#calc 2 kicking my ass
mitathemita · 25 days
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thank you sundrop fnaf,,,,,,
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meaningofaeons · 5 months
im cooking (remarried empress style fic with alhaitham x reader/wriothesley x reader)
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gravyburner · 8 months
Some jerkwad government lady called at 5 am this morning, robbing me of 1:30 hours of sleep because I already had to get up at 6:30 >:(
I hope my FBI agent reads this post and gets her fired >:(
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imnotverybright · 2 years
girl help, my 10 minute study break has rapidly turned into an hour on tumblr
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keeksandgigz · 4 months
how you get the girl- day 3 of keeks's lover house series
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Day 3 of my Lover House series♡
♡Best Friend! Steve Harrington x Fem! Reader♡
modern setting, playful banter, this is tooth rotting and disgusting, a smidge of angst, all my readers are gonna be queer sorry pookies <3- i'm actually not totally sure about this one, but I hope you enjoy regardless <3
Read Day 1 here! Day 2 here!
"broke your heart and put it back together/ i would wait for ever and ever"
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"Listen, it's not my fault you're going through a dry spell right now" you bolt through the door of your apartment, the boy following you with an armful of grocery bags.
"It's not a dry spell. It's not a sex thing. I just can't get anyone to like me anymore, let alone guys" you huff, setting down the groceries. It's been a continuous thing, you coming to him to complain about how slim the dating scene has been looking for you.
"Well, if you weren't an asshole maybe girls would like you more" he grins at you, at that, you proceed to punch him in the arm.
"I promise you, I'm not being an asshole. I did everything you told me" you whine, plopping yourself on the couch with a bag of spicy chips.
You'd been begging Steve to give you pointers on how to strike some luck in the dating scene. Except the pointers were all wrong.
When you asked Steve to help you to at least be able to get a date, he rose to the occasion. Or at least you thought he did.
With the amount of experience that he has, you didn't think twice about asking him. However, Steve had other plans.
He didn't seem to like the idea of you going out with other guys. Or girls. Or literally anyone who wasn't him. One small detail got in the way of him asking you out. You've been his best friend since you started college.
You were in the same orientation group freshman year and he saw you sitting all by yourself at one of the food hall tables. He was the only out of state student in your group- a match made in heaven.
Too much of a pussy to ask you out, there you are. Your senior year in college sharing an apartment off campus that his dad is very kindly paying for.
And while Steve blossomed and bloomed in the popular crowd, branching out and joining fraternities- you seemed to be okay with just being Steve's best friend.
It did give you automatic invites to countless frat parties you never went to, just because they weren't your scene, unless it was a gala, then he'd always ask you to be his plus one.
A concept you never understood, with all the girls you'd find sitting on your couch in the morning as they quietly nursed a cup of coffee- looking like Steve had cured them of every ailment- he still asked you to go with him to those things.
Tired (and maybe a little jealous) of the banging of his headboard against your shared wall, you'd started heading to the library to study. The cute guy always studying calc began to catch your eye. And with every time you'd headed to the library, he got closer and closer. Until he asked you if you wanted to grab a coffee in the morning.
In a panicked frenzy you kicked the pretty blonde in Steve's bed out and told him to get decent. It was an emergency. In no time you were plopped on the couch, phone in hand taking notes of whatever Steve was saying.
"You can't be nice to him on the first date. You have to, y'know, bully him a little bit. Show him a little banter" he runs a hand through his hair, and for a second you falter. Did you actually wanna go on that date with cute calc guy?
"I know guys like him. If you're nice to him they're gonna start thinking you're gonna give it to him, like, immediately" he scoffs. Steve knew he was pulling out these tips out of his ass, but cute calc guy needed to go.
So you follow Steve's pointers to a T. Cute calc guy never asked you for a second date.
So there you are.
"I promise you, I'm not being an asshole. I did everything you told me" you whine, plopping yourself on the couch with a bag of spicy chips.
"I mean, I was being an asshole, but it was, y'know, banter" you stuff your mouth with chips, and Steve feels like the asshole now. He shouldn't have played with you like that. Especially knowing how much it weighed on you.
So he sits down next to you, he places hand on your knee. He feels like shit.
"I shouldn't have given you those pointers" he mumbles, unable to hold eye contact. He did that when he majorly fucked up.
"And why's that?" you ask him, a concerned look in your eyes, unable to read his face.
"Because I pulled them out of my ass" he sighs, hand brushing the bridge of his nose "I didn't want you to hang out with that guy"
Your heart falls.
"Why the fuck would you not want me going out with him? Are you my fucking dad?" oh you were furious.
He couldn't hold it in anymore.
