#but better
sentientsliotar · 7 months
So we’re all in agreement that Fizzmodeus is Stolitz without the pain?
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Like ok yes there is pain-
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But these two have heard of a magical thing called ✨communication✨
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Which leads to shit like this
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guardian-of-da-gay · 1 month
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Knuckles was convinced his smooth-talking advice got his dads together, nobody corrected him and to this day he thinks he's got a way with words.
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monstermonger · 2 years
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Look at all those chickens!!!
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psapraca · 8 months
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kdj at school
im not 100% on this piece so im just posting it as is o(--( trying new things and painting again the learning curve is steep and daunting but i gotta keep drawing
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ijustthinkhesneat · 6 months
Okay but realistically imagine what Bruce would do when Jason came back.
Chasing this knee criminal who keeps referencing his dead son. Pushing his buttons. How dare he presume to know anything about Jason. The lost light of his life, his baby boy. He can feel that darkness creeping around the edges of his mind. That pit of anger and murderous rage he is scared he will never pull himself out of.
Hearing that robotic voice taunting him about failing Jason, failing to avenge him. He tried, god he tried. He was so close he had the knife against the jokers throat. And then he was being pulled away. Clark stopped him. Told him that he wasn’t acting like himself.
God he loves Clark but he can still feel that small pit of resentment fester whenever he thinks about bleeding that clown.
How dare he say he never loved Jason. He would have given everything to have him back for even a moment. His wealth, his status, Batman, his soul, Gotham itself. There were only three things he would never trade away. His sons. His precious boys. He would destroy himself without a second thought for their happiness. If there was anything he could give, any price he could pay to just see his baby one more time he would do it happily.
Then they are alone. He’s cornered the Red Hood. An abandoned warehouse, a bomb. He should tear him apart where he stands. He dares to make a mockery of his greatest failure? How he failed Jason. His son. His baby. His world. He will make him suffer.
Then the helmet comes off. A young man. Gentle black curls with a shock of white running through them. A domino mask over his face. It can’t be. And the mask comes away. And Bruce sees them. Those beautiful blue eyes that have haunted every sleepless night. Filled with hatred. Swimming with green fury.
But none of it matters. All the anger in Bruce is gone. He tears of the cowl, he has to see, has to see his baby’s face. Jason has a gun leveled at him, but it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters because Jason is here. He is alive in front of Bruce. Every wish, every regret is washed away in that moment.
Bruce falls to his knees, it’s too much, more than a wretched creature like him deserves. Jason is stunned. His hand shakes slightly. He moves forward, places the gun against Bruce’s temple and still there is no fear, just wonder and adoration in Bruce’s eyes.
“Is it you Jaylad? Please this has to be a dream, please let this be real.” Jason is shocked he expected anger, disappointment, bargaining, but all there is is a father, a broken man looking upon his life’s purpose renewed before his eyes. Bruce reaches up, slowly, reverently, like at any moment Jason will disappear, he takes Jason free hand and holds it against his cheek and then Bruce’s weeps. Not silent tears or stoic crying. He weeps, snotty and red, hiccuping sobs wracking his body. He can only repeat Jason’s name like a prayer.
Jason doesn’t even realize he has dropped the gun. His Dad is caressing his hand, wailing and babbling apologies and platitudes. Jason feels himself sink to his knees. Tears spilling from his own eyes. His Dad still loves him, never stopped, he doesn’t even care that Jason had only a week ago filled a duffel bag with human heads. He is holding onto Jason like he is sacred and he can feel the anger breaking under the desire to be engulfed by his father.
In that moment they both know that no matter what happens, they’ve come home and for the first time in a long time they both feel whole.
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catmanbowser · 2 years
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Planning to eat at goth mcdondals after mission
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mrslectermoriarty · 1 year
Headcanon Series #10
Icemav got married as soon as DADT wasn't a thing anymore and now at the end of every meeting, Iceman somehow always ends up bitching about all the stupid things his husband did over the last week. Usually the conversation starts with someone approaching him with "I heard of you and that Maverik guy. Congratulations, Admiral. How long had that been going on? (Since 1986) Woah, really? (Yes) Didn't peg you the risky guy. Must have been hard all those years. (You have no idea.)" The other Admirals absolutely love the stories about Pete 'Maverick-I-am-so-stupid-but-still-somehow-adorable' Kazansky and later also Bradley 'He-is-growing-up-so-fast-and-already-acts-like-a-mini-version-of-Mav-help' Bradshaw-Kazansky. And one day when Ice sits down at the table and goes through the papers for the meeting, he sees a new program item at the bottom of the agenda. It reads "Keeping up with the Kazanskys". He sends Pete a picture with the text "Congrats, Mav. You are officially a celebrity." Mav finds this hilarious.
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pekgna · 2 years
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Thank you, @wonderneverlandsystem, for your service to this country,
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rachwantshercupcake · 2 years
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My contributions for now.
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rammie-rad · 8 months
I need to do something with this.....
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ramblingoak · 9 months
There are three rituals in Texas at the beginning of September so that's three chances for someone to get Copia to put a cowboy hat on.
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loife1m · 5 months
@aylin-hijabi @jeremy-iah @mxnkeydo @fish-ofishial123 @zoesim5 and of course, @summersblooms
The Summer-Suns Family
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ladyaryawolf · 5 days
Since I'm thinking constantly about ASoIaF (the main story) for a while now I have to say it's really exausting to be an Arya stan.
The community is great, yes. There is a lot of good people
But the thing is
You enter tumblr
You search her tag
And instead of pretty gifsets
Well written metas
And pretty fanarts
What you see the most is people (we know who) mischaracterizing her, attacking her stans, twisting the narrative of the books about something important that involves Arya into something that doesn't even make sense only to downplay her importance, denying the part she plays on the key 5, not to mention how fixed these people are with her appearance.
I don't know how the stans and content creators are dealing with anon hate nowadays because I have been off for a really long time, (and I will continue to be, tbh), but I remember they were terrible, (anons actually saying Lyanna deserved to be raped to other anons wishing op to slit their wrists and kill themselves)
It's tiring.
And it has been the same for like... years now.
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jyang137 · 2 months
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1. Rakan
2. Rakan
3. Kai’sa in my notebook
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nathaaaan · 2 months
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thekeyso---0 · 1 year
"Seven minutes in Kevin" is Andreil's favourite game
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