#blue lock x female reader
v4mpi33 · 2 days
Men who…
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✧ multi x fem! reader ✧
CW: choking, p in v sex, semi rough sex, fem bodied reader
Word count: 100
✧ Men whose hands slide up onto your neck gently gripping it when you two are making out…
✧ Men whose hands somehow always find themselves on your neck when you two are fucking. Balls deep in your pussy while in missionary, his hand tight around your throat with every forceful thrust, followed by your moans that make him squeeze his eyes shut in ecstasy as be cums hard and deep inside you.
✧ Men who love how you whimper softly whenever he chokes you slightly, the smile and giggle that come from you making him smirk slightly. He loves you so much…
(Blue lock) Kaiser, Sae, Oliver, Reo, ᴿᶦⁿ (Haikyu!) Tsukishima, Tendou, Sugawara (occasionally), Terushima, Matsukawa, Kuroo (Hunter x Hunter) Chrollo, Feitan, Phinks, Hisoka
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tenjiiku · 2 days
how sweet!
based on cherry magic
You are upset at of a lot of things; finding out your favourite coffee shop is closing at the end of the month due to declaring bankruptcy, your parents’ incessant meddling in your non-existent love life, and your grumpy coworker — Rin Itoshi — whom you heavily believe you upset in a past life given his constant vitriol you are made victim to.
And it seems that a higher deity had taken pity on you: because on the morning of your thirtieth birthday, you developed the incredibly terrifying ability to read minds. A Sunday, luckily. The only person made victim to your hysteria when your power developed was your coolheaded friend, Emi.
(“I don’t know why you’re freaking out about this. It only happens when you touch someone? That’s fucking sick. Just don’t use it on me or I’ll kill you.” Emi states as you have your face buried in your arms, seated at a table in the middle of a breakfast diner. Luckily it is 1pm, no one is around to witness your breakdown.
You lift your head up and sniffle, wiping the last few stray tears away.
“I—I guess you’re right.”
“I always am,” Emi mumbles, snatching the basket of fries in front of you, “I’m taking these.”)
Today was Monday. You were supposed to work in office. You would be a liar if you said you were still not as much of a nervous wreck as you were yesterday. But, you work in IT at this mega insurance company, in a dingy secluded office hidden across the janitor’s room. So, surely you would not accidentally graze shoulders with any intimidating finance folks. Or, god forbid, the human resources women. (You had an inkling they despised you after you refused to assist them with their monitors for the five billionth time in a span of a month.)
Your commute is normal. You get your small treat (today, it was a chocolate danish) from Reiko-san’s cafe, pet her Siberian cat, Yoko, and head inside the large building — scurrying towards the elevators.
There are others waiting. They scan your appearance head to toe which makes you want to shrivel up into yourself. You did not necessarily need to take pride in your appearance considering you operated as a ghost for most of the work day. Still, this ritual was ever the humiliating.
When the elevator doors open, it fills in. You find yourself pushed to the corner, faced against the wall. Turning around, you make a sound between a grunt and a whimper when you hit another wall. Only, it isn’t another wall. It’s Rin Itoshi’s rather broad chest. Your hands instinctively press against him, which only makes heat travel directly to your head.
You look up towards the man — and notice he is not even staring at you. Shyly taking one hand away, you intended on taking away the other and returning it to your side — until you hear a familiar, deep voice, one that has been directed towards you in awkward, often unpleasant conversation.
Shit. She smells so good.
Your head instantly snaps up towards Rin. The man looks towards… the wall. But his thoughts are loud and true — his inner voice sounds in pain. He is taller than everyone in the elevator so you cannot really tell who he is thinking about, given he is not even looking at anyone. Which makes him only weirder, in your opinion. Whoever this poor girl he was thinking about was — you felt sorry for.
You take your hand away, but you still brush against Rin’s arm. You take the moment to try and look at everyone else to your left. There’s Kate-san from America. She is pretty and has long legs. But she is taken for, you would be surprised if Rin didn’t know given how long he’s been working here. There’s also Fumiko-chan and Nanami-chan. Could Rin potentially like one of them?
What does someone put in their hair to smell that way? Shit did I put on deodorant today?
Your lips quip up. Something was seriously wrong with this man.
The elevator doors open, and when some people leave, more people enter. You yelp when Rin suddenly pushes against you, his hand that was once over your head bending. Your breath quickens and hitches when you hear his next thoughts.
Fuck. I can feel everything. I am a degenerate. What the hell is she hiding under that stupid cat sweater?
You flounder and cough. Your cat sweater? You quite liked it! Wait. No way. The girl who smelled good? He wasn’t talking about—
“Sorry,” he mumbles, quickly removing himself off of you — but still too close for comfort.
You blink and look up into his eyes. This time he is looking down at you. His hair brushes over his forehead. In this lighting, it looks like his cheeks are a bit flushed. There was no way. There was no way.
You make a weird sound. There’s something stuck in your throat. You try to say it’s fine but it only comes out as, “M—Mmm.” You nod, hoping it saves you.
Rin breaks eye contact and adjusts his tie.
What the hell was that sound? Her hands are so small. Shit. That’s so stupid. I hate her. Why is she so cute?
Your heartbeat quickens. You need to get off this elevator immediately. There was no way this man; who glared at you every time you entered the same room, who insulted your lunch choices (calling it rabbit food), who came with the most idiotic technical problems whenever you were in office — there was no way he liked you.
The elevator stops at your floor. And, coincidentally Rin’s as well. You cough when he doesn’t get off, tugging on his sleeve.
“I—Itoshi-san, I— I get off here.” You speak quietly, feeling out a breath.
She touched me. I need to die.
“Oh— sorry.”
Rin exits first. You follow after but he has longer legs and disappears from your view. When you enter your office, you succumb against the door. You place your cold hands against your now heated face and bury your head in your trembling knees. Rin Itoshi liked you? Rin Itoshi liked you.
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saekkas · 9 months
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summary: your beloved son is a tiny, warmer version of your husband, itoshi rin, clingy and talkative without a care in the world. rin thinks you gave birth to a devil, one that won't let him spend time with you alone.
tags: 1.2k wc | f!reader | established relationship (they're married) | they have a kid in this | aged up characters | pro-athlete rin | kissing (nothing too suggestive), uncle sae makes an appearance
notes: happy birthday to rin itoshi q(≧▽≦q) also shout out to @okkalo because apparently great minds think alike
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"black or red?" you mumble, eyes raking down your own reflection in the mirror. "what would he like better?"
at 5 pm on the third friday of every month, you always run into the same problem: date night. itoshi rin, your wonderful and adoring husband of five years, has kept the tradition of taking you out for a romantic dinner and drive throughout the city.
it started on your first anniversary when he surprised you by planning a date at a five-star restaurant that's always fully booked. back then, you were both still fresh out of college with no money to your names and you always wondered how he paid for the cheque.
fast forward years later, with your job as a top marine biologist and his as a renowned soccer player, your college romance seems so far away and yet, it's only bloomed into something far beautiful.
"dad says he likes both!"
you turn around at the words, a grin spreading across your face as you watch your bundle of joy run into the room. his legs are wobbly, and his hair is a dark mess on top of his head but the sight of him barreling straight towards you never fails to warm your heart.
"hello, my prince" you mumble, letting him bury his head into your neck. his hair tickles your skin, and you chuckle when he leaves a kiss on your collarbone. "did you have fun with your dad?"
"yeah! he bought ice cream then we went to the park to play soccer!"
he pulls away from you, bright teal eyes roaming over your face, staring as if he hasn't seen you for years when, in reality, it's only been a few hours. your beloved son is a tiny, warmer version of your husband, clingy and talkative without a care in the world.
"and then we-"
"alright, squirt. time for you to leave."
speak of the devil and he shall appear.
your head snaps towards the bedroom door, your grin melting into a soft smile as your husband steps into the room. rin wears a white fitted undershirt, obviously having changed whilst you were busy with your son.
rin moves, pressing a kiss to your cheek, one your son playfully blanches at, before trying to tug the small carbon copy of himself to where his brother stands at the door.
keyword: trying.
"but i haven't finished talking to mom!" your son whines, tugging his hand out of rin's. he trudges back to you, happily wrapping his arms around your leg, poking his tongue out at your husband. "go away!"
rin grunts, walking over towards you with a growing scowl on his face. "your mom and i have a date. sae's waiting to take you outside."
"well, uncle sae can wait!" the miniature devil in disguise tightens his grip on your leg, shooting a glare at rin before showing you his best puppy eyes. "i wanna be with mom."
"uncle sae can wait, i can't."
sometimes you wonder why the two halves of your heart can never get along.
they bicker, much like how rin used to with sae. whether it's in the morning, afternoon, or night, they'd find a reason to keep on getting on each other's nerves.
you'd be lying if you said it didn't amuse you, especially when you know that their hardheadedness stem from their love of you.
"well you should learn how to be more patient, papa!"
"she's my wife, you little squirt."
you laugh when rin finally reaches you, wrapping his arms around your waist, almost too territorial as he grabs his son's head, moving him away from you like pulling a toy from a claw machine.
"well, she's my mama too!" his small carbon copy huffs, slapping rin's hand away, all the while shooting him a glare. "you're so annoying!"
"okay, okay, that's enough," you sigh out, pressing a kiss to rin's cheek before pushing him away gently, crouching until you're eye level with your son.
you can see rin's disgruntled face in the corner of your eye. "your dad and i have a date tonight, sweetie. will you let us go, hm? i'll cook your favorite meal when you get back from uncle sae's. how about that?"
you watch him hesitate, twitching in his spot, occasionally throwing glances at his dad before he finally says, "i want that and kisses! cuddles too!"
you wonder where he learned to be such a good negotiator.
"okay," you mumble, pressing a soft kiss on his forehead before rin takes his hand, practically dragging your son to the front door where his brother stands, waiting with an amused smile. "be a good boy, okay?"
"wait, one more thing!" your little boy lurches out of rin's grip and you have to silence your laugh with a hand on your mouth, eyes crinkling in amusement at the fiery glare rin shoots him.
your son moves in, placing a kiss on your cheek before whispering cheekily, "you should make dad sleep on the couch tonight."
rin calls his name, muttering what you're sure to be curses under his breath, and you watch as your son moves towards him. only to completely disregard the hand rin has outstretched in favor of sae's.
sae nods his head towards you, one you copy before waving when he takes your son into his car for a weekend away.
"finally alone," your husband mutters, his tone deep and gruff. you can see the tension melt away from his shoulders when you wrap your arms around his shoulders, clinging to his frame. "i can't believe you gave birth to a little devil."
rin has always been touchy. it's a fact he's proven time and time again, ranging from your first date until this very moment of when he glides his hand through your hair, playfully tugging at your strands.
"you look beautiful," he mumbles, moving to nuzzle his face into your neck. he trails kisses down the column of your neck, and you sigh, having already experienced the sensation, albeit, a more innocent version, only minutes ago. "ready to leave?"
"hm? who are you and what have you done to my husband?" you chuckle, giggling when he retaliates to your words by nipping on your skin. you move your hand, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. "i'm kidding. you know i love it when you're all clingy and kissy."
he places one final kiss on your neck before pulling away, his eyes taking you in. "stunning," the words leave his lips as a breathy whisper, and you smile at the hazed look in his eyes.
he looks breathtakingly handsome with his hair gelled back and his undershirt wrapped tightly around his frame. you help him pull on his tuxedo, neatly pressed by your own hands only a few hours earlier, as he recounts his day out with your son.
and finally, you watch, amused when he takes off your ring and his, setting them both on your vanity drawer.
"shall we?" the words are muffled against your ring finger, the limb feeling oddly bare. rin kisses every single one of your knuckles before pressing one final kiss to your palm, his lips warm and soft.
"we shall."
he intertwines your fingers, tugging you out of your home and into his car, ready to take sweep you off your feet, just like he once did all those years ago when he made you his.
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mybelovedrin · 1 year
✷ ITOSHI RIN x reader. fluff, established relationship. reader talks a lot and rin listens. this is actually pointless. warnings: the writing is kinda messy, i think. note: i just really think that rin <3 ! sorry if there's typos.
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"shut up."
rin probably says these two words to you more than he says 'i love you'.
yet, he really, really does not want you to shut up.
it's been twenty minutes since you came from your dinner with your friend. twenty whole minutes of you rambling. twenty whole minutes of rin lying in bed, his arms feeling empty since you're too busy turned away from him as you change into more comfortable clothes. twenty whole minutes of him having to listen to your friend's husband's family's problems while his eyes stay locked on you as you throw on one of his shirts and then start removing your make up.
and again, he really, really does not want you to shut up.
but he would really prefer holding you while you ramble, and the fact that it's been twenty minutes and he hasn't even gotten a kiss yet is kind of starting to get to him.
"so anyway, she's basically hated by everyone from his side of the family— and i told her over and over that she should talk to him about it, but she just won't listen to me. god, why am i blessed with such stubborn friends?"
at this point, he feels like he's skipped eight chapters.
and yet he still listens, humming thoughtfully as he shifts in bed a little, pulling the covers over him just a bit more as he sighs in defeat, staring up at the ceiling as he mumbles, giving his own opinion. "shouldn't pressure her into it, though."
you groan, giving him a look as you still stand in front of the mirror while doing your skincare now. "i'm not, i swear! those people suck. she shouldn't be letting them do what they want and i'm sure that her husband would do something if he knew how salty they are."
his eyes go from the ceiling to you, blinking sleepily as he stares at the way his shirt looks on you. "when are you coming to bed?"
"almost done, rinnie."
he yawns quietly, turning around so that his back is to you. if he couldn't hold you yet, he could at least listen to your voice. "then does she really plan to just endure that treatment?" his voice is muffled by the pillow as he asks, setting you off on another talking spree.
"i guess she does. i hope everything goes well for her. but personally, i would not tolerate stuff like that." you say, shrugging as you finally finish your business, before going into the bathroom to wash your hands and brush your teeth.
the few minutes of you being gone and quiet make rin feel as miserable as ever.
he waits and waits, eyelids heavy.
when the mattress finally dips next to him and he smells the familiar scent of your skin products, he swears he's never moved this fast to turn around in bed and latch onto you.
you chuckle as he buries his face into your neck, holding him close as your little giggle turns into a quiet laugh when he groans in annoyance. "you took too damn long."
his hair tickles the side of your face. it's getting longer, you realise as you play with it gently, smoothing over some soft strands on the back of his head while he sighs softly into your skin.
"i talked a lot earlier, didn't i?" you ask quietly, your lips curling into a sheepish smile.
rin stays quiet for some time, his arms around you tight and firm as he presses himself against your side, even going as far as to place his muscular leg over you, caging you in against the soft mattress of the bed. "y'know i don't mind that."