"Because I'm an asshole who can't admit I've liked you since our freshman year" he blurts out.
All he hears is silence, before you stand up and go to your room, slamming the door.
You spend the next days not being able to fathom why Steve wouldn't tell you. On the other side, however, you seemed to be relieved that Steve at least reciprocated your feelings.
You just couldn't look at him yet. And judging from how much of a pussy Steve had been hiding his feelings for you for four years, there's a long waiting game ahead of you.
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It takes Steve a week to come grovel at your door begging for forgiveness. A fancy bouquet of flowers in one hand, a box of your favorite chocolates in the other. He's drenched from head to toe.
You eye him up and down, still a bit skeptical.
"I- uhhh walked in the rain to get you these. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry" he hands you the flowers and the chocolates. You take them with a bit of hesitation.
"I forgive you if you take me on a date" you lean on the doorframe of your room. Steve's eyes bug out of his head. Have you had a thing for him this whole time?
"I've liked you since about the same time you started liking me, Steve. Cute calc guy was just to make you, I dunno, jealous. Or maybe so that I could feel better about myself" you shrug, but Steve doesn't respond. Instead he cups your cheek and kisses you.
A delicate kiss, with a sigh of relief on the side. He couldn't believe that after all this time you idiots liked each other the whole time.
He detaches from you, noses still touching "You're gonna need some help eating those chocolates" he whispers. You laugh against his lips.
Later, when you're on your third or fourth Harry Potter movie, he turns and sees you've fallen asleep. Steve just smiles to himself.
At least he got the girl in the end.
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Thanks so much for reading! Feedback is so incredibly appreciated!
day 4 is folklore! fill out the form here!
tagging some gals (gender neutral) <;3: @strangerstilinski, @taintedcigs, @melodymunson, @reidsbtch, @eddies-house, @eddiesxangel, @lavendermunson, @xxhellfirebunnyxx, @eiightysixbaby
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I plan to go back to school next fall, so I have a little ovet fourteen months to master all seven subjects. I won't need two full months for algebra 1; cracking open the first chapter, it's all stuff like "here's what a plus sign means" and "variables look like letters, but they really stand for numbers!"
It won't hurt to brush up on factorization, but I think I can bang this one out in a week or two. All the better, because calculus kicked my ass in high school and it's not gonna be any easier now that I'm my own teacher. I passed it once (by the skin of my teeth), but have forgotten almost everything about it in the last decade, so I'll need the extra time to really get it down pat. I have to be able to derive and integrate in my sleep if I'm to stand half a chance at earning an astrophysics major. Astronomy would be slightly easier, but not by much, so I may as well go for gusto. The very first class astrophysics requires is calc 2, so I can't enroll until I'm 100% sure I know calc 1 forwards and backwards. Physics too, but physics and calc feel like two sides of the same coin, so I'll try to work on them at the same time (again, I managed to pull it off once, I'm sure I can do it again).
Chances are these Dummies books will be insufficient for me to grok all this math in one year, so I'll end up buying more textbooks, workbooks, study guides, SAT and AP prep, etc. I had plenty of cram sessions in my first go around at college, but nothing quite like this. This will be a herculean undertaking compared to the easy-A humanities program I coasted through originally. I had no motivation back then, no drive, no goal for "the real world" upon graduating. I went to college because it was expected of me, and I was told I needed it to get a good job. What I wasn't told is that not all majors are created equal; there's not a lot you can do with an English degree besides, well, teaching English. I just hope 14 months is enough time, because I would really prefer not to take another year off; 2024 is the ten year anniversary of when I started college the first time, so it would mean so much more to me if I started again that August rather than put it off until 2025.
I guess it doesn't matter in the end. If I'm not ready, I'm not ready. I can't force myself to start an extremely advanced program before I've mastered the pre-reqs. If I need to start later, so be it. As long as I'm consistently working towards my goal, it shouldn't matter how long it takes.
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nullwom · 6 months
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They ✨💅
Kinda been inactive sorry- college and calc 2 has been kinda kicking my ass (but I couldn’t stop thinking about these stoopid monkeys the entire time) and I just haven’t had much time to draw lately. Hope y’all are doing well :’)
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teamshinyhunters · 1 year
Moments I Will Never Forget From My First Time Playing Pokemon Scarlet
- Randomly seeing a pink fluffy Mareep in a pile of other Mareep. The excitement and then horror at realizing that shinies don't make sounds when they appear in the overworld. Wondering, hoping, and paying that was a glitch and they would eventually fix it
- Not realizing until days later that I had seen a shiny shroodle and also a shiny tadbulb, but I didn't realize they were shiny until I left the area and finally noticed all the others looked different from the ones I had seen; which is when I realized they were probably shinies so I looked up a shiny Pokedex. From that day on I committed many shinies to memory to correct my mistakes and also learned about spawn rates & how it works
- The first time I ran into a Paldean Taurus. Fucking RUN.
