#but again. like. thats a nuanced conversation which is not what’s happening
stairs-feooff · 1 year
i really dont want to start shit but. does that person really not see the irony in saying "he only looks mixed when he isnt altering his natural features, so he isnt really mixed!" like.....
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violet-lavender-fem · 3 months
Don't mind me just dropping receipts of JK Rowling engaging in holocaust denial~ Tee hee! :3
so i’m 1 minute and 16 seconds into the video and this man is saying that the fact jkr is expressing shock in the first tweet is due to the nazis burning books abt sex reassignment / gender
and not due to being basically called a nazi for being a feminist
let’s continue shall we
okay 5 minutes in and he still hasn’t proven that she was denying nazi book burning and not just ,, balking at being called a nazi, which is a serious fucking accusation
no sir (5:30) the “only good faith reading” of this tweet isn’t that she’s ignorant it’s that she’s taking offense to someone saying she follows nazi beliefs
(6:28) being opposed to the medical experimentation being performed on gnc people is not “being aligned with nazis” it’s called a nuanced issue that people come to separate conclusions on for different reasons. feminists are anti-porn bc we see it as rape on tape. conservatives hate porn bc they think women should never have sex. vaguely similar conclusions, completely different motivations and arguments.
(7:12) simply calling lgb alliance an “anti trans lobbying group” is a bit disingenuous lol
(7:59) y’all are abt to downplay eugenics and sexual inversion theory aren’t u
(8:35) yep
(8:52) still haven’t convinced me she said the book burning never happened
(9:45) a quick dig at the guy’s appearance, great, totally normal
(10:16) has this man never heard of paraphrasing as a way of making a statement more concise. jesus fucking christ
(10:30) ok the smallest possible acquiescence to paraphrasing as a concept
(12:00) yea he was definitely racist and a eugenicist :/ we’re not gonna dwell on that tho <3
(12:45) actually we’re actively going to downplay it <3 let’s just call him vaguely “problematic”
(13:32) or because he believed gay people were “born in the wrong body” — that lesbians were secretly part male (hence the searching for sperm), and the opposite for gay men
(14:09) so ur telling us what he ACTUALLY meant. like owowowoow it’s a dog whistle don’t listen i did all the thinking for u type shit
(14:51) is vaginoplasty not a form of sterilization. ur cutting the patient’s balls off aren’t u. so like. ? but i do concede to this one minor point.
(15:27) “yea he was a horrific torturing nazi. but like. not in the way u specifically said so this is all wrong.” so he was the guys coworker and he was a nazi doctor. just not this exact fucking way so it’s all moot??
(15:58) and now he’s directly comparing jkr to a real life nazi again. for making tweets he doesn’t like.
(16:40) STILL not convinced that she was referring to the book burnings as the fever dream
(17:17) THATS NOT SHIFTING THE GOALPOSTS THATS SOMEONE ELSE TRYING TO CONTINUE THE ARGUMENT AND FAILING BRUHHHHH sry someone pulled an argument out of their ass and jkr responded to that nonsense instead of the exact tweet u still seem to wanna talk abt. sorry conversations continue without u. someone ELSE shifted the goalposts FOR u.
quick timeline for ur benefit
> someone: ur basically a nazi
> jkr: what fever dream did u get that from
> someone else: yea trans ppl were literally the first victims of the nazis and every single piece of info on trans ppl was burned
> jkr: what
> someone ELSE: books on transsexuality were burned (something she didn’t deny, just put into historical context that y’all don’t like)
> jkr: are u not gonna mention the person that is doing actual holocaust revisionism here
> malcom: agreed?
(18:37) tweet didn’t say “this book burning was the first act against transsexuals” it said “trans ppl were the FIRST VICTIMS of the nazis” that’s u shifting the goalposts babygirl
(18:50) now ur claiming she said dora never died girl she wasn’t even brought UP in the CONVO
(19:21) but it is the view that this one specific person, whom jkr is specifically rebuking, holds
(19:47) girl this is what i’ve been saying this whole time. normal ppl don’t like when u call them nazis. they may even call ur logic a “fever dream.” weird huh
this is pissing me off fr how dare u call someone an actual nazi holocaust denier based on ur sickeningly bad-faith reading of their fucking TWEETS
(21:05) literally what ur doing right now
also can i point out that the reading of the tweets in such a pissy contemptuous tone of voice is of course going to make someone’s arguments sound stupid. half of ur “proof” here is her tone and what you think she’s saying, not her actual written words.
(21:31) nice actual nazi dog whistle
(21:33) i don’t trust eli erlick bc he is a rapist. he rapes fellow trans people. but carry on i guess.
(21:37) much of what ur referencing is compiled by someone who has raped trans people. great.
(21:50) transvestites are not the same as todays trans people. but carry on i guess.
this is wearing me out man
(24:47) yes absolutely visibly gender nonconforming people were persecuted and tortured and even murdered. a number of them likely experienced dysphoria and may have undergone surgery. does that mean all of those people would identify as transgender if they had that terminology? the citation continues to refer to these people as both transvestites and transgender, as if those are equivalent interchangeable terms. i don’t remember what source this is from. was this passage written by eli erlick, or by an actual holocaust historian?
(26:38) so now we’re actively equating the terms transvestite and transgender. this youtuber simply claimed that the two are the same without proof. i call presentism.
(28:47) gay men were referred to as homosexual. “Homosexuell” (“homosexual”) which is a direct synonym of gay. “transvestite” is not a direct synonym of transgender.
(29:16) miriam ezagui is an orthodox jew who describes her life and her jewishness. she has addressed the role of goblins in jkr’s works, saying that the history of them in folklore may be rooted in antisemitism, but jkr’s characters are goblins. not jews. she describes it better than i do idk find her account.
30 minutes in and we’re defining holocaust revisionism and denial. ok man
(31:32) is that a feminist or just a random dipshit on the internet
(31:43) is that a feminist or just a random dipshit on the internet
(31:46) is that a feminist or just a random dipshit on the internet
(32:27) yep
all done
not convinced. calling someone a holocaust denier is a serious accusation, and this entire video is all either actively choosing to believe she is saying something that she didn’t or taking offense at history being complicated and not fitting into your current worldview.
the nazis targeted jewish people, people of color, the romani, homosexual men, political dissidents, and people who were transvestites. likely more groups of people that i forgot to list. would some of those people identify as trans today? maybe. but you cannot decide that for them.
nazis committed disgusting atrocities at a scale that’s practically unimaginable. and to call a woman a nazi or a holocaust denier because of the way you read her tweets is sick.
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georgespaniel · 1 year
this is me speaking frankly about my thoughts on all of this because i've been really struggling over the past 2 days because of the matty shit and it hurts. i will admit i feel conflicted over this which i hate and if you feel similar or want to tell me to shut the fuck up feel free but i think talking about it and getting out my system will help. this is rambly, incoherent, kinda personal and quite long so feel free to ignore but i just want it out there.
i think i am very parasocial with matty and that makes me want to excuse him far more than i should, and i'm willing to admit that is a flaw. i want to be in denial and tell myself that this is all just a big bit and he's not really like that but how the fuck am i supposed to know that? i keep telling myself that he is better than this and he doesn't actually believe any of this but realistically i know nothing about this man other than what he shows us, and what he showed on that podcast was really shitty. i can't keep excusing his shitty behaviour, before i just thought of him as a loveable asshole but he's turning more and more into just a straight up asshole.
i feel like people on both sides of this debate are being way too loud because it's a lot more nuanced than either 'he has committed every -ism under the sun and is a terrible bigot' or 'he's done nothing wrong lol you're just a fake fan that's his humour' and i hate that no one can just have a conversation about this. i've seen and spoken to a few people on anon about it and it's been much nicer so i appreciate this tumblr community for being so nice even though this blog has only existed for like a week lmao.
i have loved matty since 2015 and my love was really reignited back in November and it's made these past few months so good for me, i saw them live and made 15 year old me's dream come true and i think i was kinda waiting for it to all go to shit so i feel like i shouldn't be surprised but i still am.
it hurts that a man who has been so vocal about supporting women and condemning bigotry and toxic masculinity can't stop himself from participating in such unnecessary low blow humour for some cool points. like i don't really give a shit if it's satire and all a big bit, the words are still harmful and they still fucking hurt.
like it's so frustrating because in my head i want to believe he is better than this!!! he has been so vocal in the past and that goddamn brit award speech he made just doesn't seem like the same person who was in that interview. but once again how am i supposed to know that. maybe he's an absolute prick behind closed doors.
i don't feel like what was done was egregious but he was clearly happily complicit in it and thats what makes me so uncomfortable. it's such shitty punch down humour that is completely unnecessary, like yeah its a joke or whatever but its such a shit joke that is only funny because its something they know will never happen to them. even if the hosts are minorities themselves it doesn't give them the right to make such shitty racist remarks and especially for privileged white boy matty to be joining in with them.
i think its poe's law that goes something like 'if your attempt at satire is indistinguishable from the person you are mocking you are no better than them'. like even if he isn't a bigot he sure is fucking sounding like one and it pisses me off. and i have seen people who definitely are bigots laughing at this shit and feeling validated by it. if people who genuinely believe that shit are laughing and agreeing with you then you need to take a step back and reevaluate what you are saying.
he has no ability to understand when to shut his mouth and understand that his opinion isn't fucking needed. oh great yet another rich privileged white man's opinions, exactly what the world fucking needs.
i feel like he could maybe redeem himself is he showed even an ounce of self reflection and realisation that he has genuinely hurt people, if he actually apologised or fucking did anything to acknowledge the shitty stuff he has done, but he never does!!!! he never does because he can get away with it because people keep letting him get away with it.
and yet despite all that a small part of me still wants to love him and its been tearing me apart. i considered myself to have very strong morals and this goes against so many of them. i'm not sure if it's the parasocial attachment or the comfort he has brought me over the years but i really don't want to lose that, but that sacrifices my own morals to do that (am i being too sensitive, am i too morally black and white, is what i am feeling valid, am i a bad person for thinking this???)
i hate the fact that every time i try to listen to their music or i see the videos that used to make me feel so happy i just feel sick. i want to feel comforted and happy like i used to but now i just think about him and feel upset, i don't want him to be that person i so desperately don't but i don't know anymore and i don't know what to do.
i hate the fact that i can't form my own opinions and i am so influenced by what other people say, i am so desperate for someone to valdiate me but two people have told me it's okay and i still feel sick. i want someone to tell me how to feel about this but when they do i can't accept it. i love him and i hate him so much and those feelings can't get on with each other. it just really really fucking sucks.
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
I just think white mha fans should not be speaking over poc fans about their feelings on a subplot ehich enforces the idea of the "model minority" and i may have been a little bit too heated since this might be fictional but my community has been dealing with it in real life
Spinner is bound to make mistakes and not realize in his pursuit of making things better he is making them worse. Same for shigaraki same for touya same for literally every other character and it doesn't sit well with my spirit how white fans talk about this subplot with such scrutiny over spinner when we have been saying since the beginning how the heteromorph character being turned into a mindless beast and portraying this subplot in such a laughable manner was harmful
In the end spinner is an imperfect character trying his best and failing just like the rest of lov regardless if its on a personal or bigger scale and that is normal it's nuanced writing i just wish you would take poc and their takes a little bit more seriously especially with how the resolution of this arc was horrendous just claiming the oppressed should take it until the oppressors feel bad which has been relevant in real life to us as well as we have been told to just be silent and take it thats it
This ask confuses me. I am talking about one thing, and you are talking something completely different. It’s like we’re both screaming in opposite directions.
