#calensk headcannons
Calensk headcannons
Detonate a bomb next to this man, he will not budge. Very heavy sleeper.
He goes “honk shoo”, in his sleep.
Early to bed early to rise.
Would love to have a dog, a big wolf like kind
Very loyal. Once you are his friend, which is a challenge on its own, he will always be there for you.
His hands are big, bulky with short, thick fingers. He has little scars all over them, from working different jobs.
He wasn't always a guard. At first he was tossed around different manual jobs as a strong man, before getting drafted late into the war. After that he got tossed around different guard jobs, before he ended up at Grestin.
Has two young adult sons.
If you need an honest opinion, he is your guy. He does sometimes soften his words, if he feels its appropriate, but it's always the genuine truth he honestly thinks.
Burly and hairy body. Unlike the Inspector he doesn't tend to his hair much, so he is a little gruff.
His wedding ring is tucked nicely in a small box. He rarely gets it out, only for special occasions.
His marriage is complicated. It's not that they don’t love each other, but after both of their sons moved out with age, something changed in the relationship and neither has the guts to work through it.
He is an optimist at heart, but life experiences got him down. So he much rather uses logic to guide his actions and tries to not hope too much, to not get hurt.
Likes to play sports, any sports. Tho he prefers team games. But he doesn't watch any games or root for any teams.
Is a bit awkward with showing affection. He isn't much up to physical affection other than a reassuring hand on shoulder/back or occasional hug for his wife or kids.
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Elisa headcanons:
Headstrong and composed.
Loves to read books and working in a garden.
Likes to read murder mystery novels. She likes to talk about them with the Inspector. Surprisingly, even tho they like completely different genres, they find a lot in common to talk about and sometimes are able to convince each other to read their favorite books.
Would also like to have an intelligent dog or a stray, at some point.
Has some knowledge and experience in medicine and healthcare.
Likes the rain a lot, whether to listen to it in the apartment or to take a walk in.
Inspector & Calensk & Sergiu hanging out headcanons:
They rarely go out drinking. Everyone has too much trauma, for alcohol, to just blow around. Though they might sometimes try it on special occasions. They prefer to drink in their own/family company, better than in a bar.
Calensk is usually the one to have to take care of the others, by the end of it. He has a pretty high alcohol tolerance.
Sergiu is giggling, hiccuping and talking a lot. Bruh is wasted after like 4 glasses, gets so red in the face. If Elisa is anywhere close when that happens, he glues himself to her. Slurred love confessions and compliments.
After alcohol Inspector gets very clingy, slurring over his words. Silly pickup lines and complaints at his friends.
Inspector is always the one with the worst hangover in the morning.
They sometimes play sports together, when it's warm enough. Sometimes it's just them three, and sometimes their kids join to play.
They like to talk about their kids with each other. Calensk was someone who the Inspector turned to, from time to time, for parenting advice. Though for Calensk, the topic of his sons is a bit sore for him, he still wants to help. When Sergiu entered the game, he just listened to them and listened, absorbed information. Once he gets his own, he takes up all of the conversation. Others don't mind, though the Inspector doesn't really feel good enough to give parenting advice. 
Inspector and Sergiu let their kids play together and it makes them so happy to see them get along.
A few years after the events of the game, they all decide to take a big family photo together.
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Sergiu headcannons
He moves a lot in his sleep. Usually it's because of the nightmares, making him restless. But after Elisa comes around, he moves a lot to cuddle and be as close as he can, with her. No matter what, she will wake up with him glued to her, come winter or summer…
Likes to be the big spoon.
Gives vibes like he sleeps shirtless.
Would love to have a dog, one of those intelligent breeds that he'd love to train.
Big on family, he wants 3 kids. At least one daughter and he will not stop until he has one.
A sweet tooth.
Likes cooking and gardening.
He used to play a guitar when he was young and wants to pick it up again, to play for Elisa. 
He used to have freckles as a kid and  teenager, but they faded away as he got older.
He can't grow a beard.
He wears Elisa's locket under his  clothes - on his chest, where his heart is.
He instinctively touches it, whenever he feels anxious or worried, to calm himself.
The day he gives it to the Inspector, so he can recognize Elisa. During the terrorist attack, he tries to instinctively touch it. When he doesn't feel it, it shakes him up so hard, he freezes, he can't shoot or do anything. Having nothing short of a panic attack.
Has the sweetest puppy eyes.
Sergiu felt very lonely during and after the war. Except for Elisa, he struggled to connect with people. When he did befriend someone, it was very likely that the other person would die or change their position. After the war, he worked as a guard, trying to get a position at the border, in hopes of smuggling Elisa through. He stayed kind and talkative due to his nature, but he didn't expect any lasting friendships to ever develop again. Only after the Inspector and Calensk warmed up to him and treated him so kindly, did he felt at more ease and regained some of his hope.
Before she came to Arstotzka, he would have dreams about Elisa. They weren't as bad as ptsd induced nightmares, but those dreams always left a deep empty hole in his chest. Often leading him to quietly sob for the rest of the night, from longing after her and anxiety that they might never see each other again.
He is tall and lanky.
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