#but the idea that either of these men will provide the happy story some people in this fandom want is an illusion
fuckmeyer · 1 month
the choice between Edward & Jacob is not a question of which relationship is healthier or which partner is best suitable for Bella. neither is correct. neither is best. neither produces a happy ending for Bella. at the end of the day this is still a vampire novel. any choice Bella could make would yield, at best, a bittersweet happily ever after.
if she chooses Edward, she gets the terrifying Breaking Dawn ending: a girl who rejected her call to grow up has hung her love & her eternity on an emotionally stunted partner who hates himself marginally less than he loves her. she's a teen mom with a kid she never wanted who perpetuates the generational trauma passed down from her parents. by keeping this child, the Cullens have set the stage for an uprising/cold war against the Volturi who are likely to take revenge in order to maintain power. Bella is living in a tenuous "dream come true" wrapped in a nightmare & doesn't realize it.
choosing Jacob is the true coming-of-age ending that rips the stitches out of a wound that never fully healed. even if we ignore the fact that she ends up with a man who sexually assaulted her (we must bear in mind Jacob's character is influenced by smeyer's racism, but it did happen), they can't have a secure romantic relationship. based on the high imprinting rate of the pack, Jacob will likely find his imprint in his lifetime & will lose himself to the imprintee. he will no longer be her Jacob. he will inevitably abandon her (whether he wants to or not), & she must reconcile with the reality that she will always be inadequate to Jacob's imprint. & say he never manages to escape the vampires? he will presumably not age for a long time, meaning the relationship Bella always feared with Edward (her being an old grandmother while he stays forever young) remains a possibility. this is the story of a girl who slaps a Band Aid on an open wound & calls herself healed while flinching every time she sees the shadow of the knife that cut her.
if she chooses neither (team therapy), her healing requires her to lose or be at least partially disconnected from everyone she cares about. Bella must spend the rest of her life shut out from one world while never fully existing in her human world ever again. she must always keep secrets. she can never go back home. even in the unlikely event that she manages to escape the Volturi, the threat of being hunted by vampires will never leave her. in addition, she must face her worst fears (aging, losing Edward) while always keeping in mind the immortal life that could have been hers, if only.
even the "healthiest" option produces scars that will never quite heal.
Twilight is a horror. Twilight is a vampire novel. Twilight is gothic. Twilight is fiction. neither Edward nor Jacob is a "bad" choice because neither will give Bella her happily ever after. the choice between Edward & Jacob is simply a matter of which horror story you prefer to read.
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I'm pretty sure I've made a post about this exact specific thing before, but I'm going to type this out anyway, because I can't get over how Tove Jansson's work depicts masculinity, and the idea of gender in general.
While she was - and still 100% is - absolutely a wlw icon (being the first woman to bring a same-sex date to Finland's annual independence day ball in the Presidental Palace), and her work doesn't focus on men or masculinity, she had no resentment towards the male sex as a whole. In her works, the male characters are mainly amusing creatures, up to their silly masculine antics that men are bound to do just the same as squirrels are bound to build their certain type of nests and migratory birds are bound to fly to the south for winter.
There are characters - whole species, in fact - that more or less represent people trying to perform their respective gender roles, like the Fillyjonk who manages to be a strictly normative Housewife without any mention of her having a husband, and the masculine counterpart of generally male hemulens. While there are both fillyjonks and hemulens that are happy being Traditionally Feminine and Traditionally Masculine, there's one short story of a fillyjonk who doesn't enjoy micro-managing an immaculate household, and another one of a hemulen who doesn't enjoy any traditionally masculine hobbies but tries to arbitrarily pick one anyway, because of societal expectations to have one.
But the thing is, the characters who don't fit into standard strict gender presentations are perfectly comfortable with themselves and neither they nor anyone else really gives a shit. Jansson was born in 1914, and it's remarkable how neutral the characters' depictions are to a modern eye. Being personally finnish and introduced to her works in a language that doesn't have gendered pronouns, I literally did not know what gender a few of the characters were before encountering their english or swedish descriptions with pronouns. And I never wondered whether they're supposed to be male or female. Hell, even the character representing the love of her life is depicted like this, and it never crossed my mind to wonder whether Too-Ticky is male or female. She's just Too-Ticky, who dispels wisdom.
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But coming back to masculinity, the way Jansson depicts male characters and The Masculine Urge To Do Shit isn't depicted as either superior nor inferior to her female characters' ways of doing their own thing. Sure, men cause problems on purpose from time to time, but the narrative doesn't depict this as inherently bad any more than it is inherently good. The protagonist Moomintroll is a boy and does his best to perform some ideal of being manly, but it's depicted as a part of him trying to grow up. His father's misadventures in trying to be either a wildhearted Manly Adventurer or a Stable Provider For His Family - and the conflict between these two ideals - aren't depicted as bad things to want, or something he shouldn't want, but just an inherent part of being a man.
The protagonist's girlfriend Snorkmaiden is depicted as vain and frivolous as much as she is kind and loving, but her girlish silliness and genuinely kind heart aren't depicted as being contradictory to each other, it's just who she is as a person. The protagonist's mother, Moominmamma, is the platonic ideal of a loving and patient mother and wife, and The moomins' TvTropes page actually goes as far as describing her as fitting the definition of the platonic ideal of the perfect traditional japanese woman, being gentle, loving and hospitable, but strong and unhesitant to protect her family. She doesn't humour her husband's whims out of some schooled and practiced dedication to the role of feminine submissiveness, she puts up with his stupid shit because she loves him.
Tove Jansson was a splendid woman and her work and art are rightfully one of Finland's proudest gifts to the world, and whether she was gay or bisexual, it clearly shines through her work how as much as she loved women, she didn't dislike men. The Masculine Urge To Do Shit is aknowledged with a jovial shrug: "Yeah, they do that sometimes."
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saintsenara · 2 months
I’m obsessed with your Percy/Rodolphus fic, so I just wanted to get some more of your thoughts on who you think the Lestrange brothers are/what they’re like. They’re often overlooked in this fandom but I personally love them. (PS your answer to my Frank/Rabastan question was amazing. Thank you!)
thank you so much, anon! this is a lovely ask and i'm so thrilled you've enjoyed subluxation.
i've been joking quite a lot while writing it that it’s tricked me into finding rodolphus and rabastan lestrange fascinating, having never cared about them before. but this is - it’s time to come clean - not strictly true... obviously, as a bellamort shipper, poor cuckolded roddy has had to take up some space in my brain, but also the family appears in quite a lot of my other writing and i have quite a lot of headcanon lore i appear to have ascribed to them…
most of this - unsurprisingly - surrounds the family’s relationship with voldemort. while the evidence of canon is that the malfoys are voldemort’s favourite accomplices - at least until lucius falls from grace after failing to retrieve the prophecy - i am much fonder of the idea that the lestranges are the dark lord’s most important death eaters and that the family has been in voldemort’s orbit since the second he arrived at hogwarts.
i do not - however - think that the lestrange originally ensnared is either rodolphus or rabastan. i know many people choose to interpret the mention in half-blood prince of a lestrange in the slug club alongside tom riddle as referring to rodolphus - and i do see the interesting things which can be done both with the idea of him as voldemort’s oldest friend [and, therefore, fully aware of his real name, appearance, and background, while his wife is not] and the idea of him as much older than bellatrix. but i much prefer the idea of voldemort having an impact which is distinct across three separate generations: you have the knights of walpurgis, who become the first death eaters, who know the proto-voldemort of the 1940s and 1950s, with all his messy human characteristics; then you have these men’s sons, who know the unassailable paramilitary kingpin of the 1970s, who seems to be a force of pure magic; then you have these men’s sons, who know the paranoid, monstrous voldemort of the 1990s and his single-minded obsession with harry potter. or, in other words, you have abraxas malfoy - then lucius malfoy - then draco malfoy, each trying to square the voldemort that’s in front of them with the voldemort they once knew.
hence my favourite original character: rodolphus and rabastan’s father, romulus augustulus lestrange. named for the last - and worst - roman emperor.
i am - as any good tomarry shipper - obsessed with the parallels between harry and voldemort, and i originally came up with romulus in order to provide voldemort with his very own ron weasley. the two meet on the hogwarts express when romulus sits in tom’s compartment, it’s romulus who acts as the insider to the magical world who helps tom adjust to his new life in the castle, and it’s romulus who convinces tom while they’re heading north that the only house worth being in is slytherin. i like him then remaining tom’s ride-or-die even through his teen edgelord days, his depressed retail-worker days, and his long sojourn on the continent.
[although readers of my tomarry wip one year in every ten will be aware that his relationship with the young voldemort is not entirely a happy one…]
i write rodolphus and rabastan as being born in 1949 and 1953 respectively and as having some sort of acquaintance with voldemort as children - indeed, one headcanon i use, if the story fits it, is that voldemort is both brothers’ godfather. this means that, when voldemort returns from albania in 1966, both are in their teens and - rodolphus especially - are all too susceptible to the revolutionary miracle voldemort is promising. i imagine that rodolphus - in conjunction with lucius malfoy - is the dark lord’s best recruiter of young pureblood men in the later 1960s and early 1970s, and that these men are much more interested in open violence than their fathers, who support voldemort as a political leader within the wizarding world’s established framework, rather than as a terrorist.
which means, of course, that i think that rodolphus is the person who recruits bellatrix.
while i like the potential of bellatrix and rodolphus’ canon vibe being caused by the gulf of a large age gap, i really like them as a clear illustration of the way in which pureblood society’s rigid gender roles stifle potential - and, therefore, think that they marry the second bellatrix finishes school, in an arranged marriage they both go through with because it’s what they think they ought to do [and i think that voldemort’s affair with her starts almost simultaneously - i think it’s important, when thinking about bellatrix’s radicalisation, that all the evidence of canon is that she’s groomed to be a terrorist when she’s barely out of her teens by a man old enough to be her father, and voldemort - who, when she’s 19, is 44 - being her only proper experience of a romantic or sexual relationship is quite a key part of that]. i am wedded to the idea that the marriage is profoundly unhappy - but not abusive or toxic - because neither bellatrix nor rodolphus really like each other - they get along cordially enough, but there’s no real passion or affection between them.
the only exception to this is their passion for voldemort and his terrorist organisation. the implication of canon is that bellatrix is the more zealous of the two - and that she is the ringleader of their attack on the longbottoms, while rodolphus and rabastan are just doing as they’re told - but i don’t buy it. i think rodolphus is a hardcore death eater, that he is entrusted with high-level missions throughout the 1970s, and that voldemort values him incredibly highly prior to 1996, when our evidence is that he’s also sent to azkaban having been caught in the department of mysteries alongside lucius malfoy.
