#book blurb
symphonyinc · 7 months
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Letters to a Young Poet, Rainer Maria Rilke
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katmajik · 2 months
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💿 ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴜᴘᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴀʀʟʏ 2000ꜱ…
Trixie Taylor is asexual—she just doesn’t know that’s an option. So imagine her consternation, when the deadline for the virginity pact she made in eighth grade is now upon her. It’s her last high school party, and the entire graduating class has heard that Trixie’s ready to swipe her V-card tonight.
So. No time to panic.
Ready or not, she’s got someone in mind to help her…
Riot Shane is every bit the loser virgin his friends roast him for being, and way more than his rebel reputation suggests (things would be different if he’d get his GED and a haircut, but oh well). When incurable crush Trixie Taylor asks for his help, Riot finds himself playing fake boyfriend, real bodyguard, and the house party’s errand boy. 
Welp. At least responsibility’s never looked as good as it does with his dream girl in the passenger seat.
Ready or not, the night’s only just begun…
ʜᴏᴡ ᴛᴏ ꜱᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴇᴇɴ ꜱᴇx ᴄᴏᴍᴇᴅʏ : a millennial coming-of-age parody, is COMING SOON. follow the author for updates at these links!
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godzilla-reads · 2 years
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If you, like me, thought Tangerine and Lemon were the best part of Bullet Train (2022), I have great news!
The book Bullet Train by Kotaro Isaka (trans. Sam Malissa) is filled with great character descriptions and quirks that didn’t make it or get touched on in the movie. You really get a deeper and better look at these characters.
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mxxnlightwriting · 2 months
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It's time to share A Spark of Magic's blurb with you 😌 A special thank you to @cursed-mars-bars for helping me figure this blurb out! I included its transcript in the ALT text in the images above, but you can read it as well below the cut! Are you excited to dive into a world of mystery and secrets?
Isaac had it all: place on the swimming team, popularity amongst his peers, and acceptance to a prestigious university. Until he didn't. Now, he grows a tail whenever water is involved. He is running out of time and ideas.
Alice has only wanted one thing: to get her magic back. After having her life turned upside down, reconnecting with her powers is the only way to prove her worth as a witch, and hopefully leave her small town for good.
Isaac knows Alice might be his only chance at getting his life back, but her help doesn't come without sacrifices. Differences must be put aside to find a solution, even when everything feels like it is trying to drive them apart. Luckily they seem to agree on one thing: this should be their secret.
✨ About A Spark of Magic ✨
A Spark of Magic is a YA urban fantasy novel, the first in the A Spark of Magic series. If you like witches, merfolk and shapeshifters, and the struggles of having to keep your magic hidden while navigating high school then this book might be for you.
You can pre-order the ebook from most retailers here! (Note: Amazon's link will only be available on release day. I apologise for the inconvenience) Paperback pre-orders coming soon.
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You think you can define me,
That I'm a tick in just one box,
Like my being is a door,
That a single key unlocks,
But let me tell you something,
I have the universe inside,
I hold an untamed ocean,
With a constant changing tide,
I'm home to endless mountains,
With tips that touch the sky,
Flocks of grand migrating birds,
And deserts harsh and dry,
I house the wildest rivers,
And a host of sweeping plains,
I feel in waves of sunshine,
Or in unrelenting rains,
Don't tell me that you know me,
That "this right here is what you are",
I am the universe in motion,
For I was born from stars.
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cavecarrots · 1 month
i can't ever get over the way C.S. Pacat does banter and tension. i've def aged the characters up in my head bc the themes and the way they're written about (their writing is everything). there was a scene in the beginning of Dark Rise about a ship being tied up, and even that read sensual and full of tension. i'm so blown away. and so excited to read Captive Prince bc this writing is ruining me in the best way.
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soccerwag · 1 year
Hey! Im real soory to bother but can you write something fluff for vinicius jr like your first date or something anything will be fine really if you cant or dont feel like it please feel free to ignore this <33
Yes I will 🤭🫶🏼 I hope you like the way I interpreted it. I also know it’s kinda short this is my first time but I’m sure they’ll get longer the more I practice!
Summary: You and Vini have been friends for a while. You’ve had a crush on him for a while now but never mentioned it out of fear of ruining your friendship. Just recently he had opened up to you about his feelings for you and now today was the day you and him were going on your first date.
