#bring back 35 portland row
wellgoslowly · 8 months
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sixinchesdeepinmud · 1 year
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Everyone, go and admire this stunning piece of art on Instagram 🖤💙🤩
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deadfor7yrs · 11 months
lucy loves lockwood's smile SO MUCH its adorable
so here's every time she admires his smile or waxes poetic about how much of an effect it has on her in the books (this will be long):
Lockwood ignited his smile; its warmth lit up the evening.
When he smiled at me, a warm light seemed to suffuse the room.
Lockwood gave me a radiant smile. […] I soon learned that when he smiled like that, it was hard not to agree with him.
He sat back and smiled - and this time it wasn't the full megawatt version, the one you obeyed despite yourself; just a warm, companionable grin.
He wore that slight half-smile he reserves for dangerous situations; the kind of smile that suggests complete command.
He grinned; it was that warm smile that made everything seem simpler, ready to click perfectly into place.
The radiance of his smile filled the room.
It was the old Lockwood smile again; the landing grew much brighter.
Then he gave us his sudden radiant grin, the one that made everything seem okay.
He flashed her his fifty-percent smile, the reassuring one.
Lockwood really smiled, then. The sudden warmth of its radiance made my misgivings seen mean and needlessly hostile. (lol)
He grinned at me; I grinned at him. A swell of joy rose in me, displacing the ache of my muscles, my burning lungs.
Lockwood smiled at me. "Thanks, Luce. Nice one." It wasn't quite the way he'd looked at me that moment during the chase, but it echoed it; warmth rushed through me.
Then he was beside us, grinning that old grin.
As I met his gaze, he smiled - and that smile was a world away from the hundred-gigawatt version you saw in the papers. It was warm but somehow hesitant, as if it hadn't been used recently. It was the smile I'd hazily imagined a hundred times; only now it was real, solid, meant just for me.
His smile broadened, carrying me with it. It became a sunnier place, that little landing.
For the first time, the old grin extended its wat fully across his face. Its radiance bathed me; that was something else that hadn't changed as all.
He smiled at me. The warm feeling was back.
Behind his gappy grin shone the old Lockwood smile, and that smile and those words together swept everything else aside. All guilt and queasiness were gone, and I was conscious of nothing other than the thrill of being there with him.
His smile made me feel a little flushed.
His smile was as bright as ever, his energy lit up the stage.
As we filed in, he turned and smiled. It was his old grin.
Lockwood's smile was wolf-like.
As he met my gaze, his smile became a grin.
Lockwood put on a fair attempt at his most gleaming smile.
Bonus: Lucy smiling at Lockwood:
That was where he always was - at the forefront of the group, standing between us and the darkness. How poised and graceful he was. His presence gave me courage, even in a place like this. I smiled at him. he couldn't see me, of course. It didn't matter.
As always, I found myself smiling after him. As always, the room felt a little darker after he'd left.
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avathewren · 1 year
This is a reminder for all LOCKWOOD AND CO fans :
Please please please we have to keep this fandom alive!!! If Netflix or another streaming service sees the commitment we have, they will be more likely to consider bringing it back/picking it up.
I say, if we can stay consistent and post or reblog at least one thing about Lockwood and co everyday for a couple months (hopefully it won’t come to a year) our consistency will hopefully catch the attention of somebody willing to take it on.
Keep signing petitions, sending letters to streaming services, and yelling at Netflix. We have more power than you think.
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
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13000+ signatures!!!
let’s do this guys!! fuck netflix.
and if you haven’t already, please please please sign the petition! even if you aren’t a fan of lockwood and co, but have friends that are please sign! if we can get this series renewed, we will be able to get others renewed in the future!!
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man-im-real-bored · 1 year
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What the actual fuck man. And then Netflix say that the show didn't receive enough attention. Enough attention my ass, the show got 40 MILLION HOURS of viewership when it DEBUTED. 40 MILLION HOURS and you come tell me that it wasn't enough??? What about 79.91 MILLION HOURS in 3 WEEKS of its release!!!
