#bonus points if it still doesn't really lead to a romance
turtleofthehollow · 4 months
I need someone to write fanfiction of Lucifer and Alastor making a deal, but Luci botches the wording of the deal so bad that they end up married instead, and neither of them know how to break the deal, so they're just stuck like this until further notice
You can't tell me it wouldn't be in character for him!
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UPDATE: It has been written! Check out the reblogs for the link!
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unabashedllamamusic · 2 months
Yk what's fucking great about Mass Effect? In my two playthroughs so far (both femshep, one with a Traynor romance and one with a Liara romance), Shepard wants a normal family life. With Liara, it's lots of "little blue" kids, and with Traynor it's a house, white picket fence, two kids, and a dog. I feel like 99% of the time when a badass female lead wants children it takes away from their badassery or their independence, it's a way to tie them down and make them seem more domestic. Somehow (I credit Jennifer Hale's incredible voice acting), instead it feels more like Shepard wants to be normal. She spends three games getting thrown into insane situations that she didn't ask for, losing friends, literally dying, having an entire galactic war on her shoulders, going into a mission expecting to die TWICE, and all that on top of whatever trauma her background leaves her with. Bonus points if you do colonist + sole survivor, because that woman must be so far beyond PTSD. But even after all the shit she's gone through, at the end of the trilogy she can say with absolute certainty that she wants to experience a normal life- something she's never gotten before, no matter your background. The best part is she doesn't mention retiring, there's no reason she can't keep her rank and have kids at the same time, she was raised by active-duty officers in one background so it's definitely a possibility. This isn't the "female lead wins by giving up her powers and becoming a mother" trope, it's proof that she's still a normal human despite everything. That's also why I prefer Traynor's romance to Liara, Shepard opens up to her more and seems more human. The mix of flirtyness and honest vulnerability is incredibly normal, through all the galaxy's insanity.
In general, Shepard's trauma is often mentioned in passing but never really shown. No matter the background or choices you make, they've been through hell to begin with and go through it a dozen more times throughout the trilogy. Everyone around them is like "oh wow that must've been tough" but Shepard usually just brushes it off, or gives a line or two about how much they miss whoever it was that died. She definitely had a lot more nightmares than the game let on.
I've walked through a destroyed city once, and it's haunted me daily for five years. I can't imagine being in multiple cities, on multiple worlds, as they're being destroyed, and knowing stopping it is your job, not to mention losing a shit ton of friends + family, your unit, or just the occasional comrade (background depending)
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Hi, I love LOVE you all for this blog! Thank you for doing this for the community 🥰
I wonder if you can recommend some loooong multi-chapter E-rated Human AUs of a particular flavor. I tend to like ones where there is a meeting early on, a bit of pining, plenty of spicy interludes and not tooooo much angst in the story line. Bonus points for chubby/fat Aziraphale my beloved.
My absolute faves are Under Construction and Car Trouble by @summerofspock and Petrichor and Parchment by @katnoggin.
If you can make anything of this, I'd be eternally grateful! Thank you!
Hello! We have plentiful #human au and #long fic tags, so do have a root around those for more fics that will fit the bill. Here are some with the details you've requested, most of which I don't think we've recommended before...
Lavender Apiary Of Your Honey Eyes by snek_of_eden (E)
The first thing Aziraphale registered was fiery red hair matted with sweat. The second thing was the man’s face, sharp and intelligent and a little guarded, sunlight dappling a spray of freckles. Upon seeing this, two contradictory thoughts crossed his mind: ‘Gosh, he’s pretty’, and ‘I don’t believe I’ve ever heard a man use that many expletives in the space of a minute’. “Oh,” he said, swallowing hard. “Hello, then.” __________ When Aziraphale inherits a small, cosy cottage in the countryside, he finds unexpected company in a gardener he didn't even know he had. Crowley is sweet, and strange, and about as foul-mouthed as you can get. Before he knows it, he's falling pretty goddamn hard for a man whose friendship he's terrified of risking. Ah, the foils of love.
Angel in the Window by themaybedoctor (E)
Aziraphale has the best job a young bookworm could ever hope for—he works the evening shift at an independent bookshop, just a stone's throw away from Tadfield College, where he's only a few months away from getting his degree. He likes the location in Tadfield's cosy downtown, the friendly regulars, and his coworker, Newt. But most of all, he likes having the key to the biggest treasure trove of books he's ever seen. Aziraphale knows that he's not going to make friends sitting in the dark shop at night, alone with a book and some chocolate, but that's all right. He's not lonely while he has a book, which means he's hardly lonely at all. Really. Crowley works at a record shop, and he's got the biggest crush on the cutie working at the bookshop next door. Whose name he doesn't even know, because he's too awkward to ask. At least nobody's noticed. If his co-worker Anathema found out, he'd never hear the end of it. A story about bravery, misunderstandings, acceptance, and love.
Romeo in Black Jeans by Caedmon (E)
Popular fashion designer, Crowley, meets a beautiful man at his best friend's show, and it's love at first sight. He is determined to make Aziraphale fall for him, too... if only he could get Aziraphale to stop running so hot and cold.
and now all of my garden is grown in lavender by ilikeblue (E)
Popular queer romance author, A.Z. Fell, has been lying about having a husband and a happy marriage for years. Longing to escape a string of failed relationships and looking for a fresh start, Aziraphale moves into the cottage left to him by his Great Aunt Agnes. When a TV adaptation of one of his books leads to sudden popularity and throws him into the limelight, his fans (and the press) are eager to catch a glimpse of Aziraphale's own mysterious leading man. Unfortunately, he still has to cast someone for that role. Enter the handsome gardener… Under Crowley's meticulous care the cottage's neglected garden slowly comes back to life, and Aziraphale finds himself writing the most important love story he'll ever write: his own
Argumentum a fortiori by PeturbingPrism (E)
"From the stronger argument", the Good Omens Alternate Universe barristers fic you never knew you wanted! Crowley could be a rising star at Brimstone Chambers, if he could control his temper and apply himself. Aziraphale is on the edge of losing not only his job, but his entire family over a disagreement over which organisations he has granted funds to through his beloved Miracle Foundation, the philanthropic arm of his his family's angel investment firm. Anathema tries to help her old friend out by introducing him to the only lawyer she knows who might be crazy enough to take on the might of Celeste & Sons. Two people with different ways of dealing with their issues strike up an unlikely friendship, leading to love and healing. Lots of bickering, bookshop silliness, boozing, bentley rides, shared desserts and blushing.
Divine Restorations & Repairs by skimmingthesurface, SylWritesStuff (E)
While it's unfortunate for one’s car to break down in the middle of the countryside, the pretty-as-a-postcard Tadfield could hardly be considered the worst place Anthony J. Crowley has ever been. Of course, it doesn’t help that it looks like it hasn’t yet seen the turn of the millennia, let alone this decade, but perhaps that’s just what he needs as he crawls his way out of the Hell he’s endured for the past fifteen years. Maybe the last thirty, if he's honest with himself. Though he could do without the rain. When Aziraphale Fell happens upon him and offers him shelter from the storm in his little family-run antique repair shop, neither are expecting it to change everything. The angel with his white umbrella and his tartan bowtie doesn’t expect this mysterious stranger to be able to fill the timely vacancy in his shop or the quiet of his life, but they’ve both had experience in restoring once-beloved items back to their full glory. Perhaps Crowley hasn’t fallen quite so far that he wouldn’t fit in with the rest of Aziraphale’s ragtag team of eccentric restoration experts. And perhaps they may be able to turn that talent on themselves and each other, and seal the cracks in their own hearts.
