#buggy x catherine
lostfirefly · 2 months
What do you do? What do you do in the bath?
I've been incredibly productive this week. I will probably be less active next week, because I need to prepare for the 3D animation course test. English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Masterlist is here
I'm not confident in writing smut. So I apologize in advance.
Decription: Buggy came home from a short tour. He and Catherine are taking a bath. Something gets out of control :)
Warnings: SFW (fun, domestic fluff) turns into NSFW (Cathie-pie seduces her clown), MDNI
Words: 4749
Buggy x OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series.
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august
The title is taken from "In the Bath" by Lemon Jelly (don't laugh!).
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Catherine periodically came to the window with a glass of wine. She glanced first at the clock, then out the window. She heard the sound of a car door closing and ran to the window again. 
“Not my little bear…” She sighed, took a bottle of wine and went to the sofa. 
Catherine was lying on the sofa with a book when she heard the sound of keys in the front door and heavy footsteps. 
"Cotton candy, I'm home!" She heard her favorite deep voice from the corridor. 
"Finally!!!" Catherine jumped up from the couch and ran to the front door and saw Buggy leaning with his back against the wall. She clenched her hands into fists and started squealing. 
"My Buggy Bea-a-r!!!!" Catherine jumped on Buggy, hugging him with her arms and legs. "Hi, hi, hi!!" Smack. Smack. Smack.
“First, hi! Second, it's still a disgusting nickname when you are gonna change it? Third, this is for you! I bought it.” He handed her a bouquet of blue carnations.
“Liar!!” Smack. “I’m pretty sure you stole it!” Smack. “Thanks!” Smack. “So beautiful!” Smack. “Your nickname remains!” Smack. “I missed you!” Smack. Smack. Smack. 
“First, why pay for a bouquet when I can easily steal it?” Buggy shrugged, trying to pretend he doesn't like smacks. “Second, I have only been gone for two days and already such a greeting! I like it!!” He carried Catherine into the bedroom. 
“You were gone for two whole days, my red-nose thief!” Smack. Smack. Smack. “How did everything go? Did the fangirls attack you? Found yourself a new girlfriend?” Catherine stroked his head. “I'm sorry I couldn't go with you. Women's things finished me off.” She kissed him on his lips.
“Are you out of your mind? Why do I need some other girl? Everything went fine!” Buggy put Catherine on the bed. “Feeling better already?” He took the bouquet and sent his hand to place it in a vase on the night table. 
“Yes! By the way, what kind of strange thing did you send me? I didn’t get the sense.” Catherine wiped her lips, took out her phone and showed the photo.
“Damn! You have me listed under that fucking nickname here, too.” Buggy placed his hand on her waist, glanced at her, pretending he’s unhappy with the recording. “And this isn't a strange thing. Honey, it’s you.”
"It's a bush, Buggy!” Catherine put her hand on his shoulder. 
“No-o-o, it's you!” He pointed his finger at the photo. 
“In what universe is this me?" 
“It looks like you! See? Here’s the hair, the hands. And if you look closely at these branches, this is your “I hate you” face. I saw it, thought about you, and wanted to show it to you.” 
“I can't believe that the love of my life compared me to a bush.” Catherine kissed Buggy on his head, started jumping on the bed and watched him change into his home clothes. “You sent a message that you'll be home in an hour. And it's already been two. Where have you been, jackass? How's the journey home?”
“Disgusting. I had to put a couple of my freaks in the car, and they kept whining. Sometimes they were hot, sometimes they were cold. And we had to stop periodically.” Buggy looked at her, pulling off his sock. “Why are you laughing, little shit?”
“It’s amazing to listen to one of the most whiny persons in the world complain about what others complain about.” Catherine smiled.
“Go to hell, honestly! I never whine!”
“You're always whining. When we returned from our adventure, you whined that after the celebration we hadn't had sex in three days. Then you whined that I forgot to cut off the crust on the sandwich and thought that I was upset with you. Then you whined when you realized that I wasn’t offended. Two days ago, you were whining that the sheets weren't soft enough.”
“In my defense, three and even two days without sex is a lot, cotton candy. You like tormenting me, right? Fuck, I’m so tired, I'm declaring a day off tomorrow.” He was rummaging through the shelves. “Where are my pants, cotton candy?” 
“Third shelf from the bottom!” She pointed to the closet and continued jumping. “Hah! You can't do anything without me. You can't even find your pants!”
“I can find everything. I lived somehow before you!” He squatted down and looked at the shelf. 
“Come on!” Catherine stopped jumping and crossed her arms. “You probably wore holey socks, walked around in dirty pants and ate something unknown. So since you have a day off tomorrow, maybe we can go for a walk tomorrow? I would hold your hand…” She made waves with her hands.
“I’ll think about it. Shit, I’m hungry!” He pulled on his pajama pants and turned to her. 
Catherine couldn't resist and jumped on him with her legs. "Then take me to the kitchen, my hero!" She ran her fingers over his stubble. “Is it difficult to put on a t-shirt?”
“I thought you missed this view too.” He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the lips. She hugged him tightly around his neck, kicking her legs happily. 
Buggy carried Catherine into the kitchen, grumbling for her to stop moving her legs and kissing his nose, although he secretly adored these manifestations of her feelings, and her lively personality. She knew that he was just groaning and would never admit that he liked it. 
When they came to the kitchen, Catherine jumped off him and ran to the refrigerator. 
"Sit down and relax, my love! Look what I bought for you!" She took two bottles of beer from the fridge. "Your favorite!" 
"You are my best!" Buggy looked at her over his shoulder. 
Catherine put the bottles on the table for him, kissed him on his cheek and ran to the stove. "And I cooked your favorite mac and cheese!" She took out a plate and began serving him a portion. "I also baked almond cookies. I bet your fangirls don't care about you that much!" She giggled. 
“I don’t have fangirls, stop mocking me!” Buggy took a sip of beer. “I have enough of you pissing me off every time! Oh, by the way, I bought you a gift.” He detached his hand and sent it to the bag. “I couldn't leave you without a gift.” The hand brought a small package and gave it to Catherine's hand.
“I will never stop admiring your chop chop.” She smiled and carefully opened the package. “What's here? Raspberry marshmallows sticks, a bottle of wine. Yummy!! What is this?” She took out a small figurine of a bear sitting under a lilac bush. “Oh, my god! Buggy…”
“You told me how your father gave your mother lilacs. I saw this figurine and thought it would remind you of them. And I bought it. Ok, I stole it. Why are you looking at me like that?” Buggy asked with his mouth full, chewing pasta. 
“You remember the story. This figure is amazing! And also this little bear. It's you and my parents. Can I put this on the shelf in the bedroom?” Catherine looked at him with wet eyes. 
“Put it wherever you want.” 
“I'll put a figurine next to a picture of you and me. Thank you!” Catherine ran up to him, placed the plate on the table and kissed him on the cheek. “I'm glad that you remember my words even when I'm dressed, asshole. Love, love, love you!!” 
Catherine put the figurine on the table, plopped down on a chair next to Buggy, watched him happily wrap pasta on his fork and wash down his food with beer. She stroked his hair. "Tasty?" 
Buggy nodded, narrowed his eyes contentedly, and kissed her on the lips. 
“Don't come at me with your oily lips, clown!” Catherine wiped her mouth with a towel, hugged his arm and laid her head on his shoulder. “I’m so happy you’re finally home.” 
“Cathie-pie, my hand.” Buggy turned his head slightly towards her, looking at her questioningly. “How would I eat if you grabbed my hand?”
“I don't care! Think of something.” 
Buggy shrugged and separated the part of his hand that was holding the beer.
Catherine glanced at him. “Seriously? Instead of hugging me, you’re doing this?!” 
“What? I’m hungry.” Buggy wrapped the pasta around his fork. Slurping, he finished eating, threw his fork on the table and took a sip of beer. "Everything was delicious! Thank you!" Buggy looked at Catherine and put his hand on her shoulder. 
“You’re always welcome. Could you imagine, if you'd left me in the desert, you'd be eating nothing but breadcrumbs with water right now.” She kissed him on the nose. 
“Fuck! I didn't leave you! You will remember this to me for the rest of your life, right?” Buggy stretched. "Fuck, my back. I suggest we move to the couch." He took the beer and extended his hand to her. 
“Go to the living room, I’ll be right back, I’ll just put the plates in the dishwasher.” She gave him another peck on the nose and kicked him out into the living room. 
Catherine poured herself a glass of wine and went to Buggy, “My little bear, I’m coming to you! Let’s spe~..” She entered the living room and saw him lying on the sofa, quietly snoring. Catherine smiled, tiptoed over to the snuffling body, covered Buggy with a blanket and kissed him on the head. “Tired. Okay! I'll go to the bath then.” She whispered to herself. 
Catherine quietly went into the bedroom to get pajama pants and Buggy’s t-shirt, grabbed a glass of wine and went to the bathroom. She lit the candles, poured bath salts and added bubbles. Catherine took off her clothes and lay down in the hot water. She took a sip of the wine and closed her eyes, exhaling several times. She placed her hand on the edge of the bathtub and felt a hand on her arm. 
“Oh, shit!!” Catherine jumped slightly, opened her eyes and saw Buggy sitting next to her and looking at her. “I almost had a heart attack! What are you doing here? You were sleeping on the couch.” 
“You said that you would come to me. I opened my eyes, you weren’t there, and I went looking for you.” He blushed. 
“I knew you missed me!” Catherine narrowed her eyes playfully. 
“Fuck you! Yes, I missed you. Are you going to cut me into pieces for this? You know perfectly that you can slice me, you can dice me, and I~” Buggy let go of her hand. 
“What? No! Don't be offended!” Catherine took his hand and pulled him towards her, kissing him on the lips. Buggy started giggling during the kiss. Catherine pulled her head back. “What's so funny, clown?” 
“You're naked. I can see your breasts!” 
“Oh, God! Are you 10 years old?”
“Hey! I’m over 30! But I’m always happy to see you naked. And here you are lying in the bathtub. All so sexy.” Buggy started giggling again. 
“That’s it! Get out of here!” Catherine started pulling him out of the bathroom.
“But why? Can I sit next to you?” Buggy stared at her with pleading eyes. 
“Go away, fucking clown!” 
He sighed, stood up and walked out the door. 
“Buggy!” Catherine immediately shouted. 
“What?” His head looked into the bathroom. 
“Seriously? I can't believe you just up and left.” Catherine straightened one leg above the water and winked at him. “Would you like to join me?” 
“Two minutes ago you kicked me out, and now you’re calling me to join.” Buggy stood there in bewilderment. 
“Well, if you don’t want to, fine. You could touch my naked body.” She lightly touched him with her foot. 
“Oh, you’re a dirty girl, Catherine Mitchell!” Buggy grinned, closed the door and quickly took off his pants and underwear. 
“Yes, I'm like that sometimes! But I still blame you for spoiling me.” Catherine looked him up and down, blushed, and moved to the other side of the bath. 
“Yeah, yeah, a bad horny clown spoiled a decent little princess.” Buggy sat down in the bath, and she immediately leaned her back against his chest. 
“Ts! I didn't give you permission to talk!” Catherine gently ran her fingertips along his cheek and, feeling that he placed his arms around her waist, put her hands on his arms. “Do you remember the rules that I introduced after last time?” 
“Yes, ma'am.” Buggy buried his face in her hair and sighed. 
“What happened, little bear?” She started stroking his fingers.  
“Nothing. Glad to be home. Glad that someone is waiting for me at home. Glad I'm not alone anymore.” He mumbled into her hair. 
“I’ll always wait f~!” Catherine's eyes widened as she felt one of his hands slowly begin to move down to her thigh. "What are you doing? Take your hand back!" She grabbed his hand and placed it on her waist. “Don't break the rules, Buggy! No chop chop things in this room! Or I’ll leave, and you’ll remain a grown man taking a bubble bath.”
“So unfair!” Buddy said sadly. “You're lying with me completely naked! I see your breasts! Your nip~!” 
Catherine covered his mouth with her hand. “Shush! Stop saying these inappropriate things!” 
Buggy removed her hand from his mouth and watched as she blushed when he started whispering in her ear. Her eyes widened. 
“No! We won’t do anything! We’re taking a bath. Rules, Buggy!” There was already less confidence in Catherine's voice. “And keep your.. your.. you know.. little Buggy with you.” She closed her eyes and laid her head on his shoulder. 
“You've never complained about him before! And he’s not little!” There was indignation in his voice. 
“Oh, I knew you'd pick up on that, pervert!” 
“I'm offended to the core, cotton candy. Well, tell me, what did you do without me?” Buggy asked quietly. 
“Hm.. I went to the cinema, walked, sat in a cafe with a book and lay on the couch. And what did you do?” Catherine asked softly. She liked listening to his stories about everything and nothing, listening to how his days were spent. 
“Well, we rehearsed a lot. I played cards with Cabaji. Won a bottle of beer. He often asks about you. I do not like it.” Buggy pouted.
“Someone is jealous!!” Catherine pressed her back closer. 
“I’m not!” 
“You're so jealous that you will turn even more gray with anger. He's just happy for you. That's all.” Catherine straightened her leg slightly. "Great, huh?" 
Buggy tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. “What exactly? Your beautiful legs or your naked body?” 
“No, asshole. Just lie there together.” 
“Not so bad.” Buggy took her hand and kissed it. “I love you, my Cathie-pie.” 
Catherine turned around and looked at him with round eyes. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He kissed her hand again.
“You… You just said 'I love you' ahead of me for the first time.” Catherine ran her finger along his arm. 
“Hey, I always tell you this!”
“You tell me this when we are... Well, you know. In bed. When you are... Well, you know. But at these moments you are a little crazy.” She stroked his cheek. “Love you too. And I’m so happy I met you.” 
“Well, I'll thank myself for that. I'll thank myself for finding you.” Buggy said it with a proud grin and kissed her temple. 
“You didn't find me. I was brought to you.” She squeezed his hand.
“It still counts, cotton candy. You've succumbed to my charm.” 
Catherine rolled her eye. “Oh, for God's sake, there was no charm! You pissed me off!”
“I beg to differ, you're the one who stayed with me, and now you're lying naked with me in the bathtub.” Buggy kissed her temple again.
“Oh, fuck you, clown! Well, tell me who else you took a bath with. There were probably a lot of girls here. But do you remember? If you don't want to, don't tell me.” Catherine twirled a strand of his hair around her finger.
“There was no one here. Who will take a bath with me? The tub stood almost idle until someone pretty and cheerful occupied it. And I didn’t wash very often.” Buggy shrugged. 
“Yes, I noticed. You rarely do this even now, sometimes I have to remind you to wash yourself.”
“I'm surprised that you willingly lie here with me. Do you remember when I brought you from the airport?” Buggy reddened. 
“And you immediately dragged me into the bedroom, I remember.”
“Hey, you didn't mind. Our first time was good then, right?” He sighed happily. “I will probably remember this day even on my deathbed.” 
Catherine glanced at Buggy and took another strand of his hair. “Do you even remember anything besides sex? Don't know. Our walks in the evenings, how you constantly steal the flowers for me.”
“Sorry, your naked body and moans knock the rest of the moments out of my memory.” He giggled. 
“Idiot and liar. So... You wanted to say something.” Catherine felt how his hands started trembling a little. 
“Well, in the morning I woke up, and to be honest, I thought that you had already packed your things and ran to the airport. Don't know. Realizing that that was your big mistake. But I saw you sleeping next to me, holding my hand. It was so strange. And it's still strange.” Buggy felt he became nervous and felt how Catherine started stroking his palm. 
“First of all, clown, I wouldn't go anywhere. I'm sorry, but you did such a thing to me that it was hard to walk. Secondly, I love you. Third, thank you for telling me this. I’m so proud of you.” She ran her fingertips along his stubble. “You are so prickly. I like it.”
Catherine stretched out her leg and tried to grab the washcloth with her fingers, but went under the water. She quickly surfaced and laughed loudly. “Damn! I thought it would be sexy, but I’m like a manatee on ice.” 
“You okay?” Buggy pulled her closer.
“Totally.” Catherine took a lock of his hair. "So long and beautiful. Oh, I want to wash your hair!"
Buggy looked at her questioningly. “No! I can wash my hair myself.”
“Ple-e-ease! You're tired from the road! You never let me do this!” Catherine looked at him with pleading eyes. 
“I said no!” 
“And I said yes!” She reached for the shampoo, stood up and heard him chuckle. “What amused you again?” 
“You're all naked.” Buggy scratched his nose. “Your body. So much better than I even remembered.” 
“Oh m~. Stop grabbing my ass!” She slapped his hands, sat behind him and wet his hair. “Shit! I can swim in your bathtub like a whale. See?” Catherine lay down in the water, spun around twice and laughed loudly. “Why do you need such a huge one?” 
Buggy laughed as he watched her splash her hands in the water. “Well, I was hoping that one day I would end up here with a very beautiful red-haired whale who would fill all surfaces with fucking scented candles and oils, and would torture me in every possible way.”
“It's not torment, clown. It's called caring. I like taking care of you. And I saw you smelling my candles.” Catherine settled behind him and let his hair down.
Buggy exhaled heavily. 
“What happened, little bear?” 
“Nothing. I'm still surprised that someone doesn't run away from me early in the morning. That I see someone in the morning dishevelled and wearing stupid pants with animals on them.” He closed his eyes. 
“This someone in pants is also very happy to see you nearby.” Catherine wet his hair, poured some shampoo into her hand, and gently ran it through Buggy’s hair. "If it's unpleasant, tell me." She washed each strand carefully, and humming softly, she noticed a slight smile on his face. She gently massaged his head and then ran her hands through the strands. Every time Catherine wet his hair, it changed to a more emerald shade. She couldn't contain her delight and kept saying “wow”. She gently ran her hands through his hair, untangling small tangles with her fingers and rinsed them again.
“It was worth going away for a couple of days for that.” Buggy chuckled. He sat with his eyes closed and a slight grin on his face.
“I'm done with your hair, my love. Now let's wash your face. Can I?” She watched him make a face, but nodded. She took some lotions from the shelf and sat on his lap. Buggy chuckled as she began to gently rub the moistened pad over her face. 
“What's so funny?” 
“You're sitting on me naked.” Buggy wrapped his arms around her waist. 
“You’re disgusting!” Catherine immediately began wiping his lips. “That's it! Shut your dirty mouth!” She gently moved the discs over his face, removing layer by layer of all his makeup. “Here you are! Hi!” 
Catherine couldn't resist and kissed him on the lips. He immediately pulled her closer. 
“I missed you.” She kissed his forehead and wrinkled her nose slightly.
“Same thing.” Buggy answered in a whisper. 
“Okay, it’s time to get out of the bath. Let's lie on the couch, drink alcohol, eat chips, and watch stupid shows. Good, huh? I’ll just rinse off in the shower.” Catherine kissed him on his cheek. 
“And what about me?” Buggy looked at her questionably.
“And you go to the shower stall, clown. Otherwise, our joint bath will end badly.” Catherine blushed.
“You understand that this day will end like this anyway?” He winked at her. 
“Get out!” She gently pushed him out of the bath. 
Buggy took a brief shower to ensure he did not miss anything and sat next to the tub, keeping his gaze on Catherine.
She took out a washcloth and shower gel and, stretching her leg again, began to slowly move the washcloth along her leg. 
“God, this is such a turn on!” He said quietly.
Catherine noticed how he began to fidget. “Like it?” She winked. 
“You're playing a dangerous game, Catherine Mitchell!” Buggy tried to hold on by crossing one leg over the other leg. “Please, can I join?”
“Na-ah! Just watch, don't touch!” She bit her lower lip, narrowed her eyes playfully, and continued moving the washcloth.
“It's unfair! Do you even understand what you're doing, woman?” He swallowed. “Please! I wanna join and help you!” 
“Someone is going to die.” Catherine slowly moved the washcloth along her other leg. “Patience, my silly clown!” She ran the washcloth over her arms and back, periodically glancing at how Buggy became redder and tried his best to hide his quickening breathing.
Catherine quickly rinsed off and was about to grab a towel when she felt Buggy’s hand on her wrist. "Hey! What the hell is this?" 
Catherine slowly turned around and saw Buggy climbing into her bathtub. “You've already taken off your panties, you scoundrel. What about rules?”
“I don't use chop chop, see?” He showed her his hands, pressing his entire naked body lightly against hers. “Technically, I'm not breaking anything.”
Catherine placed one foot on the edge of the tub and ran her fingertips through the hair on his chest. “Did someone lose their temper, huh?” 
“Because one little shit is behaving badly.” Buggy kissed her on the lips and felt her hand run down his stomach. “Very, very badly.”
“Stop talking, fucking clown. I'm standing here nak~.” She didn’t have time to finish the sentence.
Catherine swifty wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her into a searing, biting kiss. The growl in his throat grew louder with each passing second. 
“Oh, fuck! I missed you!” Buggy said in a low, husky voice. His hands gripped her hips and shifted her up. Catherine gasped into his kiss, which shifted from soft and tender to passionate very quickly.
“I knew that, a little creep!” She leaned forward, gripped his bottom lip between her teeth, and gave him a rough, biting kiss. Catherine felt it. Felt that she wanted to lose control in the tension of his arms as he held her. 
She moaned through the kiss when Buggy thrust up into her. One long, fast stroke that made her feel like she was breaking into little pieces. His hands gripped her at the hips tighter and moved her up and down. With every stroke of him, they were getting closer to the pleasure they both desired. Every movement made her arch and moan like a cat. Catherine found herself kissing and biting at every single inch of his skin. Buggy’s lips nibbled at every part of her body that he could reach, causing tiny bruises on her skin as their breathing and movements got increasingly chaotic with each upward stroke. Buggy arched up into her, unable to stop himself. His fingers pressed into the skin of her hips, an animalistic sound pouring forth from him, as she pressed further down. His name was the only word on her lips. 
“Say it. Say you’re mine,” Buggy thrust deeper, and she whined at the feeling of him inside her. She’d known he belonged there from the first time she’d taken him in herself. “Tell me I’m not gonna lose you.” 
Catherine breathed and kissed him. “I promise, you can’t lose me. I’m yours.” 
“Tell me,” with his every word, his every move became more aggressive. “Tell me only I can protect you, that only I can take care of you. Say it.” 
“You can protect me,” Catherine looked into his eyes, placing her hands on the back of his head. “Only you can take care of me, I promise.” She kissed him. 
“Let me love you,” Buggy fucked her deep, hard, greedy. “Say it. Tell me that only I can love you, that it’s safe to love you.” 
“You can love me. It's safe. I never hurt you. I promise.” She could barely say anything, pulling him closer. 
Buggy moaned against her lips and fucked her, never slowing down, making her orgasm never really go away. He kissed her, pressed down deeply inside her then, causing her back to arch and her legs to tighten around his hips. 
She moaned near his lips. “I need to feel you, please, please..” 
“You’re mine, Cathie-pie.” He kissed her again, started fucking her a little harder and faster, driving the pleasure closer.
“I’m so close, don't stop.” Catherine felt him press deeply and pulse inside her, stimulating her orgasm. “Just a little mo~. A lit~. Fuck…” 
Buggy let out one deep groan, feeling they came together, his body went slack for a moment before, and he buried his face in the crock of her neck. He was silent for a while.
“You okay?” Catherine asked, stroking his head. She felt every beat of his heart. 
“Yeah. Fuck, it was great, right?” He kissed her forehead. 
“Are you asking for a compliment, a little brat?” Catherine said mockingly and pecked him on his lips. 
“Are you sure you're okay? Didn't I hurt you?” Buggy examined her body carefully.
“Why are you asking? What happened?” Catherine stroked his shoulder.
“I don't know. I feel like I overdid a little.”
“Well, you were extremely talkative today. But everything was amazing.” She noticed his worried eyes. “What's wrong, Buggy? Are you worried about something?” 
“No! I mean yes. Tell me you meant all that.” He said quietly and looked into her eyes.
“What? Are you still afraid of s~.”
“Cathie-pie, please.” 
“Of course, my blue-haired love.” Catherine gently kissed him on his lips. “I meant every word. I promise. You can protect me. I know you will protect me. Come on, you saved me from the cage! And I won't hurt you. And I won't leave you. And you're safe with me. And you know why?” She stroked his hair. “Because I love you so, so much, my Buggy Bear.”
“Love you too, my cotton candy. Hey, listen... Can I ask a question?” 
“I guess the fact that you're still inside me doesn't give me the right to refuse?” She chuckled. “Ask me anything you want.” She ran her fingers over his stubble. 
“I’m hungry again, and I missed your pancakes. Will you make me some?”
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olinblogin · 7 months
What fandoms I will write for;
-Lego Monkie Kid
-One Piece
-One Punch Man
-Assassination Classroom (limited characters)
-COD (call of duty, any game)
-ATSV (across the spiderverse)
-TADC (the amazing digital circus)
-Underverse/undetale AUs
What fandoms i won’t write for;
-Genshin Impact/Honkai impact
-Seven Deadly Sins
-Obey Me/Obey Me nightbringer
-FNF (Friday night funkin)
-MHA (my hero academia)
-Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss
-other fandoms that have problematic backgrounds
-light angst
-slightly suggestive content (will have a warning)
-smut content (will have a warning)
-childhood romance (no smut.)
-teen romance (no smut.)
-Reader x character
-character x character (very rarely)
-character x Reader x character
-T4T (trans for trans relationships)
-F4F (femme for femme relationship)
-M4M (masc for masc relationship)
-F4TF (femme for trans femme)
-F4TM (femme for trans masc)
-F4TNB (femme for trans non binary)
-F4A (femme for any)
-M4TF (masc for trans femme)
-M4TM (masc for trans masc)
-M4TNB (masc for trans non binary)
-M4A (masc for any)
-LGBTQ content
-Yandere Content (not extreme)
-cnc (consensual non-consent)
-child x adult
-abusive scenarios
-anything to do with children involved in anything sexual
-unsanitary fetishes (i.e. scat, wound f*cking, etc)
-severe angst
-s*icide & s*lf h*rn
Characters I’ll write for in each fandom
—characters so far—
Stalker/Damon (usually Poly)
Deliver Guy/DG (usually Poly)
Shadowman (not much I for abt them, some nsfw - demisexual)
—characters not in game yet but I will write—
Ace (some nsfw - demisexual)
Milla (no nsfw)
Salvador (some nsfw - demisexual)
- MK (Qi Xioatian)
-Mei Dragon
-Sun Wukong
-Six Eared Macaque
-Ao Lie
-Lady Bone Demon
-The Mayor
-Yin & Jin
-Princess Iron Fan (Poly)
-Demon Bull King (Poly)
-Pigsy (platonic)
-Sandy (platonic)
-Nezha (platonic)
-Bai He (platonic)
- Monkey D. Luffy
-Vinsmoke Sanji
-Roronora Zoro
-Nico Robin
-Chopper (platonic)
-Donquixte Doflamingo
-Donquixte Rosiante
-Bartolomeo Kuma
-Boa Hancock
-Dracule Mihawk
-Portgaz D. Ace
-Edward Newgate, Whitebeard (platonic)
-Eustass Kidd
-Jewelry Bonney
-Monkey D. Harp
-Monkey D. Dragon
-Trafalgar Law
-Rob Luci
-Bepo (platonic)
-Child Emporer (platonic)
-Metal Bat
-Speed O’ Sound Sonic
-Mumen Rider
-Watchdog Man (mostly platonic)
-Atomic Samurai
-Lord Boros
-Flashy Flash
-Sweet Mask
(Any students such as Nagisa or Karma are platonic)
-Tadaomi Karasuma
-Irina Jelavic
-Simon “Ghost” Riley
-John “Soap” MacTavish
-John “Captain” Price
-Horangi (Hong-Jin)
-Valeria Garza/El Sin Nombre (F4F/NB/AFAB)
-Alejandro Vargas
-Phillip Graves
-Farah Karim
-Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Kate Laswell (F4F)
-Gary “Roach” Sanderson
-Miles Morales (platonic/fluff)
-Gwen Stacy (Platonic/Fluff)
-Pavitr Prabhakar (platonic/fluff)
-Prowler Miles (platonic/fuff)
-Peter B. Parker
-Jess Drew
-Miguel O’Hara
-Hobie Brown
-Ink!Sans (platonic)
-Murder Time Trio (Killer!Sans, Dust!Sans, Horror!sans)
-AT!Sans (Geno)
-Fatal Error
-X!Sans (Cross)
please as well reread the will/won’t write section if you’re feeling unsure!
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gravehags · 9 months
meet me in the woods
Pairing: Cirrus x f!Reader (Regency AU)
Tags: plus size reader, regency au, ghouls as highwaymen, stripping, oral sex, fingering
Words: 3,445
Summary: You are a well-bred, polite society girl. Until you're not.
a/n: this whole thing is @terzosbignaturals fault tbh (enjoy)
divider by @ghuleh-recs
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“Do try to sit up straight, dear, you look so…so portly when you slouch.”
Obediently you straighten your shoulders as the carriage jostles the three of you around. 
“Perhaps I look portly because I am portly, my lady,” you say quietly, not without a bit of venom. You would never dare speak back to your guardian directly, so subtle comments must make do. Lady Catherine’s face sours and her thin lips purse as she regards you with a withering glance but does not respond. Lord Richard sits next to you, snoring and completely oblivious to the conversation as well as your presence on the whole. That was nothing new, the man practically lived in his smoking room, never once sparing you a thought. You were perfectly content with that, enjoying being ignored far more than being under the constant scrutiny and cruel words of the woman sitting across from you.
Ever since your parents died many years ago, you have been raised (perhaps a generous term) by these two members of the social elite who are allegedly distant cousins. You spend most of your time alone, wandering the estate gardens and reading your novels, ever dreaming of adventure and romance. Your guardians have, of course, brought reluctant suitors around to woo you, but you have been unmoved by any of their paltry ideas of romance. No, you much preferred bundling up in your bed at night with only a candle for company, clinging to the pages of a gothic horror novel borrowed from one of your friends - a scandalous thing that involves a sinister countess seducing her chambermaid. So desperately you wish to be desired darkly, deeply and you find immense comfort and pleasure in every dramatic, lust-filled word.
Your eyes have become unfocused as you gaze out the window and you barely notice the cavalcade of dark horses that stampede past you, causing the carriage to come to a halt. You look to Lady Catherine, who looks more annoyed than anything, as she pounds on the ceiling to alert the driver of her irritation. There is a prolonged silence and you feel anxiety twist in your gut when suddenly the door of the carriage is wrenched open.
“Well, well, well, and what kind of treasure do we have here?”
The figure looks…well…dashing is the only way you can put it. Tall, swathed in a long black coat and breeches tucked into black leather riding boots. Their face is obscured from the nose down by a black kerchief and on their head sits a dramatic feathered black hat. Lady Catherine opens her mouth to squawk indignantly at the intruder but they simply roll their eyes and motion to someone behind them. In the meantime the figure offers you a gloved hand and, with no better ideas at hand, you take it. When you step out of the carriage you see a group of more than half a dozen figures, also masked and in black, standing at attention either on horses or on foot. One of them comes forward with a length of cloth and the mysterious figure climbs back into the carriage to gag Lady Catherine with it. Lord Richard barely stirs with an inelegant snort and immediately falls back asleep, deaf to the muffled cries of his wife.
The group of what you can only assume are bandits continue to stare as the leader re-emerges from the carriage and slams the door shut behind them. They’re taller than you, and have you pushed up slightly against the side of the buggy with their arm resting above your head. They’re close enough you can smell them - something sweet akin to violets but also plum and leather - and the scent makes you dizzy. They bring a gloved hand up and run a finger along your jawline, giving you a lascivious once over that makes you flush from head to toe.
“Treasure, indeed,” they say, fingering the green velvet of your spencer jacket. The others around them chuckle and nudge one another as your eyes dart around, unsure of where to look or what to do.
“W-who are you?” you ask quietly, and the leader makes a dramatic gasp with a slight fainting motion.
“She speaks! And even her voice is just as lovely,” a few of the bandits chuckle and they give you a wink.
“We are highwaymen, my treasure,” there is something about this voice, while not familiar to your ears it sounds unusual.
“We don’t have anything of value,” you say in a rush, fidgeting with the muslin of your gown. “I mean…Lady Catherine might,” you admit softly. The leader’s eyes crinkle - they clearly must be grinning underneath the mask - as they regard you. “Please let us go.”
“‘Please,’” the leader murmurs. “So polite. Such a well-bred young woman. Allow me to ask you a question - do you want to be let go?”
You think back to your gothic novels and the thrill they give you, as well as the feeling you are experiencing at the apex of your thighs. If they let you and the others go…then what? A lifetime listening to catty comments from one of your guardians and absolute ignorance from the other? A lifetime of finding some horrible little man Lady Catherine has chosen for you to marry and being stuck bearing his many children? The thought makes you feel nauseous and it must show on your face because the highwayman slides a finger under your chin and lifts it so you are looking at them.
“No,” you whisper, after a beat. “No, I do not want to be let go.”
The figure leans in close to you and runs a hand over your waist, inhaling deep.
“You’re mine now,” they breathe before gripping you by the arm and pulling you over to the largest black steed of the pack. Elegantly, they mount the horse and gesture for one of the other bandits to assist you in climbing up and situating yourself in front of them on the saddle. The way their warm thighs frame yours and their eyes trace along your exposed stocking-clad calves makes you shiver in anticipation. All at once they let out a piercing whistle and everyone mounts their horses and leaves the forested area. As the stallion begins to gallop, you briefly look backwards at where your guardians have been left behind. You want to feel guilty, to feel disgraced at what you’ve done. But quite frankly, you can’t bring yourself to care.
Good riddance.
You ride for a great long while, your somewhat-captor’s arms woven around your waist and gripping you tight to them. Their chin rests on your shoulder and you can hear them breathing in your ear, even over the thundering of hooves. What a sight all of you must make, you think, as you traverse the countryside like a pack of devils. The exhilaration of the situation, the wind in your hair, thrills you and your face splits open in a smile. For the first time in your whole life you feel free.
Your companion must see your wild grin because their grip tightens around your waist and they bring their hips flush against your behind.
“Enjoying yourself, my sweet?” they call into your ear, only just loud enough for you to hear over the pounding gallops of the horse.
Briefly looking over your shoulder you nod, face flushed from both the wind and emotion. When you turn your head back around, you feel droplets begin to fall onto your cheeks and you hear the figure behind you let out a curse.
“We still have a few miles to ride,” they say, spurring the steed on with their heels, “Hope you don’t mind getting wet.” There’s a vaguely lascivious note to their voice and once again you feel a twinge between your thighs.
It takes about five minutes but suddenly the dark sky opens up and begins pouring down upon your group. You’re all riding as fast as you can through the forest when in the distance you see a large rock formation. As you get closer you notice there is a massive opening in the rock that leads into a dark, dark cave. You’re shivering by the time the riders stop at the entrance and dismount, soaked to the bone and barely able to move. Your companion dismounts swiftly and reaches up to remove you from the saddle. The other masked bandits stand around and watch as they carry you, as a groom carries a bride on their wedding night, into the mouth of the cave.
