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4.10 & 7.13
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lystacre · 21 hours
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You’re in my gut… my throat… I’m drowning in you Summers
Close ups under the cut
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buffysummers · 1 day
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Ranking Buffy Summers' hair evolution (as voted by my followers) 7/11
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ravelqueen · 2 days
Rewatching buffy right now and I'm at Spike's intro and honestly? It still works so well, no wonder the fans made them keep him around.
It's that appealing mix of him being Really Really cool (the coat,the accent, the demeanour, the soundtrack) while also being the Biggest Fucking Simp,just an absolute "please and thank you your majesty" for the woman in his life (him going soft in an instant when Drusilla walks in, ready to do anything for her)
It's not just a bad boy,that you think you Can Fix - it's a bad boy that you know *can* be fixed (and who loves strong women)
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clarkgriffon · 2 days
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER 5x05 | “No Place Like Home” 
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mistyintherivers · 21 hours
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my little spike just killed himself a slayer
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i know that the buffy vamps only have fangs in their actual vampire form but like.....fangs are cool and i wanted to draw them (you can't see drusilla's but best believe...they are there)
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ptieuca · 24 hours
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buffy + wearing her cross necklaces backwards around angel
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reality-schmality · 3 days
Anya’s suggestion of charging the people she saves is treated so scandalous as if Angel didn’t start a business on that exact concept. I crack up every time.
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thegothicalice · 1 day
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Love a themed look 🖤 Top by Sorayraya, axe earrings and dagger necklace by While Odin Sleeps, socks Ectogasm, shoes Strangecvlt, choker and pencil skirt Hot Topic about a decade ago.
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esperanzacboronial · 2 days
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You: the Buffy-Angel-Spike-Faith dynamic is so complex. Me: actually it’s very simple
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I love writing lesbian fanfiction to process my own emotions and internal conflicts <3
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okay i found a dead guy in my locker but even weirder it looked like all of his blood was gone. im moving schools.
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90% of the bodies in this town are bloodless
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raisedbythetv89 · 2 days
Buffy has always been VERY intelligent and clever. She’s a quick thinker and very resourceful.
When Anya becomes a vengeance demon again Buffy doesn’t take action against her until she causes a massacre that also traumatizes a young girl so can we PLEASE stop this narrative of Buffy just easily and carelessly deciding to kill Anya?
She recognized self destruction after heartbreak because of her own and Willow’s in season 6 and she knew talking with Anya would get her NO WHERE just like Spike trying to talk her out of turning herself in to the police when she thought she killed katrina because she believed she deserved to be punished and trying to reason with dark willow was completely pointless
She uses the fight to force Anya to confront the reality and what the consequences will be if she continues down this path while ensuring this fight won’t actually kill her. Buffy knows she can’t ignore this and she can’t waste time struggling with the decision of whether or not to kill her because she did that with Angel and so many more people died in the process.
BUFFY IS GROWN!!! SHE HAS LEARNED FROM ALL HER EXPERIENCE AND MISTAKES AND IT SHOWS!!!!!! But everyone is so used to her TORTURING herself over these kinds of decisions they’re unable to recognize she has gained the wisdom and experience to act instinctively and decisively even when no one else agrees because SHE KNOWS it’s right and that is always proven to be true!!!!!! She is finally not letting a bunch of people who are not the slayer tell her how to be the slayer because she never should have been listening to anyone else in the first place. She’s proven to be right time and time again with Spike, Anya, Caleb and y’all still are doubting her….. SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE IS DOING!!!!! AND IT ALWAYS ENDS UP BEING THE RIGHT CALL!!!!!!! How anyone can watch her owning her shit as a leader and a slayer clearly demonstrating the last 6 years of suffering weren’t for nothing as she is now confident in herself and her judgement and think she’s heartless or stupid or careless or biased I just CANT. USE YOUR BRAINS!!! LOOK AT THE ENTIRE CONTEXT OF THE SHOW IM BEGGING YOU FOR THE SAKE OF MY SANITY
It’s also the perfect way to show xander how cruel and heartless him always telling/shaming/guilting her to kill angel is at the same time. He finally got a taste of his own medicine and he couldn’t handle it even a little. She showed what a fucking hypocrite he’s always been because everyone else? If you love someone who’s done evil you’re a horrible person and they need to die but if it’s someone HE loves it’s different even though Anya has definitely caused more deaths than angel and spike combined and was forced to be good rather than it being her own choice and went BACK to being evil of her own free will after he actually fucked up and caused all of this in the first place while never taking any blame himself even though he blamed buffy for angel and spike’s actions any chance he could even the ones directed at her when the blame never lied with her in the first place
Y’all see a woman not torturing herself over every little thing and being confident and you’re like wow what a cold heartless bitch and that’s GROSS and just absolutely reeking of misogyny
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gendergeezer · 17 hours
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golden trio (buffy, willow, & xander)
donate to a family in need
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mistyintherivers · 3 days
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...doesn't matter where you came from or how you got here. you are my sister - there's no way you could annoy me so much if you weren't...
[pose ref] [ID in alt]
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ptieuca · 3 days
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#couples that judge together end up together
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