#but i’m pretty darn sure that crowley is finally gonna let himself do the waiting
queer-reader-07 · 9 months
ok i want to talk about aziraphale’s reaction to The Kiss. (yes i’m talking about The Kiss again, it lives rent free in my head)
he looks both desperately confused and angry. he’s upset in ways he can’t fully express to crowley or honestly, even to himself.
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and i think what’s happening here is that azi can’t handle the fact that crowley’s actually leaving.
because crowley always comes back. after the bandstand breakup, he comes back. after saying he won’t help hide gabriel jim, he comes back. in multiple minisodes where they say they don’t need each other or it’s been decades apart, crowley always comes back.
and this is the crux of the issue, crowley is always the one to come back. crowley goes back to the bookshop, crowley shows up to save aziraphale in azi’s damsel in distress moments. crowley is always the one coming back. never aziraphale.
yes of course azi loves crowley. i think, in some ways, he understands that love more than crowley does for most of the story (even if it’s HEAVILY repressed, and that’s on religious trauma). but azi never does the coming back. he does the waiting. he waits for crowley to realize he was wrong. he waits for crowley to save him (because saving azi makes him so happy).
i think. maybe just a little. aziraphale thought that crowley’s Kiss was him coming back. that it was crowley realizing he was wrong and that he should come back. (also, just throwing this out there. AZI KISSED BACK. AZI HELD CROWLEY AS CLOSE AS HE COULD. HE LEANED INTO IT.) but The Kiss wasn’t crowley coming back. it was a last goodbye. a last “we could’ve been Us. do you see what we’re losing? DO YOU?!”
obviously there was a lot going through his (and crowley’s) minds. a lot of emotions, a lot of pent up anger and frustration, a lot of everything honestly.
but i think part of azi’s anger and sadness post Kiss is because he genuinely thought crowley would come back. because crowley ALWAYS comes back. azi can’t admit that he’s wrong (and if i’m being honest, i don’t think either of them is really wrong per say but that’s a topic for another day)
and the thing is. crowley didn’t come back but he didn’t leave either. yes he walked out of the bookshop but he stood there waiting for azi right up until he was sure azi was actually gone.
for once he gave azi the chance to come back.
crowley didn’t hide in his car. he didn’t drive off before aziraphale could say something else. he stood outside the bentley in clear view. crowley wanted azi to be the one to come back for once. he would’ve been so elated if azi had come back and gotten in the bentley. but azi didn’t. because azi doesn’t do the coming back… at least not yet.
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