Warnings: None
I’m so stressed right now! I have no clue what to wear, how to do my hair or makeup or what shoes to wear! If I’m being honest I’m so nervous that I don’t even remember what time he said he was going to be here.
I’ve liked Vini since we were 13. At first I tried pushing the feelings away, pretend that they weren’t even there but eventually that was just not something I could do. Although I never put right told him I liked him I’m sure it was obvious to our other mutual friends that I did. It honestly kind of shocked me when he told me he’s liked me for a while now too. All this time I’ve been thinking it was one sided and when really it never was.
I was so engrossed in my panic and anxiety that I didn’t even hear the front door open. I was still in my pajamas. My hair was still a freak show and I haven’t gotten the chance to freshen up.
“Well don’t you look gorgeous straight out of bed.” I heard a familiar voice say behind me.
I nearly jumped out of my skin.
“Shit Vini, I didn’t expect you to be here so soon.” I covered my face from embarrassment.
“I couldn’t figure out what to wear because I wanted to look my best for you but everything I tried on I hated.” I rambled on, starting to work myself up again.
“Hey, hey, hey, you look gorgeous all the time, you could be wearing a huge T-shirt covered in food and a pair of sweatpants and I’d still think you looked absolutely stunning.
I didn’t know how to react, I was calmed immediately, my anxiety washed away and my tension soon let up.
“Vini…you know just how to make me feel better.” I smiled and gave him a hug.
“Why don’t we just have a cute little movie date here.” Vini suggested.
“Honestly that would be great.” I said with another smile tugging on my face again.
He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the living room.
“What movie do you want to watch princesa.”
“Princess and the frog.”
I laid my body on top of his and just engulfed myself in my body warmth.
We ate so much popcorn and candy I thought I personally was going to explode. I was starting to doze off to sleep but the last thing I heard before I hit slumber was,
“Thank you mi vida, for being you, one day soon I’ll tell you I love you while you’re awake but for now to not scare you I’ll say it while you sleep.” Vini said while stroking my hair and I fell asleep with a smile on my face.
Vini after bagging you
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Ghost series blurb idea
Auth. Note: An idea blurb for a maybe series. Tell me in the comments below if I should make this an actual series. Don't just like this post...comment and talk to me - this is a project man so put in your two cents!
~ Blurb #1
"My father's the fucking antipope?!"
Sister Imperator's tight-lipped smile made her face look plastic so Marina looked away from her instead to stare at the red-clad 'Papa' with her firey green eyes ablaze with accusation.
"Tesoro, listen-" Copia began wringing his hands but he was quick to dodge the flying book that soared his way; the sound of it smashing into the wall behind him almost deafening in the suddenly too-tight space of his office
"No! You fucking listen! My father is Jackson Floyd, he's a technical engineer with a brilliant mind and my mother is Samantha Marie Floyde who's a resident nurse at the local hospital! You are not my father!" Marina searched for something else to throw but instead, she was met with the unblinking stares of the masked figures surrounding her - guarding her and Copia with watchful gazes as if she was about to fling herself like some feral animal at their Papa; shit she felt like it right now.
"Ms, Floyde the papers do not lie." Sister Imperator replied cooly but did not flinch when those furious green eyes landed on her.
The brunette slowly stalked towards the tall imposing blonde woman before yanking the folder from her hands and slamming it harshly with a vicious crack against the smooth and polished surface of Copia's desk.
"No, you listen to me. He's not my father. He knocked up my mom and then abandoned her to raise a child he didn't fucking want like fucking trash" Marina replied jabbing a finger at Copia whose face flushed a bit with emotion the teen couldn't quite tell if it was embarrassment or guilt. Not like she cared.
"He abandoned me. A father doesn't fucking do that, lady. Jackson Floyd is my father. End of story. Now take me back home before I call the fucking cops and press charges for kidnapping." she demanded
"Marina, Amore mio...la mia luce..." Copia stepped forward feeling his eyes begin to sting unbidden with emotion he was not used to feeling as he reached for the enraged teenager.
The girl yanked herself away from him as if he was on fire and his touch alone would scourge her to death; her movements made her fall back into a figure standing at her back but she was forced to reach back to grab a hold of the black-clad arm to steady herself before she tripped over her feet.