Reach out to Complete Fiction, Joe Cornish, other streaming platforms everyone who's anyone, to pick up this golden jewel of an adaptation. We're going to get more of Ruby Stokes, Cameron Chapman and Ali Hadji-Heshmati as our Golden Trio (HP was great but screw u JK, I'm gonna take that title for these three the way you took away the safety linked to HP). We're going to see the room and Netflix isn't going to stop us if they won't do it themselves.
Vote for Lockwood & Co in the UK National Film Awards because even if corporate Netflix doesn't appreciate it, other people do and recognise the show for it.
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xnekoyokaix · 1 year
I'm sharing this but I'me NOT IMPRESSED. It gave me Quill Kipps.
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damimina · 1 year
What bothers me the most: why did it take over 3 months for that damn cancelation????
It seems like Netflix decided to dump the show from the beginning then why didn't they tell us earlier??????? If we started all of these earlier, maybe we could have get other good news sooner. I hate them really.
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in honour of my recent adoption of several abandoned kittens, I'm doing some lockwood and co headcanons for what would happen in portland row if you arrived with cats....
-- "We aren't keeping them; you know that, right? We're not keeping them, I swear...aww look, that lil guy just yawned."
-- loudly protests for hours but drives across London in the middle of the night to get kitten formula for you
-- you look over and he's fallen asleep on a chair with three kittens on his lap
-- "what's this one's name again?"
-- these are her babies now. would straight up die for them; if someone so much as looks at them the wrong way it's on sight.
-- yes, she's singing them a lullaby. yes, she'll punch you if you mention it.
-- they remind her of her childhood cats.
-- hatching a murder plan for whoever abandoned them.
-- why would we buy kitten formula? maybe they can just eat doughnuts.
-- why would we buy kitten formula? I'll make some out of these obscure ingredients, just like the ancient Egyptians. Did you know that cats were a sacred --
-- names them all after obscure mythogical figures.
-- cannot for the life of him understand how to hold them right
-- gets them an unbelievable number of cushions. literally builds them a kitten pillow tower.
-- best cat mama ever
-- already knows exactly how to care for them. she can get the grumpy one to drink when nobody else can.
-- definitely in on Lucy's murder plan
-- bathes them all in three seconds with her special soap
-- ribbons. on all of them. the minute they're clean.
-- "it's so sad, the way people abandon pets. I can't believe it!"
-- "Is that noise those bloody cats again?"
-- complains incessantly but is incredibly gentle with them
-- claims he's allergic. is not.
-- claims he doesn't like cats. he's lying. everyone knows.
-- detailed description of that one time he ate a cat. he's lying. right?
-- "Lucy, that one's got something in it's mouth! Hurry! You don't want it to die, do you! Useless kids. If I was in charge..."
-- "can someone please shut up those horrendous animals?"
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yveni · 1 year
ahaha is anyone even reading this
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wellgoslowly · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if I can get a request please. The reader works for Lockwood and Co but she has the complete opposite personality of what Lockwood has (ex: reader is more of listener rather than a talker and when she is around new people she is more on the quiet side until she gets comfortable around them) and Lockwood falls for the reader. Thank you!
Ain't a Life a Many Splendored Thing?
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a/n: a bit of a shorter post but I think I might make it into a series!! I loved this prompt and I loved writing it sm!!! it's not much but I didn't want to write more before knowing if yall would want a part 2 :) also yes the title is from hello hello by elton john from the hit movie gnomeo and juliet.
pairing: lockwood x fem!reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: none :)
tags: @hufflepuff1619 (thank you for the request!) @oblivious-idiot @tangledinlove @ikeasupremacy @givemea-dam-break @neewtmas [if u guys want to be put on a tag list just lmk in the comments!!! also if i missed anyone im sorry!!!!]
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The moment that you stepped into 35 Portland Row for your interview, it was obvious to everyone that Lockwood was a goner.