My takes on Spinner’s relationship to Shigaraki have nothing to do with the handling of the heteromorph plot.
Shigaraki has basically no ties to that plot. One topic really and truly has nothing to do with the other. The only common denominator is Spinner.
I’m not really trying to talk over anybody because I’m not even talking about the topic you are on. Sorry? This conversation isn’t gonna go anywhere specifically for that reason.
What I’ve have been doing is saying “acknowledge these actions as a result of his character flaw and stop saying his dedication to Shigaraki is just this amazing great thing about him when the manga says it’s not”. That’s what I’ve been saying. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not saying don’t like Spinner.
Once again, a conclusion you are drawing from I don’t know where. I’m not telling anyone how they should feel—however based on the previous ask it seemed maybe their concerns would be better directed elsewhere, rather than my feelings on two characters’ dynamics. Because what they were saying had absolutely nothing to do with what I was talking about. What you’re saying has nothing to do with what I’ve been talking about.
I’ve already said I’ve held negative feelings toward the plot’s writing and conclusion, multiple times actually. I don’t really know what else you want for me to say. I wasn’t satisfied with it, I even said it in the last response. Again, what the fuck are you looking for?
Are you telling me to stop criticizing Spinner’s actions basically? Because that’s just not gonna happen because he’s a character on a page just like the rest of them and his actions affect the plot.
You can keep pointing out how I’m white and holding it against me all you want as if you’re making a point of some kind, but it really doesn’t correlate with the topic I am even talking about, at all. But keep at it.
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indielowercase · 5 months
white trans woman refusing to discuss the nuance of race. being a white woman means they still have privilege over even cis black men and other men of color. when they refuse to consider that in these conversations that thats racism. openly talking about how they hate all men including other queer men/masc folks, men of color, disabled men all men who face bigotry at the hands of society makes them a bigot
being trans doesnt erase their whiteness and the only people i see using tme/tma have been racist white trans people funny how the trans women of color i know never use those terms and how its extremely common that those terms are used to harm and harass trans masc/men especially those who are not white and how trans men and yes even cis men still face misogyny at the hands of society. it goes hand in hand with homophobia. the tme/tma binary is also transphobic to people who are intersex and non binary
transmisogyny exists and is terrible and the solution isnt being horrible to other trans people who have different experiences cause again thats a very white and usually american way of thinking cause god forbid other cultures and how they deal with things exist
ok i'm back from sleep and work
so this is opinion, not proof. you haven't given me anything i could use to confirm this for myself. while i understand why you'd want to send these on anon, all that together makes me considerably less likely to take you on your word.
with just the info provided and gleaning from conversations i've read, it sounds like you're discussing her individual privilege over another individual in discussion on tumblr. this doesn't tell me anything about the actual interaction. saying a white trans woman has privilege over a black cis man is uhhhhhhhh questionable at best we'll say. she may have been racist, the other party may have been misogynist towards her. neither may have happened and one, the other, or both could have just been assholes. i have no idea.
your personal interactions with people aren't the only ones that happen, online or otherwise. i've seen very thoughtful discussions of tme/tma as tools in certain contexts to discuss structural (not individual) oppression of trans women that doesn't happen on a larger scale or systemically to people who are not trans women. then again i've seen it listed alongside other identity markers in people's bios (always tme not tma tho), which makes me feel weird because it's like saying "antiblackness exempt" instead of your race so like there's that. it's useful as a description of transmisogyny specifically but not as like an identity category that's fucking weird but that's also not how i've seen it used the majority of the time (this may be a personal experience difference between us)
i haven't seen it used as a cudgel against trans men. i have seen trans men use it in discussion while trying to claim transmisogyny effects them too (always within the context of discussion of transmisandry) which is something i don't understand at all. i'm a trans man in a pink collar job and while the pay gap for a man working in elementary education (me) or as a nurse (not me) effects any man working in that field, i think it would be weird and inaccurate to say we experience misogyny because of that. this sounds nitpicky but being effected by it vs being the target/experiencing a particular bigotry or structural bias feels like an important distinction to me. the structural forces of bigotry are used as a method of social control, yes, much like homophobia and racism. it's a tool used to make sure "we" aren't too much like "them" because being "them" is bad (because we treat them badly and also their identity category is incapable of doing anything outside of what we prescribe to it.)
or, put another way, white people aren't structurally effected by anti-asian racism because kids at comedian john mulaney's elementary school were racist to him because they thought he looked asian.
nothing here aligns with any terf ideas. someone saying they hate men does not a terf make. if you mean gender essentialist please say so instead.
i would like to say, you're damn right the solution isn't to be horrible to other trans people.
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literaphobe · 3 years
if you were annoyed skipping around with time stamps imagine watching that unfold live! if you had told me at the beginning the largest segment would be dedicated to discussing sexuality i would not have believed you. i was like… um hey kings where is this going 😀. honestly it was just funny to me tho like train was so adamant he’s not gay but also kind of egging the conversation on by saying shit. i didn’t expect dream and george to speak up, let alone continue the conversation in dream’s case tho. also dream’s takes were surprisingly nuanced actually, kind of jarring since he started the podcast with a weird george is gay joke!!like huh?! i will Not be watching it over again tho i didn’t realize it was so long ago because it’s like seared in my brain or something
dream is someone who.... he is really young. 21 IS young ok im 21. and he grew up VERY sheltered with many surface level ideologies thrown at him in a red state n he had like no fucking social media so he’s someone who had to unlearn a lot of things really fast once he actually started interacting w people in the word online and given all his circumstances he’s actually been REALLY good with getting educated and learning new things and just.... fostering a community that is VASTLY more accepting n minority friendly as compared to the gaming community at large. in fact dream’s learnt a lot more about himself over the last 1.5 years alone than what he has known over his whole life? which ties in a lot to the nuance with which he discussed sexuality and also how much he supports n donates to lgbt+ causes
and like. thats why i think its so VILE for antis to claim he’s taking advantage of the lgbt+ community n profiting off us and its sad that this is literally why he didn’t want to do pride merch in the first place, but his lgbt+ fans kept begging for it so he did something small to make us happy n also to try and give back. “10% revenue” doesn’t = 10% of profits. revenue is the amount u get from sales. most of that went into production costs n labor costs. dream’s merch company is a tiny new company that aims to pay people working for it a livable fucking wage n to ethically source material so the merch is good n not cheaply made n lousy dndjdd
and it wrongly assumes that dream is cishet. dream’s sexuality is deliberately undisclosed, and to assert that hes cishet is literally wrong n goes against his boundaries. also to accuse individuals of ‘rainbow capitalism’ when they run small companies and could very well be lgbt+ themselves is so counterproductive. he’s literally donating his stream revenue this month in addition to the merch profits. like that’s way fucking more than what so many creators n companies are doing
also re ‘george is gay’ jokes dream used to do. i won’t discuss what that means but like he doesn’t do that anymore n has recognized how that’s harmful which is a good thing. other than that though i think people should leave him alone like. if he wants to flirt with george ‘for fun’ then let him have fun. like honestly his lgbt+ friends had to be like “hey let men explore their sexualities by flirting for fun w friends n maybe don’t cancel them for that maybe?” when he was accused of fucking queerbaiting 😭😭 like god the dumbest things happen to him he seems quite frankly traumatized at this point n it showed in how he was confused that hasan wasn’t trying to see the worst in him/trying to attack him earlier today
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roppiepop · 2 years
Fandom discourses are inherently messy bcs it concerns how ppl interpret text and media, but i feel like when it concerns mainstream cape comics character accuracy, at the base of it, you can’t really win.
Theres a conversation to be had about mcu adaptations and the motives of streamlining characters to fit ur multibillion dollar franchise under the evil mouse corporation, fucking over the aspects of representation they try to sell to you then having these mangled versions end up being the defining incarnation to the general public.
But for my purposes this is mainly concerning dc.
The nature of the serialization for these comics being a collaborative effort of ever-changing writers in an ever-expanding universe mean that for the most part, every decision made would disservice at least one character, and consequently piss someone off.
Having books where most of its supporting characters are fully developed with their own runs seem to be a double-edged sword where there should be plenty of material to draw from and build plots around, but only under the assumption that the writers read the comics of the characters they write about.
And then in the events that a character long neglected gets brought back and remolded to be a tag-a-long in someone else’s series, or a reboot nerfs a character real bad, with whatever trickle-down effect it causes, if said characterization ends up being adopted in canon longer than their original incarnation,
At what point does that first personality become the one actually considered ooc? How much consistent appearance of what you consider ‘bad writing’ has to be there before u have to accept that making them not be like that is the deviation?
Current decisions in dc of soft reboots and having all their characters remember what happened pre-new52, but not erasing the aspects readers hated from said reboot, and not at all exploring how that knowledge would affect the characters, coupled with how they dont seem to keep track of character developments in other books, make trying to keep up with continuity itself feel like an exercise in futility.
You might get runs with the intention of repairing damages that might fix characterization issues to a point, but also feels like a regression of all the development they should’ve had.
Depending on your comic entry point, your blorbo, and what aspects of said blorbo you connect with, how you interact and which canons you adopt would be wildy varied, and like, you probably wont be wrong for it.
Its also very understandable when regarding characters that have so much history and adaptations people end up going off more accessible and streamlined incarnations, like say, a free webtoon on a big platform or other fanworks.
Is it annoying when larger fanon doesnt fit how you perceive those characters and dynamics? Sure. Are they wrong? Well??? Again, thats free game.
Fandom has always been drawn to exploration and extrapolation, and the way mainstream superhero comics are written dont tend to linger on big character/plot beats. Theres plenty of play room and its easy to headcanon someone one way or another.
Sometimes it can end up creating a more in-depth and nuanced version of a character you’d probably never see in the hand of canon writers, other times they get flattened in all the wrong angles.
But being a fan of mainstream cape comics is so rarely rewarding, the nature of it really is to just pick and choose whatever parts of it brings you the most joy. No one wins in this dnsnsnsns.
That tweet that said ‘the best way to enjoy fandom is to keep it between you and 3 or 4 likeminded friends’ really is the best way to keep u sane in these things.
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mmmonie · 3 years
Hi my other post? Got notes? And I already had this basically ready to go so………….? Here it is I guess! Also I’m so sorry for how long this is LOL…..I am incapable of shutting up once I get going so it’s under the read more for you…….(also?? thank you? for the followers uhm cheesed to meet you? 😳 lol)
This is basically what I imagine the manifestation of a demon's powers to be like??? I called it the “juvenile phase” in my other post so thats what im going with lol
Here’s some things I said in my first post that are relevant here, slightly edited. (I elaborate more on the different ways demons are born in that post and I think they’re pretty self explanatory, but u might wanna go read it just in case it’s not clear enough 😔 sorry): (link to first post)
* Demons have multiple forms, not just the two shown in game. All in all the brothers have 5, each becoming less and less humanoid. (Most demons only have 4) 
* Half/human born demons are more likely to have both a tail and wings in their first demonic form. Stronger demons like the brothers are merely showing off the strongest of the two, but everyone has both. (Again bc I think they’re sick as fuck lol) This is why the stereotypical devil in our world has both wings and a tail. 