It’s not quite as dark in here as you originally thought - the walls lined with many torches and fires providing warmth to the dank space. The highwayman continues to carry you through the wide, weaving tunnel as if you weigh nothing. You feel so…so delicate in their arms, a sensation that you were entirely unfamiliar with. When the two of you turn a corner, you’re brought into a secluded area. The ground is covered in luxurious cushions and rugs, a large, thick fur tucked underneath. They set you down on the surprisingly comfortable surface and with a flick of their hand, remove both the kerchief covering their face and their hat.
Your jaw drops open.
Her hat.
The woman that stands before you is breathtaking as she loosens her silver streaked dark hair from the queue at the back of her neck. The coat comes off next and reveals a white blouse and, you note with your cheeks flushing deep, she wears no stays. Black fabric strains tight around rounded hips and long legs. 
You’re staring. And she notices.
“You’re not bad to look at yourself, my dove,” she coos. “Let’s get you out of those damp clothes, hmm?”
When she kneels down at your feet, staring deep into your eyes, you feel lightheaded. Carefully she unlaces your boots and removes them one by one. Fingers slipping on the buttons, you shed your drenched jacket, leaving yourself in equally wet white muslin. The rain has soaked through to your dress and now the material clings to your skin and stays. Her eyes travel across the swell of your breasts and her lips curl into a sinister toothy grin that makes you burn inside. You don’t know what to do now as you cannot reach the buttons on the back of your dress, but she seems to anticipate this and gestures for you to flip over onto your stomach. Slowly, she runs a hand over the curve of your backside and along your spine until she reaches the buttons and deftly undoes them, shedding you of one more layer. Shivering you turn back over, now only your stays and chemise separating your body from her intense gaze. Your fingers start to move towards the laces at the front of your chest but you hesitate.
“What’s your name?” you ask quietly as she scoots towards you more.
“Cirrus,” she answers simply. It’s unusual but it suits her and you quite like it. You tell her your name in return and you enjoy the way her lips and tongue wrap around it.
“May I?” she asks with a little half smile, hand gesturing towards the front of your stays. “You’ll catch a dreadful cold if we don’t get all this off you.”
Blush returning, you nod and her fingers begin tugging at the knot and laces until the garment falls open. Your thin, damp chemise fights for its life as it clings to your breasts and Cirrus licks her lips.
“Beautiful,” she breathes, eyes roaming over your form. “One last thing.”
Her hands reach down to the hem of your chemise, inching it up your body until it comes off over your head and is discarded behind her. When you’re fully exposed to her, wearing nothing but your white stockings, she lets out a ragged breath.
“Treasure the likes of which I have never seen before,” she murmurs, fingers running down your belly. Your mind harkens back to that salacious little novel you loved to read under the cover of night and the way the countess would touch her chambermaid. You feel a rush from between your legs and you bite your lip as your eyes dance upon Cirrus’ features. 
“W-what are you going to do to me?” you ask, cheeks heated and thighs clenching.
She lets out a dark little chuckle as her hand hovers over your body, twitching in their obvious desire to touch you.
“I told you,” she starts, leaning back, “that you’re mine now. And I am so very good to my treasures.”
“Oh?” your voice comes out higher than you would like.
“Mmm,” she hums as she throws a leg over your body the same way she mounted her steed. As she straddles your waist, her hands come up to tangle in your damp hair and brush her thumbs against your parted lips.
“Would you like me to be good to you, my sweet?”
She continues to thumb at your cheekbones while looking deep into your eyes, her gaze illuminated by the many torches that surround the two of you.
“No one has ever been…good to me,” you confess, understanding her double entendre. You are, after all, a good society girl. The only touch of a lover you have known is your own, late in the night when all were asleep.
“A damn shame,” she says, leaning her face down to yours, “And yet, I am so very glad that I have you all to myself now.” In an instant she slots her lips against yours and you jump from the contact. Her kiss is slow and languid, clearly delighting in the lack of urgency presented to the both of you. When she teases her tongue along your lower lip you let out a little whimper and she takes the opportunity to plunder your mouth. As she continues to hotly kiss you, you wind your arms around her neck to bring her in close. Her hand slides up the side of your body to cup at your breast, thumb flicking your pebbled nipple. When she breaks the kiss you let out a pathetic little whine that makes her grin as she slides further down your body.
“Such a needy thing, hmm?” she says before wrapping her lips around your nipple, causing your back to arch sharply. Your hand slides into her loose hair to push her against you and she lets out a rough chuckle around the bud before lightly nipping it with her teeth, causing your hips to buck upwards. When she pulls off of you and leans back, the pout on your face makes her throw her head back in a laugh.
“Wanton little creature!” she crows, as you continue to glare up at her, “they had no idea what lay beneath your surface, eh? All those simpering idiot suitors you undoubtedly had - they could never pull these sweet sounds from you.”
You shake your head as she idly palms your breasts in her beautiful hands. 
“Darling girl, I’m going to make you scream,” she promises, once again lowering her mouth to you. The pleasure that seeps out of you as she laves at your other breast makes your back arch once more. Slowly, her body continues to slide down and she places tender kisses over the curves of your belly. When she settles between your legs, she grins with all her teeth. Hands grip at the fullness of your thighs, fingers slipping underneath your stockings to feel the soft flesh there. Her breath dances across your mound, stirring the hairs and she nuzzles into your leg.
“Tell me what you want,” Cirrus asks, fingers tracing the veins in your leg.
“I…I don’t know,” you say honestly, blushing furiously.
She chuckles against you, placing a kiss to your inner thigh that makes you twitch.
“Do you want me to devour you?” she says, licking a stripe along the slit of you that wrenches a sharp gasp from your throat. “Do you want me to fill you up like no man ever could?”
“I–I…yes. Yes, please.” The confession leaves your lips in a rush, desperate to feel her mouth on you once more.
Gently, Cirrus uses two fingers to spread you open and what she sees clearly delights her.
“Mmm sweet girl, so fucking wet for me and me alone, aren’t you?”
Her fingers trace along your clitorial hood, forcing a whine from your throat.
“Yes,” you breathe, your hips unconsciously making little circles. “I need you, Cirrus. Only you.”
The words cause Cirrus to let out a feral growl before she slides the flat of her tongue along your bud. She hungrily laps at your slick, circling your clit before dipping down into your entrance for more. You’ve never felt anything like this before - none of your meager attempts at self-pleasure could compare - and you tell her so. Your confession spurs her on as she continues to assault your cunt with her tongue, sliding in and out of your entrance. It’s divine, and if she continued like this you could die happy but you need more.
“Cirrus,” you whine as she wraps her lip around your clit and sucks, “fill me up. Please, I need more.”
Cirrus smiles against your mound and places a chaste kiss to it as she pulls back to rearrange herself. When she brings a single, long finger to tease at your entrance your hips thrust forward.
“Next time I’ll use my cock,” she promises as she slowly slides the finger in. “This will do for now.”
Her mouth returns to your clit and you spasm around her finger as she crooks it inside you. All of a sudden your eyes roll back at the sensation, and grinning, she adds another finger. With both of them hooked inside you, brushing that spot you’ve never known before, she flexes her fingers as she sucks at you. As her fingers piston in and out of you, your hips jerk upwards to meet her thrusts, desperate to feel more of her. When she adds a third finger, stretching you deliciously you keen and clench your fingers deep in the fur rug. She’s relentless, ruthless as she brings you closer and closer to the edge, lips locked around your clit and fingers fucking into you. Your breaths become more and more shallow, gasping for air as you feel something build in your pelvis that spreads throughout your body. Suddenly your hand flies to grip at her hair and she growls at your tugging, fingers moving even faster. You’re calling her name, swearing your undying love to her, swearing your body to her as she brings you over the edge. All of a sudden your back bows off the cushions and you throw your head back, a loud, lingering moan exploding from your lips. She continues to work her fingers and mouth on you through your climax, relenting only when you beg her to stop. As your breaths heave from you, she draws away from you and removes her fingers. You’re loath to lose the feeling of being so full but when you see her appearance, you’re filled with a simmering desire. Her hair is a mess from being in your clutches, face sopping wet from the nose down and a vicious grin on her face. Not breaking eye contact with you she wipes her face on the back of her sleeve before crawling up your body and settling beside you.
“Cirrus,” you breathe, only now calming down from your high, “that was…I’ve never…”
She chuckles and pulls a blanket at your feet over the both of you, drawing you into her warm embrace. The space is surprisingly cozy despite being deep within a cave.
“My girl,” she murmurs, kissing your temple and wrapping an arm around your waist. “Thank you for giving me the honor of ruining you.”
You want to roll your eyes and give her a look, but she’s right. As if you could be with anyone else after…after that.
“What now?” you say quietly, toying with the sleeve of her blouse.
“What do you mean?” she asks, leaning away to look at you. “I told you you’re mine. I always mean what I say.”
Suddenly, you’re filled with a rush of warmth that starts in your belly and spreads to the tip of your head down to your toes. You think of your old life - your horrible guardians, stodgy suitors, boring balls - and you grin.
“Never pictured myself as a highwaywoman’s mistress before,” you say, tucking your head into her. “I quite think it will suit me.”
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majornelson · 5 years
This Week’s Deals With Gold And Spotlight Sale Plus Publisher Sale
Here are this week’s games and add-on deals on the Xbox Games Store. Discounts are valid now through 18 March 2019.
These deals will expire at 11:00 am UTC on Tuesday March 12th 2019
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*These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members. Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
Xbox 360 Deals
Content Title Content Type Discount Notes Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas* Backward Compatible 33% DWG EA SPORTS FIFA 19 Legacy Edition * Games On Demand 67% DWG Mass Effect 3* Backward Compatible 70% DWG Command & Conquer Red Alert 3* Backward Compatible 50% DWG Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare* Backward Compatible 25% DWG ArcaniA* Games On Demand 85% DWG Battlefield 3* Backward Compatible 75% DWG Burnout Revenge* Backward Compatible 30% DWG Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2* Backward Compatible 25% DWG Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3* Backward Compatible 50% DWG Command & Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath* Backward Compatible 50% DWG Command & Conquer 3* Backward Compatible 50% DWG Crysis* Backward Compatible 67% DWG Crysis 2* Backward Compatible 67% DWG Crysis 3* Backward Compatible 67% DWG Cars: Mater-National * Backward Compatible 60% DWG Toy Story 3* Games On Demand 60% DWG Dragon Age: Origins* Backward Compatible 75% DWG Dragon Age 2* Backward Compatible 60% DWG Farming Simulator 15 – IT Runner DLC* Add-On 50% DWG Farming Simulator 15 – JCB* Add-On 50% DWG Fight Night Champion* Backward Compatible 50% DWG Goosebumps: The Game * Games On Demand 60% DWG Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning* Games On Demand 50% DWG Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – The Legend of Dead Kel * Add-On 30% DWG Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – Teeth of Naros* Add-On 30% DWG Legend of Kay Anniversary* Games On Demand 85% DWG LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game * Backward Compatible 60% DWG Mass Effect 2* Backward Compatible 70% DWG Medal of Honor Airborne* Backward Compatible 67% DWG The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom* Games On Demand 80% DWG NBA JAM: On Fire Edition * Backward Compatible 50% DWG Rockstar Table Tennis* Backward Compatible 60% DWG Skate 3* Backward Compatible 75% DWG The Bureau: XCOM Declassified * Games On Demand 85% DWG Metro 2033 Games On Demand 85% Publisher Sale Metro: Last Light Games On Demand 85% Publisher Sale Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell Backward Compatible 75% Publisher Sale Risen Games On Demand 80% Publisher Sale Dead Island Games On Demand 80% Publisher Sale Catherine (not available all regions) Backward Compatible 80% Publisher Sale Sacred Citadel Backward Compatible 80% Publisher Sale Dead Island Riptide Games On Demand 80% Publisher Sale Escape Dead Island Backward Compatible 75% Publisher Sale Freefall Racers Arcade 75% Publisher Sale Homefront Games On Demand 80% Publisher Sale Killer Is Dead Backward Compatible 80% Publisher Sale Let’s Sing And Dance Arcade 60% Publisher Sale Mighty No. 9 Games On Demand 80% Publisher Sale Mighty No. 9 – Ray Expansion Add-On 50% Publisher Sale Mighty No. 9 – Retro Hero Add-On 50% Publisher Sale Risen 2: Dark Waters Games On Demand 80% Publisher Sale Risen 3 Titan Lords Games On Demand 80% Publisher Sale Sacred 2 Fallen Angel (Not available in all regions) Games On Demand 80% Publisher Sale Sacred 3 Backward Compatible 80% Publisher Sale Saints Row Backward Compatible 75% Publisher Sale Saints Row 2 Backward Compatible 75% Publisher Sale Saints Row IV Backward Compatible 75% Publisher Sale Saints Row: The Third Backward Compatible 75% Publisher Sale
*These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members. Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
via Xbox Live's Major Nelson https://ift.tt/2NYEYk7
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pneusnews · 5 years
Oltre 100 veicoli stanno partecipando all’Africa Eco Race, partita da Monaco il 30 Dicembre e che si concluderà a Dakar il prossimo 13 gennaio dopo aver attraversato Marocco, Mauritania e Senegal per oltre 6.000 km. Oltre a piloti e mezzi, c’è anche Anlas, che partecipa come sponsor e come fornitore di pneumatici, lanciando anche una novità: il nuovo Capra X Rally. Testimonial e tester di eccezione Franco Picco, gloriosa e mitica figura in rappresentanza dei piloti Italiani che correrà con Yamaha ed Anlas.
La crescita delle moto
Un un record di partecipazione, quest’anno ci sarà una nutrita competizione nella categoria moto della Africa Eco Race. Tra i corridori della gara, Pal Anders Ullevalseter, sarà uno dei favoriti. Tuttavia, il norvegese sarà sfidato dal tenace Sud-Americano Francisco Arredondo ed il pilota Italiano, Alessandro Botturi, i quali avranno entrambi l’obiettivo di salire al centro del podio. Un grande gruppo di italiani, inclusa la leggenda del Rally, Franco Picco, parteciperà alla gara con pneumatici Anlas che entra a far parte del mondo racing Rally Enduro. L’undicesima edizione vedrà il ritorno di alcuni nostalgici della terra Africana, pilastri delle gare Rally Raid e determinati a rivivere l’esperienza
Leggende della categoria auto
Nella categoria dell’auto, Kenjiro Shinozuka, campione del raid “Land of the Rising Sun”, concluderà la sua incredibile carriera con l’Africa Eco Race.
I giapponesi incontreranno il vecchio amico Jean-Pierre Strugo. Alla sua seconda partecipazione, il francese è chiaramente tra i favoriti di questa edizione, come Dominique Housieaux, pilota esperto che sogna di sollevare il trofeo di bronzo domenica 13 gennaio 2019 al Rose Lac. A bordo del loro Optimus, entrambi affronteranno alcuni concorrenti sfidanti di esperienza come Yves Fromont e Patrick Marin alla guida dei loro potenti buggy Tarek. Gli spettatori possono contare di seguire anche la squadra dei “Fearless Drivers” composta da Jean-Nöel Julien, David Gerard, Philippe Gosselin e Dominique Laure. Tanto spietati in pista che gentili nella vita, dato che doneranno alla congregazione di una sorella in Senegal al loro arrivo a Rose Lac
La categoria SSV, ogni anno in espansione, conta una dozzina di veicoli con prestazioni migliorate.
Alcuni concorrenti, come Philippe PINCHEDEZ, campione francese di Endurance, saranno diretti concorrenti di Jean-Hugues MONEYRON che cercherà di difendere il suo titolo.
Suspance tra i camion
Quest’anno, la categoria Truck sarà omogenea e aperta a tutti i risultati. Ci saranno fino a dieci partecipanti tra i quali Tomas Tomecek, un fedele dell’Africa Eco Race, grande favorito della categoria e triplice campione, che avrà il vantaggio di conoscere bene il terreno e sarà in grado di anticipare tutte le difficoltà. Inoltre, gareggerà ancora una volta senza copilota.
Potremo seguire alcuni concorrenti della Africa Eco Race come il veterano Noël Essers o Elisabeth Jacinto, stella del motorsport portoghese, che intende far dimenticare il suo forfait nella decima edizione. Sarà una delle poche donne che parteciperanno a questa avventura, oltre a Julie Vanneken che parteciperà per la terza volta consecutiva, ma anche Rabha Juline, copilota del marito e Catherine Derousseux che avrà l’onore di gareggiare con “Shino”.
Un rally ecoresponsabile
Per il secondo anno consecutivo, l’Africa Eco Race e l’Amade Mondiale, un’associazione monegasca che agisce a favore della protezione dei minori, collaboreranno per fornire alle scuole rurali senegalesi e mauritane delle lampade solari portatili e zone di ricarica durante il rally. Queste lampade permetteranno ai bambini di avere strade illuminate al loro ritorno da scuola la sera e di studiare nelle migliori condizioni possibili.
L’azione ecologica sarebbe quella di sostituire le lampade a petrolio, una delle principali cause di mortalità in Africa, con le lampade solari, perciò, proponiamo ai partecipanti di acquistare lampade solari ecosostenibili. Un modo per compensare l’alta carbon footprint dovuta all’utilizzo dei veicoli locali.
6 lampade = 1200 / CO2 = emissione di un 4×4 per 15 giorni.
L’ambizioso obiettivo è di distribuire con i camion il numero massimo di lampade, tenendo conto delle migliaia che sono già state consegnate nel corso del 2018. Parallelamente, continuerà la campagna in favore della piantagione di alberi in Mauritania, creata a Nouakchott alla seconda edizione dell’Africa Eco Race.
Adriana, Ambasciatrice dell’11a Edizione
Come nel 2017, Adriana, co-conduttrice del programma televisivo francese “Les pouvoirs extraordinaires du corps humain” sarà presente accanto a Jean-Louis Schlesser per celebrare l’inizio della gara il 30 dicembre a Monaco:
“Non vedo l’ora di far di nuovo parte dell’Africa Eco Race partecipando ai controlli tecnici e amministrativi a Mentone, così come alla grande partenza a Monaco. Due anni fa ho incontrato il team dell’Africa Eco Race, una famiglia numerosa, con una passione comune per l’avventura africana, con la quale si vive un’atmosfera semplice e conviviale. Questa esperienza attraverso il Marocco, la Mauritania ed il Senegal è piena di coraggio, sfide, solidarietà e rispetto per le terre e le popolazioni di questo splendido continente africano. Questo è ciò che mi motiva a venire e dare il mio supporto ai concorrenti sulla linea di partenza “.
Anlas sponsorizza Africa Eco Race Oltre 100 veicoli stanno partecipando all'Africa Eco Race, partita da Monaco il 30 Dicembre e che si concluderà a Dakar il prossimo 13 gennaio dopo aver attraversato Marocco, Mauritania e Senegal per oltre 6.000 km.
0 notes
lostfirefly · 24 days
Desire, I'm hungry, and I hope you feed me. How do you want me, how do you want me?
This idea came from the Anon's request. This is what I saw in my head after Chapter 10 of my original Egyptian series. From several fics, we know that Buggy and Catherine had sex at the same day she stayed with him. And since this is the first time for my beloved lovebirds, I'm a little worried, to be honest. Sunday is the perfect day for smut! English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Masterlist is here.
Description: Catherine decides to stay in Cairo. Buggy brings her home.
Warnings: SFW turns into NSFW. MDNI. We'll get into Buggy's head. His thoughts will be written in italics. I'm bad at writing smut.
Words: 4662
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august
The title is taken from “Desire” by Meg Mayers.
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“This Buggy is such an asshole.” Catherine’s sister grumbled as she took a sip from her cup of coffee. 
“Yeah, asshole…” Catherine answered quietly, fiddling with the handle on her bag. 
“No, thanks to him for saving my life, but a grown man paints himself as a clown. He's rude, sloppy and stinky.” Jules looked at the board above the gate. “Finally, we’ll get home soon. We should go to the bar today and find you a hot guy, right?” Jules shifted her gaze to Catherine. “God! Who to tell that one man is turning into sand, the other is falling apart, they won’t believe it.”
“Jules, don't tell anyone about their abilities. What if it is dangerous for them.” Catherine glanced at her sister with an angry look. “I don’t know.. They will be hunted, or something worse.”
“Who are you more worried about, sister? For a man who can hide in the Sahara in one second or for that clown? I thought you hated each other so much.” 
“Yes. We hate..” Catherine looked at the gate door once again, stood up from her chair and patted her jeans. “Damn! I think I forgot my wallet at the coffee shop.” 
“What? I thought you put it in your bag.” 
“Seems I didn’t put it in. I’ll go check.” Catherine grabbed her bag and ran out of the boarding area. “Bye, Jules!! I’ll call you!” 
“What the fuck, Catherine?! Hey!! Where are you going? The coffee shop is on the other side!” 
Catherine couldn't hear her sister anymore because she squealed, running from the departure area into the arrival hall. From the hall, she quickly ran towards the parking lot and ran outside, looking around. 
“Shit! Did he leave? Oh! Excuse me!” She stopped one of the passer-by. “Have you seen a tall.. oh, not very tall.. but for my height he’s tall. Never mind! Tall and handsome man here by any chance? He has blue hair and a big red nose.”
The passerby shrugged and walked on. Catherine splayed her hands. “Of course he left.”  She scanned the parking lot. “Taxi!!” She ran to the first car. “I need to go.. Shit! I don’t know the address. But I remember approximately where to go.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? No! I’m not going without address!” Said a taxi driver. 
“Please, sir. I’ll pay d~.” She raised her head. “His car! He is still here! Yes! Sorry, I’m not going!” She grabbed her bag and ran to Buggy's car. 
“Idiot!!” The driver shouted. 
Catherine walked quickly between the cars, when she saw Buggy was coming out of a small store at that moment, and yelled at the seller. “I didn't have to pay! Fuck you!” 
“Hey! Clown!” Catherine abruptly slowed her step and tried to sound angry. 
“Cotton candy? Fuck! I mean, Catherine? What are you doing here?” Buggy darted his eyes at her and couldn't find the words. “You're supposed to be on an airplane.”
“You know, I decided that economy class isn't my level.” Catherine took a couple steps closer to him. “You promised me a private jet. I thought you were a man of your word, Buggy the Clown. Are you just a chatterbox?” She took two more steps and tried to hold back a smile. 
“Act cool! With what money was I supposed to arrange a private jet for you? We haven't found the treasure.” He leaned back against the car and crossed his arms. “So what are you doing here? Fuck! I’m so happy to see you! I thought you were supposed to be told how to behave in an emergency landing now.”
“Na-ah. I'm not leaving you until I see the promised jet.” Catherine quickened her pace, stepped even closer, dropped her bag on the ground, smiled widely and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You know, we've got a little problem here. First, I must teach you to keep your word. Second, I think, I fell in love with some blue-haired asshole who wanted to leave me in the desert.”
“But I didn't le~.”  Buggy carefully put one hand on her back. “Huh? What did you just say?” He was confused about her words. 
“For the slow-witted, I lo-ve you.” Catherine stood on her tiptoes to kiss him, but Buggy gently stopped her.
“Are you making fun of me?” He scowled. “Of course she’s. She thinks you're stupid and you're, to be honest.”
“What? No! I’ll never do that!” Catherine started stroking his head. 
Buggy removed his hand and stared at her. “But you said that.. that word. The L-word. Try not to look surprised and don't get your hopes up, idiot. She cannot love you.” 
Catherine ran her fingertips over his cheek. “I see. I'll have to break through the emotional wall. But I love challenges. Again. I'm not making fun of you, I've never done it and never will. I'll try to earn your trust. Will you try to believe me?”
Buggy nodded and Catherine immediately punched him in the shoulder. 
“I lo~ Ouch! Little shit! You were cute a second ago. Why are you beating me?”
“Because you took me to the airport, you idiot!!!” Catherine tiptoed and smacked him in his lips. "Why didn't you tell me to stay? I’m not stupid, Buggy. I know you love me.” She ran her hand through his ponytail and looked into his eyes. “Don't tell me you don't see that I love you too.”
“Say something!” Buggy gently placed his hands on her waist. “But why? You don't really know me. Not this!”
Catherine shrugged. “How come I don’t know? You and I were sitting by the fire. Remember? I know that you have your chop chop thing, that you saved my life several times, you saved my sister. I don't want you and I to make the biggest mistake of our lives. And if you don't mind, I'll stay with you and get to know you better.” She touched her lips lightly to his once more and in the same second he kissed her back. His kiss was long, soft and tender.
“So you don't mind if I stay?” She asked quietly, pressing her forehead to his.
“Fuck! Her hands are so warm! I wish she hugged me like this every day! Her eyes are so beautiful! I wish she looked at me like that every day!” Buggy stroked her cheek, smiled and ran his thumb over her lips. “You're covered in my lipstick. 
“Oh fuck!” Catherine quickly pulled out some tissues and wiped her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head against his chest. “My silly clown.” 
“I'm listening, my Cathie-pie.” Buggy placed his chin on the top of her head. 
“Take me home, please.”
All the way home in the car there was an atmosphere of a slight sense of awkwardness. Catherine smiled and stroked his hair, and Buggy periodically put his hand on her shoulder, on her hand or on her thigh, blushing, as if testing the boundaries of what was permissible. He brought her home, closed the front door and tossed her bag on the floor. 
“Well... Welcome back, I guess.” Buggy scratched his head. “The bathroom is there, the kitchen is there. The bedroom's that way. Bravo! Why are you saying this? She was in your house for two days.”
“I remember where the bedroom is.” Catherine stepped closer to him, seeing how worried he was, stood on tiptoe and wrapped her arms around him. “Hey, you look so nervous, aren't you happy? You didn't want me to stay?”
“I don't know. I mean, I’m happy. I wanted to. This is just my first time in such a situation.” Buggy blushed at the stupidity of his reaction. “I barely understand what is happening.” 
“Well, you know, it’s not every day that I run out of the airport either. This will be our funny story, right? I don't want you to be alone. You don't have to be alone anymore, Buggy. I want to be here with you. I love you.” Catherine lightly touched her lips to his and waited for some sort of response from him. 
“Do something, idiot!”
“Are you okay? Why are you standing still? You can hug me and kiss me like at the airport, I won't bite you." Catherine didn't know whether to laugh or not, looking at his slightly confused face expression.  “Okay. Let's try again. I love you, Buggy the Clown.” She kissed him on the lips, and she felt how he returned the kiss, which went from soft to greedy in a split second. Buggy growled through the kiss, hugged her tighter and pressed her against the wall with all his strength. 
“Ouch!” Catherine whispered. “My back! You don't have to kill me, Buggy.”
“Sorry.” He put his hands on her hips and lifted her easily off the floor. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!”
Catherine immediately wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him. Buggy quickly moved toward the bedroom. 
“Am I walking right?” He asked through the kiss. 
“Uh-huh.” Muttering, Catherine practically kept her lips on his. “And don't you dare swerve off the route, you bastard.”
Buggy carried her into the bedroom, placed her on the bed and stopped for a moment. Thoughts were spinning in his head. “What’s going on? Should I continue? If I continue, should I be gentle or not?”
“Hey, what's up?” Catherine asked quietly, stroking his shoulders and kissing him lightly. “Everything is fine. Don't think about anything.” She started to take off his t-shirt. “I want this.” Kiss. “You want this.” Kiss. “I love you.” After these words, Catherine saw a light up in his eyes. 
“I don’t care, even if she’s mocking me, I want to feel her next to me at least for a second.” Buggy quickly took off her t-shirt and ran his lips along her neck. “Fuck, Cathie-pie. Look what you did to me.”
“Go to hell, I haven't done anything to you yet.” She quickly took off her jeans and was left in the underwear. “Like the view?” Catherine put her hands on her waist and raised her head theatrically.
“More than I like. Holy mother of God! She's in her underwear! So sexy!! I love her!! You will be the death of me, Catherine Mitchell.” Buggy carefully placed his hands under her legs and abruptly laid her on the bed, lying on top of her. He began to kiss her hungrily on the lips while Catherine began to unbutton his jeans.
Buggy reluctantly pulled away from her lips and quickly removed his pants. “Hell, yeah! Don't go, please! Just wait for me a little!”
Catherine rose up on her elbows and scanned him from top to bottom. “You have blue chest hair. I love it! So hot!” She raised her torso, ran her fingers over his chest and looked at his worried face. “What's wrong? You don't want it?”
“I just.. I don't want to hurt you.” Buggy said quietly, trying to hide his quickening breathing. “Hold on! But it’s difficult, she’s moving her warm hands over me. Why is she doing this? Am I not disgusting to her?”
“I didn't realize you were so shy, Buggy. It's okay. I'm sure you won't hurt me. Relax.” She was about to remove her bra. 
“Oh, no, no! May I?” He gently ran his fingers over her shoulder and began to remove the strap. “Shit! I’m doing it!! I'm taking her bra off!!”
“You're such a fool. You're allowed to do anything.” Catherine kissed him gently on the lips and ran her hand over his stomach. 
“Aye-aye, Cathie-pie, it's dangerous to say things like these in this room. Control yourself, idiot! She's special!” Buggy removed the second strap and kissed her shoulder, leaving a red lipstick mark on her skin. “Holy shit! Her skin is so soft!”
“Can you keep your mouth shut and take off my underwear?” Catherine whispered in his ear, stroking his back. “Or I need to teach you this too?”
“Let me savor the moment, woman! Fuck, I love you.” He ran his lips along her neck. "Fuck! You're so beautiful and tasty, cotton candy. And you're mine.”
“Are you always talkative, fucking clown?” Catherine gently kissed his neck. “For God's sake, Buggy, take off my bra and panties already." 
“Do it!” Buggy growled and smashed his lips into her, pulling off her bra. “Wow!” He chuckled idiotically. “Better than I imagined.” 
“Pervert! We were on the verge of death, and you imagined me naked?” Catherine bit his bottom lip.
Buggy kissed her and ran his hands over her back, pulling her closer. “First, don't be dramatic, I would have saved you anyway! Probably.” Kiss. “Second, sorry, you were so smart and beautiful, I couldn't resist imagining you naked. I’ll kill anyone who tries to hurt or look at you.”
Catherine lay back on the bed and Buggy immediately removed her panties, slowly running his lips down her legs, hearing her breathing get heavier. He sat down on his knees and pulled off his panties. 
“Oh my god, you're all blue!!!” Catherine's eyes widened and she saw him blush. “Oh, no! I love it! God, this is so sexy!” She spread her legs slightly. “Now stop torturing me and come to me, my hot clown. I want to feel your little Buggy, which is not little at all, to be honest, inside me!” 
“You're kidding me, right? Oh, Buggy. She will break your heart too.”
“Do you really want to discuss this in this position when we're naked?” Catherine took his hand, pulled him closer and gently pressed her lips to his. “No! I will never do that!” Kiss. “Who put this into your head?” Kiss. “I will rip out the hands of those who made you think that way.” Kiss. “Since today, I won't let anyone hurt you.” Catherine ran her hand over his hair. “Don’t you understand yet? You're mine, Buggy the Clown. And I care and protect what is mine.”
“Protect? Me?” Buggy smirked, pressed his chest against Catherine's breasts and kissed her. “I’m kissing her when she's naked! Yay! Hm, what a strange feeling when I kiss her! It's like I feel warm inside!”
“Oh wait, wait, wait!” Catherine patted his shoulder. 
“And here we go.. Sorry, Buggy, I was kidding, bye-bye. Sit here without pants and cry like a big naked baby. What did you expect? Look at her and look at you.. What? Is something wrong? Should I stop?”
“No, no! There's one thing I want to do.” Catherine took the rubber band off his hair and unraveled it. “Yeah! So much better! I've dreamed of doing this for a long time.” 
“Something new! Are you finished?” Buggy stared at her in incomprehension. “Can I keep going?” 
“Oh, yes, yes! Sorry!” Catherine kissed Buggy on the lips, hugged him with her legs and arms, and felt how inch by inch he slowly entered her. “Shit!”
“W-What happened?” Buggy looked at her with frightened eyes. “Is there something wrong? Your little Buggy isn't little, asshole! Be gentle for god's sake!” 
“No, no. Everything is fine.” She kissed him on his lips again. “I'm happy you're finally in... well... you know… in me. So good to feel you.” Catherine reddened. 
“But if something is wrong, tell me. Even if it's our only time, I want it to be special.” Buggy glanced at her with frightened eyes. 
“God, Buggy, we're not 15 years old.” Catherine looked at his worried face. “Okay, I promise. I'll tell you.” She kissed him and pressed herself closer to him. 
Buggy returned the kiss. Catherine felt the warmth of his hot, moist kisses as his lips traveled from the corner of her mouth to her neck. She parted her lips slightly and moaned softly, wanting to press herself against his body even more when she felt him begin to move his hips slowly, while his lips explored every inch of her neck. Catherine gently moved one hand to the back of his head.
“Fuck! She's touching my hair. I like that. Her neck.. She’s kinda like what I’m doing. I should remember that. Who am I kidding? She will definitely run away from me. Idiot. How could you fall in love with her? You didn't think about the consequences, as usual. Fuck it! This will come later. At least remember this moment forever.”
“You okay?” Buggy asked, practically without looking up from Catherine's neck. 
“Totally. Don't stop, I want you so bad.” She answered quietly, digging her nails into his hair.
Buggy tried to control himself, moving inside her with a moderate, tender pace, but felt that Catherine received him greedily, and eagerly lifted her pelvis to meet his every thrust.
“Cotton candy.. Do you... Do you really… love me? You said that.” Buggy asked, kissing her lips and moving his hips gently. “Please, tell me this’s not a fucking joke.”
Catherine arched to meet him, keeping her hands twisting in his hair. “Of course, I lo~, oh, fuck, ~ve you.” She quickly got her tongue in his mouth. Their passionate kiss deepened as their tongues intertwined, the two lovers devouring each other hungrily, yet never fully satisfied.
“Shit. I love the feeling of her hands tangled in my hair, her lips on my lips, her tongue on my tongue. Her smile made my heart beat faster. Her every kind word seemed to pierce my lonely heart. What's happening? Why is she here? Is this another mockery of life? Or just a dream? If this was a dream, then I don’t want to wake up ever again, just to feel the warmth of her hands every day, to hear pleasant words from her lips, to see her smile when she strokes my hair. God, I loved when she was doing that in the morning. But.. Did she notice what she was doing? Did she do this on purpose to give me false hope? Of course, she did.” 
It became more difficult for him to control himself. Buggy's hips thrust into Catherine, pressing his cock firmly and harder against her, eliciting an involuntary moan from her lips. He didn't even notice how he moved his lips to her nipples, starting sucking them. “Shit, Cathie-pie, I wanna taste every inch of your body. I’m gonna die! Control yourself, dude!” 