You two were clearly exact opposites- where he was confident and cocky, you seemed more reserved and humble. Where he was reckless, you seemed calculated and exact. And it was now evident that while he found it natural to talk in order to prevent awkward silences around new people (especially those whom he found to be very attractive), you were perfectly comfortable with listening to him ramble.
“And right up here is the attic.” He was saying now as the two of you climbed up the creaking stairs. “You've met Lucy, obviously- this is her room. And yours as well, if you choose to live here.” He watched you take in the room, filled with Lucy's drawings and scarce decorations on the walls, your eyes lingering on the small bed hastily shoved in the corner. He looked at you with apprehension, admittedly a little worried that you would turn to him and say that you'd changed your mind and reject the employment offer.
Instead, you turned to him with a slight smile on your face and said, “Is it ok with Lucy? If I stay here?” Instantly, Lockwood was filled with relief. “It was her idea, actually.” He said softly, watching you nod in understanding. “Alright then.” You said, a sense of finality in your voice. Lockwood smiled and watched as you walked to set the small bag of belongings you had taken to your interview on top of your new bed. “I'll leave you to it, then. Dinner should be ready soon.” He said to you. You didn't respond, but Lockwood wasn't worried- he knew exactly what your soft smile was meant to convey.
“Lockwood, I just- I don't know if she fits here.” It had been only 3 days after you had officially joined Lockwood & Co., but Lockwood wasn't necessarily surprised by the remark George threw him from across the table that morning. You and Lucy were asleep, still tired after facing an infuriating ambush from a large cluster of Type Ones while on a Type Two case.
“What do you mean, George?” Lockwood asked as he took a sip of his tea. “I mean, she's just so quiet. She never speaks, and when she does it's either in one word responses or a couple phrases- even then, she mostly only ever talks to you. I'm just worried about how well she'll be able to communicate in the future.” George explained, his hands moving wildly about.
“You haven't seen her in the field, George- she's brilliant. Her sight is comparable to mine, and her touch… it's like Lucy with her Listening. Yes, she's a bit… reserved, but I'm sure she just needs to warm up to us, is all.” Lockwood smiled at his friend as he took another sip of tea, peeling open the front page of a new issue of True Hauntings.
“Don't think I didn't notice how you avoided the comment about how she only seems to talk to you.” George grumbled, taking a bite out of a piece of toast. Lockwood didn't look up from the text on the page in front of him as he mumbled a soft “I don't know what you're talking about.” George scoffed in response, starting to say something that sounded a lot like “you're clearly gone for her, why do I even try”, when you walked in, hair amess and blinking sleep out of your eyes.
The kitchen fell into immediate silence, George's face flushing in embarrassment as you looked at him, your expression unreadable. “If you're going to talk about me, you could at least do it while I'm around.” Lockwood looked up at that as he didn't notice you silently entering the kitchen. He took in your sleep-addled state and the look of fear in George's eyes. And then you were softly smiling. “I was joking, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.” You said before sitting down next to Lockwood.
George snorted. “I think that's the most you've said to me the entire time you've been here.” George said, apparently taking your joke to heart. Lockwood softly kicked George under the table, but you just laughed a little.
Deciding to change the subject, Lockwood turned to you with a smile. “I'm sorry for him. What he meant to say was good morning. Would you like some tea?” You smiled at Lockwood, and he was hit with the thought that it mightve been the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. “Yes, please.” You responded. Lockwood nodded, getting up to turn the kettle on once more.
The morning passed like that- you and George softly trading barbs with one another, Lockwood making you your tea and toast, and Lucy stumbling in once you were almost done with breakfast and mumbling a “gmornin” to you and the boys. Soon, the discussion turned from an easygoing conversation over breakfast and lapsed into a more serious discussion as Lockwood started explaining the cases that you all had scheduled for that night.
