#bts poly!au
minniepetals · 8 months
cry me a river | the habits
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— summary: you are a weapon and weapons do not weep
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: angst, mafia!au
— word count: 6.4k
— warnings: physical abuse, violence, mentally unstable mindset
— PART 25 / previous post / masterpost
The seconds will pass. The minutes will fly. The hours will go.
You’re alright.
Endure it. Endure it.
It will pass.
Everything will pass just as everything has always passed.
In time, father will raise his hand to indicate them to stop. A stop signal. He may leave the room out of boredom but he will return just as he always does in order to demand them to leave you alone. He will never be satisfied but there is always a limit to everything and father sometimes gets too bored to keep seeing it, to keep hearing it, so he’s always there to stop it.
You just have to endure it for now until the signal comes, until—
“What are you doing?!”
You didn’t realize it and perhaps that’s because you blacked out, your mind keeping you from feeling it all completely, trying to protect you, but you’re sitting on the ground when a call demands out an answer in a loud, commanding voice, and a rushing of a pair of feet running over to push Karl off you.
Asher punches Karl right in the face, throwing him off you, before demanding the guards he has with him to hold the man back.
“She provoked me!” Karl argues like a child in a kid’s play.
He’s never been abruptly stopped before. Always angry, never satisfied.
Nothing is ever enough when it comes to the two of them. 
Karl landing hurt through his fists and weapons and anything he can get a hand on. Your father landing hurt through his commands, watching and watching and watching.
And you, their victim, who has to stay down and accept it all until there is a small amount of satisfaction that calls at them to stop.
You always wait on that call, no matter how much endurance it takes.
“That doesn’t make it right to lay your hand on a woman!” Asher retorts with anger laced in his tone, and this anger, despite how different it is from that of Karl’s, still shakes you violently though you keep as still as ever, paralyzed.
Even when the anger does not fall on you, even when he does not turn to you but towards the companion who stands behind you, who had stood still this whole time. “And what are you doing? Your boss was getting hit and you just stood there?”
Yeonjun, with a snap on cue, kneels over to your side and looks down at you with widened eyes and a frozen expression. He doesn’t touch you right away, cautious, but you see what those eyes mean, you know exactly what that expression is telling you.
That he, too, had reverted back to the past.
When your father still lived, when he had to stand by and watch everything without moving a muscle.
He reverted back just as you had.
Two little kids, who're still affected by the traumas of the past.
Two little kids.
You take Yeonjun’s hand, giving him the permission to touch you, so he helps you back onto your feet and the two of you remain in silence as you walk off with his help, not daring to look Karl in the eyes, not caring to reply to Asher.
But you feel yourself trembling with the presence of a pair of eyes boring right into your back. Not from Asher or Karl or the two guards but from someone else.
The ghost of him.
Of that man.
That man named father.
“Y/N?” There’s concern in Jungkook’s voice when you walk into the room and you guess that’s probably because of the state you’re in, but right now you can’t entertain him so you simply hold a hand up, asking him to stay back, and Jungkook, though worried, leaves the room on your behalf.
When you’re left alone with Yeonjun, you let your legs give in to sit on the floor rather than finding a chair or taking a seat on the bed.
The floor is comfortable. It’s always been more comfortable.
The boy takes your heels off, along with your jacket, and despite the sting of the pain that aches over your body, the only thing on your mind is the fact that you let it happen so easily, that you allowed yourself to walk back into that state of being an obedient and perfect little doll.
You reverted back to the damages just when you thought after father’s death, you wouldn’t let anyone walk over you anymore.
But it isn’t easy.
It isn’t easy.
And it will never be easy.
Father still lives in your head rent free and there’s nothing you can do about it. No matter how much time has passed, nothing will change. It’s already been a little over a year since his death but he’s still here, still thriving, mocking you, taunting you, controlling everything that you are.
You’re shaking, trembling, not just out of fear but out of anger. Angry at yourself. For being so weak, for reverting back, for thinking things could get better.
And with Yeonjun the only one here with you at the moment, you lean into his touch and let yourself into his arms to allow the sort of warmth only your Reapers can provide you.
Yeonjun’s heartbeat won’t be the same as Mingyu’s, it’s probably even beating rapidly right now, so you don’t let your ear rest against his chest and instead wrap your arms over his neck and climb into his lap to lay your cheek against his shoulder.
Yeonjun brings his hand over to rub down your back but he’s a little awkward and unsure because he’s never really had to do this; comforting you. It’s always been Mingyu, and if Mingyu wasn’t there, it’d be Yuna, and if Yuna couldn’t do it, it’d be Dasom, or someone else.
Anyone else.
He’s only a kid after all, just eighteen years old, the youngest of your Reapers, but because no one else is here, he does his best to pick up the role that’s been given unto him.
Yet you feel him tremble slightly himself and you guess that in some way, he must be afraid as well.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers to you. “I didn’t…I…”
You know what he’s trying to say, that he failed you, that he couldn’t protect you. But can you really blame him? Because just as you’ve been trained to endure through the pains and take everything that’s given unto you, Yeonjun, the Reapers, were trained to stand by and watch.
Habits are scary.
And because you don’t know how to console him and he doesn’t know how to console you, the two of you remain in silence simply holding onto one another.
Just two little kids having to rely on each other.
Just two little kids.
And after a little while, when things have settled a little more, when he starts shaking a little less, Yeonjun gathers himself and forces himself out of the state he’s in.
He stands up and you watch him leave for a second, not too long, because he rushes, and returns with materials in hand to begin tending to you. It remains as quiet as ever between the two of you, but you see the way his brows furrow in concentration and he stops himself from staying in the mindset of a teenager.
Of a child.
He becomes an adult, a reliable adult. For you. Applying what’s needed on the bruises that have swelled up, wrapping your arm with bandages, and when you frown with disgust at the sight of the white wrapping on you, wanting it off, complaining, he doesn’t fall into your trap and stands his ground just as he’s seen Mingyu do plenty of times.
Yeonjun gets frightened of you at times but he always listens to your every command and does all that you ask him within a heartbeat, but today he grows a pair of wings and knocks you lightly on the head with his knuckles when you try to push him away, when you get stubborn with him.
“Do you want to die?” You glare at him but he doesn’t give in.
“You can kill me after I treat you,” he says and continues his ministrations.
“I hate it,” you tell him. “I don’t like it, this…this white.” You try to scratch at yourself but he grabs your hand before you can and your face scrunches up with anguish. “Get it off me.” 
You tug the pearls on your neck and it scatters onto the floor but you don’t care and move on to the white dress, yet Yeonjun stops you once more.
“You’ll hurt yourself.”
“I’m not weak.”
“I never said you were.” And because he knows the signs, because he’s seen it plenty of times in you, he grabs the sleeve, rips it, then the hem of the dress, and tears that as well without doing too much. “See? Look. Imperfect.” You hate perfect things and seeing that, the tears of the dress, alleviate a bit of your drumming heartbeat, so Yeonjun grabs a pair of scissors to start cutting off bits of your dress.
All your life you’ve been told to be perfect, that everything you do must be under the command of your father. He made you into his perfect little doll, his perfect little weapon, prepared you for the battlefield, prepared you for war.
For the war that he brought, for the war that was his.
Or rather, he was the war itself.
You are a weapon, and weapons do not weep. Weapons are used and weapons do not run off on their own. Weapons are perfect, they fire at the command of their owner, they’re silent when told, and left to waste if they do not do their job.
You’ve never wanted to be left to waste, you’ve never wanted to be dropped back into an empty room, the White Room, and never picked up again.
“I look broken,” you utter a whisper as if shocked at the image of yourself when you look down at the mess of your dress and the white bandages on your body. Your brows are knitted, teeth grinding on each other, fingers dug into the skin of your palm, eyes red but as always, they refuse to cry.
Because weapons do not weep.
And Yeonjun, for a second, almost panics, thinking he did something wrong, but in Mingyu’s wise words, “Just because it looks like I know what I’m doing when it comes to boss does not mean that is the truth. It is far from the truth. There are times when it feels like I’ve messed up, times when I’m about to panic because she responds differently from what I imagined, but you cannot ever show her that you do not know what you’re doing. Ever. Just pretend when you’re in that position, and if you’re good at pretending, she won’t know a thing,” Yeonjun quickly pulls himself back up.
“You don’t look broken,” he puts the scissors down and takes your two trembling fists. “You look imperfect.”
You look imperfect.
It does the trick.
He sees the way the crease between your brows starts to soften, how your clenched jaw loosens, the way you let him help your fingers unravel from the strength they held digging into yourself, and how your shoulders fall a bit from being so hunched up.
“I look imperfect?” You ask him, eyes wide and puppy-like, darting right to him and though they shake slightly, they look towards him for an answer, for reassurance, to detect any lie, to seek for the truth. But also pleading, also begging for him to say just that.
Even if the lie must disguise itself as the truth.
“You do,” so Yeonjun lies skillfully. “You look imperfect, boss.”
There’s a breath of relief, quiet and subtle, and it comes in a whisper just barely there. Yeonjun keeps you close and presses a palm to your chest, just where your heartbeat strums.
“Now count,” he tells you. “Mingyu says counting is good, right? Count until he gets here.”
“Is he coming?” You ask when he takes both your hands to take over where his palm once lay.
“Yes,” he lies again. He hasn’t made the call yet. “Soon.”
“You have to stay here.”
“I will.”
“No one can come in.”
“I know.”
“Don’t talk to him, don’t let Karl anywhere near me.”
“I wouldn’t dare.”
“I’m tired.”
“Alright, come here.” He pulls you in carefully into his lap, in his arms, and you let yourself be warmed and comforted in his arms once more, this time with your back pressed to his chest.
“I don’t want to sleep,” you tell him. “The nightmares…they’ll come. He’ll come. He’ll visit. And he’ll try to make me perfect all over again.”
He. Your father.
“I don’t want to be perfect.” It isn’t a command, it’s a plea. A desperate cry for help.
“Then don’t sleep. But count the heartbeats, yeah? Count.” The soft lure of his voice, gentle, encouraging.
With hands still pressed against your chest, you let your ear tune out everything else in order to hear the beat of your heart so that you can start counting them.
One. Two. Three…
It’s fast and you know that you can’t completely count every individual one of them but you try your best to simply concentrate on only that while your eyes stare out at the window a few feet away. The sun shines brightly from the opened curtains and there’s a small little bird perched on the closest tree.
It jumps onto a branch and rests there with its head moving about in different directions.
There are pretty white clouds up above and one of the bigger ones shapes like a castle and you imagine fairies up there, hiding.
There’s another cloud that looks like a cat and another one shaped like a ghost.
The wind blows and your eyes turn back to the bird that flies off.
Thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five…
It’s slowing down, just slightly.
“I heard what happened this afternoon.”
Kiwi keeps you distracted as he nibbles with your finger. You can’t recall when he’s decided to hang around you rather than his own master whenever you’re around but at least it gives you a reason to not look someone in the eyes.
“Would you like to tell me what happened from your perspective?”
Thirty-something years old. You can’t even remember just how old you are but lately, it hasn’t mattered in the slightest because you feel much younger than what you actually are. Like you’re twenty-something. Even a teen. It doesn’t feel like you’ve aged much.
Your birthday hasn’t been celebrated since your time at the Bangtan manor but it doesn’t really matter. Nothing really matters.
Because you feel like a kid back under the control of your father, having to do what you’re told, obeying his every command like someone who can’t do anything on her own.
Under scrutiny.
“What did Karl tell you?” You pop a question of your own, eyes still unfocused, mind still trying to pretend you’re fine, that you’re okay in a room full of strangers.
There’s only one stranger but a stranger nonetheless.
“He said you provoked him.”
“That’s right.” You don’t deny it and instead nod, expression blank so that Alexander cannot tell what’s going on inside your head. And maybe he does, maybe all of this faking is futile because he’s so wise, but you don’t care. You keep still, you keep vague, and you remain cold.
“Is that so…?” He trails off, perhaps thinking, and you can feel his eyes never leaving you. “And what was it that you did to have provoked him?”
“I told him something he didn’t like.”
“And what’s that?”
“That I killed his best friend.”
“And did you?”
“I did.”
“And who was that?”
“My father.”
He pauses, perhaps because he hadn’t expected that answer but you’re sure he’s thinking back on the moment when you first mentioned your father to him. The “story” you gave him was that your father passed away and was a good friend of Karl’s, though you never mentioned anything else about it. 
And now here’s the answer; you killed him yourself.
“Is that why you let Karl do what he did?” He asks you. “Because you thought you deserved the punishment for what you did? Some people may not regret their actions but they’ll let the person most affected do something against them. Was that how it was?”
No, not at all.
You didn’t let Karl hurt you because you knew he’d be hurt by what you did. You didn’t let him hurt you because you thought he at least deserved to lash his anger out on you. Or that you felt bad. Or that you wanted some sort of punishment. Or that you were repenting.
You let Karl hurt you because you’d always let him hurt you, just as you’d always let everyone hurt you.
Because that was how it always was.
A habit.
Being the weaker one, being the one who would chant the words endure, endure because that was what was instilled in you from the moment Mister Butler died. You cannot get out of your habits that easily, you do not just get stronger because you vow to yourself you will.
You don’t just get stronger and you certainly don’t just decide ‘I won’t let anyone step over me anymore’ and succeed on the first try.
Or the second try.
Or the third.
Even the tenth or hundredth time.
You let Karl hurt you because you were used to it and your body, remembering how it always was before your father died, returned to those habits.
The habits of staying still, the habits of enduring all that came at you.
“Yes.” But you lie because what else is there to say? You lie because there is nothing else to say. Because you don’t want to tell the truth. Because the truth means explaining and explaining means opening up and opening up means trusting and trusting never ends well.
You lie because you have to.
“That is all there is to it.” You put Kiwi down onto the floor and stand up straight, making sure to look in the old man’s direction with your hands held together in a formal stance. “Karl’s story is the whole truth. I deserved what he did, for killing his best friend, for killing my father.”
His brows are furrowed and you sense doubt in his eyes but because he has no proof and because you’re not willing to share anything else with him, he can’t push you too hard about the matter. “Whether that is the truth or not, do you really think a man much older and bigger has the right to hurt a woman younger and smaller in stature? No–” he fixes his sentence, “do you think a man is in his right to hurt a woman?”
“A man is capable of hurting anything that he wishes to hurt. He is in the power to do so.”
“You are strong, Y/N.” He stands to meet your eyes, serious, calm, and collected, but there’s a little twitch in his brows to indicate that he feels a bit frustrated by the situation. “You are capable of dodging his attacks. Even if a man were much bigger and stronger than you, you have the brains to outsmart them. You don’t look like someone who will easily let someone else step all over you.”
No. You are exactly just that. You are still the little girl you thought had changed. You’re still weak.
“So I’ll ask you again, Y/N; why did you let Karl hurt you?”
You hate feeling caged in and right now, despite the fact that only Alexander stands in this room, you feel eyes from all over. And maybe that’s just you being paranoid, maybe you’re just making it all up in your head, but you hate every bit of it. 
Every bit of this.
“I gave you my answer, take it with a grain of salt. Do not pretend to be on my side.” And with that, you turn your back to him and walk off without another word.
Alexander doesn’t chase after you but you feel his eyes.
It’s ironic the way you’re supposed to be the one trying to gain his favor and yet this happens; you pushing him away and putting up your walls. And Asher makes sure to remind you of that.
“Isn’t the whole point of you being here to gain his favor?”
He stops you in the middle of the hall when you’re heading back to the guest room.
“Why?” He asks, genuinely curious, maybe even with a bit of genuine concern in that tone.
“Maybe I’m tired,” you say in a quiet voice.
“Of trying to be likable.”
He hums, considering the answer with his arms crossed over his chest and leaning against the wall. “And that young bodyguard of yours,” he brings up Yeonjun, “he may be a kid but don’t you think he deserves punishment for failing you?”
“No.” You reply easily and Asher raises a brow.
“You won’t punish him?”
“I don’t blame him.”
He watches you as if you were a strange being, like you weren’t making sense, though there’s a bit of unease that marks his features, some sort of disturbance that troubles his thoughts and you realize that you’ve said too much so you start walking again.
“My people aren’t allowed to act unless I tell them to.”
But Asher doesn’t want to leave it with just that. “You wanted my uncle to hurt you?”
“Nobody wants to get hurt willingly, Asher.”
“Then what is it?”
You’re talking too much.
“It is none of your concern, that’s what it is.” With that, you pick up your steps and walk into the room before he can push you any further.
Jungkook is in there when you walk in, and although being left in a room with just him should trigger some sort of response, surprisingly you don’t tremble that easily and perhaps that’s due to the fact that somehow, in some way, your body just knows that Jungkook doesn’t pose any threat to you. Perhaps because somehow, in some way, you’ve learned to put some trust in him in just the slightest way through the times he’s spent acting as your guard.
It’s been a little over a month.
Mingyu came here prior to your meeting with Alexander and surprisingly you didn’t need him as much as you thought you did. You think that’s because Yeonjun managed to calm you down well, despite his perpetual fear in the beginning. He picked himself up in time, after all, and was there for you by mirroring what Mingyu would have done.
Maybe in some ways, your right hand man has trained all the Reapers in how to respond to you when he isn’t around.
He took Yeonjun away for something, though right now you aren’t too concerned about it.
You feel tired, you feel drained, and that’s why you’ve managed to only call Jungkook by a shortened name.
He’s responsive at the first call, despite how quiet your voice is, and when he sees that you’ve given him permission to come in close contact with you, he doesn’t hesitate to walk over to you.
“Do you need something?”
It’s odd the way you feel some sort of relief he’s as responsive as he used to be all those years ago. Maybe because a part of Jungkook will always remain the way that he always was, maybe that’s why you’ve learned to associate him with a figure that you can put a bit of trust in.
“When are they coming?”
“They?” He tilts his head and when you reach a hand out towards him, he takes it in order to help you because you feel your legs are weak in the knees.
“Namjoon. Them.” He takes you to the bed so that you can lie down.
“In a month or so,” he replies. “You said as much time as you need to gain Alexander’s favor but the latest would be in a month.”
You’re already winning so what’s the point in waiting? 
It’s been a month, over a month.
You just want to go home already.
“Can you call him?”
Jungkook looks for his phone. “What for?”
“Tell him to come earlier,” you say, body turned over towards him, cheek against the pillow, eyes drowsy. “In a week. I don’t…Karl has…I want him dead.”
For a second his thumb hovers over his phone to look back over at you and there he finds, the little girl he’s seen holding her walls up so high not even a plane can cross over, beginning to crumble in just the slightest way.
You look exhausted.
The makeup does not hide the bags under your eyes, it doesn’t hide the exhaustion, how drained you are over all of this. And maybe a part of that is due to your insisting to stay awake when you needed sleep but a big part of it is the mission itself.
Every mission is a little different from the other, but Jungkook has come to know that every one of them involves someone who has sucked all that sweet girl energy out of you. They’ve all done you wrong and it can’t be easy. It can’t be easy having to face all of them one by one, trying to deal with it all, trying to rid of them, and ultimately as a result, hurting yourself in the process.
“Kook?” Your eyes went closed for a second but upon his silence, you open them up again in order to look up at him, and due to your exhaustion, he finds the pretty girl he once loved all those years ago with the smallest voice as if calling out for him in a sense of help.
“I-I’ll call.” He’s flustered, slightly, but hits the call button with his thumb and walks towards the bathroom. “Stay awake, alright? I won’t be away for too long.”
He closes the door behind him to start looking around for something just as Namjoon picks up on the other end.
“Y/N wanted me to tell you to come earlier.”
“Earlier?” It’s surprising on his end because just the night before, you told him to stick to the original plan. “Did something happen?” Of course something must’ve happened for you to change your mind so quickly.
In some ways you’re just as stubborn as he is, so he knows you aren’t someone who will change your mind that easily.
“This afternoon, uh…” Jungkook hesitates, not sure if it’s okay to relay him the news but something tells him you probably expect Jungkook to not stay silent about it to the boys. They share everything with each other after all, and if you really cared, you wouldn’t have let him anywhere near you after what happened. “Karl, you know, after touching her when she felt uncomfortable?” He did mention the incident a few weeks ago to Namjoon already. “Well, Y/N took up his invitation to tea in order to catch up and stuff and I assume she pissed him off.”
Somehow, Namjoon expected that. After all, you hinted at doing something reckless during your call with him. 
“I’m not sure what happened exactly because I wasn’t there but Karl hit her.”
“What?” There’s some shuffling on the other end. “What do you mean hit her?”
“Not just once. She has bruises as a result.”
“I should get back to her, she might fall asleep but I’ll catch up with you later.” He doesn’t wait for Namjoon’s reply before cutting the call off and returning to your side out of worry that leaving you alone for too long won’t be good, and the fact that you might have actually fallen asleep on him.
Surprisingly you’re still awake, though your eyes are as droopy as they were when he left you.
“Can you turn over on your back?” Is the first thing he asks of you and you obey, turning over. The bed dips a little when he takes a seat beside you and that’s when you feel he begins to take your lashes off.
“You know there’s a lot of processes that go into taking off makeup, right?” You tell him when he takes the other one off.
“I know, bub, I’ve done it before.”
He’s helped you before.
“So just stay still, yeah? You don’t have to do anything.”
You listen to the lure of his voice, as soft as the way he used to speak to you all those years ago, and let your eyes close as he begins to swipe the makeup wipe over your face. It’s gentle the way he does it, almost as gentle as Dasom, and although he’s a little clumsy and isn’t as fast as she is, he does his best during it all.
When the makeup wipe is done, you feel your hair pushed back and a band coming over to keep it out of the way, then some sort of cloth on your chest and tied behind your neck.
Warm water walks over your face. Bits of it, not too much, not too little, so that you don’t get too wet anywhere else, and then the feel of soapy foam begins to rub in circles all over your face. The massage feels nice and you almost feel your consciousness slipping away but you keep awake to the touch of Jungkook’s hands.
About a minute later, he soaks a washcloth into water and starts to wipe the cleanser off you so that you don’t have to sit up and wash it off with water yourself.
It takes a moment but eventually, he gets it done, and then you feel a wet cotton pad swipe over next.
Something about all of this, the steps he memorized either for you from the past or the fact that he now does it himself regularly, feels rather domestic and just…soft.
And in your sleepy and tired state, you feel anything but uncomfortable, lured in with the feeling of basking on top of clouds with your head bathing under the warm sun with light little pitter patters of rain sprinkling over you.
You don’t know why you enjoy this so much despite how different it feels from when Dasom does it for you, but knowing that your trust is beginning to leak outside of Reapers somehow brings a sort of comfort you never thought you’d feel.
It’s a little frightening because trusting is always scary, especially for people that had once broken it, but for some reason, it just…feels right.
And maybe that’s because you know they were never at fault in the first place, that they were just forced into making an unwanted decision. 
Jung Hoseok would probably be in the same position as they were were he to realize the truth all those years ago. If he hadn’t gotten hurt on that mission. If he hadn’t been forced to lay on the infirmary bed in order to recover. If he hadn’t stood away from the six of them.
Even still, as you’ve said it plenty of times before, just because someone doesn’t mean them doesn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt.
In the safe space that they provided you, you were kicked out of your own comfort and forced to return to the hell you thought you had escaped.
“Why do you not cry?” His voice keeps you awake and when you look up at him through your lashes, eyes feeling quite dreary and heavy, he finds himself pausing in his ministrations as he stares down at you who’s looking up directly at him.
“Why do you ask that?” You return a question, voice just as soft.
Jungkook’s eyes trail down your face. “Karl…he…” he didn’t see what happened but the aftermath of it is right before his eyes. “And Leehyun and…..” He presses his lips together. “You have..so much to cry for.”
“...Do I now?”
“Is there nothing left?” He asks, a hand brushing back small strands of hair that tries to block your eyes.
You don’t nod because you’re too tired to move so you nod through a blink. “It’s all dried up.”
From the water that he used to clean your face, a drop falls from your lash and trails down your cheek, mirroring what a teardrop looks like, and then you say, “But…if I knew how to cry……do you think you deserve to see them?”
He doesn’t reply but you have your answer.
He doesn’t feel worthy.
This Jungkook and the Jungkook you once knew long ago are the same in the way they always feel unworthy of something. No matter how many times you can assure him, he will always think there is something he can do better, that he is undeserving, that he can never be enough.
But unlike idiots who simply say “I don’t deserve you” and go about their days after breaking your heart, Jungkook says it and steps up to do what he can to try and prove to himself that he can be someone deserving.
He always did all that he could and when there came a point when he looked as if he could finally come to terms with being at peace with his love for you, it was ripped away from him all too soon and now he’s back to square one, trying to prove himself.
Even if it isn’t in the form of love.
Jungkook will always care.
But even still,
“I still hate you.”
It comes out soft, it comes out quiet, and a little timid and a little brave, but you hadn’t meant for it to come out.
If you were wide awake, if you weren’t in such a vulnerable state, you would have never spoken those words to him. But because your consciousness is on the verge of slipping away, you speak them out loud for him to hear.
“I know.” And he replies in the same voice, the same softness, quiet, and timid, and brave.
He doesn’t leave your side even after those exchanges uttered unto each other and you fall asleep next to his presence, next to his comfort, next to his warmth.
Jungkook wasn’t there when Taehyung said he witnessed you sleepwalking but he said that it wasn’t the sort of sleepwalking you’d see in a normal person. He said you looked like a ghost more than anything, and that at times, you’d just stand still in the middle of the room and not move an inch.
No, not a ghost. A corpse.
And now here he is, after endless refusal to sleep and finally allowing your eyes to stay closed, he witnesses what Taehyung had meant.
A corpse standing still in the middle of the room, blanket over her shoulders, eyes staring up at the dim sky outside the window, blank and without any hint of life in them.
He watches you from a distance, a furrow in his brows, with his tongue bitten back and his fists clenched by his side.
Subtle anger lies in his heart, brewing, not at you but towards the world that has made you into the sort of person you are today. Or maybe it had always been this way, maybe you had always been hurting and he just never noticed, maybe it was always like this all along and maybe, perhaps, they made it worse when they left you all alone to fend for your own self.
Feeding you to the wolves.
He’s angry not just at the world but at himself and Jungkook knows that if the truth were to ever leave your lips about what actually happened to you, about all the things that you’ve gone through, he knows that this hatred he feels right now is only but a small fraction waiting to build up before it all breaks into the tiniest little pieces.
Shattering in the way he had broken you.
The world can only do so much but he encouraged it by standing by, by letting it all fall down onto you, by letting himself be convinced that you’d be fine, that everything would be alright.
But nothing turned out alright.
In the days and months and years that followed your absence, they returned to how things were, returned to loving one another, accepting one another, forgiving one another. But in those days and months and years, he can only imagine what sort of events you had to face.
While they had each other, while they always had each other to lean on, did you have anyone by your side?
The Reapers may be one thing, supporting you and giving you their utmost loyalty, but did they ever hold power over the things that happened to you in the way Namjoon could have handled it? In the way he would have handled it?
“Y/N?” You don’t answer him when he calls out to you but he expected that so he walks on over to where you’re standing.
You’re as still as ever, and he approaches with a careful, watchful gaze, hesitant when he reaches a finger over to you. 
A small touch to the blanket, just over your shoulder, and when you don’t freak out or move away from him, he puts two fingers. 
Then another.
Then another.
And when you don’t react to his hand, he proceeds to place a hand on your head and press it towards his chest.
You don’t resist.
“Come on, let’s head back to bed, yeah?” And understanding that you’re okay with him even in this lifeless state of yours, because he knows your body is capable of telling the people you trust and don’t trust apart, he puts his other hand under your knees and picks you up to carry you over back to the bed.
You comply well with him despite your unresponsive self, and when he tucks you back in with the blanket pulled over your chest, he looks back to see your eyes staring straight toward him. Empty yet lonely.
Not at him but through him, and his heart aches a little at the sight.
“You’re alright now,” Jungkook whispers. “You’re alright.”
If Hoseok had been here, would he have been able to do a better job looking after you?
Jungkook wishes he could have been better.
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whalyrae · 6 months
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“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”
Summary : All your life, you thought you were a beta, a simple and boring beta. Until everything change. But now that you've presented yourself as an omega, how will you manage to live and hide it from your six friends and best friend, all alphas and all in the same pack? (a/n : I'm a shit for summary I'm so sorry-)
Genre : soulmate au (of course I'm a bitch for this), omegaverse, bangtan alphas au!, omega reader, fluff, angst, eventual smut, polyamory relationships
Status : In process
Word Count : 3k
Warnings : the usual one I guess, like smut, angst, fluff (yeah its a warning for some people ) mention of depression, abusive parents (physically and morally), violence and blood, PTSD, scars, self harm,…
Tag list : @ghostlyworld @kawaiikpoplover268 @scuzmunkie @iamkookiesforyou @00ihatesnaku @stellauniverse @akemiixx01 @aceofcards05 @strxwbloody @seoul9711 @amara-mars @alex-walker-86 @yoongicatcat @xicanacorpse
A/N : Remember me ? Ah, I'm so soooo sorry for the wait, really. I'll not vent again, I already did it last weeks. I'm sorry about the quality of the chapter too… it's not really corrected, there are probably lots of spelling, conjugation, syntax mistakes… I think I've lost the little writing talent I had, really, it's so frustrating :') With this writer block it hasn't really helped either… I can't put the ideas I have in my head into words, and it's getting on my nerves too much…!! Hope you'll like it though even a little, I'll do my best for the next one ! ♥ Thank you so much for all the love and attention you give to this story, you can't imagine how much it means for me !! ♥
Also I made a playlist for the story ! If you have any songs who made you think about the story, you can share it to me and I'll add it on the playlist !
