#bonnie and damon
1jemmagirl22 · 6 months
"If you so much as touch one hair on her annoying little witch head..."
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Top 23 ships I loved(Or more accurately became obsessed/re obsessed with) in 2023, ranked:
22: Bonnie Bennet and Damon Salvatore, The Vampire Diaries
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elenasalvator13 · 11 months
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fearlessfairy · 2 months
M'kay. If dullena could do vamp pancakes, which was a bamon thing, all I'm saying that Bamon could kiss, that would be a fair exchange.
But we know, let's stuff Elena into everything Bamon had.
When you think about it, it's pathetic....bamon can't even have a damn pancake thing, aesthetic, ritual. :D It's more funny than sad how insecure Julie Plec, Dries and literally everybody was about Bamon potential and Kian chemistry.
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slutisnotabadword · 3 months
I believe the only way season 7&8 of the vampire diaries could’ve been great is if Bonnie was the main character and would’ve went deeper with the witch lore of the show. That could’ve really covered two seasons.
And because I LOVE Bamon, I honestly think if they developed a romantic relationship with Bonnie and Damon, that would’ve elevated the romance in the show. And it would’ve been very compelling considering their history and their history with Elena.
The side plots could’ve included Caroline and Stefan’s relationship and if they wanted to still keep that weird ass plot line with Alaric and his twins, then I think that could’ve still been an at least entertaining side plot.
And if the heretics would be involved, then maybe they could connect that back to main witch plot line, but honestly I would rather for the entire heretic plot line to be thrown away so it wouldn’t be too damn crowded.
OR, wait a minute, I would’ve made the choice to not kill Kai in season 6, and let him escape for a while. Then in season 7, he becomes the villian again.
And Bonnie realized she’s not a match for Kai because he’s a vampire AND a witch. So there could be a plot line for Bonnie to discover a new form of magic so she could be stronger. To this could be a great gateway to introduce more witch lore and show more of her character arc.
And as for Damon, the best way to continue his character is to make him focus on him figuring out who he is without Elena. Because I feel like Damon had always been confused on who he is once he met Elena. This is where he really stops making impulsive decisions and actually works on being a better person for HIMSELF and not for others. And he starts being more open and we find out more about his hobbies, his family history, secret talents, yk!
Like UGH! Should I just write the fic?
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bamonology · 1 year
i either take three days to write 3k words, a few hours to write 9k words or write nothing for three months. there is no in between
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damonsbitch · 2 years
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They’re like an old married couple, and I am living for it
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darklinaforever · 7 months
Praying that one day L.J Smith releases the final volume of his Evensong fanfiction... I need to finally see the Bamon soulmates get their happy ending !
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tvshowscouples · 1 month
If you love Damon&Bonnie (TVD) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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1jemmagirl22 · 1 year
So you can either resent me or love me, but you're stuck with me.
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Top 22 ships I loved(Or more accurately became obsessed/re obsessed with) in 2022, ranked:
17; Bonnie Bennet and Damon Salvatore, The Vampire Diaries
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gauravsksk · 7 months
let's get dressed as vampires and kiss with the blood in our mouths for halloween
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elenasalvator13 · 1 year
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Bonnie Bennett
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 2 years
Can you write something about reader forgets Damon but she didn't but pretends to, to protect him and it hurts reader seeing him be so down? That she gives in and admits she lied but Damon doesn't believe her.
It was for your protection | Damon Salvatore x Reader
my masterlist ↪M A S T E R L I S T
warnings/ other notes ↪ reader is a vamp (older than damon only by a little)
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As your head lay smashed against the pavement, you watch your boyfriend maybe if you hadn't of met him eleven years ago all these dangers and threats wouldn't matter because without you he lead a nice life.
So despite him fighting for your life you couldn't help but think of a clever idea, to forget him. To pretend to forget him and maybe he'd move on, maybe this way he wont be attacked, it was to protect him.
he runs over to me and as I pretend to be unconscious he places his hands under my head, lifting it slowly.
"y/n, please y/n." his voice echoed through my mind, if i was to play this idea out, i'd have to stick by it. I blink, my eyes eventually opening to reveal his worrying expression.
My eyes stare at his, trying to feel no connection to him whatsoever "who are you?" my heart ached as the words slipped away from my mouth, a familiar sharp feeling in my body as I hoped it wouldn't hurt me this much to say those three words.