- The first outbreak I did being Cyclizar and hating every moment because of how fast they were, and having Tinkatuff's slow ass chase after them made me rage. I didn't find a shiny which is when I looked into shiny rates; but my team did gain 10 extra levels from ko'ing the whole outbreak which also pissed me off bc I was purposefully trying to stay under leveled. Also when I first realized outbreaks in this game were massively different from Legends Arceus.
- Speaking of Tinkatuff, the first time I saw Tink I knew I loved her and would always have her by my side. My OG team was Sprigatito named Bean Burrito, Quaxly named Sir Quaxalot, Fidough, Charcadet, Tink, and Pawmo. They are my most cherished friends and now all of them have the best friend ribbons 🥺
- The first time I ran into a Flamigo. Fucking RUN.
- Not following "Gym Order" and walking into the Quaking Earth Titan Great Tusk with an under leveled team and almost getting my ass handed to me- almost! But Quaxly came through in the end. One of the most iconic moments of my playthrough tbh
- Continuing out of "Gym Order" I fought Atticus without any good poison counters. I had a flittle but it hadn't evolved yet so it was very frail and kept dying. Atticus kicked my ass so hard I still remember that battle anytime I hear the Team Star Boss Battle music. Around 2 minutes of that theme is when I was fighting his Revaroom on the brink of total annihilation, running through revives for my whole team which kept getting decimated. I believe Tink dealt the final blow. Top 10 moments of the game I will never forget.
- Clavell disguised as Clyde. Oh my god I love this man so much. I'd always call him on his bullshit just to see his reactions xD
- Calling very early on that either Penny was Cassiopeia or that Cassiopeia was the Team Star Boss. Feeling my suspicions growing stronger each time Penny appeared out of nowhere each time.
- Making Herba Mystica sandwiches for my asshole Koraidon. I could never refuse him 🥺 also probably the first time you meet Koraidon on the beach and all you can give him is a sandwich lmao
- Another "Out of Order" moment, I wandered up to Alfornada right after the first gym. Needless to say I was in over my head w my lv20's team vs lv45 wild pokes chasing me. But I didn't want to have to trek there again so I kept running, kept running, kept running, got lost because I couldnt jump very high nor could I fly or swim or any of that yet so I ended up jumping to that little sand route. Eventually I got to the cave leading up to Alfornada and kept running until I was finally out. But holy fuck, panic attack the whole mf time.
- What the FUCK is Bombirdier??? Is that.. Is that A STORK???? OH MY GOD. And why do they suddenly appear everywhere after you beat the Titan??? I remember thinking this thing looks cool.
- Doing classes! And actually learning cool things I never learned about Pokemon before like the battle calcs and stuff in Math! And then the teacher sidequests!! I felt very giddy the whole time and it was one of my favorite things to do!!
- Eventually realizing that Pawmo had another evolution and wondering how tf to get it to evolve. "go jogging w ur Pokemon pals" 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
- Dendra being Tulip's (wife) Gym Challenge. Dendra's storyline about being bad at cooking. Just. Dendra 😍
- BECOMING OBSESSED WITH BRASSIUS AND HASSEL and also the Easter eggs & homages to ORAS with the secret base decorations in Artazon.
- RHYME AND TYME ARE SISTERS???????????????????
- Near the end of the game I started procrastinating hard core because I was having too much fun and didnt want it to end. I had like 4 gyms left (Alfornada, Montenevera, Glaseado, and Medali), 2 Star Bases (Fairy & Fighting), and 1 Titan (dragon). It took me about a week to start playing again.
- Making my way to the Fighting Star Boss without doing the final Titan (which unlocks wall scaling) and I didnt know there was an actual path that led to that area either so I had to get creative. I scaled the entire mountain on my own and just kinda... Fell down the slope until I was in the right area. Fkn iconic, until later post game I came back and realized there was a whole path I could have taken instead 😭
- Finishing the Path of Legends and then figuring out we needed both Penny & Nemona to go down to Area Zero
- *clears throat* Rika. That is all.
- *clears throat again* Geeta. That is all.
- Penny being the Team Star Boss!!!! TEAM STAR'S ORIGINS!!! PENNY BEING THE PERFECT REPRESENTATION OF SOCIAL ANXIETY I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!!! Penny becoming my favorite character 😭
- AREA. FUCKING. ZERO. The first time I got down there. And the music played???? I LEGIT CRIED. I had to stop playing because I was so overwhelmed with how beautiful it was. I couldn't pick the game up for another week because that Area Zero Theme had shocked me so much I was so obsessed with it. Definitely one moment I will never forget for my entire life.