- Mod D
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invisibleraven · 10 months
Omg chaos prompts
You'd marry me if I asked, right?
Sweet tarts, bonus points if they're not actually dating when it's said 😆
"You'd marry me if I asked right?"
Carrie lowers her book to see Reggie sitting across from her, cheeky grin in place as he snags half of her cookie. "Hello to you too Reginald."
"Oh yeah, hey. So...?"
Carrie sighs, marking her place, knowing she wasn't getting back to her book any time soon. "Why are you asking me this? You don't need a green card or anything right?"
"Nope, it's to prove a point to Flynn," Reggie replies, popping in the last bite of cookie, and flags down the waiter to get her a new one, plus a coffee for himself.
"Dare I even ask?'
"I was whining to Flynn about being single," Reggie starts.
"Lianni dump you already?" Carrie snipes, getting the other half of her cookie before he can reach for it.
He shrugs. "You know the drill, she wanted a good time with a rock star, I wanted a loving relationship, and never the twain shall meet."
"You also have terrible taste in girls," Carrie snarks.
"Which was just what Flynn said!" Reggie exclaims. "She said that if all I really wanted was a loving relationship I should just marry a friend, and it would all sort itself out."
"And this led to you asking me?" Carrie narrows her eyes.
"Well I can't ask Julie, she and Luke are hella engaged already. Flynn doesn't like guys other than aesthetically, Kayla is aro, and I don't know the other Candis all that well."
"You are bi, you could always ask a guy," Carrie replied, taking a long sip of her latte.
"Well Luke is with Julie, Alex is with Willie, and none of them are poly. Nick ended in disaster and no offense to Bobby, but he and I barely managed to be roommates during college, no way would we be able to handle being married," Reggie said, ticking off each name as he said them.
"You need more friends," Carrie stated.
"Maybe, maybe," Reggie sighed. "Don't take it like you're my last choice or anything. But you're the best one."
"As rom-com as the whole married to your best friend idea is," Carrie said, "I would prefer to be in love with the man I intend to marry."
"And you don't love me."
"Not romantically, no."
"Could you?" Reggie asked.
Carrie sighed, putting down her cup. "Reggie, while I do agree that a friendship is a great basis for romance, I don't think us getting married would work out well. I'm driven and a perfectionist. You're all go with the flow and easy going."
"You ever heard the phrase opposites attract?" he asked with a smile.
"You know leading psychologists say that they may attract but they almost always repel each other way shortly afterwards," Carrie replied.
"So that's it? Cruel rejection and a lifetime alone?" Reggie said, hamming it up, throwing his hand to his forehead and Carrie couldn't help but giggle.
"Reggie, you're a great guy, someone just hasn't seen it yet," she assured him, reaching over to pat his free hand. "Tell you what, if we're both still single by 35, ask me again and I'll be your back up."
"Sounds good," Reggie said, polishing off his coffee. "So no to the marriage?'
"For now, yes," she said, giving him a kind smile and picking up her book once more.
"How about a date?"
She looked at him, his earnest expression, the hopeful look in his eyes. Reggie was cute, sweet, really talented and hell, Carrie hadn't been on a date since dumping awful Colin. "Why the fuck not?"
"Sweet!" Reggie exclaimed. "Pick you up at seven?"
"Sounds good," Carrie stated, and waved as he went off, a skip in his step. And found even though she picked up where she left off in her book, she couldn't concentrate, too consumed by the thoughts of the date.
The date that turned out to be the best one she'd ever been on, capped with a kiss that made her toes curl.
And the next time Reggie proposed? It was for real-as was the super enthusiastic yes she gave in reply.
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hydrangeatattoo · 8 months
Fic Reading Meme-Thing
tagged by @arcticpoffin
How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic? (Tag one other person.)
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
+10 -> very enticed
Nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged. Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
No tag! Only throw.
Answers below (bear in mind this pertains 90% to Claude fics lol)
Age gap: 10 Love iiiiitttttttt. Though 3H is kinda slim pickings when it comes to Claude ships.
Codependency: 10
Love it too!!! One of my favorite dynamics for ships; a little unhealthy but with potential for both conflict and improvement.
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: 4
Not opposed to reading it, but not something I naturally gravitate to. Also Claude must always be the object of obsession/jealousy, never the other way around.
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): 6
I like it, but only if it's consistent with the characters' canon personalities, and not just forcing them into tropey roles. I feel SOME kind of contrast always arises no matter which characters you pair, otherwise it'll be pretty monotonous...
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: 7
I can enjoy it a lot if I'm into both characters and they happen to be enemies, like idk, Edelclaude is pretty hot.
Friends with benefits: 7
I like this one a lot, but with some ships it can feel OOC...
Sex to feelings: 10
...however, I still love FWBs even for ships it doesn't "fit" if it leads to a proper romance. I love this one paired with emotional constipation and trust issues that are slowly overcome.
Fake dating/relationship: 1
For such a classic fic trope, I think it's hard to depict it in a way that doesn't feel stale or artificial. I dunno, not really my thing.
Friends to lovers: 5
Enjoy it, but I'm picky about how it's depicted. It has to have some conflict, or else it can feel a bit basic.
Found Family: 1
I read mostly ship fic or character studies so I tend to avoid this one. Plus the concept itself is something I tend to enjoy more in the canon than in fic.
Hurt/Comfort: 10
Top tier, will always devour it.
Poly, open relationships: 3
Open relationships, no. Poly... I like Hilclaurenz and Claude-centric V-shaped relationships, but otherwise I'm neutral.
Mistaken/hidden identity: 1
Okay, I guess? Not something I read much.
Monsterfucking: 3
This was gonna be below 0 but then I remembered I love tentacles. :P
Pregnancy: nope
Not interested, either as a fluff trope or a kink trope.
Second Chance: 5
I kinda like it! Although more than "second chance", I like "messily divorced couple still can't get their hands off each other despite knowing they're terrible for each other".
Slowburn: 8
Love it, as long as it's not TOO slow lol.
Love Triangle: nope
Not my thing.
Soulmates: 1
I can read a oneshot or two if it does something especially interesting with it, but mostly I only like it if it's heavily deconstructed. One of my favorite fics has anti-soulmates destined to be enemies and the worldbuilding and characterization around that concept is fantastic.
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My brain has gone back to its usual bullshit, but now it's just focused around Aspect!Senju clan.
I don't even know where this idea came from, really, it just appeared magically in the hellish pit I call my subconscious.
But I just enjoy the idea weirdly enough.
Cuz on one hand, the idea that the Senju's make some of the raunchiest and most inappropriate jokes known to man kind, just because they actually find the concept of intercourse and being physically attracted to someone to the point you become physically warmer — Like your temperature is actually affected, a joke, is kinda funny to me.
On the other hand, it also makes me give the Senju's a more political or Platonic centered marriage practices. Cuz I do imagine they'd want to mitigate the problems that come with rushing into relationships in fear of being alone for the rest of your (relatively short shinobi or long farmer) life; So they instead make marriage laws, which dictates a Senju must first marry platonically, either being in a QPR or similarly committed friendship/platonic relationship. As, logically, if you're already planning your whole life with your best friend - then romance is but a bonus you can choose to have or not have.
Which leads me to my favorite personal hc, with Hashirama and Mito being platonic life partners, being in a QPR/Zucchinies, Chaotic Platonic Wife + tired platonic husband, all that sweet jazz.
But also Tobirama — because TobiIzu tends to be a staple with whoever gives me Naruto brain rot about the warring era; Just imagining that mess is amazing to me.