Damons lip quivers, running his hands along my cheek "it's me, Damon. Y/n, y/n?" he says and I take his blood covered hands off of my cheek "Damon? I don't know a Damon. Last I checked my boyfriend was James." I mumble confused.
Sitting up from Damons arms "no you can't play this cruel, twisted joke on my y/n. You can't do this." he says with tears forming in his eyes "i'm sorry you must be mistaken, I don't know you." I mumble, Stefan walks up beside him as Damon rubs his tears away keeping his tough facade alive.
"y/n?" Stefan says "Oh Stefan, god theres a familiar face." I act surprised to see Stefan "a familiar face?" Damon mutters "You met me first." Damon says trying not to show the emotion in his voice "I'm afraid not, I know Stefan Salvatore but who the hell are you?" I question him.
"Look y/n just come home with us and we'll run you through everything." Stefan says catching on to the fact that I couldn't 'remember' anything. Stefan walks up to me cautiously, placing a hand out for me to grab as Damon rolls his eyes storming off.
nine months later
"Good morning." I smile to Damon, I continued to uphold this not remembering thing and its been keeping this whole house out of drama so far.
Damon nods, he had been acting different recently. More sad, miserable if you will. He drags himself across the kitchen, opening the fridge and pulling out a blood bag.
He turns to me "you know..." he pauses watching me do the dishes "nine months ago, you wouldn't have woken up in a bed on the other side of the house." he says before leaving the house "what does that mean?" I ask him rushing after him.
"Damon?" I ask as he stops in front of his car "You never told me... about us." I clear my throat "And I don't intend to." he scoffs before getting in his car.
Jumping in the passenger seat he turns to face me "tell me." I demand and he shakes his head, insisting that it isn't what I'd want to here "if it wasn't what I wanted to hear, then I would not be sat here... asking." my voice was gentle trying not to overdo this charade.
"you and i dated, that was all." he says before turning the key in the ignition "it was more than that, i can feel it." I say and he shakes his head "nothing more than kindred spirits." before stepping on the gas.
I remained in the passenger seat, as we left the driveway. Somehow he managed to forget I was in the car by cranking up the volume of his music.
After a while I noticed a tear rolling down his eye, he pulls over on the side of the road. "You would have been my wife if I simply listened to you." he says "and without you, i felt like I was suffocating, drowning. Like I had no purpose. We were perfectly imperfect for each other, I inspired you to live in the moment, whereas, you would give me purpose after a torturous century of living." his blue eyes pierced into my soul like the did.
"When you opened your eyes nine months ago, on the night I lost you. I lost myself." he mumbled before getting back on the road once more.
"I don't understand, I brought out the good in you?" I ask him, pretend as if I didn't already know. Tears building up in my eyes I try to hide them, only one tear managing to escape.
"you brought out everything in me, the good, the bad, the flaws, the imperfections. I loved every bit of it." he snickered "I don't understand why you didn't try to fight harder for me when I first saw you." I question him.
"Because I love you y/n, and it is because I love you that I cannot be selfish with you. If you didn't remember me, I wasn't going to force it upon you." he muttered.
We continue to drive down the road, I look around Mystic falls and how it had changed since that night.
Eventually we made it back home, Damon and I hadn't spoken to each other after what he had said, it made me question if this was really a good idea.
It wasn't like he had died from these fights, he had won just as much as he had lost if that made any sense.
So before Damon got out of the car I grab his hand "if the old me was here right now, would you want her?" I ask him "I'll always want her even if she was right in front of me." he said coldly before exiting the car and walking straight into the house.
This is wrong, so wrong. To fool the man I love, watch him fall into shreds before me and still love me even if my memory was altered. Damon Salvatore the man who couldn't be broken yet he fell apart when he realised the love of his life wasn't coming back to him.
Even if I wanted to tell him I suddenly remembered him, how would he take it. How different would he be, would he be happier?
I couldn't exactly tell him I forgot him for my better judgement of his survival, he'd kill me. So how exactly would I tell him.
Following shortly behind Damon, I open the door to reveal every single person of the original Mystic Falls gang was sat in the living room. From Tyler the wolf to Matt the inhumane human.
"Looks like they get along fine..." Caroline says confused "Hello?" I say confused and they all stare at me intensely "Who am I?" Elena asks "Elena?" I laugh confused "Look where is Damon?" I ask them "Who am I?" Bonnie asks.
"What is this?" I laugh "We are serious y/n." Stefan buds in "So am I where is Damon?" I say looking around the room.