"yeah, but im sure there's a limit—"
"there's no limit when it comes to you. 'kay?" he says quietly, his voice groggy and deeper now as he gets closer to drifting off— almost as if he was ending that discussion right there, not wanting to hear you talking about yourself in such a way.
"yeah, but—"
"shut up." he cuts you off, and you stop talking, only to let out another soft laugh. "if you're gonna complain about yourself, that is. now, more sleeping and less talking. i'll listen to the remaining part of your friend's story during breakfast tomorrow."
you snort at his devotion to listening to your silly stories, a slight wave of warmth creeping up your neck. "fine."
he nods a little, before holding you tighter.
"and i didn't get a single kiss from you ever since you came, by the way."
"oh, i am so sorry. my most sincere apologies." you speak, clearly joking as you shower him with light pecks on the side of his face that's peeking out from the crook of your neck.
he grunts, not being able to hide the redness under his warm skin as he feels your soft lips. his eyes stay closed shut. "ok. good night."
"no 'i love you' or anything?"
he sighs heavily. "shut up."
"...and i love you." he adds, before letting himself relax into his sleep when you let out a satisfied sound and say it back to him sweetly, your soft voice partially responsible for putting him to sleep.
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merlucide · 1 month
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Notes: OFC WIFEY. Also… this scenario, seems, a bit self insert don’t you think…. 👀 ALSO LMAO I MADE READER UNHINGED?? SO- SORRY LMAO?
characters: Rin, Sae, Kaiser, Otoya, Reo
wc: about 300ish each
warnings: nb reader, cursing, randomness + cringe lmao😭
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Well tbh, y’all probably had to have been friends for a loooong time for him to ever considering dating you 😭😭
So Rin had a good understanding of your personality, as you had known each other pretty much since the beginning of time.
He never understood how your personality went from 0 to 1000 whenever you two are alone. 
He prob thinks ur on drugs tbh
He’ll be your voice for you if you can’t seem to communicate with strangers, though he might not be the friendliest no shit.
he thinks it’s dumb that you’re shy tbh
He’s small minded about these things okay 😭
He never ever will get used to your bursts of crazy energy.
he swears he’ll turn around and you’ll have a horse mask on with a tutu around your waist
lmao you give him terrible whiplash.
He too, also thinks you’re on drugs.
You and Sae would like be at the airport on the way to Japan, his manager would be going over the details and precautions for going to Japan (yk fans and press or whatever etc etc).
His manager looked over to you and asked if you were alright, since you literally hadn’t spoken a word since he introduced himself a two hours ago. 
You nodded and followed Sae and his manager onto the private jet(cus he’s rich-rich😌🤭)
Once y’all were settled, his manager closed you and Sae’s cabin door. 
Sae looked over to see if you were alright, since traveling and yadda yadda can be overwhelming.
You were fucking giggling like an underwater hyena (that’s a thing I bc I fucking said so bitch).
You grabbed his hands and pulled back and forth giggling about how stoked you were rn.
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lmao he was disturbed at first 💀
like “wtf happens to my shy, sweet, s/o??”
He’ll like be getting a glass of water at night and in the corner of his eye, you hold a flashlight at your face with a blanket wrapped around you. Staring into his soul, inches behind singing.
“hello darkness my old frienddd~”
He just blinked at you for a while. 
“Y/N what the fuck is wrong with you.”
He thinks it’s funny af though
Like how nervous you get around his teammates and then when y’all are home you start cartwheeling.
You sure keep his life ✨spontaneous✨
he thinks it’s so cute how shy you are
He loves that bc ur shy around strangers you cling/stay close to him. He feels so sigma male bc he’s ’protecting’ you🐺🐺🔊🔊🗣️🗣️😏😏
Someone humble him please.
“Babe watch this😏” and ninja pose really fast LIKE A LITTLE KID DABBING
And you’ll be like:
“Nah watch this😌” *does the worm*
Y’all T-pose at pidgend together 💕 #couplegoals
“My dearest Y/N! Oh they’re such an angel! They’re so pretty and kind and perfect! And amazing- is that them in a dinosaur inflatable doing the WAP in 6 inch heels?”
lmao kinda how it goes
He never really gets used to the switch up.
It makes him so happy that you feel comfortable to be yourself around him, even if that means painting yourself pink and putting googly-eyes on while blasting the Peppa Pig intro💗
He loves hearing people talk about you too.
“Oh y/n is really shy, but they’re nice I guess?” Like hah okay..
Pretty sure they weren’t crab walking in a tuxedo with a kazoo in their mouth playing Sinfonia N°9 Coral in D Minor, Op. 125: 1. Allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso by Beethoven 🙄🙄
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made April 21st 2024
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seneon · 27 days
waiting for hours ──── seishiro nagi x fem! reader.
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about. in which, nagi awaits your arrival at home for hours. pure fluff oneshot. wc of 1.2k.
notes. this is like, the highest rated chapter in my my oneshot book in wattpad. so im slapping this in tumblr too and happy belated bday to koala boy!! for @hyoismbbg ♡
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𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐘 was the first time during this year that nagi was able to arrive home early from his football practice. and by early, earlier than the time his lover's work finishes.
he freshened himself up, ate some food in the fridge and waited. it was 8:42pm, almost an hour and a half for you to finish your work.
the football player, now playing for a professional team, was basically bored out of his mind. he could play games until you've returned, but the man had played every game in the universe.he could watch anime, movies or anything. but those would bore him instantly.
honestly, everything is boring to him nowadays. the only thing that would keep him entertained is football and you.
you were practically the same as him, a lazy person who somehow managed to be a successful writer and be in a relationship with another lazy athlete.
nagi waited and waited and waited. for what seemed like hours, he kept waiting for your presence to shine in his day. but every time he checked the clock, only a few minutes passed from the previous.
as tired as the white-haired male is, he decided to make you some simple yet cute supper, prepare your essentials for when you returned from work. nagi even set up your little table in your shared room by the window for when you read or do some planning for tomorrow.
he eventually lost track of time while trying to make everything in the house perfect so you didn't have to do anything else when you came home. an hour or so had passed, and nagi still didn't hear the door twist open.
you yawned, tired from the meeting you had at your publishing company. really, sometimes you wish you could boss around rude people and shut them up from their shitty opinions. but business is business. and rude people didn't really matter anyways.
you set everything the way it is, and stop in your tracks when you see the kitchen counter filled with a plate of delicious food.
the apartment looked pretty neat and clean too. when you looked around in suspicion and curiousity, some of the recognisable things belonging to your boyfriend were laying around freely.
that was when a smile crawled up your cheeks. your mind traveled to nagi who prepared the food and cleaned up the house— just as he walked out the room, an annoyed expression on his face.
"i thought you were never coming home, after i prepared everything for you," he pouted with a poker face, definitely disappointed at how late you arrived home.
"ah— my bad. thank you. you're home early," you shot him a lazy smile before he walked towards you and pulled you into a lazy hug, completely embracing you in his huge form.
"yeah, practice kinda got canceled because coach's wife got into trouble.”
since you were way tinier than him, you practically squished under his body, melting in the warmth of your lazy, sweet loving boyfriend.
he smelled like mint and fresh sugary frosting, from the body wash you gave to him as a present on his birthday. it was a scent that pulled you in so much it froze and destroyed all the negative comments that were written about your books.
as much as you didn't want to separate the hug, nagi gently plucked himself away from you, sternly looking into your eyes.
"eat, and go take a bath. then we can sleep together. practice might be cancelled tomorrow too if coach's wife's trouble is still ongoing.." he trailed off and shook his head. "ehh whatever just go. i made food for you without burning the kitchen and prepared stuff for you in the room."
you chuckled and nodded your head repeatedly, trying to keep in the laugh with his ridiculously sarcastic get funny words. pretty much whatever nagi said could be funny to you.
"i won't doubt your effort. thank you again," you tiptoed and gave him a quick peck on the lips, heading over to the kitchen counter to eat your supper.
the peck made nagi blush. it was the first kiss you gave him this week. it is monday night, the start of the week. and you kissed him yesterday. hah. humour. nagi keeps track of kisses he gets from you.
anyways, he wanted more kisses from you later so he watched you eat while conversing a little about both your writer job and athlete jobs.
then, he waited for you to take your bath, freshen up before you bailed out your little window corner and jumped into bed with nagi.
"thank you, sei," you thanked him again, as he buried his face into your hair, inhaling the fresh scent of your shampoo. "you've thanked me three times already. you're welcome though..."
your fingers moved to lace themselves in the soft fluffy hair of the male, moving around to ruffle and gently play with it.
nagi's hair was fairly soft, like cotton candy that would melt when it came in contact with liquid. it could even be on par with the clouds albeit you've never felt clouds before. but you just know it was more soft and fluffy than anything else.
you found it awfully cute that his love language is physical touch, so much that you often see him as a cat. and for a fact that nagi only needs and wants your attention, not from anyone else because you are everything to him.
the male hummed when your fingers played with his hair, an odd calmness filling over the mind and body of the athlete. you always managed to calm him down, physically and mentally. he loved that it was a good trait of you that he fell in love with.
"i love you," he said against your neck, his breath touching your skin as you couldn't help but smile at his words. he was random, sure, but you know when nagi was being genuine and sarcastic. now, he meant every word of it.
"i love you too," you replied softly, your fingers moving, trailing down to his cheeks to caress his chiseled jawline and softly stroke his cheeks.
such a work of art, you thought to yourself when you faced him and looked into his eyes.
how could a man be as angelic as your boyfriend?
you felt so blessed to have nagi in your life, never regretting that you made the first move for being friends and eventually he would later on give you a lazy confession that was conducted by his friend, reo.
"you're really beautiful, love," he felt himself smile when the both of you were staring into each other's eyes lovingly. "so beautiful.."
"and you're very handsome," you chuckled, going closer to his face. you kept the tiny distance for a moment, having a small time to admire nagi's grey eyes.
nagi then closed the distance between you both, his lips ever so softly closing in on yours to give you a lovely kiss.
it was filled with the purest intentions of showing how much he loves you, nothing else than an innocent kiss that was focused on appreciation and love.
you both pulled away at the same time, your arms wrapping around his neck as his own snaking around your waist to pull you close.
gosh, you love hugs when it comes to your lazy gigantic boyfriend. he always gives you the best ones.
"let's sleep now, okay?" he placed a soft kiss on your forehead, letting you reply with a nod before pulling the soft blanket over you two.
"i've been waiting for hours to cuddle you to sleep. good night, y/n.”
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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doobean · 1 month
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synopsis: Nagi Seishiro has a plethora of secrets up his sleeves. He knows that Reo loves being in the center of attention—well, no, that's a fact. But one thing that Nagi knows for sure is that the Mikage Corporation is on the verge of filing for bankruptcy. And what better way to prevent that than to have an arranged marriage with another powerful company? You're intelligent, beautiful, and obedient. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't take long for Reo to fall for you, and you seem to be content with everything—at least, you pretend to be. Nagi knows you're head over heels for his best friend, but doesn't understand why you hate his guts.
contents: explicit content, afab!fem!reader, bathroom sex, kinda cheating/kinda not really, piss involved towards the end, dubcon, hate sex, nagi centric, reader comes from an affluent family, power/dominance play, frottage, descriptors of a curvy, busty reader, breast play/nipple play, facials word count: 4.8k a/n: this fic is for all the nagi haters out there ig @niitoshi + @pipppinn (u get a rest from beta reading ur enemy)
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You’re an absolute menace. 
Nagi had no clue, when his best friend had introduced you as his potential fiancee months ago, just how big of an impact it was going to have on his life. In most cases of Nagi’s lack of social life, he originally had no intentions of befriending you, at least, outside of introductions and shorthand greetings whenever he crashed over at Reo’s apartment. To him, it didn’t make sense to get close to you, even if you were going to be a major part of Reo’s life. 
Unlike his best friend, you appeared reserved and uptight, much like all the other affluent students he surrounded himself with back in high school and university. Nagi thinks he’s only received one ‘hello’ from you, and that was just from the first meeting. You’ve always attached yourself to Reo, whenever he’s around, and Reo would somehow play it off as you’re just “shy” around others.
“Don’t take it the wrong way,” Reo had assured him with a firm shoulder clasp. “She’ll eventually warm up to you.”
And while Nagi still has a hard time believing that, he didn’t feel the need to continue the conversation knowing that Reo wouldn’t get the hint. You don’t flaunt your wealth and status around, but Nagi has always sensed that you were looking down on him. Why else would you always stare at him?
You come from a family of ‘self made’ entrepreneurs and billionaires. 
From all those last minute conferences meetings that Reo would have him attend, simply because his best friend would lose track of time whenever they’re together, Nagi knows that your father owns a famous construction company that’s somehow affiliated with the Mikage estate. From one shareholders’ meeting, he’s learned that your family owns 60% of all rental properties in Japan, and he doesn’t know if that’s something to be proud of. Coming from a semi-wealthy family himself, Nagi is well aware that there’s no such thing as an ethical billionaire.
He’s seen your family name plastered on billboards before, shining over the neighborhoods in Akihabara, and the company sounded impressive enough that Reo’s father didn’t hesitate to bring up the topic of marriage during a conversation about future prospects. 
Reo didn’t seem to mind, or rather he tried really, really hard to mask any trace of anxiousness and annoyance when he signed the NDA papers. Nobody wants to be in a loveless, arranged marriage, after all. Especially not when they still have their whole youth ahead of them. Though, needless to say, Reo fell for you rather quickly. Nagi’s aware he’s not the best at expressing his emotions, but anyone with a sensible brain could obviously tell you’re the standard stereotype of “wifey material”.
Quiet. Intelligent. Extremely obedient to the seniors around you. Nevermind the fact that your behavior reflects your style as well. Your makeup never strays from being “too little” or “too much”. The outfits you wear always reminded Nagi of those old British dramas from the late 90s, he thinks Reo calls it “old money” fashion. Whatever that means. 
He just knows that it’s classy and fits whatever housewife aesthetic you’re trying to go for. Even though he can easily see through how much you hate it. You’re always picking at the threads in annoyance, as if they’re tight, itchy, and alien on your body. Even when he watches your pretty, plump lips smile and nod towards everyone around you, you always quickly turn sour when you think no one’s watching. 
