#but i js imagine it’s a series with separate works
nicomoon69 · 27 days
Bernard rushed to delete the RPF he wrote when he was 17 off of ao3 the moment he realized Tim was Robin because he did NOT want to have a conversation about why he has insert reader young justice harem fanfiction
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chiikasevennn · 24 days
(this has topics of murder and yandere.....and stuff PLS DELETE IF URE NOT COMFY IM SORRY HUHUHU)
haia omg i have no idea if you're still open or no but i really like whenever writers dive into the more darker aspects of a character or how especially when a process of basically ascending to something what you would consider non human (monarch in this case) and how this affects a character like does this make them less humane or posssiblllyy twist their morals??
like as we can see with jinwoo his morals is err well yeah there but we can see times where he is willing to commit crimes if the time calls it (often the system forcing him to it) but like what happens when he finally swallows the system as a whole?? LIKE since now there is no third party to force him to do murder or what not will his way of thinking change too? like i imagine when he first murdered the guys in the cave very early on in the series you think that maybe he thought that it wasn't that bad..??
I can honestly see it more if it was another scenario and we add in the aspect of the reader or I'll call [name] whwhw.. I feel like Jinwoo is the type to actually lose his sense of humanity just for the sake of [name] or keeping them safe like the two probably was close but had to separate in their own ways but when they meet again [name] can barely recognzie Jinwoo and i dont mean physically or what not it's more like he lost his warmth and seems more... unsettling.. like do you know the feeling of watching those analogue horror or watching anything eerie and you get that feeling that somethings off in a scene that seems normal but you know something is OFF. yeah i feel like that's what [name] would feel ✊.
I just wanna hear your opinion on a more screwed up Jinwoo because as muchhh as i love the fluffy cutie jinwoo i also love delving into the topics of jinwoo just going batshit insane 🤯🙏
Jinwoo x Reader
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Your wish is my command, pookie bear.
Warning(s): YANDERE, nothing much, maybe too short? Not a fic or oneshot lol js my crazy thoughts
Also guys ples comment and say something ...
Jinwoo himself was already prepared to walk through fire just for his family, and that was just platonic love. Imagine how insane he'd be for a significant other that he loves way too deeply.
Hello???? Like I feel his dedication and love for darling would be higher than the heavens especially if they're already there for him during his lowest part in life.
My hunch is he's a chill yandere; he adores you and wouldn't pull any outrageously crazy stunts directly at you. Instead, he might convey lessons through various means, like allowing uncomfortable scenarios to set up, then emerging from the shadows he casted beneath your silhouette to rescue you.
Like a "savior" yandere. Your knight and sole protector.
He'd be more possessive ig if his crazy fans found out about you, particularly if they desire him to be romantically involved with Hae-In in the name of being a power couple. Jinwoo literally and genuinely didn't give a damn when they trash-talked him.
But hey, fans can be krezi
ALSO HELLO LIKE WHAT IF THOSE CRAZY ASSHOLES START HARASSING YOU ON WORK OR IN SOCIAL MEDIA (like leaving you death threats or rudely demanding you to break up w him bc apparently according to them, you don't deserve him)? Lol he'd be willing to do something about them, so good luck reasoning against him if you don't want bloodshed!!!
He'd convince you to not work anymore if that was in store for you.
"... Woo, you know I can't just quit work like that and have you become the breadwinner for the two of us. You're getting financially better and I'm proud, but I can't jus—"
"Shh," He'd tenderly cup your cheeks with his eyes overflowing with love and concern, every bit of his attention dedicated to you. "Is it so bad for me to want no dangers coming to you?"
"You're also being unintentionally put into unavoidable situations whenever you're in public. Love, you remember what happened last time, right?" He'd add. With a kiss on your forehead, he said, "I'll provide for you, you don't have to work. I can't stand how they're looking at you."
Jinwoo would mumble the final words gently before pulling back. He'd whisper them solely for your ears, aware that you wouldn't interpret that knowledge negatively anymore—it would now simply reflect his worry for your welfare and highlight his character as the tender and loving partner he was.⁠ ♡
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insfiringyou · 3 years
Hello M + N … sorry to hear of your crappy days. Wanted to let u know you are greatly appreciated :) Not sure if u ever my comment (on your supporters page) so sending it here again. Your latest Yoongi/Jeong-sun piece was one of the most beautifully poignant depicitions of love i've read in a while... nuanced, soulful, sexy. So, so good.
Have you ever considered writing an original screenplay (something separate from bts/fan fic)?
The quality of your writing is so high: your grasp of language, dialogue, the humanity. There's never been a beat that felt false. Just something that struck me as I've been reading your work.
Thank you so so much.
The latest Yoongi x JS was so important to us because it just accumulated all they feel for each other, but still we wanted it to be understated and not grandiose. We are glad it comes across natural. We try not to overthink our fics and just go with what feels right. There’s never loads of debate between us. Especially with that couple. It always comes to us, as though they are just doing their thing. Because they are so real to us.
As for writing a screenplay, we do love to imagine our works as a series, which is why some fics flow in a certain way (���A celebration to forget’ is maybe the best example of this, with it moving from character to character as they move around the hotel). Mainly time is the issue. How we wish to give up our jobs to be full time writers 😂
PS, I literally only realised you supported us today even though it was a while ago. I was desperately searching my house for some money as paydays not for a few days and, like a godsend, I checked paypal and found you’d sent some! So thank you so so much!
Also, call me stupid but I didn’t realise people could leave messages on there so I only just read them all!
0 notes
goatessb · 3 years
A solo trip to Jeonju, March 11-13, 2021 
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Living in the new normal that corona has brought about has probably been easier on me than on many other people. I still have a full time job, and Korea has never really been under a true lockdown. I’ve been healthy, and when the numbers of the infected are on the lower spectrum, I try to go on a wee trip somewhere in Korea. I can do this thanks to fully online classes. I teach three hours live on Tuesday and Wednesday, and the rest is premade videos. When I work hard and get organized, I can end up with a free Thursday and Friday, better days for travel than weekends that can be quite crowded. 
I’d been to Jeonju  five times before, always with friends and once with my niece. This time, I travelled alone. I wrote about this in detail in another post. I stayed at two hanoks, Sarangru and Happiness Full House. The former was absolutely gorgeous and it came with a wonderful, healthy breakfast, the latter was also very nice, more modest and also less expensive. I enjoyed both places.
I left Seoul at 10:15 from the Central City Terminal. I was surprised to see how swanky this place has become! Absolutely gentrified with lots of places to eat, drink and shop for little things and right next to a  Shinsaege Department store. The trip was uneventful. I was tired and sleepy because the night before I couldn’t sleep well. The air on that day was atrociously bad. All I could see out the window was smog and hints of bare pre-spring trees and fields or stretches of uninspiring  suburbia and grubby villages.
We reached Jeonju around 1:00 pm. The first thing I noticed was that the spring was more advanced here than in Seoul. Weeping willows had that lovely pale green color and there were some plum and apricot blossoms already on the trees lining the streets.  