Masterlist | ao3 | wattpad | Spotify playlist
Chapter 5 // Chapter 7
☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾
The room was silent after Jungkook's explanation. He and Yoongi had not waited to go to the oldest of the two's apartments where their partners were. Fortunately, since it was so late in the day, they were all there, and reunited in the same place. 
Jungkook shared what he heard during your conversation with Wooyoung and Yeosang. When you said you were an omega. 
Jimin was the first to react. Of course, he did. 
“I can’t believe it…!” he exclaimed after a few seconds, “She’s my best friend… we’ve known each other since high school! If she were an omega, she would've told me! She can't have lied to me…”
Sitting between Hoseok and Taehyung, he brought his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs with a pout. He accepted Hoseok's embrace, who placed a kiss on his head. 
The other boys stayed silent. Some of them were quite surprised to learn this, but Namjoon, Yoongi and Taehyung weren't so surprised to hear it, something inside them knew it, they just couldn't explain it.  
"But that'd explain a lot..." Jimin added with a sigh, " she's quite... different recently..."
He obviously noticed the change in your behavior towards him recently. You were more distant and less tactile, and you tended to isolate yourself more in your room, whereas before, you spent all your free time with them, in one of their apartments. 
At first, he thought that the classes and the dancing were exhausting you physically and mentally, like him. And knowing you, you tended to isolate yourself when you weren't feeling well. But it had never lasted as long as it did. He would never have thought that the reason behind it was... that you were an omega.
"We've all noticed it, I think," Jin replied, crossing his arms and looking thoughtful.
"But if she really is an omega," continued Jungkook, "why did she hide it from us? Would she be... afraid of us or something?"
The younger’s question left the room in silence. Everyone had heard about your misadventures with alphas, the behavior of your parents, and your brothers and sisters who were themselves alphas. And even though Jimin had always been the exception to the rule in your life, and now the other boys, you still had a certain reserve towards alphas. And that was as a beta. So, if you were an omega...
“It's not as if it matters anyway,” Namjoon affirmed, “whether she's a beta, an omega, or even an alpha, she's with us, she's part of the pack. But it's true that I'm wondering why she's hiding it from us.”
"Everyone has their wounds, scars, we all do, and we know that our little Y/N has some deep ones that haven't fully healed yet..." Hoseok spoke in a soft, understanding voice, stroking Jimin's hair in a protective, reassuring way.
"It takes time to gain someone's trust, even more so when someone has suffered mistreatment, abandonment, or physical and psychological violence." added Namjoon, crossing his arms. 
Namjoon was right, and everyone agreed with him. For them, naturally, it didn't matter whether you were an alpha, a beta, or an omega. You were who you were, whatever your nature. 
Everyone also knew what you'd been through with your parents, how they treated you, how they had treated you in the past.
None of them had ever said or done anything inappropriate to you, as they would to any of them.
This was the first time in your life since Jimin that you'd been treated like a real human being with respect and consideration, with no alpha, omega or beta stuffs behind it. You were simply Y/N. That was why you'd been able to open to them, to relax and feel at ease in their presence, but there was still a way to go, they were aware about that.
“It’s easy, we can just go and ask her." Yoongi stood up, ready to leave the apartment, "there's no point in speculating and making yourself feel bad," he continued, giving Jimin a gentle look, "I'm sure she'll be able to help us clear up this issue. She's the best person to tell us about it. "
Yoongi was the most impatient of all. But inside of him, he didn't want to admit that you had hidden something from them. Something that in one way didn't matter, but in another way did, more than they or even you realized. 
“Wait hyung!” Jimin grabbed his arms to stop him. “Maybe it’s… something deeper than just a little secret she hides from us… If we go and find her now, she might panic, and things could go badly.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes but didn’t argue with him. 
“I don't want to risk losing her... I couldn't bear that.”
Jimin ran a hand through his hair as he thought about how he'd felt when he'd seen you with San earlier in the day. Even though the interaction between you had been completely innocent, he had imagined you leaving him and his companions to go with him, Wooyoung, and their pack. This simple thought had given him a painful sensation in his lower abdomen that made him wince. 
He knew you weren't interested in San, or Wooyoung, or anyone else for either (or so he thought). But despite everything, he still had this fear deep inside of him, of losing the people he loved. 
"If you'd told her how you felt about her from the start you wouldn't be in this situation." 
Jimin turned his head towards Taehyung, surprised and shocked by his words.
"I'm totally right, Jin hyung! He already knows! We've already talked about it several times." 
Jimin felt six pairs of eyes on him and shrugged. Yes, it was true that Jimin had confided in Taehyung several times about you. About his feelings for you that he'd kept deep inside him since high school, about his desire for you that only grew stronger with each passing day. More than once, Taehyung had tried to get Jimin to tell you how he felt, but without succeeding in convincing him.
To be honest, it wasn't really a secret that Jimin loved you and that you loved Jimin in return.
At least, it was obvious to everyone except both of you. 
“Namjoon, Yoongi, and I were best friends too…” Jin giggled, “And here we are now.”
Namjoon chuckled and nodded. They had already talked about how they had become more than friends. A drunken evening together had been enough to loosen their tongues and open their hearts. 
“We need to find a good way to figure out all of this,” concluded Hoseok, “and we should tell her, too. Everything.”
They all glanced at Hoseok. Some of them were tense, especially Jin, Jimin, and Jungkook. But Taehyung, Yoongi, and Namjoon agreed with him. 
“I don't know how you've done it, and I don't know how you've kept going all this time, Jimin,” Yoongi let out, stretching.
“Yeah, she's.... fuck I can't even describe it,” Namjoon muttered as he remembered what had happened between you and Yoongi a few weeks ago. In fact, it was that episode that had a triggering effect on him, on how he really felt about you. He also remembered noticing your change at that time, and that he would eventually get the answers to his questions. 
Now he had them.
As for Yoongi, he didn't need all that to know that he felt an irrepressible attraction to you, the same as he felt for each of his companions. 
They were all attracted to you. It wasn't the first time they'd talked about it, discussed a potential way to confess everything to you.
But how could they tell their roommate and beta friend that her seven alphas’ friends, one of whom had been her best friend since high school, all felt an attraction to her?
And what if her feelings weren’t mutuals to all of them?
“Listen…” Jimin began after few seconds, coming to his senses and straightening up, "I'll talk to her, let me talk to her first... but I need time to think about how to broach the subject, and with evaluations coming up..."
"Certainly Jimin, naturally." Namjoon replied in a gentle voice, moving closer to him and placing a kiss on his forehead, "whatever happens, you won't lose her. No one will lose anyone, I promise."
“But what do we do until then?” Asked Jungkook with a small pout.
“Well, I guess we had to wait, act normally, as we always have. We've been able to hold back all those months. Ah yes… years for you, Jimin.” Jin teased with a playful wink, ignoring the death gaze his boyfriend gave him, “we can hold back a little longer," he then affirmed with a nod, even if he was as unconvinced as his partners.
Their attraction to you was growing by the day. And the little encounter with Namjoon and Yoongi clearly showed that they were finding it harder and harder to contain themselves.
None of them wanted to lose you. And they would never, ever do or say anything to hurt you. They were all convinced that if you really were an omega, you had a good reason for keeping it from them until now.  
You had no idea of the conversation going on upstairs, nor that Jungkook had heard a part of your call with Wooyoung and Yeosang. After hanging up with them, you left your room to go to the kitchen and get something to eat. Noticing that none of your Alpha friends were present in the apartment, you concluded that they had probably decided to spend the evening together. The idea pinched your heart somewhat. Of course, you couldn't blame them, they were together after all, you were just a friend to them (or so you thought). You didn't know why you felt this way. And you didn't like it. As if your life wasn't complicated enough as it was, with the sudden discovery that you were an omega that you didn't know how to handle or how to tell your best alpha friend without him thinking you'd been hiding it from him all these years. Losing him too... you didn't want to think about it. You didn't want to lose either of them.
One good news, however, was that there were currently no signs of potential heat. This gave you more time to think about how you would tell Jimin and the boys.
You didn't know when, or how they would show up, whether it would be like the first time, or not. But Wooyoung had reassured you that you'd feel the first symptoms coming on now that you were aware of your omega condition.  With a sigh, you headed into the kitchen to prepare yourself something to eat. Tomorrow would be a busy day, as you and Wooyoung had planned to train for longer than usual, as the fateful date of the demonstration and therefore of the evaluation was next week, and you needed to keep up your strength.
You didn't have the energy or the mood to cook yourself an elaborate meal. Simple instant noodles would do. You were just going to add some meat and eggs to the preparation, nothing more.
It wasn't long afterwards, when you were waiting for the water to boil, leaning against the kitchen counter with your cell phone in hand, that you heard the front door open.
"Oh, you're back already?" you asked, noticing Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook. "I thought you'd had a lovers' date or something."
Your tone had been sharper and colder than you'd expected. You felt your heart and stomach twist slightly. Your three friends who'd just returned didn't seem to notice though, and so much for the better.
"Not at all, with the evaluations coming up, we don't really have time for this sort of thing anymore!" replied Hoseok with a laugh, approaching her with his hands in his pockets, "what are you making? Instant noodles, really?"
Hoseok's tone seemed accusatory.
"Noona! You're a dancer! You need to eat better than that!" Jungkook exclaimed.
You rolled your eyes, chuckling and shaking your head.
"No time or energy to make me a real thing. Would you like some too? Or have you guys already eaten? Don't say no and then steal my food as you always do!"
You heard Jimin's laughter, quickly followed by Jungkook and Hoseok.
Then, suddenly, reality hit you. It hit you as if a boxer had just punched you in the face.
Your head turned towards them, there they were, simply doing the simplest thing in the world. Talking, laughing, joking. And yet, it was as if it were the most beautiful thing, the most melodious sound you'd ever heard.
Your eyes widened, you stopped breathing for a few seconds, and you just stayed still, staring at them. Your heart was racing fast, too fast.
Thinking back, what you were feeling, at that very moment, why your heart was beating so fast when you were with one of them, when you were with Jimin, since high school. This desire to always be with one of them, this feeling of security, of well-being, of safety you felt in their presence. There were no doubts.
Wooyoung and Yeosang had explained it to you. At first, you hadn't really understood what he meant at the time (or you didn't want to understand it, you weren’t ready for that truth), but now everything seemed clear.
As if the fog in your heart and mind had finally cleared.
The attraction of an omega to an alpha, of an alpha to an omega, only worked if the feelings were there too.
It was simple, and logical. You felt a bit foolish.
You couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh, drawing the attention of the three boys.
"Noona? Is everything all right?" Jimin asked, clearly worried.
You looked up at him and noticed with surprise that the water had probably been boiling for many minutes.
Jimin was standing not far from you, his beautiful brown eyes staring back at you. This simple eye contact between you had been enough to make your heart rate quicken again.
"Uh I... yeah, yeah everything's fine...!"
You turned to pick up the packets of instant noodles, noticing without much surprise that Jungkook had added two more.
Your intonation wasn't as confident as you'd hoped. You saw Jimin's gaze become more serious. He took a step towards you, making you take a step back.
You could feel his singular, distinctive scent invading you, as it had since the first day, you'd met in the high school dance club.
How could you not have noticed it before? How could you not have realized?
You were in love with your best friend.
You were in love with your best friend, and his companions, your friends.
Well, technically you'd realized it a few hours earlier when you called Wooyoung and Yeosang. But now, now that you were face to face with the people involved... now that you were confronted with the undeniable truth... things were different, totally different.
Your gestures were suddenly clumsier. You couldn't hide the fact that you were troubled for some reasons unknown to him.
To your relief, Hoseok and Jungkook were in the living room, seemingly focused on some program playing on the TV. But Jimin was still there, scanning you completely.
He was the one who'd known you best, for the longest time. He knew something was wrong, without really knowing exactly what.
How to tell him that in the space of a few weeks, you'd learned you were an omega, but on top of that, you'd just realized how you felt about him and your friends?
It was a lot to take in, to accept for someone who hadn't learned to express her feelings and emotions.
You had to calm down, not panic, not worry Jimin.
As for the last point, it was already a bit of a failure.
"Noona, please, talk to me..." he murmured, his hands resting delicately on your shoulders.
You took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself, resting your hands on his. They were so soft, you couldn't help but squeeze them, wanting to hold them longer.
You never wanted to let them go.
"I'm fine, just a little... stressed and tired, it'll get better after the evaluations, I promise."
Jimin didn't seem convinced, and you could read it on his face. You smiled at him and took him into your arms for a long hug, holding him tightly against you.
He seemed surprised at first, but eventually returned your embrace, his arms wrapping around your waist and his head resting against your shoulder.
You made a decision. In truth, you'd made up your mind after your call with Wooyoung and Yeosang, but now you were sure and certain you wanted to do it.
After your evaluations, in less than two weeks, you'd confess everything to the boys.
... well, maybe not about your feelings for them. Not just yet, and maybe you never will. Never could your feelings be returned.
But you owed them the truth that you were an omega. You had an unspeakable fear of reliving the rejection you experienced with your family, but lying to your best friend, to your friends was worse than anything.
As you felt his warmth, his scent takes possession of your being, your body had relaxed.
"I'll always be with you Y/n, no matter what," Jimin murmured, his embrace around you tightening, and you couldn't contain the shiver as his breath brushed up against your skin, "you and me against the whole world, remember?"
He lifted his head, and you stared at him a few seconds before letting out a laugh. You hadn't heard those words since high school.
"Hey lovebirds, you're cute and all huh, but we're starving!”
"We're not lovebirds!" Jimin and you exclaimed at the same time, causing Jungkook and Hoseok, the one who spoke, to burst into hilarity.
You stepped back from Jimin and turned your back to him while he bickered with his two partners, mostly to hide your face and your blushes from them. You took the packets of noodles, the pre-cut meat, and the eggs. You put everything in the boiling water pan, taking long, slow breaths, trying to calm the pounding of your heart.
Damn it. Those guys will really be the death of you.
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What if... the CEOs were hybrids? Part three | BTS OT7 AU
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Its been a long while my lovelies and I apologise, hopefully making up for it with the third instalment of the what if series, starting us off with some 7.7K words about hybrid CEOs.
Trigger warnings: Possessive/obsessive behaviour, jealousy, scenting, usual hybrid trope things, swearing, testosterone, I don't know if being mean is a trigger warning but here it is. Angst.
Prev / Next
Playlist : Fire Escape - Matthew Mayfield, Delicate - Damien Rice
Hybrids: KNJ - Wolf, KSJ - Bear, MYG - Panther, JHS - Lion, PJM - Arctic fox, KTH - Tiger, JJK - Bunny.
You smelled like him, that was the first thing the trio noticed on their first day back to work when you passed them by. That's why the hyungs looked so sullen at home, why they were no longer coming home with your scent lingering on their clothes. And why Yoongi and Namjoon could barely stand to be in the same room for longer than a minute without tearing into each other about something stupid, all while avoiding the topic of you. 
The miasmic cloud of misery seemed to be hanging over all of their heads, following them without mercy from its downpour. You were avoiding their gazes, the maknaes watched you across the office longingly, waiting for you to greet them, to make the first move they were too afraid to make.
“This is stupid, we’ve known her longer than the human oaf,” Jimin mutters under his breath to the other two. “My angel isn’t one to hold a grudge, let’s just go and say hello.”
As brave as his words sounded, he could feel his heart in his throat, choking back any greeting he wanted to give you. 
“What if she’s still upset with us?” Jungkook’s bunny ears flopped, his own sadness weighing them down as he nervously struggled to keep his eyes on you. How did it get like this? He told you only a week ago you were part of their pack, now they were terrified to talk to you. 
“She doesn’t want to speak to us,” Taehyung states bluntly, while Jungkook could barely look at you, the tiger’s eyes never left you. He could read you like a book, you were ignoring them, and he hated it. All for that stupid human, the anger and jealousy burned inside of him. You never paid anyone else any interest all this time, to the point where he really believed you had feelings for them, and now another’s scent lingered on you, taunting him. How did he get it so wrong? 
He turns away first, walking out of the working space leaving Jungkook and Jimin to reluctantly follow, once last longing look your way, lingering there for as long as possible as they pleaded silently with you to meet them halfway. 
You take a deep breath as you approach his private office, bracing yourself for whatever the hell reason it was today he demanded you come to see him. All week there was a new reason, a new mundane task, more workload, more grumpy attitude from the CEO as he stared daggers into you like he was reverting back to who he was when he met you, when he didn’t trust you. But you could see through it, to an extent, the panther was punishing you and you were letting him . 
You exhale, it sounds almost like a sigh before you knock on the door, a gruff voice replying.
“Depyunim, you asked for me?” You greet him politely when you open the door.
“Take a seat,” he responds without looking up from the paperwork in front of him.
You hesitate, this was how it always started, you sitting there in silence fidgeting for however long he decided before he actually addresses you again. Only today the workload was catching up with you, you couldn’t afford to waste your time with his antics. 
Your reluctance to follow instruction makes him look up at you, not a single emotion on his face, his eyes almost black, void of the man you once knew. 
“Is there a problem Miss L/n?”
Ah. That was the other thing he started doing, he didn’t call you kitten anymore. It shouldn’t still cut you like this, and honestly you thought you had gotten used to it after a whole week, but every time it knocked the wind out of you like a punch to the gut. You were too terrified to call him by his name or question him over it, something told you his bite would be worse than his bark. Even now, where you would normally challenge his behaviour, you couldn’t muster the courage to. 
You shake your head, taking your seat like you had the previous days before. He returns to his paperwork without a word. The atmosphere between you was unbearable, every time you sat in this chair you wanted to bawl your eyes out, and every day you forced yourself to hold the tears back. 
“Depyunim…” you couldn’t take it anymore, you watch the pen in Yoongi’s hand pause at the sound of your voice. “I don’t want to rush you, but I have to get the Enhyphen contracts done by 4.”
You tried to say it calmly, softly, politely, but the stone in your throat made it difficult to speak. You fiddle with your fingers in your lap, bracing yourself nervously. He exhales loudly out of his nose, as if you were testing his patience, resuming his writing without a verbal response. 
In all honesty, you were misreading his behaviour. Yoongi was angry at himself. What was he trying to do? Push you away? Keep you close? Make you waste an entire day with him, so you’d be forced to stay late to catch up and then you wouldn’t go to see that human he could smell on you? What exactly was he trying to achieve? He was just so angry all the time since that day. That stench that didn’t belong on you was frying his brain cells, making him act like a possessive panther, enraging him even when he couldn’t smell it. He was desperately trying to keep you as close to him as possible whenever he could, keeping you in his office, his personal den, away from the thing that was taking you from him. 
He hears you sniff, it's small but audible, it stuns him frozen, scared that tears would follow, that he was the one to cause them. As hurt as he was, as miserable, the last thing he wanted to do was make you cry. The grip on his pen tightens. He owes you an explanation for his behaviour, his abuse of his power, he knows it, but how does he start? 
“Did I do something?” Your small voice makes him finally look up at you, almost snapping his neck in the process of how quick his attention turned. 
His hard expression melts into one of shock, jaw dropping an inch as he takes in the way you’re trying to smile despite the sadness coming off of you in waves. 
“No.” Is it a lie? It sounded firm, something that left no room for questions, but he can’t convince himself that it was true. 
In your mind you’ve already come to conclusions about the change in atmosphere, observing their attitude towards you and knowing it coincided with Eric coming into your life. You’re not stupid, you know they saw you as a packmate, so a new foreign scent was going to drive them over the edge. You just thought it would have settled by now, that they would’ve gotten used to it. 
But how could you act hurt when you were the one to instigate the change, to pull away for your own peace of mind. You put up walls and boundaries, knowing what the consequences would be. You couldn’t complain now, even if your whole body ached with missing them, despite working with them almost every day. Distance didn’t have to be physical, you could prove that. 
“Okay,” you accept it, plastering on a patient content smile on your face that didn’t feel right. Yoongi doesn’t like it, he knows it’s fake, but he turns back to his paperwork like a coward, unable to confront you or let you go. 
“What’s this?” Namjoon’s eyes are aflame as he shows you the email on his laptop, his eyes unbreaking from staring down your small figure in front of his desk. 
“I-it’s a request for a job reference,” you state the obvious, trying not to tremble in front of his heated glare. 
“I can see that babygirl,” he sounds almost condescending, the fire in his chest unable to remain contained in front of you. “Is there a problem here working in this company?”
You gulp a little, shaking your head since you couldn’t trust your voice to stay steady. 
“Then why would you even think about applying elsewhere?” He almost growls, almost. 
He sucks in his cheeks, trying to calm himself down, knowing what a hypocrite he was being. He told the others to keep their distance, to stop with this mating nonsense especially since you were obviously interested in someone else. All those times he told the others to respect your choices, and here he was eating his own words. Employees come and go, it’s a given in any business, but you, over his dead body was he ready or willing to let you leave. He didn’t even consider it an option. 
“What is it, Y/n?” he pushes, “Is it the pay? The workload? What would make you decide to leave when all you have to do to fix anything is speak to me.”
He was seething, but his anger wasn’t directed at you, it was the fear he was hiding in the flames speaking for him. 
“I was just exploring my options,” you can’t meet his eyes when you say it, your focus aimed at the edge of his desk. You knew logically you didn’t have to answer a thing, didn’t have to justify your actions, but you felt compelled to. This wasn’t just your boss, this was the man you had been in love with for years. You respected him far too much.
“Anything any company can offer you I can match or double,” he still sounds so angry, but he can’t help it. “You want a pay rise? Done. Promotion? Whatever position babygirl, it’s yours. Anything you want.” Just don’t leave. 
The corner of your lip rises an inch, a humourless sad smile on your face as you hold back a scoff. Your eyes start to water, you don’t want to say a word. He couldn’t give you what you wanted, you wanted him, you wanted the others, and if he ever knew he would throw you out of the company himself. You were doing him a favour by removing yourself, but you couldn’t tell him, because regardless of what you thought were noble actions, you knew you wouldn’t be able to take the look of hate or disgust in his eyes if it was directed at you. 
“You’re the biggest asset this company has ever had,” he explains, needing to cover his outburst before you read between the lines. It wasn’t a lie, but it sure wasn’t the reason why he was so desperate for you to stay. “I’m not letting you go without putting up a fight.” 
You wanted him to stop. It wasn’t fair how he made your heart sway and burn when he didn’t feel the same way. You hear him sigh, collecting his words, the hesitation makes you finally glance at him.
“Does this have anything to do with why you were crying last week?” He asks cautiously, his gaze inspecting your every reaction and movement.
“No,” you lie, “I told you, I was just overwhelmed with the workload.”
You sounded so flat, it made him ache. He fights the instinct to wrap you in his arms, smothering the voice in his head that was telling him something was wrong with his mate, reminding that incessant voice that you chose someone else. It was happening more and more frequently recently, he was arguing with himself all the time. The same conversation with himself repeating everyday whenever he saw you.
She chose someone else, he says to himself firmly, shutting down any chance of a counter argument. He doesn’t notice the grip on his pen is deadly until it cracks under the pressure, ink spilling all over his hands. 
“Joonie!” Maybe it was instinct that tore away all the boundaries you were building, but you race to his hand in worry as if he had injured himself. He felt the tug in his chest again the second you said his name, finding himself gazing at you softly. There’s a frown forming as you take his hand, looking it over in case he cut himself. He doesn’t pull away, even though he knows he should. You had him wrapped around your little finger, and although he didn’t mind, it was starting to hurt. 
“Are you okay?” You ask him, glancing up at his face to ensure he wasn’t in pain before returning to inspect his soiled hands. 
He knew he was pretending nothing had changed since you started dating, but his whole world turned upside down and he had to grit his teeth through it. He had to lead the others by example, but doing what was right rather than what he wanted was getting harder each time he saw you. Each time he could smell that disgusting odour on you it flared his jealousy, it had only been a week, how often were you seeing this boy in a week that his scent was always on you? 
“I don’t think you’re bleeding,” you mumble, more to yourself than to him, that frown of concern still cemented on your face as if you refused to trust the evidence he was unscathed. 
He hates it when you pull away, your own hand stained with ink from holding his. You glance down at them, lips turning up an inch as if you found it humorous for reasons unknown to him. You were laughing at yourself, all that progress you thought you were making away from them was bullshit, the state of your hands were proof enough of that. 
“I think I need to go wash my hands,” you chuckle, moving away from him. 
He fights back the instinct to grab your hand in a desperate attempt of keeping you with him, words lodged in his throat. He controls himself as you walk out of the office, feeling like a hopeless puppy rather than a wolf. 
“Did you hear, Y/n got herself a boyfriend!”
“No way, for sure thought she was courting the CEOs.”
“She obviously tried and failed.”
Jin sighs, closing his eyes trying to contain the disappointment he felt in his employees as they gossiped about you, not realising he was within earshot. He tries not to listen, tries not to focus on the details of your new relationship, but gossip spreads like wildfire in the company, the details getting warped as they were whispered. 
He scoffs. What did they know? They were all wrong about your affection for them, it was the other way round, they were courting you. It was plain and obvious for anyone to see but in the eyes of your jealous and spiteful colleagues, you were the instigator. Perhaps it was a blessing you unknowingly rejected them, he hated to think of what rumours would try to taint you if they were successful. He says it to himself so convincingly he can almost pretend it doesn’t taste bitter. Why was everyone so blind? Why were you so clueless? Why was everything so complicated?
He sighs to himself as he makes his way to the meeting room, half an hour early. Some habits die hard, some don’t die at all. Just as he expected you were already there setting up, he would’ve smiled if it wasn’t for the smell that hits him, the reminder. He could pretend nothing was changing, but the truth was hard to deny. 
“Need any help, beautiful girl?” he says, his sudden presence making you jump out of your skin. He grins at that at least.
“I’m almost done,” you laugh lightly, hand on your heart as it raced, refusing to calm down even when you knew there was no threat. You don’t know why but you were becoming increasingly nervous around Jin, a paranoid part of you thought he could see right through what you were doing, and you were afraid he would call you out. 
He hums in acknowledgement, approaching you slowly, his eyes boring into you as if you would disappear from sight if he so much as blinked. 
“You’re early,” you comment, trying to focus on anything other than his stare. 
“I wanted to spend time with my beautiful girl,” he confesses against his better judgement. He didn’t want things to change, so what if you were dating a moron, you were still his mate. 
Your pulse was beating faster the closer he got. Jin refused to let you pull away, it was why you thought he knew what you were doing. He didn’t let anything change. Boundaries? Fine, he’d respect them, but you trying to create a distance from him? It would kill him. 
“I-I, umm…” You can’t find an excuse to leave the room, and when he stands in front of you only inches away you lose your train of thought all together. His eyes implore down to your own, the softest smile admiring you without attempting to hide it at all.
“Hmmm?” he hums again, asking you to go on with a slight smirk, reading the effect he had on you, proof that you liked him too. 
You’re sure you look like a fish out of water to the amused bear in front of you playing with his food. 
“What’s wrong honey?”
You gulp, his eyes turning dangerous and knowing underneath the light expression he held. Maybe you liked that new term of endearment a little too much, Jin swore he could hear your heartbeat flatline for a second. He takes a step closer, basking in the warmth radiating from your heated form, just more evidence, more reassurance that he hadn’t gotten it wrong. You loved them too, the only issue was Namjoon’s inability to see it, and whatever the hell you were doing with that boy he could smell on you. 
The urge to get rid of it with his own scent was driving him up the wall. It would be so easy, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Crossing boundaries was how you all got into the predicament, he wasn’t about to make it worse. 
Your mouth opens and closes, repeatedly without words like the proverbial fish. Didn’t you ask the maknaes what hybrid you would be? Well you know the answer now. 
“Are you ill honey?” He presses the back of his hand to your forehead. He can’t help it, just something small, something that can be brushed off as concern. “You’re burning up.”
By the look on his face you can tell he knows exactly why that is. The smirk is gone, his face unusually serious with a challenge in his eyes to prove him wrong. 
“I-I’m fine,” you don’t sound it when you push his hand away from your face, but you force yourself to brush it off. “Honestly Jin, I’m fine.”
Before he can investigate any further, you turn away from him, feeling his stare on your back as you finish setting up for the meeting. It doesn’t go unnoticed by him that you repeat certain things, or take your time, obviously trying to avoid any more interactions with him. He laughs to himself in pity, maybe he did get it all wrong. 
It's silent in their office, it has been all week. No one seemed to muster the energy to talk, not even the maknaes now they were back. Namjoon half expected them to whine or complain openly about the situation, but they were too deflated to speak. A burning guilt seared right down his centre, realising his punishment was part of the reason they wouldn’t be open about their feelings, he was their alpha and he lost their trust. But they couldn’t see he was just trying to protect everyone, that was his burden. 
Hoseok walked in, doom and gloom written all over his face, a visible sigh through his lips, his eyes concentrated on the ground as he walked. A part of him wanted to hide in Yoongi’s office, not really wanting to be alone but not wanting company either, but he couldn't impose and the panther had been a bit volatile recently. He can’t remember the last time Yoongi willingly came into the main office since his argument with Namjoon. The two were avoiding each other thinking that was the best way to avoid conflict, in reality it was just making things ten times worse.