You and Lockwood would be going out to a house that was reported to contain a Type Two and a couple Type Ones, George would be staying home to do some research for a bigger case the four of you had coming up the next week (he had also gotten injured a couple of days ago and his wound hadn't fully healed), and Lucy would be going to an office afflicted by a couple Type Ones.
Lockwood had been too busy dishing out the information for the night's events to realize that you hadn't been talking. It was only after Lucy and George had nodded in understanding and set out to set their own respective tasks- Lucy heading down to the basement and George getting ready to go to the Archives- when Lockwood looked to you and realized that you had been drawing on the Thinking Cloth the entire time.
He leaned over slightly, watching as you drew a small landscape on a tiny piece of empty space with a green pen that Lockwood wasn't sure he had ever seen before. He smiled as you drew, watching the concentration on your face. “Did you hear the cases for tonight?” He asked softly, watching the quirk at the corner of your lips.
“George is doing research, Lucy's got a couple of Type Ones, and you and me have got the Type Two.” You clicked your pen, signaling that you were finished with your drawing, and then you turned to look at Lockwood. “How'd I do?” You asked softly. “With the cases, or the drawing?” You shrugged, a look in your eyes that told him “both.” He smiled. “Excellent.” He whispered, making you smile.
Eventually, the two of you migrated from the kitchen to the library. Lockwood sat in his favorite armchair, surveying a stack of recent magazines as he decided which one to read first. You left the room quickly, and Lockwood frowned at your departure as he settled into the chair with a week old gossip rag.
But as quickly as you left, you had returned, a book in your hand as you sat down in the chair next to Lockwood. You two sat there for a while, Lockwood taking breaks to explain to you different London Society news while you happily listened and Lockwood smiling to himself every time you reached a point in your book that made you laugh or make some sort of exclamation of disbelief.
He was content, he realized, to just sit there and exist by your side. While he normally felt the need to make his presence known, to charm and impress anyone he might’ve just met, he found that he was very happy to just sit and read with you.
An hour or so later, Lockwood decided that he wanted to go down to the basement and get some training in before the case that night. He was about to ask you if you'd care to join before he noticed that you had fallen asleep, arms curled around your legs and head laying peacefully against the cushioning of the chair. He smiled as he closed his magazine, getting up slowly and draping a blanket over you without a sound.
As Lockwood walked out of the library, he realized that George had been right. Not about you not fitting in- no, you had definitely proven George wrong. Instead, he was forced to admit that George might've been right about Lockwood being gone for you.
hehehe thanks for reading!!! I just put in my 2 weeks at my soul sucking part time job so I'll hopefully have more motivation to work on these hehe!!! I'll also be making a masterlist very soon- I've been meaning to do that for a while
also if yall want a part 2, pls lmk! I loved writing this and I think I could do a lot more w it hehehehe. anywhom if you've read this far, thank you for reading!!! love u!
mwah, linnie
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sixinchesdeepinmud · 1 year
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The gang of 35 Portland Row, everyone
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krash-and-co · 2 months
stating the obvious here but 35 portland row is so beautiful as a whole.
i mean theres death and misery and reminders of what's lost soaked into the very floorboards, stained carpets and horror stacking up, tragedy you can touch and something you can't look in the eyes waiting with your blood under its nails. but there is also sugar on the table.
there are pictures on the wall and dishes in the sink and beds with extra blankets and laughing you can hear from the stairwell, and i mean you know who it is because you've heard it enough and you know hes throwing his head back because that's how he sounds when he laughs that hard, and I mean sometimes youll still take a blanket from your bed and sit under it with her because it feels even more like home that way. sometimes youll find your clean laundry on your bed and it's still warm.
I mean it is so so so cold outside and its cold inside here too, but ours is a different cold. cold like a hand in yours right before you grab it with your other to bring warmth. it's a gentle kind of thawing when you feel boiling waters steam on your cheeks and it's a gentle kind of thawing when you start to hear the house creaking as a contented sigh, and then you'll sigh too, and i mean theres death and misery and reminders of what's lost soaked into the very floorboards, but when its spring again we'll do spring cleaning together like those happy families on tv. there is sugar on the table for you because someone remembered how you like your tea.