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After I settled in my hanok nestled among bamboo trees, camelias and magnolias, I went out looking for food and ended up in Family House that serves Jeonju bibimbop with 12 side dishes. Very colorful, very healthy, very good.  Then I spent the rest of the day walking the streets: lots of shops renting gaudy, fake hanboks, creative street food more of a fusion modern kind rather than original Korean fare, BNP choco pies everywhere, admittedly a few notches above the packaged store stuff.  At around sunset I went to Jeonmang cafe for the views of hanoks awash in the golden  twilight - and wasn’t disappointed. Finally, when it got dark,  I walked up to Omokdae, a pavillion on the hill above the hanok village. In the past, a King (forgot which one, maybe the first one Taejo) celebrated here the win over the Japanese with a huge, lavish banquet. 
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I was too full from my bibimbap so I stayed in and instead of dinner I had some some boiled eggs and makkolli from a convenience store. I spent a good portion of he quite cold night sitting on the veranda, wrapped in a blanket. I was alone but there was almost a palpable presence of friends I’d been to Jeonju with before…My dear C with whom I loved exploring Korea; the intense. moody JS, but also one of the funniest guys I’ve ever met (I’ll never forget lying on the floor of our motel trying our countries’ tongue twisters); my quirky film distributor/producer friend and her crowd of artsy hot sake guzzling colleagues when we attended the film festival here;  the gorgeous CD and his mane of raven black hair who took us to the makoli town where I smelled my first hongo fish – fermented skate - and swore that it’d never go past my lips;  Ms. SH with whom I hiked on Maisan in bitter -14 and drank makkolli in some famous old establishment; and of course, the best, my niece who was then the sweetest yet quite complex and thoughtful 17 year old and our ridiculous problem with the super hot floor in July which left us with no other choice but to sleep in the yard under the stars and laugh hysterically and unstoppably until the owner of our hanbok appeared the next day and gave us another room.  Sitting there, tipsy and nostalgic, I imagined myself as the last of the Mohikans, still holding fort when all of the old friends inhabiting my Korean landscape in the early and mid years either left Korea or got drowned in their own busy lives. Bitter sweet moments. It was only when I lost all the feeling in my fingers from the cold that I went in. It took an extremely long shower to thaw my frozen limbs and feel life coming back to my body.
GYEONGGIJEON 경기전 King Taejo's Portrat Shrine
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Above, a motif in Gyeonggijeon: the crane carrying a blue bell flower used to brew "the elixir of immortality." The guide told me, "you know, it's not really true." What disappointment!
The next day I went to Gyeonggijeon, the shrine that houses the only portrait of Taejo, the founder of Chosun Dynasty. I had a guide, a lady from Mokpo who married a Jeonju guide. I’ve learned quite a few things from her. She pointed out the Chinese characters for luck at the entrance to the shrine. One actually goes through three gates and they all have three entrances. One goes in through the right and comes out through the left. No one is allowed to go through the middle as it is reserved for the spirits. She pointed out at a crane carrying the blue bell flower - yes, the one from Kingdom, Korean zombie series. If you drink tea made from it you become immortal. Or you become a zombie like that hapless king ...
Below: in the middle, the Chinese character for "luck" surrounded by bats
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Apparently, bats are also a symbol of luck as they are pronounced same as ‘luck.’
The portrait is not original of course. It’s a replica made by some famous modern artist. The king wears a blue royal robe, apparently the symbol of the East and the beginnings (as in the first king). The robe feature embroidery of five-clawed dragons, symbol of a king. A seven-clawed dragon is a symbol of an emperor.
The guide took me to the Chosun Dynasy archives. This was a place where they kept the annals of the Chosun Dynasty. Reportedly, there were the court historians who wrote everything that the king and the important people did. Many historians wrote many drafts, and then revised them and bound the final copies in a yearly volume. The drafts, written on hanji paper, were then washed in a stream, dried and recycled. And the historians who wrote them? They were executed! Yes, as not to reveal the secrets of the court. I wonder how they found candidates for the job! Another interesting thing is that the king was not allowed to meddle in what was written so that the ‘true’ history could be recorded. Hmm…. Over the centuries, these annals had to be moved many times in order to save them from the Japanese. They’ve been to Kanghwa-do, among other places.
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The portrait of King TAejo was made in the capital Seoul (then called Hanyang) a century or two after his death based on the previously existing one. Then, it was decided that the portrait should be moved to Jeonju because that was the original place of the Lee (Yi) family that started the dynasty. The move from Seoul lasted 8 days and involved 300 people, high officials, soldiers and peasants. To give such reverence to a portrait? Why? Because it was believed that the portrait is infused by the spirit of the diseased king.
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The most grammable places in Gyeonggijeon are two apricot trees. The one with white blossoms is over 100 years old, stooped and gnarly. The guide brochure insisted that it looks like “a dragon that just landed on the ground and is about to jump high in the air again.”  I just saw a bent old tree with pretty white blossoms. What a prosaic soul I must be. Across from it is a younger tree with pink blossoms. The few people present there were busy taking dozens of photos in front of the blossoms. A few steps from the apricot trees, there’s a small bamboo grove with a short paved path slicing through it leading through a small gate into another yard. I remembered that C and I found the old trees there fascinating and took lots of pics. Standing in the middle of this path surrounded by bamboo trees is a must have Instagram photo! I don't have it, though. A legend says that when people read a lot, the bamboo leaves are green, but when books remain closed, the leaves turn yellow. Well, not surprisingly, the leaves were yellow.
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Above: the dragon tree^^
Below: the bamboos angry at people for not reading enough.
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 I had a late lunch at Veteran and another makkolli banquet with the ghosts on the veranda. Oh, I forgot to mention that it was raining the whole time.
 The next day I went to Jaman Mural Village. I have a separate post about it. Well worth a visit as there are a lot of interesting murals. After Jaman I had coffee in Jeonmang and was told I could only stay for an hour. Urgh. Popular place. Oh, and an all day rain the day before, I was happy to enjoy a beautiful sunny warm day. I sat on a bench in front of Gyeonggijeon and just watched people. There were couples and families dressed in those gaudy hanbok taking photos. Some wore retro clothes from the 40’s or 50’s, women with fascinators and long narrow skirts, men in old-fashioned suits and hats. It’s a must in Jeonju if you’re a self (or should I say Instagram-) respecting traveller.  
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 Then more walking along less visited alleys. There are many really beautiful houses, very aesthetically pleasing. That was probably my favorite part of being in Jeonju – just waling around pretty, quiet alleys. One last coffee, then picking up the backpack from the Happiness Full House, and back to Seoul.
Jeonju keywords: quiet streets; beautiful old-style houses; beautiful yards; gaudy hanboks; interesting murals; history; and more history. Loved it.
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weekinethereum · 6 years
July 26, 2018
News and Links
Protocol (with an assist from the Ethereum Research team)
Shasper chain, v2.1
Prysmatic’s biweekly update on transitioning to Eth 2.0 with separate Go codebase
VDFs are not Proof of Work by Danny Ryan.  Verifiable Delay Functions have some properties - requiring significant computation to calculate but relatively little computation to verify - that is suitable for strengthening RANDAO-based RNG. That sounds like proof of work, but Danny explains the difference between VDFs and PoW.