“I think I’m going to transfer to another floor,” he says nonchalantly as he stands at his desk, the others gawping at his words. 
“Hyung,” Jimin sounds equal parts outraged and upset. “You can’t.”
“Floor seven needs better management,” he says, not meeting anyone’s eyes. 
“And the real reason Hyung?” Taehyung scoffs.
He doesn’t answer for a moment, wanting to keep it repressed inside, but this was his pack, his family, they knew him better than anyone else. 
“I can’t take the smell,” he confesses quietly. “Everytime I look at her all I can see is someone else's hands on her, I-”
He cuts himself off, taking a breath. His emotions were spilling, overwhelmingly so inside of his chest, the only way out was through his mouth as words, but he locks it shut. 
“We won’t let a girl come between us or the company,” Namjoon states after minutes of silence, his voice quiet but firm. “We’ve worked together since the start, we’ve had problems before and we’ve gotten through them every time, this is no different.”
It was like he was brushing the situation off, that’s what made them stare at the leader of their pack aghast. A girl? A problem? Did he seriously just say that?
“But she’s not just a girl Namjoon,” Hoseok sounds so heartbroken that he even implied it, not holding back his words even though he knew it wasn’t a subject to approach the lead CEO with. “She’s our mate.”
Namjoon sighs, ready to have the conversation again for the hundredth time but Hobi doesn’t let him.
“You can deny it to yourself and the rest of us,” he says. “That doesn’t make it any less true.”
He doesn’t want to hear the lectures today, doesn’t want to sit through another spiel about how it would never work, so he left the office before the wolf could start. It was just his bad luck that he ran into you as he walked out, your form colliding into his chest. 
“Woah-” It’s instinct the way his arms wrap around you to hold you steady, and he blames instinct as to why he's so reluctant to let you leave. Your palms are on his chest, burning through the fabric of his shirt, finally giving him some of the warmth he had been craving for a while. 
“Sorry,” you say sheepishly, pulling away, but he doesn’t release you. You look up at him in confusion. “Are you okay?”
No, I'm not okay sunshine. He’s missed you, the confession almost leaves his lips. But instead he smiles through the gut wrenching pain of letting you go, carrying on as if nothing had happened. 
Twice in one day? What had you done to deserve it? You march over to Yoongi’s office this time, the pile of work starting to stack itself into the leaning tower of pisa on your desk. You don’t even knock, opening the door to greet the panther. 
“Depyunim you calle-”
“You need to rewrite this,” he cuts you off without looking at you, holding the files you dropped off earlier before they slammed on his desk. 
“What’s wrong with it?” you challenge quietly, knowing that you checked it over ten times before giving it to him. 
“You need to change the font,” he states matter of factly. What the- was he kidding?
“This again?” you groan, rolling your eyes in without thinking, patience wearing thin. “There’s nothing wrong with the font!”
Yoongi stands up so quickly his chair almost falls back, he strides over to you, eyes pinning you down where you stood just outside his office. The doorway between you shouldn’t symbolise so much, but when he looks down at you with an anger simmering in his eyes, you can’t ignore that it does. 
“I’m a CEO of this company,” his voice is quiet, dangerously so. “If I tell you that it needs changing, there shouldn’t be any questions about it kitten.”
The pet name slips before he can stop it, but he can see your eyes soften at the term despite the way you were trying to challenge him. Your hands ball into fists by your side, trying to stop the ache that came with hearing him call you that again. Trying to pretend you didn’t miss the sound with your whole being. 
“I’m not changing the font Min Yoongi,” you keep your voice and gaze steady, ready to win this battle between you both. 
He almost smirks, it was instinct when his kitten got out her claws, he couldn’t help it. 
“I’m telling you to.”
“Fine, if you’re going to be stubborn about it let’s take it to Namjoon and he can tell us if you’re being unreasonable or not,” you argue back not realising that was the wrong button to press, but how were you to know of the ruins of their relationship. 
“This isn’t Namjoon’s project,” he can hear the growl in his words, taking a heavy step towards you. 
The way his eyes turned black in a second made a shiver go down your spine, goosebumps jumping out of your skin, warning you that you pushed the panther too far. The next step he takes has you gulp, survival instinct taking over as you take a step back, keeping the distance between you the same, moving into the corridor. 
“It's mine,” he looks so disgusted at you, hate pouring out in his words and his glare, aimed far away from you but unfortunately you were on the receiving end. Kim Namjoon was not a name to be uttered in his presence. “So if I tell you, to change the font Miss L/n, you change it.”
His words are final, you can see it. It doesn’t falter, his stare so intense you have trouble finding your own words. 
“Okay,” you give in, ready to drop the subject and run away from his demeanour, but he wasn’t having it. 
“How dare you try to question my rank in this deal Y/n,” the way he says your first name makes you realise it's not just anger there, you hurt him. “But I guess you don’t respect me a much as you respect him.”
He scoffs, shaking his head as he walks back into his office, slamming the door behind him, leaving you alone on the other side. You hadn’t realised you were holding your breath until your lungs filled with air again shakily. No, you were not going to leave it like this. 
For the second time that day you don’t knock, walking in to find his back to you as he stood in the middle of the office, Shoulders rising and falling with each angry breath he took. You close the door behind you, staring at him until he turns around. 
“Get out of my office,” he’s not joking, the tone of voice he was using with you, you had never heard aimed at you before. You force your bottom lip to not quiver.
“I’m sorry,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady. He lets out a breath of laughter, humorlessly, looking up at the ceiling in exasperation. 
“Fine. Now leave.”
In his current state, the stink on you was only fuelling the fire. It filled his office, his safe space and he wanted it out even if it meant kicking you out. 
“Yoongi,” he curses the way you look up at him with watering eyes. “Why are you so mad at me?”
“That smell is off putting,” it’s spit out before he can reign it in. Part of you expected that to be the answer but you still look surprised.
“But this is irrational…” you shake your head, you want to create boundaries not be exiled. “I know Eric isn’t part of your pack but neither are most of the people you work with every day and you’ve never behaved like this before. Not with me.”
His jaw clenches at the name, the way you said it sounded too familiar for a guy you only met a week ago. Humans were more like animals than they thought, if you met your mate time was irrelevant, he really thought that was you for them, he didn’t want to believe anything else. 
“I can’t stand their stench either kitten,” he bites back, sounding spiteful, tail flickering behind him dangerously. “Why do you think I have a private office that no one’s allowed into?”
You reel back, hating the way he was speaking to you. You both bickered and argued all the time, but this felt different, this felt real. 
“And right now, you’re filling it with that disgusting smell,” you could almost see smoke coming out of his head, like a volcano about to erupt. “So please, Y/n, leave.”
You stare at him silently for a second, unable to hide the hurt on your face anymore. He doesn’t budge, he can’t, and you can see it your efforts to get through to him would be fruitless. When you close the door behind you, walking out without another word, he can feel the guilt drop like a pill inside of him, regretting letting his jealousy speak for him.
You can hear the tap running in the kitchen when you walk into your apartment after work. Sighing with emotional exhaustion as you take off your shoes, you really wanted to be alone.
“Hey!” His voice shouldn’t aggravate you, but it pulls at a chord. “How was work?”
You try to smile, but it feels awful. 
“Busy as always,” you don’t elaborate, and Eric is smart enough to know not to push. 
“Well I made you one last dinner… without burning the kitchen down this time,” he chuckles sheepishly. 
“You really didn’t have to,” you didn’t have the stomach for food today. 
“I just wanted to thank you Y/n,” he says sincerely. “For letting me stay with you this week, I honestly can’t thank you enough.”
If you told any of your friends you let the guy that took you on one date stay with you when he accidentally burned down his apartment, you’re pretty sure they’d kill you before giving you the lecture of ‘you don’t know him’, ‘he could be a serial killer’. But you knew Eric through a mutual friend, and if they vouched for him, you’d believe it. Plus you couldn’t lie that his presence was useful in your badly executed plan of getting over your bosses or at least not letting them find out you were in love with them. 
“Sure you’re not going to let me take you out on another date to make up for it?” he tries cheekily, reminding you of his presence when you space out thinking about them. 
“I thought dinner was your way of making up for it,” you say with a look on your face that roughly translated to, nice try.
“No, that's my way of saying thank you,” he chuckles but again doesn’t push it.
As much as you wanted to be distracted from your current dilemma, you wouldn’t use anyone that way. It wasn’t fair, you were hung up on them, and you didn’t believe that stupid saying of getting under someone else. Honestly, you didn’t know what you were doing, you wanted something impossible. Did you honestly believe that a little distance was going to erase the past few years of getting to know them, of falling in love with them? How did you think you could have it both ways? Love them from afar, but still keep them close. You really were a mess. 
His scent was stronger on you this morning. It was all they could think about through the meeting all seven of them had to attend, but they didn’t know that was because you hugged Eric goodbye this morning when he finally left with his stuff. More from the relief of getting your space back than anything else. The time-old saying was wrong, what they didn’t know would definitely kill them. 
Did he spend the night? Was that why the once lingering smell on you was now punching them in the face with its pungence? Jin glances briefly at the way Yoongi was tapping his pen irritatedly on the surface of the desk. Hobi looking distraught beside him, blinking back the tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
The maknaes were fairing no better. Jimin's stare was as cold as ice, threatening to freeze anyone cold that dared to approach him… perhaps it was quite fitting for an arctic fox. Jin could hear the way Jungkook’s leg was restless under the desk, the strength of the smell too much for the bunny as his face contorted into pain. And Taehyung… well the tiger looked at you with such an intensity, the oldest CEO didn’t know how you were ignoring it, surely you felt the burn of his gaze.
Jin wondered how Namjoon was leading the meeting with such faux ease. If Jin didn’t know him any better, he would have believed it, but he noticed the subtle clench of his jaw, the way he couldn’t help glancing at you at any given moment, the heartbreak and questions in his gaze every time it fell on you. 
“We’ve only just managed to reach our target for this year’s quarterly,” Namjoon states, trying not to wince at the way the smell was giving him a headache. “I want project leaders to reassess their team's work for any pitfalls or areas for improvement.” 
You frown in concern when he pauses, pinching the bridge of his nose between his eyes with his fingers, closing them in pain before resuming the meeting. You want to question it, stay late when he finishes his speech, thanking everyone for their hard work and letting your colleagues leave the room. You want to stay, you want to check he's okay, but you remind yourself of what you’re trying to achieve and force yourself out without looking back at any of them. That didn’t mean you didn’t feel each of their stares as you left. 
You can see Jungkook and Jimin wandering around the office floor, trying to look busy, striking up conversations with almost every employee, asking them mundane questions about different projects, all while sneaking not so subtle glances your way. You’d laugh under any other circumstance. You hadn’t said a word to them since that night, and now because of the lack of communication the atmosphere festered into something awkward. Each party was afraid to approach the other, you were scared to talk to them, they had a way of bringing down your defences, and you knew it would take them seconds to break down the wall of boundaries you were building. 
The pair notice you ignoring their presence, making their way through the sea of employees, inching closer and closer to you as naturally as they can fake. 
“Hyung I don’t think this is going to work,” Jungkook mutters under his breath for only the arctic fox to hear.
“Why won’t it work?” Jimin challenges in a hushed breath. “We’re the CEO’s of the company checking on our employees, Angel is also an employee, this is the perfect way to start a conversation again.”
“But hyung-”
“I miss her,” Jimin looks earnestly at the bunny, his heart in his eyes for him to see. “I can’t take this anymore.”
Jungkook bites his lips nervously as Jimin talks to Seulgi, the next desk they would approach would be yours. You seemed engrossed in your work but he kept his eye on you, scared you would figure out what they were doing and run away before they had the chance to talk to you. 
You, however, were so wrapped up in your own thoughts you didn’t question their motives. That is until they make their way to your desk.
“Angel,” Jimin greets you as if nothing happened. 
Your eyes widen as you stare at him in shock, realising this was their plan the whole time. 
“Jimin,” you breathe back, and he has to stop himself pouncing on you. Fuck, he missed you? Why was that word not enough to explain the pain of being away from you for so long?
“Hi Noona,” Jungkook saves his hyung by sacrificing himself, the older CEO malfunctioning after hearing his name. “W-we w-wanted to see how everyone was doing.”
He chews at his lips, cursing himself for stuttering, but thankfully Jimin finds his tongue.
“The hyungs sent us,” he lies hastily, “to check on everyone, I mean…”
You just nod in reply, feeling a little on the spot with both their gazes burning into you like you would fade from sight. You kind of wish you could fade from sight.
“How are you?” Jimin asks softly, the words sounding light but holding more weight than anyone would ever know. 
“I-I’m okay,” you smile but it doesn’t reach your eyes. “Just falling behind.”
Your hands grip onto the arm rests of your chair, as if you were physically trying to hold yourself back from leaping into their arms. You missed them, you missed them so much you didn’t care about that stupid night and the stupid boundaries. You just wanted to go back to normal, but you couldn’t, you had feeling for them, it was wrong. 
“Anything we can help with?” Jungkook asks, hoping you’d let them. All he wanted to do was bury his nose in your hair, after scenting you so hard that you only smelled of him and the pack. His fingers fidget, entangling around each other, can’t he at least touch your hair? Or your cheek, or something. 
“I kind of need to not be distracted,” you say sheepishly, wincing at your own harsh words though you tried to say them as politely as you could. Both boys balk at the suggestion before Jimin composes himself.
“Understood.” His features turn to stone as he drags the bunny away, leaving you to your work. Your heart breaks more and more with each step they take, knowing you can’t take it back. You hurt them. 
You thought their office was empty, it's why you didn’t knock. Knowing their schedules, knowing they were all at different meetings, you didn’t think twice to enter with the files you had to drop off, coming to an abrupt halt when you’re met with his red rimmed eyes. You both stare at each other, your face one of complete shock, while his was evident of his tears. 
It's the sob that wrecks through his whole body that has you spring into action, flinging the files onto whoevers desk you didn't care, as you almost ran over to him, engulfing him in your arms nearly knocking you both over. If anything he cries harder, tail wrapping around your waist too as he holds onto you like a lifeline. You squeeze him hard, his head burying itself into your neck, trying to find the scent of you that wasn’t tainted with that awful stench. 
You don’t smell like you. You don’t smell like them. He won’t pretend it's pure instinct as he rubs his head against you, sniffling as he moves your head under his chin, rubbing his scent glands on you roughly. It’s all over you, that fucking smell was everywhere. 
“Tae,” you call his name airily, his ministrations already having an effect on you, but you had been so starved of him for so long. 
He doesn’t respond, taking your arm in his hand, pressing it against his cheek, hiding his eyes from you when he decides it isn’t enough. You feel yourself stop breathing when he uses his lips instead, soft delicate kisses on the length of your arm, making his way slowly to your neck. You’re frozen, not wanting him to stop for a second, your skin searing at every touch he gives. 
That is until you try to make sense of his behaviour. He was a hybrid, who saw you as part of his pack, and you denied them your presence for over a week. This was just his instincts on overdrive and you had to get yourself together before he went too far and regretted it. Or before you misread the signals and got your heart broken again. 
“Tae, stop,” it sounds feeble even to your own ears, but you grab his wrists and push him back. His eyes meet yours, no tears left but his pupils are fully blown like he was on catnip. 
“No,” his voice is hoarse but stubborn. “I don’t want to.”
It takes all your strength to hold him back when he tries to lean into you again, his heart aching at the way you're keeping him away when he so desperately needs you. 
“Please,” he begs, whimpering, feeling like if you denied him it would crush him beyond repair. “Please flower.”
You breathe out slowly, long and calm, trying to keep yourself together, to not give in. It wasn’t fair, every brick you painstakingly spent building against them came down like a house of cards. Tears prickle the corner of your own eyes. This wasn’t fair. 
He manages to rest his head on your shoulder, his nose sniffing against your neck. It’s still there, muted but he could still smell it. You hear the low hum of a growl in his throat.
“Taehyung, talk to me,” you say gently, needing him to verbalise his actions so you didn’t misread them. 
“You’re not supposed to smell like him!” he cries, closing his eyes in pain. “You’re supposed to smell like us, you’re mine.”
Your heart leaps before it falls. 
“Tae,” your bottom lip trembles, doesn’t he realise how cruel this was. “You can’t say shit like that.”
He hears you sniff, moving away enough to see the look of sadness on your face. But he doesn’t understand why it’s there. Did you really not feel the same way? No, that wasn’t it, the way you looked up at him, begging him to stop but they were soft on him, so loving. 
“Why?” he dares to ask, it comes out a whisper, his heart pounding as he inspects you. You close your eyes, wanting to laugh at how pathetic you are. It causes tears to fall out of the corner of your eyes. You let go of his wrists to wipe them away, ready to answer him, ready to confess and leave him forever to save yourself from more pain. 
A creak startles you both, the door opening to reveal the others making their way back from their respective meetings, all of them staring at the scene, completely taken back. 
“Baby girl?” Namjoon is the first to step towards you both, his eyes flickering between you both. The concern on his face turns to one of anger, aimed at the tiger but you had already decided it was towards you. 
You can’t deal with this. Turning away you try to make your leave, only to be held back, Taheyung grabbing your hand in his and making you face him. 
“Why?’ he repeats, more adamantly. He needed to know, because whether he was right or wrong would change everything. 
“Taehyung,” Namjoon growls warningly. His eyes fixed on your hands together. 
“This is between me and flower,” he glares at his hyung, the threat in his eyes clear for the wolf not to get involved. He turns back to you, the others watching intently. “Why?”
You feel defeat ripple through your chest, your face scrunching as you sniff back the sob working its way out. 
“Because my stupid human brain is going to misunderstand,” you voice is heavy with tears, a few slipping out against your wishes. “Your actions mean something different for humans than they do for hybrids.”
He almost scoffs, this was what you always did. They were so obvious with their affection and love and you rationalised it wrong every time.
“What does it mean for humans, flower?” he almost sounds like he’s mocking you, a new stern and unforgiving look on his face as he moves closer to you. 
“Taehyung stop,” you beg, not wanting to go through with this, to feel embarrassed about your feelings when he figured it out. “Please.”
“Taehyung maybe we shou-”
The glare he sends Hoseok’s way has the lion biting his tongue. They were all panicked, what if the tiger’s actions cost you them forever?
“What do kisses mean for humans?” he asks again, louder, more demanding, not letting the subject drop. “Or better yet… What do you think they mean for hybrids?”
“You kissed her?” Both of you ignore Namjoon’s outburst, Taehyung not caring if he misunderstood. 
The corners of your lips pull down so far, your eyes welling ready for overspill as you implore him silently to let you go. Why was he being so cruel? You had never known him to be like this before, what did he want from you? You breathe shakily, feeling lost until it hits you, he’s figured it out. He knows. 
Your worst fears come to surface and you pray it wasn’t true, that he wasn’t about to out your feelings to the others. He watches you struggle for words, deciding to take pity on you.
“Because last time I checked,” he breathes, his heart pounding in his chest hard as he takes a leap of faith. “They mean the same thing for us as they mean for you.”
It takes you a second, he can see the crease between your brows before your whole face goes slack with disbelief. He can see the puzzle pieces finally fit into place through your eyes, unable to help himself, smiling when he can feel your pulse match his. 
He takes another step closer, the distance between you only a hair width. Final drops of tears fall out of your eyes as he watches your pupils dilate when he leans in. You don’t pull away when his lips press against yours, you pull him closer.
Taglist: @nlost21 @pb-n-juju @needyomnivore @lvpersona @marvelfamily3000 @love2lovesworld @halesandy @dreamamubarak @deepseavibez @mikymouse0729 @barnesrogerslover @itismochirice @mwitsmejk @minswife4life @agustverse @whtamidoingagain @missmoxxiesworld @itsjustwinter @midiplier @toriluvsfics @juju-227592 @galacticmei @mardduska @paymeinkash @blxssxmsposts @sweetestofchaos @aykxz98 @hannahdinse8 @canarystwin @blushyrawrz @roguesthetic @bex-tk1 @abrokenlink @thedarkwinterrose @ronynz @dont-believe-in-cheesus @matchat3a @ryomen-yn @1-800-punch-a-pimp @muffinminnie @demidevilangel @sugajinny @spiralingnino @yoongissmalltoe 
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hearts4joon · 2 years
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summary ᝰ waking up 300 years later, you’re thrusted into the modern world — one where the loves of your life no longer know who you are. and despite being one of the most powerful witches in your decade, you’re no match to the newest forces fighting to tear you apart, leaving the men with the familiar faces to care for the weird witch.
pairing ᝰ ot7 x reader
genre ᝰ fantasy, magic, poly, angst, fluff, slight soulmate au, eventual smut
warnings ᝰ i will have warnings for individual chapters pertaining to them.
taglist is open! comment on this post or send an ask to be added!
an ᝰ me? using tvd + spin-off spells and rituals? no…. anyway. im really looking forward to this series and i have a loooooooad of ideas!!!!! give it a reblog and do all that great stuff if you can, thank you!
ᝰ ᝰ ᝰ
00. the end.
01. the beginning.
02. tbd
03. tbd
04. tbd
05. tbd
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namjoonswaifu · 2 years
The Seal Of The Dragon Masterlist
Chapter One - Trials and Tribulations Chapter Two - Taking the Plunge Chapter Three - The Application Chapter Four - Enter If You Dare Chapter Five - Royal Residences Pt 1 Royal Residences Pt 2 Royal Residences pt 3 Chapter Six - The Royal Announcement Chapter Seven- The Move Chapter Eight- Cherry Blossom Courtyard
Extras: What Words Mean Seokjin's Gift Yoongi's Gift Hobi's Gift Jimin's Gift Taehyung's Gift Jungkooks Gift Namjoon's Gift Taglist
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vinetae · 2 years
Try (M) Chapter 3: Wet, Baby?
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"I'm large but he's in charge.
* * *
Note: Not my tittle, credit to original person who came up with that quote lmao
Pairing: Jimin x reader, Taehyung x Jungkook, reader x Jungkook, Taehyung x reader
Genre: Boyfriend!au, Smut, Fluff, poly!au
<- Previous Chapter
Warnings: Degradation( for those dirty bitches out there), Blowjobs, Sucking dick, Dirty talk, (f.masturbation), Dom!Jimin, (?)!Taehyung, Sub!Reader, Foul Language, Cursing, They're all just fucking horny, (Future) Shower sex, slight gangbang? Poly!au (Girl with boyfriend but with friends with benefits?)
Shit i guess this is turning into a series.
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"FUCK- OH HOLY FUCKING SHIT-". Hot beads of cum spews from his member, painting your pussy and pubic bone like fucking Bob Ross. He lays still, chest heaving heavily up and down from his high. Your too distracted by Jungkook's post-orgasm face to even notice someone had unlocked your handcuffs and pulled you away from Jungkook's exhausted figure.
"Naughty girl~" You hear, whisper in your ear.
"Did we say you could cum?" You swallow, still very sensitive from your previous activities with the younger member.
"N-no sir" you reply, feeling yourself being spun around. You almost fall over, if it hadn't been for Taehyung's strong frame to catch your own.
"Easy-" Jimin walks over, holding onto your spent out body as well.
"You okay baby?" you nod, holding onto his shoulder for support. He pets your head, kissing your cheek softly, on the side that Jungkook had previously slapped.
"Do you need to use your safe word?". You shake your head, clearing any haze you had previously swirling.
"Let's go shower then~". your eyes widen.
You're back is easily pressed up against the shower wall. Working as a social media manager sure had it's perks. Like, being able to afford a rain-forest showerhead. Speaking of head..
Taehyung had been kneeled down, slightly damp hair falls Infront of his forehead. His tongue, doing what seemed to be like impossible figure eights on your clit, two fingers inserted very precisely into your sopping core. You head thrown back, while you peak to see little strands of red hair resting against your upper part of your breast. Jimin's hands expertly grasping onto your breasts for dear life. You're having to be held up by his support because of the level of unholiness these men have you squirming for.
How'd you end up this way?
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Before long, Taehyung is easily grabbing onto your wrist, dominantly leading you towards your very fancy bathroom. (Bathhouse? I don't know what rich people call it). Jimin pursues quickly after, grabbing a few random items along the way. "Look at my pretty baby" Taehyung stops in his tracks, letting Jimin slide in, before locking the door behind the three of you now. He's evidently on you, not wasting a second as he holds your jaw in place, roughly pulling you in for a heated kiss. Your body is scorching by this time. From the previous two orgasms Jungkook had given you earlier, and the sheer God-like features these men possess, you don't know how long you'll be able to go on.
Jimin's by your side in a second. Taehyung gives you a bit of space to breathe, while slowly moving down your torso, hands trailing tediously behind.
"ah ah ah, Taehyung-ie" Jimin tuts, firmly grasping the back of his friend's hair. A lewd sound rolls for Taehyung's lips, as his sights set back on you once more.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" Jimin asks, still having his left hand in a tight hold on Taehyung's hair. " Don't worry Hyung, I've got condoms in my back pocke-" Jimin lets out a chuckle, before bringing the younger boy down onto his knees forcefully. Taehyung lets out a yelp, which had turned into more a moan towards the end.
By this time you're leaning against your dewy shower walls, feeling the heat of everything around you. The hot water falling gracefully down onto you're tiled floor, your monochromatic themed marble walls drip incisively with drops of moisture. along with your own...
"Hyung what do you-" Jimin pulls Taehyung's head back to meet his eyes, a smirk plasters the elder's lips. "She's my girlfriend. You didn't ask for permission yet, boy."
"Sorry, what?"
Taehyung looks up towards your gaze, still in utter shock of all this dominance your boyfriend is radiating. He was never this rough with you...
"Sorry... daddy."
Taehyung whines, looking up to meet Jimin's intense stare once more.
"Naughty.." Jimin lets his head go roughly, throwing Taehyung's body forward a bit. He catches himself on his hands, now being in a compromising position. "Naughty.." Jimin bends down in front of the younger, using one finger to bring Taehyung's gaze up to his. You've never seen this side of Jimin..
"Naughty, boy. Do you need to be punished, hmm?"
Jimin gives him a questioning look, authority-like energy emits from his heavily aroused self. He shoots Tae a glance before Taehyung quickly corrects himself.
"No, sir."
"Hmm, I'm not buying it, baby. You've touched my girlfriend without my permission. But,"
He catches Tae's nervous glance once more, softening his expression.
"I'm a fair man."
Jimin stands, still keeping Tae on his hands and knees, waiting to be ordered. Anything to get a taste of you again. To hold you. To have you whining, begging for him to fuck you like you've deserved. God, every time he sees you in the kitchen, you're horrible attempts of baking some simple cookies that turn out burnt, makes him want to do such horrid things to you. You've shown more than enough interested in him. Only one thing's stopping him though.
"What do you say, lovely?"
You're pulled out of your own self-indulged transe. Not beliving anything that had just happened. Yes, Jimin was sometimes dominant in bed but not to .. this level.
Now it's your turn to follow the commands. Jimin walks swiftly over to your overstimulated (and impossibly but apparently surely possible under stimulated) body.
"What should his punishment be?"
You stood frozen. The water still warming up to Jimin's liking. The waiting game... You thought.
"I..I don't know.."
Jimin lets out a dark chuckle. Something you'd only hear when you were in deep shit trouble.
"I said," He grips your jaw, pushing your body even more against the damp walls (same girl), pressing his thumb down onto your tongue harshly.
"What should little Taehyung-ie's punishment be, hmm?"
You don't dare to take your eyes off of him. Jimin's stare challenges your own, you quickly submitting from the level of pure darkness his held.
"Maybe I should punish you as well," He presses his thumb down harder on your tongue, making you whine from the slight pain thumping in the area, now increasingly more noticeable. "N-no! N-no daddy, please.." Jimin hums, slightly letting his grip subside. "Then answer my question," His eyes catch your own. Lust swirls deeply behind those innocent looking chocolate orbs. "What should his punishment be"
You finally have the courage to glance to Taehyung who's still knelt on the ground, hands nervously toying with the bottom button his costume. His eyes sport something else you've never seen..
"S-suck him" You softly suggest.
"Hmm, what was that darling? Couldn't hear you~" His hand now skillfully trails up your heated body, tugging lightly on your erect bud. A slight squeal jumps from your mouth.
"I want him to suck you.. off" Jimin smirks, releasing his hold on your spent body, now shifting his energy towards the younger. You can see Taehyung visibly gulp, Adam's apple bobbing up, then down. Only once.
Jimin starts making his way towards the younger, starting to unbutton his drenched halloween costume. He'd still kept it in tact all this time?? He hadn't even fucking touched himself yet!
"You heard her." Jimin lightly tugs his boxers down, exposing his fully erect cock, watching as it bobbed slightly up and down.
Taehyung just stares. He's never sucked a dick in his life. Of course he's be on the receiving end but the giving..? Was he into this?
"You wanna fuck her?" Jimin leans down, whispering in his ear brushing the lobe gently. Taehyung imminently nods. But are you worth this? Having his pride... his dignity taken by his friend.. all for a pussy fuck?
Jimin soon gets bored of the unresponsive male, immediately reaching down, pressing the palm of his hand roughly into the younger's crotch, messaging just a bit, just to push him a bit more. Taehyung's head immediately thrown back, whether by his own choice of not. A short string of moans rolls from his lips.
