece of shit.” Leaning his head back on the tree Leo takes a deep breath to calm down. Something is poking at his leg, making him look down.
It was Daisy, the mother duck of all the ducklings every year. Also, Eloise’s best friend. Leo smiles and gives her a couple of pets and pats and she waddles away back to the pond.
Hours pass, Leo is still distant when speaking but he is always touching them in some way. Whether it's a pinky linked with Logan’s or resting his head on Finn’s shoulders randomly. It was cute but they also know he is letting himself process his emotions. Once, he was back to wanting to interact with people. He mentions how Clay and he own a small pontoon on a lake about 15 minutes away. Everyone was up for it so they packed coolers and got into their swimsuits. Judy made sure they had bug spray, sunscreen, food, and water. Remus was in charge of bringing that because literally anyone else would have forgotten it.
Everyone piled onto this, obviously not old, pontoon and got comfy in the pleather seats. There was even a top deck with a slide that Kuny was dying to try out. As Leo was pulling off the dock some people went up to the top deck to sunbathe and feel the wind as they drove. Clay was hooking up his phone to put on the only radio he cares about, the pontoon radio. (Youtube, Spotify)
No one was surprised when some country music about a pontoon actually started playing over the rather impressive speaker system on the boat. Leo drove past a small, large, corner that was much less well kept than the rest of the lake. Clay, Reg and Leo all waved over to the corner smiling like idiots.
“What's over there?” Sirius is looking over and trying to see a person but no one is there. The rest of the team is also trying to see literally anything.
“Our favorite gator! His name is Scar because he, like Clay over here, has a fat scar across his face.” Leo smiles and pats Clay’s shoulder who slaps his back and runs away to hide behind Thomas before Leo can grab him.
Leo gets them into the middle of the lake, the deepest part, and hears a bit of a scuffle. Looking over to see Clay trying to push Thomas off the boat and failing, smiling at them he watches as Thomas picks clay up over his shoulder and jumps into the water with him. It causes a chain reaction of everyone else jumping in.
Minus Finn and Lily who were still applying sunscreen.
Everything was great, they were all relaxed and drinking. Clayton got to show off his super power of a human bottle opener by literally opening a bottle with his fucking buttcheeks. Kuny asked for a bottle opener and Clay just used the crook of his elbow.
When something other than country music came over the speakers the team was fucking shook, especially when Clay, Reg and Leo all started doing a fucking line dance to the song Working Bitch by Ashniko and singing it word for word. The only response they got was .
“We may be cowboys but we are still gay.”
When Up by Cardi B came on they went fucking nuts, changing specific words to fit Leo and Reg’s pasty ass skin, Clay took on the first verse, Reg the second and Leo the third.
It causes four people in particular to have mini heart attacks when their boys would rap all this raunchy stuff. They know these two are slutty but when the actual song S.L.U.T came on they didn’t expect them to sing it from their heart. Nat and Lily also joined in on singing some of these. Sometimes Remus and Finn would join in too but more lowkey than the others. All around it was a good time.
“Leo… Look.” Reg was next to him as he was holding Finn from behind as they watched Logan and Sirius arm wrestle for one of the last cigarettes. Reg points out the left side of the boat, looking where he is pointing Leo notices a small fishing boat that he’s never given permission to be out here. Sharing a look with Reg, he has a sinking feeling he knows exactly who it is, binoculars and all.
Calling everyone onto the boat so they can go and confront this person, Leo takes a lap around the lake to collect himself first. Slowing down as He pulls up next to the fishing boat at an appropriate distance not to knock him over.
“Howdy Sheriff.” Leo leans over the side of the boat, resting his forearms crossed on the railing. “Snooping?” He smiles at him.
“Let me on the boat son, I need to check you’re not drinking.” Leo rolls his eyes and opens the side door so he can climb on but doesn’t move closer. He sticks his hand out behind him so Reg can put a couple of pennies on his hand, Reg also gives some to Clay and takes two himself and puts them under his tongue. The sheriff checks everyone's IDs that he doesn’t know and walks over to the youngest ones. Taking out a breathalyzer from his jean pocket, because he is off duty and still policing for some reason. “Blow.”