"No. You don't get to call me your love or your light, Copia. Fuck you for all the years you've missed and fuck you for abandoning me. I don't need this shit! I was perfectly fine on my own without you in it! You can go to hell!" Marina snapped angrily but her lip trembled slightly when she met his eyes; mismatched and wet with tears he did not want to shed.
"I can't let you leave...Marina...I'm sorry, but I will not risk losing you again." Copia swallowed the lump in his throat and raised his chin defensively as he stared the teenager down.
"You had no problem losing me before I was even born Copia. So fuck you." she whispered shaking her head before she was turning and rushed from the room before anyone could stop her.
~Blurb #2
She gaped at the figure standing in front of her at the doorway and made her yank the towel back up to cover herself. It didn't matter that she was in a pair of panties and a tank top; her hair was wet and fresh out of a shower. This ghoul had some guts to stand there while she was half-naked.
"Jesus Christ can you knock!? What am I under house arrest now?! Leave!" she yelled feeling anger as much as embarrassment coat red on her pale cheeks.
The stoic ghoul she had come to know as Sodo or Dewdrop as some called him stood in the open doorway of the bathroom in his usual black attire and silver mask that was cocked to the side as he studied her behind the eyes that unnerved her.
"Don't curse in Satan's house." his voice was lilted and light even behind the mask as if he was enjoying her circumstance.
"Oh screw off!" Marina huffed as she yanked on a pair of sweatpants and grabbed her dirty clothes and towel; shoving past the small figure who was just an inch taller than herself to march into the common room and place her things into her overnight bag.
"You have unholy creatures after you, baby pope. After you and your unholy blood...Papa wants you watched at all times so you are protected while we find whatever is after you and take it down. I suggest you follow my rules if you're to stay here."
"Follow your rules?" Marina's head snapped up as she hissed slowly at him repeating his words.
"First off, I'm not a fucking lamb that is going to the slaughter. I don't need protecting from....whatever the hell you are! I don't need this satanic church and the....devil on my side. I am capable of protecting myself!"
"With what? Your cute little Evil eye bracelet and your little bags of herbs to ward off evil spirits?" Sodo grabbed her wrist and lifted it to show off the blue beaded bracelet she wore.
"For someone who isn't religious you sure do like your witchcraft, sweet cheeks." a sharp-toothed smile flashed at her beneath the silver mask and Marina yanked her wrist out harshly from his grasp but his hold did not give and she struggled against his singular grip on her slender wrist.
"Let go goddamnit!" she snarled but when Sodo did not she lifted a knee and hit him straight in his no-no square.
"See! How do you like them apples huh bitch!" she turned to run from the room as the ghoul doubled over with his hands cupping his now bruised dick but before she could go far he snarled and his tail flicked out to wrap around her ankle tripping her flat on her face.
Marina screamed bloody murder as she clawed the floor while being dragged backward and she kicked and struggled as she was flipped over and dragged beneath Sodo's flight frame. For a man no taller than her and just slenderly built he sure knew how to command attention as his clawed hands gripped her wrists and slammed them on either side of her head to the floor.
His once greenish blue eyes were now a bright flame of orange and red behind the mask reminding the teenager just how not human he really was as a warning growl rumbled in his chest.
"You listen to me you little brat." he shoved at her wrists again to gain her attention. "Papa assigned me as your protector and that fucking means you don't go anywhere without my say-so. You follow my rules, you got me, sweet cheeks?"
"And if I fucking don't?" Marina lifted her head off the ground to leer up at him as if either goading or challenging him.
Sodo's head slowly leaned down towards her until the cold metal of his mask was touching her forehead and she involuntarily rested her head back down at the insistent press of his forehead against hers.
"Fuck around and see what happens, princess. Because if you do I swear on the unholy dark lord himself....those things who are after you have nothing on what I will do to you."
Marina sucked in a breath and stared wide-eyed up at the ghoul. Sodo stared down at her with barred fangs a moment longer before he was suddenly up and out of the room leaving the girl limp and frozen on the ground staring at the ceiling; the only sound being her frantic breaths of terror.
Alright! Tell me if you'd be interested in reading this as a story?! Just an idea of a scene or two I had in my head for a story blurb and here it is. What do you guys think? Tell me in the comments below; don't like the post...just speak!