[and one high-level thing i think he’s entrusted with is the knowledge of what - exactly - is in his vault…]
which means, i think, that he is probably slightly more disillusioned than bellatrix once he’s broken out of prison for a second time in july 1997. i am now convinced that the role he plays in subluxation - essentially pius thicknesse’s childminder - is one he agrees to because he thinks it’ll keep him safer than being at voldemort’s side as he grows more and more volatile - and i am also convinced [because, i hate to say, i’m a delphini truther] that he flees the battle of hogwarts the second harry springs out of hagrid’s arms and goes on the run with his dead wife and dead master’s lovechild.
rabastan - on the other hand - gets given up by lucius malfoy as part of his plea deal and shuffled off for life in azkaban.
indeed, i really like rabastan as… a bit of a flop. whereas i think rodolphus has a genuine capacity for sadism, i prefer rabastan in what we might call the draco malfoy vein - someone who is profoundly unpleasant and who believes wholeheartedly in blood-supremacy, but who doesn’t have the stomach to actually follow this through with violence. i like the idea of him as someone voldemort finds quite unimpressive, and i also like the idea that rodolphus - since awful people are never wholly awful, nor good ones wholly good - puts himself in considerable danger to protect his younger brother from the dark lord’s anger by fixing his mistakes and covering for his fuck-ups.
and i am now really, really into the concept of rabastan and frank longbottom!
the only other headcanons that i am absolutely set on when it comes to the lestranges are that their ancestral home is in brancaster, in norfolk [a very beautiful, but not not desolate place], and that romulus has a great love of flying horses which is passed down to both of his sons.
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bethhiraeth · 1 year
A literary reading of byler
so in school (and outside of it) most of the subjects I am taking and my interests are some form of literature, so I thought I'd share my thoughts on byler from a literary analysis standpoint
when you are analysing literature, it can be divided into three major buckets: narrative, aesthetics and text. Let me quickly break down what they actually mean
Narrative: This one is pretty self explanatory. It is how the overall structure of the story fits together, including plot, character arcs, and all that big picture stuff that spans the whole text.
Aesthetic features: Also sometimes called stylistic devices, they are the artistic elements that contribute to the text, often adding new meaning/emotions/ideas to it. In the case of cinema, these are pretty much everything you see on camera, like lighting, costuming, props, camera angles, etc. Often these are used to establish literary techniques such as symbolism or narrative foils.
Text: This one is also pretty obvious- it is all the words and actions of the characters. Dialogue and movement are what primary make this up. Think of it as anything in the script (or what the actors say/do if it is improvised), and any directorial choices relating to that.
What I find so interesting about byler is how it has tons of supporting evidence in all of these. What you will see with most ships that are non-canon is that they have a few bits of 'evidence' in one, or two at most, of these categories. Within the fandom, steddie is probably a good example of this. In canon they are physically positioned close to each other a lot of the time, and a lot of their shared dialogue could be read as 'flirty'/having romantic connotations, so they have the textual box checked. However, there is really no grounds for thinking it will be canon (even putting aside eddie being dead) because there is arguably nothing that could really be considered 'evidence' in either the aesthetics or narrative.
Which brings us back to byler. I am going to list a few examples of evidence supporting their endgame for each of the categories just to provide some context, but this is definitely not all of it.
In my opinion the most conclusive evidence for byler endgame narratively is the character arcs of mike, will and el. this has been gone over many times and there are many great posts that explain this in more depth, so I won't go into detail, but all three of them have been following their own character arcs since the beginning. in essence, will's is about accepting that he is not broken/a mistake and deserves a happy ending, el's is about finding her independence from the abusive men/other people that have controlled and learning to be herself, and mike's is about realising that conforming to societal expectations is not the path to happiness. they obviously each have other sub-arcs, but imo these are the main ones that are followed throughout the whole show.
Basically what this achieves is setting up a satisfying ending for each character. And really the only way to resolve all three of these in that way is for el to be on her own, and for mike to accept that he does not conform (is queer) and for him and will to be together. that is the only way. any other ending would be wildly unsatisfying
Other evidence within the narrative includes things like tropes, eg a love triangle with childhood best friend and seemingly perfect person, and how the best friend is always the one that ends up with the protagonist.
The overall themes of the show also tie into this. Arguably the whole show is about 'freaks and outcasts', and how "forced conformity is killing the kids". therefore it doesnt make sense thematically for the one (currently) canonically gay boy to end up alone and rejected after going through his whole arc, or for one of the main characters to have nothing really defining him as an outcast if he is not queer.
Lastly, to quote that one person, who the fuck writes a slowburn rejection? It makes absolutely no sense to drag out will's feelings for so long if they are not reciprocated.
This is my favourite section for byler evidence. There is just so much of it. Which is extremely interesting because in every other non-canon ship I can think of, this is the area where they fall woefully short.
The first thing that springs to mind is the queer imagery constantly associated with mike. He is repeatedly placed in front of closets, his wardrobe is s4 is almost entirely the colours of the gay flag, he is associated with rainbows, fruit, triangles and words like 'men' and 'boy', etc. These were intentional choices made on the part of the production crew.
The blue and yellow motif also deserves a mention here as well, given how prominent the association with them is in their costuming, lighting, etc. There are many aesthetic devices that are used, eg symbolism like mike's flowers to el dying in her hands, byler always being blocked together alongside other couples, using the same music in a scene with mike as they did when robin told steve she was a lesbian, I could go on.
What is so interesting about these is how intentional everything has to be, especially when there is this much of it. You don't accidentally have a light focusing only on two character's faces during an emotional scene, or dress a character in a particular colour scheme or have them looking at another character's lips. With textual and narrative features, you can fuck up or have a coincidence fairly easily, but it is an obviously deliberate choice to have a character standing in front of an open closet the first time his girlfriend tells him she loves him.
These features are the most obvious to the general audience, so often they have to be a bit more subtle.
Every scene in the show uses dialogue and/or action, so there is plenty to draw from. The 'crazy together' scene is a really good example on multiple levels. Not only is it a very emotional scene that shows mike deeply cares about will via dialogue, the line itself (crazy together) calls back to the audience's mind other scenes that establish the word 'crazy' as a stand-in for 'love', such as the jancy scene in the police station in s1.
Additionally, a very clear shot is shown of mike reaching out to grab will's hand, something that is likely to be intended to be read romantically, due to the parallels with other canon couples.
The same could be said for almost any other 'byler scene'; "cool" "cool", "we're friends", the van scene, etc. Speaking of the van scene, all the lip glances are fair game to include in this section too!
The Duffer's arent stupid. They know this stuff. looking at this from a literature student standpoint, saying it is a compelling argument is a wild understatement, and I am certain any reasonable lit teacher would agree.
We are not the delusional ones. At this point, if byler isn't canon the show was written wrong. Its as simple as that
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theclearblue · 4 months
hmm what about chosoyuki, nobamaki, and nanago for the ask game? <3
Ship it
I started liking it before this, but really the bar flashback was what sold it for me. I think they have a fun dynamic, where they are so different but have this straight forwardness and honesty to them. But more importantly I think they both have a shared struggle of feeling/ being viewed as "inhuman" (yuki as the star plasma vessel and choso as a cursed womb) that's pretty fun to explore for both characters.
In canon, I like how they fight together against Kenjaku, it feels like they have such a seamless chemistry in a fight and they look out for each other. I also like exploring the idea of what they're time together with Tengen looked like and how they might have grown closer, there's a lot of potential for them there.
I think it's fair to say that in the actual story, Yuki does kind of just serve to further Choso's character development, which, I'm happy about! He's also a favorite of mine, but I wish it was more of a mutual push in their development, and I think it very easily could have been.
Ship it
This was actually the first pair I shipped in jjk! What really sold it for me was Nobara's speech to Momo about what being a woman means to her, and just the clear appreciation, respect, and understanding she holds for Maki. They've always seemed the closest to me out of any of the Tokyo students, and such good angst potential with post-Shibuya too (...as long as we all agree...Nobara comes back around...)
Good fun dynamic between them where I think they would both kinda fangirl over each other lmao but also they both like starting shit so them play fighting/teasing each other is always something I love to see too. I think both of their storylines revolve SO much around women as well that them having their lesbian awakenings to each other makes so sense to me.
More people should like Nobamaki :( To be fair they do get a fair bit more attention compared to some other wlw ships in other fandoms, and I get that Nobara has been out of the story for awhile, but both are such well developed characters they have so much potential as a ship
Don't ship it
There is no chemistry here lmao. This ship gives me "Oh two attractive men stood next to each other let's ship it!" Even before satosugu took off with Hidden Inventory I still didn't care for this ship like, at all. And usually I'm a fan of ships that bicker a lot (I like zosan a lot lmao) this is more so Nanami being genuinely annoyed with Gojo because Gojo is kinda an asshole towards Nanami a lot of the time. I'm also not like, suuuper invested in Nanami as a character.
Ehhh if it's a ship that bickers like this it has to be more in a mutual teasing way but there's still respect on both sides, but that changes the whole dynamic of Gojo and Nanami. The only way I'll read this ship is if it's like, a desperate rebound/one night stand, but I don't even really wanna read that either unless it's leading to satosugu down the line aksljfdlk
Again I think they have potential as like, a desperate but regrettable hookup. Or there have been some good itafushi fics where Nanami is raising Yuuji and Gojo is raising Megumi and that's not an awful concept to me that they would get together in that kind of au, it has potential to be cute. I also understand the appeal of nanago in the sense that people love a good enemies to lovers and they could provide that.
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swampstew · 1 year
Blind Date Event ~ Franky X Reader
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Thank you to everyone who submitted applications for my Blind Date Matchmaking Event. I hope you enjoy these lovely bedtime stories during this week of overpriced chocolates, flowers and heart shaped things. Happy Franky Friday to my boo @icy-spicy I hope you're prepared for all this man. Have fun on your date, make good choices♥
Mostly fluff, SFW, Franky X Female reader, first blind date experience. WC:1.1K. Minors DNI - my content is for mature audiences only
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You were applying the last of your mascara when you heard knocking on your door. Standing against the doorframe was a massive yet sexy man. Despite his tall stature, blue pompadour hairstyle , scarred body with clear cybernetic enhancements, Franky had the most secure and confident aura you’d ever seen in a man. And not in a haughty arrogant way either as you were used to. Just pure sex appeal wearing artsy beach shorts and a tight-fitting designer tank top.
“_______, it’s nice to meet you! My name is Franky,” his massive, muscled bicep bulged as he pointed to himself in introduction. “I’m here to take you on a super awesome first date. I hope you’re ready for some fun!”
He held out his arm for you and you eagerly took it, letting him help you into his shock blue F-150.
“It’s electric,” he smirked as the car powered to life.
A fashionista and environmentally conscious? Franky was checking off a lot of boxes you weren’t sure you even had.