- THE ENTIRE SAGA OF AREA ZERO. THE DIALOGUE BETWEEN ARVEN AND THE OTHERS IS ICONIC. As a victim of child abuse myself I felt his entire personality throughout the whole game was very accurate and relatable. But when he called out Penny for badmouthing her dad & Nemona for being raised like a spoiled princess, I was like yeah I recognize that bitterness, anger, sadness, and regret; and was very happy and surprised to see that kind of dialogue in a Pokemon game. I don't even think Lillie and Gladion had those kinds of moments in SM after dealing with Lusamine's bullshit their whole lives. Arven really solidified the storyline for me personally. Everything about him was so well written.
- THE BOSS FIGHT AGAINST AI SADA??????? I have this image in my head every single time I hear the VS Sada/Turo Theme-- the paradox pokeballs falling from the machine into AI Sada's hands, then she sends out Sandy Shocks, Slither Wing, and Roaring Moon-- I hadn't seen any of those yet. I had chills, legit goosebumps at this part and it's all I can think about anytime I hear the VS Sada/Turo Theme.
- also the first time AI Sada's text gets warbled!!!! Holy fuck that is such a stand out moment in my mind. Then it gets progressively worse and I love how AI Sada's text is full of inverted letters and symbols and omg it's such a great touch. One of the most iconic scenes for me.
- Finishing the post game, the teacher tournament, and seeing Penny's, Nemona's, and Arven's dorm rooms. Such a wonderful little touch.
- Being done with the story but still exploring the map & finding watch towers I have never been to yet 🥴 so far I've found 5 towers, just random ones that I missed. Love that tbh.
- And now I'm just doing raids & casual shiny hunts from time to time! Waiting for the DLC and contemplating starting a new game!!
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warcrimesimulator · 4 months
Thinking about high school math. I always hated math, for as long as I could remember. It was always a struggle. It wasn't until my sophomore year of high school when that suddenly changed. I was deeply dreading algebra 2, because algebra 1 kicked my ass and unironically made me suicidal, and it was.... fine? I had no problems. For the first time ever I finished up the school year with an A+ in math. Pre-calc the next year? Same thing. Both of my teachers were really great, and I ended up graduating high school with a golden graduation chord only for the top math students. I still don't think I'm good at math, and I went through the usual struggles in uni (fuck calculus!!!), but I don't think I'm as bad as I thought I was, either.
You ever think about how maybe you're not actually a failure, you just haven't been given the right conditions to succeed. A lot of things in life are like my math experiences, all it took was the right teacher.
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gonegirl1996 · 8 months
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October 3, 2023
I think I’m severely lacking in vitamin D and my lack of sleep from Sunday is finally kicking my ass. I’m sitting outside under the sun and it feels so fucken good. Almost like food for my cells lmao. I was late for my database class and debated on skipping it due to shame. But I talked myself out of it because I don’t want to multiply my shame by running away. Then I had my calc 2 exam today and it went ok. My mood just feel off today so after exam instead of going straight to the library to study I met up with a friend who was already in campus and we checked out this new center at my uni and got some lunch and free coffee.
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mmarigoldiee · 2 years
✵ 100 Days of Productivity ✵
day eleven - 12.05.22
worked on fafsa (finally omg)
finished flyer for the fundraiser
worked on portfolio for college apps
finished world lit readings
sent two (2) school-related emails
worked on watershed essay
finished soil lab
updated 2023 planner
worked on poetry annotations for ap lit
got missing calc notes
worked on ap gov project
worked on studyblr posts
song: this is me trying by taylor swift
i was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere / fell behind on my classmates, and i ended up here / pouring out my heart to a stranger
today totally kicked my ass. i've gotten so tired about most of the people i go to school with and just my school in general. literally what is the point of having different late policies for each class that change every single year. i quite literally have no idea what is going on. i also totally hate my poli sci teacher and love my best friend for putting up with my random breakdowns. anyway what is trigonometry and also why is everything so scary?
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hockiey · 3 years
im back after not opening this app for like a week and a half lol yall miss me
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sameteeth · 4 years
looking in my activity is killing me rn its just icon after icon of keanu reeves over various pride flags.. i really got bnt and lost boys followers and then my brain went “ok lego ninjago time”
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jinnielovebot · 6 years
going on semi-hiatus until the end of may!
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strayplots · 6 years
Pi Day Prompt 13
A: "Ah, calc really kicked my ass…"
B: "I'm still in trigonometry. This is the third time I've taken it."
A: "Well that sucks."
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