At age twenty four, Nagi carefully watches his best friend enter the room with you wrapped around his arm, from the corner of the banquet hall. Today’s a celebration, a huge one, because Reo just completed his accelerated MBA program and, therefore, is one day closer to filling in his father’s shoes as CEO of the Mikage Corporation. This also means he’s one step closer to becoming a married man. Soon, you’re going to be a permanent fixture in Reo’s life. That thought alone had his tongue swelling up in his mouth, and urged himself to get it together.
The event ends up being treated like a work gala. Everyone is dressed in black tie, the smell of warm leather fills the air, Nagi only half understands the business jargon being thrown around, and the food looks rather bland for what it’s worth. Most of the guests are crowded around Reo and his father, and he can only assume the business executives are trying to wiggle their way in to just get a chunk of free shares. 
He notices you standing to the side, in the midst of your own conversation with your father. Your outfit throws Nagi off, slightly. It’s certainly different from your previous choices, more modern and form fitting, highlighting certain assets that makes it slightly even more obvious why certain men in the room couldn't stop their gawking.
Somehow, even though you’re caught up in a seemingly heated conversation on the other side of the room, Nagi catches your stare. Your eyes, facial expression, and even aura feels uncomfortably blank, despite the small smile you force out. 
He merely awkwardly waves back and, for whatever reason, you take that as a sign to make your way over. He can only groan inwardly as he watches you exit out your current conversation and thread gracefully through the stuffy crowd, somehow showing up with two empty wine glasses in hand. Originally, his plan was to just show up for the free food, say hi to Reo, then prepare an Irish exit. With the look you’re currently giving him, Nagi feels like he can’t plan an escape. 
You turn around and reach for a bottle of wine on the bar cart, a brand that Nagi could never pronounce correctly despite the numerous times that he’s heard it leave from Reo’s mouth. It’s also the same imported wine from France that all three of you shared the day Reo had introduced you to him. From what Nagi remembers, it didn’t leave a good taste. 
You end up pouring the two glasses, then whirl back around to face him, quickly setting the drink down by the end table. Nagi picks up his glass as soon as it's available, but you clink yours against it before he could bring it up to his lips.
“Do you have a moment?” you mumble quietly.
“For what?” he’s honestly surprised to hear that many words coming from you.
“I…” you trail off, looking down into your drink and unconsciously hug your sides. Nagi uses this opportunity of silence to sip. Then, after a moment, you shake your head a little, clearly flustered over something. 
“I want to talk to you about Reo, about your friendship and me fitting into that. I’ve been thinking about it for a while but I haven’t had the chance to bring it up.”
Nagi just nods, sipping again, not sure if he’s pleased or disappointed by your response. Of course the very first thing you bring up after not speaking a word to him for months is about their friendship. 
He then notices that you’re suddenly rubbing your palms, hands alternating between them as you stretch your fingers out. You’re grimacing slightly, and Nagi leans back against the wall, something stirs inside of him at the sight of you appearing in distress. He’s not sure what to make of the odd feeling.
With a shrug, he tilts his head. “Go ahead with it.”
You meet his eyes and shake in disapproval, setting down your wine glass. “I need to speak with you in private about it.”
Nagi doesn’t say anything, and a moment of silence passes between you two as several high executives try to usher the rest of the crowd to the next room for an unrelated conference meeting. At one point, a clientele calls you over for a drink, and you disappear to join him for one, leaving Nagi to stew in his own thoughts once more.
A part of him wants to go over to Reo, telling him what happened, why you’re suddenly being so vague and direct with him after all this time. However, with one glance at his best friend, who’s currently knee-deep in a conversation between his father, the idea dies out. He’s never seen Reo this relaxed and determined before. 
Maybe the closest expression he shared was when they were both heavily sprawled out on the turf field after an intense football match back in high school, but even then Nagi doesn’t even think he’s seen Reo this content. He wants to believe that you’re simply just asking about potential wedding details, maybe to even join in on the planning, but that’s laughable. You seemed nervous, and not for the right reasons.
He shouldn’t be here, glass half empty, stomach barely full from all these damn healthy finger foods, sitting under the appraising and curious eyes from other businessmen and yourself. 
“Nagi, an answer?” you probe, as if hearing his thoughts when you finally return. 
Were you always this demanding? He shifts in place and adjusts the collar of his suit, and tries his best to sound unaffected. “Right now?”
You finally smile, and it lights up your entire face. “Right now.”
At that, Nagi downs the rest of his drink.
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You eventually coax him to an empty hallway, down the corner next to the fire escape, while everyone else is preoccupied with the meeting. You kept reiterating that it’ll be quick, that Nagi will understand what’s the “problem”, but he doesn’t believe it one bit. Not when you’re squeezing both sides of your arms and keep glancing down the hallway, anxious to be seen.
Without warning, you blurt out, “Please, stop dragging down Reo. I want you out of his life.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, yet is drenched with anxiety and the barest edge of vexation. 
“What?” Nagi can’t help but be offended. The reluctance on your tongue contradicts the harsh order. 
“I’ve seen the way he talks to you. You’re a distraction to him and having you around will just—”
“He can say what he wants about me. Why do you care so much? Your only job is to sit by his side.”
“Nagi, please—”
“Forget it,” he can’t seem to find an answer to your demand. It doesn’t make sense, and even if he did make out an answer, his brain is currently too distorted and torn to process a coherent response. 
You stand your ground and the next few words are fumbling over the other, “I’ve… never liked you since the day I met you.” 
That doesn’t surprise him. You aren’t much of a talker, but then again, neither is he. Still, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re currently having an unusual personality shift—almost as if you’re revealing a bit of truth about yourself to him, and only him. Reo probably doesn’t know that this side of you exists. 
Nagi doesn’t bother to respond. He only rests his back against the bathroom door behind him, crossing his arms over his chest in irritation, and stares down at you. In that moment, he can see the raw edge of your bubbling… is it anger he’s sensing? Your body is filled with tension and he can’t imagine why. Your eyes are boring into his and refusing to let go.
Suddenly, Nagi feels his frustrations growing thicker. 
“You don’t know anything about me.”
You step closer, eyes narrowing, yet you look conflicted. “I could say the same thing.” 
The proximity of you—the blend of sweat, bergamot, and something that could only be described as bitterness—makes Nagi dizzy. The space of this hallway, once ample, now feels suffocatingly small. 
“Nagi,” you seeth out, a plea that’s both sounding an invitation and surrender. “This is a business deal. If this doesn’t fall through it’ll look bad on us and—argh, I really need this to work out, okay?” You quickly clamp a hand over your mouth, as if surprised that the words flooded out.
It wasn’t much spilled, but he understands the gist of it. Your frantic explanation earns him a curt laugh, one that’s distinctly him. He almost feels sorry that you were forced to do this, all of this. But you could’ve also easily gone against it, too. “You can’t think for yourself, can you? This is why I can’t stand these heirs and heiresses, you’re all a bunch of hassles to be around.”
“Fuck you.” you’re cracking under pressure. The makeup, dress, your hair… The facade of being perfect and plain slowly comes crumbling down the longer Nagi stands there, unwavering. “I can think for myself.”
“Prove it.” His tone is a dangerous one, spoken with an even tone. 
You take another step forward, slow and purposeful. It serves as a reminder that your background is influential, powerful, and that you’re no puppet. Nagi wants to believe that more than you do. 
He would be doing himself a disservice if he hasn’t admitted that there’ve been nights where he does think about you. What life would be like if you haven’t given him the cold shoulder, times where he wishes he could understand all the hidden languages spoken between you and Reo, and if you would’ve treated him any differently.
So, Nagi’s command is framed as a tease, and knowing how you really are now, you’re not going to leave until you give him an answer. Nagi Seishiro hates the rich, hates dependent people even more, but he’s a good guy when he tries to be. You, on the other hand, might be ruining that for him.
He watches as your plump lips part, and a needy little sound escapes. It sounds like a damn moan that’s absolutely dripping in desperation. Nagi lets out a breath, feeling his insides liquefy and overflow. His cloudy eyes search your face, and the dark overcast over your eyes instantly hooks him in. He can see the wetness where your lips separate, and suddenly he’s overwhelmed with the desire to trap your mouth between his.
Nagi drops his hands to both sides of your face and holds your cheeks tight in the expanse of his calloused palms, drawing himself closer to you when he feels your hand latch onto his forearm. Your cheeks are warm and soft beneath his touch and, without a second thought, you both close the gap.
You gasp into his mouth as his lips claim yours with a hunger that leaves no room for hesitation, a heated urgency that clears any uncertainty. He feels your other hand shooting up and roughly tugging at his silver locks, a stark contrast to your passive actions earlier. His hands roam over your body, tracing and mapping your curves with extreme possessiveness. 
Nagi wants more. Wants your hands even lower, on his thighs, between his legs, wants your pretty lips wrapped around the base of his cock. He wants you, but not here. He wants to leave here with you, see where you live, do this on the comfort of your mattress, inhale the scent of your sheets, and rid your mind of his best friend and that damn business proposal.
“Excuse me? Is somebody there?”
You pull away first with a concealed string of curses by the intrusion, gasping for air as soon as you separated, the hand you have on his forearm is now trembling. Whether it's from excitement, fear, or a combination of the two—Nagi can’t tell.
He peers over to find a security officer patrolling around, radio in hand, at the end of the hallway. From this angle, where the corner curves slightly, it doesn't seem like he’s able to make the two of you out, at least for now. The last thing he wants is for the media to highlight why you were seen alone with him. He’s already got enough on his plate with professional football on its own. Kissing his best friend’s bride to be is something entirely different. He doesn’t want to wait around to find what might happen.
“Fuck, fuck, where should we—”
“Quit freaking out,” he pulls the handle behind him and tugs on your waist, ushering you inside the bathroom as the sounds of sharp loafers against marble creep closer. Bewilderment flashes across your face as he shuts the door and locks it. He ignores your swarm of questions and props you against the sink’s countertop in an instant. 
You appear terribly confused with yourself as he cages you in between his arms, his head leaning against yours with a dark look in his eyes. Your lipstick is smeared at the corner of your lips, your hair is nothing but a disheveled mess, and your damn breasts— Nagi looks down and scoffs —you're not wearing a bra. He soon realizes that this look suits you better than any other outfit you’ve worn. 
“What was that,” you try to say, but he quickly keeps your busy mouth occupied again. His fingers trail up your shoulder blades, easily slipping down the top half of your dress, and soon your breasts fall free — round, heavy, and soft. 
Your chest heaves as you breathe in sharply, tongue darting out to wet your lower lip. “You’re such a dick,” you shoot him a misty glare, defiant in tone despite every bit of your body language screaming submission.
This is enough to set him off. Nagi’s fingers curl into your waist, sighing in pleasure when you whine at his harried touch. He lifts you from the counter, your legs instinctively wrapping themselves around his waist, as he pushes your back against the door. The frame and his greedy palms on your fleshy ass serves as support as he begins to shamelessly grind against you, the needy, aching pressure from his arousal fights through his slacks. 
God, he wants to fuck you right into the door.
You moan into his shoulder when Nagi dives against your throat, swearing under his breath as he finally gets a taste of your intoxicating skin, a sound of pure lust vibrating throughout your bodies.
“Don’t tease me,” he warns with a groan.
“I’ll do what I want,” you bite back, jolting in pleasure when his tight erection probes against your thighs. 
Nagi decesends, his mouth leaving wet trails across your collarbones and down your chest until he stops at your breasts. Gently, his teeth grazes over one nipple, nipping at it until he hears a sharp hiss from above. Before you could chastise him, he captures your nipple in his mouth, sucking the stiff peak between his lips. He feels the dampness of your panties rubbing against the clothed tip, causing his tongue to twirl aggressively over the wrinkled flesh.
“Oh, fuck,” your mews are growing louder and louder in pitch. Nagi hopes that the security guard from earlier is long gone by now. He’s also certain that his dick might come bursting apart any second. But he’s not going to admit that, not to you of all people.
Seeing you crumble under his fingertips makes Nagi’s heart swell. He pulls back with a loud pop and closes the distance between your lips again, pressing hard so you can feel the urgency from the heat of his tongue.
“Need you,” he finds himself whispering against your lips, pressing his entire weight of upper body into yours.
You choke out another desperate sound and begin fumbling with his waistband, hands blindly searching to feel him, trying to prove and show that you can provide the same fervent pleasure and attention. You both sigh when Nagi feels his cock springing free, hard and leaking with copious amounts of pre. He carefully watches your movements, there’s hesitation and surprise glassed across your face as you gently wrap your fingers around his length. 
It barely makes the full circumference. 
Then a shudder rumbles through Nagi’s frame as you begin stroking him. It takes everything in him to not rip your dress in two and fuck you right then and there, but he’s trying not to be eager, caging his bloodlust. But it’s hard. Hard when you pull him into a kiss that leaves him breathless and grinding against your palm. 
Nagi can’t stop himself from the way he crushes his lips against you, nor can he stop the way his tongue slips forward into your mouth, his hands squeezing the softness of your waist when you melt in his embrace, pressing those soft breasts against his blazer.
You break the kiss with a moan, and it’s so messy that he can see the tether of saliva that stretches between you two when you finally pull away. Your face looks even more dazed than before, and you squirm against him, sending a hot flare soaring throughout his body when your thumb brushes against his leaking tip. 
“Sensitive?” you mimic his teasing tone.
Nagi’s now positive that you’re trying to kill him. He’s known it before, from the first moment he’s laid eyes on you, but there’s no reasonable explanation for you to be so beautiful and sexy all at the same time. The way you’re teasing his bare cock, rubbing your wet, clothed cunt straight against it, is doing nothing but sending him straight into a tailspin.
The truth is, when you first approached him, the only thing that had been on his mind was getting to know you more, same as it has been for months now ever since he’s met you. Now, with your lips looking glazed and pouty as ever, he feels like he’s on cloud nine.
“Turn around,” he commands.
You stare at him with wide eyes, and Nagi sees your brain rewiring in real time whether or not to follow through with your stubbornness, but after a moment, you obey. You unclasp your legs around his waist and he gently sets your feet down, letting your body spin around so that your palms are flat against the door, back arched, and ass pressed against his length. The look you shoot across your shoulder stirs something inside of him, and he quickly takes you by the hips, pulling aside your soaked panties with ease. 
“Is this okay?” he doesn’t know why he’s asking right now, despite everything that’s happened within the past few minutes. 
Regardless, it’s meaningless to wait for your response; the wave of pleasure from the way he’s playing with your breasts from behind, to the warmth of your puffy entrance teasing the tip of his cock, has you unable to respond with anything other than a loud moan. Nagi takes this as an affirmative response, and angles his hips from behind, sucking in his teeth as he watches the entirety of his length being swallowed and hugged by your gummy walls.