The two of you played the ice breaker games in your matchmaking pamphlet as Franky drove to your date destination. He was being coy about your date details but you decided to let him surprise you; you were always down for a good time. The half hour car drive was a lot of fun as the two of you learned about each other and then sang out loud to classic pop songs from your earlier years.
You noticed that the streets became more vacant, the neighborhoods a little more abandoned when you finally caught sight of the flashing lights behind one seemingly destitute building.
“It’s nothing shady or anything like that,” Franky explained. “I told you I’m a mechanic and this here is the very first test run of my company’s newest electric car models. Specifically for racing.”
“This area was unfortunately gentrified a few decades ago and the gross cost of living forced everyone out. Once the people were gone, so were the businesses. Now, we’re using it to test our newest engines since its virtually free of any civilians so we can contain damage control. Plus, no shitty cops around to bust up our fun!”
“So you’re telling me that you’ve gone and created whole ass electric racing cars?” you asked with your pitch getting slightly higher as you processed his words. Electric cars were only just becoming more normalized where you live but to hear of them being upgraded to become racing cars just seemed impossible.
He chuckled, “Yeah that’s right. The idea is to eradicate the use of fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions. Right now, we can charge each of these puppies up in 15 minutes tops and your ride will last about 60 minutes. But the real secret is its hydrogen fuel cell and fan system. The winds generated feeds the fuel cell with oxygen AND generates enough downforce to provide ample traction for high speeds.” He brushed his nose with a grin.
“Damn Franky are you some kind of genius?”
Franky flushed, swaying in place as you walked towards the event. “Ahhh yer just saying that, it’s real nice though. Well, I guess I technically am a member of Mens—"
“Hey Big Bro Franky!! C’mon we’re all ready to start!” some of his assistants and employees were beckoning you both with excitement. Everyone was holding colas in their hands.
“So, _______. How about it? You wanna…go on a test run?”
“Ummmm hello?! Fuck yeah!”
Maybe the car was a bit small due to it being a test car, or maybe Franky was just that bulky and you hadn’t noticed while seated in his roomy truck. Either way, you tucked your knees to your chest and squealed as the racing began.
Loop after loop, challenge after challenge, you and Franky were leaving everyone behind with a wave of debris. The car was sleek and ran surprisingly smooth, probably better than your best traditional car ever did. After an hour, the battery indicator ended the racing and Franky drove it back to the starting line; winning the final race of the night.
He helped you out of the car and you were both given ice cold colas. Franky clinked his bottle against yours and took a huge gulp. Puffing his chest out, he let out an excited cry at the success of the testing.
You were having so much fun and it wasn’t even over. The company were going to host a bonfire and party right there in the lot.
“______, I know this is supposed to be a date and all, so I am sorry that this was also technically a work event for me. We can head out and do our own thing or we can hang out here too. Whatever fits your fancy.”
You thought it over for a moment, “I am down to party with your crew and then maybe we can sneak away?”
“You’re super, _____. I like how easy it is to get along with you and your openness to try new things. I promise we’ll sneak away sooner rather than later.”
Franky was true to his word. You spent maybe half an hour partying with his friends before he slunk an arm over your shoulder and took you to the truck. He only drove a few blocks away before shutting the engine off and taking you to the truck bed. He laid out a giant blanket and some plush cushions in the back along with his guitar, a small radio and a cooler of you guessed it, more cola.
You spend the night cuddling as you stargazed, enjoying each other’s company. Listening to cozy music on the radio at first, Franky surprised you when he began playing covers on his guitar, which turned into the both of you doing acoustic karaoke. Before you knew it, it was well past midnight and he prepared to take you home.
He stood in your threshold, making sure you entered your home safely before he could properly end the date.
“I had a great time with you, _____. Would I be coming on too strong if I asked to kiss you goodnight?”
That was cute. The man had practically oozed charisma and confidence so it was nice to see him squirm a little. Instead of answering you looked him straight in the eyes as a smirk grew on your face, and you winked.
A bashful look overcame his face and he eagerly leaned down, one hand caressing your chin and cheek as he planted a surprisingly gentle kiss on your lips. A dazed and content look on his face as he stood back up.
“Call me when you’re ready to take me out again,” you winked again as you slowly close the door.
From the other side of the wooden barrier, you could hear him yell out. “You bet I will!” Followed by the muffled sound of something being smacked. “SUPER!!”
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ashtraythief · 1 year
This is kinda a weird question, but isn’t it strange that we all love fan fiction and reading romantic plot lines in them and smut and all of this but our favorite show is Supernatural, which is just this story about platonic love? I think that really drew me to the show, I’ve never seen a show that focused so heavily on platonic love, not romantic, and made that the same focus of the entire show. It’s so lovely to see. Did that draw you into the show too?
Ah, yeah. Fandom and their endless quest to make everyone bang and/or fall in love (which I say lovingly, because so do I). And I don't think it's a weird question at all.
Honestly, I started watching Supernatural for very shallow reasons. It was recommend in the “ridiculously attractive people” category of a streaming site :D The pilot was way too scary for me though and so I quit again. But then a while later, I was watching Leverage on TNT and that ep was followed by Playthings. We left the TV running and I just… got sucked into it. Obviously, I had no idea about the context, only remembered the pilot vaguely, but boy did I fall in love immediately. With them, their relationship, the humor, the love and I went right back to the beginning and forced myself to put on my big girl pants and suffer through the scary eps (yes, yes, I know, they’re not that scary, I’m a wuss) and I was so gone on them, it was ridiculous. So yeah, it was the abscence of romance i guess, because I did fall in love with their relationship. In which Playthings truly is a magnificent gem even among the riches of season two.
I think if Sam and Dean’s relationship were romantic (if they were an unrelated het couple because let’s be real, nothing else would have been on network TV seventeen years ago), I think I would have been almost as enamored. Though I don’t know how to build a relationship like that without their past. It would have needed to be grown up together in some kind of way. I think their relationship would be compelling either way, but it is definitely more compelling for not being romantic. For one I think because romance is the default setting for the all-encompassing, soulmate-type relationships, and also because it’s just so unusual? Like even for one of those fated soulmate romance stories, Sam and Dean are still weirdly intense. They’re just more. Unhealthy, codependent, whatever you want to call it, but it makes for good stories. And I think that’s beautiful.
As for why we make wincest…. Well, the shallow reason is that they’re both beautiful men and it’s fun to imagine them bang. And sometimes you gotta be shallow. But also it just seems…. logical. They want to share everything (they do almost share everything, I mean consider what they know about each other’s sex lives and how they enable each other, like Dean wanting Sam to get laid to cheer him up or Sam wanting to drag Dean to a strip club to cheer him up, like they know sexy times can make you feel better and since they can’t provide that themselves they try to find ways to at least facilitate the happy-making sexy times), they are incredibly intimate anyway, there are many instance where they are jealous of romantic partners/friends and there is an exclusive claim on the other that’s rarely relinquished. Honestly, sex is probably the only facette of an intimate interpersonal relationship that’s not covered due to the whole being related thing, but fandoms love to break taboos and explore all sorts of boundaries in transformative works, and wincest is truly the most low hanging fruit of them all. It’s right there. Dancing out of reach. The show itself plays with it, both as jokes when people mistake them as a gay couple or when Sam and Dean use couple-coded language for each other, like when Dean asks if Sam wants a divorce when they’re fighting. They also made actual wincest shippers canon. Like, I was an innocent brofan of the show when I saw The Monster at the End of the Book, and bam, wincest in my brain, like a lightbulb went off and it took up residence there because it just made so much sense. In more serious themes, other characters comment on how special or twisted their relationship is, both friends and villains alike, they sell their soul for each other (or at least try to in Sam’s case), they do or attempt to do unspeakable things to save each other, they are canon soulmates, they have an extensive repertoire of love language and love acts to show their love for and knowledge of each other, they have a whole you-are-the-most-important-thing-ever thing that goes down in a fucking church, I mean, the show makes it abundantly clear that Sam and Dean are it for each other. And so I think that it’s very natural that people go with the wincest. Even though we have to take the incest hurdle, but hey, fantasy is for the dark, transgressive stuff, right? 
At the same time, it is refreshing that the show doesn’t center romance when almost all other shows do, and I think it’s one of the reasons people do enjoy it. And once you have the magic of Sam and Dean, whether you ship wincest or not, you don’t want them to mess with that so you want the non-romance thing to stay (unless you want a certain ship to go canon of course). In conclusion, wincest just makes sense, on every level really and we just creatively want to explore that in fun ways while keeping what’s great about canon in the show. The true art of shipping, I think.
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talia-rumlow · 1 year
He Saved Me (Abe Guevara One-Shot)
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Another One-Shot for a Frank Grillo Character. I absolutely LOVE Point Blank, so of course I had to write a One-Shot about it. This one is somewhat different from what I usually write. Because of the emotions in this one. I decided to make it a Self Insert, instead of my usual Readers Insert. I hope that you´ll love it anyway.
PAIRING: Abe Guevara X I (Me, Talia)
WARNINGS: Suicidal thoughts, Alcohol Abuse, Depression, Unprotected Sex, Speeding, Guns, Strong Language
DISCLAIMER: I own my Alter Ego Talia (provided by @kitsune-raven), but unfortunatly I do not own Abe´s character)
Being suicidal. It's not only about wanting to take your own life. Sometimes it's about taking that last drink, hoping that you'll die of alcohol poisoning. Sometimes it's about not quit smoking, hoping that you'll get lunge cancer. Sometimes it's about not eating. Sometimes it's about not bothering to put your seatbelt on in your car, when you speed up on the freeway. Sometimes it's about just not give a damn. Sometimes it was about living inside of my head. Sometimes it was that suffocating feeling of depression, eating me up from the inside, piece by piece. And as for me, I wanted it to eat me up. Praying each night for God (if he exists) to not let me wake up the next day. That never happened. Every day I woke up, to my shit show of a life. Working that same boring job, that I hated, for minimal wage. Having to turn every single dime, to make sure it would get me to my next pay check.
Friends? I didn't even know what that was. Co-workers, yes. Online friends, yes. Friends, real living friends, no. The few I managed to get through the years either left me, or got their lives together. Or both. By now I've given up. Screw life. I might come off as hard, and that was kinda my intent. People scared me. From experience they hurt me, so to keep the few pieces left of my soul, safe. I kept them at arms length. If anyone got too close, I shut them off. And not always in a nice way.
Boys? Men? Yes. I had that. A lot of it. Didn't care. They got what they wanted, I got what I needed. Like a trade deal. It worked. It didn't exactly make me feel any better. But other than that, it worked. I was fucked up anyway, so what was another dick, other than just that, another dick?