He's not gay but..
Fucking damn.
Jimin repeats himself once more, while continuing to palm his friend even more, but not enough for full satisfaction. Just for Taehyung to get a taste.
"Wanna fuck her?" Taehyung automatically nods once more. This time, more desperate than ever.
"Then suck."
Taehyung wastes no time. Gripping his elder's cock immediately, pressing his lips to his tip. Jimin runs a finger through his tangled tousles, smirking lightly.
"Come on, baby. Don't be shy. Just like a lollipop, mm?" Taehyung couldn't believe he was getting turned on by this behavior. From his best friend too..
Taehyung makes kitten-like licks along Jimin's hard length, before taking in whole.
Fucking hell..
This was a new feeling.
His mouth felt so ...
Taehyung shifts a bit, trying to take all of his length as much as possible. Swallowing back gags, he begins to bob his head on his best friend's cock. Jimin throws his head back, having to grip on the towel rack for support.
"Fuck.." Jimin curses, looking back down at the hell-bounding act.
"Good boy," Jimin coos, his grip tightening on his friend's hair, taking the reins of his first ever sloppy blowjob. Stroking the younger's crown of his head, cooing at his best friend.
"Fucking.. such a good boy, Taehyung-ie" Taehyung moans, sending vibrations against Jimin's hard cock, making his moan in domino effect. "Shit baby. You gunna suck me dry? You wanna touch yourself I bet. Go ahead, baby boy. Fuck your hand, you dirty whore." Taehyung's moans keep spilling, his head moving as fast as he can with Jimin's assistance. Jimin's fairly impressed. Although he wasn't 100% sure, he was speculating that this had been Tae's first blowjob.
Damn, was he good.
"Shit Taehyung-ie. If I knew you had this good of a mouth, we would've been doing this all along."
You couldn't help it. The sight of Taehyung on his reddening knees, sucking on your boyfriend's cock should make your enraged. Angry, Furious.
But all is does is make you want them both even more.
How fucked up are you?
You slip your hand down your torso, immodestly rubbing circles against your clit. Reaching out for the doorframe to hold onto, your orgasm creeping up on you quicker than you'd realized. The moans Taehyung had been screaming like a prayer, mixed with Jimin's gruff ones had you sent over the moon. Just imaging getting fucked as hard as Jimin had been making Tae go on his dick, had you aching for more. You'd been so busy in your own journey to release, you hadn't even noticed the moans had died down.
A hand is quick to grab yours, pulling you immediately away from your edging well.. edge.
"Did I say you could touch yourself?" Jimin's tight grasp on your wrist leaves you squirming in place.
"N..no sir-"
His dark chuckles erupts from his chest.
You were in trouble..
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Next Chapter ->
©sweethearthigh 2022. Do not copy, translate, or modify my works with given consent from me. Thank You <333
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jolinaprincess · 2 years
BTS Mafia Soulmate/Omegaverse Au Chapter one
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Y/N was the daughter of a Businessman and Businesswoman named Choi James, and Choi Sakura is half Korean and half Filipino. Her father worked for one of the top businesses in South Korea, NJM Enterprises. His work pertains to being the face of the Ceo when the actual Ceo can't make it, so that means seeing through meetings and deals with other businesses that want to work with them. While her mother works for one of the top Fashion Companies in South Korea as a secretary, her parents are both Alpha's, strict and proud. When they found out they were pregnant at the top of their games, they weren't thrilled with the news.
They decided to abort it since they didn't want a child, but on the way to an Abortion Clinic, their family found out and were angry and disappointed in them for trying to kill an innocent child. So, to keep an eye on the soon-to-be parents, the family decided to move in with them until the child was 7 yr. Old. The couple came to love the child and decided to keep the gender of the child as a surprise and were hoping for a boy. When Y/n was born, they were disappointed that it was a girl and not a boy and was going to leave her at the hospital, but when it was time for Y/n's mother to leave the hospital, their family came with Y/n's father, so they couldn't really abandon the baby at the hospital. During the first few months after the birth, Y/n's parents acted like they loved and cared for her needs.
Three years later, Y/n is ready to start Pre-K. Her parents were busy, so her grandparents from both sides of her family decided to bring her to school. There she met one of the boys, Jungkook, in her class, and they became fast friends during school. When it was time to go home, they were both crying because they didn't want to leave, thinking they'll never see each other again. To Jungkook's parent's and to Y/n's grandparent's surprise cause with Jungkook, he was a shy little bunny to new people, and for Y/n, it's just been her family and the maids and butlers in the house they're leaving in, so it was understandable that Y/n didn't want to leave her newfound friend.
Her grandmother Jane and Beth crouched to their knees in front of the crying kids and smiled at them, calming them down. Grandmother Jane suggested that why don't they have a play date this weekend and maybe in the future, some more playdates will happen. Jungkook parents would bring Jungkook and his brothers over to Y/n's house and pick them up the next afternoon. The boys would pick up Y/n at her place, walk to school together and, after school, hang out at the arcade or study at the library after school. It took a while for Jungkook's brothers Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung to become Y/n's friends, but eventually, they did become friends.
Y/n parents hated the boys coming over to their place because they had to act like Y/n parents, which they totally despised, plus anything Y/n really loved, they wanted to rip it apart since she ruined their lives as a girl instead of a boy. They were delighted and proud that Y/N wouldn't see anyone again and that they wouldn't have to act like a loving family. Y/n's father got a call from his boss on the day saying they needed him to become CEO of the new company branch in California, the USA, at Y/n's 7th birthday party and the last time Y/n ever had a happy memory and childhood.
After the birthday party and their family leaving, a.k.a moving out since it was agreed that once Y/n was 7yrs old that they would be moving out. They hurriedly packed everything up, ensuring nothing like passports and important documents was left behind. Y/n was wondering what was going on and asked her parents. When they said they were moving away to the USA.Y/n started to cry and say that she didn't want to go and leave everything behind, plus her friends and family were there. What happened next shocked her since her parents had never hit her before. Her father walked up and slapped her across the face, hitting her head on the table next to her. Y/n cried even harder, making her mother annoyed at her crying and kicking her in the stomach a couple times to make Y/n shut up, which she finally did from the pain. They just left her there while finishing packing and booking the flights; they got 3 three first-class seats. Once done packing everything, Y/n's mother bent down to wake up Y/n since they had to act like loving parents heading to the airport.
Once at the airport, they went to check in and get something to eat while waiting for their flight. When it was time to board, Y/n's mother told her to be quiet and behave with a glare sent toward her Y/n gave a slight nod to her parents while following right behind them towards the entrance to the airplane. Y/n looked at her parents while eating her dinner and her parents talking about what they were going to do once they landed. Y/n was hoping that what her parents did to her was a nightmare, but somewhere in her subconscious, she was telling her that it wasn't a nightmare and that she just didn't want to believe it.
After a long flight, they finally landed in the USA but in California. They headed out of the airplane toward inside the airport to check in and check in their immigrant paperwork, saying they were staying here indefinitely. Once everything was checkout and approved, Y/n's father called one of their drivers to come and pick them up from the airport. At the house, the car stopped at the main entrance Y/n plus her parents got out of the car and went inside. While the maid and butlers grabbed their bags, putting them in their rooms.
While looking around the house, she'll be calling home. They walked down the hallway on the second floor and showed Y/n her room. Y/n looked around her room and smiled at her mother. Her room looked like you were somewhere else. Y/n's mother told her that this could be taken away if you don't behave and stay silent whenever we had a guest over or at a party; simply, you don't exist here in this house; you get to keep this room. If not, it's the ecky moldy, smelly basement for you, harsh punishments, and telling her that she will be homeschooled.
Y/n couldn't believe her mother was telling her. Her mother left the room, leaving her to cry silently instead of comforting her. Now she knew what happened in their old place was real instead of comforting her. She learned fast during the first few weeks living in the house that her parents weren't joking and went on with their lives like they didn't have a daughter to take care of since they had hired a nanny for her to watch over her and teach her what she needs to know since she wasn't allowed to go to school.
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This was her life for the next 8 years of her life. During those time, she found out that her parents didn't want kids but started to love the child and hoped for a boy, only for it to turn out to be a girl, so while their parents were living with them, they acted like they loved you when in reality they hated your guts and wished you were dead. You found out the truth when you came downstairs, forgetting that her parents had a guest over and were punished harshly for it. Y/n had scars on her back to prove it.
Before Y/n turned 15, her parents decided to throw a party to introduce her as their daughter since that's when her second gender would come out. Knowing that Y/n was definitely going to be an Alpha, they didn't realize that Y/n had been showing some Omega traits for the last two years. Since they've ignored her existence, they would surely be shocked at the party. It took a whole month to prepare the party for Y/n's 15'th birthday and Second Gender coming out party. Y/n knew about the party but was anxious because she knew she would disappoint her parents as she has always done. Hopefully, not though her subconscious was saying that she was an omega, but was praying that her subconscious was wrong and that her second gender is an Alpha, not an Omega, cause that would give her parents more reason to hate getting rid of her. Y/n's parents never hid their hatred for Omega whenever they took Y/n out to dinner for being a good girl. They went to an Omega-owned restaurant and complained about everything about the restaurant and who owns the restaurant, saying that an Omega shouldn't be allowed to own businesses. They should be just breeders and have dirty jobs.
The day of the party arrived, and Y/n was nervous since the time of the party was when her second gender would come out and after she was introduced too. Y/n could hear the party going downstairs while one of the maids helped her get ready with the dress and jewelry that her mother bought for her to wear today. After an hour of getting ready, she had to come downstairs. For her parents to introduce her to their friends and their friend's family.
Y/n came downstairs like a lady taught to her by her nanny, and once on the main floor, she bowed and greeted everyone by saying her name and thanked everyone for coming. When it was time for her second gender to come out, Y/n felt great pain in her whole body, but it only lasted a few minutes. Everyone was shocked, but not like her parents, who were furious and were hiding so well with fake smiles on their faces. They approached Y/n and gave her a slight hug and kiss saying how proud they were even though she was an Omega, but Y/n knew better and knew that her parents were faking it, only acting like they were alright with it since they didn't want to ruin their reputation.
Once the party was over and everyone had left, Y/n 's father called his friend from the underground name Mr. Alex since he took a liking to Y/n and sold her to him for a favor in the future. One of Mr. Alex's men came to pick her up the next day Y/n knew that this was going to happen, but it still hurt that her parents would sell her since she's an Omega instead of an Alpha. She hoped her life would be a little bit better than now, but she didn't know that she was entering HELL and that Y/n's ex-father had sold her to the DEVIL.
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uniquetravelerone · 11 months
Guys l don't know if it on wattpad or tumbler but there is fanfinc of hybrid ot7 x reader
So namjoon is lion a V is tigar but like people don't treat him well so he is lil uh
I can't remember the name
I remember y/n has smol home but she have 7 hybrid and maybe suga was panther
So he and rm are mean to y/n
If someone knows pls link it or just tell me
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bangtanflirt · 7 months
(Un)natural Instincts (Part 11)
*Series taglist is closed.
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angst, fluff, smut
Pairings: OT7 x Fem Reader, Human CEO Reader, Human Assistant Yoongi, Wolf Hybrids Joon, Jin, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, and Kook.
Basic premise: You and your assistant end up rescuing six wolf hybrids. No part of the process is easy.
Part 1 > Part 2 > Part 3 > Part 4 > Part 5 > Part 6 > Part 7 > Part 8 > Part 9 > Part 10 > Part 11 > Part 12
General Warnings: Hybrid abuse and lab experimentation, hybrids as second-class citizens/owned property (Minors DNI, 18+ content)
Specific Warnings: trauma from past SA (vaguely hinted at this time, not explicit), jealousy, ambiguity around fidelity in hybrid pack dynamics, internalized prejudice (against wolf hybrids), mentions of drugs
Namjoon stills, his breath caught in his throat at the sight of Yoongi’s lips on yours. Discomfort has him wriggling in his skin, but he battles the feeling long enough to discreetly retreat—finding the nearest guest room before the two of you can pick up on his presence. The wolf shuts his eyes, trying to gather his thoughts.
This is ridiculous. I shouldn’t be jealous. She doesn’t owe me anything.
But all the rationale in the world can’t shake off the of jealousy. It’s not a strong, world-shattering type of feeling—but it’s there and it irks him nonetheless. He can’t help but feel like an absolute idiot for mistaking your offering of friendship as anything more. Was he the only one feeling a pull?
Of course she doesn’t feel anything for me. She wouldn’t think of a hybrid in that way.
As much as you talk of equality, Namjoon isn’t dumb. It’s one thing to support hybrid equality, but it’s an entirely different matter to see him equal enough to be a romantic option.
How could she ever think that way about someone she has to put a fucking leash on to be seen outside with? It’s impossible.
He doesn’t know why he let himself feel this way in the first place. He’s only known you for a couple of days—not to mention he already has a loving pack. Guilt stiffens his features, not wanting to think of what his pack would say at his pathetic little crush. Would they feel betrayed?
Relationships aren’t exactly as black-and-white as “open” or “closed” in hybrid packs. On one hand, a pack is always “open” to accept new packmates to form strong bonds with; however, their pack hasn’t had a new member in years…so were they “closed” now?
He doesn’t know why he’s thinking so deeply about it—you’re not even a hybrid. There’s no wolf in you for them to form a pack-bond with.
You should be with a human, someone who can actually build a future with you. Someone like Yoongi.
You should be happy with a human like Yoongi, and he should be happy with his amazing pack. It should be this simple. So why isn’t it?
His heart beats hard against his ribcage, drumming loud in his ears. He waits patiently as you gather your thoughts, but every millisecond feels like a year. Some part of him hopes you’ll pull him back in for a second kiss, but it’s clear that’s not where your head is. He doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath until you start talking again.
“Was that…was that because I was teasing you?” Your voice is soft, almost a whisper, but the closeness between your bodies guarantees he hears every word.
Shaking his head, his mouth answers before his mind has any time to think.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while.”
He doesn’t realize what he’s done until the words spill out.
There’s no going back now.
There’s a moment of regret. You literally gave him an out on a silver platter—just brushing the whole thing off as an answer to your teasing, fueled by wine. But he doesn’t think his response through, and now the entire friendship he’s built with you could easily go down the drain. His heart—which he’s kept guarded for so long—is fully on his sleeve, vulnerable to whatever you decide to do to it.
The confession lingers heavy in the air, sobering any slight buzz out of both of you.
“I’ve liked you for a while. I don’t know when it started…maybe a few months after I was hired? I don’t remember. I just—I like you. A lot. And I know it might be really stupid to say this and ruin what we have,” his voice barely holds it together to get the rest of the sentence out, “but if you tell me you don’t have any feelings for me then I’ll never act on it again, I promise. That’s all I need to know.”
The strain in his voice prompts you to find your own quickly.
“I…I have feelings for you too.”
Yoongi’s shoulders finally fall down, a mix of relief and elation washing over the second your words soak in.
“Thank fucking God” is all he can manage to get out before pulling you into a tight, cathartic hug.
Bacon sizzles on the stovetop, edges turning crisp as Jimin watches over. The fresh aroma of Yoongi’s favorite dark roast fills the kitchen, luring the man in as he’s getting ready to go to work. Jimin signals for him to sit, singing an unfamiliar song as he’s plating the bacon next to a stack of pancakes. The surprise on Yoongi’s face is evident, as Jimin hasn’t cooked him breakfast since the morning of the incident. He'll never say it out loud, but the site does endear him.
“You look happier than usual.” The wolf remarks, noticing the smile Yoongi can’t seem to suppress. It’s hard not to smile when all that’s going through his head are your words from yesterday.
“So do you.”
Jimin puffs out his chest in pride, “Because I just finished baking these” he gestures proudly to a tray of freshly baked muffins. They look mouthwatering, and Yoongi’s hand is reaching out before he even realizes it. But the wandering hand is quickly swatted away.
“Hands off. These are exclusively for Taehyung.”
“Not even one?”
Jimin almost gives in at seeing the pout creep on the man’s lips, but regardless, he stays firm, “Nope. This is step one in fixing our relationship. I need every muffin here if I’m going to make it up to him.”
Curiosity takes over Yoongi’s features, wondering what exactly a guy as sweet as Jimin could do to land himself in such hot water.
“You must’ve messed up really bad.”
Jimin shakes his head, sliding over a fixed plate and coffee. “Funnily enough, I still don’t think I did. It’s the drugs that messed up both of our minds.”
“Why are you making it up to him if you don’t think it was your fault?”
“Because love isn’t always about who’s right and who’s wrong. Sometimes you just have to do what you can to make things work.”
The man raises a brow, taken aback at the wise words coming from such a naïve face, which Jimin notices and starts laughing at immediately.
“I sounded so smart, didn’t I?” His eyes shut into happy crescents, “Namjoon hyung says that to us a lot. It sounds a lot cooler coming from him.”
Yoongi shakes his head in amusement, small chuckle leaving from his lips as he digs into the neatly decorated plate in front of him. Not even the mention of Namjoon could throw off his good mood this morning.
As much as you want to celebrate your recent developments with Yoongi, the current mood in the car has you (and everyone else) stiff with unease. The cause of said unease is looking out the window, paying no mind as he stares blankly at all the cars passing. It’s not lost on anyone how distant Jungkook is becoming towards you, refusing to acknowledge any of your attempts at conversation.
That isn’t the only cold front you’re experiencing.
The wolf in your passenger seat is also visibly off. Normally, he’d be the one trying to get Jungkook to get along with you, but it’s clear that Namjoon is lost in his own world at that moment. You steal glances throughout the drive, trying to decipher his expression: it doesn’t look like he’s mad…but it also doesn’t look like he’s comfortable? His responses are short and the smile he flashes is contrived at best, but you hold off on asking him why.
Hoseok’s also lost in his own thoughts, fidgeting with the sleeve of his shirt and trying to keep the bad memories away. His anxiety’s been spiking up as the synthetic hormone levels decrease, mind now unable to create a haze to block all the bad. There are moments, like right now, when he wants to scratch off his skin until he breaks flesh—grasping for any way to reclaim his body. His claws almost peek out, tempted to follow through with his intrusive thoughts, but he’s pulled out of it when he feels Jimin’s fingers interlock with his own.
The younger one leans in, car radio loud enough to allow them their own moment, “Is it the memories?”
Hoseok nods, eyes down on the interlocking hands, trying to focus on the welcomed touch instead of thinking about all the unwelcomed ones.
“Try tuning into your hybrid hearing when it gets really bad. Maybe that can help block them.”
Hoseok’s willing to try anything at this point, so he zones out on the back of the driver’s seat and lets his ears do their thing. It’s been far too long since he’s tuned into his heightened senses, and it feels disorienting at first, as if he’s no longer in the same place as his body. But natural instincts kick in and have him adjusting quickly, letting him filter through various conversations and noises until he’s focused on one moment. It’s a child begging his mother for ice cream, a sweet exchange. He follows their journey throughout the ice cream aisle, listening in as the mother finally gives in and the two discuss what flavor. Surprisingly, Hoseok doesn’t realize arriving at the doctor’s until Jimin’s unbuckling his belt for him.
Hoseok smiles, “That actually helped.”
Jimin simply responds with a peck on the cheek.
Dr. Gong notices Jungkook’s changed demeanor instantly, as he’s not acknowledging her either. The youngest simply sticks behind his pack, hands holding onto the bottom of Jin’s sweatshirt. She looks back and forth between Jungkook and you, and you don’t know what else to do but sigh.
“Good to see you all again. I hope all is well.”
You bow before ushering three of the hybrids to take the empty seats while you and the others huddle around her desk.
“We’re getting there” you say, half-heartedly smiling.
She nods, “I assume you all are familiar with the process of heat shots. We’ll do the rut suppressant first. Namjoon, please follow the nurse into that room.”
The rest follow one by one, coming out with band aids on their arm. Dr. Gong pulls out a pile of lollipops onto her desk for their return, scattering various flavors on the desk. Taehyung looks at them with curiosity, eyes telling Jimin he’ll take one if he does as well. Jungkook shoves a strawberry one into his jacket, not bothering to thank the doctor the way his hyungs do.
“I was actually with the authorities yesterday, going over the hybrids’ medical results for them. They’re collecting evidence for Kang’s trial. I expect they'll call me to act as a witness soon.”
Just the mention of Kang’s name has every hybrid in the room flinch.
You nod, "I’m waiting for that call as well. Even a life sentence seems too kind for him though.”
“Plans to distribute fevocaine should land him at least thirty years. But realistically, with his status, I won't be surprised if it's fifteen max.”
A low growl comes from Jungkook, startling everyone in the room.
“All the shit he did to us and he’s only tried for the drugs? You must be fucking kidding me.” The only thing that keeps his rage from boiling over is Jin’s firm tone telling him to settle. The raise in voice has Dr. Gong pulling back, fear creeping in at seeing a fired-up wolf.
“He won’t hurt you” Jin assures, snaking a hand around the youngest’s waist to keep him still.
The doctor gives an unconvincing smile, trying to regain composure.
You give an apologetic look, bowing on his behalf. “Sorry Doc.”
“It’s understandable. I also agree with Jungkook. The laws are ridiculous. The only real good news I can give you is that the synthetic hormones seem to lose most of their effectiveness without the fevocaine. There’s no chance of the collars entering the market anytime soon—hopefully ever.”
The information, although positive, has you baffled, “I knew it was a dangerous drug, but such small amounts really made that much of a difference?”
“It’s the base needed for everything else to work. Only fevocaine can subdue a hybrid’s nervous system enough for the other hormones to instill specific behavioral changes. Simply put, without getting the hybrids in a hazy enough headspace, the rest of the hormones just don’t work.”
You suppose it makes sense, as the Kang you know wouldn’t risk involving fevocaine into his plans unless it was absolutely necessary.
“You’re all set for this month. The receptionist out front can set you up for next month’s appointment. I remember you were hesitant about continuing them on the suppressants, though.”
You nod, “We don’t need further appointments. I’m sure they’ve had enough of synthetic drugs messing up their hormones to last a lifetime. Right guys?”
Namjoon’s eyes go wide, “Are you sure? It’s not safe for you to be around us in heat. We don’t mind getting the shots.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, “I mind.” Jin’s grasp on him becomes tighter, an unspoken command to behave.
“It’s alright Joon, Yoongi said I could crash at his whenever you’re in your heats—or rut for you.”
Namjoon’s jaw ticks slightly at the mention of Yoongi, before he reminds himself that this is how things should be. Humans with humans and hybrids with hybrids. He reluctantly nods at your plan, thinking for the greater good of his pack.
“If that’s alright with you then yes, we would prefer not to be on them. Except for Hoseok.”
Your eyes go wide at the realization, of course Hoseok wouldn’t want to go through his heat. You curse under your breath for not catching that.
Hoseok, on the other hand, looks relieved that it was brought up before he had to bring it up himself. He thanks the heavens he has a good Alpha during situations like this.
“You’re back early” you muse, quirking an eyebrow at the figure standing at the door of your home office. Yoongi smiles, making his way to your desk before bending down to kiss your cheek.
“I told Minhyun I had to leave early for an urgent appointment.”
“So you lied to get out of work early? I could fire you for that, you know.” He tilts your head up, kissing the teasing grin off of your face.
“I didn’t lie. I had to come here and kiss you urgently.”
Another kiss.
“Well, this is a side of you I’ve never seen. Can’t say I don’t like it.”
“I have to make up for all the lost time. Besides, this is one step closer to my househusband dream, so I can’t afford to mess it up.”
You roll your eyes, “Am I just a means to an end?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
You pinch his arm and he fakes a hurt face, causing both of you to laugh.
Yoongi traps you in your chair, one hand on each arm rest as he bends to eye level, taking in every second of the moment.
“It feels surreal. Getting to kiss you like this. It’s not something I ever thought would be possible.”
You snake your hands around his neck, pulling his face even closer. “I’ve liked you for a while too. I was just scared…the idea of losing what we already have by trying to be more is terrifying,”
You’ve been scared about the same things as him. This whole time.
“but nothing’s ever felt more right than that kiss. Made me realize that high risk and high return isn’t just for the next business deal.”
“Only you can figure out a way to make this into a business analogy” he chuckles.
“Well my gut instincts have gotten me this far with investments, so no use trying to fight them for everything else in my life.” You’re the one who leans in for the kiss this time, hands cupping his face as you chase after his lips.
“This is going to be the best investment of your life.”
“Those are big claims, Assistant Min.”
“I’m very confident, Miss Shin.”
Namjoon’s fork hits the table, slipping out of his hand and forgotten the moment Yoongi announces your relationship at dinner.
“We want to try and see where things go” you say, bringing your free hand to rest on top of Yoongi’s for everyone to see.
“You don’t have to make a big deal out of it. We don’t care.”
“Jungkook.” Jin admonishes, but the youngest pushes back this time.
“What? It’s true. Whatever they do has nothing to do with us. Unless you want us gone so you can be all lovey dovey. I’m sure he” Jungkook glares in Yoongi’s direction, “wouldn’t want his precious girlfriend sharing a space with us. I mean, we’re wolves after all.”
Yoongi cringes at the mention of his ignorant remark.
“Once again, I’m sorry for saying that. I wish I could take it back.”
You squeeze his hand, “Yoongi’s not like that Jungkook. Nothing about this changes the fact that you all have a permanent home here.”
Yoongi nods.
“I’m happy for you guys” Jimin beams, breaking the tension and making you extremely grateful.
“Me too!” Taehyung follows.
You look over at Namjoon, who sends a tight-lipped smile, “You two look good together.”
 “Thank you Joon,” his stand-offish demeanor still isn’t lost on you.
Hoseok barely reacts, only half present at the dining table. Jimin assures everyone to just let him be, explaining that turning up his hearing is helping him. He doesn’t need to elaborate, as everyone is highly aware of what goes on in Hoseok’s mind most of the time now. You’re just glad something’s helping.
It’s the sound of a record this time, playing maybe two houses down. A nice, soft melody that makes him want to hum along.
Namjoon volunteers to do the dishes this time, until Jin assigns the task to Taehyung and pulls the Alpha to the side, “What’s going on with you?”
“You’ve been in your head all day. I could use a little help reigning Jungkook in, you know. It feels like I’ve been keeping him in check all alone since morning.”
Namjoon looks at the eldest with remorse, “I’m sorry hyung. My thoughts have just been all over the place lately. I should be paying more attention.”
“What is it that’s bothering you? Anything I can help with?”
He shakes his head, “No don’t worry about it. I have it under control.”
“You’re sure?”
The Alpha hangs by Yoongi’s door awkwardly, clearing his throat to make his presence known to both of you. You sit up from your cuddling position upon seeing him.
“Hey Joon, you need to talk to Yoongi about something?”
The wolf nods, “I can come by later if it’s not a good time.”
You shake your head and get out of the covers, much to Yoongi’s reluctance.
“I need to go look over some documents anyways. You guys talk.”
It’s when you’re right in front of him do you ask what’s on your mind, “Hey, are you okay? You don’t seem like yourself lately…unless this is another instance of the hormones wearing off?”
“No, this isn’t that. I’ve just been feeling a little under the weather today. It’s nothing serious.”
Your hand is on his forehead in an instant, “It’s not a fever, thankfully. You sure you’re good? Need any cold meds?”
“No it’s fine, really. I’ll let you know if I need anything.”
The wolf waits a second after you leave, making sure you’re far away from the door before speaking. Yoongi watches carefully, not in the mood for whatever “Alpha claim” he’s about to stake on you.
But Namjoon isn’t that kind of Alpha.
“I wanted to talk about y/n.”
“Go on.”
“Now that you two are…together” the word is bitter on his tongue, “we should get along. For her sake.”
Yoongi can’t say he’s not caught off-guard. He always thought a jealous Alpha would be one throwing temper tantrums and bearing teeth. Namjoon’s words don’t help make him any less wary, though.
“That’s hard to do when I see the way you look at her. I’ve wanted this for so long, and I’m not going to let a stranger walk into our lives and take it away.”
The word “stranger” has an unsettling feeling rise up in Namjoon’s chest, wanting to protest and that he and you are not strangers. That he understands you in ways Yoongi never will. But he stops himself. Because none of it matters if he can’t be the one thing you need: human.
That’s something Yoongi will always have over him.
“It’s just a crush, nothing serious. I’ll get over it without her ever knowing.”
“How can I believe that? How do I know this crush won’t turn into something serious in the future?”
“Because it can’t. She likes you. Not me. I’m not stupid enough to make a move and risk her kicking out the entire pack. I know you don’t trust me, but you can trust that I won’t risk the future of my pack over this.”
It’s the one statement that does placate Yoongi, because he’s right. The one thing he—and anyone who’s known Namjoon for longer than two seconds—knows is that his every decision revolves around his packmates’ wellbeing.
“Okay. I can believe that.”
A/N: Took a bit longer to get out this week, but I'm always grateful that you guys stick around and interact. Have a great day!
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purpleyoonn · 3 months
haze || petrichor
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In which you go through the haze of your inevitable first heat with your mates. Pleasure and passion fight to take your senses as you let your mates take care of you and your desires.