“I thought you were trying to prove you’re not gay?” Clay smirks at the sour look he gets and blows into the breathalyzer and blows a 0, smiling and blowing a kiss to the annoyed 40 year old he walks back over to everyone else. Spitting his pennies into a cup.
“Blow.” Reg rolls his eyes and blows a 0 same as Clay walking over and spitting his pennies into the same cup. The sheriff doesn’t even tell Leo what to do, but he also blows a 0. Smiling a tight smile he crosses his arms.
“Happy? I’m just providing a boat for my friends to hang out on.”
“Having a gay orgy?” Leo smirks and looks down at him.
“Nope, but I know you’d want to join in.”
“You know this is private property and I know the owner and-and can get y’all kicked out!” He was turning red with embarrassment and anger, it was entertaining.
“Oh yeah? Call them then.” Leo picks at his nails as the sheriff calls the number posted on the sign out by the gate of the lake.
After a few moments, Leo’s phone rings.
He picks it up and says ‘hello’ It echoes through the sheriff's phone who is standing there stunned.
“Get the fuck off my property.” With that the sheriff gets back on his boat and drives off to the boat dock. Rubbing his temples he looks up to see Reg who gave him a thumbs up as he ended the video he was recording of the idiot, just in case anything else happened.
“Man, that guy is way worse than dad.” Noelle sips her beer as Logan nods in agreement. “Dad at least doesn’t patrol off duty… I don’t think.”
“Your dad is a sheriff?” Leo looks at them shocked because he doesn’t get along with any law enforcement besides Derek the keeper of the jail cells. The stab of worry that goes through his chest makes him have to take a breath. He tells them he is going up for a smoke and goes to the top deck.
Lighting up he listens to the music start again to keep everyone down stairs. Someone, who he is guessing is Clay, drives them back to the center to keep swimming.
Leo can’t help but think maybe… just maybe Finn and Logan are actually with him because they want him and not because they want to spice up their relationship, or to piss off their families.
He knew he was reaching though.
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Can we get Sooga (and maybe Kohga) babysitting lil Tulin????
“We came as soon as we saw your message.”
“Yeah, it was urgent! Where’s the fire?”
Teba turned as he saw Sooga and Kohga dash on into his home. He nodded at them.
“Yeah. Sorry. Was gonna ask Mipha, but she’s with her boy toy. Figured I’d trust you two instead.”
Teba took a step to the side, showing his son, Tulin, who was currently sitting on the floor, writing in his journal. Kohga cocked his head to the side, before shrugging.
“What? You want me to tell him to beat it? He a freeloader or what?”
“No. I need you two to chicksit for me. I’m taking Saki out, and I need someone to watch Tulin.”
Saki walked in just in time, adjusting her feathers.
“Teba, are you ready dear?”
“I’m ready, so long as these two are. So, how about it you two?”
Kohga was about to say ‘fuck no’, when he saw that look in Sooga’s eyes. He WANTED to do this, because he was a moron. Ugh. He sighed, before nodding.
“Fine. You two go and have fun, we got the little guy.”
Saki clapped her hands together, before leaning down to kiss Tulin’s head.
“Be good for Kohga and Sooga, my little nugget.”
“But not TOO good, kiddo.”
Teba patted his head, and Saki chuckled at the sight. She turned to the two yigas.
“Now, Tulin is supposed to be in bed by nine. No playing with Kass’s girls, as they’re supposed to be in bed, and they get into all kinds of mischief. That’s about it! Have fun you three, stay safe!”
Teba held his arm out for his lady, who giggled as she accepted it. Once they left, Sooga turned to Kohga.
“You didn’t want to do this. Why did you say yes?”
“Because YOU wanted to. And don’t look at me like that, you idiot.”
“I love you so much.”
“Tell someone who cares, moron.”
“You guys are weird.”