“Don't eat me alive, clown. Oh, fuck, so good. You will have plenty of time to explore my body.” Catherine bit her bottom lip, feeling his cock pressing into where she needed it most. “Come back to me, please.” She gently grabbed his chin and pulled him closer to her lips. She started kissing him hungrily, hugging him tightly and moaning through the kiss with his every thrust.
“Damn, Catherine Mitchell, making love to you feels so good, but I'm sure fucking you will be so awesome.” Buggy said in a low, husky voice. “Why did you say that, idiot?”
“You can…” Catherine could barely speak, 
“Fuck! What did you say, little shit? Say it.”
“You can fuck me.” 
“Holy moly! Again!” 
“You can fuck me, Buggy... Only you can fuck me.” Catherine pressed her lips to his, clutching his back with her fingers and moaned, hearing as Buggy let out a little grunt and fucked between her legs, two rough thrusts.
“Please, Buggy..” Catherine gazed at his eyes and kissed him eagerly.
“Please what, cotton candy?” Buggy asked in a low, husky voice.
“Please.. a little more. Harder, deeper, rougher.” Catherine pleaded to him.
“Music to my ears.”
Buggy’s movements quickly become more and more aggressive, and Catherine tried to hold her moans. With each of Buggy's thrusts, she let out a series of soft, muffled cries, burying her face against his neck. Buggy feels her nails gripping into his shoulders impatiently, signaling him to proceed. He responds with several forceful thrusts, pushing himself inside her.
“Fuck, Buggy.” Catherine tried to hold herself from screaming. “More, please. I’m begging you.”
“Fuck! I want to..” Buggy started fucking her harder, faster, he put his hand on her thigh and grabbed it. 
Catherine's toes curled in ecstasy as Buggy's hips thrust into her, hitting the perfect spot. Buggy started slamming into her, and she couldn't help herself, and his name fell from her lips. Loudly. 
“Oh, fuck! She did it! Bye-bye, control!” As he thrust deeper inside her, a primal, animalistic intensity consumed his features. They both had never been more turned on in their life. 
With gritted teeth, Catherine demanded, "Harder," her voice strained as she felt herself nearing the edge. "Faster," she urged.
Buggy groaned with approval as he squeezed her tight and slammed into her with renewed vigor. Catherine responded by squeezing his hips harder with her legs. Their locked gazes felt like a vice clamped around her heart, squeezing it tight. His primal thrusts and desperate kisses betray a raw, unrestrained passion. The rhythm of his tongue matches the relentless motion of his hips. Catherine arched her back, pulling Buggy deeper inside her. He didn't notice how he moved one hand to stimulate her clit, and a wave of intense pleasure washed over Catherine, making her feel like she might come undone.
“Fucking blue-haired pervert!” Catherine cried out, breathless and trembling, as Buggy’s movements grew more frantic and intense. “Don't stop! I’m so close.” She begged, her voice barely above a whisper.
The coiling pleasure builds in intensity as Buggy’s fingers caress the sensitive bundle of nerves between her thighs.
“I’m so close, cotton candy. But it's hard to stop fucking you. I just can't get enough of you. Fuck me!” Buggy made a few stronger thrusts, grabbed her hand and felt them come together. Catherine whimpered and hugged him even tightly. She quickly kissed him to swallow his moan.
Buggy fell on her with his body, burying his face in the crock of her neck, breathing heavily. His body was hot and sweaty over hers. Catherine stroked his wet hair, holding his hand, and was silent for a long time. 
“Why is she silent? Did I do something wrong? She didn’t like it? How could she not like it? I’m the god of sex. But why is she silent? Maybe I should say something? What do people say in such cases? Damn, she’ll leave me, right? You did or said something wrong, and she will leave you. Maybe you overdid it? Although judging by her moans, no. Or maybe she didn’t want to upset you? You definitely said something, idiot. But she doesn't seem to go away. Usually the girls ran away quickly. Bye, Buggy. Everything was amazing, bye. But she lies here. Why isn't she leaving?” 
“Are you okay? You're breathing so hard.” She asked softly. 
“Yes, she's talking to me!” He smiled, nodded silently and felt Catherine kiss his head. “She kissed me. Hm, unusual. Why did she do that?” 
“You know, in movies or stupid novels people usually say something after sex, but I have almost no strength to speak, to be honest.” She laughed and started clapping in her hands. “Please accept applause from the audience! Bravo to the performer!”  
“Fuck me!! I’m still god!! Focus, Buggy, be patient! Little shit!” He raised his head, kissed her on her lips and looked into her eyes. “You okay? Did I hurt you?” 
“What? No!” Catherine kissed his nose. “Don’t worry. I didn’t even think that you were so caring during... well, you know. Rough and caring. You're full of surprises, Buggy the Clown.” She ran her fingertips over his cheek. “All your makeup is smeared. I wonder what my face looks like now.” 
“Like hell, but I like it.” Buggy lay down next to her, she quickly curled up next to him and took his hand. He started giggling.
“What's so funny, clown?”
“You're naked with me. And you don't go anywhere. Do you know how long I've dreamed of seeing you naked?”
“Dear god! You're like a baby who finally got his candybar.” Catherine glanced at him. “You're an idiot?”
“No, I'm a dreamer.”
“You're my lovely fool.” Catherine took a small strand of his hair. “So long and beautiful. Can you imagine? I could now eat nuts and listen to my sister's stories about her boyfriend at an altitude of several tens of thousands of meters, but I’m lying here with you.” She started stroking his hand. “I never thought that in my life I would do an act from a snotty movie. But I’m glad I stayed.”
“I can't say that I'm unhappy with this turn of events. Yes! Yes! Yes!!” Buggy hugged her tightly. 
“Everything would be much easier if you told me about your feelings in the morning. Then I wouldn’t have to run all over the airport and parking lot.” Catherine ran her fingertips over his body. “I saw your eyes and how you looked at me during breakfast. But you just sadly poked your fork at the pancakes.” 
Buggy kissed her head. “What should I have told you? You know perfectly what you had to say, idiot.”
“Usually, when people want a person to stay, they say something like “please, don’t leave me, Catherine, I love you.”
“Don't leave me, Cathie-pie.” He cleared his throat. “I.. I.. L.. L… You know, it's a very hard word.” 
“Do you wanna try to say it?” Catherine watched him nod. “I will help you, okay? Repeat after me. I..”
“Yay! You did it!” Catherine clapped her hands. “I’m so proud of you! I love you too, my Buggy Bear.”
“She is proud of me??? Geeez! What'd you call me? What is this?”
“This is your nickname from today and forever.” Catherine pecked him on his nose.
“No, no!” Buggy shook his head. “I can't, this's a terrible, terrible nickname! Why did she call me that? Does this mean something special? Choose something different because this one is not good for a bad and angry man. Don't choose, this's the best nickname ever!”
“Liar. I think, you just want to appear angry, but you're actually a sweet little bear on the inside. You just need some care. And I will try to give it to you.” Catherine happily kicked her legs. “You know, we’ll have so much to discuss!”
“Like what? Is there something we should discuss? Why even discuss anything? Crap! Am I in a relationship? I have no idea what people do in relationships!”
“Like… Which side of the bed will I sleep on, where will my closet shelves be, what can I touch, what can’t I touch in your home. What time do you wake up? Do you have a daily routine? Should I buy my own mug or can I take one of yours?” Catherine ran her fingers over his blue chest hair. “Oh! Do you like going for a walk? Because I like it. Maybe we can go for a walk today? If you want, of course.” 
“I'm ready to walk with you to the ends of the earth.” Buggy exhaled. “Fine! Let's go for your stupid walk.” 
“I want chocolate cake!! Take me out to eat chocolate cake, please!!” Catherine suddenly closed her eyes and squealed happily. “Oh, my god!! Tomorrow we will have our first breakfast together!! Oh, I'll make us something delicious. Or maybe you want something? What do you like to eat for breakfast? I will cook.” She looked at him and pecked him on his lips several times. “I love love, love you, my Buggy Bear. And grumble as much as you want, but I will say it every day.”
“I l-love you too, my cotton candy.” Buggy kissed her hand. “As for breakfast. Can I choose anything?”
“Yeah! Does my clown have a special favorite dish?” Catherine ran her fingertips over his stubble.
“I know what I want. Can you make pancakes? Because I wanna hear your song.” 
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lostfirefly · 1 month
Just a second, we're not broken, just bent and we can learn to love again
The idea is based on my biggest fight in life and friends who are in relationships. For some reason, I think Buggy might get mad over something like this. Anyway, Sunday is the best time for a long fic :) English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Masterlist is here
Description: Buggy asks Catherine out on a date, and they accidentally run into an old friend of hers.
Warnings: Fun, fluff turn into their big quarrel. Angry Catherine, angry, jealous and pissed off Buggy.
Words: 5415
Buggy x OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series.
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august
The title is taken from "Just Give Me a Reason" by Pink feat. Nate Ruess.
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“Cathie-pie, it's only 9 am.” Buggy mumbled into his pillow in a sleepy voice.
“I’m in a good mood.” Catherine was spinning around in the bedroom to the music, moving her butt from side to side. "Don't you dare kill my mood!" 
“What is wrong with you?” Buggy rolled over on his back and rubbed his eyes.
“Nothing! I woke up in a wonderful city that I adore. We’re home and my blue-haired love is with me! Wo-o-o-ho-o-o!” Catherine raised her arms up and spun around her axis. She stopped for a second, looked at Buggy, broke into a smile and threw herself onto the bed with a squeal. “Love!” Smack. “Love!” Smack. “Love, love, love you!!” Smack. Smack. Smack. “I love your nose.” Smack. “I love your gray hair on your temples and eyebrows!” Smack. “I love your painted mouth.” Smack. Smack. 
“Geeez, woman! It's only morning! Stop doing this shit! Stop dancing, twirling and kissing me. Better get in here!” Buggy lifted the blanket and Catherine happily crawled under the covers with her whole body, and stuck her head out.
“Hi! Here I am!” Smack. “You are going somewhere today. Can I come with you?” She settled under his armpit and took his hand. 
“Sorry, cotton candy, but it's a little personal.” Buggy looked at her disheveled hair and placed his chin on the top of her head. 
“Okay, at the end of the day, you need your own space. I don't want to turn into one of those annoying couples who can't live even a minute without each other.”
“What? I can easily live a day without you!”
“Liar!” Catherine frowned playfully. “If I'm not in the room, you come to me in 10 or 15 minutes. Yesterday, I was in the kitchen arranging Indian food on plates. You came to me though I had been out of the living room for 5 minutes. You just can't live without me! And when you're at rehearsals, you constantly send me messages. And by the way, stop asking for naked pictures of me. This won't happen!”
“But why?” Buggy looked at her with upset eyes.
“I'm not going to send you this when you're at work, clown.” Catherine shook her hand negatively. “What if someone sees?”
“So what?” Buggy shrugged. 
“Why do you need my naked photos? I don’t even want to think what you could be doing there, looking at them. I'm lying next to you now, isn't that enough?”
“Doesn't count.” Buggy muttered into her head. “You're in your pajamas. More precisely, in your pants with piglets and my t-shirt. Again.”
“Sorry that this is one of those rare mornings where I luckily woke up dressed.” Catherine blushed. “And after your meeting, what are you gonna do?”
“Hah, I wanted to ask you out on... well... on a date.”
“Seriously?” Catherine suddenly sat on top of him and leaned towards his face. “You haven't invited me anywhere for a long time.”
“We were in the desert, among the pyramids. Where was I supposed to invite you? For dinner in a sarcophagus?” Buggy placed his hands on her back. “Do you understand that you are now in a dangerous position? Why are you doing this? Where's my humble girl?” 
“Your humble girl is here.” Catherine ran her lips over his lips. “Right here.” 
“Fuck this!” Buggy's hands quickly slid under her t-shirt. “You're mine, Cathie-pie! And I’ll prove that to you now.” He kissed her greedily. 
“Na-ah!” Catherine broke the kiss, raised her body and stroked his shoulders. "You had somewhere to go. Get up and go."
“But.. Sex, baby..” Buggy looked confused. “I thought we were go~.”
“You're such a fool.” She pecked him on his nose and snuggled under the blanket. “Nope. Date first. Go away, fucking clown. I wanna sleep some more.”
Catherine didn’t know how not to laugh out loud, watching him get out of bed, muttering under his breath “Little shit!”. 
Buggy entered a bright room and approached a table at which a green-haired man was sitting. 
“Mister the Clown!” He raised his head: 
“Yeah, me. Is it ready?” Buggy asked quietly. 
“Yes, just a minute.” The man run away somewhere into the storage room. 
Buggy was sitting on a chair and was noticeably nervous. 
The man returned and opened the velvet box. “Everything is as you ordered. Bright, shiny, beautiful, black and with Egyptian vibes. Our designer added a little more drawing here and here, so everything looks more complete.” 
Buggy picked up the box, squinted and carefully turned it in all directions. “Perfect! How much is the total?”
“As I told you yesterday, it turned out to be more expensive than we thought, sir.” The man reached into the table for papers. 
“I don’t care about the money, how much?” Buggy barked. 
“2 million, sir.” 
“Fine.” He took out the card and swiped it through the terminal. 
“Sir, this is a wonderful gift. And whoever this gift is for, anyone will be glad to receive it.” 
Buggy looked at the guy with the corner of his eye. “This is not just a gift for anyone, idiot. This is for my Cathie-pie.”
Catherine reached the Rosinante bar on Dressrosa Street and looked around. Buggy was nowhere to be seen, and she started to think that she had mixed up the address when the message “turn left” came on the phone. Catherine looked in different directions, but saw no one. She shrugged and walked to the left, grumbling quietly. A new message came on the phone: “to the other left and don’t grumble!”. Catherine turned around, thought a little, and reached into her bag. 
“Damn you and your chop chop shit, idiot!” She mumbled and began to gently tickle Buggy's ear with her fingers. “This is my revenge on you, pervert!” 
Catherine turned the right corner and saw Buggy. 
“You lost something.” She handed him his ear. "Stop leaving your body parts everywhere, clown. When I made you breakfast yesterday, your hands were flying all over the kitchen just to grab something. Bread, cheese, my ass. Don't be lazy and get your butt off the couch. Hi!" Catherine pecked him on the lips, put Buggy's ear back in place and looked around. “What are we doing here? It seems like you called me to a bar, but this is a restaurant.” 
“And this is my surprise.” He smiled and made a come-on gesture with his hand. 
“But I’m dressed like hell, Buggy.” Catherine said with an upset voice and looked at her jeans. “You should warn me, I should at least wear a dress.” 
“Fuck it! You’re always beautiful.” He bent his arm at the elbow and offered it to her. 
“Wow! Today you are Buggy the Gentleman.” Catherine grabbed his hand, and they walked into the restaurant together. 
Catherine looked around. Everything inside looked elegant. Soft light fell on the mahogany walls, there were bas-reliefs on the ceiling and beams, white starched tablecloths on the tables. She was surprised by the oval shape of the restaurant and the fact that it had several floors. All the world's most delicious smells seemed to mingle inside. The room was filled with laughter, voices, the constant clinking of glasses. The place seemed like a small oasis in the middle of the hot city. A place where strangers could become friends for a while, eating delicious food. A place where fairy stories could be trawled until the wee hours of the morning. One of the hostesses greeted them with a warm and wide smile and escorted them to a table.
“Wow. Everything is so beautiful.” Catherine sat down on the semicircular sofa and gently ran her hand along the table. “Are we celebrating something today? We don't have a relationship anniversary, first kiss, or first...you know.” She blushed. 
“Oh, I remember that day. And how you dragged me into the bedroom.” Buggy rolled his eyes dreamily and asked the waitress to bring wine.  
“Said the disgusting man who took me to the airport. Lucky for you, I stayed to punish you!” Catherine stroked his head. 
“Yeah, and you successfully do it every day. Returning to your question, we celebrate nothing. We have a lot of money, why can’t I take you to a restaurant and show my girl to the whole world.” The waitress brought a bottle of the most delicious wine and Buggy immediately poured it into Catherine’s glass.
During the date they laughed a lot. Catherine loved the fact that Buggy could make her laugh until she cried, and this fact sometimes caused her to catch unhappy looks from some of the visitors. Buggy constantly ordered her food and the most expensive wine, almost never taking his eyes off her. She blushed and asked him to stop staring. Throughout the evening, Buggy got angry when something went wrong. When the waiter brought the wrong wine, he threw a tantrum. When they mixed up the dishes, he got angry again. Catherine kept reassuring him that everything was fine. But he wanted the evening to be perfect, not just fine. 
She listened attentively to his stories, trying to understand where the truth ended and his fantasies began. During their dinner Catherine always said that she loved him, that he was handsome and funny. She constantly hugged Buggy, making him blush. At home, when no one saw, he was slowly getting used to her expression of feelings, then in public he sometimes had trouble with it. Yes, he could make a loud dirty joke or grab her ass. But he also said something nice to her. Quietly.  
“I think I'm about to burst.” Catherine patted her belly lightly. “A couple more nights like this, and you'll be rolling me around like a ball. We spent a lot of money here, yeah?” 
“Not a bunch. Just 10000. Baby, we have 350 million in our account, we can eat in restaurants every fucking day.” Buggy took a sip of beer. 
“We can, but I won't let you spend all your money on food and booze.” Catherine placed her head on Buggy’s shoulder. “First, stop grabbing my ass, clown. Second, what's next?”
“It's hard not to try to grab your ass. You're seducing me with your bare shoulders the whole evening. And I'm taking you for a walk.” 
Catherine shook her head and pulled her shirt on. Buggy took her hand and led her for a walk. They wandered along the promenade, listening to the sound of the waves and catching glances from visitors in the small cafes. One of the older women muttered “look the clown took the princess for a walk", Catherine quickly sent her the fuck away and then spent a long time calming the upset Buggy. Later he snatched a cup of lavender ice cream for Catherine, laughing that half an hour ago she was talking about being full and already she was asking for ice cream. 
Catherine dragged Buggy to the beach, sat down on the sand and pulled him along with her. Buggy sat down next to her, and she immediately settled under his armpit. 
Catherine took his hand and began to stroke his palm with her fingers. “It's great, right? Thank you for this evening! I love when we go for walks.” She glanced at Buggy. “Do you think that in old age you will want to hold my hand? I will obviously dry out under the hot sun of Egypt and become a disgusting mummy. You will stop loving me and will leave to look for a younger mummy.” 
“You will be the most beautiful old mummy in the world!” Buggy became nervous. “You know.. I would like us to be.. to be together. I don’t know. When I will be 80 years old, I want to eat your pancakes, chewing them with false teeth.” 
Catherine laughed. “You look sexy even now with gray hair on your eyebrows and temples, but all gray hair and with false teeth, you will make a splash!” 
“Listen.. About being together.” Buggy cleared his throat. “Cathie-pie, you know I lo~.”
“I know.” She nodded. 
“Don't interrupt me, woman! And you love me.”
“Not just love! I love you so-o-o much!” Catherine sat on her knees and spread her arms wide to the side. “You know, I thought that if I fell in love when I was over 30, I would be calm. See? You blew my head off, Buggy Bear.” She cupped his face and pecked him on his lips several times. 
“I still insist that this is a terrible, terrible nickname, by the way.” Buggy cleared his throat again and took her hands. “But.. I wanted to ask you. You.. You… Do you wa~...” 
“Shatter me with thunder! Catherine Elizabeth Mitchell!” A man's voice came from somewhere to the side. Catherine turned around and her jaw dropped. 
“Larnie?!” She jumped up and ran to a tall, pumped up dark-haired guy and hugged him. “What are you doing here?” 
“Are you asking me?” He kissed her on the cheek and raised her above the sand.  “We haven’t seen each other for how long? About 5 or 7 years? And of all the possible places on the planet, I find you on the beach in Cairo!” He put her down and kissed again.
“Life is unpredictable, right?” Catherine laughed. 
“At first it seemed to me that it wasn't you, but then I heard your loud laugh, which I cannot confuse with anything. How.. What.. How.. How did you end up here?” Larnie shook her hands. 
Catherine carefully nodded towards Buggy, who was watching this whole situation with a not very happy face. “It's a long story, but over there sits my main reason. Buggy, come here! This is Larnie! We went to school and university together. Larnie, this is my Buggy.”
Buggy reluctantly stood up and came closer to Catherine, pulled her closer and immediately wrapped his hand around her waist, marking the territory. 
“No! You have to tell me everything! We haven't seen each other in a thousand years! The last time I saw you, you wanted to marry the marshmallow man.” Larnie scratched his cheek. 
“Hah, yes. But the marshmallow man lost in an unequal fight with this man.” Catherine stroked Buggy’s back.
“No, no! We're going somewhere to drink. You, me and... Biggy, right?” 
“Buggy.” He answered dryly. 
“Wait a sec, Larnie!” Catherine took Buggy's hand and led him aside, asking if he wanted to go somewhere. Buggy didn't want to go, but he looked into her eyes, exhaled heavily, and agreed. Catherine jumped up with a squeal and smacked him several times on the cheek. 
They reached Arlong's Bar and sat down at a table.  Larnie looked around for a long time and was surprised at the fish people.
“When I first saw them, I had the same reaction.” Catherine laughed loudly. “It was so strange. Fish people drinking alcohol. But I'm so happy I was brought here. Oh, oh, Larnie! See the bar counter? Near it I met Buggy.” Catherine stroked Buggy's back and opened the menu. “Oh, my love. Can you order me this?” She pointed at the drawing of the blue velvet cake. 
“Ok.” Buggy stopped the fish waiter, ordered dessert, beer and wine. He practically kept his eyes on Larnie. Catherine smiled back at Buggy and silently said with her lips “I love you.”
“Can't believe it! My little friend Catherine is in a relationship. You're a lucky man, Buggy. That girl had so many guys chasing after her, but this is not surprising she has always been a cheerful laugher. But she'd just sit with her books. Sometimes they managed to ask her out, but it always ended the same way. I thought she'd end up with books or a boring, pimply librarian. But our little Catherine surprised everyone.” Larnie chuckled, called the waitress and ordered several bottles of beer for himself and Buggy and a bottle of wine for Catherine. “Oh, do you remember when I asked you out? I think it was freshman year, right? You know, dude, I somehow thought that girl liked me, because she was kind to me and asked her to the park.”
“Meh.” Buggy chuckled and poured Catherine's wine from the bottle he had ordered.
“Because you lost our tickets to the movie.” Catherine laughed. 
“Hey, I bought popcorn in the park! Anyway, she said I wasn't for her, she needed someone higher level and we stayed friends. Good friends. I whined to her every time I got dumped by a girl. So, Cath, tell me what you're doing now.” Larnie took a sip. 
“Me? Nothing.” Catherine placed her hand on Buggy's shoulder. “Buggy runs a circus.” 
“Really? The circus?” Larnie looked at him and frowned. 
“Yeah. Do you have any problems with that?” Buggy crossed his arms and practically drilled Larnie with his eyes. 
Catherine took Buggy’s hand and started stroking his arm. “The most famous circus around here. If you're in Cairo for the long haul, I suggest you go and watch the show the day after tomorrow. And there will be a new show in three months. I'm looking forward to it!”
“The show?” Larnie asked again with interest. “I'll think about it. Now I'm wondering what it is that has won over our little Catherine.” 
“Stop calling me little!” Catherine ate a piece of cake. 
“Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately? But anyway. I haven't been to the circus in a long time. Are you coming? Maybe I'll join you?” Larnie took a sip.
“Of course, I'll go!” Catherine looked at Buggy, offered him a cake, but he refused. 
“Well, that's settled then, I'll go with you.” Larnie chuckled. “Oh! Remember when you and I went to the circus when we were kids. It'll be cool to reminisce about those days, right? So, what's your row? Which one should I buy a ticket for? Buggy, do you think there are any tickets left?”
“She always has the best seat.” Buggy took a sip. “And I have no idea, go to the fucking ticket office tomorrow and check. But I'm afraid all the seats are already taken.” 
“Ok, I’ll check. So wait, Catherine. You're really not working?”
"She doesn't need to work.” Buggy barked, opened the third bottle of beer and also refilled Catherine’s glass with wine. “I can provide for her myself.”
“I'm tired of my boring job as a librarian, and I'm completely happy with my life now.” She rested her head on Buggy's shoulder. “Buggy takes care of me.” 
Larnie smirked. “I have to admit, Catherine Mitchell, I haven't seen your eyes light up like that in a long time. Hm, I think, I’ve never seen you so happy.”
“Blame it all on him.” Catherine stroked Buggy’s arm. “This man made me like this. Wait! I heard that you were going to marry Haeley! What happened?”
Larnie waved his hand. “Oh, this ginger girl ran away from me to the blond cook. And I came here to lick my wounds. And I met you!”  
They sat at the bar for quite a long time, sipping beer and wine, reminiscing about old stories. Catherine laughed loudly all evening, glancing at Buggy, who was clearly unhappy with what was happening all evening and constantly snapped.
Catherine and Buggy returned home quite late. 
“Funny, right? Meeting an old friend in another country.” She took off her sneakers. “Are you okay?” 
“Yes." Buggy threw the keys on the table, but missed.
“Someone is drunk and jealous!!” Catherine smiled and hugged him from behind. 
Buggy silently took her hands away and went into the kitchen, swaying. Catherine narrowed her eyes, tiptoed to the kitchen and watched as he opened another bottle of beer, sitting down on the chair.
She came up behind him and gave him a hug. “My Buggy Bear is sad! His Cathie-pie might cheer him up?”
“I’m tired, Catherine.” Buggy pulled her arms away and slowly went into the living room.
Catherine waved her arms and followed him. “You're sulking like a pissed cat. What did I do? Why are you mad?” 
“I'm not mad.” He took a sip. 
“You walk around the house with squinted eyes and a clenched jaw. Is it because of tonight? Oh my god, Buggy!” Catherine rolled her eyes. “I haven't seen a friend in almost ten years. Sorry, I couldn't scare him off with a machine gun or your Buggy Fluggy bombs or whatever you call them. I'm sorry that I had and still have friends. And I'm sorry that I'm glad to see someone I haven't seen for a bunch of years. What was I supposed to say? Oh, sorry Larnie, my boyfriend is too jealous, I can’t look at anyone now, and I also can’t sit next to anyone.”
“Sit with whoever and wherever you want, Catherine. Even with your fucking Larnie.” He took another sip of beer and could barely stand on his feet. “Oh, you know, Buggy, I once went on a date with your girlfriend. Oh, Buggy, did you know that a flock of handsome men were running after her? Oh, l’ll go with your girl to the circus. Or maybe we can ride off into the sunset together and leave this red-nose loser alone? Because she needs someone at a higher level. I know perfectly she needs someone at a higher level.” 
“What are you talking about? I don't need anyone.” Catherine came closer and tried to hug him. “Let's talk, please.” 
“I’m gonna sleep. Tomorrow is a full day rehearsal. Everything should be perfect. What if your fucking Larnie’ll show up, I’ll have to impress him, right? Oh, little Catherine, I want to know what you’re up to. Oh, what a shame. You chose a fucking loser and even his shows are terrible. So sorry for you.” He took another sip. “Fuck, the floor is moving.” 
“Sit down, you're drunk. First, you're not a loser.” Catherine felt herself starting to get angry. “Second, can you imagine, clown, I had a life before you. And yes, I went on dates from time to time. Just remember, I chose you! Do you see any guys I want to run away with? Hey! Where are you? Maybe you're in the closet?” She went to the closet in the bedroom and opened the doors. “No one. Or maybe in the nightstand under the TV?” She opened the TV set cabinet. “No one! Surprise! You've been rude all evening, Buggy. And if you haven't noticed, I spent the entire evening showing poor Larnie that I was with you. Should I have stood on the table and rang the bell? Hello, people of Cairo. I’m Catherine and I’m with this clown. We just sat at the bar and that's it!” 
“Why the fuck would you choose this bar out of all the fucking bars in Cairo? Wasn't there another one?” Buggy hissed through his teeth. 
“What?” Catherine looked at him uncomprehending.
Buggy didn't answer. He looked at her angrily, set the bottle on the table and went to the bedroom, slamming the door loudly. 
Catherine stood for a few minutes, opened the door, knocking softly and watching him lay under the blanket with a dissatisfied growl. “Can I come in?” 
Catherine tiptoed to the closet, quickly changed into pajamas and climbed into the bed. She lay down behind Buggy and hugged him. He gently pulled her hands away. Catherine exhaled and covered herself with the blanket. Okay, she decided she'd try to talk to him in the morning. 
For the next two days, they didn't speak. The morning after the arguing, Catherine made Buggy apologetic pancakes, but it did help to improve his mood. Usually he was very clingy in the morning. But not this time. He ate breakfast in silence and left, saying nothing. No “goodbye, my Cathie-pie”, no “see you later, little shit”, no inappropriate jokes. She gave him a quick “have a nice day” kiss on his cheek but Buggy said nothing. She hoped he would start sending her messages every hour like he used to. Usually it was silly, but funny messages like "Richie yawned”, “Richie ate grass”, “Cabaji fell off his bike”, “And now look at the pain on his face." But Buggy didn't send anything, he didn't respond to her messages either. When Buggy got home, he sat in the kitchen, eating dinner and sipping a beer. And didn't talk to her. 
On the second day after arguing, Catherine thought for a long time about going to the show or not. She was not very happy with his behavior, but she realized that she overreacted too. 
Yes, they'd argued about various things during their relationship, but they'd made up quickly, even though they'd been as stubborn as sheep at times. But this quarrel did not please her at all, and Catherine felt disgusted. She'd never seen Buggy so pissed off. But why was he so mad?
Catherine was sipping her coffee and widened her eyes. “Oh, shit!”
The bar! That's why he got angry. They were in their place. 
“Fuck!” She thought.
Why had she brought Larnie there? Why hadn't she thought that this place had a special meaning to Buggy? Of course, it was special to him. She was the first person who didn't run away from him with cries of disgust, the first who accepted him with all his faults. With his grumbling, whining and driving her crazy. The first who said she loved him. She became his shelter from the world. And he met her there. 
“Stupid Catherine.” She muttered to herself, dressed up and went to the circus. Despite the arguing, she wanted to support him. As always. 
Catherine didn't expect Larnie to wait for her at the entrance, offered to drink before the show and to go for a walk after it. She refused politely, showed him where to go and quickly went to her seat. Catherine was glad that he didn't find a ticket next to her and didn't even want to imagine what would happen in another case.
Catherine sat in her seat (of course, it was the center of the front row) and waited for the show to start. She saw Buggy walk out into the arena with his arms spread out, bathing in the applause of the audience. Her flashy fool under his favorite spotlights. Buggy noticed Catherine, and she thought for a second that he was surprised to see her there. Actually, it was the first time in two days that they met gazes. Catherine raised her right hand slightly and said "hi" with her lips. But.. Nothing happened in response. Buggy usually winked at her. When he bowed at the beginning and the end of the show, he always made a small pass at the front row and always stopped in front of her for a few seconds longer to hear a quiet "I love you" from her. Catherine liked that little show of love and intimacy at moments like these. But this didn't happen this time. She was a little confused. During an act change, one of the freaks brought her a large bucket of popcorn. Catherine threw a glance at Buggy, and thought she saw a slight smile on his face. After the show, which was of course well received by the audience, Catherine waited for Buggy for a while. One of the freaks said he was busy, she exhaled sadly, saying “okay” and went home, trying not to cry.
Catherine was sitting on the couch sipping wine when she heard the jingle of keys. Buggy walked into the living room, holding a bouquet of blue roses, sat down next to her on the floor without saying a word. 
Catherine took the bouquet, put it on the table and ran her hand along his back. “Stole flowers again?” She asked quietly. 
Buggy nodded and laid his head on her lap, hugging her legs. “You'll leave me, right? You will leave me to live in the fucking marshmallow house.”
“If I had to leave, I'd gnaw my way back in the marshmallow house and return to you.” She started stroking his head. “I'm sorry. I ruined our evening.”
“You came to see my show. Without him.”
“Of course I came. Because I love you. It was amazing, as always. I’m so proud of you, Buggy the Clown. And you won't believe me, but there were three girls sitting behind me sighing at you. When you brought me popcorn, I swear, your fangirls were ready to kill me.” Catherine kissed his head. 
“Liar, I don't have fangirls.” Buggy giggled and climbed onto the sofa, laying his head on her lap again, took her hand and kissed it. “Hi.” 
“Hi.” Catherine kissed his nose. “No, you have. Look at you! You're so handsome and funny. God, I'm so lucky to have you. Do you know how difficult it was not to fall in love with you at first sight?” She ran her hand through his hair. “I was waiting for you, but one of your freaks said you were busy. I thought you were mad at me, or disgusted to look at me.”
“No! No, no, no! Richie's food arrived. The fucking courier got the time wrong and I had to do the paperwork. I sent Cabaji to tell you to wait for me, but he said that you left.” Buggy squeezed her hand. “And baby. Disgusted? Seriously? You're beautiful even now, when your hair is dishevelled, and you're sitting like an upset raccoon in your pants with.. Who is this?” 
“I’m not a raccoon, jerk! And this is a kangaroo.” Catherine smiled slightly and started stroking his face. “I’m sorry, please. I just didn't think with my brain that you were a romantic at heart.” She giggled. “Agree, let this bar be just ours. Let's go there tomorrow? Just you and me.” She kissed his forehead, watching him nod. “You know, I even know why I like this place so much. Because one day I met a blue-haired brute there. He grumbled at me and wanted to leave me in the desert. But somehow he became the love of my life. That’s why I want to take everyone there and show that special place where we met. I don't want you to think that all this doesn't matter to me. It does. It really does.” 
“Well, you can bring your sister there.” Buggy shrugged. 
“Deal. I'll let you take your friends there. But not ex-girlfriends.” 
“Then you'll have to kick a couple of waitresses out of there. We didn't meet, but there was something. If you know what I mean.” He giggled idiotically. 
“Oh, go to hell, clown.” Catherine playfully slapped his shoulder. “I can live with that. I'm still better than all of them put together. You've got the best of everything. The show, the popcorn, the house. So, I'm the best by default.”
“You forgot to mention the best sex.” Buggy looked at her with a proud face. 
“I knew that phrase would stick in your head, pervert. I just had to tell you that once.” Catherine rolled her eyes playfully. 
“Well, sorry, I can't get over my awesomeness.”
“Idiot!” She pecked him on his nose. “I think this was our biggest fight, right? But look how good we are! Our crew made it through even that. I love when you're jealous, but I don't want to fight like that anymore. Let's continue swearing about little things. Crusts on the bread, you drank all the milk, you broke all the eggs, you're not wearing pants.” 
“Cotton candy, it's hard not to be jealous. You are smart, beautiful. But you chose the loser.” Buggy became sad. 