*a demon's features can be influenced by what sin they are, but it’s not a hard or fast rule.**
***this does not apply to little Ds whose look is entirely dependent on their sin. They are an entirely separate conversation 😈 (I elaborate on this briefly at the very end LOL) 
* half/human born demons can have two sins assigned to them, though this makes them less powerful in both. Usually there is a more prominent sin. 
*It should also be noted fallen angels do not have a juvenile phase. While the powers they develop after the Fall are different, they already come prepared, having had intense restraint implemented in their training in the celestial realm. The only things they develop are tails and horns, which happens very quickly during the Fall. They still have the same instincts as demons lol they are just much better at maintaining control. 
*another note: I’m gonna use acronyms for our different types of demons after a while to save me some headache. They’re pretty self explanatory (Ex: half demon = HD) 
With that let’s begin, shall we? 
*All demons are born with innate magical abilities, the juvenile phase is just the manifestation of their sins and some of their power. Some powers do not come into fruition until much later in a demon's lifespan. (Will elaborate later) 
*They won’t have a complete hold on their powers after this either, it’s just like. The bare minimum of getting a grip so they don’t cause immediate damage LOL they have many years to get into the nuances. Magic to demons is about as easy as breathing, but it still comes with its own challenges. 
*Many of the powers that manifest are shaped by what kind of sin(s) they display. I’m gonna say the sin(s) developed depend on the individual rather than it being hereditary. Though there are powers that are inherent to all demons. (i.e. hypnotizing humans like in lesson 11-14)
*The beginning of the juvenile phase starts when a demon develops their horns, wings, claws and tails. 
*For almost every demon, the juvenile phase lasts about two or three weeks. A human born’s phase will immediately kick in the day after their ceremony. Because of a half demon’s heritage, their transition is delayed and will usually happen around “middle school” age. (However many thousands of years that is lol. Also imagine going through puberty AND growing a bunch of extra shit.........smh.) 
*Natural demons have it slightly easier, they go through this phase very early (around toddler age). They develop the nubs of their horns, wings and tail a while after they’re born. 
*However this is NOT easier for whoever is taking care of them. Demons that develop later are mostly self-sufficient, meaning you can leave them to rest a bit. Can't leave a baby alone for very long though, can you? Especially not when they’re hurtling objects around with their mind, or causing things to spontaneously combust. (Also imagine a regular baby during their teething phase……….now imagine a baby’s teething phase being ten times more itchy AND manifesting new powers. Congratulations on your very cranky and powerful baby, best of luck to you.)
*Parents take this in stride as it’s just how demon babies are. It is all very Addams family esque…. like awwww, our baby just tried to induce horrific hallucinations of our own deaths!!! 🥺🥰🤧 they grow up so fast!!!!
*HB and HD wings and things grow in very quickly. The nubs will sprout from the skin and then mature into wings and horns in just a few days. ND transitions are much more drawn out, taking about a week to complete. All the growth is very itchy for everyone though. 
*You know when you have an itch that just won’t quit or that you can’t reach, so you have to use some outside force to get some relief? Same concept here. Much like deer and their antlers, demons rub their horns and wings up against things to get to those spots they can’t get to themselves. It also has the added effect of encouraging growth and getting excess skin/keratin off them. Family members often help with preening and scratching. 
*There are special concoctions/spells to make the process easier and to help ease the itchiness. As well as products made for specific purposes, like to get at that space where your wings meet your shoulders lol 
*There are also things to pad horns. Having your baby demon impale your shins is no fun. Neither is having your best friend accidentally get stuck in the cabinet because their horns went through the shelf. 
*The first week and a half is usually when a demon is most active. They are encouraged to play fight, stretch their new wings and become familiar with their new instincts. 
•Play fighting is a way to help learn to readjust to their new strength. (and thank god demons are near impossible to kill lol they can get VERY rough.) It’s also considered a bonding activity. 
*Hunting instincts also come into play so it’s not uncommon to see a demon in their juvenile phase playing a really fucked up game of hide and seek with their loved ones (no one gets hurt. Probably <3) 
*These two skills also help with learning how to fly. A game of fucked up hide and seek in the forest is both fun and educational. 
*This is very much like when puppies' paws are too big for they got damn them, except y'know. with horns and claws. So expect some accidental scrapes and
*This is also usually the time where their sin(s) will manifest, along with their new powers. At this point this is where family comes in, as a newly developing demon is reliant on everyone around them to help them learn how to control their strength/powers. Taking care of a demon in their juvenile phase is a family bonding activity, and even those who are prone to being cold are a bit softer during this time. (A reminder that family can be anyone, not just blood related.) 
*The second half of their transition is more about conserving energy for the introduction of their final form.  
*Nesting instincts kick in and are important here, because any nest created will be that demon's home for a period of time. They won’t stray very far from wherever they’ve chosen to stay. Nearly all demons will just choose a comfortable place in their home to nest, however, some demons (i.e. demons like Levi) need a special place because of their final forms. They will be drawn there instinctively.
*A nest is just composed of soft material and sometimes extra objects. For example a greed demon might want shiny or precious objects around their nest. 
*This will also be the home of the loved one(s) taking care of their demon. They will go out and find anything the other one might need or want. A demon will only choose one or two others to take care of them at this time. Other family members are allowed to visit, but the chosen demon(s) stay with their struggling one for nearly the entire last half of this period. 
*It’s considered an honor to be chosen and it is a bragging point, especially if you have been chosen multiple times. 
*Despite what you might think, parental/domestic skills are very important to demons. They live a very long time, and it be a waste to treat their spawn poorly. They’re stuck with them for nearly an eternity, so you might as well try to do your best with them. Being able to showcase being chosen to whomever your courting is, how you say.............a little sexy. So being chosen multiple times? “Wow you’d be a great parent? Tell me more…..😳” 
*Demons will slowly spend more and more time in their nest as they approach the end of their phase. Growing extra things takes a lot of energy! Many demons end up mostly sleeping for the last couple days in preparation for the end. 
*Since they are so sleepy, this is the most outwardly cuddly most demons will be. Close family members are encouraged to come stay in the same space for a while. The demon will often be asleep, but waking up and playing games with them is a great way to bond. If you’re REALLY special you might end up being allowed to sleep in their nest for a bit. 
*The juvenile phase culminates when the demon reaches their final form (usually the fourth one.) Over this last half, they slowly grow more monstrous features. Scales, fur, claws, eyes, teeth, spines.........the whole lot! Anything and everything you can imagine. Each demon's final form is unique, though they do not get a decision as to what features they have. Final forms tend to be very large. 
*This is where they are taught how to use their glamor and how to piece themselves back into a form that’s easier to maneuver. Think of it like starting from the top and working your way down. 
*There are demons whose job it is to go mark down the details of every single final form. Things like what powers manifested, to how tall they are, their overall physical strength and what sin(s) they portray, etc. They are all recorded in the royal archives. It’s a bit like a right of passage, especially for younger demons and their parents. 
*Going back to the very top, some powers won’t manifest until after the juvenile phase. Some won’t even manifest until the demon has hit sexual maturity (which takes a MUCH longer time for demons.) This is true of almost every power that Lust develops except for perhaps an increase in their charisma/ability to charm. Demons who are assigned Lust are considered the late bloomers of the demonic world, as almost all other sins manifest more power right away. 
*Also relating to the top of this post: the reason Little Ds looks are biased on what sin they are is because they are pure concentrated forms of sin given life. They’re extracted from the souls of humans who committed sin, and used for grunt work/errand running. They develop their own personalities as they go, but it takes a bit so they’re kind of a blank slate until then.
I was gonna be like oh treat for you here’s how the brothers dealt with Satan and his juvenile phase but this is long as FUCK already so I will make…...a separate post. Edit: SURPRISE! treat for u! heres the link if u want
Thanks for reading! Until next time ig? 
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dailyjasontodd · 4 years
sorry if this has been asked before but what about titans tv jason is ooc? just curious because i don't watch the show (i got thru 3 eps of season 1 and then gave up lmao)
Okay we got two questions in this vein, so each of the admins replied one with our own thoughts. Okay, i’m not good at putting my thoughts into words so you’re gonna have to bear with me here lol
If anyone wants to share their own thoughts on this, feel free to reply or send us an ask, we’re interested in you know sparking some convo and all that.
Okay i’ve talked about my main issue for Titans!Robin Jason here on my own blog, tl;dr i think they took elements from Jasons robin run without the context it came with? Titans Jason comes across as angry and aggresive “just because”. actually there isnt a tl;dr just read the post SORRY
Jason was 11-15 years old when he was robin, which i know it seems like something very minor, aging up isn’t a bad storytelling tool, done right it’s fine etc etc, but in Jason’s case i feel like it actually took away from his story? Like, by aging him up they made his character more “mature”, with elements that simply weren’t found in jasons original robin run when he was just a child. Titans Jason feels more like they’re trying to portray n52 red hood jason rather than robin jason, which.. isn’t a good thing! Because again context matters! Red hood jason is a certain way because certain things happened to him, and by trying to copy and paste that personality into robin jason without those reasons it loses any kind of  nuance it could’ve had. And im pointedly saying n52 jason which we all know is real jason’s tethered, so they’re giving us knock-off  n52 jason when n52 jason was already on the sale display
Honestly titans robin jason is just new 52 red hood jason without anything of what actually made him red hood. and the fact that they’ve already hinted red hood jason WITHOUT ANYTHING! ANYTHING that made him become red hood pisses me off a little, ngl. 
(like he literally became red hood as a fuck you to bruce, and in the show neither the joker nor bruce are important characters??? AND THEY SHOULDN’T??? BECAUSE ITS A TITANS SHOW???)
which brings me to!
while jason was a titan, he wasn’t a MAIN titan, and he should’ve NEVER gotten this much focus. He’s a batman character, his entire story depends ENTIRELY on batman, BRUCE being present. and when you take that away it may as well be an oc. Jason and Dick weren’t even that close in Jason’s robin comics, it just doesnt make senseeeeeee, if anything he was closer to Donna! and if you watched the show you probably saw how Donna hated Jason’s guts! And anyways back on track, why is red hood going to be the villain for a TITANS show when he’s only ONCE, EVER had a villain appearance for them??? And it was during Tim’s era?? And imagine if Tim does appear, why would Jason be mad a thim when HE decided to go away? DOESN’T! MAKE! SENSE! Why are they going out of their way to include Jason somewhere he shouldn’t be more than a guest appearance on? He should be Dick’s annoying yet endearing little brother and that’s it...
And honestly genuinely i despise how they portrayed Bruce as not caring about Jason at all... again, Jason’s relationship with Bruce is the heart of a lot of his storylines.. centering Jason’s story around the titans rather than Bruce.. yeah you may as well have created an oc.