Taglist: @darklylucid
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readnburied · 7 months
Book Review: If We Were Liars by M. L. Rio
Date of Publishing: April 11th, 2017
Author: M. L. Rio
Publisher: Flatiron Books
Genre: Dark Academia, Mystery Thriller
This is a standalone novel and follows Oliver who has been released from jail after quite a long time and finally starts to tell the truth about what happened in college with his friends ten years ago. With Shakespeare taking center stage, Oliver and his friends go through quite a miasma of emotions and circumstances before the truth finally comes to light and that the thirst for power can sometimes lead to death. 
When I started reading this book I thought I wouldn’t like it. I only read this book because people on social media were labeling it as dark academia which is a genre which I practically live in and fantasize about. And when I started reading it, it took me a couple of chapters to get into it but once I did, I couldn’t stop. It captured me and didn’t let go until I forced myself to close the book once I reached the end. And even then I was left with a heavy heart and a hangover so bad, I’m still suffering from it as I write this. 
Starting off with the characters, I have to say there’s so much depth to each and every one of them. One can’t put them in one category and till the end you wonder what their motives are. Does he love her? Does she love him or just playing around with him? All the questions and more keep you guessing as the book continues. Which just gives proof of the author’s talent. 
I especially loved the setting of the story as I love books with an academic setting. The drama college and its prestige makes me wish I lived and studied there because everything feels so exclusive and alluring. And the drama studies feel so unique to me because I’ve never attended drama school and I especially loved the class where they drink tea while studying. And I have to say the writer knows their Shakespeare and how they weave it within the story is impeccable. 
Though the characters try to be friends and act like a family, it is evident that the thirst for power is there in each one. They want to support each other but they don’t want them to be better than them. And if the threat is there, then they’re not afraid to eliminate them and that’s exactly what happens when one of their friend ends up dead. And when it comes to taking the blame and calling the police, the fight for survival increases and the hope of altruism is nothing but a miracle. 
Another thing I loved was the formatting of the book. I loved how the book was formatted as a sort of a play with acts and scenes and how every prologue was a narration of the present and the rest of the chapters were a story of the past. Though it wasn’t anything unique I still found it interesting, which just makes me give some extra points to this story. 
Oliver was a beautiful and complex character and his reasons for doing what he did might seem stupid to some people but I could understand why he made the choice he did even though he had to suffer for ten years because of it. And I hated how the group broke apart but that was to be expected considering the circumstances they were dealt. 
The detective was another favorite character of mine. I liked how understanding he was and despite the evidence presented before him, he was able to see the truth and knew who really was innocent. And I liked how he was able to establish a relationship with Oliver. 
However, the ending was what blew my mind. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it and I’m still not sure if I’m right. Was it what I think it was or is the writer just messing with me? As much as I wish for a gift wrapped ending I’m glad the writer ended it the way they did because till the end the author maintained the mysterious atmosphere of the story, so hats off to them. 
I was surprised to see this book was released in 2017 because I’ve only started seeing it recently but I’m glad its finally getting the fame it deserves and I look forward to not only reading more works of the author but for reading more books like this. It really is one of the best dark academia books I’ve had the pleasure of reading. 
If you’re thinking about giving this book a chance, please do so as soon as possible. I recommend everyone to read this book because it’s worth your time and energy. So do go and purchase this book and you will not be disappointed. 
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ginnyzero · 3 months
Just a reminder, I am a published indie author. You can find me on AMAZON as Ginny O. (Alas if I give a link no one will see it.)
Tales of the Heaven's Heathens: (Cozy Werewolf Biker Drama)
Gideon Vonrothe is looking for a new werewolf pack and he finds Heaven's Heathens motorcycle club. The club's main source of income is security work, and in order to prospect in, he's "apprenticed" to the second in command, Savannah Barker; 5'2", can pick her up one handed, and he's not stupid enough to call her cute. (Even if he thinks she's cute.) There's always something going on with the Heathens that ends up with an explosion. And he's got five years to figure out if he wants to make this permanent.
