#but the likes/reblog ratio has been getting worse and worse :(
pien-art · 2 months
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as a somewhat bigger artblog now it's easier for me to get some reach but there's sooo many incredible artists whose posts get lost in the void bc not many people reblog stuff anymore. Liking a post doesn't do anything to get a post seen by more people !
support creators ! reblog a post 👍
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voidpumpkin · 2 years
A Guide For New Users Fleeing From Twitter, From A User Who Needed One When They First Started:
Hi to everyone fleeing from twitter, Elon Musk is shit and he already has had an actively harmful effect on the site, one that will only get worse. So, welcome to Tumblr, it can be kind of intimidating, given its reputation and how many different features there are, I was certainly confused and intimidated when I first logged on and as I'm active on both I sympathise with y’all, so here’s a guide to anyone new:
Put your hashtags in the hashtag section. This is the only way they’ll actually have any sort of effect, or appear when you search for something. Don’t post them on the post itself.
There is a character limit for hashtags and a quite high hashtag limit. Go wild. Writing entire speeches is common. 
Don’t tag lots of unrelated stuff to your posts, that’ll get you reported for Spam and just hated in general
Don’t censor words, users are fine with swearing, doing so especially with triggering content makes it hard for people to limit their exposure to said triggering content.
There’s no such thing as ratioing.
We don’t have quote retweeting, every reblog, comment, etc counts to op’s post. They can see it all, and will be notified depending on their notification settings.
Change your icon, people will think you’re a bot if you use the default.
Give yourself a bio, it’ll make you look like a person.
Follow people and tags, that’s the only way you’re gonna see the content you wanna see. The foryoupage isn’t to be trusted.
Actually reblog stuff, liking has no effect, reblogging is the only important thing here as there is no like based algorithm. Doing so will also make you appear human.
You can hide your likes and who you’re following. Doing so is not frowned upon in the slightest.
You can block tags, similarly to muting words on twitter.
You can have multiple blogs tied to one account. 
You can customise your blog, go wild.
There is no word limit, you can write as you want. But if it gets too long make use of the keep reading feature, (the three dots beside the add gif feature)
There is an image limit of thirty, up from the former ten, though for some they may be stuck at only using ten, tumblr is kinda inconsistent. If you want to add more you’ll have to reblog your own post. 
There is no reblogging limit when it comes to a post, though there is a daily posting limit, go wild, only your followers will be upset.
You can have videos, gifs and pictures in the same post.
You can just post audio.
Adult content is still banned, but actual moderation and enforcement is spotty, especially if it’s written. 
Spam liking and reblogging isn’t a thing. Go wild.
You have an ask box that people can submit stuff to. You can respond or just delete the post. You can remove anon capability from it (which will get rid of most of the hate), or outright bar it.
You can’t private your account but you can restrict commenting and reblogging. Edit: I’ve been informed that you can in fact make your blog password protected, it’s just that it’s a rarely done thing and not widely known.
Block whoever and whenever, it’s not a big deal. Though if someone you’ve blocked has reblogged and added to a post and someone you follow reblogs that, their commentary will still be included in the post you see.
We don’t have muting, only blocking.
Yes, direct messaging is a thing (it’s the little smiley face)
The only way to promote your is through ‘tumblr blaze’, you pay a certain amount of money and your post will be promoted, but not targeted, so no invasions of privacy. You are subject to the employee’s whims on whether or not it gets promoted and unfortunately hate speech has been allowed.
Tumblr has tendency to hide/consume comments, posts and asks, don’t be surprised if they go missing.
Tumblr searching a blog relies on tags, words in the post and the users name, keep that in mind.
Posts will remain after you delete your account or the original post if they have been reblogged.
Years old posts are still circulating and that is considered normal.
You can queue up posts to be released when you’re not using your account. Or you can just post whenever you’re active. Go wild.
Wizards exist and are very popular on this site. Accept it.
There are posts with no notes that will never gain any more than a sing note for your like. Accept it.
There are posts will no op. Accept it.
Trans and autistic people dominate this site.
Don’t get pissy when someone tags a post ‘tw (insert slur)’, or any trigger warning for that matter, most are just being considerate of their followers who may be triggered by such content.
Twitter discourse is regularly mocked, it’s not gonna fly here.
No, we don’t call each other oomfs, or anything like that. We just have mutuals.
Tumblr in general lacks a lot colloquialisms that began on twitter.
We do have ‘blorbo’ ‘poor little meow meow’ etc.
Trying to go viral or trying to corporate is frowned upon.
Tumblr has a tendency to blacklist things tagged like ‘crowdfunding’ so bring that kind of logic you use for twitter posts over to tumblr.
We don’t have twitter circles, co-posting, etc.
Tumblr is surprisingly good at recommending blogs.
There are no verified accounts, and your follower count isn't visible. This is a good thing, trying to change it will get you laughed at.
People are going to just make up stuff, don’t believe everything you see and if it’s a claim about someone, investigate it rather than just believe it.
You can edit your posts after you’ve posted them, but the versions reblogged before said changes will still circulate. This editing of the original has been used as a spruce of comedy
If your worried about people seeing your potentially triggering, or even graphic content and they haven’t blocked the tags you’ve used you can use the keeping reading feature to put the content under the cut and post a warning at the top.
And this is quite important:
Stay anonymous and have fun. There isn’t an expectation to constantly expose inner details of your life, you aren’t expected to use your real face, your real name, age, etc. You’re not even expected to be truthful here. Exist however you wanna exist and have fun, that should be the point of social media. 
Also keep in mind that tumblr has its own distinct culture that is going to take some getting used to. As well as a history any user who’s been here a while will at least somewhat understand.
Also I'll be editing the post with additional info and corrections provided to me.
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beansricejc · 10 months
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John Wick x F!Reader: Fake It
summary: AU, in a post apocalyptic world, John has assigned himself a daunting task. he buys you off of a group of raiders, and you don’t necessarily have a choice when he has you help with his mission. in fact, it’s either your help, or his wrath. 5382 words.
warnings: unprotected piv, NONcon, fuck or die, breeding k!nk, creampie, cursing, threats of violence, firearms, human trafficking, forced breeding, kidnapping. Dead Dove, Do Not Eat! Minors DNI. not proofread!
author’s note: here’s to my darkest yet, if you like this one, please support me by liking and reblogging, Ty!
The infection spread efficiently and ruthlessly. Originating at a scientific testing facility in Toronto, it didn’t take very long for the world to go to shit. Zombies made life a hell of a lot worse for everyone on the planet.
And 5 years later, the population declined by 70 percent. Everyone surviving now was either in some sort of encampment, a survivor in the wasteland, or, in John’s case, in a repopulation center.
About fifty miles north of Rock Springs, Wyoming, is a fortification built by John and as the group of men that all had the same goal.
Soon enough, they made a name for themselves after trading with raiders who would snatch up female survivors. John was picky. They needed to be healthy, with good genetics, and the ability to carry a child. Just because you had a pussy didn’t just mean free access to the compound, there were standards.
So when a truck full of raiders pulled up to the large gates of John’s fortress and dragged you out of it, John’s immediately intrigued. You’re kicking and screaming into the duct tape gag over your lips, definitely not making it easy for the three burly men to hoist you over for John to inspect you.
Your eyes widen at the middle aged man with long hair, it’s slicked back in a ponytail and he’s got a full beard. He honestly reminds you of those vinyl hipsters before the infection, but meaner.
His sharp brown eyes scan your body, he likes what he sees. Of course you don’t know this, no one does, for John is a master at hiding his emotions.
