bodyhorrorbeatdown · 6 months
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 4, Round 2
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Propaganda under the cut.
The Fly:
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
"Main character turns into a man-fly hybrid slowly over the course of the movie. What happens to him is truly horrific and only adds to my disgust of insects as a whole. Some might even say the ability to make Jeff Goldblum disgusting is a body horror feat in and of itself."
In space, no one can hear you scream.
"Okay so, for starters it’s famous for one of the scariest body horror scenes in the history of film (also one of the earliest REALLY SCARY REALLY GORY ONES) where you see the xenomorph pop out of the guy’s chest, from then on things just get worse even if it’s a slower kind of dread, you get to see the alien in all of its glory and witness the murders of the crew members in sometimes gruesome sometimes off-screen up-to-the-imagination types of ways. I guess the freakiest part though is the idea that you can be inhabited by one of those creatures and there’s nothing you can do to stop it from literally tearing you apart from the inside out, unless you die"
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@bodyhorrorbeatdown , another horror poll blog, is active again. They are smaller though
Give them a follow!
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 9 months
the battle to find out tumblr's favorite body horror movie
howdy! i’m beck, she/him. main @lektricfergus. i love body horror and kind of wanted to make a poll blog so here we are!
we are currently in round 2!
submissions are closed, but you can still submit propaganda through the form!
this blog will have gore on it! if gore is a trigger for you this is not going to be the tournament to follow. i will, however, tag (sexual) nsfw content for movie propaganda and posters; my nsfw tag will be "bodywh0rer", so filter that out if you don't want to see it
important: below is a list of what warnings i tag and what i tag them as. if there is a broad or safety related category (such as the flashing lights one) or a tag for an existing one you’d like me to add, send in an ask and i’ll see what i can do. anything in bold will always be tagged regardless of the post format; other tags will likely only appear on visual posts. warnings for propaganda on poll posts, when applicable, will be included just above the cut.
health and safety tags: flashing lights, flashing, flashing gif
content/trigger warning tags: animal harm, bugs, medical, needles, pregnancy, rape, substances, suicide, vomit
the following tags will be tagged on every relevant post: flashing, flashing lights, flashing gif, rape, suicide
submit propaganda here -> https://forms.gle/NTyqsvGaQ4SDqikX7
round 2 matchups -> here
round 1 matchups -> here
letterboxd list of every movie (will change order as poll goes on) -> https://boxd.it/pnMOq
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 6 months
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 7, Round 2
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Propaganda under the cut.
An American Werewolf in London:
Beware the moon.
"Another classic werewolf body horror recc. The extended sequence of the main character transforming into a werewolf is textbook body horror. Bonus points for the undead people the main character talks to, their rotting skin and open wounds add a zombie-esque quality to the film."
"The scene where the guy changed into the werewolf absolutely traumatised me. None of the werewolf legends I'd read as a kid had ever made me think about how it happened, and werewolves in them always just looked like normal wolves. That was what made them intriguing -- did they exist or not? The obviously painful transformation scene of the film where bones were cracking and regrowing in new ways and flesh and skin was grotesquely stretching to cover the new shape of a horrific wolfman creature completely turned me off anything to do with werewolves ever again."
Jennifer's Body:
She's evil... and not just high school evil.
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 9 months
that was fast! here are the matchups for round 1, all randomly shuffled! (english) titles are in bold.
Splinter vs. Videodrome
Martyrs vs. Ginger Snaps
鉄男/Tetsuo (Tetsuo: The Iron Man) vs. The Blob (1988)
Castle Freak vs. Cabin Fever
Grave (Raw) vs. Frankenhooker
District 9 vs. An American Werewolf in London
Evil Dead (2013) vs. Akira
The Fly (1986) vs. The Quatermass Xperiment
Braindead/Dead Alive vs. From Beyond
American Mary vs. Old
ギニーピッグ マンホールの中の人魚/Ginī Piggu: Manhōru no Naka no Ningyo (Guinea Pig: Mermaid in a Manhole) vs. Altered States
Bad Biology vs. The Void
The Stuff vs. Beetlejuice
La Piel Que Habito (The Skin I Live In) vs. Eraserhead
Barbarian vs. The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It
Coraline vs. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
Mad God vs. The Thing (1982)
Alien vs. Crimes of the Future
The Incredible Melting Man vs. Silent Hill
Suspiria (1977) vs. The Evil Dead (1981)
Gwledd (The Feast) vs. Jacob's Ladder
Society vs. The Faculty
The Exorcist vs. The Autopsy of Jane Doe
How to Get Ahead in Advertising vs. Annihilation
Repo! The Genetic Opera vs. Color Out of Space
東京残酷警察/Tōkyō Zankoku Keisatsu (Tokyo Gore Police) vs. Hellraiser (1987)
Uzumaki vs. Fresh
The Return of the Living Dead vs. Stung
Street Trash vs. The Human Centipede (2009)
Spring vs. Slither
Jennifer's Body vs. Brain Damage
Tusk vs. Possessor
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 9 months
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 17, Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut.