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avathewren · 1 year
Ughhhhh why does Netflix have to have such high standards it’s EXHAUSTING!! My heart is broken after hearing that they canceled Lockwood and Co. I’m only a new fan and even I’m fully enthralled in the world of 35 Portland row so I can only imagine the pain older fans must be experiencing right now.
By the way, I still fully believe that we can turn this around, it’s been done before. This fan base is STRONG and I will continue to yell at Netflix to renew for a second season.
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kestisvrse · 6 months
stealing kisses
inspiration credit ❤️
pairing ⋆ anthony lockwood x gn!reader. fluff.
synopsis ⋆ christmas at lockwood and co. gives anthony the perfect opportunity to make a move.
warnings ⋆ implied shorter reader, idk how to write kissing, very fast paced sorry, swearing. | wc: 0.5k
tags ⋆ @mitskiswift99 @novelizt @karensirkobabes @initialchains @eedwardss
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♫ - bet u wanna by sabrina carpenter
the holidays somehow made 35 portland row even cozier than usual.
the living room decked out with christmas decorations, a few more scattered around the house.
it was a quiet night, you were reading in bed as snow fell, coating the streets in it, the perfect winter wonderland.
your peace was interrupted by a knock at your door, opening to reveal anthony lockwood, both arms raised above him, one leaning against the door frame, as the other held something above the both of you.
“now, what’s going on here?” you joked, grinning up at him
“just came to say hi, no idea how that got here.” he nonchalantly adds, inching slightly closer.
you chuckled, staring up into his eyes.
ever since you met lockwood you had been drawn to him, whether it was his looks or his personality, they both made you have a crush on him.
it wasn’t until recently (with the help of lucy) that you realized he liked you too, but was denying himself from the feelings, so you didn’t act on it.
but clearly, he had realized and didn’t want to wait.
“should we… uhm.. follow it’s tradition?” he questioned, blushing.
“i don’t know..” you teased, walking closer, “what would the george and lucy think?”
he was looking at your lips now, refusing to look away, “i don’t think they would mind.” he spoke barely above a whisper.
you hummed in response, taking your turn to look at his lips.
and then the space between you two closed.
his lips are soft against yours, like the snow falling outside. you hadn’t realized how complete this simple kiss could make you, like the whole world disappeared and it was just you two left, and it was all you needed.
the mistletoe dropped to the ground, so he could bring both his hands to your waist. you brought one of yours to his cheek and the other squeezed his bicep.
his brows furrow as he tries to bring you closer, impossible as you were already both stuck together like a puzzle piece.
reluctantly you pull away, your lips feel cold without the warmth of his. you don’t open your eyes straight away, just taking in his presence and the moment.
he brings his hand up to trace your lips, opening your eyes you find him admiring you.
“i think i might need to kiss whoever created mistletoe.” he chuckled.
“just kiss me instead.” you responded, tilting your head.
“oh gladly.” he breathed, pulling you in for another kiss.
this one felt more heated, more desperate, like you were each others oxygen, like you needed it.
he brought both his hands back to your waist, clutching at your shirt, as you wrap your arms around his neck, one hand sliding up into his hair, playing with it causing him to grin into the kiss.
“fucking finally!” lucy yelled, you both break apart, snapping back to the real world. you see lucy standing excitedly at the top of the stairs with george, who had a disgusted expression.
“dinners ready, by the way, but clearly you both were already eating.” george mocked.
“gross george!” you groaned, hiding your face in lockwoods shoulder.
“oh yeah says you! hurry it up.” he retorts, stomping down the stairs, lucy giggling following close behind.
as you pull away from lockwoods shoulder, and begin to follow the other two, lockwood is quick to grab your hand and spin you back towards him.
he lands a peck on your lips, “needed one more.” he whispered.
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