STARKs, Part 3: Into the Weeds by Vitalik Buterin: In Vitalik’s STARKs series part 3, he introduced how to actually implement a STARK with vivid explication.
Latest Casper standup call
VB: Epoch-less Casper FFG liveness/safety argument
Why Shasper makes more sense than the previous FFG, then sharding roadmap
LearnPlasma is really coming together as a Plasma education resource
A Plasma Cash primer from Simon de la Rouviere
Jinglan Wang: what is Plasma?  Plasma Cash?
Raiden is live on Ropsten testnet and open to testing
Stuff for developers
Benchmarking between Mythril, Manticore and Oyente from ConsenSys Diligence
What FoMo3d’s real exit scam might look like, but you can hedge with Augur?
Péter Szilágyi: How to PWN FoMo3D, a beginners guide
Pipeline - video explaining PoC of visual IDE of already deployed functions
Airswap tutorial on building with their API server
Adding ENS into your dapp tutorial
Tutorial to using Parity’s Secret Store multi-party key generation
IDEO on dealing with gas in UX
ethereum-to-graphql: autogenerate the schema and resolver
EthQL alpha from PegaSys and Infura
Aragon Package Manager - upgradeability for Aragon orgs
Zeppelin: Exploring upgradeability governance in ZeppelinOS with a Gnosis MultiSig
Apache Camel connector for Ethereum enterprise using web3j
The new Infura dashboard - existing access tokens need to migrate to v3 authentication keys and endpoints
Trinity v0.1.0-alpha.12, better syncing and performance.   Also has a new website.
web3j v3.5
web3.js 0.20.7 and web3.js 1.0.0-beta.35.  breaking change on http provider
EthereumJS VM v2.4.0 (and their monthly recap)
Live on mainnet
iExec went live on mainnet to test rendering.  80% of jobs completed.
Melonport is live on mainnet with somewhat constrained Paros release
Gnosis DutchX contracts are live on mainnet in advance of their 100k competition to build on them
The new Gnosis Safe miltisig is live on Rinkeby
Parity’s Thibaut Sardan: what is a light client and why should you care?
Someone managed to briefly cause a kerfuffle with a 1337 Javascript popup in Etherscan using their Disqus comments.  
Nathan Sexer: State of stablecoins
Metamask’s retrospective on getting removed from the Chrome store this week.  Also how they’ll support more networks
A reader friendly version of 100+ Eth dev interviews from EthPrize
Governance and Standards
EIP1227 (remove difficulty bomb, revert to 5 ETH block reward) vs EIP1234 (delay difficulty bomb, reduce to 2 ETH block reward) vs EIP1240 (remove difficulty bomb, leave at 3 ETH block reward).   Results in Afri’s poll mirror what I hear in the community.
ERC1257: proof of payment standard
ERC1238: non-transferrable token badges
ERC1261: membership verification token
Add bottom-up composables to ERC998
ERC1263: NFT index
Project Updates
As planned, Augur burned the escape hatch, so the code is now decentralized.
Messari buys OnchainFX, lays out content strategy
Status now displays at full resolution on tablets, and no more Mixpanel
Maker to vote on increasing the Dai stability fee to 2.5%
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks 
Dappcon videos are coming in
Andy Tudhope talks about EthPrize’s dev interviews on Smartest Contract
CoinTelegraph with some good print interviews: Jutta Steiner and Joe Lubin
FunFair’s Jez San podcast interview
Open Source Web3 Design call
Jay Rush talking The Dao and how Quickblocks grew out of that from Gitcoin’s weekly stream
Dan Boneh on the Bitcoin Podcast
Ethan Buchman talks testnets on Zero Knowledge
Dan Finlay on MetaMask and Mustekala on Smartest Contract
Maker’s Rune Christensen print interview where he says they are developing their own language for better security
Martin Becze on Epicenter
You now need Santiment tokens to access some of their market and data feeds.
Text tutorial of how to claim your (free) Livepeer tokens.
Incentivizing new users of TCRs through gamification
Mike Maples: Slow money crypto
Zilliqa releases its Scilla language “with formalization of its semantics and its embedding into Coq.”  Also of interest, Etheremon is planning to have gameplay on Zilliqa but will use Ethereum as its store of value.
First Polkadot parachain deployed in PoC2
Raul Jordan with an intro to hashing algos
NYTimes on art and blockchain
Péter Szilágyi: TOR from within GO.  I imagine many who read it will immediately start using the Brave browser’s private tabs with TOR
Ethereum coming to Google Cloud
John Backus with his lessons learned from p2p file sharing
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
August 7 - Start of two month distributed hackathon from Giveth, Aragon, Swarm City and Chainshot
August 10-12 - EthIndia hackathon (Bangalore)
August 10-12 - ENS workshop and hackathon (London)
August 22 - Maker DAO ‘Foundation Proposal’ vote
August 24-26 - Loom hackathon (Oslo, Norway)
September 6 - Security unconference (Berlin)
September 7-9 - EthBerlin hackathon
September 7-9 - WyoHackathon (Wyoming)
September 8 - Ethereum Industry Summit (Hong Kong)
Oct 5-7 - TruffleCon in Portland
Oct 5-7 - EthSanFrancisco hackathon
Oct 11 - Crypto Economics Security Conf (Berkeley)
Oct 22-24 - Web3Summit (Berlin)
Oct 26-28 - Status hackathon (Prague)
Oct 29 - Decentralized Insurance D1Conf (Prague)
Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Devcon4 (Prague)
Dec 7-9 - dGov distributed governance conf (Athens)
December - EthSingapore hackathon
If you appreciate this newsletter, thank ConsenSys
This newsletter is made possible by ConsenSys, which is perpetually hiring if you’re interested.
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Editorial control is 100% me.  If you're unhappy with editorial decisions, feel free to tweet at me.
Shameless self-promotion
Link:  http://www.weekinethereum.com/post/176336020338/july-26-2018
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness
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nefertiti22002blog · 6 years
Fanfiction writer asks
@criminal-minds-fanfiction​ sent out an epic set of 50 questions under this title. (Thank you!) It took awhile, but these were excellent questions, and I enjoyed answering them. (I just reblogged them without answers, in case any of you want to have a go.)
I don’t expect many will want to read all 50 answers, but people who have recently started following me might be interested in the fics I write in the Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell fandom (and even those I used to write in the Lord of the Rings fandom).
Fanfiction Writer Asks
Most of the writer ask posts I come across are only like ten or so questions long so I thought I’d try to make a longer one because we like talking about our writing! Feel free to reblog!
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
52, still going at 68
2) What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?
Started out in The Lord of the Rings, writing Gandalf slash. (My fics are available on my old website, “Meddling in the Affairs of Wizards.” Haven’t had time to add them to AO3 yet.) After a seven-year pause, got started again by the Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell tv series, after having been a fan of the book for seven years. (Those fics are all on AO3.)