“She’ll do.” John states plainly, standing up straight and facing the raiders. ‘She’ll do’ was the understatement of the year, he was absolutely attracted to you. Of course he can’t let that show, otherwise the raiders will demand more items to trade you for.
“100 rounds of 9 millimeter ammunition, and four medical packs. I’ll even throw in three gallons of gasoline.” John offers, the raiders immediately grunt in agreement, the leader shaking John’s hand to seal the deal.
You’re still kicking and struggling against your restraints, refusing to be auctioned off like a damn cow. Oh if only you knew what you were in for.
In reality, John has never used his own sperm for his repopulation project. It’s only been his own men, which he has plenty of. His fortification’s ratio of women to men is 1:15, which just goes to show how rare females are in the apocalypse. Women are a hot commodity, and no amount of feminist waves are going to stop that. Men will be men, thirsting over the opposite sex, and once they lay their eyes on one? They’ll stop at nothing to get a piece.
Revolting to think about but it’s just the truth. It is the end of the world after all.
“Take her to my quarters. Now.” John orders his group of men, which two of them scoop you up from the dirt road as you squirm and scream into your gag. John sees your futile determination, and it lights a fire within him.
If he’s not careful, he’s going to get hard in front of everyone at the gate.
John cleared his throat and walked ahead, trying to think of quite literally anything else as he attempted to get his mind off of you, and hearing your muffled pleas for mercy don’t help him in the slightest. A tingle trickles down his long spine, and the little hairs on his arm rise as goosebumps begin to form, just from hearing your voice.
“Shit.” He murmured to himself, as he books it to the nearest building, he needs to distract himself quickly.
John’s men heave you into his personal cabin, plopping you down on the comfy vintage looking couch in the corner. You grunt and the men scurry out of the cabin. They know better than to look at John’s new prize.
Little do any of them know, you’re a fighter. Surviving in the wasteland alone is an impressive feat. A feat you have only overcome because you’re tough as hell. You can hunt, scavenge, shoot, stab, whatever it takes to survive, you can do it. The only reason why you’re here in the first place is because 5 grimy raiders jumped you while you were resting in an abandoned building. You felt pathetic, now in the predicament of a lifetime.
There were a few options.
You knew this fancy trick where you could dislocate your own shoulder blades in order to force your arms to be in front of you instead of being bound from behind. Painful but quick, then you could take your gag off and then thrust your arms into your own torso. The fast motion and force would tear the tape from your hands.
But then there were all of the men outside. There was about, what? 30, 40 men from what you could count when the two guards brought you inside. There were women too, not very many though, and for some odd reason, they were all pregnant.
Noticeably so.
You were good at killing, but 40 all at once? You didn’t have a chance in hell.
So, either a suicide mission, or you could wait it out and see what the hell was going on.
You decide on the latter.
Not to mention, those raiders stole all of the equipment and weapons that you had. So that fucking sucks.
Waiting it out sucks too. You may or may not have dozed off on the old comfy couch, your taped face resting against the floral patterned fabric while you rested. Awoken only by the soft sound of the wooden door creaking open, you decided to fake being asleep. Maybe it would give some sort of insight on what the hell was going to happen to you.
John’s boots squeak over the wooden flooring, he groans and immediately goes for the large glass bottle that was sealed underneath the small sink in his cabin.
John’s living space is very nice compared to the other residents in his compound. It’s about 750 square feet of a cabin that looks like it’s straight from the 70s. The small home is of course run on a solar powered generator, providing semi luxury living in the apocalypse.
You noticed this when you were scanning the place for any noticeable weapons to use to your advantage. Unfortunately there wasn’t much.
Nothing out in the open anyway. You continue to fake sleep, laying down on the couch with your pretty eyes closed.
John grunts as he flips through a stack of papers, figuring you would be asleep when he arrived. He knows you’ve been tied up in here for about three hours. The man takes a few steps over towards the couch, looking over it and staring at your lying figure. His heart rate goes up by a few beats.
“Gorgeous, might have to keep you for myself.” John mumbles under his breath, you catch the comment.
John looks at his papers, scribbling a few words down. While he looks at your sleeping face, he debates on whether to wake you up or not. He does. John’s large and calloused hand runs through your hair for a moment, and now you can’t help but open your eyes. This gives you a good time to study your captor’s facial features, he’s towering over you at the moment.
His back bends over and his hand that rubbed your head is now ripping the duct tape off of your mouth as if it were a bandaid. Yelping, you glare at him and clench your jaw.
“Hey shithead, that fucking hurt!” You cough out, gritting your teeth. His stoic expression seemed to lighten for a whole three seconds before he jotted something down on that stack of papers, before sitting in a recliner that was against a wall.
His jeans rub against the leather of the seat, and his brown eyes never leave you, paying even more attention when you manage to wriggle your way up into somewhat of a seated position.
“You’re probably wondering what you’re doing here.” John’s voice is gravelly, and he even seems a bit awkward. “I’m sorry, I typically don’t do anything with intake. Made an exception this time.”
You frown, more confused than anything.
John’s hands fumble with the stack of papers that’s in his hands, as he goes over a few pages before looking up at you again.
“Can I start with your name?”
Blinking a few times, it wasn’t what you were expecting. You could tell him a lie but for some reason your conscious is screaming at you to tell the truth.
So you do, your first name falls from your lips as if you’re talking to a trusted peer. Last names don’t matter anymore in the apocalypse, it’s just one of those things that fell off of the importance scale.
John hums out loud, nodding as he writes your name down, crossing his legs.
You tell him the truth. His bottom lip sticks out a bit and he nodded, jotting that down as well.
“Still have some time left.” John breathes out, so softly that you can’t even hear him.
“Marital status?”
You frown again.
“Why does it matter?” you asked, looking at John with this dumbfounded expression. He sighs.
“Just, whatever it was before the infection.” John elaborates. Still. It was quite irrelevant. At least to you.
“Engaged.” You tell him, honesty is the best policy here. “Died a few years ago.”
John paused before writing anything down.
“Sorry to hear that.” John apologizes, his expression is quite somber, as if he’s recalling bad memories. His canine tooth is digging into his tongue. “Any allergies?”
This strange interrogation went on for about 25 minutes, with answers you provided and small talk in between. You don’t know why but you’re starting to feel a bit more comfortable around him.
“Let me get to the chase.” John sighed, he had told you his name in the middle of your conversation, and it’s been nice having a name to put next to his face. It was so simple and so fitting. John.
���You have two options. Both are similar but one is much nicer than the other.” John tells you, as the hairs on your neck stand up. Your fingers twitch from behind, it’s hard to contain your anxiousness when you’re bound.
“You’re a woman that’s in excellent health, a diamond in the rough, really. Your age is decent for it as well.” John mentions. “You’re also such a sight for sore eyes. I haven’t even seen anyone come in here that was close to looking like you.” He sighs.
Silence fills the room as we stare at each other.
“Our goal at my compound is to do our best to repopulate the country, and to inspire other groups to do as we do.” He explains further. “We have an extensive human breeding program in our compound. It’s a requirement for the females that are brought here to participate.”
During his entire ramble his dark eyes have been ogling your legs and hips.
“So, here are your options.” He starts.
You can’t even fucking believe what you’re hearing right now. The pure shock is causing a ringing in your ears, and you barely pick up what he’s telling you next. John stands from his recliner and takes a few steps towards you.
“I’ll assign you to a random member of our community. You’ll live with him, and he’ll be attempting to conceive with you, my men aren’t known really for being all too kind or gentle.” John says, clasping his hands in front of him.
