#bos ideas
divine-crows · 3 months
Grimoire/BoS prompts for the Witch that Doesn't Know What to do Next
Part 4/4
Might revisit this series later on in life, but for now I think I've written down enough stuff. I hope some of my ideas can help!
- In-journal altar spaces. Perfect if you can't have a physical altar, or even for brainstorming ideas. Take pictures/make drawings in order to form the perfect altar space for you!
- Favorite myths, creation stories, etc. You can either list them and talk about why you like them, or you can even go as far as to rewrite them in your book!
- Mundane daily rituals. List some everyday "rituals" you do (ex. brushing your teeth daily), and see if you can find a way to make it feel magical or special.
- Magical Exercises. Especially if you've read a lot of books, you more than likely have encountered a lot of these. Why not record them in their own category so you can use them when you're stumped?
- Meditating Activities. The act of creation can feel meditating, go ahead and put those things in your BoS/Grimoire so you can recall those meditative states. My favorite thing is to tear up scrap papers and collage it in my grimoire.
- YouTube Channels, blogs, etc. frequently visited. Do you notice that you gravitate a lot to specific places in order to get your information? Jot it down! Whenever you're stuck you can always look at your list of trusted places. Likewise, you can go back to them and compare sources in order to broaden your understanding of topics.
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thewitcheslist · 1 year
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speyerboot · 7 months
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I just made that in art class, don't know if it's good enough for Tumblr but I'll take the risk (please don't blame me for the weird art style, I'm trying to improve it).
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letoscrawls · 1 year
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*casually becomes the mandalorian messiah*
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omaano · 1 year
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New season's coming tomorrow, so Din's got an upgrade (shiny new weapon) and his kid in hand
(I've got new ideas to explore in this Hades style exploration besides the already existing interactions with Boba and Cobb - and look there is a pocket Luke already next to pocket Din in the background!)
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milfweirdal · 2 months
he's really happy / he's thrilled to be alive / his name is al yankovic in 1985 🎵
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auspicioustidings · 7 months
I love your work! May I please request ghost finding a captured civilian in an enemy base and taking her for himself?
Ah little posessive freak Ghost my beloved <3 I didn't know if you were looking for fluff or twisted Simon so I've leant towards the latter!
CW: Attempted rape (non-graphic), kidnapping
They had been warned there were going to be civillians in the building, but it wasn't the first time Ghost had to work around hostages to get the job done. It was an understanding on the team that whereever possible it wasn't going to be the huge fucker in the skull mask who dealt with that side of things. If they knew where hostages were being kept, that's where they sent Gaz or Johnny or even Price to settle them and get them out. Not the Ghost.
And that was working smoothly once again. Gaz had radioed in saying he found where they were being kept, had taken out their guards and would wait for the all clear for an exit route for the handful of doubtless terrified little civilians looking at him like he was the second coming for saving them.
They were all accounted for and that always made Ghost feel some tension bleed away. The last thing he needed to be worrying about was hostage situations.
The rest of the mission was easy enough, taking out any enemies and finding the saferoom to snoop around in for intel. It was laughably easy to get into. Saferooms only really worked if the person who knew the code didn't spill it at the first little twist of an arm, the press of a knife against their throat. They only worked if they were used. But obviously playing at warlord the man was arrogant, thought he could easily take on whoever came at him. Idiot. The moment he had the code, Ghost had no more use for him until he could get him somewhere for a proper interrogation, so he was smacked in the skull with a pistol and out cold. His fingerprints and eye scanner worked just fine even with him unconcious and the code he had given beeped with a green light and the click of a lock.
It was a damn good thing that you assumed it was your captor coming in and so were aiming the cast iron at where his face would be. Instead it smacked into the tactical vest of a much taller man. You hissed and spat and fought like a feral cat when the man immediately reacted by grabbing your wrist and twisting so you cried out and dropped the pan. There went your weapon, there wasn't much else to use in this little safe room but for the small implements in the kitchen and you hadn't felt confident with a knife. A blunt object with a larger surface area had felt like a better bet.