Honestly if i watched season 2 again i could be more specific on stuff titans did that it was like just. seeing some dude named jason, but it’s so bad.. just so bad. 
Anyways. If i took away the robin costume i would’ve NEVER guessed thats supposed to be Jason tbh. Like, honestly, do you see these panels and think “Oh yeah it’s like looking at titans Jason”
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Honestly to summarize it, our friend @redarrow sent this to our groupchat a few days ago and i think it’s pretty relevant to the conversation:
Titans, along with almost every story that contains Jason is once again reiterating the narrative that Jason was a bad robin and that he was inherently bad. “His trauma didn’t make him red hood, he was always destined to become a villain/anti hero.”
At the end of the day, these grown adults decided that it would be okay to violently kill off a child in a comic that children read. A character that was specifically made to target a younger audience. Instead of dealing with the consequences of their actions, they try to justify it by retroactively making Jason evil. What really makes me mad is that robin was created for children, and the moment they make a child character have a realistic background to an extent, they basically say there’s no hope for you.
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clownkiwi · 2 years
my long, long words about nuance that i doubt anyone will read (because wow this is long)
now that ive taken adderall and finally know the words i wanna say (like. ya know when ya wanna know what to say, but u dont know the words to say it with???), i guess i should make this clear. whenever i talk about a creator i don't like, my intention is to never "cancel" them, in the case that everybody thinks cancel culture works.
if anything, i truly dont think cancel culture is real. the names dumb and doesnt capture the nuance of what it really is: "holding people in powerful, high-ranking positions accountable for their abusive actions against others"
like, i truly feel like social media wasnt really designed for nuance like you'd hope it is. you could reblog a post with misinfo and believe its real because "it came with a source" but you never do the research for it, nobody ever wants to hold conversations. social media has come to a point where we just share memes, and thats what i use it for. there really hasnt been room for proper, nuanced discussions about drama that happens online
like, ok, an obvious example that i dont really like talking about: the unfuckable blog. while i was on the high of hearing the initial news and later news, i really didnt think that much about it other than it was hilarious and "just like sonic for real justice"/"sonic for real justice 2". i even posted a sarcastic/joking post about enjoying the drama from the sidelines as it wont affect me personally because im not a part of it.
but, taking a step back, getting off that high and thinking about it, it really isnt nuanced to say its like sonic for real justice because of the tumblr-specific drama that arose from it. if anything, its kinda more like the shitshow that was channel awesome in 2018- and that doesnt make this whole situation better.
with that said, "mod rhys is like doug walker" is not a nuanced take thats open for a healthy discussion. but there are some similarities i've noticed. the mods have left one by one, kinda like how the ccs from channel awesome all left one by one. there were only one person left at the end- in channel awesomes case, larry bundy jr, but only so he could keep the title "the winner of the channel awesome hunger games" (i dont remember if he left yet or is still there???). mod ruby, mainly bc she was petty and her host wasnt able to leave yet. and the fact that these were both real and not staged, not unlike s4rj, which as we all know, was staged.
and to let it be known, heres what i think about unfuckable at the end of the day. not every mod was horrible. mod rhys was a pretty bad leader at all this, leaving tantrums whenever anybody called them out and not responding appropriately enough to any drama, leading to a toxic workplace in the blog. all the other mods hate mod rhys now, i doubt they'll ever wanna confront mod rhys again after this. but mod ruby aint an angel either, as she prolonged getting the blog taken down and didnt help make the whole case better. and then, theres mod ted. which is another case to open up, but i wont go into now. with that said, i dont think anybody that has worked for unfuckable in the past are horrible besides the very specific examples i gave.
and, like i said, i never wanted to cancel the blog as a whole or anyone really. at most, i just want people to know information that are in callout posts and warn people about said specific person on platforms with a huge following. thats it, i never want to be that person thats just waiting for someone i dont even care about to get "cancelled" because i really dont have the creative energy to get all that excited for it. and yes, im making this a general statement because this can be applied for a lot of things im sure people thought i would "cancel", but like i said. i dont think cancel culture truly exists
like, god, if i reached 2k-5k followers, im sure there wouldve been people looking through my eight year archive trying to cancel me for something i did at a young age. like, "ooooo ruby said a slur on a scratch account when she was 10 & didnt know any better" or "ruby had bad takes about trans people at 16". like, i was younger then, i really didnt know any better
but also, im not perfect. im human, im capable of making mistakes, i think we all are. and the first step to fixing mistakes is realizing youve made them. and yes, even during the specific unfuckable debacle, i did not respond appropriately. i thought it was funny because i wasnt apart of it, i joined a server full of people who wanted to talk about it. and like, yea, thats not good, and that doesnt really help my case. and if i'll be honest, i doubt i'll get any responses to this because its very long already and i doubt anyone truly wants to have nuanced discussions on here, and i dont blame them
theres a reason why politics are banned in my streams, and its because. those arent fun or entertaining or enrichening conversations to have while i play a video game. same thing can apply to tumblr drama that shouldve really stayed private and not displayed out into the public, and just discussions about them in general on blog. i doubt people follow me for my takes on internet spaces, amd tbf, id rather not be remembered for making large text posts about internet drama from my phone. these are just ramblings coming from someone who wanted to put it into proper words in a post so nobody would get the wrong idea from me
i doubt i'll write anymore posts like this, but when i do, well, there ya go??? idk, idk what else to say, i'll just post it here and see it get buried under my reblogs of funny memes
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lucidpantone · 3 years
It's seems like balloon squad is done filming for today...
Plot spoiler (after the cut). TW: Racial Bias
modified anon: How is it confirmed? Extras saw it happening? Do you think that's why in wtfock s4 (rip) they had Yasmina talking about her brother and friends smoking weed? I hope they do, get it boys, roll that one, don't let racists like 🌵 discriminate MOC because they smoke but keeping quiet when white boys do the same. I dunno but I'm actually excited for this rivalry between the boys, if Jens catches some hands I will close my eyes to that, sometimes violence is needed and Jens could actually use a punch or two 🙃
similar anon: Oh boy that doesn’t sound good. Let me guess, our pocs are being treated like garbage again?! 
You know how we kept saying we want wtFOCK to address some of the racially charged topics in s4? Well they are definitely going there in S5. I have so many feelings right now because in a way I want them to explore and talk about racial bias and profiling against men of color but latterly I don't trust wtfock and their writing for shit to explore this topic without fucking up the entire season. So here is some context the fight between the broers & 🎈 squad is because Aaron goes up to Elias to ask to buy some weed. Here is where I cant get a strait confirmation but what is making me nervous. I am getting two opposing leaks one is that the reason Aaron ask to buy some weed from Elias is because Elias had sold some weed to him before implying that he deals. However, listen to this exact conversation from s4 here. I am getting a deeper connect saying no Elias isn’t a dealer its an elaboration on the S4 talk which is just cause you sell some weed to your friends doesnt immediately mean you deal weed and implying that a brown boy who sells weed to his friends is just doing his friends a solid. Thinking anything more then that is demonstrating racial bias. Thats it, no one is dealing. Also I was told that this profiling and bias is something that Nora’s contributed to in the writing because her family has experienced this type of profiling. Maybe not the weed part but people assuming something about men of color. She does talk about this in an interview about her brother being stopped by cops for no reason so I do believe this is somewhat influenced by Nora’s experiences. HOWEVER, if we hadn’t had s4 happen I could read these plot points and be like okay I get what they are trying to say here about racial bias but S4 did happen and Kato’s whole arc was literally implying that Moyo was a pothead, dealer, and criminal without any context or actual recognition of racism. These plot points have now been transferred to Aaron and they are being frame similarly but from my understanding they are adding more nuance. As in of course Aaron was wrong to assume Elias is a dealer because he hooked him up with some green a couple of times. There is also a plot where Aaron being the idiot he is invited by Elias to an event I guess to make amends for the original falling out/fight and Aaron offends Elias concerning Islam and alcohol intake. Once again I don't have an issue with these plot points if wtfock wasnt writing them because their writing concerning anything racially or religiously charged is written like crap and always comes off as strait up racism/ignorance instead of a study on how everyone can demonstrate bias or lack education. I don't know guys am so weary now...... I got told by a deep connected, “You guys said you wanted to get more context and the writing to actually call things either racist or religiously ignorance. So this is that. They are doing their best” and once again I would feel better if it wasnt coming from wtFOCK’s writing team but since it is I just expect them to fuck everything up again. Maybe am being pessimistic but ughhhh. I will say tho, one thing the balloon squad does have an entire arc as a group so they arent just Even’s friend in this remake their plot is very expansive in s5. Covering a few plot points.
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crimezaddyrio · 5 years
what’s the significance behind the ‘c’mon ma it’s too good’ line? does rio say it bc he sees beth not telling dean abt them hooking up as a ‘it’s never gonna happen again so why tell him’
Hi anon! Sorry for the late reply!!  HMMMM I DEFINITELY. DEFINITELY DEFINITELY do not think he said it like “ha its not gonna happen again so just tell him.” Nah nah. Its very likeee nuanced (This is gonna be long yall). Number one, I believe that partly, Rio was surprised that Beth didn’t say jack to her husband. Like yeah Beth is an amazing liar, but after the shit Dean went though, ya think an already guilty conscious would come clean, ya know? Considering she literally slept with the dude who shot her husband. 
So I gotta look at this as an actor from the progression of the change in tone/beats. 
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Surprised with a mix of a smile.“We honestly had bomb ass sex and I think that was enough to come clean to your shit husband.” He expected her to tell Dean. 
Then he says, “You didn’t tell him, huh?” A little amusement in his voice. “Oh baby, you really didn’t tell him?”  Rio likes a little drama. He’s a total tea drinker. Literally and figuratively. He is looking at Dean’s expression in this, and thats where I think there is like a “oh you didn’t tell the kid Santa Claus doesn’t exist?” He really doesn’t consider Dean as a threat, or as an adult for that matter.
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Now this, he transitioned from looking to Dean and then to Beth. This was a loaded fucking statement. It was, “this thing between us, its too good. What happened in the bathroom? too good. What we could be? too. fuckin. good.” TBH I think the significance of this was Rio now had a whole new set of expectations, he has these feelings coming up, both of them have addressed their tension, BUT IN A NON VERBAL WAY (which drives us all crazy about what is going through BOTH THEIR HEADS.)  THROUGH SEXXXY BATHROOM TIMES. 
So just his expression right when Beth says, “Don’t” is so fuckin interesting anon. 
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He bites his lip. Stopping himself, thinking, considering, being fucking considerate to what she wants for fuckin once. WHICH IS SO FUCKING MIND BLOWING REALLY CAUSE LIKE WOAH FOR ONCE HE KINDA IS NOT GONNA ROAST HER. He is critical of her, and he listens to her. However this relationship will totally shift the dynamic of their conversations and how they are going to navigate it from here on! So its a little hard for us all to predict what they will, do or say now! Honestly I don’t think any of us BRIO tumblrs can really accurately predict or say what for sure is gonna happen because they sure as hell don’t and Beth doesn’t want to put a label on it. 