Your heart is racing and John notices the panic running through your body.
“If they don’t take a liking to you after you reach conception, we’ll just send you to live with the other women on the other side of the fortress.” John shrugs, tapping his boot restlessly on the cabin floor. “Or…” his large hand grabs your chin and lifts it to force you to look up at him.
His rough feeling thumb rolls over your bottom lip, the gears in his head turning while he takes a deep breath. “I can keep you for myself.”
John’s taking in every aspect of your body language and face, he’s noticing the way you are just barely trembling under his touch. He’s really hoping you don’t notice his cock twitch in his pants. He’s gotta get ahold of himself, honestly, he’s a grown man. Why are you making him feel like a horny teenager all over again?
You’re going over the options in your head, while still attempting to find anything to bash John over the head with. But your arms are still bound behind your back. As it stands, you’re completely at the mercy of the long haired man who’s practically drooling over you.
Your pretty eyes blink up at him as your mind races, your heart thumps, it feels like you might even pass out. Was this even real? This had to be a nightmare, right?! Right. There was absolutely no way you were traded for some bullets, gasoline, and a first aid kit and dragged into a human breeding camp, right? All you had to do was wake up.
Wake up. Come on.
Fucking wake up.
Except it was all too real, proven to you by the lingering sting on your mouth from the ripped duct tape. Your lip was even bleeding a bit still from the injury.
“I wanna show you how good I am.” John interrupts your rampant train of thought, and snaps you back into your hell hole of a reality. His hand clenches a bit harder against your face, thumb shoving inside of your mouth once you open it to respond to him. This move gives you no time to even create words, instead it gives off a risqué image. An image John is enjoying purely for himself, of his large thumb in between your pretty pink lips. John grunts.
“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” John asks rhetorically. “God you’re stunning, your parents really blessed you with good genetics.”
You have no idea what the hell you should do, so you do what you think would be best in this scenario.
You suck his thumb. The act in itself is suggestive, but with your pretty eyes batting up at him, your lips around his finger, and a slight bob of your head.
You have John in a frenzy. There’s a bead of sweat that even rolls down the back of his neck, as his breath hitches to the sight of you taking his finger into your lips.
“We could make such good looking children.” John groans at the sight of you. “Please, just, oh god.” His eyes roll to the back of his head. John pulls his thumb from your mouth as he catches his breath.
He’s been anticipating finding the right woman to come along. Delusional as he currently is, he thinks he’s been waiting all of these years just to meet you. It has to be fate, right? You’re just so perfect to him.
“Just, ugh, fuck it.” John growls, his right hand latched onto your throat as he forcibly kissed your dry lips. You gasp in surprise, as his grip on your throat becomes tighter.
“Wa-wait!” you choke out, it doesn’t stop him. He easily grabs your body and brings it to his bed, tossing you onto the mattress. You sit up quickly, but then hear a click, the feeling of cold metal pressing against your head makes you freeze.
Looking up, John’s smiling down at you, his heart fluttering at the mere sight of you. He’s holding a pistol straight to your temple, clicking his tongue at you while your pretty eyes widen at the sudden tension change.
“No waiting, sweetpea.” John grumbles as you notice the handgun safety is off. Shit. “You’re gonna cooperate. I’m not going to let you make that choice, there’s no way in hell I’m letting my men breed you.”
The gun is still being pressed against your skull as he grabs a book from his bedside table, he flips through a few pages and reads the contents over. You’re not able to see what he’s reading since you don’t dare make any sudden movements. His eyes are still on the book while he asks you a question.
“When did you last menstruate?”
You’re still in shock from everything he’s said so far, and this certainly didn’t help.
“Uh, what?” you can’t even comprehend the fact that he asked you such a personal question.
John pressed the gun to your head harder. “Answer me!” he yelled, frustrated at your stalling. John’s deep and frightening voice bellows off of the wooden walls of his cabin, making you wince.
“I think like, 2 and a half weeks ago?” you shakily reply, it feels like you’re about to pass out from the chaotic situation at hand.
He hums affirmatively and grabs a knife, flicking it open.
“No, no please! Please I-“
He goes to cut the tape off from your wrists, crumpling it into a ball and tossing it into the trash nearby. John chuckles at your sudden fear as he continues to hold the gun to your head.
“I haven’t made love to anyone since my wife died.” John croaked out, his eyes looking a little empty and off to the distance as he spoke. He shakes the firearm a bit to intimidate you a bit. As if you’re not already. There’s a gentle smile that plays on his lips and a crazed glint in his brown eyes.
“I never partook in the repopulation process, I just could never see myself making love to any of those other women.” He informs you. “But, you? You’re just,” he takes a sharp inhale and bites his lip. “I think I can manage to be passionate with you.” John whispers, rubbing the back of his neck and nodding to himself. “You're going to reciprocate. Like we’ve known each other for years. And you’re going to do a good job, if not,” he taps the barrel of the gun against your head. You’re trembling beneath him.
“Think you can do that for me?” John asks, looking back at his book and flipping through some pages.
You reluctantly nod, battling the urge to scream and fight for your life. He gives you that same deranged but soft smile, sighing in relief as if he was expecting you to say no, as if there wasn’t the threat of death in the air.
“By the way,” he sighs. “My name’s John.”
You nod awkwardly, as he looks over his book for a few more moments.
“The book says that missionary is the position that has the most success in conceiving.” John mentions, as the reality sets in. This is actually happening. You feel like your world is collapsing in on itself. “Really sell it to me; okay? I’d hate to shoot you.”
All you can do is force a nervous smile and nod, before he sets his firearm down on the bedside table. John continued to stare at you before he cleared his throat.
“Well? Take your clothes off for me, sweet pea.”
You’re slightly disgusted that you’re even listening to the orders that John is giving you. As if you actually have known him for years now. As if you loved him. Your stomach feels sick, you attempt to hide your disdain as you quickly peel off your long sleeve shirt, before John places his hand on your arm before you can pull it over your head.
“Put it back on.”
You let out a deep exhale through your nose, eyebrows furrowing, but you obey. Slipping the shirt back over your body.
“I changed my mind. Stand up.” John commands, as he switches positions, sitting where you were on the bed, as you rise. “Do a strip tease for me.”
He had to be fucking with you now. So you frown and grimace at the thought.
“You’re kidding.” you laugh.
John reaches for his gun.
“Okay! Okay, fine.” You grunt, sighing. You didn’t even know how to do such a thing. John smiles wickedly, leaning back a bit on his bed as you turn around from him. Your hands slowly lift your shirt up, and over your head, John’s staring at your bare skin while the shirt drops to the floor. He bites the inside of his cheek while his shaft presses against his jeans.
You undress to only your undergarments, and you quite literally have no idea what to do next. You really don’t want to wing it and anger him, but you have a feeling if he keeps guiding you through it he’ll lose his patience. So you turn around, surprised to see John with his belt and pants undone.
His large hand is giving his own cock a few long strokes. Speaking of long.
You’re terrified of what that thing is going to do to you tonight. The tip is thick in itself, that’s the spot John’s hand seems to give the most attention. He’s even bucking his hips and thrusting upwards into the grip of his own hand, his eyes never leaving your body.
“Sell it to me. Don’t make me question it. If you don’t, I’ll fucking kill you.” John moans, and your heartbeat races. You notice his free hand is gripping his gun that’s sitting on the mattress.
It’s now or never.
You’ve done this a few times before, it’s been years, but you can probably fake it pretty well. Right?