Takes place after chapter 19 of Petrichor.
events not in order. just a collection of hazy memories from her heat.
tags: pure smut with a lil fluff, feral jin, cum smearing, cunnilingus, knotting, some mmf action, polyamorous relations, sub jungkook, dom yoongi, pussy eating, breast play, overstimulation, mc engulfed in pleasure, mentions of cock sucking,
completely unedited/unbeta'd
enjoy :)
masterlist | petrichor 19 | navigation
You're not sure where you begin and where your mates end. You've never felt this type of heat before and it only seems to become quenched when you're with them, connected by the forces of the mate bond you'd only just fulfilled.
"Baby..." You vaguely hear Jimin's breathy moans as he takes you from behind, his lips creating constellations on your back as he tries to bring you both to your ends. Body alight with sensations even your naughtiest dreams couldn't conjure, you can't help but clench with every thrust, wanting your alpha to knot you. Wanted his knot.
His hand slipped from your waist, over your hips, giving a quick squeeze to them before moving under to your clit, needing you to come together.
"Alpha" You whine out, hands shaking as you try to hold yourself up on the bed, fingers curling into the fabric of the blankets below, smelling the alluring combination of your mates as you try to take deep breaths.
"That's it my loves," Hobi encourages from your side, his hand now rubbing circles into your side as he helps steady you so you don't fall. "Let your Alpha take care of you, 'mega." His hand moved from your side to your breast, groping as he moved to lay under neath you, his mouth taking your other breast in as he lapped at your nipple.
You let out a small whimper at the feeling of Jimin's knot swelling, the pleasure making your toes curl and back arch towards your mate. You began to push back, needing to feel your mate closer to you, only for him to hold your hips tight, squeezing again as he pushed your head down into the pillow, taking control.
Hobi only moaned at being squished underneath you, your breast still in his mouth as he continued to assault your chest.
Jimin's alpha took over as he sped up the pace, his fingers working to bring you to release just as his knot locked into place.
"Please, please, please" You chant through your haze, body jolting with each and every thrust of your mate. You gripped your arms around his neck, holding him close in an attempt to not pass out from pleasure. Despite your lucidity, you were completely unable to move. Not that you wanted to.
"That's right, love. Make her come once more. Make our omega come and I'll let you come in her." Yoongi's voice rasped in his own ears, his body laying against Jungkook's as he pounds into his tight hole. His eyes locked with your own as he moved.
Jungkook moved his head, placing a trail of kisses down your neck and to your chest, his lips moving until they were wrapped around your nipple, sucking.
"Alpha" you moaned, breathless from the assault on your senses. You couldn't look away from your alpha, not even as his eyes closed and his pace slowed, harsher thrusts replacing the quick, feeling his knot begin to swell.
You can't tell whose hand touches where, but soon enough your lost in light as your orgasm hits, the feeling of being filled your only anchor to earth.
Despite both of their knots locked in, Jungkook doesn't stop moving, tugging on Yoongi's knot and making little gasps leave your lips as he continues to pump into you, small thrusts to help keep his cum inside you. To feel you clench around him. To make those sweet tears of overstimulation fall down your beautiful cheeks.
"That's enough, pup." Yoongi pulls at his hair, causing a hiss to leave his lips.
His lips are suckling at your scent gland, pink haze glazed over your eyes as you try to hold onto your sanity. You could feel his knot tugging at you as you attempt to wrap your legs around his waist.
"Ah ah, little one." Jin pulls back, eyes dark as he looks down at you, his marks littered around your neck and chest, a way to make sure everyone knew you were his. He could practically feel his knot swelling again, but he fought the urge to pump into you again.
His thumb brushing against your cheek, a tear following his trail as he moves again, this time, feeling the swelling of his knot going down finally.
"Jinnie.." You whimper, feeling him pull out and the emptiness form before settles in. You liked feeling full, feeling connected with them. It settles something deep within you and you didn't quite know how to feel.
"Now, little one, let alpha finish what he was doing." He tutted, lips smacking as he sent another dark look your way. You knew by now his alpha was present and you could already feel yourself getting hot again.
Jin and his alpha brought out something in you, something primal that loved to be marked and claimed and devoured until only the feeling of him was left.
You tensed up and bucked away from the feeling of his finger at your core, too sensitive to continue despite your thoughts wanting otherwise. A small slap to your inner thigh had you freezing, not knowing what your alpha was doing.
"Just relax baby, gonna scent you." His words settled into your skin, your eyes closing as you tried to relax, listening to the sound of him humming as he continued to press his fingers into your core.
The next thing you knew he was rubbing something onto your stomach and sides, his fingers warm as he massaged whatever it was into your skin.
You open your eyes, curious, only to see him going back to your core and scooping out the mixture of your cum and bringing it to your chest, his hands cupping your breasts and rubbing his cum in circles.
"That's it, little mate, gonna smell like me for weeks."
Taehyung felt ravenous, like nothing was going to sate the hunger he had inside of him but you. His hands wrapped around your hips and laid against your stomach, holding you to the bed as he licked up your slit, gathering up your slick.
He loved the taste of you, sweet honey and almond.
Hu hummed in approval only making you squirm even more against his tongue. Taehyung knew that you loved the feeling of them humming, loved the vibrations it sent up your core.
Another wave of slick had him lapping at your cunt, moving in as far as he could until your taste was all his brain could comprehend. He wanted the taste of you to consume him, mind, body, and soul.
You tugged at his scalp, fingers knotted in his curls as he brings you to another orgasm, nose nudging at your clit only adding to the stimulation.
He knew his face was a mess as he tried to drink from you, not wanting a single bit of your release to go to waste. Not when it could go to him.
He could hear you cry out, pleasure consuming you again as he only prolonged your orgasm, dragging it out to he could continue his feast.
"You need to eat more, baby. Please." You pouted as the piece of fruit touched your lips. You didn't want any more food.
"Omega." Namjoon scolded you as you ignored Jungkook, a jolt going through your body as you felt him twitch inside you.
"Omega, if you eat a couple more pieces, " Jimin looked directly at Jungkook, "I bet Jungkook will let you have him as Alpha gives you another knot." Jimin had a shit eating grin on his lips, wanting to fulfill his own selfish desire of seeing your lips around Jungkook's cock.
It seemed you wanted it too, your eyes glazing a little as you looked down to his hard cock, only inches away from your face as he tried to feed you.
"But you need to eat, 'mega." Jimin coos, taking the fruit from Jungkook's hand and moving it back to your mouth, watching as you open your lips and take the fruit between your teeth.
The sight of you eating the piece of fruit had a new meaning, Jungkook and Namjoon both becoming even more aroused knowing you wanted them again.
Jungkook couldn't wait to know how your lips felt around his cock.
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minniepetals · 11 months
cry me a river | the reckless
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— summary: in the face of danger, you run right into it
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: angst, mafia!au
— word count: 4.7k
— warnings: slight violence
— PART 24 / previous post / masterpost
It’s about one in the morning when you sneak out of the room with gentle steps, making sure to not wake the one who sleeps on the armchair beside the bed, his soft little snores still heard until his presence disappears with the closed door.
The hallways are as silent as it was back in the room, the only thing heard is the sounds of your footsteps echoing through, and as you close your shawl closer to your body, you look around to make your way to the familiar steps that lead outside where the greenhouse stands.
The doors are left unlocked so you let yourself in and step through the glass doors, closing your eyes for a moment to breathe in the scent of the greens all around you.
It’s during lonely moments like this you feel your heart craving for some sort of familiarity. Not just the presence of your Reapers but for the presence of your manor itself.
For years you spent hating that place more than anything because that was where everything happened; where you were born, where you grew up, watching your mother hating you with every fiber left in her, chasing after your father’s attention, shedding tears on top of gentle shoulders, trapped behind the steel door of a white room, training, meeting good people, meeting bad people, everything.
You can’t recall when the feeling of dread and disdain turned to eyes seeking for it, feet yearning to step back into it. Maybe it was the moment your father died, when the dynasty he worked so hard to build broke down into pieces like a house of cards, when you took over and made it into the home that it is now starting to feel like.
You returned to it after Leehyun, locking yourself in the comfort of your room, knowing that if you were to step outside, your Reapers would be right there with the smallest calling of their names. It served as your escape when it used to be the very reason you hated your existence.
The manor has become home and perhaps the only reason it’s able to be such a thing is because of what you’ve built it to be.
You want to escape, to return to it and simply hide in it and have no one bother you until you’re ready to step out yourself.
On the bench where Alexander sat this morning, you take your seat and close your eyes, trying to manipulate your mind into thinking you aren’t in Norway, that you’re back in Seoul, back at the manor, and not somewhere far, far away.
It’s exhausting doing this, your revenge plan. It’s exhausting having to put up a front, exhausting having to freeze up and recall unwanted memories that you wish could bury forever in the back of your mind.
But buried memories can’t always stay buried. They return, eventually, in time, whether you’re prepared or not.
You can’t tell how much time has passed but when you feel something against your feet accompanied by small little pants, you open your eyes to find the little puppy that accepted you from the moment he laid eyes on you.
You look down at him and he returns your gaze with a tilt in his head, tail wagging, and swirls about in a circle once before using his nose to poke at your leg again. He reminds you of the children at The Academy, how they’ve never been scared of you despite wanting to always push them away with your cold demeanor. It’s like Kiwi sees right through you, just like them, and in your silence, you pick up the small little thing to bring him onto your lap.
His tail wags a little more and when you run your hand through his fur, he gets a little more excited and affectionate.
Besides the children, there’s someone else you see in him.
“You remind me of someone,” you say as he nuzzles into the feeling of your palm. “Though unlike you, he wasn’t too fond of me in the beginning. It took some time for him to warm up but once he got to that point, he wouldn’t stop following me around.”
You fall silent again, thinking, remembering, reminiscing, and your fingers stop playing around with the little puppy on your lap.
The memories aren’t as hazy as they used to be, they’re a little clearer, a little closer to home. You can feel it in your heart when something feels like it’s just stabbed it, and in your stomach when you feel a little drop.
“I’m sorry for being selfish,” a voice whispers into your ear. “I’m sorry for only ever thinking about myself.”
But the thing about that is, you cannot be sorry for something that is within your nature, you cannot be sorry for wanting to put yourself first in a cruel, cruel world. When everything feels wrong, when the world feels like it’s always against you, when you do not know who to put your trust in.
If you were a little more mature and a little more brave, would you have been able to tell him the things you want to say now?
Things like; it wasn’t your fault. Things like; it’s alright, and you’re okay, and rest well.
Rest well, rest well, rest well.
You lean your head forward to the sky, gaze closed, as if hoping the things you spoke within your heart could be heard from him wherever he stays.
And as the silence continues, you feel your consciousness eventually slip away as your shoulders loosen their tensions with the feel of the little puppy resting well in your lap.
You didn’t realize it, that you had fallen asleep, but you know yourself waking when you feel a presence closing in and immediately opening your eyes to meet the old man who has a blanket hovered before you, his eyes falling a little surprised because he hadn’t expected you to wake up so easily.
“It’s good to put your guard down a little, you know,” Alexander says with a small chuckle as you accept the blanket to drape it behind you.
“I’ve learned my lesson with that,” you answer him and scoot over to the edge of the bench in order to make room for him.
He takes his seat beside you though leaves enough space in between and you’re thankful this man is observant. Kiwi’s awake but remains quiet and still, head resting against his paws with his tail swaying side to side.
“Do you have anyone you can trust in this world?” Alexander crosses a leg over the other and you look at your watch to see that it’s about four in the morning.
You managed to sleep in an unfamiliar place while knowing there weren’t any Reapers that could come to you at any second. How odd.
“There are always chances someone can stab you in the back.” Maybe the presence of Kiwi helped you. “It’s never a good idea to put your full trust in anyone.”
“You say that but one day you might come to know it feels rather nice putting unconditional faith in someone.”
You shake your head, brows furrowing. “Even if that someone has a good heart and good intentions, it doesn’t mean it hurts any less.”
There’s only been one person you know you can truly trust but he’s gone from this world, only ever being able to see him again when he wishes to visit you in your dreams. He’s the only person you’d ever allow to hurt you over and over again, even if it isn’t the real version of him.
Mister Butler can hate you and betray you but you’d let him do it again and again and maybe that’s because in your heart, you know those versions that the nightmares give you are simply from your own imagination and that he’d never truly come to hate you. He’s incapable of betraying your trust. Someone like him, who stayed by your side when he didn’t have to, isn’t a man who can have his heart easily swayed into hating you.
“Are you tired of betrayal?”
“I’m tired of everything,” you admit and he looks at you up and down, eyes narrowing slightly.
“And yet here you are, out in Norway.” Alexander knows a thing or two, he isn’t dumb, and you aren’t someone to think otherwise. He wouldn’t be in the position he is now if he was, and you don’t deny what he implies in his words. “You run straight into the very things that make you tired.”
“Because it is the only way I can feel alive.” You look on straight ahead before you, watching the pretty sky that pokes out from behind the plants of the greenhouse. “Otherwise I’d be in my room, rotting away. There is no purpose in running away, there is no purpose in leaving things be. My father did not leave this world for me to simply carry on as if he never existed.”
Some may take that as you carrying on your father’s legacy and whatever Alexander is thinking, you don’t care too much for it because all it matters is what you know. You didn’t kill your father just to stay silent for the rest of your life. His death was the beginning of everything.
Your turning point.
“And no one can stop a mind that’s already been made up.” Alexander nods, understanding, and doesn’t push for answers, but perhaps in the back of his mind, he’s a little curious about you and your goals and aspirations in this life. What drives you, what made you into the sort of person you are today, but Alexander is wise unlike many old men you’ve met throughout your life, so he doesn’t question things beyond your boundary.
And so he diverts the subject once again, turning it to the puppy in your lap.
“Perhaps you should adopt a pet of your own, to help you ease your mind a little,” he tells you with a fond gaze at Kiwi. “Humans can be quite disappointing, but a loyal pet will stay loyal for the rest of its life. Not to mention they’re the greatest comfort when someone needs it.”
Maybe that’s true. Maybe you should turn to a dog rather than humans in your time of need. Humans are disappointing creatures after all. But, “It’s too much of a hassle,” you say. “I can’t even take care of my own self properly, it’d be unwise of me to try and take care of another being.”
“...Is that so?”
It becomes a daily occurrence; the talks in the greenhouse, and soon you come to realize that Alexander isn’t one to let just anyone into his greenhouse. The doors that are usually locked during hours when one should be asleep are kept open, and perhaps that’s because he’s come to realize that you don’t sleep a lot, at least not in the house of a stranger, so he leaves them open for you to visit when you need your space.
And in the morning, around four or five AM when he awakens, he’ll come along and strike up a conversation and the two of you will speak about the things he brings up. Things like Seoul and of the Reaper gang, sometimes he’ll ask of Master Kitagawa, other times he’ll ask how far your skills go.
You speak to him in vague terms, careful not to tell him everything, but he comes to know that you were an only child, married once in an arranged marriage, but divorced. He doesn’t seem too surprised by that fact probably because everyone knows this happens all the time.
And in him knowing a little more about you, you come to know a little more about him as well.
Like when Kiwi came into his life and the fact that he’s had other pets throughout his lifetimes before but they’ve all died and left him.
You asked him why he continues adopting pets when he knows they don’t live as long as humans do, why he hurts himself over and over again, but he simply smiles and says that sometimes being able to love is better than being lonely. That it doesn’t matter how many times he has to watch them die and that he’d never regret loving them.
Alexander believes in reincarnation, that the souls of his first puppy dies and returns in the form of the other pets he’s had, so he’s never truly lonely, and something about that, believing in such a thing, though it sounds a bit absurd, is a little bit beautiful in its own way.
If you could believe Mister Butler died and returned through someone else, it’d be a nice delusion to live in, and despite the fact that there have been one or two guys that have reminded you of him, the truth is, no one can ever be Mister Butler.
Not Hoseok. Not Mingyu.
Because Mister Butler is like family. He was. 
Through your marriage with Namjoon, he was your older brother, but he always felt closer to a father figure to you, and perhaps that’s because your father was never there for you. Mingyu is closer to an older brother. A companion. A friend.
And Hoseok?
The one that got away.
The right person at the wrong time.
And because of that fact, you don’t allow yourself to be near him for too long, hence denying his companionship when Jungkook told you it’d probably be better if Hoseok were standing guard at your side rather than him.
It’s true, Hoseok would be better. You wouldn’t be as cautious towards him as you are of Jungkook, but it’s that exact reason that you cannot let him near.
You cannot let him shake your core, so you endure what you can and let Jungkook stay near you despite the constant reminder of what he did all those years ago.
It’s not entirely his fault but as you’ve said, it doesn’t hurt any less.
In your time getting closer to Alexander, he’s refused the appearance of Karl several times. Asher says if he has to, his grandfather will meet him elsewhere. Just not in the house. The guy has come to guess that you’re here because of Karl, and if he’s guessed it, maybe Alexander has too.
Though the old man never brings it up despite the plenty of chances during your greenhouse talks.
“Any progress?”
Dawn remains in the sky as ever and while Jungkook sleeps, you sit on the windowsill to take a call from the other side of the world. It’s a bit chilly to head out today so you stay indoors this time, making sure to keep your voice low.
“Plenty. It’s been quite peaceful these days, it feels a bit out of place.” Alexander’s kindness wasn’t something you expected the first day you walked into Norway. You expected things to be harder after meeting Asher but surprisingly, things are quite…easy, to say the least. “I have a feeling it won’t last too long.”
“No?” Namjoon sounds a little confused on his end. “Why do you say that? Should we come over earlier than planned?”
“No, don’t do that. Come as scheduled,” you say and look away from the window to the man who’s moved from sleeping on the armchair to the bed. It took some time to convince him initially but eventually Jungkook agreed to take the bed since you don’t really sleep anyway.
“You have something planned, don’t you?” There’s some suspicion in his voice and you want to laugh a little at how things are right now.
Who would have thought you’d be back on speaking terms with the man you thought you’d push away for good? But here he is, back and ready to give you his trust. You don’t know if he’s smart or stupid or both. Maybe there’s a bit of both, but it probably took some time for him to consider it, being as the whole thing was about his brother whom he loves very dearly.
Namjoon’s finally using his head.
Though you aren’t too sure if you like it so much.
“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.”
“It’s nothing bad.”
“I don’t know if I can trust those words so easily. The last time you left the country, you disregarded your life just for that plan of yours.”
“Listen.” You roll your eyes. “I’ll be fine.”
There’s a pause on his end before he speaks again. “You didn’t assure me that you won’t do something reckless,” he notes and you internally click your tongue, “which means that feeling of the peace not lasting for long is you actively causing that to happen.” When you don’t respond, he goes on. “Will you stop being so secretive and let me know what you’re thinking? Maybe then you won’t be in the same position you were with Leehyun, and me and my boys and the Reapers will know how to help you.”
“You can’t keep hiding, Y/N. Stop being so reckless, you’re too reckless.”
“Watch me.”
He lets out a heavy sigh. “That wasn’t a challenge.”
Another sigh and he knows he can’t win. “Just…if you decide it’s better for me to go over sooner rather than later, let me know. I’ll be waiting. Right here, just a phone call away.”
You don’t think too much about it. You don’t want to think too much about it. 
So when the cloud gives way to the sun and it shines higher in the sky, you finally take up Karl’s request to have tea and catch up, deciding you shouldn’t keep running away from what you’re trying to face.
You have Yeonjun stay by your side this time, rather than Jungkook, in case Karl says something out of line and Jungkook will hear more things than you want him to. You stay in the garden of Alexander’s mansion, keeping a little distance away from the building itself, and with the feel of eyes from a window behind you, the conversation begins.
“I remember him,” Karl points at your escort when he takes his first sip of the tea. “Jun? Joon?” Yeonjun doesn’t make an effort to fix him and simply remains quiet. “Right, never one to talk but always by your side.” His eyes settle back on you, a small glint of mirth in them. “You have quite the loyal companion.”
“Yes..I do.” You ignore his gaze to take a sip of your own tea, keeping your replies short.
“I’m still a bit hurt you didn’t reach out to me about your father’s death. We were good friends, you knew that.”
Of course you did. “I apologize, it slipped my mind.”
“Slipped your mind?” He raises a brow, unconvinced. “Hmm…and here I thought, I left a good impression in those four months I stayed in Seoul.”
You did. 
You did indeed leave an impression that will last a lifetime.
“Maybe I should have tried harder?”
That mirth in his eyes. Again.
You want to punch him.
“How did he die though? The man I knew isn’t someone who would have easily died and he would have updated me about his health had he fallen ill.”
“He was betrayed,” you say, not batting an eye, and Karl puts his cup down after hearing that.
His eyes are blown out. “Your father? Betrayed? And he didn’t see that coming?”
“They were smart.”
“Even still..” He can’t believe it, though you don’t blame him too much. The father you both know is not someone who’s easily trusting of others, therefore he’s always right there to pick out someone who will betray him before they can execute their plan. 
That’s why it took so long to manipulate him into believing you were a daughter full on worshiping his ground without an ounce of betrayal in your veins. That’s why your masterful plan took so long. You had to convince your father into believing he had won in manipulating you to his side when all along, you had been waiting to stab him in the back. Facing a man like him, smart, calculating, a manipulating gaslighter who thinks the world centers around him requires more than just simple brains and planning.
It took years to execute your plans and even then you feel like you could have done better with everything. For one, not letting anyone see what had happened, aka Bangtan. But what’s done is done. Dwelling on past mistakes is just stupid and a waste of time.
“And what about you?” When Karl points the finger at you, his gaze narrows, brows slightly furrowed. “You’re his daughter, his perfect little doll. You didn’t see that someone was plotting your father’s death? Is it not your job to protect him?”
“That’s right,” you give him nothing to fight against, just simply accepting the accusations placed upon you. “I failed in protecting him. I am an incompetent daughter who should have done better.”
Karl stands up, running a hand through his hair. “Your father did all that he could for you and still, you–” 
When he looks at you again and meets the gaze you send him, his word stops mid-sentence. Your stare isn’t threatening, it isn’t a glare, nor one that is meant to scare him off, yet something in them lies a hidden threat either way, were he to continue speaking. Karl, seeing that, lets out a chuckle and he closes in on you, patting you on the shoulder before simply leaving his hand there.
You look at it for a second before giving him the attention he wants as he leans in, nose inches away from you.
“Your father created you into the weapon that you are today, my dear little Y/N, and you’ve even been trained under Kitagawa, so why is it that you failed to protect him? Huh? Tell me.”
From the corner of your eye, Yeonjun moves slightly closer, though he keeps his distance and doesn’t dare to make a move unless you instruct him otherwise.
The breath against your face, the touch of skin burning through the thin cloth of your dress, the sides of your knees meeting one another, back straightening up, heels rising from the ground, fingers intertwined into each other, sitting on your lap.
You keep your eyes open, meeting his gaze, but internally you’re counting in your head and holding your breath, hearing the beat of your heart that might as well rip through your rib cages and past the barrier of your skin to physically beat widely before Karl himself.
Maybe he hears it, maybe he can feel it, but whether he does or not, he has no will to move away from you and you know Karl, he isn’t dumb. He knows exactly the effect he has on you right now. He saw it, knows just how you felt all those weeks ago when you were in the living room and he touched you.
He knows and doesn’t care one bit.
Just as he was all those years ago.
They never change.
“What is it that you want from me, Karl?” He doesn’t fix you into calling him uncle this time. “Do you want me to repent on my knees and beg for forgiveness? My father’s already six feet underground, it’s not as if he’ll hear me now, but as his close friend, if you wish for me to do just that, I will. Just for you.”
There’s malice in his eyes, a scoff that leaves him when he watches you, and finally, he moves back. Just a little. “You’ve gotten quite bold, haven’t you? Now that your father isn’t here to teach you a lesson.”
“And if I have? What will you do about it?” You push back, leaning forward, challenging him despite your body screaming at you to run away. “Go ahead and do whatever you’d like with me, there’s no one here right now that can stop you. I can tell Yeonjun to pluck his eyes out right now and he’ll do just that. He won’t say a word and he won’t move unless I tell him otherwise.”
At the mention of the boy, Karl looks over between you and him, and then something in him lights up slightly as if he’d just remembered something. As if he’d just realized something.
“That’s right...what loyal companions…” He steps back, releasing your shoulder, and tilts his head back as he laughs obnoxiously. “Is this all about that little boy I messed with? Him?” The laugh rings a little louder, a little more crazed. “You pretend you’re so cold and have no feelings and yet here you are, chasing after me all the way from Seoul, just for a boy, the second you got the chance. If your father were still here, he wouldn’t have let that happen, but now that he’s gone…-”
He pauses again, and after hurling over laughing, stands back up straight again as the laugh dies all too abruptly. So you stand up from your seat, the corner of your lip curling over as you notice just why he’s gone silent.
By now the tea is slowly getting cold but you don’t care much for it as you stand tall, hands held together before you in a formal manner.
“The person who betrayed him…” His eyes narrow. “Who was it?”
“Oh uncle,” you mock that title, mirth in your eyes, “I think you know exactly where that answer lies.”
Something screams danger when his gaze darkens in realization.
And yet you seem to only be attracted to danger as it is the only thing you’ve ever gotten used to seeing every day. The danger of being born as a mafia heir, married to a mafia powerhouse, spiraled into a hellhole you cannot ever seem to escape so you run towards it.
Directly into the fire.
Into the danger.
Provoking your enemies, knowing exactly just what their reactions will be, because danger seems to be the one thing in your life that will never leave and abandon you out of nowhere. The only thing you can forever trust to catch you were you to fall blindly into it.
And blindly you fall, trusting it to come.
And comes it goes, directly your way.
Never disappointing.
Never disappointing.
Namjoon called you reckless and for the first time in forever, you might have to agree with him. Because being reckless means not caring for the consequences to come after committing a rash action. The reckless ones do not care what happens to them, they live off adrenaline, they run towards the fire when everyone else runs away.
Towards the danger despite knowing there will always be a chance they may not survive. Unheeding, stubborn, thoughtless, careless, negligent, imprudent. Unwise, unwary, incautious, hasty.
A fool.
A fool.
A fool.
But misguided and left on their own. Lonely, abandoned, hurt, isolated, rejected, forsaken. An outcast and unloved, a disappointment and broken.
A broken little soul whose heart lies empty with a hole pierced through the middle.
You are reckless. You are broken.
And broken things do not know how to save themselves, they only know the warmth of the fire. That is the only thing they can rely on.
So you stay within his vicinity, within Karl’s reach, watching, simply standing there, keeping still, as if keeping vigil. Like you’re just waiting, just expecting for something, anything, the inevitable, to happen. And when it comes in the form of a harsh, harsh slap across the face that has your body turning over to the side and having to hold onto the table to keep your balance, you can’t even say that you are surprised.
It feels like being in the presence of your father all over again, in the face of danger, of a manipulator, of a gaslighter, of an abuser.
He returns hard and so vividly in the form of anger, in the form of a ghost, a spirit whom you see standing right behind Karl. He stands as still as ever, hands held behind his back, simply watching.
While you stand before him in front of a man he’s using to command orders over him. Using violence through others because father never raises his hands, father never puts in the effort or strength or power into physical forms. He does it through others, he commands through others, he hurts through others.
Watching until he’s satisfied.
But he’s never satisfied. He’s never satisfied.
And on your end, you can do nothing but accept it all willingly.
There is nothing else you can do, there is nothing else that can be done. It is like being in his presence all over again. Yeonjun, the Reapers behind you, standing still, told to not do a thing, to not move an inch, and your father behind the violence, keeping silent with a deadly gaze.
You return to the past.
You see him.
He’s right there.
And Karl raises his hand again.
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whalyrae · 2 months
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"We don’t get a say on how it ends, we never have. But we can control how we live."
Summary : You are a powerful witch, cursed and hurt through ages. Owner of your esoteric shop, you were resigned to live this lonely life when the powerful magic of soulmates and fate came to you.
Pairing : poly BTS x reader (she/her)
Genre : soulmate au, demons bts au, witch y/n au, fluff, angst, eventual smut, polyamory relationships
Status : In process
Word Count : 5k
Warnings : eventual smut, angst, mention of depression, death, suicide, past trauma, violence, blood, past (sexual) abuse, past torture, PTSD, scars, self harm, and more.
Tag list : @blackrockshooter780 @babyymeme @starrlo0ver @suckerforv @mushroom-main @m1sss1mp @prettydancingdamzel @i-have-no-life-charlie @avadakadabra93 @veronawrites @kawaiikpoplover268 @didi-9310 @ghostlyworld @carolinexkpop @gooooomz @00ihatesnaku
A/N : After months of struggling with life, health, mental health issues... I can FINALLY POST AGAIN !! This chapter was really hard to write (I cried a little at the end ngl :D), I have constant writer block, constant impostor syndrome... I have the perfectionnism trait but in a toxic way really TT.TT Don't hesitate to like and reblog !! Also don't be afraid to leave a little comment or if you have any questions, here or in anon in my inbox !! they are really really welcomed, I love reading all your impressions and thoughts !!
Also thank you so much !! I was inactive for a very long time and I still got daily alerts with people who liked/kudos the chapters and the story :(( I can't express (yeah i'm an author and i can't express through words LOL) how much i'm grateful :(( ♥♥
ps : ah and sorry if there is any mistakes or anything it's almost 2:30am when I post this and I had an really emotionnal day fgkfdhlfk LOVE YALL MUAH ♥
Playlist link : The Old Guard Playlist
Masterlist | ao3 | wattpad
Chapter 3 // Chapter 5
☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ ☾ 
She was wondering whether it would be better to ask Handong to stay with her. She had assured her that she would handle the situation and that Handong could go home. She knew that Gahyeon would need her at their coffee shop. 
