#boston cream cake
robbybirdy · 1 month
Boston Cream Cake Pt II
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Hey, every birdy. Now that you have seen the original recipe for the Boston Cream Cake. You will understand that I can’t replicate it. I was talking to Pop (my dad) about what I should do as a milestone marker for 1K followers, and he suggested that I share this recipe with you all and then do the math. For those of you who don’t know, math has never really been my strong suit. 
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So I have no idea how this is going to go. I am doing this post a bit differently. I am going to write up my equation and measurements that I got, and then I am going to bake the cake with the measurements and see if it is right. 
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Another reason why I needed to do this was because I didn't want to use a lot of eggs. In the whole recipe that I converted I am only going to be using 9 eggs, which seems like a lot but in contrast, really isn’t. 
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The equation that I came up with was:
Lbs = cups/ 100 = measurement then convert to grams = grams / 2 = measurement needed 
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This makes no sense written like this. But let me show you how I figured it out with the first ingredient of the cake shortening. 
The original recipe calls for 21 lbs of shortening. 
21 lbs of shortening are 43.81 cups. 43.81/100 equals 0.43 cups. 0.43 cups is equal to 93 grams. 93 grams divided by 2 is 46.5 grams or 3 Tablespoons. So it is a bit complicated but I want to see if my math works. 
I hope you all are still with me, and didn’t fall asleep with all the numbers. 
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So with that being said. For the cake this is my number and for the simplicity of everything. I am going to keep the ingredients in grams. 
47 grams shortening
136 grams of cake flour (All Purpose minus 1 tablespoon. And add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch)
84 grams sugar
1 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
1 tsp milk 
4 eggs 
43 grams water 
½ vanilla
½ tsp butter 
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The directions for the recipe will be the same. Put the cake shorting, flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and milk powder in a large bowl. 
Add water, vanilla, and butter slowly until ingredients come together, making sure to scrape down the sides. 
Next, you are going to add the eggs and mix for 3 minutes. 
Scrape down the bowl and continue until well mixed. 
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This is where it is going to be different. 
Instead of using the 1-pound 8 oz pans. I am going to be using 9-inch cake pans. Because I don’t want to slice the cake in half horizontally. I think and hope that it will work. Only future Robby will know that information. 
Now onto the filling. Using the same equation for the cake recipe. 
390 grams of milk
102 grams of sugar 
2 Tbsps Cornstarch
5 eggs
½ tsp vanilla
Put all the ingredients in a pan and cook until thickened. Ice the cake with frosting. 
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The frosting, using the same equation
113 grams sugar
½ Tbsp Karo syrup 
3 teaspoons water
½ Tablespoon Shortening
6 Tablespoons Cocoa Powder
¼ tsp vanilla
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Put all ingredients in a pan. Heat until smooth. Ice the cake on top only. Hopefully, my math is correct and it makes only one cake. 
Prediction: I think it is going to be a balanced dessert if nothing else. Because from the looks of it, the cake itself isn’t extremely sweet. It’s the filling and the frosting that is sweet. And I hope that it comes out looking and tasting good. I will always have my parent’s voice in my head “it doesn’t matter what it looks like, as long as it tastes good!”
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I am so excited that it came out, and was edible. I can’t believe it. I mean I can, but I am a bit shocked. Because again math was never really my strong suit back in school. Even with saying that though one math class that I took in college was literally a math class called “Math of Cooking.”
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Everyone told me that it tasted really good. My only criticism about this particular cake and my measurements would be to add a little bit more flour to the cake recipe. And maybe even a little bit more milk. Because when I took the cakes out of the oven they kinda looked like pancakes rather than cakes. So if I were to make the recipe again (which I think I might because it was fun to make. )
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As we were going to bed, my mom told me that her only criticism was that she needed more custard in the middle. She said that it was good and she just needed a bit more. This was nice to hear. I had forgotten how to make a custard because I didn't temper the eggs before putting them on the stove. So there was a little part of me that was afraid that I was putting sweet scrambled eggs on my cake. 
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My dad told me that he really liked the frosting and how I put it together. You should have seen us at Walmart the three of us (Mom, Pop, and I) trying to figure out what in the world “royal fudge” was and he was the one who ended up figuring it out. 