Psychiatrist? No, no way in hell. To give my whole tragic little life story to a person who's JOB was to listen. Who got payed to listen. Payed to give advice. Advice that didn't work anyway. Because they had no idea, no fucking clue what was going on in my head, in my life. They didn't understand. How could they? How could anyone understand? Fuck, half of the time I didn't even understand why I did the things I did. Fucked up. I told you I was fucked up.
Usually my days were pretty OK, monotone, but OK. Usually I did everything on auto pilot. Most of the time I didn't even feel how tired I was. But some days. Some days, everything shattered around me. Like a bomb went off and blew out every single one of my windows. Like my walls was being tored down by a wrecking ball, and I had no idea how to stop it.
And that particular day. That day I Met Abe. That was one of those days. The worst I've had in months. One of those days, I just wanted to give up. And if it wasn't for my strange fucked up caring for other people. I'd put my car head on into a semi truck that day. But I didn't, instead I took it to a carwash. Don't ask me why I decided to wash my car the same day I planned on ending it all. We all do stupid shit. So don't ask, just listen to the story I'm about to tell you.
It wasn't the first time that week I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine. I lost count of how many it'd been. Didn't matter anyway. Last night this semi blonde guy gave me what I needed in those 5-7 minutes. It was OK. Not the best I've had, but, not the worst either. This was kinda where I was at the moment. Kept on finding the ones that seemed to consistent be in the middle of the pack. Easy guys. Boring guys. Fuck it!
I hit the shower. I should probably just walk out of there, before he woke up, but I needed a shower. And he didn't care about me, any more than I cared about him. I locked the door to the bathroom. I really didn't want him in there. He was average. Not too big either. Just enough to satisfy that hole in me. Some people use food to fill the empty place inside. Me? Guess I used sex. At least that kept me somewhat skinny, combined with the fact that the money I had almost just covered rent. Pasta was basically my diet by now.
I don't exactly know, what happened in there in that shower that morning. But something broke inside of me. And I cried, and cried, and cried. My tears mixed with the water in the shower, washing them away before they even got the chance to roll down my cheeks. But I felt them. This is it Talia. I told myself. Today, this is it. This is no life. You can't go on like this. So just end it. Fuck everything. It'll never get better anyway, right? So there's no use.
I made sure that there was no evidence of my tears, before I left the bathroom. He was already awake. Of course he was. Sitting by his coffee table with a coffee cup. Looking at me.
- You want a cup?
- Nah..
I answered. Looking at the cup again.
- I'll just buy one from Starbucks or something.
I looked away from him as I picked up my purse, and made sure everything was still in there. Then I quickly moved towards the door.
- You want my phone number?
He asked. Pathetic..
- Why?
My voice might have sounded harder then I originally intended it too. But, fuck it. I was never gonna talk to this guy again anyway.
- We just slept together!
He looks at me. God! Like that will matter in a day of two. Like he'll ever even use my number.
- Again, why?
I didn't let him say anything else. I just left. Maybe I should have given him my ex's number or something. Why do I hate being mean? Everyone is always mean to me, so why does me being mean make me feel like crap? I kicked a trash as hard as I could, before I got into my car.
My original plan was to wrap my car around a tree or something. And I can't really tell you what happened. But for some fucked up reason, I decided to wash my car first. Maybe it was that little voice in my head telling me to give it one last shot. Or maybe it was me, wanting to put some make up on before I decided to meet the man upstairs. Either way, it was one of the best choices I've ever made. Coincidence? Maybe. Devine intervention? Could be. Either way. That choice, that little choice to drive my car through the local carwash, for my last dimes. That was the choice that saved me. Guess it wasn't my time that day. Guess my destiny was greater than that.
Inside the carwash, I put my music on, cranked the volume up to max. Shut the world out. It made me feel a little better. Music had a tendency to work that way. Made me smile. Although the smile didn't feel genuine. I had literally nothing to smile about. A forced smile, brought on by the music. Fuck it!
The music was probably why I didn't hear what was happening in the carwash, and me putting my make up on was probably why I didn't see anything.
I didn't notice anything before I drove out of the machine. I had to stop the car, see if it was clear for me to drive. Turned the music down. Then, there was a tap on my window. I tried to ignore it. Probably an addict looking for a fix. Another tap. Fuck this shit!
I fished up my wallet, as I opened the window. Didn't look at whoever was standing outside.
- Take it all! I don't need it.
I said, while putting my open hand with whatever was in my wallet out the window.
- Mam, I need your car!
Oh for fucks sake! I need this car. Being robbed was so just what I needed right now.
- I have pepper spray in my purse!
I say, slowly turning my head towards the voice. The guy leans onto my car, looking at me.
- I have a gun in my pants!
His eyes, brown, dark hair, strong features. Jesus!
- Why don't you use it?
I say, not breaking eye contact. Showing him that I'm not one to mess with right now. I don't fucking care if he blows my brains out. Truth be told, it will be amazing if he does.
Before I get to think anymore, or say anything else. He showes his gun in my face. And for some strange reason, it scares me. I can't explane why. I was determined to leave this world. So why was this so scary?
He gets in the back seat, pushes the gun agains my ribs.
- Drive!
Of course I could have denied. I could have done that. If I did he'd probably shoot me, take my car, and my pathetic excuse for a life would be over. But... Instead I started to drive. Again, don't ask me why. I don't have an answer as to why I did that...
He guides me to an abandon building. Tells me where to stop, and then instructs for me to exit the car. The whole time he has his gun pointed at me. It's not like I was scared. Not really. But it was kinda uncomfortable. And I HATE to be uncomfortable.
- Do you think I'm scared of that?
I say, looking at his gun. He looks down at it as well, before putting it back into his pants.
- I had to make sure you'd cooperate!
- You could've just asked!
I say, before turning around to get my purse out from my car. When I turn towards him again, the gun is back in his hand. Pointed at my forehead.
- Keep the fucking pepper spray in your purse!
I roll my eyes at him.
- Paranoid, much?
I ask, as he comes all the way up to me, pushing me against my car. Dragging his gun down my cheek, before placing it under my chin. Looking into my eyes.
- That smart mouth of yours will get you into trouble, you know!
His eyes locked on mine. He sounds hard, but at the same time, there is a softness there.
- Oh, please. If you wanted to kill me you'd done so already!
He takes one step away from me. Looks at me. Assessing me.
- I need help!
He says. Before he once again puts his gun back in his pants.
- Yeah.. You and me both..
I mutter under my breath. I couldn't help it, the words just fell out of me, and I prayed to higher power that he didn't hear me.
- What kinda trouble are you in?
He asks, as he drags his shirt over his head. Turns around and picks up a bag from the floor.
I can't take my eyes away from his bare upper body. I've seen a lot of them. Bare upper bodies that is. Usually they were pretty common. Some had muscles, some had six packs. Some were skinny. Usually nothing much to rest your eyes on. But this guy. Seriously fit. Like nothing I've ever seen before. I don't even realise that he looks back at me.
- What? Never seen a guy undress before?
I can't find the right words, so instead I just shake my head.
- Well, you're in for a treat!
He says teasingly, before removing his pants as well.
His thighs is just as fit as the rest of him. Probably just muscle. Fuck!
- Change!
He says, and throws some clothes over to me. Looks like a cop uniform. I lift it up. Look at it. It has everything. Even a badge, and it looks real.
- You want me to wear this?
He comes over to me again.
- Well, I need help. You seem like a good enough person to help me.
- Don't count on it..
I say, mixed with a laugh.
- What's that supposed to mean? You're going to wear a uniform. It's not so hard.
I send him a little smile. One of those fake ones, I know all to well.
- I keep fucking everything up. You'd be safer with someone else.
He looks down on my body. And suddenly I'm very aware that he's only wearing his boxers. Why am I intimidated by this guy? It's not like I wasn't familiar with naked guys. It's actually one of the very few things I know. I've never experienced a naked guy that looks like this though, or one with a gun.
- So...
He says, unzipping my jacket.
- You like to fuck shit up?
He continues, while removing my jacket. Carefully sliding it off my shoulders.
- You might just come in very handy for me then...
His hands carefully starts to unbutton my blouse. I swallow, looking down on his hands, then up at his face. Totally focused on the buttons on my blouse. I should probably have stopped him. But I didn't. This you can ask me why. Sex was something I knew. Something I wasn't afraid of. So I just let him. Keeping my arms by my side. Just looking at him, unbuttoning my blouse, before carefully pushing that as well down from my shoulders.
- You can touch me, you know...
He says, looking into my eyes again. Taking my hands, and placing them on his chest. I look down on my hands on his chest. Noticing the bulge growing in his boxers. What the fuck am I doing? This wasn't what I planned should happen today.
- What do you say about me fucking you up a bit before you start to fuck things up?
He continues, as his hands reach the lining of my jeans, unbuttoning it, before sitting down, and removing them. Once again I let him. Carefully removing my legs from my pants. One at a time. Why not get some dick before I leave this world?
- Sit down on the hood!
He commands, as he gets back up.
- What?
- The hood!
He says again, as he grabs my hair, drags me to the front of the car, and pushes me face first down on the hood. And I can't deny that I enjoy this rough treatment. And again, sex is something I know.
He carries on to dry fuck me a couple of times. I'm about to give up the whole thing, when he leans over me, grabs my hair once again, moves my face to the side, and let his tongue glide over my face.
- Tell me to stop, and I will..
He says. Still dangerously close to my face.
- Why would I tell you to stop?
He grits his teeth to me, before moving his mouth down to my ear, growling like a lion into it.
I try to turn around, but he holds me in place. Strong grip, but not so strong that it hurts.
His lips on my ear, sends shivers down my spine. Usually sex was just OK. Nothing much to scream about. But this. I was dripping already, and he hadn't even touched me down there yet.
- Mmmmm..
I couldn't hold back my moans, even if I wanted to.
Without a word he pulls my underwear aside, and enters me. I was so focused on his breath in my ear, that I didn't even notice that he took his underwear off.
- Aaaa.. Fuck!
He grunts, as he slowly and carefully pushes himself deeper and deeper inside me. Shit! This is something totally new to me. Usually the men I'm with focus soley on their own pleasure. Never once stopped to think about what I wanted, what I needed or what I liked.
- Fuck, this feels good!
I can hear myself say. I have no idea how I even managed to get the words out.
- I know! So soft!
He answers, resting his body on top of me. Before he starts to move. My moans echoing in the abandoned building. Fuck! How good this feels. I haven't had this kind of experience in forever. Not since...
- I fucking love how you feel around my cock!
He grunts, as his hand once again finds my hair, and grabs a hold of it. As he leans into me.
- Fuck me!
I answer, with the few breath I manage to use for words, and not moaning.
- So good and tight around me. FUCK!
He says again, before thrusting upwards, filling me to my very core. Hitting every single spot on his way there. My legs are about to give in under me, as he keeps up his pace, and his hard, deep thrusts inside me.
I can feel it building up, even before it hits my lower stomach. I bet that even my toes were shaking.