They both turned to look at Tulin, who was looking at them oddly. Kohga motioned to him.
“So...the fuck do we do with his white lookin’ ass?”
“Stop swearing, for one. It’s not good that he gets a pottymouth so early on. Two, we should properly introduce ourselves.”
Sooga walked over to him, kneeling down as he held out his hand.
“It is nice to meet you, Tulin. My name is Sooga, and that’s Kohga. How are you?”
Tulin put his book down, in order to stand up, and shake his hand properly.
“Hello! And good day!”
“What manners! And a good day to you too, little one.”
“My dad said good kids make good greeters!”
“God that’s a weird saying.”
Kohga sighed as he walked over to Teba’s hammock, before jumping into it, and getting himself nice and comfy. So comfy, he fell right to sleep. Sooga softly sighed. He loved his husband, very, very much.
“So. We have three hours until your bedtime, what would you like to-oh. You’re practicing your penmanship?”
Sooga looked over to the notebook on the floor, and Tulin nodded.
“Yep! Kheel has really pretty handwriting, I want mine to look good too! I wanna surprise her!”
“Huh. Why, if I didn’t know little one, I’d say that’s rather romantic.”
Tulin’s blush shone through his feathers, and he shook his head.
“N-no. She’s my friend, that’s it.”
“Uh huh, I see, I see,”
Sooga sat down next to Tulin, looking at the notebook.
“Regardless, I’d love to give you feedback. My father practiced calligraphy, I think I have a proper position on the matter.”
Tulin handed him his notebook, and Sooga skimmed through the pages. He nodded in approval.
“This is very nice! Have you shown your father?”
“No, just mom.”
“Why is that?”
Tulin shrugged, reaching up to grab his book again.
“It’s just a mom thing. Flight range and arrows are for me and dad, writing is for me and mom.”
Sooga nodded. Such a sweet, talented little boy.
“You have a good bond with your mother, little one.”
“Dad calls her a ‘worrybeak’, but yeah, I love my mom. Are you close with yours?”
Sooga froze. For a moment, he recalled her. Recalled her hair, her eyes, her smile. Her tears, her screams, her pain. His father holding onto her hand, his father scolding him for choosing to leave, using his mother’s name like a curse. A curse that cut into his hide like a-
“Yoohoo? Mr.Sooga?”
He suddenly snapped back into reality as Tulin waved his wing in front of his face. He cleared his throat, shaking his head.
“We...were. But she is no longer here.”
“Oh. I’m super sorry. What about your dad?”
“My father...wanted me to leave the nest, so to speak. But it’s fine. I’m loved enough.”
Tulin followed his gaze to Kohga, who gave his ass a good scratch. Tulin snickered, and Sooga couldn’t resist a small chuckle as well. Tulin put his book away, In order to look at his blades. The little rito was clearly very interested.
“Did he give you those swords?”
“No. Master Kohga did. Have you ever wielded a weapon before?”
“A bow and arrow, but never something cool like swords!”
Sooga thought about it for a moment. This child DID seem rather mature, despite his small size. Not to mention bows were just awful for up close combat. Against his better judgement, he decided to give the little one a gift.
“Would you like a present, Tulin?”
“YES! Please!”
Oh the way his little eyes shone in excitement. He pulled out something from his back, and placed it right into Tulin’s awaiting wings. A Vicious Sickle. Tulin looked it over in his hands, clearly in awe. Sooga chuckled, lightly patting his little bird head.
“It’s a light, easy to use weapon, with enough practice. It’s a wonderful starter weapon, and it never hurts to have extra protection. You will soon be the man of the house, you must learn to defend what is yours.”
“Woah! SO cool!”
Tulin was so excited, he started waving the damn thing around like a madlad. Even someone as calm as Sooga felt slightly panicked; for the only thing more dangerous than a blade, was an inexperienced hand. He grabbed onto Tulin’s hand, barely keeping himself from being cut.
“It IS cool. But what’s cooler is knowing how to use it. Would you like to learn?”