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
I have written OCs, but only if they fit into canon, which I try to stick to as much as possible in most cases. (I had to look up “reader inserts.” Never done one.)
4) What is your favourite genre to write for?
Given my two fandoms, it must be fantasy.
5) If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why?
I suppose it would be “From the Ashes a Fire,” a Gandalf/Aragorn romance. I tried to pair Gandalf with as many different guys from the novel as possible, but Aragorn always seemed to most logical lover for the wizard. I think most of my fics up to that point had been practice for that one.
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
“Service at the Prancing Pony,” which pairs Gandalf and Bob. (Yes, there is a Bob in LOTR.) It was only my second fic, and it’s pretty trivial.
7) When is your preferred time to write?
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
The challenge of figuring out a fic with explicit content (usually) and keep it true to the original source novel.
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?
“Thrice Returned” is a multi-chapter novel pairing Gandalf and Frodo. My favorite scene is when Frodo wakes up in Ithilien after the Ring is destroyed and discovers that Gandalf is alive. I always felt that Tolkien should have shown that scene, but he skips over it. Of course, my version is more romantic, which is partly why I like it.
10) In your xxx fic, why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind?
I don’t recall ever having an alternative ending for a fic in mind. My funniest ending, I think, is in “Mr Norrell’s Breeches.” I had no idea how I was going to end it, and inspiration struck just as I got to the ending. (Usually I know how the story will end, sometimes down to the last exchange of dialogue.)
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?
Yes. In Chapter 8 of “Two Masters in the Darkness” Norrell and Strange summon the new King of Lost-hope (to call it by its old name). I referred to the King as King Stephen, but as one reader pointed out, he wasn’t using that name after the death of the gentleman with the thistle-down hair. I amended the story to be more consistent with that premise.
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
It was Gandalf for six years, until I ran out of inspiration. (I just COULD NOT find a way to pair him with Sam.) Since I started writing JS&MN, it has been Mr Norrell. Although I write book-canon, I imagine my Mr Norrell as he is played by Eddie Marsan, who brings such warmth and empathy (and cuteness!) to the role, despite the fact that the screenwriter made him such an inconsistent character. (If he can do the fantastic York Minster magic, why can he not do sea beacons? And so on and on.)
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?
Generally I don’t write for characters I don’t enjoy. Lady Pole was the hardest; I only did her once.
14) How did you come up with the title for the xxx? - You can ask about multiple stories.
Often I do variations on quotations from the book. My favorite title of my own is “One Spell not to discover what My Friend Is doing Presently,” where Mr Strange speaks harshly to Mr Norrell, who casts a spell to make them invisible to each other. I loved writing the farce that resulted.
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?
I generally do a search for Regency-era names, as with the Misses Whitworth and Bastable in “Mr Norrell, ladies’ man.”
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx?
Often I rely on prompts, but I came up with the idea for “Stark Staring” on my own. It started with a simple premise, that Mr Norrell would get a little tipsy and cast a spell that would allow him (but no one else) to see Mr Strange unclothed. I thought it a pretty feeble idea, but it worked out very well.
17) Post a line from a WIP that you’re working on.
From a fic with the premise that Mr Norrell is (of course) secretly in love with Mr Strange and highly distracted by his pupil’s habit of pursing his lips when he is concentrating on his work. He inadvertently lets slip some indications of his desire when the two are close together looking for a book in the library: “Mr Strange had not failed to notice the man’s gaze directed at his mouth and the faint whimper and the subsequent slight confusion and the heavy breathing and the mere pretense of examining the books when instead Mr Norrell was staring into space and blushing furiously.”
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
Nothing that I carried on beyond a few paragraphs. Just couldn’t find the inspiration to go on.
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?
I would love to continue my “Jonathan Strange ♥ Mr Norrell” series by taking the two magicians on one of the adventures that are only hinted at at the very end of the novel. I’ve gone so far as to set them up as planning to go to Egypt, but I have not had the time to do the necessary research to figure out a plausible evil spell for them to save someone from. Maybe someday, but I doubt it.
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?
I am very fond of the JS&MN fics by Predatrix. She also writes Norrell, pairing him with Childermass most often but also with Strange. She sticks less to book-canon than I do, but she has a great imagination when it comes to thinking up magic for the characters to do. I have not got that talent and usually derive the magic, when necessary, from Clarke’s book.
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
Not really.
23) Do you prefer listening to music when you’re writing or do you need silence?
Either way. As long as I’m not listening to vocal music with English lyrics, I don’t get distracted.
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes?
Love ‘em, though I have written so many by now, and for the same characters, that I kind of dread them.
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story?
Yes. At the parting (inevitable) of Gandalf and Aragorn at the end of “From the Ashes a Fire” and at the letter Childermass writes to Norrell in Chapter 9, the end of “Two Masters in the Darkness,” after he has been separated from Norrel by the Darkness. Even though my main pairing if Norrell/Strange, I loved writing the relationship between Childermass and Norrell in “Master and Man” and its consequences in “Two Master in the Darkness.”
26) Which part of your xxx fic was the hardest to write?
I did an AU version of “Thrice Returned” (the Gandalf/Frodo epic) where instead of being killed by the Balrog, Gandalf survived and went with Frodo and Sam (and Gollum) to Mordor. Figuring out what effects that would have on the rest of the book’s plot was a killer, but I struggled through it and came up with something that someone manages to be sort of book-canon and yet AU at the same time.
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
Sometimes I do an outline for the multi-chapter fics. Not for the one-offs. In doing “Jonathan Strange ♥ Mr Norrell,” I had to do an elaborate chart with a chronology of all the things that happened to the two in the Darkness, since I wanted it to be absolute book-canon despite involving events in the final chapter that Clarke barely hints at. The chronology (when was Norrell born? 1765 in my head-canon) is the hardest part, since Clarke is so clear about hers.
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?
More of the conventions. I just saw a prompt on Library of Moria requesting a Gandalf/Pippin fic, as if it would be something hard! I saw how to do it right away and just launched in.
29) Do you have a story that you feel doesn’t get as much love as you’d like?
I think “The Toasts of Venice,” a sequel to “Jonathan Strange ♥ Mr Norrell” that takes the two magicians to Venice immediately after the last scene in the book, is pretty darn good, but for some reason it got far fewer hits (averaging by chapter) than the original. It has an amusing scene of Strange trying to get Norrell to be a bit less shy about going out of Hurtfew by taking him to a sweets shop.
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
I’m rather surprised that “A Book with a Strange Spell upon It” gets more hits than most of my other one-offs, some of which I think are better. But it’s a good story, so the disparity if not odd enough to make me roll my eyes, even a little.
31) Send me a fic recommendation and I’ll post it for my followers to see! (The asker is to send the rec not the answerer)
Having plugged Predatrix’s work already, I’ll say “The Perils of Being a Virgin in Faerie (Together with a Solution Thereto)” by Nothingshire. An excellent premise—that Mr Norrell’s virginity makes him an attractive kidnapping target for Fairies—with delightful humor and genuine affection between the two magicians.
32) Are any of your characters based on real people?