The mirrors in the room have begun to fog up when he starts the initial movement. Nagi grabs a palmful of your ass, grasping and kneading them in a way that has you widening your legs to deeper access. Your soft whimpers and moans ring like a siren’s call in his ears, and he doesn’t quite understand how you’re able to control his body like this, but you’re squeezing him just right as if you’ve known him forever. 
Nagi shuts his eyes and easily begins to lose himself to this bliss. The tight, velvety walls are all too euphoric, making him easily forget that you’re both in a random bathroom in one of the biggest, extravagant conference halls in the country. A vivid grunt escapes from his mouth as his shaky hands maneuver up to your hips, guiding them in a circular motion as the fat of your ass ripples from every thrust he spears into you.
“Fuck,” he pants out. “Just like that…”
But the rough, muffled sounds of sex in the room shatters as a knock pierces through the air. 
Your fingers, splayed across the door, come together close and form into fists as he watches you struggle to catch your breath. After a moment of silence, a tender murmur breeches the stillness. 
It’s Reo, and his call for you is automatically fear inducing. Nagi feels you clamping up more than ever.
“—are you in there?” he repeats through the door’s barrier. 
Panic flicks across your features and you scramble for composure, frantically pulling up the top half of the dress and craning your neck around to gawk at Nagi, wondering if he has any clue on what to say, or do. Little do you know, Nagi has absolutely zero plausible answers.
“It’s okay,” he leans down and nips your shoulder blades. “Just stay like this.” 
A sweet whimper exits from you as he continues his thrusts, slower and shallower. “A-Are you insane?! He’s going to know it’s us…!”
You’re afraid, intimidated by the position that you’re both in, but Nagi kisses you again and engulfs your hand with his. He offers a comforting squeeze before dining in the pleasure of the tip of your tongues touching.
“Stay quiet and he’ll eventually go away,” what is he even saying right now? He’s not being fair to Reo, but somehow there’s hardly any guilt flowing through his veins. 
His best friend, your future husband, faintly calls your name again. This time with more uncertainty. There’s nothing but stillness on either side of the wooden barrier, where neither of you are willingly to slip out a sound. Nagi just rests his head on the side of your neck, letting the sweat from his bangs seep down, as he focuses on your steady breaths while having to control his own. If it weren’t for Reo on the other side, he would’ve fallen asleep just by the rhythm of your heartbeat. 
Another agonizing moment of silence passes before Reo mumbles out an apology, saying that he’s got the wrong person, and retreats. The sounds of heavy heels from his loafers hitting against the floor burns deep into both of your memories. 
By the time he’s gone, Nagi doesn’t waste any time and throttles against a spot inside of you that has you squealing like an animal. 
Pulling his hands away from yours, he brings them up to your chest, teasing your nipples while you throw your ass back against him, fucking as hard as you possibly can. He feels you drifting far away, bringing yourself closer and closer on his length, and a tight familiar coil begins building inside of his core.
Suddenly, you try to pull away, stumbling over your next words, “W-Wait, stop, I feel like I have to go—!” 
Nagi huffs and readjusts his grip around your waist, snuggling his cock deeper, “Then go, what’s stopping you, heiress?”
“I’m being serious…!”
Lowering his mouth to your ear, he whispers, “And so am I.”
He doesn’t care. Nagi positions his hand lower, keeping the other arm wrapped tightly around your waist, and his long, callous fingers pull your folds up, applying pressure against your full bladder. Vibrations of your whines send him to set a wicked pace until you’re creaming white around the base of his cock. The wet sounds, your moans, and the sloppy grip—it’s all too much, too exhilarating for him.
“Have to be patient…” Nagi murmurs, but his words are starting to jumble. Heat gathers and twists throughout his stomach and he winces, trying to not cum all in an instant. 
Your voice is nothing but all breathy moans, puffs of air rushing all around, and you mumble something unintelligible, but it’s all the confirmation Nagi needs. He shudders when he feels the warm wetness finally spill from your pussy as you climax at the same time. Your lewd moans are buried deep into your shoulder, and the sound is forever imprinted in his mind. He feels thousands of sparks ignite between his thighs at that saccharine note.
Nagi relishes in the warmth, until he finds his own release and pulls out, cumming all over the front of your chest, and even striking the bottom of your chin. He leans back with a gasp, gripping the sink counter for balance, his heart thundering as the bliss ebbs away entire chunks of his brain. Slowly, the haziness begins to fade, and Nagi tucks his throbbing cock away, reminding himself that he’s in a restroom of all places. 
Suddenly, Nagi hears you crying for his name and sees your entire body shaking, trying to calm down from the high of your orgasm. Wet, fat tears are streaming down your face, but he wraps one arm around the front of your body, pinning you against him. You’re both breathing heavily, covered in the sticky warmth and heavy sweat, but the feeling of your racing heartbeat is soothing him. 
Nagi holds you tight, letting his fingers get caught in your damp hair.
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© 2023 DOOBEAN. do not copy any of my writing and translate/repost.
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verysium · 6 months
bllk characters and what you think would be their type or what they find attractive in a girl?🙈💗💌
i mean... 🤔 do u want the truthful answer or do u want the ideal answer? cus i don't think any of the bllk boys (maybe with the exception of otoya and aiku) would have a type, much less let it be limited to a girl. but assuming they actually have a life outside of football, here are some traits they would find attractive in a person:
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isagi would like someone he can see as a role model. throughout his life, he often finds figures that inspire him (eg. noel noa, ego, even rin if you squint hard enough). he doesn't idolize them, but he does find a way to incorporate their strengths into his playing style and actions. if you have a character trait he highly values, he will like you, and it's generally pretty easy to get him to like you. (unless of course, you're a massive dick like kaiser.)
i find that he gets along best with kurona and hiori. this is because (1) they can read his intentions well, and (2) they are quiet and level-headed. obviously, this would also apply to the romantic side of his life. isagi admires people who are similar to him but still have their own quirks and idiosyncrasies. for example, you subtly support him from behind the scenes and bring him snacks after practice and pack his bento every morning. he appreciates small gestures of kindness.
isagi is also someone very hot-headed as evidenced by his potty mouth. he likes someone who can match his energy and passion but is still calm enough to prevent him from doing anything rash. i picture him running up to you after a game, and the adrenaline causes him to pick you up from out of the stands and twirl you around in his arms.
canonically, isagi is unpopular with girls. he literally returned from valentine's day empty-handed. he tries to be nice most times, but truthfully, nothing except football really interests him. so if you can skip the small talk and start drafting football plays with him, i think he would be attracted to you. like very attracted.
unrelated but he likes someone with a pretty laugh.
bachira needs someone motherly. i feel like he never really got to be a child because everyone around him was constantly putting him down for being the "weird" kid. that's why his current personality is undeniably childish at times. it's the only way he can express the inner child he had before he grew up too fast. i think he'd like people who take care of him in a parental manner, whether that's scolding him for doing something stupid, wiping his chin cus he's a messy eater, or teaching him english every day.
i feel bachira is one of the most extroverted characters in blue lock. he genuinely thrives off his interactions with others. and for that reason, i think he'd be attracted to introverts because they differ so greatly from him. (he'd probably adopt them too.)
bachira has the most creative insults, and that's partially why he gets along so well with isagi. he's not afraid to get out of his comfort zone, nor is he afraid of pushing others to do the same. if this boy can hallucinate whole monsters, he can sure as hell rip his opponents into pieces. i feel like he'd have such a stark duality around you. he'd be beating the crap out of the other team, but the moment he sees you, he's all sunshine and rainbows and bounding over to ask you about your day and overshare about his.
ADHD. that's it. that's the quote. if you're hyperactive, then he's hyperactive, and you'll both be rocking the same boat. most people would assume he needs a grounding presence in his life, but i think post u-20 arc bachira is actually mature enough to process his own issues. now he just needs someone to let loose and have a little fun with.
rin needs a therapist. end of story. this boy is a whole case study. i don't think he's even mentally stable enough to have a romantic relationship. but if he were to date someone, i'd imagine that person is somewhat similar to isagi (and no, this is not a ship.)
isagi has something rin definitively lacks, and that is his strong, dynamic sense of self. when rin fails, he takes it heart. all solutions are linear and logical to him. if he missed a goal, it was because he didn't train hard enough. if he couldn't beat sae, it was because he just wasn't good enough.
but isagi completely changes his mindset every time he loses. (there's a reason why he's surrounded by puzzle pieces all the time.) analyzing is second nature to him. every failure is a catalyst for self-improvement, and he constantly breaks himself down in order to adapt and rebuild. rin needs someone like that in his life, someone who can teach him to be unafraid of change and embrace it instead.
rin also isn't immune to external influences. obviously, he is still learning to play football for himself. looking at the pxg version of him, he has had a significant change in mindset, but he still hasn't completely separated himself from this idea of "beating" someone in order to get to the top. according to his logic, if he surpasses both sae and isagi, he will finally be content. but the truth is, he won't be anywhere near content because his ego still isn't entirely his own. i think he would admire someone who refuses to let themselves be defined by others.
rin would also like someone who is patient because he clearly isn't. (boy was about to have a whole brain aneurysm when bachira threw that paper airplane at him.) honestly, you need to be both gentle and persistent with him. he hates it when people come on too strong, but he also finds his walls slowly crumbling when someone repeatedly goes out of their way to show that they care.
rin has a high level of emotional intelligence, as evidenced by sae's comments about his intuition. however, he can only work out a person's thought process about halfway before he starts to feel lost himself. for example, he can understand that sae dislikes losing, but he doesn't understand that it's innately tied to sae's self-worth and expectations as the eldest child/genius prodigy/role model. if he's going to romantically date anyone, then they need to be extremely skilled in the art of communication. otherwise, rin is going to easily misinterpret things.
finally, i think he'd like someone who knows how to comfort him. rin overthinks. like a lot. the cogs in his brain are constantly whirring. you need to lay him down on your lap and run your fingers through his hair and tell him that everything's going to be alright. (and it is going to be alright, because you're about to move both heaven and earth for him to make it stay that way.)
kaiser has no set type, but if he did, it would also be isagi (i'm sorry but yoichi is our harem princess for a reason.) kaiser oscillates between this superiority and inferiority complex. he even admits he was weak-hearted once.
any and all attraction is heightened for him because he gets obsessed easily. (like did you see his massive desktop displays of isagi? tell me that does not scream high-key yandere shit to you.)
however, more so than people, kaiser is fixated on ideals. he literally got a cheesy blue rose tattoo to remind himself that nothing is impossible, and he stands naked in front of his mirror every morning repeating the motto: "this is me." the self-esteem issues are glaringly obvious.
now, rather than completely shatter his entire worldview like isagi did, you need to be the one to gently (and i stress, gently) remind him that sometimes ideals aren't everything. kaiser is unpredictable, but the one thing that stays constant about him is the many masks he hides behind. everything is a role to him, and he takes center stage. but you need to convince him that none of this really matters. he doesn't need to bedazzle himself in tattoos and dye his hair and sport a mullet-rattail hybrid to be worthy of attention. sometimes his ugly bed head and dark circles are precisely the reason you love him.
second of all, you need to set firm boundaries (otherwise you'll end up like ness.) kaiser wants someone with a backbone, and he does not turn a blind eye to raw potential. victory is his end goal, and if you can bring him one step closer to that, he will stick to you. the only issue here is that you need to make sure he does not use you. and believe me, he will try. but if you draw a strong line between you two and stand your ground, he will start to see you in a new light. it can go both ways (love or hate), but either way you are someone important in his eyes.
lastly, i think he wants someone with a sense of humor. he's naturally cocky, and he needs someone to match his wit. ness already does that, but he doesn't give kaiser enough challenge. in my mind, i imagine kaiser trying to impress you with his german, but you give him a good run for his money when you already know how to speak it. things like that. he thinks it's hot when you can stand up to his level. but at the end of the day, your loyalty still lies with him, and you're not above/below him but rather the one standing beside him.
barou doesn't have a type. he is the type. you're lucky to have him.
otoya likes cute girls, even better when they have the standard fringe/bob cut look. he also lives for the height difference. teasing short girls by patting their heads is his signature move. he also likes it when girls wear lipgloss, like a sparkly candy pink shade, maybe even a spritz of perfume. he's also type to make fun of the little chubby pooch you get when you eat too much. he thinks it's adorable. personality-wise, it doesn't matter. he's going to cheat anyways. jk but on a more serious note, the person he's likely going to stay with forever is someone who can forgive his weaknesses and actually make the effort to understand him. instead of writing him off as an immature two-timer, he'd appreciate people who can actually hear him out. obviously, it doesn't excuse any of his actions, but it lets him know that you do indeed care.
aiku says he likes anyone who looks easy to break up with, but it's actually the opposite. he tends to go for older women who end up slapping him in the face. he's a womanizer, but he actually has a significant amount of character depth. generally, he's someone who goes with the flow, and nothing really upsets him. but to actually get to know him and his insecurities, you'd have to be someone really important to him. i think aiku is the type to be a serial dater before he finds someone he'll actually stick to. he's afraid of commitment, and it's for good reason. the authority figures in his life have failed him enough times to be considered unreliable. please be kind to him because the childhood trauma was not. i smell lots of emotional baggage here.
nagi likes the flame type because it has few weaknesses and helped him clear three levels in digimon. oh wait, you mean his ideal type? yeah, he does not know what that is, and he's too lazy to think of one. currently he's in the middle of fighting a custody battle for choki, and he's losing to a certain purple-haired freak. please come back later.
reo likes wine aunties lol. it's canon that he prefers older women, but i think it's just because they tend to know what they want. he likes people who have a set goal and are constantly working towards it. he himself diverts all his time and resources into football once he discovers that it is his calling.
i think he's the type to be extremely popular but not actually have any deep, long-lasting connections with any of his friends. he knows a lot of people, but he doesn't know them well. that's also why he gets so attached to nagi because nagi is the first person to really know him. in a way, i think that'd translate over to the people he loves as well. he likes people who don't beat around the bush. if they like him for who he is, they'll say it outright. he doesn't need to do any digging or engage in any form of the pretentious formalities he despises.
reo is rich, which is both a blessing and a curse. on one hand, he's all set for life, but on the other hand, it unfortunately makes many of his relationships conditional. he said it himself that people are often drawn to him because of his money. so i think he'd also like someone who isn't materialistic. he values honesty and genuine connection above all, so if you're ready to give him love regardless of his status, he'd sincerely love you too.
chigiri likes tomboys or any person with masculine characteristics. he's constantly getting mistaken for a girl at blue lock, so i think it'd just be funny to pair him up with someone who also shares the same androgynous plight. you two would bond over breaking gender norms.