“Yes!! Please teach me! Please please please!”
“Very well. I should hope to be a good teacher to an eager student.”
Sooga held onto his hand, showing him the proper way to hold it; tightly, with the blade angled for a downward motion.
“Okay, I think I got it. Like this?”
“Perfect. Now, it’s a limber weapon, so if you need to move it in your hand, feel free to do so. Just be careful, it’s very easy to cut yourself. Now, let’s try to get a feel for it, shall we?”
Sooga stood up, and brandished one of his swords. He gave Tulin a moment to get his stance ready, before he let Tulin come at him. Course, he was very easy to block, but the point was so Tulin could feel comfortable holding it.
“Good, good. Side to side motions, just as you are.”
“It’s...kinda heavy, my arms hurt.”
“Suppose for your size, it’s not as limber as it is intended to be. Do your arms really hurt, or can you keep trying?”
“I...can keep trying, I think.”
“Good, a true fighter keeps going. Swing at me again.”
He noticed Tulin had to use almost both his hands as he swung. Poor thing was struggling. Light as his weapons were, Tulin was small. Determined, but very tiny. Still, he did rather well, all things considered. He blocked another blow rather easily.
“You aren’t uncomfortable around weapons. Good.”
“It’s usually bows, but training with my dad is a LOT like this.”
“Good of your father, teaching you to be comfortable with such a vital tool.”
He was about to do a mock swing, just to see if Tulin could dodge, when he saw Tulin was already weary, panting and even sweating a little. For living in a peaceful village, and armed with a bow and arrow, this WAS a lot of practice, especially from someone who was essentially a stranger. Sooga put his weapon away, and knelt down to Tulin.
“Why don’t we take a break? A weapon is useless without a body.”
“Okay...can we eat? I’m hungry.”
Sooga nodded, letting Tulin take the weapon, and sneak it into his own hammock. Tulin helped him find the cooking pot, and in a moment, Sooga had a fire going, and a few ingredients to throw inside.
“So, what are we hungry for?”
“I dunno, what can you make?”
“I suppose I can make poultry curry.”
“Oh! Yes! Do that one!”
Sooga nodded. He had no issues cooking the rice, and the chicken appropriately, and as soon as it was done, he handed a bowl to Tulin. Tulin dug into it hungrily, before slowly ceasing his eating. Sooga cocked his head down as the child stared at the bowl.
“What’s the matter?”
“I don’t like how it tastes. Super bland. I don’t wanna eat it.”
“God fucking dammit, Sooga, I can smell your shit cooking in my dreams.”
They both turned to look at Kohga, who had just woken up. He got out of the hammock, and walked over to the pot, taking the soup ladle to help himself to a taste. He then used it to smack Sooga on the back of his head.
“You. Cannot cook. I’d rather eat wet sand, at least THAT has salt.”
“I thought I was cooking it right-”
“Yeah right to hell. Fuck shit, move. What even is this?”
“Poultry curry.”
Kohga looked at him as if he had just gone insane.
“You’re...feeding chicken...to a baby chicken. That’s fucked up, Sooga.”
He was about to bitch at him some more, when Tulin nudged the bowl against Sooga. Kohga turned to look at him, and the little one was whimpering.
“Please fix it, I’m really hungry.”
“For the love of- fine. But only because I hate it when Sooga cooks.”
And Kohga did not disappoint. Not only did he fix Sooga’s awful poultry curry, he made the tastiest, sweetest egg pudding Tulin had ever tasted. The little one had two helpings of each, burping as soon as he was done. Kohga chuckled as he saw just how content the little guy was.
“Look at you, hungry fella. You need anything else, kid?”
“Uh huh. Can I please have some warm milk?”
“Sure, sure. I’ll make it just how my mom made mine.”
Tulin peered over as Kohga not only poured milk onto the pot, but cane sugar, courser bee honey, and even ground up some Chickaloo Tree Nuts. It made for a sweet, fragrant drink that Tulin accepted gleefully. He took one sip, and started kicking his little legs around wildly.