However, now that she was in the living room of the seven boys, her soulmates’, after bringing one of them in an utterly unconscious state for a reason as unknown to them as it was to her, she was starting to regret this decision.
She couldn't understand what had happened with Jin the moment their eyes met. She couldn't say anything, the words were stuck in her throat as they stared at each other without a word. He parted his lips as if he wanted to say something, but just like her, nothing came out. 
He'd known she was his soul mate, of course he could feel it. Just like her. But had he recognized her? Did he know that the two of them were the firsts of their soulmate bond to meet, long before any of the other six were born? She couldn't be sure and didn't have time to find out. 
She had seen his features contort in pain, and without a word, he had collapsed. Luckily, Handong, who had seen them, was able to catch him in time, preventing him from falling to the ground and potentially injuring himself. 
Thanks to a spell that increased her strength tenfold, she could carry him without Handong’s help and any difficulty to the place where he lived with his mates. But she couldn't stop herself from hurrying, worried sick about him.
And that's where she is now. Jungkook helped her carry Jin to the living room, laying him on the sofa. While Yoongi woke up Taehyung and Namjoon. Jimin and Hoseok hurried to get a damp cloth on Jin's forehead. 
Namjoon and Taehyung stormed into the room, not hiding their surprise at seeing her there in total panic. 
However, they didn't ask any questions. Yoongi probably had to explain to them what happened and what was going on. 
She was standing in front of the sofa where Jin was lying, staring at the unconscious demon, his features distorted by pain. The sight of him was enough to make her stomach twist with soreness. 
"Hey, Noona..." Jimin's soft voice startled her. He was standing next to her, a comforting smile on his lips, "Everything’s going to be fine, don't worry..."
She didn't even know what to say. She didn't dare to look him in the eye, or any of the other boys. The guilt she'd been carrying around with her all these centuries was only getting stronger. 
She could hear voices behind her, probably the boys talking amongst themselves, or maybe they were trying to talk to her. She didn't know. Nothing around her was clear and precise. Her vision was blurring, her heart rate had been racing for a while and she was getting worse. 
She gasped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned round abruptly, facing Namjoon. The other boys were behind him, except for Yoongi who was next to Jin. 
"Hey," he greeted her with a gentle smile, "don't worry, everything's going to be fine,” he repeated Jimin’s words, “You're having a panic attack, I'm gonna help you, okay? Look at me."
His voice was soft and reassuring, it had a calming effect on her. His presence and warmth invaded her whole being, despite the anxiety attack she was having. 
She raised her eyes to meet him. Slowly, he tells her to take long, deep breaths. The first time, she breathed in and breathed out. Then a second time. And a third. 
Finally, her breathing returned to normal and her heart rate calmed. Seeing this, Namjoon gave her another smile, his fingers caressing her shoulder to calm her down. 
She had the strange impression that Namjoon probably possessed some kind of power capable of influencing the emotions, feelings, or even bodily reactions of the people he touched. Or maybe it was just the soulmate effect. 
"Feeling better?" 
"Yes... Thank you..." She replied with a small smile, seeing Hoseok approach her with a glass of water. "Thanks… and sorry, I wish we'd met under different circumstances..."
"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm enchanted to meet you." 
Hoseok gave her a big, bright smile, which he succeeded in communicating to her. 
"I guess you guys have questions... and why did I show up with Jin in this state..."
She turned her attention to Jin. A wave of emotion suddenly washed over her as she realized that yes, he was there, in the same room as her. Her soul mate, the first to cross her way, the one she'd lost so suddenly and brutally centuries ago. A mixture of joy, sadness, guilt, and apprehension. 
"Do you know what's going on with him? And why is he in this condition?" Hoseok asked curiously, taking back the glass she'd just drunk in one long sip.
She bit her lower lip nervously. She had to tell them. Jin was their soulmate, just like he was hers.
But where to start?
"Come on, settle down here."
Yoongi straightened up to install her on the sofa, right next to Jin still unconscious. He'd then sat down next to her, while the others had taken seats in front of her, Namjoon and Hoseok on the low table, the maknae on the floor, clinging to each other.
The sight made her smile gently. But quickly the smile disappeared, replaced by apprehension. The words just wouldn't come out of her mouth. She knew that the moment had come, that once she'd told them everything, they'd hate her, reject her, and she’d lose the people she'd waited for all her life. 
"Noona... I can smell your fear all the way up here..." murmured Jimin, her eyes landing on him with surprise, "I'm an empath, by the way..." he explained with a shrug. 
"You don't have to be an empath to sense the fear radiating from her." chuckled Taehyung, teasing his companion who gave him a nudge on the shoulder, "Oops, sorry sweetie." 
"I know that from the moment you will know the whole story, you'll never want to hear from me again and I... argh that's the last thing I want," she admitted with a sad smile. The events of the last few days had paralyzed and overwhelmed her in some ways when it came to making the right decisions, and she was extremely upset with herself about this.  
"But I think I need to stop being scared, and selfish like I have been."
"We could never hate you," Hoseok said firmly, the others all giving signs of approval, "no matter what you've done." 
"Tell us all the horrible things you ever did, and let us love you anyway."
She recognized Namjoon's words. And she wasn’t surprised that he could quote Edgard Allan Poe, considering the circumstances of their first meeting. 
She couldn't deny that his words made her feel a tinge of comfort, because he was sincere, and every one of the other boys thought so. 
But they didn't know the whole story yet, so the chances of them thinking differently once they knew the whole truth were pretty high. 
"Where to start..." she took a long breath, "Jin... I met him before I even knew I was immortal. That was... uh... it seems like an eternity now, at the beginning of the 15th century."
She expected the exclamations of surprise that followed. 
"Wait... you mean you and Jin hyung..." Jungkook fell silent to think. 
"Why didn't he ever tell us about you then? And why have we never met you before ?” asked Yoongi skeptically, "You're our soulmate, his soulmate, how could he..."
"It's more complicated than it sounds..." she sighed, scratching the back of her head nervously. "I always knew I was a witch, my mother was a witch herself. I lived in a village in France during the period when the witch hunts began. It was also during this period that the Malleus Maleficarum was written." 
"I know this book," Hoseok sighed loudly as he shook his head, visibly annoyed, "this pile of garbage written in the late 15th century, which supposedly explains what a witch is, how to recognize one, interrogate them, and kill them."
"A load of bullshit yeah," Namjoon added with a chuckle, "I rarely waste my time reading books, but this one..."
"Tell me more !" Jimin exclaimed, "I read it too, well, not all of it, it's so... misogynistic and sexist!" 
"I... was one of the witches who had to go through all the torture and experimentation to write this... book or whatever it is. And most of the women who suffered all that crap were just ordinary mortals," she admitted with a little restraint. 
Horrified exclamations were heard from the maknaes and Hoseok. Yoongi and Namjoon closed their eyes for a few seconds, repressing the anger rising within them. 
Talking about these events did not leave her indifferent; these memories were among the worst she had ever known, and she still sometimes had nightmares about them. 
She remained silent for a few moments, before finally speaking up.
"That's not the point. Jin is the point. When I met him, he was a merchant passing through the village." A small smile appeared mechanically as she recalled this memory, "It was love at first sight. Of course, it was. He knew I was his soul mate, but I... I didn't even know what a soulmate was. He taught me. He taught me so many things..."
She turned her head towards Jin, still unconscious beside her. Oh, how she'd missed him. He hadn't changed a bit. 
"I immediately sensed that he wasn't human, just as he'd guessed that I was a witch. So much better in a way, it made things easier."
Delicately, she let her fingers stroke his forehead, brushing aside a few strands of hair, a tender smile on her face.
"He stayed in the village after that. I had taken over the bakery from my parents who had passed away from an illness a few months before I met him. We weren't the richest, but we were happy.”
The other boys couldn't contain the grins on their faces. Of course, this story was beautiful and worthy of a fairy tale. But they all knew that fairy tales were only fantasy stories. The reality was not nearly as lovely. 
"We lived... two years like that before everything went to hell."
She felt her hands tremble as she recalled what she was about to say.
Jimin sensed her nervousness, fear, and sadness. He left Taehyung and Jungkook's embrace to kneel before her, gently taking her hands in his for comfort.
Her gaze met his, and he offered her a gentle, reassuring smile. But she couldn't relax.
"The witch-hunt had begun and was becoming increasingly virulent and violent. The villagers had always thought it was strange that I hadn't suffered the same illness as my parents. I knew the rumors about Jin and I. But until now, we'd managed to keep a discreet, almost unnoticed presence. Until she came along."
Jimin squeezed her hands a little tighter as he felt her anger rising. 
"That demoness... came to our village, supposedly a cloth merchant. She fell for Jin. Was it love, or just a physical attraction? I don’t know. She succumbed to his devastating charm, like so many others before her." She chuckled, imitated by Yoongi. 
"As you would expect, Jin did nothing but ignore her and rebuff her advances. She didn't appreciate it at all… I learned later that this half-succubus demoness was renowned for finding prey and not letting go until she got what she wanted."
"A real nasty leech..." muttered Jungkook.
She noticed, however, that Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok expressions had changed. They had exchanged glances, seeming to pass a message to each other that she didn't understand. She decided to ignore it for the moment.
"Things got worse after she arrived, after Jin's rejection." She took a long breath. "She's the one who delivered me to the villagers, who exposed me. When we realized her plan, that she was planning to take Jin with her by force, by any means necessary, we wanted to run away. We'd go to Asia, or America, or wherever, to another continent, away from her, away from all of this. But that demoness had planned everything… We were young, unaware, and inexperienced, unlike her. I was barely 25, and he was 23... we just wanted to..."
She paused to calm herself, her heartbeat quickening again. Fortunately, Jimin was able to calm her, just by being here, his soft hands on hers, and she was grateful for that. She thanked him with a small smile, which he returned by stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. How could a demon be so angelic? 
"She specialized in memory magic..."
"Oh, I'm getting the hang of it..." muttered Namjoon, clenching his jaw.
"That bitch…" added Yoongi, making her huff.
"The villagers arrived in the middle of the night. We didn't see it coming. The demoness took advantage of this moment to attack Jin and cast a spell to erase me from his memory. The last time I saw Jin was before they put a bag over my head when he was unconscious in her arms." 
She lowered her head, and it was only when she felt Jimin's soft hand on her cheek that she noticed a tear had rolled down. 
She knew what the demoness had done, she knew that she'd erased Jin's memory, simply because she'd come to see her a few days later in the cell where she was being held captive. She explained everything, adding that she had offered to give her over to the Catholic order of Dominicans who wrote the Malleus Maleficarum. Which happened, the day after she came.
"When I finally escaped... After several months," she continued anyway, her voice trembling, "I looked for him, I... crossed France from top to bottom, and Europe... I looked for him everywhere, for many years... I never found him... until now..." 
Jimin's hands gripped hers a little tighter. She looked up at him, then at Yoongi, who had moved a little closer to her. Their shoulders were touching, his way of showing her some comfort. 
"So that's what happened..." muttered Namjoon, who had straightened up, his eyebrows furrowed, looking thoughtful.
"I hate humans..." blurted Jungkook as he hugged Taehyung tightly, his companion nodding in agreement. 
"And so, you thought we'd hate you, or I don't know what other nonsense might go through your little head when we know the truth?" Yoongi asked, holding back a laugh. “I don’t see why. I mean. It’s genuine, really.”
She arched her eyebrows in confusion. She thought that it seemed logical. She hadn't been able to protect Jin, she’d left him in the clutches of this demoness who'd probably done a thousand and one things to him that she didn't even want to think about. She hated herself for it.
"Hyung." Hoseok sighed, shaking his head, "stop."
"I failed to protect him, he's my soulmate and... I abandoned him and..."
"You didn't do any of that, Y/N."
Namjoon approached her. He took Jimin’s place and knelt down facing her, placing his hands on hers. 
"You're both the victims. You've met someone stronger, older, more experienced than you and she took advantage of it. You did everything you could. You did your best. You could never be blamed for that. We could never blame you for that. ."
"And Jin hyung won't blame you either, I'm sure," Hoseok added with a small smile. "When he will regain his memory, when we will give him back what that demoness stole from him, he'll be the happiest man in the world to have you back with him, with us. Believe me."
She pressed her lips together, not wanting to cry, not yet. 
Yoongi wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer.
"It's over now," he whispered against her hair, "you're not alone anymore, you won't be. We've found you, you've found us." 
She couldn't hold back the few tears that had started to fall. How could she not break down, after all those centuries spent alone, thinking that her soulmates didn't want her, living with the guilt of having abandoned the only soulmate she’d ever known. 
They said the same things as her friends when she told them everything a few days ago.
None of them thought for a second that what happened to Jin and her was her fault. 
That feeling of being understood, of not being judged, of being accepted despite her past mistakes and scars.
That feeling of being in the presence of her soul-mates. 
She hadn't felt so at peace in what seemed like an eternity. Ever since Jin and her were separated.
"Noona... I have a few questions..."
"Here we go... the kid and his questions. Wait, I'll get you an aspirin and a big glass of water."
Jungkook glared at Yoongi, who had gotten up to go into the kitchen, a sneer on his lips.
Jin still hadn't woken up, but after a simple soothing spell and an herbal ointment she’d carefully placed on his temples, he was calmer, his body more relaxed.
She hadn't wanted to stay, not wanting to risk another attack if Jin woke up again. She learned through Yoongi about the migraine attacks he'd had since the day she met Namjoon. 
But the boys convinced her to stay. Namjoon and Hoseok had disappeared into their library, explaining that they were going to rummage through their books after a potential counter-spell. She wanted to go with them, but they insisted she stay with Jin and rest. 
It didn't take long to realize that Jin's seizures had a direct link with her.
As her soul mate, and despite his forced amnesia, his subconscious knew who she was. But it wasn't strong enough to bring back the memories the demoness had made disappear. Well, they hadn't disappeared, technically; she'd just hidden them very well somewhere in his psyche.
her scent on the clothes of Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook had been the trigger for his subconscious to awaken, for his memories to struggle, to resurface and make Jin realize that yes, he did know her, as his intuition suggested. Yes, the person on the hill was her, yes every memory he thought belonged to someone else was his, and that the blurry person sharing them with him was none other than her.
The migraines, the loss of consciousness... were only signs that his body, mind, and soul were fighting to bring his memories back to where they belonged, to finally give him back what that demoness had stolen from him.
Or at least, that's what she’d come to conclude on hearing Yoongi's explanations.
"Ask me anything Jungkook, don't worry," she replied with a small smile, still sitting next to Jin. 
Yoongi had returned with some drinks (no aspirin, to Junkook's great relief) which he gave to the three maknae, still sitting opposite her, and to her, then sat down on the coffee table. 
"I was wondering, how did you find out that you were... immortal? I mean, what does that actually mean?"
She'd been expecting this question. Even for demons, immortality was still a rather vague concept. Nobody is immortal. Demons and vampires aged slowly, very much more slowly than human beings. But they weren't really immortal. 
"I died for the first time after the Malleus Maleficarum experiments, they sentenced me to be hanged to death, like all the witches at that time." 
She heard the exclamations of surprise from the maknaes. Yoongi remained silent, listening to her attentively. 
"I actually died that day. Except... except a few seconds after I took my last breath, my heart started beating again, and I came back to life."
None of them could believe their ears. Yoongi couldn't hide his surprise either, and she knew that a thousand questions were forming in their heads. 
"The second time was a few days later. At a bonfire." she continued, bowing her head, "The thing is… I feel all the pain, all the way to death. But for some reason, I live again and again. No matter how people try to kill me, no matter how I die, my wounds heal themselves, my organs reform." 
"Is it due to a spell?" finally asked Yoongi with his eyebrows furrowed, "or maybe some kind of witch, a hybrid with a phoenix..."
"I think you're going a bit far, hyung..." Taehyung chuckled slightly. 
"Hey, every proposition can be plausible, gamin."
She couldn't hold back a smile. It was obvious that they'd known each other for several decades now, that they'd been through a lot together. In a way, she was relieved that at least they hadn't had to go through all that alone. 
"I've never known the reason, or why I became like that," she finally continued, scratching the back of her neck, "I just am. Several times I thought I wouldn't get up this time from certain injuries, especially during the wars, but I always got up again. And just like that, more than 600 years have gone by." 
"Maybe it's just that fate didn't want you to die before you met your soul mates, who knows." Yoongi chuckled, shrugging. 
"If you think the universe and destiny are that kind of romantic..." Jungkook rolled his eyes.
"I'm tempted to believe that theory, it's much sweeter and more romantic than a curse put on you..." added Jimin with a little pout. 
"Sometimes things just happen, and they're impossible to explain. Even for creatures like us." she let go with a sigh and an embarrassed smile, "In any case, I've stopped looking and obsessing over it, I've just accepted it."
"Still, it must be painful to die, over and over again..." Jimin cocked his head to the side, feeling a wave of sadness as he thought of all she'd had to go through in her long life. As an empath, his reaction hardly surprised her.
If they knew. She didn't want to dwell on how some humans and even other creatures had taken advantage of her immortality to put her through the many horrors she’d experienced. This wasn't the time to talk about all those things.
“Our pretty soulmate is strong and courageous.” Yoongi finally broke the silence after a few seconds, “She’ll talk about it when she feels ready.” 
She bites her lips. She wanted to tell him to not call her pretty, but she felt that it was destined to fail. Yoongi seemed to be stubborn, maybe a little too much. 
“Do you guys think Joonie and Hobi will find something ?” Asked Jungkook, looking at Jin with worry. 
“For sure they will!” exclaimed Jimin, “Namjoon has books that are centuries old and unique, Hobi and him are the most intelligent demons ever! They’ll find something, surely!”
Jimin was passionate, his trust in his partners was blind and absolute. It was probably the same for all of them, she was sure about it, but Jimin was the one who showed it the most. 
“In the worst case…”
“Taehyung don’t start…” mumbled Jungkook, as the others sighed. 
“Let me finish! In the worst case, if we don’t find anything for Jin hyung, the solution is simple, very simple. We’ll create new memories, so many new happy memories all together!”
“If something was robbed from you without your consent, I think you'd like to have it back. Don't you think so?" Yoongi asked, his voice softened as he ruffled Taehyung’s hair who nodded with a sad pout.
He was just as worried as the others. There were so many unanswered questions, so many theories without explanations, so many problems without solutions yet.
“Namjoon and Hoseok always find a way to resolve problems, you should be used to it now.” 
That voice startled all of them. All five heads turned to the sofa beside Yoongi and her. To everyone's surprise, Jin was staring at them, or rather, at her. 
“Jin you’re awake !”
While the younger hurried towards their eldest, their faces racked with worry and relief, she reflexively stepped back.
She couldn't get very far, as her back bumped into a chest. She turned to face Yoongi, who placed his hands gently on her shoulders. He could read the stress and apprehension on her face. He couldn't imagine what she must be feeling right now, coming face to face with the one she'd lost centuries ago. 
"Where are you going like this?" he asked at first in a slightly teasing tone, before he leaned towards her and whispered, his voice softening, "Relax, everything's fine."
She opened her mouth to reply, but no sound came out. She'd spent her whole life looking for Jin and his other soulmates. Now they were all here. They were all in the same house. Everything still seemed so unreal that she didn’t know how to react or what to do. 
“Y/N ?”
She froze when she heard her name coming from Jin's lips. The others in the room gave him a surprised, confused look.
"Hyung, do you..."
"Remember her? Us? Unfortunately not, I don’t. But I heard you guys talking earlier, I wasn't totally unconscious. Thanks for the herbs, by the way, they really appeased my headache."
Her eyes widened at his words. Had he heard everything? Did he know the whole story, just like his other soulmates? In a way, she didn't know if she could handle a new explanation, which was a bit of a relief. On the other, she was concerned about his reaction, since he was the one who was affected. 
Jin straightened up to sit on the sofa, helped by Jimin. Yoongi was still standing behind her and gave her a gentle nudge, so that she didn't push herself aside. 
Jin's eyes landed on her. For a moment, he said nothing, just looked at her. She could feel the stress twisting her stomach, her legs going limp as cotton. She felt weaker than she had ever felt before. 
"Can you come a little closer, please?" 
Jin's voice was soft; she perceived no anger, no resentment on his side. He had kept his comforting aura, the same one she'd known so long ago, the same one that had reassured her countless times. 
She soon faced him and lowered herself slightly to be at the same height as him. 
How was someone supposed to react to finding their soulmate and youthful amnesiac love, lost in tragic circumstances centuries ago? 
She was torn between tears of joy and relief, but the guilt that consumed her seemed to be the most dominant feeling at the moment. 
"Jin I..."
She pursed her lips. Her voice trembled. For sure her body would betray her right now. 
Jin offered him a tender smile and shook his head. 
"Shht, it's all right." he murmured his words as he gently grasped her hand, "come here."
Without waiting for a response from her, he pulled her against him and wrapped his arms around her. 
At first, her eyes widened in surprise. Quickly, she couldn't hold back any longer. Her arms followed and she hugged his waist as if her life depended on it. 
"I know what you're thinking," he began, his hand running gently through her hair, "I'm not angry or anything, how could I be? It was never your fault, nor mine." He paused before letting out a small sigh, she could hear all the pain, the sadness in his voice, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry you've had to carry this burden all alone all this time…"
Her whole body was shaking. His voice was shaking, as if he were holding back his own tears. She was fighting inside. She was fighting herself not to break down. But her traitorous body still betrayed her, and she couldn't even control her tears, which had started to flow uncontrollably. 
But his words. His words resonated not only in her heart but in her entire soul. She didn't know how much she needed to hear those words from him until now. 
"We'll find a way, and everything will go back to normal, it will be even better, I promise."
After all these years, these centuries of living with the weight of guilt, the weight of regret, the feeling that she'd never be able to meet her soul mates... she felt all this weight recede, making way for a quietude and lightness like she'd never known before. 
An eternity of torment, torture, and pain was finally over. 
It was as if she'd been deprived of oxygen all her life, until now, as if her breathing had been cut off, and now she was finally getting it back. 
And even though she was currently crying her heart out in Jin's arms, she could also feel Taehyung's warm, reassuring hand on her back, Jimin's, Jungkook's, and Yoongi's presence in the room, Namjoon's and Hoseok's, even if they weren't in the same room with them. 
Her cries were no longer cries of sadness. There was only relief, and it was becoming more of an evacuation from all that time of pain and isolation. 
All those smells, all that warmth that invaded her body at that moment, brought her calm and relief she'd never be able to explain, not even in a day, a year, ten years, or even a hundred years.
The reunion with Jin that day, feeling him against her again, as well as having the presence of her soul mates around them, those who were destined for her. After all this time where her heart and soul had been crying out for help, she had finally been heard. 
The darkness was finally disappearing, as the clouds and obscurity finally allowed the sun a chance to shine.
And despite her tears, she couldn't help smiling, because at last, she knew that happiness really was within her grasp.
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What if…? masterlist
Needed a separate masterlist for this lot since you can only have 100 links on a post 😑 ot7 aus to my aus
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What if… the CEOs were hybrids? BTS CEO AU
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Bonus chapter
What if… you decided to run away? Royal/bodyguard AU
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
What if… they were the detectives and you were the kingpin? Our little love AU
Part 1
Part 2
Bonus chapter
What if… the witches won? Bleeding butterflies AU
284 notes · View notes
hearts4joon · 2 years
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00. the end. NEVER TEAR US APART.
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summary. waking up 300 years later, you're thrusted into the modern world - one where the loves of your life no longer know who you are, and despite being one of the most powerful witches in your decade, you're no match to the newest forces fighting to tear you apart, leaving the men with the familiar faces to care for the weird witch.
pairing. ot7 x reader
warnings. harassment, fighting, blood, violence, g*ns, death!!!!, lots of talks of lack of rights, mentions of sex.
word count. 10.1k
authors note. super important!!! all the members have a different name for this chapter but they’re quite similar to their rela names! just incase, here’s a little guide.
namjoon: hajoon, seokjin: seokjoon, yoongi: yeong, hoseok: hyon-seok, jimin: mi-jin, taehyung: jaehyung, jungkook: jung-hwa.
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You run down the dark forest, jumping over every tiny bump in the place you find huge comfort in. The floor is soft, dirt still seeped with water from the last time it had poured, which was just the night before. The air was cold, whipping against your slightly chubby cheeks, numb from the gusts of wind. Your dress was wet from its bottom edges as well and you were sure you would never hear the end of it from your mother, but you were too entranced in winning the race.
“You’re cheating!” Jung-hwa yells out to your laughing form.
“I am not!” You call back out, the huge smile on your face not leaving for a second.
“You’re using your powers! I just know it!”
“Am not!” You gasp out, the two of you slipping as you try and stop your fast bodies from colliding into the others. A pair of arms grab onto you before you get the chance to fall, clinging on them as you meet their touch.
“You can’t blame my wins on my power, Jungie.” You call out to him, panting from the run.
“I-it’s only because you do use them.” He waves you off, bending over, leaning his strong arms against his knees.
You scoff, turning to the man that had managed to grab you. There’s a bright smile decorated on his pretty face, dimples prominent. “Hello, pretty.” Ha-joon coos, leaning his forehead against yours. You can’t help the happy giggle that erupts as he holds you closer to his body.
You’re pulled out of the guys embrace and into another warm pair of arms. They’re not as big as Ha-joon’s and for that, you can easily tell it’s Yeong. You lay your head against his chest, content as he holds the back of your head gently. “I was beginning to get worried.” He sighs, “you and that dimwit took far too long.”
“Hey, we would have been sooner if this lady would just stop fixing her hair.”
“A lady needs to look beautiful.” You scoff under Yeong’s embrace.
“It didn’t matter in the end! Look at your locks now!”
“They’re fine now, my love.” Yeong assured you, patting down the last piece of baby hairs.
You turn about your hiding spot, only spotting Mi-jin, Seokjoon and Hyon-seok, missing Jae-hyung. Your eyebrows furrow with confusion, putting a bit of distance between you and your gummy-smile lover. “Where’s Jae?”
“Not sure,” Mi-jin answers, placing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “He had to watch his little sister for a while.”
“He’ll just be a little late.” Hyon-seok assures you, taking you into his arms. You laugh out loud wrapping your legs around his waist as he lightly spins you. “I promised I’d give you extra kisses for him.”
“Is that so?” You joke right back, puckering your lips out for him. He doesn’t waste a second, pressing his lips against yours. The swarm of butterflies that swarm in your tummy makes you smile in-between the lip-lock. The man pulls away, foreheads touching as he smiles down at you, a sweet look on his face. “I don’t think it was enough.” You shake your head, a feigned look of hurt sprawled on your features. “I need a bit more to make up for it.”
“I’ll give you all the kisses in the world when we head inside, alright?” He promises, putting you down, legs finally touching the floor. You don’t hesitate to take Ha-joon and Hyon-seok’s hands on your way to the cave you all had found.
It was dark and cold at first, but with materials from Seok-joon’s fathers shop, he got to put up a few posts for torches, and you often used your own gift to light up the place, which they loved to watch. In the end, the eight of you spruced the place up, creating a safe space. No one knew of the place, no one but the eight lovers of course. It was their safe haven from the cruel world they were made to live in. A place where you could be yourself and practice the gift given to you.
You skip into the cave, heading deep into your shared space. Yeong from behind you lit up his torch, lighting the rest as he made his way in. Instantly, the cave begins to warm up, the flames dancing around the place.
“Seokjoon, pull the blankets out, will you?” Hyon-seok calls out to the oldest guy. He nods, doing exactly as asked, wrapping one of the bigger pieces around your shaking body.
“Is my baby warm enough?” Seokjoon coos, wrapping you up in a big hug. You shiver in his hold as he places warm kisses around your face. “My baby, I always warn you to wear your warmest clothes.”
“I lent them to Jack.” You mention your youngest brother who had wanted to play with some kids. Your mother wouldn’t let him because she had yet to save up enough and buy him the warmest cloth you could find in your village. You quickly offered up your own jacket and wraps, to which he gave you a huge kiss on the cheek before he left in an excited flurry.
“Hmm, you sure are a nice sister.” Jung-hwa pulls you from his partner’s hold, dragging you to sit in the middle of the cave like he liked. He sits across from you, pulling your hands out. “Show me again.” He urges, eyes sparkling with excitement.
You laugh at his excited demeanor, pushing the blanket off of your shoulders. You hold your hands out further, eyes on Jung-hwa to catch every muscle movement on his face. You can feel the other’s eyes on you, also ecstatic to watch the way your fingers conjured something out of thin air.
Softly, you begin, “Post tenebras spero lucem.” And just like that, a ball of light is hovering over the palm of your hands. Jung-hwa is in complete awe, looking at it from every angle possible, eyes bright. “Want to see something I’ve been practicing with Jack?” The guy nods excitedly, looking up at you in awe.
“Hold your hands out.” You usher him, and he does as told, cupping his hands out like you were doing. You don’t let your mind drift from the ball of light as your wrists move upwards, letting the tiny power of light flutter into Jung-hwa’s hold. The giggles he lets out are heartwarming, making you and the others giggle with him as he twists and turns his arms to get the ball to move with him.