Rio is no idiot, and yeah for sure he is rusty on fucking social etiquette cause he lives in the crime world, but when it comes to relationships, romance, friend, etc those get really convoluted because shit like that doesn’t last, trust has to be earned, and if you fuck up once, you fuck up forever (trust wise) So Rio doesn’t trust easy, not just for the obvious reasons, but because these romantic relationships just don’t last like that in this world nor do they necessarily fit. But maybe Beth could? She has the potential. Maybe this could work. Maybe a relationship is possible, for someone who can stand with him, as an equal, as someone who can handle this world, unlike the others before her who have fallen or left. 
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e8luhs · 5 years
Hey! So, since you run an actually successful fanventure, do you have any tips on writing one? Mine, Scratchwise, is still in the baby stages, and I want to make it the best it can be.
heres the post ive written about character development!
since most of my previous posts on actual plot writing have been nonexistent and very vague, HERE under the cut are a couple of things that i can say ive learned over the course of time and hopefully it will help you somehow. enjoy
obviously the first question that should be asked is this: what story do you want to tell? figure out themes that are important to you. study your favorite novels and analyze the themes you recognize, why you recognize them, and why they may or may not have an emotional impact on you. do you want to tell a story about recovery? about struggle? WHATEVER have you? ask why you want to tell it, and how youre going to tell it.
sidenote 1.1: sometimes you wont know what youre going for for a while, and thats okay. to be honest i totally had no idea what the main theme of cataclysmalbound until later into the game. sometimes this shit just pulls itself together and thats fine too, but i recommend thinking about themes early on because it helps immensely with foreshadowing and character development.
please god do your research if youre going to be writing about heavier topics. honestly this is a pretty obvious point but i still feel it needs to be specified. i cant even really begin to describe how not just annoying but downright frustrating it is seeing stories where people milk their characters trauma or really just have the audacity to write about experiences that they have no authority to speak about. if youre going to be writing about abuse and trauma, please take on these topics with care, and keep in mind that they must be covered with a sense of understanding, nuance, and with education; these are actual experiences that actual people have to go through.
sidenote 2.1: here and here are some jumping-off-point sources for advice with writing traumatized characters. again these are like SUPER JUMPING OFF POINT sources take it all with a grain of salt and sense of skepticism, theres also plenty of writing blogs on tumblr and whatnot which have typically talked about similar. just USE RESOURCES. you get the gist.
revise revise revise. listen to me right now, youre not going to go with the first version of your story. in fact you SHOULDNT go with the first version of your story, EVER, because your story WILL become better alongside you and your own writing style. give yourself time to let your story sink in, and adjust accordingly when you find hiccups.
sidenote 3.1: im tellin you that cataclysmalbound originally? was nothing like it is now and its because ive been working on it since 2016. i have obviously changed not only as a person but a writer since that point in time. i originally tried starting up the comic one month after the creation of the characters. guess how that went? TERRIBLY! because i had NO idea who the characters were, half of them were irrelevant, the plot was rushed and all in all it was a bad time. just like, let yourself SIT on it no matter how enthusiastic you are. i get it... i know... but seriously
be flexible. in my experience its good to have a plot but its even more important to go with what feels natural to your characters. im personally a very character driven person so it MIGHT just be me, but honestly if your plot is TOO structured it can be almost suffocating to the characters because it gives them no space for development, conversation, emotions, it leaves NO space for tension. dont guide your characters, FOLLOW them because it will ultimately be 20x more impactful in the end due to it being driven by your characters feelings/motivations/actions rather than just like... whatever.
pacing is important. if you have too much going on too quickly, it will lead to an ultimately unfulfilling and lifeless story. let things build up over time. this might not come naturally and thats okay as well! ive had to re-write and re-pace my story like 3 or 4 or HOWEVER many times because ive realized later on just how rushed it sounded. again: youre going to evolve and flexibility is important so that you CAN evolve.
keep track of your plot. duh, obviously. write it down, keep it in a google doc, keep it on a google sheet, whatever is best for you
sidenote 6.1: write down all of your new ideas too. “oh ill remember this later its too cool to forge--” NO. you WILL FORGET. WRITE IT DOWN. KEEP NOTES ON YOUR PHONE. KEEP A NOTEPAD ON YOU. you will thank yourself later.
talk to other people about your characters. overcome the anxiety! its worth it! not only will it help you with bouncing new ideas for plot points off of other people, but it will also give you an idea of how these events and characters will be interpreted. taking from not only your OWN skillset but OTHERS is really great and good and no matter how “solo” of a job youre pulling, writing and literature ultimately is about teamwork because of the fact that it can be interpreted and tweaked upon in unique ways by everyone.
when in doubt write it out. i have run into pitfalls where i have an idea of what i want to happen, but i dont know HOW to make it happen. what causes it, what are the characters intentions, how does it build up, etc. sometimes the best thing you can do at these points is just WRITE like, from whichever characters perspective is necessary and go ham on it. write out the aftermath, or write DURING the plot point, or write how relationships might be affected by it. genuinely it has been helpful to me for brainstorming, since it puts me into my characters places and helps me ask “what would logically happen based on how everyone acts”. sometimes its really as simple as getting it out of your head and onto the page.
sidenote 8.1: on the topic of characters, as ive stated in the “character development” half of this, if you dont care about or dont have a place for your character in the plot, ditch em. really. throw em out if they dont have an actual impact. if you DO care but still dont have a place, its up to you to make one.
sidenote 8.2: also sometimes you might have a character which you might really favor and want to give them a lot of like DRAMA but if you want to have equal emphasis on all of your characters, you need to figure out how to redistribute the spotlight.
finally all i can say is that the rest is up to you. to get all up and fucking poetic in here, the sparks of inspiration will naturally come from your own life and experiences and feelings. utilize that and also the ways that you as an individual garner ideas... because thats what makes your story unique ^_^ go fucking hogwild. apeshit, if you will
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happyrockmetalsalad · 5 years
1st day: Soulmates AU
Hey! here’s the first thing for the @sledgefuweek
I really hope you like it! :”3
“Mère s'il te plait, non”  Merriell pleaded from the back seat of the car,  he really didn’t want to go, it was just a stupid camp that the little kids loved, but he didn’t, he enjoyed being in the bayou hunting small frogs and insects, or spend whole days trying to look for a crocodile, but leaving terrified and crying when it moved.
Those were holidays to live with nature! Not what was announced in that gray brochure.
“Meriell, you know why you are here” his mother said with a slightly irritated tone, she loved her son, but sometimes he could be a bit exasperating “You know that I don’t like that all day you outside, and you don’t even spend time with other children, you spend it alone in the river doing who knows what things, son, this will be good for you, you will meet new children, you will make new friends, maybe even someone else will like the things that you, and, you don’t know, what if one of those nights where the girls go to the boys’ camp you meet your soulmate!, Merry, don’t you want to see the colors?"his mother finished seeing him in the rear view mirror, Merriell had just thrown himself dramatically on the couch, pretending than he had not heard anything.
And thats was the way they expend the last hours, Merriell doing tantrum and his mother supporting him.
Finally they arrived, it was a small summer company located in Alabama, on the banks of the Mississippi River, the place was really nice and cozy, there were small cabins where there was room for 4 children, and each had a small space outside where children could play or making bonfires, and even with all that Meriell was still adamantly denying the idea that he would spend 3 whole months there.
His roommates were not really unpleasant, on the contrary, he liked them very much, they were nice, they did not bother, they did not make any mess, they did not make a noise and this was because Merriell was the only boy who had the fortune to have a whole cabin for him alone.But wasn’t he there to make friends?The days for him were slow and strangely painful, in spite of doing activities that he would do in Louisiana (like swimming in the river, or hunting small insects, for example) he didn’t feel well, he missed his home more than one day he would arrive to imagine, he missed Louisiana,  missed than he could speak French and be understood,  the smell of the beignets that flooded his nostrils every time he went out of home,  missed hearing stories of Budu sorcerers, and even if he could not sleep for those stories, he loved it! He missed his mother, his grandma and everything that could be related to home.
So much was his despair that one day he exploded, he started crying inconsolably at lunchtime, and he really did not care if there was someone near to him, if he felt bad nobody would worry, so what if he relieved himself while everyone ate and laughed ?
"Hey, are you okay?” said a voice to the side of him, but Merriel paid no attention, he was more focused on his own cry.“Hey, chill” said the boy with the voice he had heard, feeling as he sat next to him and patted his back, Merriell, who had not heard him, turned in bewilderment towards him, he was a boy of his age, like everything else, and well, he had a light gray skin, a hair with a shade a little stronger than his skin, and he really could not give more details out of that, when all are gray they all look the same.
However, this one was very different from the others, maybe it was because he was the first boy who approached him
“I know that the food is terrible here, but it’s not like crying either” he said with a very contagious small smile “Oh, sorry, how can I be that rude, my name is Eugene, Eugene Sledge” immediately Eugene took Merriell’s hand and squeezed gently in a friendly greeting.“My name is Merriell, Merriell Shelton, I know Merriell is a girl’s name, but I’m not blame I didn’t choose the name, and if you ask, I cry because I miss my home” he said with a smile while with the back from his hand he tried to dry his tears.
“I think Merriell is a nice name” Eugene answered cheerfully “I understand you, I miss my home too.”
"Where do you come from?” Mer asked excitedly, maybe he was  from New Orleans too.
“From mobile” Eugene answered.
“And where is that?”
“Right here, in Alabama”
Well, at least Merriell did not feel so bad anymore. He had the consolation that someone who could walk home had the same nostalgia he had.
“And you?” Eugene asked again
“From Louisiana, in New Orleans”
“I’ve always wanted to go there, how it’s there?” Eugene asked excitedly
“Well, you know, everything is very gray and black and white”
And both laughed for the answer.
Meriell and Eugene had understood each other very well, even Eugene had changed his cabin so that he could be with Meriell, so Mer woulndn’t feel so lonely.
They talked about everything, they were great friends, they were very close to each other, they talked about their family and friends and their lives in their corresponding homes.
There Eugene discovered that Meriell didn’t have a father, that his mother had done everything alone, and apparently she had done a very good job, she had a wonderful and charming son.
And Meriell discovered that Eugene had a father who was a doctor, his mother was a housewife, and his brother had fought in the war, but he had also discovered that Eugene had a heart murmur, so he coud never do the activities that needed a great physical effort, that’s why he had always considered his best friends to books, he did not need to run, he just needed to be sit and had a great imagination and although the child always said it wasn’t serious, Mer always could see some concern in his eyes when he spoke of his heart.
One day Eugene decided to participate in a game, it was not very rough but even for a completely healthy child it could be exhaustive, they had to run for a while, then pass some obstacles and finally swim a bit until reaching the goal, after all it was the last week, and Eugene didn’t want to return home without having participated in anything.
So,they stardted together, first everything was fine,they were playing competing with the other, seeing who could run faster, and Meriell knowing that Eugene had never  exercised in his life at times let him take the lead, he liked the way thet Eugene smiled victoriously every time he passed Shelton.