You saunter up to him, mustering up all of the energy in your body to act this out as realistically as you can.
It’s not like John was ugly. He had a handsome face, you can tell he’s in shape, with those brown eyes that seem to stare into your soul. And you have a thing for big noses anyway. Not to mention, his cock looks really nice.
Alright. You got this.
You straddle his waist, biting your plump lip and taking John’s shirt for him.
“Can’t just have me take my clothes off without you doing the same. Or it’s not fair.” You tease, giggling while your small hand grazes John’s lower shaft in a playful manner, pulling your hand away just as quick.
You were right. He is in shape. He’s lean with a muscular figure, alright, you’ll admit it, he’s attractive. This will help sell it.
“John, baby…” you mew, batting your eyelashes. His breathing gets heavier when you call him that. Okay, that’s good. He likes that.
“You should touch me instead.” you tell him softly, removing his hand from his cock and moving it to your breasts. John even lets go of his gun to unclasp your bra from behind your back. Your nipples harden from the cool cabin air hitting them, and John’s fingertips run over both of them.
“My pretty girl,” he grunts. John’s hands travel down to your hips and he grabs them with a killer grip. You try your best not to wince, but you know damn well there’s going to be bruises all over your after this.
“Our baby’s going to be beautiful…” he mumbles as his lips attach themselves to your neck, planting kisses on your throat. One of his hands trace down to your underwear, sliding it to the side a bit as his finger gently moves onto your clit. You jerk a bit from the sudden pressure, John chuckles at your reaction and from how wet you are, despite him forcing you to go through this.
“Oh yeah. You’re lucky that I make so much cum. It makes this process so much easier.” John tells you, and for some reason, it makes your stomach jump.
A whimper escapes you as he massages your sensitive nub, your head burying itself in the crook of his neck and collarbone, you’re instinctively grinding yourself against his finger.
You hate to admit it but this feels fantastic. It’s been years since you’ve even touched someone else like this. Shit, it’s the end of the world, the last thing that’s been on your mind was a good fuck.
That’s when you feel the gun against your chest this time. The barrel is ice cold compared to John’s flesh, and you look into John’s eyes as he continues to rub your clit.
“Say it.” John demands, finger on the trigger, with that same deranged twinkle in his brown eyes.
“S-say what?” You blubber out in between needy moans. John frowns.
“You know what I mean. Say it like you mean it.” He orders. He must get off on this. John’s gotta get off on having a helpless woman in his arms, with the threat of her losing her life, while also pleasuring her to the brink of euphoria.
You know what he means. But those three words, they’re important. You can’t just throw those around at every crazed man that insists on it. They’re reserved for people who actually deserve it.
Well, you are pretending after all.
The metal digs harder into your upper breast, and you grunt.
“John, I love you.”
He tossed the gun onto the floor and grabbed you closer, kissing you frantically as he took off the rest of his clothing, switching positions so he’s now on top of you.
You hate yourself for liking the way he smells. For the way you moan whenever he touches you in a pleasurable way. You don’t want a child, let alone want a child with an insane, breeding obsessed man.
John’s breathing is ragged while he lifts your hips up, yanking your thong off and sliding a pillow under the small of your back.
“Gravity, it helps sperm reach the cervix.” John musters out in between sloppy kisses between your neck, jaw, and mouth. “Won’t last long, it’s been years since I’ve done this.” he says, quickly moving his cock towards your mouth as you’re pinned down to his mattress. “Come on.”
You unhappily oblige. Opening your mouth to let his dick travel through your lips and down your throat. Swirling your tongue quickly around the shaft as he groans in pleasure from above, pulling himself out quickly. Strings of your saliva hang from his tip as he spreads around the moisture all around his erection. He lines himself up with your cunt, spreading your legs and even lifting each one onto his shoulders.
Fear sets in as you know he’s going to go deep. John shudders in pure ecstasy as he inserts his tip into you, the natural lube helps but it’s been far too long, your initial reaction is to dig your nails into his muscular back and wince.
It’s weird, John seems to actually care about your pleasure. Which in itself is odd since he’s a complete stranger, with only one goal in mind at the moment. He peers down at you, reading your facial expressions, before his thumb lightly kneads your clit once again.
His other hand goes towards your face, stroking your warm and flushed cheek as he kisses your calf that’s placed on his shoulder. Your cunt is now in a mixture of pain and pleasure, confusing you as grunts and whimpers leave your mouth.
“That better? When I do that?” John questions, his long hair draping over his eyes.
You nod.
John begins to thrust, slow and shallow, actually allowing you to adjust to his size. “Say it again, pretty girl.” he grumbled, pushing deeper into your tight cunt. You yelp from the sheer girth that is his cock, nails still making wounds into his flesh.
“I love you! I love you, John!” you cry out, his fingers moving faster on your clit while his thrusts quicken. You still have to sell it to him, so you reach your small hands up to his face and pull him into your own, slamming your lips onto his. You can help but moan loudly against his lips, since the slight repositioning of his body has given him even deeper access to your pussy.
But even this, you can’t fake. Your moans and pleads for more are all too real. And by the way John is wickedly smiling down at you, he can tell. Your tits bounce in rhythm to his movements, as he goes faster, chasing his own climax.
While he pounds into you, you can feel yourself getting close. Your legs instinctively tighten around John’s shoulders as you wheeze. John puts his large hand over your womb, feeling his bulge move in and out of you as he fucks you. His teeth dig into his bottom lip, drawing blood, going absolutely feral at the thought of his seed working it’s way inside of you.
“You’re gonna be my good little breeding doll, aren’t ya? It’s for the greater good, sweetpea.” John moans out, while sweat drips from his forehead. “For the greater good, greater good,” He’s repeating the phrase to himself as he fucks into you, his balls smacking the cusp of your cunt and ass. You can hardly handle the sheer overstimulation you’re experiencing, barely realizing he’s speaking to you.
“Tell me you love me, sweetheart.” John growls. “Be a good little wife, come on now.”
You feel your orgasm drawing closer the faster he goes. You’ve definitely had good sex but nothing like this. It was wrong. You didn’t want it. You don’t even know this man. Tears brimmed your eyelids as you made unhinged noises underneath him.
“I, I l-love you, J-John,” you manage to sputter out, suddenly, you’re seeing double since your eyes are crossing, your orgasm hitting you like a brick.
Your cunt clenched around John’s cock, sending him over the edge. He holds you closer to his large muscular frame, his arms swimming under your back and squeezing you tight. John grunts and moans as he cums, panting as he fills you with it.
“That’s right, baby doll, take my seed, that’s it.” John moans, keeping himself buried deep into your pussy as it finishes dripping out of him. Setting you back down on the mattress, John notices your body that’s completely limp from your cock drunk state. You can hardly move but that doesn’t stop you from feeling John’s cum shooting inside of you.
He strokes your cheek gently and smiles, sucking the blood from his lip and sighing.
“Such a good girl, aren’t you?” John asks, planting messy kisses on your bare chest and torso, caressing your stomach as he does so. He pulls out, keeping your thighs and hips elevated on the pillow beneath you.
You can hardly think, hell, you can hardly breathe. The weight of the situation sets in your chest but you can’t deal with the emotional repercussions of it at the moment. All you can think of is that gun that’s on the bedside table.
You hate that he made you cum so easily.
You hate the feeling of his cum dripping further into your cunt.
You hate that you didn’t just let him shoot you in the damn head.
You hate that he has a pretty smile and pretty eyes, no matter how demented they look.
You fucking hate that you’re probably going to miss your next period.