Tobirama strikes me a sx!positive and sx!favorable kind of aspect, but he just finds more interest in other things — primarily, he's probably be more interested in a political or Platonic marriage, and the whole romance bit would hit him out of nowhere because he's demi-romantic.
Hashirama strikes me as neutral, tbh — not for or against, to each their own but he doesn't have good conoctations with it still, because I feel like he'd abhore honeypots and they just feel like an unnecessarily messy chore to him.
Will not stop him from saying "Shouldn't you be off sucking dick?" To his brother whenever he starts annoying him — because you cannot convince me that these two don't have anger issues and that they don't constantly annoy each other.
To Mito, her boys are dumb but she needs to make sure they're okay.
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mirageofadesert · 10 months
Rating cdramas I watched as a newbie pt.4
!!Spoiler Warning!!
Mysterious Lotus Casebook 7+1/10 
Acting: 8/10 World-building: 6/10 Production: 6/10 Storytelling: 6/10 Re-watch Value: 8/10  Pacing: 9/10 Bonus: +1 for the absence of a major romantic plot line!
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Focusing on the character growth and the dynamic between the three male leads, the show is a joy to watch from start to finish. The pacing contributes to this, by building up new arcs of suspense every couple of episodes that find satisfying release, even through some story elements are a bit over the top at times. The plot is very continent and shouldn't be taken too serious at times. It relies on very convenient coincidences or magical mechanism to make the character look smart and capable. However, since the show is carried by the interpersonal relationship and secrets between the cast, the many plot holes and overly convenient twist and turns didn't bother me that much. I really liked the show, because it's more on the comedic side and doesn't really have a major romance - which is always a plus for me.
Love Like The Galaxy 6/10
Acting: 8/10 World-building: 7/10 Production: 9/10 Storytelling: 6/10 Re-watch Value: 5/10  Pacing: 5/10 Bonus: For making engineering a special interest of the FL
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I started to watch the shows based on the recommendation of a friend - and If it wasn't for her, I might have dropped it. The good things first: I really appreciated the acting from the whole cast, the characters were interesting and the story well done.  I did like the love story, it felt mature  and realistic and not overly trope-y. While I think she would have been better suited for her first finance, they did manage to make the love between the two leads feel realistic later on. My favorite relationship dynamic was between the empress, the emperor and his consort. I also loved Cheng Shaoshang parent's and brother.
As someone who isn't the biggest  fan of romances it  was refreshing to see their story about shared life goals, duty to family and country, rather than a conflict about one's true love. However, it was a bit to convoluted with too many side characters and story elements, that all repeated the same motive of women bickering. This led to me losing track of who is who and who hate who because of what. In the end, when the final villains were revealed I had no idea who they were and why there wanted revenge again. I think the drama would have been even better, if they had a stronger meta plot and less episodes. I think the biggest weakness is the lack of suspense in each episodes.
My unpopular take is, that I don't get Zhao Lusi appeal. In the first part of the show I kept wondering why that man was interested in this child. It got a bit better later on, but she failed to awe me with her performance. And it's not even that her acting wasn't good or the chemistry was lacking ... it's hard to pinpoint what thews me off, but after Hidden Love and now this, I think I will avoid her going forwards.
Princess Silver 7/10
Acting: 9/10 World-building: 8/10 Production: 7/10 Story-telling: 8/10 Re-watch Value: 8/10  Pacing: 6/10 Bonus: for the final twist that made my cry my eyes out
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I wrote a separate review about this show, which you can find here:
This is part 4 of on ongoing series. However, I'm starting to wonder when I no longer will be able to call myself a newbie? I'm stating to recognize supporting actors, sets and filming locations now. I understand certain terms in Chinese and have a better understanding of reoccurring plot points and world elements, from sects, to court culture and consort marriage. I'm not sure which show I'm going to start next, so it will probably be a while, before I post some reviews again!
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heretherebedork · 10 months
Got tagged by @littleragondin so why not give it a try?
Favorite Thai BL:
The impossible question. Do I go with the one I've watched the most? Or the one I genuinely think is the best BL? Or the one I'd recommend to the most people!? What does favorite even mean?
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I'd go with Tossara just because of how many times I've watched it and still love it beyond all words, honestly. So many other BLs tend to lose my with the ending or with the middle drama and the tiny perfect package of Tossara makes it a winner in my book.
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As for my favorite that is also actually genuinely good... A Tale of a Thousand Stars. This show has a very special place in my heart, started on my birthday and is just all around one my favorite BLs and my favorite Our Skyy 2 episodes. I love the characters, I love the setting, I love the tone and them as a couple... just A+ all around.
Favorite Pairing:
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Kan and Thua. Hands down. Expect to see these two mentioned again. Like, I love their story and their characters and just everything about them is so important to me. They are my most beloved and I don't think anyone soon will be unseating them.
Most underrated actor:
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No idea? None? Who is even under or overrated? I don't know! Let's go with a pair of actors that I adore beyond measure and never got their true leading roles... Bank and Bonus. My beloveds. They played two of my top pairings for chaos and I love them so, so much. They made me love PokTong and the made me love MayonTengnueng. I have a special little spot for these two and seeing Bonus in Low Frequency always makes me happy.
Favorite Character:
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My undying love for Ton is undying no matter the time. I love this boy and his deepseated but unfelt homophobia, I love how much he had to fight himself for every step of progress but how much progress he made as well. I love how much he loved and how much he hurt and how much he felt without ever really being able to label it or understand it without the support of everyone around him.
Is he perfect? Hell no. Do I love him? Yes.
... Look, my favorite characters tend to be side characters, okay?! I had to reach deep for this boy or it was just start listing boys from Vietnamese BL that didn't have side couples.
Favorite Side Character:
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Kan. Forever. Frankly, he's my favorite character ever but he is technically a support character so he goes here. But this boy? This yearning, desperate, hurt and scared boy? He is everything to me. He grew so much and learned so much and found so much and I will never, ever leave him behind.
Favorite Scene in a BL:
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Na and his sunglasses. Does this count? I don't know, if this doesn't count than nothing does.
Favorite Line in a BL:
I'm really sorry but I don't think I have one and if I do I don't remember it. Quotes are not my strong point and I tend to think in scenes/characters rather than lines from the show. And even the ones I do love don't tend to stick with me for long.
Most Anticipated BL (and why):
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Dangerous Romance. Dangerous Romance. I am going to become the absolute wildest version of myself when that comes. BL Tropes and Class Commentary with tropes and social issues? My beloved! Yes, Only Friends has a lot to say but almost none of it will be in tropes so, you know, not my favorite. Very excited but this one? Everything to me.
Healthiest Relationship in BL:
Everyone in SCOY. Just... everyone. But especially my most precious SkyJao. I love them so much.
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Special Mention to BeePrince, honestly, for being one of the best couples and healthiest, most open to each other relationships without actually being out because of social expectations and the way they just believed in their love.
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Most Toxic Relationship in BL:
First place: PrapaiSky. No one can beat them out yet. He broke into his apartment and read his diary to him while he sobbed and begged him not to and had broken up with him. Nope. Nope, nope, nope. Nope. Just miles of nope.
Second Place: MorkPi. For the manipulation, emotional abuse and the way the show portrayed every selfish and unkind thing Mork did as his Only Choice. I hope Pi got out of that relationship.
Guilty Pleasure Series:
History 1: Obsessed. I love this little thing and it's not objectively that good and it's got so many issues and I don't even care because I love it so much. Absolutely imperfect and absolutely fucked up and full of not so good tropes but I still adore it.
Most Underrated Series:
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I don't know? I don't know what other people think! I will put Tonhon Chonlatee here because, obviously, I love this little show. But what else?