“Okay, be jealous, I can't change you anyway. But don't say horrible things about yourself. You're not a loser. You're not a pathetic clown. You're my Buggy Bear. And I want to live with you in the marshmallow house. And let's talk more.” Catherine rested her forehead against his. “Come on. Help me make some tea, I warm up the pancakes I made for you, and you tell me about those waitresses, okay? My hot clown and girls in short skirts. Hmmm, I'm actually getting a little jealous.” She ruffled his hair, stood up from the couch, shook her buttocks to cheer Buggy up and dragged him into the kitchen. 
They made tea, took the pancakes and went to the bedroom. 
That night they talked.
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lostfirefly · 6 days
Sharing horizons that are new to us, watchin' the signs along the way, talkin' it over, just the two of us, workin' together day to day
This fic wasn't even planned. But 6 months ago, Catherine and Buggy met each other. They annoyed and bantered with each other, but as often happens, a good girl fell in love with a not-so-good boy. They stayed together and kept their "banter vibes" to this day. Thank you guys for coming into my life. You are helping me a lot! Love you with all my heart! And go on a date! English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Masterlist is here.
Description: Catherine and Buggy are celebrating six months since they first met.
Warning: Fun, fluff, swearing, lots of love, inappropriate jokes. Reference to Jeff's interview with grapes.
WC: 4000
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august, @emmiebugz-blog, @mydearlybeloathed
The title is taken from “We've Only Just Begun” The Carpenters.
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“Stop attacking me, clown!!” Catherine tried to fight Buggy off.
“But why?” He tried to kiss her neck. “I want you!” 
“First of all, put your pants on and put away your little Buggy, for god's sake!!” She buried herself under the blanket. “Second, you're punished!”
“For what??” Buggy lifted the blanket.
“Fuck off!” Catherine pulled it down. “Do you remember what you did to me on the couch yesterday?” 
“Oh, believe me, I remember!” He giggled idiotically. “That was amazing, right?”
Catherine crawled out from under the blanket and hit Buggy in the shoulder. “What got into you?! I was in pyjama and was reading a book when you attacked me after coming home from rehearsal.”
“I couldn't resist, you were so sexy with the book.”  Realizing there would be no continuation, Buggy leaned his back against the headboard and put his pants on. “But you didn't complain.” 
“Because I didn't have time to understand anything, asshole!” Catherine immediately nestled into his armpit. “Thank God you don't go to libraries. I would be concerned about the staff there.” 
“Sarcasm, huh?” Buggy scowled. 
“Poorly concealed contempt, pervert. And hey! Have you forgotten what day it is today? 
“I remember, cotton candy.” Buggy took Catherine's hand and kissed it. “You reminded me of this all evening yesterday. Today marks six months since you gave in to my charm and immediately fell in love with me.”
“There was no charm, Buggy!!” Catherine rolled her eyes. “You pissed me off and wanted to leave me in the desert!!”
“But I didn’t leave you! How many times are you going to remind me of this?” 
“Every single day for the rest of my life.” Catherine looked at Buggy: “How did you even come up with this?! Didn't you feel sorry for me?”
“Are you gonna stay with me for the rest of your life??” He made a surprised face. “Fuck, no! I hoped that I, as a sex god, would torture you and you would tired of the best sex in your life and finally run away from me.”
“I knew that phrase would get stuck in your head, pervert!” Catherine slapped his head. 
“I could not forget the highest praise of my talent, baby.” Buggy smiled proudly. “Back to your question. I wanted to leave you in the desert because you irritated me. You were always unhappy with everything.” He started imitating her voice. “Oh, I was told you're the coolest guy in this town. Oh, you're just a drunken piece of shit. Oh, no, a grown man who painted himself to look like a clown. Oh, no, you took us somewhere. Oh, don't tell me what to do.”
“Do I irritate you now?” Catherine took a strand of his hair.
“No, now you just piss me off every single day.” Buggy kissed her on the top of her head. 
“I can easily say the same about you, jerk.” Catherine exhaled. “I'm sorry, I offended you at the bar, didn't I? But I was really worried about my sister and you acted like an asshole. I didn't know you were really good.”
“Meh!” Buggy shrugged. “This is how people often react to me. It's ok.”
“It’s not okay, Buggy!” Catherine took his hand. “I will kill anyone who says such disgusting things about you. No one can hurt my clown. And by the way, I have a gift for you!!” She jumped out of bed and ran off into the living room. “I don't know if you'll like it or not, but I wanted to do it. You can hide it far away and never take it out.” Catherine ran back holding something square wrapped in gift paper. “Happy six months since we first met, my blue-haired love. Open up!” She clenched her fists and squealed softly.
“What's this?” Buggy looked at her surprised, starting to remove the package, pulled out a brown book and opened it. “A photo album?”
“Yes!! Look!” Catherine began to turn the pages. “This has pictures of you and me in it. Sorry, I know you don't like this, but I wanted to collect some moments in one place. Look! That's you and me on a walk when you stole ice cream for me for the first time. You were nagging me because of this photo for three hours afterwards. This is happy me when you took me to the movies for the first time. And this is unhappy you because you had to take me to the movies. Oh, I love this one. This is you on our adventure when you were fixing the car. See? Damn! You are so hot!” 
“Where are these pictures from?” Buggy pointed his fingers at two photos. 
“Oh, I secretly took this one during our first adventure.” Catherine blushed. 
“But this's me! Why did you take pictures of me?” Buggy said in a slightly irritated voice. “Catherine, you know I don't like it!”
“I know, I know! I’m sorry!” Catherine stroked his hair. “I remember I threw things into the car, got out some whiskey and saw you. I don't know.. You sat alone by the fire and thought about something and I couldn't resist. I wanted to send you this picture later, to be honest. And this picture was sent to me by my sister. Honestly, I didn't even know she took it. That's when you took us home and we were chatting sitting on the couch. See? Your hand is on my shoulder. You hugged me that evening. At that moment I already knew that I loved you. My sister thought she was making fun of me by showing it to me. But I liked this photo so much, and I decided to add it here. You look so calm and sweet in this picture. That's because you were sitting with me, my love.” Catherine kissed Buggy on his cheek. 
“I’m not sweet, stop mocking me.” Buggy ran his fingers over the papers. “Hm, the pages look like they have maps drawn on them. And the cover looks like the book we used to compare coordinates. Fuck! It's cool!” 
“We met because of these maps and that Alabasta’s book. Oh, look, there's an inscription.” Catherine flipped the album to the first page.  
“I don't see any inscriptions. I see numbers and a lot of hearts. A lot, a lot, a lot of hearts.” 
“These are the coordinates of our bar, you fool.” Catherine pointed her fingers at the drawing. “I'll tell you more, these are the exact coordinates of the place where we met.”
“That's really impressive, cotton candy. Thanks!” Buggy scratched his head. “Fuck, I didn't get you anything. I didn't know I had to give gifts on dates like this.”
“Oh, my Buggy Bear. Don't worry. I just wanted to surprise you. Buy me flowers, ice cream and we're even.” Catherine kissed him on his cheek and started stroking his hair. “It's so weird. So much has happened in these six months. We've been on two adventures, we celebrated my birthday, you made me walk a tightrope.”
“No, no!” Buggy carefully put the album aside. “The weirdest thing about this whole story is that I'm lying under a blanket with hearts on it. Hearts aren't for a grown man.”
“Where did you find a grown man?” Catherine narrowed her eyes playfully. 
“I'm right here, cotton candy.” Buggy pointed his finger at himself. “I'm a grown man.”
Catherine kissed his nose. “Noooo, you're my silly clown. And thank you!”
“For what?”
Catherine hugged him. “Well, for not sending me home, for letting me into your life, even just a little bit. And you take me for walks. I know you don't like it, but you still go with me. Do we have plans for today? Maybe we can go for a walk? And then hang out at our bar?”
“Well, the bar is always a good idea. But first I want to have breakfast. Buggy the Clown is very hungry.” 
Buggy reluctantly got out of bed and trudged to the kitchen, Catherine ran after him to make his favorite pancakes. While she was cooking, she kept running to Buggy, hugging him and kissing him on the head, cheeks, nose, lips, listening to his endless grumbling. 
After the brekfast and quick shower, Catherine decided to get dressed for a walk and started rummaging through the closet for a long time. Buggy came into the bedroom with fresh makeup on his face, looked at Catherine standing near the closet and hugged her from behind. 
“What's wrong, Buggy?” Catherine started stroking his hands waiting for the answer, but he remained silent. “Oh, my little bear. Don't act like you love me. Better put on a t-shirt, jeans and take me for a walk, and then we'll get completely drunk, and then you'll ride me on your back.” Catherine had difficulty reaching the shelf because Buggy didn't let go of his hands. “Here. This black one is clean. Explain one thing to me, clown. Why do your stinky things still end up in the closet?"
He shrugged.
“Thank God you at least started washing more often.” Catherine laughed. 
Buggy quickly put on his t-shirt and returned his hands back to her waist.
“Please, let me go for five minutes, my Buggy the Octopus.” She reached her hand to his cheek and stroked it slightly. “I'm not going anywhere, promise. I need to get dressed.” 
Buggy reluctantly removed his hands, sat on the bed and watched Catherine quickly pull on jeans, black top, a light, off-the-shoulder oversized sweater over the top.
Catherine turned to Buggy and twirled. “Like it?” 
He nodded silently and exhaled. 
Catherine came closer and hugged him. “What's wrong, my little bear?”
“Nothing. Let's go for your stupid walk.”
Catherine kissed Buggy on the lips and dragged him outside. He grumbled the whole way, but stole a bouquet of yellow carnations and a chocolate ice cream for her. Buggy was still surprised that Catherine admired his abilities every time. He loved to see her happy face at that moment.
Catherine was talking like a crazy, while they walked to the bar through the winding streets of Cairo, which were filled with the aromas of freshly baked bread, spices and freshly brewed coffee. Catherine stopped near almost all the shops, to take a look at fabrics and figures. They reached the bar when Buggy was almost exhausted and went inside. 
“No! Look! Our place at the counter is taken by some tourists." Catherine pointed at the couple with her eyes and became upset. “Shit. Well, let's sit at another table.” She sat down at the closest table and took the menu. 
Buggy plopped down next to her and looked at her sad face. “Is there something wrong?”
Catherine placed her hands on the table. “I know you’ll say that's stupid but I really wanted to sit there.” 
Buggy glanced at the tourists then shifted his gaze to Catherine. More than anything in the world, he hated seeing her sad eyes. “Wait here.”
“What? Where are you going?” Catherine looked at him in surprise.
“There is no problem that Buggy the Clown and money in his pocket can't solve. Wait here.” He lightly slapped his palms on the table and walked towards the counter.
Catherine sadly watched Buggy, leaned on the counter and started talking to the bartender and the tourists. They were gesticulating wildly, looking at the bartender and Catherine, but as soon as Buggy took money out of his pocket, the tourists gathered their things and went to another table. 
“That's it, this problem solved, cotton candy.” Buggy came back to Catherine, extended his hand to her and escorted her to the bar. “So, are we there, where your coordinates indicate?”
“Yes!” She squealed quietly, smiled and hugged him. “Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!” Smack. Smack. Smack. “How did you do this?”
“Charmed them.” Buggy placed his hand on her back. 
“Oh yes, you can do that. You're my best!!” Catherine pecked him in his lips and squealed again. “Oh, wait, wait, you were sitting here.” Catherine sat Buggy down on a chair, hugged him from behind and kissed him on the cheek. “And I was sitting here.” She plopped down on the chair on the right side. 
Buggy couldn't help but laugh. Catherine's displays of joy at such trifles amused him terribly. Why, even after six months, she was with him? Buggy liked that she was with him. He liked the way she took care of him. She made sure he was always fed, she always made him sandwiches when he went to rehearsals. His clothes became cleaner, the house became more cozy, the bed always smelled nice now. He constantly grumbles that he doesn't like, but will never admit to her that he loves receiving cute messages from her throughout the day: “I cooked your favorite dish, I love you”, “I’m on a walk, I love you”, “It’s so great that you’re coming home, come quickly, I love you!” And although he didn't like it when men approached her, he still was afraid that someone else would take her, he was surprised every time that she stayed with him.
“Well. What does my cotton candy want?” Buggy sent his hand to grab the menu from the next table. 
Catherine ran her eyes over the pages. “Oh, let's get a beer like our first time? Also your cotton candy wants this red cherry cake, this chocolate cake, this yellow lemon cake.” 
Buggy laughed even louder, called the waiter over, and made an order. 
Catherine happily swung her legs and looked around. “It's so weird, huh? It seems like the place hasn't changed, but at the same time it's somehow different.” She stood up from the chair and wrapped her arms around his neck. “It's because of you, my flashy fool.” Smack. Smack. Smack. 
“Stop doing this, woman!!” Buggy made a face. “Drink your fucking beer.” He moved the bottle the bartender had set down. “So, what do we do now?”
The bartender supplied three pieces of cake and additionally supplied peanuts from the establishment.
Catherine took a sip and glanced at peanuts. “Oh, I know. Let's play! I'll ask a question, you answer it and if it's wrong, you toss the nut and catch it with your mouth. And if it’s correct you can ask me a question. It'll be our variation on “Never Have I Ever.”
“Hah, these games are for me! I did teach you a little entertainment after all, huh?” Buggy took a sip. 
“Go to hell! I've always known how to have fun.” Catherine ate a piece of cake. “Oh, fuck! So good!”
“I think I heard the same phrase yesterday.” He giggled.
“You're disgusting, you know that?” Catherine rubbed her hands. “Okay! Let's start! My.. My.. My favorite dish.” 
“Don't make me say the version “the naked clown at night.” Buggy took a sip and winked.
“Ew! No! Stop being an idiot for at least five minutes.” Catherine punched him in his shoulder.
“What's the fun in that?” Buggy ate a peanut. “Fine. Different sweets and pizza.”
“Yeees!” Catherine clapped her hands. 
“Sweets, pizza and naked clown.” He giggled again.
“Buggy!” Catherine pinched his arm. “Stop being such a pervert. Okay! Now you can ask me a question.”
“If I ask about the best sex, it will be unfair. I know that it is me.” Buggy took a sip with the most proud look he had ever had. “You know, your fucking ex-boyfriends have a lot to learn.”
“For god's sake, clown!!” Catherine rolled her eyes. “Are you gonna ask a question?” 
“Fine!” He scratched his cheek. “I know! You went to university. Exams and all that fucking shit. Have you never copied answers from others?”
Catherine shook her head. “At the university? No, never. Education is important. I taught myself.”
“Fuck, you lived such a boring life.” Buggy rolled his eyes and took a sip.
“I didn't finish.” Catherine ate another piece of cake. “But I once cheated at school. We had a chemistry test and I copied the test from my classmates. When the papers were checked, the cheating was revealed. We were then sent to the principal and as punishment we trimmed the bushes in the school yard for a whole month.”
“You are a dangerous woman, Catherine Mitchell. You cheated on a chemistry test. I'm so, so impressed.” Buggy started slowly clapping his hands.
“I hate you and your theatrics.” Catherine took a sip. “Okay! Next question. My favorite part of you. Hint, there are several of them.”
Buggy looked surprised. “I don't know. That I'm fun, sexy and can I do weird but hot things in bed?
“You have one thing on your mind, pervert.” Catherine squinted her eyes and reddened. “No! But I’ll accept it as an answer. Throw a peanut.” 
Buggy picked up a nut, tossed it up and caught it with his mouth, eliciting a wave of applause from Catherine. 
“You're so good at that! Just for your note, my silly clown, I love you all of course, but I adore your nose, it makes you unique, your eyes because they're so beautiful, your hands because they're strong and your chop chop thing.” Catherine ate a piece of cake. 
“I thought you loved my nose for another reason.” Buggy took a sip and chuckled.
“For what reason?” Catherine thought for a second and her eyes widened. “Oh, my God, Buggy. How can you think about such a vulgar thing when we are on a date?! You should be ashamed.” 
“Sorry, Cathie-pie. I'm just remembering where I was yesterday and your moans about it.” He started imitating her. “More Buggy, yes Bug~”
Catherine kicked him in the leg. “Shush! Don't you dare talk about it here. Manners! Let's keep playing.” She took a sip. “Okay! My favorite book.”
Buggy scratched his neck and shrugged. “I don't know. Something about cute dogs that wear stupid jumpsuits with hearts on them?”
Catherine shook her head. “No, it's “Treasure Island”. And I told you about that. Throw a peanut.”
Buggy took a nut, tossed it and caught it in his mouth.
“Yaaay!!” Catherine clapped her hands. “Okay, I'll let you ask a question. We have a six month anniversary today.” 
“Oh, princess. You're so fucking generous today.” Buggy snapped his fingers and took a sip. “Ha, I know! Has my Cathie-pie ever lied to the police?” He saw Catherine blush. “Fuck me!! My honest girl, who reproaches me for my lies, deceived the police herself?”
“I don't lie as much as you, idiot. It was one time. My driver license expired and I had to go renew it the next day. But my sister called and asked me to pick her up from the highway where her car had stalled. And when I was on my way to her, a cop pulled me over. And when he was about to write me a hu-u-uge fine, I burst into tears, told him some bullshit about dying fish and hamsters, and he let me go.” Catherine started eating another cake. “So yummy! Try it!” She broke off a piece of cake with a fork and put it in Buggy's mouth. “Tasty?” Catherine watched him nod. “My question again. The craziest thing I've ever done in my life.”
Buggy snapped his fingers and laughed. “I know that! Stayed with me.” 
“No, I jumped off that damn cliff.” Catherine ate a peanut. “Do your trick, clown.” 
Buggy tossed the nut and caught it again.
“Yaaay!!l” Catherine clapped and took a sip. “But I could accept that "stay with me" option too.” 
“Listen.. Can I ask a question?” Buggy cleared his throat. “I asked you this before but a lot of time has passed since then. Don't.. Don't you still regret staying with me?” 
“What?” Catherine rounded her eyes, came closer to him and hugged. “Of course not, my love. It's not easy to live with you, but I don't regret anything. I love how you take care of me and how you show your affection when no one is looking. You know, taking my hand, stroking my shoulders. It's so sweet. You're not as bad as you want to seem, but I won't tell anyone about it. I give you my Princess's Word.” Catherine zipped her mouth. “For everyone, you'll remain an evil and sullen clown, but at home you'll be my loving little bear.” She kissed him in his temple. “Oh, can I try to throw a nut, and you catch it.”
“Fine.” Buggy took some nuts and put them in her hand. “Here.”
“Ready?” Catherine watched as he nodded back. “One, two, three. Throw!”
“Fuck, Catherine!” Buggy covered his eye with his hand. 
“Oh my god, oh my god! I'm sorry! I’m so sorry!!” Catherine grabbed his head and began examining his face. “It's okay. I’m sorry! I'll be more careful.” Smack.
“Do me a favor.” Buggy grumbled and removed her hands. “Ok, I’m fine. Throw. But carefully, I still need my eyes.”
Catherine took aim again. “Ready? One, two, three. Throw!”
“Damn!! Are you fucking kidding me, woman??” Buggy covered his other eye. 
“Shit!! I'm sorry!!” Catherine began examining his other eye.
“What's wrong with you?” Buggy blinked his eyes a few times. “Can't you throw properly?”
“I'm so sorry! Good news! Everything is okay!” Smack. “Do you think out of the 15 million they're giving for you somewhere, they'll deduct the money for the two black eyes?”
“Catherine, I asked you not to bring that up.” Buggy said angrily and removed her hands.
“I'm sorry!” Smack. “Shit! We should have played with grapes.” Catherine chuckled and kissed him on his cheek. 
“No! I haven't eaten anything that looks like fucking grapes for a while now.” Buggy laughed. 
“What? Why? The thing you ate and made you chop chop man looked like grapes?” Catherine ate the peanut and sat in Buggy's lap. 
“Kind of.” Buggy immediately wrapped his arm around her waist. 
“Why did you even eat that? If you were hungry, why didn't you go out and buy yourself something to eat? You can't just pick weird things off of trees and eat them, Buggy!” Catherine put a piece of cake in his mouth.
“I didn't pick it off of a fucking tree because I was hungry. It doesn't matter how I got it. I don't want to talk about why I ate it.” Buggy took a sip and became obviously a little angry.
“Don't be mad at me. I didn't want to offend you. I just like to know a little more about you. You talk not so much about your past.” Catherine stroked his shoulders. “Can I ask one question?” She watched him nod. “I asked you once, but you never answered. Do you have any regrets in your life? Do you regret that you ate that chop chop thing? But if you don't want to, don't answer.” 
“I don't know. Yeah, I guess. I regret it. Or maybe not. I don't know, Cathie-pie.” Buggy became visibly upset and felt she hugged him tightly.
“Did it even taste good?” Catherine laughed and stroked his head. 
“Little shit! It tasted okay.” Buggy took her hand and kissed it. “Fuck, I left you without a present.”
“Are you kidding me? We're at our place, at our bar. Just you and me. It's the best present ever. And don't forget I love your chop chop thing. And I'm glad that you are like this.” Catherine pecked him on his nose. 
“Stop doing this, woman!!” Buggy took a peanut and put it in his mouth. “Of course you love my abilities. They add an extra level to the best sex you've ever had.”
“God, you're unbelievable!” Catherine rolled her eyes. “I hate you so, so much, my Buggy Bear.”
“Meh, I hate you too, my cotton candy.” Buggy kissed her hand. “Well, shall we continue our evening?”
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lostfirefly · 2 months
Life Must Have It's Mysteries (Ch.10)
Honestly, I thought this chapter would be the last, but in order not to make it too long, I divided it into two parts. Chapter 11 will be the final, I promise :) And when I came up with the idea about the scepter, I didn’t know that there was a legend that would be mentioned in this part. Everything worked out well, hah!
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) Masterlist is here.
Description: Buggy saved Catherine. What will happen next? Will they find what they are looking for? Let's find out!
Warnings: Fun, fluff, arguing, adventure, inappropriate jokes, swearing (as always). Shitty shit again:)
Words: 4488
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august, @rorywritesjunk, @yujo-nishimura (I hope you still like it!)
The title is taken from “Life Must Have It's Mysteries” by Hans Zimmer (OST Inferno).
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9
“Cotton candy, you knocked me down.” 
Catherine clung to Buggy with her arms wrapped around his neck, lying on him, resting the top of her head under his chin. 
“Cathie-pie…” He stroked her back. 
“Shut up for a minute. I was just sitting in a cage preparing to die. I thought I'd never hug you again.” Catherine grunted with her eyes closed. “Also, let me come to my senses after the flood of your Buggy-love.” She tickled his neck with a finger. 
“What? What are you talking about? It wasn't Buggy-love. It was a dramatic moment. I'm a gentleman. I thought you were about to die, so I thought I'd cheer you up.” Buggy answered nervously, giggling. 
“Liar!” She inhaled heavily. “When you're nervous, you smell like nutmeg.” 
“Are you seriously comparing me to a fucking nut just now? Why can't you tell me something else? Oh, Buggy, you saved me. You're such a sexy man. I want you right here.” He tried to guffaw to hide his worries. 
“You're such a fool. See, you love me so much, even though you'll never admit that you saved me even from the evil gods.” Catherine raised her body and stayed sitting on him. “Okay. We need to fi~. Why are you smiling, clown?”
“You're on top of me." Buggy giggled idiotically and put his hands on her tailbone. "I have to admit, I like the position in which you are sitting now. Perfect!”
“You're disgusting, you know that?” Catherine slapped his hands. “Focus, please. We need to figure out where to go next.” 
“I saw a narrow passage there. Behind that game thing.” Buggy nodded his head towards the corner and started stroking her back.
“Really? Okay! Let's check!” Catherine, put his hands away, ruffled Buggy’s hair and sat on the floor, crossing her legs in front of her. She pulled out a map and a notebook and started to review the route. Catherine felt Buggy take her hand, rested his head on her back first, then buried his face in her hair, and then placed his chin on her shoulder.
“What happened, my blue-haired love?” She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. 
Buggy shifted his gaze to her.  “I just.. I almost lo~... Ah, never mind.” 
Catherine ran a hand through his hair. “It's okay. I'm okay thanks to you.” She gently moved her fingertips along his cheek. “See? I'm here.” Catherine turned her head slightly and looked into his sad eyes. “Your makeup is smudging. When we go home, you'll need to touch it up.”
Buggy kept his eyes on her. “Cotton candy,” he cleared his throat, “What if.. If I.. never mind.”
Catherine put her hand on his forehead. “Someone got too nervous, right?” She laughed and ducked into her notebook. Buggy fell silent and watched her run her fingers over the sheets, muttering something to herself and stroking her pencil through the air. “See also. We were supposed to turn with you here - the north house. If I understand correctly.” 
“Uh-huh.” He closed his eyes and hugged her with his other arm tighter.  
“I don't know what's going through your head right now, clown, but stop thinking about it. I’m sure it's something embarrassing, right?” Catherine blushed. “Anyway, if there's a narrow passage at the north end of this room, we should go out through it, and we'll be in the north house. Shall we? In any case, we need to somehow get out of here.”
“Uh-huh.” Buggy exhaled heavily, opened his eyes and stood up, offering Catherine his hand. 
“Thanks!” She arched her back and heard a crunch. “God, I'd kill for a hot bath and a nice glass of wine right now.”
Catherine put everything in her bag and pulled out a flashlight. Buggy pulled her towards the passage. She ran her flashlight around the room where they were, saw the game and the scattered sticks on the floor, and glanced at him. Catherine took a second to imagine what it was like for him to be here alone and squeezed his hand.
“Over there!” Buggy pointed with his hand. “When I was playing this damn game, I saw some kind of light, maybe we should go there?” 
“Judging by the map and notes, yes. See! You did great!” Catherine stroked his head. She shined a flashlight into the passage. “It’s quite narrow, but we have to get through. You’re luckier, you can split into parts and safely fly to the other side.” She laughed. 
“No way, cotton candy. I won’t leave you, otherwise you will remember this to me forever.” Buggy groaned and rolled his eyes. 
Catherine exhaled heavily and climbed into the passage. She carefully examined the walls, looking for additional clues, periodically looking back at Buggy, checking if everything was okay.
“Oh, look, look!” She stopped abruptly, sharply swinging her hand back, and heard a honk. “What was it?” She looked down at her feet.
“Fuck, Catherine! Are you out of your mind?!” She heard Buggy grumbling behind her.
“What's happened?” Catherine turned to him.
“Fuck! You elbowed me in the nose! Who does this?” 
“Oh my god! Are you okay?” She started examining his face. “I heard a honk. Where did the sound come from?” Catherine looked at the walls and floor. And she froze and slowly turned the flashlight on Buggy. “Is it you? Is it your nose made that sound?” She looked at him in amazement.
"Wow, that's funny, right? Haha, his nose honks. You can laught at me." Buggy made a face.
“What? What are you talking about? I never make fun of you in that way. Why didn't you tell me this?” She saw him blush with embarrassment. “Oh, my silly clown. I think it's cute. Don’t worry, okay?” 
Catherine took a couple steps forward and felt a vibration under her feet. “What's that sound? Is that you too?” 
“What? No! I don’t know. It’s like something is…” Buggy looked around.
“...shaking.” Catherine looked behind him and saw a crumbling wall. “You must be kidding me! The wall, Buggy! The fucking wall! What are we gonna do?”
“Damn! The main lesson I can give you is to run. Believe me, this advice works every time.” He started pushing her in the back, watching as the passage gradually became covered with sand. “Run! Run!”
Catherine threw her bag over her shoulder and ran forward, looking back at the crumbling wall and Buggy. They turned down the paths several times until they finally ran out into a poorly lit room. 
“What was that?” Buggy, bent over with his hands on his knees, tried to catch his breath. 
“I don't know.” Catherine pulled out a flashlight and shined it on the passageway. “Fuck, it's been fucked up!” 
“Fuck it!” He raised his head to her. 
“Are you o~?” Catherine took two steps toward it and felt the floor vibrate lightly again. “What was that?” 
“I have no idea.” Buggy straightened up. 
Sand began to fall from the walls. 
“What the fuck is that?” Catherine yelled in panic. “Are we walking into some kind of Egyptian trap?” 
“Are you asking me?” Buggy tried to shout over the noise of the sand, which began to fall off the walls and cover the floor at an increasing rate. “What are we gonna do? Is there some kind of riddle or phrase to stop all this fucking shit?” 
“Am I a wizard to you? Sorry, I don't have any phrases “please, don’t kill us fucking sand” for stopping this shit. Fuck! The sand is almost ankle-deep. The room is filling up too quickly. A little more and the sand would be up to our knees.” Catherine shined her flashlight on everything, trying to find a way out. “We have to g~... Oh god, what else is it?” 
A cracking sound began to erupt beneath Catherine's feet. The floor started vibrating and splitting, failing beneath the sand piece by piece. They tried to cling to the pieces of the floor that had not fallen, but their hands slipped and they both flew down. As soon as the sand has settled a little, Catherine opened her eyes, lying belly down on pieces of the floor with a dash of sand. 
“Thank God, the fucking sand seems to have cushioned the fall. Fuck! My ears popped.” She coughed, squinting, brushing dust off her face and hair. “Are you alive?” She waved her head in different directions and slapped her ears a couple of times. 
There was silence in response.
“Buggy?” Catherine sat up on her knees and looked around. “Buggy?!” She shook her head again and looked ahead. “Water? Where in the pyramid did the water come from?” 
She looked up from where the floor had fallen and then looked down. The trail of the collapsed floor led to a body of water. Fear gripped her heart.
“Fuck!” Catherine threw off her bag and sneakers and ran forward. She looked closely into the water and saw a drowning Buggy. 
“Fucking devil fruit!” She jumped into the water and started swimming with all her might towards Buggy, who was going deeper and deeper to the bottom. Catherine felt short of breath and had to dive back out. “Fuck! Focus, Catherine!” She took in more air and dove into the water again. She squinted in the water, trying to find him. The air began to run out again. She had to surface. 
“Where is he?” Catherine turned her head around and put her hand under the water. “The current. The current is weak, but it goes to the... To the right.” 
Catherine held her breath once more and dived and swam a little to the right. She saw Buggy and with all her might she buried herself up to his body. The air started to run out, but Catherine made two more wide paddles and managed to grab him by the collar of his sweatshirt and pull him to her. She paddled with one hand and helped herself with her legs with the last of her strength, and finally managed to pull herself out of the water. Catherine took a deep breath, lay on her back, put Buggy on her chest and swam to shore. She pulled him to shore, rolled him over onto his side, and he coughed immediately.
“You're alive! Thank God!” She jabbed at his shoulder. 
“Was it cool?” Buggy asked in a hoarse voice, clearing his throat and rolling over onto his back. 
“What?” Catherine looked up at him with wet eyes, not realizing whether it was tears or water dripping from her hair. 
“Did I sink cool?” He tried to laugh and coughed once more. 
“Idiot!!” Catherine flopped onto her back next to Buggy, bending her legs, and took his hand. “Are you okay?” 
“Yes. Thank you. You saved me, my Cathie-pie. You?” Buggy glanced at her. 
“I'm okay. 1:1, huh?” She smiled and squeezed his hand. “I thought this adventure would be easier. Sometimes it feels like we're in some stupid author's book. Oh, let's tear down the walls and let it all fall apart. Oh, let's let the floor fall under them. Couldn't come up with any more clichés, huh?” Catherine shouted loudly and coughed.
“Where are we?” He looked at the ceiling, then at her. 
“I don't know.” Catherine sat down on her knees and looked around. “I think it's some kind of... Why are you smiling, clown?”  
“Sorry, but you're just all wet and your clothes… your body...” Buggy giggled idiotically. 
“Oh my god! You're disgusting!” She rolled her eyes. “Where do you get the strength to think like that? You were practically dead!”
“But I'm not dead!” Buggy sat down on his buttocks and wrung his ponytail from the water. 
Catherine looked up at him, sitting there with wet clothes and water running down his face. She exhaled and narrowed her eyes. “I hate you!” 
“Geeez! What did I do?!” He looked at her with a blank look. 
“Oh, you know yourself.” She muttered. “Where does the water come from here? There are opinions that rivers used to run near the pyramids, but a lot of time has passed since then. We're in some unknown part, apparently.” Catherine got to her feet and looked around. “I have no idea where we are. We're definitely not where the map was pointing. W-Wait! What's in there?” She narrowed her eyes, jumped up from her seat and ran forward. 
“Fuck, Catherine!” Buggy yelled, standing up abruptly and sent his hand after her that tried to grab her by the scruff of the neck.
A hand yanked her and Catherine fell to the ground. “What the fuck, Buggy! Don't do that again!” 
Buggy came closer to her, reattaching his hand. “First of all, Catherine Mitchell, I've told you repeatedly not to run headlong into the middle of nowhere. Why did you do this again? Second, you forgot something.” He held out her bag and sneakers.
“Go to hell! See? There's a passageway over there!” She pointed her finger at the wall, putting on her shoes. “I'm not sure, but I think we should follow that way. There's not much of an option, either.” 
“Well, let's go check it out.” He said dryly, giving her a hand and helping her up. 
“Thanks!” Catherine stood on her tiptoes and took a quick look at his face, head, and shoulders. 
“What?” He replied gruffly, glancing at her with a look of incomprehension. 
“Nothing. Just wanted to see if you were okay. Why are you so mad?” She slowly removed her hands from his shoulders. 
“I'm not mad.” Buggy took the flashlight from her bag and mumbled. “It's good that the spare one didn't break.”
“Yes, you are mad. You call me by my last name on two occasions. When we in our bed-- You know. And you're too-- You know. When you're really-- You know.” Catherine blushed. “And when you're really, really mad at me. And since the first option is out, you're angry.” Catherine crossed her arms. 
“You did.. You.. Fuck it. I should have left you in that damn cage.” Buggy yelled and walked towards the narrow. 
“What? Fucking clown, wait! What's wrong again?” Catherine barked, ran after him and grabbed his hand. 
“Hey, don't yell at me!” 
“You're the one who's yelling. Are you mad that I forgot my fucking sneakers? Lord, I would buy new ones later. I’m sorry, okay?” She lightly pushed him on the chest with her palms. 
Buggy looked at Catherine’s round eyes and suddenly laughed. He put his arm around her shoulders and held her close to him for a second. “Sneakers. Forget it. Just be careful, okay?” 
“I didn’t understand the reason for your anger, but okay.” Catherine mumbled into his chest. “By the way, you're so hot when you're angry.” She watched as he broke into a satisfied smile. “Oh, god. I knew you'd be attracted to this, pervert!” She narrowed her eyes. “Well, let's go?” 
“Let's go, my little shit.” 
They reached the passage and turned on their flashlights. Catherine shined the light down the passage and looked around the walls. “Granite blocks? Granite and limestone. I've never seen anything like that. But it looks solid, I hope nothing collapses. I wouldn't want to end up buried here.” 