“This is SOOO good! This is WAY better than when mom makes it! Your mom is super cool!”
“She really was, she really was. Glad you like it, kiddo. Your turn, Sooga.”
Sooga didn’t LOVE sweets, but who was he to refuse such a treat from his Master? He accepted his own cup, took a sip, and found himself recalling...the good times. The times where he stood with his mother as they sipped tea, the times where she would get rid of his dirty, wet clothes, in order to get him warm and dry again. There was...only good in this drink, honestly. Sooga nodded, trying not to dwell so much on what was.
“I agree with Tulin. This is excellent. I’m surprised I’m just now trying it.”
“Eh, I only make it if I really need to go to bed. I usually make them with banana cookies-”
“Can you make those next time, please?!”
Tulin was practically giddy at the notion of more treats, and Kohga found it amusing. He patted Tulin’s head, nodding.
“Sure. Next time I’ll bring some over, just for you kid.”
“You’re SO cool!”
“I mean, I know that, but thank you.”
Kohga chuckled. He helped himself to his own drink, sighing in content. A nice, cold night, warmed by a nice fire, and some warm drinks. What more could one want? Sooga chuckled to himself, realizing he had downed nearly half of his cup. No wonder he was feeling so calm, so still.
“Thank you. I don’t think I’d know how to handle a hungry child who didn’t like my food.”
“That's why I’M the cook between us. Your food is so bland. I had half a mind to-”
He went silent, and Sooga saw why. Tulin had finished his drink, and had passed out, right into Kohga’s lap. Kohga struggled, clearly not knowing how to handle this, before groaning, and just patting the bird’s back, lulling him further into sleep. Sooga sat there for a moment, watching them. Kohga didn’t want children, but...they did like him. Found enough comfort in him to fall asleep on him, to cherish the plentiful meals he made them. Sooga even turned to look at his face, and caught him smiling oh so fondly at the little bird. Kohga seemed to catch his grin, and huffed.
“Hell you looking at?”
“I’m just. Seeing how wonderful you are with Tulin...and it really, really makes me realize; you’d make a wonderful, wonderful parent. You act so standoffish, but you...truly love taking care of children and-”
“God don’t you start that shit with me, Sooga.”
“I’m just saying! Family life might be for you! How do you know, you’ve never tried it!”
“Shut the hell up, you absolute fucking idiot.”
Sooga stopped for a moment as Kohga leaned into him, still keeping his hand on Tulin. Sooga looked down at these two, and was confident, more than ever, that he wanted a family. This feeling, that he was feeling right now, was something he desperately, terribly wanted. He wrapped his arm around Kohga, letting the dancing fire illuminate his features. He kissed the top of his head, softly sighing.
“I...love you. I love you so terribly much.”
“Sooga! Kohga! We’re ba-oh!”
Saki immediately silenced herself as she saw the little cuddle train that was happening here. Teba walked in behind her, chuckling at the sight. He nodded towards Sooga, who was too busy protecting them to sleep.
“Teba, Saki. How was your date?”
“Oh it was lovely, we went out to eat and everything. Quite sweet, honestly. Here, let me put him into bed, I’d hate for him to get a cramp, laying on the floor like that.”
Sooga, despite how it hurt his heart, let Saki take Tulin, and put him into his own little bed. Suppose that was his cue. He got up, carrying a sleeping Kohga in his arms. Teba nodded at him.
“Thanks for watching him. Hope he wasn’t too much for you two.”
“Not at all. You have a very wonderful, and very honest boy. You should be proud.”
“I am, I am, honestly. Especially if he made an impression on you.”
“I...hope this isn’t too much, but may we stay? I just, really wanted to-”
“What is this?”
They both turned to look at Saki, who was holding the vicious sickle in her hand. Teba winced, before shaking his head.
“yeah...I think staying is a really bad idea.”
Sooga looked at Saki, and shrugged.
“In my defense, he was excited to receive a present.”
So Sooga and Kohga weren’t ready to be dads.
Just yet, anyway.
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