"Don't fucking touch me! I'll claw your fucking eyes out!" you spat out at what you were sure was a bloody monster.
You had been a victim of wrong place wrong time about 12 hours prior. You had broken down on a stretch of road that barely got any use and had fuck all phone signal to get help, so were at the mercy of someone passing by. Just your luck the someone passing by was some slimy asshole with a compound nearby he thought to drag you to. He had found out quickly he wasn't getting his hands on you without a fight. You were a bit of a mess, shirt torn and what you suspected was a cracked orbital bone from where he had punched you after you bit his tongue. You wished you had bit fucking harder.
The only thing that had saved you in the end was the alarm going off. The man had thrown you into the safe room, telling you that once he had dealt with whoever dared break into his base he was going to fuck you bloody. You'd kill him before he got the chance. You'd fucking kill him before all this adrenaline fuelled fight turned into fear and had you accepting your fate.
The monster in the skull mask didn't have the laugh of a monster. It was gruff but there was something very genuine about it. He had his hands on both of your wrists, locking them so you couldn't scratch at him with yout body pulled right into him so you couldn't kick either. Your wrists were pinned at your chin so you couldn't even bite at him. Didn't much stop you from fighting, trying to just drop all of your weight to get him off balance. The added weight did not phase him in the slightest.
"Settle sweetheart, I'm the good guy."
"Do good guys often wear skull masks?!" you hissed back, still struggling to no avail.
He manouvered so that you could see out of the doorway and to the passed out man on the floor.
"They do when they're going after bad guys."
It was like all the adrenaline had finally burned off at right that moment and you felt yourself go boneless in his hold, fight gone. You had a sick moment of being disappointed that you could see that the man was still breathing.
"We sure all the civilians are accounted for?"
You felt a little dazed as you squinted back at him before realising he must have been speaking on the radio. Whatever he heard back must have been interesting because he looked at you, considering, before twisted the little dial to another channel.
"Got a stray, let's keep it out of the reports."
Simon knew that the 141 would back him up. After all, him and the Seargants had always admired the relationship between Price and his wife even if when they first met she kept trying to murder him. She had grown out of it after a few years.
And Simon had never felt like this before. He thought you truly would have killed him if you had been able when he opened the door. It was love at first murder attempt for him.
He cooed at you and comforted you the whole way through exfil. It wasn't until you realised that you couldn't leave that it really started getting fun.
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kasiawo · 11 months
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House of Wax tattoo au lives in my brain rent free, Bo and Vinny starting their art journey with Lester as the practice dummy, and Lester handling all the body piercing their clients want. ID: Illustration: House of Wax characters Lester, Bo and Vincent Sinclair sitting in front of their tattoo shop with their dog Jonesy.
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hedonistbyheart · 1 year
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The blindfold stays on.
I’m too in love with the idea of the Armorer being a Zabrak to let it go, but I cannot settle on what kind, so now she’s got nightsister colorings and nightbrother horns🤷‍♀️
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divine-crows · 3 months
Grimoire/Bos Prompts or Research Topics for the Witch that Doesn’t Know What To Do Next
(Pt. 2/4) 
Another list with ideas, as always, these ideas and prompts by no means belong to me, and if you’d like, check out my first post for more prompt-type ideas (hopefully I’ll remember to link the first one before I post this.)
- What does each season mean to you and what are witchy activities, spells, and rituals you can do during these seasons? This one is pretty self-explanatory. A cool idea I had for it is dedicating a page to each season and including something from each season in it (like a pressed leaf for fall, pressed flower for spring, etc.) You can also include how plants or the weather usually looks during each season (An idea courtesy of Molly Roberts on YT). 