You swear you’re gonna be sick.
John is sitting on the edge of the bed, hunched over to grab his underwear and pants. Against your better judgement, your arm thrashes towards the firearm on the table, and you graze the barrel against the back of his skull of long dark hair. To your surprise, he doesn’t budge, and when your small finger pulls the trigger…
Another damn click.
You frown, pressing the magazine release button, only to realize it has been empty the entire time.
Your hands shake with the hunk of metal in them, your jaw clenching.
You swear you’re seeing red, as John lets out a deep throaty laugh from above.
It’s that handsome shit eating grin again.
Pearly whites accompanied by his five o’clock shadow, he’s already tied his long hair back and is even giving you a nod of appreciation.
“Oh, now I know I chose the right woman to carry my child.”
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melanieryssel · 1 year
How Genshin's Characters would react to seeing your build
Character: Scaramouche/Wanderer, Albedo, Bennett, Heizou
A/n: Hello it's been a while, hope everyone is doing well. I'm really happy to see likes and reblogs on my last posts, it means a lot to me ❤️ My life is getting a bit overwhelming so It's harder to write anything recently. But writing about fictional characters like this brings comfort to me. Hope you enjoy this story.
The last thing you have ever wanted to happen if you somehow, one day meet your favorite Genshin's character is for them to find out your build on them. It will be even worse if it's Scaramouche.
If you have a good build on him, a nice ratio, constellations, or his signature weapon, Scaramouche might appear fairly pleased. He will act unimpressed anyway. However, if Scaramouche is the only character or one of the few characters you had seriously invested in, he would definitely show off to other characters how obsessed you are with him.
Don't worry if you are a f2p player (just like me) because Scaramouche won't judge you, except when you have a bad build on him. Even though it's probably not your fault that Rukkhashava Mushroom is the worst to collect or your bad luck on artifacts, he will mock at you. As rude and mean as Scaramouche is, he won't let this slide. But he is also a cutie who has no idea how to comfort or encourage people, he will use his way to help you build him again.
Just in case you have c2 Raiden or a godly build on her, please try your best to hide it from him if you don't want this to become the fourth betrayal.
After seeing all the five stars artifacts and best weapons on his build, the detective is just too stunned to speak. Although he would hardly say anything emotional to you, but deep down, he would feel sensational and grateful for how you did your best for him.
If you have an unfinished build on him because of those damn Onikabuto, he will give you a look of surprise and say something like "Onikabuto is everywhere in Inazuma Y/n". He just doesn't get it but he will help you at the end with his detective skills. He will charge you some mora thou.
If you have a godly build on him, Heizou will secretly admire how talent and hard-working you are. You might try to tell him that the only reason why you can build him so well is that he is already a strong character in the first place, but Heizou won't believe it since he's only a detective in lore. You suggest that the best way to prove it is to do a showcase and he reluctantly agrees with you. So you call Mona, Bennet, and other support characters to come to help you.
Heizou still happily does showcase with you, but little did he know, he'd better crit or he will have to do this a bunch of times.
As gentlemanly as he is, Albedo would never judge you, especially when he understands all the uphill struggles you have to face if you want to build him well.
Albedo would not hesitate to shower you with compliments if you have a good build for him no matter which build it is (support, dps, sup-dps, or even a healer). He would likely praise you for the smallest thing, a max-level talent, a great piece of artifact, a high-level weapon, or a good team composition. In Albedo's eyes, you are nothing different from a real scientist or a researcher because of the way you calculated to balance all his statistics. Just tell him your difficulties, and Albedo will sit down and seriously discuss it with you.
If your build is unfinished or you don't have a good artifact set yet, he will help you in the domain. Albedo would try to calculate the artifact drop rate or even the weapon banners' rate to help your bad luck.
Bennett will be in disbelief when he realizes he is in most of your team compositions, especially damage showcase teams. "Y-you want me in your team?" He says.
He would likely to get extremely emotional if you give him 4 pieces of Nobeless Oblige artifact. He might feel he doesn't deserve all those five stars artifacts and weapons, or worry his bad luck will affect your team, but you are quick to reassure Bennett. You claim that Bennett is the character that actually carried you when you were still a newbie to this game and how Bennett keeps your team surviving in the Abyss.
He would not mind if you merely build him with four stars artifacts or a low-level weapon. If you ask for his help, he will be even more than willing to be your companion. Although it could be a pretty tough journey since you guys both have bad lucks.
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dreambones · 10 months
No Content November
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The goal of NCN is to show what would happen if everyone stopped creating free content.
Your dash would be empty. No art. No fics. No comics.
The idea is that for the whole month of November, creators of all kinds (artists, writers, etc) don’t post any sort of content, this to create a simulation of what happens to posts when you only like them instead of rebloging them, the art/fics/comics/ don’t get circulated, and eventually there’s nothing to see and enjoy.
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Every content creator has experienced the unbalance between Likes and Reblogs.
Likes look nice, but Reblogs give exposure, which results in even more people finding your work.
Reblogs help creators grow, and be encouraged, which means even more content than before!
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What can you do to help as a non creator (and creator)?
During November support your favorite content creators by Rebloging, Commenting or sending an Ask!
Even a short “Nice work! Love it” is great to cheer up and encourage the content creators whom work you enjoy.
(You are also encouraged to do this the whole year!)
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The long term goal is to one day, make Reblogs as abundant as Likes, plus with this small but very meaningful support, we could all end up enjoying even more content than before! 
And if you are not a creator but the content you enjoy has ever made you happy, helped you in some way, even to just brighten your day a little bit, please, consider giving those creators your support! It will be very appreciated.
FAQ bellow the “Read More”
I don’t want to participate because [insert reason here]
That’s alright! Just like any other monthly trend in the internet, you are not forced or expected to participate. It is true that the more of us that do this, the more impactful it can be, but if you don’t want to do it the whole month, or just do a couple days, that’s fine.
You are just a big, popular blog trying to trick and damage smaller blogs
I get this assumption a lot, and I am not a big blog. I have been posting my content online for about 16 years and currently have 794 followers after having to move blogs in 2021 because I found out Tumblr was hiding my content in the search engine for being a side blog (and for reference, I had around 593 last year and 150 followers the previous one). This is not an effort to “jeopardize” smaller creators, nor a sneaky way to harm others, I am doing and have been doing this because year after year, the share vs like ratio has been worsening, and I plan on keep doing this as long as needed, even if I become a big blog, I won’t stop.
I want to help but I don’t want to stop posting, how else can I help?
Reblog! This is the perfect month to spam your followers by rebloging the work of other creators you follow, you can also leave comments and send asks! This is the moment to let know your favorite creators you appreciate their hard work and presence on the internet!
Artist and creators are not entitled to reblogs, you can’t ask that
You are right, we are not entitled, nor in the right to demand reblogs, comments or any sort of support. But in the same note, people that enjoy our content, are not entitle to demand more content, specific content, or faster content when it is being given to them for free. And sadly that happens way too often.
I want to participate but I depend on my Commissions / Patreon to buy food/survive
That’s alright, you can still participate! NCN aims towards Free content that we post, the one that we share with no sort of payment back, you can still do and share paid content you do.
I participated last years and nothing changed
Unfortunately, we can’t change the world in a single month. This is NCN fourth year, and granted, it’s not abysmally different now, but the worse that can happen is that nothing changes, and I rather keep trying than sit down and wonder if maybe it could have worked. On the other hand, I’ve received and found a lot of artists that enjoy this month because it gives them an excuse to rest and not focus on their blogs and just enjoy making, and that is enough reason for me to keep trying. 