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Pretty much all Vietnamese BL falls under this umbrella but I give a special spot to You Are Mah Boy which is adorable and fluffy and pretty and criminally underrated by people. If you haven't watched it, it's all on youtube and you are sleeping on something wonderful. Not super deep but just so fun.
+BONUS Favorite Setting/Location:
This is rough. Like... what even do I say? I dunno?
I think my real answer has to be forests. I love characters and shots in forests just in general, they make me feel happy and they're different than the typical beach things we get. Forests are common here and I love seeing different forests and the different ways people around the world move in the forest. It's just great. But rare.
My other favorite is, oddly and against all appearances, bathrooms. Bathrooms and elevators. Scenes where the character have the illusion of privacy without it being totally private and with the chance of being interrupted but also we're just observing them? Love it. Thes are my favorite moments, the illusion of privacy knowing it can be broken at any second but needing that privacy enough to keep going even without that.
Anyway, I don't tag people but feel free to participate if you wanna!
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hoskky · 9 months
@suspiciouspopsicle Thanks for tagging me Soozy, I'd love to play! (also, very happy to have sent you down the Nightrunner path 😂)
rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded 0 - don’t care either way +10 -> very enticed nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged. Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: 0 Don't care either way.
Codependency: 2 If it's written in the context of a romantic story, it doesn't raise my interest. If it's written in the context of a horror story, I can jump on that bandwagon!
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: 2 Same answer as above.
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): 8 Makes for entertaining dynamics.
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: 7 Choice 1 : enemies to allies to lovers/fwb. Choice 2 : enemies having the most fucked up sex. Both good.
Friends with benefits: 10 It's very, very rare to read stories about fuck buddies that don't lead to romance and I eat that shit up when I come across it.
Sex to feelings: 6 Sure! Doesn't have to be romantic feelings either.
Fake dating/relationship: 1 I feel like it can be fun if the characters involved are really not interested in each other romantically, but if it's just a path to them real-dating... Meh.
Friends to lovers: 6 Yes!
Found Family: 10 Absolutely!
Hurt/Comfort: 10 Again, absolutely!
Poly, open relationships: 6 Always happy to read about varied types of relationships.
Mistaken/hidden identity: 5 With all the fics about Zelda/Sheik OoT I used to read when I was a young teen, I can't give it any less than a 5.
Monsterfucking: 1 Why not. May be more interested in psychological monsterfucking.
Pregnancy: -2 Assuming this is in the tags, the story's probably going to focus on pregnancy and I'm not really interested, but I don't mind much if there's some other interesting premise.
Second Chance: 5 Can be interesting! A good way to explore character growth.
Slowburn: -6 I tend to have a "get on with it" stance on slowburn. I'm much more interested in how characters are together than in how they get together, especially since slowburn often hinges on the type of miscommunication that makes me roll my eyes. I don't have any interest in reading romantic pining either. I get frustrated when a story ends right after characters get together. It's just like, I've read through all this and you're not even going to give me the good bits??
Love Triangle: -7 Probably more pining. If so, not interested.
Soulmates: -10 Assuming it's the classic take of "people destined to be together romantically no matter what", no. If it's some kind of metaphysical "our abilities complete each other" and/or "our souls got entangled together through the experiences we faced" à la RotE's prophets/catalysts, I'm down. (still -10 because I don't think I've ever read a soumates fic I enjoyed outside the RotE fandom)
Tagging @tinzealos, @nightfoot and @perplexingly if you guys want to do it?
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moonah-rose · 9 months
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Thought I'd do some quick book reviews for three sapphic reads I've recently finished.
First one is Mortal Follies by Alexis Hall.
Three stars. I really, really wanted to like this book because the cover is so gorgeous and I wanted so badly to have it on my shelf. Basically how my reading experience goes is that I listen on Audible or read the Kindle and then if I like the book I buy the physical copy, kinda like a murderer displaying trophies of their victims, I dunno why that's the similie I chose to go with. To start with the positives; this book is told in a really cool style with the narrator being an amoral sprite who watches and subtly intervenes over mortal affairs just to collect stories to bring back to their master. Honestly watching them start to slowly and reluctantly feel sympathy for the main leads and their funny commentary was the most entertaining aspect. I also liked the quirky best friend, I find it a shame she didn't get to interact with the narrator, that's a dynamic I would have loved! Sadly they overshadow the main leads who are pretty dull in comparison and the plot feels like two stories mashed together and very rushed because of it, rather than having both the reveal of the villain and the high stakes happen at once at the end to make a better climax and see more of the couple spending time together to build up their connection. This is supposed to have Bridgerton vibes but really lacks the Ton intrigue and politics that make Bridgerton interesting. Bit of a let down but I would be up for reading more stories in this world with the same narrator.
Next up is the Witch and the Vampire by Francesca Flores.
Two stars. Like a lot of people I was really hyped for this book; a sapphic retelling of Rapunzel with witches and vampires, sounds like fun if nothing else. Also, like Mortal Follies, gorgeous cover! But sadly, like Mortal Follies, another let down. And this one doesn't have a fun narrator to save it. This was such a struggle to get through, I felt like a secondaries school English teacher being handed a students first draft, like I could tell the author had a story she really cared about but how it's written is just so basic, with way too much exposition and poorly delivered world building. Similar to another book I read recently, The Shattered Lands, this just feels like it doesn't belong in the YA category, even though it deals with really mature themes and has some graphic, violent moments, the writing style just doesn't suit it.
Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawking.
Three and a half stars (four if I'm being generous). This book really surprised me, I finished watching Red, White & Royal Blue wanting to find the sapphic equivalent and this kept popping up on booktok. This is just a really sweet teen love story, even if it's by no means perfect. I listened to this on Audible which on the plus side, the narrator had the cutest Texan accent - I have a weakness for Southern Belle accents, can't help it - but it also sadly meant the Scottish accents were awful bordering on hilarious. The history nerd in me does wish we'd got a little more info on the hows and whys of Scotland still having a monarchy, it's just something that's set up without any explanation, but I get that's not the focus. I do feel that the writer had even less understanding of monarchy than who wrote RW&RB, I didn't read that book but going by the movie, the Prince acted mostly on point like a British royal and you felt how important that role was to him wheras Flora could have been just any high profile celebrity or nobility. But again, not the focus, it's high school romance where the alpha queen is revealed to be more than a spoiled brat and the simple country girl falls for her, and that being what it is, it's just very sweet, there's not much more I can say other than it gave me the same corny but cute fluff I got out of watching RW&RB.
Bonus quick review.
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Four and a half stars! I did not think Faerie smut was for me, I skimmed through pretty much all the "spicy" parts in the ACOTAR series (which was also 60% of ACOSF). But I dug this, even though it's filthy as hell, I knew what I was going into, and it just surpassed my expectations. And it's gay, maybe that's why, maybe het spice just rarely does it, but this ticked so many boxes I didn't even know I had. Only took off half a star because it's so short and dammit I know it didn't need to be longer because it's just meant to be simple fantasy porn but, ugh, I got way more invested in this three day love story than I did the whole of Mortal Follies!