- Yes! FUCK ME!
I scream out, with the breath I have left. Before the orgasm takes over my body completely. He literally have to grab a hold of me, to keep me from plummeting to the floor.
Not long after, I can feel him finishing too. Pumping his warm, sticky fluids inside me, before he eventually pulls himself out. Turns me around. And place a kiss on my lips.
- I'm Abe. By the way!
I need a second to catch my breath, before I manage to answer. Fucking hell that was amazing. Almost like a drug. Already now, I want more.
- Talia!
I answer, before taking yet another deep breath.
- OK, Talia!
He says, extending his hand. I take it.
- Let me tell you what I need you to do!
Then he tells me everything, as we both get into our Cop clothes. I kinda feel like I'm about to celebrate Halloween. But with what he's telling me, I get that this is nothing like Halloween.
He needs help to stop a prison transport. Break his brother out of prison. And we need to be dressed as cops, to intercept the car, and make them believe that we are the ones to transport him the rest of the way. Sounds easy enough. Although I have no idea how a cop behaves. But I kinda hope that he does.
The interception went well enough. Of course with illegal stuff there's always a thing or two that goes wrong. Thankfully Abe had experience with this kind of things, and had a backup plan for every single little setback. Spun my unorganised head around. But in a strange way, being with him, although he was worlds apart from my life, made me feel safe. Like I finally found a home. I didn't even know what a home, a psychological home felt like. Abe just effortlessly made me feel calm.
We didn't share that many words. So don't ask me how or why I felt that way. Maybe it was the intenseness of how we met? Maybe it was the fact that he, and his gun, saved my life that day. Or maybe I really fell in love with him. But how could I? I didn't even know him. A brief meeting, and well the physical... thing... Fuck it. I didn't even know what love was. Damaged goods as I was. Besides, I didn't fall in love. At least not for real.
He kept in touch though. No matter where he was in the world. He told me what he was doing. Small stuff. Like friends. I wanted to be there with him. Still wanted my life to change. But those suffocating feelings dissipated more and more after he entered my life. That wish to disappear from the world, that wish just vanished. I danced to music again. And the need to fill that emptiness inside, wasn't there anymore, simply because the emptiness was gone.
Just as fast as they came. They disappeared. And even though I feel this, every day I feel it. I still can't believe that ONE SINGLE person, that you don't even know. Can have that kind of enormous impact in your life.
But he did. He saved mine!
@nekoannie-chan @bat-mar @late-to-the-party-81 @here4thefanfics @rip1009 @there-goes-thefighter @differenttyphoonwerewolf @saiyanprincessswanie @ladysif8
Check out My Frank Grillo Masterlist HERE!
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ewingstan · 2 years
Finished arc 4 of Twig and man....I don’t think I really got how fucked up this setting was until the lambs met Wendy, Warren and Fray’s Stitched. Because the Stitched have been in the background for the whole story doing odd jobs, providing some horror just by the idea of using reanimated bodies as servants but largely serving as set dressing. We saw them talk before, but it was always canned phrases, no different from an answering machine.
But with Wendy....it becomes painfully obvious the more time we’re with her that she’s just a person. 
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She’s emotional, and in ways that can’t be brushed off as acting or canned responses. She shows bemusement when people are making plans around her. She shows relief and happiness when she is given a purpose, a way to help someone and be useful. You could argue that she was just made to act like she has emotions, and that she’s actually a philosophical zombie with no qualitative experience. But why go to the trouble? If you want someone to do something, you give them an emotional incentive.
Stitched still have capacity for love, for caring, for joy and sadness. And these aren’t in spite of their lack of agency, its their levers of control. Stitched do what they’re told, but they do so because they’re made to care about doing so. Wendy is told to take care of Warren, so she does, and is motivated by an unambiguous care and affection for the man. Its an affection that Gordon can relate to, its an affection that Warren ends up reciprocating, it is an entirely human affection.
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If her original master told her to fight Warren, would that affection disappear, and be replaced with raving hate? Would it remain, and prevent her from following her master’s orders? Either option is bleak, the former because it suggests the stitched are people with no agency, the second because it suggests they do have agency, and are being made into servants anyway.
And its not just emotion! Wendy obviously holds onto some reasoning and moral intuitions, to the extent that they affect how she interprets her instructions! She believes that Warren is a good man, and believes good men don’t hurt children. Her going along with the lambs is predicated on her thinking that “protecting Warren” means helping him stay a good man—and that’s a fucking leap! That’s not something a simple flesh-algorithm would do! The Academy and the fucked-up empire its supporting wouldn’t pre-program in these types of ethics to affect the Stitched behavior, not when they’re sending them out as soldiers and riot-breakers! This is original human intuition surviving after death!
And that’s why its the Stitched, not the plagues or the child-soldiers or the drugs in the water, that really crushed my soul so far. Its the realization that the zombies slaving away for everyone aren’t zombies at all, they’re brain-damaged people kept on emotional leashes. The Academy has mass-produced slaves out of their own dead populace.
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starleska · 1 year
Hey pal just wanted to ask: do you have any articles or more info on the whole "getting Shreked" situation that was happening during Shrek's production? I've seen several people say that animators who weren't performing well enough were sent to work on Shrek, but I haven't seen anyone actually link a source or say anything more about it (and Google isn't helping). It just sounds so bizarre and hilarious that I'd love to know more about this. Like, why did they all send them to work on Shrek specifically? Why was Shrek predicted not to be profitable? Why was Shrek apparently the lowest of the low work? And how the hell is it such a great movie if it was made largely by people who were seen as underperforming? So many questions
hey there lovely!! :3c thanks so much for sending this my way - i'd be happy to provide you with sources!! with this kind of revelation it's very easy for lots of folk to just parrot one another without citing the original sources. here you go:
the central claim of the 'getting Shreked' punishment comes from writer and journalist Nicole LaPorte, who wrote 'The Rules of Hollywood' column for the LA Times Magazine as well as a number of other publications, including The New Yorker and New York Times.
LaPorte wrote a book called 'The Men Who Would Be King: An Almost Epic Tale of Moguls, Movies, and a Company Called Dreamworks'. in this book it is claimed that animators who failed on other projects (specifically 'The Prince of Egypt') were 'Shreked' or sent to 'The Gulag' to work on Shrek. LaPorte cites her sources as being animators who worked at DreamWorks.
in her article for the New York Post, journalist Susannah Cahalan reports that 'Shrek' was viewed as a low-budget endeavour, and that the 'Propellerheads' sent to work on it (largely college graduates) were doing something 'inferior' compared to the 2D animators. presumably this is because of when Shrek was being developed - 3D animation had yet to take off in a big way, and there was serious pretension around the superiority of hand-drawn, 2D animation, especially compared to motion-capture work.
William Steig's 'Shrek!' wasn't considered the most thematically rich material, either - placed alongside the epic Biblical narrative of 'The Prince of Egypt', DreamWorks at large had no idea what a success Shrek would become.
in general, the development of 'Shrek' was troubled with a lot of writers and actors changing hands during the process - for instance, 'Shrek' was originally supposed to be Chris Farley, not Mike Myers. Farley died during the project, and journalist Jim Hill gives a more thorough overview into the difficult production of Shrek and the eventual casting of Myers.
you can understand why this production hell led to such a biting, cynical, fresh take on the classic fairy tale story with serious disdain for 'perfection' in all of its forms!! i think the movie is great because it is made up of people shoved right to the bottom of the barrel who weren't allowed to exercise their creative talents in the big leagues...they found themselves unrestricted, and that helped hugely. you could be axed for a simple mistake on a huge film, but at the time, no one cared about 'Shrek'!
hope that helps 🥰💖 there will be some lovely, much cleverer people out there than i who can help fill in the gaps 😉
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OHHHH god just had an idea
young Trev realizing his feelings for michael and having to come to terms with being bisexual... the ANGST
happy pride month <3
A/N: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYONE! I am in love with this idea and couldn't stop thinking about it all day so I am here to deliver :) So for this, I made up a small robbery they commit (first one they do) as it'll make for a better story line. Anyways enjoyy <3
When Trevor and Michael are planning their very first 'big score', they happen to spend a lot of time together and even bunk in the same room. However things get a bit tense between the two when Trevor has to come to terms with his sexuality as he realises his feelings for Michael.
ANGSTT, gay tension, fluffy ending (it will be an alternate ending), swearing, breakdowns and tantrums
Laying flat on their backs in their shared hotel room, Michael and Trevor were both engaging in some slightly weird conversation that consisted of a game called 'Shag, Marry, Avoid' which is where 3 people are named and you have to pick which one to sleep with, which one to marry and which one to avoid. . I mean, boys will be boys. It was pretty cold as it was quite close to winter and the radiators weren't working in this run down shit pit of a hotel, leaving the two young men to bask in the warmth of the small blanket which was provided.
It's been about 7 months since Trevor first met Michael at the fruitful age of 27, now barely being 28. To say that life has never been the same since for Trevor would be the biggest understatement of the year. Sure before he met Michael he was already doing some pretty shady shit but this was taking it to a whole new level. In Trevor's young mind, Michael seemed like a genius... at first. Now that they've actually gotten to know one another, he thinks he's a prick...
But he's a lovable prick.
Michael seemed to have it all. He was confident, had charisma and a gentlemanly charm yet he was also sneaky, cunning and an utter criminal genius. When he told Trevor about the latest plans for their upcoming big score, it was clear that Michael had thought about everything to make sure there were no leaks that would occur. This was just one of the many things that Trevor seemed to notice about Michael. Like... really notice.
Trevor didn't really pick up on how differently he felt about Michael until the nights where they stayed in the same room together for the last week before committing the robbery at the post office a couple streets away from the hotel. Every time Michael would laugh at one of Trevor's ridiculous comments, his heart seemed to skip a beat. It was a completely foreign and new complex feeling but Trevor loved it. However, he soon lost that and felt anger and confusion replace it. Trevor was a man and Michael was a man. This shouldn't happen... right? Even so, Michael seemed more straight than anything. Constantly talking about big-titted attractive women he saw either in the strip club or on the street. How could he be so stupid t-
"T? You cool?"
Snapping away from his distracting thoughts, Trevor turned to look from the wall to Michael who gazed back at him with slight concern as he swung his half empty beer bottle between the fingers of his right hand, his left arm now being used to help him sit up and lean on. "Yeah Mikey... I'm all right. Just got lost for a second" Trevor explained while letting out a small breath. "You know you can talk to me any time, Trevor" Michael told him while getting up from his bed to stretch his legs out.
For a minute, Trevor did contemplate whether or not to tell Michael about how he's been feeling lately. This new and completely isolating feeling that he wouldn't understand... hence why he decided against it. "Thanks but I think I'm just going to get some fresh air..." trevor announced before leaving the hotel room as quick as he could and made his way down to the lobby, his thought being his only company.