As closing notes please remember I am just another human being behind the screen. You are 100% allowed to not like this idea, you can block me and the tag if you don’t want to see any of it. There’s no need for mean messages or attacks.
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pa-pa-plasma · 2 years
bro you are on the FANDOM WEBSITE why are you NOT supporting your fandom creators????? do you WANT us to stop??? do you want there to be no more art & fic?? because that’s what happens when you don’t reblog our stuff. this isn’t a threat, this is a reality. if there is no one here wanting to see our stuff we won’t post it. I’m not trying to guilt trip here, none of us are, we’re literally just saying that if there is no motivation to spend 10+ hours making fanart or 5 years writing a multichapter fic for free then we won’t fucking do it
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^this shit? ridiculous. I LOVE EVERYONE WHO REBLOGGED & INTERACTED WITH MY ART! I LOVE EVERYONE WHO ASKED QUESTIONS & COMMENTED!! but so many of these people just liked it & left. this has been getting worse over the years, too. the reblogs to likes ratio has been getting crazier. I create because I love it, but if I have no reason to post, I won’t. fandoms dry up because of this. creators quit because of this.
we just need to stop acting like this is instagram, or that anyone cares what your blog looks like. people don’t see your likes, they see your reblogs. you want that favourite content creator to post more art? you want that writer to post the next chapter of your fav fic?? reblog it. share it. show them you care, because otherwise they won’t. this is a hobby we do for free. you consume our stuff for free. you aren’t entitled to it, so please just reblog, it isn’t hard.
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coelii · 4 months
Something interesting I just noticed because I’m totally normal and in no way do I spend an unhealthy amount of time comparing myself to others in a completely made up popularity contest that only exists within my head but there appears to be about a 3:1 ratio of likes to reblogs on all of these transition timelines everyone has been sharing.
For example mine just passed 2,000 notes (which is like 10-20 fucking times more than whatever my most popular selfie before now was and that’s just wild to me) and about 500 are reblogs and 1,500 are likes. Ergo people are 3x more likely to give consequence free support than to risk actually putting our faces on their blogs for others to see, which is understandable I suppose.
I get that this ratio is roughly the same for non-timeline selfies (in fact I believe it’s worse with likes to reblogs being more like 5:1) but I guess I kind of assumed more people would reblog considering the current circumstances.
At least for once I don’t feel like this is just a me problem so I don’t have to negatively funnel it into self consciousness about my own appearance.
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boreal-sea · 3 months
There is no justifying the continued slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.
None of this is "self-defense".
The modern state of Israel was formed by forcing Palestinians out of their homes through force and death; the stolen land has been occupied ever since. Are Jews native to the area? Yes. That doesn't make the Nakba ethical. No indigenous population has a right to steal land from another indigenous population, that's not how this works. Immigration to the region? Fine. Using the military force of Europe to evict and kill thousands of Palestinians and steal their homes and land? That's wrong. And that wrong has NEVER been corrected; it has in fact been made worse as the government of Israel continues to steal more land.
It's not self-defense to retroactively re-label civilians as "combatants" after fights break out to claim the ratio of civilian deaths to combatant deaths actually isn't that bad. Combatants by international law have to distinguish themselves from civilians; you can't say "well they attacked us so now they're combatants". It's human nature to fight back when you're being carted around like cattle, when you've got a gun in your face, when you're starving and food is just a few feet away.
It's not self-defense to control all traffic in and out of Gaza, to control people's ability to even leave for medical treatment, to control what they can import and export, to restrict their access to safe water, and more.
It's not self-defense to "warn" you're going to bomb a neighborhood that last week you claimed would be safe, to constantly move the goal posts, to corral people into a smaller and smaller area through terror. It's not self-defense to bomb the city you promised would be spared.
It's not self-defense to claim it's ok to bomb ambulances and hospitals because Hamas "uses human shields" - you're not supposed to kill the human shields! They're still innocent people!
There are Jewish people living on stolen land, land they may not have personally stolen, land they consider home, in a region that historically was home. I don't know how to fix this in a way that doesn't cause a mirror of trauma to Jewish people now living there. Evicting everyone a second time is obviously not the right action.
But shooting at desperate, starving civilians is ALSO not the right action. The government of Israel is wrong.
(Setting this so no one can reblog it because I don't want antisemites on this post, this is not for you)
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frannyzooey · 1 month
hi Kelli !! hope you’re having a lovely day :) i’m not sure if you’ve answered something like this before, and no pressure for one!
do you have any advice for getting a fic out to more people, or increasing engagement? i am super new to actually posting what i’ve written, and while it’s so heartwarming seeing the likes, tumblr is very much about reblogs and comments 😃 are there actually any tricks to this, or is it basically just down to luck and the algorithm?
also a huge thank you for the write nights you’ve done, which seriously motivated me to get my ass into gear 🫶🏻
hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night! <3
First of all, I am so glad that you like the write nights! Part of the thing I feel (imo) that has been missing around here is creative encouragement of others? I know it's hard to find your people, and I know it's hard to share, and I know it's hard to find the time in busy schedules to make space for creating and I wanted to sort of tackle all those issues with that night. I myself have found it super motivating, but also just so heartwarming to think of the other people out there all sitting down to create, knowing they are with "their people" while doing so ❤
In terms of engagement, I wish I had a better answer for you my lovely, but the one I have is slightly defeating 😔 that said, here are some things I've noticed:
The site has definitely changed. The likes to reblogs ratio has been off for over a year and has only gotten worse as the fandom has expanded, due to the migration of users from other platforms where engagement IS liking. Tumblr was never meant to be used this way, as the dash is created by reblogs, but it doesn't seem that people participating in the fandom are interested in learning the correct way (in my observation). I don't think this will get better any time soon - in fact, I only think it's going to get worse.
That said, I would: reblog your own work several times a day just to get it into the algorithm/tags, respond to all reblogs with your own reblog to boost it back into circulation (and engage with people who like it!), make friends who will in turn reblog your work (though it should never be an assumption/one should not feel entitled to it because of the friendship because that just makes for hurt feelings, not everything is for everyone), don't be afraid to rec your own stuff when people ask for recommendations and above all else, just keep writing and posting. It took me ages to get interaction on my work, and even now it's hit or miss depending on the subject/character/trope.
I know it can feel defeating when you see some things that have a billion notes, but remember that there are so many factors that can come into it: fandom (marvel and tlou have enormous fanbases and I have noticed their metrics are often super skewed), creators that have been posting for years and have built up a base during that time, or even something as simple as it "hitting the dash at the right time" aka people just seem to like it for whatever reason on that given day aka luck, lol.