But the problem came when they reached the end of the obstacles, almost to get to swim, he saw how the whitish skin of Eugene became whiter than usual and after a while, Gene fell completely unconscious to the ground, Meriell alarmed, called the guys than was supervising everything, which quickly took Eugene to the small health center that was there, and from that moment, until he knew that his little friend was well Meriell hadn’t been able to stop crying.
A few hours later Eugene left the little health center, physically he looked good, but in his eyes, Mer could see a great defeat, but Gene was happy that his friend waited for him all that time, so he decided not to regret anymore and go directly to his cabin with Shelton.
That same night both decided to make a fire outside in their respective hut, Meriell was in charge of bringing the wood and Eugene to light them, they got some marshmallows and twigs to be roasted, and so, in the cold night, under a starry sky they sat around the fire to roasting marshmallows.
The conversation wasn’t very fluid between the two, and it was totally understandable, Eugene had had a bad day so Snafu tried to take the reins of the conversation.
“What happens?” answered the boy who had been concentrating on roasting his marshmallow
“What do you think of the soulmates, you know, of the colors and all that?”
“I do not know, I’ve always had a theory and maybe it’s silly but what if when you kiss your soul mate for the first time is when you can see the colors?” said Eugene as he continued to see how little by little the marshmallow  burned, there was a certain bitterness in the boy’s words, which intrigued Shelton.
“Can you see them?” he asked curiously without taking his eyes from Sledge, and although his vision was only concentrated in black and white and nuances of these, he could see how Eugene’s face was getting a little darker on the part of his cheeks, maybe Gene could see and that was the right way to see them.
“No” He replied with some disappointment and then gave a little sigh “And you?”
“Neither” And as if the conversation had ended at that moment, Eugene turned to concentrate on roasting his marshmallow, Snafu just looked at him, why was he so happy that Gene still did not see the colors?
“Gene,” he said as he stared at the light-gray boy, who quickly returned his gaze.
“What happens?” he asked now giving his full attention to Snafu, who felt the heat rise to his cheeks, and there a terrible feeling entered to him, the doubt, was really worth the risk?
He hesitated a few seconds.
The shame, it invaded him, the simple thought was already strange by itself, why did he want to check the theory than Eugene said before ? Why with him?
His head tilted down for a few moments, but when he could lift it up again he could see the angel in front of him.
Cute eyes, soft hair that smelled like shampoo in the morning, a particular smell of raspberry jam, a soft and smooth skin, in conclusion, Eugene was the person he would love spend the rest of his life.
So, was it worth it?
“Close your eyes for a moment” Merriell said as calmly as he could but deep down he knew he had sounded desperate he knew it because of the small laugh that Gene let out, but he had closed his eyes, Merriell slowly started walking to where his friend was, and then stopping inffront of him, he breathed deeply in a vain attempt to calm his heart, bowed enough to be able to be at the height of the face of the ginger boy, placed one of his hands on the cheek of the other boy feeling as he shuddered a little for his touch however he still didn’t open his eyes, and little by little was bringing his face closer to Eugene’s.
“Please, let this work” he said to himself, little by little he closed his eyes and slowly closed the distance between himself and Eugene.
And then he did it.
First his breaths collided and little by little he turned his face, pressed his lips against his friend’s, who shuddered slightly when he kissed him, and prevented him from leaving when he tried to separate, hugging him tenderly while trying to do a little deeper and lasting the kiss, swithout losing the initial innocence of it.
And so they continued until they couldn’t take it anymore and they had to separate for a breath of air, Merry was ready now, and little by little he opened his eyes, with the fear of not being able to see them yet, of the terrible disappointment that he would feel… But no.
And when he opened them completly, he could see them.
And, indeed, they were beautiful, they were better than he had heard all his life, they were striking, strong, full of life, not like the gray with which he had grown up, but the best thing about being able to see them, is that with them he could appreciate better the sweet boy who was in front of him, who kept his eyes tightly closed as he was afraid to open them and find everything gray again.
“Gene, Gene, open your eyes” said the brunette trying to hold back the tears of emotion that threatened fiercely to come out of his eyes and roll down his cheeks “Eugene, you have to see them, they are precious” and then little by little the other boy opened his eyes, at first he seemed confused, he blink a couple of times trying to make his eyes to adapt as fast as possible, he directed his gaze to Meriell’s face, and a smile was drawn on his face, the most beautiful ever seen before, as if he had discovered the eighth wonder of the world, his eyes had a beautiful brightness, and his emotion could only be compared to the first man who entered Tuntankamon’s tomb.
“Merriell” He said smiling, gently stroking the opponent’s face with his fingers as he was trying to check that everything was real “Your eyes, your eyes, they are precious, I do not know, they are like …” he said trying to look something that resembles, but simply couldn’t do it, how do you describe something so sublime? And desperate continued searching until they found their answer above their heads “They are as if venus and Aphrodite had wanted to portray their beauty and the sky in 2 crystals and then put them in your eyes” he finished saying with that smile that characterized him so much .
For his part, Merriell could feel the heat returning to his cheeks, causing him to look away a bit and Eugene was fascinated by the change of color on his face, he saw it as a wonder, because that was for him, he felt as the hand of the ginger forced him to turn around, to steal him a tender and soft kiss again, which was guided by the inexperience and the innocence of both, little by little they separated, to then explode both in small laughter.
“I really did not think it was true” Eugene said between laughs “I did not think I would find my soul mate with a kiss, no, I thought than didn’t had a soulmate” he finished with a warm smile, Mer just smiled, leaning back on his side in the grass, tapping the ground to tell him to do the same order than Eugene obeyed, they stayed a while looking at each other, enjoying the view in front of them, enjoying the colors and details that they had not seen before because of their lack of color, as for example, Gene’s eyes were the color of the wood that was burned in the fire and their hair to the fire that left this.
But little by little Sledge’s beautiful smile faded, which obviously worried Merriell “what’s wrong?” he asked worriedly, feeling involuntarily the expression on his face became a worried one.
“Nothing … Just what, what will happen now? What are we going to do now?”
“What do you mean”
“In a few days this summer camp will end, you will go back to Louisiana and I will to Mobile, and then it will be years before we can meet again, and if I die Mer?, and if in reality that murmur in my heart indicates something more serious?, what will we do? ”
He had to admit that it had been painful, enough to make his eyes mischievous and now new bitetr tears rolled down his face, and he didn’t know what had been worst, the fact that all those things could be true or the fact that Eugene had gone from being so happy to crying.
“Eugene, look at me,” Meriell said softly, Eugene’s eyes fell on him.
“If we walk away, I promise I’ll look for you, I do not think Mobile is that big.” He smiled slightly, to which Gene also smiled “and if something happens to me, maybe you think that I betrayed you, that I lied to you, but believe me that I will fight every day to meet you again, you will be angry with me, maybe you will think that you just didinterest me,
You could hate me.
You will even forget me.
But in the next life, you will find me.
And you know what?
We will love each other again. ”
And just as Shelton began his confession of love, he closed it, with a kiss full of all the love and sweetness he had to give to hist little ginger pretty boy.
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@thecicadasong yeah i havent actually had like, Anons trying to get fresh w/ me about what i Should be drawing (i think ive gotten anon hate like, twice? once for passing along a tweet abt respecting homeless people, another time i have No idea why they were trying to roast me but they were also...weirdly bad at it) but the very rare occasions someone’s tried to tell me i should be drawing different stuff for whatever reason Stick With Me b/c i’m often still steamed abt shit that mightve happened years back but it was THAT annoying lmfao & i reaaally hate when ppl get patronizing &/or when i can tell they’re acting like whatever angle they’re taking is going over my head or they think i’m clueless & i can’t even tell they see me that way lol and i’m like, oh my god i mean it doesn’t make me concerned if i Only Appreciate Boys b/c they’re mostly who i draw b/c yknow......my drawing corner is some rando over here just entertaining myself & Xpressing myself. and a real limited amt of my Interests = the ones im able/interested enough in to draw, & then i tend to wanna draw them a million times lmao....it’s not necessarily the One Unfiltered Reflection of all my interests and all the characters i like, cuz it’s not the only way i think abt shit and express things, & if somebody thinks that my Portfolio not being >50% Girls means that it’s b/c i’ve totally hated girls all along.....that’d be their prerogative i guess. also good lord but that’d be a bad litmus test anyways like.......alllll the misogynist dude artists who draw plenty of ~female characters~ like Yikes City ahhhhh god thats such a fucking cursed realm like. the people so sexist they should be banned from depicting girls and women in any medium. and banned in general God Anyways And Yeah like. the terrible relationships thing too.........like really, this is what you think is appealing???? its too clear sometimes when some man writing this kind of stuff has NO real idea how to think of a woman as an actual person and if they’re trying to write from that perspective it’s like “oh, let’s throw in a ‘smh boys are so stupid and sexist’ thought to realistically depict what it must be like to experience misogyny” and “something about a bra idk” and then call it a day, and if they’re trying to write Romance it’s just like....this Incredible Love that’s truly out of nowhere and they never bother explaining what sustains this, or they decide that the reason bitches liked pride & prejudice is totally because she thought he was a jerk and they fought but then it was like wait nvm we’re in love, right?? and they make that into like, some dude being able to be a total asshole and a really detrimental force in some girl’s life and somehow this Intensity can just be translated into Romantic Intensity no problem, it’s fine that like, they’re not even friends and who knows how to believe they can just get along in regular life and the guy is probably super disrespectful and diminishes her but whatever its fine All Of This And More.....there are so many terrible and annoying ways they do m/f relationships and it’s Really easy to just make it decently written!!! i mean of course sometimes there’s m/f ships that i think are tolerably written and i don’t hate it but also don’t particularly care one way or another but a small / hetero-leaning fandom will like Never Shut Up About It and it’s like ok please shut up about it......i mean really i definitely don’t ever go into any new piece of media expecting to give a shit about any Guy Girl couple. it was a pleasant but total surprise that i really like jeremy/christine (which is not me disavowing the nb lesbian jeremy hc by any means lol) and it was NOT complicated why!!! really in fact a couple of the biggest reasons i found it Especially Good is like, ten seconds in total lmao and it’s “jeremy and christine cracking up by squawking at each other on the couch” and “jeremy doing that Ecstatic Stimming Twirl after kissing christine for 0.003 seconds” lmao.....like!!!! consider showing that the characters can actually have genuine fun interacting with each other for longer than five seconds!!!! give us a single reason why they’d be drawn to each other As People!!! it’s notttt thaaaat harrrrrd aaaaaaaaaA THE WEIRD CHARACTERS yeah i love a true Quirky character and not in the like.....bad clichéd quirky way but like. just someone who’s weird!! the nerdy awkward guys who manifest this by like....maybe being a tiny bit socially clumsy are like, boring and whatever a dime a dozen. but when people are funky and in a sort of fun way and it’s genuinely part of how they interact with others....it’s real relatable lmao i don’t have any very Weird Persona at this point but back in the day i did a bit moreso b/c like, firstly interacting w ppl tended to make me Nervous so it’s like ah hell i’ll do a bit. and then also there’s the classic “well i have this Weirdness abt me that i can’t turn off that ppl seem to dislike, so i’ll put on this extra layer of weirdness that i can try to be vaguely entertaining with.” and then you aren’t popular at all still lol but at least you’ve got your niche amongst whoever does actually like you.....Weird Quirky Guys characters are fun and like, it’s funny that nato of the black suits is Like That in terms of being a lil weirdo who just kind of does his thing in his corner and might Say Something About Anything Apropos Of Nothing as his conversational style and he’s apparently that superlative student type but doesnt seem to actually give a shit and just has his specific interest and depression.......it’s like oh jeez!!! relatable lmao!!! everyone who has a kind of Veneer of communicating a bit erratically and maybe just always throwing out random shit when interacting with others to hope something sticks......but also the strangeness doesn’t even have to be at all performative b/c it’s rarer but super fun when there’s characters who do have that kind of more inherent weirdness that they can’t turn off that really puts people off despite like....them not really doing anything lol....now THAT’S what i call A Timeless Mood it’s funny lmao like i totally have clear Character Types and i always go for those ppl on the same general wavelength as me but it can be a bit Unpredictable and nuanced which ones will actually be adopted into the faves category......like naturally i go for the un-cool passionate excitable types but if someone’s real like, mad energetic or demanding/loud im like oops you lost me. i like people who like to / want to Socialize / have relationships but sometimes if they’re too outgoing / have that natural success at it all / are obv free of anxiety im like, again, you’ve lost me. you truly never know!! only the Most relatable can survive!! one that might seem like they should be a fave on paper might super annoy me lol or just generate Zero interest.......it’s nice to be surprised by which characters really strike a chord lol
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sodoyouknowbts · 6 years
Jin x Reader - By Your Side
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Summary: Jin is somewhat arrogant, overly confident and a tease. All the things you find infuriating in a man and he also happens to be your housemate. It’s a wonder how you two can live together without killing each other…but it’s not like you’re anything more than friends. Right?