They walked slowly along the narrow passage, Catherine carefully examined the walls with drawings. They went out into a large room, which was poorly illuminated by rays of light. Various birds and hieroglyphs were painted on the walls, the ceiling was decorated with stars. In the center of the hall stood a huge black granite sarcophagus, near which stood two statues of two jackals with large ears. 
“Fuck me! Cotton candy, tell me we found something interesting.” Buggy examined the walls and shined his flashlight on Catherine. She stood there with her eyes wide open and her jaw dropped, barely holding back a smile. “Judging by the look on your face, I'm right. So where are we?” 
“I have no idea, but this is super cool!” She squealed quietly, clenched her hands into fists, and rushed towards the sarcophagus. Catherine shone on every inch of the walls. 
“Cathie-pie, there’s something painted on the walls here. Again, hieroglyphs and your favorite men with fucking bird heads.” Buggy stood against the wall and squinted at the drawings. 
“Where? Where?” Catherine jumped up, ran to the wall and, pushing Buggy aside, began to look at the drawings. “How strange! These drawings contain year by year records of the height of the annual flood, details of festivals held that year, and other important annual events such as wars and constructions.”  
“Hey! And here are some other people drawn, and some kind of flat fish with a spear.” Buggy squatted and pointed at the drawing with a flashlight. 
“Where? Where?” Catherine happily ran up to Buggy and climbed onto his back, poking her head over his shoulder. “It's not a flatfish with a spear, idiot. It's a catfish with a spear.” 
“Sorry, I somehow skipped fish science class.” He chuckled. 
“Quiet!” She covered his mouth with her hand and began to mumble something, periodically kicking her legs. “Can't be!” She jumped off his back and ran to the sarcophagus. “You must be joking! Quickly, come here. Shine a light on this sarcophagus!”
Buggy approached Catherine and began to shine a flashlight on the sarcophagus while she was running around.
“Oh my God! Come here!” She called him with her hand. She stood bent over the sarcophagus and moved her hand over the drawing. He walked up to her and stared at the drawing. “Look! Do you see this drawing? A man in a crown.” 
“Yeah.” Buggy shrugged. "Is this some famous dead dude again?"
“My blue-haired love, this is Narmer.” Catherine looked at him, breaking into a smile. 
“I have no idea who is that, but you're smiling so much that it's clearly someone cool, right?” He pointed the flashlight at the sarcophagus, and at her satisfied face. 
“He is considered the first pharaoh of Egypt, but his body was never found. Oh my God! Oh my God!” She grabbed her head. “Do you see these drawings? This's his palette. It was partially found and is now kept in one of the museums. But the second half was never found. This palette depicts the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt into the “Kingdom of the Two Lands” under the divine king. This is thing was used in the ritual of mixing and applying the King's eye makeup. Like yours. And it was arranged in three easily read registers on the back and four on the front. See? Two images of Hathor, benevolently looking down on the scene, showing the status of Narmer as an equal, his central placement in this image, his size relative to other figures in this image, his mace, his crown, the servant behind him holding his sandals, Horus, the hawk god, presenting Narmer with a representation of Lower Egypt.” 
Buggy looked at her, blinking. “Cotton candy, you say a lot of strange words. What does this even mean?”
“I think we're where we need to be. Wait!” She stared at the ceiling, squinting and took out the scepter. “Look! Do you see? The outline of the scepter matches the pattern on the ceiling.”
“How do you do this, woman? You know, you definitely should have gotten out of your library more often.”
“Fuck you! I just loved hanging out in the library a lot while you were having fun in the bars.” She stroked his back. “We need to look for the same features on the sarcophagus. Come on, help me! I can't cope without you!”
They began to study the sarcophagus from both sides, examining every millimeter. Buggy leaned over the lid and squinted. 
“Cathie-pie, there's something here.” He looked at the ceiling and the lid of the sarcophagus. “Is this what we're looking for?” 
“Where? Where?” Catherine ran up to him, looked at the ceiling carefully, and then again at the lid. “Yes! Do you see? You’re smart!! I always knew it.” She smiled, noticing how he blushed. She ran the flashlight over the lid. “Look! Here is a path of stars drawn somewhere towards the wall of the sarcophagus.” 
They both ran their lanterns along the path and sat down on their knees. 
“See?! There are stars in the form of the Ursa Major and small holes.” Catherine leaned the scepter against the drawings. “The thickness doesn't fit.” She held the scepter in her hands. 
“Let me see.” Buggy took the scepter in his hands and began to turn it in different directions, examining it carefully. He turned it part of the scepter, heard a click and a blue tip protruded from the end of it. “What kind of crap is this?” He asked loudly, his eyes widened. 
“What did you do?!” Catherine looked at him with round eyes. 
“How do I know? I turned something, and it clicked, and this fucking blue thing came out.” Buggy shrugged.
Catherine whispered. “The scepter belonged to the one who could cut mountains... Oh, God! Oh, God!” She grabbed her heart and fell on her buttocks. “Can’t be!”
“Catherine! What's wrong?” Buggy grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes with worry. “Are you okay?”
She silently looked at him and blinked her eyes.
“My little pie, say something!” He shook her shoulder.
“It's not just a fucking scepter. It's a spear. The Spear of Amset.” Catherine carefully took the scepter from his hands. “Don’t take me for crazy, okay? Amset was considered one of the most forgotten gods. The Spear of Heaven was one of the items of the first pharaohs, given by the lord of the stars Amset. It was believed that the spear could only be given out by the council of priests in the temple, but no one knew where this temple was located. And Narmer made a deal with Amset to hide his untold wealth underground.” 
“Apparently, something went wrong in their deal and this god Am.. whatever his name is.. killed this.. Nar.. whatever his name is.” 
Catherine laughed. “No, actually, Narmer was just trampled by hippos.” She looked at the tip of the spear. “Look! Its thickness fits these holes. Remember what you did last time? Folded the constellations. Try to do the same now, only poking into these holes in the order in which the stars appear.” 
Buggy took the spear from her hands. “But I warn you, it’s quite possible that I won’t be able to handle it.” 
Catherine knelt down next to him and placed her hand on his back, slowly beginning to stroke him. Buggy reddened again and began poking the tip of his spear into the holes in the right order. They heard a loud bang and looked around.
“This is the lid of the sarcophagus! Open it! Open it!” Сatherine happily jumped on the spot.
Buggy began to push the lid back with force. “Damn. Heavy!” He paused for a few seconds to catch his breath. Sweat and water dripped from his bandana, face, and hands. “Ok. I’m ready.” He pushed the lid again. “A little more. A little more. There!”
He pulled back the lid of the sarcophagus and Catherine quickly looked into it. “There is no body! How is this possible? There are some fucking rags here!” She lay down on the edge, her body hanging inside the sarcophagus, while her legs dangled above. “Look! There's some kind of wooden box there! Or something like that. Get it, please!”
Buggy separated his hand, sent it for the box and brought it back. “Do you think this is what we are looking for?” He looked at her and smiled slightly. 
“Oh, my blue-haired love, I’m more than sure! And if we find it, I promise you a hot night tonight!” She happily jumped around him, rubbing her hands. “Open up! Open up!”
“Alright! Make us rich, fucking pharaoh!” Buggy opened the lid and his smile immediately disappeared from his face. “It's empty here!” 
“What?” Catherine stopped abruptly. “How? Why?”
“Empty.” He turned the box towards her. “See? Apparently, someone got ahead of us.”
“Can't be!” Catherine jumped into the sarcophagus and began rummaging around. 
“Cathie-pie! What are you doing? Get out!”
“No! But how? Why? No! I was sure…” She threw rags in different directions.
“Maybe we’re not in the right place? Don't forget, we fell from another level.” Buggy leaned his elbows on the sarcophagus.
“If we weren't in the right place, the spear wouldn't have worked. I need to look at this fucking scepter. Wh.. Where is it?” She fell over the wall of the sarcophagus. “Are you kidding me? It’s gone! Did you take it? Did it crumble or what?”
“Fuck it!” Buggy waved his hand and helped Catherine out.
“Nothing! That's all I found. It's some stupid thing with letters.” Catherine twirled a small box in her hands. 
“Forget it, little pie.” He walked to the wall and sat down on the floor.
“But it shouldn’t be like this!” She stomped her foot. “We couldn’t find anything the first time. So what? Nothing again?”
“Welcome to my world, cotton candy!” Buggy showed two thumbs up. “Just accept the fact that you're in a relationship with the biggest pathetic loser in the world and apparently my bad luck karma has rubbed off on you. Sorry.” He laughed. “Fuck! To come this way so far and for what? For the sake of some fucking empty box and rags in the sargophagus!” He leaned his head on the wall and closed his eyes.
Catherine looked at the sadly sitting Buggy, who was clearly counting on a different outcome, walked up to him and plopped down on his lap. She wrapped one arm around his neck and stroked his head with the other. “You're not a loser. Stop saying such terrible things about yourself.”
Buggy laid his head on her shoulder and wrapped his hand around her waist. Catherine immediately kissed him on the top of his head.
“Well, we had fun, didn't we? I liked our adventure more than the first. Just you and me. I wouldn't change anything about our trip.” She was twirling a small metal container with rings in her hands and started stroking his head. “Okay, let’s think about how we can get out of here. And I wonder, can this thing b~” She looked closely at the wall behind Buggy, then looked at the box. “Behind your back…” She gently patted him on the head. “Behind your back, Buggy!” 
“What?” He opened his eyes and glanced at the wall. 
“Pictures on the slabs behind you! These are riddles!” She pointed at the wall and then looked at the box in her hands. "Fuck! It's not a box. It's a cryptex.”
21 notes · View notes
lostfirefly · 2 months
Life Must Have It's Mysteries (Ch.12, The Epilogue)
I promise this is the last chapter of this story, but not the last story about Buggy and Catherine :) I can finally close all the tabs and audiobooks about Egyptian gods! Hah!
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) Masterlist is here.
Description: Our heroes came back home!
Warnings: Fun, fluff, inappropriate jokes, swearing (as always). Shitty shit again:).
Words: 2853
Taglist: @gingernut1314 (thank you for your idea!), @operationroots, @hey-august, @rorywritesjunk, @yujo-nishimura (I hope you still like it!)
The title is taken from “Life Must Have It's Mysteries” by Hans Zimmer (OST Inferno).
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11
Buggy walked out of the bedroom into the living room, swaying and holding his head. No one was in the room, but he heard sounds coming from the kitchen. Shuffling his feet, he went to the sound and carefully opened the door. He leaned against the doorway, crossed his arms and watched Catherine rummage through the kitchen cabinets, humming, and danced slightly, glancing occasionally at the frying pan. He can't stop smiling while listening to one of the variations of his favorite song. 
“Milk, some eggs, a little flour,
Making breakfast for my clown.
Pancake one, pancake two, I'm cooking them for you.
Pancake three, pancake four, with every day I love you more.” 
“Fuck! Gotta admit, koalas look pretty damn good on your legs, cotton candy!” He plopped down on a chair. “Morning!” 
“Shit! You freaked me out!” Catherine carefully flipped a pancake with a spatula and smiled broadly. “Morning, my blue-haired love!” She immediately poured him a glass of water and pulled out a painkiller. “Here you go, after your binge in the bar last night, you need it more than me. How’s your head?” 
“If you lower your voice a tone and a half, it will be better.” He rested his head on the table. “You stole my t-shirt again.” 
“I like wearing your t-shirts, deal with it, clown.” Catherine ran up to Buggy, put the glass on the table and kissed him on the head. “Here, this is some extra medicine for you.” 
“No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait! Did not work. I need more help.” Buggy raised his head and extended his hand to her back.
“Liar!” Smack. “Stop grabbing my ass, jerk!” She slapped his hands. “Drink you water.” 
“Fine!” He exhaled sadly and took a sip. “Fuck! That’s what I need. You're my best!”
“You told me this yesterday when I dragged you home.” Catherine kissed his temple and went to pour him coffee. “You almost tore the bar apart last night. I'm surprised we weren't thrown out when you and Cabaji were completely drunk.”
“Oh, I’ll find out if he left with that pretty waitress yesterday.” He took another sip of water.
“He almost went home with you, Buggy! I understand he's your friend and I like Cabaji,  but sorry I don't want and don’t like experiments.” Catherine put the mug on the table and stroked his loose hair, trying not to laugh at his blank look. “Don’t you remember? Oh, I’ll tell you a funny story. I walked away literally for a minute, and when I was returning to you, I saw how drunk Cabaji grab you by the neck and was about to kiss you in your mouth. Don’t look at me like that. I don’t joke about such things. You were so, so close, my love!” She was actively gesticulating and started laughing, looking at his shocked face. “So! I rushed to stop this madness, at this moment the waitress approached you with your drinks, and I had to push Cabaji to her. And while he started passionately kissing the waitress, you climbed over the bar counter to get me the biggest bottle of wine. And when you climbed back up, you fell, almost broke the bottle, and then yelled all over the bar that I was the love of your life.” 
“And what about Cabaji?” Buggy looked at Catherine, stroking her back. 
“And your beloved friend continued to kiss the waitress. It seems to me that he didn’t understand what happened at all. I love you, but I'm sorry, I wouldn't want to kiss you after him.” 
“But it was fun, right?!” He took a sip of coffee with a proud look. “I'm surprised, by the way, that you got out of bed and walked on your own feet to the kitchen. If you know what I mean. That night was amazing. Fuck! I still hear your voice moaning my name loudly, feel the warmth of your hands and your hot kisses. Your legs don't hurt?” Buggy chuckled and sipped his coffee. “Shit, my head.” 
“First, you're disgusting, you know that?” Catherine came up behind him, stood on tiptoes and kissed him on the top of his head. “Can you think about anything else sometimes? Not just about sex, my ass or naked body? Second, It was hard to get out of your arms, my Buggy the Octopus, but I did it. You snored like a chainsaw, and you practically pressed me into the bed with your body. I had to push you away with my feet. But I thought you might be hun~. W-w-why are you staring at me?” 
“Right now, I'm thinking about your cool ass and envying koalas.” He sent his hand to the refrigerator for a beer.
“Oh, god!” Catherine rolled his eyes and pulled out a plate. “No beer, Buggy! Put it back in its place. You drank enough yesterday. You’ll drink later.” She glared at him, Buggy sighed heavily, set the bottle back down and reattached his hand. “Good boy! Hungry?”
“I'm always hungry, and I don't just mean food.” Buggy giggled idiotically. 
“Fuck you honestly!” Catherine came closer, lightly hit him on the head and smacked the top of his head. “How many pancakes do you want me to put on it?” 
“The more, the better, cotton candy.” He sent his hand to pour coffee for her. 
“God, you're just some bottomless black hole, Buggy the Clown!” Catherine put ten blue pancakes on his plate, poured maple syrup and sat down next to him. “See? Today's pancakes are the color of your beautiful hair.” 
Catherine ran her hand through his loose hair. Buggy’s hand brought her a cup of coffee and a plate. She watched him happily munch on the pancakes, sipping noisily on his coffee, and started stroking his hair. “Tasty?”
“Since the first time you cooked them for me, it tastes better and better every time!” He said with his mouth full and smacked her on her lips.
“Buggy! What are you doing? Your mouth is covered in butter and syrup.” She shrieked, grabbed a towel and wiped his lips. “Chew, wipe, and only then you can kiss me. I taught you this. Geez!” 
Catherine wiped her face, took one pancake from his plate and squinted her eyes. “So, when you go to that man's place, can I come with you?”
“I don't know, cotton candy.” Buggy stuck his fork into the pancakes. “Depends on how you act.”
Catherine sipped her coffee and sat on his lap, facing him and wrapping her legs around him. He threw down the fork and immediately hugged her around the waist.
“So am I being good enough, Buggy-sama?” She whispered in his ear.
“Fuck, I told you a million times, don't call me that!” Buggy clucked his tongue and pressed his torso against her stomach. “Have to admit I already like this morning, cotton candy!” 
“Yeah?” Catherine tilted her head and brushed her lips over his. 
“Oh, yeah!” Buggy slowly began to lower his hand to her leg. “I wish I could take your shirt off right now. You know, we need to introduce naked breakfasts. I don't know about you, but I love seeing you na~.”
“Shush, clown!!” Catherine covered his mouth with her palm. 
He removed her hand. “But why? Just don't talk to me about manners. We are sitting at home.” Buggy grinned and put his hand on her thigh. “And it doesn’t even bother me that your koalas are looking at me.” He whispered near her lips.
Catherine moaned slightly and reached her hand towards the table. “My little bear…”
“I’m listening, my Cathie-pie.” Buggy looked into her eyes and was about to kiss her. 
Catherine suddenly grabbed the pancake and shoved it into his mouth. “Eat your breakfast, asshole!” 
“Little shit!” He swallowed the food and looked at her with his round eyes, not knowing whether to kill her or not. “I thought we’re…”
“You're so easy to fool.” Catherine started laughing and looked into his upset eyes. “Are you kidding me? Wasn't the night enough for you? Oh, my sexy clown, you fucked me so, so hard that my legs hurt, I can't walk or talk. I have the best sex of my life with you, and I want more right now! Is that what you want to hear? Give me a break, for god’s sake!”  
“In my defense, I love hearing you moan my name loudly. Do you know how hard it is to stop at that moment?” Buggy looked at her proudly and winked. “And thanks for the compliment about the best sex. I knew you would like it since the moment we first met.”
“Blue-haired pervert!” Catherine squinted her eyes. “You couldn't know that. You pissed me off and wanted to leave me in the desert!!”
“But I didn't leave you!! How many times do I have to be reminded of that?”
“Shush, clown! I’m not talking to you!” Catherine wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her cheek to his cheek and began to lightly shake him from side to side. “I.. love.. you!!” She squealed quietly and kissed him on the cheek. 
“You'll stun me, cotton candy! Why do I let you do this to me?” Buggy reached out and took the pancake.
Catherine heard him slurp and looked at him. “Are you fucking kidding me? You should be ashamed. I confess my love to you, and you’re just eating the food.”
He shrugged. “What? We’re not going to the bedroom, we’re not going to the sofa. I’m hungry.” He took another pancake and began to chew it without a trace of shame on his face. 
Catherine threw up her hands questioningly and rolled her eyes. “I hate you!”
“Oh, wait!” Buggy separated his hand and sent it towards the box near the microwave. The hand took out the chalk and flew to the fridge, on which hung a magnetic board with the inscription “Pie’s I hate you.” The hand drew the line and put the chalk back to the box.
“Seriously? Idiot. Have you switched from numbers to lines?” Catherine shook her head.
“Yes. You know, like in prisons. Draw along the line and then cross out the month.” Buggy took her hand and kissed it.
“You know better, a man who was in prison.” Catherine kissed him on his nose and went into the shower. 
After finishing breakfast, Buggy tried to sneak into the bathroom to see her naked, but was chased away by a washcloth. After the shower, Catherine followed him around the room, asking to take her with him. Buggy growled but agreed. She quickly dressed, and he led her somewhere along the streets of Cairo. Catherine didn’t stop talking the whole way, endlessly asking where they were going, who they were going to and how soon they would arrive. 
“Is there something I need to know?” She asked when they reached the brown door of the house in the center. 
“All you have to do is remain silent.” Buggy looked around and opened the door. 
They entered a large room filled with purple and red furniture decorated with monograms with drawings in the shape of the sun. It was a little dark and smoky inside. Catherine looked around and saw chairs with backs in the shape of lightning bolts, and glasses filled with booze in the shape of tusks on the table. Waitresses dressed in kimonos walked past her. 
“Buggy the Clown!” A low man’s voice was heard from the corner. “And his.. And who is this with you?”
“It's Cat~” 
“Oh, my god!” Catherine could not contain her surprise. She widened her eyes and pointed her finger at the approaching body. “He looks like a big blue onigiri!!” 
“Fuck, Catherine!” Buggy hissed though his teeth. 
“Oh, fuck off. I've never seen anything like this.” She extended her hand to the big fish. “Hello! I'm Catherine! His gir~” 
“God, this isn’t a joke? Buggy the Clown got himself into a relationship?” The fish said in surprise, straightening his kimono.
Catherine looked at Buggy. “Listen, why are they all surprised by this?”
“My guys said they saw you with some girl, but I thought you were just hiring a girl for one night. You know. A one-night stand whore. But as I can see she's not a... you know...not a clown’s whore.” 
“Hey, Jinbe!” Buggy barked. “Don't dare call her a whore!” He felt how Catherine squeezed his hand.
“I'm sorry, ma'am, I didn't mean to insult you. I was just surprised that he.. you know.. and you.. you know.” He came closer. “I'm a man of honor. Nice to meet you, young lady!” Jinbe extended his hand, took her hand and kissed it. 
“Oh, my God! How does he walk?!” Catherine pointed her finger at him and repeated his movement. 
“Jinbe, excuse us for a second!” Buggy took Catherine's hand and pulled her outside. “Wait here!”
“But why?” She asked with sadness in her voice. 
“Seriously?” Buggy rolled his eyes and groaned. “You just called him onigiri! Wait here!” 
“Stop! Won't he hurt you?” Catherine ran her hand over his shoulder. 
“Nooo, it's okay. I'll be back.” Buggy took her hand and was about to kisse it, but stopped. “Cathie-pie, wipe your hands, the fish kissed you after all.” 
Catherine watched as he closed the door behind him and sat down on the wide windowsill, crossing her legs in front of her. Buggy came out about an hour later. He looked at her and laughed. 
“What?” She asked, licking the spoon. “Come here! Try it! Coconut.” 
“Nothing.” He came closer to her. “I'm just glad that while I'm possibly between life and death, you're sitting here peacefully and enjoying some ice cream.”
“You drove me away yourself, and I was bored.” Catherine took the ice cream with a spoon and put it in his mouth. “So what? Did you manage to sell it?” 
Buggy began to nod, breaking into a smile. 
“Fuck you!” She jumped up onto the windowsill with her feet. “How much?” 
Buggy whispered in her ear. 
“Wha-a-a-t??” Catherine dropped the ice cream from her hands. “It's impossible! Are you kidding me? That's a lot of money! A lot more than I thought! Pinch me if you're kidding!” 
“No! 350 million, cotton candy!” He smirked. “I told him what it is and who it belongs to. In general, all these smart Egyptian things of yours. You should have seen his face at that moment. He said I'm lucky to have found you.” Realizing what was about to follow, Buggy spread his arms. 
Catherine stood silently and blinked at him. She clenched her hands into fists and began to squeal, stomping in place. She jumped from the windowsill onto Buggy, hugging him with her legs and arms. “Love.” Smack. “Love!” Smack. “Love, love, love you!!” Smack. Smack. Smack.
“Yes, yes. I love you too!” Buggy stroked her cheek. “Well, what does my Cathie-pie want now?” 
“Your Cathie-pie wants more ice cream!” Catherine kicked her legs. “Can you buy me another one? Blueberry flavor! No! Cucumber flavor! No! Lavender flavor!” Smack. Smack. 
“I can buy you all the ice cream in the world! You're my lucky star now!” 
“And wine! I also want to go to that cafe on the embankment. Can we go? Right now!” Catherine stroked his hair. 
“Let's go wherever you want, cotton candy! I’m yours a-a-a-ll day.” Buggy squinted his eyes. 
“Also, let's go to your favorite bar! My Buggy Bear needs to be rewarded too.” Catherine pecked him on his lips. “You'll drink, and I'll let you stare at pretty girls. And even let you flirt with the bartender.”
“Can I touch their asses? I used to do that.” He kissed her cheek. 
“Isn't it enough that you're doing it now? How do you even do it?” Catherine kissed him on the lips. Her kiss was deep and long, she tried with all her might to control herself. Breaking the kiss, she jumped off him to the ground and wiped her mouth with her palm. She took his hand and dragged him towards the embankment. 
Catherine constantly talked like crazy, actively gesticulating and telling Buggy that she loved him very much. Buggy looked at her, constantly smiling, still not understanding why she was with him.
Catherine once again understood that fate had once given her the biggest gift in her life. Buggy was secretly glad that she was braver than him one day, and stayed with him. 
Catherine knew that she loved him more than life itself. Buggy knew he loved her more than life. 
Catherine knew that for his sake, she would kill anyone. Buggy knew that although he was a coward, but he would kill anyone for her sake.
Catherine knew that she will always be by his side. Buggy will always be grateful for this.
Catherine knew that he loved her, although these words were not always easy for him. But she didn’t know that Buggy kept a piece of the diamond for himself. And only he knew for what purpose.
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lostfirefly · 4 months
Life Must Have It's Mysteries (Ch.1)
Nobody asked me, but the thought of sending my beloved couple on a new journey didn't let me go. Welcome to a new adventure! No idea how many chapters there will be :)
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) Masterlist is here.
Description: Catherine returns to Cairo after a short trip to her sister. One evening she had dinner with her childhood friend, her sister, and her boyfriend, who told her about the legend of a blue diamond hidden in the Egyptian pyramids..
Warnings: Fun, fluff.
Words: 2195
Buggy x OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series.
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots (if you want to be added on the list, feel free to lmk!)
The title is taken from "Life Must Have It's Mysteries" by Hans Zimmer (OST Inferno).
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Ladies and gentlemen, the Loguetown-Cairo flight has landed at the international airport of Cairo. Thank you for choosing our airlines. 
Catherine quickly got up from her seat, picked up her bag and was about to run out the plane, but an old lady in front of her was extremely slow in getting ready to leave. 
"Excuse me, mam, maybe I can help you?" Catherine gently tapped the woman's back with her finger.
"No thank you, sweetheart, I'm used to doing everything myself." In a polite but slightly husky voice the woman replied. 
"I just really need to go. Let me help you!" She grabbed the woman's bag.
"I said I'll do it myself!"
"Fuck!" Catherine saw that the front row of passengers had already gotten off.
“Alright!” She slung her bag over her shoulder, climbed over the seat that was next to the woman and quickly rushed to the exit. “Sorry-y-y-y!”
Catherine tried to walk through the airport pavilion calmly but she was having trouble doing it. She also tried to hide her happy face and not to push everyone away with her hands. 
"God, why are you all walking so slowly!!" She muttered.
The door to the arrival hall opened and after that Catherine didn’t remember anything else. She only remembered how she threw her bag on the floor and rushed towards her beloved clown. Waving her arms happily above her head, squealing “my Buggy Be-e-a-ar”, with a big smile on her face, she jumped on him and hugged him with her legs and arms.
"Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!" She pecked him on the lips several times.
"Cotton candy, you're gonna suffocate me." Buggy wrapped his hands around her waist. 
"I don't care!" Smack. Smack. Smack. “I was gone for four whole days!” Smack. Smack. Smack. “I won't go anywhere without you again.” Smack. Smack. Smack.
“I hope you missed it too. Because you're all covered with my lipstick again.” He started laughing. 
“Shit!” Catherine wiped her lips with her palm. “It's time for me to get used to this.”
She hugged him tightly, kissed his temple three times and looked into his eyes. "My silly clown..." 
"I'm listening, my Cathie-pie." 
"Take me home, please."
While they were driving home, Catherine could not calm down. Actively gesturing she told him the latest news, asked how Buggy lived without her, whether he missed her, how his circus was and what was new in Cairo.
"So what happened with your sister?" Buggy asked as he carried Catherine's bag home.
“It turned out that she just had a fight with Ethan. Honestly, I thought there was some kind of tragedy when she called me in tears. But they made up pretty quickly, so my trip to her turned out to be almost pointless.” 
Catherine walked up to Buggy and hugged him tightly. "I missed you so much, my Buggy Bear."
“No. I can't. It's still a terrible terrible nickname, my Cathie-pie.” He hugged her shoulders and kissed the top of her head. 
Catherine heard him barely say, "I missed you too."
"I still don't care. I’m not gonna change it.” Catherine pecked him in his lips and pulled his cheeks. “By the way, we spoke about you too. Everyone was curious about our relationship. But don’t be afraid, I said only good things. And my sister and I also had a girl talk about you.”
“I’m flattered by such a high assessment of my person.” He took and kissed her hand, and led Catherine into the living room.
“Jackass. Let me quickly take a shower and then I’ll cook us something to eat. You’re probably hungry.”
"Actually, I bought us Chinese food and your favorite wine."
“Wow! I’m impressed, Buggy the Clown! You're growing! You’re learning to take care of yourself.” She giggled and pressed her head against his chest. 
“Oh, screw you! I lived somehow before you. But I have to admit, you take care of me much better, you know.” 
She wrapped her arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. “I have no doubt about that. You would probably be dead without me. At least now you've learned how to wash your socks.” 
“Little shit.” 
“Did I tell you that you are my best and I love you so so much?”
"Nope. Hear it for the first time."
Catherine quickly showered and returned to the living room. Chilled wine and packages of Chinese food were already waiting for her on the table. 
“God! It's so great to be back home.” She looked at Buggy. “Why are you smiling?”
"I really missed your ass, but I also really missed your funny pajama pants. Dinosaurs? Seriously?" He pointed at her new pants.
"Oh, shut up! I liked them. By the way, I brought you a gift." 
“The gift? For me?" 
"Of course! Why are you so surprised? I couldn't leave my Buggy Bear without the gift." She ran to the bedroom and returned with some sheets, a bottle and a box in her hands. "The best whiskey from Loguetown and a box of chocolates for my sweet tooth." She gave him a few pecks on the lips and plopped down on the sofa. 
"Wow! Thanks, my cotton candy!” He kissed her cheek. “I've never gotten the present before..”
"What? This is terrible!" She knelt on the couch and kissed him on the cheek. "Well, now you have me, lucky bastard."
“What's that in your hands?" He pointed at the sheets of paper as he opened a bottle of whiskey.
“Oh, this... Yes, it’s nonsense. Or maybe it’s not nonsense. Well, we went to dinner with my sister, Ethan and one of my childhood friends. We met him suddenly.” She glanced at Buggy and noticed how his face changed.
"Friend? Male? Did you go out.. with.. him...?"
"What do you mean? A date? Yes, I did."
"Okay..." Buggy tried to appear as calm as possible.
“Once we went to an ice cream cafe and he also brought me dandelions.”
She run her hand through Buggy's hair.
"Someone is jealo-o-ous!" She kissed him on the cheek.
"I'm not jealous!"
"Before you run to strangle this poor guy, I can tell you that when he asked me out we were seven years old. So, back to the sheets. My sister and I talked about our fun trip. And while we were talking that friend and Ethan mentioned a myth or rumor.. I don't actually know.. about some kind of treasure, hidden somewhere in the Egyptian pyramids. I was interested in this and the next day I went to my old job in the library and rummaged a little in the archives. I made copies but there is no direct evidence in them that anything exists at all. And.. Why are you smiling again, clown? "
“I just can’t believe it. My little Cathie-pie is rummaging through the archives and looking for information about treasures. You really liked our previous adventure, right? Admit it!”
"Go fuck yourself, asshole. I'm not telling you anything else." Catherine took the wine and turned away. 
"Come on! Come here, baby. Tell me more." Buggy put his arm around her shoulders and cuddled closer. 
"I won't, you're mocking me." 
"I'm not mocking you. I find it very sexy, by the way.” He kissed her temple. 
“I hate you. So.. I studied the copies all the way on the plane, but I can’t definitely confirm whether there’s something in these places or not.” She fiddled with the sheets of paper in her hands and put them aside on the couch. "I think maybe I'll go to the local library tomorrow. Just for fun."
"You know, I know another way to have fun and you don't have to wait until tomorrow!" Buggy stood up from the couch, grabbed Catherine in his arms and carried her into the bedroom.
“What are you doing?! Let me go!!” She slapped his hands.
“Baby, I’m going to do what I haven’t done with you for four whole days. I hope you survive until the morning.” He laughed like a maniac.
"Damn you and your chop chop abilities!"
"You're going to make me lose the ability to walk someday, fucking clown." Catherine woke up in the morning and put her head on his chest. She took one of the strands of his hair and began to twirl it around her finger. “Do me a favor, send your hand for your t-shirt, because I can't get out from under the blanket naked."
"Who told you that? I'll be glad to see you like this." Buggy began to move his hands down to her buttocks.
"Go to hell, honestly! First, I have manners! Second, stop grabbing my ass, Buggy!” Catherine looked at her hands and shoulders. “Fuck, I need to take a shower. Because someone left red lipstick marks all over my body and even... God, I can’t even talk about it. You've completely ruined me.” 
“You didn’t complain throughout the night, cotton candy. And especially those three times when my tongue was between your..” Buggy ran his hand in circles on her back. 
“Ts!” She covered his mouth with her hand and glanced at him with squinted eyes.  
“That was re-e-a-ally good, right?” He muttered into her palm and winked.
“I hate you!”
Catherine barely fought off Buggy, who seemed to want to give her another hot round, grabbed his t-shirt and ran into the bathroom. 
After breakfast she changed into jeans and a t-shirt, grabbed her crossbody bag, accompanied Buggy to the circus, kissed him on his lips and went to the library.
Catherine sat in the library for half a day, sorting through old dusty books and papers. She asked the library employee what other materials she could read. The gray-haired woman sincerely did not understand why Catherine was interested in this story. She mentioned that she had heard something, but she assured her that it was just a myth that was invented for fools who were simply thirsty for adventure.
"Why do you need this, dear girl?" The woman asked her while Catherine was copying some notes. "You don't look like the kind of person who leaves everything behind to go somewhere far away to find something."
Catherine didn't know how not to laugh, remembering how she once left everything behind to go in search of her sister and how that search ended.
"I just love reading books. Myths, legends. All this is terribly fascinating." Catherine shrugged and smiled.
“You should get married, not read books!” The woman rasped in her voice.
"Thanks for your advice, I'll definitely use it!"
Catherine put the papers in her bag and went home. On the way, she stopped at a couple of bakeries, muttering under her breath that "it will be better if Buggy fill his mouth with donuts and fucking Cinnabons. Otherwise I'm done."
She returned home when no one was there yet. Catherine was drinking coffee when she heard the keys jingle in the keyhole.
She jumped up and ran to the front door.
"Finally, you're home! I went to the library and..."
Buggy shut Catherine up with a kiss. "First of all, hi!"
"Hi!" She kissed him on the nose and dragged him into the living room. "So, I went to the library..."
"Baby, give it back."
Catherine heard Buggy's voice behind her.
"Give.. what?" She looked at him blankly.
He pointed his finger at her hand. Catherine looked down and started laughing. She held his hand in hers.
"Damn, sorry! Take it." 
“Thank God you didn’t pull me for something else.” He laughed loudly and pointed at his pants.
"Oh my god! You're disgusting!"
Catherine led Buggy into the living room and quickly ran to the kitchen to grab whiskey, dinner and donuts.
“Anyway, I dug through the papers at the library here and found out that all this history I've been told about and written about in some of the books I looked at today lead back to the story of some blue diamond." She walked from side to side, actively gesticulating. 
Buggy moved his head after Catherine.