Mad God:
A journey beyond your wildest nightmares.
"Mad God is THEE body horror movie in my mind. Stop motion animation and heavily stylized live action combine to create a disgusting fetid mass of living things that fester in cruelty and industrial squalor. Everywhere you look something is alive and wet and moving in ways it shouldn't. It's a deeply disturbing film that wormed its way into my heart with its beautifully fucked up visuals and lack of consideration for mass appeal."
The Thing:
Man is the warmest place to hide.
jesus christ i have so much propaganda for this. it's my (the poll runner's) favorite in the bracket btw <3
"It's the best most special thing with all the fancy abilities"
"Awesome practical effects that still hold up, wet and slimey beasts, Kurt Russell looking hot"
"THE body horror movie. Ever wanted to see KY jelly and chewed up bubblegum used to create the most horrifying, gooey, and bulbuous mass of a creature you've ever seen? I SURE DO!!! It's such a practical effects monster especially with the big puppet-thing at the end that took almost fifty people to operate, AND the sound design with all the crackling and popping... ough. Just the first transformation scene with the kennel-thing is enough sicken someone. It's so good."
"all sequence of the thing is entirely practical effects, the blood and the gore, the tentacles and different versions of the thing. the practical effects were actually shot after the rest of the movie had wrapped up because making the effects took so long. they actually had an amputee in the scene where a characters arms were ripped off by the chest mouth in the defibrillator scene. Honestly John Carpenters magnum opus that was hounded by critics when it came out, but rightfully ADORED by horror fans in the present day for its amazing practical effects and awesome plot. bold and daring move to hide a lot of the characters eyes in many scenes, eyes are window to the soul and the thing doesn't want people knowing."
"I mean, this movie is an icon of body horror. Miss alien ate and the practical effects still terrify me on repeat viewings."
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 9 months
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 16, Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut.
Be careful what you wish for.
"The button-eyes thing. The Other Mother's transformation into a giant spidery thing. the Other Father slowly becoming more twisted and bad. Other Wybie having his mouth sewn into a permanent smile. The Other Spink and Forcible being a taffy monster. And how can I forget the guy who's just rats."
Invasion of the Body Snatchers:
You'll never close your eyes again.
(synopsis) "In Santa Mira, California, Dr. Miles Bennell (Kevin McCarthy) is baffled when all his patients come to him with the same complaint: their loved ones seem to have been replaced by emotionless impostors. Despite others' dismissive denials, Dr. Bennell, his former girlfriend Becky (Dana Wynter) and his friend Jack (King Donovan) soon discover that the patients' suspicions are true: an alien species of human duplicates, grown from plant-like pods, is taking over the small town."
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 9 months
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 13, Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut.
The Stuff:
Are you eating it... or is it eating you?
“The Stuff perfectly combines horror, camp, and commentary. Soulless capitalist marketing of mind and body destroying mystery goo, sold despite the dangers because people will spend lots of money it, and heroes who light shit on fire? You can't go wrong!”
“While working overnight, several Georgian quarry workers discover a gooey, white substance, akin to marshmallow fluff, bubbling out of the earth. Without a modicum of forethought, they stick it in their mouths. Oh god, it… tastes incredible! Better than any dessert on the market! The market. Imagine if they could sell this “stuff” to the public. Now wouldn’t that be an idea.
The substance proves to be not only delicious, but wildly addicting. The nation is taken by absolute storm! Unsure of how to compete with The Stuff’s sales, the bigwigs of several ice cream corporations collectively turn to David “Mo” Rutherford, an industrial saboteur.
Meanwhile, Jason faces increasing pressure from his family to try The Stuff. It’s seemingly all they ever eat nowadays. Despite their attempts to gaslight him, however, Jason knows he saw some of it moving around in the refrigerator…
HOLY HELL! Mo just punched half that guy’s face clean off!
No blood?