Not apart from the ones in JS&MN that Clarke based on real people.
33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?
So hard to pick, but I really appreciated one I got for my series “Jonathan Stolen & Mr Norrell.” The premise is that after a few years in the Darkness, Jonathan attracts the attention of a beautiful lady fairy who kidnaps him, and Mr Norrell has to get up the courage to rescue him. I was a bit trepidatious about writing a Fairy character, especially given my lack of imagination when it comes to writing magic. But I gave it a try, and one reader made me confident that I had succeeded: “I love Lady Turn-of-Tide! You've pinned down the character of Clarke's fairies exactly: capricious, self-centred, vain, generous and cruel all at once, and utterly incapable of seeing humans as anything but cute playthings. As Strange says, she's a good sort (for a fairy), but I know I wouldn't want to meet her! She was a lot of fun to read about, though.” Yay!
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten?
There was a troll on tumblr who was lambasting those of us who write really explicit stuff about JS&MN characters. She or he was denouncing a group of us (specifically by our pseudonyms) for ruining Mr Norrell and the others. As if anyone was forcing her/him to read the stuff! Fortunately the fandom sprang to our defense, and I actually got more hits than usual on my latest Norrell fic, “Stark Staring.”
35) Do you share your story ideas with anyone else or do you keep them close to your chest?
I’ve run some stories past Predatrix and even collaborated with her, and I’ve done that with past betas.
36) Can you give us a spoiler for one of your WIP’s?
I only have one, which I quoted above. It is based on a prompt that requests that Norrell be the top in the sex scene, for a change. That goes against my head-canon, but I shall do my best.
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?
Hard to choose, but I guess I would say “The Epic Battle over Mr Norrell,” where Childermass and Lascelles both want Norrell sexually, for different reasons, and they decide to have a contest demonstrating their various skills for a delighted but increasingly frustrated Mr Norrell (since of course they have to start over at each stage of the contest without him coming). Guess who wins!
38) If you could collab with any other writer on here, who would it be? (Perhaps this question will inspire some collabs!) If you’re shy, don’t tag the blog, just name it.
I’ve collaborated with Predatrix, but the sort of stuff we write requires very similar tastes, and I doubt I would find anyone else.
39) Do you prefer first, second or third person?
Definitely third, though I have done some first person in letters within the fics.
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?
Only people online.
41) What’s your favourite minor character you’ve written?
I don’t know whether he counts as minor, but I have built up Mr Norrell’s servant Lucas into a fairly major figure in my “Jonathan Strange ♥ Mr Norrell” fics. He agrees to return to Hurtfew, even in the Darkness (as do some other servants), and he works his way up to essentially replacing Childermass as Norrell and Strange’s Man of Business. I quite like him as a character.
42) Song fic - What made you decide to use the song xxx for xxx.
I’ve never done one.
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?
Not that I know of.
44) What is the last line you wrote?
I added this to the WIP quoted above, in 17: “The exchange of Jeremy’s Tott’s little monograph, ENGLISH MAGIC, for its mirror had been a thrilling revelation that there was a second genuine practical magician in England.”
45) What spurs you on during the writing process?
Like Tolkien, I write what I would like to read. I am a professional writer and love dealing with the English language. It’s fun, and I love reading the results.
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it?
See number 19.
47) Here’s a fic title - insert a made up title. What would this story be about?
I fear I cannot come up with a title before starting to write the fic.
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?
Basically my Norrell/Strange fics are based around the idea that Norrell, who in the book is so boring and dry and selfish, becomes a different person when he’s with Strange. More lively, talkative, and even passionate. That makes writing about these two when they’re finally reunited in the Darkness is such fun. Norrell is transformed into a fascinating character.
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
It was called “No Windows,” and it was a LOTR AU in which Gandalf seizes the Ring because he loves Frodo and wants to spare him the agony of carrying the Ring—and naturally he’s corrupted by it. It was a terrific story, but unfortunately the author apparently withdrew from the fandom and deleted the fic. I was lucky to have started with such an excellent fic, since it made me go on and read more and then start writing.
50) If you could write only angst, fluff or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why?
I would say smut, since virtually all of what I’ve written has included very explicit scenes. But I’ve also enjoyed working out the other scenes and making them book-canon. I think I would choose fluff if I could only do one, since I enjoy writing comedy and farce.
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superkickingit · 5 years
Kelsi Likes Seinfeld
Go to the bottom of this post to see all of my Seinfeld recommendations including books, merch, articles, and more!
There was an echo issue with my audio in the segments while I am on camera. I am working to fix the issue if there is any way to, but until then here is the video if anyone still wants to see it:
Recently, I decided to start a weekly show called “Kelsi Likes.” The title is an anagram! Each episode is about a different topic with only one thing in common…that I LIKE it!
I’ll be doing episodes on wrestling, cartoons, my favorite movies, horror, my love of Halloween, tv shows, characters, my love for the 90s and so much more!
But this episode is about one of the most iconic television shows of the 90s...
Seinfeld, “the show about nothing,” that was actually about everything and anything!
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Even if Seinfeld wasn’t your favorite show in the nineties or if you never cared to watch it at all, no one can deny that it has had a huge impact on the current social and television landscape. Seinfeld played a huge role in television history, in academic television analysis and in society itself by becoming a massively influential, cultural phenomenon.
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In college, I wrote a paper titled “The Evolution of the Television Industry in the 1990s.” Seinfeld was one of the specific shows I analyzed and wrote about to prove my thesis: “television of the nineties was revolutionary and stands out from previous decades.”
Here are a few excerpts from the paper:
Hailed as “the best sitcom of all time” is NBC’s Seinfeld, which first aired in 1989 and ended in 1998. The show follows Jerry, Elaine, George and Kramer as they go through everyday life making fun of and analyzing everything and anything. Famously described as “a show about nothing,” Seinfeld’s striking appeal is the wonderful comedy writing and revolutionary idea of having a show that revolves around quirky, but regular, people and their daily encounters. TV Guide describes the show this way:
As put forth by the series itself, Seinfeld was a comedy about nothing.But in reality it was about the very worthy subject of modern manners-waiting interminably for a table at a Chinese restaurant, for instance...and it addressed these issues with all the acute observation and satirical brilliance of a Restoration comedy. It’s just that the manners of Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer were often atrocious. (Lasswell, 235)
Nothing overly monumental happens to the main characters, but it’s the writing, the acting, and the premise of “nothing” that made this sitcom stand out above all others. It’s original. Even today, over twenty years after the show has ended, it’s still widely considered “the best” sitcom of all time. 
This show can be said to have single handedly defined nineties television and the uniqueness of the era. Entertainment Weekly describes Seinfeld as
...that brilliantly self-reflective series about a stand-up comic and his three pals, [and it] went on to become the defining sitcom for the ‘90s. In its eight years on the air, Seinfeld changed the tone of TV, our Thursday-night plants, the way we talk. It spawned enough imitators to fill Yankee Stadium, boosted sales of Jujyfruits and Binaca, and even made medical history--a journal reported that a Massachusetts fan laughed so hard, he kept fainting. It made a mint for NBC--and not a junior one either. (Gwinn, 11)
Always challenging TV “Political Correctness,” Seinfeld addressed countless topics that had never been discussed on television before.