“It doesn’t give you superpowers, of course. But we can get good money for it. But there’s no map. Everywhere it’s indicated that it’s somewhere in a pyramid. But there are a thousand pyramids in Egypt. It would take us our whole lives to double-check them all." She sat down on the floor, crossing her legs.
“Theoretically, I know one person who can tell us the way. Or maybe even knows where we can get the map.” Buggy said, taking a sip of his whiskey and leaning back on the couch.
“Is this your gray-haired man from the desert?” She mumbled, placing her hands on her leg and her chin on her palms. "Wait. What do you mean “tell”? And what do you mean “us”?" She bulged her eyes at him.
"Well, let's try!" Buggy shrugged.
"Are you serious?" 
"Yeah. Why not?” He leaned towards Catherine while sitting on the couch.
"Just you and me?" Catherine pointed at them both.
"Just you and me."
"This means…?"
"This means, baby, that we are going to look for the blue diamond!"
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lostfirefly · 3 months
Life Must Have It's Mysteries (Ch.6)
This is my gift to the world for International Women's Day :) The world didn't ask me to, but I don't care :) Pain continues leading me to art :)
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) Masterlist is here.
Description: Buggy and Catherine continue searching for parts of the scepter.
Warnings: Fun, fluff, adventure, Buggy's inappropriate jokes, swearing (as always). Shitty shit again:)
Words: 5728 (sorry, this chapter is long again)
Buggy x OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series.
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august, @rorywritesjunk, @yujo-nishimura (I hope you still like it!)
The title is taken from “Life Must Have It's Mysteries” by Hans Zimmer (OST Inferno).
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
“Jesus Christ, Buggy, fuck off.” Catherine ran out of the bath, holding a towel in her hands and pulling on her underwear. 
“Why are you angry? It was so-o-o good, baby! I'm glad your Buggy Bear can make you moan his name out loud. Geez, it's like music to my ears!” He followed her out, smiling happily.
“Screw you!” She threw the towel at him. “Hate you! Do you even know how to control yourself?” She stood next to the bed and put on a fresh t-shirt and sweatpants. 
“Of course I know, I'm not an animal. Don’t be mad and come to me.” Buggy separated his hands, grabbed Catherine with them, and pulled her towards him. 
“Fuck you and your chop chop shit! Let me go!!” She tried to pry his hands off. 
“Nope.” He hugged her from behind. 
“What you did to me is unforgivable.” She was blushing. 
“Calm down, cotton candy, no one heard us.” He kissed her temple. 
“Actually, I heard you!” A male voice came from behind the wall. 
“Oh, my god!” Catherine covered her face with her hands. 
“Sorry! But that was hot! I was hap..” The voice wanted to continue the conversation. 
“Shut up, or I'll cut your throat!” Buggy barked at the man. “Do you want me to go and kill him, my little pie?” He whispered quietly in her ear and buried his face in her hair.
“No-o! Let him live.” Catherine removed her hands from her face, placed them on his hands and started chortling.
“What's so funny?” 
“God, I never thought I'd start a relationship with a clown with whom I'd have hot sex in a shower in a motel in the middle of the desert. And there will be a man lying in the next room who'd hear how you are fucking me.” She shook with laughter. “My mom and sister would be shocked. How did their little decent Catherine come to this?” 
“I don’t even know if I should be offended now or not. I’ll never ever force you to do anything against your will.” She heard the sadness in his voice. He was clearly upset.
“Oh, come on, my silly clown.” Catherine turned to Buggy, wrapped her arm around his neck, and ran her other hand through his loose wet hair. “I know that. Don't worry about it, okay?” 
“I’ll never hurt you.” Buggy looked at her with a frightened stare.
“I know!” Catherine stroked his chest. 
“So, you're not angry at me, right? Because I…”
“Shush!” She put her finger to his lips. “Everything is fine. But do me a favor.”
“Anything you want, Cathie-pie.” Buggy took her hand and kissed it. 
“Please get dressed. You've been naked since the moment you ran out of the bath after me, and our curtains are open.” She pointed with her gaze to the window behind which stood a family with a small child with their jaws dropped.
Catherine turned to the window and went to close the curtains, not knowing whether to be ashamed of the whole situation or proud. 
She smiled, waved to the people outside, closed the curtains and turned to Buggy, who was sitting on the bed. “My blue-haired love, please. Underpants. I see your... well…Buggy Balls.” She flushed. 
He detached his hand, grabbed Catherine's wrist and pulled her sharply towards him, sitting her on his lap. “So? We can do something more interesting while I'm like this.” Buggy hugged her, clucked his tongue and smashed his lips into hers. His kiss was a little sloppy at first, but became deeper. 
Catherine instantly cupped his face and pressed herself against him. She began to moan through the kiss, feeling his hand slide up her thigh.
“No, no!” She struggled but broke the kiss. “Get away from me, fucking clown!” Catherine slapped his hands. “That’s it. I'm getting up now and gonna make us breakfast. You get dressed and come to me, okay?”
Buggy pouted and sighed heavily. “Okay.”
Catherine smiled and pecked him on his nose. “I love you.”
She got up from his lap and quickly ran to the kitchen. She made his favorite breakfast and brewed coffee.
“Are you coming? Everything's ready.” Catherine was putting the plates on the table when Buggy came to the table and plopped into a chair. 
“You know, when I told you to get dressed, I didn't mean to go out in just a pair of very short underpants. You could at least wear boxers, otherwise you look like a stripper.” She poured him coffee, put it on the table and kissed him on the cheek. 
“You like what you see, don't you?” He smiled slyly. 
“Oh my god.” Catherine rolled her eyes. “Eat up. Your favorite fried eggs with lots of bacon and five sausages.” 
Buggy happily stuck his fork into the sausage and took a big bite. “Yummy! Thank you!” He mumbled with his mouth full. 
“Buggy, chew first, then talk. We've discussed this more than once.” 
Catherine checked the drawers in the kitchen. “Sugar. There's no sugar in here. Oh, wait, I grabbed some at the diner. Otherwise, I will be visited by a whining Buggy who will begin suffering because he cannot drink coffee without sugar. And then I’ll definitely kill you.” 
Catherine went to her bag and pulled out a couple of packets. “I think we'll eat and cont-- Why are you wearing just one sock?” She looked at him, pointing her fingers at his feet. 
Buggy shrugged and bit the sausage. “I couldn't find the other one.”
“Jesus Christ! If you couldn't find the second one, take the pair that has two socks. I can't believe it, Buggy. You drove me crazy today.” 
“Just today? I thought I could do this almost every night. And twice this morning. If you know what I mean.” He chuckled idiotically and started imitating her voice. “Hate you, Buggy, Oh, fuck me, Buggy. Please, Buggy, don't stop, yes, more. Geez, I love hearing that.” He took a bite of the sausage.
“Shut up! You're pissing me off!!” She hit him on the head, threw the sugar packets on the table, and went back to the bags. “Honestly, you're like a big baby sometimes. Although why sometimes. You're always like a big baby.” Catherine found a clean pair of socks in her bag and walked back to him. “How did you even live before me? I wouldn't be surprised if, before you met me, you could have been lying drunk in an alley somewhere.”
Buggy looked at her, chewing the bacon, and smiled strangely. 
“Oh, my God! You were lying drunk in an alley somewhere?” She threw socks at him. 
“So what?” He asked, stuffing three pieces of bacon into his mouth.
“So what? Well, I don’t know. You could have been hurt. You could have been beaten or robbed.”
Catherine poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down on the chair. She sipped her coffee, watched Buggy happily spooning bacon onto a sausage, and started laughing. 
“What are you laughing at?” He asked, dipping the sausage in the yolk. 
“God, I went to a good university. My parents would be shocked at who their daughter fell in love with.” Catherine brought the mug up to her nose and squinted her eyes. 
Buggy raised one eyebrow in the silent question. 
She giggled. “Eat your breakfast, idiot!” 
“I'm telling you, you read the map wrong!”
“Stop grumbling, Buggy! I couldn't read it wrong. See, in the copies it was written to go on the Long Ring Long Land highway. Shit. Another stupid name.” Catherine mumbled. 
They were standing in the middle of a part of the desert that was covered with few plants. The place seemed lifeless. 
“I'm telling you, we're lost!” 
“Jesus, will you stop whining?” She lightly punched the navigator in the car a few times. “The damn thing sometimes malfunctions from the heat.”
“We're standing in the middle of nowhere, and we don't know where to go.” Buggy picked up a bottle of water and took a small sip. 
“Don’t be nervous.” Catherine put her hand on his wrist and gently ran her fingers over it. He immediately fell silent. “Hm. I think I've found my way to calm you down.” She said quietly.
“Nothing, nothing.” She ran her hand over his ponytail. “Oh, look! There's some kind of caravan out there. Wait a second!” Catherine got out of the car and ran forward.
“Catherine, wait!” Buggy quickly looked out the side window and slapped his hands on the steering wheel. “Fuck!” And quickly went after her. 
Catherine ran across the sand towards the caravan. It was a big group of people, some of whom were sitting on camels, some of them walked on the ground, carrying the bags. Almost all were wrapped in clothes of fine rose-colored silk.
“Sir, sir!” Catherine ran up to the man sitting on the first camel. “Excuse me!” 
The man made a motion with his hand and the caravan stopped. He jumped off the camel and approached Catherine.
“What can I do for you?” The man asked with a low voice.
“Another one without a t-shirt.” She thought in her head. 
It was a very tall, light blond-haired, very lean and muscular man with tan skin. He was dressed in a green belt, and orange pants with white stripes, his light pink feather coat and wore thin white sunglasses with red lenses. He walked with an odd, bow-legged waddle. 
Catherine looked at him, blinking rapidly, and all she could say was, “Aren't you hot in your pink coat?” 
“Did you stop me asking that question?” Asked the man. Catherine looked at him more closely.
“What? Oh, no! I'm sorry! Would you mind...” Catherine felt Buggy's hand on her arm.
“I've told you a million times not to do that!” He hissed through gritted teeth and glared at the man in the pink coat. Buggy instinctively pulled Catherine a little closer to him. 
She pulled her hand from his arm and took two steps forward, walking over to the man in the fur coat, and showed him the notebook. “Look, we’re looking for this place.” Catherine pointed her finger somewhere on the sheet. “We were on the right road, but either we got lost or something else.” 
“Why would such a beautiful girl go to those godforsaken lands?” The man asked. “I'm Doflamingo, by the way.” 
“Your parents were cruel to name you that.” She shook her head. “Never mind. We're just tourists from Loguetown. My boyfriend and I came to Egypt to see the ancient beauties. So here we are, traveling back and forth, seeing all sorts of ancient stuff.” 
Catherine noticed Doflamingo shift his gaze to the clown as soon as she said the word “boyfriend”. 
“Weird.” He took two steps toward Catherine, stood behind her back, and put his finger in his notebook, slinging his arm over her shoulder. “You see this road right here.” 
“Uh-huh.” She took a small step forward. 
“So he can go that way.” He whispered in her ear, glancing at the clown. “And you, you can join my caravan.” 
Catherine turned her head and looked at him questioningly. Doflamingo winked at her.
“Why do men in Egypt talk to me like that?” She threw his arm off of her. “Listen, DogDingo or whatever your name is.”
“Doflamingo, actually.”
“Whatever. I can break your back if you don’t tell me where to go.” Catherine looked at him angrily.
“Okay. This is where you need to go. Now you're going to take this road right here.” He put his elbow on her shoulder and pointed in the direction with his finger. You'll see a foxy-shaped cactus and turn right. Drive about another hour or so, and you'll get to the right place.”
Catherine slammed the notebook shut, threw Doflamingo's arm off again, and replied “thank you” sharply. 
She took two steps towards Buggy, who was already getting redder than his nose from either heat or anger, took his hand and ran her fingers over his palm. 
“My little bear, get me away from this strange man.” Buggy hugged her around her shoulder and led Catherine toward the car. She got in, took another easy swipe at the navigator and punched in the coordinates from her notepad. 
Buggy was silent the whole way and clearly not in the mood as Catherine stroked his back.
“You know, when that man said fox-shaped cactus, I didn't think it would be a man-shaped cactus with his hair split into two spikes. There's even a sign here. Foxy City - 500 kilometers from here.” Catherine staring at the plant with interest. 
“Yeah. For all I know, he organized his community and now lives somewhere in the desert.” Buggy replied rather dryly, stepping closer to her. 
“Are you alright? You've been so quiet the whole way. And that's very unusual for my clown.” She ran her hand over his arm. 
“What? Yeah. I'm fine.” 
Catherine walked over to him, wrapped her arms around his waist, and rested her head on his chest. 
“What are you doing?” He asked surprised. 
“I love you and want to give you a hug. I thought you seemed upset after seeing that flamingo-man.” 
“I'm not upset. Big deal that every man on our journey considers it a right to flirt with you.” Buggy placed his hands on her back. 
“Hah, I knew you were jealous!” She squeezed him in her arms.
“I’m not! Better tell me where do we go from here?”
Catherine, without removing her head from his chest, simply pointed her finger in the right direction.
They walked along the very light and very faintly saturated reddish-yellow colored sand for about half an hour. Catherine kept looking at her notepad, orienting herself to the notes on the coordinates, while Buggy was silent the entire time. Catherine looked ahead, then at her notes, then ahead again. 
“Oh my God! Fuck me!! It can’t be!” She started squealing, kicking her legs and threw herself at Buggy with a hug. 
“Geez! What’s wrong, cotton candy?” He stopped pouting and laughed. 
“Do you know what a pyramid is?!” She waved him from side to side and pointed a finger in its direction. 
“I have no idea!”  
Catherine flopped to the ground and grabbed her head. She looked at a smooth-sided pyramid made of limestone. She lay down on the ground and started kicking her legs again. Catherine rolled from her back to her buttocks and looked at Buggy. She smiled broadly, joyfully clenched her hands into fists and jumped up to him with a squeal again. 
“Love.” Smack. “Love.” Smack. Smack. “Love, love, love you.” Smack. Smack. Smack. 
“I’m certainly delighted by your reaction, but maybe you can enlighten me?” Buggy flicked her on the nose. 
“Ouch!” She scratched her nose. “This’s Nefer Asut Unas. The pyramid of Unas!” 
“First of all, I didn't understand the first three words. And U.. Who?”
“The pyramid of Unas, he’s the last ruler of the Fifth Dynasty. All walls in this pyramid are covered with texts. These texts are prayers, spells, and incantations to help the deceased king ascend to his place among the gods in the sky and to resurrect. They are considered to be one of the oldest religious texts in the history of Ancient Egypt.” 
“Cathie-pie, I love it when you share your knowledge, but seriously, I didn’t understand half of what you said. So. This’s… This's... What?” 
“This’s the ancient necropolis. Let me see my notes. Not this one, not this one. No, no, no.” Catherine ran her fingers over the sheets and felt Buggy rest his chin on her shoulder. She reached out and scratched his head with her fingers. “Here! Look. The entrance to the pyramid is located on its north side, and from there, a descending passage leads to a series of chambers and passages. We need to find this room.” She pointed her finger at the drawing. “This’s our goal on the southern side. The largest chamber is the burial chamber, where the pharaoh's sarcophagus is placed. So I suggest not to lose time. We pack our things and set out on a search.” 
While Catherine was checking the flashlights, she looked at Buggy, who was changing his t-shirt. She glanced at his naked torso and blue hair on his chest. 
“I hate you.”
Buggy looked at her in confusion. “This is your fourth “I hate you” in the last two hours, Cathie-pie. Could you please tell me what did I do?”
“Screw you!” She wrinkled her nose, took extra batteries and a hatchet with her, just in case. 
They approached the main entrance to the complex. The whole complex was made of the main pyramid, a valley temple, a mortuary temple, a causeway, and the main pyramid which are all enclosed by a perimeter wall. They got to the entrance to the pyramid. Catherine examined the wall and stairs. Some of the casing on the lowest steps of it has remained intact.
“Now where do we go?” Asked Buggy, flopping down on the sand.
“Okay, look. Firstly, we have to be careful again. This pyramid is also on the tourist route. It's not as popular as the others, of course. But there are some people hanging around there.” Catherine glanced at a small group of tourists. She shifted her gaze to Buggy, put her hand to his face, and pulled a bottle of water out of her bag. “Here, you need some water.” 
He looked at her with confusion, but took the bottle from her hands and took a sip. “Thanks.”
She put the bottle back down, ruffled his hair and pulled out the map again. “Now there will be some kind of corridor, and then we'll enter a spacious hallway that we'll follow to the tomb we need.”
He picked up the ground, took the flashlight from her, and shined it down the path. “Well, this looks good. Let’s go?” 
They looked at another group of tourists at the same time and walked into the entrance. Descending an easy passage that drops about five meters, they entered a narrow horizontal tunnel that was well-illuminated, leading to the main hall.
“So beautiful!” Catherine could barely contain her squeals as they entered the central hall. “Some of the best hieroglyphs I've seen. Look! They’re very clear and some still have a bit of color.” She approached one of the walls and slightly ran her fingers over the drawings. 
Buggy walked up to her, put his hand on her back and looked carefully at her satisfied face.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” Catherine noticed him staring at her.
“Me? I'm not looking.” He cleared his throat. “So. Where do we go next?”
“Oh, yes. We're straight ahead and to the east and then to the west.”
“Then let's go. If those people from the street follow us, it will be difficult for us to find anything.”
They walked through the long horizontal passage following a level path to the antechamber, which was guarded by three granite slab portcullises in succession. The passage ended at a room located under the center axis of the pyramid. All the walls and the ceiling were covered with hieroglyphs, drawings and various signs.
“Amazing!!” Catherine whispered, moving her flashlight along the walls. “Okay! Now to the east. Wow! Buggy! You see those letters?” She pointed with her hand at the wall.
“These are ancient texts which are said to mark the beginning of the afterlife.” Catherine didn’t notice how she took Buggy's hand. “Wow! It’s like a voyage through time, right? You know, my dad and I once dreamed of going to Egypt and seeing the pyramids. He would have loved it.” She felt Buggy stroke her arm with his fingers. “I'm sorry, a little flashback came over me.”
“Hey! Don't be sorry, my cotton candy.” Buggy hugged Catherine’s shoulders and kissed the top of her head. 
“I wish he could... “ She felt how Buggy hugged her tightly. “You know. Nevermind. We’re losing our time. Let's go.” Catherine dragged Buggy to the next room. 
They turned in the right direction to the east and saw a small room with 3 recesses.
“This’s the antechamber! Now to the west!” 
They turned to the west and reached the Burial chamber. The ceiling of the room was painted with golden stars in a dark blue sky. The decoration in every spare inch of the part of the walls consisted of vertical columns of meticulously carved hieroglyphs painted in blue. The saw basalt sarcophagus, surrounded by white alabaster walls.
“What’s this?” Buggy asked, shining his flashlight at the ceiling, which had starfish and hieroglyphics painted on it.
“Oh! These drawings represent Unas aspiring to become a star in order to ascend to the heavens. “We are now in the land of Osiris, the first resurrected king, where Unas was expected to spend time before he could go up to the sky.” 
“Where are we?” Buggy rounded his eyes. “It seems to me that we encountered this in the past... that one.. Okiris.”
“He’s Osiris, Buggy. Osiris and Anubis are the central characters of Egyptian mythology. No wonder they are everywhere. ”
She ran the flashlight along the wall and carefully traced the hieroglyphs with her hands. She started reading quietly. 
“Wow. Listen.
May you cross the sky united in dark. May you rise in light land, the place in which you shine. Set, Nephthys, go proclaim to Upper Egypt's gods and their spirits. This Unas comes, a spirit indestructible. If he wishes you to die, you will die. If he wishes you to live, you will live.
And these writings on the walls are a kind of Book of the Dead.” 
“And these things are probably expensive. Let’s take one?”
Catherine heard Buggy’s voice and shifted her gaze at him. She saw the canopic chest standing in the wall and Buggy, who had almost taken one of the figurines in his hands.
“Don't touch! How did you... How did you find them?” 
“I don't know. I just did what you usually do. Slid my hand along the wall and the thing opened. Cool stuff, yeah? Let's take it?” Buggy pointed to the vessels with his eyes and extended his hand. 
“I said no!” She slapped his hands. “I already told you, don’t touch anything!”
“But why?”
“Do you know who it is?” Catherine pointed her finger at the four vessels.
“I don't know.” Buggy shrugged. “A dog, a baboon, a bird, and a guy with hair.” He pointed the flashlight at each thing.
“It's not the dog, the baboon, the bird, and the guy. It's the four sons of Horus. They assist the king in his ascent to heaven with the help of ladders. I told you about Horus, remember?” 
“If you were naked then..” Buggy got lost in thoughts. “Then no.”
“No, idiot!! When we were on our first adventure.”
“No, either. Then I imagined you naked.” He giggled idiotically. 
“Oh god!” Catherine rolled her eyes. 
“So why can't I take them? Are you afraid that these nice guys can somehow harm me?” He stared at the vessels, hoping that Catherine would allow him to take one.
“I don't want to check, to be honest. We're in foreign territory. And we don't need to steal things from the Egyptian pyramids. God knows what curses are on them.”
“You're too late for curses, cotton candy. We stole part of the scepter from the last pyramid.” Buggy ran the flashlight over the heads of the creatures and squinted one eye.
“Stealing a scepter from the wall or a thing that's meant to hold the entrails is different. Please, Buggy, don't touch it.” She glanced at him with sad eyes.
He scowled, looking at her worried face, sighed sadly and stepped aside. Catherine approached the sarcophagus and began to examine it. 
“You know, Cathie-pie, I wouldn't have gotten this far without you and your knowledge of all Egyptian things.” He said, scratching his head.
“What? What happened to you? You've been acting strange these last few days. You look at me all the time and say nice things.”
“I always say nice things to you! Just.. I don't know. Sometimes I think what would I do without you?” Buggy said quietly. 
“Oh, you'd probably be drinking beer, sitting in bars or on the couch, and taking girls home to do to them what you're doing to me, little pervert.” Catherine let out a little blush and felt him come closer.
“Oh, believe me, I've never done that to anyone.” He chuckled, rested his chin on her shoulder and pinched her ass. 
“I hate you! Don't you dare grab my ass in front of dead pharaohs.”
“You just called me a pervert in front of that pharaoh.” Buggy squeezed her buttocks. 
“You like pissing me off, right?” Catherine narrowed her eyes and glanced at him.
“Ugh, my cotton candy gets angry, and we have sexual tension right next to the dead dude lying in the sarcophagus. How did you come to this, baby?” He wrapped his hands around her waist. 
“You're disg.. Hush!” Catherine covered his mouth with her hand. “There's someone walking around out there.” She carefully removed her hand. 
“Maybe it's a mummy that's risen and come to take you with it?” Buggy pinched her side slightly. 
“Are you an idiot? No. It's probably those people we saw outside. Hell, why did everyone go to Egypt?” Catherine rolled her eyes and slapped his hands. “Get your clingy arms off!” 
They heard voices and footsteps begin to move away. 
“Okay, we need to find the clues and get out of here.” Catherine started snapping her fingers. “The clues. The clues.”
She sat down on her knees and scrutinized the walls. “I don't understand. I don't get it. What's the connection?” 
“Maybe it has something to do with that man in the coffin?” Buggy asked, pointing the flashlights at the sarcophagus. “You said we're in the realm of this one. What's-his-name...” 
“Osiris!” Catherine ran her fingers over her temple. “That's right! You're right!” She huffed and raised her hands above her. 
“I'm right?!” There was surprise on his face. 
“Yes! If we're in the realm of Osiris, and there's something like the book of the dead on the wall, do you know where we are?” Catherine stared with a pleased face. 
“Are you expecting an answer from me?” Buggy bulged his eyes. 
“We're on trial!” 
“Yeah, that made it clearer.” He answered sarcastically. 
“Shh, clown! Look for scales or a drawing of scales. Something like that.” Catherine started running from wall to wall. 
“I didn't get anything, but okay.” Buggy started shining the flashlight on the wall. “Cotton candy, isn't that it?” He looked at the drawing behind the sarcophagus. 
“Where? Where?” Catherine ran up to the sarcophagus and pushed Buggy away. 
“For God's sake, woman!” 
“Yes!! You're doing great!” She ran to him and pecked him on the cheek. “It is the Judgment of Osiris!” 
“Oh my god, Buggy! It's one of the most famous myths! The soul would embark on a dangerous journey through the afterlife to reach paradise. Once the journey through the underworld is complete, the deceased reach the Hall of Final Judgment. Do you know what the most important trial was according to Egyptian mythology? The Judgment of Osiris. Let me check.” Catherine climbed onto the sarcophagus. 
“Cotton candy, what are you doing? You're trampling on a dead man.”
“Look! There’s a door behind the sarcophagus under the drawing with scales. Come here. Help me.” Catherine called Buggy with her hand.
He walked up to her and stood between the sarcophagus and the massive stone door.
“Try to move it!” She lightly spanked his back.
“Fuck, calm down, woman!” Buggy put his hand on the door and tried to move it. “Shit! It's heavy!” 
“Quiet!” Catherine gently slapped his hands. “Do you hear that? Someone's coming.”
Buggy plopped down behind the sarcophagus and pulled Catherine's hand. She collapsed onto him and sat right on his lap, so that his legs were between hers.
“I should mention that I like the position you're sitting in, cotton candy.” He winked at her and growled slightly.
“Holy Gosh!!” Catherine looked out from behind the sarcophagus. “Quiet. They’re close!”
A small group of tourists entered the room. 
Catherine peeked out from behind the sarcophagus and hid again. She pressed her face to Buggy's face.
“Ooh, too much, Cathie-pie, you're so sexy right now.” Buggy whispered and reached his hand towards her ass.
“You're nuts?” She grabbed his hand and covered his month with her other hand. “Quiet!” 
They heard the group walking around the hall and after a while the sounds of footsteps began to drift away.
Catherine looked out and saw an empty room. “Finally! They’re gone.”
She stood up from Buggy and helped him up. “Let’s try to open this door.”
Buggy tried again to move the door. “It doesn’t work out. Fuck!” 
“Wait! You see? The drawing! The scarab on the wall!” Catherine pressed her hands on the drawing. “Oh! I know! I know! We need to open the sarcophagus.” Catherine whispered and started hitting Buggy's hand. 
“Excuse me?” He stared at her.
“There should be a decoration in the shape of a scarab inside. According to myth, the scarab came out of the eyes of Osiris, and was also a kind of guide to the afterlife. Help me!” Catherine slapped her hand over the sarcophagus.
“I’m really sorry. Weren't you the one who told me not to take any weird stuff?” Buggy indignantly whispered.
“Don't be a baby! Do you want the second part of the scepter or not? Help me!” 
“Fine! Geez!” 
They leaned on the lid of the sarcophagus and tried to push it aside. Catherine remembered about the hatchet in her bag. She took it out and gave it to Buggy. He struck the hatchet several times between the lid and the base of the sarcophagus, and they managed to open it.
“Shit. There are the remains of mummies and bandages!” Catherine squealed. “Where is the scarab? Where are you... There it is! Buggy! Under his hand. More precisely, what is left of it. Get it, please.”
Buggy reached into the sarcophagus and suddenly fell into it.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?!” Catherine whispered with worry in her voice.
“Yeah. Shit, this thing stinks. Is that what you asked for?” He showed the scarab in his hand.
“Yeah!” She squealed. “Wait. Why didn't you use your chop chop thing?” 
Buggy looked at her, not knowing what to answer.
“Idiot and hero! But you smell like mummy now.” Catherine quickly kissed him on the cheek and helped him out. “Oh my God, I'm robbing graves.” She shook her head.
“You’ll have mental suffering later. What's next?” Buggy dusted his hands off.
Catherine placed the scarab on the drawing and quickly took out her notebook. “Okay. Now you just have to swipe it right three times and left four times and then press it.”
Buggy put his hands on the scarab and, at Catherine's command, rotated it in the right directions.
“And now what?” He asked at glanced at her.
The scarab's wings glowed a light turquoise color, and a narrow passage opened into a small corridor.
“Baby, if we find the second part of the scepter there now, I will buy the most expensive bottle of wine for you today.” Buggy rubbed his hands.
They entered the corridor and looked around.
“Look!!” She pointed to the drawing. “This is an allusion to the scales of Osiris. The transition to another world consisted of two parts. During the first part was when the soul stood between 42 judges. Here they are!” She patted Buggy on the shoulder and pointed to the drawings. “The second part was weighing the heart. Here is the drawing!” Catherine started jumping and kicking her legs. “The heart was weighed against the feather. If the heart was found to be heavier than the feather, it was fed to Ammut, a beast associated with the time of judgment. If the scales were balanced, the deceased had passed the test and was taken before Osiris, who welcomed them into the afterlife.” 
“Cathie-pie, I love your lectures about Ancient Egypt, but how will this help us find the scepter?”
“Look! There are stones in the shape of a feather and a heart. And here is something similar to a scale. Buggy! I need your help again. Take the heart-shaped stone and put it on the left bowl, and the feather-shaped stone on the right.” 
Buggy took the stones and put them where Catherine pointed.
“So, what is next?” He looked at her questioningly. 
“I don’t know.. Oh, wait, there’s an inscription here! Wait… King.. Die.. Setting sun. Wait! Listen!
The king did not die,  He became the one who rises like the morning sun on the horizon.  He rests from life like the setting sun in the west, but he will rise again in the east.  O, king, you did not leave dead, you left alive!  Did you say he would die? No, he won't die.  This king lives forever. He escaped the day of his death.  O, high among the eternal stars! You will never die.”
As soon as Catherine finished reading the poem, the scales tipped towards the heart-shaped stone.
“Fuck!” Catherine sat down on the floor and buried her face in her knees. 
“What happened?” Buggy asked with incomprehension in his voice.
“I don't know. If it's like a myth, I think...” Catherine mumbled in her knees. 
“Um, cotton candy. Look!” Buggy lightly tapped her head with his finger. “Is it supposed to happen like this?”
Catherine raised her head. They saw the scales swung in the opposite direction and the heart appeared on the same level with the feather.
“It can't be! If this is all for real this means that Unis's soul had passed the test!” Catherine grabbed her head.
At that moment, the stones in the wall moved. Catherine jumped up and ran towards them. She reached into the opened space.
“Fuck, you see that?” She felt Buggy looking over her shoulder.
“Cotton candy, I think, we're having a party tonight!”
23 notes · View notes
lostfirefly · 2 months
Life Must Have It's Mysteries (Ch.9)
I'm dying to share the new chapter with you! The idea for this chapter visited me at the very beginning of the story. And maybe it is a bit bad, but I wanted to include it in one of the chapters :) I also like the idea that for the girl he loves, Buggy would do anything. English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) Masterlist is here.
Description: Catherine's trapped. Will Buggy save her?
Warnings: Fun, fluff, arguing, sadness (have some tissues ready), adventure, inappropriate jokes, swearing (as always). Shitty shit again:)
Words: 4251
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august, @rorywritesjunk, @yujo-nishimura (I hope you still like it!)
The title is taken from “Life Must Have It's Mysteries” by Hans Zimmer (OST Inferno).
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
“What did you do?” Buggy stared at the bars. His eyes were wide and jaw dropped. 
“I didn't do anything! I just ran my hand along the wall.”
“So maybe you shouldn’t run your hands along these fucking walls? Maybe you stepped on something there?” He tried to pull the bars. “Not moving! Fuck!! Can you get through these things?” He examined the gate from floor to ceiling.
“Are you kidding me?” Catherine tried to push herself between the bars. “Of course not. Look at the walls, maybe there are some drawings or something else there.”
Catherine examined the walls from her side, Buggy checked the walls from the other side.
“Nothing! I see nothing!” There was panic in his voice. “What should I do?” 
“You always tell me what to do. Look at this, Buggy. Click on this, Buggy. Put your pants on, Buggy. That's why we got this far. You're the only reason we got all the pieces of the fucking sceptre together. I couldn't have done it alone. I don't have too many brains.” He scratched his head. “Wait! Did you take an axe or something else?” 
“The axe. Here!” She quickly pulled out a hatchet from her bag and gave it to him. 
“Move away!” 
“Catherine, motherfucker, move away!” Buggy growled through his teeth.
“Don't get mad!” She barked back.
“I’m not mad!” 
“You call me by my full name, that means you're angry at me!” Catherine said loudly and came closer to the grate.
“Seriously? You want to talk about this now? Well, okay! What kind of reaction were you expecting? We're somewhere at the bottom of the fucking pyramid, where even tourists don't go. You're sitting in some fucking Egyptian bullshit because of your curiosity. I cannot get you out. Why wouldn't I be angry? Move away!” 
Catherine pressed herself closer to the corner and watched as Buggy hit the goal with his pickaxe several times with all his might. 
“It doesn’t open! Why doesn’t it open?” He kicked the gate angrily. 
“Buggy, stop. It cannot be opened. It’s a fucking trap.” Catherine whispered and closed her eyes. “That's it, I'll die here.” 
“What? No! There must be a way out. Are you planning to stay there? No way! I cannot lose you too!” Buggy looked around the walls. 
“I don't like to be a pessimist, my love. But you can't open it. This is perhaps some old punishment cell for thieves, or maybe a place for errant slaves. Which does not open like a regular door. Sometimes the guilty were released into such cells and they simply waited for their end.” Catherine walked up to the bars, leaned her back against the wall, and sank to the ground. “I don't know. I'm sorry.” She said quietly. 
“For what?” Buggy sat down opposite the grate, leaning on another part of the wall. 
“For dragging you here. For appearing in your life at all. If it weren’t for me, you'd be partying with some girl on the loose right now.” Catherine bent her legs and rested her forehead on her knees. 
“Cotton candy,” Buggy slipped his hand between the bars and took her hand. “I'm not very good at this romantic stuff of yours. But don't apologize for showing up in my life, please. You… Y-You're the best gift of fate for a pathetic loser like me.” 
“You're not a loser.” Catherine replied quietly, running her finger along his arm. “Try to find a way out. I'll die here in a few days. You'll find yourself another girl and live with her. And in your head, I'll remain just some girl who stupidly walked into a small room and got stuck in it forever.” 
“Are you out of your mind? Why would I want another girl? No one will piss me off and amuse me at the same time the way you do.” He grinned, resting the back of his head against the wall and exhaled. “You made me pancakes.” 
“What?” Catherine raised her head. 
“Well, you keep cracking up and wanting to know when I.. when I fell in love with you. Remember, after our adventure, I took you and your sister back to my house.” Buggy leaned closer to the grate and rested his head on it.
“After the first night…”  
“I'm surprised you didn't hit on me, by the way.” Catherine giggled and saw him start to blush.
“Damn! Do you want to know the story, or are you just gonna mock me?” He glanced at her and his cheeks burnt. 
“I wanna know! Let this be the last good story.” Catherine squeezed his hand and closed her eyes. 