Is that… Is that Stuff oozing out of him…!?”
Beetlejuice: He's the ghost with the most.
"Beetlejuice is a rotting corpse ghost and uses that to be generally gross. Other ghosts are shown dismembered or with shrunken heads and the two hero ghosts distort their bodies in an attempt to be more frightening. It’s not the scariest but it’s kind of nasty."
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 9 months
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 5, Round 1
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*Raw has been disqualified, Frankenhooker will proceed
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Propaganda under the cut.
What are you hungry for?
"Eating people movie"
"it's the movie that kicked off my love of french horror and is the first movie by the same director of titane, another good body horror film. no pun intended, it's raw as FUCK. and has some surprisingly pretty visuals."
A terrifying tale of sluts and bolts.
"what if frankenstein's monster........ was a hooker. that's all u need to know."
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 9 months
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 25, Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut. (spoilers)
Repo! The Genetic Opera Not Your Parent's Opera "Multiple scenes of people's organs/bones being ripped out, some horrific plastic surgery gone wrong results, the premise of the film is that a big company can reposes any organ transplants you get so multiple characters have that to worry about a lot (especially Mag, who's being made to work for the company as a singer and if ahe quits they take her eyes, she stabs her eyes out live on stage at one point), our main character and our best character hide in a pit of untreated dead bodies. Also it's a musical" "Absolutely insane soundtrack. Paris Hilton is in it and there's all this build up for her solo song but when she finally gets on stage her face falls off (and is later bought by her brother who decides to wear it instead). There's a wonderful proper opera song towards the end that finishes with the singer gouging out her own eyes. The whole film is a thinly veiled metaphor of the dangers of the American Healthcare system. Zydrate comes in a little glass vial." Color Out Of Space It will consume you. "What happened to those alpacas was fucked up"
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 9 months
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 24, Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut.
How To Get Ahead In Advertising (synopsis)"A brilliant advertising executive develops a creative block and then grows a boil on his neck that develops into a second, talking head that takes him over."
Annihilation One way in. No way out. "It’s very pretty to look at and a lot of the body horror made my stomach turn in the best way possible"
"It's a brilliantly disturbing movie that shows the slow progression of how things are changing. It's a little gorey, a lot gross, and definitely falls into the category of body horror. I mean, they find a corpse whose organs became snakes for goodness sakes!"
"The movie contains what I would say is existentialism in addition to the body horror, and there's no 100% clear ending"
"This is a unique body horror film in the sense that it involves really weird and sometimes beautiful (but mostly horrifying) mutation. From eyes that change color, to fingerprints that shift around and reshape themselves in front of your eyes, to internal organs that move like snakes, to a human body turning into a plant/vine thing, to a human body exploding into light. There are also the two-headed animals and the skull bear that mimics human speech, which is a lot of fun (provided you like body horror movies)."
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 9 months
Body Horror Beatdown Match 3, Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut.
"majorly influential japanese cyberpunk body horror with a subtextually queer bent"
"A classic of Japanese horror cinema. It is, like all the best art, nearly incomprehensible. Shot in black and white, a man, for reasons never made clear, begins to sprout machinery and mechanisms, he meets a woman suffering from a similar condition, and it just gets weirder and creepier from there."
"Tetsuo is such a classic and iconic body horror movie that is so delightfully horrible, uncomfortable, and strange, and centers around rust meeting metal meeting flesh. there's so much artistry in all the effects and costuming which are absolutely dizzying. also the soundtrack rules and it was even homoerotic."
The Blob:
Now, terror has no shape.
"It just has some really good scenes and fun practical effects! It also works well as a remake of the original. Almost, if not all, of the blob scenes in the old movie are reworked for this one! And honestly, it's some rly good twists on them Some notable body horror moments would be: 1.Girl's face imploding, and the blob shooting out of it 2. Blob lands on top of a guy. His girlfriend goes to pull him out by the arm, but his arm is instead dissolved off 3. Idk if this counts, but it is my favorite scene, guy gets dragged down sink drain by blob 4. Man is basically reduced to skin and a face spread across a ceiling. His face is still writhing as if in pain"
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 6 months
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 5, Round 2
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Propaganda under the cut.
The Thing:
Man is the warmest place to hide.