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The moments when I am cutting the cake are sometimes the longest. Because some people have the dessert and they don’t want to say anything until I am in the room. To give me the results. Sometimes I don’t know if they are quiet because they are stifling a laugh about how weird it tastes, or if they are quiet because of how good it is. Thankfully with this cake, it was the latter. And I am so grateful. They all said that it was really good.
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It wasn’t overly sweet. This is something that I strive for when baking because a dessert that is too sweet is not something that I want to give my family. I don’t know. It’s just a personal thing. I just don’t like overly, sickeningly sweet desserts. 
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I am so over the moon that this worked. Thank you all for your likes, comments reblogs, and follows. You have helped me in more ways than one. And I hope that you continue to follow my journey. 
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Thank you once again for helping me get to 1000 followers. I love each and every one of you, and I hope to see you in the next post. 
Oh my gosh this was a long one. But, I had such a fun time putting this post together. I hope you liked it as much as I did.
Here is the condensed version of the recipe. Without the equation.
Boston Cream Cake
47 g shortening
136 g Cake Flour (I used all-purpose flour + 1 Tbsp of Cornstarch)
84 g sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp milk
4 eggs
43 g water
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp butter
Put cake shortening, flour, sugar baking powder, salt, and milk powder in a very large bowl. Add water, vanilla, and butter flavor slowly until the ingredients come together. Scrape down the bowl. Next, add eggs, slowly mix for 3 minutes, scrape the bowl, and continue until well mixed. I used 2 - 9-inch cake pans, (if you want them to come out more like cake and less like pancakes,) I suggest using 2 8-inch cake pans. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes. Spread with cream filling (recipe Follows)
Boston Cream Filling :
390 g milk
102 g sugar
2 Tbsp Cornstarch
5 eggs
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
Put all ingredients in a pan and cook until thickened. The next time I make this recipe I will do this part differently. I will heat up the milk and sugar first. And when it gets to simmer I will temper my eggs and cornstarch. and I will add the vanilla and salt when it is all done. Ice the cake with frosting
Chocolate frosting for Boston Cream Cake:
113 g sugar
1/2 Tbsp Karo Syrup
3 teaspoons water
1/2 Tablespoon shortening
6 Tbsps cocoa powder
2 Tbsps milk
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp salt
Put all ingredients in a pan, and heat until smooth. Ice the cake on the top only. Or where it wants to go. And enjoy
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kitsun369 · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day, Happy Galentine's Day or Happy Single Awareness Day ❤
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masoncarr2244 · 1 year
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daily-deliciousness · 17 days
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Boston cream pie
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fullcravings · 11 months
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Boston Cream Pie
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andallshallbewell · 8 months
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oldfangirl81 · 6 months
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Finished Boston Cream Cake but didn't have time to wait for the ganache to fully cool before we had to leave for dinner.
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everydayhalfling · 2 years
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Boston Cream Layer Cake 🎂
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
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ALSO cheesecake’s buddy key lime :)
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robbybirdy · 1 month
Boston Cream Cake Part 1
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Hey everybirdy! Today’s recipe is not for any character or anything like that. It is for all of you. You all have helped me find a purpose in life. Helped me find my voice, when it was lost. Helped me at one of the lowest points in my life. I  just want to share with you this recipe, because you all deserve it. You mean the world to me. Every follow, like, comment, and reblog helps me write more and more. And I can’t thank you all enough. So this post is a gesture of gratitude. 
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The recipe comes from my favorite cookbook “Good to the Corps: Westpoint Women’s Cookbook Club.” And the recipe is for a Boston Cream Cake. The recipe will be in the description down below. 
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For the cake, you will need
21 lbs. (pounds) of cake shortening 
30 lbs. of cake flour
37 ½ lbs. granulated sugar 
1 lbs. 14oz (ounces)  baking powder 
1 lb 2 oz salt 
2 lbs. 10 oz milk powder
27 lbs whole eggs
19 lbs water
1 lbs Vanilla 
1 lb butter 
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Put the cake shortening, flour, sugar baking powder, salt, and milk powder in a VERY LARGE Bowl.  
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Add water, vanilla, and butter flavor slowly until the ingredients come together. 
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Scrape down the bowl. 
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Next, you are going to add the eggs, slowly and mix for 3 minutes. Making sure to scrape the bowl and continue until the mixture is well mixed. 
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Use 1 Pound 8 oz pans. 
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Bake at 350F for 35-40 minutes. 
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Slice the cake in half horizontally. 
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Spread with a cream filling (recipe follows). 