he's a capricorn, and even if astrology is a pseudoscience, i still feel like the archetype fits him well. he refuses to let other people see him cry. he values his family a lot. he tends to be moody and intense at times. not to mention he is very goal-driven (excuse the pun.) based on that, i think he'd want someone calm and understanding. it's not that he needs someone else to work out his own problems for him. it's more so that he needs someone to remind him that he's still human sometimes. i feel like after his injury, he was sort of in this survival mode, constantly trying to prove himself and get back to the level he used to be at. but you need to remind him that he can relax once in a while. it's perfectly alright if he isn't as good as he used to be right now. progress comes at a different pace for everyone.
furthermore, chigiri tends to project a serious image most of the time, so i think it'd be nice if someone reminds him that he does have indeed an odd sense humor and his fair share of stupid moments, and that's totally okay too.
shidou likes anyone who doesn't like him, but this has to be done the right way. within blue lock, he's already sort of this outcast because no one understands his playing style (except maybe sae.) you need to show him that you value his eccentricities while also keeping him at an arm's length. he loves a challenge.
since he's someone unafraid to express himself, he likes to see that in another person. whether it's in your fashion sense, way of talking, body language, etc., he loves it when you act unapologetically yourself.
shidou is quite literally a dog kept on a leash, so you need to tug on that leash from time to time. he loves it when people attempt to tell him off and call him out for his bullshit. inhibition is a foreign concept to him, so he feels entertained when others try to teach it to him. he also thinks it's immensely sexy when you're angry at him. lord knows he is definitely going to slip that in mid-argument just so you can yell at him some more.
sae wouldn't even believe in the concept of a "type" in general because he thinks it's stupid to categorize people based on an ideal and fixed set of characteristics. (that's pretty rich coming from a guy who calls people who don't meet his standards lukewarm but we're just gonna ignore his hypocrisy.) either way, he has a non-traditional view of love and attraction.
i do think he likes people who are solid and reliable, and they can continuously yield quality results. he would also want someone who is as ambitious as him because i don't think he can realistically get along with someone who has no dreams or aspirations. it just doesn't fit well with his driven personality.
people who are empathetic and emotionally intuitive intrigue him since that's something he lacks. personally, i think he'd like someone who is mature (doesn't matter if they're older or younger.) if you can teach him something useful, he find you worthy of his time. and if you can read his feelings without him even telling you, he would consider you someone special.
sae needs someone who holds similar ideals to him but doesn't follow him blindly. (notice how he hated it when rin blindly relied on his assists when they were children.) he want someone who is independent because he is also highly independent. however, the difference is that they also actively make room in their life for other people, and that is something sae doesn't know how to do.
there's a point of growth somewhere in your relationship where you call out his mistakes and set him on the right path. sae struggles a lot with his definition of victory, and he finds it difficult to curb his greed. his ego is what sets him apart from everyone else, so failure is not an option in his books. unfortunately, this is also why he loses some of his original spark/motivation. you need to be someone who can tell him that failure is not a weakness, and sometimes the journey matters more than the ending.
also this poor boy needs someone to teach him social cues because i don’t really think he knows how to read the room. he’d probably unintentionally insult a chairman or investor, and you’ll be trailing after him with a sheepish smile as you bow and apologize for him. (i feel bad for his manager.)
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satrs · 9 months
ɪ'ʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ʙᴏʏ!
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ᥲ/ᥒ ꜝꜝ ✎ saw that one edit on tiktok the other day and man... I just have to do this (idk abt the wordcount I just wrote this with my kitty and yeah, This happened)
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ; needy guys and their dom gf!
TAGS; subby guysss. dirty talk. thighjob. overstim. nicknames(mommy, baby, good boy, bad boy, whore, brat). bondage. cumming in pants. dry humping.
ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+(proplayers)!
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He was in a fit of complete bliss and tantalizing pleasure, hips stuttering with every stroke through your plush thighs. "I wanna' cum. Pleasepleaseplease let me cum."
You looked up at his vulnerable form, his cheeks dusted in a pink cloud of blush and his hair all over the place, mouth agape with his tongue pocking at his lips. "Please."
Your hand reached up to caress his cheek, cooing at the man above you. "I'm not holding you, go ahead." He let out a sigh in relief, his hips beginning to stutter and falling out of rhythm, head falling forward. "But if you do," His head snapped to your face in shock once you sneaked your hand around his neck to pull him to your level, "I'll ride you until you pass out."
He yelped, so close to his release, trying to contain himself with his eyes shut, biting his lip. "Good job. Just a little more and you'll get to cum." You clenched your thighs around his sensitive cock, robbing another cry of pleasure from him.
A meal flew past his lips at your words because he knew that was a lie. Your teasing smirk was only proof of that.
"Say it." His ego was still having the upper hand, way too prideful to submit to you. "You think it's smart to act like a brat now?" Your clothed cunt grinding against his painfully hard cock as he tries his best to not fall into your sinful antics.
"Well, if you're acting all petty, then you won't mind if we stop right here, right?" This made his eyes widen once you slowly retreaded away from him and a low mewl escape his lips, his tongue clicking in defeat as he swallowed his pride, whispering in a low voice. "Please, make me cum."
"That's more like it." The sinister grin on your face showed no good, your hips back on his as you grind more firmly on him, the friction the both of you receive from it pulling moans and groans from you.
"Fuck." Rin's head fell back, nearing his release. "Let me cum inside. Please." The grin on our face only grew, your movements increasing as you felt his cock twitching through the fabric of clothes. "Nuh, uh. Only good boys get to have what they ask for." you leaned down, lips attacking his neck as you let your fangs graze his skin, "But bad boys like you just take what they get."
Your movements increased, pressure on his cock growing as he panted heavily, your clothed cunt rubbing against him so deliciously that he can't help but cum into his pants with a loud cry, embarrassment soon washing over him.
"Now what boy do you think you are, Rinnie?"
"Shhh, Sei'. I thought you’d stay quiet? How come you're still so vocal?" Your teasing voice went straight to his dick, aching length twitching in your hold as you tightened your fist right under his tip, capturing the leaking pre with your thumb. "Did you lie to me?"
His eyes snapped open, moans interrupting him from speaking properly. "N-no! You're just- fuckkk teasing." You grinned as you popped his tip into your mouth, tongue twirling around it. "I'm teasing you? You're so mean. I just want to help, and you repay me like this?"
He shook his head in disapproval, moans growing in volume as your movements increased, the other hand fondling his balls. "I-I'm so-sorry. No more, please, don't wanna' cum yet."
"Look! You even got requests now." you mocked him, chuckling as his dick twitched in your hold, first spurts of his cum already leaking from his tip. "You'll take what I fucking give you,"
He unraveled underneath you, moaning mess as you continued stroking his dick, his cum now serving as a lubricant. "Do you understand?"
His thighs shook in overstimulation as he threw his head back, the thought of sleep now fully leaving his mind as he frantically nodded as an answer.
His cock twitched alive once you got on his lap, tying up his hands above his head, bottom lip captured between his lip once you aline his angry tip to your entrance, mind spinning once your walls hugged his entire length.
" I can't take it anymore, I need to touch you, baby." You ignored him struggling with the restraints around his wrist, tied to the bed, his hips stuttering up into yours at your torturous slow speed.
You had to bite back a laugh at the young man's pleas, changing your slow bouncing to steady grinding, humming in pleasure at the feeling of his mushroom tip nudging your cervix. "Liar." Your hand harshly took his chin in hand, your rough movements causing a shameless moan to leave his lips, brows wrinkling in pleasure.
His whine was answer enough for you, your hand sneaking down to clasp around his neck. "You love this. Don't lie to me. You love it when I treat you like the bitch in heat you are." Oh, yes, he did.
He loved it. He loved it all. From the way your tender fingers roughly grabbed him by the throat, to the way you would milk him dry until he didn't know what's right and wrong anymore.
"Already too fucked out to answer me, Ryu'?" This snapped him back into reality, eyes appearing from behind his sockets again, panting as sweat formed on his forehead from the way your hips moved on top of him just right.
"Y-yes, love it- fuck! Love it when you're rough with me."
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©︎𝙎𝘼𝙏𝙍𝙎. all rights reserved. Do NOT plagiarize, copy, modify, republish, or translate my work in any way!
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sleepysnk · 11 months
a/n: i decided to do a part two to my virgin killer headcanons! thank you guys for all the love on the first part. i hope you guys enjoy this one!
characters: isagi yoichi, reo mikage, nagi seishiro, rin itoshi
warnings: established relationships, nsfw, virgin!reader, virginity loss, praising, some rough(ish) sex, use of pet names (baby, my love, princess, babe), vanilla sex (reo + nagi), fingering (rin + isagi), oral sex f!receiving (nagi + reo), some overstimulation, breeding kink (nagi + rin), creampie.
part one.
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isagi yoichi:
we all know isagi is a respectful guy, especially when it comes to you, so when you announced to him that you were still a virgin he wasn’t very surprised at all.
he knew first times were delicate moments, so he wanted to make sure you were comfortable and ready when that moment came. it took a while, but after some time and anniversary dinners, you finally gave him the okay that you were ready to have sex with him. isagi wasn’t entirely sure on how to start, but he knew preparation was important and that’s how he ended up with two of his fingers knuckle deep inside of you. he pressed on your g-spot which made your pussy soak his hand with your slick. he thought you were so gorgeous with his digits touching your gummy walls with his name slipping from your glossy lips like it was a prayer. it was so pretty. it was even prettier when you experienced your first orgasm with him in front of you.
once you rode out your high, isagi finally pushed himself inside of your hole. isagi almost lost all of his composure when your pussy hugged his cock tightly. you were just as divine as he imagined and he took his time with you. he couldn’t stop the curses from coming out of his mouth as he rolled his hips into your cunt, increasing the pleasure you desired more than anything else. he wanted to make sure your first time was a good one, and it was. he made you see stars whenever his tip kissed at the button inside you. isagi especially loved when your nails scratched down his back, leaving marks on his skin.
“shit.. you like that, princess? fuck, i love you so much..”
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reo mikage:
reo is a gentleman of a boyfriend, so when you told him you were a virgin, he didn’t take it the wrong way. if anything, he was turned on by that idea. you had yet to experience your firsts and the idea of it being him made his dick harder than a rock.
reo was very patient with you. he was somewhat taken off guard when you started kissing his neck and whispering how he makes your pussy wet. he took that as the cue that you were ready for him, so he decided to put his tongue between your pretty folds. he couldn’t believe you tasted that great. your pussy was dripping wet and you were losing your mind while his tongue dove deep into your cunt. he wanted you to experience as much pleasure as possible, but he couldn’t hide that selfish desire in his pants while you cried out his name for more. he practically started humping the bed when you reached your first orgasm, leaving your slick all over his tongue.
being inside of you was a different story. reo almost came on the spot when his cock pushed into your walls, spreading you apart. he always thought you would be amazing, but he didn’t think you would almost take his breath away while he thrusted inside of you. he especially loved it when you moaned his name and looked into his eyes. seeing your fucked out face made him so turned on. he had the urge to cum inside of you. to watch his cum drip out of you made his dick twitch, but he knew he had to wait.
“my baby lookin’ so pretty for me.. you like when i fuck you, princess? yeah?”
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nagi seishiro:
he’s most definitely a sweetheart like reo is when it comes to your virginity. he would kiss the top of your head and tell you that he’s ready whenever you’re ready and to just say the word when you want to have that special moment with him.
when that moment came after a long day of going out, he was more than prepared. nagi wanted you to feel comfortable enough with him and the last thing he wanted was to possibly hurt you during the act, so he decided to make sure you were prepped enough for him. nagi was a bigger guy. he was much thicker and he knew that it could cause harm when it first went in. he wanted nothing more than to taste that sweet pussy he had fantasized about for the last few months you had been dating. he wondered if it was sweet just like you were, and he wasn’t wrong. your slick was so great on his tongue he couldn’t stop himself from licking every drop. he wanted to devour you, but after your second orgasm, he knew he had to get things started between you both.
nagi struggled to fit inside of you at first. your pussy was so tight and warm. he almost contemplated doing more foreplay, but that thought flew out the window when he finally bottomed out and your walls were gripping his cock like a vice. you felt so incredibly full by your boyfriend that every thrust was making you see stars in your vision. nagi kept things slow, too. he didn’t want to hurt you and there was so much passion blooming in his chest at the beautiful sight of you taking his cock. your body was gorgeous and so was your face. he loved you so so much. he wanted to make that moment special between you two.
he made you cum several times. you almost cried from the rush of pleasure you kept receiving and all nagi’s mind was telling him was to fill your pussy with his cum. once he had the okay from you, he quickened his thrusts and let it go, covering your walls in white. it was so warm and nice. you loved nothing more than that feeling and so did he. making love to you was amazing to him and he couldn’t wait to do it more often.
“i love you, babe. don’t forget that.. ever.”
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rin itoshi:
he really didn’t have much of a reaction when you told him you were a virgin. it was something that was normal amongst people, so he didn’t see it as much of a problem whatsoever. rin, although he struggled with intimacy at times, was going to respect you and make sure that you were comfortable enough before he decided to make that step with you.
he had the day off, so he spent the entire day with you. you guys went out and ran some errands and even had a nice meal before nightfall, and that’s when you decided to tell rin that you were ready to have sex with him. rin was somewhat excited about it. he wondered many times what your pretty body looked like underneath your clothes, and now that moment was about to happen. he was very gentle at first. his fingertips brushing against your smooth skin, taking in every small curve or bump on your body. it was pretty to him and he couldn’t wait to get started. once he had the go ahead, rin started playing with your pussy. your cunt was soaked already from his previous actions, so it didn’t take him very long to slip a finger into your hole. it felt so good. his fingers curled and twisted to find that spot inside of you to make you almost scream, and rin was practically getting off on it. you were so gorgeous, but so lewd at the same time.
soon enough, rin was stuffing his cock inside of you. he almost lost himself and started fucking your brains out right then and there, but he had to gain some self restraint because he feared causing harm to you. his cock was so big. he reached areas inside you that you had no idea existed and it felt euphoric. watching your pussy suck in his cock like it was a vice turned rin on so much. you were such a good girl for him. your sweet voice was like music to his ears every time he rutted his hips into you. he would gradually pick up the pace a little, observing what turned you on and what he needed to hold back on. after making you cum several times, he wanted to breed you. he had that desire for so long and he wanted to act upon that, so once you consented, he came into you. his cum flooded your walls and filled your womb, making him feel satisfied with himself.
“ah.. yeah, that’s it, baby. you take me so well! you want my baby, my love? i’ll give it to you..”