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
I have this idea in my head that I am hesitant to bring up because it might be too sad or too messed up or just not something people want for a variety of reasons but it won't leave my mind so I am sharing it lol
It started when someone pointed out that Azula should have needed physical therapy because of spending so much time in a straight jacket in the comics
I have this idea - and if it were me, I would probably make it an AU or something or maybe a post-canon AU with Iroh or someone else not Zuko as Firelord, but you COULD have Zuko as Firelord that's just a darker different idea than when I'm saying not that there's anything wrong with that hehe - where Azula goes to the abusive asylum. She's put in the straight jacket, muzzled, drugged all the time, and generally treated horribly. She has to be in a wheelchair to be moved anywhere because of the straightjacket of course. Well, eventually after like a year Ursa gets her out & takes her to live with her & Zuko, or maybe Zuko gets her out on his own, maybe he's an adult & more mature in this IDK
Azula needs physical therapy and has to use a wheelchair til she can regain full use of her limbs. She needs a LOT of help & caregiving. Ursa can be around or not in this idea, but she & Azula still have a strained relationship if she's around & Azula doesn't like relying on her. She doesn't REALLY want to rely on anyone but also sometimes she kinda has no choice so if she HAS to pick she asks her brother. Zuko feels bad for her & helps. First, it's probably very tense between them, even hostile. But they are forced to spend time because Zuko has to help Azula with basic tasks.
Also in this idea, Azula would have a lot of fear about being left alone after isolation was used as a punishment at the asylum.. Maybe Zuko hears her crying or screaming at night & goes to check on her & eventually figures out what's going on. He starts to sleep in the bed with her, & holds her at night.
They get closer & closer & eventually it leads to a codependent, messed-up sort of romance
I don't know if that's something you'd like but you are THE authority & queen of Zucest & this idea just absolutely refuses to leave my head so I am just giving into it & talking about it lol
So, yeah, just wanted to share that idea idk <3
Okay thanks sm if you decided to read this rambling ask lol you're the best & I'm obsessed with you byee <3
I like this idea. It might be unrealistic for Zuko not to be aware of what Azula is going through when he should keep an eye on her for many reasons, but fuck it, this is a story where people can bend the elements.
Zuko taking care of her is something that always fills my heart with joy. Bonus points if he goes beserk at anyone who wrongs Azula.
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zanarkandfayth · 8 months
trope rating game
as a mutual I'm considering myself tagged by @quartzguts lol. also leaving it in its own post cos I ain't bothering to find the original.
rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic? -10 -> very dissuaded
0 - don’t care either way
+10 -> very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged. Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: 0 It's not going to make me not click, but it's not going to make me click either. I have some ships that are age gap for sure (tidus/auron, roy/ed, kratos/lloyd and no we will NOT talk about how they're all adult father or mentor figures to teen boys lmao) but the age gap doesn't really factor into it. it's also not in spite of it, it's just... there. I enjoy when it's used in a fic with my ships but it's not a draw.
Codependency: +10 I will admit, I prefer when it's romantised. Two characters who are so in love that they would genuinely die for each other, or kill for each other, who can't fathom living without each other, who might have other friends/family but are never going to value them to the same level, who make each other their entire world, all of it to unhealthy levels that would be unnerving as fuck in real life... I live for that shit. gimme. dear god pls gimme.
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: -8 moooostly a no for me, if the summary is really enticing and presents as more of a character study or a short look into a relationship, I'll give it a go. and I don't mind a pinch of jealousy in a ship fic if it doesn't overall really affect the relationship. but otherwise it's not my thing. I need my characters to be madly and sometimes unhealthily in love, but I need it to be them against the world, not them against each other.
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): 0 It's like age gap. I have some ships that are this but it's not because the trope does anything for me. It's just kinda there.
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: -10 it's not a hard nope, it just doesn't work for me. I can't think of any ships I have that are genuine enemies to lovers. rivals to lovers, that I can do, but there needs to be some sort of mutual respect there even if they annoy the shit out of each other, and they still need to be more or less on the same "side" so to speak. if they genuinely hate each other (or even if it's one-sided) and they're on opposite sides, I can't do it. Friends with benefits: +2 never seen a fic tagged with this tbh. I think I would click if it sounded interesting enough? I mean my one serious irl relationship started as this so I can hardly hate the concept 😂 but if it's not a gen fic then I'm really a sucker for the romance between my blorbos so if it didn't lead to that it would really depend on how the fic is presented.
Sex to feelings: +7 I feel like this could have been combined with FWB lol. basically if it involves my ships and they were friends with benefits who develop the feels and actually get together, then yes. anything else, no. I've read exactly one fic like that and even though it's no longer my ship it was still REALLY damn good so I'd be very likely to click if I saw another that was one of my ships.
Fake dating/relationship: +8 it's funny cos I never seek these out but when I see one I'm almost always like YES. I especially love if one of them is in denial about their feelings and keep trying to come up with excuses until they can't anymore. I also just love the awkwardness of the scene(s) where they're having to actively pretend and the person they're pretending to is totally oblivious and it's just hilarious and good cringe and gjskdgjksd I love it. not a +10 because I occasionally I come across ones where they don't wind up together for real and then I'm just left all sad xD
Friends to lovers: +100 this is like 99% of my ships haha. LISTEN AS A DEMIRO IT'S THE ONLY THING THAT REALLY MAKES SENSE TO ME. bonus if it's childhood friends to lovers. (ignoct, my beloved)
Found Family: +10 My daddy issues make me love this one lmao. My found family loves are largely either older father/mentor figures to younger guys, or two or more characters who view each other as a family of sorts, with or without any specific labels because I don't think found family necessarily needs to shoehorn characters into nuclear family roles, though sometimes it just works that way and it's fine.
Hurt/Comfort: ∞ yes pls. I can read cute fluff and smile at it, but nothing gets my feels going like hurt/comfort. me and hurt/comfort are in a codependent relationship except the codependency is all on my side. it's fine. I'd die for you, hurt/comfort. you're my world. I don't need anyone else.
Love Triangle: nope can't fucking stand it, sorry. it's not a blocked tag but I'm never gonna click on it, not even once.
Poly, open relationships: +5 poly yes, open relationships no. the poly ships gotta be closed. if they are then it's like any other non-poly ship for me. if my blorbos are all in mutual agreement to be together with each other and no one else, I'm good.
Mistaken/hidden identity: -10 zero interest Monsterfucking: +10 it's time for me to once again lament how little there is of this in the ffxv fandom, at least with noct. fandom??? can we please??? like pretty please??? THE MONSTERS ARE RIGHT THERE. I haaaaate writing smut but one of these days I swear I'm gonna give in and write that very specific non-con monsterfucking (plant) tentacle oviposition sex pollen fic I have so very desperately wanted with noct since 2019 now. lmao.
Pregnancy: ??? idk how to rate this. it squicks me out, buuut my daddy issues have given me a weakness for seeing my blorbos become dads, so like. if we skip the specific details, then depending on the fic and what it focuses on it's fine and I'd click? not that there's many/any out there that have it in the flavour I like.
Second Chance: 0 I... don't know cos I'm not sure what this refers to.
Slowburn: +8 I give it an 8 because even though I love it, I still need it to be friends to lovers 🤣 if they don't even know each other at the start of the fic? miss me with that thanks. but otherwise I'm fine if it takes 300K to actually kiss.
Soulmates: -10 Can't get into this, at least not the way the trope is presented in fics. Maybe it's my being demiro rearing its head again, but the entire concept of someone being predetermined for you since birth and you gotta wait until you meet and your marks match or whatever and you're stuck with them whether you like them or not is just??? baffling??? like??? idk, no shade to people who like it, it just doesn't click for me. I've tried some and I've always given up after the first few chapters.
Tagging whoever wishes to spend an hour doing this that hasn't already done so!