Over the years, the quartet broke tube taboo after taboo, mocking deaf people, cancer, football-shaped goiters, and mental retardation. Even masturbation and oral sex slipped onto the airwaves, thinly disguised with masterful euphemisms. Not exactly safe, family, Tony Danza-type television. But it was precisely Seinfeld’s shocking deviations from formula that separated it from the sea of tapioca. The show gave us a peek at our Jungian dark shadow. It let nothing--not feelings, not death--get in the way of a punchline. (Gwinn, 11)
Overall, Seinfeld was a step in the opposite direction of the regular family-friendly sitcoms such as The Cosby Show and Happy Days that had aired in previous decades. This, however, is exactly why Seinfeld was able to flourish and succeed. In effect, the 90s television audience was left with a new type of comedy that has not since, one could argue, been matched in quality and content. 
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I also asked some friends and family what Seinfeld meant to them. 
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My friend Trace (who has a UCF podcast: @UCF_Knightline) described Seinfeld like this:
Well written and witty, the scenarios the characters found themselves in were absurd, yet relatable. Who hasn't lost their car in a parking garage or struggled with someone who is a close talker? The terms seeped into our public consciousness and decades after its debut, the show is still as relevant as ever.
When I discovered Jerry Seinfeld, simply put, his poke at little things made me laugh. My enjoyment of his comedy made me want to check out his new show. Seinfeld's core characters weren't written to be like-able, yet proved to be enduring and, ironically, quite like-able.
My 14- and 15-year old nephews have only recently discovered Seinfeld through syndication and laugh out loud as I did when I first watched the episodes during their original run and dozens of times since. 
It was billed as a show about nothing, yet became a show about anything and everything and remains my favorite show of all-time. No matter when I tune in, be it a few minutes in or only with a few minutes left, I watch and laugh and yell out the lines and ... yada, yada, yada all over again!
My co-host of my wrestling podcast, Paul, gave me a list of his favorite Seinfeld episodes! 
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My dad, Donald, also gave me a list of his favorite episodes and had this to say about the show:
Favorite Episodes for the Show’s Lead Characters:
Jerry (Possibly the most innately funny lead of a sitcom of all time) = With 180 shows to choose from? Maybe The Puffy Shirt, Season 5.
George = A three-way tie between The Marine Biologist, The Opposite, and the “I was in the pool!” Hamptons episode, all Season 5.
Elaine = The Bizzaro Jerry and The Little Kicks, both Season 8.
Kramer = Any and all of his appearances since the Seinfeld pilot (there were only two episodes in which he didn’t turn up: The Chinese Restaurant and The Pen). If I had to choose one favorite, it would probably be The Merv Griffin Show (Season 9); Also love any of the episodes that feature a Kramerica Industries venture, i.e., the NYU intern assisted oil bladder system (The Voice, Season 9), and his other various “Eureka!” ideas like Make Your Own Pie pizza restaurant or his PB&Js sandwich shop, the Coffee Table Book about coffee tables, The Beach cologne, ketchup and mustard in the same bottle, and the aforementioned male brassiere twist. Should I also include the co-created homeless person powered Rickshaw endeavor, Jerry’s imagining of a future Kramer’s car periscope invention, and possibly the roll-out tie dispenser? Cosmo’s umbrella corporation far outdistances George’s more pedestrian and fictional Vandelay Industries that was made up for extending Costanza’s unemployment benefits as a would be latex salesman.
Hardly a day goes by in my life that doesn’t include an occurrence or interaction within it that I can someway, somehow relate to a Seinfeld episode. Guess that does it for now, gotta go watch some Seinfeld reruns. It NEVER gets old, kinda like watching the movie “Jaws”. So Kelsi Likes, “you’re going to need a bigger list.” LOL
Lots of people on Twitter also weighed in and tweeted about their favorite episodes: 
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I also put out a number of Seinfeld-related polls on Twitter:
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The last poll shown above references Seinfeld food bits, and there is actually a massive amount of food references throughout the entire run of the show! I found this fun article/list that compiles all the references and includes episode numbers and descriptions: Complete Food Tour of Seinfeld by Moze Halperin and Jillian Mapes from flavorwire.com
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“Kelsi’s Kountdown” - My Favorite Seinfeld Quotes
The sea was angry that day my friends…
These Pretzels are Making Me Thirsty
No Soup for You
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Honorable Mentions: 
Just pop the top, and toss the stump 
You son of a bitch bastards
Schmoopy! No you’re schmoopy!
Yada yada yada
CABLE BOY…What have you done to my little cable boy? 
I was in the pool. 
Oh, No, I'm so sorry. It's the MOOPS. The correct answer is The MOOPS.
Here’s to feeling good all the time!
Believe or not answering machine message
You’re living in the past, man. You’re hung up on some clown from the 60s, man!
Just Take One Dip and END IT! 
Shut up ya old bag
You’re an anti-dentite!
If this wasn’t my son’s wedding day, I’d knock your teeth out you anti-dentite bastard
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In the video at the top of the blog post I also talk about my most underrated Seinfeld episode list as well as my favorite Newman episodes. 
“Kelsi’s Kountdown” - My Favorite Seinfeld Episodes:
The Chicken Roaster (1996 – Season 8) 
The Bris (1993 – Season 5) 
The Soup Nazi (1995 – Season 7) 
The Little Kicks (1996- Season 8) 
The Rye (1996 – Season 7) 
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In the video, I also recommended a number of books, articles, and Seinfeld-themed merchandise. 
Here is what I recommended (including links!):
The book “Seinfeldia”: A very comprehensive look at behind-the-scenes facts and information about the show. You can buy it anywhere, including Amazon.
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The Complete Series on DVD: Includes AMAZING, in depth bonus features, including interviews with the cast and creators, that will keep you entertained for hours.
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Factinate Article: Includes a lot of very interesting facts and tidbits about the show
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The book “Seinfeld Trivia”: Available anywhere, including Amazon
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A Rolling Stone Article: Lists and describes the 100 Best Seinfeld characters
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TwentyTwoWords.com Article: A visually appealing article that lists the best quotes and includes stills from the show.
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Festivus! The Book: About the Festivus holiday tradition referenced on the show.
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Seinfeld Funko Vinyl Idolz: Awesome figurines that can be displayed. I own all of the figures seen in the picture below except for Puddy.