Something I like to do when I feel bummed about engagement is work on my own skills - not because you need to be super talented in order to get notes, but it helps me feel better about the piece itself, which helps me think less about the actual engagement because I found so much satisfaction within the creative process alone, if that makes sense? Another reason behind the write nights ❤
I wish I had something more concrete for you, but it really does boil down to: persistence, working on your skills, engaging meaningfully with others in the fandom and luck. ❤
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rosesradio · 2 months
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i’ve been feeling this way for a while, but i’m serious when i say that the reblog to like ratio on artists’ creations (not “content”!! creations!) actually makes me sick to my stomach
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most of these posts i’ve found have a reblog count that’s not even one fifth the amount of likes
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and it just gets worse every day. it doesn’t matter how “popular” it’s perceived to be—an artist is considered “lucky” to have notes like this
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of course, most people who don’t care have already looked away—and I know nothing is going to change on a large scale, but i still feel the need to talk about it.
why is this the way that it is? are people worried about their blog aesthetic? that can’t be it, the likes can’t contain That Many aesthetic blogs…could it be that they’re worried about getting In Trouble for reblogging the Wrong ship art? Perhaps, but that’s also stupid—this isn’t just an issue with “problematic” ships or rare pairs, but also the most popular of ships. it’s a tumblr-wide issue
of course, there’s also other forms of art, like edits/graphic design
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and, of course, my writing, which is so embarrassing i hesitate to even show it
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i’m honestly lucky to find one with a reblog—some have up to 20 likes and no reblogs
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this was one of my lucky ones. it’s lucky that even one sixth of the people who liked this wanted to reblog—heck, one or more of those might have been me self-reblogging (not that there’s anything wrong with that ofc)
now, before people accuse me in particular of wanting popularity—i do, but that’s besides the point. i am sick of this on the behalf of artists, who are so immensely talented, it’s heartbreaking to see that so little people want to share their work.
i don’t care if my works get 5 notes, but the fact that no one reblogs it tells me that my works aren’t good enough. that’s not me being melodramatic—what else do you expect creators to think when they have a piece with 20 likes and 1 reblog? of course you’re going to wonder, despite this being an issue with Everyone, what is wrong with your creation in particular.
and, of course, i could go on about the added “hits versus kudos versus comments” issue on ao3, but everything i want to say has been said before
the lack of engagement in fandom coupled up with the increasing entitlement (coupled up with the “walking on eggshells” of the rise in purity culture, but that’s another post)—it’s made fandom a not-so-fun space to create in. of course, i still love it—i still intend to create and share my works with anyone who will enjoy it while i watch discouraged artists deactivate and the people who enjoyed their content ask why they left.
i just hope when people see these posts about reblogging and The State of Fandom, they don’t feel like things are just going to get worse until a crash—anyone can make things better. every reblog and nice tag makes a world of difference.
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writing-for-life · 5 months
Thank you for an amazing 2023!
About metas, fics and sparkly things…
This won’t be short, but you wouldn’t expect that from me, would you? 🤣
I’ve been on Tumblr for just a bit over a year because I needed to get off my family’s back after my three decades long Sandman brain-rot got worse again due to the Netflix series. I hovered around a handful of followers for months until things exploded (I still don’t know why tbh, I think it was one particular meta that kicked things off a bit), and I somehow ended up with hundreds of followers, which might not be much to some, but it’s a lot for me.
So to all of you I’d like to say: Thank you for being here. I don’t always manage to stay on top of things because my notifs are a mess and I lose track, plus I have a rather busy life and can often only write in batches and then queue, but each of you is appreciated, even if I accidentally forget to get back to you or if we aren’t mutuals.
I’ve made such lovely connections over the last year—my interest in The Sandman definitely does not align with the main focus that shan’t be named, and I’m glad that you folks are out there. You probably know who you are.
Now to the obligatory “your posts wrapped” thing—and I’m only doing it because I need to make a point (of course I do 🤣).
News and art
My by far most successful posts have been casting/shooting news and pretty pictures (two examples are linked). And I’m grateful for all the reblogs and likes of those, but apart from curating them, they’re not really me. They’re someone else’s work.
Meta analysis
Then you have my metas, which make up the bulk of the other posts that are doing quite well (you can find all of them in my pinned post).
Even if it wasn’t my most “successful” one (what does that even mean?), this one meant the most to me:
I love writing metas, whether they cover literary concepts, psychology, music or art because I’m a permanently brain-frazzled multi-hyphenate who has to talk about everything that won’t leave her alone.
I also love when you’re sending me asks btw. For the latter, I hope they pick up again in 2024 because they really nosedived since I switched off anonymous asks (which I won’t change, soz) after some people just thought it’s good sport to be an arse about my not being here to pray at the altar of the ship. I guess we have briefly covered the ugly side of Tumblr, too, then.
But what I'm most proud of when I think of all the things I've done in 2023 is my fiction and poetry. And that's both a happy and slightly sad thing to address.
My 31 Haikus for Sandtober started as a bit of fun, but they’ve developed a life of their own, and people seemingly liked them. The post also contains a bit of my fan-art:
I still intend to turn them into a hardcover at some point, but I won’t be able to create all the artwork myself, so if you’re a fan-artist and want to know what I’m thinking of, please get in touch (I’ll still talk about this in more detail at some point though).
The other thing I’m incredibly proud of is “The Light of Stars”.
I started it as a NaNoWriMo project in 2022 (I always use NaNo to do something that is less stressful than my professional writing projects), wrote it in a bit more than a month—and then did nothing with near 80,000 words until June 2023.
And then I thought “Fuck it,” and published it on Ao3. It’s a canon x OC fic, and this is where it gets a bit sad. Because for most of us writers, these are never the posts that get most engagement (the ratio is really something like 100 : 1 — 500 for a shitpost, 5 for an average writing post).
On Ao3, it gradually picked up because I published chapter after chapter, and I think I can say that it’s done fairly well over there in terms of engagement for an OC fic, and above all how people engage with it. Because it’s a bit deeper despite being romance, it deals with heavy topics like grief, and I’m so glad to have touched a few people’s hearts with it, and that it was meaningful to them. So much so that you all convinced me to write a sequel.
But here’s the thing: The general engagement with writing, especially non-explicit, non-ship, non-readerY/N on Tumblr is very, very low.
Writers who write canon x OC are still struggling to be heard through the noise (it’s not just me, I’ve had many conversations about this, so I’ll just say: I’ll speak for many of us). There are basically hardly any events for us to participate in (most of us only ever do so if we shift to canon one-shots, poetry or metas. If we don’t: Again, no one cares), and fandom often actively chooses to ignore us because “all OCs are self-inserts, ew.” Which is patently not true, and I could go on a long rant now why many canon x canon fics are very obvious self-inserts, which I won’t.
But even if all OCs were self-inserts, even if all characters were—so what? All writing is to a degree based on self-insertion because it comes from our brains—it’s not a bad thing. But apparently, it becomes a bad thing if the character is an OC, heaven knows why.
So if I had one wish (I’m allowed one, right?) for 2024, it would be that people engage more with OC fics and include them more in community events. That fandom, which prides itself in community, includes writers who don’t write for (the main) ship/s a bit more, especially if they don’t write smut (which I personally even do professionally, but I don’t want to have to do it in fanfic just to get engagement). I’m not holding my breath because I know that’s not where fandom’s oft single-minded focus lies, but a girl can dream, right?
And with that, I want to get to my proudest accomplishments of them all:
Being the curator queen of the sparkle realms:
Being one (arguably the main) instigator of the maddest crack ship that has ever graced (?) the face of the earth, spawned the most unhinged discussion (much truth in it though 🤣) and even NSFW fanart. I promise I’ll write that fic about Murphy and his Cool Hat:
Have a lovely 2024!
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animentality · 1 year
Can we all agree that Twitter was the worst social media even before Muskrat bought it?
It's always been demonic. Tumblr and Reddit and Facebook and Instagram might be fucking cringy and harmful in their own special ways, but Twitter is literally where people go to harass celebrities and organize riots.
Twitter's like system is bullshit, its algorithm is random. Even people who are saying something so fucking far removed from the general populace's opinion and morality can blow up and become Twitter famous.
It's so fucking stupid that your entire feed is just fed to you by an algorithm. You could be the most liberal person in the world and still get fucking conservative politicians all over your feed.