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Dinluke fake dating to real dating au where dins family won't stop asking him about his romance life and he just wants it to stop
So he asks his cute neighbor to come to a family dinner as his fake boyfriend and Luke's like the cute neighbor with the sweet chaos child needs a fake date sure why not I'll get desert out of it at least
And so they go to dins family dinner and get settled only for someone Luke's related to to walk through the door with their partner (listen this is entirely based of who you ship it could be lukes Uncle Obi-Wan or it could be Aunt Ahsoka there are alot of mandalorian and jedi ships as long as its someone who knows Luke) and the situation internally combusts
(Din and Luke step in the hall to have a break down because this is not what was supposed to happen)
Because now now din has to be lukes fake boyfriend too for his family events. It becomes a more than one time thing
There is no escaping it
Next problem over the family events and actually getting to know each other so they can convince their families they're dating Luke starts to fall for the dad with the chaos child who's actually really sweet once he stops being quite so akward, and din starts falling for the pretty guy next door who is so kind to both him and his son
(Bonus points if the skywalkers are still famous and din just has no clue none at all until he ends up dragged to an event that is a family event but also a political dinner apparently? Luke had to drag him to get a more formal outfit. Din was extremely confused)
(I think I'm gonna show up a bit so if your okay I'm gonna go with 🐢 anon after the artoo tortoise au)
I cant wait to see what other ideas you have my dear 🐢 anon 🥰
I am LOVING this. The idea of someone from Luke's family also being there anf then it's double fake dating is INCREDIBLE. So this one kind of ran away with me im not going to lie...hope you enjoy nonetheless!
Luke is a really sweet neighbour who is very patient with Grogu throwing things into his garden and stealing his pets...Din is even starting to wonder if he's doing it on purpose to get to play with the nice neighbour who seems to have a constant supply of cookies. But obviously Din is very awkward so Grogu's efforts are unappreciated cause Din just is being Din.
Din needs a fake date....literally non of his friends will work they're all lesbians or already in a relationship...and there's not that many of them. But for some reason he trusts Luke he doesn't know why but he does. So he asks him.
Luke is shocked because they've lent eachother stuff before, like a lawnmower or sugar etc, and Din has asked him to be his fake date exactly the same way he awkwardly asks for a hedge trimmer. But Luke is more than happy to. Finally, he can get to actually properly interact with the handsome shy dad who dotes on his chaos baby, who may or may not be stealing food from his garden..but hey if the kids eating fruit!
He dresses up so nice, with the chanel boots ofc, and Din is ...distracted. The introductions are amazing! Everyone loves Luke. Paz maybe likes him a little too much...not that it matters they're only fake dating...but still.
Its been several days at the Mandalore house. Luke is still a hit and Din may be falling in love.
But then.
Then in walk Obi-Wan and Cody.
Luke goes completely white and Din is super worried, he whispers for Grogu to ask Luke to take him out or to the loo. They all leave and Luke is a mess. Gone is the charming and calm act, he is panicking. He loves his uncle but it WILL get back to his parents and the last thing he wants is a visit from them prying into his life.
Din isn't sure what to do, but he just let's his carer instincts lead him and calms Luke down. He then decides that they're going to steal his Mum's (the Armourer) truck and drive to the top of the hill the family house is near and star gaze.
Its super sweet. They're wrapped up in blankets and Luke is telling stories to Grogu about the different constellations. And Din is watching with heart eyes. Eventually Grogu falls asleep and now it's just the two of them. Luke says how he wishes it could always be like this; just the three of them and the stars. Din realises he's not falling in love, he's already fallen.
The rest of the trip is so much mutual pining.
Then when they return their rooms feel empty without the other. Luke struggles to sleep without Din's calming presence and Grogu's ridiculous snoring.
Then Anakin and Padmé demand invite Luke and Din to theirs. Din suddenly realises...Luke is the child of one of the biggest CEOs in the world. Luke admits how refreshing it was for people not to recognise him and how hard he's been working to move away from being The Luke Skywalker of the Skywalker company (especially as he disagrees with a lot of what the company does).
The family event is terrible and suddenly Din can't see Luke anywhere. Several people are looking. But non of them know Luke. Din heads outside, making sure not to be seen, and heads into the gardens. He doesn't know the place but he saw a small hill when they arrived.
Luke's there.
Hes staring at the stars with tears staining his face. Din sits next to him and let's him lean in and fully let go. As the crying calms down Din starts stroking Luke's hair and telling him about some stories about constellations. When Luke asks him how he suddenly knows some of these stories, Din admits how he had loved the way Luke spoke about the stories written in the stars and researched and read them for the next time they watch the stars "as a family."
Luke looks up at Din, asking if he truly means it. Din leans his head against Luke's and says there's nothing he'd like more than to have Luke truly and finally be in his family.
They confess.
They kiss.
There's a shooting star and they both, unbeknownst to the other, make the same wish.
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ezdotjpg · 3 years
idk if you're still taking asks but what are the bonus links' relations to their Zeldas like? I remember Mini and his Zelda are good childhood friends, would that be a similar case for the others?
(also I fricken love your au and art so much, it brings instant joy every time I see it 💜)
Okie dokie so I wrote a novel uh
I think i've only mentioned this once before but Loft/Zelda/Groose is a thing. However at this point things are a little strained, moreso between Zelda and Loft than Groose and Loft (or Groose and Zelda). It's partially because Zelda and Groose are really invested in building a settlement in Faron, and Loft is not particularly invested in that. It's been a few years since the end of everything, and they've made a lot of progress setting everything up, but I imagine there's still a lot of work to be done. And Loft has largely....not helped at all. For a whole host of valid and maybe some less valid reasons that Groose and Zelda understand, but there's still tension.
ANYWAY, deeper than that tho is the fact that the more Loft has thought about his journey, and Hylia, and everything he went through, the more resentful he's gotten. Let me be clear that he loves Zelda to death, everything he did on his journey was for her, and he would do it all again in a heartbeat. But the line between Zelda and Hylia is blurry these days. He's never sure when she's Zelda and when she's Hylia, or if there's really a distinction. It makes him feel watched. The fact that Hylia counted on him falling in love with her as a mortal in order to use him in her plan bothers him. Especially when she's admitted it. So his feelings are complicated. Zelda's frustrated with him for not helping and for increasingly treating her like she's someone else, but like. She's also not quite sure when she's Hylia and when she's not, which scares her. So her feelings are complicated too. That was a lot anyway tldr: Loft loves Zelda but things are rocky between them at the moment.
Not as much to say here lol but yes they are childhood friends and remain extremely close for, like...the rest of their lives probably. It used to be a very like. "he ask for no pickles" dynamic LMAO where Zelda was always leading the charge and dragging Mini into shenanigans (not unwillingly, he just needed the encouragement), and to a certain extent speaking for him, but I think Mini gains a lot of confidence from his journey. Zelda is still much bubblier and more expressive, and does most if not all of the talking, but it's less of Mini following her lead exclusively. They protect each other and think of each other like siblings.
I think. Mage and Zelda have grown very close to the point where she's the only person he'll confide in (and vice versa). She keeps tabs on him (with his permission) to make sure he doesn't end up lying in a ditch somewhere on his travels. She tends to always have a pretty good idea where he is at any given time even when no one else does. They probably have some sort of magical communicator so they can talk when he's away. She worries for him constantly but also knows he needs his space. She politely look the other way when he commits crimes in pursuit of solving people's problems lol. I like to think they're both nerds about magic. He doesn't visit her much at the Castle because he hates going there, but she bribes him with access to the Royal Library. She helps him spread lies about himself when he feels it suits him lmao. No romance.