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saekkas · 11 months
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summary: michael kaiser is a coward who needs a little incentive to finally confess his feelings towards you.
tags: f!reader, roommates to lovers, fluff, falling in love, kissing (more like, making out), jealousy, mutual pinning, possessive kaiser.
wc: 1.7k
notes: i do not know what possessed me into writing this, but man, it needs to do it again.
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something you've realized early on in your friendship with kaiser is that he's a coward.
he hates spiders, makes you throw the trash out at night, and screams whenever something falls out of its place because he thinks the apartment is haunted.
in the year that you've spent as his roommate, you've come to terms with it. he's nice, cleans his dishes, and helps with the laundry. he keeps the noise down to a minimum and cooks you breakfast when he isn't preoccupied with practice.
another perk of living with him is the fact that he buys you things, expensive things. perfume. flowers. the dress you were eyeing online. your favorite snacks. a limited edition plushy you've been wanting since forever.
you realized early on that michael kaiser is rude to other people, scoffing and smirking as if he's above everyone else. he mutters comments about them under his breath, thinking you can't hear. he bosses people around, looking at them like they're ants. a waste of his time.
he isn't like that with you.
for one, he's sweet. if the gift giving isn't enough, he goes out of his way to seek you out after his matches. he asks for massages, for small pecks and fleeting touches. he video calls you when he's away, never forgetting to wish you a good morning and sweet dreams through voice notes. all with a grin on his lips.
you aren't blind. you know those are his ways of expressing affection. you just wish he'd finally man up and admit his feelings.
"so, how was the date?"
kaiser's sitting on the couch of your living room, remote control in hand as he stares at the tv, some random soccer match showing across the screen. his hair is wet, and he's got his glasses on. his posture is relaxed, seemingly nonchalant as he asks the question.
you know him enough to see him gritting his teeth even through his bored expression.
"good evening to you too," you laugh, airy as you take off your heels. putting them next to the door, you drop your keys in the sage bowl, letting them clink against his. "have dinner yet?"
leaning against the door, you can see the fine lines of his shoulder tense. the kaiser you're used to is a show pony, the person sitting on your couch isn't. he almost looks like a stranger with his neutral expression and bored eyes. such a difference to the guy who usually comes running whenever you walk through the entrance.
"i ordered takeout." he motions to the plates littered around him, pointing at the fridge. "i saved you some of your favorites."
internally, you flutter. happy to know that the kaiser you know, and love, isn't completely gone.
"thank you, that's very sweet of you."
he's adamant on keeping his eyes off you and on the screen, his shoulders becoming even more tense as you open your arms wide.
"no hug for today?" there's a hopeful smile on your lips as you say the words. happy to finally have everything the way they should be.
only to be shut down with a single side eye from him.
"what?" he asks lowly, almost conceding in his words. almost like your presence bothers him, like all those other people do. like you aren't special to him anymore. "did your date dump you? and now you're looking to me for comfort?"
the words are icy, and he gives no room for rebuttals. not when he looks at you with a quirked eyebrow and a cocky smirk.
it's the first time he's used his persona on you. one he uses to hide away from the world. you decide that you hate it.
"no. actually, he was sweet," you bite back, glaring when you decide that enough is enough. "asked to hold my hand and carry me on his back."
you watch as his face darkens, his eyes clouding over until you can't recognize the pretty blue color they usually spark in. you're riling him up, making him angry. and it's working.
"why? jealous?"
it's the question you've been dying to ask for months now. he flirts like you're more than friends, buys you gifts like you're something special to him, shuts down every time you go on a date with someone that isn't him.
but when it comes down to it, you not his to have. not when he's too much of a coward to do anything about it.
"and if i am?" his words surprise you. it's the first time he's come close to revealing his true feelings in months. they're said with an underlying tone of anger, jealousy, and possessiveness. like you're already his and no one else's. "what's it to you?"
"oh, you know, just happy you're finally being a man and talking about your feelings."
you shouldn't have said that. with the way his eyes are practically glaring, you don't know what else to say. you look up when he stands, practically looming as he stalks to you.
"you're so-"
his words are interrupted by his cursing. he glares down at you, pushing his hand next to your head, pining you against the door. you gulp, watching as he practically shakes in anger.
"du machst mich wahnsinnig, liebling. ich glaube nicht, dass ich mich zurückhalten kann, wenn du weiterhin so eine göre bist."
translation: you're driving me mad, darling. i don't think i can hold back if you continue to be such a brat.
"he even asked to kiss me too," you say, your voice trembling under his dark gaze. your sweet and funny roommate is gone, replaced by the man you see in front of you. your heart is pounding against your chest, in both fear and excitement for what he'll do when you finally push him off the edge. "he-"
kaiser surges down, cutting your sentence off with a kiss.
your eyes widen when your head hits the door from his force. a shiver running down your spine when he lifts a hand, placing it on the back of your head, gently caressing the area. closing your eyes, you wrap your arms around his shoulder, kissing him back with just as much fervor.
he relaxes at that, pulling back slightly only to swoop back in, keeping you in his arms for as long as he wants. by the time he finally breaks the kiss, you're both leaning against each other.
you've never seen his eyes as happy as they are now.
"ich bin mir sicher, dass ich besser küsse als er," he says, smug as he takes in the way you're panting. he chuckles, placing his hands on the side of your neck to pull you into another kiss. "richtig, liebling?"
translation: i'm sure i kiss better than he does. right, darling?
"i don't know what you're saying but yes. okay. sure." you nod, head still hazy as his hands start to stroke your cheek. "if it's something bad, then no."
he chuckles, placing a kiss on the corner of your lips. he keeps you rooted in your spot, his eyes darting back between your eyes and your lips. "you're mine now, yeah? no one else gets to kiss you the way i did."
"about time," you say with a roll of your eyes when your breathing finally settles. you play with the hair around his shoulder, slightly tugging at the strands. "it went awful, by the way. he made me walk 3 kilometers because his car broke down."
his hands stop, freezing as he looks at you incredulously. "but you said-"
"i lied," you say with a cheeky grin. you lift yourself onto your tiptoes, placing a kiss on his cheek as an apology. "just wanted to see how you'd react."
you giggle when he groans, letting him settle in the crook of your neck. "you little minx. next time, call me. i'll pick you up and drop you off."
there's the kaiser you know and love.
"mihya." the nickname is odd on your lips, new and completely unrefined. you watch as he perks up, his eyes practically shining as he looks down at you. guess you'll just have to use the nickname on him more often from now on. "you're a terrible driver. you'd be picking me up at the mall and dropping us off at the gates of heaven."
"well, at least that means an angel will finally return home."
you smack his shoulder for that.
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you're walking down the stairs of your university a few weeks later, laughing at something your friend said when the sound of squealing fills your ears.
a sleek black lamborghini sits right in front of you.
you blink, taking in the over-the-top showcase before your eyes land on the figure right beside it. you snort as kaiser winks at you from his spot, still taking his time to soak up the limelight.
"did you have to come all the way here to be a showoff?" you greet him with a kiss to his cheek that kaiser visibly grins at.
ever since getting together, he's been hogging you all to himself. he insists on driving you to and from wherever you need because your time together is worth everything to him. "you are so petty. making sure no one even thinks of asking me out on another date?"
"you like it." the way he says it is breathless, like it's a secret he's been keeping to himself for a long time. "you like me."
who knew michael kaiser turned out to be such a corny romantic?
you snort, tugging him into the car before he makes any more of a scene. "i do."
he grins at that, revving the engine as loud as he can, smirking when a group of freshmen cheer and wave to him from behind the car.
"good." he takes your hand, placing a kiss on the knuckles. he holds it as he backs out of the university and into the open street. "be prepared because i'm about to spoil you even more."
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featured character ☆ itoshi sae
tag(s): fluff! ☆
apologies if this is out of character.
        No joke, period cramps hurt a lot. What's included in the monthly cycles are also mood swings, you're definitely ten times extra sensitive when it's that time of the month. Well today, you woke up quite late, maybe around eleven o'clock or so. Next to the wooden night stand, there's a white envelope. You take it and gently ripped off the cute little pink heart sticker on it. Then, you reached for the folded white piece of paper. The note read;
Y/n, you probably woke up to see this note by the nightstand. Around this time I'm probably not home. I may come home around nine o'clock, do whatever you'd like for the whole day. As always, I love you.
        You smiled reading the note and the "I love you" that Sae wrote down in black ink. After being fully awake (maybe lying in bed for an extra 10 minutes), you straightened the bed sheets and comforter then started feeling hungry and so, you headed down to the kitchen and made some breakfast. After eating some toast with avocado and eggs, you decided to take a shower and do some skin care. Finally, you just plop on the navy blue sofa and decided to just binge watch Tales of the Nine Tailed since it seemed interesting. You got your phone and scrolled on Twitter to see if there's anything new. Maybe after one or two episodes of Nine Tailed, you got sudden cramps. It felt extremely agonizing to the point where you thought you were on the verge of death. So now change of plans. For the entire day you're not going to be binge watching some k-drama but you're simply just going to wrap yourself in a blanket, tightly clench on your stomach while lying on the couch, play dead, and wait for Sae to come home. 
༊*·˚ around 9 o'clock
        You hear the keys jingling and the sound of a door opening and closing. "I'm home" Sae calls out but it was dead silent. "Saeee..." you whine. Sae heads over to the couch and sees you lying down, wrapped in a white fluffy blanket. You sniffled, there were dry tear stains on your cheeks and he could clearly see them, your eyes were also quite puffy and red. "Angel, what happened?" Sae looks at you, a very concerned look on his face. "Cramps..." you pout. Sae gently strokes your head then heads to the kitchen to warm up some milk and a hot water bottle. A few minutes later, he then proceeds to give you a mug with warm milk and a plush-like hot water bottle. "Thank you." you then take a sip of the warm milk from the light colored orange ceramic mug. "You're welcome. Is there anything else you'd like?" "Hug..." you looked away, feeling a little embarrassed. Sae then kisses you on the cheek and embraces you in his arms for a long long time. You nuzzle against his neck, much like a cat. "Is there anything you'd like to do or watch?" your face instantly glows up. "I want to watch Spirited Away with you!!" A smile appeared on Sae's face. "Of course."
        About 50 minutes left, you fell asleep against Sae. Sae grabs the remote and turns off the TV, afraid that the sound and brightness would wake you up. This all ends when he whispers a "I love you" and slowly falling asleep next to you. 
i have little info about sae's personality so i apologize if it's very out of character. but anyways, tysm for reading :3
©fuyukohasnocreativity do not copy, repost, or translate. likes and reblogs are accepted and appreciated!
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sunaluv · 1 year
Hi not sure if you take requests i just saw this idea on tiktok 😭i was thinking if you could write isagi, rin, nagi, kaiser where their fem s/o is talking to a friend on the phone and tells them that she got her brazilian wax done by a guy (it could be any name) IM ALREADY CACKLING JUST IMAGINING THEIR REACTION
i know this is kinda suggestive but since it's not necessarily nsfw i'll just take my chance xD
Feel free ignore if you don't feel like writing it! :*
i feel dumb i literally had to look this up to confirm i know what im talking about 😭
feat: isagi, rin, nagi, kaiser
cw: suggestive, cooch talk
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isagi watched as you gently pressed down on your crotch, wincing at the sensitive feeling. you could feel his frown from his spot at the doorway despite the fact you’ve insisted you’re fine.
“are you sure you don’t want me to get you some ice or something, babe?” the bed dipped slightly as he sat down, hesitantly placing his hand on your thigh.
you sighed. “i’m fine, ‘chi. i’m not gonna break.” giggling, you moved to sit up on the bed. “i don’t know why it hurt so bad this time, i think he might’ve—“
“he?” his blue eyes blinked.
there was a pause as you chose your next words carefully. “yeah…he…”
his hands pinned your shoulders back down the the bed, his eyes declaring urgency. “you’re telling me another guy saw your,” he gestured down below with his eyes. “for free?!”
patting his cheek gently, you sighed. “technically not for free, i payed him.”
“baby whyyy!”
“relax yoichi,” removing his hands off of you, you sat back up again. “he made sure i was okay with it, the only girl on shift that day was available half an hour before we leave and i’d rather bear the pain now than on the plane.”
the boy held his head in his hands as if he was betrayed and you had to hold back the urge to roll your eyes.
you walked up to him, placing your hand on his shoulder. “if you want, you can come with me next time?”
your eyes finally met as he craned his neck up. “yeah,” he wiped his running nose. when he started crying you do not know. “i-i’ll go with you next time.”
“good god. and they say women are more dramatic.” you muttered, leaving your boyfriend to sulk on his own.
the car was awkwardly silent as you and rin sat in the parking lot. he had just came to pick you up but was caught off guard by the guy giving you aftercare instructions for your brazilian wax.
“…did he wax you?” he was hesitant to ask.
you were silent as you contemplated the best way to go around this.
“i see how it is.” he obviously mistook your silence. “was there nobody else to do it? preferably someone with less meat between their legs?”
your eyes widened and you had to swallow your laughter. “rin that’s inappropriate. he’s just a waxer.” you regained composure.
“my ass,” he sighed, finally starting the car. “he couldn’t possibly have gotten you right, he’s a guy he doesn’t know his way around pussy.”
“…you’re also a guy?”
“do you know your way around pussy?”
he side eyed you, knuckles whitening as his grip on the wheel increased. “i don’t know [name], do i?”
you silence spoke all he needed to know. “then it’s settled, i’ll wax you next time.”
“okay, rin.” you chuckled. “who knew you could be so jealous.”
“nobody’s jealous.”
when you arrived home, you didn’t see rin for the next hour, little did you know he was cooped up in your shared bedroom, watching various waxing tutorials.
your legs swung as you chatted on the phone idly whilst your boyfriend played games on his pc.
“how was your brazilian girlll!” your friends voice sounded around the room.
you sighed. “it hurt so bad! you didn’t tell me how much pain i was gonna be in!” you frowned dramatically to the camera. “luckily the guy was nice and gave me a heads up and all.”
the nonchalant demeanor of your white haired boyfriend dissipated as he got off his game at record speed and snatched the phone out of your hand, ending the call.
“…did you just say he?” his brows furrowed and his bottom lip jutted out ever so slightly.
“hey i was talking!” you got up. “give me the phone, sei.”
“how could you let another man see you like that,” he dropped down to his knees dramatically, hugging your torso. “if you wanted to break up with me, you coulda’ just said so ya know.”