Genre: Housemates au, love/hate relationship
Pairing: Seokjin x Reader (ft Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi)
Author: Pilot
Chapters: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | RaMin
Chapter One
Jin cocks his head to the side, closing his eyes to aid his concentration. He hears it again, the distinct and purposeful knocks on the opposite side of the front door that echo down the hallway and through the house. He sighs, puts his laptop and the report he had been writing aside and gets up off his bed. You had somehow managed to lock yourself out of the house. Again.
Jin strides to the front door and unlocks it, pulling it open for you. 
“Keys?” he questions, looking you up and down.
“Forgot them.” You shrug. You shift past him, ignoring the fact that again, he’s topless and head to the kitchen, placing the bag of take out on the marble counter top.
Jin closes the door, pressing it a little deeper into the frame with one hand as he turns the lock with the other. It was an old door and an even older house that came with little upkeep and even more nuances. Jin follows you into the kitchen.
You had left the house earlier that day, locking the door behind you. You had realised it as soon as you had gotten past the post box but couldn’t be bothered turning back, figuring Jin would be home the rest of the day anyway.
“You have to stop doing that. What if I’m not home next time?” He leans against the corner of the wall by the hallway casually, folding his arms across his bare chest, an expression on his face that you can only understand to be mild annoyance. 
The last thing you wanted was a lecture from your housemate. 
You roll your eyes and focus on unpacking the takeaway containers of food. You scrunch up the plastic bag that had held the containers and move to the laundry, adding it to the much bigger bag of plastic bags that sat between the washing machine and the door to the backyard.
“You’re always around when I need you, Jin. Besides, I’m sure I’d cope even if you’re not here.” Your voice carries from the laundry and grows louder as you head back to the kitchen. “As much as you’d be shocked to hear this, the world doesn’t revolve around you.”
Jin shoots you a look, retorting with “You’re right. It’s actually the universe.”
You don’t hear him, instead attempting to withstand the scalding temperature of the takeaway container as you carry it with you to the dining room table. It slips out of your fingers and lands on the table with a plonk. Admittedly, you could have done that a little more gracefully. 
You grab a tissue to dab up the oil that has splattered onto the surface of the table. You spread your fingers underneath the thin edges of the container once more and move it onto yesterday’s newspaper, using the paper as a placemat.
You kick out a chair and go to sit down and in the same movement reach over to pull one of your books over to you thats stacked neatly in the middle of the table.
Jin reaches out to prevent you from leaning all the way over the table as you’re about to get hot oil and soy sauce from the noodles all over the sleeve of your top. He’s a little late and the damage is done. Unaware, you hum to yourself as you go to sit, getting comfortable and folding a leg underneath your body.
He watches you for a moment more while you happily pick at your noodles and flip through your book. He sighs again and heads back to his bedroom. He couldn’t understand you sometimes. He’s glad, he guesses, that today you’re not wearing one of his hoodies. Jin had already lost a number of hoodies to you, stained from droplets of food in odd places.
“Are you going out tonight?” he calls from his room.
“Mmm?” you responded, mouth full of noodles. You take your time to chew and swallow. “Maybe.” you reply, flicking the pages of your book. “Are you?”
“I’ll be back late, I might not come back alone though.”
You knew what that meant. It meant Jin was intending to bring a woman home. You pause and contemplate your plans for the night. Maybe you’d go out and see your boyfriend instead.
It had been half a year since you had moved in together. You couldn't forget how you had first met Kim Seokjin.
It had been the first day of second semester of your second year. You were aimlessly flipping through one of your course books and scanning the contents page, hoping that at least some of the material you’d have to take as a core unit was going to be interesting.
The doors to the lecture theatre swung open with a bang which was immediately followed by a somewhat low and hushed “sorry!”. You had veered your head around to see what idiot had come in twenty minutes late. Surely if they were going to be that late, they’d have had enough brains to skip the next forty minutes and just watch the lecture online.
A tall stranger stood by the large doors to the lecture theatre. He was wearing a red cap, a two-toned bright blue windcheater and red sweat pants. An odd combination of clothes that surely shouldn’t have worked on anyone but on him, they did. If anything, the colours complemented each other.
Of course by then most, if not all but one, of the seats at the long and wooden benches in the lecture hall had already been taken up. You groaned inwardly and watched as the stranger’s eyes scanned the room and settled on the spare seat next to you. As he tried to move between the occupied seats, he accidentally smacked you over the back of your head with his backpack that hung carelessly over his shoulder.
You had shifted around, holding your head, glaring at him. His eyes had widened and he had put his hands out in front of him, apologising. A few murmurs circulated the lecture hall at the interruption and he quickly took a seat next to you.
He proceeded to rummage through his bag and pulled out a notebook, tearing a piece of paper out swiftly, the sound of which seemed to echo throughout the lecture hall and you had glanced at him, irritated again. Your irritation mellowed as you saw his neck and ears grow red in embarrassment although his facial expression remained stoic. He carefully scribbled sorry onto a note and slid it along the bench to you. You glanced at it and crinkled it in your hands.
You spent the rest of the lecture stealing sidewards glances at him. He had been staring straight ahead, unconsciously holding a pen up to his slightly parted lips as he concentrated on the lecturer. His black hair poked out from under his red cap and his fringe would just tickle his eyes when he looked down to write in his notebook. He was handsome.
After the lecture you had been quick to leave, cramming your books and belongings into your tote bag. You slung it over your shoulder and headed to the campus cafe where you had reluctantly agreed to meet your friend Jimin after class. Jimin had wanted to introduce you to one of his mates.
You were in the middle of recounting how this random guy had basically accosted you in the lecture hall when a voice interrupted you from behind.
“I already apologised. There’s no need to continue making a fuss over an accident.” The voice said cooly. 
You turned around and looked up. You brought your hand to your face to block out the sun. You stared at him for a second before deciding that you must have been hallucinating. He stepped forward, blocking the rest of the light that harshly interfered with your vision.
“Are you stalking me?” you had blurted, not thinking.
Jimin cackled behind you and he kicked a seat open for the stranger to sit down.
“Y/N, this is Seokjin, but we call him Jin.”
Jin frowned at you, annoyance flickering on his face as he took a seat next to Jimin. 
You yourself, had met Jimin during first semester after having to complete a group project together. You knew Jimin was living with a few other university friends but you had never met any of them before and had only heard a few names in conversation. Jin was one of them.
“Do I look like the kind of guy that would stalk women?” he asks, annoyed, his mouth twisted unhappily downwards. “I’m sure you don’t meant to come across as self-absorbed, after all there’s a thing called coincidence.”
His return comment caught you off guard. You honestly hadn’t meant it like that and he had taken it to another snarky and petty level. Visibly annoyed, you had sunk back into the cold and cushion-less seat, tongue pressing the inside of your cheek.
“My turn to apologise. Sorry.” You had said tensely.
“It’s fine.” he stated cooly, leaning back in the seat, examining you. He’d already made himself seem like a complete asshole to you, twice and in less then an hour no less. He hadn’t intended to come off so cold but you had thrown him with the way you had scrunched up his apology note.
Jin stuck his hands in the pockets of that blue windcheater and crossed one leg over the other lazily. Something about the action got to you. If anyone was self-absorbed, it was this guy. Annoyed to spend your lunch break with someone who oozed too much self confidence, you had excused yourself and gotten up to leave.
“Hey, where are you going?” Jimin asked, grabbing onto the sleeve of your cardigan.
“I have some things I need to do.” you had lied. Jimin stood up and gave you a hug goodbye, whispering into your ear as he did.
“He’s a little hard to get to know at first, but he’s a good guy.”
“I’m sure he is.” you had responded, unconvinced.
“You’ll get to know him soon enough.” Jimin offered.
You weren’t sure about that being the case but had decided not to say anything further to Jimin, instead throwing up your arm to wave farewell to Jin, an over-the-top smile on your face.
You should have expected it. Jimin had asked you out for dinner and sure enough you had found yourself standing at the entrance of the Chinese restaurant with Jin and Jimin. Jin didn’t appear like he wanted to be there at all.
“Jin was hungry and wanted Chinese. All good?” Jimin asked. 
“Yeah, it’s fine.” You had responded, even if though it wasn’t. The waitress read off a number from a stub of raffle tickets and Jimin exclaimed, sticking his arm out in the crowd.
“23?!” He grabbed at your jumper pulling you through the threshold, “That’s us!”
You had stumbled behind him and Jimin had pulled you sharply and let go, instead clasping his hands together in excitement as the smell of prawn dumplings reached his nose. At the sudden release, you had tripped on the slight step upward and found yourself losing your balance. Jin reached out, steadying you, one hand under your forearm and the other on your back.
“Careful.” he had said and proceeded to shove his hands in his pockets.
You had cleared your throat and attempted to regain your confidence, striding somewhat more surely toward the table for three than you had felt. The contact had made your heart skip a beat.
Seven plates of dumplings and two shared bowls of dandan noodles later, you found yourself giggling at Jin’s terrible jokes. They were so bad that they were good. Jin didn’t seem as up himself as you had previously thought.
Two bottles of wine later and Jimin was asleep on the table, snoring softly, his hair getting dangerously close to tainting itself red from the chilli oil he was next to. Jin had slowly and carefully moved the small bowl of chilli oil out of the way and poured you another glass. It turns out that you both liked eating out, visiting new cafes and had a penchant for rom-coms.