He and Zelda aren't particularly close. There's a kinship over the trauma of the ordeal and their shared love of Midna, but that's about it. They don't dislike each other. Zelda's slightly irritated with him at the moment for refusing to play any kind of political role whatsoever as the hero, but only because it's making her life harder. She understands why he doesn't want anything to do with it and knows it wouldn't be good for him. He agrees to have dinner at the castle every once in a blue moon and that's as far as he'll budge. Occasionally they have heart-to-hearts abt their feelings over what happened, but mostly they're polite to each other at best. There's an acknowledgement that they could have become friends under better circumstances, but that it's a wash now.
Gonna say OOT Zelda is transmasc for bonus links because I said so, though he keeps the name Zelda bc it's a legacy title, and usually shortens it to Zel. So, Prince Zel. Currently, Zel and Mask don't have much of a relationship at all. This isn't the version of him Mask knows. They might as well be strangers. Mask could attempt to get close to him again, but I think he's too busy mourning versions of Zel that no longer exist. He was close with Sheik and even had a bit of a puppy crush on him. Mask feels like Sheik's been erased from existence in this timeline for all intents and purposes, and he feels a lot of guilt abt it as if it was his own fault. I think Mask actually ends up being a bit resentful of Zel for how often he's called to the castle at his behest to do things for the royal family.
I think Wake and Tetra start out really close, and then kind of...grow apart? He loves her, and was probably in love with her, but they start to disagree on a lot of things. Tetra wants to establish New Hyrule, Wake mostly feels that's a bad idea. I need to think more abt how all this shakes out but at a certain point they split off to have their own adventures at sea and there are some hard feelings. They keep tabs on each other still tho and would die for each other in a heartbeat.
They are like, attached at the hip. Obviously they worked together closely on their adventure and only grew closer afterward. I need to see more of the game to get a read on what exactly the dynamic is, but I will say I think they are in absolutely disgusting puppy love. Spirit is the real my wife guy here, except he's 16 and she's not his wife yet.
Things are a little shaky at first because Slate is a different person and Zelda isn't ready to acknowledge it fully yet, but once they get past that I honestly think they grow closer than ever. No romance, but they travel Hyrule together and have a ton of fun in each other's company. They don't exactly settle in Hateno, but it's kind of a "home base" where they recuperate after a lot of traveling. And also Zelda spends a lot of time doing Science Things with Purah. Slate often volunteers to be a lab rat lmao. Zelda still mourns Pre-Calamity Link really deeply and sometimes looking at Slate makes her want to cry, but that's just how it is.
I think he and Zelda probably grow to be close friends after everything? She's often really busy like. running the country but they find time to spend with each other. She wears a lot of jewelry that he makes for her and they share clothes sometimes lol. She gets to feel and act young around him rather than having to be a perfect ruler far beyond her years like always. Also they gossip together a LOT about people in court. Once again no romance only vibes.
Honestly, not sure what his relationship is with Zelda in his game. Need to think on this one more. Going off the cuff here for what I think would be most interesting though: I imagine while they have a sense of solidarity, there's a lot of politics involved. They're allowed to be the worst versions of themselves in each other's presence, but Zelda definitely contributes to the pressure he's under to be the perfect hero in court and to the people. She's under a lot of pressure herself. There's maybe some romance there? Or at least attraction. Ultimately thought their relationship is pretty unbalanced, with Zelda having most of the power.
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hanazou · 3 years
𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙝𝙪𝙪𝙮𝙖.
(while being shorter than him)
— a chaos of fun!
Word count : 1.5K
Shelf : Hardback
Genre : Romance and fluff, slight crack
Note : Sorry, anon! There was technical issue so I have to post this without your ask! I hope these are detailed enough to your expectations? I wrote more than I expected I would. Once again, thank you to the-foreigner for helping me figure out the tags!
Please enjoy!
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 Where have you been all his life?
To say that Chuuya would simply be attracted to you because of your height sounds shallow, so let me phrase it this way; Chuuya is so used to having look up to people since many are taller than him all his life, both men and women, so it kind of does something different to his psyche when he sees you, being shorter than him.
Not to sound stereotypical but it's a given instinct that when you see someone shorter than you, you get the impression that they're cute and it triggers your protective instinct, right? This is what Chuuya feels about you. And since this sensation is new to him, he cherishes it.
Also, since Chuuya leans more towards masculinity, in your relationship with him, you're making him feel more manly. To speak a bit bluntly and in a nutshell, you boost his ego.
You make him feel even more confident and comfortable with himself. It's not that he wasn't confident before he dates you, you're just making him bolder with more sense of control and masculinity, making him feel validated. More dominant and more alpha.
But what does all of that mean, you ask? Here's the highlight of this post; Chuuya will pamper you as your prince charming while simultaneously being your playmate. Perfectly balanced.
Why? Because seeing you being petite, smaller than him, makes you appear as someone he should protect, but the romance doesn't replace the fun. When it comes to being Chuuya's darling, things never get overly cheesy. Yes he can be romantic (he is), but he's not the type to use sweet talks 24/7. He uses his "rough" ways to communicate his romanticism, one of them being your equal, hence the "playmate" dynamic.
Chuuya tells himself that you're his cute, little darling. He will say this to you straightforwardly except the "cute" part. If he casually and accidentally calls you cute from a slip of his tongue, you can definitely tease him back to get even.
He can be the big spoon and the "top" of your relationship, but he will be a switch if he's feeling sluggish. Being the "lead" sometimes makes him need a break, not from you, but from the energy it takes. Chuuya is an emotional guy and can be downright hysterical, and that takes energy, so he will turn to you for solace when he's worn out. To achieve that, Chuuya will utilize your height to bury his face into your neck or lean his forehead on your shoulder when work wears him down.
"Stay like this for a while," His voice blurs into mutters with his face on your shoulder. "Just three minutes."
Pat his head. Do it.
If you're the one feeling low, just put your head against his chest when you're both standing. Chuuya will be confused at first, but he'll silently ruffle your hair with your forehead still against his chest. It will be calming, I promise you.
Whether you're Port Mafia or a regular civilian (I find it easier for him to date someone from the PM though), you can count on Chuuya to be protective. He's already a protective guy by nature but when he sees you, his shorter darling, anywhere close to danger, that protective instinct doubles or even triples.
In fact, he wants you to rely on him. It's not that he wants you to be dependent—Chuuya just wants you to know that he always has your back. He's the combination of loyal and protective, so he wants to prove those qualities he takes pride in to you. Trust is a strong element for him, and by letting him know you count on him, you’re already securing his utmost loyalty and love.
One of the highlights of this post is his hat. You're shorter than him and it makes it easier for Chuuya to just plop his hat on your head on random occasions. No words, no thoughts, just putting his hat on you. It's the subconscious acts of love like this that makes him feel whole with you.
Kouyou will like you for colouring Chuuya's life. She'll make comments about how you both are fun to watch at, especially when you're both doing your silly dating antics, such as "My, my, energetic as always, aren't you both?"
Speaking of dating antics--Emotional maturity? We don't know her.
Doesn’t matter if you're only 2 cm or maybe 10 cm shorter than him. He will take any height advantage and have fun with it. A little too much, in fact.
Chuuya is not above using his ability to put objects in places he knows you can't reach but is close enough for you to struggle, just to watch you squirm. Confidence does things to this man, mischief being one of them. On the instances where you really can't reach up and it's not because of his tricks, something like this is bound to happen ;
"Huh, can't reach the top shelf, can ya? Don't worry, I've got you." He says, chest huffing with pride, before getting a ladder himself.
Mostly will lift you up to help since he wants to take the small chances to bond with you over simple moments. Short people solidarity. The height boost isn't much since short + short doesn't exactly equate to being tall, but hey, it's the thought and the comedic moments that count.