“relax you big baby,” you chuckled stroking his hair. “he was just waxing, it’s not like he had his fingers inside of me.”
he squeezed tighter. “don’t say that!” his face pressed into your stomach. “and don’t say ‘he’”
you laughed silently at his theatrics, moving to lie down on the bed.
for the next hour (yes hour :|) you stroked nagi’s hair comfortingly, dismissing his mutters about the poor waxer man who was just trying to do his job.
you were catching up with a friend at the football stadium after the match had ended. the stadium had cleared out a bit, leaving you two some time to gossip.
“how’ve ya been girl,” she looped an arm around yours. “i feel like i haven’t seen you in forever!”
you laughed, “i’ve been good, mostly working and stuff.”
the two of you idly gossiped, not realizing there were a few people left. your friend left with her husband, giving you a business card before you met up with kaiser to leave the stadium.
“hello beautiful,” he kissed the back of your hand. “what do you have there?”
you skimmed the front and back of the card before handing it to him. “a business card for my waxer my friend recommended. he did a good job, might get him to do my next one…”
“who did a great job?” he asked incredulously.
you repeated the name of your waxer.
“that sounds like a guys name,” he chuckled.
“because he is a guy…” you trailed off.
there was silence for a couple seconds before a rip sounded through the air.
“kaiser!” you snatched the torn card out of his hands. “why would you do that!”
“he’s a guy!” he stated as if that’s a valid reason. “how can i sleep at night knowing my lady is letting another man tend to her bushes?!”
flustered, you turned your back to him. “stop talking like that!” you held your face in your hands. “…you’re embarrassing me…”
he breathed deeply before turning you around by your shoulders. “i’m sorry, sweetheart,” he peeled your hands from your face, angling your neck to meet his eyes.
“how about i make you a compromise, hmm?” his smile told you just about how unfair this was going to be. “i won’t talk about you tending your bushes if you stop letting other men see it, okay?”
he stuck out his hand and moved yours to shake it before you could protest.
“you don’t play fair, you know that?” you interlocked your hands before heading out.
“of course i know that,” he grinned, pearly teeth and all. “how else do you think i’ve come so far.”
kaiser could now get a peaceful sleep knowing he is the only one between your legs.
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nagiiizsq · 5 months
dating nagi headcannons
-he definitely gives you special treatment like if someone messages him he’d usually ignore them but when its you he replies within minutes (i would say seconds but lets be fr)
-loves when you massage him after stressful games especially his back omgg he’s probably always bending down to hear ppl since he’s quite tall so he’d deff get back pains
-i feel like he’d offer to teach you how to play his game so you two can play together you get his attention and he gets to play the game and be with you at the same time win win situation
-the height differenceeee he’s obviously a very tall man so weather or not your tall hed be towering over you (this ones for my tall girlies)
-king of sexy morning voice his normal voice is already deep but in the morning when he just woke up the rasp and low tone in his voice urghhh
-i can imagine his veiny forearm covering his eyes when you open the curtain trying to wake him up for breakfast omggg
-hes deff the type to get hot easily so he prob sleeps shirtless too his duvet just barely covering him showing off his muscles
-“I’ll come down in a minute baby just close the curtain” he groans sighing softly shoving his face in his pillow and you know damn well he aint getting up
-his love language is deff quality time wether you guys are talking or not he just loves being in your presence its either he’s listening to you talk about something that happened at work/school or you to are both doing your work
-he also is a very good listener i feel and he makes eye contact too you’d even get nervous because of how intensely he’s staring at you staring to stumble on your words and he just asks whats wrong all confused
(Its been a while since I’ve written a fic because of the holidays but i hope this makes do 💕)
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doobean · 9 months
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synopsis: A quick game of truth or dare goes a long way for you and your boyfriend.
contents: afab!fem!reader, college au, established relationship, mentions of alcohol, parties, the whole college experience, awkward first times, isagi centric, narration heavy throughout, explicit content (he calls you baby, unprotected, virginity loss, fingering, handjob, saddling, clothes stay on!!, finishing inside, a lil bit of aftercare and cuddles), mdni word count: 3.9K a/n: was originally req on my other blog before i dedicated a whole post to it because why not... also idk if its actually called saddling or not but some of these sex positions have weird names so im just gonna call it saddling (u sit in his lap)
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It's not Isagi's fault when the topic comes up. Everyone is drinking—like an absurd amount.
On this particular night, they win their last game of the season, and what better way to celebrate than at Reo Mikage's overly lavished-out apartment? Bachira is the first one to suggest a party and, after minimum persuasion, Reo offers up his place. Tonight is also the night that everyone finds out that Reo has a fucking wine cellar. The type of wine cellars with evil-looking spiral staircases that can hold a multitude of foreign wines and hard liquor that Isagi can't even pronounce even if he tries.
And it's also not Isagi's fault when he agrees to play "truth or dare", foolishly thinking that it'll remain PG-13 as if he had forgotten that having Shidou and Bachira around makes everything but PG-13. Everyone is about four shots in when Shidou's tongue starts getting loose and suddenly everyone becomes interested in their teammates' sex lives — specifically Isagi's sex life with you.
So this is how it happens. This is how they get on this ridiculous tangent.
They’re guys, so the shift in conversation comes as no surprise to Isagi. Even though Isagi doesn’t actually have any legitimate interest in said conversation.
"You can't avoid answering by taking shots," Bachira almost slaps the shot glass from Isagi's grasp as he brings it up to his lips. "C'mon, just tell us already, Yoi."
Approximately ten minutes before his turn, Isagi has learned against his will that Shidou has slept with nearly half of the cheerleading team — all while wearing the school’s mascot costume. His best friend, Bachira Meguru, apparently has a slight degradation kink and is secretly a masochist. Reo and Nagi? Shared a few girlfriends between them during the course of high school and freshman year of college. And now it’s his turn.
"Fuck off," Isagi scoots away from Bachira and settles closer to Rin on his right, the only 'normal' one of the group for tonight. "Can we just skip to the next person?"
The whole team is sitting on the living room floor in a circle, each person clutching either a bottle of alcohol or one of Reo's weirdly expensive shot glasses that he says his father had bought from Switzerland. The whole team, minus Rin, also can't seem to let go of the conversation. Almost as if everyone knows the truth and is waiting for Isagi to say it himself.
"Nuh-uh," Reo sloppily points his finger at Isagi and leans slightly forward, almost faceplanting himself on the floor if Nagi hadn't pulled him back in time. "You've been avoiding all the juicy questions tonight, Isagi."
Maybe it's his secretly inflated ego but Isagi likes to think of himself as a good boyfriend. And a good boyfriend should keep all private details... private. Even if there are no details to share.
"You guys are drunk." Isagi points out and nudges an overly tipsy Bachira away with his foot.
Kunigami leans against the couch behind him and throws his head towards the ceiling. "That's the whole reason why we're playing this in the first place."
"So, answer the question, Isagi." Shidou tips his wine bottle back, it's nearly empty, and goes in for another drink. "How often do y'all do it?" He asks with a sly smirk.
Isagi bites his lips, trying his best to look threatening while the red from the alcohol blushes his cheeks. "I'm not answering."
Chigiri huffs from across and jabs Shidou's side. "Just give him a dare instead, this is getting boring."
"Rinnie, give him a good one."
Rin flicks Shidou a seething glare at the nickname but the other male laughs it off. Everyone does because, unlike Rin and Isagi, everyone is currently shitfaced. Still, Isagi can't help but wonder what his long-term rival has up his sleeves. They didn't have the best friendship, but at least they can somewhat acknowledge each other's skills to some degree, even if Rin can be a dick at times.
After what seems to be a long while, Rin speaks up. "I dare you to go home."
He says it so nonchalantly that it makes Isagi almost spit out his drink. "Excuse me?"
Rin repeats it again and Bachira, who's now seven shots in, chimes in. "Oh! So he can fuck his girlfriend, right?"
Rin rolls his eyes, wearing an exasperated expression. "Yeah, sure."
On any other day, Isagi would feel offended but that isn't the first emotion that overcomes him. He feels oddly... relieved? But he can't let the other drunkards know that, obviously. Rin gives him a knowing look and takes another shot.
"Dumbass, are you going to do it or not?"
Tonight's been weird, Isagi thinks. Is his rival looking out for him?
Isagi hesitantly stands up and settles his drink on a nearby tabletop before shuffling towards the front door to grab his gym bag and backpack in the corner. "You guys are losing your minds." He fakes a frown.
"Ugh, you're no fun Rinnie."
"Isagi Yoichi doesn't do shit with his girl, that's all I'm hearing."
"Waah? No, he definitely does! I think?"
He drowns out the background noises as he pulls out his phone and hovers over the Uber app. Hopefully, his teammates will forget about this interaction by tomorrow morning.
And while Isagi knows that it shouldn't matter, he would be lying to himself if he hadn't thought about taking things to the next level with you. Still, he feels like it shouldn't be his choice to decide the pace of the relationship. He's an average student in terms of academic performance and has already secured a spot on the national team before graduation. On the other hand, you're currently studying almost every night to keep your scholarship and aspire to get into graduate school. Isagi would be absolutely floored if he suddenly became a distraction — your distraction.
Which explains why during the course of the six-month relationship the most that you guys have gone far with is second base: makeout sessions and basically anything that's above the waistline.
Instead of heading back to his apartment, Isagi finds himself typing in your campus address into the Uber search bar. He doesn't really know why but maybe the combination of the alcohol and vulnerable conversations tonight really messed something in his weird brain. Your place is pretty close to his, so he can just walk home afterward, and plus he needs to see you to... what? To vent? Maybe that's what he needs.
It didn't take long when he finally arrived in front of your apartment. Most of the alcohol by now has settled down, so hopefully he doesn't look like a mess when he sees you.
Isagi rings the bell. There’s a moment’s silence, then a shuffling, the sound of the door clicking in the lock, and —
Your hair is down and slightly damp as if you had just come out of the shower not long ago. You're wearing one of Isagi's old shirts that he gave you on one of your earlier dates, a large graphic tee featuring a faded-out character from a show he doesn't remember. The shirt hangs barely past your thighs and... Isagi's eyes bug out just a bit because of course you're not wearing shorts. A good deal of your thighs are exposed, and Isagi wonders why he feels so goddamn uncomfortable about that. 
He hears his name again and snaps his eyes up. "S-Sorry, is it late for you?"
Your laugh makes his stomach flip a few times. He knows it's late. It's nearly midnight but you're still making time to talk to him. God, he feels lucky to have someone who's as patient as you.
"You know you're always welcome over, right?" You step aside and motion your arms inside. "Come in, you look like you have a lot on your mind, Yoichi."
Isagi is also grateful that you like to keep the lights off when you study, excluding the tiny desk lamp you have, because the last thing he wants to happen is you making fun of his alcohol-ridden cheeks. He's pretty sure you can smell the tequila from his breath as he thanks you, and also sure that all that weird watermelon-flavored vaping smell from Karasu and Otoya is sticking to his clothes. Because you're the way you are, he knows that you'll offer to wash his clothes because the next thing you say is —
"You smell, Yoichi. And not in a good way!"
Okay, he didn't expect those exact words to fly out of your mouth, but he understands what your intentions are.
Isagi throws his hands up in defense and laughs. "The guys went a bit too hard, I know. Can't exactly help that."
He allows you to remove his jacket and you point toward your drawers. "I think I still have some of your clothes somewhere there. Just throw the rest in the hamper and I'll get to it."
And he does exactly that. Isagi ends up wearing a shirt that he could've sworn he lost forever ago and a pair of boxers that he lets you wear from time to time. It's not unusual for you to have some of his clothes since you guys have made it a tradition to try and have somewhat regular sleepovers on weekends that aren't crammed with football games and practice exams.
Once he hears your in-unit washing machine go off, he walks out and makes himself at home on your couch. It's been a long day, and he knows that he shouldn't extend his stay judging from your bookmarked textbooks and wall of sticky notes of god knows what formulas, but he finds the remote and flips on the television.
Oh, perfect. It seems that the show you two were binging from days ago is still paused.
"Hey," You plop down next to him and curl up to his side. Isagi tries his best to not stare at your thighs. "Wanna tell me what's on your mind?"
Isagi finds his shoulders immediately relaxing at your words and lets his mouth run with a small pout accompanying his lips afterward. "For the record, everyone was drunk so I doubt they would remember tomorrow, but they were pretty nosy about our sex lives."
You blink and tip your head. "Oh, well did you tell them?"
Isagi groans, breaking eye contact, and lifts a hand to his head to rub away the incoming headache. "No, I don't think they'll let go of it if I've told them."
It's stupid and irrational, Isagi knows that for sure. But he really doesn't want his private business being spread around by a bundle of testosterone and egotistical college guys. Not with your name in the mix.
"Then, do you want to change that?" You ask quietly, tugging Isagi out of his thoughts. Your words take him by complete surprise. In fact, that's the last thing he expected you to say. He'd expected more of your usual harmless complaints against his team.
Isagi withdraws back, just enough to see if maybe you're also drunk, but the sobriety of your straight face is enough to convince him that maybe you've gone insane instead. "What? We don't have to do anything just because of the guys. I want you to feel comfortable, you know?"
"I know!" You say in a rush and he flinches at your volume.
He makes out your flustered cheeks with the dim lighting from the television and suddenly you start fidgeting with the hems of your shirt. It's at that moment that Isagi takes note that he's been shamelessly staring at your thighs for god knows how long.
You bury your face into his shoulders as you continue. "Are you bored in our relationship, Yoi?"
Now Isagi is really confused and, frankly, a bit scared. Are you going to break up with him? Or do you think he's going to break up with you?
A free hand cradles your head while the other takes a tight grasp of your hands. Isagi holds you close as he places a longing kiss on your forehead. "Of course not, why on earth would you even think that? Is everything alright?"
He feels your body squirming around for a bit and then a shaky sigh. "We just—we never do anything. I don’t want you to feel embarrassed when you’re around your friends."
Ah shit, that’s where he fucked up.
"Hey, sorry I didn’t mean to come off that way. I’m not ashamed of what we currently do. I just think it’s best to keep things private to ourselves at the end of the day as opposed to sharing it with others." He explains.
"But don’t you ever just wanna do more than making out?"
He blinks and his mouth gapes. "What?"
"All we ever do is make out, you don’t touch me anywhere else but my chest… don't you want to go further?" Your voice lowers significantly at the last bit. 
You’re still not looking to meet his gaze. And you’re actively trying not to because Isagi feels the weight of your head leaning against his body more. He doesn’t push it and instead accepts it. Clearly, this is something that he didn’t foresee. Maybe you’re also like him, uncertain and awkward about bringing up the topic. 
