#boots riley
blueribbonbaby 6 months
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dstriple 6 months
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And here's Spyglass Media Group explaining why they fired Melissa Barrera: 馃憞
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Let's be clear here... she wasn't fired for making an antisemite comment.
Mel Gibson was even more obvious with the whole "Jews control the media" narrative. And yet he has had no problem getting work in Hollywood.
No, Barrera was fired for accusing Israel of commiting genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza. Which Spyglass considers to be completely false.
Last October, Maha Dakhil, a prominent CAA talent agency agent, was forced to step down from leadership roles after she dared to criticize Israel's war crimes in Gaza.
Guess who was among the powerful Hollywood big-wigs leading the charge to get her to resign from CAA? Gary Barber, the CEO of Spyglass Media Group.
Even more proof that this has nothing to do with antisemitism is that Hollywood big wheels are now trying to go after writer/director Boots Riley, for voicing similar views as Melissa's. Boots Riley is Jewish.
BTW, Jenna Ortega is Pro-Palestine as well...
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As a result of that Tweet, Ortega was quickly tagged as an antisemite & a HAMAS supporter by The Times of Israel.
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It REALLY becomes harder to combat actual antisemitism when people who dare to criticize Israel's war crimes get quickly branded as antisemites for doing so.
So you have a ridiculous situation where celebs who openly hate Israel's government are tagged as antisemites. Placing their careers in peril.
While people who openly spread antisemitism, such as Elon Musk, they rarely face any consequences - see attached Tweets below where Musk promotes the White Supremacist "great replacement theory" that claims that Jews want to destroy the white race/Western Civilization. His dog whistles are not subtle at all.
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Despite his antisemitic tweets, Musk received praise by the Anti-Defamation League because the so-called champion of "free speech" threatened to ban anyone that called for the decolonization of Palestine.
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So apparently, the real antisemites are the people that dare to criticize Israel. Not the people who actually hate jews. It's f*cked up.
Anyway, Spyglass has made their move. Let's see if it pays off.
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anderwater 9 months
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"I'm not fast, you're too slow."
Olivia Washington as FLORA I'M A VIRGO 1.02 dir. Boots Riley
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sine-cinematography 3 months
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robotpussy 1 year
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Jharrel Jerome in Boots Riley's I'm A Virgo (2023)
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Deep Dive: A history of Black-Palestinian solidarity
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jackawful 10 months
Do you like practical effects and "wait that was a puppet" and fun forced perspective camera tricks?
Do you like hot butches whose superpower is explaining why capitalism sucks?
Do you like magical realism that uses metaphor to explore marginalized experiences?
Do you hate cops? Do you hate Elon Musk?
Did you love the superhero genre in the early 2010s but feel weird about that part of your life now that you have slightly better politics?
Are you tired of the MCU to the point of celebrating it being put on hold by the hollywood strikes?
Do you like strikes and unions and hate bosses and landlords?
Do you like that thing Elijah Wood does where he shows up in a niche roll to support what is clearly a passion project?
Do you want more clearly-neurodivergent black women in media?
Did you really like Sorry To Bother You?
Then watch I'm A Virgo. Get all your friends to watch it, especially the one that might be considering a career path Changing The System From The Inside.
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artistsonthelam 11 months
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Boots Riley's new show I'm A Virgo // (my tweet)
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francis-ford-kofola 3 months
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Tessa Thompson as Detroit in SORRY TO BOTHER YOU (2018) dir. Boots Riley
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Sorry to Bother You (2018)
Director: Boots Riley
Cinematographer: Doug Emmett
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christianstepmoms 1 year
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whatbigotspost 11 months
The legendary Boots Riley has taken Amazon money to make one of the most vehemently anti capitalist pieces of media I鈥檝e seen in a minute.
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Y鈥檃ll need to watch I鈥檓 a Virgo. This lil summary here does it no Justice. It鈥檚 so much more鈥nd above all, a scathing and effective takedown of our deeply fucked up economic system.
Don鈥檛 believe me? How about these people?
I binged the series earlier this week and really enjoyed it. One of the best parts of it is how it鈥檚 not just dealing in anti capitalist symbolism or passing implications. It鈥檚 overt OVERT. There are entire very hand-holdy explainer segments that even the most 101 level person can鈥檛 deny. There鈥檚 one character in particular, who explains in undeniable detail such issues as how capitalism REQUIRES there to be homeless/unemployed/exploited people who suffer for the profits of the mega wealthy. Or the power of collective action.
It鈥檚 not only a very interesting and unique show telling a compelling story, it鈥檚 offering like an associates degree in anti capitalist radicalization in 7, 30-some minute episodes.
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gael-garcia 5 months
Film Workers for Palestine is a call by and for filmmakers and cinema workers to stand for an end to genocide, and for a free Palestine. Beginning with a statement of values, FWP will build spaces and infrastructure for organizing in response to the war on Palestinians and to the censoring of voices that speak out against Israel's genocidal campaign.
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blackfilmgaze 1 year
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New series from Boots Riley I'm A Virgo (2023)
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robotpussy 11 months
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Behind the scenes stills from the set of "I'm a Virgo" (2023) by Pete Lee [x]
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