As he wandered along the dimly lit pathway through the cold crisp air, Trevor couldn't stop thinking about what this feeling was exactly. I mean, he knew he still liked women because he goes to the strip club quite often and gets random hookups yet this was slightly the same feeling except with something deeper attached and not with a women... but with a man.
Lost and seeking answers, Trevor got out his battered phone and went to the internet. With slightly shaky hands, Trevor nervously typed out "can you like both women and men?" and pressed enter. Trevor took a deep breath before reading the first result that came up.
'Bi-sexual? What the fuck is that?' Trevor thought to himself before scrolling down and looking at more answers. Turns out there's more people than he thought that felt exactly like him and were either younger, older or a similar age to him. This did make Trevor feel better about this guilty feeling eating him up. He wasn't alone and there were people who understood what he was going through. It's a difficult thing to come to terms with your sexuality, especially when you're in your late 20's and only just discovered that you can like both men and women. On top of that, there was also something else that was new that Trevor had learned about. The LGBTQIA+ community which consisted of many different sexual preferences and genders. Now he felt slightly at peace, there was one thing knocked down. He knew he wasn't alone but now he had to face Michael and either keep this to himself OR risk telling him and ruin everything he has.
Checking the time it was around 12:34 in the morning so Trevor decided to make his way back to the hotel. While walking though, Trevor could feel his heart going 100 miles per hour. What's he supposed to do when he sees Michael? Tell him or act like everything's the same when it's really not. Trevor soon found himself walking through the small lobby and up the gritty stairs to the room. Sighing, he tiredly dragged himself all the way there and softly tapped on the door. Soon enough Michael answered the door. "Trevor, where have you been? You left me worried!" He argued with a stern look on his face. Why was he worried?
"Don't panic sugar tits, I'm fine" Trevor rolled his eyes, kicked off his shoes and made his way to his bed before collapsing onto it. Met with no reply, Trevor looked up only to see Michael staring at him coldly.
"Trevor, what has gotten into you lately? You don't talk as much, you've been zoning out and I'd like to think of us as best mates but frankly it makes me feel shit when you isolate yourself. Not only that but we've got a MAJOR score coming up that I need your full attention on. Do you understand me, T?" Michael ranted while pacing slightly and waving his hands around and slightly raising his voice, no consideration for everyone else asleep in the hotel. "That's the fuckin' problem..." Trevor mumbled more to himself than anything.
"What'd you just say?" Michael asked aggressively. "I said that's the FUCKIN' PROBLEM MIKEY!" Trevor shouted back which caught Michael off guard. "All right? That's the problem" He repeated.
"What's the problem, T? Talk to me..." Michael asked calmly now, a complete change in composure. Trevor sighed and ran his fingers through his slightly greasy hair. "That we're best friends... I don't want that" Trevor explained, leaving Michael confused but not for long "Look, I-... I think I really like you and do you know how fuckin' hard that is? To just have that weight on your shoulders? Not only do I feel so different because of it but then I also have to worry about judgement coming from you.". Once it was said, there was pure silence. Then soon the sound of the hotel door opening and then shutting just as quickly.
In a fit of rage, Trevor jumped up and began throwing things around the room. Why did he have to tell him... he should've kept his mouth shut. Still smashing things around, tears brimmed at his eyes from both anger and sadness. Pictures on the walls were soon smashed beyond repair, there were several holes in the wall, one of the drawers was ripped completely off. After his tantrum, Trevor soon curled up onto the floor, softly crying. '
Why must I ruin every good thing in my life?'
A/N PT.2: Heyo! So This isn't the end so don't worry! Michael and Trevor will get together. The fluffy ending will be posted tomorrow as it's 00:30 right now and I'm exhausted. BYEE :)
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ceescedasticity · 2 years
Unforsaken, 4d
(All sections on tumblr)
(AO3, lagging behind but more polished)
I may actually be wrapping up this chapter here? hmmm.
Previously: Turgon: So are Lómion's siblings in Dunland, then?
That. Was not the direction anyone was expecting Turgon to go from 'orc-Eöl's children', but Elladan and Elrohir certainly aren't going to complain.
(For most of two Ages, Bellow's love for and protection of Squint was the part of himself he liked the most. His avuncular instincts are very well honed — and twitchy from lack of action. Khitwê and Risyind are happy to know him, happy to hear the handful of nice stories he has about their parents, but for the most part anything he can offer them they've gotten from someone else. They don't need his help.)
No, Ithilien, along with the part-orcs part-humans born in Isengard who fled with them. Arwen and Estel can provide more protection to them there, and they've been working on… sloughing off some of the bad vibes Shadow. They're called the Hirnedhrim now — the Foundling People.
Turgon: And, if they're peredhil…?
Give it another ten or fifteen years and they'll be fit to sail if they want to. Some have said they'll take the Gift of Men, for a fresh start, but most haven't chosen.
(The Hirnedhrim of Dunland, particularly, find it hard to accept the idea of being human even for a fresh start. Many of them have spent centuries knowing they were inhuman. They don't feel like elves, either, but they haven't been contrasting themselves to elves for centuries.)
Anyway, specifically: Zuste is the one who led the desertion from Isengard, she's sharp and practical and swore allegiance to Arwen directly. Dyn is young — not for a Man, but one of the youngest of the Hirnedhrim of Dunland — but she was one of those tasked with making the oil and clay. Zena thought Saruman was suspicious and refused to follow him to begin with. If she were human she'd be called a wise-woman.
Of course, their combat experience is… let's call it mostly informal. And usually with inferior weapons. So they're not likely to be a lot of help with dragons, not that Arwen knows about that possible issue yet.
All right then. They'll break open the Crucible with Fool's Oil-infused clay, assisted by three of orc-Eöl's hundreds of half-human children.
Arwen doesn't have a concrete plan for getting the Wizard's Clay to the Crucible, only partially because she doesn't know exactly where the Crucible is. She thinks ox-drawn wagons will probably be best — the clay is heavy and the protective crates are heavier — but if they're bound east of the Misty Mountains would it be a good idea to send a barge upriver to rendezvous east of the High Pass? She's not sure. Do they know where they're going? Keep her posted. And about that—
Arwen also writes that she's sending a courier with the palantír of Anor — the one stuck on Denethor's hands. She's not sure if… any of their current guests… could do anything to fix it, but they should have enough focus to at least be able to contact her through the Orthanc-stone.
(…Yeah, no, the palantíri given to Númenor were based on a design originally by Fëanor, but they were crafted long after his death — there aren't any backdoors for Maglor to find. If Galadriel and Glorfindel couldn't fix it, Maglor can't either, still less anyone currently an orc. They're going to have to get used to Denethor-hands.)
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Celebrimbor of the House of Fëanor
Canon Celebrimbor – and why he's Tolkien's best version of Celebrimbor
Celebrimbor is a very interesting character in Tolkien's Legendarium: he is barely mentioned but nontheless a very important figure in the history of Middle-earth. And although not much is writen about him, the few bits and pieces that we get hint at a very complex character.
However, Tolkien played with a variety of possible stories for Celebrimbor. Maybe it was by accident that he settled for the most interesting one in The Lord of the Rings, but I'm very glad he did so. Despite having so little written about him, Celebrimbor offers a fascinating character arc that I want examine a bit closer and compare to the other possible backstories that Tolkien came up with.
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"eternal 2" by Kira Sánte – not a Celebrimbor fanart, but I think it might as well be.
The Sinda, the Noldo, and the Teler
In his writings Tolkien came up with four backgrounds for Celebrimbor:
The Sinda, descendant of Daeron
In "Of Dwarves and Men", most likely written around 1949-55, Tolkien suggested that Celebrimbor was "a Sinda who claimed descent from Daeron". Tolkien seemed to have used this idea to explain the spread of the cirth in Eregion, as it was Daeron who first standardized the cirth.
Although this background isn't the one Tolkien made official, it was an idea with a lot of potential. Daeron was a Sinda who had left Doriath before its fall in search of Lúthien, and is believed to have crossed the Ered Luin eventually. So the idea of Celebrimbor being Daeron's descendant is possible. It also makes Celebrimbor a lot younger, as we can assume he was born at some point after Daeron had left Doriath (and it implies that maybe Daeron found a happy end?).
However, it's the least interesting version of Celebrimbor to me. While this background may present a case of a Sindarin Elf without as much grudge against Dwarves, none of Celebrimbor's relationships with Galadriel, Celeborn or Sauron gain anything by this setup. And of course the Fëanorian star on the Doors of Durin makes no sense in this context. Overall it doesn't add much to Celebrimbor's character and is more interesting in regards to Daeron's fate.
The Noldo of Gondolin
Between 1954 and 1963 Tolkien wrote down the idea of Celebrimbor being a Noldo from Gondolin twice, once in Concerning Galadriel and Celeborn and once in one of the versions of The Elessar. The quote in Concerning Galadriel and Celeborn was later emended to the Fëanorian-heritage version. About Celebrimbor of Gondolin we have a bit more information: he was one of "Turgon's greatest artificers", a "friend of Enerdhil", probably the creator of one or maybe even two Elfstones, and also in love with Galadriel, though, as he says, she "turned to Celeborn of the Trees".
Generally this version is possible: Celebrimbor as one of Turgon's people could have met Galadriel still in Valinor, fallen in love with her there, but she did not reciprocate. In Middle-earth he went with Turgon to Gondolin, either saw Enerdhil creating the Elessar or doing it himself, and eventually after the Fall of Gondolin and the ruin of Beleriand he would follow Galadriel and Celeborn to Eregion. There he would create the second Elessar as a gift to Galadriel.
These ideas also have potential and provide a bit more material for the relationship of Celebrimbor with Galadriel and Celeborn. Now the revolt against Galadriel in Eregion becomes more personal: not only is Celebrimbor a rejected lover of Galadriel but also has created the Elessar with the idea of preventing decay explicitly for Galadriel – before he would later create the Rings of Power also to prevent decay. The Elessar turns into a test run, and Celebrimbor improves his skills later on massively, thanks to Sauron's help. However his relationship with Sauron doesn't gain anything from this background.
Difficult in this version is the meaning of the Elessar for Aragorn's House. The idea of Galadriel giving Aragorn the stone of a rejected lover as a gift, and Aragorn taking it as the symbol of his house, doesn't really make much sense. From that perspective it is a bad idea to make Celebrimbor the one who would create this stone. And as before, the Fëanorian star on the Doors of Durin still makes no sense in this context.
Of the three non-canon versions this one is the most likely version, but especially the story about the Elessar is a difficult one and Tolkien definitely had better solutions here.