"he vamped away with some packed bags." Caroline said "What but h- he was, why, he was, what?" I say in utter confusion.
"He left." Elena said.
three months after damon left.
"Stefan..." my voice was irritated, I still hadn't got over the fact the Damon left without a single word, not even a goodbye or a see you later.
Stefan nods looking over to me, I had told Stefan everything from the acting to the thought process behind the acting. He sat with his jaw hitting the floor "I mean Damon wouldn't know right?" I ask biting my nails as he shakes his head "No." he says.
"Wouldn't know what?" a voice says from behind me, I spin around and now my face looks like Stefans from when I told him the truth.
I ran towards Damon with open arms "Damon" I say excitedly, he opens his arms with a huge smile. "Someones excited to see me, did she remember?" Damon says taken aback at first before easing into the hug.
"God I missed you." I say getting a good look at his face "we need to talk." my voice still sounding ecstatic "good news?" he questions and I clear my throat shaking my head remembering that I sounded way too happy to give news that would potentially ruin my relationship... or the one i had.
Stefan looks at Damon and he faces drops almost as if he already knew what was going on "sit" I clear my throat and he nods going to the sofa and sitting down "so..." I take a deep breath in "i've basically been lying to you this whole time because i thought it was best for you to just not always be protecting me because i always get you into weird fights and supernatural disasters and like its very overwhelming but i remembered you this whole time." I say all in one breath.
Damon stares at me, trying to process all the 47 words that had just escaped my mouth.
Maybe 38 minutes passed before Damon finally spoke, Stefan had left and the house was empty besides him and I.
"I need a drink." he says walking down to the basement and retrieving one of the oldest bottles of bourbons in the cellar, he walks outside to sit in the brick wall leaving the door open.
I slowly take steps towards him as if he were a lion ready to pounce and I was just a zookeeper or something.
"I don't believe you." he says pressing his soft spoken lips against the old, bourbon glass. "you don't have too, but i've never lied to you..." I drag out the last few words "besides the past six or so months..." I mumble.
Damons eyes linger on my body, I place my hand on his cheek and he immediately melts into my hand like it was a familiar touch that he had longed for. "It was for your protection." I say quietly.
Still in denial, his looks into my eyes trying to find any part of me that was lying to him "tell me something only you would know." he whispered.
"when you accidentally killed my brother in law, and I was furious at you. You told me that you'd rather me live and be angry at you rather than you having to live another hundred lifetimes without me." I say making myself laugh at the fact that was one of my most angriest moments and I somehow managed to find some peace in it.
"Anyone could know that." he scoffed lifting his head out of my hand "fine" I say getting up and walking away "why did my dad spite me when i was younger?" he asked causing me to turn around "because he thought you stole his money, but you thought it was Stefan and you'd much rather take the hit than your little brother." I say and he stands up in disbelief.
Staring at me before running towards me and wrapping his arms around me "it is you" he says melting into me once again "I told you" I whisper.
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slutisnotabadword · 6 months
Bamon is so special to me.
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bamonology · 1 year
fucked around and made myself a cover for my story phew.
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With a fiancé and her life starting anew, Bonnie makes a few too many mistakes when she falls into the arms of another man. What started off as one night, spiraled into a lot more than Bonnie expected to take on.
A Damon Salvatore x Bonnie Bennett fanfiction on ff.net and ao3
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ambelle · 8 months
Rewatched my old edit and got in my feelings 😭.
It's like their ship manifesto
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darklinaforever · 1 year
Mourning a ship by another ship, part V :
Want to mourn Bonnie & Damon (Bamon) from The Vampire Diaries books ?!
(So, I love Delena, books or series, but I'm of the opinion that in the books, Bamon should have ended up together. L.J Smith basically coded them as kindred spirits. But as we know, she didn't have not the rights to his own books, and the sequel has unfortunately been entrusted to other anonymous authors)
Well, if you love Bamon, and I even want to say, if you like Bonnie & Enzo (who should have ended up happy after all the shit Bonnie's character got caught up in the show), from the series The Vampire Diaries, freely adapted from the books by L.J. Smith :
I recommend the Kol & Davina (Kolvina) relationship, neither more nor less than The Originals, spin off of the parent series The Vampire Diaries, like I said, inspired by the books originally by L.J Smith. A vampire and a witch together, with their happy ending ! What more could you ask for ?
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