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For the Boston Cream Filling  You will need:
20 gal (gallons) milk
45 lbs. Granulated sugar
10 oz salt
14 lbs cornstarch 
36 lbs eggs
1 lb. vanilla
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Put all ingredients in a pan and cook until thickened. Ice cake with frosting. 
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For the Chocolate Fudge Icing for Boston Cream Cake you will need:
50 lbs dry ford sugar 
5 lbs Karo syrup
4 oz salt
6 lbs water 
3 lbs 8oz cake shortening 
14 lbs royal fudge 
8 oz vanilla 
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Put all ingredients in a pan, and heat until smooth. Ice cake on the top only. 
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And the most important thing about this recipe: IT SERVES 1000! Now every one of my followers will be able to have a piece of some yummy cake. Thank you so much for helping me reach 1000! I know that it might not be a lot for some people but I am the type of person who was surprised when I got to 10 followers. So thank you all so much for helping me. For supporting me through this journey. It took a few years to get here, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I appreciate every one of you. The ones who like every post, the ones who reblog my posts, and even the ones who are just quiet and don’t interact that much. Each one of you is important to me and I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. 
Part II
Boston Cream Cake via USMA, Cadet Mess
21 lbs cake shortening
30 lbs cake flour
37 1/2 lbs granulated sugar
1 lbs 14oz baking powder
1 lb 2 oz salt
2 lbs 10oz milk powder
27 lbs whole eggs
19 lbs water
1 lb vanilla
1 lb butter flavor
Put the cake, shortening, flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and milk powder in a very large bowl. Add water, vanilla, and butter flavor slowly until the ingredients come together. Next, add eggs, slowly mix for 3 minutes, scrape the bowl, and continue until well mixed. use 1-pound 8-ounce pans. Bake at 350 F for 35-40 minutes. slice the cake in half horizontally. spread with a cream filling (recipe follows).
Boston cream filling:
20 gal. milk
45 lbs granulated sugar
10 oz salt
14 lbs cornstarch
36 lbs eggs
1 lb vanilla
put all ingredients in a pan and cook until thickened. ice cake with frosting.
Chocolate Fudge Icing for Boston Cream Cake:
50 lbs dry ford sugar
5 lbs karo syrup
4 oz salt
6 lbs water
3 pounds 8 oz shortening
14 lbs royal fudge
8 oz vanilla
Put all ingredients in pan, and heat until smooth. Ice cake on top only. Serves 1000.
Thank you all so very much.
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thescoopess · 1 year
There’s not much better than Boston Cream Pie.  It’s a show-stopper for holidays, birthdays, special occasions, etc., and will become a requested favorite.  This decadent dessert will satisfy any sweet tooth with its buttery vanilla cake, thick and creamy custard, and decadent chocolate glaze. INGREDIENTS CAKE 15.25-ounce box yellow cake mix 1 cup half and half 3 large eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla ½…
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View On WordPress
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megan-jurcak · 11 months
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Boston Cream Pie I Recipe Boston Cream Cake is another name for a rich, creamy dessert. The combination of yellow cake, custard, and chocolate glaze is delicious. 3 squares semisweet chocolate, 1 pinch salt, 1/2 cup confectioners' sugar, 1/2 cup milk, 1/4 cup white sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1/2 cup light cream, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2 tablespoons butter, 6 tablespoons butter softened, 1/4 cup light cream, 1.5 cups cake flour, 3/4 cup white sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 4 teaspoons cornstarch, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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National Chocolate Covered Anything Day 
Indulge in a chocolate fountain or fondue to dunk any treats you fancy or drizzle your favorite desserts in delicious sauce and syrup.
Chocolate, a candy loved by both children and adults alike. But how much can it go on? What edible creations can molten chocolate create? Where in the world are certain chocolate dishes made a favorite staple? Well, in order to find the answers to all those questions, we must do a time-hop into the past, for this is the search of the history of Chocolate Covered Everything Day!
Learn about Chocolate Covered In Anything Day
Who doesn’t love chocolate? It’s creamy, sweet, and delicious! While we can all eat chocolate on its own, it is fun to combine chocolate with other ingredients as well! A lot of people love strawberries dipped into chocolate; a real classic. Or, how about some chocolate pretzels? There are plenty of weird and wonderful ideas you can try as well, such as dipping French fries into chocolate ice cream. Hey, don’t knock it until you have tried it! If you have ever wondered what something would taste like in chocolate, today is the perfect opportunity for you to find out.