The Teler of Valinor
Very late in his life Tolkien started playing with different ideas for the origin of Celeborn, changing him form a Sinda into a Teler of Valinor. At one point at around 1968, he wrote in Eldarin Hands, Fingers, And Numerals that "the famous Celebrimbor, heroic defender of Eregion in the Second-age war against Sauron, was a Teler, one of the three Teleri who accompanied Celeborn into Exile." In addition, Celebrimbor seems to be the sindarised version of a Telerin name, not a Quenya name.
The idea of Celebrimbor as a Teler doesn't work well because it requires a rewrite of both Galadriel's and Celeborn's story. It also puts a question mark behind Celebrimbor's fellow smiths and how he got to know them. If only three four Teleri left Valinor, the smiths are unlikely to be Telerin origin. Where they Sindar then? Or Noldorin refugees from Gondolin that Celebrimbor met at the mouth of Sirion? And in addition to the smiths there is also the question of how Celebrimbor became Lord of Eregion.
It certainly hints at one of the more interesting backstories when it comes to Celebrimbor's relationship with Galadriel and Celeborn: there could be a story hidden in there of a good friendship between Celebrimbor and Celeborn, and there are even writings that state that Celeborn did not leave Eregion when Galadriel left. Was there a disagreement on how to deal with Celebrimbor's "friendship" with Annatar? And by driving Galadriel off, was this not only possibly the betrayal of a friend but also disloyalty towards the royal Telerin house? But as before, this background doesn't add anything to his relationship with Sauron, and as before the Fëanorian star on the Doors of Durin remains a mystery.
For me this version has the most problems with canon facts and doesn't add much substance to the character of Celebrimbor.
Son of Curufin, grandson of Fëanor
Finally, there is Celebrimbor's canon backstory. In the Second Edition from 1965 of The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien added the following sentence to Appendix B:
"Celebrimbor was Lord of Eregion and the greatest of their craftsmen; he was descended from Fëanor."
And by adding Celebrimbor to one of his most interesting families, Tolkien gave Celebrimbor the richest of the backstories listed so far. By adding it to The Lord of the Rings, it became as canon as can be.
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"The Fëanorians" by Choi Star
From two handwritten notes on one Second Edition copy of The Return of the King we get further information on Tolkien's ideas for Celebrimbor's heritage. In these notes Tolkien suggests Curufin as the father of Celebrimbor with whom Celebrimbor came into exile. In addition, the notes say that Celebrimbor's mother "had refused to take part in the rebellion of Fëanor and remained in Aman with the people of [Finarfin]".
As mentioned before the name Celebrimbor seems to be a sindarised version of a Telerin name (using the Telerin word telpë) and not a Quenya name (using the Quenya word tyelpë). However, in this particular case the Telerin word was often used by the Noldor as well, and can also be found for example in the name of Telperion. While Curufin probably wouldn't have given his son a Telerin name, Celebrimbor's mother might have done so – or it's even his epësse.
The First Age
With Celebrimbor being part of the Fëanorian family there is now also a vague idea of his journey in the First Age. Tolkien's note says that he came into exile with his father, so we can assume that Celebrimbor most likely was present at the First Kinslaying and probably fought in it as well on the side of his family. Afterwards he would witness the shipburning at Losgar, fight in the Dagor-nuin-Giliath and then move to Aglon with his father and uncle. Later he would fight in the Dagor Bragollach and then flee from Aglon, seeking refuge with his father and uncle in Nargothrond where they were welcomed by Finrod.
Nargothrond is when Celebrimbor's story splits from his father's path:
According to Tolkien's note, in Nargothrond Celebrimbor "had grown to love Finrod". But Curufin and Celegorm refuse to help Finrod, and when Beren and Lúthien return to Nargothrond, Celebrimbor would learn that Finrod had died but also that his father and uncle had planned to force Lúthien into marriage. Celebrimbor is no longer willing to tolerate this, he "was aghast at the behaviour of his father and would not go with him" when Curufin (and Celegorm) are eventually driven from Nargothrond.
Afterwards we can only guess that he probably stayed in Nargothrond until its fall, somehow survived the battle and found refuge somewhere else until the end of the First Age.
This background for Celebrimbor gives more depths to all his later relationships in the Second Age – to Sauron, Galadriel and even the Dwarves – as I will elaborate further below.
The Second Age
Celebrimbor in the Second Age is the last of the Fëanorians – grandson of Fëanor, "the greatest of the Eldar in arts and lore", and son of Curufin, who among had "inherited most his [Fëanor's] skill of hand". Although Celebrimbor had refused to go with his father when Curufin was driven from Nargothrond, he never renounced his family: he put the Fëanorian star on the Doors of Durin.
Celebrimbor is now also known as a great smith, and he "desired in his heart to rival the skill and fame of Fëanor". In this I see an Elf form whom his family history is a burden and incentive at the same time – he doesn't want to stand in his father's and grandfather's shadow, he wants to make a name for his own, and maybe also associate the House of Fëanor with something positive, something that protects and preserves, and doesn't destroy.
The close friendship with the Dwarves of Moria fits into the picture of Celebrimbor being obsessed with crafts, but also his family tree has some relevance here, given that his father Curufin was also good friends with Dwarves: he had shown an interest in their language and was probably the first of the Noldor to learn Khuzdul.
According to Tolkien's note, Celebrimbor also "became a great friend of Celeborn and Galadriel". It's unclear when that was the case, but most likely was during their time in Eregion. There Celebrimbor was Lord, and Celeborn and Galadriel lived there for a while. This friendship is a charming idea to me because of Galadriel's opposition to everyone else in Celebrimbor's family, especially Fëanor. And it makes Celebrimbor's revolt against Galadriel, instigated by Annatar, more personal and bitter. Nevertheless, when Celebrimbor realises his mistakes, he immediately goes to Galadriel for advice, is not rejected by Galadriel, and entrusts her with one of the Three Rings.
The Tragedy of Celebrimbor
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"Annatar and Celebrimbor" by Kaprriss
Now, one of the most interesting relationships that Celebrimbor had has always been Sauron. I have said before that the previous non-canon backgrounds don't add much to this relationship, but the relationship itself is already very interesting on its own.
After an already very tumultuous First Age, Sauron's influence turns Celebrimor's life in the Second Age into a tragedy.
Celebrimbor originally had good intentions and "was not corrupted in heart or faith" but was deceived and mislead by Sauron. He wants to rival Fëanor's skill, but ends up repeating his mistakes when he listens to Sauron's words – just like Fëanor had been influenced by Melkor's words. He creates the Rings of Power with the intention to preserve"what is desired or loved" and to prevent of slow down decay. However he was only able to create them with dependence to Sauron. And if we add the idea that Galadriel's desire to prevent the decay of Middle-earth was a main motivator for Celebrimbor, this is also turned on its head because Galadriel is driven away by the Gwaith-i-Mírdain.
The horror sets in when Celebrimbor realizes who Annatar truly is. This reveal comes after an assumed friendship of 400 years. Realizing that Annatar is actually Sauron means Celebrimbor has been tricked for 400 years and is in grave danger. It means he was deceived by Morgoth's second in command, by the one who has overseen the creation of the Orcs.
And with the Fëanorian background coming into play, it means he has been played by the one responsible for the death of Finrod whom Celebrimbor had grown to love as a friend. This is not only personal because Celebrimbor had considered Annatar his friend, it's even more personal because Sauron has actually killed a close friend of Celebrimbor long before Sauron started the invasion of Eriador. What makes it even worse is that this was the friend that his father and uncle would not aid, but who's treachery Celebrimbor would only realize when it was too late.
What follows is a last and desperate defence of the house of the Mírdain against Sauron himself. A fight Celebrimbor can't win, followed by torture he can't survive. He gives up the Seven Rings, but never gives up the Three, staying defiant until the end.
His enemy carries his dead body as a banner, and the Eldar probably were never able to recover his remains. The dead bodies of Elves disintegrate quickly.
And what remains is a desolated Eregion, Ost-in-Edhil in ruins, the reputation for having been deceived by Sauron, and the fame for having created the Three Elven Rings. And on the Doors of Durin you can still see his family emblem, and his name carved in Fëanorian letters.
With Celebrimbor, Tolkien truly has created a complex character with few words, giving him a complicated family background, fascinating motivations for his actions, interesting dynamics with other characters, and as so many of Tolkien's characters Celebrimbor, too, met a really sad and tragic ending.
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"Celebrimbor" by Kaaile
Further Celebrimbor fanart I quite liked:
by yidanyuan
by evankart
by gorlassar
Quotes in this post are from J.R.R. Tolkien's writings in:
The Lord of the Rings
The Silmarillion
Unfinished Tales
The Peoples of Middle-earth
The Nature of Middle-earth
The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
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fyowhore · 2 years
Hello! Duck anon here again!
This is weird. A matchmaker who is not loaded with requests? :0
Um, ok, here we go then! (/// ̄  ̄///)
I am a girl, 21 years old.
I prefer men. (There aren't many women in BSD though, so there's not much choice. XD)
I like men who value their family and wish to start one too. I love men who are initiative and have goals that they try to reach. My partner's motive needs to be about helping people, making them happy, because only then a person would strive to be kind no matter how much he/she struggles. I am also not very good with earning money, so I want my partner to be good at it or else we are both dying in some dark alleyway poor and in love. XD
I like to laugh, so my partner's humour shouldn't be bland. Even though I can be serious and most people think I am strict because of my stern face, I don't think that a serious person x serious person is a very good combo.
However, I also know that I am very lazy, so I really need someone who would put me in line to do work instead of anything other than that.
I love my sister and we are inseparable. Wherever I go, she goes. Whatever she does, I do. We like to laugh together and our conversations are usually silly and useless. (My mother compares us to birds, because we cheerfully 'chirp' about nothing.)
I love writing. I want to become a teacher, but if that dream fails, I will be a children book writer for sure.
I like drawing, but I'm not that good of an artist like my sister.
I like watching anime (Spy X Family, Komi-san Can't Communicate, Yo Boy Kongmin, Mob Psycho 100, Haikyuu are my favourite actually), but I don't do it lately.
I like watching character analysis and theories. Sometimes I listen how a certain author came up with certain ideas.
I don’t like people who don't pick sides and change their opinion according to what the others say. They look weak.
I don’t like people who don't accept how they are, yet they tell that they love themselves. To sum it up, I don't like liars who don't want to admit that they have personal problems. I really want to slap them to bring them back to their senses.
I generally don't like liars who refuse to see the truth that stands right in front of them. Lying is OK on some occasions and it can save you from an unnecessary conflict at times, but there's a limit.
Oh, I also don't like rice and pudding. Yuck. I prefer sweets. >:P
I have very bad hair (they don't grow well, hence they are short) and they are brown/blonde. I have acne (I have lots of dark postacne blemishes and there are acne scars on my face. Luckily, there aren't as many pimples nowadays.) I am 178cm/5ft9in. I have a very poor eye sight to the point I can't see a person's face two meters away from me, but I refuse to wear glasses because I look like a strict teacher in them.