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ScreenRant Article: Written by Sean Harrigan this lists the best 15 Minor Seinfeld Characters
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
The hazards of exclusivist nationalism: Classes from Jinnah's dilemmas and Theresa Might's resignation
http://tinyurl.com/y2phfh58 In June, Theresa Might resigned from her put up of Prime Minister as a result of she couldn’t trip the Brexit tiger. A referendum, she stated, which nobody had thought they might win, had arrange an unattainable dilemma. The difficulty, as she herself stated, is that she inherited an elusive mandate — what Brexit itself means, she famous, was a wide range of issues, not only a single-minded and pre-determined verdict for a deliberate out future. The Brexit vote was additionally, she stated, the expectation for a greater future and a sense of helplessness within the current political framework. There are a lot of methods to ship on this mandate, however to be on prime of it, one additionally must agree with the central premise of the demand — a extra exclusivist ethno-nationalist demand. Her strategies of making an attempt to ship on the referendum, protecting a extra open, negotiable, and interconnected set of networks alive with the European Union, was being constantly out-voted by members of the get together who discovered it was simple to out-Brexit her on her motive for having acquired energy within the first place: Brexit. To a Partition historian who occurred to be sitting in London on the time of Might’s resignation speech, the parallels have been irresistible. It was as if the historical past of the previous 70 years was dancing in entrance of her very eyes. This, I assumed, was how Jinnah will need to have felt by the hands of his get together members. Jinnah, as many Indians and Pakistanis who know their Partition historical past will perceive shortly, knew a few of the dilemmas round this drawback fairly nicely. The deserves of his calls for aren’t in query — reasonably the political processes they embodied. Tasked with the endeavour to translate the demand for Pakistan after the 1946 elections, Jinnah had initially tried to push by way of the Cupboard Mission Plan — the place the spirit of his calls for may very well be accommodated, whereas, on the identical time, additionally permitting for a better measure of flexibility within the implementation of his demand. Right now, greater than ever, Jinnah’s dilemmas are price mulling over in India. AFP Even whereas asking for a separate homeland, on the premise of a sense of a distinct identification, a much less exclusivist imaginative and prescient of sovereignty was nonetheless doable. However the hassle was that the political processes he had participated in additionally entailed methods by which the trail to energy by others, who did demand a extra slim studying, had turn into a lot simpler. A requirement for a homeland for Muslims didn’t essentially must translate right into a exclusivist or extremist implementation of the letter of his calls for. The Cupboard Mission Plan would have offered for a looser federation, much less insistent on a accomplished or mutually exclusivist sovereignty. But, whereas looking for an inexpensive settlement for the disempowerment and under-represented minority communities of Muslims residing in North India, he was compelled to work with a group of extra virulent and prejudiced colleagues, characterised each by their ambition, in addition to their narrowness. Clearly, nevertheless, one mustn’t let the storyline run away with itself. Jinnah, for one factor, by no means needed to resign in humiliation on the behest of his rivals. For an additional, 14 million casualties have been claimed in South Asia as this course of labored out — versus the one in the UK. The establishments of Britain furthermore are stronger than these in India proved to be — a lawful conviction of Joanna Cox’s killer was legally upheld, in distinction to the manifest absence of any equipment for order or regulation giving within the monsoon months of 1947 in South Asia. Furthermore, even a superficial look at any Indian newspaper at present would appear to point out that Jinnah’s considerations concerning the plight of Muslim minority communities in South Asia — the central function that drove his political profession ahead — was not unjustified, as in comparison with a reasonably clear try at careerism and opportunism of most distinguished Brexiteers. Certainly, the calls for and prejudices of the Brexiteers, versus the League, appear — no less than to the untrained South Asian eye — issues arising out of scrapping for the sources of plentiful, versus that of the pathetically meager. Theresa Might continuously discovered herself on the mercy of those that might ‘out-Brexit’ her. AFP Clearly, it’s doable to poke holes on this argument, out of the diploma to which each these situations do correspond. However the kernel of the political sentiment in them is just not dissimilar. Jinnah would have understood a few of the sentiments arising out of Might’s get together — if not their explicit points — fairly nicely. Her makes an attempt — at implementing the vote for Brexit in a manner that may additionally permit for a better quantities of financial entry, and fewer regulated journey throughout the Irish border — failed miserably, partly as a result of her collaborators noticed that they might profit way more within the political local weather that they have been in by reaching for a extra excessive model of her calls for. Theresa Might continuously discovered herself on the mercy of those that might ‘out-Brexit’ her, a lot in the identical manner that ever extra refined and exclusivist claims to Islam promise to be a channel for development in Pakistan. Neither chief might have been notably persuaded by the necessity to adhere to those calls for in private phrases — certainly, might even have conceptualised the meanings of those calls for fairly in a different way — they have been additionally unable to face up to an onslaught from those that perceived the necessities of those calls for fairly in a different way. The preliminary premise of each leaders might or will not be justified, but when the South Asian expertise of the 20th century teaches us something, it will be that it is necessary to be very, very cautious to manage the dosages of an exclusivist nationalism, since unchecked, a harmful seek for the really genuine can solely result in a narrower, extra impoverished and depleted expertise, as fragile as it’s, and in the end empty. Ultimately, the pursuit of a single, all-defining precept of nationalism is a punishing and largely unachievable process. They danger spiraling uncontrolled, and lead in instructions that the founders might not essentially have wished for. Right now, greater than ever, Jinnah’s dilemmas are price mulling over in India. Your information to the newest cricket World Cup tales, evaluation, studies, opinions, reside updates and scores on https://www.firstpost.com/firstcricket/series/icc-cricket-world-cup-2019.html. Comply with us on Twitter and Instagram or like our Facebook web page for updates all through the continuing occasion in England and Wales. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function() {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)} ; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '259288058299626'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.9&appId=1117108234997285"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); window.fbAsyncInit = function () { FB.init({appId: '1117108234997285', version: 2.4, xfbml: true}); // *** here is my code *** if (typeof facebookInit == 'function') { facebookInit(); } }; (function () { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js'; e.async = true; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }()); function facebookInit() { console.log('Found FB: Loading comments.'); FB.XFBML.parse(); } Source link
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
New York Red Bulls "lured" into complacency in rivalry draw vs. NYCFC
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August 22, 201811:29PM EDT
NEW YORK, N.Y – A point on the road notwithstanding, the New York Red Bulls weren’t ready to smile over Wednesday night’s 1-1 draw at New York City FC, as part of Heineken Rivalry Week. Instead, the locker room was downright glum.
Up two men and having scored first, the Red Bulls looked slow and lacking imagination for much of the second half, in fact looking like the lesser team and even letting in an equalizer a few minutes after halftime. In a match that could have tied them atop the Supporters’ Shield race and potentially created four points of separation between themselves and NYCFC, the Red Bulls instead squandered a tremendous chance to get a win.
Head coach Chris Armas, now 0-1-1 in the NY Derby since taking over in July, tried to take a balanced outlook even as his locker room seemed despondent about dropping two points.
“We’re not going to get emotional about this. We went to Vancouver, got a point. We came to New York City where they haven’t lost and got a point. When things were level, we thought we were the better team. That’s that,” Armas said.
“One point on the road, tough place to play, a derby match, which they’re always interesting. And then there’s the other side, we’re up two guys and couldn’t get the game winner so there will be some initial frustration — but short lived — and on to the next one Sunday.” 
The Red Bulls started well with a good first half. Their efforts were rewarded as they scored first off a brilliant Bradley Wright-Phillips header in the 37th minute and then went up a man following an Eloi Amagat red card. Rather than press the match, they instead looked tepid, despite being up two men with another red card to NYCFC at the midpoint of the second half.