Isagi arranges his face in the most neutral expression, ignoring his thundering heart, before lifting your head off his shoulders. "Then do you want to mess around a bit?"
You answer in a way that makes him melt. Your arms sling around his neck, lips soon finding solitude against his, seemingly not caring if his breath does smell one too many shots of alcohol from earlier. Isagi is taken aback by your sudden boldness and it takes him a moment to register what’s going on before returning the same energy back. A quick swipe from your tongue is all he needs to know that you’ve been touch-starved for too long.
You're straddling his lap now and the boxers Isagi's currently wearing is doing a rather poor job of masking the huge tent that's grinding right against you. He pulls away from the heated kiss, watching in a daze as a trail of salvia connects between you two, and winces when he feels your weight pressing against his length. 
"W-Wait, slow down a bit…" He tries to lift you up but you stay steady in his lap.
Your hands rest on his chest and you shake your head. "I wanna go all the way tonight. Can we do that, Yoichi?" There’s something about the way his name rolls off your tongue that sets Isagi off but he has to make about one thing.
"Are you sure? Like positive?"
And the heat in your gaze holds a clear promise — you want this more than anything.
He tries to lift you up slightly again, and this time you follow along. Isagi feels you flinch under his touch as his calloused fingers trace their way down to your panties, toying with the lace ribbon at the front before slipping underneath the cotton fabric. It’s completely soaked through and the way his index finger easily slides between your folds has you almost crying out in embarrassment. 
“Baby,” Isagi hisses through his teeth as he gets familiar with the foreign gummy walls. “All this for me?”
Your boldness from before seems to have dissipated once Isagi took control. You only sigh in response when Isagi nips at the space between your neck and shoulder. Isagi groans against your skin when you find yourself sinking deeper into his finger from the touch.
“Touch me more, please…” 
Having you this close to him, holding him, spilling out these phrases that he didn’t expect to hear, it’s all too much for Isagi. His lips reconnect with yours again, this time with more force and desperation. Your body shudders and twitches under his palm as he picks up his rhythm, inserting an additional finger and then a third one. 
“Does that feel good, baby? Tell me how you like it.” Isagi pays close attention to the small shifts on your face as he attempts to stretch out your walls bit by bit. “Let me know if it’s too much and I’ll stop.”
You bury your face deep into his shoulders once more. “Don’t stop, it feels really good, Yoichi.” It’s his turn to twitch when he feels a hand palming at his own arousal. “Can I have a turn, too?” You have no idea how much weight your words carry. A simple question like that makes Isagi’s stomach twist in knots.
“Y-Yeah, you can.”
The position is a bit awkward but, eventually, it ends with your hands engulfing around his throbbing length poking out from his boxers while he’s knuckle-deep in your entrance. The slick, wet sounds coming from your folds is the only audible noise in the room, other than your occasional mews and Isagi's muffled grunts as you pump him off.
When his length is embarrassingly covered in his pre, Isagi releases his digits from your warmth. "I'm going to finish at this rate, baby." He breathes out.
You shyly meet his eyes, both of you jolting at the incredibly warm and slippery mess you've created from playing with each other when you line his length against your entrance. "I'm going to put it in, Yoi." Your voice is shaky and your free hand grips his thigh as you slowly descend.
Isagi breathes out a raspy gasp as he watches your heat swallow his length. Seeing his arousal disappear inch by inch is a sight that he’ll burn in his mind forever and, when your walls squeeze around him, it takes everything in his power to not cum right then and there. His hands immediately find home on your hips, thumbs digging into the sides and his digits kneading at the flesh of your ass. You’re tight, hot, and overwhelming all at the same time. The feeling consumes him entirely.
"Fuck," Isagi throws his head back and screws his eyes shut. "Don't move—give me a second."
You moan in return, eyes shifting away from the sight. "Take your time, Yoi."
Isagi lets you cockwarm him for a few seconds, feeling himself slowly calming down as he adjusts to your tight walls and begins to thrust slowly. You don't bother shielding your moans, and it makes things all just a bit harder for him to concentrate.
He doesn’t know what he’s doing, only going off of what he’s seen from the occasional porn videos he’s seen. Isagi thinks he’s doing a decent job, even though his mind is going absolutely crazy right now. Your erratic moans are right against his ears and the sounds coming from your warmth are the only things keeping him in check. Isagi’s palms rest steadily on your ass as he continues plundering in and out of your sloppy folds from the couch. It isn’t long before you’re shaking and sweating against him, making your earlier shower completely pointless.
You cry out, over-sensitive and shaky, clenching down on him. Isagi's vision gets hazy and soon he realizes that his eyes are misting over, small pools of tears gathering at the corners of his eyes, threatening to smear his cheeks. He'd never expected something like this can render him so weak.
Your voice grows hoarse from the volume you're emitting and Isagi hopes you don't receive a noise complaint from your neighbors tomorrow. He leans forward, helpless to let your cries go unanswered, and smothers the noises with his mouth. Your ass meets every thrust he pushes forward and feeling the familiar heat building up in his stomach, Isagi knows he isn't going to last that much longer.
One of his hands snakes up your shirt and cups one of your breasts, toying with your nipple, while the other hovers over your clit. He feels your entire body trembling, chest heaving, and walls throbbing all around him. "Yoichi, it's too good...!"
"Hold out just a bit longer, baby." Isagi's thumb begins circling your bud and it's the final push for you. Your mouth tilts forward, hips bucking and grinding, and you squeeze him so tight that he doesn't have the time to pull out, coating your walls with his white mess. Everything feels hot like fire spreading across his entire body.
Once he feels your body slack against his, he snaps out of his thoughts and immediately pulls out, grimacing at the sheer amount of cum that flows out of you.
"Shit, I'm sorry. I'll run to the store tomorrow morning, baby." His breathing is labored but he still manages to press his lips to your forehead, and he inhales. "You did amazing."
"Mhmm," You make a vague noise that sounds like a bit like acknowledgment to his ears.
Isagi loosens his arms around your body, shifting your figure to sit up by the edge of the couch, and waddles to the bathroom to fetch a damp towel. When he returns, your eyes are half-lidded and you look like you're one second away from passing out from exhaustion. He's not sure if it's from the sex or that you probably stayed up all day studying.
When the sounds of his footsteps come closer, you peer up and lock eyes, taking his breath away. "Will you stay the night?" And he almost laughs on the spot.
"I'm not gonna do a hit and run, baby. You really think I'm doing that?"
He removes your ruined panties and cleans up the cum running down your inner thighs. After fetching you a set of new underwear, he finds the last of his strength for the night and scoops you up, moving only a few feet to the comfort of your twin-sized mattress. Isagi tucks you in slightly, leaving enough room for him to slide in when he changes into a new pair of bottoms.
"You're too nice to be an ass, I guess." You reply, tracing small patterns onto his chest.
He slings an arm over you, pulling you closer, and lets one of your legs rest over his stomach. "Hey, I can be mean when I want to!" Isagi shoots back.
Your chuckles send vibrations down his chest. "So, are you going to tell your friends about tonight?"
"Fuck no," Isagi presses another kiss to your head again and tightens his grip around you. "I don't even want to know what they do with that information." There's a pause and he blinks. "Are you going to tell anyone?"
You stay quiet for a while and Isagi groans, knowing the exact person you were going to text when the opportunity arrives. "Just Rin! You know that we're best friends, right?"
Ugh, he doesn't really want his rival to know about his sex life but he can't exactly stop you from talking about these types of things to your childhood friend. Isagi rubs circles into your back and pouts slightly. "Keep the details to a minimum."
"No promises, Yoichi." But he knows that you're only joking. And even if you did spew all the details to Rin, at least Isagi can sleep peacefully at night knowing that the other male minds own his business.
A yawn escapes from your lips and you snuggle deeper against his body. "Do you have a busy day tomorrow?"
"Nah, everything's pretty much wrapped up for me." He responds, feeling the fatigue catching up as well. "Did you want me to stay over again tomorrow?"
"Only if you promise to add a pack of condoms to the shopping list."
He smiles, jotting down the mental note before shutting his eyes. "Anything for you, baby."
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another note: hehe ty for making it this far!! idk why i named it seven minutes in heaven bc it has nothing to do w the game but lets just say the whole sex experience lasted seven mins bc that's p normal for first time ig??
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venusxstars · 1 year
𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇! ⸻ nsfw.
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itoshi sae × fem!reader
keynotes ⸻ dom itoshi sae. slight mention of penetration. clit stimulation. nipple play. praise. dirty talking. thigh humping. wherein you have a hard time cumming from finger to clit stimulation and penetration, so sae let's you do what you think feels best for you.
venus' note ⸻ just wanted to put this here since everyone's bodies don't work and feel the same. what may be pleasurable for others may not be for you, and that's normal. ( also, sae's thighs are so thick & hot i wanna smother my face— )
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"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK—" Sae breathy groans brushes against the side of your ear as his cock pounds into you desperately. "So fucking tight around my cock, shiiit—"
You moan softly in response, his obscene words shooting directly through your pussy, but nothing too good enough to pull you closer to the edge. You feel as if you're simply standing at the edge of a cliff, but never actually falling into a sort of mind-blanking orgasm that you hear your friends and other people in the internet talk about.
Your brows furrow, gripping his shoulders tighter with your nails digging against his skin. You buck your hips upward in need and this causes your boyfriend to pound into you harder.
"I'm gonna fucking cum, baby— fuck! cum for me please, cum with me—" He licks his middle and index finger and brings it to your clit, rubbing fast circles. "Come on, baby— you can do it—"
You clench your pussy purposely tighter, bucking your hips more as you feel his cock twitch inside you. You bite your lip, tearing up a little as he pulls out to shoot spurts of cum all over your stomach, squeezing and pumping his dick to ride out his own orgasm.
You lay down on the bed, frustrated and frowning. Why is it that nothing seems to work? You've gone and went to different websites, obtaining knowledge on your own anatomy and learning about other people's sex experiences to guide you, but nothing seems to work in bed with your boyfriend. You clench the sheets tighter, frowning further.
"Is there something wrong with me?" Your words tumble out of your mouth before you could think about it further.
You jolt when a hand lightly chops your forehead. You turn your gaze up to see your boyfriend staring blankly at you, now calming down from his high but still breathing heavily.
"There's nothing wrong with you, stupid." He shakes his head.
"T-Then, why didn't I—" You halt, scratching your head in irritation.
"Hey, hey, relax." He catches your hand and gently places it down on the bed. "Everyone's bodies are different."
"I know, it's just..." You sigh. "It still doesn't change the fact that I'm pretty boring in bed."
He lightly sends a chop on your head again you pout. "You're not boring in bed." A light shade of red spreads across the apples of his cheeks as he mutters under his breath. "You're the only person who's ever made me feel this way. Now..."
You gasp when he pulls you to sit up, running his palms against the side of your neck as he gazes at you intensely with his greenish-cerulean eyes. He tilts your head up with a thumb to your chin, and soon, he's pulling you in for a soft kiss. You move closer, clenching your thighs together tightly as the earlier frustration blooms into your body once more.
He pulls away a few minutes later, a string of saliva stretching between your previously connected lips. His lips then lands onto your neck, licking and nipping at the skin lightly, causing you to moan.
"Let's find out what makes you feel good" He rasps out and bites the shell of your ear.
Your fingers dig onto his back and pull him closer. You gasp once more when his hands that were once holding the back of your neck and your waist moves up to grasp your breasts suddenly. His hands hovering ever so slightly against your puffy nipples, poke against the center of his palms before he's grasping your breasts completely. His hands are rough against your skin, kneading the flesh and pinching the little swollen buds.
Your lips part as a moan erupts from your throat.
"How do you touch yourself, baby? How do you make yourself cum? Come on, tell me" He breathes out against your ear roughly, still kneading your tits.
"A-Ah—" All that you could seem to respond with are soft noises and unintelligible words.
He halts and pinches your nipples a little harder all of a sudden, causing you to gasp. "Come on, baby, tell me. Do you shove your fingers up into your cute cunt?"
You shook your head shakily as he continues to pinch your nipples.
"Then what?" He licks the side of your neck before biting and sucking onto the skin. "Can't help you if you won't tell me"
He pulls you to sit on his lap and grabs your ass as he continues to place kisses on your neck and collarbone. You buck your hips a little against his and he pulls back slightly with a groan. His eyes are half-lidded as he smirks. "Bet you like to hump my pillow whenever I'm away."
Your hips move as you paw at his shoulders, trying to gain more friction.
"Oh? So I'm right?" He chuckles, adjusting your position so your straddling his left thigh. He clenches his muscle and push you down with hands on your ass. He feels a slight pulse coming from your pussy and he smirks. "I'm right, hm? Come on. Use me then, baby. Bet I feel a thousand times better than just my fucking pillow."
You whine, bucking your hips against his muscled thighs and placing your hands on his shoulders to balance yourself. Fuck, he was so right. Not just in the aspect of humping his pillow while he was away, but also the fact that he feels a thousand times better. You twitch, moving your hips desperately, wetting his thigh with your arousal.
"Fuck, she's drooling for me, baby" He grunts against your ears, getting you even more riled up. He dips his head down and catches one of your nipples between his teeth before he's sucking and biting on it.
"H-Haah, S-Sae!"
He hums against your breast, eyes pinned to your face to watch your expressions contort to one of pleasure. "Hm? Yes, baby? Talk to me."
You only respond with a moan, throwing your head back and pushing your chest against him more. You buck your hips desperately, and when he notices that you were losing your rhythm, he guides your hips with his hands on your waist. He pulls you down against his thigh further, your cunt brushing against his skin more.
"Good?" He chuckles breathlessly, a sheen of sweat forming on his forehead. He brushes his hair back quickly before continuing to guide your hips. "Look at you... so pretty humping my thigh like a bunny in heat. You like that hm?"
You bite your lip hard, sliding your cunt back and forth against his thigh with a slight bounce, and with each time your clit slaps lightly against his skin, a shock of pleasure runs through your belly. The pleasure multiplies as his mouth comes in contact with your neck again as one of his hands play with your breast and while the other grips your hips tightly.
"I-I'm gonna—"
"Gonna cum?" He rasps, lips more desperate against your neck. "Come on, baby, cum for me. You can do it, fucking cum. Yeah, just like that..."
You twitch before your pussy stutters as your orgasm washes over you like a strong tidal wave, rushing all over your body. You shake a little, riding your orgasm with slow bucks of your hips before you eventually calm down and fall onto the bed. Your chest rise and fall deeply as you lay down in exhaustion.
You make eye contact with your boyfriend and he sends you a wink with his expressionless face. "Knew you could do it."
You throw a pillow onto his face.
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