Book 1: Gideon Arrives, his first job rescuing a doctor and aftermath Book 2: Western Style Horse Protection Job goes Wrong Book 3: Savannah's tasked to stop some smugglers with a car chase. Slice of life, found family, adventure, slow burn (I mean it) romance, Sons of Anarchy Meets the Expendables. Thwarting Expectations: (Sword and Sorcery Fractured Fairy Tales)
Dawn Trilogy: Princess Roxana was cursed as a baby, taken by one of the witches and raised to help others with their curses. Now, she wants to get rid of her own before it crashes down on her or kills the entire countryside. She's running out of witches to check in the area and there's one causing trouble just as she needs it. Will this witch be the one? Will she and her dragon sidekick figure this out in time? Will she be able to thwart the curse and still take her expected place as the queen of a new nation?
Fairy tales, Buddy comedy, adventure, intelligent dragons, Mercedes Lackey 500 Kingdoms where the main character carries a sword. More werewolves.
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symphonyinc · 7 months
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Letters to a Young Poet, Rainer Maria Rilke
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Does this book blurb make you wanna read more?
She never meant to be a hero.
Shaellyn came to the bustling port city of Raqut at ten years old, a parentless refugee leading a band of other children who’d survived the same attack. Now twenty, she’s built a new life there for herself and her brother Emrys. Then a traveling friend arrives with dire news: the dark mages who took their original home have set their sights on Raqut.
But this time, she’s done running.
Shaellyn and her friends have a rare immunity to some of the enemy’s magic. This makes them instant targets under the new regime. It also means they might stand a chance at taking the mages down and saving their second home. If they can pull this off without dying, it's going to be a miracle.
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godzilla-reads · 1 year
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A young Indigenous woman enters a colonizer-run dragon academy—and quickly finds herself at odds with the “approved” way of doing things—in the first book of this brilliant new fantasy series.
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yukiwhitetm · 5 months
Posted my newest TikTok video, where I'm reading the summary to my YA High Fantasy novel Shattered (this is the one that's complete and currently being marketed to then be published). People seem to like that I included pictures (in the public domain) to set the vibe, which is good because it took me ages to edit those in. If you want to check it out, I'm @k_lange_r on TikTok and X-itter (and Instagram but that's presently empty) or you can follow this link directly to the video.
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dinkflocculent · 4 months
Vicious beasts that have been the enemy of the human race for generations. Masters of manipulation with their similar humanity. Hunted to low numbers. Once a species that burned down villages was now a distant memory. Since they have become a rare sight, they are expensively trafficked.
Caspian is on the market. Short hair as white as snow. Lime-colored eyes. Long white tail similar to a lion’s. The beautiful horns of a ram make him so valuable. Leaving him on a silver plate, to be bought by a heartless master.
Pesikos and Havitys have been battling for a year. Havitys merely wanted to cause destruction because of his anguish. The group Pesikos had the duty to protect anything and anyone. Although Caspian belonged to a disgusted species, he was pitied. Thus Pesikos let him escape his misery.
Dratleons were pretty to Havitys. Such beautiful, powerful creatures. Finding out Pesiko’s new member, he finally had a reason to storm their base.
Caspian would be his.
Blurb for Hiraeth
Since you guys wanted a whump series, I made up this little thing. I'm working on a giant WIP, so I'll try to work on this when I can. Thank you for all of your love for my writing! <3
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cavecarrots · 1 month
my 4 favorite books out of the 15 i read in April!
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The Astonishing Color of After
i wasn't expecting to ADORE this book as much as i did, and it felt so satisfying. like you had been apart of the character's healing journey. i was happy to come out of this feeling whole! and i loved the writing, it was beautiful. in a deeply sentimental way. and i thought the romantic aspect was really soothing considering the subject matter.
great, but i cried a lot. and i didn't feel anything but an unrelenting sadness at the completion of this book, but 10/10 recommend. the writing is immaculate and haunting. i really hate Betty's mom. if you like books that make you feel like the sun will never rise again, this is the one.
Dark Matter
ok, here me out. this book is like if Rick from Rick & Morty had a banger of an origin story. i was hype about how much Jason loved his wife! it was such an amazing ride. the writing is fine (it didn't stand out to me, but it wasn't bad or anything).
The Library at Mount Char
i. love. this book. i was not expecting this to be what it was. it had no business being THAT unique and enthralling. i only wished it was longer so the 12 catalogs and the pelapi were explored more, and i feel like you can tell a lot about someone based off who their favorite character was in this book. the biggest draw back is the lack of fanfiction for it.
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