#c!tubbo critical even tho i defend my boy
astroninaaa · 3 years
Hot takes
Ranboos character is incredibly boring, he does nothing for the plot. On top of that he is such a Mary sue since everybody loves him and overall he lacks any enemies. Not to mention the pacing of his current arc is frustratingly long.
Tubbo had a promising character arc during the whole L'manburg president wall arc where he exiled Tommy. I was excited to see him develop only to have him do a full boring circle and go back to square one of being a dynamic yet flat character who's potential is on the bench catching dust alongside Niki's, Fundys, and Erets.
Wilbur shouldn't have been revived at all and Ghostbur being sent on a train in Limbo without having a decent character arc is so disappointing like Jesus they slaughtered my boy-
I'd fucking ascend if Tommy finally had a good character arc were he developed as a character and didn't just reverse it minutes later, especially since the whole story somewhat revolves around Tommy like please at least let him mature a bit.
Kinoko kingdoms residents should have just teamed up with Eret and made a whole cool arc where they access the damage dream did to them and work on making a big ass kingdom like I would love to see it since that group has barely developed throughout all arcs.
Ranboo and Karls lore is basically the equivalent of filler side quest that does nothing to the overall game but is interesting enough to grab your attention initially.
Thanks for listening I'll be here all night!
gonna answer them one by one wait
meanwhile, send me a hot take!!!
1. agreed, honestly. i think he adds a bit to the story by making other characters get some development (c!tommy and c!sam specially), but narratively he is quite useless. i think his character has a lot of wasted potential (at least for now). i agree 100% that he's a mary sue he is THE mary sue of the server. i do agree with the pacing of his arc as well- it's just very very much only internal conflict and nothing else but there's only so much you can do for development with monologues and introspective moments. it's not necessarily bad and i get that there's people who like it, i'm just not one of them bc it's not the type of narrative i like to watch/read.
2. yeah, that's true. as much as i adore c!tubbo and he's my favorite character with absolutely no doubts about it, he is in need of some development. i do think he gets it from time to time tho- the whole nukes thing, building the interrogation room, getting walls around snowchester -, all of them are signs of who he is and of how everything that has happened to him affects him. that's important. it'd be nice to see it more worked on, but i believe that's something that will come with time (or not. cc!tubbo is not the biggest rp fan tho so i don't even mind)
3. ngl i LOVE c!wilbur being revived that was something i was so excited about bc i feel like he's someone that's gonna make the story move and i want that. i want that so bad. please c!wilbur make things happen. i was extremely upset with ghostbur's demise, tho. ghostbur deserved so much better and the prospect of him just being stuck in the train station forever is really, really disappointing, specially since cc!wilbur has said he has no plans for ghostbur anymore.
4. mmmmmmm hard disagree. i think c!tommy's getting good characters arcs ever since the smp started. cc!tommy is definitely one of the better writers in the smp and i love him for it. the thing is that c!tommy's arcs are a lot of "one step forward, three steps back", which can be really, really frustrating, but still works and sets a coherent pace to his characterisation. i like it, but i get where you're coming from and respect it
5. AGREED ABSOLUTELY AGREED like what was the point......... of starting a whole new kingdom......... if they had, as you said, just joined c!eret, that would've been amazing in so many ways. it'd add so much to plot, like fr. i love that idea and i support it so bad. specially bc kinoko kingdom just feels... empty? i guess? idk i feel like it has no history or depth to it but maybe that's just me. wouldve liked it a lot more if they had merged with someone else- even fucking c!niki, since they just built on top of her city without any regard for her lmaoooo
6. oh, c!karl's story is definitely a sidequest to the main story, but i don't think that's a bad thing. it's mostly irrelevant to the smp and, honestly, id prefer it if they kept it that way with exceptions to like.... add spice? like with the masquerade episode and the egg that was just SO GOOD bc it didnt really matter overall to the story but it gave the egg arc more depth and i think that's super, super cool and i hope they do it more. i like the idea of a little spin-off happening alongside the main story, it's just cool and can add a lot to the smp if done right. for now, i like it, bc i believe it's doing just that, and the whole thing with c!karl and the other side and the inbetween bits is quite interesting and makes the "random character travels through time" sidequest just,,,,, more than it would be without it. about c!ranboo......... mainly yes but also no? like, i think if it's worked on then his lore will stop being just a sidequest. i wish they explored his relations with c!dream more, bc, to me, that was the most interesting and curiosity-inducing part of his lore. everything else feels too disconnected from the important things happening rn. idk tho that might be just me LMAOOOOO
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