#blue eye samurai spoilers
kermit-coded · 7 months
the reveal that mizu is not only the ronin but also the bride is so well executed. the way she walks the line between man and woman, white and japanese, victor and victim... it's good fucking writing.
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iidsch · 7 months
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this is how their duel went, right
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bucky-thebae-barnes · 7 months
the inherent homoeroticism of "no one gets to kill you but me"
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prickly-paprikash · 5 months
Every single time I look back at my failures, the steps I've taken that have led me down a less-than-ideal path... the mistakes I've made that weigh heavily on my mind, I remember one thing that eases my guilt. That any low I have fallen to or may fall to, I know I will never fumble the bag as hard as this jackass:
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Actual fucking dumbass. This douche had Mizu herself giving up her path of revenge to settle down and rear horses with him. She loved him, actually fucking loved him and gave herself wholeheartedly, and he gets scared 'cuz his badass bride wiped the floor with him in a spar.
Remember folks, you can fail as many times in this godforsaken life we have, but you will never be as big of a failure as this dick.
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waitineedaname · 7 months
the contrast between mizu's husband calling her a monster after she beats him in a lighthearted spar vs taigen getting a goddamn boner because mizu was wrestling with him. incredible.
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abzania · 4 months
Mizu calling herself ugly is a disservice to lesbians, honestly
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sudenlyanime · 7 months
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slater130 · 7 months
My favorite thing about this scene, besides the objective fact its cool and sexy when rivals with a promise that only the other is allowed to kill them accidently turning each other on while wresting, is how Taigen specifically reacts.
(Note: To be clear Mizu is referred to as female by the co creators/writers a mixed raced couple who based Mizu on there daughter so She/her is how I will refer to her, no disrespect to others with there own AU/headcanons for her gender)
Anyway, reminder, as this point Taigen still things Mizu is a boy, and his reaction is to be bashfully embarrassed, but not to deny it or try to defend his straightness.
Which means 1 of 3 things.
1. Taigen is Bi and already knows it, so he's more embarrassed by the circumstances then the act.
2. Taigen just realized he is Bi in that moment and had the calmest reaction to that revelation ever.
3. Taigen is Straight, but so secure in his Heterosexuality, that rolling around with someone he thinks is a man and the friction causing a hard on is just a matter of fact thing that happened and he's man enough to just admit it no fuss no muss.
All 3 options are a mix of both funny and really sweet, we stan a self secure fated Rival/Love Interest
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vandersprodigy18 · 6 months
When Mizu said “I have no interest in being happy, only satisfied.”
And then you think but bitch i love you i want you to be happy. Can you drop the revenge quest and just please try to be happy??
But then they hit you with Ep 5 and you see. Mizu did drop the revenge quest. Mizu lived in a beautiful countryside, got her Mama back, had a hallmark romance, and did drop the revenge quest. Mizu was happy. And what did Happy bring her? Only pain.
And then you understand. Mizu has no interest in being happy, only satisfied.
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annadrawscg · 5 months
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bluemizuu · 7 months
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kermit-coded · 7 months
taigen is sooooo funny. bitchiest man i've ever seen. he fucked and ran. he's obsessed with honor. he's the only one allowed to kill his rival. he makes silly little sarcastic jokes. he endured torture because his rival "deserved better" than being killed by the men torturing him. he got a boner from homoerotic wrestling. he's pathetic and i adore him.
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"Taigen endured torture to protect Mizu 🥺"
yeah and I'm not shocked whatsoever. The mans was one day into an unsteady alliance and already offering to sacrifice himself for Mizu
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doorhine · 7 months
Ok so I wanna talk about the guy we all know and hate, Abijah Fowler, because there are three scenes that do a fantastic job at characterizing him and speaking to the story’s themes.
The Chapel Scene: Fowler’s whole “prayer not prayer” is so interesting because he presents it as a business deal (which says a lot about how individualistic and apathetic he is). And honestly, that speaks really well to the use of christianity in imperialism, colonization and capitalism. If anyone here is familiar with Antoine Fuqua’s version of The Magnificent Seven (which is based on Seven Samurai), Bogue’s speech in the beginning of the film does a similar thing. In the case of Blue Eye Samurai, Fowler basically says, “we’re not friends but these people are ‘godless’ and if things go my way you’ll have a nation of souls to convert.” And I really liked that wording “a nation of souls” because it shows how imperialism and colonization, in the process of stealing other country’s natural resources, are, by design, meant to pose a threat to the entire culture and livelihood of the people that live there in order to do that. And a major way it’s done is through the spread enforcement of the colonizer’s religion over the ones of the people they invade. Which leads me to…
The Finale Monologue to the Shogun: because Fowler literally spells it out how the process of these systems, how white supremacy, is meant to twist and erase the culture and beliefs of those they invade to the point where they conform and assimilate to the invader’s culture and view them as superior. It also creates the idea of a white race in the first place that has its own ethnic and religious hierarchy that determines what the “best” kind of white is. I really liked the detail where he mentions spreading their shame because so much of white culture and its interpretation of christianity, whether or not it was the dominant form in its country of origin before being enforced on others, thrives on shame and enforcing that on other people (just look at the US). Lastly there’s…
The Famine Monologue: Something I really like about Fowler’s character is how he was written to be Irish rather than some posh English guy. It’s a nuance that adds a whole level of depth to his character and role in the story. Ireland was colonized by the English, which Fowler discusses when he mentions the Tudors. One of the ways that colonization was enforced was by replacing catholicism with protestantism. In this scene though, Fowler talks about the intentional famines that killed his parents and sister. It’s a graphic memory that shows how a victim of colonization will sometimes use the same tools used against them, to gain a sense of autonomy and control at the cost of other people’s livelihoods. This is compounded by the fact that Fowler is able to assimilate into the concept of a white race that was created to justify these systems and the oppression/exploitation of people of color that maintained them. Fowler is fictional but there were plenty of Irish people who took part in Britain’s colonization of other people one way or another. You’ll hear elements of Irish vernacular in places like Barbados for a reason to bring up a small example of the consequences of that. On a side note, this is also an interesting video on how the habitual “be” is used in both AAVE and Celtic languages. 
Long story short, Abijah Fowler is a very nuanced and well written villain.
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fulcrum-art-fox · 5 months
Okay you know something I utterly adore about Mizu’s characterisation is the fierce, sharp, very barbed sense of humour she has, which is just wonderfully enjoyable to watch, the way she’s all like “the problem with shindo-ryu is . . . it’s trash” and “I look your way, and don’t even see you” (Mizu you will never not be iconic) and while I could listen to her flay her enemies with that sharp tongue all day, it’s very interesting to me that it’s not just something she’s just doing for intimidation or something; not something she’s affecting just to sell her male role, no, it’s literally just a part of her, part of her default state, it’s simply part of her sense of humour. Like, we see her scale herself back and tone herself down to try and fit into her role of wife, and it’s particularly interesting that it comes back in full force when her husband tells her he wants to see her as she is. “Did you also lose your backbone when you lost your title?” she ribs him, and she’s grinning, and her eyes are lit with joy and fierce laughter and her humour has that razor sharp edge to it again and she clearly feels so much more like herself because this, this sharp, fierce, sometimes deadpan sense of humour is part of who she is
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maytheflameobewithyou · 7 months
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An urge struck me
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