At least Reddit is subdivided into subreddits so if you really want to avoid stupid shit, you just don't use r/all. At least Reddit lets you DOWNVOTE people and let them know their opinion is considered shit.
At least on Tumblr you just follow who you want to follow and never have to be subjected to anything you would really hate (for the most part). The chronological algorithm is one of the most freeing things about this place.
Plus you can get your ass obliterated by Tumblr, even though we don't have downvotes.
The reblogging system lets you obliterate the OP's bad opinion in a way that quote retweets never could.
And sure, Tumblr chased off John Green and xkitguy. Tumblr has definitely been the Bad Place before, harassing small artists and creatives and starting truly awful discourses.
But it's NOTHING compared to Twitter harassment like where do you even fucking start?
There are so many celebrities who have gotten harassed on Twitter, to the point where they just had to delete their Twitter or stopped responding to any comments.
There are literally too many to name, I'm not even going to bother. I might argue that every single celebrity has been harassed at least a few times for something dumb!!
Celebrities don't have to name themselves here!
Celebrities are less likely to be harassed on Reddit too.
Twitter is where all the fucking branding and marketing people go because it's like a fucking lottery system, where you never know what'll go viral, but when it does, it goes big.
But the negative side of that is the fact that the WORST FUCKING PEOPLE go viral and extremists become the norm.
And you have yourself a gas echo chamber, where everyone is being poisoned by each other's bad faith discourse.
It is the fucking worst.
Not to mention that their bot problem is worse than any fucking where else.
Russian bots were here too, but more people use Twitter, so the bots there are much more influential.
Also think of this bullshit right?
Twitter is swarming with narcissists. Celebrities, pseudo celebrities, streamers, stock traders, nft bros.
All kinds of people who have to hock their products.
I myself joined Twitter so I could promote my books and try to reach out to literary agents. But there are so many people doing the same shit that you get lost in the white noise of desperate, begging people, who are all trying to make themselves something.
It's fucking sad and depressing.
People on Reddit don't care about being followed. Tumblr hides your follower count from your followers.
I don't know about Facebook because I haven't had one since 2013, but I assume you still have to friend people.
But Twitter is just this out of control mess of narcissists and echo chambers and no matter how rancid your opinion, people will still like it if it goes viral, and no amount of counter points or ratios matter, because in the end, you went viral.
and it's honestly only fucking fitting that Elon Musk bought that vipers' nest.
He's so fuckng egotistical and narcisstic that they go together like peanut butter and jelly.
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blorbocedes · 11 months
F1 has to be worst fandom I have ever created content for. I dont know if this is because majority are from Twitter and TikTok where likes are the only thing they know, but whenever I see a fic/gifset/art/edit/whatever, F1blr without a fail has the most attrocious reblog to like ratio known to humankind. 1:3 is even a lot to expect. Any other fandom I do stuff for, the smallest ratio I got was 4:1 or 5:1. Says it all really about how ungrateful F1blr is and why its losing creators left and right.
That being said, you are one of the few blogs that I always see reblogging stuff so thank you for that
when I wasn't into f1 and I saw the f1 rpf tag on ao3 had like 23,000+ works was Insane. esp cause my prev fandom was just me and two friends in dms, so it had been super intimidating. then I actually joined and found oh, it's much smaller. still a very sizeable fandom, don't get me wrong, but a lot of the creators are on tumblr and here the max cap is 1000 notes (and that's if something Pops off. if something has 1k notes you can reasonably assume fandom has seen it and discoursed it already) so the overall community is very insular and splintered.
I think artists and gif makers/editors suffer the worse end of the stick cause their stuff is so often taken for granted, stolen and reposted without credit. when these archiving work -- videos, gifs, pictures, are what keeps fandom alive. reblogging and appreciating your creators is essential!!!
I have lucked out because I made friends with the creators I look up to, so I get to be both a fan and a friend. but without that social buffer, being Only a creator on f1blr is a lonely experience. I'm sorry your experience has been so rough, and it reflects other creators' 😢 if it has been weighing negatively on you, I do suggest taking a break from creating or from fandom altogether. fandom is supposed to be fun, and when it stops being fun, some time apart is good, as feeling bad over the engagement won't change the culture of how things are and just makes you feel worse.
I try to get my friends the hype they deserve when they make something cause I think making things is very cool. feed your creators!!! even those who you take for granted, such as downloading the most crisp HD quality from Getty with the photographers credited. they're holding fandom together!!!
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kuside · 4 months
Okay the like-reblog ratio has always been bad but wow recently i feel like it’s been getting worse
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luveline · 1 year
no offence, and idk really how to tell you this but uh…nothing you’ve ever written or will ever write has been remotely close to a flop. you’re incredibly talented and it’s very easy to see you have a real passion and real talent because all your writing just exudes a love and endearment that is very hard to fake. i love getting to read your work and i’m very grateful to be alive at the same time as you, reading all of your ideas and creations and FOR FREE?! so really, i know it can be really tough especially when audience response doesn’t always match the effort that has gone into your work but believe me - everything you write is good, because you are good, and you’re doing it for good <3 i LOVE you
omg from the no offence I thought you were gonna drag me 😭 this is seriously too nice, you really didn’t have to say any of this. I really do love it so much so so much, and I know I’m like comparing audience response to past responses which is silly because of course there would be more reception at certain times! like eg it’s been half a year since stranger things 4 so of course it’s logical that less people are reading it/are interested in reading for it! but I think your brain convinces itself that you’re getting worse (which maybe I am — I don’t want to have a massive ego and blame numbers or algorithm when like not everything i write is good, that would be impossible).
it does suck to see the like to reblog ratio be so huge, or to spend a lot of time on something and love it a lot and get not much response BUT I think I am incredibly privileged to have the audience that I do, and I am endlessly grateful for the people who reblog me and send me such lovely messages such as yourself, and so I want to walk the line and be respectful — it would never be fair of me to say I don’t feel appreciated for what I write because I absolutely do, I am so lucky. That being said, it’s a big problem, I’ve spoken to writer friends about this who feel completely sapped by a lack of response, and the empty ‘tag me in part 2’ comments start to feel like a slap in the face when that person didn’t even like the fic haha
thank you baby! I don’t mean to sound ungrateful I’m just feeling a little defeated tonight and worried I’m losing my ‘edge’ or what have you
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sc0tters · 2 months
whats going on bub 🙁
i'm clipping this because I know how pathetic I sound.
But right now I am just not always feeling loved on here? and recently I think I have been feeling more of the not loved than loved days.
Which I know is so stupid because I really shouldn't care about how any of you feel because as much as I love my lovelies I could walk past over 90% of you in the street and would be none the wiser.
It's just that I have only been on here since the end of July last year so even if I might have a lot of fics for people to pick and read from I in actuality often times feel like a baby who is still learning to crawl, as I try to find my space on here.
And I know this is one of my biggest flaws but as a person you could show me all of these things to express that you love me but unless it comes in the form of words I don't truly process it. So when I get a fic that has maybe one sometimes two people who give me any kind of feedback (comments, reblogs, notes into my inbox about the fic) for every 100 likes (that is a random ratio but I know if I looked it would be high) that something gets, it feels like a kick in the teeth.
Maybe it is meant to offer me a chance to reflect on what I write as I look at the works that I put out. Because maybe I need an actual players list for who I write for and not leave it up to anyone, or maybe this is a case of the quality of the writing or it's ideas are just really poor. I don't know and I will look to improve it wherever I can.
I just feel so stupid for actually caring about it right now? But if you got this far in reading this, thanks for listening I guess.
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