History of Chocolate Covered Everything Day
We all know and love the dark and sweet bricks called chocolate, we even melt it down and put on our ice cream! When was this delectable treat created? The history of chocolate begins in Mesoamerica. Fermented beverages made from chocolate date back to 1900 BC. The Aztecs believed that cacao seeds were the gift of Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom, and the seeds once had so much value that they were used as a form of currency. After chocolate’s arrival in Europe from oversea expeditions in the sixteenth century, sugar was added to it and it became popular throughout all of Europe, first among the ruling classes of the European societies, and then among the common people. Jose de Acosta, a Spanish missionary who lived in Peru and then Mexico in the later 16th century, described its use more generally.
Loathsome to such as are not acquainted with it, having a scum or froth that is very unpleasant taste. Yet it is a drink very much esteemed among the Indians, wherewith they feast noble men who pass through their country. The Spaniards, both men and women that are accustomed to the country are very greedy of this Chocolate. They say they make diverse sorts of it, some hot, some cold, and some temperate, and put therein much of that “chili”; yea, they make paste thereof, the which they say is good for the stomach and against the catarrh.
How to celebrate Chocolate Covered Everything Day
To celebrate the day where we coat everything we can in chocolate, we go out and find an affordable mini chocolate fountain, and then we buy whatever we like to go with our chocolate, take it home and set it up, and then enjoy the chocolate covered foods in the comfort of our own home, enjoying it any time we want! We can also celebrate by buying chocolate syrup, heating it up in a bowl and have a bowl of ice cream with a hot chocolate syrup topping.
There are lots of great chocolate desserts you can make on this day as well! We all deserve a treat now and again, and what better sweet treat than a chocolate-based dessert? From sticky toffee pudding to dark chocolate fondant, we take a look at the best desserts for chocolate lovers.
Let’s start with a Chocolate Sticky Toffee Pudding. This is a delicious traditional English dessert with a chocolate twist. When done correctly, sticky toffee features a rich moist sponge that is topped in a thick and indulgent toffee sauce. It is served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The coolness of the ice cream against the warmth of the toffee is an exquisite combination.
How about some Chocolate Bread and Butter Pudding? We recommend pairing the bread and butter pudding with a tasty rum banana ice cream. It’s comforting, creamy, and delicious.
You will struggle to find a dessert as decadent and indulgent as Dark Chocolate Fondant. You need just the right amount of gooeyness in the middle. The dessert is usually finished offer with a smooth and refreshing vanilla ice cream and a thick salted caramel sauce. Prepare for your taste buds to be sent into overdrive.
Finally, do you feel like being adventurous? How about some Chilli Spiced Chocolate Cake? Chilli and chocolate are two ingredients you wouldn’t expect to work well together but they make a delicious pairing. It’s not simply a case of making chocolate spicy. Both ingredients have real, varied fruit flavours and so it’s all about pairing them in a complementary manner, which is what you can do with a Chilli Spiced Chocolate Cake. Take this luxurious dessert and give it a contemporary edge by adding chilli, which gives a pleasant kick that will warm the back of your throat.
All in all, if you are a lover of chocolate sweets, you can rest assured that you will be more than happy with one of the four delicious desserts that have been mentioned! There are plenty of other recipes that you can try on National Chocolate Covered Anything Day!
Aside from making your own desserts, National Chocolate Covered Anything Day presents you with a good opportunity to support a local chocolatier. With the increase in the production of commercial chocolate, a lot of people overlook just how delicate and difficult the art of making chocolate can be! So, why not support your local chocolatier and let them know that you are amazed by their incredible work?
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twocatsandpossum · 10 months
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Step into a world of whimsy and imagination with my printable digital download coloring page featuring the adorable cartoon cute bunny holding two Boston Cream donuts. Designed to bring joy and creativity to your family, this hand-drawn coloring page is perfect for fun-filled family activities.
Let your artistic side shine as you and your kids embark on a colorful journey with this sweet tooth bunny. Watch your masterpieces come to life and create treasured memories during family fun days and cozy family fun nights.
All my coloring pages are hand-drawn with ink and watercolor, capturing every charming detail of whimsical characters. This delightful design appeals to parents who value quality time with their children.
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nc-vb · 1 year
I bought myself a cake!!! For no reason at all. I am an adult with adult money. Life is good.
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tudorgothic · 9 months
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