“How is this possible?” He squeals out, the light illuminating his face beautifully.
“It’s just a small induction of power.” You shrug, swiping at the ball, your mind releasing the ball. It disappears from his rough hands, but he’s not upset like you thought he’d be, rather, he’s on a high. “It’s easier on my body to do it with another witch but it’s still pretty cool, huh?”
“I wouldn’t know what to do if I had that power.” Mi-jin takes a seat beside you, laying his head on your shoulder. You chuckle at his words, patting down on his brown locks, they were fluffy and long, overdue for a haircut.
“Well… you don’t really do much with it to begin with.” You begin. “It’s just there…”
“But you do practice it, don’t you?” Ha-joon questions, taking his own place in your huddled circle.
“We do. But it’s just to control them, we are not supposed to use them outside of repressing them.”
“Supposed to.” Yeong chuckles, taking his own spot. “That doesn’t stop you does it?”
A cheeky smile erupts on your face. “I just think we shouldn’t hold a single part of ourselves hidden.”
“Even if it’s the best course of action for your kind?” Seokjoon questions, a brow up quizzically.
You shrug, dismissing the same argument you had with your mother. “Just because we embrace it doesn’t necessarily mean we’d share it with normal folk.”
“Would that not be a part of embracing it?”
“It shouldn’t have to be.” You can feel your excitement building at the plans you had shared with your mother. “There’s a huge number in our community and I think it would benefit to have us all live alongside one another. Have our own land, our own laws, our own schools — a nook in the world where we can be ourselves.”
Seokjoon smiles as he listens to you go on and on about your plans for the future of you and your people. You spoke animatedly, arms thrashing around to get your point across, all loving faces directed at you.
“I’ll help.” Jung-hwa is the first to offer. “I can help build these schools.”
You coo at his cute words, placing a sweet kiss on his cheek. He blushes bright at your antic, lathering in your touch. “I need my strong man to help me.”
“Men.” Yeong corrects, “your strong men. We’ll all help.”
You laugh at his possessiveness. “Of course, Yeongie.” You assure him with a nod. “You all can help.”
“We’ll make it the safest place.” Ha-joon agrees, placing a sweet and chaste kiss on your temple.
“I’m holding you all to that.” You stare at them seriously. “So we can live in harmony.”
“Promise.” Mi-jin’s sweet smile is enough to settle your twinges of doubt. You place a warm kiss to his plump lips, only pulling apart when you hear the sound of steps. Turning, you watch the dark path worriedly, the other’s sharing the same look of worry.
Relief wafts through your body at the sight of Jae-hyung. You smile bright, love swarming through your body once more at your last love. “Jae,” you rise from your spot, ignoring how dirty your skirt now was. You rush to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, and he welcomes your touch. His hold is strong, bringing you as close to him as possible. That makes you giggle, even more so when he inhales your scent shakily. “Are you alright, Jae?” You question, fingers gliding through his thick hair.
He nods against you. “I’m fine, beautiful.” But he doesn’t let you go, the others sharing a concerned look. “Just missed you is all.”
“I missed you too.” You rub at his back soothingly. While you were unsure what it could be, he was shaky and tense. Perhaps it was how busy his job could get ontop of taking care of his younger sister, so you shrugged it off. It wasn’t anything you and the boys couldn’t help him out with.
“You know I love you, right?” His sudden question doesn’t shock you, rather, it concerns you.
“Of course,” you pull away from him, arms settling on his waist as you look up into his deep brown eyes. “I love you too. But what’s wrong? Is everything okay?”
He nods, that boxy smile of his directed at you now. It settles your nerves, assuring you all is fine with him. “Okay… I showed the others this cool trick, come, let me show you.”
You held onto your basket of herbs tight in your hands, legs moving fast to evade the man following you.
“____!” Baekhyun calls out to you, an obnoxious mustache on his upper lip. “I just want to talk!”
“My father has declined the proposal. It’s best you leave me and my sisters.” You call out to him, annoyance evident.
You feel a tug on your long skirt, a gasp erupting from your mouth. You pull away from his hold, your dark purple skirt swinging in the air as you look over at him, eyes wide. “You are not to touch me!”
“You are not to raise your voice at me!” He hits back, just as enraged. “You and your pathetic little family have no right to treat me this way.”
“We are not treating you in any unfair way.” You scoff, glaring up at the man. “You harass me and my eldest at every hour of the day — this treatment is only the cause of your own actions.”
“She will marry me.” He seethes.
“She's far too good for a ridiculous man like you!” You raise your voice, anger finally getting the best of you. “My sister will never marry someone as dim-witted as you—” your body falls to the side as his big hand collides against your cheek. You feel the small pebbles on the dirt path ingrain into the palm of your hands, cheek stinging, a metal taste in your mouth.
“You make sure you know where you stand!” He spits at your shaking form. “Your family may play a huge hand in the village but you are still a vile and filthy woman!”
You don’t respond, tears brimming your eyes. Not for the pain. Not for his comments. You’re crying in anger, knowing he’s right. Despite holding the upper hand from the mere mortal, you have no authority and no power. You hated feeling powerless when you held more magic in the tip of your finger than anyone known to mankind. You were a woman. A woman whose family and long line of witches and warlocks have been hidden in the shadows, learning to hide the biggest part of themselves.
And so with one last sneer and a glob of spit thrown into your basket, you’re left to cry on the empty dirt road.
Your younger sister prances about the room as the oldest helps her finish packing up her remaining clothing. It wasn’t much but your youngest wasn’t the type of person to fold her own clothes, leaving the others to do such a thing for her.
“What if I meet my prince?” Julie swoons, stomping her feet gently with an excited giggle.
“You’re fifteen years old, you are finding no one but your way to the shop.” Imelda scoffs, finishing up with the last piece of clothing.
You make sure to stay out of their way though, the two falling into arguments often. Mother tried to calm the two but it was no use, the twenty-six year old would never share a single thing in common with the fifteen year old.
Grace nudges you, head nodding to Olive who stared out of the window wistfully. Turning back to Grace, you shrug, unsure what’s going on in your other sister's mind. But Grace nudges you once more, making you sigh softly before scampering up off the cold and dark wood, heading straight towards Olive.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Olive’s attention is brought onto you, a small smile gracing her beautiful features. Out of all the siblings, you and her shared the most similarities, almost a spitting image of you.
“I don’t want to leave.” Olive huffs out, her eyes watering instantly. It makes you feel panicked, taking a quick seat across from her, your soft hands on her cheeks.
“I know, Liv, I’m sorry.” You’re not sure what you’re apologizing for. Maybe it’s for the guilt of staying back while her young self has to work away from her family.
The girl wasn’t too young than you, just a year and a half separating the two, but her sensitivity and tendency to cry at any minor inconvenience made her seem years younger. Your father loved her for feeling so much, swore it would make her the best person she could be but it was in complete contrast from your mother’s lessons. Which wasn’t a surprise, despite being the woman in charge of your education in all aspects, she raised such different daughters, neither of them ever really following her word.
“What if I can not make a single friend? What if the job is harder than I thought?”
You send her a small and comforting look, “what could possibly be harder than running back and forth in this cold forest for a gallon of water?”
She lets out a small snort of laughter, sniffling softly. “It’s not the same.”
“Is it not?” You hum gently, dabbing the last of her tears before pulling away. “You have the type of energy that everyone loves. I can assure you, no matter where you are, people will love you.”
“Wanna swap spots?” It’s a joke but you can’t help the sad smile as you coo at her.
“I would give up everything to switch, you know that.”
“But that would mean giving up on mom and dad.” She finishes for you. You nod softly, looking out the window with her.
“You’re going to do wonderfully, Olive.” You assure her.
It’s quiet between the two of you for a few seconds. The silence is gone when Olive begins, “I… I can’t help but feel like something bad is going to happen.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at her words. “What do you mean?” You question.
She shrugs, suddenly embarrassed at her random admittance. “I’m not sure. You know that feeling before a huge spell?”
“The chest burns.” You nod, understanding her completely.
“I can’t shake the feeling away and it just doesn’t feel right.”
Getting up from your spot you take a seat next to her, letting her head fall onto your shoulder. “Everything will be fine, Olive. I promise.”
She sighs shakily, nodding against you. “Okay… everything will be fine.” She repeats, but it’s clear she’s not sure of herself.
“Olive!” Imelda screeches at the sight of her sister still not dressed for the trip. “This is the third time, go and get ready!”
Olive scoffs, rolling her eyes at the eldest. “And you,” Imelda’s eyes fall onto you. Almost on instinct, you pull away from Olive and scamper back to Grace before she scolds you any further. “I can feel the grey hairs growing.” Imelda scoffs, strutting out of the room and slamming the door behind her.
That ushers Julie to jump up from her seat and chase after the oldest head on, “don’t go slamming doors! We did nothing wrong!” Her voice begins to fade as she walks off.
“Julie, stop!” It’s Olive’s turn to rush out of the room, ready to stop the fight if it worsened.
“Girls, enough!” Your mother yells as you and Grace rush to watch the scene unfold. “I understand tensions are high but we all need to act like respectable women.”
“Neither of you have ever been such a thing.” Jack snorts, your father and him sharing a high-five.
“Ugh,” Imelda scoffs. “And there go the men, without a worry in the world!”
“Imelda, do not speak to your brother like that!” Your mother gasps as if she had never heard such a disrespectful tone.
“She has a point.” You shrug, which once more, earns a small nudge from Grace.
“Would you like me to rush you off to the city, young girl?” Your mother glared at your figure. Mockingly, you give her a graceful bow, picking up your skirt at its sides.
“I would like to volunteer as tribute.” Grace lifts her arm up excitedly.
“Since when have you wanted to head into the city?” Your father questions the girl, thick eyebrows furrowed.
“Since Harriet told me of the handsome and courteous men she met.” Grace swoons at the tales a neighbor had told the family.
“Maybe she should go.” Olive agrees, “it will help her marry quicker and let us stick it to Baekhyun.”
“No one is sticking it to anyone.” Mother scoffs.
“We should.” Julie nods in agreement. “Imagine the victory.”
“It does sound nice.” Jack hops right back in, “can't wait until I’m taller to beat him up.”
Imelda and Julie fall into fits of laughter at his words, “you’re never getting taller.” Julie cackles out.
“Dad says it’s coming!” Jack yells defensively. “Right, dad?”
Your father stays quiet, looking off into the distance. You can’t help but laugh loudly at your brother’s sullen face.
“Come on, don’t be mean!” Grace coos, rushing to the small boy and wrapping her arms around him. He fights in her hold but she doesn’t give up. “He just wants to stand up for his dear sisters.”
“I can take a bulky man better than this twig.”
“No more teasing your brother,” but it seems your mother is just as amused. “He’s going to be the man of the house one day.”
“Man of the house.” Imelda scoffs, Julie giggling next to her. “Let’s talk about more important things.”
“Like what?” You ask the girl with a bored expression.
“Like your own marriage prospects.” She hits back making you roll your eyes.
“What about yours?” You throw back. “I don’t see you in any rush to marry.”
“That’s because I’m far too busy taking care of scoundrels like you all.” She turns to mother as she speaks her next words. “She came home covered in dirt and sweat just a few nights ago!”
“You promised you wouldn’t tell!” You gasp with embarrassment as you feel your parents' eyes on you. “I hate you!” Like a child, you continue to argue with your family, oddly relishing in the last time you’d all be in the same room together.
“What is the prettiest girl in the entire-whole-wide world, up to?” Seokjoon’s voice makes you look up from the small cluster of growing flowers.
“What the hell happened?” His long strides pull him towards you, holding your face as gently as he could. He winces as you do, a look of fury in his eyes. “Who did this?”
“It’s fine,” you send him a reassuring smile. “my father already helped—”
“Who did this to you?” His words are a lot rougher, something you didn’t get often from your eldest lover.
“Baekhyun.” You blurt out, feeling nervous under his strong gaze. You turn your head away, gnawing at your inner lip.
He lets out a shaky sigh, pulling your face to look back up at him. His soft features stare down at you, beautiful looks making him look as graceful as ever. There wasn’t a single maiden in your village that didn’t go after him — often leading to your blowouts of jealousy. But alas, there was nothing you could do but make sure he knew who he belonged to behind closed doors.
“And your father? Has he spoken to his father?”
You nod, a soft sigh coming from you, shoulders slumping. “He has. He is also persistent in getting my sister's hand in marriage.”
“Scum.” Seokjoon scoffs. “I will happily do something about him.”
You roll your eyes, “yeah? And what will you do?”
“Make Jung-hwa go after him, of course.” It earns a laugh from you, the thought of the youngest of the bunch going after the imbecile.
“Jung-hwa can not get into any more trouble.” You scold, poking at his shoulder lightly. “His mother will send him with his father out to sea.”
“Wouldn’t it be worth it to see Baekhyun finally put in his place?”
“No!” You shake your head fervently. “I need him with me!”
“Alright, alright,” he laughs as he takes a hold of your half full basket. “I promise I won’t speak of it to Jung-hwa.”
“It’s only for the best.” You agree, watching as the older man bends down, picking at a few flowers. The weakest ones, letting the others continue to flourish as they should. “Have you seen Jae-hyung?” You question, thinking back to one of the youngest men.
“Not in a while.” He shakes his head, getting back and leading you to another bed of flowers. “Last I heard, he was preparing his sister's departure.”
“Right…” you nod, “she will be heading into the city. I haven’t heard from him a while.”
“The others haven’t either.” He shrugs. “I’m sure he’s fine. You know how he gets with these things, he’s the head of his family. He’s carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.”
“I know.” It makes your heart ache to think of the pressure he’s under, unable to do much about it.
A soft pair of arms wrap around your figure, making you giggle as big hands lay on your stomach. “We are going to be spotted, Kim Seokjoon!” It doesn’t stop him from holding you tight, hands dancing about your abdomen.
“Let them,” he hums, placing a sweet kiss at the top of your head. “Then I’ll be the one to marry you, have the others hide their affection for you.”
“You are pure evil.” You laugh, slapping at his hands.
“I’m so bored.” Mi-jin extends his words as he lays his head on your thighs. He had been staring up at you for a while, but you were quick to place a hand over his eyes, his look making you nervous. He gave up soon after, simply playing with own hands or with a loose thread of your clothing, but he voiced his thoughts often. “Let’s go to the cave.”
You shake your head no, fingers running through his hair, other hand carrying the book of spells you and your siblings were taught. Before you had requested to keep the incantations written down, only one witch had done it prior. Spells and rituals were lost along the way of the suppression, but little by little, you and your siblings were working up with a true witch's book. That, of course, wasn’t easy. There was a scarce amount of equipment to do such a thing, and you kept it hidden from your parents which was a feat in itself. It was worth it if it meant your future and your peoples future was secure.
“We are supposed to be doing something fun.” Mi-jin pouts, a whine to his voice. Pulling the book from your face, you look down at the beautiful man. His luscious hair curved at the front, creating a stunning swoop across his face. “This is not fun. In any sort of way. I’m actually very bored — the exact opposite of fun!”
You can’t help but laugh at the exasperation of his voice. “I have to gather at the very least two more spells before I get to run off with you.”
Mi-jin scoffs, “I hate these rules.”
“Aw, come on,” you coo, tapping his chubby cheek with your index finger. “You know this is for my survival. Be happy for me.” It’s mostly a joke, but it makes the man’s face fall, and you’re quick to notice how serious he’s taking your words.
“We shall keep going!” He hops up from his position, taking a close seat beside you. You find yourself squished up against the wall of your room, the cold wall making you shiver slightly. “Let us up the pace here! Your precious survival depends on this!”
A snort of laughter comes from your mouth as you turn to look up at him, “I can feel the love!”
He giggles, placing a soft and chaste kiss to your lips. “I would do anything to keep you and your people alive.”
You hum against his lips, a faint smile on your own lips. “My guardian angel.” You put the book to the side, turning your spot to sit over his lap. “You know… good Samaritans deserve nice gifts.”
He places his smaller hands against your hips, looking up at you with those shiny eyes adorned with the love he holds for you. “And what should my gift be?”
You trail wet kisses down his jaw, his form slightly tense under you, holding you tight. “You can pick.”
“I do not like this game.” You cringe as you look down at the lake, Yeong and Hyonseok beside you.
“Jung-hwa would not stop boasting about his jump,” Yeong scoffs, shivering as the wind blew against his shirtless figure. “I want to see what it is all about.”
“And I always tag along with him.” Hyonseok smiles bright at you.
You send him a feigned smile, “what a true friend! It seems I am not one of those because I am leaving.” You’re ready to turn and leave but Yeong holds you back, making you groan with displeasure. “Yeong! This is a death wish!”
“A death wish is hearing Jung-hwa bravely talking about this… all. the. time.”
“I can handle his boasting,” you claim, trying to shrug away from his tight hold. “I’ve dealt with it for years, I can handle a few more.”
“A few? You’re spending a lifetime with him,” Hyonseok laughs. “So you might want to rethink jumping.”
You stand still, looking down the edge of the cliff once more. There were small ripples from the wind that was picking up as the sun set, but the water was a deep blue. Darker in the middle, which gave it an eerie feeling but it didn’t stop you from seeing the tiny fish swimming through the lighter sides. “A lifetime?” You question, eyes not once leaving the water.
Unbeknownst to you, Yeong and Hyonseok share an accomplished look, pounding fists at their win. No one, not even you, could handle Jung-hwa’s tales of bravery. It was cute at times, watching him spew on about his latest conquest, but it would fall into smug words, making you all want to… well, making you want to jump off the edge of the cliff and dive straight into the lake.
“Whoever hits the water last owes me a slice of sweet bread.” Is the last thing you say as you hop over the cliff, catapulting straight into the water.
Your body only tenses up for a second, but the water hugging your figure relaxes you. Despite how scary it looked up on the cliff, the inner lake was beautiful. It was clean, beautiful rocks coloring the bottom, a few of the fish from the shore not too far, swimming about the cooler place. Bubbles flew out of your mouth, hair flowing around you in such a serene way, leaving the men stunned from your beauty.
You send them a smile before paddling to the surface, ready to fill your lungs once more. You gasp when you resurface, hands pulling your hair away from your face and eyes. The two others follow after you, whisking their own wet locks to further show off their beautiful faces.
“I clearly won, right?” You can’t help but taunt them with a laugh.
“Hyonseok lost.” Yeong swims over to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind, the both of you looking out at the sore loser. “He owes us sweet bread.”
Hyonseok scoffs, the pout leaving his face as he watches you two in disbelief. “You two jumped far too quickly! Rematch!”
“No, no way!” Yeong shakes his head, pulling you with him as he swims back, further away from Hyonseok. “We won, stop being a baby.”
“You should have at least counted to three! You jumped like maniacs!”
“These maniacs won, so…” there’s a taunting to his voice, making Hyonseok snap.
“Oh, you’re so getting it!” Hyonseok begins to make his way towards the laughing man as he pulls away from you.
You let the two chase after one another, laughing when Hyonseok swims beneath and pulls Yeong under. You cheer for both of them, making them both pout when you refuse to pick a side.
In the end, the three of you hastily put your clothes back on after laps of swimming. Still wet beyond belief, you all race back to the cave, laughter filling the air, the eyes on you going unnoticed.
“Show me another one!” Jung-hwa calls excitedly across from you.
You sat cross legged, a long skirt covering you up completely. It was warm, despite that, Junghwa wrapped you in his jacket, the same one his mother sewed for him a while back. He treasured it completely and it meant a great deal to have you wear such a priceless valuable. But he made you promise a few spells for his warmth and you would be a fool to pass such a thing up.
“Fine… but it’s the last time.”
“I promise!” He stands the candle back up between you. It was old and small, because despite how he loved to watch you work, he knew the strain it caused on your body to speak such heavy spells. If it were any other circumstance, you’d be fine, but with money lacking in your home, you weren’t as nourished as you should be.
Holding your hands out, you speak the simple phrase, “Ascendo.” A gasp erupts from the man’s mouth as the object begins to ascend, spinning when you twirl your finger.
“Ascendo.” He repeats, eyes not once leaving the candle, entranced. His big eyes are full of curiosity and excitement. He holds his own hands out, as if he were the one working the spell, making you smile bright.
Your lovers never treated you differently because of the blood you bore, it was a part as to why you fell for every single one of them. There were times when the eldest two and the second youngest of the bunch felt slightly uncomfortable, but they never outright detested you. It was mostly fear, fear that you’d be caught and hung for what most considered sins.
But Jungkook was never afraid. He stood tall, he spoke with authority, and he made sure to take in every inch of you. He loved watching your face of concentration when writing a new spell down, or the smile that graced your lips when you successfully worked through a tough spell. He loved that the hands he loved to hold in his, could conjure up the most magnificent of things. God, was he completely enamored with you.
“You think I can be a warlock in my next life?” Junghwa’s question takes you for a loop, but the hopeful look on his face makes you pause.
“You will be a warlock in your next life, I promise.” It’s silly to make such a promise, the knowledge of the afterlife was unknown to everyone, even the supernatural. That, of course, didn’t stop your beliefs. Reincarnation was a strong belief of yours and the witches around you. There was no certainty he would become one, or know whatever life he will get next, but it’s enough to make him happy, bunny teeth out on display.
“I hope you’re a witch in your next life too.” He reveals, taking a hold of your hand, letting the candle clutter onto the floor. “We can be together forever.”
You can’t help but laugh, your face feeling hot at his sweet words. “We’ll be together forever despite what or who we are next.”
“You really think that?”
“Of course!” You nod with fervor. “If we’re rocks? We’ll be on the same path. Trees? Our roots will be intertwined. Witch? Human? Well, I’m working on our future, but we’ll always be.”
“I can’t cry.” The man groans, covering his face with his arm. He sniffles softly, cheeks wet with tears. “My mother says it’s not very manly… but I can’t stop.”
You tsk, crawling to him, holding him in your arms. “You cry whenever you want with me. No manly crap in my arms, just us two, okay?”
“I’m crying even more now!”
“I’m sorry!”
“How are you so slow?” You huff out, the dirt path ahead of you soft and gooey from the rain pouring down on your village.
“You know I can’t run well! Much less in the rain!” Hajoon yells back out, careful with his steps. His arms were out, as if balancing him out. It’s a silly view, such a big man trying to slide through the storm with ease. But there was nothing easy to walking in a storm.
You aren’t actually annoyed when you stomp over to him, but he still sent you a sheepish smile. “Here,” you take his hands in yours. “Hold onto me.”
“No way,” he tries to pull away. “I’ll end up tumbling to the ground with you.”
You don’t let him go though, instead dragging him through the cold forest. “No need to argue, this is what I say, so it goes!” The rain only begins to pelt down harder, tingling against your skin.
“It’s too intense!” He yells over the pouring rain. “We have to take cover!”
“We’re almost there!” You shake your head, determined to meet Jaehyung in the cave. It had been too long since you had seen him and you felt your soul yearning for him.
“We can’t,” he begins walking down a more open trail, rushing for the empty openings sprawled around. “There’s a small space over th—” he lets out a yelp when he slips on his bum. Your own feet slip beneath you as you try and keep him from hurting himself, your white skirt covered in a hideous brown.
“Oh no, are you okay?!”
The loud sound of your laughter is enough response. He was completely covered in mud now, crawling over to you in a panic, and he looked so silly. It takes him a second to register what’s going on, but he falls into laughter with you when he spots your own body covered in the mud.
The rain only settled a bit, but you were still being pelted, giving you the perfect idea. “I can’t head home like this! My mother will forbid me from leaving the house!”
“And what are you proposing?” His eyebrow lifts when he catches sight of your mischievous smile.
“I think we should go for a wash.”
“A wash?”
“The lake isn’t far from here.”
“But the winds are crazy!”
“I need to wash!”
“Wash in the rain!”
“Where’s the fun in that?” The man helps you, holding your hand tight in his. Even with his protests, he can’t find it in him to say no to you, so he rushes the both of you off to the lake. Instead of being daring like your other lovers, he decides it’s best to walk down the path and simply dip in, which you aren’t opposed to.
Once there, you happily drag him to the lake, the two of you hopping in. You drench your bodies only for a second before coming back up and swimming further into the lake. The water is rippling with the drops of water falling majestically from the sky.
All the beauty around you, all you can focus on is Hajoon and how happy he looks to be swimming in the rain with you.
It was an overall tense situation you caught yourself in.
Baekhyun came to your home to be a bothersome person once more, father and crew by his side. The men waited outside, alerting you and your remaining family. It had been a week since your father and mother decided to move your sisters to the city, as a way to help make means or even marry for money. It was empty now, but sitting with the man you detested, it made you feel a bit more at ease.
He stood tall and cocky, as if he knew something neither of you did. He settled you and your family down first, around your table, where he sat with confidence.
“I’m here to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage.” He prompts for the hundredth time.
You have to hold your scoff back as your father turns him down once more, your sister sitting angrily beside you, one of the only girls who had refused to leave, staying to care for the youngest and only boy. “It’s a nice offer,” your father announces at the mention of what they would give up for her. “But my daughter is not for sale.”
“You, of course, can decline the possessions we’re offering.” Baekhyun speaks smugly, staring your sister down.
“I’m declining the entire proposition.” Your father is getting angrier by the second and your mother takes notice of this, placing a hand on his arm. She knows her place though, unable to speak around powerful men. It settles him down, turning back to the man with a bored expression.
Baekhyun sighs, fixing his shirt up nonchalantly. That makes your eyebrows rise in suspicion, glancing out your window to see the men all tightening their holds on their weapons. “That’s a shame, really.” He clicks his tongue in an obnoxious manner, eyes falling on you. It makes you shiver, the evil look in his eye as he refuses to let your eyes go. “You all would have lived for much, much longer if you simply accepted my father and I.”
“Is that a threat?” Your father lifts himself up from his seat, protectiveness settling in. The chair scampers behind him, making your little brother flinch. That urges your sister to hop up from her own seat and push the little boy behind her.
“No, no.” Baekhyun laughs, carefully sitting up from his seat. He fixes his shirt once more, looking up at your father. “Threats are usually empty. This… this is a… a follow through to a threat.”
Your father grips the smaller man’s shirt, tossing him aside to fall onto the ground as soon as the door to your home bursts open. The men Baekhyun had dragged along clicked their weapons, pointing them at you and your parents. You take notice that your sister and brother are no longer there, having fled in the midst of the fighting.
“And what will you do?” Your father scoffs, refusing to move an inch towards the men at their weapons. “Kill us without a reason? That’ll get you all hung and you know it.”
Baekhyun flinches out a laugh as he rises back to his feet, the palm of his hands scraped at the strength of the shove. “I heard of a few hangings down south, a few women. Witches.” You freeze at the word, looking straight up at him. And his eyes are already on you. “I thought it was a bunch of foolery. Witches? If witches were real, why would God will it upon women? And I truly would have kept believing it to be fake if it were not for your daughter here!”
Both your parents turn to your frozen body. But there was no way. You were careful, absolutely careful with every move you took. And if you ever found yourself slipping, the men you associate yourself with caught you. There was simply no way.
“Grab her.” A strong hand grips onto your hair, making you yell out in pain. They drag you out of your home, stumbling down the steps and onto the street of your village. “___, ___, ___!” The man taunts from behind you as you shakily turn to look up at him. The loudness of his voice dragged others' attention, watching the scene unfold. “You’re the person I hate the most in the godforsaken village! Always walking around the place acting… acting like a man!”
You scoff, “I’m simply smarter than you. Does that hurt your ego?”
“___.” Your mother scolds you from her position, a gun held to her temple. “Stop talking.”
“Yes, ___, stop talking!” Baekhyun laughs, turning to the crowd that gathered. “The witchery hit our village, everyone!” There were gasps coming from all around, watching as your family got gunned down. They wouldn’t make a move before the news, much less would do now. “The pure evil the sacred word tells us about everyday is here! Living within these filthy creatures!”
The whispering begins, pointing at your shaking figure. Your anger was rising with every second, watching as the people you grew up with completely believed his words.
“And what evidence do you have to support such a ridiculous claim?” It’s Seokjoon that speaks, making you turn to look at him. He doesn’t bat an eye, instead, tackling the man head on with questions.
“Good question, good sir!” It’s a mock, but Seokjoon doesn’t let it deter him. “What better source than my own two eyes? Why, her lover, of course!” That brings a new onslaught of whispers and questions. “She whored herself off to the wrong man!” He laughs, pointing at his man to make a move for him.
Your eyes trail the mans body, your heart faltering when he grabs Jaehyung’s arm. You had been so stuck with your parents safety, you hadn’t taken notice of Jaehyung who was shoved to the side, beaten horribly. There were trails of blood cascading down his sweet face, one eye shut from the hits poured on him.
It’s then that you see Jung-hwa running up to the scene, Hyonseok following after him. They’re both looking down at you and back at Jaehyung with heavy breaths from their running and complete fear.
“Just a few towns over did this disease hit!” Baekhyun yells back out. “And us two, we’ve both seen it firsthand!”
“You’re lying!” Jung-hwa yells out, angrily. His eyes are wide, nostrils flaring as he worriedly watches the scene. “There is no such thing!”
Baekhyun shrugs, moving Jaehyung’s tired and aching body around in his hold. “Why don’t we ask the man she’s been spending her nights with? Tell them.” All eyes fall onto the beaten man. He hesitates, refusing to look down at your shaking figure, taking a few gulps before speaking.
