#boos got boo lake and all the ghost valleys
zootopiathingz · 10 months
Toadette deserves her own track in Mario Kart
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blues-sevenfold00 · 7 years
Candy Land: Sapient Species Rundown
I still have yet to flesh out some of the lands, but here is what I’ve got so far. So many speculative writers tend to get the words “sapient” and “sentient” confused - but, for the purpose of this post, I’m referring to species that regular humans can unambiguously communicate with.
Deathbat Country
Ghosts (of pretty much any human or humanoid species)
Deathbats (reanimated skulls with black bat wings)
Frankenstein Couple (quite colourful and not so creepy)
Spiders (comes in orange, purple, or red with black stripes)
Black Cats (genetically altered to be given opposable thumbs)
Green Ants (genetically altered to be given four hands and two feet)
Black Crows
Peanut People (resembles peanuts with arms and legs, upper smaller portion of peanuts acts as head, lower larger portion of peanuts acts as torso)
Mushroom Kingdom
Vegetable People (resembles humans the colour of vegetables; some representing rounded vegetables (such as tomatoes and onions) have heads shaped as such, with hair to match)
Mushroom People/“Toads” (resembles tanned humans with mushroom heads; mushroom stems act as the head, with colourful mushroom heads taking the place of hair)
Goombas (less humanoid than toads; mushroom stems act as the torso, with arms extending from it; colourful mushroom heads act as the head)
Frogs (actual amphibians given sapience)
Boos (what most toads and goombas become upon death, resemble colourful fuzzballs with arms)
Pink Birdoes (unlike how portrayed in the Super Mario franchise, they are about the same size of bluebirds)
Emerald City
Gem People (contains gems of all types and fusions, too numerous to get into detail about here - but, by far, the most complex of all lands; resemble colourful humans)
Strawberry Fields
Strawberry Humans (typically containing red hair, green eyes, and rosy skin)
Strawberry Gnomes (essentially resemble miniature humans with colourful strawberries for heads)
Blueberry Hill
Blueberry Humans (typically containing azure hair, azure eyes, and azure-tinted skin)
Blueberry Gnomes (essentially resemble miniature humans with colourful blueberries for heads)
Fruit Kingdom
Fruit People (typically containing hair, eye, and skin colour matching the fruits they represent)
Wildberry Woodlands
Mixed-Berry People (typically containing multicoloured hair)
Colourful Birds (as with a few other lands, these birds are sapient)
Chocolate Valley
Chocolate People (typically containing brown skin, brown hair, and brown eyes)
Gloppys (essentially brown gloppy monsters, reside in the lakes of chocolate; have the ability to teleport between chocolate lakes)
Lemon/Lime People (typically containing green or yellow skin, hair, and eyes; some have heads shaped as horizontal lemons/limes; 1% of the population are lime witches, containing black hair and violet eyes)
Gingerbread Kingdom
Gingerbread People (are 3D in form; have ginger-brown skin; hair can be any neon colour; eyes are typically red, green, or blue)
Plumpys (resembles fuzzballs with arms and legs; they are coloured red, green, and blue)
Rainbow Valley
Rainbow People (contains neon coloured eyes, hair, and skin)
Colourful Birds (as with a few other lands, these birds are sapient)
Jollys (resembles gumdrops with arms and legs; they are coloured red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and pink)
Bubblegum Village
Pink People (contains dark pink hair, light pink skin, and medium pink eyes)
Pink Birds (pink sapient birds of various types exist)
Candy Corn Commune
Grey People (contains grey skin with black hair and candy corn horns; comes in twelve blood colours, each having differing abilities and eyes to match)
Pumpkin Gnomes (resemble miniature orange humans with jack-o-lantern shaped heads)
Cotton Candy Commune
Pastel People (contains pastel coloured skin, hair, and eyes - with unicorn-like horns; four different types exist, including those who are dream selves of certain grey people)
Smeerps (pink rabbits genetically altered to be given opposable thumbs; also reproduce via colourful eggs)
Robins (resemble regular robins given sapience; quite naturally, lays robin egg blue eggs)
Marshmallow Kingdom
Marshmallow Humans (contains snow-white skin with pastel coloured hair and eyes)
Marshmallow Gnomes (resemble miniature pastel humans with marshmallows for heads)
Mount Caramel
Caramel People (contains caramel-brown hair, caramel-brown eyes, and caramel brown skin)
Mint Metropolis
Mint Humans (contains dark-green or dark-blue skin, lighter-green or lighter-blue hair, and medium-green or medium-blue eyes)
Mint Gnomes (resemble miniature pastel humans with butter mints for heads)
Licorice Land
Licorice People (contains colourful skin with black hair or black skin with colourful hair; all contain colourful eyes)
Granted, immigration is very much a thing - and plenty of hybrids exist amongst humanoids with the ability to reproduce like humans.
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