I think that's all. I hope it's not too much! ^^;;
Remember to take rests! :D Have lots of inspiration for your stories and other hobbies! ~✨ I hope you're having fun with your writing! C:
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He might be soft hearted but…
I think Atsushi could be quite a nice fit! He probably would also adore the idea of a family and providing for children instead of leaving them alone. His family would be based in peace and reassurance and I think it would be the gentle environment anyone could hope for. He’s a little awkward for sure but I think he’d also appreciate your jokes, and someone sterner who’s better at reinforcing both of your boundaries.
Working at the ADA together would be perfect, he takes the dangerous work and you could either do something similar, or stay behind and work on safer jobs. It’s a good environment for struggling with work, considering everyone puts up with Dazai, you needing a break every now and then is more than fine.
He’s a sappy man and I think you’d only help him grow further past his traumas. Sometimes he lies to himself, which you’d quickly put a stop to. Or at least heavily encourage him to quit it. He’s insecure but I fully believe a relationship is working towards the betterment of yourselves together. It shouldn’t be an Olympian task but feeling like you’ve earned a safety and love can’t compare to everything coming easy. Past that… not liking rice? Fine by him, that’s just more of his favourite food in the world for him! But he’d obviously accommodate for you.
As for your appearance, even if you were insecure about it… it wouldn’t bother Atsushi. Not at all, never could he think to judge such uncontrollable conditions. He’s scarred too, it’s for different reasons but I think he’d find a certain beauty in it. I also think he’d appreciate the fact you love your family. He never had it, and can only hope they’d love him too.
I hope this is a nice result for you my lovely Duck anon! 🦆 You stumped me a little at first but I can absolutely see the lovely tiger man being supportive, and you talking some sense into his trauma fuelled anxiety. He doesn’t mean to be the way he is, it’s just a hard life sometimes ✨
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Success Stories Interview of The Future Creative Fiction Genre Part 1 At Least 13 to 15 Points Episode 10 AuthorPsychicInTraining Series
Success Stories Interview of The Future Creative Fiction Genre Part 2 At Least 13 to 15 Points Episode 10
Successful Manifestation of Career Money andor Storytelling Success Creative Fiction Genre Permanent Lifelong andor Long Term Resident of Virginia Series
intent: I Stella Carrier channel creating heaven on earth happiness unity faith hope while also fulfilling an intent to be helpful with my fun writing therapy of creative fiction writing
Alias names andor alias gender names given to protect the identities of the personal and professional life allies of those interviewed
Start Time Sunday March 19, 2023 by 1102pm
Completion Time Sunday March 19, 2023 by by 1153pm
Greetings My alias name is “Divine Touch Witch” and I am actually a friend of “Love Money Guru” . I transitioned to the celestial realms approximately 5 years ago at the age of 102 years old. I am a celestial spirit guide who helps provide inspiration for muses to self published authors specializing in the theme of passion and I am about to enroll in a celestial school next week that teaches multiple celestial spirits how to manifest the essence of passion for themselves and how to channel that energy towards helping passion and money celestial spirit guides teach the earth based men and women that they are assigned to how to passionately manifest the essence of passion in multiple areas of their lives both personal live and for their self published works even if lets say a self published author is writing the theme of science fiction though one of their characters is living out something related to their passion. When I “Divine Touch Witch” transitioned from the earth plane to the celestial earth realms of being able to reside in both Virginia, California, and other celestial replica locations of the eastern coast of the United States I was only allowed to help voluntarily childless people from the ages of 18 to 108 years old because being allowed the privilege to help both voluntarily childless people and people with children required a certain level of spiritual development. Now I “Divine Touch Witch” am allowed to help various men and women ages 18 to 108 who both are voluntarily childless and men and women with children because of my current spiritual development. The only caveat is that the earth based men and women have to have already petitioned help from either their celestial higher self andor celestial spirit guides for help in becoming a self published author within the next 5 years andor sooner andor are also open to doing what it takes to both learn, apply and manifest the essence of passion in multiple areas of their lives. My alias name “Divine Touch Witch” gives an alias code for one of the secrets I am allowed to share on some of the multiple ways I am both learning and sharing with the multiple eased based men and women I am inspirting who are working on their self publishing andor passion theme understanding. The reason being: it is common knowledge in the celestial spirit realms that passion is one of the elements that can miraculously transform the fortunes of someone within 8-10 months andor sooner. However because of some of the ideas I ” Divine Touch Witch” am about to share a person must be at least 18 years of earth age andor older, here goes the first idea
Write A minimum of a 250 page story at least 3 times a week in a secret online email andor offline account of someone who starts their own witch coven set either in the state you reside in andor the place of your choosing and one of the goals of that witch coven is multiple members join together each week to manifest a god or goddess of passionate love andor passionate romance in giving the witch coven members ideas in their self published books, if it helps you can pretend you are one of the characters who started your own coven for whatever reason, either yourself andor another character at least 3 times a week in a secret offline andor online place
The second thing is to try to start to look at love andor passion related books andor movies at least once a week for a minimum of the next two months which brings me to my next point
Even if you are feeling far from bold socially try to put yourself in a new social situation andor event at least once andor twice a month until you can work up the ideal of at least 4 times a month, go ahead and be honest with yourself in a secret online andor offline account at least once andor twice a week andor more in how it went then in a secret online andor offline entry write at least a 250 page scenario where you are meeting up in your preferred location of choice with your celestial higher self and celestial spirit guides in a witch coven meeting format even if for example it is in an imaginary celestial akashic library andor celestial university type of school, imaginary celestial coven etc. this allows your celestial higher self and celestial spirit guides increased permission permission in giving ideas to help you manifest the essence of passion, passionate romance andor increased passionate love in your life in relation to what you ask them
Try to look up some money success stories either offline andor online and at least once andor twice a week in a secret online andor offline writing entry of at least 250 words-imagine your celestial higher self andor members of your celestial spirit ally team-celestial spirit guides celestial ancestors arranging either a magic coven type of meeting, a celestial school type of meeting, andor whatever meeting format you are comfortable with imagining that both celestial member spirit ally teams of agreeing in some of the ideas that they are sharing with you on money success andor career achievement goals that you can parlay in your own life, if you feel comfortable you can also imagine this via a meditation session which brings me to my next point
Regardless if you are married, partnered up, bachelor or bachelorette be receptive at least one to two times a month to watching any matchmaker type of movies, books andor looking up matchmaking content online andor offline- secretly notice what they are doing right that can be applied to your own life-for instance if you are noticing how a certain character has many suitors you also notice that she is either a successful entrepreneur andor she is cultivating sucess in her school andor career life. Notice both the men and women who are highly self confident with either their professional accomplishments, their physique, their spiritual goals their intellect etc, write in a secret online andor offline entry what is admirable and what you can do to apply these ideas to your own life-if you notice an area where either the matchmaker andor the person they are matching are sitting on a goldmine towards either their own increased abundance andor passionate love note that discovery too in your own offline andor online entry the caveat if you observe how you must level up your own career andor money game to increase the essence of passion in your life be your own best friend in how much time you may require to return to school to take more college courses, the time you must allow yourself to volunteer at least twice a month, the extra time you must allow yourself to save up for a car regardless of the length of time it takes other people, what you are doing right when it comes to some of your goals both passion increasing and other goals and how you can apply that knowledge both for your own benefit and both for the benefit of others who are receptive to you sharingyour ideas. If receptive to the idea, cnsider joing an online coven, starting your own andor joining one both for spiritual development and evolution though also to make your life more vibrant and action increased in a goodway to strengthen both the creativity of any self published writing with themes of passion, passionate love andor passionate romance though also ideas towards you becoming a happier channel of the essence of passion and the sharing of wisdom and creativity in writing, living and other areas
Try to do what is within one’s control to optimize and improve upon personal eating habits, time for meditation and sleep, achievement of any fitness goals ettc, for instance the powerful combo of meeting one’s fitness goals coupled with consistent meditation andor listening to a music playlist with the theme of passion can potentially build upon and increase the essenc of passion which can also help manifest increased abundance andor wisdom though also the essence of passion has been shown to increase creativity, wisdom in both moneymaking ventures though also in being able to have increased awareness of how one can contribute andor enhance the lives of others around them andor both themselves etc.
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bigbadbearthoughts · 2 years
On Maleness, Masculinity, and my father.
CONTENT WARNING: I am going to be discussing full scale abuse of men by men on this blog, paternal or otherwise. I am also very foul mouthed. A lot of these posts are going to be venting my toxicity and feelings into the void. I will avoid ‘phobic, sanist and ableist language unless emphasis is needed for something I personally went through.
Intended target of post: Cis men like myself, with more daddy issues than we can count even if we take our shoes off.
It’s a cycle. We hurt because others hold us to some arbitrary and unattainable standard of traditional masculinity.
Then we hurt others. Toxic Masculinity hurts *us*, and we turn around and hurt others because of it.
I’ve been spiraling the past few weeks. Mind a-swirling with thoughts I had no idea how to get out of my braincase, I sit here at 12:22 AM (at the time of writing this) thinking about why, and then it hit me like a ton of bricks falling off the back of a dump truck.
It’s my father. It always comes back to my fucking father. Lowercase f father, he doesn’t deserve a capital f. It’s a goddamn compulsion, even at 33 years old, having not even seen him in person since I was 16. Every time I achieve anything I start having panic attacks wondering if he’d approve of it. Sitting here at half past fuckin’ midnight with a diet doctor pepper, in my pajamas, at my computer while my dog looks at me like I need help because I’m not in bed... I had the epiphany about half an hour ago.
Fuck ‘im. No, seriously, I’m sitting here in the dark at half past midnight to scream into the void “Fuck my dad sideways with a rake.”
I’m a pansexual man in a polyamorous relationship. I have an any/all boyfriend and a she/they girlfriend I would fucking die for. Straight up would fight to the death at the drop of a hat for either of them, which is another bout of toxic maleness in and of itself.
I’m surrounded by a diverse group of friends who can rely on me to be emotionally available, and I can rely on them for the same thing, provided any of us are up for it at any given time.
But I’m happy. I’m happier than I ever have been. I’m *healing* from all the emotional bullshit he’s still putting me through despite probably not even remembering my name.
But I figure if he’s gonna live rent free in my head, I’ll tell some stories of how he was and how he treated me. Talk a bit about masculinity and what it means to me, and how relying on other people to define your own relationship to masculinity is a mistake that almost killed me, literally, more than once.
Hopefully something in here helps other cis dudes, even if it’s not the end goal. This is going to be full on toxic venting from a quarter-bit Vtuber who makes no bones about being toxic and trying not to be. I’m workin’ on it. My counselor said I should journal it.
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