Then it was past eleven and the three of you were being kicked out of the restaurant. Jin had linked Jimin over his arms and Jimin had swayed back and forth, babbling utter nonsense. 
You were pleasantly surprised. You hadn’t giggled so much in so long and your cheeks and sides had begun to hurt - especially after Jin had basically emptied the free mints offered at the counter in the front pocket of his hoodie in what was the most obvious manner ever and then he proceeded to hand them out to passers by on the street, like the Oprah of free mints. You wondered how you even got home that night.
First meetings and first bad impressions aside, you found yourself spending more time with ‘My name is Seokjin but call me Jin’.
When you had come across the listing for the house you knew it was perfect and that it was the opportunity you had been looking for to begin the next phase of your life. It was just the right distance from university, right near a direct bus route and close enough to the city that it was only a fifteen minute drive. You had been wanting to live closer to the city anyway, especially given you had decided to apply for a number of jobs located in the city come the end of your degree.
Two bedrooms, one bathroom. A large kitchen that opened up to a shared lounge and dining area, that kind of perfect. You had been looking for somewhere to stay and had made a personal goal to move out, especially as your home was getting too small and crowded. You had long grown out of your small bedroom that only fit a single bed.
You had mentioned it to your friends, holding the printed piece of paper with the listing in front of you in the crowded cafe. You passed it around, urging one of them to move in with you. You had also put up an expression of interest on the university website.
“I’ll move in with you.” Jin had piped up after a little consideration.
Jin shrugged, examining the print out. “Yeah. My job in town starts in the summer and I’m sick of living with three other guys. They never clean up after themselves.” he laughs and Jimin pulls a face. Yoongi had scoffed in response and put his feet on the table, crossing them at the ankles.
“Does this mean I have to do it if you move out?” He grumbles. “Namjoon and Jimin are so lazy.”
“Namjoon’s been overseas for half a year.” Jimin responded, correcting him.
“Oh, so then all of that mess is just you then?” Yoongi directed at Jimin, who rolled his eyes.
“I’m out.” Your friend Rae had responded through gritted teeth as she pulled her hair into a pony tail. She took the hair tie from her mouth and looped it around her black hair.
You huffed and looked Jin up and down. You guessed he’d be okay. After all, you got along reasonably well and had known each other for a solid year, just enough to know he was responsible around the house the boys shared and that he was an amazing cook. You had picked at your fingernails while considering the proposition. It would be better to move in with someone you tolerated, you decided, rather than take the risk with a complete stranger.
“Fine, if no one else comes back to me within the week, we’ll move in together. I really need to move out. No take backs.” You bargained. 
“No take backs.” Jin had replied, a smile playing at his lips.
“The two of you together…” Jimin had exclaimed, pointing at the both of you while laughing. “That’s trouble waiting to happen!”
“You barely stand each other without arguing about something as it is.” Yoongi said, agreeing with Jimin.
“See, even Yoongi agrees with me!”
“Shut up Jimin!” You had quipped, slapping him. “We don’t hate each other.” You folded your arms over your chest defensively.
Jimin rubbed his arm where you had hit him.
“Yeah but it’s not like you love each other either.” Jimin had replied mischievously.
You stumble home, drunk. Your bag swings violently around your body as you try your hardest to slide the key into the front door. You mutter to yourself and squint your eyes. You weren’t about to let this damn door get the better of you, like your boyfriend had. When you had gone out earlier that night, you hadn’t anticipated that you would have run into your boyfriend snuggling up against another woman. 
Jin had hinted he was bringing a woman home tonight, which for you, meant you could either stay home and blast your music loudly to prevent yourself having to hear a string of sexual noises that would flow from Jin’s bedroom to yours, or go out with your laptop and continue editing the book you were reading for work. Of course you had decided on the latter. 
So when you spotted your boyfriend of two months sharing food with another woman, his head against the crook of her neck and pattering kisses along her collarbone in public, you were upset but not surprised. You seemed to have a bad track record with guys, almost expecting this sort of stuff to happen. Jin was always telling you that it’s because they weren’t mature enough to handle your strong nature. However it didn’t make it hurt any less.
You collected your things, hands shaking as you paid for the lemon tea you had bought and quickly consumed. The tea had burnt your throat and the sensation reminded you that you would benefit from something a little stronger. That’s how you, alone and upset, shot down two and a half bottles of soju on the steps outside of the convenience store before calling it a night. 
Finally, after about a minute of fumbling at the keyhole, you’re successful and the door opens with a click. You lean against the wall of the hallway and bring a leg up to pull off a sneaker. You swap legs and yank the other shoe off and it drops to the floor with a heavy clonk. 
You run your hands along the wall and follow it through to the kitchen. The lights were off and you were using your familiarity with the house to help you navigate, which meant squat given you were so inebriated. You could hear muffled moaning sounds coming from Jin’s bedroom. Your hand rests on the doorknob to what you presume is your room. You struggle with it a little and then swings it open. 
Jin looks up at the sudden interruption. You can’t see much, only the outline of a woman on top of him, lit only by the soft moonlight streaming through the open curtains in his bedroom. 
“Y/N what the f-” 
“Jin?” you frown, going to rub your eyes. This wasn’t your bedroom. You don’t register the awkwardness of the situation and before you can stop yourself the words tumble from your mouth. “I saw him. He was cheating on me.”
“What?” Jin sits up and almost causes the girl straddling him to fall backwards on the bed. He quickly gestures for her to get off him. Jin swings his legs over the side of the bed, his back to you, scrambling in the dark to find his boxers, which he pulls on quickly as he stands. You can hear the elastic snapping against his hips.
“You need to go.” he says to the girl who is now pulling a blanket up over herself to cover her nakedness. He makes his way from the centre of the room, around the bed and places his strong hands on your shoulders, quickly spins you around and pushes you out of the doorway of his bedroom. You stumble, your legs tangling up on each other as he tries to seat you on the couch.
He flicks on the light switch on the wall and you squint your eyes at the sudden brightness. He goes to the kitchen and gets out a glass, filling it with cold water from the fridge. Jin brings it over to you and forces you to take a sip. He turns his head slightly, listening and wondering how long it’s going to take for the girl to get dressed and leave. It hadn’t taken more than thirty seconds for him to undress her in the first place.
Jin looks back at you and you’ve slid down onto the rug in the lounge room, legs tucked underneath you as you grasp the cold glass in your hands. 
“What happened?“ 
“I don’t know…” you start, your voice a little wobbly. Maybe you were getting your period soon, maybe that’s why your emotions were so volatile tonight. Jin nods slowly, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Finally the girl emerges from Jin’s bedroom, her coat bundled up in front of her. He stands and quickly ushers her to the front door. She lingers against his body, a hand brushing his cheek. He takes her wrist and pulls her to the front door, opening it and gesturing at her to exit. As she takes her leave she turns around to face him. He’s about to close the door when she opens her mouth to speak.
“Tonight was fun.” she begins slowly. Jin’s leaning against the door, slowly edging it closed. He gives a curt nod and smiles through the narrowing gap.
“Let’s do it again sometime?” She asks, hopeful. Jin eyes her up and down again. She was gorgeous - yes… and the sex had been decent… He makes a mental note to keep her in mind the next time he needs a quick fix. 
“Call me? She asks.
“Sure.” Jin responds politely and closes the door with finality. He ruffles his hair, sighing and patters back to you. You’re now slumped over the coffee table in the centre of the lounge, moving your fingers through a puddle of condensation that’s developed at the base of the the glass of water, drawing little hearts. In your other hand is your phone.
Jin takes a seat on the rug next to you and you blink at him, your eyelids heavy. You turn your attention back to your phone and your thumb is poised over your boyfriends contact card.
“So did you break up with him?”
You mumble a no and bring your phone back to your face.
“Maybe it was a mistake, maybe -” you try to bargain.
“Don’t lie to yourself. You know what you saw.”
You kick your legs, annoyed. He was right.
“Stop staring at it.”
“What, what now?!”
Jin rolls his eyes and turns his head up, looking at the ceiling. He brings his gaze down to you and slaps the phone from your hand and it drops onto the carpet with a thud.
“Hey what the heck! Why did you do that?!“ you whine. You pick it up. “Should I call him?”
“No? Why? Unless you’re calling him to break up with him.”
You ignore Jin’s piercing gaze and sigh. “I’ll text him that we’re over.”
He watches as you hesitate and second guess yourself. Sighing, he sticks a hand into the glass of water he had gotten you and flicks droplets of cold water on your face. You groan and bring your hand up to your cheek to wipe the water away.
“Hand it over. I’ll do it.” Jin holds out his hand. You stare at it and then look back at the phone. You reach your hand out and pass it to him. Jin clicks his tongue and pulls together a message. You squint your eyes, trying to read it.
“It’s over, scumbag.”
“Asshole?” he questions, pressing the delete button and re-typing asshole.
“Better.” You mumble.
Jin presses send and you can hear the sound of the message disappearing into oblivion. Jin looks at you. You were really down tonight. You were slumped on the lounge room floor and bore no resemblance to the usual bubbly, bright and resolute girl he shared a home with, who wouldn’t be afraid to put him in his place. 
Maybe the dating game had slowly chipped away at your self confidence and self respect, Jin thought. Or maybe the guys that you went out with just weren’t able to cope with such a strong-willed woman like yourself. He smirks to himself, idiots, all of them.
“If you want me to, I’ll block and delete his number.” He warns.
You go to reach out for the phone back and he retracts his hand, keeping it out of your reach. 
“Tell me what you want me to do. I’ll give you ten seconds.” He begins to count down and you hit the floor with your hand in dispute.
“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five…”
“Press delete.”
He presses delete and it’s done.
Jin then takes the liberty to go through your phone, making sure that he’s also deleted the messages and has blocked the number. He realises that you had set your boyfriend as number one on speed dial. Annoyed, he changes your new ex to his number instead and holds your phone back out to you.
“I’m number one on your speed dial now. I’ll come for you whenever you need.” He says with earnest.
“Is this how you pick girls up?” you guip, laughing to yourself.
“What?” he scoffs. “Why would I give random girls my number? Are you crazy?”
“Don’t get mad if I call you by accident…” you say, slurring, pointing at him with an unsteady hand.
He gets up, pinching his boxers between his fingers and pulling them down slightly, re-adjusting them as they had crept up his legs.
“Do you mean it?” you ask Jin, looking at him through heavy lids.
“I do. I’ll be there for you.” He sighs and heads over to the kitchen to get himself a glass of water. “Maybe just knock on my door first before barging in?”
You flush at the thought and hide your face in your hands. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine.” he takes a gulp, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down. He puts the glass on the counter. “She wasn’t really my style anyway.” He looks at you.
“Get up and go to sleep.” He says, moving over to you slumped on the rug. Jin extends his leg and pokes your shoulder with his foot. He sighs as he watches you pull yourself up and stumble to his bedroom.
“Wrong bedroom.” he utters. You freeze and turn back around, laughing goofily, your hair a mess. You smile sheepishly and head into your room, falling straight onto your bed.
To be continued.
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