“He’s right.”
“You scum!” It’s Mi-jin who yells now, running toward Jaehyung and tackling him. The crowd falls into a panic, women and children running into their homes and men staying behind to deal with you and your parents. No amount of times you spoke, or how many days you spent running around the village full of laughter and life, none of it mattered any longer. “How. Dare. You!” You can hear Mi-jin repeatedly bashing his fist into Jaehyung.
“Mi-jin!” You yell out, a loud sob racking your body as you get pulled up from the floor. “Stop! You’re going to kill him! Stop!” Hajoon runs to the man, pulling him off as best as he could, watching as a bloody Jaehyung coughs from his spot.
“Quiet!” The end of their gun is smacked up against your head, making you tumble to the ground once more, a nauseating feeling wafting through you. “I’ll deal with you last.” Baekhyun grips the back of your head with a fistful of hair, forcing you to look up at your parents. “For now, I’m going to make you watch them blow your parents fucking brains out.”
“No, no, no!” You try and pull from the man’s hold with cries. “Let them go! Please, please! Stop this!”
“I will, I will,” he tries to shush you gently but it doesn’t work. “Show these men what you can do and I’ll let them go.”
Your mother shakes her head, tears streaming down her face. “Don’t. Remember, ___. Suppress yourself, don’t let them be right.”
“Wrong answer.”
A loud yell comes from your mouth as a bullet makes its way into your mother’s head. You thrash in his hold, in complete pain at the sight of your dear mother’s body falling onto the floor. Horrendous sobs rack from your body, not faltering for a second, even when a body tackles one of the men to the ground, another body following right after.
Your father gets lost in the fighting, barely getting a word in before slamming a body. And then he’s gone, a bullet hole straight in his head, a few feet away from your mother. Your chest tightens, all the air around you suddenly gone. The panic is setting and you’re so lost in grief you barely take notice of the way Baekhyun lets you drop yourself onto the ground, numb from watching such horrible deaths. You miss the way more bullets echo through the small village, sitting empty between it all. It’s not until you feel an arm lift you that you’re brought back to earth. Yeong is holding you, a gun in his hand and face splattered with droplets of blood.
“We need to get you out of here.” Is all he says as he leaves behind the others to fend for you and themselves.
“W-wait,” you pull from his grasp, rushing to Jaehyung who still laid deliriously on the floor. “We need to help him. They… th-they’ll kill him.”
“He got your parents killed!” Yeong yells out to you, full of anger. It’s evident it’s directed to the man holding onto life on a thread, but his worry makes it transcend to you. “He outed you!”
You shake your head with persistence, taking a kneel beside him and gently holding his face in the palm of your hand. Your hand is wet with his blood and you assume the blood from Mi-jin’s own hand, but it doesn’t make you pull back. “Jae. Jae, come-come on. We’ve got to go.”
He groans as he shakes his head, “g-go.” He coughs, blood coming from his mouth. “Yo-your…” he huffs, using every last ounce of energy he had to speak to you. “Your si-sister.”
“Wh-where’d she go?” You question frantically.
“We need to go.” Yeong pulls you up, not giving you the chance to protest, dragging you down the dark forest you love to run around in.
The sun is beginning to hide, its last remnants creating a beautiful color between the trees. A huge contrast from the wave of terrified feelings you wore, but the world would never accommodate you.
“Our best hope is to just leave this place.” Yeong tells you, making you stop in your step. He stops as well, turning to you with a worried look. “What? Is something wrong?”
“I’m supposed to leave?” The fear is evident in your voice as it wavers. “And do what? Hide for the rest of my life? Live a lonely life?”
“I’m going with you.”
“And the others? They’re out there risking their lives for me! I can't leave them!”
“You can’t do anything to help, ___!”
“I can—”
“You’re not using your powers!”
You scoff, sniffling. “And why not? It’ll help us stop more lives being lost!”
“Because you can’t prove them right! You heard your mother! They won’t ever stop, all you can do is go. Go and live that long life you want!”
You shake your head, “I can’t… I can’t lose you guys too, please, let’s go back. I-I can stop them. I can.”
Yeong sighs, holding your face gently. “I can’t let you go back. We… We made a pact.”
You pull away from his soft hold, confused. “What?”
“We promised… we promised that we’d get you away if it ever got out. We’d fight until we can’t anymore and we keep you safe.”
“No, wait, no.” You’re frantic as you try to rush back to the scene, only to get pushed up against a tree, a hand covering your mouth.
Yeong stares down at you, wide eyed and a finger over his mouth. It’s enough to tell you that they’re around, the detested men who wanted to see you choke to reach a breath.
“I’m going to shoot,” Yeong whispers and you shake your head against his hold. He ignores you, your warm tears falling over his hand, going unbothered by him. “And you’re going to run, okay? Run as fast as you can. Don’t stop. Not for anyone.”
You shake your head again, urging him to stop but he simply counts down to three, pushing you aside as he blasts his weapon. But you do as told, running off in the distance, every sound of the weapon blasting made you flinch, more tears falling down your battered face. You trip over roots, over stumps, but you don’t stop, not until you’re sure they’re no longer on your trail.
Collapsing onto the floor, you let your aching body succumb to its wish, darkness flooding your every sense.
You awaken with a yell, loud enough to make the few birds in the sky scatter. The sky is dark, only the light of the moon and stars creating a small hue, but you don’t dwell on it. You scamper to your feet, mind muddled with the thought of your lovers, the men who often fought for your affection, finding middle ground for one thing: saving you.
The walk is long, the sun beginning to peak out, the sky decorated with a pretty hue of pink that fades into the soft blue you loved. You’re still far from the village, deciding to stop at the spot you had last seen Yeong. The intense man who had a passion for the arts that his father made and sold for the village.
Your heart breaks for the umpteenth time as you fall to your knees.
Right in front of you laid Yeong, lifeless and cold. The soft nose of his that turned pink in the colder weather was pale, and his usual rising chest was completely still. Around him laid the men he managed to kill for you. He had laid his life down for you and you didn’t do a single thing.
It’s then you decide to do the one thing your mother and father made you resist.
Walking into the quiet village, you take notice of the complete bloodshed. Jaehyung had been repositioned, sitting up against a wall, lifeless like your deceased lover in the woods. Surrounding him were a few men, a gun at his side, telling you he fought up until his very last moment.
His corpse sends a bigger wave of fury throughout you.
“___?” You’re pulled from your thoughts as a soft voice calls out to you. Turning, you meet Hajoon’s eyes. He looks tired, holding onto his stomach, flinching with every movement he makes. The blood surrounding him isn’t the bad mens, it’s his, pooling out from his open wound.
Running, you collapse right next to him, hands shaking, unsure of what to do with his gaping wound and slowly fading life. “I-I… there’s no healing spells. I don’t- I can’t. Hajoon, what do I do? I need- I can’t do this.” You sob, watching him smile softly at you.
“I-I know. I’ve,” he coughs out, “I’ve read that book of yours so many times.”
“Th-there’s a… another one.” You ignore his words, “here, I’ll, I’m going to try, okay? Stay still for me.”
“No, ___-”
“Asinta mulaf hinto, sho bala.” Your hands are shaking as you hold your hands over his wound, which he had let go of, far too weak to hold them up.
“That- ___, that’s not for healing.”
“Asinta mulaf hinto, sho bala.” You ignore him again, “Asinta mulaf hinto, sho bala.”
“That’s to take away- away pain.” He shakily breathes out.
“Don’t leave me.” You sob, but neither of you can do anything to help. He can’t make a single move, life leaves him with every second, and no amount of power in the world can reverse his dying body.
Your last seconds with him are him assuring you he’ll be fine, leaving you behind with a trail of bodies. The rest of them weren’t any of the men you loved, and you guessed they managed to slip out. You weren’t sure how far though, surely there were still others chasing them.
You spend the next few minutes cursing yourself and the universe. Cursing yourself for listening to your parents' horrible advice. For having such a strength and leaving the mere humans to fight for you. The universe for granting you such amazing people and yanking them from you with no second thought.
Your face falls into Ha-joon’s chest with loud sobs racking your body. You feel as if your soul is dying along with them. The men you loved were tethered to you in every way and little by little were they leaving you behind in this sad and cruel world.
The humans you had come to trust, the ones you grew up with, the ones who danced with you during festivals, the ones you told fake scary stories to during bonfires — they had betrayed you. Their evil souls, tainted with so much fear they couldn’t see the damage they brought onto his world. They took away some of the kindest and smartest beings you had the pleasure of knowing and loving.
Unforgiving humans with their petty prejudices. Unforgivable Baekhyun, who emerges from the darkness of the woods.
He looks beat. His face is covered with dry blood, lip completely busted to match his slashed eyebrow. His right eye is unbelievably puffy, a purple hue all around it. He looks as gross as he always did. And he doesn’t seem to notice you as he looks at his men and neighbors sprawled around the town.
With a shaky breath, you pull yourself off of Ha-joon, face cold from your tears. With a stumble, you make yourself known to the bane of your existence. The true evil your parents always warned you about. The loving parents who died protecting the family secrets, the ones who died by his hand.
It seems even a war can’t deter his horrible behavior. He scoffs loudly when his eyes fall on your bloodied body. None of the blood on your dress and arms is yours, but of the man you had to watch die slowly. He takes notice of your distressed state and he only pushes further.
“He,” he laughs with a wince. “He wouldn’t quit it.” The way he looks at Jae-hyung leaves you unsettled, nothing but pure hatred in his eyes. “Begged and begged to not do a thing to harm you. Quite an honorable man, truly. The only thing that made him snap was to threaten his—”
And that was your snap. Your long awaited breaking point.
It doesn’t take much for your power to surge throughout your aching body and out onto the devil himself. His body lifts off the floor, six feet up in the air, hands grasping at his straining neck. He tries to take big gulps of air, kicking around as if it would help him even an ounce.
All you see is red as he struggles for air, his eyes falling onto yours, pleading to be released. His begging look makes you laugh loud, right at him for thinking you’d do something so ridiculous like letting him go.
“Every life you live will be one of misery.” Your voice doesn’t shake despite the condition you’re in. “Every person you love will never hold the same sort of affection you hold for them. You’re going to beg and plead to any God out there to help you, to help ease the seething pain you’re in but everyone and everything will turn a blind eye.”
His face is red, sweat dripping down his face. The complete look of terror in his eyes makes you feel good. Good to see him the same way he let your loved ones feel before dying horrible and unjustifiable deaths.
“Your soul will be haunted until the end of time for what you’ve done here, Baekhyun, but know that not even hundreds of lives trying to make up for this disaster will ever be enough.”
With a quick flick of your head, his entire being is gone. His body falls lank onto the hard ground, every bone on his body snapped into pieces beyond help.
It’s scary how invigorating it is to finally end him. But it doesn’t help soothe your anger, and it’s evident with the way the trees around you wisp harder than they should for a day with no harsh winds. The panic of your lost loves is catching up to you, finally giving you the chance to look away from what you’ve done, frantic to find the others. It only worsens the way the earth is shaking around you, your entire world blurring.
It’s hard to see much of anything as the wind picks up, swirling around the land polluted with the foulest of energy. Your dress whisks around with the other objects picked up, hair going crazy with it. The little things only anger you further, mind in a haze.
“____!” The voice sounds familiar but it’s not enough to calm you. “Stop! ___, stop this!” They beg and plead but getting through to you is impossible when you’re this deep into your powers.
The bubbling inside of you is at its highest point, ready to spill out into the world. But after your surge, it wouldn’t be contained like those other times you practiced in the woods with your family.
You’re about to let loose, arms out beside you, chest ready to let go and release the most gruesome yell. But it doesn’t come. The earth stops and your mind is shut off as you fall to the floor, completely gone.
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vinetae · 2 years
Try (M) Chapter 2: Hell Tease Play
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"Ghosts won't be the only thing making you scream tonight"
Pairing: Jimin x reader, taehyung x Jungkook, reader x Jungkook, Taehyung x reader
Genre: Boyfriend!au, Smut, Fluff, poly!au
Warnings: Degradation( for those dirty bitches out there), Unprotected sex, spanking, cursing, vulgar words, secret sex, praise kink, voyerism, m x m, (m. masterbation), Dirty talk, breast play, dom!Jimin, dom!Taehyung, Dom!Jungkook, praise kink, orgy, four-some, mXf, ( I think that's it?..)
Summary: The few fluffy months had been going great with your boyfriend. Up until Halloween night where three extremely hot men and I mean extremally hot men come to 'hang' out while watching horror movies...
But who's really in charge here?
<- Previous Chapter
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The sounds of fake chain rumble through your small apartment's living room, while a horrendous scream of a character getting brutally murdered on screen. You roll your eyes for the umpteenth time tonight. How can people be so scared of this? literally not even scary. You yelp quickly at the sound of the doorbell.
Spoke too soon..
Standing, you open the door, wrapping the thin pink plaid throw blanket around your frame, covering what little pajamas you'd had already thrown on because you weren't planning on having any company. Your boyfriend had begged for you to go to this stupid Halloween party with about a gazillion drunk people and sluts roaming around just waiting to get arrested. You had quickly declined his begging attempts, practically having to pry yourself from his pouts and whines.
Jimin comes in with a smile on his face, cheeks reddened by a little too much alcohol consumption, probably from the party. He'd held his alcohol well, but still tried to trick you into thinking he had been drunk so that you could take care of and baby him.
Never works though.
He comes in, swiftly wrapping your body in a tight hug. Smelling the cheesy scent that had consumed your mouth. Quickly, his had as well.
"Jeez Jimin, at least wait until we're outta the room first" Taehyung smiles, walking in while holding hands with Jungkook. They both share a small smile, directed your way. A shy tone over comes your voice, suddenly feeling very small within these three men. Yes, men. Not boys. Because these men dripped in fucking chanel, gucci, and h&m from head to
"Hey guys…how was the party?" you ask, closing the door behind them, Jimin still (fake) drunkenly attached to your hip.
"It was a little boring. Would've been a lot better if you were there. Literally we all just sat in the corner, watching this guy throw up all over his date. It was absolutely hilarious!"
You chuckle a bit, directing them over to the pizza box sprawled sectional, while Jimin had finally let go, only to go rumaging through your cabinets for something to nosh.
Your eyes fixate on a certain someone, who's now sitting on the floor between his boyfriend's legs, watching the black and white clown figure flip off the main character. A chuckle rolls from his alcohol-glazed lips.
Jimin had called you before hand, asking if you wanted to go as a trio (plus one). He never specified as what though. Soon, he'd been knocking at your door, an orange skimpy prison jumpsuit with a white frilly tutu dangling from his finger. A smirk plastered his lips, while the two other men waited patiently behind him, hoping that you'd agree.
Obviously, you didn't.
That's why they had to go as a trio (plus none).
"I wish you would've been there y/n" Taehyung replies, while running his hands through the younger's reccently box bleached hair. His roots, already showing some.
"Yeah babe, you would've been our sexy prisoner~" Jimin adds, settling finally into the crease of the couch, one arm swung around your frame, encasing you in an slight alcohol and possible drug mixture. Somehow, it didn't bother you. Actually, there had been a hint of sweet to this god-forsaken stench.
"With that little string bikini you had gotten for me? No thanks. I would've rather eaten my own pinky toe than to strut around in a suit like that- if you can even call it a suit."
"It wasn't a bikini! It was a prisoner jumpsuit.." Jimin pouts.
"Yeah, a prisoner jumpsuit with a 'loves dick' sticker on the ass." You roll your eyes, crossing your arms at his stupid attempt.
You hear a quiet chuckle emerge from between taehyung's legs, soon followed by a quick glance your way.
"Either way, I would've had a great time arresting my naughty girl~" Jimin teases, while licking a strip up your neck, to your earlobe. You quickly wipe it off, chewing him out for such a disgusting act.
"Oh come on! You let Taehyung-ie do that, but you won't let your own boyfriend!? How rude!" He playfully quotes the full house line, making a pouty face.
"I don't think that turned her on itself…" A quiet mumble disrupts Jimin's antics.
"Oh really gukk?" Jimin closes the space between themselves, him no on Jungkook's level. "Then what does turn my girlfriend on, hmm?~"
Jungkook's cheeks glow red, as he sinks back into his seat. If he hadn't been avoiding you before, he sure would be now.
"Come one guys! Look! That clown thing man is hacking up someone!" Taehyung quickly interrupts the previous conversation.
You scoff lightly, fixing your eyes back to the horror-comedy that lights the living room. "Of course he's hacking someone up Tae, he's a killer."
"That's kinda hot.."
The room freezes, everyone's attention turns towards the owner's comment.
"What's hot about it, Kookie?" Jungkook watches the screen, shrugging a bit at the question.
"I just think it's hot…I don't know why-"
You, Taehyung and your boyfriend all laugh in unison at the younger's comment.
"I find it hot too gukk, don't worry" Jimin comments, as Taehyung scoffs beside you.
"Yeah? You also found a dog's legs sexy too!"
Jimin quickly reaches to cover his best friend's mouth, but it had been too late.
"What the fuck Jimin?!" you're now flinging your body forward at tea's sudden secret of his bestie.
"Hey! Taehyung that was supposed to be a secret!" Jimin's face goes a light pink, making the situation even more hilarious. "Y-you really found a d-dog's legs sexy!?" You could barely get out, let alone breathe.
"Shut up y/n. You think the fox from Zootopia is hot!" Jimin blurts. Now it's your time to go beat red.
"Jimin you fucker!-" you tackle him, trying to strangle the man as he just keeps laughing. Taehyung's eyes go wide at the admission.
"No way! Y/n's got a thing for furies!"
You stand up, now tackling Taehyung, not caring that you'd accidentally stepped on Jungkook's hand.
"Shut up!! No I am not! It's his personality! NOT A FUCKING FOX-" Jimin falls over laughing, using the sectional as a support.
"So you like bad boys y/n?~" Taehyung suddenly asks, halting your attempts to murder Jungkook's lover.
"Cause I'm a bad boy~" You whispers against your lobe, sending a shiver down your spine. A new voice adds commentary to the conversation.
"I think Judy's hot…" Jungkook blatantly admits. Onceagain, all of the attention turns back towards the younger. His eyes go wide at the realization that people actually heard him.
'N-no! I I mean her personality is cute- Hot- Wait!"
Jimin suddenly changes his composure, bending down to be at Jungkook's level once more.
"Bunnies like their own~" He teases, making bunny ears to the embarassed boy.
"And he's got the stamina like one too-" Taehyung comments, now sitting you plop down on the couch, between his legs. Your ass barely hangs onto the fabric of the sectional, as you watch the sexual tension build.
"So does y/n" Jimin adds, now moving very closely to Jungkook's frame, a smirk plastered the eldest's features. You feel a set of hands slowly snake their way around your waist, resting atop your thighs, a slight squeeze signals their presence.
"I'd bet gukk and y/n would go at it like jackrabbits." Taehyung says in a deep tone. The whole tone of the room had actually changed. The stupid clown movie had been long forgotten.
"Yeah" Jimin moves to straddle the younger's lap, inches away from his blushing face. But, his attention only on you, who's now having Taehyung place small kisses on the nape of your neck, hand traveling up the road of your body, resting on your protruding mountain, giving it a light squeeze.
"I think y/n would dom kookie" Jimin comments, running his hands through Jungkook's hair, his breath now in straggered beats.
"You'd be surprised, Jimin-ah. Kook isn't what he seems to let off"
Your eyes fixate on Jungkook's toned frame, struggling to keep his composure as Jimin's lightly grinding down against his thigh.
"What do you think, petal?" Taehyung inquires, his hand sneaks higher to brush against your lips, inserting the tip of his thumb to press down against your tounge. A slight moan escapes your lips, earning more force to be applied to your already swelling tounge. Jungkook soon follows after, his own unique sound rolling past his lips harshly, as Jimin guides his down to the younger's growing bulge,, applying light pressure, making the maknae suck in a harsh breath.
Taehyung turns your head softly to meet his burning glare. The arousal not even hiding an inch behind his irises. You could defiantly feel it against your ass as well.
"when I ask a question petal, you'd better answer me" you quickly nod, not wanting to upset him anymore. He raises an eyebrow at your silence.
"oh-" you quickly get it, replying to his statement.
"I..I don't know.." Jimin chuckles at your obliviousness, turning back to the struggling man he's trapped so nicely under him.
"What do you think gukk? Would you take y/n?" He whispers against the younger's ear, brushing the shell with his plump lips.
"or would she take you?"
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You honestly don't know how this had turned into…whatever it is. You'd just wanted to eat some candy andwatch some classic halloween movies, but now you were pushed against your bedroom wall, Taehyung's frame hugely covers your own, lifting your leg to wrap around his hips, grinding into your own. His arousal clearly imprinted against his dark navy blue coveralls. Lips sucking huge dark spots against your skin. Hands; sliding up your torso, pulling your bodies even closer - if that was possible -
As quickly as the pleasure built, Jimin pulls Taehyung away from you, replacing his body with his own.
"Why hello there~" he smirks, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.
"Hi~" you reply, hands grazing the zipper of his closed coveralls.
"nuh uh" he tuts, pinning your hands quickly above your head, taking you by surprise.
"I've got an idea." he whispers, while pressing his hips into yours, teasing the both of you.
"Oh yeah? Do tell, officer~" you giggle, closing the gap between your two foreheads, resting your against his own.
"Exactly." he spins you around, you now being pinned against the wall. Your tits pressed against the crème colored walls of your bedroom.
"wait wha-" you hear the sounds of mental clicking behind you, now having a cold sensation binding your hands together.
"Now-" the mental clicks into place, signaling that your completely trapped now. Where did they even get handcuffs? You thought the ones clipped to their costumes had been fakes from a costume store!
"We can do this the easy way or," you feel something hard press against your ass, shifting you forward a bit from the force.
"the hard way" you laugh, turning your head to no longer see your boyfriend's cute red locks falling Infront of his soft eyes.
Blonde. locks.
A harsh slap to your ass shuts you up quickly.
"Quiet, inmate".
Your breath catches in your throat. Jungkook was a dom?! But he had always been so sweet, so kind to you, and just so gentle the last time you all got together-
You're pulled out of your thoughts when Jungkook peels your limp body from against the wall, throwing you onto the bed. You quickly take a look around, your boyfriend leaning against the adjacent wall you had just been forced upon, a smirk creeps on his face. Taehyung, leaning against your stained oak dresser that you'd gotten from a yard sale.
Your face is forcefully pulled away from Taehyung's frame, eyes peircing your own. Jungkook's deep, chocolate irises initiate an unspoken staring contest. You obviously loosing from the shock of it all. He walks backwards a bit, letting your body go, smirking.
"Don't just stand there, bitch" He unbuckles his coveralls that had only been decorated with a slim belt for pure aesthetics.
"On the floor."
You gulp, swallowing whatever sassy comment you'd originally planned to bite back with. Something in his eyes had completely overcome your dom tendencies. You drop to the floor, the string burning your knees just a bit from the force. He chuckles, pulling his belt out of the loops, as he starts circling your like an animal about to devour it's prey. Your hands, still cuffed behind your back. he crouches down to your level, tilting his slightly, a smile presses his lips.
"Now, what to do with a filthy girl like yourself, hmm?" he drags the cold metal peice of his belt across your cheek, pressing the tiny metal clip into your flesh, before letting up. You wanted to know where the shy, timid boy who'd wouldn't even look you in the eye for more than half a second, go?
"Anwser me, bitch." he slaps your cheek with the back of the belt, the print already forming on your skin. A slight whine escapes your lips. Your mouth forms a slight 'o' shape. You stay silent. A deep laugh erupts from his chest.
"What?~" he bends down once again, this time, holding your jaw to look into his eyes.
"Cat got your tongue?" you stay completely still. What the hell else is he capable of??
He stands up, pulling you with him.
"Looks like it's going to be the hard way" he smirks, throwing you back onto the bed. You land on your back.
"oh no you don't." He yanks your ankles to the edge of the bed, before flipping your whole body over. ass up, face dug into the pillows. A gasp leaves your lips, but its muffled by the soft fabrics of your pillow.
"What do you say, officer Kim?" You turn your head, seeing Taehyung with his suit halfway down his torse now, cock in hand while a little pre-cum drips down the tip. He lets his dick go, walking over to your shaky frame, slipping his hands into his pockets before bending over to look into your eyes.
"How ever many it takes to shut this brat up".
You turn to Jimin, who's watching very intently, making sure you're not showing any signs of discomfort or fear (that you wouldn't be okay with anwyays)
Jungkook nods, before looking over to Jimin, silently asking for permission. Soon, a harsh slap to your ass earns Jungkook a muffled yelp. Another one, this time, flat handed.
"Count, babydoll" another slap.
"Fuck y/n! Yes baby, God just like that!" Your hands, cuffed to your wooden headboard (that had come with the set), while you're sloppily bouncing on Jungkook's dick.
His hips meeting your in sync, hands grabbing as much of your ass as he could.
"Shit! Oh my- Fucking hell! Just like that, doll. You like riding my cock, huh? Look at you. such a fucking slut for dick. I bet you'd wanna ride any of us, huh? Hell, you'd even fuck that furry fox shithead from that shitty movie"
You heard deep throat moans echoing from the corner of the room, you glance over, seeing Taehyung repeatedly moving his hand up and down on his cock, bent slightly over from pleasure. Having to grip the edge of your dresser for support, while his hand moves almost Gods-speed on his member. Sweat drips from his forehead, catching in his brow before falling to your hardwood floor.
Jungkook grips your jaw, focusing your attention back on him, as a particular thrust upwards hits deep within you, a loud cry erupts from you. Your whole body, on the edge of giving out and on the edge of so much more
"Eyes on me, babygirl. Know who's fucking you this good" You fall over, breasts now dangling right Infront of the younger's eyes. He doesn't hesitate, wrapping his lips around the erect bud, sucking and nipping harshly, leaving dark splotches all around your bosoms.
"Fuck Jungkook- shit- oh my gOD" You moan. The fucking, sucking, and slapping, too much for your to handle. Tears start forming in your ducts, threatening to slip onto the pillow that supports the maknae's head.
"Cum for me, baby. Cream my cock like a good little slut you are~" He (not so subtly) whispers, sending you over the edge.
You grip the stupid chains that bound you, moaning loudly, not giving a damn if your elderly neighbors heard. Pleasure's just too much, too good for you to.
"That's it, baby. Good girl" He stills his hips, letting you catch your breath for a second.
"Fucking-" you moan once more, still coming down from your high. Once you can see clearly, you look down, directing your attention to Jungkook, who's now jerking himself right below you.
"Fuck oh fucking- baby" You smile, leaning down to bring your lips together. That, sending him over the edge.
"FUCK- OH HOLY FUCKING SHIT-". Hot beads of cum spews from his member, painting your pussy and pubic bone like fucking Bob Ross. He lays still, chest heaving heavily up and down from his high. Your too distracted by Jungkook's post-orgasm face to even notice someone had unlocked your handcuffs and pulled you away from Jungkook's exhausted figure.
"Naughty girl~" You hear, whisper in your ear.
"Did we say you could cum?" You swallow, still very sensitive from your previous activities with the younger member.
"N-no sir" you reply, feeling yourself being spun around. You almost fall over, if it hadn't been for Taehyung's strong frame to catch your own.
"Easy-" Jimin walks over, holding onto your spent out body as well.
"You okay baby?" you nod, holding onto his shoulder for support. He pets your head, kissing your cheek softly, on the side that Jungkook had previously slapped.
"Do you need to use your safe word?". You shake your head, clearing any haze you had previously swirling.
"Let's go shower then~". your eyes widen.
This is going to be a long night…
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Next Chapter ->
©sweethearthigh 2022. Do not copy, translate, or modify my works with given consent from me. Thank You <333
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jolinaprincess · 2 years
I have an idea a bts Mafia ABO Soulmate Ot7 x Chubby reader.... but I don't know to go about it... the plot is that they were or one of them were childhood friends of Y/N. They or Y/N had to leave South Korea to America (the reason why up to you or you can stick to my reason) the reason is Her or their Father got a promotion from his boss that their building a branch over in America and wanted him to be the CEO for the branch in America. This is where I get stuck at.... I don't know if they should meet again in high school or college or the place she works at...... but the main thing is that she doesn't know that they are mafia and they don't know she works in the underground world as a fighter and for pleasure since her father sold her to the people that he owes money too and hated the fact that he birthed an omega when both him and Y/N's mother were Alphas... They some how or some way realize that Y/n was their soulmate but they had a girlfriend at the time since they thought they would never find their last piece....Y/n know's that the boy's are her soulmates but decided in not telling them seeing that they were happy with their girlfriend and didn't want them know about what happened while she was gone and what she is doing now..Okay...I'm leaving my idea here if anyone want's a go at it just message or leave a comment so that I know so that I can read it.....but if you guy's want me to do it then I need 100 likes or less...I just need someone to guide me along since this is a first for me...Okay I forgotten to mention that you have to add me in order to get the story updates when you like my post..somehow tumblr isn't working for me so I'm writing the story on my wattpad and I'll post the link here when the first chapter is done. The first chapter is posted PLEASE like and follow so that you can get more updates of the story..its fine if you don't follow I'll just type the chapter posted here... ch.2 edited posted i just added a few more paragraphs. Please read the story and follow so that you can get updates! 😊😊😊💜💜💜💜
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