crevicedwelling · 9 months
scene from a wooden handrail in Singapore:
a psychid moth caterpillar trundles along in its mobile home stitched together from debris and silk. it’s stopped by a Hospitalitermes nasute-caste termite who pauses its patrol to investigate the strange fuzzy cone. after the soldier finds no threat, the little bagworm resumes its wandering
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platycryptus · 2 months
Florida skunk roach (Eurycotis floridana) grazing on wheat bran
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ljsbugblog · 2 months
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exquisite creature chilling under some gumtree bark.
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Unknown Cockroach (genus Methana).
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humblegrub · 10 months
i know you liked the isopod patch so here is la cucaracha as well
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Going through a very bad artblock rn but for now have some smellies
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lycomorpha · 5 months
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A bit 'draw the rest of the fkn owl' I know, but I love cockroaches. Blattodeans are underrated invertebrates, just because a few species womble into human homes 💖🪳
Sketchbook page for contrasting wood cockroach (Eushelfordia pica.) I turned it into a zine page.
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herpsandbirds · 5 months
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Mitchell's Diurnal Cockroach (Polyzosteria mitchelli), family Blattidae, order Blattodea, Bunjil, Western Australia
photograph by v_winter
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futurebird · 3 months
It's always bothered me that when people adapt Kafka's Metamorphosis they depict Gregor Samsa as a roach. Cockroaches do not undergo metamorphosis. They are born as nymphs which are just smaller wingless versions of the adult form.
Kafka writes that Gregor can only enjoy rotten food. Which also makes him not at all roach-like. Roaches strongly prefer fresh vegetables to rotten ones.
And, of course, he gets stuck on his back, not something roaches struggle with nearly as much as beetles.
That's why always imagined him as a beetle. Which implies that the man Gregor was a larvae for all his pre-bug life. I thought that was the whole point of the story... We're all grubs, but Gregor reached the next stage though sadly none of the grubs in his family could understand him.
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creatureimages · 4 months
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la cucuaracha epilamprina 👍
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addicted2wasps · 5 months
Weird Wasp....Tuesday?
I was getting kind of down in the dumps about not having any ideas for comics for a while, but I just had to find an excuse to draw an Evaniid today. The other two came into the picture afterward. Sometimes, it can be quite a challenge to come up with an idea or scenario that incorporates some kind of joke or pun related to certain insects, especially wasps.
I'm glad this one worked out. I suppose it would have made more sense to draw an ootheca in the picture, although I am curious about wether the ootheca "appears" externally after mating? I've seen photos of female Periplaneta americana without oothecae, either that, or I'm blind, lol. I welcome any advice or corrections!
The original accompanied caption:
When cockroaches are on the menu... Ampulex compressa and Evania appendigaster are both cockroach parasitoids. A. compressa is known for "zombifying" cockroaches, by stinging them in the brain and then dragging them into the wasp's burrow by the antennae. An egg is then laid on the host. E. appendigaster, aka Ensign wasps, parasitizes roach oothecae by laying eggs into the cockroach egg cases. They also distinctively have vivid blue eyes.
This will be an interesting match! Who will win!? 🤔 😆
(Also, if rock-paper-scissors doesn't require hyphens, I can easily remove them).
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Today’s anime insects of the day are: the giant cockroaches from Gintama
Order: Blattodea
Family: Blattidae(?)
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crevicedwelling · 2 years
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roach and orb
(female Blaptica dubia, orb. 2018)
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life-on-our-planet · 6 months
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Compass termites are named for the structures they build, which are always oriented with their main axis running north to south. This ensures that the colony receive extra warmth from the sun in the morning and evening, and less sun at midday when it's the hottest. ©Frankenscience
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ljsbugblog · 4 months
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always a pleasure seeing a Bush Cockroach! Ellipsidion are a particularly beautiful genus of Australian roaches, both in nymph and adult forms.
Austral Ellipsidion a.k.a. Bush Cockroach (Ellipsidion australe).
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jupiterswasphouse · 4 months
I've just recently learned about the termite subfamily Nasutitermitinae! and I want to take a moment to talk about their soldier caste, because, I mean... Look at these guys:
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[Image Source: Taxonomic Notes on Nasutitermes and Bulbitermes (Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) from the Sunda region of Southeast Asia based on morphological and molecular characters | Image ID: Four photos of soldier termites of the Nasutitermitinae subfamily, genus Nasutitermes, showing their heads from above. They have particularly round heads with pointed "noses" /End ID.]
'Why are they shaped like that?' you may be asking, and, as it turns out, that charming little nose is actually a means for chemical warfare! It's referred to as a "fontanellar gun" (likely meaning "fountain gun", alternatively called the nasus), and these termites use it to fire a sort of glue, or ant repellent depending on species. In fact, the accuracy of this shot is quite remarkable, as termites are blind!
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[Image Source: The Nasutitermitinae termites, Termite Web | Image ID: A photo of more termites of the subfamily Nasututitermitinae, focusing on a large, major soldier amongst smaller, minor soldiers and worker termites]
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lycomorpha · 2 years
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Individually drawn playing card designs that I made into a real deck - get Insecta Decks in my Etsy Store
The designs were made using colour pencils and then digitally edited - overall the deck and packaging took more than 1000 hours (which is why I don't make decks very often!) Printing was by Cartamundi, funded via Kickstarter.
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