"all sequence of the thing is entirely practical effects, the blood and the gore, the tentacles and different versions of the thing. the practical effects were actually shot after the rest of the movie had wrapped up because making the effects took so long. they actually had an amputee in the scene where a characters arms were ripped off by the chest mouth in the defibrillator scene. Honestly John Carpenters magnum opus that was hounded by critics when it came out, but rightfully ADORED by horror fans in the present day for its amazing practical effects and awesome plot. bold and daring move to hide a lot of the characters eyes in many scenes, eyes are window to the soul and the thing doesn't want people knowing."
From Beyond:
Humans are such easy prey.
"Okay okay, so this one is kinda weird and really grotesque at times in an almost comical way. You see the professor as he slowly transforms into his “new form” (after his real body had its head bitten off and now he’s in the Beyond thing) which is… gross. You see all sorts of these messed up Beyond creatures, you see a bald, pale Jeffrey Combs eating brains after being sorta transformed by exposure to the beyond, etc"
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 6 months
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 1, Round 2
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Propaganda under the cut.
First it controls your mind... then it destroys your body.
"Directed by David Cronenberg. Come on. A man inserts a videotape into the gaping, wet hole that has opened up in his abdomen in it."
"Cronenberg films are full of body horror. With a tagline like “long live the new flesh,” this is no exception. It starts off with a plot line centering around a mysterious snuff film and gets stranger and stranger. Is the protagonist hallucinating his TV becoming a throbbing, breathing pair of lips? Does he really have a veiny VCR slot in his abdomen? That fleshy gun hand seems lethal enough to be real!" "The main character has a vaginal slit open up across his chest and he puts a gun in there for storage (and later takes the gun back out and it fuses with his hand). Also the slit doubles as a vhs player for vhs that are made of flesh"
The Stuff:
You can never get enough of the Stuff.
"While working overnight, several Georgian quarry workers discover a gooey, white substance, akin to marshmallow fluff, bubbling out of the earth. Without a modicum of forethought, they stick it in their mouths. Oh god, it… tastes incredible! Better than any dessert on the market! The market. Imagine if they could sell this “stuff” to the public. Now wouldn’t that be an idea. The substance proves to be not only delicious, but wildly addicting. The nation is taken by absolute storm! Unsure of how to compete with The Stuff’s sales, the bigwigs of several ice cream corporations collectively turn to David “Mo” Rutherford, an industrial saboteur. Meanwhile, Jason faces increasing pressure from his family to try The Stuff. It’s seemingly all they ever eat nowadays. Despite their attempts to gaslight him, however, Jason knows he saw some of it moving around in the refrigerator…
HOLY HELL! Mo just punched half that guy’s face clean off! No blood? Wait… Is that… Is that Stuff oozing out of him…!?"
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 6 months
Body Horror Beatdown, Match 6, Round 2
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Propaganda under the cut.
Jacob's Ladder:
The most frightening thing about Jacob Singer's nightmare is that he isn't dreaming.
"This movie was an inspiration for silent hill and it shows ! The creature are very disturbing and even more than we never really know where they come from and they can arrive everywhere from a party to the window of the subway. And the threat of the protagonist becoming like them is present even if it isn't the main threat of the movie. I also really appreciate that they're not use just to be gross and repulsive but to actually be eery and disturbing. Also this movie is just an incredible gem to be watched"
Be warned. The nightmare has not gone away...
"Just like look at that thing"
"The Eraserhead baby is my sweet sweet darling baby angel and *I* think it's a delightful little cutesit. I do understand why people think the prop that MIGHT have been made out of a rabbit carcass but no one's sure because David Lynch won't tell is gross tho"
"what was the baby made out of in eraserhead? truth is, no one knows. I'm fairly certain david lynch himself has no clue, and the only reason he acts so mysterious about it is because he doesn't remember. the current most reliable theory is that it was a cow fetus (keyword: theory) but what the fuck? david had people purposefully wear blindfolds on set so that they wouldn't see the actual prop being prepared for filming. he says he "buried it" somewhere in a field after the production wrapped. who "buries" a film prop???? i mean, if anyone, it would be dave alright. the baby invokes a sense of body horror like nothing else, because it looks genuinely so alien and just wrong in every way. sure, there's no bombastic gore, no truckloads of blood nor puddles of liquified organs, but the stupid fucking baby more than makes up for it. and on top of that you get a GREAT movie from a GREAT director. I love david lynch so much it's unreal and you should too. it is his most spiritual movie, he says. when asked to elaborate on that he just said "no"."
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bodyhorrorbeatdown · 9 months
sorry to raw, the feast, and fresh fans but i mayyy become more strict about cannibalism. we will see
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