Speaking of comedic moments;
"Have you reached it yet?!" He asks loudly, craning his head from below you to see upwards. You're sitting on his shoulders and he's making sure he doesn't move around too much, or else you'll fall.
"Just a little bit more—!" You grunt, arm stretched. "Lift me up more, will you? Jump or something!"
"Do you want to fall? Forget it! Just reach higher!
"Maybe I can stand on your shoulders. Hold still--"
"Oi, this vest is 60,000 yen! And this is already the highest I'm lifting you! That's enough, I'll lower you down and just use my ability!"
"No! I'm already grazing it!"
And then you both will proceed to bicker in that weird, eye-catching position, for at least 2 more minutes. It will end if you either jump off him or he floats you down using his ability, and usually it's the latter.
[Sometimes the positions will switch (you lifting him up) but he's a solid 60 kg, it will be a challenge for your muscles and a good workout routine. Good luck getting him to agree to it though.]
[If that happens, chances are your legs will wobble just within seconds from lifting him. Good thing is it increases the humour and mischief in your relationship, downgrade is that it's too silly and stupid to look at to make it feel romantic]
Want to get back at his pranks? Here's a solution. Chuuya will vaporize if you use his clothes. He's taller than you, so let's say his shirt looks like a dress on you.
"W-What do you think you're wearing?!" Is what he shouts, but his flustered face says otherwise. [Bonus: for more critical hit, wear his choker(s). It does ‘things’ to him]
Yeah it's the little things like this that boost his confidence and optimism, and you don't mind him acting like the prince charming in an armour.
If anyone calls you (or even both of you) short, Chuuya will be pissed and defend you and himself since he assumes you also don't like being mocked for your height. He takes it upon himself to "fight" for you too. He has the "we're in this together" mentality.
And so do you. If any Port Mafia's enemies try to waver your confidence or Chuuya's by mocking your heights, it's going to be hell at that point.
If Dazai ever spots you and Chuuya together in public, he will say "Congratulations, Chuuya! You finally found someone shorter to date!" just when Chuuya mumbles "What's that shitty Dazai doing here?" under his breath.
Chuuya will try to kick his face while yelling "Huh?! What'd you just said about us!?"
Don't take what Dazai said personally, he did it to get on Chuuya's nerves, not yours. Instead, why don't you hold Chuuya back so he doesn't chase Dazai?
“Don’t you ever get bored arguing with him?!” You struggle to pull him back. You have to shout to outmatch his shouts.
Chuuya will be interested in height-related shenanigans with you, such as actually reading obviously fake advertisements that promises height growth and asking you if you're interested. He will only do this with you because he knows you won't make silly/berating comments about him. As I've said, trust is the secret ingredient in dating Chuuya.
"Hey, do you think this is real?" He shows you the poster he picked up. The dirt left by his sole on it is still there.
"Chuuya," You try really hard to stop sighing. "At this point, we have to stop lying to ourselves,"
But if the advertisement doesn't sound fake, let's say it utilises supposedly "effective acupuncture techniques", you will lessen the mature act and entertain him a bit.
In short, you and Chuuya will have an energetic and youthful relationship. It doesn't matter where you two are, be it in the cities or the ground zero of battle; if you two are there, people will see one hell of a lively, energetic, short duo.
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nonokoko13 · 3 years
SXF Chapters 49-51
It has been a long time since I made a recap, but I wanted to wait until the arc had enough info to give my opinion about.
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Starting with the sub plot of the Forgers, all I have to say it's that it was well constructed.
While Yor protects Olka and Gram, she subconsciously wishes to be with Loid and Anya, but wonders what she's going to do next. Not only about her job, but about her role as Forger: she accepted being Loid's wife to not worry Yuri, then she caught herself feeling threatened by Fiona enough to consider the murder for one moment.
As well as Loid, she got carried away by her feelings to the point she forgot why she was being there, as Forger and assassin, to begin with. After her talk with Yuri in chapter 44 she realized that her main goal was finished; Yuri has already grown up and she doesn't need to be a hitman to support anyone economically. But she has being an assassin for a long time and she somehow takes pride in what she does. Probably that pride will be supported by this arc if she saves Olka, Gram and Zeb.
The dilemma is complicated: she enjoys being part of this family, however, she remembers it's a facade. Being assassin has made possible the survival of her and Yuri, and she believes it helps to clean the streets of people who can harm the new world the peace has created, although it carries many consequences to her life and those around her.
One day she could have to choose a path, but she can't tell her family what she does in order to protect them and because she may be afraid of them leaving her. Mr. Forger or Thorn Princess? Maybe both?
Loid is in a similar situation: with a job he knows he helps others, getting off guard by his feelings towards his family and unable to tell them or understand Anya. I'm 100% sure he never had to face a mission that include taking care of a child, less raise one. Because of Anya's telepathy she knows what happens around her, but he doesn't; this leads him to misunderstands her attitude and think the worse.
At first he tries to act like a normal, good dad, getting as answer harsh words. In chapter 50 he cools down and return to his Twilight side for round two, failing again until Anya calms him down. Meanwhile Anya has another conflict: as any child would do she decided to obtain the tickets to have fun, believing she can help Ma on her mission.
Although she still wants to, I think it's clear in some panels that she's realized her selfishness and now she wants to help Ma to compensate it. After all, imagine being at her shoes: having parents who hide their identities from each other and put both on a cruise while your mother is on a mission that could doomed your family if your father finds out this would be a really bad thing, and the fault of this was because of her.
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But she's so focused on helping Yor she forgets about Loid's feelings after all those reactions coming from her frustration that she paid with him.
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Zeb and Olka, although being on screen for short time, have a good presentation. She's just a woman caught in the crossfire of a conflict between mafia groups, paid with the loss of her husband and all her sons except Gram.
Seen from afar her desire of a normal life, she's in this because she was born the daughter of a mobster, although her group may not be as bloody as one would think about mafia. I find curious the parallels between Olka and Yor: Olka didn't choose her family, fell in love with a man and became mother because of this love; Yor chose that life because of her family, became wife and mother because of it and probably it's her love towards Anya that will keep her in the family until she falls for Loid.
Zeb is the childhood friend that fell for the "bad guy" 's daughter and stayed by her side because his loyalty to her and the family that helped him become the man he's today. A coward and apparently dumb nice guy, he maybe is not qualified to protect her but knows Olka well enough to know how to reassure her, even if it means making a fool of him. I'm sorry for Olka, but I hope they get safe and someday his feelings are reciprocated.
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The informant has his own problems too. It seems not all assassins respect the client-provider relationship, it's a rough job where anyone is expendable. Will he be able to scape from the boat without being killed? Will we know more about him? Only time will tell
Giving his grey morality I'd like him to survive. He already stated he gives information to who pays better so he could be a good ally or a minor antagonist.
About the chapters, this arc had been felt slow to me. However, the arc is constructed to present many things and for that Endo needs to take his time. Along with the biweekly updates the dynamic action scenes that seem short it's why the pace feels slow.
However, whether it's good for ones or bad for others, this arc is important to the story's development and I prefer that Endo doesn't overwork so I'll wait patiently to have a further understanding of how this arc contributes to the general plot.
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Next chapter comes the day after my birthday. I can't wait!
+ Bonus
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"A different frequency than the secret police's line". Loid's aware of the informant's transmitters placed all over the boat, mistaken them with the secret police aboard, which it doesn't need to be entirely wrong. How it would have been the arc if Yuri would have been there too? It's a good writing idea
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Talking about romance, someone's going to propose. Wish you the best buddy!
That's all. Bye!
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