“Nah, my little pie, there will be many more. So… Don't interrupt. I'm having a hard time telling it. I woke up the next morning because I smelled something yummy in the kitchen.” 
“Why am I not surprised you fell for the food?” She ran the tips of her fingers over his knuckles. 
“Fuck you, honestly. Why do you always do this? Ok. I didn't realize what the smell was at first. So I walked into the kitchen, and there you were in your zebra pajama pants cooking me pancakes. You were humming a song while you were making them. You still do it, by the way. I call it “a pancake song.” 
“You're so cute. And I’m humming? Really? Didn't notice.” Catherine felt Buggy's hand start shaking during the story and began stroking her thumb over his arm.
“Yes, you are. Well.. I remember you turned around to me with a plate, smiled and told me to sit down to breakfast. And I.. I looked at you and thought, “fuck, I.. I love her! I wanna wake up in the same bed with her, be in her arms, see her smile, see stupid pants with animals and eat these pancakes for the rest of my life.” Embarrassment made Buggy redder than his nose. “May I say no more?” 
“I remember that morning, too. You piled into the kitchen, suffering from a hangover, wearing only your pajama pants. So hot and sexy. But I really didn't think you were happy that I was there.” Catherine looked at him with the corner of her eye. 
“I'm not a complete jerk, cotton candy. Come on! The most beautiful girl in the world is sleeping at my place and then making me breakfast. Usually the girls just ran away in the morning while I was still sleeping.”
“Okay, it should be fair play. Do you want me to confess? I wanted to come over to your couch on the first night. But my sister kept talking, and I couldn't leave. All I could think was, “shut up, I love him and I want to tell him that right now”. And when I came out to see you, you were already asleep.”
Buggy giggled and scratched the back of his head. “I didn't sleep then. I was.. I was under the covers, pretending to be asleep. Well. I liked you, so I.. I don't know. I heard your footsteps and got scared. I couldn't think of anything better than lying still on the bed.”
“You're unbelievable.” She laughed and cleared her throat. “Listen, can you tell me one more story? How do you get out of jail? And why do you keep that prison photo in your wallet? But if you're not ready, that's okay. Tell this to my mummy later.” 
“I don't keep that photo in my wallet. I just hid it. I don't know, I was afraid you'd find it and leave me. But you're not gonna get off my back on the prison thing, are you? Well…” Buggy squeezed her hand, and scratched his cheek with his other hand. He exhaled and told the story of the escape. 
Catherine couldn't stop laughing. “First, I won't leave you until I’ll die in this cage. Second. Really? You had help from a sixteen-year-old kid? The great clown Buggy had teamed up with a teenager. Delightful! And that's how that wax man knows you.” She looked at his face, which was all red with embarrassment, and stroked his hand.
“Fuck you. Stop laughing at me!” He scowled.
“I’m not! Thanks for telling me. Too bad you can't split up and sneak in here. I'd hug you goodbye. I’m so happy I met you. I love you so, so much, my Buggy Bear. Remember that, okay?” 
“I love y~… Cathie-pie. Wait!” Buggy got up abruptly from his seat and ran somewhere.
“What?” Catherine got up off the floor and tried to poke her head between the bars. “Ouch! Where are you?”
“There's something here!” He shouted out of the darkness. 
“What's in there? I can barely see anything out here. Do you have some kind of clown night vision or something?” 
“Shut up! I don't know, some kind of shit.” 
“Wow, Buggy the Clown. You're just a master of descriptions. Some shit. What does it look like?” 
“I don't know. A small board with squares on it.” 
“Describe m~. Oh, my God!” Catherine jerked sharply away from the grate, seeing his flying hand. “At least give me a warning that you're sending your parts to me.” 
“Give me something, I'll show you what I see.” 
She placed a pad and pen in his hand, and the hand disappeared into the darkness. “Buggy? Are you still there?” 
“I'm coming!” Buggy walked over to the cage and showed her the drawing. “There's this thing.” 
“What the fuck is it?” Catherine stared at awkwardly drawn curved lines. “How old are you? Five years old? Can't you draw at all?” 
He rolled his eyes. “Oh, I'm sorry I didn't take an academic drawing class, somehow I didn't think that fucking skill would come in handy in my thirties when I'm stuck at the bottom of the fucking pyramid. Actually, I thought you were going to send me a phone.” 
“Wa~. I..” Catherine was silent for a second. “You're pissing me off.” 
“That's great! You send me a fucking notebook, and I'm pissing you off.” Buggy leaned sideways against the cage and crossed his arms. 
“Lord knows, I'll come to you in spirit and ruin your life.” Catherine shook her head and looked at the drawing. “Wait. This looks like a senet.” 
“What the fuck is this? Is this another fucking god?” 
“No, it's a game. There's a legend that this game was thought to be an amulet of a guide to the world of the dead. But there's also a myth that it was the game of the god Thoth. He created this game to win the soul of the goddess Nut from the moon god Khonsu. I told you about that too, but I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot.” Catherine waved her hand at him. “Because it was in the first pyramid, and then we spent the night in a motel where you ruined me in every way possible.” She blushed. 
“Oh! I remember that night! Trust me, that hot sex session we had there superseded any memory of those dead gods." Buggy giggled idiotically. 
“Geez! Wipe that satisfied smile off your face, clown.” Catherine narrowed her eyes. “Do you have at least something stuck in your head?”
“If you wanna know the answer, ask me something next time you stand naked in front of me. Or you’ll lie naked under me. " He winked at her.
“You're disgus~ Wait!” She began to look around the floor, walls, and ceiling. “There's a sign of Osiris on the ceiling. And in the corners is Thoth, Nut. And there's Khonsu in the middle. Why didn't I notice them right away?”
“You were too busy nagging me.” Buggy said mockingly. 
“Fuck you, honestly. This isn't a punishment cell. We're apparently in some sort of burial chamber. Wait!" Catherine pulled a notebook and the map out of her bag and quickly flipped through the pages. “Oh, my God! It's written right here. Don't get me wrong, but I think you're going to have to play this game to win my soul from the moon god.” 
“Excuse me?” Buggy goggled at Catherine and his head separated from his body in surprise. “I have no idea how to play it!” He reattached his head back to his body. “Is there no other way? I don't know. Recite some Egyptian spell again. You're always muttering something under your breath and all that shit opens up.”
“What is the probability that a room with a game in it, and gods painted on the floor playing it, has nothing to do with this cell? I'm sorry, I don't have the magic dust to open the fucking door. All I have is you, clown!” Catherine answered angrily and pointed her index finger at Buggy. 
“But I don't know how to play this fucking game. I can't do it.” He raised his voice. 
“Buggy, you're panicking!” 
“Yeah, I'm panicking. Join me! I’m sorry, cotton candy, but I'm clearly not fit to be a savior.” He leaned his back against the gate.
“Hey!” Catherine softened her voice, came closer to the grate, took his hand and looked at him. “What are you saying? You’ve already saved me so many times. Why don’t you believe in yourself? You’re smart, although you don’t use your brains sometimes. Come on, free me from the clutches of the moon god. Only the love of my life can do this. Otherwise, I will come to you in the form of a ghost and will torture you until your last breath.” She reached her other hand through the bars and stroked his hair. “I believe in you, my blue-haired hero.” 
Buggy exhaled heavily. “Alright. Let's do it. There's no choice anyway. Tell me how to play it.”
“Look. The game consists of 30 squares, referred to as houses.” Catherine began to show him the drawing.
“Don't interrupt me! But yes! These squares are arranged in three rows, with ten houses in each row. Each gamer has 5 pieces or figures, call them as you want. Only one piece can be placed in each house at a time. Also, you have 4 sticks. These are usually popsicle sticks with one side painted black and the other painted white. When it's your turn, you'll throw the sticks. And I will tell you how many steps to move the pieces. The goal of the game is to get all of your pieces off the board before the other player. At the beginning of the game, you must place your pieces on the first row. Player 1 will place his pieces on the first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth houses. Player 2 should place his pieces on the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth houses.”
“Player 2?” Buggy asked. “Where can I find the second player? Are you suggesting that I should play with an imaginary friend? Or dig up a mummy?”
Catherine examined the walls again. “No. With me. You'll have to play with me. Of course! I'm sitting here, next to all these gods. If you win, they'll free me. If not, then I'll stay here.” She shrugged cheerfully and smiled.
“And you're so calm about it?” He blinked. “It was easier to escape from prison than to solve these fucking Egyptian riddles. Only this box is nailed there. How to play?” 
“So you’ll sit there and tell me everything. How will you come up with drawings like these...” She drew them on a piece of paper. “Let me know. Oh, and also the pieces have to move straight along the line, and when you get to the end of the line, you stand on the next line and move to the other side of the board. Like that. In the shape of a Z letter.” She drew a diagram of the movement. “Just bring me my sticks. I'll throw them and tell you how many steps to move my pieces.” 
Buggy sent one of his hands for the sticks, while the other held Catherine's hand. She felt a shiver in his hand and began stroking her finger across his palm. The hand quickly went back and brought the sticks, and he gave it to Catherine.
“Well, I'm off to rescue you from that Egyptian shit.” He kissed her hand and disappeared into the darkness. 
Catherine heard a noise and a muttering and chuckled softly. “He can't help but grunt.” She whispered under her breath. “You okay in there? Ready?” 
Buggy sat down on the floor with a lurch. “Wait a little while. I'm arranging the pieces according to your drawing. Done. Ready now.” He picked up the sticks in his hands, shook them a little, and threw them on the floor. “Throwing. Two white and two black.”
“Shit. Then move two steps forward! But you lose your next move! Then I throw twice.” Catherine began to write down all the moves in a notebook.
“It’s a good start. Fuck!!” He muttered. “Shit. One. Two. Done!” They both fell silent. “You're alive, cotton candy? Have the mummies of the Egyptian gods come for you yet?”
“Go to hell and don't scare me! I'm fine! Throwing sticks! Three black and one white. And then an extra move. My piece must now stand in place of yours. Get yours off the board, you've lost one of your army.” 
“Fuck! I told you, I’m a bad player!” 
“It's okay. I'm throwing it. Three black, one white. One step forward. And I have an extra turn again. Damn! Throwing! Yes! Two white and two black. I lose my turn.” Catherine made another note.
“Got it! One. Two. Done! Throwing! Three white and one black sides.” Buggy carefully rearranged the figures.
“Shit! Three steps forward and you lose your move!”
“What the fuck? Fucking Egyptian games!!” Buggy muttered. 
“Everything is fine! Calm down, please. Throwing! Two black, two white. I lose my turn, but you lose your piece again. Now there are only three left.” 
“How am I supposed to win? Only three pieces left!” Catherine could hear the irritation in his voice.
“It's okay. Throw it!”
“Damn! Four black and one white.” Buggy exhaled heavily. 
“Yes! Move five steps forward and throw again.”
“Oh, I like that! One, two… five. Throwing again! Two white and two black.” 
“Two steps forward and you miss a move. I throw. Four white. Move my chip four steps forward and I throw again. Three steps forward. I lose a move, but you lose a piece.” Catherine continued to cross out boxes on her notepad.
“Can you stop doing that? Fuck! How do I get to the end with two pieces?” He growled through his teeth.
“I didn't make the rules, Buggy!”
“Fuck! I'm throwing! Two black and two white.” He mumbled loudly. 
“Move to two. And you lose a move!” She heard him growl back. “It's all right! I'm throwing it! Okay, I have four whites and I throw again.” 
“One. Two. Four. Done!” Buggy mumbled. 
“Cool! Now it's my turn again. Three whites and I lose the move.”
“Got it! One, two. Three. How are we doing?” Buggy asked loudly.
“The moon god or Osiris are winning so far.” Catherine replied with a nervous laugh in her voice.
“Fucking Osiris! Four black.”
“Haha, you can be proud of yourself, clown. You knocked out one of my pieces. Move five squares forward. And throw again.” Catherine giggled.
“Got it. One. Two… Five. Throwing. Four white. One, two, three, four. Hey, Cathie-pie! I've reached the first drawing. It's like three bottles of rum.” Buggy answered happily, and Catherine heard him clap his hands.
“God, show some respect. That's not rum. It's Nefer hieroglyphics. It's a house of beauty. Drop your sticks. If four blacks come up, you’re gonna lose me to an Egyptian god.” There was silence in response. “Buggy? Are you throwing?”
He suddenly came back and sat with his back to the cage. 
“What happened?” Catherine asked and put her hand on his shoulder. 
“Don't say that again. It's not a funny joke, Catherine.” 
“You're going to lose me to an Egyptian god. Don't say this shit. It's not funny. You… You're my Cathie-pie. I can't lose you. I can't. I don't want to be alone again.” Buggy rested his head against the bars.
She stroked his head. “Sorry, my love. When I'm nervous, I make stupid jokes. Everything will be fine. See?” She showed him the piece of paper. “You're almost there!”
“You just said that if I throw four blacks, I'll lose.” Buggy glanced at Catherine with sad eyes. 
She smiled in response. “Not gonna lie. This option is possible.”
“I always lose. If you were with him, he would never let you get stuck in this kind of shit.” Buggy said quietly.
“Fuck him! You know, for some reason I’m sure that my blue-haired knight in shining clown armor will not lose his beloved girl to some god.”
“Where did you see the armor? I'm wearing jeans and a sweatshirt.” He sneered, took her hand and squeezed. 
“Still counts as armor.” Catherine stroked his head and asked softly. “Will my Buggy Bear save me?”. 
Buggy breathed out. “He'll try. Otherwise, he will be bored because there is no one to piss him off with this stupid nickname.”
“My hero! Look. Throw one and move here.” She showed him the drawing with three curved lines. “This is the House of Water. If a 5 is rolled, the piece remains in place. If a 4 is rolled, your piece leaves the board and you are the winner. In a different outcome, the piece goes here to the House of Revival. And then you have to start the game practically all over again. We don't want it. Don't cheat, please. And then I throw the sticks again after you.”
“Fine!” Buggy sighed heavily, stood up and walked into the darkness. “I’m throwing these fucking sticks.” 
Catherine clenched her fists and squeezed her eyes shut when she heard the sound of sticks being thrown. “Well, what's there?”
“Let your Egyptian gods go fuck themselves. It’s one!” Buggy snapped his fingers.
“I told you! You're great! I'm throwing. Four blacks. Move my piece to the House of Water!”
“Okay, but just keep in mind that you're not making it any easier for me to save you, Cathie-pie. A little more, and your chip will overtake mine.”
“Now you throw! Remember? If a 5 comes up, the chip stays in place, if a 4 com~.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Buggy muttered. “I got it. I'm throwing.”
“Don't be mad.” Catherine closed her eyes again. “What's there?”
“Five. Sorry.”
“It’s okay. At least something else didn’t fall out, and that’s good. Now I’m throwing.” She shook the sticks in her hand. “You and I are the perfect couple, clown. I have five too.” She laughed. “It’s your turn now.”
Catherine buried her face in her hands. “Well, what's there?”
“Your Egyptian gods love to mock me as much as you do. Five again!” Buggy laughed nervously. 
“It's okay. My turn now.” She put the sticks in her palms, whispered a little and threw them on the floor. “Fuck yes! Also, five. Your turn. Throw it again.”
Catherine heard the sound of falling sticks. “What's there?” The answer was silence. “Buggy? What happened?” She tried to look through the bars. “Hey? Are you still there?”
Suddenly, a flying head appeared near the bars. “Four!”
“Where is your body?” She pointed into space.
At this moment he connected the head with the body. “Fuck, Catherine! Did you even hear what I said? Four! I won!”
“What? Seriously?!” She pulled the bars. “But.. Why doesn't it open?”
Buggy grabbed the bars and pulled them a couple of times. “What the fuck?”
“You didn't cheat?” Catherine narrowed her eyes.
“Do I look like a person who cheats?”
“Are you seriously asking me this now?” Catherine pursed her mouth and raised her hands questioningly. “Then I don’t understand.” She sat down on the floor and rested her feet against the adjacent wall. “Maybe the game didn’t work. But why? Although maybe sometimes drawings are just drawings. Go away, Buggy. Try to find a way out and go home. If you don't find a way out, come back here, we’ll die together like in a stupid snotty novel.” She laughed nervously.
“Fucking Egyptian gods!” Buggy rested his forehead against the bars. “What the hell? Cathie-pie.. I.. Wait! What is this?”
“What? Where?” 
“There are some small inscriptions on the bars.”
Catherine jumped up from the floor. “Where?” He pointed his finger at the words. Catherine squinted and began to read the inscription. “Your rebirth is in Thoth’s nest. Come to save me, o, silent Thoth.”
They both heard a click.
“Come here quickly!” Buggy opened the door and pulled Catherine out of the cell by the scruff of the neck. “Or else, something fails somewhere again, closes, or worse.”
Catherine looked at him with wet eyes. “You won! You saved me! Again!” She threw herself on his neck and pecked him on the lips several times.
“Of course.” Smack from Catherine. “I.” Smack again. “Saved.” Smack. “You.” Smack. “Nobody dares take my cotton candy away from me.” He put his arm around her shoulders. “Write it down in your notebook. Buggy the Clown - 1.” He extended his other hand and showed his middle finger to the room with drawings. “Your Egyptian dead dudes - 0.”
21 notes · View notes
lostfirefly · 2 months
Life Must Have It's Mysteries (Ch.8)
Hey. hey!! I hope you missed this couple! English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) Masterlist is here.
Description: Buggy and Catherine (OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series) collected all parts of the scepter.
Warnings: Fun, fluff, arguing, sadness, adventure, swearing (as always). Shitty shit again:)
Words: 4224 (Yay!)
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august, @rorywritesjunk, @yujo-nishimura (I hope you still like it!)
The title is taken from “Life Must Have It's Mysteries” by Hans Zimmer (OST Inferno).
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Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
“Cotton candy, what are you doing? Stop!”
“No, I won't. I love playing with your hair. They are so long, blue, and beautiful. Do you want a crown braid? A regular braid? Or something else?” They both sat on the sand. Catherine knelt behind Buggy and ran a comb through his hair.
“I don't want anything, Catherine. Leave my hair alone.” He carefully removed her hands. “I'll curl my ponytail later.”
“So it’s gonna be the crown braid!” She kissed him on the cheek, hearing his groan, and took a small strand of hair in her hands. 
“Geeez!” Buggy rolled his eyes.
Smack. “Oh! Let me make you a bun out of your hair. Two braids and the bun!” Catherine said happily and continued braiding his hair.
“Little shit! Can you even hear me? Why are you doing this to me?” Buggy removed her hands again, stood up, muttering something under his breath, and walked towards the car.
“Buggy Bear, what's wrong?” 
He looked at her silently.
“You know, I think you should give me a schedule of your moods.” Catherine crossed her arms and looked at him instantly. “One day you are silent when I touch your hair or kiss your nose, now you are unhappy. And I don't even talk about the fact that I’ve lost count of how many times a day your mood changes. You never say anything, you just get angry, get up and leave. I don't get it. Did I hurt you? You know perfectly that I will never do that. I just love playing with your hair. I’m sorry.”
“I just…” Buggy watched as Catherine became sad and began to move her hand along the sand. He sighed, walked back to her and sat down with his back to her. “Don’t like it sometimes.”
Catherine started stroking his head and asked softly. “Did something bad happen to you before? Did someone hurt you this way?” 
Buggy looked at her, showing with his eyes that he didn't want to talk about it, and moved his back closer to her.
She knelt down and hugged him from behind. “Who did all this to you? What have they done?”
Buggy was silent, but Catherine felt that he became more relaxed in her embrace. 
“Do you want to continue? Can I touch your hair?” She gently placed her hand on his shoulder. 
“Fine!” He said quietly. 
“Buggy Bear, you can trust me.” Smack. Catherine carefully took a strand of his hair and started braiding it. “Gosh! The color is amazing, love it and love you.”
“I don't understand why I let you braid my hair. It's not love, Cathie-pie. Admit, you just adore mocking me, right?” Buggy smiled and poked her in the side with his finger. “By the way, I'm hungry, when are we going to eat?”
“You're unbelievable. When it comes to food, drink or sex, you're instantly cheerful.” She looked at the fire where the sausages were being roasted. “Soon. I think another 10 minutes.” Catherine gently took another strand of hair and, humming softly, began to braid it. She noticed a slight smile on his face. “I wonder if you were offered food or sex with me, what would you choose?” She gently ran her finger through the braid. “Buggy?! You didn’t answer.” 
“Wait, I’m thinking.” He got lost in thought. 
“Fucking clown! I can't believe you're choosing between me and food.” Catherine sniggered. 
“Because you ask difficult questions, baby. Food is very important to me.”
“I'll remind you of this the next time you start pestering me.” Catherine made a bun, took a bobby pin out of her hair and stuck it in his hair. She made a crown braid on top. She took a picture on her phone and showed him the photo. “Look! Shouldn't you walk around like this at home?” 
“No way! It's disgusting.” Buggy responded with a laugh. “What did you do to me, red-haired shit?”
Catherine hugged him from behind by the neck, standing on her knees, and pressed her cheek to his cheek. He placed his hand on her wrist.
“Cotton candy, I…”
“Shush, clown! Don't spoil the moment.” She sat there for another five minutes in silence. “You're unshaven and prickly.” Catherine gently ran her fingertips over his stubble. “I love it and… you!” She suddenly squealed joyfully, smacking his cheek. 
“Fuck! My ears!!” Buggy covered his ear with one hand. “I lo~...” He sniffed. "What smells?"
“Shit! Sausages!!” Catherine jumped and ran towards the fire. “Good new, it doesn’t seem like they were burned.” She took a bite. “No, they are fine. Go have breakfast, my blue-haired love!” 
Buggy looked at her carefully.
“Why are you looking at me? Come here. Breakfast is ready.” She put food on disposable plates.
“I’m coming!”
Catherine watched as Buggy split into parts, flew to her and assembled himself piece by piece. She looked at him in surprise. “What was that?” 
“Meh, I was too lazy to go.” He shrugged his shoulders. 
“You're such a fool! So. We have hot dogs, donuts and warmed up pancakes. What do you want?” 
“I want everything!” Buggy poured Catherine coffee and kissed her temple. “Here. Fresh coffee for my Egyptian girl.”
“Thank you!”
Catherine made him three hot dogs and put some pancakes on the plate. She watched as Buggy happily took a bite of the hot dog and started stroking his head. “Tasty?” 
“Delicious!” He said with his mouth full and narrowed his eyes joyfully. 
“Chew first, Buggy.” Catherine took the mug in her hands and took a sip of coffee. She blushed when she noticed his gaze on her. “Stop looking at me like you love me.” 
He swallowed the food and said quietly. “But I lo~.. I.. I just.. I don’t understand how I got you. You take care of me. Come on, you're cooking me sausages in the middle of the desert. Of course, you sometimes squeal like an ultrasound, but.. Why are you with me?”
Catherine put the mug on the sand, crawled up to him on her knees, hugged him, kissed him on the cheek and felt how he place his hand on her back. “I thought you had long ago gotten used to all this,” She stroked his head. “Okay. Then I'll say it more often. Do you want me to say it more often? I love, love, love you! And even though I'm tired of constantly wiping your lipstick traces off of me, I still love you. And when I become a decrepit toothless old woman with a saggy ass, I will still love you.”
“You'll never have a saggy ass, cotton candy.” 
“I will, if you keep grabbing it. Stop doing it right now, Buggy!” She hit him on the arm. “Okay! Eat your breakfast. I’ll bring my notes and the scepter.”
Catherine got up from the ground. “Hey, clown! I let you look at my ass! Watch me walk to the car.” She moved her buttocks left and right several times, and joyfully began jumping from one foot to the other towards the car.
“You're amazing, Cathie-pie!” Buggy said loudly, chewing the hot dog.
Catherine grabbed things from the car and ran back joyfully, slightly squealing. She plopped down on the sand next to Buggy, grabbed a pancake and, chewing, pulled out three pieces of the scepter. These were small pieces of gold, clearly once decorated with stones. Catherine twirled each piece in her hands for a long time. 
“I think if we don’t find anything and this fucking thing doesn’t fall apart in my hands, we can sell it too and get some good money.” She heard him laugh. “What are you laughing at, clown.” 
“Me? I'm just wondering where my honest, decent girl went.” Buggy started imitating her. “We can sell it too.” 
“Oh, fuck you!” Catherine raised a piece of the scepter to the sun and squinted one eye. “Look. There are inscriptions on all three parts.” 
He moved his face closer to see the scepter, chewing the food. “And what do they mean?” 
“I don’t know yet. There is a mixture of languages ​​here. A little archaic ancient Egyptian, which was in the pre-dynastic period, and ancient Egyptian, which was in the time of the pharaohs.” Catherine looked in the notebook and started writing all the symbols down. 
“Anything?” Buggy looked over her shoulder.
“Shush! Don't distract me!” She moved her pen over the paper, periodically muttered something under her breath, then put the pen in her mouth and fell silent.
“Cotton candy? Cotton candy!” Buggy snapped his fingers in front of her face. “Catherine?! Do you hear me?”
Catherine poked her pen at the letters and symbols on the sheets, glancing at Buggy periodically, then wrote something down again. 
“It's written that this scepter belonged to the one who could cut mountains, breakthrough springs.”  She began to assemble the pieces of the scepter until she heard a click on each connected piece. “Look. It's beautiful, isn't it?” Catherine raised the assembled scepter into the sun. “And here are the coordinates on the edges. See?” She pointed her little finger at the small numbers. “Let's see where they point.” 
They both bent over the map. Catherine compared the numbers on the scepter and on the map. “My blue-haired love, we need to get this place.” She pointed her finger at a point on the map.
Catherine sat on the hood of the car and looked at the pyramid with a flat roof and sloped sides, with six layers, one built on top of the other. There was a smile on her face, her eyes were wide open. 
“Cotton candy, you surprised me.” Buggy closed the car door and walked up to her. “You’re silent.” 
She didn't take her eyes off the pyramid. “Do not tease me, clown.” 
He leaned his back against the hood. “Come on, squeal.” 
“Can I?” She looked at him. 
“Of course you can.” He made a gesture with his hand. 
Catherine jumped off the hood, clenched her hands into fists and began jumping around, squealing. 
“Well, where are we now?” Buggy asked, glancing at her. 
“My love! You’re looking at the very first pyramid in the world. Djoser’s pyramid. It was built almost 5,000 years ago.” She joyfully pointed to the structure. “Just fuck me! The ancient pyramid may contain what we're looking for.”
Catherine grabbed her head, turned to Buggy and broke into a smile. He exhaled, spread his arms, inviting her to jump on him. She threw herself on his neck with a squeal. “Love.” Smack. “Love.” Smack. “Love, love, love you!” Smack. Smack. Smack. 
He wrapped his arms around her waist. “I’m happy you're happy.” 
“You know, this pyramid was built by the very first Egyptian architect.” Catherine turned around, pressed her back against his chest and took his hand. “It is believed that the steps carry some symbolism - along them the pharaoh was supposed to pass to the kingdom of the dead. According to the notes that I have and what is indicated in the map, we will need to find the king's eyes peeking out through a hole. And we need to be more careful. This pyramid is also included in the tourist route. But it also has fake paths. I don't know what's in them. Traps or attempted tunnels. Be careful, please.” She stroked his palm with her fingers. 
“Why are you telling me this?” Buggy asked in surprise.
“You almost got stuck in some hole when you pulled out the third part of the scepter, clown. I don’t want to lose you ahead of time.” Catherine reached out her hand and laid it on his head. “Okay, let’s go and try to find this fucking diamond.”
They collected their things and headed towards the entrance. As they walked towards the pyramid, Catherine told Buggy that it was all considered a vast complex, including courtyards, sanctuaries, temples, and dwellings for the priests. They reached the pyramid, which made of six-tiered “stepped” layers of stone and clay. Buggy listened to her with interest. They bought entrance tickets and, together with a group of tourists, went inside the pyramid. 
“Oh my God! We are now inside the very first pyramid in the world. Can you imagine?” Catherine pulled Buggy's hand and turned her head, trying to look at everything as best as possible. “Awesome, huh?”
“Not bad.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“Not bad.” Catherine rolled her eyes at him. 
They stood in a small room between columns. It was the central courtyard, from which eleven different tunnels branched off in different directions. 
“Look.” Catherine took out a notepad. “We are in the central passage now. It was built above the sarcophagus of the pharaoh. The sarcophagus itself is located at the bottom of a very deep vertical shaft, which is covered with a dome. In addition, the tomb contains 11 carved burial rooms for members of the pharaoh's family. But there are also a lot of tunnels that lead to a dead end. The pyramid has not been fully studied, so the data may be incomplete.”
“Yeah-yeah, I remember.” He started imitating her, walking away to look at the wall. “Be careful. Buggy. You're such an idiot that you can go down the wrong corridor.”
Catherine exhaled, walked up behind him, buried her head in his back and took his hand. “You're my idiot. Just be careful. Okay?”
“Fine.” He squeezed her hand and replied with a smile on his face. “Where are we gonna go, my Egyptian girl?” 
“We need to go to the southern part of the pyramid.” She took the map out of her bag. “It's this way.” 
They walked along a corridor decorated with ornaments and paintings. Some walls were covered with blue tiles, reminiscent of a reed mat, and were also decorated with reliefs depicting the pharaoh performing various rituals.
“You know, it was previously believed that these corridors and the rooms next to them were used for burial. But do you see these drawings? They simply describe the life of the pharaoh and his family. There is no trace of the ritual nature of these rooms. They clearly look like they were once residential.” Catherine walked from wall to wall and carefully moved her hands over the drawings. “That’s amazing.” 
They walked through several corridors, went down a few steps and found themselves in a part of the pyramid with narrow passages. 
“Wait.” Catherine looked around. “Where is everyone? We followed the notes and the map, but I don’t see a single tourist now.” She took out her notepad and map again. “See? We went this way, this way. Then we turned here.”
“Maybe we took a wrong turn?” Buggy looked at her notes.  
“No, no, impossible. We walked clearly along the corridors that were indicated on the sheets.” Catherine tapped her finger on the notes in her notebook. 
Buggy scratched his neck. “Is there any possibility that this corridor where we are now is not intended for tourists? As I understand it, these Egyptian guys of yours were very fond of such things.”
“Perhaps. But everything indicates that we need to get through this narrow passage.” Catherine squatted down and looked around the small tunnel. “There's some light further down there.” She pulled out a flashlight from her bag. "See?"
Buggy sat down next to her and squinted. “Yeah. And what do your scribbles say?”
“It's not a scribble. Stop making fun of my handwriting.” She poked him in the shoulder and checked the notes once again. “They say we need to crawl there.” Catherine pointed with a flashlight at the tunnel. 
“As a true gentleman, I will allow you to crawl first.” Buggy chuckled idiotically and nodded towards the tunnel with his head.
“You're not a gentleman. You just want to look at my ass!” Catherine rolled her eyes.
“Not without it, cotton candy!” He lightly spanked her buttocks.
“You're disgusting!” Catherine slapped his hands. “I hate you!” 
“Lord, a blow to the heart!” Buggy rolled his eyes theatrically. “How can I live now?”
“Oh, shut up, please, clown. You like pissing me off, right?” She slapped him on the head. 
“My baby gets angry. Love it!” 
“Go fuck yourself, Buggy! Seriously, be focused!” Catherine looked at him angrily and then stroked his head. “So what? Shall we go back or shall we go forward?”
“You and I didn’t come this far just to go back, right?” Buggy shrugged. “If your notes say that we should go this way, we have no choice.” 
“Okay!” Catherine put the notebook and map in her bag, stuck the flashlight between her teeth, got down on all fours and climbed into the tunnel.
“Fuck, yeah! My favorite view of you” Buggy grinned happily, rubbed his hands and also climbed after her. 
“Shtp! I’ll pnch u!” She mumbled through the teeth. 
They crawled along a narrow passage and found themselves in a large room, the walls of which were made of pale yellow slabs of granite mixed with limestone. In the middle of the wall, everything was decorated with drawings and inscriptions in the form of intricate carvings. 
“Where are we?” Buggy asked, looking at Catherine. 
“I have no idea. Wait.” She took out all her notes again. “So. You and I walked past the hall with the cobras, past the visitation with the double columns. Then we went down through the side passage. And if we walked correctly, then we are now in the southern passage under the underground galleries. Remember, I told you that the pyramid is not fully explored? We are diffenetly now on those paths that are not listed in the boring guide for boring tourists.” 
Buggy took out a second flashlight from her bag and shined it on the walls, “Cotton candy, there are some people drawn there again.” He pointed the light at the walls. 
Catherine came closer and began muttering something under her breath. 
“Cathie-pie?” He came closer to her
“It says “Hathor and Amset will lead you through the gate. But you cannot go straight..  Start where Amset defeated the enemy”. This is some kind of nonsense.” 
“Cotton candy, there’s some kind of lady painted on this wall.” Buggy pointed at the wall with a flashlight. 
“Where? Where?” Catherine jumped happily and ran towards the drawings, pushing him aside. 
“Geeez, woman!” Buggy walked closer to the wall. “Who is this?” 
“This is Hathor. She is Horus's wife and was responsible for strength, love, beauty and was revered by women.” Catherine studied the drawing carefully. 
Buggy tapped her on the shoulder. “Listen, is it normal that a piece of the ceiling is lighter than all the other slabs?” 
Catherine shone her flashlight at the ceiling and looked at it. “No. Wait.” She looked at the drawing for a long time and muttered something under her breath. “These are not just light spots on the ceiling. This is.. the Milky Way?!”
“Well, of course! The ancient Egyptians believed that Hathor's milk was the Milky Way. So we nned to find the stars there. Remember, in the last pyramid I told you about Amset and the fact that he is associated with the stars.” 
“Cotton candy, we had wild sex that day. Believe me, I remember you naked, loudly moaning my name, my tongue between your legs and not some mythical guy in heaven.” Buggy guffawed idiotically. “I bet if we did this in his pyramid, he would look at us from his Egyptian clouds and be jealous.”
“Seriously, clown?!” Catherine waved her hands. “You said this in front of the face of an Egyptian goddess?”
“Oh, come on!” Buggy came closer to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “What will she do to me? Will she crawl out of the drawing and gore me with her horns?”
“You're disgusting.” Catherine shone the flashlight on the floor. “Look! There are stars on the slabs here. And you see, on each slab they are drawn only along the edges. Wait! Amset are the stars. Start where he defeated the enemy. Exactly!” She snapped her fingers. “It was believed that Amset defeated the enemy on the right side. So, we need to start from the right side. See? The Milky Way is like a curved line.” Catherine ran her finger in the air, the second drawing is on the ceiling. “We just need to step on those stars that the pictures above point to.” 
“This is very exciting. But may I ask a question?” Buggy asked with interest in his voice. 
“Why is this woman... Hat.. What's her name? With horns. Why is she drawn with only one leg?” 
“And look. The pattern of stars matches on these plates.” Catherine pointed to the right side.  “And on those slabs that are closer to you.” She pointed to the left side. 