- If you like fantasy novels-- how their magic differs from real magic, things you wish fantasy authors would incorporate or do, and any phrases that speak to you on a magical level. You could also write a sort of self-analysis about why you like the genre and any possible magical ties. (Ex. maybe you like fantasy novels because you realized it’s the only way you really see magic in media, or maybe it’s indulging the inner child in you that still wants to shoot fire out of your hands). 
- Music, Art pieces, or general Artists that give you magical vibes. You can also put the lyrics, the art, or something pertaining to the artist in a page/use it to decorate empty space. This also can tie into pop magic. 
- If you play an instrument and have something like a string that can’t be used anymore, write about it and find ways you can magically incorporate it, and if you want, you can find a way to decorate the page with said object. This can be extra fun if you use the instrument for magical workings, and it can also apply to things like old art supplies. 
- Your heritage and how you can use it in your craft. This can range from a list of types of magical concepts that relate to your heritage, to whole practices and paths that were made that your far back ancestors would have used. You can list these types of magic and: 1) list the history of them 2) talk about how it’s connected to you [is it personal? Is it something you want to make personal?] 3) Are there factors about it that should be considered? [is it a part of a practice, did another group influence/use it?]. This can be useful because it gives you a way to connect further with your practice and to take a fun adventure where you can learn more about yourself. Always be aware of other cultural factors and don’t appropriate. 
- How you prefer leaving offerings. Most likely, you’ve at some point learned how to leave offerings (whether it’s working with deities, or with nature in general), and you’ve found a way to leave offerings that work for you. Maybe you prefer praying/speaking before or after leaving an offering, maybe you just leave an offering with a brief couple of words, or maybe you prefer leaving art you’ve made from paintings to poems. Further, maybe you prefer having an outside altar versus an inside one and vice versa, or any of those things might vary depending on what you’re communicating with. Write about it, and why you do it for future use. 
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ohbo-ohno · 8 months
fae!johnny who tricks you into eating his food by working as a bartender and making you the most deliciously greasy fries you've ever had in your life. he convinces you to go home with him at the end of the night, and the next morning he breaks the news to you - you don't get to leave 😊😊😊
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bisexual-horror-fan · 1 month
So a poly ship I haven't written before for Multi-May-
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im-his-druidess · 1 year
So I just watched house of wax for the first time and am whipped for Bo, how do you think him and Vinny would react to their girl having nipple piercings?
Okay so I'm not sure if this is a request for them being in a V Poly Relationship like I've mentioned here or if you want separate headcanons 🤔 so I'm gonna be cautious and assume you want separate...
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Bo would be an absolute menace about it. He would be constantly touching and tugging on them, getting his mouth on them just to tug at them with his teeth until you whimper, and would make you walk around without a bra just so he can see the piercings poke through your shirt. He would come up behind you and tweak your nipples, no matter what you are doing, and will shamelessly grind on you as he "plays".
Vincent would be a bit more subtle, but would be utterly fascinated. Would want to sketch you in various poses that enhance/show off your breasts, would probably tug at them carefully and fondle them whenever his hands are on or near you, and would be entranced by the way the candlelight from his work room makes them shine. He might even get a little fixated and will want to pierce your ears/bellybutton/tongue because he loves the idea of "decorating" you. Would also make you go without a bra just so he can see them.
Both would scavenge for piercings from victims if they see them, might even break down and tell Lester to buy some pretty ones whenever he goes into town for supplies (which leaves the youngest Sinclair a blushing mess), and Bo would probably make some more piercings for you in his garage when he's bored.
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devondespresso · 10 months
my take on stobin sharing a wardrobe is that steve likes when clothes fit properly and robin does not
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azne09 · 5 months
(Another) Movie Poster
House of Wax fic edition
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Like- just- hear me out- the Pygmalion myth with the sculptor who falls in love with his statue but like a twisted retelling version with Vincent
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Also because I remembered studying Urs Fischer's was statue in Art History class during highschool and my brain has just been rotting. I need to rewatch the movie now.
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