Last weekend, they got a late equalizer in a 2-2 draw at the Vancouver Whitecaps despite being down a man at the time.
On Wednesday, holding the advantage, they got bottled up and frustrated against a determined rival.
“Of course, it’s really disappointing today…today it feels like a loss and Vancouver it felt like a win. Especially with being a man up, two men up, we just were not able to create enough clear chances and I think that was the problem,” midfielder Daniel Royer said. “I think each and everyone in the second half were not on top. I think first half was great. The second half, for whatever reason and I really don’t know, I have to analyze it – but that was not the case. Defensively, we conceded which was disappointing as well. On the other hand, we should create chances as well.”
It was a halftime adjustment from NYCFC that helped frustrate the Red Bulls, even as they anticipated the move. Rather than pack in their midfield and try to bunker down, Dome Torrent went with a 4-3-2 that occupied the Red Bulls’ backline with two high players. It worked, as David Villa equalized in the 53rd minute and then NYCFC continued to look dangerous. Defender Aaron Long said that the Red Bulls anticipated NYCFC might go with that look, but the midfield still struggled to keep pace.
Calling the result “more frustrating than anything,” midfielder Tyler Adams said that the Red Bulls resorted to long balls rather than their usual, fluid movement. He also said that they perhaps sat back too much with not enough players shuttling between the lines.
“We were probably better when they had 11 players on the field. They go down a man and they kind of lured us into a game that is just not our game. We had a little bit more possession but we really didn’t create any chances with it,” Adams told MLSsoccer.com.
“It’s s bit frustrating on the day that we just weren’t sharp enough in the final third, maybe we were just lacking ideas. It was just one of the days…they go down a man and you’re thinking that we should be dominating and creating chances. In the end, they defended well in their nine-man block; it was hard to create chances,” he added.
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MLSsoccer.com News
New York Red Bulls “lured” into complacency in rivalry draw vs. NYCFC was originally published on 365 Football
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celticnoise · 7 years
Last night was not a typical “after the title is won” match. It was heavy going. The players and the fans seemed jittery. Ordinarily, after a league championship is bagged, you can expect the team to stutter a wee bit as they take their eye off the ball. That isn’t what happened last night; these guys are now labouring under tremendous pressure, that of dawning history. They know what’s at stake and it is beginning to tell. Understandably.
The psychology of this is interesting to me.
You can approach this in many ways, using examples from your own life and those of people around you.
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I prefer to think of it from the perspective of a gamer.
If you’re a computer games geek you’ll know what I mean. One of the things that makes the Steam platform on the PC so invaluable is that it keeps score for you, and offers you a series of rewards and achievements for what you accomplish when playing one of your games. Many Steam based games now come with a “perfect score” achievement, and the hard-core players are always trying to get their hands on one.
You’ll all know I’m a Football Manager fan. The “Invincible” award on Steam – for completing a league campaign without losing – has been won by a mere 9.4% of all players. That’s actually a lot more than I’d have thought; the “Dominion” award – for winning three consecutive top division titles – is one I’ve held myself, and only 5.6% of players on the current version have won that. I’ve never come close to an “Invincible” season.
Under normal circumstances, nobody sets out to achieve a perfect score. It just sort of happens.
But even if you are attempting it from the start, a weird dynamic happens as you go on.
It doesn’t matter how good you ordinarily are, as you edge into the grey area where that achievement becomes possible, and you start thinking about it, you start to make mistakes you ordinarily would never make. You begin overthinking things. You tweak and change your usual way of playing.
The closer you get the more you second guess your decisions, if the game allows you that kind of time. Whereas under normal circumstances you would simply start again when you lose, it becomes weighty, and real pressure starts to sink in.
If you’re a gamer you’ll understand that pressure, and how easy it is to slip up, especially late in the day. If Steam could keep stats on “near things” I’d be willing to bet that the failure rate climbs exponentially the closer people get to the end.
I play games to relax. I couldn’t handle trying for a perfect score.
That’s more stress than I need in my life.
I get the jitters every time I get an unfancied team to a cup final or when I’m on the brink of a decisive battle in Total War.
I know the pressure the most committed gamers must feel when on the verge of a perfect score must be a hundred times bigger.
Amplify that a thousand more times, and you get some sense of where our players must be right now, in their own heads.
How would you like to be the guy whose misplaced pass cost an unbeaten season and a permanent place in the history books? Imagine being in a fifty-fifty with the keeper in a close game and knowing what getting the ball past him had hinging on it?
I can’t fault our players for not being at their best last night.
I understand exactly why they struggled. Weary legs are one thing, but add that pressure and you’re in a whole different place. That’s why a home tie with Thistle was so fraught. It has nothing to do with complacency or anything else; these guys are on the verge now. Back when we were knocked of Europe I worried about complacency; I don’t any longer. I had no idea then we’d still have something to play for at this stage in the league campaign, but here we are, and this is enormous.
A lot of these players will experience title winning seasons again. All those who remain at Celtic Park beyond this campaign most certainly will. But none of them will ever again accomplish what’s in front of them right now, and I say that knowing one of them already has, of course; Kolo Toure did it at Arsenal. He, in fact, is on the verge of becoming the world’s first footballer to be part of two different sides who’ve had an unbeaten league campaign.
Yet even that is small fry; we’re on the verge of being one of only two sides ever who’s got through an entire domestic campaign, including the cup competitions, without losing a match. That prospect is now tantalisingly real, and the pressure of that must be all the greater.
This is where a good manager is such a vital asset to a team. Gordon Strachan was able to get our players across a line I never thought he could when we won the last eight games in a row in season 2007-08. His philosophy, which he shared with Neil Lennon in 2012, was to instil in the players the simple idea that leagues are won, and history is made, one game at a time. To concentrate only on each individual match, separating it from the bigger picture.
These are the moments when I’m most thankful for a guy with the experience Brendan has. He has, of course, been through the heartbreak of seeing a team come close to a monumental achievement, and he will be ever mindful of Steven Gerrard’s horror moment when a single slip in an otherwise magnificent season cost his Liverpool side the shot at the their EPL crown. Experiences like that are what make great bosses, though. He will have learned.
What Celtic players need to do from now until the end of the season is try to forget all the white noise around them. They are the best team in Scotland, and when they focus on playing their own game nobody can touch them. Everyone wants to be the team that stops this run, but then every side wants to beat us in every game no matter what. The equation is no different than the one we face every single week.
The irony of all this, of course, is that with records like this in front of a team they work harder than ever. They push beyond their physical limits. As pressure increases, so too does determination and effort and the will to win. That’s no small thing.
And there’s one other thing, and it might well be the greatest thing that we take from this campaign. A team which can hold its nerve in those fraught, desperate moments on the road to an invincible season isn’t one which will buckle under the normal pressures of a game. When Champions League qualification is on the line next time around this team will not crack. They will endure, because this is a tougher task than that could ever prove to be.
A team that can do this is made out of iron, physically and mentally.
If these players can accomplish it … well, there’s no telling what they might do for an encore.
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