“The distances between the plates are not the smallest. Sorry, baby, I don’t know how to stretch myself.” 
“This riddle is not for one. This riddle is for two.” Catherine whispered. 
“What?” Buggy asked in surprise and widened his eyes
“These slabs are for two people. Hathor with one leg. And do you see? There are more drawings of her further down, and she is also on one leg. So we need to stand on one leg and just jump on the stars. Nothing complicated.” Catherine smirked. 
“Nothing complicated? Am I an acrobat or something?” 
“You run the circus! Stop whining. Stand on the slab on the right on the left side, I'll stand on the ones on the right.” 
“Maybe I should try to split up? Well... One leg here, the other there.” Buggy scratched his head. 
“I don't think this will work, to be honest. I don’t see any different option. Let's try! Stand on the left side!” 
They went to different sides and stood at the first slabs. 
“Are you ready?” Catherine asked. 
“I have not the foggiest idea.” 
“Stop whining, Buggy! We stand on one leg and jump on the count of three. Ready? One, two.. three!”
They both took a leap and looked around. 
“So. Since nothing is going anywhere, that means it’s already good.” Buggy heard a nervous chuckle in Catherine's voice. “Now the next slab. Jump to those stars in the upper left corner. Okay?” 
“One. Two. Three.” 
“Great! Just to keep your balance!” Catherine spread her arms out to the side for balance. “I haven’t done this since school. I look like a seagull! Wooohoo!” She made seagull sounds.
“Stop talking and making fun. Where to next?” Buggy tried to keep the balance. “It’s not easy.” 
“You're so boring now! Top corner on the right. Ready? One, two... three!” 
“I even started to like it!” Buggy heard a note of joy in Catherine's voice. 
“I'm glad you're happy, my lovely seagull. But where to next?” There was irritation in his voice. 
“Upper left corner again. One. Two. Three.” 
“Shit! Stand still, Catherine! Stand still! Damn it!” Catherine staggered and put her other foot down on the slab. She looked around. “Nothing seems to be happening, right?” 
“I think that far wall is moving.” Buggy pointed to the direction they came from. 
“What?” Catherine squealed.
“The wall is moving! Congrats, Catherine! You grumble at me most of all, but hello! You’ve just launched some kind of ancient Egyptian crap!” He put his foot down and clapped his hands. 
“Enough of the theatrics!" She imitated his clapping. "So, what should we do?” 
“Fuck!!” Buggy ran up to Catherine, threw her over her shoulder and ran to the other side of the hall. 
“What about the stars?!” 
“Are you kidding me? Better think where to run!” 
“Look for the horns! This is the sign of Hathor!” 
“I see something ahead! It looks like horns!” 
“Faster, Buggy! I think the wall is moving faster.” 
“Fuck!!” He ran faster and carried her to the other end of the hall. “Here are the horns!” He pointed to the drawing. 
“It's a door! Try to open it!” Catherine started tapping his shoulder. “Faster! This fucking wall is getting closer!” 
“Does not work!!” Buggy tried to push the door. 
“Faster, please! Otherwise, we'll get crushed!” 
“And who is to blame for this?!” He said with a grunt in his voice, trying to push the door with the pattern in the other direction.
Catherine began to examine the wall. “There is a passage here! Quickly!” She grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the passage. 
They crawled into a small tunnel when they heard a rumble behind them. 
“Fucking Egyptian traps!” Catherine muttered as she crawled out of the tunnel. “Buggy?” 
“I'm coming!” He followed her out of the tunnel. “Are you okay, cotton candy?” 
“Yes! Thank you! You saved my life again, my blue-haired hero!” She hugged him and rested her chin on his chest. 
“Always at your service!” Buggy wrapped his arms around her shoulders.  “So. Now where are we?” 
“I don’t know. Look, there's something here!” Catherine walked into a small recess in the wall and ran her hand over the drawings. 
At that moment, a rumble was heard, and the grate came down, locking her inside the room. 
Catherine looked at Buggy through the bars. “It seems like I'm an idiot now, yeah? Damn!”
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lostfirefly · 25 days
*just a little shit to cheer myself up*
Catherine came home and saw Buggy lying on the couch curled up in a ball of sadness.
"What happened, little bear?" She sat down on the couch and stroked his arm.
"Don't call me that. Little bears are cute. Teddy bears are cute. I'm just a miserable freak. And I don't understand why you're with me. " Buggy gently put her hand aside.
"Don't say that. You're funny, handsome, smart. Your red nose emphasizes your beauty and personality. And you can do your chop chop thing. That's awesome, I think. You have a lot of fans. Your circus is the best in the world! You are the king of all circuses!"
"You said that because you love me." Buggy mumbled, hugging the pillow.
"And that's why too." Catherine lay down next to him on the couch and hugged Buggy. "I'll lie next to you until you feel better, and then I'll make you pancakes."
"Will you pour syrup on them?" Buggy asked quietly, pressing his back closer to her chest.
"Of course!" Catherine kissed the back of his head. "How about chocolate and caramel?"
"Sounds great! Thanks. Love you, cotton candy."
"Love you too, my Buggy Bear."
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lostfirefly · 12 days
Dust the shelves and polish the glass-ware, the housework makes you happy
Welcome to another fun day for Catherine (OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me) and Buggy. English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :)
Masterlist is here.
Description: Catherine once again pulls out the trio Buggy, Cabaji and Mohji from the prison's cell and forces them to clean the apartment.
Warnings: Fun, fluff, swearing.
Words: 5680
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots, @hey-august, @emmiebugz-blog
The title is taken from “Housework” by Robert Palmer.
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“Yes, I know him!” Catherine was lying in bed and tried to hide her irritation. “Is he okay? Yes? Can I talk to him? No? Okay. Thank you, officer! I'll be there soon!” Catherine threw her cell phone on the bed and growled into her pillow. “BUGGYYYY!!!”. She turned over on her back and began to kick her legs angrily. “FUCKING CLOOOOWN!”
“My mom told me, choose your man wisely, Catherine.” Muttering under her breath, she pulled on her sweatpants and sweatshirt. “Oh, that was a great idea to go to Egypt, Catherine. Oh, it was a great idea to fall in love with the clown, Catherine. And stayed with him in Cairo was a great idea too, Catherine.” She put on her sneakers, poured some coffee in a thermos mug, grabbed the car keys and went downstairs. 
Catherine reached the gray building in the center of town. She looked at the door, rolled her eyes and exhaled heavily. It wasn't the first time in the months of their relationship that she'd found herself in this place. 
“Catherine M~.” She mumbled as she walked over to the counter where a young female officer sat. “Oh, hi, Miss August.”
“Hello, Miss Mitchell. Again, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Catherine placed her elbows on the counter. “Shit! I never thought that at some point in my life I would be known at the police station.” 
“You know the procedure. Sign here and here.” The young girl behind the desk gave Catherine a pen and papers.
Catherine signed the form and adjusted the bag on her shoulder. “Where's he?” 
“Let me check, miss.” Miss August flipped through the papers. “Oh, we moved him to the lower level.”
“What? Why?” Catherine's eyes widened and her voice squeaked. “I thought he was in a regular cell at the station as usual. What did he do?”
“Oh, your boyfriend tried to start a little fight with the cops and accidentally hit one of them in the eye.”
“He did what???” Catherine’s jaw dropped. “Oh, shit! Is he okay?” 
“Who?” Miss August looked at Catherine and made some notes in the papers. “Mister the Clown?”
“No!” Catherine waved her hand. “The policeman.”
“Oh, yeah! He's fine. This’s your pass, show it to the officer, and he will guide you to the cell., You need to go to the elevator and go down to the minus first floor.” Miss August pointed her finger where to go, and Catherine headed forward down a small hallway. 
She went down to the floor and the policeman led her along a small corridor in which there were only four cells.
“This way, miss.” The policeman pointed the keys at the cell. 
“He-e-y, my cotton candy! You came!!” Buggy smiled widely, sitting on a bench with one leg over the bench handle. 
One of the officers came up to the bars and looked at Buggy, wiping his eye. “What, clown, you got nothing better to do than call a girl? I wish you could answer me for what happened.” 
“Oh, fuck you, I'm not afraid of you. No one can scare Buggy the Clown.” He swung his leg from side to side and laughed loudly.
“One more word, bastard, and I will describe that incident in the report!” The cop tapped his pen on the bars.
“Oh, put that in your report, too.” Buggy jumped up from the bench, turned his back to the bars and started slapping his buttocks. “Kiss my ass!”
“Buggy!” Catherine hissed through the teeth. “Stop this farce right now!” She shifted her gaze to the policeman. “Sorry, officer. Don't pay attention to him. He’s a total numbskull, who's sometimes even dumber than a bundle of rocks! Okay, not sometimes.”
The officer exhaled, glanced at Catherine and left. 
“What kind of performance was that, idiot?” Catherine stared at Buggy with dazed eyes. “Are you thinking with your head about sequences?”
“Fuck him!” Buggy plopped down on the bench. “Where have you been, Cathie-pie? Why so long?”
“I stopped to buy sandwiches at the café.” 
“Seriously? I'm sitting here, and you find time for sandwiches?” 
“Go fuck yourself, Buggy! That's the sixth time this month. What have you done again, clown?” Catherine crossed her arms. “Where have you been all night?”
"We.. Well... We had a few drinks with Cabaji and Mohji." Buggy scratched his head and giggled idiotically. 
“Had a few drinks? A few, Buggy, is when you come home and fall down, at least in the hallway where I can find you. A few when you hit on me when I'm asleep. You're in fucking jail, for god’s sake. Again. What did you do?” Catherine tilted her head and looked at the two bodies lying on the bench. “Together.” 
“That's what I'm saying.” Buggy shrugged and scratched the back of his head. “We drank a little and got lost.” 
“Honestly, clown, someday I’ll make you a bracelet with the address and the inscription “property of Catherine Mitchell” for people to know where to take your drunken body. No, I don’t buy the “I’m lost” version.” Catherine glared at him, stamping her foot. “Well, speak up! Otherwise, I’ll go home now, and you will sit here and wait for that kid with whom you were in Impel Brown.”
“Down, actually.” Buggy scratched his chin. “Is the ‘we got into the wrong taxi’ version okay?” 
“No!” Catherine shook her head. 
“Hmmm…” Buggy scratched his cheek, thinking through versions. “We were robbed?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” She shrieked in a whisper. “You're the one who's gonna rob anybody. No!” 
“Oh, screw you! Choose the version you like, I’ll agree with it!” Buggy leaned on the back of the chair and put his hands behind his head. 
“Nighty night, Buggy!” Catherine waved and was about to leave.
“We were drinking at the bar. Then Cabaji kissed the waitress. Then we went to another bar. He kissed the waitress there too.” Buggy reached out to Catherine with his hand. “Please, cotton candy, get me out of here, I wanna go home.”
“You don't go to jail for kissing, Buggy!” Catherine rolled her eyes.
“They first trashed the whole bar, and then in some unknown way they broke into the neighboring police station. And then stole the booze with the cake from the policemen's party.” A tall black-hair girl approached Catherine, holding the protocol in her hands. 
“Break into a police station? Are you out of your mind?” Catherine cast an angry glance at Buggy. “What a brilliant idea. Did you think with your head?”
He just shrugged in response. 
“Yes. According to the report, the three got into a little fight, but mostly with themselves. The clown shouted something like “it’s time to leave the stage, let's bring the cake to my cotton candy,” they all ran to the exit. Those two tripped and fell, and this one with the red nose crashed into the door frame.” The officer looked down at Catherine. 
“In my defense, I stole the cake for you, baby.” Buggy chuckled. “But this nice lady took it away.” He nodded towards the officer. 
“Oh, thank you!” Catherine folded her arms theatrically across her chest. “You stole the fucking cake for me. You are so caring! Should this make me feel better, idiot?” 
“Cotton candy, I…”
“Shut up or I’ll kill you!” Catherine slapped her hand on the bars. “Knowing you, you're lucky that you weren't beaten by the police at that station where you broke in or by your cellmates!” 
“Well, actually, they got a little bit of trouble from the police too. So you're the Cotton Candy?” The officer looked confused. “We thought he raved.” 
“Meh, he raves all the time.” Catherine waved at Buggy. “Actually, I’m Catherine Mitchell. This's my real name.”
“Officer Nico Robin, Miss. Are you his wife?” Nico asked and started to note down things in the papers.
“What? No! No, no, no! We.. We live together.” 
“Sorry to hear that. Are you taking him home?” Nico gave the folder in Catherine’s hands. “The protocol, Miss.”
“I don't know, miss Robin. Can I leave him here for a couple of days?” Catherine looked at Nico from below and picked up the paper. “What will happen to him? Will he be transferred somewhere else or what?”
“No, they will stay in this cell for several days, and maybe we will send them to community service. Collect leaves, wash floors somewhere.” Nico shrugged. “So if you want to leave him here, miss Mitchell, well, you can do it.” 
“Cathie-pie! No!” Buggy jumped up from the bench and ran to the bars, looking at Catherine with pleading eyes. 
“Shut up and sit down, please! You pissed me off already!” Catherine studied the papers for a long time and glanced at Buggy, who was closely watching her every move. “Okay, I'll take him home. And those two bodies.. over there, too.” She pointed her finger at Cabaji and Mohji, who were snoring on the bench. 
“All right. You have to pay 600.000. Bail for the three of them and pay the damages.” Nico cast a compassionate glance at Catherine and walked away. 
Catherine immediately turned to the cell. “600.000? You know, Buggy, I'd like to leave you here for a while.” 
“No, no! Please!” Buggy grabbed Catherine's hands and started kissing it. “I want home. I don't want to stay here! I’m so happy I have you. What would I do without you?” 
“You'd keep getting into trouble. Even though you do it all the time.” Catherine chuckled and examined his face, saying softly. “You okay? You have bruises. You didn't get hurt?”
“Nah, I’m fine.” He pulled her closer by the arms. 
“You didn't show off your chop chop thing, right?” Catherine asked quietly. 
“Do I look like an idiot?”
“Do you really want to know the answer to this question?” Catherine exhaled tiredly. “Well, clown. I’m your rescue goddess again.” 
“Yes, you are.” Buggy kissed her hands. “You're my goddess.” Kiss. “You're the goddess of everything, cotton candy.” Kiss. Kiss. 
Catherine removed her hands and left the room without saying a word. She was gone for about an hour, and Buggy began to worry. 
“Captain, will Catherine be back?” A hungover voice was heard from another bench.
“I don't know, Mohji!” Buggy answered quietly. “Fuck!”
“Is there a chance that she will leave us here?” 
“Trust me, she can do it without blinking an eye.” Buggy started to think that, as punishment, Catherine had gone home and left him here. But he heard her laughing in the hallway and exhaled. “Yes!!” 
Catherine returned with Nico, laughing merrily. 
“Yes, Miss Mitchell. I feel sorry for you. Are you sure you're taking all three of them? This's your last chance to refuse.” Nico opened the cell, watching Catherine nod. 
“Thank you very much, Miss Robin. And thanks to the policeman who put himself in my position. I’m sorry it happened this way.” Catherine narrowed her eyes and cast an angry glance at Buggy
“Hey, Buggy the Clown and you two. On your way out. Say thanks to this wonderful lady. If I were you, I'd never let that girl get away from me.”
Cabaji and Mohji swayed as they stood up from the bench. Cabaji tried to kiss Nico in gratitude, but Catherine stopped him. Then he happily tried to kiss Catherine, but Buggy stopped him with a shout of “what the fuck!”.
Catherine took turns leading all three of them to the car and drove them home. Their trio stared at the floor the whole way, hardly saying a word. Cabaji and Mohji tried to ask to let them go home, but were quickly silenced when they heard Catherine's stern “No, I'm taking you both to our place.” It was useless to argue with her. They didn't want to make her even more angry. 
When they arrived home, Catherine immediately sent everyone to sleep, not wanting to listen to anything. She laughed because Buggy reminded her of a naughty cat. He carefully sat down on the bed and didn’t know whether he could hug Catherine or not. She came closer to examine his face again, and Buggy used this opportunity to wrap his arms around her waist. Catherine stood there for a couple of minutes while he buried the top of his head in her chest without saying a word. She carefully removed his arms and lay down on the bed. Buggy lay down next to her, covered her with a blanket and became a little worried because Catherine didn't stroke his hair, didn't kiss him on the lips or nose before the night, as she usually did. Buggy carefully pressed closer to her, listening to her dryly saying “good night.” Catherine could hardly sleep. Buggy snored loudly in her ear, hugging her with arms and legs, mumbling “don't leave me, I love you”. She stroked his hair gently, and he immediately snuggled closer to her. From the living room came the equally loud snoring of Cabaji and Mohji.
Catherine woke up a couple of hours later and saw in bed.... no one. She noticed only a fresh lipstick mark on her hand. Catherine put on her slippers, wiped her eyes and hand, and staggered to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. There was no one in the living room where she had put Cabaji and Mohji to bed either. Catherine thought the three of them had run off to the circus early in the morning to avoid being seen by her.
“Fucking circus freaks!” Catherine muttered, and paused for a moment. She heard a noise coming from the kitchen, walked quietly to the door and put her ear to it.
“Captain, are we sure we're doing this right?” Mohji asked.
“I don't know!!” Buggy grumbled. “She seems to do it like that!”
“Why are we doing it?” Cabaji asked with interest.
“You know, dude, I may not understand a lot of things about relationships, but one thing I've learned. If you mess up, and you don't want to be killed, do something nice for your girlfriend. Buy flowers, make breakfast. For fuck's sake! It's hot!” Buggy pulled his hand away from the frying pan. “Guys, you have to help me!! We have to beat the eggs, dip it in the bread and fry it.” 
“You said it would be easy. We've been whipping eggs for half an hour now, but nothing's working!” Mohji said with frustration in his voice. “What should this even look like?”
“I don't know!!” Buggy looked at the bowl and grabbed his head. “Like scrambled eggs! Keep whipping!” 
“How did we even end up in the kitchen preparing breakfast for your girlfriend, Captain? How did you even get into a relationship?!” Cabaji asked, trying to help Mohji to whip eggs.
“I don't know how it happened, Cabaji!! She charmed me, and now I'm standing here in this fucking kitchen. Fuck! Nothing works!” Buggy took the bowl and looked at the slurry. “Shit! I’m done. She will wake up and kill me.”
Catherine opened the door ajar and poked her head in. She didn't know how not to laugh out loud. Buggy, Mohji and Cabaji were trying to cook for her. The whole kitchen was in flour, they themselves were in flour and eggs. They were always grumbling and dropping plates and spoons. Mohji was trying to dip the bread in the eggs and somehow managed to spill eggs all over the table. Buggy was overdoing the bread, Cabaji poured coffee beans into the coffee maker, but dropped the bag and everything fell on the table. 
“How about we make these toasts differently?” Mohji asked, once again soiling himself in the whipped eggs.
“No, she likes it that way.” Buggy grumbled through his teeth. “She always eats grilled cheese toasts when she's upset.”
“You said grilled cheese? Wait a minute, Captain.” Cabaji grabbed the cookbook in his hands. “Oh-oh! Guys, we're in serious trouble. We're making fucking French toast.”
“What?” Buggy sent his head to look in the book. “No!! No, no, no, no!! God dammit! I'm dead. I'm definitely dead! Fuck! Fuck!” 
“Let’s just fry the egg and put it on bread! Maybe she won’t notice the difference.” Mohji shifted his gaze from eggs to Buggy.
“Do you even feel sorry for me, Mohji? Do you really think my girlfriend won’t notice that this’s another fucking dish?” Buggy scratched his head. “How did this happen? I knew what kind of toast she liked. I can't believe I screwed up like this. Aga~.”
Catherine cleared her throat and the three of them slowly turned toward her. She held it together until the last but laughed herself to tears. Three terrified faces looked up at her. Their hands were all covered in eggs, their pants were stained with eggs and yolks. 
“Boy, our kitchen can barely withstand one hurricane Buggy. But three hurricanes, that's too much.” Catherine bent down and started laughing even louder. “I wish you could see your faces now. Three scared meerkats.” She imitated their poses and wiped her eyes. “Good morning, crooked hand guys.” Catherine slowly approached Buggy, sizing up the scale of the tragedy. “What are you doing here?”
Buggy looked confused. “I thought you were sleeping.”
“One handsome man didn't snore in my ear, so here I am.” Catherine wiped his face with a towel and pecked him on his lips. “Hi!” 
Buggy looked disgruntled and started muttering something about they were not alone. 
Catherine shrugged and examined his face and head again. “Everything seems okay.” She walked over to Cabaji and Mohji and wiped their faces and examined their faces too. “You both are fine.”
They both looked at her uncomprehendingly, then shifted their gaze to Buggy, who had a change in his face and couldn't say he was pleased with the scene. 
Catherine clapped her hands and sat in her chair. “Well, guys! Where's my coffee?” 
Buggy snapped his fingers, pointed to the coffee maker for Cabaji, and he quickly ran to pour her coffee. Mohji tried to flip the toast while Buggy put the plate on the table and looked guiltily at Catherine. She couldn't resist and kissed Buggy on his cheek. Mohji looked at them with interest.
Catherine shifted her gaze to the stove. “You're on fire, Mohji!” 
“Catherine, I know I’m a total fire, and you're cute too, but not now! Our Captain is here.” Mohji pointed a knife at Buggy.
“Your sleeve is on fire, idiot!” She jumped up from her chair and ran to Mohji with a towel. Startled, he jerked his hand away from the pan, hit a bowl that fell on the floor and began shaking his hand, only fanning the flames more. Catherine turned on the tap and quickly put Mohji’s hand under the water.
“God, it's only the morning, but the madhouse is already visited me.” She examined his hand. “It's fine. You’ll live. But you’ll have to throw the shirt away.”
“What the fuck?!” Buggy yelled. “Mohji, couldn't you swing your fucking arms less? You’re not a fucking bird. You dropped everything. We've been whipping these fucking eggs for two fucking hours.” He abruptly pushed back his chair, plopped onto it, and looked at Cabaji, who froze with coffee in his hands. “Why are you standing there? Put the fucking coffee on the table.”  He was upset and clearly started to get angry.
“Oh, don't be mad at them. They tried to help you.” Catherine kissed the top of Buggy's head, hearing him say again, “baby, we're not alone”. “I was baking waffles last night. Okay. Sit down. Catherine Mitchell is gonna feed her boys. Watch and learn, guys. Especially you, Buggy.” 
She quickly warmed up food under the gaze of six eyes, put waffles and coffee on the table and sat down next to Buggy, watching the three of them gorge themselves on hot waffles drizzled with maple syrup, slurping loudly. 
“Very tasty, Cath.” Cabaji put his fork down on an empty plate. 
“Very tasty!” Mohji ate almost without chewing his food.
“Thank you! It's nice to know that my boyfriend's friends also appreciated the food.” Catherine watched as Buggy blushed, muttering that it was tasty for him too.
“I’m done. We're off to rehearsal, cotton candy.” Buggy threw his fork on the table, stood up and was already heading for the kitchen exit, nudging Cabaji and Mohji, whispering to them “hurry, get out, get out”. 
“Freeze!” Catherine said loudly, taking a bite of a waffle. 
“Goodbye, Captain!” Cabaji and Mohji were about to run away. 
“Hey, you two! I didn't give you permission to leave.” She shook her head, sipped her coffee and squinted. “You assholes made a mess in the kitchen. And I'm not cleaning that up. Na-ah.”
The three of them stared at her and didn't know what to do. 
“Captain, what should we do?” Cabaji whispered to Buggy, looking at Catherine. 
“I have no fucking idea. This has never happened before.” Buggy replied in a whisper. “Something new.” 
Catherine took the cup of coffee in her hands, stood up and walked over to them. “You boys now take mops, rags in your hands and clean up all this crap. Moreover, you three will clean all the rooms, otherwise I will send you back to where I took you from.” 
“But, baby....” Buggy tried to stare at Catherine confidently, but took two steps back just in case.
“Shut up, Buggy. I’m more than sure that it was you who shouted that you need to break into the police station.” Catherine came closer to him and whispered in his ear. “And I don’t even want to say what awaits you if you don’t start cleaning up here now. You know, I can do it, and you can ea-a-asily lose something important.” 
“For how long?” He asked quietly.
“Aye-aye.” Catherine clicked her tongue. “A week.”
“Little shit!” Buggy exhaled heavily. “Guys, let's grab mops and rags. We don't have a chance to win. This's the little red-haired devil.”
Catherine sat down on the table and began to watch as the three of them started cleaning the kitchen. At first, it seemed like they were making even more of a mess. Mohji washed the floor, did not ring out the mop, constantly slipped on the water and fell. Cabaji was washing the dishes because Catherine had forbidden him to use the dishwasher. Buggy was scrubbing tables.
“Fuck! I'm sorry, Cath.” Cabaji held pieces of Catherine's broken mug in his hands and he immediately received a blow to the head with a rag from Buggy.
“Do you have no hands at all? This was her fucking favorite mug!” Buggy was already red with anger.
“Sorry! I'll buy you the new one! I promise!” Cabaji turned his gaze to Buggy, who was becoming angrier and angrier every second, either from the fact that he was forced to clean up or from a broken mug.
“Oh, my dear, of course you will.” Catherine narrowed her eyea playfully. “You guys should be wearing duck aprons. You'd look cute in them. I would call you three Ducketeers.” She laughed, eating waffles. 
“You're having fun, yeah?” Buggy glanced at Catherine angrily.
“Oh, yeah!” She nodded and sipped her coffee.
Buggy threw the rag on the table and walked up to Catherine, looking intently into her eyes. Cabaji and Mohji froze with round eyes and didn't know if they should run away from the kitchen or not. 
“What? Do you want to tell me something, clown?” Catherine didn’t take her eyes off Buggy. “Better pour me a glass of wine.”
“You know what, my cotton candy?” Buggy grabbed her chin, wanting to tell her to fuck off and hire cleaners. “Go and fu~”. He almost pressed his body to her, when Catherine ran her finger over his hand.
“You want to get out, my love? That would be a shame. Just for your information, Buggy the Clown.” She took a bite of the waffle, moved closer to him and said quietly. “I bought new underwear. It's pink and lacy. I rea-a-a-ally wanted to show it to you tonight.”
“You… You…” Buggy took one step closer to Catherine, keeping his hand on her chin, and stared at her for a long time. “How.. Why.. What.. Which wine should I pour?” He took one more step closer.
“Fuck, you're so hot right now.” Catherine raised her body a little bit and said quietly near his lips. “But I want pink and dry, please.” 
“Fine!” Buggy sent his hand for the wine, without moving from his place, and poured her the largest glass of wine. “Here!”
“Thank you, my love. If you keep cleaning, I'll let you take off my underwear.” Catherine sipped her wine and slightly nodded towards Cabaji and Mohji. “Your guys are watching, by the way.” 
Buggy swallowed. “Fuck them and fuck you, Catherine Mitchell.” He hissed it through the teeth and cast an angry glance at his friends. “Why are you still here, idiots? Cabaji, you go clean the fucking living room. Mohji, you go to the fucking bathroom. I'll go to the bedroom.”
They went room by room and Catherine followed them around, showing where and what needs to be cleaned. Cabaji reluctantly began to wipe the table, Mohji exhaled and trudged with a bucket to the bathroom. 
Catherine went to check the bedroom and saw Buggy sitting in a chair while his hands raked trash under the bed.
“Hey! Don't cheat, asshole!” Catherine took the mop and gave it to him. “You are banned from chop chop thing for today. Do everything properly.” 
“You need to clean it up, you clean it up. I don't want to do anything.” Buggy reattached his hands and tried to grab her hand. 
“Na-ah! Rules, clown! You made a mess in the kitchen, not me. If you clean up well, you will receive a gift.” Catherine leaned over the chair. “For your information. It is around here somewhe-ere.”
“I need some pink motivation, Cathie-pie. Can I at least take a look?” Buggy looked at her with pleading eyes. Catherine shook her head, he sobbed, stood up and got down on all fours with the mop.
“God, your ass is so pretty.” Catherine tilted her head and smiled.
“Fuck off, Catherine.” Buggy barked. 
“Oh, my little bear is angry.” She came closer to him and placed her hand on his back. “My little bear is so sexy when he's angry.” 
“For God's sake, go away!” Buggy threw the mop on the floor. 
She smacked him on his head. “I'm gonna go check on your buddies.”
Catherine left the room and waited a couple of minutes. She opened the bedroom door ajar and saw Buggy lying on the bed. “Seriously, clown?”
“Holy crap!!” From the surprise he fell apart on the bed. “You freaked me out! Who does that, woman?!”
“Get off the bed and keep cleaning, Buggy!” Catherine rolled her eyes, closed the door and saw abandoned rags. She went to the front door and saw Cabaji and Mohji were trying to escape. 
“Open up!!” Cabaji whispered. 
“What about the Captain?” Mohji pulled the door several times. “Fuck! It's closed!!” 
“The Captain will understand us! Hurry!!” Cabaji shook his shoulder. 
“Have you lost something?” Catherine pulled the keys out of her pocket and clicked her tongue. “Aye-aye! How bad is it to abandon your beloved Buggy while he's doing his job.”
They blinked silently, not knowing whether she would kill them now or later.
“She's right, Mohji!” Cabaji nodded and crossed his arms. “See? Our Captain is strong and persistent! He is not afraid of rags and mops!” 
“He’s amazing!! He teaches us not to give up!” Mohji took off his boots. 
“Catherine!” They said in unison, falling on their knees. “Don't tell him, please, that we wanted to run away!” 
“Get back to your rooms and finish cleaning until the end. Now!” 
Cabaji and Mohji quickly run away, and Catherine had them rewash the shelves, the floor, and rewipe the furniture as punishment. They both constantly whined but continued admiring Buggy’s durability. 
Catherine went to the kitchen to take a couple of waffles and walked into the bedroom again when Buggy was wiping down the shelves, sitting on the floor. He was wet, angry, tossing rags, grumbling incessantly, but Catherine noticed him carefully picking up her figurines and candles with his hands and putting them back.  
“You're back.” Buggy said angrily, wiping a photo frame with their picture. He didn't want that kind of thing in their house at all, but Catherine convinced him to put it on the shelf. 
“Yeah. I love your bedroom.”
“Our bedroom.” He sighed heavily and sent his hand to place the frame back on the shelf. 
“Our. How are you?” She asked calmly, sipping her wine. 
“I’m fine.” Buggy grumbled. 
“I brought some waffles. Do you want to?”
“I don't want a fucking waffle, Catherine.” Buggy groaned. “I'm tired and wanna sleep or die. I’m not sure what options I want to choose. I’ve been wiping your fucking books, figures and candles for almost two hours now. You’ve already filled the bedroom with these candles. I cleaned your fucking fluffy pillow on the chair by the window. Do you really need it? The chair and the pillow?” He kicked the chair and threw the rag on the back of the chair. 
“Yes, I need it, Buggy.” Catherine came closer to the chair and adjusted the plaid. “I love this pillow and I love this chair by the window, this's my favorite place in this room. I love sitting in it in the morning and watching you do your makeup. I love sitting here with a book and seeing you walk home, hiding a bouquet of flowers behind your back or eating a bagel. I love when we sit in this chair together in the evenings, even though you think it's stupid. And I bet you will never admit that you like all my things and the fact that they made the house more cozy.” 
“What a speech! Fine! I give that stupid chair and pillow my permission to stay.”
“Thanks, you're so generous.” Catherine walked across the room and ran her fingers along the nightstands. 
Buggy followed her movements closely. “Is Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine happy now?” He asked, gently wiping down the box with her birthday present. 
“Am I just a princess? I thought you promoted me to queen. But just for your note, Princess Catherine is very happy. Because her beloved Prince Buggy the Clown is doing well.” She saw Buggy blush. “Finish up here and come to the living room. I’ll order a pizza and one additional pizza with sausages for my little bear and hot dogs, as always.”
Catherine walked back out into the living room, checking on Cabaji, who was already mopping the floor with his tongue out. “Cath, please tell me you're satisfied!”
She looked around and nodded. “Quite satisfied. Wipe down the shelves again and you can rest. I'm going to go check on your other friend.” 
Catherine went to the bathroom, hearing Cabaji's scream behind her. She opened the bathroom door and saw Mohji practically sobbing as he finished cleaning the bathtub. 
“I'm a good man. I didn't deserve that. But my captain is steadfast and does not give up! I must follow his example!!” Mohji glanced at Catherine with wet ryes. “Please, Catherine, tell me you're satisfied!” 
Catherine looked around and nodded. “Quite pleased with it. Just wipe down the shelf one more time and you can rest.” She went to the kitchen to order a pizza when she heard Mohji squealing. 
Catherine laughed loudly and went back into the living room. When the pizza was brought by the delivery man, Catherine couldn't hold back a laugh as she watched all three of them crawl effortlessly onto the couch. 
“Come on, guys! You've only been cleaning for almost four hours.” 
“I can't. I wan~ die.” Cabaji plopped down on the couch. “I was~. I wash~. I washed the fucking shelves and windows six times.” 
“Same.” Mohji plopped down next to Cabaji, resting his head on his shoulder. 
“How many times have I pulled you out of the cell this month, so many times you've washed the windows. It's simple.” Catherine shrugged. “Next time you will immediately clean everything in the kitchen and won't be punished.”
“I did it! I fin~ finished!” Buggy opened the bedroom door, leaned on the frame and stared at Catherine. “I wip~ wiped down all the fucking shelves, chang~ changed the fucking bed linen, neatly folded your fucking t-shirts with animals.”
“Did you fold my t-shirts neatly? Don't make me laugh.”
“Screw you!” Buggy waved at Catherine. “You.. Ass~. Assholes. Mo~ Move over.” He splitted in pieces and almost with no energy made his way to the couch, where he put himself back together at the last gasp. 
Catherine brought the beer for them and looked around the room. “See! You did great, guys! Everything looks clean now!”
“Yaaaay!” Buggy, Cabaji and Mohji rejoiced in unison and clapped almost exhaustedly. 
“Now you deserve a good and tasty pizza.” She opened the boxes and placed hot dogs on the table. “Enjoy!” 
The three of them silently synchronized to wave her off. Catherine laughed even harder, took a slice of pizza and sat down next to Buggy, putting her arm around his shoulders. 
“I adore you, guys. You need to come and clean up our apartment often.” She kissed Buggy's head. “And I adore you, my love!” 
“Baby, we're..” Buggy tried to speak. “We.. We’re not alo~.” He barely mumbled from fatigue. “~ne.”
“I don't give a shit.” She kissed his head again. “Let your friends get used to my love for you.” 
“The main th~... I will se~. Pin~. Fuck me, I don't have the energy to talk.” Buggy sent his hand for a beer. 
“Captain.” He heard Cabaji's half-dead voice. “You know what I understood after this morning?” 
“I'll never get into a relationship.”
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